El 4151xt atthman 11WAIL kNU IMACT JIIIITIONI TO ALL Hamar NANWA, WINN FunNEY, I "MP 'XXZIA Meetings of the Democrats or PittnllYLV•NlA—'' TA e UnPun tat.ta MA iteli4ll44;eres4r—Jsulkaoti , PdttfliMenlis. end on - ot.bo t o in favor or pressrvini the union of tho States, now seriously itir do litov n emotional organisation, led and illo open onouties of the Fed end eds , bud kohduatod upon (ho alarm log ideeof ropedieting overly ont -half of the Stotts of IIIaMSISSZSZI fOltpiletrUltrltssaiSod tsar lines Mrsit,Tiaraii lilt bn 401(144 RoeColLoWittir 'Jules end pilinkl,'or fh#frintgla [SIAM?" fRiga.AN AN 'for President, AtitirJliall E. DRECRINRIME fur .V l / t il l i nctiir Courtly On 14.13111 , 1E5DA,Y, the , ' li dors i r sc klAgult i v..,l, At 40 IStSRIJRIJ, Westmoreland County on weestas AY: OW Sd of September y , ISM/. WED_ 24 1,1) A LllHO n akt e i t; (:t e t, n ,wc ts .w : ibi C er,lii„. D i i the State,) on E_ ± Y;the tat of neto)o And' 'WPM EADELPTI lA, on the-17th of Sop todowsuilSSO, being the Anniversary of 'the Sts Adop- k It nf Ow t'uounitniron of the United States. ISLOSPoesnts, from our own hod other s ie bo 'present nt nil titan tneetitiv, to tol -1 jrtellteist eillsons " . 'n.t.antec brth• • WALOWLATIC STATE CENTRAL COM xingir t. r.' ',:,- • ,' a Neetinge in Coatro Co. . • •,.. .• 41 „q,a uN tiny, Aiv at,sl :20.1% •• ;1,7.k m rtpurvi.y, Suptunher 4th 40 .. . ! a le' I, Monday, September Alb • I . ..I* ac 4 ' Tuesday elloreetrn, eept Sib •bar 4 l/ 1 11 1 4thovii Tuarldny “erling, Sept. Sib. liitormito*n, Watt oesei.y, F.sl.tvuti , or 10th. Wilds, ilimeklay, September Ilth ''' ' m i . Isirtol.6o, Fildny September 12th , •t, 4 tu dSIII Barthy, Sep 4 erribut. 13th 1, 14104 1 41. ' 1 (1 340,1115 r, peptemlwr 15 "thoidirenorfar. him., stellorlaer disurquisiaed 1 1 4 a104110 1 41dP. tle weraings. • ol • . , APO". ,t‘ • . - 1 4. I/ . ... 4 • • vilifteting Rad Foie Baia -• • .. • ava , in, os e•A I'll Itl)d Y. the 3th4 d' .dli 'le !:!id• 'rho Denpwrnry of Peon, I Itli.'erii,...in7l( . egg hosehhips, add all otters fa ,'`! • ~. !•,'!. teekom of ,4,thl ItZetional prioel': EC ~ I' ell, telletme , l that .a, tneoling volt ! Med. to fbe -letther-ef-4.4mee , ' B ' ! P r A ll wed i kvhige, at ~MillhelP,Ate ale d ~..'",_ , t ...- fi , gf,, ' .7171 e it,' , of flifiltots ! ' Adhigt, ,- • ttkOds *HI he IsromM. In fill ad. d rloaltdolt DO." Oncno one , Come all " akr e 4 . laelluotisaan A ih.okieridge ()Leh i ,/ 1.41.2 —...--- t Millhelua, Atag- fOtb • . ..... . Igo osillThislo IWO ter TE, FEJVIN A • +O./1/: EST 70, / Ogra r rlMOßA Tic COUNTY StENTION. imailLvot TlONief mortis Cbunty' Convention met last •Irt i rlttoih et& Botlefonfo nem/. nbminated the following tickst, whinktivuntaccptionablc in every Teti w. - J. ' BERRY: PPM" Ye* -deateion of the District J. i I Penn township. -- - - ilett • i , - . . lATII RIMER, t i f , -1 , 41 i! . • URUiI FIEI,I). ''•'' ', tiklan ART, s,r. .. xikrw fraggivio4Plt, elliei AI .iai _.• ' POTr ROVE. i •almtroa• * Ng -,,,,i.ti n iZl . S. .I,'. lIIMR. lieelv (Nn ATTORNEY , : . a. 74 - Th RANKIN: .•• ",*,,,,„ if t raaker vi as 'recommended by •. . - .• es 44 candidate for (;oyernor. ...,,.. 4 k• • .Iltfrofilkfar4 Convention. ' ; ' ,. ... ,-- 't , :nrileitille(fidtiMiil ti atio la , thoun- ', • . , Fa, .11110•116 4 ‘9siastu and perfect ttuanunajt 1 li bi ef i ne/r I ,414 peculiarly eiatingui ‘l . l 4 (Tnf "OldCentre," I,u,uuto i fi 'patinas of surepsu. It ib atalilliWeir ell ittalikairat to contend with, t e r; •„ry, despicable means to sk ', , elf ;_esaise -it is also true we 1410.4*Alhi to,prerconw ; but by ilior. illation, vigorous MINI Surnamed • 4.1 2 i• . Ilhithib ni ig devotion to the fieo- I:Are ~ Vie 'glorious oil county of cen tllllll4l4ls*milaapattl. We hate now e% ery =Mit Itrocceas, and that prospect should air Sit to redonldrit exertions. We geOilly to our friends be active, be 'iri wssrganistel--bWiig out e i ry Di 'no allettiel on eilentaon day - -vote the I) too- Mikticablit; the whoki Dernoc,ratic ticket, altWA:Mt* tut the Demoeratie ticket. - '4olo;:toteelist• for tile Democratic Conga s siggst agtaiiiieg in the county, will help to suiroB2, Ile district from the MAUI cast up on ilV"II, iire,einition our Democratic friends tlii, of *II bigots who deal in religion ssisiltpelidies-ffmilao would Make the pulpit. a i l k, ad lifttrukti, . These higete ark. always # 1,51 . ~ ICH. Ilaa Democratie pnomples, and if,t t ii itrip,it rarianee with the pre. lof 'MM.*: ',lank, and 1u.5t,14. ti, the lest 1011 , the *bel uilK e eol. We hope 4= lll Lol - of (Inc. eaira;:all4the credit ./f i hit s e. ir ttiA ee no Dep•rai e, 11l he fonnd ai:ll4ld faith, mid be doped hy professions of MD, Li te ii Uhl I can poliiie a l Inil I '(a east his sudrage 1a fa isiske s irVi(nitl light nt, the torrh of aligry la i ' , 43,i'ilwisl our country will' the 161161114 wit aitireui. Tire CAIMAIV4i. ItAt WA" fairly °ponce! - or 11111100Vaggid)kaoscloiy, thu nayo hug. tarn salami, 404 the wines!. proto4n ••, clietiatt.4. The Dentoorntie ••Oit - 57 . it0 ricer avowed, 4 f - hat 1 , .4* all *Pk *bat Wg•age 411-lti l / 4 5 for. There ism lotinboggery- -no ducat. 140esnitidstmi fbr -the' two • 4' '7" ' # 1 : 11 4. 613 'hilt Ut:thi.,. people are 'priiiciplaa of Detnoe• etvition 'tike.teunts Or thanciito plcr thley most ripe or fell--,Mok 4 1724stnitre or perish. Baehoinsn lend 18541tiorkhm, the.Coustittition and ehdl; nion • tloputo NowNpeper: ~ most intalttble in the predict that rannsylva ' -aligned, Jackson ma ?Mk_ ettmlittsites-say vote hem. ; the De nte,' root ouseutred that. will nobly, will tri friend.and the 00t11- 41.4. Andrew ,Teckson„ I s 70 4.. r a t u L qu a l e - — .line it;thilvtatlii: zipipt iim AtL4o49 profpic dli neutral pa iewii '' tAnia*ricuijials• - ....... ' ladkcidlitaliLif4 MAQ9 t . :N, ..r,,' , o,oliiiiat , Ilbsia 4 sigh M . 7 •. ' ' • t thlitonsno ptibil ware of oorni'p 4 :igatibeitliliortit*ili iii tee* Won. • It'• ! 1 'MEP rr BEFORE THE rso,7Ml er nm t .tikatr 140240, mi. , t. , T l 7 lll # 4., hl rig j 1 Ci " 1 ' 7-- W Tit4lolo,l4 i lyirt w , ~.16', ehi.• ii vorl y ' e ajto s ion ,' w -I 'l' , That he volunteered as a comiiiiin, soldier in the ranks *of the American aripy..i That he declared in the Pennsylvania Le gislature, " that the itxrading enemy mein . driven from our shores." That he'lvas re-elected to Congress five SIICURRIVO 'terms. Tiiht during hia -Coogreesiontl carser r he immortalized, hicoselt by his eleivence,and niniAo the werbi sekliowledge hits' t 0.4104 statesinap. That he was opposed to the taukrupt AND CUP Tr bsponr TUN PNOPIA{,: That in 1812 ho was opposed tii:laidlenal istn, and a representative neither of the' NUrth, nor of the West, uor of the East, nor of the South, but of the whole country. , That he twolce Sn favor of tho Niagara out fereia of tho trip of Itl2. That he was an ardent supporter of An. drew Jackson.. • That la 1R26 be declared in Congress that Spaiu should cede to no government bet that or the United States, the island of Cuba. That he was always the friend of t? Ito volutionary soldier. Thai; Andrew Jack eon iipptlinted hitn Min ister to4uleia, where he Bin:eel:dud in mak ing • a most important onnuaercial treaty, which eetißed to the :United fitateo all the privilege eltehded tto po4t of the 'II3.thITIA, which treaty remains in force to this day. That he deelattailiu the fienste of the Ifni .t.e4 Stave, in relnttea tfl the Vzotett TcPri sale, ~:t het'we Inuit not only assert our b}4.frAintain That he wad the 4poitent of nitiotial Byrn-, . , ;lathy; foe Tellat hadteeettlence. AND VIVO 117 111611)Illt TIM 71101.121, That he endorsed the policy of Andrew Jacksolill.ietlMC.44o our zi t : A tkins IVlth JT.ltstrite iolveoated due tedatimaioniitta the Union, of Michigan and /Okamoto, and de dared himself to be a State right man. That be Wok hold ground in favor of the expunging Meolutione of Col. Benton, decla nag Andrew Jaeknon to he tiro saviour of the liberties of our cottntey. That he took strong grounds in support of the Roile•Truasury Bill. That in his speech upon our relations with Mexico, be uttered that sentence which will •tio as immortal es our history : "MILLIONS ITO DEFEND OUR RIGHTS, BUT NOT I ONE CENT NOR TRIBUTE." Ei TTC - stiie Kaa tltc Viiiniiiiitilatmder orifi - Pre-Eniption Righta against this tyranny of landed monopolists. ANTI Kt in , IT ltrallne Tr:Ort.ll, That he delivered his ht eat speech on the nolf.pend , lnt Trea‘urf, ut which he so nobly vindicated the rights of labor, and declared that " ('Ol NTItY IS THE MOST MOSPEttOI:S WILKWE LABOR COM- M/tNDS THE tiIi.EATEST RENY That he seconded tho,ciandtret of, Diane' Irobstxr; in the Arthhttrtnii and Vi i iptnst.tr treaty. , • That he look peremptory growled fwior of our sottiontenta on the Pacifkl t for the it rrttorial growth of Orngrot, and kr the an nexattion of Tt:Xll9. That by the advice of Al111:11VIr Jackson, President Polk appointed him Seeretery of State. While in thin important position he acidAtal the Oregon toundary. That, he conducted the negotiations Which venolted in the war with tdexteo; 'Ladled to the acquisitien'of California. That he Waft appointed Minister to Eng• land. where, by his consumata ability, his diplomatic tact, and hia saipcions foresight, he h•cid the foundation for the settlement of all our dilllnilties with England. That the unanimous voice of the Repre sentatives from every county in tire United States, upon a Platform as broad as the Constitution, as national as the Union, se lected James Buchanan, the fanner boy of Franklin, the confidant of the Sage of th e Hermitage, the statesman, whose , public services make up the history of nearly half a centeryou. the candidate of the Demo 'crony for the Preewieuey of the United Stabs. ANII KMAtt. tF 0110'411tE VTI: rrnrtjs That un the 4th of March, 1857, he wilt he irrauguratA3l Pr,44cul. Finally, That Inepoittinal huitoryla but • counterpart of hiw prk ate life, in which his ()bristle sr vin. Hies, cry Jay hunevolence, and Me itotglibochotel charities, have made lam the idol of hi:r bass the orriniront of his roll,- proteetur of the ktendlebst, Ansi Uts choice uf,l.lict nation. • 41LIWATIP Repabil' olin Huh iu Wealimagton city, Loire at their fiend (platters, the riming whin] 410. 0 Brien, ono of the Yiantia Afars nano.kog wll4l tlici arc trying tn"itianufacture irpn path), .fur. their dAug,- e n to l l 4-10:0 1 advise Me ftettiost irlob ma *no) to get the rope by ntlith "Bums, the negro, vilia 44cAeuty,(1 . 4114.4dOlphia, and hang it 'up in their wow. 9ealveL 11. gottioLps. Feq., ronTo' l 7 reaident of Centre contit,T,, but noW Lap caster, bas Hied +wide sloeoresand entered the political arena fp earnest.' IN unti ring es.ertione for Liao- sniXees Or Der Istiti;itic. , prineipiee, !use., wen tbei - speet and confidence of tbiopeeple of " old Lancaster." M 4 Reynolds intends' t, be -present ttt ,the Msas Meeting, to be held is our.borougle.oaltse-2444-810:ePter•-- llispon's blamAztrai for .484tornber, bag been receirod. This nosiguifloimil soirOzio Ili fully equal in point of esetiutton, tiontouto hod otubtliolunents to any of Ott Trevioas Curatioda-Alir<itiOaelonipp!:,APl:444o 4004 Vorlaurtettfttivitij, gitigeriagior isEial fiildisif_Nkiyibiiia _ski * • • kap tothilvestou—distatic*, rt• RR - Y.IFA F TRY OP OR 'FRE ; 4 4 In iti' '` ) an . !it ; nd y a 44 le sa , At P t. irn we e toss fo*w ratby r, ;7 7 11, milliMP 4, '3En Seniitior*orn 40imtlnyheinsfa, -4 4air lion. Mahlon Dickerson, then Secretary of the Navy. Although written nearly twenty Aparasge„ it is anothz . of edit ankny~evidea• cos y 'James Bncluman for the Inhering Futinotpul ott r re; cord ailythitri Ihat sitioteNA itS rftLA of feeling to the•colored met!,_ whom some of GUI' rampant illaCit , Y!ornblt€tinfltre went to daft " a men mad br;othiert,, ' htlfr.Can. Ilia anything which woutd go .to show that Mr. Buchanan in his proverltini benevoterlde, gate preference to the negro orb the then .or his own Corer and blodd. A doustitettionh be tno'crat atul'a friend or the Union, he looks upon the Boutti as equal with the North, And ho will sustain the rights of each under the' Constitution. As a "statesman, he regards this as a government of white 'ni*, nut a government of colored men. As a philan-- thropiat, he feels fiat the condition of the three millions of black's in our Southern !States, is incomparably batter, in being well fed, well lionised, well clothed, and well dared for, in every moral and physical debit, than may other three million of negmes that ever have exitted, in any part of the world. Bet read the letter of Mr. Beelienan, and the white laborers and utechanics or.the North will perceive that but feelings are not, inlet' , sifted upon 1,, ram upon whom God: has placed his mark diatinguishing them front's superior creation, created fora distinct pie pose : W'Asornraiig. Dec, 2f,, 1i37 lily heat Fins : I -Permit coo to *adzes* you Op A erojuo,'"dai,th ham eltuch rutin thvughout • 1 to alty and county of tnargdolphla, andhaaaroniter. od iny warmest annpnthion The hnhaired meolluomo .Isave basis atoklanbly thrown con of envioymetit do site Niogy Yank ii Philedoluble, al thio, usolenunal. Amman 4 alp l eaf( Mout or 11104 de,poodlo ig on thaitr dully labor far their daffy broad you nen coldly epprardtiLg malt be their vat Teri nits. Their nevi. iltrMee (nn a. friend Minna* me) aro inn moan lamentable con dition, end Goal only known what will loolninto of them unless govornment allows Chain employ. meal - Nlyw;slr, nilmv Male maser* Chet teething Omit of noridelity ought 1.-sour-et a patimmi goaran mein to place ouch a body of twesibanies Mk, have vsithrolly performed their dutYt- a ut pnu)s lee umurtacancts I know that the, Imilaugarni your head will respond to this senintatht Why not, ihon. Make en effort for Omar They pda yry, floor, bit to bit psi naiftwai Lo glop, in their fisher, enmut ralcantfor breed fur themselves, their wivps moil their uhattiren. i naslorstand thatthere 'snow 111 (dash et the Navy Tani, on which 'buy might to empinlsal. Eren if the 44gerttilmat, ctuderarther aireameten me, Amid deem tt more adrissble, forth* present to delay ontuyietion, stall a yaw menthe in r int of time, Marg.+ comparatively , Plum weighed an the Lalauno ny,alnst hi malty and Inn , tier Iterialos antral the Nary Yen! at Philadel phia is to ho absuldnesecd - Whtot I Crest is not 40ti trinplittod by thst dopartmeria, ILL of groat impor um,. toth.4uIUNTALACInLttI.p.MVS.IIOIIOI , a body of faithful do:eh:mica from dasporsitag t thutuibre appeal to you with annficionce, togrant them emplarfanent—and f n ImOfft .nvy yew the paper of manforring bleosings upon co sway Lulus trines end MCA Lotions oat/sons withant doing injury to the CiorernMeut. I fuel sound out you will plrdonllll , s for reluenting our curly al , ans , TOrto Oil, COTllMantrattnn Mt my he anothwout with your eonveniewm Tenn, Well PO ;plectra, tr.J4w - ti Buerms,4.v. Hoe. hkrion fhokeruqn. Bootutury of the Nins Chtstuer COUNlnr—io this county the proapeetx of the Dernocrary .are bright; while tho hpposition art. flan! to pica by the corruption of its -leaders. Tb® pool&'isf . Clanton have ciptertuinski upon redeeininii hair county. and placing honest and oapable ;nen in positions, which hate been dingewnixt by such truellers as John J. Peerte end his soadjators. The Democratic Con'veution toot on Wsdnendar last 1 1 14,9MVAW 1 4 , tbs hollowing tiekot, whisk cannot fan totaeaie the isuppnrt of 01'017 holiest man in- the 14r Cgnitre 4 o—Aihron White-of Look 4ohjoot. docialon of tho •Cousresaiohil Coo fcroes Repr,leprintiro —ll T, theffenhaeh. of Leek Hutto, or Won to do doetoion of the Re prooeutotbee t'eeforooo Asvriara ia.l4 es— Antbonj b:lockiwr, of (Irmo aorrrdrip, laud h►lhanikl Marina, of Woodward townsinp Vistrtet Alt orlsey —Charism A Mayer, of Lack Horan. erruotty C'antrost3,lo/1(r —Griffin Rote, of Lamar township neputOurreyor —William I. thirtl,of (Thapthan townshap ebaster—Willlans. Dunn, of bunstable town ship Coronar---WiLlisso 7l , Carskadilon, of Allison township NYm fi Pneknr: of Lyeoming, wits nononn oni its dm cholo, of the Convention for Cov‘ernor, sobjett I, the decision or the 4th of harsh State Convontion. Fp.IMONT A SLAV F:VIDISNCE Camr.wrie !—Ha Rues Truax Otrf 1u Sr. 'Arm ! --The feet that Col. Fremont ht. or has recently h t anri t staveLottier;riono longer be denied. A gentleman now residing in St. Loots. who 14 swell ktassk tarsal /AM, Mew York, writes to a thend • iti the latter piaci) : " Within the Inel "oar T hare haft ~, , ,a rfan to trsnitalt harinrin with, anti frrtrtently linen at Mn how* of Cot Mani, awl roverat tt the douirdittait 1 100.1mtt duet Urtiat, been pskoteit list to ate em tee ado row or Cu Fron.mo, Ailp* ih v ie aro uot ot4tar. op So etont mut otAtr,, rude umilern , 4lo, hi m / sat en t.6ri 0 ,a 3 lOU 'IA, Of Me City! Tl. flotts• of Col. Brant idatie 'at Fr wrest Lake, it „his liwou hi St. Louis. Thi• irriterof the alsolvt•lPtlONVlitilt • freltMit partintlirlitilend of *kw: I Alit his hew* fragarattly. Ks k &Lim st pass woo*, pJiserrileir so you larew,"a sikkir,K Utel. T. it r ,poutou, ataksakistastokheits "kites Kea keatss's • .The Vpriiiiiduri• Peat *tal tP thia testi. mony : • , • "'Mattel retaunt 41,144ra abteia tbrasjoolitha bona* .har Wow prosi. 74.4 b• dor new moo dia IINT)(411)1/4 . 04 p0i44...a1y as sided, by Ipbe Pozatta. /liras 24sAira.—The ildsok-itepuhlicyps are Wing every drepiciatlie tweriosisaitoir poorer to secure die eteotion of their eiodidaten. ,Thsy uouls,la proposition to Josiah dole d ed itor of aire gamut hidejoenttlytt, Democrat, pubtehed at &stoa t to poky biro $2OOO if be would denote his paper to: this support of • . cote lasstbelition.pridoliks, 71 0 Y. Gipuigot s4l4owroii pow ,hy the Aar?' 7ne proposition waisatooteat. Mod tholoillatos its. posed. • The rause ad hoilresillip , be &pogrom I which renders such expedients twoesearr. I==XEMI Tao M. l'anTAHr Wit% his. Alniestsps 4s. ilajw in Salonk"; Clinton`69ant.yr t le4 i4k l o hm..80 0, 404:41 , 06 , ?•1t4 4 taiitemotsium, 'wort ,Eitetiktegp . - • , • "ki • • .."I:7A .4130,4meeittiViRififoikf, RODICRT C. IV lit'l 4 lllioP . 11 MS 11.11ABOD:15 701 t. 81511.01 t GLUM'S DU, - ,p , •41 CSIVAN. A s I, , 4 lilt t i I'l9 gentle ; a Undi ..... n ~V 1, t i..., t ' I sti r , rosette a forMirly B k. be 0 use of Rep ntatires n 'on'. • s as ' rinvit e ' ately e attend a IMPRIB r• ' et-, l o i i n Yanucil if u lt in itaStoll, i+, which he replies in a calm, dignified manner, but takes occasion to administer a just and merited re bnkt to attest Miters, as are ,tlittiothttg re -1 hellion in Kansas, thereby idsiting upon the cot4ritilgisfas, , f . ovit , sti . &= , avitx disatia 4 tiOilof this glorious ilnicm. Ititi letei4 is isotthy a AM old Hue Whig idsicaonizi., Whose affections are centered on the Coriti6 t.ttion of Wei tount6r, mid who inzilling to olacrifiee Forty aptiehments when our free institutions aro liiperiL In closing his let ter he states his potillion in the following lan- guage "There li really but bun absorbing (location tow before thepeople. Its the lielenta magnitude °flits presence rill - Others ere bushed. Tide question is at [net presented in a tang;ible form, shalt the trefoil he pregervedi Shall the first step he taken toward tke entire disruption of the Stites of the Coked 14 • aeroranee of the Nertlkfrom the South"! Looking at the political signs of the tiume, with title queethie Oaring us In the fare, me make our elodee, Of canal, dates. The nominees of the 511167111414 Coot ention mike the preservation of the pinion the matter of paramount interest. - °the • principled are Amnon. tad , but if any subilervieney iv Untuaill4, ell the ethers ma y ho compluntited, all of thorn, pia bo subservient; but " thee Union, it Must ho pm, rierved."! " On the other Mind, Am ymintoreallon of the tenni is n minor and seeendaryprinciple with those Oho have met In minveatiestrlnflefiltre same of Itoi publicans. With theta- the plommadirob of The Union it to he toleiatod leatios nontingotto„Y• Mr Henke nonithittet4 ttAs Get :oat of tteahon it) de claring in tea halls of clengrese that he *h. In 6- 4or of "lotting the Pniory ordeal a COMMA crochet of his own of alliPlii•4 l cloak' l'n dorsed " Tide Is -the broad and siervi alvtiron h tti, question that now divides UlO Corintry , l end ia efew ei it wn henitrito pitta decture.our inguite prefer ence far James litrelhanun to any 'other Mad Whit sustain., then leant chorine of Mambos, andldearldro an IL loan well calanlrtad to lima the rangmile I our own hind. rtrAl the niles wad combilinileo`i, and nrinifolil dlploinvey of ttia trickster phlltleians of the 01,1 world " ELI ..K. PRlck: _ ThiFi gent letan —a native of Chester county whit ly known and highly reepee.te3 in thin ounimunity —a member of the Society of F i liends, with views nod feelings ehrilEgtlY adverse to Slavery always a ,Whigi, anil:pow a Whig Senator froto Philade!plila —dots been compelled by the fanatical, sectional end disunion-tending taaehtnan and move ments of the falstly called Republicans, to take his stand openly favor of the eltxtion of James Buchanan, islhe only present hope cif securing "a safe trdittlnistration vi the General Goverment and the perpetitatirat - rif the Union." ne considers the contest as between listehanen and Union, and Fremont and Disunion ; and ut in article from his pen, copied from the Phileihlphil &roan; Jeuritai into Saturday's Ledger; he thus al tildes to the subject: The choice to be maderopthle as beilloen ten of the candidates, one (bir.:Llitalmosto)---uf theon Ape and expellopect ntsprlitnan, who (kr forty yeAre ha- faithfully ‘ithid printelitly, with °opacity nod polgiiient, nerved lire ~,untry to both hummed' Oun- Krm+r, nn Secrets') of Mate, aril no M (rioter abroad an tire roost retalertnylile rtire•10118, r,l Jr. all tl , l 413 acquitte „lnuecolf will ability The othor Star 14, ilmAt)—aa of itate&ismillip, haw m4 Leon in the Senate but a short petite-1, and in aukoonntr ysunuua exoeitt as an adventurer, eaploter of the Far West, for which ho in entitled to all need!! fot lilt 41110 nth ent hr e t Eel to no. earl' Nine all the xTllef snaglft rata of the Omit all es epesreihirw reetemesenilletion, ujk Pe editor ded kr) *Maine who waft or Avail., relent Upol. the sigh 'cagy to be cottfdnd, Sod 'the 'really temporml- Vol 4iteos to be performed, As an ettenOrdlhary prooet4lllig, AIM mast pr Clone tut st o k,r,,t y et oweeeenitry 7t serial:My Is aolaulotall to ye. piety .41 who will andals# oohed Min*ibtima 4re t watiiifte idea that tho.pultOtnaut of mall ikse of wan biter, .444 (burial ,may Impulse; by it feel! ikr, that i . ha i begi nning prured the &eat,* ehitaelt to the at of OA CluasKtutko, and s o p, idime,itnd Wisw to, that 'which it franglit with this "morale+ danger to tine Water. Will out oittanua pow , awl re fleet, and behold where thlainipulso la delritet the Weintry, Getete it tea too Sato , Those who ininieter to that 'impulse are net likely to he rtetraitiv.l by the cheek" of the ic u useis n el o , or to he overeat - ley any osroftily iPiilll.loCi 40e siderstioa of the euateisighti of the iltafee,.o( the South, as edt tno Norkk eel any error In Oils respect nviy Impel to I% PeßUnAllno or SeteMsthri, as final to thy integrity of thef Union nif proved the American revolution to thee At the Ilrirsoili Waste. bleorgo the 111 never lateudeol in Iwo Lis Ameri can oolnioev but his unwise Short sighted, and ob. riurto whii/livry drove matter, to an extrustity he. yiend reennotliatten, and lost to hie crewn his biwt dominions Bat Lhasa men of impulse, and one idea, say that the people of the South know too well 111 what their own elauty consieta to sciturate Ilut that is language that Imo never be safely hold to freemen : fur freedom never can be wronged or endure oppoondon, real or imagioal ; and eould they, end Ilia infinitely nnbaeomtoo in it. of the North to sot upon any auell tkeouniaatALm, mo nd run (suee a purpuee l e( eomrrelrioc , basauso their iusc eerily gives im immunity in the attempt; nu at tonot utterly at variance with the spirit that funned mud emit enstaln the Union IMOK AT THE 11.141/&,6.s Homo, nigicr, in his recent speoch at Trenton, after relienting tiie idea that any nun could,regarti ('ol. Fremont its flt and s.orthy of the l'rt:sitlential chair, 01111 prek (siting In k fiirvi44e niikiiilPr iba denigbrou4 'tendency of sectional parties, and probing that Col. Preuiturt if elected, must he s-sea tutu:a Proaident, said ' th,e/like , iment voftl4l4.tm r liel ttn'tt hazattl. 1 °us leaanncrol Fremont, tr till court were pole ; Able, wt.u44not ha, e the era .of et Maisel alaatnia; ttlat at 411.• ahloalot t 4 41 , 04 valta vrete oast, F aptei t i m g, I,gosiciou. pen ti00tt.14191410. n,n4l,A.r. Attla Nrgregete !!!'4 be , wifely t. tnustAtlettlip,Oob, 114 , 1 ni Me tatlentallen, Oat Fremont e. old. we, reestant &war thou ene tnil lla., , the estimates he h of We lilac* would uert oirellpiatagtem)(l.4o,- 000, loving, 1,4;0,00 laAex p th, A5 . 1,1111°141y nr , 111 toe more than fie/inhale nutelierentif 'Ol-4 1 1 In Atka tett of the Mimi-ohs SOkellt:htt leni,at,et toot p USt;, A ir ha akinow 4.44tr h 0, Tot* the teodttuius iihtlos s Int *AN. owe at moor. 117 in MM. &V four or Byrd, apt .41101 talent Me felenkrneg etatin a t trat4r Wt than, a eliarleit 44414 (or jeer Snip. between leti rbslow oh* 1001. Freinonti as rat 'Ware qv; stutotlitt men in thwappiNIORAJOW wiltnok Pint Mr. D. IT certain er ituOiti , of t a ili n ts ° o l l 'IMMO of the popular tote . ITO fen Rd pannam 416prit the - innritirbr ith v hama vder7 it At ,the shallop lir for tits t roleom, INPAIXt lenr , ; '.4 2a....101131d41111. 11. y". 4 `.l.lv4ute d Frar i iiilt on. • • itte d et . .dr • *ar. tor thirilteio, hwl These aruisrirlf or *Oiler BlOr fratmirtrft conclusive ruNtigtjnti 4r the, Wit titmice cir ottle4ed u to hen entertain:mg doub44 of the blOmphaat sioooso or the Deinocreny in Pennsylvania:— •lllTerh-in• nO *fetidof-Mr. - , 45 rP . „ Ag ch "lP.4o,4o l Pore ”Illeusii and eta. mu,' th in ittr-PakiorT sad cone, Wit 2 tag totter kentria l / 4 0 of tbd print's:oB . 'in hie fititn, and none nioVet untiktetit of his tine. * il lj n All. l o44**Pk 7 7.o o .o,„ , t- • The cur LI 01141.1.160,11,..auth..--Durlng this WI Week we holiglitiodtolllftrikiddisau re .4 ,ar F r i rl 14‘44dWWit 401 dekcia • etmegti ,::ft L'A C! , r 4 'KU'S''' . W.C.t.111 EXTRA SESSION OF CONGRESS :a r$ •blett. ' , I . 4 , se: ' ,i j / ' •tic a' .. . 4,... it. " i,' to r de i: d i a, a 1 1. , t . adjen e in ,on , -a • fort.. : . • e'fr' fi-aii..t .gr .. i u tho. F i , Mr granting necessary supplies for the army, deprivinglhe Executive of the power to per form his duty in relation to the common de tetteelltd seetteity'," ow eitreetdittarr WV!** sion had thus arisen, which required him "egairl.tla ilkintitnit , I& two Willis:wt.' I'llr2'iellitliihrivas driven to this tesort, by , the action of a ,factious Wine'r'y g( 4,149 k Republican members of the ttouse, w ho, in - the face of an evident disposition tin the part of the majority, to reeedefrons the irtrev'. i peewit* to the Army Appropriation bill which *mild heed left the tioverament totally pow i eriess to enforce rho laws and restore order in Kansas, determined that the bill ghoul tail ratherthen . yield the cithvuo, I,p,flisia. positiOn they ; had, pre4hensly taken. i iii, last half-hour of the session was,eonstim'a lb calling time yoke and nays on a motion i extend the . tittle efittljdurnm en t to 2 o'clock. and although the Vote 'du this motion stood 131 yeas to Gti tugs, Which clearly indicate that a large majority of the House; it not Wri : thirtl4, wits in favorXit pas , :ing the Atm hilrwithoUtany Untistud clogs upon its OX . ecutiou, yet when a,si al i far resoliition —ex tedding the aeksion to 2 o'oloek —cam(' troll the f3enate, another , call of the yeas and nays was demanded, tor the sole purpose a 'Kill ing (line, as it) anted tlion lint live minutes to the hour fixed for the final adjourn/mint, and . the o Ming of the roll within that brief apace of limo was known to be utterly int , liosqible;-. , . ~ THe Wrishinerin Aa iun, in Mininclitint itliti" - rregident's prochilbetlon,'lnlttly remarks, that "No ono with thinks of the dissatentra constiptenolis of 'disbanding the army under existing circumstanees can fail to km the necasmity for, this measure. Ithe constitridern iapoo: the Presi dent Ihm solemn duty of seeing that the laws ire tie. cuted, alai to this cud prorides hint with a military forams far the dentition defence. and eeerrrity of the cdontry. 'Hut Coogrosa has, failed to provide the means of supporting the men %%he religiose the army. The constitu tion does, however authorize the Preinilvnt, imextraordinary 00131104i011/ to CouVene Can. grass ; and as thin Is the Only remedy iddia hands for seouriag the means of netntainirig the army, and, though that branch at the service, of preventiasadissistroun consequence he has pr imptly , and- wisely resorted US it. "A resort to thin extraordinary rem e dy has been forced upon the Executive ty Llto persistence of a portion •f one house of Con gress ill a tneasore which we have again and again characterized as - ficalous tionary. It has been persisted In with a full knowleilee that it w6iiftl defeat alt igipm pri7stforts far tin , "rhiy, and Nis leAre the puhL peace unpriAceted, or Oise esquire an extra session of Congress. The revolution alyraleasurts lied no legirineae connexion with an appropriation bill. The tau ouscs agreed. on the appropriation bill proper; hut the Bente instinted est annexing an unusual seal o nc e n n tnUtfionel condition to 'the lid, and persisted in it until, finally, a 1'4,044 tradority resortedr to the means of defeating the Lull which we have already mentioned: We have now a &sixties,' illoseratirett AP th spirit whieh aetnatest iltitrepublican leatlers. It ran no hanger be ivistioned that they . received to rule or to role the go‘t2llllllllollll. It 1.3 not neceectiy tb eqhjee,uro whlithertire same spirit will not proillace the aanfo'beijilz at the extra session.. that'is a matter eur Congress. The President has his ditties perfortrr under the coristit.ution, arid ho has resorted to the only prayer that he pmtilessts to see the Wow executed a nd the I'M st4.4(the country proterseil. If the Nose of Wser: sontatives choose to perneveVe iu Welt etliirt to coerce the &irate and the Presu,frht, and by that means prevent the execouirra , of the laws and the maintenamce of peace, the re '. spoessibility will rest where it properly be longs. , The eieivident has done his duty the Senate has done its duty, and will do it again ;the House has taken orreperAotra atop in revolution, and it remains to be seen n fiddler it will be repeattil." The Army Appropriation hill, with the Kansas proviso, precisely as it stood. on Monday,- was .reprled iq die_llonse on Tltttr.+dnv, apd,pasncd hy a xpto yeai t 0,85 rmys. the St;nste Onyriday struck out the proviso • yeas 45; nays 7-4,trel re-' turned thri bill to the House, whim. 'Potion to recede fronixdie„amendment was made and brit—yeas 96, slays 94. In thin stile of things, it is hard to tell bow lou d , the 'txtrs session ;nay last. liroomuod CotrinMr.—+Tbe f/rislooiwy of OMI Lyootofrog hare promo:cod the folforriog A55i.44.4. Ailliwr- Ptot4rmotark...-Iluat4ol.l Ibrano IP° , 241' 311 Sherrff—ft . tniey , • Ww Mr* ( ' 1.1.at.t.. Jr., Itrway I,owhol. 01111/11. fstn , e ,- 4,11,0 DURC, APPlailhilott. litiblL akire. CO r 0 , le r--Jnrcrertl4oll , terernsidp 4 4Er - 4 l ic Ule# 1 . _ A I r r—F A. ni t, • i ~..1 441e 4 61 4 , , j 14 .. : 400, 0*, bfillisk:albtooloice iii,WI7I4NAXXX,,,v4I- to auterotl 4li6Arbehliv, 41111W41,-, wore Analfotod• 4341. tietl49lL7 4,l 4=r= t ),, N , to . mujvxwt 15, t 41 1 .4. thooly,VjecotEr *pm, awl ,t, A1,4‘,41 4r, h u mc r i t litrig , ra.i b iltzi „, , ,,., ~,,,....,,,,,, ' TitkalToss Coats ktail,tcit.Pf Tpactuisks Ina at Willliaamport, oak Tuesday, August 12th, and Quaint:lad iq sessron , F'4411 , 1100%, tvtaa, it adjoarlitil to %Pet 141•44 , 94,d3 January next. The attendance. well lam. There warkvoonsidegatactlisoussion and inter niwkatv or uoutiluenaktsa educational matters, arid, ilk imitator of iihoolutioso Aelfmtol„ trend; ing to advance time *Mist af tolacotkm; Imi atria ~ 00mesokit oacalloot-064aya ware writ The *hers wen), Id. Xi, litstrenhaFlt,. of President ; 1 40104, of., 44 eminjOkroireroSwar'' Tho 1 4 cksectiegtows4' intercating and instructive Sawa lluScvataiiiitiew“MENEotdieli IMllsinoeariaa's4Rapisalowtoznaiog 116 aagioatilikialearacytt w.d at emit 1 .„, t /1, imp ,1 =ln = I: C't A . inivde Mtd . -.:' .1 , 11)/PERSONArr. , ri :IA • . a's Atunuta TO TUII LT • ' , ofguar iBB ay, In the 06 6 dc , • AL the crunch and .di a .1 - - aid before ' a J .04, ~o ,Ju 1 , Burnside, rococ r ibllathk. ." 7 1. it is In hat we should, on Arid-43'11r iinit,,l44ieg..4,, c044.•.4k.i11e• ,fieW ..0‘414, House, congratulate you, and bur citizelia, on its nearly entire cornpletiott. It is true, the " re pairs " have been more bttetilivi3 than Were at first contemplated, but the good litilltluntberfiltty s ttf Mit rilinity'Cilfilfilla-' sloners itt deseMfig Of afl prtWe. 'file ar chitect, (George W. 'Rate;, has how tslant, fittigtuen) .and ability, iq the „design 111114 workmanship of tire...Sulldiug, and richly the its the thanks of oar citiaeratforllie•well *minced, comtnotilorta building he has eon- Atructed. • ' ' 7 I ticaroalytnew w,,ather this endoiscifient df itia Commissioners is required at the i*nds bf the court: you wAI all &ppm." it, land woleel no Ittraitatiou in taking .the. so. sponsibilt y of coneharing frith you in pp. 'proving of all that bas men done. , ' We upw have a largo, commodious, well ventilated courtroom, with, oonveniont °Al oes and safe valll4, at a cost, which when oon!pareil with the growing wealth and in dreasiog itnnertence of our connty, i; but a trjabl While ihn budding is in ctikra.4erWitjl aro hendionae dwellinwito,, the comfortable (04 .. hoeigg+, and the lion Perna( that-are to be dew: ou every timid, through our fertile and Prodaative volLeya. ail of unr nOtausur, who are brought here, Metter by stnatiignia ourivaity, can be com fortably seated, and with the asiaiatattee of 'our °Ulcers, sticl4,ortier can inul must, Le pie mired, as will expedite the Iniairks4 of the cour ann , s'Fcirre them the 'hearing of all tino. is 4rolie-- - - - - - nor,hi Mrs ill--, , -Itrodiarturra: Sing the fire t, Etupfe yr , ere so sadfy de . loient, irtgi ttiblilXildinejier,n . "ol4ittjjled type - ; riot a vestige of dill feebrfs 1 7 nVirrhic - fail krt. tax payer .rani contemplate' s 6. greats calamity :for eil'e moment, and not feel satisfied at the:sdiefl additional amount of tax he will be cAme oh to ptiy for his uyin comfort anti hi," t , c;ril•lty. We wish to pro/ciao' tlntiiiiß is 'aitranet but with the assistance 'lila ro-opetaifim the tar t ' Uoiik that causes can ho tticd in much less time than fortherfy. The court will lenge ho tiOne tint:other! to gecure thlsdetirthie * result, An d f rottt t h e character o( thelitar, we altall look for their hearty coitperatfdtf. And here, gunttemcn, let nit otterre, that the flar of our county, hag ainre the organi zation of th cotfity,how nearly bitty yrara enjoyed - a* eirrltlshi.fepttiardpo -tett- pay, .tt home brit ahroab. • The ofllfcc of in Attkifiley hf dip multi:, had teen - arwarA erftAitlefed t reatiriNfhle and honoratle atrre. Stantinv, ag I . do, as a kriol uT tonne tie link, tvilff the tetteration that is pa t, end Ortfh thote, who enepostsl the 'tar yrlien I came on the iteuclt, I can say with truth, that I always found the lawyers 'lien talUtonor and princi ple, men en whose if eclat ret and ribttligspile ,olll4l't k!ritl Otfielferjt,.thigli I.IIP tfranlihritiystltelirefessfon into disrepute. This high ant{ isinoiable eatiinarn or the (elision or tile LiM f bah Owaia reintehkritie Intel -course of tip Court w 1 the *sr ert?to roost pleaettut character,the client 4 it ;Words d" a gt!ars Pace - that lltett hater. tr;, Itherly."lltittfiat sect or Pr °J'ett/ w,i4 1 044 - { title -Fistfuls lik9Se whi) had inteFrity,taiitt' and ihhirit i t to see that tisz . tette pAteOtd.. ThFt this . Stet} ahitiss chars:eh:rise the e&tre &met,' Par, Ikt my arrest nt,iturtiltely fijirt4reA i r n, ' t octi it fl But line or eortttort ever be intri,ithretltihilst I tan on the L4nrth, I wilf only gad, that thc"lletnlthin't find that tirtuncs3 and decision in thl ('oust, which a al remote him frier the asarti.stinn of honorable, high niiiiirref tritnt. It isnowalxwUtalfacimtury, sitic'e the tbut't %veto lirsl. !wilier) in the. old cuurt house. Dui to g arta half r'clitilt7, the i't , `",eritig Juqse,, and unith.r the old Constitution, were Walker, Ruston, Ant ifornsido. The land faw• uP ,rennaylvania, %rag th,,n in its infancy. Under their decisions, it grew into a, seem, and in no county of the flom olorwealith, wgre pore imynrlantpn , ripies, t4i 414 lwaiich . or lurid deeidad, tkuiu thLse Which origtnaled here. (.lufier nilw prirdituttori: we hay:: had Judges Woodward, hale, and Jordan. Oar . four .11rst President Indies, were transferred_. Jiigheb although not more responsible stations, emineitcys, which, doubt npt, will be rescluid by their two inteo4l4o4. to trittairit-.lvo4l.4;fialiisit kasalttif. st y "we!) deureetProut aid hittshd serliania." hi the hthihistratitin of our ftetiee;bi Warm e 4411 e VCe dottre —it it tat that we Will. ever - tut geTaearen, it trey not be sight ox protimih thus spvirkiegof the Bench 'Waite ftsr,",that , • ' —hour antisdaraltiglourinessksAtlew_iwit father..,-,Lit-hweW 4s e , Wiltkrs el ism 00;4 , 7 Itftieclfeteit; eilterhierhieirrits "they' royirencitig thadawsof their 0 ; 1 111 . 47 : 404 oyes. 411 hotbox as the aroma lareatof thariorsato„ as Trayerse Jurors, as magistrates oi vete 'citizens, like you, their children fur intelligeriCe; for sobriety,-for room , * * the; biwe or the tan/f,:iiijiiiiert, Await that eon.% littitutes good citizens, theig would beisr iav l oriibkr ciutipariwon' with di* oitiiiituF of of oar Altai , tolatiodk. it itiarieso'bo * diegiiised; peatir-lotrier teinWf thorehreieber feeling of lilisonsii beLs -sida it heft •iinder lthh tirbN irt i theinik, - 14'biitig4ettFiririd Mattel thifterritetuNintirtti, , it is , biritflelettifsigsigthwt nit ecirtiptiorierhoired in high places, arid most of ehle t tiolfniossko .I 4rnrierettilireeti'tiA t fu ‘ dt . chil - -rintittpOs n g‘ a fOid t f r i WO/ kista r ;nolikati 17 - ' e. by man, and we shall be false/ to —false to our children, and re-' (Tej o 1 t trust, committed to as, if . n mid 'down this glorious lierit.' age e ro , toitioatottity. t then unite, in thb idministrs- two,. co, within thus walls, that ;Om • they shall have been torn away, for it build ing 'dill more suitable, to the wants, as convatikip , o , and comfort of their Chasms 16a we - ilirti' jhrom,geilinrl r AMOW witnesses, and suitors, ikl i nill ipirtmwa to render out final , aultgl.4 WW a Much higher- 7 a much More awfhl - tribunal .......ii, 4iibitival- ‘iViiielitiar . _ - . - shecesitera ma n y day 'of AFe hav thub:ibioKo44444.o god generation, we ' disci-mg - ea - our • akeh other, to society, t 9 our • o u~ftPy r. ..1“141 te . our Maker. tiiitdotid Pt Ehibeta iligs of thi leiembprinottilig' 6 . .' *ski, we swooloilP*4o -.-Deitio% Brats conducted thedintrelvie *1% 4 ty and propriety ao eharlickseki*Af r irelre. hie mind 'repeatable mini that prd . thypillia, demonstration, that they, IN 4015#411riA friends of law and ?Mar, bat Ideirwir men 'Of the day. • ilea suns marryiiitZg llowelir,•that daring the !..lettcsamitio . -4 ing, on Tuesday night, theite . "llqtrigit cipposition patties did netexiiiiiiiiiX WC Mid Christine fairness Whitilirsis sb proud tp boast. W Pt,d.u4 . • , siddretiM4****lo" -- 1411. • To k t4 the Moyamial?phl In ~ ilinaticat imasinetiest," Slit telitliiiis that ho war defendinehis, con tatitingtesi —_- corrupt Arinckpres upOri tine hlribily twain of Kpligt, „hurled ;a- stone y,lil the st,iiittig- opion the 4111balidevAu 'lige& Dom one of tivi , ktiVor iiinehiPit ' Into men, if we dare '90441 1 0)X dilll. who ir uld et/ dive] h i ltalarNial 4 0 404:141rri stinarlee Asiiiiittit. ileviiz '5 wt - Atedneas Is ouwirittlif ttichelin9Panie if of the filthiest bruits. amitstotatl meet *lib 1 vhat hci-4S , WalklhentweetildoCooollll, /ILI 1 tkcet# men. silhlrli credit is (Wel* A. R. d i flisttr,lbr, the iniinence - be extirksPirmid tempting to preserm *ilea! And- vidOrrould hero state, that If our bort/let oillizer were Men autitiled lAy wit,o, f :Mle INt i r e 4 4. 0 , 1 . . wet vowel nowesesamesqp to oi4 , thaturbenots, omit our' 'Wag Tor*, as te s of,,,!, , win for itself a more co t able maw Pi quietude and decency. . - ----'• 7.. i A'Y/-nryi.. Dasiraniiit . Atilitrti rti It:0; , -NoTuts:c. l' 4 . eit.ir j ous,,4L eit . in the items of Gregg townehliinteldt . ' virinity'of the place. wheeematr *WOO the polo erected in honOitit littilhnnan mid Brook- I Ittridge, u ere distabed from thid 0 'peathefial 1 idumbers, One Weft last last- wertk, bye re pert wotiablikilii4ound,lba44l2ol4olllo( of the prowniptionilla of the Dirk Imumwa party, and which on li more clone eitimint thm pivoted to be t Second Gamy& 9( Abe' X uow.Nothiug nocturnal dephidtthi‘Oivfe• stroy the Dencorrttic 'pole. . •. „. . They hid bccreittt lietie In bite' pilke to de depth of some inches, lute wbi u hr ihey,iii4 rt some proscription poweler, latirellritit. Sign of hletwhig op, or ritherdo . sil•ii# . e So Wein of Democracy. But witann.howt to ,state, 'that the pAn'tter, billnuldlifflilthi. lipid" and ethiwaoiert ai thMie iil;t4Arei it theta. far, fv berme milnkt wthar,MitOfori ous and much envied pole withstoodiho , 4 blast." Wr feel a' hinaridett 1 . kr* Illit there toes Within the erielnikiref Nittil ighlp-such a defied, vorreptintil lerielipiikt let of nocturnal scamps, wham woiliffittan only tend to the rlidtliPopeTtbrelp 5 1 / 1 11.tlidr own fancied part,y and The ribseilde &Attic: twit of their ono ra sprelabitity4.• Kin Ged'ii disperthallOrt of lernvidtmce he gramkesOM tiny. , , ho NM 6 4 " ;Tid . clo7/1. MKSIM. Enttints pommies of paa vious notiem,l,6 Dctociiirki &itittcg and vicinity mot at thoiloolt on& Oka vouui; ou ThuNiittY srefl by ekt•ting 001. Autry Roar obara,tPoosi - dent, and tra'isca *row triet,A,l4}4ilr *romp er, Vico Preetiiiviat, sod 4no. 8. Yoh; tioerotasy. . _ . _ . thattoil Of T. ht. Vog t 1).• A Viemh, 'Se +, was requested to"addivia,thiinaitieg, who itionetilitely took the stated and erect' a terse and lucid exposition it f.4:"alt.• the lmrgains and ttre §altiti/f tkle biro wings of lito Opposition, in "ate L - Mecum the State to thoneedhes. Theisittrottet:ll44TV kola' comsat data,' Um% liftlltud . riatAntre !to9oo possible ',oipeo L tlpat the coniest lay between Buchanan ang the opposition were exerting tionkiditla to the tannest 'to forma fusion ideitojal and - that all the noise aidparka raiditt bF the pretended Irilbriore men, Wila t iiiti moo, only intended to iledeiveiter4lo47 into the support of lerml;R°= candidefel ft'e aro4 tygliort ittg del beut4ricy iktlitnl, taper ' 800 in, the eitnolng cliff la ber§ inlght l ks ertrirtraf AIIN*O4II6II/10tit trot imde'd M astmi "4044,110/Mil l sflri deu t4ita l i r t lf t t = l6l"6"r. y se tilkelltMeitol4llll4rtr, MintickaitilielAN6 l llll6l,6l' all connectlithis win( .• ..;* •ti Axed 44tfertnioal 6).44° Warty is I ?trtAlum t'?reini4oriti arocires for 41 11? i u t;." a ts i 'P I iO*ROPILT'Ut -4 1 • Ir r . 41 , 11 ,i4 1 0 m , ) oroctilii-iWAllititilk44 t PPIRMISIvAn' a Rotelorlich will`feeadyiNkLiptigiegmfort of the piolitifikte etill'4obellill!lP Mai e.— Wben ,ffie firM4pßEliri ,n ed,,,this ItOtel Will Veoßg fIA , . r "t if in .4stato: t. 'nu i litet . iliabinhig. clir den , 4i i iiodieti ) : 1 ,. '.' 'r,, : 4 + '... 4 .. L' , i i , 1 citt , • ~, . 3 .. . ' ' 90 1 40 f ' tV , . i l t I. ' • h e ir I t M ~l itiilief .." 'A ' l' 'ZIP' , , 4•40114, eh . Alia .1 , iip . • 1140 NM a iliblivrt* I I to ailed g Areit fr hi 74 • " 41 ..ettaL .!fr 4 i • Ob. • t ,11 * trutet.trm, 1111212
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers