II 111 The temoratic Watchman WOROtH 11A ! Ai(ilf. Tha Doseotratio Hrotehocaro tor th 4 e apptolieti -- lag Proaideattal cototpalirn ha males: to ontr .4, antihero immediately attar thilDetaveratio ecoaloa- ' tine, at the following low rates . „31,frepe 3 . 11 1 4 ittp Copied” - 011 00 JB ropirb . • - 10 00 1., 40 . • 13 191 Caplet . . 90 WI ''j t 'he Democracy of Central 7:Oleg toand National Domfgratie 4paper, pgl hare an • opportunity of procuring 'one for the campaign at • the *bora low rates. ar The money mutt moompany the ceder In very iIIgADOO .111INIty .LAYS, PL. rj , "flor trends everywhere will woofer a favor by httereeting themvolvera In getting op club* for (Ike 4 A entail effort on the pert of the ftientis of the good e u e would 'he the means of plaoin 'wood Demooratio argument within the tenth of every men. • gilt Valatritinan. 41,0 rILACT J I.IITICE IQ •Ll FILN It Y fIAYS, EPITOrt!w n tizor, kw() N TE, PENNA IVEDNEWDA V, JUNE 23, 11,430 TO R.E.4D 1:105 "d CORRESPONDENTS F., Art< bcrn re'cit'ed and tet7l" at•p . eak ?text treol. A 'number of adecrlitement? and r , aohn.z maitre hal peen retarded `nal thm fr ,, A to ',Mkt I.lotil , fOr 11107 . 4 vptiror (ant ar lef TIFF NI:IT CONGKESSM t VI eompliniftber of uniBstions from our Mends from cliff erent Part. of the Congressional district. evil. etc reeommendmg a favorite as the nett Demoorati, , candidate for Congress. It n ill he scum limo hefore the nomination rue l it made, a n d lint lug . tio:t commenced an important Prt ,I. 1( [dial campaign. tee de, ni Isti 1 30 t to 1111.11,01 Ibe4o eosnnwai rntwn, in full, and content onr,elves tvith rn, it ly nicuti.nung the tlttmes of the gentle-I ne I, Iwought foinrl'. any one of whom ould make a popular candidate and an vib e:cot rt prem. salty. e Among those sugges .l' Into from Oil.; John B. Meek, Dr. Benjamin J. Berry, t)r. Sanutei Struheeker, John T. lloovi. r, James Mac maims, Esq., and Dr. C R. Foster. Clinton . - ounty steotlgly urges the nomination of her Carol ite, Allison 'White, Lyrosning Comity with the saruo spirit urges the claims of I fon Wm E. Packer, and MitTlimeolnity bi lugs forward those sturdy Democrats, Hon. James Bunts and Moses Montgomery, Esq. These are all ggeKl names slid are well known to the people and the Democracy of the District, but as we stated above there is Mont) of tuna IN fore u 4 ., both to select a esmiodiste anti she him. Let taut Brat, finish • 1 electing a respectable man to represent this now disgraced Congressional district. THE NE WP John C. Fremont, the nommee of the Republican party for the Presidency, owes noinination more to has reputed wealth n . trvice. Ilia lota has not been spent in the councils of the email-, try, or 111 political cabinets. lbw tastes led Lim to wild adventure in new countries, and' ns an explorer of western a rldcruess. Ile WWI born in South Car him. in ISt 3, and is now in his 43d year. Ills frthcr, a French man, died %hen ho is its only four years of age, a n d Irma mother was left dcpciarlent. lle received a good edueation in Charlesom Colter., through the fru ; culisequently taught, Ilathimain 4, and then turned his attention to Civil ,l'avrtnevring, and was soon after appointed A Lieutenant sf Dlgineers. In 11542, he explored the Rocky Iriountatns by a new hire. In this t Apt dition it' was that elvers' of his inert go; lost in the snow and ikrished from star vation arid exposure. In; 1845, he started on auothir expedition to 'the West, and «hen the war In CAlltortila 'broke out, he retired from the service, in comerpienee of t being court-martialed, though the Prcsident,l nut of respect for his father-in-taw, Col. T. 11. Benton, remitted t h e Levitt-nee and red gored hem his sword. He organized another expedition to California, and on ins arrival II that country way riveted to the 1 rvi ted Notes Senate. Ile drew the short term of I two years, %Inch tho at out, lint Wade no great impression in the St . hatv , ,' taking very Mile anemia In polities, except in what he Lad the greatest ixicunisry interest in linnseq, land claims. C. Payton, tln Itepubli^an 1.011/lIICC fir Vlct PrtSlllefl L, is n Inxyt r by pi olvssion ; has herd the office of Judge of one of the Now JoNcy Courts : has servyd in her State Legislature, and u as lion of her representatives ut the Undid Stet( Scunte from 1842 to 1851. During tins pc of his sturdy orposition to the Fugitive Slave Law is probably one of tro`Atgest reasons nvity ho was selected as the fteptabliean east itidate for the Vice Prehidency. .-j-Lietroit, Juno ID. --James A. Strang,..the Mormon leader, war shot ,at"lteaver Island on the Itith, by two of bis, f f ortne . r followers. lie received three, belle In the body, fad a severe blow from a pistol . on' the head. Strang was alive up to noon 17th, but lay in a very ,critical coudirion• as'isiastris had been larreatett —St. Louis, Juno 20.74,4 vices from Kan' 1119 Territory, repreeeot affairs tlag 44j $i smiting a mildevaapoeti.,,itulnorn of !Minna., Lays almost:.ceasedto he beisid, soot. the patties of armed . have been dialsauded, <n" are skuUtitig In remote parts. 11.11te - New Ilayen lb:Aster Says the Black Itepub!itsuis de sending to*Kanass 41.21.1 t 9U0, to stituuletti rebellion ant! murder: their oidenlations Wig that this 6no9uut spoilt there is MOO see hie then gip'as tunes the amount spent ht the fie* State*, and that, by the eseitensent they will get up in Kansas, they *sr catty do wiany of the North ern Rates fiat from ~State stron g* they cam MONA, itabosso; • THE EE-ÜBEH'AN N'OHINATE;NYE In the early days ofilinil t otuan EssOrb,. when that Repot:die - was in the 'zenith of its power ) • youlig soldier was sent into ;Asia Minor to ravage its pioviriCes and conquer with the sworifehe tribes he could not sub tine with the arts of diplomacy. Ile was at the head tt the greatest army that ever left' the capital of Rome, and marched with a prestige and renown Unknown in the annals of ancient or modern warfare. ilia passage' into Egypt was an uninterrupted series of triumphs ; bitt arriving there, himself and follewers bocamd an esty prey to the courtly luxuries of the East, where ' Closer at last became the lover and the suppliant at the feet of Cleopatra, his army was dipersed, his achievements were dimmed by his de. batiohorio, until t h e people of Rome, indig nant with the treachery ho had practised, ummitriously demanded his return. lie did return at the,dicad of another amity, enriched by the bounty of his mistress, and when he entered the Imperial City, he was hailed with the acclamations deserving of a god- His immense wealth: corrupted the nobility, blinded the People, and gathered around his standard tt,driutken mob, who etc% atoll 11110 j to the throne. From that date the Ileelly of Rome commenced, until she fell a prey to the liettnesmantss thep_engentlevvl, 'weer 10 rise to power and glory again. The contrast whirl' we Kish to present by thi. :illusion is contained in the nortimation for Prtsident by the late Republican Convention. A few years ago, a young soldier was tient abroad on various expeditious ; the results of which, however brilliant, were marked by all ex. traveganco unbeconiuiga republican govern ment. A daring adventurer by education, yet timid by nature, ho plunged. min extra sea at which his superiors trembled, until it rreseesaw wacmaary 'to allier inirtiel,.. , where, after -a ikitliirirklee - wits suspended from the service. Then follow big the dictate: of n nild impubte, he gath eiled around Lim a number of rmigenial spit ! its, and ,1 :filo the desert iii quest el l the El Dona.) of the modern republic. 5110 W 117111 Ntol In, pinching want, star.ation and de Atli, that gallant band' struggh d, and only a fi w reached the roil of a uscle4 ts expedition, Vt file bOnCti of the rest were left to bleach in the path I,hey luta taken: ..701,11 C. rj,tikolit it as the tcad cr of that unfortunate bawl• and he is now the candidate of the Iteptiblican party for President. hI , • mild to Cal; fornia a; an ad venturer in guest of gold. lie reached that territory and rwabu d hid brightest di tams. lly- one of tlio.e strange feral s of fortune ono of those singulaz tricks of speculaCon. deierving the higliest prnl.e of the adept of Wall street, he h anta-,usl a fortune almost ; fabulous in amount, and is now regarded ai I the nchest man in the world The means resorted to to get possession of the lands and mines he now owns, are known to the country: and although his titles have been approved by the highest courts in the land, the duph:ily which he practised to get pos session of his eatireystices has been des:lowa-1, tilir - Z - niii. mines eve a ish to prese ' n ' t here, is contained in the striking similanty in the manner in which one people was cor rupted and destroyed by the same means. Ha was nominated solely, because he is rich. He has no merit heiond his deeds of desper ation ; no claim to public favor or considera tion beyond that of &ling, a. ituitioniare ; no education but that which he obtained while in: the employ if hiS - ittiii"- - inmeeit ... itis es pf , - . nem.° as a legislattir. ILO sagacity as a statesman ; no discretion as a diploma tist., and the last man in the Union to hot even thought of as fit to, wenpy the Presidential chair The ripe s-holarship to which Ainencan statesmen arc approxi mating', ertth the increasiuz interest ,of our forvign and dome:tic polo y make it us i.•es s.ll-y that c c , h..u1 , 1 ,iLlec:: our Iwit inert for posts of honor and of frost, and it Ni null indeed be a i allrWty 10414/414 the iron or 44 estimation if the people were induced to eNtunii to the hands of a rash adventurer, thew wealth, their noloatry, their prosper ity, and their civil glory. As Rome tin, whorl corrispli il by the n ealth of easiar, so we might fall, if brought tinder the inthienqc of one sillis& past ti fill of inistakesoind wko is brought forward nOW,rOIIIY as the representative of money. Hunmit' hia short Senatorial career as the first United States Senatas,rrom California,' the position of Jahn C. Fremont was below even that of medioc rity. MI litr etTorts , in the Senate were di reefed towards the < of speculators;and the consolidation of h.s Mariposa claims: and we venture to say that he ill! not pre sent • single petition to that august body wlikli did not contain on its face some scheme either to enrich himself and friends or_to deceive the government es to the value of their territorial 1108 ieliiiollN. utter a short teen of two years the people of l'itli-• If forma indignantly &son Lied him, and then it n-as that he threw himself into the politi cal market, hacked by his- millions and his myrmidons as candidate for the lighest office in the felon. lie Imekstered vitli I every chine, bowed to eveiy faction, &civil. eseett with all 'sentiments, has a face for all sections, and is now the candidate of the pie-Mild mass, termed the Republican, /party. We mistake public sentiment and we have hut a low estinuto of the intelligence which has marked the political history of this country, if the people will suffer themselves to be deceived into the support of a nomina tion such as this. Laying aside the incon gruities of the platform on which he Mends, and the inconsistencies of those who hypo tTitically take shelter undypr o his standard, niust not be sittainithed if the govern or the old world, who have long made ,thor , arab= of republicanism a subject of rfilicule.'to take advantage of his elevation to wrest the growth of this Union. We believe, however, that these is a con. servative feeling abroad, and we• know that there is a great Democratic party at whose head stands one of the brightest and pun* of American statesmen, both of which' will atop in between the people and such a, re. suit. The candidates and • the platform of Ihsuessuis potty ors such u chalbow rot. only tke , admiration of OtiUntil, but they 1 rßll sMikiire the enthusiastic - SOpporS'of masses. It is well, indeed...at tids_ Itinolure , that weshould such a platform tmd such candidatkw, and it is'bottertoo, that we ben rely upon that sound dispasslotaie went of the people, whi , n they are called upon to decide between not only the merits of men but the purity of principles, To such a tribunal we confidently-rest the issues of the coming contest. THE' REPUBLIVAN PLAT ORAL The platform of ' the hybred reformers, yclept Republicans, is one of those strange specimens of political tergiversations which it is almost impossible to deal with sensi bly, The resolutions set out with the hypo critical professions of attaelunent, to the constitution and a veneration for thole brave men who framed and passed that immortal instrument, and then the author plunges into a tirade of denunciation, of all hiws passed tinder its sanction which happened jto conflict with his peculiar ideas of , the itglitsof the colored popiiintionof thecountry, i n d ee d, th e piston in is nothing more than, a ieliarhli of that dale jargon with n Inch 1 David \\ 'limit ha, been insulting the ears of the people of Penns . ) Iva Ilia, for the last eight or ten 3( fir's, and we do not know which to despise most, Ills impudence in thus fore-' log himself upon the notice of the people 1 who have so often repudiated him or lilts mendacity in attempting to give the color of truth to what has long been trampled in the dust as the most OhnOX ions falsehood, 'The whole spit it of tiw resolutions is embodied I in "inggel worship," seasoned with the usual abuse of Democratic men and mess. , ores; and reiterating what he has so often iterated—hollow professions of attachment) „for the rigiskilf man. The whole subjest of 1 1 IliaNal7.. a .`. 6M , , P.,lB3:oPrely asmasaricso, and had he gone no further than thin, the people would have executed Into, but his tiaimmtrent elk' t to niudead piihlic opinion from the real state of 11111111 s in the Trrritorial Go' trinnuit I i of Kansa , : and Nt.iira‘lsit., tt is at mice appa -1 rent that lo• fi.ont it thow ',whitlo w , m ore to tier, ire than to enlighten the.pcople whom he bolo ,to thaw tO lb, it support, 'llie a!,- SCI l ion that the govt. nine ut has tmeminiged not awl rt vointotti to those tem tturitA it too .p.laudy lake to ne, il a rt filiation ; bectnew it 10, ls oil the aim and the tifort of the ntiministiation of Fratildin Pit i , ,•, tht re to maintain cis il law and.hu-sttun the tultninin• (ration of J imi , r. The hold of which we has e heard VI Intl il Anil whirls are made the . text foi filme resoltitionm fooml their most active ( 'lrminger-, ainong the fanatics and Abolition , iustiders'in lit Fah:. Such men 1 ilau Henry IVitrd Iteeehm, who prefixes his, name nith a recerend, ma le an arsenal of ' his church, a lure arins {SAM collected and money nosed to intimidate the government white I.thorilig a inalittaiu the peace of that country. Intlammitory handbills were dis tributed throughout the Tvmtory, calling iiixh the people to p r on.. Lt.. ogilitaara of haw, *tut il.i arrests of "canteen ' abolitionists: hacked by such menus Wilmot and Corwin; 4...5ia 'esamersaaaa. most vigilance of the federal officers . ;' ale- • leader. There is more danger in a fusion excite the liveliest fears of the citizens of like this than will appear at glance to Kansas. No sane man in thelfnion eve* moat people, because the demigninfia• n believed that that Territory would beciline Iv( 'eh it mill being together are the Baltic elite() property, nor ,was there any motive i who have so . long been threatening the sta. beyond that of a mm-bid desire for agitation homy of the union. and din cosine the floors 'on the part of Alerlitionism for the confusidh !of congre,o, with the which lately extlted there. Karvtal nn 'fortes poem to ruck men and to place tear to tioubtedlYiitt ft CI e4_ . s t ft k , - klr e S.l-Q9' • - men positrontalaf mthrence wantit to - tante- - we trust, not mil) from the moral luitio mminit to retritna , purse to a bandit or tiLavery, lea from the ls,itnuouw intinc "` life;to a tire! Although ;erut Smith and pewees() of the mutt who reingt ac the leaderbYTkaiteed Alsilitioeisin is air borne- to talk !elm sympathy and be w ling for a Brost() take his place in the oinksbravely against moo's inhumanity man, " of any party. it to only to secure for hon.seli and follow era incase of auceess an °ppm tu- We can •.e.•• o other feateire in t h is plat ity to rent their %demi upon those patnotic them beyond that of tills worn out subject, n oun ho have so long thwarted the min th( worthy of notice. Questions and issues of labors to (h stray the(,nion. Although .1(.1111 lr far mom importance to the intereals of • P. flair, and Newerd, and re'e ly, and Chase, country, arc entirely ontoneloil. Our inter " i and oftlon iner, and It most arm ant of All A boli cool st itlt fort 17,11 nationit notv so firmly F.dohnidon, are willing peacefully established is unnotici ' to tiappert John Cv Fremont, it M but a ruse lir trade and commerce of tear country are get po,,se,anni of a pliant Idol w ith hied, lost in their s) inpathy r.,1- an ahnosit tieeless to rut down amt,ny the Democratic race, and the I datr°tin ' `die" consider party. These are'facts, sahib tbe aspect of that the Convention that adopted it, con . the political barman instify in proclaiming, tented, at leant, men of ability and 'expert land they are such facts which should of once ore, if the lid lack honest and patriot e the entheseisem of the Democratic is tint p narcat li P tte i ntett of a- Plitical party of the country. Even if tee have an creed the people were t vcr a.sk9el to adopt. abiding faith in air thorough 04iniziation, It containi but a single sensible suggestion, ! an unalterkble conviction that the men we and that is, its endoreement of 'Pacific an ott presented to the country are tried and Railroad ; but there are still some hopes i ',well known statesmen, and that the priori. left for the Committee ;1110 framed the ream lotions, 'because they are opposied to Ito— plea which are iattcnhed upon oar banners lygnmy. emanate from the Constitution, we must take wanting of the put, and' not allow our belief in our own strength to permit our enemies to succeed. Already do we notice the indica bone of the ftiaton in our own nudist ; already do a e hear of men anhained to acknowledge themselves as belonging: to an oath-bound clique, and unwilling to rank themselves among the fees of the Consist Mien, butto foes for holne. elen,se to Oplie,:e the Delllo - paay, ss he are now openly and mis chieviously aztioositing }remora and Fusion. 80 far as Centro county-sit coned Lied we recoguitie the fusion and liektioa ledge the compact—the. Democratic pat ty, •;.s• measures and r•r, men against ell the clopo e , the :vino, - The doctrines, and the wesecutions which maditehs and misfire caw invent. Thelpo , noieracy of old Ce'.ntre, nit arc of the liyipbc ' risy by which she 4as been tit:caved in the in the past, is ill scarcely be deceived by this second effoi t on the yeti of Utese st Ito are trilling to asetinia any name, or avow any principle to gain power. The men who now proclaim thentstes for Fremont am the same who l have alvitays opposed Democracy; they may thing° In mime, but they eannet change pr atifre. thoL i are ottr natural oppo. nuts; but defeat has) led its far to teach • . thorn that they never cn slit ‘ed in totally overthrowing a National Democratic Organ. Ws navy: requested again by ('apt. It. I). t'umnungs to state that the memory of " tee Me editor" of the free love organ is as shot tas lug funds. Fin denies owing the Captain a single penny, and writeo him -dealt " a liar," when he asserts that he does. "We the I , lithr," forgets, so says the Captain, that there is is Judgment, against him for a considerable amount in the office of `.iyuire ('aldwcll, still unpaid ; and that, so says the Captain, ho paid a 101 l in Phila delphia of ton ciollarS for " we the editor," which ilie Itrvercuil Mr. Crostini aite refused to return, alleging that it was a personal debt fur which the freillccee organ w as not• responsible. Ile forgets, so says the Cap tain, that he leaned him three dollars, which amount is still in thapnekot of '" we the ed itor," Where it ittiffirtlasing by interest. ffe forgets, so says this Capitain, horse and! buggy lire, nt various times, still unpaid, '! and he forgets also, so says the Captain; rious sumptuous dinners, which the Captain, in the goodness of his heart, is willing :to; forgive him. It is very easy for men to be come personal on paper, and play the part of Bombastus Furioso with d steel pen ; but says the Captain, it would be fM morel manly to walk np to his 'Mace and settle. " WS, the editor° wil' certainly' take ill this advice in the same spirit in which it to give, that is, , ib„sobernees and honesty. 1 A. Wealthy family in Now Orleans, so tainted with negro 'blood on the rnollicrol Bide that they ,could not be adulated Int* the ”best society," gold out last year wad Went to Plll*. Ono at the daughtera;. it - is v, 'sum repot. , has married a foreign au:abas h** at tbeil ot i Lovis Nor I co& PAltrr - mrsioNs For more than ten ram there have been in existence a variety of political organism tions,,which have suqeedcd only in convul sing the country withAlSe issues, and thus ilriving into extrpos men whose choice of government differed with their better judgr meet. A review of these cliques present the extraordinary fact, that the basis upon which they.rested iint now rest, is n hostility to Democracy. They are incited to activity only by •this single idea—and we doubt if ever there was it political party, however remote its existence, Nut was started for the same purpoSe, end at last fell ',beneath the irresistible growth of Ihnnocrntip principles. As parties were heretofore formed, snob parties to which:we 411u41e, they strove more for men thau measures. It Wait with the leaders a game for ambitious aggrandise ment, and the race for pourer, lath became anxious for the destruction of the other. When any great crisis ocenrred, these cliques, north and Routh, }tolling oft from the real interests of the cow try all aid or lissintant . e, left to othera the d ty of repair- I jog the injuries which the ,perpetrated. The crisis commenced unit the Imlay of profess( ii yeformation are to iltilitlerOlis ,to be referred to now—hut it worthy of tie mark, that only when these .xtrenies would he brought together, only tl n dill the mini try sail. the evils of mi. itle—only Then was the Ireasnry droned of its rehources— and only then were the pro le booed to the ground in shame. A fuel i of churl; has always resulted in confn on, and it could not he otherwiee„ boom e their ideas of government do not h , onize, and when once placed in power, ditiy have inratiably caused k revolution in the sentiments of the people, which hurled dew from power, and beieght back the wry-meat to that policy apPuldnettOrodOMecaud ;temerity. The peoptelieefgoat to hare soother in- . rf 10 ' 8. h hrec parties which have lately prcsented 'andolatk s for hreablent nod Vice now Notinitgisn., I 'bat k 'em and Republicaniatn, all inotgli ni on dly r alitfering in A entlpielit, nn nits tidy milking rrangetn. Ids to unite for the 'impose of gibtod; is,issession of the :Toils of ofliev. Millard Fillmore is to Jr. ,ft..rdleed to satisfy the Phillipscs nod the Gail-D.(m The Black Republicans of the North rendered frantic by tin ir long lrprated dal% I, and ra 'in not forgotten the stand %I.telt lie tottk regand to the questloli of slavery, then swore and r are non iletcrinini <1 to run 'loin nut o r the field, althou t ;:. thine Sallie 111011, the adht rcuts of (ire, ly laid t:ltt rlSon, with rho folbin of Fitlinoro nic Illedge(1 . hp prescribe a man for MI ° I - eliginn, and de nounce loin for his place of birth. They are divided by an army 4,1 negroe. a Idch will cep thcITI A ennrril ft] furt rt r. In retort, the fi iends of Mr. Fillrnoie, rnortillvd at the reatintnt they have reetts IA at the hand,. of heir weoll -headed allies, ti.elare they r ill „,eW,.: - 3 mirleas now fa kmithat in 04 ow RepubArark ! ' • a no effort mittied tb TWIT • lrY"The corporatkm of tho city of &Moo have ongagod John Witte, E.q., of Ir►ecwter Pa., to make a balloon asoenaion on tho. 4th .01410 next, from timpublicgrodado of Moir • Madam Uoldabibla (shoWny Ulla} Will makecher Wit god lippestanes in 04 the 30044 POliql. EDITORIAL CORRESPQND RNC If. LAJidAtillelt, June 17, 1866 At homeoneo more. There is something very pl4SMot in the thought, oven after an obsoneo of a few short mot/WS, to,flnd your= self ehome--in your old home- 7 4milialmed os with the Sweet memories of child hood, boyhood imd manhood. I never visit Lancaster without an emotion of pleasure, or leave it without a sigh of regret. Ilut the old home is changed-11M old familiar races bive parsed away—the playgrounds of youth have become the business marts--the blooming maid the staid matron-and the lazy *chola boy, who :lingered on' his lot sti 4hpptitir o'clock boll summated him to his studies, has become the man of care and trade. Three are the common mutations of Time—and asyears roll on, 3 tremble while standing beside the old familiar home-hearth, to think that I too run growing old. I teem hied, as passing through the solemn city of the dead, to mark the sail memorials of de patted friends ; and yet there is souothing eweitt in home. The same sun still shines on old familiar places ; the same ti and bends the golden grain, and the sainc.rivnicts, (lint 'lanced in gladness along daisy-covered hanks, and through flowery dells, still send their gushing u titers to t h e bosom of the old Conestoga. Chid bles4 old Lancaster. The principle feature noticed in the gr at change in Lancaster, is the immense im provements which have taken place within the last few years. Ten years ago it was considered nothing more than an inland town ; n ith a quiet unasouming population of genic nine thousand inhabitants ; hut now it. ranks next to rithaburg in trade find bust- newt, and in manufactories next to Pidladel phia. There are three of the largest cotton factories in the blitidlo States, employing on on it veragc from, Light to twelve hundred me& women and children. Two &attic liwonnoth C works, oneoll which in the :Asia space of ta o years turned out sixteen loco. motives, besides a large howls r of station :fly engines. A huge nets ittanufactoiy, owneit by our old friend, l,t neon, lisq , nho annu‘illy ottiplies the govt With o ork to the amount of thousands of dollars., It is Walesa to go into detail of the other great tmprotements in the industrod inte rests of Lancaster ; but the change and the inCrease hcen so great, and the accumn lated wealth all apparent, that I could not refrain from giving tlWin a passim; notice. From a city of tune thousand, Lancaster has grown in population to be almost one of iighteen or nineteen thousatut. Iler once quiet street;( aro now ahvo with business stately residences rise on every side; magni cent stvres filled vtith the costliest goods and rarest gen-Kass hay taken the Waco of small shops and her public buildings are certainly tqual, if not:Superior to ally city in the State west of the metropolis. As a welmen of achitecturc the Lancaster enurt ()use cannot be excelled. It ia orally Insgnifteent pile. and at first eight strikes the 1111,1M11110”.11141.0., AMR V. RYA remiss for ten.. nos Isiniding reflects credit Ityron die liberality and taste o3' , I 0: men or arrangements stro on a gcale of splendor almost beyond description. The court mem is elle cif the largest in the country ;,)ts furniture luxurious ; trtula the drapery, curtains, and frescoing gave it a' palitrat appearance. In walking through the court, rout' I was struck with th, , r,,_ scud/lance, of course on a hmall , ,cah., wlurh our own court room bore to this mirtinent, coat& -riot -home -*ern- mere--prrfect been ilmuerreotyped. The county pitson, the lecture rooms, Fulton Hall, many new l'ohurehes; Marshall College, the miter vrorkn, gas %%mks, and a hundred other public tin moveinenh deserve a rediee; but my time and space will not p. unit. Last evening, the company of a few fnends, I had the pleasure and the honor of vu,iting iVlicalland—the residence of the Hon. Janie, Buchanan. Wheatland is sit itated 4mM-A mdc wetit, of the city limits. it ni "ertainly- a tedivat tit for the great sage and statesman -located as it is in the midst of one of the finest parts of Lancaster county. The reaiidenec is not large, but substantial and very plain ; iudced it is sternly re - iiiiblican, and as the visitor passes through the beautiful grove uhicli leads to the mansion, he is struck with the tnipi i - city, neatness and order of the grounds. The lands belonging to the estate consists of about thirty itereay M the highest state of calthation, and under the immediate direc tion and control of the bachelor occupant. We found Mr. Buchanan at home, sur• rounded by a great many friends; and found too, that hospitible greeting which quo; made Wheatland an agreeable Eckert for the hardy yeomanry by which it Is surrounded. Be reeeii,td 114 all kiuilly And roe te . 4)llhly, and although jiist returned rimii an important and arduous foreign mission, whose perplex ing duties would have shown', their traets iin an Ordinary than. He . leolied as well as event remember. 'He has received, since his return, and parthMlarly since his nomi nation,,an inniuneralde manlier of viliitoni. Persons froms]] ',parts of the Union indeed are }motoring to congratulate him; and it is more than gratifying to War front the lips of those who' have never Strut Who nine, er iressions of the a artnestde‘Mion and after they had made his fiequaintance. Great a ma,: as James Ilit'clianatiand filling its he now doo, the. mots* 'of his country's glory, to be proper t i appreciated slid beloved, he must be milt at his Own threshital; . he taunt hei seen in the calmness and repose 'of own home; he must be, communed with at his own baud : and uo man, no American, can leave Ills presence 'without feeling that he has atomd before one. of the Arcate4t men of thsi,age. His very mildness makes hint great; his venerable ticpearance, noble bearing, and kind, genial attribittes of the heart Lave drawn around him in old Linctietier 'county the warm and true men of all parties. There is not a dent iulnind hat that James, Buchanan will carry Lancaster county by s very largo ma , Repugnant as it js tOntrffitlings to lusie personal allusions, T 'am induced to at, so nor by mYaltention having been called to paraimb. ingia /onca t ateT Zino in. Which the, editors of that , delectable shoet. 'charged Me: Bitchanati with'keeping a eq. giky , akw hottlio— .At lioSilh`lhis- Is re : tiled ail one of those inalieroui •falactotidi the - Which one of, the editors wilt, ineaicelvt-, tea in the countypritiert ; add ittihond those who know Mr. Bueliannn will, took upoh It as a forgery iihottld be punished by a few years in the Ilenitenttary. The per sonal allusion which I Wish td make I 9 con: shined in the fact that 1 am / indebted to M. Willie Geist, one of the editors of this temperance sheet, for the abuse which I have received at the bands of we, the editor" Of the free - love organ,whihilif7 - Cleiit gives as his author of the reports which have reached my home from Bellefonte, as to' my being a drunkard and a common street loaf er, one Ira C. Mitchell-- 7 culled by Mr. Geist, an "eminent lawyer" of Centro county (1) 1 do not know this Mitchell personally, hut he has taken particular pains during ,iny short residence in Bellefonte to,commonicate to Mr. (twat the vilest falsehoods, and through the agency of Ucist, wound the feelings of those who are near and dent- to inc. can safely rest my conduct with my friends in Bellefonte, but \\ hen a wretch unknow n even to the common reciprocities of - social polite ness or manty truth, thus utt, to place me in a feb,e position bet* those \claim I honor and respect, I consider it my duty to hold him up to merited scorn and contempt. can afford to pass both these worthies Mr. Geist whose - ft:tend f have crier been— was his filend in his darkest hour stood by him when an iron door greeted his sad glances, it is not saying too much that he has displayed 4rl ingratitude of feeling, an d a badness of heart from n hick I hope Cod may ever preserve me. Our mutual friends in Lancaster were ;dot only astonished but indignant when they heard of - the cotichiet Of Ge:et; they pre= net sesprimed. bowers to rend the !these we had received 14 the" !mods of Know-N,AltitiglAii. This k nil Vie' i------. i 'ilie Democratic State Central Committee of performs a pleasing elittrin - dir ' e i : nlisY tingt kia h a e p attention of the ,peoPle to the i t l i o o n n i , in o te n t i ° th e w s i cl n t ri l i , lo o l f iy Ju tl n ie e, N l a B t 6 i 6 o . nal Th Oh e s i v ic e ct n• . dents which of the National ilemocracy, - Mve inspired lowed that d P ec re i t iii atl' on t of lte th ec a m nied re fbveist the feliitationa of patriotic men in every. part of the country. The voice of the pito of the (kw, vention. The result bad icarcely en as., g P rt il l'teffi fa l i t t y ll ' f r u e l s iY poti r d e r i Z s t e l li ii!Vetton . at ancluiliti. neunced before it wag welcomed in ttlallal- .• at at 4 of tber cdtifedaraermand 0i *OSP, of UM polio confirmed the earnest, di Petia eliding an 'deep-seated Rentirnent ha favor of ;. 11111. difitinguiitted ,, atstesman., AMOS the time when the masses proclaimed'their pre ference for the hero 0 1 f4y. , - - Ories.aa lie such demonstration her witriesied in the United States, The hartnonlous ,example ' of the august body which seletted our can didates wad promptly followed by the en. dorsement of the,most distinguished Intel-, leets in the Demoetatic party. The Voice of the venerated Casa, limit raised at the Capital of the Union• in support of these. candidates, was reseehoed by the patriotic Ibmglas, and the upright Chief Magiattate. of the Nation. The great cities of the, ' North, and of the West, and of the 'fai South, caught up the enthusiasm *hitch rat ined itio, nominations at the Conrefititsri it anil. a national ovation, unpeeoe - • In our annals, was crowned with the voinn, the opposition. ~ tar l y st em i nentem i nent t m en o our '' l h r e rdor a i e t C cause o f il thil the nY restia Of the ur no em i nent 1 The people, its if U . plift:heed try one in stinct, flocked from eliller3nt Reding!' of the - Union to the scefio of 'action to declare their ,pi eference for James Buchanan. They Itital, followed him record during a long life, until, • at last, as ono after another the venerated ' representatives of-national cktetrines dimp •peared from the stage of Sedan, he = their spontaneous thole° for the crake in their gifts At a period when flee 'thin lei's, mitpreina ip one branch of emir O'er's and threatens to usurp c antrol in the other : %%heti, the most alarming: doctrines an et•rtel and carlieil into effect in several if the Slates or ow union ; such a man as 'Alt. liti•lothatt becomem a national necessity. Thor) dr. e: years cif distinguished services to in, •orintry in thr Nntiounl Councils, tbirs te -Ili e you% mosullwil by a single tritstike, tbo ly. live rears of almost constant amtlOCiiit ii'diaii‘i itlillie eminent patriots of otherdays— thot3 -tii., 3< ar, of clianipionship of the l'onstitio ion -reeler him „peculiarly the ''.:iii.lTTP'.‘. - ro: trio - ilz;iiiri'ig• nrargrrtr: - -noun „) 1 , . [loin, afar presenting her favorite son at 111(` har of other National Conventions, and arecr yielding with unmurmuring pa th ore to their deentions, find at last, that her fidility to principle boa not been forgot t, it and that tho,Nation at [fume accepts her candidate: amid the v. lieroilf expressions of conli , h nee and pi ale. May we not say, 1 Hot,-„turn.;, to our brethren in other Nolte', th.t.when the day of trial eomes, the Keystone of the Arch it ill too fotmd worn firmly lise4l than aver iii hey Volition, Ind len affirm the action of the Cionvention by it map: ity onetptillail ev:in in liar an nuls ! The eanilittate of the Ihmucratiu for the Vice Presidsmry, the lien. lireckinrldg,e, of Kentucky, is -* worthy of the universal joy which Iris nomination. Mr. lheekiiiridge thirty-lire yeaia of age on the 21st of Jas. Wiittea fur thetrieiTZro4l.„.lAr ' last and is now the candidate ro t i . Mr.ssins. I:perm - es—l am glad you arc now ; pie. It would be difficult to find a man in coenhatting the fors of Democracy. Th e I wholn public and , private the early rivate usefulness so, rare. manner in which you perform your duty,', /.). commingle. N age at a finch he will be called to occupy a ham given ',tessera to every one in our sec- i high position, he povseases, in a singular de. lion of, the county, • 'fliffreltpltitloil 1 , 1 lire, grey, that firmness id character, that direct - . ti ' , .store I ingeis” h , : Si liellefma a aked up I . ness and purity of purpose, which, when theii politico-nligioll ire of the ” elnpn." to', ever exhibited, are' aJways aura to be hon. aii „toni,l, big ( I,. gre ,. Th, y 11,)%c ~ , (twit. orC (I by the most sagacious people in tits elverialetal dreams. of oflitt , awl pionder town- 1 wo+l , l- alr—lkucks4riAlgo has wycd ila,UlSt-- mg as ay: For years the Denioeuu y have' Legmlaitire of his State, and was four yearet • 4wene-resi.mi lsy s.hoossoos.liqui•-re-+k-iielonte-,--se--eleleimmeshest and --4sopittoe4--silamtow...C... and the farmer; an d palm. , l'N Of • 11 1 (` 1• ,, ,,,,1y the popular branch of (lon as. ; Ilia had to 11111/1.0 serial 11.1410 to (heir ouri , tc. 1 Rfle4 , ll(S in the latter body 'dared him in. IButt a new sort of 'lungs have come to pass. , the front rink of American statesmen, and ' The D.:mo racy halo - gee, iii - o r it,,.0 - .1 won Mr him a permanent place Intim sdhse., - - religious caudal; hypi•rites, V. ht) 1 114 beer' I onoi of him political friends: lie was Mt ,, as a mill stone to the party, :sicking reer . . leetvit toy ['raiding Pierce a.s the Ansetican -1 drop of hirs„ol for du it ou .i iiiiinioinii,. m.o. :Booster at the Spanish Court, which high 'lgo y are knot.. n by tii , ir action,, and for position he aas cornm4lrd to dec line. mean:lugs, I 14411 paiiit. to nue of these, loon-: Pre YIUII.I to euttruig upon lot. ' ; gers— that one rs, the Itilcer..iiii M. 1 , . r,otial career, be :rotator, red for the ext. Crosilowaite. .Inst kelt at him ! IYhat wa • eau war, and during a long and trying min he, is hen the Ihniocrate• party tou,lc hits out PRIg", he , I'lirlli the r1,15,t and confidence of the " slough of indigence IT' as •) our (-o r - of lip ift Ilow hol(11( IA lie has never aoscht. !retrodent " Penn); Valley" tunas it. But public favor ; and it is because - fie has wstit about that I will not say much. The De- ; licld himself from reciting roots-Ms fir pope , mociacy placed pus in a position, it here he r ular preferment, that the distinctions - he could make a living, and where: he did make weam so gracefully, hair been so freely be e living;' yes, Messrs. Editors, the - very stowed. In this t espeet fie rescinblesNr. blood that circulated in his veins was fed by Burhitnan whose notuanation was the resell!' Dethocratie. bounty, and I may say, by us; of no efforts of his own, but the „olfti a '' '3 farmers. What was hisconductvduct to the men ;of that popular,' opitiloni &I whir* mola , ' , en • and the party who done so much for him ? the respect of the Corfreittinn becalm • Why r ir i a. pretext he h as , l y (14,4,71,4 nine ) baSed upon a Motive Which entitlbd itall ate -- betrayed them. Itut ho is getting his re- ' highest conshienttiort. The manner in "bible ward, for he cannot (Soo 801130 of his friends I 'Jr.l Breckenndgc refused to becomes enneli: in this section. But his meanness anti it* date for the Vico Presidency, his fidelity 0 gratitude does nut stop lucre. Ills treat. 1 the choice of his. own State, and his *MIK ' merit of Mr. Shoemaker, the former editor 1 minatica to throw no obstacles in the Wall pf the 14% 4 ,, w h o in a - g,rottrnart. and ,of that choice, excited in his behalf, a seed, i thought that Crosthweite was one also, i s I sent of admiration a Nell mold not be i.e. / 4 ; another evidence of his meanness. When," /drained until it (bumf vent in the esprit,. i Crostini site asked the tieL7ollll, nin u i nation of ; sion which made him the I)einocratic nseek the Democracy, and was refused by them for nee for that distinguished position. . him conduct, he had no better [friend then It is „in vain to describe the spectacle John K. Shoemaker, who don t; everything , Which transpired when Mr. Buchanan's tiaras • he could to get him re-alcvtecl. And now to :a as fully agreed upon. Thu rivalry to see- Alms- his gratitude to Mr. S., all, n he was onul. (lie enthusiasm to support, the, eager- _ elected, and IVIIS independent. Of 'Air. Shoe-' "Pus to endorse, the significant Unity of maker. he bought out the f 'core 1 )omdrrat i heittitnent „and of vtion which characterised atict4urned ever to the opotn-nts of neon)- 1 that interesting period of the Copy ' racy, thereby cutting; r, Shoemaker off, cannel hi, domorilioii, Scarcely had Mill f friolki nii patronage that I ..u.siuld have hail,, Meld been announeel to an espeetaittt if i,,tt marl not have 11.q' fin' Ifni, vet creed pie, hi for; the (h.:verdant branchei 'of l rk r lt' ' renegade. tint his ineanne , , , , does not stop Democracy of Now York were broeght her v-et. • 15-ben the County Commissioners ' together and for the Brat time in many Ita4," were to allot the county printing, Mt. Shoe- i u lurt (4ll4 rw o : l d *l'Prm 'thelt way Once 'more ' maker put in an honorable mid fair hid of i'llitu'l as a band of brothers, ft was Maid eighty dollare. Now what did the ft ern-: such augurfra aria Insley such circumstantial • cue/ Mr. t'restliwaite do I Why lie bid I that 'lncites lltichanan }weenie the norninee et • one hundred dollars or lest than antibotly.ebrA,l the Democracy for the l'rsi(ktrier '- This knit! of a bid N 0111 d have been rejected 1 Before the struggle for the noininathatst ' by any, honorable m„,„ au dishonest. _' i None on, the platform of principles idear' Crostliwaito agreed to do it for /1875 ; coit h e. adopted. It is constructed upon liti enduri gently Mr. Shoemaker was gonr,ed (or some- ; ng hams"; it is -tOursded deep in undying faith thing worse), by a man whin one in debt to I and fidelity to the Constitution, ; it renew 4 him, by the most hertorable Faus-- 7 that of, iii language or, forver.t patriotism our dere!. grittitude fur services rendered. , What does 1 tion to the Union of the Statexibiere-easerts the community think of such a, being, ' our gratitude to the sages of the prise t • . who .could g i•; ‘ , / ,,,, his best f r i end t. shame on elitmelates our duties with rempettt titicOntacir, ,lilni r No won der that he has EWA a tioarn- events and points Out the darzi ' death) ' . lit mat 100 k Whim he sees any of nisi old in reserve for Ise on the North Lett' Y - friends from our side ,of the irsdinfaiii. Continent. The \ unanimous asserthan 0' Why, gentle read carpet : - but .l er, ho can only l bp corn. theile doetrincii,"in advance of the nombla- ' pared to Judas an e a rn a o s er ur s t i ze ti t i o linc tl i i p l o co s t a i r n e fry alw th a st ,atutro ys mom feeling than hint, for when he eiti'' 1110 illid lion; teas tho n workings of his aonseioneo, ho took a rope itararoollitl, and expediency and - policy eu. - and hung hineodf. But this ingrates would, tirely.secendaly and subordinate. rather ineet:with the scorn and contenipt of And now, Citizens of l'ennsylvania,wihave, all honest men, than follow the example of placed before you our :,principlen and ocr his prototype. • eaudiclates. Freely as the Convention has Now, what gild the reverend gerittpmen spoken tha cane d ates themselves have re gain by his printing eeterprise! Ili! taper snotidcd% Mr. illichanen isy• the record of has been a disgrace to the history of Ventre I his life and the recent declanttione of his county. And fie has proven himself false opinions; Mr. Brec.kinridge by hie :manly to the doctrines he-pretends to preach. Any and beautiful address spies the fioar of the .1 petition doubting this lot him -recd his't free Convention. Notbing fe left to infentsg t e. love organ." Itdoleratmo is rebuked; proscription pre ,- r estisll write l to you at another time, and scribed; abolitionism denounced; the righti ' tidg•rhold- of tome other "store lounger, l ' °him StategrwatitrapadT altlitisrfneiphaaf the • -lbws's,Nobratilts hill endorsed, . Tillare s a corn -4,..F.,,045a,ter Poiravt TOWaibffp'. Pl et mull'ia 144 4 1 4 4 itY A ll 4 kiii PO al**. ra oject dt MI I had almost forgiollen to state, lin% nig seen all Ohl frirrnl, and one ti.o who i; toll kite n to the Deneieravy of nintr.il Penn '") Iteidt Frazer. lie is the same ardent uoinilsive nod indomitablo witru at ; and although personal difficulties itin) have smell helm yen him and minim: in iiiir I WllO, I 1.4'111% r that fife rrilTurrAlwrtrt• Ts no firmly wedded to Dt mocraey 11(11 Lc ill St Wok ghirtnus principles to Ili, lxv,olll as hit poLli al /With!. lie IOOkB ex sreeffingly well, 1 , 1111 if his It it , MINI ten>ln A.I hill permit, he is deterinined to %isit the scenes of Itic Old battles and triumph in Centre county, tilt re to meet the DeinocraeY once more face to face. lie Rpeaks in glow ing terms of our mountains and rallies ; re- ferreTl to may otonr hest men with grati fication, and spoke in such familiar terns t of the reliticat history. of Central Penivi vaunt that t tutu not nstomslied that he Inv; so ninny personal frientla there. I bespeak for the Colonel cser'he •isite that region a hearty welcome. laurs lii):Irto .all Ptmotratit State " ' ttnital oLommitteg. 122111 Mg
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers