R |Utooaa iritomc. ALTOONA, PA SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1865 The Sanctity of the Sabbath. Quite an animated discussion took place I recently, in .the Senate of this State,mpon theisuigect of the Sancttiy of the Sabbath. There being a certain resolution under consideration, Mr. Clymer of Berks county, moved an amendment to it, the substance of which was, that Passenger Railway Companies in the City of Phila delphia shall be .compelled to run their cars, Mnpon the first day of the week, üßutdly mUed Sunday, between the hours of 6 Mill., and 8 P M.” The noble stand tijken by Senator Hall against this amendment, is greatly to his credit. The proposition is repugnant to alt oar ideas of the inviolability of God’s holy day. . After the mover had supported his amendment in a speech of some length, Mr. Hall replied as follows: Mr. HALL. I am surprised at the remarks I of my friend, the Senator from Berks. If his 1 idea is to catch a popular vote at the expense of religion and the sacred character of that holiday called Honda;, the Senator is entitled to ail he may I by it. j am opposed to everything of the I§Bd—na;, farther, I would vote fora bill to pro- I vent any railroad company from running their I /»»m oaStmday unless necessary to cany the mails. I Let the temind the Senator that it would not be I profitable even in a pecuniary point of view. The I whole history of the past shows that the railroad I companies nuke no money by such a course. It I is,.moreover, a clear violation of the plain statute, I and which' has,been in force as far back as seventy I years. It is contrary to the better principle of I means that principle has existed in all time gone 1 by. It is .contrary to law and to right. It may I be that rich' people ride in carriages and violate I the Sabbath .day; -bat because such is the fact | we would not be justified in permitting or com- I polling these companies to run their cars on Sun- I day, 1 can never vote for a proposition of that J kind,andif every man in the Senate would rise I help,to-day and call upon me so to vote a* a phil- I anffiropist, 1 would say, no, sir; all questions of this J kina mast give way before the greater questions of I my doty to observe the holy Sabbath day. 1 Mr. Speaker, I would just say here, in regard to I tbq propositions of my very worthy friend, the I Sehator from Erie, (Mr. Loway,) that whilst 1 I agree withhii* to a certain extent, I will not vote 1 for the proposition be has submitted ; because I I beUeve that under the law of the Ipnd as it no?. exits, colofed people cannot be expelled from the I railroad'esrs. Ido not agree to put statute upon I statateavdlaw upon law for the purpose of ruling add declaring merely the same thing. I will not. Tote agamst his proposition, because that vote might ne imsrepresented. On the main question therefore, ! shall not vote at all. I have taken occasidn ,to taj ,thns much in order that 1 may not be considered as on the “dodging list,” for I never dodge any question. On the proposition submit- j to4ly the Senator from Berks, (Mr. CltmlKß,) I; shall vote ‘io,” because! believe it to bean at i temp io violate the sanctity of Sabbath day. To these remarks Messrs. Glymer, Don ovon and others replied in favor of the amendment. Mr. Hall then apoke against it in tjbh fpUpjring spirited manner: Mr Hall.- , 1 feel deeply interested in this snb , joqti, beqaosc iregard it as one of the greatest im portances toe Christian world, and of more im portance, In the jaigement of the people of Penn sylvania, tlvtp any subject that has or will be bropgbt pefpt* the Senate. The .Senator appeals tomef w.weskv mortal man, a man who knows thaVMi'short comings are great, a man that does not |lO/his whole doty toward God and man—the Senator appeals to me, and asks me whether 1 hafo rievfer viblated the holy Christian Sabbath. I -*■“»<*> him yes. Is he stainless in this respect ? becadso I have and because he has, is thq| kIWFO why this deliberate body is to place on . its jpnnialsj so far as we can make it, a law that conStW others to do wrong ? I cannot so agree, *ir. tban sereot; years ago the Legislature </ Betwylvanmnnanimously passed a law, which ' hak Rmtfhed iipda dor statcte book from that day to -this, aod hehich. iain direct conflict with the prinytjdas meytfd by the[Senator from Berks to be person shall do or perform any worldly employment or bosiness whatsoever on the Lord's day, compjonly called Sunday, works of necessity and iewuy i-oply excepted, shall use or practice any unliwfhl gape, banting, shooting, sport or divcr liao whatsoever on tbe same day, and be convict ed fooh person so ofiending shall, for’ertny such offence, forfeit and pay four dollars, to be favie«l by diBtrea, or in case be or rite shall refuse or neglect to pay the said sum, or goods and chattel* cannot be found, whereof to levy the satnV by he or she shall suffer six days of im prundtDw in. Ae house of correction of the proper comity." . , f '■ 1 That, apt -was passpd on the 22d of April,-1794; and in,accordahce yrith-the principle there enun ciated, oh thSellA m iAipril, 1846, the Legislature nnsa&nousJy passed another law, which reads as part of an act of Assembly heretofore pass ; ed, shall be construed torequireany canal or rail road company to attendtheir works on Ac Sabbath day, £*4he jmrpoae of expediting or aiding the pcssage of any boat, craft or vehicle along the •sOMi'fany 'danse or clauses in their respective Chartres imposing a penalty for not aiding boats, i' to pate within a certain time, to Ae contrary 'notwithstanding.” - Seventy years ago it was thought best to protect the sanctity of Ae Sabbath, by throwing around it Ae shteldpf State law, which, if it Ad not compel its ohservaote, at least prevented' its open desecra tioa by people seeking to accnmolate gain. Notwithstanding these Laws, Ae Senator from Berks comes here and proposes to repeal Aem and etmysf passepger railway corporations to run their . care bn AeßabbaA—for what? Why, nr, that Ae lager beer balls and places of public amusement AAe outskirts of our large cities may be bene fittOd'aitd motley put iqto Ae’pockets of Ae pro prietors of Aose places of resort. Startling pro position in the year 18661 ( The Senator says that people’id cities ttse private carriages on Sunday ‘ for Ae pnrpdee of attending church. I grant that , It is so in city and country boA, bat they do not do it to make money. They do not eiAer ride or walk tbehureb to enrich themselves and pursue I their wwidly employment. But it is cot necessary -tat rtrere.cMophS *ho wish to enjoy “sunshine? that A* can ihdnld inn. sir, the proposition is Aon- sirens, the very donnle distilled qnintescence oi INTERESTING QUESTIONS * ANSWERS A Thrilling Scene on the Mieeiesippi infidelity. And if Ae ©emocratie party desire to MafaTIVE to the On the evening of the 28A of December * pafty array themselves against Chnsriemty, as lately -w-v- 0 T of four persons stwted from Winona they arraye4 themselves against freedom, let them r J 3Q U« O. JuOaiL. i-*, The party consisted offer. of Aeworid will called on, sEWnclfW one«f tim pnblftfcani of the to jndge of Asm aete This to do M j. yC ooke,of Philadelphia, who tor so long , Winona Rspublian, and Hisa Mary: Farrington, wuh the mmn th? Senator from Ene time of the popular 600 ito0e .rfldr. W. W. Williams and *ss Ido not intends vote for that, for the reason I milUon j.*) joit heen appointed by . M . p. White, in another sleigh. They wewWt totve already given, that I think tt Is the law now. ■ Fememfan, the General Agent todis- ' &rh pteasnre rideontfte nvef WhenoearTrem- Bnt whether passenger railway companies have « i 0 f the only popular Loan now offered for aale peleaithev made a mistake, whichhas often been not the right to exclude colored people from their j C^ he Government, Viz: the ‘SEVEN-THIRTY. - £*fa bv Arsons not familiar with the road, and cars, when you come to tell me that they snail j j n enter ;n{; upon his duties be desires to an- ; instead of turning to the left a short distance carrv people ot any color on the first day of tilc i gwer plainly the large number-of questions daiW abore the Tillage, and taking the channel of the week, I tell you, sir, and I tell Ae Senator from , u( j hourly propounded to him, so that his fellow- river leading to that place, they passed to the right Berks, nsvsr by my lf the Senator can gain eonntrymfcn may all understand what this “7-30 of the island opposite the place, and discovered any honors or notonetr by this wholesale attempt is, what are its peculiar merits, how they j their mistake onlv when, haring passed the island to overturn the Sajbath day, let him wear the one subscribe for or obtain the notes, Ac. : Ae lights of Ae village appeared in the distant* or enjoy the other. , . . Ist Question- —Why is this Loan called the ito the left and behind them. I point him to the statute of 1794, to Ae senes Loan? j The party Aen turned and directed their course of statutes from that day to this ;. and I tell him, Antwer _i t Interest, in currency, at Ac I Mrogg and ip the river, guided by Ae light* of sir, that the judgment of the rerv.people for whom DoUlirs and thirty ,»ch year, ! the village. Mr. Carey was ahead, and driving he appear as wanting Ae - hat their . huD dred dollars making Ae interest as * a brisk trot, hU spirited bourse holding his head judgment when theycometo that thentie. followg : ? high, and depending wholy upon Ae bit for gui a God and that that God has declared that one Qne on $5O nMe He £ marke( i Miss Farrington that, (fay of the-week belong to him, and that that day Two cents “ * “ JOO “ las thev had strayed awav from the beaten road shall not be violated I say to t(ie Senator from Ten .. 4t 500 .< they had been fortunate ’in escaping air holes in Berks, that even unthtnktngpeojde wiU agree Twentv .. 1 000 “ Ae ice. Hardly had he finished the words, when Aat he iswrong. This tsnot the *V' » One dollar “ “ 6,000 “ Ae fatal plunge was made, and Ae dark and ice age the diffusion of happing* or tp get the blessing. and how can they be ob- cold water closed over Aeir heads. Mr. Williams ot “pure air and sunshme." This gloom, >as only about two rods behind. He instanUy impenetrable gloom a gloom tlwt will settle o- _They are for sale, at par, and ac- rained his horse, sprang from his sleigh, and ran to ever and ever on any one who undertakes to v,o- Bub . TreMarie ,. National the edge of Ae iZ He saw his friend struggling late doit time and other Banks, and all Bankers and Brokers. . with his horse in the rapid current, and called to 1 trust, sir, the proposition will be withdrawn. QuestionZ-Whea is Ae interest payable and him : “Where's Mary?" “Oh, God! I don’t Remember we live m tbe nmeteenth The faow coU(xtM , know!" w« Ae reply. Senator from Berk* says that he has as great ade j^ Wßerm —The Coupons or Interest Tickets are Williams now saw the young lady on the sur sire to see Ats day observed ptpperly as »»? <>“ due 15th of February and 16A of Angnst in each face below him, floating, rapdly down. He ran in Ae Senate. I trust so, nr. Let him nowsh an a can be cut off from Ae note, and will be below and endeavored to approach Ae edge of Ae it Sinful as 1 am, I never can agree to by nv Sub-Treasurer, U. S. Depository, fae, but twice he found himself sinking on portions National or other Bank or Banker. j the ice broken off by his own weiglt, and from the Sabbath day shall be obliterated, and 4(A Ooejfios.^-When must Ae Government which he leaped back on Ae solid ice. She was ahall recmve a ptemtum for vmlanug it. A decent 7.30* ? now so far under the dark current that he could regard alone for the opinions ofothers shouW pre- m Anno „_ Tha dn e in two years and-a- gee but Uttie more than her cap, and this but dim yent Ais. Society and the ordfaary lies of soc hgif from the loth of February, 1865 ; vis: on the fa. He succeeded in getting below her, discovered intercourse among rational people forb.d it. The mJ projecting portion of ice, under which Aonld law of men is set against it, J“* d ® fit A Question. —Must I receive back my money ghe pass, all hope would be gone. It was the work commands you w “remember the Sabbath day and 1g67 ? of anfa slant toprostrate himself on the ice. and ■keep it holy. ■ Antvter.—Wo I not unless yon prefer to (Jo so— posh out so far as to reach beyond this edge. Ho The amendment was loet by the follow- the Law gives you Ae right to demand from Ae was now ready, and, as the sinking girl floated ; n _ significant vote • Govertiment, at Aat time, eiAer your money or toward him, he could hear her repeating a prayer ° ‘ . an equal amount, at par, of Ae famous and popu- that Ae might be saved. ~ On the amendment of Mr..’Clvmkr, lar 5-20 Gold Bearing 6per cent. Loan. “I cant save you now, Mary,” was Ae word of The yeas and nays were required by Mr. Question.— How much do you consider Ais encouragement, and as she came wiAin his left LOWRY and Mr. CLYMER, and were as fol- privilege 0 f conversion, into 5-20 Loan, to be hand was all that he cotild get The long reach low, viz: worth ? which he was compelled to make, the sinking of Yeas—Messrs. Clymer, Donovan, James, Lat- Answer.—6-20s bearing Gold Interest from Ist her body as the weight of his band rested upon ta, M’Sherry, Randan and Stark—7. , 0 f November, are, to day, worth 9 per cedt. pre- her'hand, and the force ofthe current came near Nats—Messrs. Bigham, Bucher, Champneys, m ; nm jf they are worth no more at the end of drawing him entirely off Ae ice. Bnt, carefully Donfap, Fleming, Graham, Haines, Hall, Noge, t jj e two ygarg and-a-half, when you have a right balancing himself, he succeeded in getting her Hopkins, Householder, Lowry, M’Candless, j 0 them, than they note are, mis premium added bead out of Ae water, and by taking bold other Nichols, Ridgway, Royer, St, Clair, - Wallace, t 0 the interest you receive, will give yon at least, arm with his right band, and placing bis left hand Walls, j Wilson, Worthington and Turrell, Speaker pg r cem. per annum for yoor money—but Ae upon Ae ice, Ae glove of which instantly froze —22. opinion is Aat they will be worth more than 9 fast, he was enabled.to get her in such a position per cent, premium at that time. that he held her until help, attracted by Aeir cries, Tth Question. —What other advantage is there arrived, which was a|x>at half an hour. The vil in investing in Ae 7-30 Loan ? lage was about half a mile off, but by Aa assist- Answer. —They cannot be taxed by States, ance of Miss White, some one was made to bear Counties, or Cities, and this saves you two to five the cry. per cent, on your income, as all railroad and How long mas' have been Aose fearful moments oAer bonds, and stocks, mortgages, Ac., are before help arived I While holding on in this taxed,-not only by the Government, but by States, way, Ae horse swam by them, probablywith the Counties and Cities. sleigh hanging below in deep water. There was Bth Question. —How does Ac Government raise great danger of Ais coming directly against them the money to pay the interest, and is it .safe and and sweeping the lady away from Ae Ann grasp sure? by which she .was now held, but Ae animal passed Answer. —The Government collects, by taxes, them, and went nnder the ice below. Mr. Will internal revenue, and duties on imports, fully jams now csOed toMrs. Carey, but received no re three hundred millions each year. This is nearly ply. He bad also disappeared below Ae surface, three times as much as fa needed to pay the Inter- or under Ae ice. Help at length came, est on all the debt, and as soon as Ae war fa ended, The people on hearing Ae cry supposed it* to the amount not needed to pay Ae interest will be proceed from on opening a little further down Ae used in paying off Ae debt. Our Government river, and proceeded to tins place first. This mis has twice paid off all her debt, and can easily do take lengthened Ae distance and the time. A so again. The interest is sure to be paid promptly, rope was first thrown, bnt Mr. Williams was una and the debt itself is the very safest investment in ble to adjust it.' A pole was next; extended to the world. It is as safe as a mortgage on a good ih-.-ra, and in some way, by Ae aid of Afa, Aey farm, and pays a better interest. It is, la fact, a succeeded in drawing the young lady now tmeon first Mortgage on all lands, all incomes, all rail- sions, upon Ae cold ice, and of rescuing her pres-' road and canal bonds, and bank or oAer stocks, server from his perilous position. It was not until mortgages Ac. . several boors after Miss Farrington had bepn re- Nothing can be safer, for we are all bound for it, moved to a comfortable room in the village, that and all that we have is held and firmly hound for she so far recovered as to be conscious, the payment of principle and interest. How fool- . ish those people are, who keep, idle, end locked np, Aeir gold and greenbacks, or purchase mortgages or railroad stocks and bonds, which pay only Sor 6 per cent, interest, when these Seven-Thirties pay (counting the premium on Five-Twenties,) over ten par cent., and are so much safer and surer. 9<A Question. —How many Seven-Thirties are Aere, and how mneb remains unsold ? Answer, —There are only about Aree hundred and twenty-five millions authorized by law, and only abont one hundred and' ninety millions ,re main unsold. 10M Question. —How long will it take you to .sell the balance ? Answer- —There me about 800 National Banks all engaged in selling Aem ; also a large number of Ae old banks, and at least Aree thousand of private bankers and brokers, and special agents will be engaged in all parts of Ae country in dis posing of them to Ae people. IDA Question. —How long will It take to sell the whole ? Answer. —ln less than Aree months, Aey will be all sold, and will no doubt, Aen sell at.a pre mium,'as was the case wiA Ae old Seven-Thir ties, Ae first Twenty-Year Loon, and the Five Twenties. The above questions and answers, it fa believed, will give full information ta all. If not, the' Gen eral Subscription Agent, or any of Ae Banks or Bankers employed to sell Ae Loan will be glad to answer all questions, and to fnrnfah the Seven- Thirties m small or large sums, (as the notes are issued in denominations of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, $l,OOO and 5,000,) and to render it easy for all to subscribe-rAus fulfilling Ae instrnctions of Mr. Fessenden, Who earnestly desires that Ae people of the whole land, (as well as Ac capitalists,) Aall have every opportunity afforded Aem ofob tainting a portion of tiis most desirable in- So the amendment was not agreed to. We are pleased to a number of Democrats voted against the amend ment, showing thal they ate sound on this question, and we hope, the day may never come when a proposition to ignore the Sabbath, shall receive the sanction of our Legislature. War News. From the tone of some of the Rebel papers one would be led;to suppose that their cause, was hopeful, that all was go ing right for them, but a glance at their news items puts a different face on the story. They admit that Gen. Sherman has entirely outgeneraled, the Rebel gen erals in South Carolina, and that bis vic torious army is gradually approaching the Rebel eapitol- His movement out of Sa vannah entirely deceived them. They could nut determine wither he would strike Charleston, on his right, Augusta on his left, or Branchville directly m his front. They were compelled to guard all these points, for should they concentrate at one he would be sure to strike another. The consequence has beep that they at tempted to guard all with small forces, Branchville has been struck and captured. Augusta is threatend add probably cap tured ere this time, while a portion of his forces, under Gilmore have taken a posi tion within two miles, of Charleston, which is reported evacuated. Meantime the forces which captuied Bjpnchville are marching on toward Columbia, the capi tal of South Carolina, and will have that place ere another week. ? While Sherman has been thus glorious ly moving forward, the Army of the Po tomac has kept the Richinond army busy, thus holding it at that point and prevent ing the reinforcement of the Hebei army in front of Gen. Sherman. Gen. Terry, at Wilmington, fully occupies the atten tion of all Rebel troops centered at that point. To hold' those at Richmond and Wilmington where they, are, seems to be the desire of Gen. Grant, thus allowing Gen. Sherman to move Northward with out heavy opposition, until he can make a junction with Gen. Terry and then with the Potomac army. It is a grand move ment, in which failure is not anticipated, and the end of which will end the rebel lion. The Rebels know .this, and ip order to recruit their army forthe final struggle, Gen. Lee has issued -an order offering amnesty to all deserters, who shall re enter the army within twenty days. A heavy land force, to co-operate with the fleet, is about to proceed against Mobile. The place is reported evacuated, but this is not believed. ; Whether evacu ated or not, it must soon come into pos session of Uncle Samuel.: (STThe Mew York Commercial'! Washington specials says Admiral Goldsboro is in this city perfecting the organization of the fleet for Euro pean water. It it expected its composition will be such as to be highly Creditable to the connry. It will be composed of some of onr finest and largest frigates which, the recent naval successes have released from blockading duty, and possibly an iron clad, one of the largest class, may be added to it. gjgT~ The Louisville Journal urges the Kefir tacky Legislature to ratify the, new constitutional amendment, saying that the next legislature will, if this one does*not; that slavery has only a nom inal existence in the State, and that Kentucky will surely be free before long. J,ET NOSE DELAT, BCT SUBSCRIBE AT ONCE, THROUGH THE NEAREST RESPONSIBLE BANK OR Bankbbs. First National Bank of Altoona, Pa. Designated Depository and Financial Agency for the United States, has been appointed Sub-Agent for the 17th Congressional District of Penn'a, and has constantly on hand for sale and receives subscriptions for the above popular Loan D, T. Caldwell, W. M. Llotd, Cashier. A Disgrace Worse Thar Death. —By order of Major General Qrd, Second Lieutenant St. John Davis, 199th Pennsylvania Volunteers, having tendered his resignation, is dismissed the syvice, with forfeiture of all pay and emol uments, subject to the appro valof the President, on the following statement of facts, certified to be correct by the commanding officer of his regiment, brigade and division. Lieutenant Davis enlisted for one year in X99th Begiment Pennsylvania vol unteers, receiving large bounties from the general Government and local antborities, and although well knowing that he was unfit for doty as an offi cer by incompetoncy, fit sought for position as such, expecting that as soon as brought into the field bis otter worthlessness would insure permis sion for hint to resign, and return to his home with the bounty he had thus swindled the Government out of, and at liberty to again practice the same rascality. Lieut. Davis has never done a day’s duty with his regiment. He has, therefore, no claim to pay, having never ear ned it. A copy of the order of dismissal will be endorsed on his discharge, that be and bis heirs may not apply for a pension hereafter, on account of the Lieutenant’s arduous service in the cause; gV The original sheet on which were recorded in Congress the yeas and nays on the passage of the Constitutional amendment abolishing slavery, has been signed by Speaker Colfitx and presented to the Northwestern fair for the relief of negro freedtneu. The Rebels to Drive the French out op Mexico.—The Washington correspondent of the. New York Herald, in spoiking of a conversation which Mr. Blair had with one of Jeff Davis' cabi net" officers, says; Having thus paved the way by a cautious and guarded, introduction or prelimina ry,'this cabinet official made direct proposition to Mr. Blair, by way of inquiry, in substance as fol lows :—“ln the event of onr [rebel] government deciding to treat for terms and give np the contest, will the United States government forego emanci pation, confiscation, Ac.,.and permit us [rebel] to dispose of our cotton, then leave the country for Mexico, with the expreaAtanderstaqding (hat no obstacle shall be placed in the way of the private soldiers,in the southern army, at least all who may desire, to follow the leaders into that country 7 If that will be consented to they will hind themselves to drive the French under Maximilian ont'of Mexi co, secure the full control of the Government there, and, if necessary, pledge its ultimate annexation to the United States.” In making this statement, the cabinet official did" not say that they would agree or were then ready to treat upon any such terms. He simply desired to know whether the Administration at Washing ton would entertain any such proposition. It shqw ed, however, that the leaders in the southern rebel-, lion have made up their minds that they cannot hold put much longer, and are looking around for 'some'place to go to. It is nndonbtedly the sequel to the hubbub now raised by the rebel papers over the enforcement of the''Monroe doctrine. • la response to the inquiry of the rebel cabinet official, it is said that Mr. Blair’ stated that the north would not, npon anv contingency, abandon the idea of emancipation. Furthej’, it is believed there that no permanent peace can be secured un less it is accompanied with universal freedom; but that, as far as confiscation is concerned, the Unis ted States government were willing to be merciful; and that he had no doubt but that the south would find the authorities at Washington lenient if they would submit.. . Another Amendment Proposed. The Constitution of the United Slates is like a piece of machinery. It was all deliberately framed for a particular end, and when one part of it is altered, it is found necessary to adapt other parts to it, so that all shall work, as purposed, in har mony. The emancipation of the slaves in the South, it is discovered, adds largely to its basia of apportionment, and consequently will increase its number of Representatives in Congress. By the Constitution, as it exists, three-fifths of the slaves only are a basis of representation in Congress.— But the freeing of those slaves, makes a large free black population having bo vote, bnt coaming .man for man with the whites, and consequently in the Congressional, apportionment adding two fifths to the representation. Professor Lieber therefore proposes another amendment to the Constitution, which is to appor tion the representatives in Congress according to the representative number of citizens having the qualifications requisite for electing members of the most numerous branch of the respective State Legislatures. A special census is also recom mended to take place before the next appoint ment. It is argued that in every State those citizens who have a right to vote for the numer ous branch of the State Legislature have also the right to vote for members of Congress, and in every State of the Union it is the State itself which determines by its own Constitotioa whe shall have the right to vote for members of the State Legislature, . Mr. Lieber’s amendment would deprive the slave States of three-fifths of their present political power, under the Constitu tion, or compel them to admit the negro to suffrage, in order to maintain it. President, . Iff?* Maximilian has been having a grand ball in his Mexican palace. The Empress wore white ■ilk embroidered in gold, a necklace of diamonds, and a sprig of green leaves in her hair. The Peeoe Bubble.' T « Usmamid Gaav« or ak Etirktt w ■ TBK Hakrmbosb CrsiniMSW'Tke announce- It Mi scaicely kit matter of news to oar readers merit of the dea® l of die Bon. Edward Everett, .that Be much Ul|ai(f(atce negotiations bare *nd the honor* which the. American people have proved abortive. Sir mo*t reflecting men tpiiparoloiory, rccall a melsncholy incident such a result. That the shrewd judges of-»« Sptenefed'wUk the EveiMffimii&wthich transpir- and JboMMcial circles regarded tht Stfin fjtia city?* few yearsaiuce, iA» the time re whole affair Mr futile was rendered manifest by ajp'i i djlre.a yatmg man H. Everett, the <#«dine tajof prices, an unfailing barometer hi Harri sburg, a* a jwteia! reporter and ! pAK NotWbg. todccd, served te >hMpN(%ir''’ to be a importance fttthe negotiations except the charae** nephew oC Hon. EdWMM»«*«t. Many of our | ter of the negotiators. ~ ; readers remember this personage. He was s So many versions of Mr. Blair's alleged con- , modest, ahaastuning, and highly educated nndac vereatioits have been published, that it is difficult | complished young gentleman who was accompan tp arrive at an authentic account of what he really by a beautiful The, health-of did report either at Washington or Richmond. — j Thomas Everett was very poor, though eyen that' But we think, from the general the state- was not as poor as was the scholar pecuniarily;— ments and the course of events, it is clear that he g e straggled here, manfully, to support himself has been so far misled by his own wishes a* rt> in- and wife with hia pen, but ; he failed in this, duce both Jefferson Davis and President Lincoln simply because he was too unobtrnsive, too mod to believe that there was a mutual disposition to eat, to compete with those by whom he was sur make terms likely to be satisfactory to both par- rounded. Let na be brief in the relation of our ■ ties. Unless hedid this, it is'hlird TO 'concCive incident. Before even kind sinlingcrscould inter that the meeting in Hampton Roads cooty eTtr pose to aid the poor scholar and bis young wile, have happened. Had he taken time to refleck he his disease gained such force that he died—died might have seen howegregrionsly he was mistaken, alone, in a strange land, with only the pitying This is a conflict involving the destiny of millions eyes of his anguish-stricken wife to watch his pas of the human race and millions of square miles of hence to a better world. A few strangers the most desirable territory on the face of the followed poor Everett w his last resting place, j earth. ■ It involves the very existence of the>e- where he ndw sleeps the steep which shall know no public and the perpetuation of its liberties. Yet waking until the archangel's trumpet shall sound Mr. Blair persisted in looking on it as a matter the end of time, in an unmarked grave. This for compromise and the management of a/ew incident is recalled, as we have already said, by politicians. the honors paid to the great and good Edward The peace we seek is not to be made with the Everett. We do not allude to it reproachfully.— men who have fomented and controlled the rebel- It is but one of those lessons of life which the lion. Tlfeir sway at the south must end, or we I world hears in pity for a moment, and then forever shall have no domestic quiet, however we may j forgets. —Harritburg TeUgrVph. s cease open war. We can and will make peace with the southern people, who were dragged into this war against their wUI, by means of the secret machinery of the Knights of the Golden Circle. Those who seek peace through a comptomise with the rebel-leaders would abandon to their merciless claws every loyal man in the south who has sided with us in this conflict, and consign anew to slavery the unfortunate blacks who have been so tong looking forward to our triumph for their deliverance. It is s disgrace to the republic that men pretending to speak for us should be perpet ually haunting Bicbmond <* supposed envoys from the President, apparently bent on begging a peace, while our gallant soldiers are victoriously forcing one on the battle-field. The day of hollow truces and delnsive compro mises termina'ed in 1860. It can never return, and those who seek to bring it back labor in vain. - Popular sentiment is now resolutely determined that: the Union one and indivisible shall be a Union without sectional conflicts, without a sep arate sectional nationality, nursed by its protec tion and fostered by it*revenues; a Union witb ont slavery; a Union without treason domesticated as a sectional institution, preached from pulpits; taught in colleges, and ranted in the public forum,- a Union in fact as in form. No other Union is now possible. No consider able portion of the peo ple of either north or south would tolerate any other. Those, therefore, who strive for a Union on the basis of slavery, do so in vain, and their hankering .after the flesh-pots of Democracy are not destined to be gratified. The mourners may weep if they choose, but it would be much wiser for them to be comforted.— Norih American. Privilege and the People Bishop Simpson told a capital story on Wednes day evening, in Illustration of the aversion of aris tocracy to give op its privilege*. He was in Nor way when the question was before its parliament of abolishing the nobility. The champion of the exclusive class described the culture, the refine ment, the scientific and literary attainments and lofty pride of the, nobility, and declared that if their rights were wrested from them and they were reduced to the level of the common peo ple, that they would leave the land that had sought .to humble them, and with them would go much of 'what Norway could ill afford to spare. He con cluded with “Parcel, you noble streams, you fam iliar ricks, yon green bills and lofty mountains, farvel ! farvel 1” and took his seat, conscious of having made a profound impression. Nothing . disconcerted, a man of the people arose and said, “And the rocks and the.bills and the mountains catch up the cry and return it in responsive echoes, 'tvel, vel,’ and it was well.'*’ 'Scandinavia has not been injured by its abolition of titular distinctions. On the coontrary, men are placed more bn their own merit. A great drag has been removed from the car of progress. A new impulse has been given to free .thought, and a more Intense activity to every department of effort. What took place there will happen her. With the abolition of sla very and the overthrow of a more exclusive aristo cracy than is found anywhere in Europe, a new era will dawn- upon the South—on the whple country, in fact... Men will no more stifle their moral convictions because appealed to in behalf of slaves; they will no longer explain away the grand doctrine of human brotherhood because it is sought to he applied to the black mart. They will not degrade labor by the curse of man-owning. They will not chill the aspirations of free thought of one half laborers of the South by the benumbing lim itations of serfdom, and limit .the ambition of an other to the ownership of a negro. The genius of emancipation will recreate the South, will inspire ft* poor whites, will kindle into the doll brain and slnmbering-energies of the colored man, will line -its'streams with factories and busy cities, will dot its hill-sides with schools and churches,- will dig out its rieb mineral treasures, and make its count less fertile acres blossom as a garden, and men from the South will join their brethren from the East and the West in high debate of a common public utility, no: in angry contentions over a con flicting social organization ; will concert schemes, for making this land more and more the asylum of the oppressed, the inspiration and the example of the dpwn-trodden and neglected masses of every clime. We are to become the heralds of popular liberty, the grand exemplars of the divine doctrine of human brotherhood, at once the terror of aris tocracy; and the hope of men everywhere aspiring to be nee.— Washington CrorUcle. Alexander H. Stephens in a New Light.— A Washington dispatch says: We learn that Mr. Stepens was the most liberal of the rebel deputa tion, and the most anxious for pesos. To ah ar my officer, while at Gen. Grant’s headquarters, he remarked that “We are but one people and should have but one common interest.” He said the leaders who have brought on this contest cannot now say to their people. “Ws have drawn yon into this war, and now that yon have poured out your blooiaad ' treasure until want and woe sit by every fireside of the South, you must abandon it. That tens of thousands of graves would be dishonored, if the maimed and emaciated soldiers who have followed the flag of revolution, impelled in every campaign by their wives and sisters, with the moto of independence upon their flag, should now tnm back without haring accomplished any thing. As yet we have gained nothing but deso lation and distress. Yon should not ask, yon can not think we must abandon *aU and turn back to our old allegiance. Yon gay slavery is gohe I admit it holds Its tenure npon a very slender thread; then there is the more reason why yon shonld con cede us something.” His theory was, if we would but treat with them as an independent nation, that such an agrfifcem conld be had as would practically unite both the North and South. He did not seem to think that they conid get through another campaign without foariul losses, but ho thought we would be as great and thought we would triumph in the end, it would be far better for both to cease,(hie war and treat for peace. ' • It was evident that the men who pinnged the South into this abyss of ruin feel compelled taper- V* ey we 111 “fidphed in one common grave, Or force us to treat with them in such a nianneras wtll justify them for having incited the 1 Provost Marshal Doses.—The Pennsylva nia House of Eepresentative* (.has, by a decided vote, passed a resolution requesting the President of the United States to remove Major Bichard I. Dodge, AssistantProvosuMarshal of Pennsylvania, who is stationed at Harrisburg. This officer is charged with disregard-'of duty, and actual cruelty to the volunteers who have assembled, in obedience to the commands of the President, at Camp Cur tin. The interest of the country, requires that these men should be welcomed by the agents of the Fe deral Government; that they should be kindlv , cared fotvand that they' shook! by usage, be en couraged to bear cheerfully the privations which they have patriotically assum.d to bear. But Major Dodge seems to have acted upon the policy of condemning these raw recruits to ‘more severe usage than they will have to endure upon the march in an enemy’s countiy after they have be come hardened to the service. The" conduct bf Major Dodge is creating dissatisfaction among the soldiers, who are treated worse than dogs, and in dignation among citizens who witness the severe consequences. The life of, a soldier is hard enough at the best, but if the country wants men they should receive such treatment at thrir entrance in to the service as will enable them to goto the front in good health, so that they may be useful. Con duct like that imputed to Major Dodge not only disgusts the men who have freshly volunteered, and induces desertion, but it discourages others from volunteering, and is a direct detriment to the interests of the country. ‘ men are dead their ooulgists often discover virtues in them which had never been recognized before. Now that the Smithsonian Institute is horned, the Washington Chronicle has discovered that “its architecture was the admira tion of every visitor to Washington,” and that viewed from any direction it formed a picture and model of beauty rarely witnessed." It has gener ally been compared to a table caster tilled with peppetr boxes and mustard pots. Cbaractmistic.)—A staff officer of the 9th corps writes, that a* the rebel Peace Commission ers were being escorted opt of oar lines, one of tijem turned to Gen. Grant and said : “General, l am anxious to have peace, and I would be wil ling to leave the settlement to you and Gen. Lee. " “Well,"said Grant, “I propose to settle it with Lee this summer.” . , ■A- The Louisville Prttt, of the 10th, savj that QcxiiTßEti, the noted Kansas guerrilla, who bis long been supposed to be dead, is now opera ting in that State. It says he doubtless intends •flake Ken tucky, in future, the theatre of his mur- thieving operations. -He and men of his gang have been recognized at different points in tlje State. STILL IN' THE FIELD : EXCELSIOR tlat <fe Cap Store. 'THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD IN 4. FORM tho public that be bae taken charge pftb if e*- tttdishment, heretofore owned by Jesse Smith, where be bit now on hand a large and varied assortment of FASHIONABLE STVLES OF PATS, J| CAPS, MISSES AND CHILDREN’S FLATS. ;Hi« Block ban been selected with great car* and embra* cJb every color, shape andtjnality, for tb© accommodation of grave or gay, old or young, rich or poor jA fall Block of Ladle* and Misses Fnra of all alylsaal ways on hand. r |AU he aska ia an examination of bis Block, feeling jwrs tftat he can please the most fastidious, | Jan.l4,lBW-tt MARRIAGE GUIDE YOUNG’S. GREAT PHYSIOLOGIC AL WORK, or, Every ons hisbwn Doctor—Rein? > ;P,rivata Instructor for mslried persons or those about to Blurry, both male and female. In every tiling concerning ;tbo physiology end reUtiuns of out sexual system, and the prudnction or prevention of offspring, including all the new discoveries never before given in the English lansnage, by WM. YOUNG, M.D. This is roiHet a vale able and interesting work. It la wrfttsn in pialkjsD gnagv for the general reader, and is Illustrated witfr'np :wards ot one hundred engravings. All young married people, or those contemplating marriage, and having the least Impediment to married life, should read this book. Itdiscloees secrets that every one should be acquainted with. Still it is a hook that must be locked up, and not lie about the house. It will be tent to any one on the m ceipt of twenty-ana. cents. Address DR.-WB.FOOfiO, ho. 410 SPRUCE Bt, above Fourth, Philadelphia. JtD. 1866r*6a.* ■ n^URS,'BUCKETS, BASKETS, /*■ , ■■ , BROOMS, BRUSHES, 4c, 4c., for sale at the [foMJ NATIONAL OROOrSy. 17XTRA FAMILY FLOUR, CHEAP JLA FOR CASH at the Altoons, Jso. 21, ’B5-tf. NATIONAL GROCERY. BEANS AND HOMINY for sale at tlie National Grocery, Altoona. Jaß.ttpl&rtf . RUSS t POBXT/KWAIT. r PIP TOP SUGARS, CKANKTON’S ‘.A Superior Virgin i*. *od -other cbole* Sntaktbc To baccoi *t th« . [f«b4] NATIONAL GROCERY. fpEUNKS -AND CARPET-SACKS Boots and shoes plain and Bute? st \fINCE-MEAT—MOST CAPITAL, A.TJL st tits NATIONAL GROCERY. PRIME HAMBURG CHEESE, AT NATIONALOB6CEBT. PURE BRAZILIAN COFFEE—goc soSchtsil —st the NATIONAL QBOCRBY. CPICKS—aII kinds—at the national orognbi. RAGS! RAGS 1! BAGS!!! /"I ASH paid for RAGS, at EAST’S HtLUNUT BTOBI. Tlrrlsts (L. Al|saa». 2oss efUUlp. D. W. ALE. 0. C. SMITH e. C, SMITH. |Utoima ® LOOAIi I3P iMitlff', Arrwt** gfflSTy^ttai riro is f iSiS^s 2Sf *nta«t>»yh«4 SSSSSea tssestsasS coverlid. Tberobbe edfend the scouwlr* might h*» morn planter bad theircak ed j B the one point, •» » *«* mewing at that early how &ey i foil night to the job. they ting into the backtope*.they w® to dig through Mother Wok w*U vault then drill through a lining iron secure!* rivited, and then be deposit* apd money of the but, to get into* strong iron mfe. into thi* l*»t, however they nn Mine valuable* in the vault pUc sons for safe keeping. . The ahovn we copy hrun the week, and add that the key left » opened Into the alley in them* marked “U,” and evidently l» None of that number being foots lidaysboiß. Mr. Georgs W. Hast hunt of the burglars, came to thl inquiry respecting the key. Ooi Union Hotel, identities! the key room 11 of his house. To hnsi the room (or occupy it) hr turned to the hotel register, and of ,1 GUmer anti three compank sons were known lo be still in Ely was summoned to assist i While Mr. Buss went to the Sqt warrants for the parties, Coasts men to Mrs. Shank’s drinking kept them treed for a time; but turning quickly with the warrant the house and started, two and direction*. When foe warrants and BJr went in search of them hauled two of them, J. Gilme r i at the Mansion House. They Esquire Hume’s office, where s was adduced to warrant the squ a commitment, on which they « the hill and lodged in jail to. a term ofJSotBPV f j Sham. Box.— Wo noticed, la were two csSes of small pint in esses were, immediately upon tl disease, removed from town, bo of the, removal until after onr ] sued. One of the persons ini Harrisburg and the other was House. As both case* left M| house immediately on the diseat to the attending physician, of ren.aiuf. We hate heard tha cases of small pox in the tov unable to lean the local Hy. the pamesef hotels, boarding where we know there i ease. We shill do so from pro vent those who may be ignonu existence, from going where th No one shonld feel agrieved < their homes as con Waning cam «e feel woom fhank which would doer them from of another where there were a Air Marrnto. —T the Anniversary of the Uistio Methodist Episcopal Sunday S will be held : in the Methodist'( P. M. Rev. W. W. Hicks, India, will be present. He church, at 10J .I'clock A. M., lecture in the afternoon. He anfPezhlbit a number of the | the idolaters of India, which I that county. His lecture wil India and its inhabitanta as 1 them, and will no/doubt be The sabbath school has been her of chorusaea with w the proceedings of the dial invitation is extended meetings 6f the day. Cot-pan Niobi.—Si last, was tl «*■&#' ■» this region, the thermometer registered 1 * degree or two below the Sleighing could not be bett be at least two foot of snow moan tarns, while in the | drifted, it is so deep that meamotag tt. ’ Mtntcsu—Wo invite i •eaderm sthe Card of B. M. saleofpianoe, melodeops another coltuab. - 111. A U cai«ble ofjudgingof the 401 and hanngbeenßw a namt the bu*iaes*,be can gin contemplating the parchaa either otthe above kinds, si w sddrestfltun by letter. Altoona Sava Again.— the draft avoided. 'Dus will of onr dtoens. They earn ly and {lfag snore sonndly roateMheWational Grocer tlewah, on Virginia street, the place to fin *he heat goods, and the fair fR* Dont&il to. read th< tloK Qaeslnus and Antwei D. which will b V you dp ppt have aboi 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers