61 MMMI lOT r* , : , • ' ; • II 0 tic DemmOtieWat won ilutovAlorAkstiirt. Thu Ihincieratu 'lra/tArtsie.it fur ,I,lmAppreach" fog r;z10.,;t1,1 i,tavi33to at, 812.riberiiotta ' alatuly lifter the Devi,rittie nOutine- , .t.h?.;, et the fullowlag low•Valta: * .1 C py- - • 00 cella,. 46 • Co,ilrt • 10 00 40 4loplle • - 115 YO 00 41.4}04r - 1 / 4 10, 00 the rJem . noreay Central Veamiylvat4 wi9hing • Itatl6r, , ltiltl 'have an , • t opportun ky 14 11 k 116. mo fortim cainraign ati 'lo)lo)r.e.low.T ., n"cey 311Udi aotorupasy4e`4looer • , or*T7,liotomat. Mdrfres, ..:110$0r Voltrivrrite, ttar frieu.fi ei,tyiVll'elo wl It o'ar7r n favor by it t Aerttsgag thomaeli ea Io gottl.1 1 ; up altzb4 for the annpacip. -"A cot oftnt Iho port of the ' trialirfa 01103' imat ho the moans of I ploofiti *nand ,flutancratir:. argument within the 1 teeniest (*bey man. , I Zite calattiunan. 'Pr it AWN JUFTICS trl ALL. 11111Kiti 1141154 ' Iknrrong .• 11)(rW''It" • ' , • 14*-101i)"' No,it Maas Alootigg l a of, the Dcmoarata • k • ' .l7.ta ri AltfUl dad :11 , f i S 4'r A* l ni, lll - A A4 4 Ori sf*iptintylvaiiifs 1441. 41.1 441,0 fir in fvtvug yft.hitrisjli&fTio Vitotov, into ,1,14.11ty Ptidlttertirl 111. n iosio ovr loilimpietocirilltit Oho infla orootio. ot tho Cix,oaLi t LLAton . , RIO entAkW• it up in I. - i idro eeptirtiittO,..; ooarf , ntt bolf I.rtif). „r fld . . v o i 9 ,„, or • r,,,co,ruity uultfln.t tt,„t %eh ,ISICTIX4.II Will I?, Lehi ot the r.inoioi of ilia fart .fv lit'ttlf A.. 1 NI Ra ProeiLlififft, JOHN 1114LCIi1 ,S RI DUN 1. ti,a • ft - At ritlist+trhrlnt•lt(; (`,,ooty, un of I ode., k , •kkti(k the ti v iift43 Ltio 1.11,; ~ t ‘lt At t•At r. rai. rolinty, it. vcr,pm 276,411as.otAtOtoot, 1R56. to.f LIU it,ll, - )1 •trti , it 1.., I u" .) PIAI * ST) VY, the 1 Iv.( 4 optorlihrr -A ifl .ltitwi.hnteuti'te. vu L4)- , !!‘ Nal/A 441 v 4114 of zirpo)iiro r, Al tt ITt l:w nrf, TrUIITY, Mtn tp,t , olN thy tft oft.) on oil at 1111J.A1 1 )„.1,i'411.A., 1711 i oi f. ',her. I q;',4; ' ArioIN or v 'of 't.4Aop ttart of Ow Oftuititotuzik tho I.urto.l 5 4 141.kk. - • I•ll3alJKlikt 1) , rAki, I r 4 , tlr II It ~t A. 31, 4, Trill ho ,r , trt at tilt illr tneclto7l , to ad fifis ifintr %flow Oil tetii • r T 1: e rt r, com Deinoustic Conventon -3,ESCM - WAT - Sack Th'&,llau TT At , iii 1 VIiCS, nit 'A I II Intl.' hle 1111111 , .41 a vaa.6401. fur -an v . ) - ;"1 . 2Cr31, in a ~,1 1111111111,.i Will, 4 le, h i . IkytooeNtie'ettitte. l'otittA Cul* nlit t 0..., 1.4. • 'wet/4 a Ustrialpir= a r4.1.4,1;Auil v..1.5...191.ar a Icy 411.. Kate* urAt. heat Aviv. Ole . 14,10 Cum .21tvin, illaziathie 4U4.41.1441 f 1 ,11 .4 it( , W1 . 1).N1 11" kl ' , I NI 1:.1' ti• • 4004 *-~1., w 1.114,..t.1.03 a LII.I.Ltd /Li do hur ej , kr l Uernl, t.,iJl tlio ,I...1?1,1 y 1/11. •U 41,0 of 0114 Rett.ada Ilte - Dtmlivroft.. ...,;IP; 1 , . )rportinlly rt9....n -f. , the Iv r• abol neehYMlnt t; aril Cha lhnvervAii mlittod. . . , JO/lAA 11 iiiti;sil.,,Y,Citittrmrtte, Q, t 1 ;11, lit t r,l, p•, jketr4etthellet'ti.iereaie Coitlity t Itnnnnittt r. 0.1 1, ”f ho I lam, erntin Contirt7 nr l i•tit7u " nAtirt in tho itorno4l4 of It, •, T,,, 1)=.471.bub. vv rtai ocr Afu I • zoo tiot • et . ItcrtritrPmr TirOhlobtp, —A Meeting of AligthoV:orsen MOM' a 07pti , TIC MOIL 41- Wila MUIR 6440 • of 13.tt 11 , onvr1k, Kt, ft . :thus:l2/w othin g , Au g ., !1, 0 14 er',4Dek Arouse, rig II 111 y our ninght ' A ,onntof_r of epeaken, ad•treel the merll,lK 5.1 A N'T 1,,,..4,110./P.LA, will kr, 13. Id at tilt , CIO) otemalArtllgsy Nth. Ity 1148 PYttott To NAD.44.l.nd CUR.!: 1:,`; DENTS K Aahli a lar_ee :umber of eonume erfferaftearo wilisals ire kC(:lliait) I ay pogponr,l lof a , prr e tamailer draf v;em,n',feitr 41fmk/ft. Firditquir lota, I 7,,puct the 13.1.ortag luau. Latok-:7414.114 froulttiti.Liott of the , w uulth of every country ; and tilt, het , tattoren, of thtt Ntwrtkc Eraurre re pect kth for their pr ,liity ing their intelligenee. Ifs aven forhol that I shot:Litt:a° ahem wrong! Or 1 1 11 the r u m , tries ma-d:mirth, we ought to luau al& wort. consideration for the labcrint; num.—Jaws Buchalaith Ilrun43oaant4 MNitWdin 14VeAtnOite land codloty4 S., Of ma itutrilve of Wa ilifu and bttrthgherhogy, wird iltar ' 'i4n. teneo o . 63.44it a r ronxtged Sttiaitl4, pa V44 , - day nigtilaolllllbksiail. 4440' 11 4 4 ' 13 'Z; Oh r , *it lied tildettior abia 441.1 *4 • &ail inhitiAt NW, whicti mi purird to Tnefiltly . ,tr unltlyttht of Or sitoemsbch,l,l,o. xa acid. • A it - guitar lastaarta... -Caltheril to • A I bar ti , a beggar OA 044.1ke4efilor, North grind, fist' Ori her eifopc>la 41,?4 , 0 1 ) in gold, vilrt.r, nut wcre . Nand; together %all vvia.ll,lr. of her owialtrgildantittlan In litnducky,atnl t reoty shares of failroar stock. Around her holy was a belt fall 4 gold attiu., entoitcui.4.- Tbe lb& tt:tr- DIM anal his attoi•neyn itnso 44141:vetted in i procurimg timo-nuassatt of two-third.; of the Comiadjuntt mslitors to his dischnrgo, leav ing the Anthtrr l thtril to,lneellinte• (*pail . 11. 1 °T4PMAIAuttatAint,1 , ur (hp lacq. iluve4Apt,..l.()nu of OW MCksi bt.ttipg ficis of th!;preisiat, puJi4icul uatripaizula tho ou pork . ef the 41p tliitling.,O4tougtiOut AN 'a forty :00211f earecr, ai4 I public marl, q ty peroottal point oorooltielt to il.t.tihik him. •, • , Air' IOW" f hie &stow I.ilthster - national Vhf Oir= t116 4. 141")1ymi ticket . ; and . utulleOpcs UfAl tluttp 4ocOt " 44) -16 it.' Zu? ~,65 ,4 ,14 . :fir0;10:4, i c df uo mortumatunows las otoppea. • I -7 2 1 V777'r 2.A.11, TIIA_, :1.. A. trr illt , it . itiffol . 4lla:Mai raised let itlsok • 4 10 411 cif 1 :01 410 f ri lp + V gI v OY! ISl4mtl / 4 • lite Am* , la eiggehtapotobilto acpspot tha patty who rattetrit.:,34o4 itotrelutlalf of t the proper eloooo'' --- . I= ME MU PIM 2co oliGtpr pir% Ylf E COL1:11 1 Il i .1. ,, ..;:, , ArylPr ,S(Xl4"ll`Ar±! . ~,.. 1,3 ~• ' ' 'l.'" ~."11 , , ''''Wdf the leanttaf the 4Vyiatop• dr.iho • • / . K r. . ~,, ~ A ,r ., , .. 4. 'IV 'par fottner oArntkiable, I% atillo o , 117,4 tin Alf: clique* th ...ado*d .}hat ;t: ' 41:1C I platitirint its ti.crir'ilenianded 'Vy'itice 'llo,/8, 444 liromnlgated.ltrinciples auitiVl to the perso.naliition °nine:Limp& ahvnafites etA.nlititks, apresOlit tlrri tmelyca t0r,t.11%) . ' antry, fountlitAltOr‘litg titn'n447lfithqii toren in polities, who •,verc ready to imibra , :e any orgartizatinifilmt pmmiscir notoriety-- and reitiy,too,V promulgate , ari, priochlilo , ronxiiiiir,,,tbe ain ortlir<JOrMtrlir arty.: Al litMg aii.thi Whig varty \v ll ' 43, toircjior bittllgie, limbo anti ipatioSp of : st OitY,'the •throbt wiiiAlessed witii 4116 'stif itilsoMO ;iflo7v,o,c_Aii, - iong as ilir great . . ., !iirebster thrilled the country t% its liitiappeals for the Cousittution, the 1/ctimeracY hid a foe worthy of combatting, and ; politica: row to the dignity of IC Science:" "tut the ditstli of these two great li odors of Whiggery, was Lill: signal for diniiiiiiilmi ini iit.. That party, held together by the influence of Ilmse men,' lost its prt..qtig - e itml ltd power-,it lost TR" renown for,d,ignity -its celehrity fur intelli goTr7Q —to become itt la , ,t the toy of &ma grignen and the iire.,y of sectional preituliet , .. , 11:11'1 , 13 p4rtj ,V, ..,.51 ' tornkeit for dm most ItodomlAo rkpORLH, ithti Millotth*o l ttlllll4. aill?rovy , f 0.11,41t0 piincipl:l i‘ll1 -eh ittstnl, , lit 4.4 i adopt -we are eciit'iperieil 'teat kniimilbV , tliitintielligonce of its leaoors, :6(1 the relietet I;iiiility Or .I.Ti c ir follou ers. I)lkintinhOiekt now, the . ititelligonre .. ;(Itle'h .baltirt ilt , nitiA l'ln'Y' anti Wel,;:t:r,"l,4tter tinter the titirnel aid ofTiuchatiati. In (,iCrylit'afr, the ITti?on 'hiving 'iling--;, nro'bohl in klit.fr avo t 44r - of a preference fur Buchanan a...18,,,,!, , ,,i'fief F e I.• unit ',Milts . 4, 1 11:::1* -41111.p.ernents of th,:, i' - inor ralip i,:utfnrpti Ap'he fact is neitlitt litiallgt, net 1,,,r) 010 ca planation. It Proves that the n id p.iii odic ,clitinwnt of the holm to is entry ot the agitation of elnitieq , EZE (1.114 that tho hitAl'opttiv p which slit 11 a liitttry oh the count:Dr twenty ye :ITS 1%0, 14 1101%, 11111.11/111, 1p 1 , 115Vri;l; flit. nation frtmi the tlopoattaiirt; iylls of Kriweution, anti metro tenipLudotta wentlg i in the shops ,tt of loco k:Wom to he p( rt,uialotyif the (Am ttitioion, the itt'strtie:' Lion of I.att: , atNereighta;stl all ,atJk0.4cu..i4 , FL.4410 - Ip, the (Ilieinnz‘tt of mwtarian and lireckutolgt; Were ,ceti., kto Lea lonta-' 'lkeous .1 , 411 c UV the out of then of inatliCe intelh et and huge ( X rt. I to ially nod( r the lh mo , ,!ratte, tetaiolayel. lu l'enutt3le• a tila pactio.ilarly,alitate 9(.14,14 at( d for Its states nu u, awl 1,41.1eknl lei tho intelligence of ritettopixtple, tflobt of theta heretofore in (fop, , tymt fit arta r , now openly n4"01049110-4v 1#18.4.tc0a1m...ft.4 1/IN, the 4.311\ L, spit it prelnils, lead ing Wh',.pt, Int% qt animosities 'are 3o Hue.; to Ilya 1,,e, of countiy, and 111/IMS! kly eailmutting to the .le tlids the feellt.a , t tutliienco of Dureritic in , n MI.11111.1'1.11( to (111 h , Virieinia, hag not Iqrgntlion,ll"trarteant dery tint' to I,tcroocfacy: nil sr( ma r( iin igoratt el with a newt spirit to -aitian .1•44414:11 1 t 10 / 1 14 a tint juuCil efictih . [4 hir heeth-.4.14 , . .4 aft .Ihzbn'-.lerfeT,' lino th'• PA , 11l to (11( \ attailie, a univt veal and-, au 'iami feelp.g prevail, to smtnin canelidate ‘.llll, It( VII the ir tt hole liter tar the Ite,t interests of their country . , anti proiciplot f , rund to to: inn -,...enee of the purist 0144 it of the constitution. Lie another eolutaii of this paper We pelb- Loth ihe ietniirablet speech of Lton. ..Tottliti Aaudah, fe to sect to New York. at a hate meeting of theiteinocrary. Mr. It. ill known Aertitte-peorlie-of Pesm-eylvaviterti ,hr:;!blning uneof Wq.u.K4Liittelligent and aril( 14 support (rs of Henry Clay. lie VI as always a)1 Mg from pitneiple, mod with the progress of I,tiuelpic ehi erfully.nnd manfully arkra. l e•lgeli that he thuds 11111.1.5 el I in the ranks of th. , Itenotera , y. IVe forbear all furl to r to the t , p( e( htx Mr. Randall Its ta.maal wilt tctuolY repay the reader. Piz I: ,IT() Nl' A D AA: rrid:s.l 1.4 • 'Whor l t'. Fremont Was i•oiset-max tisTe.l an l rrn,lnereil; he weal to 'al:foram ag all a Is ontiiet, tin(' IT his sin oulntiono eut_l)o of"tho Mariposa larch--a seon,m of er,iir.tt7 ',NOWT OA CIO MOM Val• tial.le for its inire , ral pm - fit/notions on Alas clnitno were contested, lett coldly-null by the triireatit Bois t„,,apit hii; notoriety, for frenuirmoioareulthscr,kliatu. I tifed% A lk.elolatn4 OA' kinitforatis, that he `dit•Ffcicrtt) -- ow tvpubilitsMci iteesto= tre'itougiill;aCtOtietistil leserellffir 4tOMMlClii stte' ht 4 them ttet . .surer Orve(l a itrArniittoo :' never mole t‘bOlt andentlT, 'fb,Lei I Rte fitlYeW isles** , 1 -tensile* t onrti: FittOntit thelltec etniltit licsnrenta, (116 aarhri fogillOirrPy'itt drhuditur alt .Atnenorri' Senate tittif tfittiti itstri-iiidint the pad Spnnilnit of 'Crelifoustie., he bonghtily - gerted y , aton peritinimi tete through the trenok - alaifcplA : pf and .Yew York ; to Europe mn the Iloublo rapt city of a Meld jbbla r nod mineral allOti.tiety, awl there, for Ina aiiiiurity, his icipadoli,ie and not hill int,ttort., to mid Inimgelf i n ' a ; common fail. Fi elm alt tun..-riot.. oven the shrewd:lei; of the eelebrated kit llarsoh, nor Lai he the ono. ity of Mu brave mien )VtlOgO valve he as poorly copied ; and out of whose dcietlsho eftultes to elaise capital for trio rAln~hg ProrakolUal • cusapeigla efrintnin prrition la. rho leglslatoro . Vrinett 'llOlOl erlAuntr, via* irocupcibus farce an 4 Lii aspirittkrns to steett?",ttio , .iiuhuilirronlinii in 'went; it'aealtheitiwttuiti .611141 , fend Elf estitukatigno and lin itiAgiumn. wo u iti region ru yeikoi IhunocrAtie rule. relidrro 'Usti nntivo. TIM FIRST :UN . % If/41 0 , 4 4 —Pit , firl,o s lor pow Mitr rvelv v ii at N'ortilk ttild eek of thtfriiitil.'ll l / 4 011-)raitg, rsitairia: it iu saitittir4V4i}; ., .c tvc , elleteltAllty dlc tin; iihititil4lol4o. rot 50:' : n; Tara CP MICE gipla;47 Vit o)dt in Aq, ( 3" OlJjtjai 9pl the•pinadiow got, Ity whiqb 111 4 tite SliAYekse4 ril4Pa' Wavoli,m,catrto, may 4u rai;ri!e4l 44; t - the Irmt(-4!4tuteg: EMS rf ' 4 ti - (_ ME ' t • , .G' •s' /=2t=a2l ' - -Vo • deal tut week yeti- briefly to the oh)feringireospCats . 4r Itbnulent - g 'amps ttriit sea*,..a#4 in doing. uo, tohifienkli k t1;k4 . 0e7e11,( tigntus to pros thitt: that ItriiiTicu - ,Av041 ,There, than amply rever t* constnuer, thi:errliorbitant ronniltd by the pro4ucer', !.tiri!t . e7l.llo past tiarea-yartra4.. We „Irrkyo,.,bun wyAten,,to compliniag terms correspont 1010 betraypelyalitiVe ill Le r9ithi 14044: 4 4j (tat autfi 9tetcenegMt tVezv utifaiVy Add' i r Ale veld wealth degettOttpult a_hjiljn i .... .rate tkiutrtiaed Wall ree.4N - i 1 en • - tuiiti Itroaotio9. It is very evr ever, that such 4t 114116041 Ni ipecgt•Cr•riggll ..,I f litat.4o nopiro_laltcr, is ceragellyd tofflh,til su.that to the inereirse of speculation, 'That moment (lie happiness of a free people de preciates, and the wealth of the kotnitry is roiled in, the hands of af w. This asser tion is t.i.Waint il by the Ilia thrit,..t he unpre cedented ii,,.. in . Itreailslalf, timing-the last I'm years; was a blilliin to tiii` 11 . 1fISSi :4 or Iko,people, and in nurn,yltratances, an injury to the paper cur/lmy of the country. It stimulated hive:4 l .lmill ton degrecfar lieyond ditteretion, am) in the reaction Illrinli is ta. icing place. a re,acLit'in produCi4 by tiny won derful 'bounty of owl; the niore - depetate speculator x dTbe enticed to inolle'de'spetitte' ineaua .to Make IV his lOgßen. Th 6 grain civil) of like coining reason %%Abbe alattdant, aryl thp.t‘ OM ahlyntlance iir irst of all "delft : tied 4r, those grow 'rich on the' ltiborit:of olltur# by speculating In the tieCetrldty of the liktitilt. We slateriin the article; to - which. l oar correliripts‘aleol'ijectiotta'that fvhcrti_, Would Lill to thelianre of one - &liar, - slid ' 'irwit ( 9 4. igiAj -(tutu cents per bliAel ; i ix tti 1 its would le plcaaen to haver . :soinee'xin ii eneplquitiiier to show us w e arc !nista., ken . , that at that price he would be making from tuf.sll.)' fi v e' Ili 11111"ty-M . Ven and 11 hair wets cleat PSltit wt li bushel. 111th all Shyly; (arta of an abundant cop, and so far a Prepijjtut station, bottle or the !rills in the (vaulty are ,ashim r ; from one dollar tri. one dollar and twenty five cents per luishel for at heal, and in many iintiattees they complain thin those uncut are not2 i timntrrathe. Wo gave heard of flour beinj , lyanspor tea from Ily, Joyer yin} of the county, passing these, 4auio,iuills, and cart ird us far as Simi% -Shoe , tr , ttiphip, and thus Sc !ling at from rix,stid i half to seven dollars per barrel. What . ' wit wl,ll to impress upon the mind Of our !Inters by 01.1; sir:aide datum nt is, the fact idle spi.ittlator II nil s hitnst If in a position ter pe i rpet t ate any ;Mi.:Afton, and tic Kish to warn the onnywur :x:Rtust any false rumors of. failure in the crops, or an r xpansion in priors. nod has blessed its with a butnlanee, .a.rirl-thrit aleinficinoeirelonget-to-the-peetirle,---1 in: int IV ICERIti ,qlLrm vi) The boat nee of the sincerity of those wino have bet it th.;tairbing the harmony of lettudalitim itud peace_uf the country, by All uwaaltrilintiftwi.nee rtlthe ikon ciutarrntg el. iiitulais; is slut%n by their at .11 dy opposi. Liam to the bill (...f Mr. 'fotonlej, of ( reorgia, pivadrm-for the *dim ablOri of thalyerritOiy . LAW the sistirlioud of Statca. 11r. To”lebs, in lea bill, rt a , In the 1 . 11/6!: llw const,tulion, iilatiiig to the foiniaLoli of lieu States, and only dt niamb4 n hat has been friurraiitriti to other Commonn:ealtlet on the pnutiiples of Stale. soeirtigigy ; he leaves the formation of a Constitute n, w ith' ail t h e legal resit ictionl nine,' it beings, to the peulf of Kansas. Mat the Constitution ohould Le formed by reptc , a thL-ael.usiLiaitilapti-or ism sass nod prt.pont% to rand a committee font both branela of l'oilrePs, equally comp,- apt] of loon foul all sections to pro,•eed to Kansa., to fairly oil such eleehunv and prw'teilings. Thia fill was not only pro .pist and honorable" by John I'. hale, of Now llAllli,3lllrA`, Mort" than Ito expectvil, and yet lie toted against ltu a d., ! ,0, 11 , and his lute was eisloramil by et t.ry _lbolitunt iiiiiither -in the &mate, They %%mild to the dictates of tie e, and manfully allow thy people of a di,- taut Tt rrib4y the right to form their own lawn, and clioc.• their own because it Icnelid mb Abolitionism of its thunder, atul ffeilec the frantic assaults of Black Itepettiltennism ort the flimatitntion, The !wapiti' cannot longett tie ittrelyed, nor tinq fringe's- ituttnit Ito the deceit of these modern "liyinxstilivit.• 'Mailitiottisto needs and aint.4 Mittiatti in it state of confi• Rion ; 12Yery dr7rp ilf - birsatatted thertatty balls frost nth s ulut.h their stoner porehased, they nec.l to 1 . ?1 . 11 Intote betray a peopte into the attpport of . Pretriont t tiny need the shrieks of the wutnen and oittidnep of thri hardy pioilkcer, fJrtih9Atypet4 of Hint ttng the nemocritie Dotty : tidy, need the ogeial anarchy Irtrirh they have created to itiract from fltemarlyes wrlinacrittitticiitl t 'btdtVeiti-neti odium. As we MTh ropeat-, devoted,edtl tho people of Kansas, tlie lifted?, bobd and- peravvering settlers - wtsi seeks the foreat, I, crvet free altars, and pc :o • i•frIl homes for hintrtelf and children, )i'erer fulerl nor does not need the aid or tub ference of Sortiwrn panic lank - Lim' All Jai asks is what Mr. Toombs tattling to grant tho right to form his own coninitiititin in eatiiiiinitni'o with thnt of the conatitution of the -the right to Ammo !two for own goternment--the rieit to come into sbo l~inuv, * ini nn ettneitty' tirlth dist of other nu,} the rip+. ,to 'thir 'protection. of p7etptety::. ~tEhiri • ie OfICICII to them by n Donocratic soda/4440 19y k:v Err 41)0614idrot 11 0 4).Vid.4eniel rkery.iiiii4krlione#l4444pTro iti I , 76lroretdidsal4 (limy, • his QW conclusions and judge. "r himself as :t9 iOnberiiirof-tivisti +0404. q laborin to stake Kass& wi1t:41 , 844W. - 'll-Piteteettssr • V.& 4titestr.: 7 -The r eiftellerd hose been throwitAnte,grsate4sito iistett in posstquesoonf the receut,lotter of orho'klen. , .Nl4lol:l VAIP nottoti,to th° ToTP - , - iiiefety irCelew York.. It is,m4isstti;rlT litodeeitert End ei. kimei:rful ere, u n too , vote -of Ntiw Y,1014, at the reepfiSs i siectiop. It is neksll#k;liottoPo to sex,ihst ttitr,9plitltyssosirts craticeallaiilates: ICE f t : •,. , )(REP IT' II EFOIM .'I 11 - E l i.E 01'1E. 4.IV I ,III.,tI4;CIDEIV T -ON 'l'll : NORTH 0, , ~ , I'EN SYLVAqIA KAI :o4D. Itot the crititoilkinqo the, Deindn'atie '., ..c•C ?•', , ,„ .14.. • e ,11' J....' •., One of tlttt mitt optddlimk ralliOn ' etiatt.;" pall it, Ceti ro,nottrity.bre diihted in th ~ . 400-1,,t men,4ol nneertain in their ad/ ant , which ever• secured in this. erntry , tjtirof Viiiiotlef. catunid by tr,„:4lollision of twoy.iiii)s 0 1 , the Vhilit rho 13Mittente .eliquis are nets iltvlu 14°11111111- ""St i-viinil # l ." l " 44', c ' , *' I t" en ded by- fear of exposure of their duplicity of t'i jin ' sku trntni'vil til six l'Ui l tY ea tiiri lihtn one hy.the other. ' {' attached to the Sunday School of St. lichael's Catholic Church, Philadelphia. That tpe'fr'ond le Fremont labor for his g $1 0 4,th.,4 hofr , a4 ,4 ,t 41 7. bdieve hi m to b o 4 fire This train left the Shackauntxon,depot et o'clock, 11 Thursday meriting, with its glt itt , cotuzliariner an NEM ler. , Thai 410:4404460.d mountain Fithnoro „,. ,t , s tir N or living. freight of happy childrand. their par- i tf free Slatga af4aurhite•slnves; opposed to rots and 'teachers, lOoking^formihml in nulled- Ili,rielorttol4bewia.4-sziirrdon, yet very. °Use. p lynt ,x iv ou i . 1 on Dolo„n tuns pm _ Whitemarsh valley. The exculAcin Nits so palion of the pleasures and enjoyments of a • , . day spent amid the beatillicil . Ac6 - fies. of 0,„0,,t,„ S „ a „ii ) ,. „ a t„ 44 ,1 b y large, there being twelvf hundred tickets sold 4 Know.„.oThin,, 'Oro hope or docelvilig that it wan divided inlet two. trains; the frst honest Denmernts. carrying hi X hundred perions. 'lt tt a:4 under . That Williern L. iiayton voted aga i n st th e ti n t charge of Alfred F. lloppel, one of the 21(111441Am, of Texas, no t e d w ith c,,rwin i n regular conductors art the road. Owing to opposition to uunlshing: supplies to t h e Rimy , the 11111111)er of persons in the eau A; the train during the•ltt xiean %lax, and openly defend- tins etelayed beyond the time appointed for ed the frandsand specurialois of the Taylor it I'd Start, hence the speed met increased to and Fillmore dynasties. nudie up the time, tuba lost . : ." . 7 That the fiends. of all these randiulatet; , At a few minutes after six o'clock, the ifre now - trcat ng for a union of forces ut the e' ( "rsinnints rentle ,l Vat"l ) hill, near Fort hazard of a saurifice of principles, — lll'ashilighni, semi+ thirteen miltht front Phil- That the Ilitliefonts cliques RN; ;' 1 •411g1illg ede,liddit, and ivliflt Pas, , ,ing aromol,the curtlF in their EIQOCI.4 4011111.3 to consummate these ILL (44 poifik, and Pie trade being also bid objects. ...,, .hy a deep Cid, Plepeonioti - , • while tiftlni , , 1.) , That the 'Struggle commenced, f ind flie tile train ,at the rate ofthirty„,miti4poihour, , first blood, wafrabea on tell karemunt of -,the earn!! iii c ull Weir* wi.t.h.,Ne '4o6wprtVeitit7 l Arcade: .i ; , - tintip Which left - Clwynedd at ,ltio'elOcit;and Thao at o w 149Qd *l aud in ,Claws can ),,: ,widely w as • undeV le cliaigt: 4 "# Ar.: n t r hi.' trtuterl.to the twon ity-ive titmice(' preachers Vanstovoren.. Tie eigneess on OA Gins who drsitersted*Oir 114Ipits by appeals f u r (Minot eve the danger tintiltley4ere With , UnX9Y 11 . kutchativ Ilvwto knives arid Sharpe'; In one hundred yards of mid: other: : ihe I.rillal4. - -......... * ' • bretilts were linmediatefiy tuft don ii and Pit , .....- That the first a 443 -01. ALZglaa'uidti in kansas engines reversed, bult - nol in tined to break ~ was ecolutattal Ls ragout Abolitienistii, ti lid ani force . 0 3 1 .4 cninon.qnn: sou to tinfrrce., their . I,l: ::. 4E :l l. l tl O ci,..:lr ti , l l ;4 ll, 7 t in , i l i ii : ,: :: )l ti .i l gn e i t t • t x. tn e r: i : i ac iis ii. i ii , ,, ) , T r ; an tl in :l .n i i i i 7, ll: t dst ot h ) ,:i ni ,it and , steel. , - -,, . ' - , That they provoked acted. by I efll,lllg to whom to the will of the unnjou ley, nod enu- gerol!s wounds. The engineer, lilt.. llenry g-ated to li.4tusv;e, nut to moire it the l ug lw hislkim, rull bctwe , enlhe engine timl tender of peace and tricatitir, butt with the avowed am o its alluo-Ainbtantly billed. tuu oof the purpose of inakitig it atl4trire of inn, rob- eviir.,mil ears were broken to atoms, scat - t 'f i' i l u i t ' t ' el g el t t h irtl r ue lk e• i :u ' i g ifu l Zam a it u n i 7ho t rt he cir gr o7 l tth d e bery, 11E0ml-died and noir& r. And N 1 all all the ma:mutilated sins, OW ti foi i . : o c tl i ih ):• eihi l i v r.:l :; ,: ra : l ; o xi f .n( t , h err e tu e s : l 7 l,:dro w t:ti t i : ti, re ,etinyt :t tiumw, : i ll icnw t a i ii r ii i• I t i , o , n gi e:t x people suru ~,o fs t t lf l ' i i:i e nt p n i t e y 4 ai e of t...a t lLd i ( t, ,o u t t o . fonts ensue—bmr bet= fret: love altars in adoration, and patiently submit to the de teem, endeavoring to flee from the burning tAreation of their interest, the ili,gr.ree „i ears tu ere sufthented or burnt to a crisp.-- their heinestratl, rind the loss of honem, Among this number was the pastor or the names. Church to is Lich the Sunday School was at. tnelied, Father 'Sheridan. lie watt VI badly diAtureel that hie face could not he recog- I=l 'That thrse, lame cliques, each ()rob pledged to support of thtleient proriplei ar Nterctly s WOlll to the ovei thrust of the thiu ocratie'party - . • They Lin o betrayed the -4.lte*ltArief,- sciitlitir to Wtoth-• ingtuua mitouuteharik and it hypocrite. Ilitye exhaustul llte ti castity cif the mummy 11,y inc,retiod official Ciei•itlatioii. They htive increave.l taxation, Without iiicrtrtsiog• public eoumerce. ,They hive left the borough at the there) Of the incendiary with all of God's advanta gte at their einninand, a system of eApin ilitr„r-by-lintie &trot awl oxp nary . , sills. "They ►rave used fraud hire th,ehoo failed to keep them in power. - JO II Arf PHA RC E Tim vet) U 1 .4N A 1 \ 4Vr rind by the proceedings of Congtru:s Bunl our rcrcreca reirven totivv, Julio J. l'eari . :e, has turnol up again, by tnking n conspicuous putt in rho exprri- I gam of Mr. Bryoks of Sr!uth_y - Lrylipa, but au net eonitiiitted -. maxi& of the I onse, and purely of a personal eharaeter. We do not like we, the editor" Of the free lo C organ, approve 'or pugilistic argument to nettle a diSpute, nor do we,'Tillo.• Mr. l'earoe, believe In bribery ~to ttaln a friend yet Mr. Pearce should be the last to rise in poigment ageing a man of .honor and a em presenta tive of moral courage. Mr. Pearce com m. wed his legislative career as a borer a ca , spia‘i of TCtinii-Nrriliing Abohlionists, and the'facilo tool of tlevai n ho improved on hiB ignorance by llhlllg him aa; a medium throng?' which to perpetrate tin it I gisla til e crimes ile turns up now as a Daniel 111 - -thr people of the Xlith rongre,,sional. District have tts mulch reason- to I...proud of Pearce'e congres.kional career as his luaus follower:: have reason to boast of his purity as n 'real:her, lira dippoity to a mono:m[l+los raeity a, a Christian. There is very littlet dilh.renee ETOt\TCRIS P,ATCollfigi UrtAl)44, only that 1/1130k% will bo rerwleti curtbully by [ Ma tmuttitt)ents and returned to ,Conipees, while poor koesxcu, the ouNeel, of ha col. htlttgnes `contempt, acal 1111 i COMAILI.I.I2IIk WWII; will scarcely be welcomed i that re ' Atrelient wrivthltia n'Ortllncy iu religion and anit' his Puif4twu in WWays. ,wtllcuu.sigu , Mos. . Ict! !pi ay I.IOII}YING. —Tin, Roanoke Pitmac)at, Halifax, North Carolina, of Wed nesday last, says : "Mr. rsanuwl Keter, of this I'lllll4, 1014 his little eon lAA Wednes day by lightning, and, ttrange to nay, he was sitting beiWeen two ilerhOlA ip the door of a house with bin hand in the lap of alady, and resting himself oil a- young roan. The child Was killed instantly without a percept ible sear. The }wing man %as throwtt senseloxif, hut recovered, receiving a burn &Wu hie haoht,to Ina knew/ s fitenoo the , fling penetractcd thus floor,. 'Aloe Youue. ladY. liamiiniailf . otorrflOali for a dif,aqutiou, Of , 459 Union, afejl i the krovolencagf i J.) Post t,4,t II .'rphatiou all the. blort.)/trn . 9 ;./40/4,1,,nqr1a; kiitit sent out by ale i, 4gpni.q of: the' Atneri4tio 0044-31avery S.,.. ; iet,y, with tbey.ba signed OKI 1,91.1 t to...Mr, Vale, ,fr. IVatlo, Alr. IYilxon , .slr.Nowai,d, 'or „Mr. Ifeaneudaos fur proauptation to the :senale, of to Altman:. (Liddings, Durlinggame or , coni- Use, lor preaentation to tho 11ouae. It 'is charged and not denied - that ‘rtoininent Re publicana in New Fork have aigriect the4e t'. Af (MONK IX C1.141111.111107TY.-74 111110 imbed Wm. Ill!, *as 8 110 ,44r!nagli ' Cho brtatavoiriVoilacallav,, July Yttl, 4).LJAc.III, l'fonts. Prouty 1 in jail at lock gaven, HMI 1 II(' 1101% n train escaped with but little damage, pas ittlio6Aly hurt, e N:Cept. Edwards, he ; bagga:,:e who had -ono of hoe 'broken, caused, we undersland, by hia jumping from the train. The .seene at this time ileseribed as must terrible. ' The shrieks of the dying, and wounded, and the Inmentationifof tho,o nha had escaped thcnmelvrs but loHt relati) es or filemk by.theneehlent, all combined to ern der' the event one of the most apptilltita that . has ever oerntred inour State: As 130011 as :thrtews method the city terror and alarm seized upon those who resided ire tliat por tion of the etty inlWre the t_NAptiopists rams From. Thousands of persons ihwkL it to the Sluickainnlon Depot, nt end Afinitgoincry streets, for the purpose of, as eertaining the extent of the aceidvnt Atud the fate or, their rrieurts and reistimi. At the'arroaeh to the Station bongo td the - train which had barn sent dawn to the city, the rush of those iliArthr, adrouutaa inrze t afire ferry could ' koep'thom out. The budding - lens then son minded by ttoep tog friends, while inside the shrieks of the wounded made the seeno very appalling.. The carpenter's insole, nod ea number of per sons to a4sist them, were busily imaged in constructing; temporary litters, to remove the woundmi. The dead wee , •plitel side by side, on n plnteorto erected for the pur , Mr. IVilltain Swann trim nt , Oheatnut about three Miles distant when the disaster oemered ; he immediately linatencd to the spot and, furnishes the following state ment : _ • " The scene was the most awful F ever witootixed. Of I . ll'o lAN standing but the e heels ; every bit of wood ork was totally destroyed. A number 'of the dead were lying' in e. !item th4ladfilll:, - burned that you could nit tall avivothet• they wee. then or women.' , lac , l3g tbtsewas, it 1,4 believed, the Rev. Mr. ;du rulan, in it st of St.? , hchaei's church, n boo, body sink :1140 thk• ruins the litslies of s a una fliteen or i.iogern persons could be *seen. No portioit of tlietu could be reached but their limbs here a kg piotruiletl, and there an arm or it heed could in. iliNroveril. The c ar s could ho heill burning fin a diatenee four miler.: and the Cheating 11th Ptre Cam. limy haateped to the spot, and by there tiF'- ettienam eatimnshing the thttuoo, tteryvi loatei silty to the a oil( of rescuing the drat. The people mound the mighborhisal hitsteti ed to thedren lln I 8C4 , 410, and by Wei, tilleallni i , l 0011 power as , inteil in the relief of the wounded. Fortimately,_ thew aas a quanti ty of and le4!ertAtiion the tram : this was givoii to - the woutitlest t-iblpfreattett them greatly." Thismishm ...*Ais.wwoss pitessreft. - -flow true it is that I,sta nyws usy_st e cooks aiogly: twif to , mid to tire tiogioo-44 tho scoktliltt which hapiww)od OSI W ° recOvo Isom' yelk:nll4l, 49 ; ts•ws, riklaOiAkii tor kook. tiwkiff 4f4t4e et , NorthernlwiliAsils94,llA f,(434-44, - sikkjbelitiwiosst 14 04-1 11 T. 444 I , orus( l tb,a,:wmpea Aszieputshwis oc ip thst 14581110P40 9r 1A'5r,".4 141 .. 11 Y-.o4 o f ,stcgApt. ' iNausti....4o-4#46,44e Afimsk pato; soy!, 61000064 i 044 n 414; this, frnm thirty to forty arc rovorted to have Ines Si f t, , Noun tiftwsx , t 4 twonty - ttitt ktl9 7" I " o nkk4 l , "Thr Ttie. •wwws of thy lost bayO oot , ,boeo ascertained. Ittescottaa 'ainsennvos.- -Sidney V. nowai.il has - been mak totle Indiana State Mr two yeari4. MN young Atari who'roblinethe litatt4latilt at srulinwspolis in It Licl~ he wet clerk- several and esioapcxl ; 6.11;1 ; ovnr th VollfltiYiPllPJWtt uy q °2I9 JkIICO! Jl4egged 14 44Yeer glpmst : it.. 4 . ;t`9!"littest ., A 4 Triippr4tuir cil quay. MII•1••••••.7r....Iw 001M1111111•1........ •••••••-••••• • '1 AND .FVIISONA ;:• —Ttio Gazelle cortvala......ttlii, from Antht4 t!y, for moti# tpy of,',ls.lolldaN nittl array. a Whi4l o !(lPclaring adheraerliti thoi! , Opatactatiti tort ft,,, Up rritrail "1 can li r old Itu totninunicittitoi svitleWo conzionkrated otviniAanon math , lip of ull the issues 11.114 thelitllolof the (Illy, kii reckless clenivognen v%hoav only Motto 04 to 'ride or ruin:' r shall, If I !lye till Norunt. her next give my tuipport to the onlf• tiatlonn I (the Ninort Late) party, and deposit lily Vote for James Buchanan awl J. P. Itrmlintrolgo, for President and Vice President of the Uui ted Statta.'• , The Gatetteniakes the Ibllowing announce- went "Mr. David E. Deming, a lunktried, con sistent national Whig, and formerly a Stet° Senator and Judge of this county. deattlros, bin hostility to the sectional illack.llePubli can party, and (goes in for filo constitution / and the Union. Tlie beige is only - one a, .titm,s„,,ds of patriots who ere daily playing I themselves in the ranks of the only party.) now left that 'marches with the • tlarand ittaps step to the to:ohic or the Union.' We hear of such charges says the Detroit .frre l'reAs, ell over the State. , In this city we *ran ourselves count not less tliaii thirty fluentta,l and preininott genticatan,„ltithar tO active Whigs,: 4 vh(4l_ vole for Mr. flu-. chnnan. They Ahe,4lawer-ef ' Whig party heivi. We trultroite there are, altogether, trout two to' - three hundred '<qtr. {'hips jn DC troit who ful'Vey,within a few he past, determined to trot bereoStei• he porioeratie:pprty t . - The DemocraticoliticAticm . niceLnlg, 71rown crA.dittyrtHriai4,iulirrused hy 11. l'iuto, with het* been hitherto ono of the stronget awl ablest lhllg hi thnt county. He goes fur Ibtvhttnati. North (trot},l6 Timec, publishotl Rt 1 - )11Pall tYa. al.'', I?rptibl tt! IYrtqliing' tun, V Ikcti coanty, I;a , hvu luA (lea the too -Not Mir, - tlag, aujil hoisted that Buil:mum nud Bruckimidge. The Some/ .or /b. ~,,,, Br ”u•ns.ll( Jilt'. am Ibidf , ninion, nod the raw &Rd , papets in ITcht Tennesseevirti w otrog clianati, aro all edited by old-line IVhigs They ace united with the Denuteettey girt the only hope left for the eniiiiiry, and are light ing against Know-Nothingisni and Marl, Itepublieanistn. There was an initneie, Iknioeintie loafhltette acid 11170, wetting at Little Eagle, Scott connty, last licit.. j Messrs. ,Jas. D. Ttei3,, Thomas l'orter, F. Truntnlan, Ceorge'B 1104ge, ScluvoiN Gar noble and 0. P. tlingan mrifk sp.relees. 4 a significant fact that four of the 3e speak er, —the first mentioned - were foi loci I rromineth Whig% some blight evidence of the gaunt re -a.ction w/itchkarttakenidacofn-pablibwe 4i went, in lowa, and which is 4111 progressing at. a. rate which ,cattnOt fail to atlitrdthe Ityc liost siittafeAttion to every patriotic heart, we give the futlowing chat/got to Ituchatian,fmnt a late number of the I/oblique Northwest, which paper slays: lvorisc Piightqfplr --a Olio and triad man-for ttt toty ytari4 a it lieeidnirse to the mttional 104. party In loa-a. U. C. Iliatvalt—for yrara thafavorito of the Whig pitttylo lithoitto country- a man of imllghwe, and devotion to the Union. Major .1.. M. )Aare, Ilan. ,fuhu 6. Stem, and a lost of othir good nirn and good eiti vens of Muscatine roomy, who weru ae•AVe Scott ineni4 the ean‘ims of 1852. L. Fleck, Esq., of Washington youndy, an oil lino 1V1143 - man among then- nod no honor to anj• party. 'l'. W. Otmrott., 1.15 q., of lititikek, South oirActbr ~r,1552, and a bcdtsrvinpt than he halt trot bean left trehimelfhlyn. Isla" and bnnd. rev Ls. Luoro_iu - - - MI the L4ivl 111):.014 and respects Elishu %Vint(teary, of Ohio. Ile CC as always a Whig - s.inl one of the might lights rind ornaments of that pally. Ile is famous for his isolidisen.be, hist•nlntjndgi saint, t,tcril integrity. 1( la grAtif) mg to I , a nip hat the., eminent gi% ingi his, to an and Deinorraey. Farts lOW these arc Cory htgmtl ant ea the faith of the Ilrnie it, in the milt t f Di MO CI try and the combined strength of its n1'04 , 7114 principles. never nny ftiuul of Mr. 1•'/t11.;re ohiu.to to the Kan, , aq-Nrbraska art upon thezi. , !uoq (lug fortig.nrca a$ loKal volvq, lct * fact 1)e an sworvi hitftt qua .prov , ihiatrof .1.40 Val 4d•Cam% tl . w. bill org,attil,iiig the I'vrrit , )cy of Vit - 444131;tqu. ylkich Was spiproyCti Ly 10.1141Vre- deOtOnaliCkVi phICUI 110tinflitoo4 b r y tbc.tivoryis 4144ormtio maw Convitaktipth Um Fioletiti 1141q1{ 1,44 4 4 "To why 1400 144 tn:Letqoll p gig bj , mom then ten tlivtistnni majority - is to say what, every honest man in the state Imtvrt to be true." --4john"Srt ttarrisop', reprevultative lu 1 7 47L;1r774 ()'till, itoi son of the tate Pret. iiiCitt yrairisOn, reroPes to support Prtineuit.. llt aiso voted against the Topeka eonoilitutinn bill lo the ITouse. " Looks like 18 111, ileesh'l it f" - The Depiocratic cotnf 'ee of O w 19th ditAria of hart° mmitu6u 4 ly .1?R+ 111 1 ,0 4rtl,. , Alwritlerllesiii t iOy t Jr. congrvrao. 4,ll6trlat is nat 1 41544 ft:p rottc.79 . tofj f WA. John Covo4e. - chOrstiggetits .av g00(1 tII *lc Arpublieuns 41/ , sauo/, ikut nut a teat for idifie 0 1 ,..U1if :r atioriso ninth Plaukiia.Ahci.ilstok ltotintA: oiii , Phitiforin knocks Know tioUtingien4 .0 Y. ficraid. 1 -Ttcaiht/f-Nothing party Is totalling irlrle . e . xx (amt. - - Eiror - 7.Nornitio Apo rt.---An Inilitpti Ktiuw:-Nutloog, wrktiox to tho Temisvillo (Ky.) Democrat, thu# lacvfticAily CipiG"ses hie Agony !it Lit 9 fato of Tlitulouiytn ui tho.t Slurp : “Sunba hoo Sae,. .1(3 won't even kt . 8 am slvovin thp ample' butt with hint over 'hero In 4ndisim. He streth that 'Afrieaus mute. rule Annitiutt.' And ide motto ix 'Put nano but Nrggers ou goon' - to-niglit.! wolre-murios . Am] up fast usWtl - can, tint tb PtHont.” . • ''' l3 4sitlitAl;lAltilffiettvite. ---,d,1/ the' priaon. k ip 'ere fri the Mintr4fietkPeel Ike:v:443d oil' tereVii44ti.k iiiJirtie; el allot. heed re ' tak'en'. . 6 1 .4 11 1 : :"' 1; • .60 or VIP HON. JOBl4ll . sl • ' Rip 7.6 1 GL, : . . ~ At tli#l ato . Mon Demo,eratio 6 - Votlng in New io co - r . istingulaheti-fellow.eilizen, ht. 116,..Ju •-- Bandall l ,dtliveria the fol.• .t sowing caps 'speech, r.n , and al l I is•known ' tlitovitio l e - ysection of our miility Re public, it Las hitherto acted NVith the Whig party, and nas one of its moot i ldglity esteemed &ad influential lenders. We' be. 'penis for it it mirefiti peritual . ... The thinirman then arose and said : I shall ilcfer the consideration of that tast fltirj,trzoo. meld, in the shampoo of tidtthirditliforlciiig itali;tiwthiliiliitiil h o o,,o , i i i i i iire, v dt aimuo tritfg a 4 54 ..col, ;:nsin tit tit u es . lion," and callupon lhe ')ltm.Josiali Man dell, of1)(41011VPhiallb"!411E'1. 5. Tl i k'Notibithq,iriiiiit:Hon , Mr. Randall into forward, and wan re ceived witli Misch applause. Ha Sakti. • Mr, PltESteliNt MID Ftli.t.ow.lhrize;:va : I feel celled upon at Ifni pre, scut i t, p in roll rii l i t 11l ieiit, li t d d il it g iiiiress yon. 'l' havedieen called o p en tt ,,, l , ( i ) l n ne i su ipl ii g , f r l u lt r ll it qu i n b n o , ; w o ho nt ste e s xvim uri t i , ons alt IlaTillipbVell 110110itli.ItIld faichrurty itetnted to the union of the Democratic party of the State ofislow York. Kiwora.l Thoee who hove witnessed his unweatitsl isertion at Cincinnati during the' Denietratio Conven tion, have ample grottnit-to knot* the- lentil of Clic rcrlitirk 1 have just giatiesi Applat,m,e, 1 , And what have been-tiro essioltaf.tiumap.ser.- timust-Thutworeihr. of ollatetuavto,4l. pa. •1 4 ( i lt o th ro r t l o t j ti ut i i pt r i t red ' a llldadpivlideodnuatnum n tt n*tinii , of 21:0Zip's fithle-or UM t , ~, , ,„ faggots, and vresq t t. the;rdielk tia. lion iii No t 1111. k. girt' •N, i1 . ,t. , t f, ; .. ~,111, a kirogg pull': snit 6 t tfl 1 4,, let F., r 4, 0 1,', ~.i„,ipleti And'ittithfintittlAtietrrite and wilt I'ILVeIN e t h e CIVICAOf atnitle , SUOCCBS. . Thin, is no forther"dis 'dr' 019 Ohs; ltd ethic. I"Ati 4 4 - 16' ~r• If',''''''l .4 , 941iitt'khf99. '' ' ' int' obit . i OM iwesent exp o . eirila sin torablo one, - -one that, Innst omomand the admi ration, 110 \.onlYe Of Obi 'ottit' ottbritty, but of tho,Wor d'OCIAW 'PIA. tiltati thil;ttoi ty , the strettgili and the itiSetkletor lialtain oe I at le pinto have eleeted atithei ratandard twit rer it man who hag Artil•!...d st the age of 4.i . 5 eat:, heyttitti rebuke I , l' 'reltl.l4lll - '11 ( and - A, ii tuna bitil oi tllonitq l . ICt rel s . ( 0 4. n u , clot nail. I'l , llB for Ilreehipi tilgii. I. alver3l fro iol of I flee i t hwerninctit iiiiist t, et pion(' or Ili, iliii:ev. ..,i eal..f.istv*litt: lain .... t i ec t 4 .l ‘,11.,.. Whole life 1101(44 tut•tt notion. Mid Ilia 11 , 11111111111.11 plrbents a gr:oul ~ .pi ciaCIV, not Ohl v t h e lit, men of the mond! y who prosett te/4liiiti, Ind to the *hole waivers's. fitr , it, is to\ (11 that It free rnitkittetiod people Me Ithle to geO/Oett datimelVt4i. 1/tppkloo.l !tilt, I . l:lllr , cititens, proud mid te e ate of the distltolitin of teurmadiantv, It ~.iokg ;,,,, efflop.p:tive iimignillosnee compel( dssitit • the value And the natietity-vf Hub. pi ineilile ' about to he detertuintal: 1 pus-with , OCAS' Ilre at alktitntret Item the consideration of the candidate to the lidnci i ples that are in volved in the inane ; , mid nut free to ,say . that 1 :tin not so nitwit a nom tvwsloppm as to vote for the Individual-1 tote bar the principles of Which lie is dm represent/ft i,.e. I Applause:l They am of inttnittly - sitoro i 1 ili II irT:ii v'i; lila - tithe rleCatittri (cri7tY . T4Crtic- Mar vend date, and - iii them the prthperitv, the elnii.teter, rind the fatale ttte..ehm of the t epublie art all co`licerni.ll, and arc all at titake. You have hoard to-tlay, a logical and laau- VIII oratorical address Ilium the pro...st lit err.p; : you have been tote, and told. truly, that thexerptittrity of the rotistitution and the Timon, and the hatablialimcnt of limit. and I rle,.toirt liberty mat love at stake, tend the remit is' now about to he .1. t. 1 milted. 1, \ kid a trw. 1 We have :mat iin ard. fellirmosittirns, through it lime of posil and (lenge' , Pt a high the justice of our casino and the ph, along force of ?tar country have eominaued• it:w pet% from it -great Nutopean -nattOtt . that, sought to trample upon our' rights am/ Wile lilt IlltligilltieS. 10R:1;110 WV 1.111%^0 G4i,4lA , lIIIIMNA tile inspect '+.f the stotlittr.ctiouttary we lorre'e.intsia tided the respect ofdbaar 14 0 Wort.l ; hod 'having pdasul ' hirmagls flas9 crisis we have Sur undivided ettanthes 4 o,l4.4 to a antijeet which)* Moro intimat4kp_cata 7 _su.c.wd-.with-air_os.istorfort - -vialitmationraitit one welfare at 1 country. - ,tr.. - ' 'Fellow-citisum,dt.is vain ,to ta 'ILA( .410 giot-y of the start andostripos; it is **Ada talk of our growing pi osperity and/strength; it -s vain to talk of tho spectacle WU 1)41f• exhibited to the world, and the instrutt Au !tower, wealth, intellect, taint !Bent stuticiv di/ ation, if this grunt and 320 1,1 0 b k, ru o ure whi , •ll our fathers litfre raised is abont.to he It , mild.d.loan and ihattoyt.l, end, tiny. fair . temp of liberty 16111 the Otdint rights of fileh '0 lie buried in its 1111101. 'Fitt: porriputaity of i Dim Ite,kitildie awl the holm stud._ isatirgaaad o f civil and religious liberty ate tletu talent upon ettrrying out titur principles. ,4 the (lonatitntmit anti the I:nion Ilteretty itrsalt.d. ll'llen Itrashingtoit, Ilailei.ek, and the pa tri.itq of tho Ituvolution pnxinintettr the Dee • I.tratiOo 'of 'lnglepemleneu : when titat atillPg 1 men wig:Shook' ofilay, , Tettersott, Mathison, and thu patriots who liannol the C0a;4 4 .14- Dom presented them lo this gloie , its Liam'. dui they suppose that the 41011 111/43‘ . 1,t IrlillltA guaranteed by that Coned Ito! ion ; aeni.segat (llo fora period of seventy 3.1.14111, IVLMIII 1., VA r beebrantlit to a stand ettil,., fur I,lw,,tu i ttar„,of . the IS:attic to detei mute ttLictireirtheyt i tsol Ihe obtiterated - from thuraefwai vl ' Lisa 'Mt y of nations f The right to Iv orphip y4p4...chui ecru/ding to the di.,taleas of .)04.. 0wn,.,44a s •it me tual your God alone, is not tichts...es istiteti and 4 coa/Pletf-twaderjforit;- ,Ww :Live . wets ,. mirtgati to two wars siesaryas hofiltalio a nation, two of thein had ifor,their fielik4 • Olt hOile ettlltltittg4 _DAIAgig. 4 O OO ask atfiteest AittikkAtivitp , .144,4 • sernst ice.tts nabs ralisoth, , . ka5,,,5)q,,,0 . datve 4iissureheera4 . ~ ..... ....,.. NVisat .littbttlaiistiri naive to religittii eta'- -self,' sma knot. slant, lApplaisso. j Lirtft it hen I it t ic wilt at (mitt tit au a kuo4..a4, l anD4f in ilia Avoidoth does out atii4l4 ilk+ki , ixtoruKti . to do -to deprive -melt °lllicit natural, iniatt aide rights,' beettuse they ohutieie to -worship talltir Cittmlsocoythild to their own eyveitdilto ...-1-airatid in mnar.unient and aaltimattuent that in this isbliglittmed age, t -artraximy to civil anti religiowell k4-0 , .e.444, a ' entertained by to large is portion of otte-fti low ottitons• (Chem s. 1--(3,,,t I ii.,,,,J0y ~,,;u-' ' critk'm ituhsytogiliottillenYinutifedoitt"Veritt.eitlismsi"9ll9 or gencntily 'denominated the lilkoar l lytotltilig party, , Their peiticiples awl their Orgapiaa thin may laivoinparril to a politiclailmellim --thu groatee t h e y hlafet r lut al' use it' hi ex -013411411.1et1. l'lwY coon/Lit stand tiro test of ex nisi illation t they cannot stand: tho tfal. of iittylle,ot end pail-1(01mill i And 'those 'Mho nor 400 their pritatiples will hayle to re fl.:ict their error. to renoimee thrlr Oirltiltdits, and go hack to tho sacred prineiptila of 'too Constitution and to the heart oftlio country, by which one of the dearest natural rights' is secured to them, that of worshirpingofloel according to their' OWI) conscience.-- [Cheers J ' .' , FeroW-eititena,wo-liana a muelfrstorn dun gerotts cutesy 'at home. We !IWO. an-0111 , 1" ' izatiOn Witting us much tripe° , calculaq to sow the seeds of divisi n and,,diseortl,,, A T / 10 1- (11e intlependepeoof t etto...Edated Wak i to- L elailliffl,lfibro Were) se en ' fete and nix: so Liitateri: 'WeAltlngton, mock, tJalsis Ad: 'ams,'Sarausel deans And all tho pritriote ; of flin xcvaltition. CoUlti !irk, ppOu, that, ilivillitin pat tip 11elphile.`WiAh eumpolihre 'and iiitis foOtibif.' ' ''' .:' r:" ~ - I'''. A IfolOu- , -Pitrieik Hosity tool -, Yerutud Patrick liespirt4pai and hosita of. .. , =I II =I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers