he *r.i attlunani XQINAL.AND 'EXACT mtavos TO ALI. lIES It Y WAYS, WI 'Ell leo RN ty , FOU, PRESIDENT, JAS.' ,BUCEANAN, or klall Nta tot Jut rutinDENT, JOHN 0.44EN10N1 ooMMISSIONER GEORGE SCOTT, cowman , . COUNTY. itlit AUDITOR OENERAL, tc,COli FRY, Jr., hONTOOME.NY COUNTY. VOR lIITRVEYOR CIENURAL JOHN ROWE, TIVANkLIN 001.11iTY ELZCTORS SVNATOILIAL., ' ChnilaaU. ihloltalaw, Wilint IBoenndleta. 151Brit7et. , 1 4.1.44,44 14". roblu g er, 14 Aeutten Wilbur, 2 Nero. Millar, , 15 lteoegre A. Crayfunl 3 14,1rca,01 Inrtman, 14 James Black, 4 19111taux U Witte, 17 11 J. Stehle, 5 John PLAXaIr, ' 14 John' B. Roddy, 0 John N brinton, 19 Jabob Tumor, 7 Dirri.l Lanry, 20 J. A J. Buchanan, H Uhaitaa Xessier, 21 William Willtina, 9 Jaann, Nauman, 22 James G. Campbell, 10 Isaac) 811,99,1.._ 23 I'. Banniathani, II rt. y..119604_,,,.., 24 To6n lien*, 12 'llimitiiiiVWeerWar 25 Vincent Photre. 13 Abeibral, 146 11 14" , ,. ' - _ rff- Prom, wry mota rr.rfroct O. laboring mu.. Loior'istAlni forendstion MA Infolth of ....try conntinahr .6414- the finnr I.olortro A. JY.rth vita •er... 'meat bora for their probty and Art r - SeibeeligiO. Xreeivert forbid 'hail/ thomid do ike. wren. , d4Ao ernintriem on the earth, rt. roighsaffilbhortiat most tondideration for Oa In- Gunn; suix.---DocsAitAs. C~9horald IM riorAii 1,, the Z. , :r'eratioe Masi, I Alm say hut facertPo.4 to cdttrato pram oo( n Ma* tall Amnions. belietnng ths.. I , *, t mustrat POLICY, aJ will a.. oar state tumours /041.1%—litH:PIANAII. fiatitry & sou proverews *Mitre tz bar l r~lw a6ttejr the graatest reiourel.—DuenAx 'MN* ifVRATIC ennEn. r Ardw.4l.- 111041 jout4c, in 'al wow of vegtvatever Abu, or persuusaeot, relapolut or 'mitt seal. /11 0 11‘,X 14utro, essimerse mid kenos: fi te.l - eat,: nghJig aihane. rrstA 2%,. 3.. Zig right of States and Ter/Worms to artmeteieter it &tors dootretir 2. 114. 7 4. 7 11 1 kettereei 441 hOrelity, • 'torrreig nth. of gile: t riejle.4.lllll( the right of the werjortre to aeir .411..4suoloPailultally e.rioexori LTrr-410; NormootoiN tho lookfte allitirakfif „prone 'rats o of pubis.: /atth, 41 6 . Preeelote of rrle ,On, Ire dor,: of the pretheisielhireettl dr,flinors of informal, on. Noy- T. - pyroeitetoo to err, 1./ pot tt or4ron ilitilt&OXI.1111.111 to Cal corrupt •II . ut h..hrirt & 4 trued proservo twit of the Portend 0 112405g1411 lef i eo' re/wrong testa for nib, 71V, or ?rifle of ...hoe, or rise tiegFttof balk Alidar•kw state. ' of . 41 , 0 i 1410,1 D p.:ll , lritun for the twits .164114e'itsirosstristiors - of sAe naturabzatuns 4144/C d r- • Yretrvirieer`t Arntryll -151i,41.14i111X111•9,1 !motherhood oly l gvhi fedi to fry to tkore of the tourehobi of foitit the 111111 e iA .1 " 91 1 1 1te ITnion l3l / 2 4 c t r , t oi • ftemourve‘,"--..llsokanti: - . rooy of Yeonsiivanit, and HOivirs fa vog liii rriesortio tho - union ~f Pt.Ltc4, 11.• ooMillOtpt by a uoro4ionstl oriptnnAtion, Iva .6,7% thtle open ooroshru, 61 the Val a otitis, and eon.locte , l twat, the alartn les ef ospnotititlng malt y ono •laul fni tho Stu.. of tha -141014 a, /1/0 napeettlliiy ”Otaneil /11,44. MA n 3 mfarniali triA be bold wt tbe followlug 11111PN unit plaufttrifilbStholtiorwlm of JA M TNAN :for Prat* 444 JU.11.1.N C. ulty.ckimubuy, for Vico atotetont : At ErieOoauty,on WEDNESDAY, the sn Auguat. JO& Airoetrnorrleni County on intillintPElLiT. the id of Sr, preun bur, ItIAS At figi,tßyoN it, Contra County. on IVEn- AX, the 2.1.6 of Sopt..titber, 104 IlintBBMtti, (the Cypitol of the Slam,) on tt'f. lire let of thrtobrr 11144 ItILAJMI,PiI lA, on the Eth of Pop• fottbot,ASS, heing tha Anuirursaty ed the Mop tf6liW,„llllttltion of the United States. 1.11411 Mt Dflooollt4l, than our own and other 8401f/Mt,"lllfhelaaenetritt all date inootino, to 0•1- Areas flllikAtUnt, citizens. :sy order of thin ' MITTEL oftmocateerto STATE CENTRAL is ii2setivas.-othe Deasio at kb. rrovessi skkkle lowa, phases owiikirmi.3% the 234 ter'nottNi In Courety Cott • T. akkeekaay arcking 2011 h, loom week? /kr the antainatikig a.oonly ticket, and sp. awes to meek with the tonforces of Wu i arittiate a Cw for ..o. CalltriV Cutarnit tea "Orr"' J. II: MORRISON, Chairman EMMIANIAIc. -Miro* 11, Itts6. • 0 110.212c1ig the Democratic Club held si tho Club Roost, •es . '"" . 11.71t low, Aug 16th. ily order or •*l9oiLLSJik)ifri3, FENNd Alr, AiltiVOT IUI, SUAIL .73:011160411114 4_ 00 iCALIAL'UtiVAN.TS ~.~:.~ 44 11. 414ran0, tht. ;us hosed five ye m gerstreaty the Ihtneticr ;towsti MO, OW. witgbe hie;rezed . legs 404.14yetriricueti o Ile* Cambay te , poi hs. I Arl o ogiihele *o4mißand ffigria i whidi hots OEM *Row ipOrrity. In Mikinnui thottAtfice ~ :* 4OIO I OII II 41 , 4 throe.geltein, but to t4o/Nowersay. Ya lowa -; ' . 1111 r 4 !tellI a ' n e ' 1 0 410) ALIVP 2 47 . ..0411,40,24111:,P97*—:"Zhi gentiethan ehajos.,AilthicttlotittOtheti or Wawa... -10#00041/111W '.w404/44.pr4aclood -pritat io . .911 . Mewls) , riefilhila the Spiri• ` `" .t...~~ r 4C4 Ni;) it'iEg. ItTliqß P APTCS • frennaylivanio, perhaps; has Men 'irestiOtt 6. iic , „prom', at thin juirtuie. of 4er'paid .ioit hialoTy; - linatt - mi l t; : State lin the 4 1 linion• ' fhpr , of stike„ _ thirteen, her. 'Soh ants behano. classidifin tiegint of Mt, *it* valor and patrietic devotion,-: Iler pritieipareifY is not only a tdirinii - for the historical Student cif civil right, hut it is a Mecca towards which the oppressed of the troth' turn as they sigh Ifor civil liberty. Pennsylvania, of all the Staten in the erigi inalthirteen, can well Oltiim a pre-eminence when the story of our early struggle in told; or when the peat names 'which adorn the •paitt., and shed a lustre upon the present, arii I called to our mcnioryt We tto not claim Airl Pennsylvania more , titan ,ls ? ,'tutiiieed of ananits—tausti-ist.w.i"natraillill 4 * - t 4 "'''' monwealth a frank itelhOrtelcdgraen of her I State ierviben, and an honorable itetignitionl 'of hex statesmen. The - reconl et the men' torn ] on ttursottlif Pennnylvania, is conSide nous in the lustre ofia Union's history. We can claim (he wisdom of a Franklin, whose love for the State of his adoption, ghve him a quality, if not a superiority with those born in our midst. We can claim a Morris, and his long lino of descendants. A Hit tenhonite, who gave stability_ and-order to local getveniment, fho Muldenbings and the Oregget, Simon Snyder and Dallan,and W i ilkins iitand prominent in the Uttion's his. tory of statesmen and politicians. The name of Hobert Fulton calls up an honest' pried in ochry mechanic's heart.. 'rho nettle uf Adam Ramage the great printer; deseritli to be en rolled side by tittle with that of (luttertherg, 'and thus on wo might, trace names and ser vices of eminent PenneyFeanians. We could trace them Imm the Revolution to the pre sent time and experience. WO esiulti trace them as they are recorded in iiintoty, at+ 1 stra's services in itself, a colonic! of pa 1 n- e4/e history and 'civil services, until wo go 1 through the whole catalogue; and yet, Perm sylvan'', or all other States has reedited very little in recognised honors from her sisters in tae Union. Since 1776 Pennsylvania has , never deserted that Union. 'fhe charter' which demanded our independence was form ed open her noel, and yet Pennsylvania lois no other boast, and needs no otherglory. In the long line of Presidents who have filled the Presidential chair, Pennsylvania has never had the honer of contributing a ean didate.• - Pennsylvania has never deserted a Democratic candidate. The (lectors! vote of the State has been cast for art opposi tion; but under , no Democratic Pree , uilent has Pennsylvania tent a majority of repro-, sentadives to the popular branch of Congress except that imbecile majority which now din-1 graces the Stale in Witiiiiington city. The State of Pennsylvania has never been repre seided• by two oppo.iug Senators, and the, Democracy of the State eif Penns) Ivania 1 have retrieved ever"' defeat ley un after ghe rious triumph. The State of Pennsylvania now presents a eandidato to the people of ties great Union, and in the name, charac ter sold history of Dial candidate, the peo ple of this Codlihniitsilalth tisk the people of the Union to recognize their right to a place not orilz- in the„,glory of the country, but a controlling . vorde in t io COUI/CI b ol7lie na tion. Pennsylvania presents a Inan;,her fa vorite son, the Honorable James Buchanan. lie was born on her soil, and has grown with her growth and glory. Ile commenced iii his youth to Score lehe native State, by devo ting INN talents and his enerkies to het inter ests. .. Ile was sent to t'ongress at an early day, and there commenced his national ser vices. Ile' was the fiend and companion of ! the loth low! Norms. Ilc was recognised by the immortal Jackson, and up to the Unica! his death was admitted to bus most confiden tial counsels. fie went to Russia at, an am bassador, and whole there, cernentul a friend ship with a pon erful foreign power whieti opened up the after negotiations that gave ns success in the acquisition of boundless terri tory. Ile established a commercial inter course with foreign nations, which done more for the improvement of hem. industry than tariff,s, of revenue or protection. Ile was elected to the United Stale( Semite by aesdanialion, anti while there never failed in voting, on any question which came before the Sentite,nor boldly avowing his sinitiments to the canary. - Mountaineer Andniw siiick *min his struggle with the Unittli Wales Bank. Ile. sustained Andrew 4 Jackson in his struggle with the nollifters. Re sus* taint Andrew Jackson in his French diffi culties, and he never foist a vote while in the United States Senate which displvasi il either his own constituents or the people of the ! , Union. Ile sustained Martin Van Boren, 1 and wan' the adviser of a cabinet which se cured the safety of our North-East:6.n boun dary, giving us the after free navigation of, the St. Lawrence, and with that, the pies 'eat benefits lammed from the fishery twirl , leges. Ile was the friend of the working man in practice, and not in theory. _lli ex ploded the deceptive plans of northern man ufacturers,by which Ihey hoped hi build' up trade at the expense' of labor. lie en couraged home industry by inducing manly competition. lie denounced a paper cur-, ninny as the wore*" era to Whack labor. cOtild submit. in the cabinet of James K. I Polk, Janata Ilateliablaa showed his wiselorn by hurrying on the.nizikummettkm of the an- ,titexatiOn of 'Press ; with that annexation he brought 'hi us &Werra and Oregon. lie ' belt to the treasury inexhaustible rove * ea by the free klatigitiost of two norms. #ti brought to the people boundless wealth , by AS ..,freit *et . ' aluenit thbulotts ' gold Mash; ir,iit,to,, s at to the tiniest now States, liflPtihi*Sitwhgth iillithillitlimlAßlX —mitt a' AM** 'like this, of a candidate, and a aiatestnari presented by Foinaylyania, she can' Wall claim the attention and the' APPort Of hold/ ter Statei; Ilia aervioes aro aeon i 1 the extenslnrt of Ant tinfritneY,lite auto' cow of our tradi at twine tititi abrosti. ;it is . iMest bathe foeilitint epee* the flaring Mar imer, W)* Atiwelos, at ports long dosed by - prejadion and eustba‘and who returns to US arse brute , *ilk sidlis freighted With new bath, and now contributions to tante, lox • ti comfort--his wisdom Is seen :in! the scess of ourlduseestio institutions ; in the antalknathen.ot local troubles; in OW de EMI nt„ and Cohan - tn. r will 4 mulasd = ,:isJrz Tsteretky It Usti murk* Mil • a attuctiori,of,43cographicnl lines, an kite 'erection of new gtates, mit of. Territories, which were But a few years ago . disturbed only by the woodman's axe, and the linnter's l rifle. Pennsylvania has reason to be Fetid, .and she is honorably proud, because She Presents-ft-num in the person of • Jams lln chatian whose political services: haVe'addetir wealth to the nation, lumpiness to ilei-fee pie, and dignitrto the government. She is trot:4.o)l°omm° •ehe presents a. iii whose Moral character is unblemished with b. single stain--whose social habits aro governed by Christian pritielples,whe'doeS to all nitfti as be wishes to Who, atte'rdnng temptations, and an active service of many yearn; preterits 4-record which' no earthly elevation can increafic in brightnets and lit 111 a %I no season to regret that Alto his wait• ed eighty years to claim n place for ono of , her Sons, among those who have governed's , Republic. Born Upon her own moil, rind with such a candidate, the Beinoeraey ,of the Union can afford to meet the f,Utlons and, the aspirants whO aro arrayed against them. Gen: W. Fi. Irwin. At n meeting of the Athol-lean Council of Lewhdown, held on Tuesday evening 29th ult., which was largely attended, the following resolutions wits offered rind pasted by A unanimous Vote: faeri, /tilt reeennoend brethren ibrOUhout this Congressioual (Ira, Wm II Irwin. Of a cant - tidal° for, Congreetb pnd t certify entlorsa Wm an a-urthy of tho support or nll ornonenin praaant national (nu ti ' p, owl believe that with Inni or ciiir rtaainttl bawnrer, for (hit °Moo, 'llroto 10 tto stint, word an The abOlte is an evidence that there is more treason in the camp and That the pious publisher of the free love organ, is doomed to fail in his last advertising speettllttion which promised him the pay of one dollar for inserting one or two lines in his ilelveilkide sheet. lie first tried to "speculateon those wilt% were ityplyink fel lieihse and failed, and now he attempts the' stttne golue with,' those whe are dpplyinir for °Met. In the also of those who applied for license, the free love orgSti first asked the dollar, arid after having pocketed the fee, thrust forth its minions to oppose each applteant. in this ease Brother Crosthwalto asks it, dollar and then hiehiethren in the ledge ‘ secretty reentnmended Brother ~Thieecrtanly looks like stathing a man in the back, and calling it fighting: It is not treating such men Its James T. nate, fairly. Mr. Halt is no politician, hut his Verdancy. in the tricks of that trade should be, no excuse for Brother Crostiii4 tato to bleed him to the amount of 1 ono dollar. Our courteous neighbor of the Whig quotes with great gravity what ho term , ' " locofoco" Mimic of the lamented Clay, and yet hoists to the head of his columns tip name of John C. Fremont, whose father-in-law, WAN the only man, that el cr had a ponrnalditliculty with Mr. Clay—Mr. Benton, and Mr. Clay were at one time great ellenlies, and yet lived to regret and retrieve the personal an imosity bich exhistcd between them-- 'What does the Willi; think trt' the news Dorn Kentticky,,whOre almost from the Very grave of Clay; a sun u of 'r - eproorarlies — tic admonish much Clay Whips M our frioud Johnston agairnit any further recreaner in politics. Certainly alt lip front the sublime to the ridiculous is dangcrons—but a. lcup feom Clay to I'n niont is sufficient to fund hilate stronger men than the editor of the The ohllino Whigs of Centre county ate too intelligent, to be cajolol, into the nitiipint of any luau, and they will not in flux crisis be misled in a choice of candi dates, or prmented in the exercise of their franchise by any stale story of locofoco cal umny against Henry Clay. The proceedings of the meeting held in towindiip on Saturday last contains a spei.s.h from Gen. (ieorge Buchanan, formerly a prominent r anti influential Whig, in which he declares his detesmination to sup port or lkinocratic catelnites for President nti~eo President' lull2kBP Jte.renner al with the Democratic party its, long as It m Mains the pritin jilts of tho 4latforrn. This hold avowal - on the put of a man, asiniiiilligerit.mici•sespectahlp as Gen. Buchanan, will have a itfwerfiii effect upon the people of this regioii, s pirkviarly those who look to the 45 04044 and actions or 114 1 who have atudgcd their names on the — tsmii. 11055 in teresta and Timisperity of central Pennsylvania. We welcome item Buchan an to the Democratic ranks. Tim YOURTII Ilsomen.—The Hoge, stuirn Mail publishes the mimes of several persons in that region who have taken the fourth degree in Know-Nothingisso, which consists simply in withdrawing front the Order. We have been informed from time to time by many of our citizens that oltheir edge there are largo number. of candiifatos (or that chenren in this county. IA li!otucky hundreds during the curnitssiutyo repudiated Knew-Nothinglau`siver their own nentett; and the election returns indicate the doom of the kieere44h4fint-State. .rars Deitocki.ric Sum coxvilkurrox, re aNactubled 4 Qtaraberiburg oa Wedaeaday, and Of t the thh hall* tominatetitiohn Bowe, of teratiklin cos Int„)) for Surveyor place of Tinxely Ives, resigned. Besolutioria were paaeed - thanking the .National Democracy for the rannimilion of dames Buchanan, eudorking that or John C. Brecitinridge, and the whole Bate ticket: - The Gtolvetttion Mourned' with reprate4 epees for Buchanan and Breokinridge, the Nato tickot, and the State of BentOk.Y. Duiu..—ldr. Pryor, editor of the Richmond Rnyuiteroind Mr. Ridgway' editor of the Whig of the souelplace,,fought a duel lately at Riadeseburg, with pistols, at tea Plow either wait hurt Lad the matter MAW Arai+ tally adjusted. Paostunt.s. 2 --It ir, stated that die Now 'Orleans ,Psearsa• divklad p 0,090 petits last year, or 111.8.000 casket thc he fart , - ners. CROBTII WA I TE'S TA UTICS I A POOR- PLEA URN. GEORGE DUCIIAN .IrERP 12' ji . . .. +i : )3Hopi,b; That the an . ' , ,of IllithtriNillmere, as tin adwinist '.'"::ti i, ..lr, i 'cowtfneheett with the canal frtful ,' ' '' ::tatilortow:toric hy which that COnifiiniittekhOilset,wiiitiorts, of tiothin l / 4 . ' '' t That he was bent iit flip - New York I..tatiLysc_tmt&(l.ll4l4Lk inenicti crisis which plunged the peoptiSof thattateintefirtancial emharasetnent ankhagattiitteahlc• I That ho etVgagt , d'At la triltsntations (W -ang the ttele)sratedi i'ftets ; encour aging the timid tOja el 0101i . hcon°"I'ad s : and silently sub* to the secret agents of the Van It Mir exhorbitant demands upon th ~. 4,, That he ei Yortc .And pitpao rani 11:( groan rins tiro unobatru to ti of wrilje l / 4 ora; Railroad corripii . itl i irotigit nigh territory. That ho was the agent Of a fnriigit line of steninshipe, which e,iinuitity hipced the fed eral government thouginda of 'killers for the conveyance'of one mails.' . , That ho ira» the agont di an iktiicri can lisle of e'rettrtiAltilis which met the 11n:tied tatos live hundred thousimd tiolhirs ; from which the , people tiger received it AND titi:r 11" iD:PORD TRD That:Millard Filhnoro was selected nlt a candidate with den. Taylor as an expethetit , for civil ability and legislative altiy, and ltl therefore justly accountable for all the frauds which were coruinittcd under that adminis tOatioTl. • That ho ibotted no outrageous specula tions of Tom CCirwin:.. • • That be receive. Ott of the usjust clanna of the Gardner swin‘ Tina his pay in thitialphin pecalation:can never be knowit because, unlike his gain in the Gardner schetie, he was never com pelled to disgorge. That he onco u r AtiOUltiatention in the Navy, by creating jeainkatititamong its einem". Tai L. ..;;....o.Arnthiguagig in the 'army by a system 'of unmanly favoritism. That he made agents of the stiboniinatel tM each department, to organize Know-Noth ing loiigca. . Tliat he, tried the secret service fund for -political purposes. That he allowed the'Post Office Depart ment, its agents, and its clerks to engage in, franked espoinage. • • That he huckstered his appointing power, and corrupted the bureaux df the depart ments, by placing them under the control of political heels. ANI3 ntwouil TITO rmort.g, That the administration of Mi4lar,l Fat quire has ixo other claim to notice, but that of a CotnprouLie he was forced_ to sustain by Dermx:ratie pressure and the power of Democratic influence , That he did not in a suiglo message sug gest a measure fur the linproveuient of the revenue laws. That he opposed the reciprocity treaty he• tween Great Britain and the United States, bac:Anse be bettered that it wouhl effect the vegetable raviaketr cht . That bo wait 4 . '404W-to sanction the gall ery treaty, solely becanite it pnimimeil • 4. l reotts the alailitinu inhabitants of Boston. , AND ItEKP IT lIKV/REI TIIR 11.:11P1.11, That the record thus. presented of Itlitla i rti Filltnore's administration, is only a ehapfer of. its'thrett 34 :tea history, Which !wither Knoiv-Nothintdini or Illack%Reptailicanistil -can deny or explain. EXTRAORIIINARV.—WO 1100 by the Schur of last' week that J. M. Bunter, a distant desciple or Illacludone, and a poor cripple On the 11111 of Parnsaims„ has boldly defined his positiewun the great issues involved in the aproaching political campaign. His decla rations will have the game effect urn the people that a 6010 Of CV:0110a Ili,otild have upon out arvaler„Jael ire trust th. 4 railroad stock, teill ntt ottilb? by the opinions d f Mr. Hunter. OliF friend of the If flag deserves the thanks of his realleta for eyin g him room on his sheet. • LANCAMMat C(IIINTY AliMAD.—The County l'reasuror, 01141,441. paid in to the State Tresiniry, on Tuesday, of haat week, the full-partite( State tax for LWOW ter oottrity—being $100,000! This is more, by 801110 .014,0110, than was paid in the , pre- V 1011.9 ,yoga, al seemly a period. The whole affair is complimentary in the iiighent degree to the county, the fax payers, evileetors and Count y..-Thaimrer, GIIMATTIAI`I, IIF F1)11.--11;0e2aittu 1 u OM -80111111) '' tranlLr,pl hays, tbuL q4cr4 'very some 15,000 whitls . WI taught by one seine a night or two shire ouPreeque Isle Point, and Wu night... Wore about 7,000. The 15,000 were largo, flue fish, and worth about $l,- 200 as they were taken out of the welter. A pretty good night's work for eight or tourney,- A ils.tvir TRAIN. --On Tneaday of laid, weak, eta coal tonrnitig elgine r David Long neater, Opyrgo Ildrlreth, engineer, brought a, train of 1.04 loaded ears, areraging tit loos each, from Sunbury to auurpott. The track wog wet atiuktbe, grulg }wend ing. Sava itersa. , -49 roan rin ttio Rhine arc said to hal* linioited feet long and twq hUndredviariiido,..ll4 irilt fiege - iio ooni. parnion to tlio - *lnaitt raft Ast will reach 'Vie haul of Salt, River writ kr* ember, and I !audits panienpra in Wady. • Tits Usual) lira.,tas irtaciaityts Ia fWI oft matters of /vastest importativ tp tbo gent. Orstrowier. Fiery oria in soars ior k`ao«l= aaaaaaaaaaaaa to this work. Pohl patted by J. Emerson, New Toik oity. Pries in. per sanum FATAL Evegarti OF FOOL. AIR, --On the 23'd ult., thre'e =en, named Edward Kane, -Attlee Murray And' David 31ifor, w9se sulk; uutedgoy foul air in the eletaine ao ON biatk• boar Fayetteville, Frauklin county, Pa. _ TITIOLN is s arm M artaafi Jan 4;floya a capital ung SIO,POO in timher sin gular buainaas at prepaying bapriiar sit,foiiSor &tropism' upirkots. 11 LAC 12" REPUBLICAN SENTINSNTJ. 11Y NAT. P. DANtB. "TWA will sl4 iris certain atatii of e elreut&, stances, To 'Lir Ail , riNION .- 41 4; ift;DAPP I • -, "Thu I.lllion is not worth supporting in connection vith the South." BY ANBOII -- ' , The tinteirtiernand-and-Ave-muat-lumarta. ANT 1:8 UA V ill .- CINSTITU,TION, AN ' ANT I-84A VE8,44111148, AND IN ANTp4DDAVIITISI GOD; " ' DT norus Ai ttl'Al:l/tNG. ~r n the case of the alternativo being pre sented of tho c.lntinuance of slavery or a dissolution z ' of the I,Tnion,'•l am for dissolu tion,.tind.i care net how quick it canes,' ".". DV JAMKS T. RADII, AT INWIStOW,N, PA. ' tArtil44oo4Plett gaged in raising tittle niggers ; in feel, ative: breeding Is now the only principle the Do. inooracy have ! BY WM. LLOYD OADIVDS(V. 'l‘) - ii9 Union la. a lie. The Amerlcan Union, Is' an Imposture, a covenant with death and on agreement with hill. • • • 4 t Ald FOR ITS OVERTHROW ! • '* , • • • Up•with the flag of-rimmon, that we hare a free and .glorious'repuldie of our own, and when tho hour shall come - the hour will litive arrived mat shall witness the ovCrtlin;iv of slavery." BY WHNBAT.J. rnit.Lire "No man has a tight to be surptised at this state of things. It is just what we (Abolitionists and Disunionista) have at tempted to bring about. 'Diem is merit in the Republizan party. It is the first am-. TIONAL party ever organized in this country. It does not know its own face, and it calls itself national . ; but it is not national--st .is sectional. Tile Republican patty is a party of the Mirth pledged' against the South." DT JOSIRIA GIDDINGS rook forward to the day when there shall be a dervtle insurrection in the South— when thu black man, armed with,, bayonets, and led on by Brstish officers, shall assert his freedem, and wage a war of ex-. termination against Ws master--whop ,the torch of the incendiary than /TM up mermen/ mad cafes of the South, ittel blot out the last vestige of aliVery ; and though I may not mock at theie calamity, nor laugh when their fear cohielh, yet I will hail it as the dawn of a roliticaltnillenium." lit W. 0. DUVALI "I. sincerely hope a civil War hay soon burst upon the country. I want to see American slavery abolished in my day--it is a legacy t hare no wish to lea' ,. /i.; to my chil dren; then my must fervent prayer is that England, F-ance and Spain may speedily take this slavery accursed tuition into their special consideration ; sod when the time arxives for the streets of the cities of this 'land of throes and home of, the brave' to run with blood to the horses' bridles, if the writer iSt this he living, there will be ono heart to rejoice at the retributive justice of Heaven. This, fir course, will be treason in the eycett of donglifaces in this land. Well, they are fan»liar with Dr. Henry's celeprated prescription—'snake the most of it.''' (2rEETI SYMPATOY eon IfirdlEßlll.—At litarr-itrpubltrimmettim, , iri Lea Mow, ,•11.11 Tuesday, Angtiat sth, the following incident book 'dace, which showed exactly how much love these Black.Reptiblicami have for Owl colored rice, and how sincerely they are in favor of freemen. The Lewistown True Denzofral says that lbree of our respectable colored citizenii were quietly seated on the: rear bench, when one of thu Secretaries of the meeting came up and insolently ordered them out of the Ilall. They remonstrated, baying they thought flue Man a public meet ' inc. "No matter! you have no business here, and moat leave," stud the Secretary. A secondtinie they were approached by the same person, with " don't you intend to leave--say I" " No," said one of the .col. col ored mon " this is a public meeting, and I pay saxes, and helped to build this hall, and I woiSt4o" "If you don't go peaceably you'll be pia out, that's all !" said the Re= public an . ?) But atilt the men sat quiet : and, after heaping a few rounds of abuse upon their heads he left, am: they were not again disturbed. What a love these politicians show for the dear, west. negto." MAN - Kxu.au as ma ours Cofitli.—Lhent a year sines-* resident of tiventy-ninth street, New • York, * man of- onstaiderable wealth, entertaining the idea that when he should die his relatives would put his body into a cheap coffin, bought a handsome rose wood one, lined with white satin; and trimm ed with silver, for 8.75, and had it taken to his bed-roam. Ile was found ou Sunday morning, dead .on thre - lreoi,lamd—the coffin beside him, and it was thought that he bad got up in the night, and by some means capsized the eoftlu o which Ceti upon him; *rushing his • skull and causing instant death. A Srieuct.ertow.—The tAtictigo Tribune, July 26 ; gives tho following account of • telegraphic speculation A day or two since areal estate operatorirl this city tel• cgraphed to Itashington to know if a party them would sell him a piece of property fur WOO, upon a credit of sixty and ninety . " days. The answer was,--.•You can have it.? The afternoon of the lame day, 14 . 0 19°r* for telegraphed to another city that he would /tell the same property the MOO, upon thirty . laml sixty dire llteie, and the reply was : lye will lake it.' lieri was a clew profit of 12600 made without the inveatuunit of a 401144:.a0d • - eutplelsaruso.--The Pastors of the Me thodia. t Congregations at Birmingham, Al/ Leona an4i Boatilaymburg, havo issued a cir oular announcing that a Union Camp Meet- Mgr will he t#,,,lgot. common : o44 thu of .August, awt emit on thtiDth. Ihnosoms Dokit. —The congregation of ♦ha Vrashyteriaa (Moroit in Notfolit, VA., at a recant mooting, rotoircki to present Mr. Artoatrong, their pastor, with 31,509, and socotturwading Unto travel three mOntka, for the purposo•of recruiting hie health. I:=3 JAgEs WILE AT LUIV ISTOW N. • .• Jiit‘ge' Dale verninenced lift apeech in a manner „worthy' of a high-minded gentleman, and we ,hoped t 6 hear the subject discussed With more Candor and fairness. But ho had not gone firbefore he bectdult, if , nnything, - even mer? ti user uptifous thin Mr. Wood. r example; ho asserted time "the Democratic party is now coley engaged in raising' little niggers ; , in feet, slave breeding is now the only principle the Democracy have !" Such vulktir and unmanly assertions could nJt tat disgust the honest portion of all parties, and we heard many express surprise that ivman occupying thelosition Judge Hale does could descend to utter therm—Leteteloyen True Democrat. - The above extrtet'ls, part of the ,proceed inks of a Black Republican meeting, hold in wistown, oh Tuesday, sth instant, and *hews the in - 06013*M which our flbsckno peldlean fricndlt ihrtnitf to elthyon'the:itestar., eat Campaign. We Weleorne *Jahn* T. Halo life the political arena, the snore so because he is a man of talent, and will be compelled i t.° Jethro behind iiim his robes or piety and morality. fle has talon theinitiatory step in llefamation and scurrility, and if he receives bard blows tit return' kg has himself only to blame. The assertion that • the Democratic party is engaged in "raising little niggers" is scarcely worthy of a notice; but. coning as it does from it man, who occupies a deacon ship in a church, and claimS all the peroga tive'of a good citizen, it becomes necessary; to meet not only the anseithin, hid he who asserts it with -Scent arid centeinpt. the Democratic party was not empiged,in "raising little niggers'--when ,it crushed the party when it plated for sm Ceifornisi anti with that Territory two, sovereign States; when it quelled civil Soithsion hi the West, caused by such Mon as him:telt, and recalled a Governorof its own appointing—when it opened new territory tOnerz energies of labor —nor is the Democratic party now engaged in "rasing little niggera" when it takes a stand against Antes T. Hale, and his coad jutors, between whom and those who preach amalgamation, theirs is only the difference that one avows • public preference for that unsexly connexion, while the other practises its secret enjoyment. We welcbme Jolliest 'l'. Hale into the political arena, becolise his antecedents either politically or morally are no better than those of orgy otiam man. lie is the last of those who trammelled the one° powerful Whig,party with false issue's—who betrayed the immortal Chty'hy making him the presumed advocate of scan dalous ismh, and he is among those- political I adventurers and fitnatuiii 'aisiillers or the Democratic party, who ate forced to stoop to any defamation in order to maintain a political position 'before the people. The assertion which Junes T. Hale here makes, is but the reiteration of his profession hero tofore, and it Bleck Republicanism is toslic ceed 'hy the advocacy of such a man; it is tune that the people learn the true danger of the Union, and: that the old-line Whigs of Centre county, learn the necessity of owning such r 40),, and the pridiciplcs which they advockte, , ITEMS *)P L NE WS During the last seven ycjirs fourteen hun dred inurders, it is said. have been perpe tr*te4,4lnd,all9ut§an Francisco. and the itsvlf Ilse been burneTit3iin'tTeveiciiiier. Several fetal canes Of cholera have oc eurre4 within the past neck in Phßadelphia and Delaware county. Conhterfrit taco dollar notes of the Manu facturer's flank of ilirmingliam, Ct., are in circulation. Mob Law still prevails in San Francisco California. We think it high time fur the legal authorities to put an.cnd to the Vigi. Lance Committee, and take the cleturtion of the laws into their own hands. Mr. Duchanan, In aceorrlitiMki-Wittliireten nual custom, will leave Wheatland, in a few days, for the Bedford Springs, Nhere ho will remain fv,,, two or three weeks. We are pained to- learn - that Governor Reeder, now lying at the Merchants' Hotel, Philadelphia, has had p severe attack of paralysis, which alkali tho whole of one side of his body. The Louisville (Ky.-4 Casino says the wife of i - well known droynian in Covington, died one day last week. The .next day the h' el it..ved min married a new wife, and took tier' with the (lead wife's funeral. -•. The Valley Ala'nk, Jiagtriitt'w° , has ;nowt payrne", nt: of its notes are said to be in circulation in &ate. The Charleston Evaging:News is etittgcti: tally supporting That paper has heretofore bees an advocate' orukherieinfain," and its editor John (et- Eaq., was ittleltafite to, and ono' of the Vice Preeidenta 04 'the first Philadelphia limos-Nothing Convention. DRAW trir lasarixtr4-01t last Saturday, about It o'clock, during the, storm. James 0. White, aged about ten years, eon of Al son White, Itsq., of tits place, was struck with highballs, while under a tree, an the river hank, a short distance above town. appears that ho had been hi. search organic, preparatory to taltinii a Mint, and being iww*M. is the rein,,kiak--shelter under the thee which was struck. it is a, painful duty fdr td hale to chronicle thitfeath or one so young and au ,promising. fie waelu our *Mee bat a taw days beton, his canntananae beaming with thii Wall and liltiout of youth, but ho can ire witbitssto wore on earth. His spirithae . rot;urned to his Creator, there to enjoy that peace an 4 happliess whietreanwever he re. *Used on earth.-- , Loeb gooffis Democrat, . tio Emir Wog ,Niiholl4—Wti bane boon lons convinced that the Abolitlonialidiki net demo peace aildrit4o itt 5 1143 " -- thati the y ir: •=4 1 6 1 .1W.X4etijo Otaliaturbaned in that Territory', lIM th* - °station of them Alt over tier cienntori. 't• obit[ stock in trade in this owtraini, IC pttsee were rotor:0 iji, Simms, and that " bugaboo" obliterated from the present contest, whut would be left to nourish-44 peunons of' 44bolitron for o single dm/ • 'Nothing. It woulil sink- book to-lta suer insiguificance, and tens of thousas , now lollowing y hts ilialiolort ban ner wool turn from J t iii . tiniest.—Worth, war -A Lt • o - SErrastog,--.Michaei Morison rllB pent up rout lb* jail of Bt. Louis to ,tho State, eisouit 361111 141#:6 be had be fi sentaucc.trfor ft 44074 of fi#llo4 1 0i ou aopvj Uonof nipa. PQ.4lTie AL, AND PEIZSONA.G DottoOrilla State Convention of At iehiOtti ima termini natelex-Senator Phelps for tioveittor. —l , 'rabcii,P. Blair, the Black Republican ? wi t /ire kl)olitionists, owns. several slaves and works them ott his farm. --,Judge Dibhle of South Bond. Ind., for twelve years Chairman of-the Whig Cum. 'Mace, a powerful stump speaker, has como out boldly for Buchanan and Breekentidge. "::--At a Deniocittio meetingifeld county Ohio, 11'11311 On L. Plum, made air oclucnt speech in Favor` Of the, Piinocratio noMMOs. , Co a, Whig memlicr of Congress from tho Licking dis trict, Ohio, has conto out pie Buchanan and —John P. 3fitllorl, an ohlmirio Whig of Pittsistrgh„snd , ono of the mast popular pipiliespeakehi in the litate, is out foe Bia chaos 11. Delhi - wrath, Convention at 'Clarion enunti l inet 611 thepth ult. j ,and tioinitiated 111 p. 14. Abrtimur for the 'At m:11114417 - An aide ties of re'riolutiOns Was 'airopted. letter to the DostontToftti-froin Wa verly, 'Morgat . county, Illinois. says : —" You may put down Illinois at ib,ooo plurality fur the IkAmeratie notninect.'f —The Itnow•Nothing Stato Convention which met at ilarrioburg on Tuesday, select life a full Fillmore etectorial ticket, awl re fused to fuse with the Itlaek.itopublicans by a urge majority. L. Garrett, Fag., s talentetitind vidgetie . younglawyet of ( Nitwit itqlfe:r lo f i t zealots; in the Whig +-mikad at - o fearlesoll 4eating tilt , Haling of Thitytt i Brack. !Tow the FreMont " totreardoto ! —lt is said that the bettitig Dei OCISX it Lnusinna are exceedingly inc it the Cincinnati Convention for nominating a ' titkertigainit which none in tat State dares - Mr. 'Hubbard. the alto editor of the ,Lo- gin Gazelle, which leas until recently beeti a 'Whig Vapor, says that there are at least Me bundled old lineWhigaln Logan County Rho will vote for 'Ames Iluchatian. —The New York hairpoideat, a sort. 'of irdklcl paper which pretends to Lo religious, luta openly come out. Air the War .hetOevuldl con llivaillOsitial liens4ool/14. It is also the advocate of unirder, and various other pleas- Idg virttlear —Hen. ltevardy Jtdittson, of Maryland, f o r many years one of the leading Whigs of the Union, Cloverom, U. S. Senator, and U. S. Attorney Cultural ritobertiun. Taylor, ha ti prepared a letter, which will be deolatruiLfut Ititchannu. —flennieratie caniiikftreo burn brightly in every State ; the Dttnoeratic army is united, iv the best of sfirits, and is eager for battle. 'rho forces of the opposition are divided into gueirilln hands, the face of tacit looks hag. gsrd'imid betray; a corm:loo44s of itgrnii Iltfrat on the day fixed for the conftike ---The Democrat', State Convention of New Jersey met at Trenton on Wednesday and notainated Hon. • Wm. C. Alexander; fur Governor. Much enthusiasm prevailed, and the whole prooredingwwcte marked with harmony and a hold deteralination to carry —Tho Desnotwivey of Nortlintnbtsthinil cosnty, at their recent Convention, wiftiltis tett the following ticket: CoSigrestit, W. L. Dmeart, unanimously; Assembly, J. I. Zimmerman; A viociate Judges, Wm, Tim mer, Jacob Shull ; Commissioner, Fred. tract, District Attorney, IN. L. Seep.; Alietitgr. H. !quench. iliggeis is the gMai cediter-stane of the Reek fteinildleane. They do not ate Ffee . gpeCnb, for in repektcd I hare they ati.vinptell to "criugh tilt" 1141 overawe meetings opposed to theta. Iff no not sanction a Free Presit, for dal* Syr up organ after" organ to make Rivet - 44Ni --The Democrats of Mittfitx dottnty have rondo the ((Mowing timinattotts : Assostibly. A. Jacobs. Associate Judges. COO Stine and Isaiah C;oplin. Pmtheritotary, H. J. 'Walter. Commissioner, Win. Wilson.-L- Dirockor of the Poor, - John Peachy, District Xttorney, Joseph Alexander. Deputy Sur veyor, John Swartzel. Auditor, Geo. Han- -40tonet White, the iLs,sr-Nathing Pre*" itlential elector in' tlise Fourth CsmgregeMnal I lAstriot of Indiana,-while gratethl to iii 4 r t i,;::iiii foe the tnarir piliti . 01011)11:ajley would best6w 01,,:n hint, is still ootistraincil to &- di m , i t , f ee the Itt ',;: .. .nle reason that he intend.' to work and vote for the !Tin" csn di da t "' Buchanan and Breckinridge. -- --lion. James Monroe, nephew of %!... 1. ! (1 "' >resident, and for some year** 'Whig M. t'. :frau Now York, can't go for Premont, and is out for Buchanan. Not ai singfi iittiviDer of qsneral 11 / i-risen's cabinet 'sit i .iiierti Fre mont, and bt4t one its General i tay6r's. Al tiro ex-Presidents of the repuhhe arc against Fremont. Tim adopted 840 Itnd troir Of Jack - son is defending Buchanan. The - snit and sons-in-law of tharitictil, , MI -alitsiit ions of Bane Clay and Daniel ITC kilti t cr,aracilso all roc Buchanan. - --We ace by the, Waii*tighisr Union that -Brinkiniltayard, of Delimits". snade a gnat speech at an enthusiastic Dintoaaiii Ratifi cation meeting at Dover in that State, in 'Which hq d'aglilalliii. big 0:1141101° la °''' Senate. Don. "lettu itl. fbayttip, would not under any eirciirmishanow_getc t either for Filtenre or Fremont: This ;announcement wool ingde with. 4b. anticti 10 4 1 PAlaionQf Mr. Clayton. Wu 44W ha iiroa4aatbA powe r ' nit no - oPnalktion qua{ innuciletriniarer of the ilnitmi (*Pt 'NOW** 1410Brid*Pen' - ...c-Tiss.l4teicitio 04 .100o r l1:4a Whig U. S. SonittoticAecl-Miterilixid *gay, Nat and I Pearce, havo oapitilectirethrilly, P9 I O I Y and boldly in fevcrr of Butihanan and Bruckin rid gc, and addrairrei their clentiraeohi.wtas reasons in Bilt to- their constititimts.' ...They have ' discOrered the tressoitsile pint of the altli tion optskiltion" to , . troy the -dagAnd fi"" eminent and &Kin 'Ow, liriiiiiitiolar those with whom they have ) eintor4itoiN! : 'mi.s is all right. jhoPeogie lug, tigt . tylrese" - taltivaii. V/Vatincting •dFd party licies,,Nc ' 4014einia.4 rellillso that i The huge of . qiuntry k itt u t operoic Paull.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers