date 'in adman. NATAL ANDAILIOTJOITION TO ALL. a SWAT RAO, Ina 'Dawn, MitVote - 4 U • • • I Nig' Atm %eating' of the Democrats ' op. hontivei.vANlA.—" The UMW& 'moat and a inf:i.i. ycf Fo —J rretyl n v . ania, and nll others la tartlet p rtin the union of tho States, now , r• by a lowitionnt ointnitetlnn, lilclfraci 00.111 11%1 by tile open enemies of the Fed- etni-Consti lon, nod conduoted upon the alarm rell billeting nearly one-half of the Mates, ir Is U on, aro reopeotfully wattled that 111AsS . lellrell will ho hold at the tbllowing• flows end itlattssr titsairletals of JA.h1 1 }48 , 111.1 ClfetNA N . for v rgi 0, 44 0 1;71 , JOUN C, I /tfreK , lNEllltlb. for •i .„. NflAlllßEßßllllitfl, Franklin County, nit IiteSDAY, the 7th day of nuked., lase, being t Ifni utter tho Detnnerzstio Slate COnvenllon At P. 0.11), Rd* County, en WEDN tt:l..lllA Y, tho A tit , I , Ny oC A.,,,,,,0t, 'KA iiAi 1/ Ittli NSTI VRI Nfealiquxellwli County au larlilflillAY, the i i i .4 Sopteruber, 8515. iht,II)ICI,LICIrONTIC, Centre Connty, on IV,ED IIII PAY, the 24th of floptionhor, 1ti541. ~AllikikAßLs6l.l.RO, (the Capitol of tho State,) on if Xlithallift&T, the 11414 October. • Mai at IWLADELPITIA, on the 17th cif Set -111.1110160.,...a. heinsitha Anniversary 4 the Adop ttallop of the tailed Statue. ''iVltt ftnnotste, from our owe and other _1111104,00111.11n preeenh ail MI these meetants, Ursa arrOstiolViev, r t tialsea . . ocaveto, eTerILC &NTS AL COM INFIMI.I.I( ' • 2esootatie Oonvention Reatmenn bled. The Hon. TIMOTHY IVES, Wiw i 411 d Maim" htilulme nil w candidate for Survey ai(ol4looll,l6 r trommeasioittem addressed to the State Central - Committee, at its last Alu Harrisburg a resolution sae adopted by litalrOtisilatttes, salad aeon the officers sod &do lmas" of the Igthi De m e e eetle shoo Ct, , ,ciltum, to LlNteitible at (,31/01111,111Stil!".. ON WECIiiIIF.SDAY, ' DAY - Or A UOUS r NET, / 1 100' net; ,to nominate a onnitviste for deAlTrtilettefat, loan the vacaney created by the ott et Judge , I tem In pursuance rf this idooq the Democratic Stet,' Convention, are re aretilitti, requested to meet nt Ile time and WPC. Offs mentioned, end for lli•• ptirimomeltaled - • 30iiN W FORN"EY, Chnirman G Iltittitettre, Isaac li, h4, ,Sier,ele -tet. Nur meeting of the Democratic County VP• k4 "/ 001 1. 1 1itt.t . —9 . 11.3 Caull.h.r. of tho Demo, °ratio/ County I`..otro r,unty 1.11 vtotrVin the hornnth of netiefonto, on Ttmdwy, 12 no hual, f impullaiAoo A full id r mm of nolueortal Hi)fr A11)11.10SON, Cliairman YNstif_ Spring- Township, - A Meeting of 11/1/4.litbee liinuorratio or Sluing Tonn-bip Will be held in flin fiehre , l Yet eliebsinley "wining, August 24, AL n'eloek Ammo. Deranerate in your aright' A number of speedoete win addroee the mooting MANY, ff!ffffMMEM V, rI rf 11( JO, 11006 iriVIDNII./4111.% . WICEADERS & colt te EBPONPENTS A4e4rtitirsjuntemptifile pimp should le careful duff ihrre n 71Q iliffertner fif ty 'vie% the frirrery anirt thr diqtortron of onyginf. NoluutissManiisniz ha cnnno: grod Ma omotaiwucation r» thiarynnni ,riatista; inotten evideAce (Ade kts fraud 1 . 1 ,41,144 4. pa1i ofspritti tif. an inzud w ca . bierroff iffriturMiWa. heck chseactere, publuAtrs wad edstore are ittorillisuly•moysii; bot a *hear beat N yam Users by as pack, becalms • contact woad be sure to be debating. THE NEWS NOWSet CaLtroana.—There has been no wheheeneiel of the e7GciteQ erst at San Teen iMgama The Vigilance Committee still holds iin sessions. All the arms collected la the Um and orauFinErn Isie been seized by the tbunnitteu, and Mr. Dinkel?, a tocinber of the etnuaiittee, has been arrested by the State authorities on the charge of piracy; in seisithz the arms Ix:longing to the State, *kik wore on board a schooner, Judge Tarry, of the Ouprone Court, has ben ar rested for stabbing a policeman attached to Otte Connnittee, sittle employed ul malong an &rivet. The tkossuittee spoors to be firmly established kx)wer- The (Jo eernor mutates in iselarnento. The account& from, the snows arc good and prospects of au abund ant crops are cheering. FOAM thrAZACifj A. —Prolident Walker was inangurated on the 12th austaut. Ex-Presi acid. Welts still remains in possession of Leon It is reported that loony of the na- TETON' OOLOtior thr. ioaugarotios 0 . 1 Walkman yOrk Mt Of usurpation. and hare declared Agistnst Eire. Anon the deserters are Col. itiouito sod Gem. Chilton. There is mach alesuessopong Walters heaps sod frequent tiessetitits& WON Waters' COMIJIMInd, which' balloon sent to Leonon sown* of a Man. that time 0W114411111011110/1 went wear Wag Mild on by the !tint party, and one Num rtyuaded. St - re rola the /hear party We're killed Major %arra waited' outride kr maw limas auli thireweiwy not appearing 'eelKA. TheraiA an Alp or art invaslou amen kniii it la certain that the league, of this 111riethern"Antea . rriat. marl ; hvi t 4f ini liallitiNned tor at thNclore of the rainy season. Walker-needs both men and money for thU coming inruggle. The win:do voie-for Pres islem was *sulker received 4000: The+ Wanes) we divided beivreen Rinks, Pater; jricit; and Minot. , The stefinux fie. New York, has on, Wiwi $1,64,- , 4tleß) in bold. " 1 • . .RW.Abt oliniioS —Reportg from Oregon state that aktratifattra with the Thdiana con 'that*, Ilea repprt date death areal. iVright is costrad!eted. The force . nnttrr CoJ. Hu ottania has had n fight with the Indiana at the iliplratforra. forty Incliana Ansi inn &A. , The vleetion—rettu-na Jime not. brew fully rerefvtd, Ant ta Demo v1444'440 h pro)3aloty eieetett. ...„11:40145dultr,i-livor 4:l4euxe, July 26--- 311WMuer Vois• afrived termer Nofil Vent eriuhUisaing dAte9to ti4o-141 44. cog.- latipassaylhavie*A dutected at root to re- AiatTtiso — a:Aiiurrtate, 1# 14 .444. *OP. 40 %biz writimat. FATix...4 . 400 #*, iLim.hohiporwit.ltt-thi Sunday looraing ,.- t divot*, *bk. Pifli ce Ltehtlzt:yetcAtieff. : l 4 .4 4 ._Aillittl, * #401E4/1 otodo cocur--0400.- - • •a4utit4- .. hit z i LLi6g ird*4 l :t in Ow lot' r'...To • • Awk. Wits, 14'oilv "IA online(' int diio the moue .ctay. 4totr bglot 41411 Jo , 116000 to nalwar. NO N-INSTR tibl'i)%Y. The ;lett of instruotiatle etimOthitil to the peopli, who scM laiNtrs tiiillevilse burl' and provide meat* far thatiblbi loots but isi many oases it is pratitttutbibmf attl afil kaveil rePresentativa •a teasumsellusl poaltkas. - The sentiments of the people are very apt Chance end with the ' daily oordlieting and varying interest of the country, it is impos sible to carry out the principle of instruction, nor is it possible to establish as a rule any system which attempts to oontrol the dis crimination and the judgment of a repre sentative. Public seellitnent can be arrived at in allifftri - cid manner, and a constituency can always make known their treats in a manner which bill not fail to claim the at tention and respec t , of #ropeeeenkative. This principle of instruction is not in harmony with well organized 'political bodies; It op'ens the door to the crafty and the cunning, wiso f h t. falsehood and atsaults on personal diameter misdirect the sentiments of a dis !trfet, and mould public opinion to suit their Own de.;igrei. Tho Democratic party in Ceu tre county never had so !Mich mason to avoid the thtrigerour; influence of such 1111C11, Ind we 'shinild be partihdarly careful to so led as delegates to our next County Con: ventiou tnen known for their Democracy, And their integrity, and to whose judgement *e can trust without instruction. The party is once Inoto preparing to oriatand with both 1 her 'ancient and /b iter modern etiemiee, and the prospect so far gives promise of her triumph. This feet Bea Induced waxy to announce themselves sir esodideteir for omee, in relation tci'whOm we do not wish to write a' word 'personally. There are good and bail men among them and for this reason; the licinoersey of districts should guard against all imposition or flattery. Let them elect their delegates fairly, and let thoserdelegates be tried and true teen. This is important ) because we must have a ticket personally strong, and whentko delegates mew together calmly to deliberate on such a selection they will be moro able to canvas the chum& of eaniliiiitteri as they present thenr,elves; far nomination. Them titshativasot. anted i in] the county, out of Nthioh to forrn a strong niket; there are men unspoken of, but thought of by tremywhosa claims could be then diactutsed i so that we need not turn aside, to he entrapped by the designing - Iml aspiring, and regret a lien ton late that we has e het a (tree! v ed. This faltering care of pal ties of a ryl has twill the rtirk,V Centre enmity, and cost her people mere treas. %ire, tiro) ever will i.e known. It has been the curse of the Democratic party to allow a Bellefonte clique to control every post of honor, and n •einiy evety position of etelittr emoliiinent. We has c illfittheMs,sonlic at diem 11,3 f11.0101101111 , 10 • as em r darkened the his• taryof a fatly, living in the lxwough men who wrrn fostered by I his principle of milrn , lmti. They deceive,/ the honest Dem• errary nt then- primary elections by man, aging In force upon them (heir on n favorites, leek and relation.., so that almost every of-. 1 lice in the county became heirlooms In fain ilea and were transmitted from Lather *0 Soo; . Irutit . nitric, to nephew, and from i'ottlin tO Coasts. This was the work Or' the Bellefonte clique. ity this means, their pecilationa werprouerakd wail a trismethilhid Oki and *drained triarMury exposed the' treads of their careers. .Now that the piety' ii once more gathering her ancient strength we must be leiuned by experience,a.rsi avoid the oxide that once ao distracted, and almost disgra ced the county. We must do this byselec. tins not only pure men IS delegates, but we Must see that those delegates fairly consider claims of all parts of the munly, and hon estly nominate num for their merits, and not fur their promises or relationship. This warniix is tireely„ and we truss will be - hiedrd as hinestly as it isgiven, our whole thoughts /should be turned to !lie eTtielop ison-uf the county, tits . rescuin g or the offiew Craw day, * ift - agy, and the yin diegttjap 00 4 ,:, :Hereof the Democratic party. APP ft, TXTIO N Thu te ilmLvof altitutanat 211/ aircadot-at: riot': in I.'eut ro county; and a 4..sperate ef futt will be lima* to vrt,l the forced inure to llu. aupporti of kieniont,, 31)01,13 (A 1 jvc4A41.1111114110 by a SpiA.4:l7l Cgptillaigt` ooereiun, by Wi14104 40 9 Cst wog. are to be deeetred taro 4441" i. of the mongrel ellique• wtti.tb rally Ara the aid of AIDOW Unisys. 4atothor moan to win the note at the Gorman nitiains, both man sod Wooed. All than pious, Unarm, an too Outspent. to have any induct**. Thane clinot be a fie 46116 nitbetit s saurian af iminnevlei but the lannocrucy mant be on their *wart t. they nowt pun orar all rumor or fear of fusion. Char oniantua Are dater 'bitted to tooko-upd me =nun to ainned and It i* thereturo iiwir duty to COUnterlOt their vfli)rts kiporgget organization,* full discussion of principles, and a rigitan tare that no tabtebood gees arcirohtted, or no slander ignitable unitnewered. PIA* I AlaTt.tit , Our trivil, 111. pr tjiner Cmathwaito;ii(wel. !I:u all ilicUblit.irin ! pati6,and(;;4lli t iciconrtriiiiil waititers as4le }fie at lea ,klve credit; as we do not; wish to char 4: the i'rei!!lcyi'-or or Ln, riot ig wining to loge time in C4lCallio Our friend,' :ales .lattiti, Jr., kis° reipitabk us 14) say that he to wilting; be furilisli Ctiostliwaito, 'or his' piti-Oil i tie thu tui,,rchaint, with original termons; gt:stnitont ly, all or thew iiwn peace, love and 6:Lilly, good will to wpm, iti4, hostility to .1,1m3 devil, nopiug quiritai Will ho sowed froui a public cOnviutitpu of r eeilltal pta Ayek e ibey ilre,.lQ kltstic'ot • • - 14tna.sitottagra.—Xarly ihorOoroarip theArith Aut., Mr. lEta...lli. gray, orititipkfr 'l4 l / 4 1L'areliss, Va, vraw awakened tor,;oodir atlas altrocurLthorr; , atot,i Iraoodh.difotoit. kW* loaded goo, flied Malta irstadriar;ohea. lottotost to Ma horror-that %Qom* ahatthis • • fib, who feidlott *moo? pose. of fastereog the cluttaber door. Th 4 PWwisSflingoewl uneotoplainitity lentil the flop 4y , when ,abo died. - , .. or.r.* Aricx 2 , - 'f, ..1:,-i• in sL 6 aAv . in 1 - A- • iC,ON . lb tim4 if lust assnmet , 4 , When the Denttwratie party of the State. win,* Oil on tioseleot candidatei in thit dillerent; die .r 1 triefittollilralip ttiklbistresta of ( Co monwealth in the 'thirty-filth Congress. As the delegates now stands, Pennsylvania I bag no reason to boast—neither has she , reet4ved one, solid advantve from the /*e -1 lation of those whom she sent to Washington two years ago. ,As the time of electing, a new delegation approaches these facts sup 'gest that the people hare the remedy in their • own hands, and are themselves- to blame if not relie ved from the evils 6f. inis representation:- Weed scarcely go further than this district to Fore titeatsgriciwhich A pseudo-preacher representative lima inflio-, I ted upon an honest constituency. Indeed almost er,ery_opposition representative in Congress from Petinsylvaninc has either cast a' stein upon his State, orincurnd the tits jkastire of his constituency. These farts I are impressive and they counsel us to be more careful hereafter in the selection of ___i candidates. The election of a congressional delegation will have •a great influence open the 'contest for l'residcnt. T,linflisaltr i s then drawn can be more . fairly disclosed, and the consolidation of principle enoro fairly effec ted,. But to do this entirely suenensful the Democracy of..ipeh district must select the beidues,tbey must throw aside personal pre as well as sectional claim and the will be, if not a 'unanimous delegation saleast era with only a unit in opposition. The ~I,lrtli Congressional district wilt un doubtedly' be redeemed ; redeemed because a wasetion taken place, not only in the sentiments of • the people, but because the people have been deeeived by a clerical hypocrite and a political knave: This fact 1 aleould not only be a warning to us of the XVilt district, but should be a warning to our brethren thrmighout the State. It is not necessary to, rob the pulpit even of iti hypocrites to snake Congressional represen tatives. (;6011. likU II do not aspire to worldly honors, nor do they wish to engage in the political turmoils of the clay. They inn find their reward hi prVIRVIIIP' , a pure religion : they ean gather unaithering laurels iii the paths, of charity, and hest beiVo" their country and mankind by Tilley ing the animos ity of parties and soothing the acrimony of imbues. The courther A „Larirettesr o r life ukrold au flicimit material to conduct the common business of society. We omit for our rep rosentitti res, men of leginiathe ability and business e?..perir nee --WC %ant those a ho are ' used to the world- those whose time has been devoted to temporal interests, nnd•who can carry with thim into the balls of leg,iss' lotion, a rhallt C hi" for disinterested patriotism mid a surety that they are not only able butt, willing to attend to the general interests of ! their district. The _people are becoming tired of experimental legislators, and Penn- ( sylvama 1114,1 e than ally 0 thcr State kis sof- fermi from OW cc ii effects of men, alio were `droner to repre:;cat her more for their' I availability than their Illness in business or their intellectual lecomplislintents. We must all emerifice our. personal preferences. The times thetnsichrea will suggest Men and our State tieoessities,airthe oteation approaches, will induce the people l / 4 to select them. It': the party In every district can be Induced to rally around any of their good men, and that they will do so there is no doubt, l'ennaylva ids- iellliteral a delegation to the next Con grass, which other Stites will respect and of which she can be proud. , THE MA RI POS.A MO r r. The ft . esl evideikece that, we lsoiehad of Fremont uNing the money whichim made by his Maripoas laud speculation was in winnin the support of the neutral press of this eMintry, is , intained,,ki the fiat that the Ger man 77iiYn:Z;oring of Cincinnati, has open ly mowed a pwlitical preference for hint for the i'resiiierWy.. This scheme was too hate faeeti, apt its objects (on insulting to pass tletec r thin. The flcrtnatis of' Olkin, where the paler Was liecii_largely circulated, !save openly reseuttd the impositiim by an almost unanimous dlscontlii ila WO of the Zestung. This ltariposa money is to be used 111 more olntpue than one. It wax US( II to pun.; d(ley i afes , il4ll to bcm woad now to corrupt the intivpandenee of the press, and will be used during the campaign to influence voters in favor of Fremont. It is only part of the dark hii4 by Black .Repuhlicanisan to elevate their favorites and get:possession of public Oyes. The coo -1 ducta4 the acrobat's of Ohio in reftpting.te have their sentiments misrepresented by a purchased ,recreaut, deserves tho applause and should be eniuhtked by the (.lermatui of sll the Union. 1 1 1011VilyrIr MAM Materaros.—ln addition to meetings called by the Rtate t7eotral Coin 'mints, other mass' meetings pill be held at the following plttecs and on tho following days : 'Mkt !few Bloomfield, Perry County, on ikutinst, Anikuut 4. ittoB[ 4mtelisburg, ifulton County, to s nap, :August 185 ti. , 44001416011, tliAno4l 11 , ,1 0 1 /nt,Y, SePtC4liter iffr43. • , AttStroinieborg; Mtiffik4., Cotirity;;Qn Mrin Jur, tietstosixe• 2911, 1866. At. wuji of dohs ummtiligH, di+Aintairhood speskora will ire Torep4kni Lo wiglress ft+, low 6443 04 on. the great ; igouerief the 4117. Tailkuturrptie, tiros aro Ls/riling tirighilY !4. ovor.f *is', Wu of Liao State, pn.i ow friesuis -arotiostiig tholaselsvir for tlio con, tcsk. Witirsys Ng() miorcti to notice the 'reception Cif the Priiisylivinis Rail Rood end Minink Register, published hi PhllstlelPhis by Thom as S. rernom Mr. Perpon is not only an aildirorriter, but a practicable and expvrien tied ongivieer. The North Petmdylvania Rail Road received from him a support to which 'lt Ito present prosperity,' And tow men Sillet& versed in the raft roactl inigtocr& lii - feati chir.Nurib: We cheerfully retiiti , *did tholtegister to 4o bukitoulivlthit • nom" the Corviteesaiory olriiro, d 1101 ohooting_it waiter se WilleetiVit hotel, Niyieb• frtim b' , mitted. . - ollo4prrioN ils viss - •:j One of tlia '''' .'elpal feataireS-of the pldto s ta tbrnalt or tho ~ ho halo dot theiptielvttt OP' 1 id oppoditimil tho u h o Democratic A. ilasimilaritridtvritteiples 'which they *dim cale, tatid thilippti*nt antagonists of One to the other. Tito totelligent reader and shrewd observer of political movements has dis 'cerned Vtit , Wu, that-44ere is no affin ity betweenThrtfriends. oaf Piltmore'and the adherosts of Fremont, beyond that of a sworn intention to defeat the Democratic paiiy. Theltdatfortn Tipton which' John C. Fremont . standa, , is composed of a mass of incongnillt 11111 . 1 oath capable of sup -1 porting yinco edttpolitician. It Were /4 4-- dk l it - t i c time Heaton inatitifacturor ;• sympathy f r the Eastern ,Ibolitionbits : pro tection I . tO tic Pennsylvania iron notnnfaetii rer,:_enenunagetuent to the Western agricul turalist, and then 6ricietasMatton and Dixon's line with a hoFanalt to slavery, and a justi fication fur herder Itaillaniam. The frii.tiels of Fillmore not to to lie outdone by pacillitisticii, exceed the friends of Fre tuont in pence otTerings to sections and se t.ire t designs uguinst the Unihn. Number ing amour, Hirai shrewder Own, they have adopted darker designs and yet of the two parties or cliques, they do not threaten with that austere confidence which a hope of suc cess inspires, to injure both the sovereignty of the States, the stability of the Union, or the foreign influence of the Nation. Arlin safeties!, hnerever, as thesepartics ard, they acknowledge a secret influence which in spires theirs, ,with hatred to Democracy. They will fuse for rower at ,the serflike of principle. The nigger-worshipper In willing to Sake by the hand the slave-drircr, if thp now combination will eleVato them to the doors of 2 tbe national trnasury. John C. Flrestiont is willing to forget his C'stliolieled uctiition -he. is Ns illllsg tii throw Aside the re membrance of Catholic charity and Catholic moral iiittlipt4llhvirs u Ming to testi down an altar at sfitteh his 3 oittlibil lips first lisp ed the intsocerst prayers of childhood ; pro vieleil their from its ruins lie can step into the Presisleritiel chair. The party which i surrounds Fillmorn, nod the friends uho so loudly clamor for his purity, are equally en titled to credit fur hi unlar obs«iiiionstiess. Claiming to he be national, and professing an I attachment for a Constitution which guar antees equal and exact jteLiee to all they falter between fsi,unt ss ills the fits oils of Fillmore, and the nattering hope of ii - lineal success. The of Loth these rivulets change with the i*opapiiiAl buuu dares of every State. They v ary is ith county limits and township lines ; neither has presented n national IN:ose Lieithei has avowed a desire to 'honeste thy industry, flop ilte.retetrt the . vreahtrof the hind: both it is a clamor for power a weld strug gle for 01,1314 r and an nutlesguised sworn purpose to dissolve thu In juxtaposition vi nth the attitude of these two cl.seples, the 1)1.1110,110,in party pre., UPI A bold, solid find consistent flout --ths.:s pro sent to Use country a t nsd of prop !plea which will benefit all sections, and yr t so beautifully haynonlzed riS to betide at once national in their .importap4l They know neither North nor Sonth,'F;ast or Fljest ; but uniting upon is comowin brotherhood w hick IS recognized aywrltlu Valiforniik as iu Maine, they can defy" the assaults of scattered eliquen as,well as the attach., of couthiued factions: They preempt to the country yin did,Aeft too pure for adulation and too telly Oaf libel—inert whose flotation Lave growfi with the glory of the nation—whose written careers vire part of the history of the coun try, and whose pest lives gave ample mum ranee that their future coursn, whether in public or private will. be liosseralde, to those around them and beneficial to the country. A ,VTEC E B T 8 The antecedents of thoso who support Fremont neW come up inltiarfed In this county his principal advocate was l -fonswely a stern Pittner,. of flay--a load clatoorer for lands. liaill+a e tioutprommrt. and eatlMllutional litpert.f. Thu people have not forgotten Una— nor diii•ti it look will flit one n ho Once aorahipped at the shrine of Clay's greatoi sa, to bend in adoration .be tbre a lands tla rod a survey iog sulrcrt: toter:. It et sat tlesecot to fall front priMciples, such as the Whig party once claimed to advocate, to descend to nigger worship and disunion agitation. The porn Whig will be mote than disgusted witksugh a spectacle ; and we question it an, honest admirer of clay, will be deceived b y a per sonal trick of one who was formerly deemed above chicanery, into the support of Fre mont. BURIAL Or ?UE Vier, wR.-On Saturday week *cdwogaiea pf Father . Shuridau, and outer victim.; of We, North P 46 4 1 444Y1‘Ani ik railroad dilatator, wereperfonued 14 ith impoeirig pomp and iu au prepuce of au Linoleum, atiiioUl. Wage, at St - Mielkael'a Koteringteo. An oloquititt. 4eriltiop, was delivered by - tho ller. Dr. Moriarty. 'the kiwi - al of Onalet , tor yaaAliiverata, and *.largo Faultier or VW 4euk,„viaco -on Sikialay, Ifl9nAll 014 MAISI Vrtis solvumiztA iu all OA ClotlatAllq Chloutrou of - the city. The riciad by tki4 dia *ter *or number aixty-aix, awl • this wird bar will yet bo iaoreared. .A Chess lltia.or Doz.—,A plan fur a trans parent ballot box ; designed to prevent blinds, is voting. IVAN ethibited at• tin! Aleyor's-of &ice in New Yell, on last.Wednemlnr. /09- a simple gkilie ofgLase, and suppoi-fed upOn four pillars, with• a brass corer Olt the hop, and a email aperture for the athavieeion of votes. The inventor intimate to apply to the t'onituori oounol fur the purchase of this ouptrivance, and its adoption at the next election. Tug BRADFoup Times in the title of a now pnlsir established at To . watitta, a., Ifel): McKileley MoQre. it is neat!) , yted and copdyett4, ,narked fitii"kag,t core* to ainniing )lol' its superior vu ,r 11-. Ai . liii:ElS Tr= . CJ O&Tli IVAqR'S FR RR1..0 YR 'ORGAN. • We *two ailltra* told 'emit OnolSho #'lllll, Store knits° forrl, cab nok on Inatittit • hut tiro, skis., ho had prover* isipuirritwo , tid )* the Bak 4o'attempt to cream) when in danger. The free love organ nas at length acknowledged by a d inggroan, that its hour of d:msolu tion is fast approaching : and yet very kna vishly atteimits to conceal Cho fact by play ing the hypocrite, and, boastifirof the hours that it will survive. We'riro perfectly 'will ing to refer to the past upon this discussion, and the assaults on the part of (trostli waite's free love organ. We . are willing the * his nonsenttcal,.. arguments 0( MM. organ, sp.ionles ass bar - room loafers should be placed in the dsilancer—with the truths we have littered. We 'are willing to sub mit it to the people, whom wt. Imre nroiiiied to a 80118 C of their wrongs, and who are im patient to give vent to their iin;ignation at the ballot-box, that the course o tbi•perrio rratir . 11 , •dchinan has been iAdepwudmiay bold and honestly impartial. estali lklinient of the Weitrilaarm was aviiitinikil by the Democracy or a (lisp tilled and almost' ruined county, and if it tvill suit e r e psalm t!itivil car of Mr. Crostlin site, can be plainer, by slating, that poi t of its duty is to expose pious hypocrisy, speculation in office and recreancy in Democracy. It is the or gan of the people, established upon our 'own individual responsibility, and controlled only by boner, the truth, and words which will promote the success of the Democratic party, and through that success, the Niter eats and the.bappiness of the industry of the country. It is allied with neither nigger ism, free lovoismorrowilyism. It owes alle giance neither to the pope, the devil, stock jobbing preachers or licensed, elaam-leaders and it has only half performed its duty by the annihilation of the Bellefonte tibiae of More loungers, key-hole besiegers, and side walk brawlers. • Democratic party— that the lent, honest 'tem king men of the comity—are convinced that we are DOA. We started as their ergan,"we ruse. with ,thcau by taatual euthlenee; anti with we I.lol3ivr will desert them —twit. will we hettitato to ciperie every nitinber of the ltellefouto clique, re gardless:of his clerical robes, pious ineanta lions or pugilistic acooniplislonents. pi von" of tho f ec love tqtan, alms l'rostlin aite'a Mauling, holly,. 'throw% up him fist to announce the tackthat since the estaLleihinciit of the 11: / /ftloa,in tiare hundred sol,neribers have been tahen in by him. This will, be good Wows to Tandbtvl i taunters and livery stable Into, to say nothing of the routs which can I* Lite ro tarics of fril,lovoiani. Olkoatlivotite tihituld Ito 1;111111g to shato the disgrace and the I , lack4waribeiri of his bosom c o mpanion %%luta he thus tlttts money in ins purse. It f ytrathir part of Mr. Q. secretly, to comspirc against his friend, mid without a warning torn hint., tato the stmt to starve. We did think Um.thwaite %vas a belt, r matt ; arid Ire ako thought that the belittling bully had tome wit than not taili•a, over atilt then) was a aeoret c tnatnracy got rid is among the hangers en of o free lov o .n. If he ate aLie to keep a rot, mi tall hi , that which would asuotini A ligiax Bor.— Fit. Jolmeibury (Vt.) Ca/endossan tells tilt) following rather tame+ storY "Nat tong aince TaT yusrs was out m the town t.d . Victory. gath ering spruce gum. While thus engaged his dog started up a bear, And itnmodiatoly at tacked him. Thu dog being of small hire the owner uudertook, to call hisk-off, sad to doing 80 the attention of the bear. The lad was armed only with a gumming pokt, a stick eight or ten fold in length, with a knife blade in 000 end. Tho bear made at I(tai, with y outh open, when the lad thrust the ?ince end down the _bear's Ow; . ktlitur, him ahstost if)Stlikult4Y•" -- --- TF I+ - ti.Atit tj,al L'olouel iSeatott, whet] br 10 al it thv 11016 (A Freniust'a vats's:4llot: for the Pieseleney, remarked, ill 4' hotstcrow, tistaiser yt!.o•oitt, t4.,4,,,attApictott. sir ; be bi a atuipktos, atr ; and a foot, air, to tiortnit 11/4 abotitroatata to ono his me*, sir. They (Wok be Jute neoney. sir j and that lie will bleed, sir and, by --, they UAW) set hiss up to cheat sad swindle I,lm, sir. They are • pack of politicalknaves, knaves, sir." Wa oxottsrtxv 4 t ' Them. J. Taylor of Unionville, intends travelling *Mt his mag nificent Ambrotype Car through tho priyei pal Maros of Clir*Ni no. this arrengerberit will give ample opportunity to a huge pOr tion of its citizens to secure a new and most beautiful style of pictures. W. Itsverecen likenesses ekeented by lifr. T., and have no, hesitancy in pronouncing thou really Ina class spethnenii of art. " WANTICD- 4 .A lesw KANN ditotomas."-- t A corttipoodent.ot thattAinoribstetc MAWS, writ] ag foesltM Ssa , says In rofotesoo to a Yana cowpony uh th 6 soul : I almost , based to Aoarltima sotto ottlotii liesL brvr j tams saostiMod, foi it mous as if 'not/lbw I Mt* tbatmottiti rtisso the &atm% *MO )4st 'tot: , Vas s C Snits, ponstesams what ther Tatoltoo (Abuts.) iirossio Wig :El .. Kansas mileage taaaokobaapor, discount/0J I for Vista orsuatosiaLlL . , . Tutat's liunt:#l.44;4;4shr; f 5)( August tuts csArle to hood, frioislit with nuittotn of ink f r. est to every loirer of moral lailraturc. Tftitr i 8 thue of t,laq uhospc4 inngorsinvn publis‘d —only *2 p r onuum,, or lom in clubs. Ad. dross P. S. Arthur, Altibululphin. • Fnamobet'a lluxutAent.i—A millionare without a dollar —a atatesumn without a speech- 7 a legislator aitutiat without voto— nl mirtfaly chit / 444] Without a battle. iditko 17 00 )/ 1 , 1 1;g9,1 ; ,Frt , utont—the gentleman who i* 11 .9Y, 4 19 Piettiteee at the !light Limey r ynebeeirit fiat . el4tiftor Blitir cetinty; commene4l laet i titlity:rrith ':erfoitual icalotelee *' the thou real , limia4,lwastividte7aticinsir4loll4thita r yi tan:city, &c. 4:"' 'an - A.X6 m .friARTTIV VAN BM! N ' - -,-,,., .. , , --- aitaciet loan invitatio. fronitke Pam . - ailiptcteleSyiki Celebrate tflip 4Als of tifitlAcith thaw, ex.Ptisident Van Burs 4 hair r Otiikten a; ing cakieldo letter, giving "'Clear' in relatiefii to the Presidential ehmtknitalut the political oneidithtsemineeted therewith. lie waft opposed to the repeal of the MissOiri Compromise, but argues that its reffinffition now, If practicable, could effect no good pur pose. In relation to the fiernocratje iandi- dates for the Presidency, he say? : • Mr. Buchanan in bin letter of acceptance pledges- himself to the people, ' should the nomination of the Convention be ratified by the people, that all the power and influence cutistitutionally p ennies 3 by the-Executive shall be exerted in a firm but conciliator, spirit, during the single termite shall remain in office, to restore the same liarinon'y ansink the sister States which prevailed before the apple of discord, In the form of slavery lig il ation, had been cast into their midst.' Ile knows that this pledge can be redeemed in but one way, and that is by, securing' to' tire bons:fide settlers of the Territory, if matters shoidd be allowed .to remain qtathey now stand, the full, freesi' 'psactietible enjoy taunt of the rights ittientled to lie grained pt (twin hey the-organic act, including that, of free aunt ire, and no on(' will eindeistrend bet ter than he, that nothing short of the sub man,u of those ti g ht., woad answer the pur pose, or satisfy the excited and vigilant scrutiny of those trim Will watch ercry step that IA taken in the matter,' Doubts were at one time thrown oat-1 know not from what quarter --in regard to the power of the Ex ecutive to give this security,: but, affairs , nod in tirogresa•shotit that these doehta, it they ever existed, have been dispelled. The Oonstitutknt makes it the express duly of the Federal Executive to sop that ' the laws are faithfully,axecutety and tte is •rlothed with_powere adoquaterto its performance. "Will Mr. Buchanan, if elected, redeem his pledge 1 I bellete ho ail!, awl theref,.re It will cheerfelly support him. All that min be asked of him is to do (Simi and exact justice to every section of t 4, cgontry---to •rxereise the high powers ;Tlft vl-lin h be will he invested to se c ure the object in view, is well heemise it Still lie right to IV go, as because there may be reason to fear that the existence of the goyermpent itself may depend iipoie Ids scenting it. So ime•li has 'seen snit in regard tei' the dangers 'silk which illl',4;11;011 is ttmatenell, a', to reelffire no inconsiderable;efiiirt on this mud of an earnest HA", ,b 1 Leitch upon the solemn theme, for fear he might WI saspected of • desire lo,ptostittito it to comparatively petty purposeS. llut all must admit It to be cer tain that there never was a perlotl in the 1 history of this Republic when sectional am , , itiosiires were so rife, or had, to so crest an ealyot, *tietlaseed the nuissos of the peoples, if t lie 1 . 1111(Cdr I'lW . ) , shall bete ht , ~,,g e1 ,.., g 1, to witie,tand these tot rent s of hitter waters, it will idlord the best evidence that the love of the uiiiiiii IS as deeply I lallf 054.4,1 11 1 1011 the All ICI IVIIII heat t as its ISOSi 81111;!;11111C tin lids 1111Ve ituagiiied it to he. 1 sec good grounds for hope that such may be the happy] issue out of our present alarming condition. in the prospect of :Nlrs• ISnehana n •y OCCUIIII. Ile is neither an uniried illiill or one of ordinary stamp. fil" has for a loiig time been - fay.u * - ably knoll ii to the pliblie se i I lee, and cool( s liefore the country with a character already funned, mill a mind throughly trained in the aeltool of expertetteak In regard to the Cu tore action of alio), a man, his constituents (Inc pot left to conjecture and Inipe, hut may form positive opinions. Ile loot t ciablishul a foreign reputation, in-regard to which he cannot fn ii to be solicitous. lie hos, with ehartwteti‘die rod IiVESS ' rebored himself Irmo Inv imputation Cfrtletng Influenced by it desire te conciliate any special or partial interest, with a view to a ro.eleetion. and his acts from misconstructions which the suspicion of being so influenced might en gender. That a man with much antecedents, mid occupying such a position, acting in a nuttier of anftleient interest to attract the attention of the world, and in the presence 4 afree and intelligent people, among whale lit _atm _tarsi Juml, ...m,! , ste le_ ftwaLtlie evening of hjelifi, Ilan - tail to perform the entire duty when the path that leads to it is so plain that "the arayfacing man, though* fool, could not err theno re,' in a VOIllialtillill (WTI that I am very certain can never be re alized." —The Boston ehruntrle is a paper weft sionally troubled with terrine visions winch partake of the appearance of dehrotn lie mins. In a late article, evidently written with a snake in his Innits,,the editor slim kr: •` Skull rtatrry ld (staid/AM in the Ftee Sales ?" %nate u4aux t 44. Syria g,liehl 4r F a 3 soothe ß 160 a}fri~htcd frocdoin 84riekyr later ails std lc Shall w' Import rnnlirx ihto Maxameli- Jaetta taw editor of the CirooidE Anost-to-oohnoolow ernd() l Nutlt tlnvon Vlct iolll% be alh)wed to e ,, ton to .litioton and mur der him h) hi.),l*4 ( xo, pretty riot, j to atuT papa will ace that no 'laxly httrta bitn, wad that. shariry shall are be eautib 'labial an th• frail litittAtro!" --The Hertford (C;nectinut) 'roars thus beer; tostinnitny to talents, experience, and exalted patriotism, of the Democratic .osemlioboto for fate Presidency " Ducbanan lad been ante of direction to tin/ cOnnhvy: and vet . * much cd it tuts been spent4n the country's service. Pew linen, even of his advanced hove Wee better tostivied in civil 'Sirs, or are snore ilineteioue for commending power of intellect. Wu toolt upon him and the coun try ant! the world look upon liim, as One of the n/400 and most ae/mmplish r e o k i m em er , of his age ; an ornament of his ceeeitey's le gislative he7le, and a respected, able, and dieptilicd repececntativo of that country tigu courte,Y , • ‘ - • ___ . ..i, PuthirithtflkkustotwAtioit+ epaprtbe *dole* ; . • Rthi4e..;—rtitikefii Mite Abak, - tharukushaidiKtloln -44...4104.0t r:1"411161i1- 7W/' f)ll , , m pei l ifilgt " ' ; W6k tat Nittlitt iow _-11(01ffiiretry'm 'Mak, trultanapolis, artithilt , h6O the lutliturof eitmit;'a • The riblgo ou. T Item. al e p 4 utyni',ttoutlLgaksie 1449 Culti Ley ri.„ntitriiig it titiiireiy untioOtiiigbry ehfour tho eircluLati ti n of iititAiti of tipubtful, in atitutioua. . . Tun AuterntviGairtte states that thr the three last yea ti 7 in which •horseflesh has been sold at Vienna, 4,925 horses have been slaukhtored, eh boo fe.imild;ed 1,902,000 pctutAii tall', distributed to the :poor in ,804',000 portions qf halt, a pound etteh. 'rho total produce of tho animals' meat and amounted te;'225,085 I" bracCora Tx Ititacohte.—A matt maned Ithiraccused a polsening a gpriog it( *se otaalty; 411iisouri, N.' 'lvitiell Ottltteun dhiftbiStiCiiiiiii to their death, lige been caught ,and executed. . ,POPTIIJAL 4.IYD PERAONAL.', ~„ .411eterean digt, and nine hundred old lino Mt of Lancaster county, have called on. Bu . nap declaring their intention to vote Ibt Win oil labor for his election. —llO Lebanon Adertiser aaya, that the 0 14 4ina , Ctay Whigs in that locality declare their intention to support and vote for ,Iniaee Buchanan at the fall election. —:./1 correspondent of tho 'Tuscarora Rrgig ter -recommends - Hon. EpLrnim Banks, tke present Auditor (ieneral, for the next cretic candidate for governor. ~..•The New 9rleans Bet, (Fillmore) my* the Democratic ticket is the strongest the Party. ciAttliputlarrorat_l_that Bilebasci is atit es man, a penot and s gentleman. hiss /lea turned up again. Tie is a supporter of Fremont and " canism" and has been chosen a delegate to the State Convention of the Fremonters from the first %Valli of Boston. —The sleek Island (111.) Argus also pill. limbed a letter Irwin Jaines Chapman, a lead ing . • - Mg hu Illinois; announcing his into - Lion to rapport the Democratic eandidate, the only national tieket in the Bold. ' —The Gospel says, " It V 0 one auliether." Mc. Beecher says "Shout -ono. ansugher"— and that he considers it a shame to shoot at a man and not hit him. —Of'the eight District Elector; for Ten. nessee on the Chii doctorial ticket of 1849, now living, tinware fit Dechanan and Dreck lniidge. --the , Hon. IL B, vrebk, Whig candidata • for Governor of 'Annie he Ibid, has written' Democratic letter to e friend which has , been puldhilfed nu, says be intends to act' with the Deineerstie party hereafter on ,tho• ground that it Is thennly true national party, tts voted to the perpetuity and prosperity of • the country. --.JIITYWR Salo, of Ciotinoatti, a Whip Presidential clurtor for General Scott. D i 1852 ; im a supporter or Mr. lluchanan ill tliiti COliktit. This 1.1,111,01 the third Scott el( for 111 Obit), n ho has espoused the ; Democratic tieing nausea_ - l'eno, of county, notT Charles Anderson, or 113111ilton. --I:Lra ofll'atilting,toa,D. C., wrilev to the triton: " I prepare to focit 6.2,500 that Jamey 11(1012114ln will receite the eke torhil vide of Indiana in Nolvenithr next ter l'reioilent, and alike sum that he will re eeit e a majetity of the elector ote• feu Pre , Pletit of the United States itt Novemts r iltxt. The two propositions to ho taken t gether, making. A 5,000 a side, to be put op of the banks of this city. Tie ti,ropoiittion will remain open for Len day - ,. Inquire at the //aim °Klee. Itheing the - true of this act not to legislate slavery into any tn. - filar). - of litste, inetr to exclude it there from, but to leartt the people thereper feet ly free to forth - and regulate LLetr domes tic institutions in their own way, sullleet only to the constitution of the Utott.l States." . • This extm4 from that wise nicasure, the Nu brsitisiteKaimas Lill, cannot La gam.- sayed. --R. R. Blarkvroll of Clairago, has .writio) a long and able letter in w•hielr he AlerlAnA himself for our glonous:noutina es. Borba pat k sud Brackinridge. Mr. Illsetwolll in well known as a talented and influential len pl., an able speaker and a popular man. Me was one of the Scott electors of ptinoia in 1.852 and was the Whig candidate, fir Omgress- Like all the lovers of the Union he can never Att 141R7 A knowing the Democratic to be the Kay ,tie t one! part?, he join* hintiretf with teed and enthusiasm to its consumtly increasing ranks. —Among other silly pollona.diaplage.d at a late Know-Nothing Freenout meet* in Mulford, IV ail the following • We nether knock. down Senators nor shoot Irish is 'titers !" (th ' you hang Senators in effigy Ant Avedom It( hism.h" in ('Joninillicor, and shoot !hilt sraT (lenniku vnlera in 17 inciwnlitii lioniaville and New ( Means- You bin'' , rm 15 rtiplingranYetna, " Ulf" waNkingl iti:Cithnlie instal:olom; r e '• Oh, 110 ! --- Nr }'orj !kills/ Niers."' - Alittogt vverhetly is familiar, tar the . Roicheater li iou , with the " drop gams iireo.tHeql by the sharpers bet 'their verattit victims, but Aiwa° ,are all thrown inter the gliaile by the ." Kenaski game." l'hotesands of dollars have been coliocto4 atiroir the Past srer, in, twerp port of the deaustri , y " generals," • colonils." from Katismair, mai iotititort Republican leed ins, under the pretence that they were to be given to the widows sad orphans ef, Shoe State mos who it was falorly represontedi hod bees "murdered In cold Wood" fe-theft Territory. Not one dollar of Ws saanely hes ever reached Kansas. Such in the ketimony of wel!-Intbrmed men in the Tomiteirrehose rosPeclahillty even the New York Alterting Poet vouches for. —" Put up thy sword !" said Jesus.. y;11 "Put down my church for tweet o. Sharpe's rifles '" says Itenry W. Bed r.. ---- "i,b.ay.';' .. , ?ot w. hero to. lay my' hstad " Mdil ' Jesus. " I have 0,000 pee annum Prom my ehurch, antielailre 110 somata a heads hi ear lisArtes;'' mays Moo Ward Ilaecdwr,, " I could 'mitten Igistes ot sitgadmy ,#l 4lll tOtscr,!" 1141 Jesus. : 4 i Its aft ilaetri c*: it atairsal ar4oe 44,7 arasialritirl Wed Isocillish-f---i • Do as you ernig4 he done by," said Jesus. "I mono pm messnd niut," f!tya henry Ward, ilrctief• .1.! . I • coon (I . the 111.telltalnitilt . ," &Ty); -Rey : ylic f Iliu 1.- ton, (A roko from the clmitantin • 4416 h, Oollege :) " Let thesmonlnn.-4 Is: tostoe,d7 tarwrialnikt 'rde - as 0*: isavatio iS be ,d.rinc sly. ~ 11 , , ,„ —We ensure our • Mende in other States, that the • Detweereta of New tharrOhito, uglugti tlitaper hQt, , MiFking no mash ' l ofea as thistr opiroionloo t iridowahl4o,, 4- 4,lve and deterunned as at any previous Pres peuthd election for the lan thirty years, .and further *t they can't be beatest.-,-Pirna moulb.-ov 4). —The Goepol of St. Beecher.--qi - o - ye ,Ihto all the world, and slipot, the 'Koppel, at ttery creature.—Chtidand plaindeglee A (iiewttoirik from , Oub*, witry itsio • pliMenger Ort the New, 711.ori it a . ). Aultikit 4 t 1 : 1 foot , ;olr the talk*, i s osaortai reoeifod 440. fad returned titaajcslhe did not, visit tburcountry of no'' but patio su two yam, '"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers