SWEET’S NFAIJABUi IMENT t i ... - ? THE !AT REMEDY UM,OO»T. N«CRAIiaU, UOM&lat. AND JOINTS, BFJUINB, Hrtct^T 0 ' | WOUNDS, FILES. HJSADAfcHIU LL RHEUMATIC AND M*R. ! TOUB DISORDERS. 4t J*»«p*»dy«»d cwrfafa r m,|i, Jaiatral u prrpknd from > QfCw.Dwtlcßt.th,, fiuSSiTnga? »■ te M practice for more twtoaUliint racca*. *****l lATOR or PAIN, it fa wrimw Mtee the public, of wuSfwPi.7 qaTiaaxi by . tludlo trial. . T°“ bon awsd it bu i»T«r been koowo to rfbra ImmoJUto Ufa, fa of ukadacuk fa fart. uma to doU. . » vftl It core Instantly. pit aabiling remedy. AcHi.rSSK?' IIHK*. it etrwmthen* and reinrtg-Ty • it to tla-tieity aad Titer/v *an external remedy, we claim thu i, Mm) we chilbnfe tbe wortdto prodJe victim of tbU dictreeeinr U, fin- It will net eat to i°**T of a— MBS THROAT an iMitiMatmK. daqgßrMU. but i .ttMfr unUqutoß of wnr bil ls cue*. 7 ■ 01 ■anHWm very etettmw, ted > i» liable to ocenr if "Tbi senqnoredtjy this Liniment is two or SOBKS, DtCKRR, #lmNB fMd readily to the vnodera! bewlm„ SWEET'S IArALLIBLRHwTa^ffi Me to direction*. Also. OBIUtAnt pEKD INSECT BITES AND^TINGR (hen Sweet, of Oonaeoticnt, *t Boom Settrr. ten Sweet, of Connecticut, 'fb» OoiUd Stateii. ■>. »hen Sweet, of Connecticut, ‘ rt Dr. tvwt’* InbUlbi« LUgutt” , >tV Infallible Liniment aodneret fell*. (t’s Infallible Liniment * ly fur XmraleU. i"s Infallible Liniment Scakt> itimiMiil-ly. I " s Infallible Liniment remedy {or Sprain* and Brofan. ,'s Infallible Liniment aunedimltdr and was never known to <*B ’s Infallible Liniment ■relief fur Pile*, audeoMom bliato care. V Infallible Liniment r OQ« ; s Infallible Liniment / jnnds immediately aod.lMtvM.aa tear. 's Infallible Lini|u^iit r ferwraa to tbe know* world., « InftUible l>i»Uneat r awn Umc k adfiton poopto, ud >ll 8 Infallible- laoinaent i ana' Colic. (3>eJ«nlttyt>ps«ad Cbelsr* s IlrfalKbte iUnuqettt taa(tM.*’«ari «v«rj twlty rtwlrt k*v« 8 Infallible Liniment nnjita. INNEEp. TWJTJT. Kr&LLUtuc jupruaiNx. m- •» «• without* rival, «»d wflt allsffc leisls OWNERS! HORSE 'ft. SWEET’S ' Q HUE ' '■ 's Frsm&> bar* ftmix) fc tnrtjr IN [ON. iglsaiici aiplpi - tribune power-press PRINTING OFFICE. iiarmg, within the past two year*, made considerable to oar establishment in the way of new fancy v;> .4crew Press, Paper Curter, Card Colter. Ruling Mr jjiu-. Card Power Pre*e, and.large Newspaper Power (a cot of which we give above) we are now prepared -xccute anything in the line of printing or ruling in !, -:ya* equal to any establishment in the -Slate, and at *r, re * equally tow. We can execute, on short notice, all adding, invitation, Visiting, Ball EBusiness Cards, mammoth posters, sale bills, say* AG® yiWSOfcMMAi)® pamphlets, Pay and Check Bolls, BLANK BOOKS, MANIFESTS. AND, BLANKS OF ALL KINDS. All we aik I* a trial, feeling confident that we can give •jtiifcstiou if we hare the opportunity. .jfljce in Lovtberls bnUdlag, corner of Virginia and An ;,-imtß, opposite Superintendent'* Oflh*e. Fivo-Twenty U. S. Loan. ilfM M. LLOYD & CO., AJtoona, TV are subscription agents to dispose of this Five f wentv Years V. S. Loan. Amounts can be had to suit i.e met a* of different individuals—the Interest being pay and to be accounted for halfyearlyln Qnld. April H-!63.-lm. ;i,ei iu the Town Hall, Hollidaysburg, on the 29th ,h„ and elected O. A Traugh Representative .irlegale to the State Convention. Tbcfollowing •solutions were read and unanimously adopted : Whereas, A most momentoui crisis has risen m the affairs of this nation ; and whereas, it . die duty of all good citizens to express their -aliments in relation thereto ; therefore, Rooked; That we, the Democratic citizens : Blair county, in convention assembled, do hereby ;.eure oar unabated devotion to the Union, the constitution, and the laws. Rooked, That the present rebellion is infamous oul wicked, and without any just and sufficient ause or provocation. Resolved, That we pledge onrselves to sustain nr Administration in all constitutional and legal Leisures to crush out this infamous .rebellion. Rooked, That the war upon the part of the .tuple of the North was commenced for the en forcement of the Laws and the Constitution, and or no purpose of subjugation, conquest, or inter ■i irnce with the domestic institutions of the South, _r,J to change the war into a war for the abolition r slavery is clearlv a 'violation of the Constitu- tion and the Laws, and would place us on a level >tth the traitors of the South. Rooked, That the Constitution, as it was ouicii and established by onr fathers was made tit, nt for our government both in time of peace ,;tJ war, and any violation of it by onr rulers, me plea of •* necessity," is bat the old plea of . mitts that lias been used by them since govern ...rets were formed and will be as long as bad , ii have the power. .tn a miserable failure, and will continue to be as long as such men as Stanton and Halleck -are control of our armies, and such tacticians i, John Covode and Ben Wade are the counsei > and advisors of President Lincoln. Resolved, That our heartfelt thanks are due to ar noble and gallant soldiers, who have left all mlorts and enjoyments of home to |»ur out their ;!ood ami surrender their lives, if need be, in de duce of the rights and privileges of a constitutional ,'oremmeqt; and we will do all we can to make :ut survivors happy in the evening of their days, - honor the memory of the dead, and to perpetn t:t the noble form of government for which their •.-.crficyi were made. Resolved That, being a law abiding party, we vcognize as binding upon ns all laws passed in :.e usual and legal way, and shall so regard, them util they are declared uncostitutiuul or are re ucaled by the proper authorities. Resolved, That our confidence in Gen. George H McClellan remains unbounded. The patience, honesty, care for his men,' and military ability town by him, stamp him as the first military stains of our country, notwithstanding the criti isms of such honed soldiers as the war commit and bis name and fame will be taken care of ;■ his countrymen. Conor SrpEjmtTESDEttT.—On yesterday (Mon har) the School Directors of this county met at Hollidajsbntg to elect a County Superintendent common schools to serve for three years.— eighty-one Directors were present. Hon. John 1 res "■ell was chosen 'President and H. C. Deni ■nd Martin Bell chosen Secretaries. On motion •! Mr. Calvin, the salary of the Superintendent "as fixed at §6OO per year. The following candidates were then placed in turaioation, viz : J. G. Counsman and Rev. A. d- Sembower, of Altoona, John Mitchell, of Hol lidaysburg, and Thomas Stewart, of Antes. The ballotting resulted as follows: ''Kwmrt Connaman Mitchell... .vmho«ser.„. The name of Ber. Sembower was withdrawn, at ■s request, before the balloting conunetlfeed, bnt :St I*™ oo nominating him refused to accept the »itbdrawai. , Fa*i Dai.—The proclamation of the President *'-ing apart Thursday hut a day of fasting, hn- and prayed, was more generally observed naa anal by our citizens. All the stores and £ °psbntone,nnd a few drinking saloons, were Religion* service in the Baptist.Gborah « 9 o'clock in the morning, was well attended, a discourse suited to the occasion delivered by Sev - A. H. Sembower. We did not hear it, cbn cannot speak of its merits. At half-past ■•io clock the Methodist Church was crowded to a discourse by Rev. W. R. Mills. Hi* text sell chosen and bis deductions therefrom met *>di a hearty response from every true patriot.— dut y every man to his country, especially ■ J toch a crisis as we are now passing through, c * ear 'y unfolded by quotations from scripture tad unan ™ ,:m * ) ' c Arguments. Politicians, editors ;ioa ers cttl P e in for their share of cxcoria anJ ttot . ““justly. Altogether, we think the arse productive of good results. /r * - + ?tSj. «Kiued.—On Wednesday night last, an B t^ WB mnR "'"■s run over and killed by the cans eß lferend of the yard, in this place. Hi* iate on Thursday morning and ■ taken <«« of ihe Company buildings, but none who iajr “ I<Jn il could recognize the feat ares. Hav- OS 51 ™ person, the Steward of the aadiib,. wbo *•« notified of the case, W^hd D aWi? int * rred in pwper a CBTAt a meeting of the Medical Society of ijr 4. Blair County, held: April £7ih the following gen tehnen wore elected officers for the ensuing year: President'. —JohuFeav. Vice T. Christy. Win. R. Findley. Treasurer.—C. Irwin. Storetary. —J. A. Landis. IMitgatfis to the State Medical Society. —,Wm. R. Fmdley, of Altoona, John I). Ross of Wil liamsburg. SltAima " Fritted « CwfWß’i “Cmtij Preu.” 1 ; Circulars, Programmes, iiOOteh.Xi ITEMS. Dejiocbatic Cooimr Couvbntiok.—This body Rfsotred. The management of the war has Sarsaparilla. Lindsey's Blood Searcher and Kennedy’s Medical Discovery, for sale at Roush's. Election.— At an election for officers of the Altoona Gas and Water Company, held on Mon day, 4 th, inst., the following gentlemen were elected : President.— Wm. H. Wilson. Managers. —Win. M. Lloyd, Chas. J. Mann, Geo. W. Kessler, John F. Bowman, Joseph M. Wilson. O’ Flavoring Extracts of all kinds, for sale at Roush’s. . . I‘eesentation.-— Daniel Heoke, engineer be tween this place anti Harrisburg, was recently pre sented with, a handsome clock for his engine, by a few of his friends who are intimately connected with him in the discharge of his duties, as a mark of their esteem /or him as a gentleman, and for the faithful manner in which he performs the duties of bis situation. Mr. Heoke is regarded as a careful and expert engineer, and the testimonial was a fitting present to a worthy employee. te* Bennett’s COcqaine, Pomades, Gallagher's Hair Oil, Wood’s Hair Restorative, &c„ at Ronsh's. “The de*idemtum,vs a stitch that will not ravel. The Wheeler & Wilson Machine makes the only stitch that answers: presicelv the conditions re quired. It cannot be raveled or ripped, and forms a seam alike on both sides of the fabric sewed, with great economyof thread, more firm, durable, and beautiful than I hand-sewing.”— Family Mag. R. A. O. Kerr, qf this place, is agent for the •ale of these machines in Blair and Huntingdon counties. See advertisement. BQu Jacob Ambrose Bradley, late of New ry, Blair County, Pa., will hear something to his advantage by calling on the Rev. J. Tuigg of Altoona, or the Rev.; James Bradley of Newry. Said J. Ambrose Bradley is supposed to be some where in Blair Co. [Mays, 1863-3 t. C - A good selection of Photograph Albums, just received at Roush's. Religious.— Rev. W. B. Stewart will preach in the Presbyterian Church on next Sabbath at 10} A. M. and 7} T. M. Wright's, Jayne’s,McLane’s, Wilsons, Burnett's Judson’s and Brandretb's Pills at Roush’s. O* Fresh Butter anti Eggs every Thursday, for sale by Fritchey i Miller. .Mackerel—Nos. 1,2, and 3, in all sized packages, new. and each package lyarrented, just received and fqr sale low by Fritchey & Miller. Brooms, Brushes, Tubs and Baskets of all de scriptions, qualities and prices for sale by Fritehev & Miller. * ' Worrell’s Prepared Coflce, just received and for ■sale by Fritchey & Miller. Jersey plain Hams:and Shoulders, just received and for sale by Fritchey & Miller. Boston Crackers—A large supply of these de licious crackers ju|>t receivad and for sale by Fritchey & Miller. ; Extra Family Flour, from the Cove, always on band and for sate as low as the lowest by Fritchev & Miller. : Coffees, Sugars, and Syrups of all grades, and at reasonable prices, fbr sale by Fjitchey 4 Miller. Oranges and Lemons always on hand by Fritchev 4 Miller. ; Coal Oil!—A .No, 1 coal oil just received and at 48 cent?: per gallop by Fritchey 4 Fritchey & Miller,, new store, corner of Caroline and Virginia Sts. j Temperance and Morality. Ist.. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. U 8 8 7 82 36 40 42 32 35 31 29 33 2 3 BT THX AUTHOR 0f “ C*BT. atJUIU’B WiTCSWOBD.” M. B. Marvin was for some time principal of the High School ip Glenbdrough. Among the lads under his care was one in whom he felt a peculiar interest and for whom be predicted a brilliant career. Charles Lindsey was the pride of the school, punctual in attendance, prompt in recitation, and respectful in deportment, when visitors were present, Charles was sure of a call to the blackboard, or if it were not the hour for mathematics, a difficult sentence in Greek or Latin was given him, toihow his proficiency, in the dead languages. His declamations were particu larly good, gaining the approbation of his teacher and bursts of applause from Jus fellow pupils.' “He has the material iu him fora great man," said Mr. Marvin to the youth's lather. ‘lf prop erly trained and developed be wilt become one of the lights of the age ”■ ; . The father was pleased with the' commendation and determined to withhold no cart or expense in the education of his son. " Treasarer.-r-Benjamin F. Bose. tAe Maine EvangtUtC. fO TOUCH IT MOT! O touch it not! a thousand Itiugs Will pierce thy deathless seult 0 touch it not! it misery brings, Though sparkling in the bowl! Tan thousand youths of promise tors Hat* sank beneath its tide;' Then touch it not!—tbeir fate beware. Lest thou sbould'st downward glide. O touch it not 1 n syren toe In flowery ambush lies;' 0 touch it not! itlures to woe, That uerer, never die*. ' Oonld nil the hopes that ones did bloom, Till murdered by tbo cup, Speak from their bold and gloomy tombs. They’d say, “ Obits It up !” 0 tonch It not! tby hopes are bright. The future's robed in flowers I If touch thou dost, ’twill be nil night. And corned be tby hour? I, . While youth, with' its enchanting powers, Intitss within its realm, O tonch it not I .a .death-storm lmure-r ’Twill sacs tby cool o’erwhelK* Then touch tt Mtl’ the Godlike mien • Wa* foraied for nobler ende; 0 touch it not I no Joy thoui’t find— To wu* it* dark path tend*. Then dub aalda thp pain-fraught bowl. Spare all lu ayren wile*— Then peace and joy ahull cheer thy MtU, With aramaathiiw smile*. Charles Lindsey. completed hu course at the A I’TloNHr—All persons are hereby High . School, Air. Mamn received & *noffe lucre- camiooed against pnrchaslug. nr in an? wav u«ico> tire appointment iu a distant town, in consequence tinting f.>r,VNOT a giWa by me u> David Mvast:»»t. f>r of which the teacher lost sight of his pupil He * so ‘ dated abont tfcht ymrs since, I hare u«re» received s'U. remembered him, and as years he Sc^kT* scanned college catalogues, thinking in some of Alums*, May sth, IM3—3t* N • thesq to find the name of Charles Lindsey coupled ■■ with the highest honors. He was disappointed. Orphans’ Court Sale of Heal Estate. and when he saw the report of a Greek prize won mnmrrn : - by James Bell, another of the Glenborough bovs. \IRTDE OF AN ORDER OF be began to qosetion what had become of Lindsev. T 1 !? ORFIIANB* COURT OF BLAIR COUNTY. VMM M r W, m nn i,n, ? tlw undermined, Administrator of the e«Ute of N Archibald 1 tl e yeareafter Mr. Maryin left Glenborough. MeCahrao. Ute of Altoona, dec’d, wi i expoa« to «*)« by he returned lor a short visit. At the railway : Public Outcry, on the pramUea, 00 TUESDAY, JUNK 2d, station a man in mean attire offered to take his IS 3, the fo Uowiag described prop-rty, to it:—4).N£ LOT luggage to the hotel. *■ A poor dmnkeq wreteh.” ; Z. tnouglit the gentleman, as, with some misgivings, 65 frai on Virginia St, extending back 6 he allowed the ill-looking man to be his porter. IW« feet along AlleghenySt- and thence A/fIW-'V “Is your name Marvin? - ’ soon inquired the j 8t- 55 r?®''! fronting on 3 ! atreeta and be ng a Corner Lot, and ha mSEKS^r ' Ting thereon arreted a TWOSTORY “ Ves.” PLANK BOUBB, 22 by 18 fcet “ And . von used to keep the High School PKiifA— Ono-half the pmchaae money on confirmation yonder,” proceeded the man, pointing to the old j s f nre - ■» ' Sale to commence at 2 o'clock P. M ,of raid day “ Yes,” replied Mr. Marvin; “ I have come . J' J- BC&kqoldkr! back to inquire about my boys. Lindsey, Bell, the two Coreys, Steams, Allen, Green,” Price and Woodland perhaps some four score more—l want to hunt np every one.” “I was Lindsey once,” sighed the porter, though you didn’t think it. I’ve changed since I studied Virgil.” . “Not CharlesLiudsev, sorely," exclaimed Mr. Marvin. “ I prophesied that Charles would make his mark.” “Do you reccollect the exibition when I had some kind of a battle piece ?” inquired the porter. “ I didn't feel well that morning, some of the older boys told me 3 a couple of glasses of strong beer would nelp me out with my declamation. It helped so much tlmf afterward when I had a hard lesson, or was out of spirits, or wanted to speak well, I used to run into the store at the comer for a good drink of beer. I drank six glasses the day I graduated, and I felt it to my fingers’ ends." “ What then ?” inquired Mr, Marvin. “Oh ! sir, when a boy begins with beer, he soon thirsts for something stronger. I went to college, but there was wine drinking and other drinking'which imerferred with my studies. I got reprimanded and left without finishing the course, aud since I have gone on from bad to ■worse. That heer was my ruin, and I wouldn't ‘let my boy touch it sooner than 1 would let him eat live coals." Mr. Marvin urged his old pupil to break the chains of his evil habits. “ You know nothing about it,” was the indig nant response. “When the love of drink gets possession of a man, it is stronger than seven evil spirits. I know it Is killing me body and soul, yet I drink on, and I shall till I die. ' Talk to the boys who are just beginning to sip beer and porter, with a taste of wine now and then, but don't talk to a man like me, who has lost his hope, qnergy and self-respect, and don’t care for anything except to satisfiy bis appetite.” O'" Ask any man if he wants inflamed eves, sore throat, racking head, burning veins and dis eased stomach, and he will think you mad. And yet many hundreds will pay for them. A CARD TO THE SUFFERING The Rev. Wm. Cosgrove, while laboring as a Missionary in Japan, waa cured of Consumption, when all other means had failed, by a recipe obtalqed from a learned physician in the great city of Jeddo. This recipe has cured great numbers who were suffering from Consumption, Bronchi tis, Sore Throat, Coughs and Colds, and the debility and nervous depression caused by these disorders. Desirous of benefiting others. I will send tills recipe, which I have brought home with me, to all who need it, frof* of charge. Address. D*c. 23,1862—1 y BE WISE BY tIMES! Do not trifle with your Health, Constitution and Cha racter. If you are suffering with any disease for which HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BCCUU is recommended, ’ thv it: try it: try it: it will cure you. Save long Suffering, allaying pain and Inflamaxiou, and will restore you to HEALTH AND PURITY, At Little Expense, And no Exposure. Cut out the adrertieement lu another column, and call or aend for it. BEWARE OF COTNTERFEITB! Ask for'Helm told’a. Take no other. CURES GUARANTEED. SINGER & CO.’S Letter “A” Family Sewing Machine. WITH ALL THE RECENT IMPROVEMENTS, Is the .BEST and CHEAPEST and HOST BEAUTIFUL o t all Sewing Machine*. This Machine will uv anything, from the running of a tuck in Tarlatan to the making o! an Oveicoat—anything from Pilot or Bearer Cloth, down to the softest Gauze or Gossamer Tisane, and Is ever ready to do Its work to perfection. It can fell>bem, bind, gather tuck, quilt, and has capacity tor a great variety of Oma mental work* ThU is not the only machine that can fell hem, bind, Ac. but It will do so better than any other Ma chine. The letter “ A”. Family Sewing Machine maybe had in a great variety of cabinet cases. The Folding Caae which is new becoming so popular, is, as Its name implies, one that can be folded into a box, or caso, which, when open, makes a beautiful, substancial, and spacious table for the work to rest upon. The cases are of every ima ginable design—plain as the wood grew in its native for est, orgs elaboriitely finished as art can make them. The Branch Offices are' well supplied with Silk-Twist, Thread. Needles, Oil etc. of the very beet quality. Send for a copy of “ SINGER A CO.’S GAZETTE. 1 ’ 1. M. SINGER & CO., 458 Broadway, N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE—BIO CHESTNUT ST. Mr. D. W. A. Belfort, Merchant Tailor, Virginia Street, Agent in Altoona. Altoona, Nor. 13,1862. [i , r . BAH EOAD AHD HAIL SCHEDULE. TRAINS ARRIVE AND DEPART. Baltimore Kxpresi Weatarrlve. 6A4 A.M,leaves7.l6 A.M. Phlladel’a “ “ “ 7.40 •* “ 8.00 “ Fait Una '• “ 820 P.M. “ K.SSP.M. Mall Train ■ ' “ “ 7.00 “ “ 7.15 •- Express Train East “ 8.10 P.M, leave* PjOOP. M Fast Line “ “ 1.10 AM , ’• 1.16 A. M Mail Train “ “ 7.40 “■ “ 8.00 “ Throngh Accom. u , “ 1016 “ “ 1C25 “ Tratna on HollMayaburg Brand) ran to connect with Ezpreaa Train* West, Hall Train Rad and Wan and Thro' Accommodation Train East. Train* on Tyrone *Cta»r(leld Bnnch ud Bold Eerie Valley R. B.'ran to connect with Bxpreee Train Watt and Mall Train Bait and Weat. MAILS ARRIVE. Baitan) Through, 7 40 A. M. Kaatara Way 7XO p. M Weetera Way .......... 10.15 A.M. Wwtam Thnmgb, . 7,40 A. M. HoUtdaytbqrg...... 7.80 A. ML A 7,00 P. M. MAILS CLOSE. WMtarn Way, 7JO A. M. Eatturn Wpy, 7,a0 “ Weaterp Through, 7,75 p. jj. Eaateru Through, 7.75 .1 IMMayiMn*... 780 AM. A 6,48 P M. (™a Uotraa:—During the work from 6.45 A. M. until 7,30 P. M. :Ou Sunday* from 7,80 until BJO A. M Altoona, April 20.1863. XABBISD. On the 30tb nU* by the Rev. 1. H. Schmidt. Ifr. LEON HARD WILUKLMto Mite CATHARINE HAT, both of Altoona. ■■ DIED. In tbie place, on the 29th nit., OXOR6S LINCOLN, eon of Ceom and flaiah Mettgar, aged 2 yeare, 1 mo. 9 dan. *• SanerJUtU children to com* onto me.” • PLANTS. PLANTS OF AiaL KINDS—EABLY JL' AND CJtTS—In hot bade and t• be of thvbaat variety—to be had of J. KUTURIUORIi/ Iu CbOtn/rilU, doting tba trauulaajnz a.«ao». May tot, MtS.—f t. heT. WM. COSGROVE, 439 Pulton Avenue. Brooklyn, N. Y, O. W. PATTON, P.M.- Altoona, May Sth. 1863. EXCELSIOR Hat & Cap Store. T U K PKOpIUKIOK OF THE JL ‘‘.EXCELSIOR” hat mud CAF Store, would inform bis cuxtomera, and the Public generally, that he haajoot returned from the city with the largest and mwt varied etocic of poods iu his Hue ever brought to Altoona, alt of which be has ndw on exhilhtion aud male at his new store loom on Virginia utrapt. next door to Jag* gard’* store. Hie stock embraces all the latest ftyles of SPRING AND SUMMER EATS, J| CAPS, MISSES’ FLATS, &C. Zli> Stock of Hats sod Caps are of the very best selection, of e»e y style, color and shape, for both old and young. All lie asks is that the people cali and examine his stock, and he feels confident that he can send them svay re joicing. if not io the purchaee of snch an article as thev wanted, at the remembrance of haring looked upon the handsomest stock of Hats, Caps, flats, ic., erer exhibited in tills town. I bate also on band aq entirely new stock of Ladies’ and Childrens’ Hats and Flats,. wbicb I am confident cannot I e surpassed in the country, all of wbicb I will *ell at tho most reasonable prices. He memltcr the Hall of Fashion when you want anything in the line of head covering, and call on May 4. ‘Ctt-tf LIST OF I.ETTEKS remaining in the Post-Office at Altoona. uncalled for, May 4th, 1863. Angel. D D '■ King. John Betl. Wm J , .Liixiuger. Mrs Catharine A Be neon. Aar .n j Lewie. Mira Kllia Barr, David Leff, Mira Jnlis Barton, Thomas Leelie, Jame* Butler. Andrew Layton. £ Esq Boyles. George Llorellyu. David Briny, Michael Marqnart, >lrs Enreta Burge t Lynne Ma-shall, Amanda Bishops, Lewie Marehall, Catharine Baily. Tbotuae A Michael, Mira Bell. Joseph H Milana 0 II Mr Benner, Mre Margaret Madden, William Bockee, Alice Morphy. Thomas Ball, Uiee Caroline - Meeaemer, B U Cochran. Hariah Maine, leaac Campbell, James C Mcßride, William 1 S Co*. William . McCoy. Hugh Caldwell. Jay [McClellan. Mira Jane Curhanl, Mira Mti-gt 1 McElheny. John Cassiday, P B, Eat)—2 McCauly, Frank Carson. Henry McDowell, George Conneman, Darld McMullin. Mira Sarah Coatney. 0 A McConnell, Mra Annie Cauidheld, Wm McMahan, Clement i rouse,X Mr O’Brien, James Coons, Mira Barbara J Preston. 11 \V Davis, Mrs Maria K , Potter. Rebecca Mis, Berlin. Josepll K Patterson, lief J A Decker, Hen y Pyle. Joshua T Deliiny, Miss Ann M I Philips, William Durbin. Ann I Buggies. Ann E Flowers. Hiss Margaret A ] Robertson. Miss Rachel Franklin Mrs B . Roberts. Betid Fiske, A II ''Shanefelter, A C Gross. Samuel :Stall. Jacob Geesey. Petsr Smith. Henry Graham, Miss Beckie Smith, E Ke ; Green. Miss Clara Saeglnt. W P Ginter, Miss Hannah [Storm, Miss Martha iieer, Mra Arvilla iShaffer, Miss Bertha Houck, Mrs Mary E t Stull. Catharine Hewet. Peter [Taylor. Mrs Elizabeth ilandlin, John ' Taylor, George Hopkins, Paul West. Cassius M C Hipley. Joseph i Willards, Truman Johnston. Miss Ennstta [ Willards. Bertha Mrs Jo-i lyn. Wm S , Woolheater, Adam Irwin Frank j Welshoue William Jourdan. Wm I Young. Charles Keriin, Mrs Margaret f Young, George Kossler. Mrs Margaret ! Yost, Miss Clara ft*" Persons calpng for Lettere on the above List will please say “Jdvertited." G. W. PATTON. P. M. 0, YES! O, YES!! THIS WAY! THIS WAY! NEW SPKING & SUMMER GOODS. JB. HILEMAN has just receive*! a • large and well .elected atnek of Goode. omslixing of Clothe, Plain and Fane, Caaelmerea, Satinetts, Ken tucky Jean*. Tweed., Beavertrens, Bine Drilling, and all other kind, of Goods for MEN AND BOYS’ WEAR, together with a grand and magnificent aMortment of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. AcA at Stack and /fancy Sait. ChaUiet, Bereget, Brilliants. Looms, Delaines, CMnftt, Deßeges, Cranes, Prints, Crams and SUDa ShatoU, UantiOat, Vndardtnes and Hosiery, Bonnets and Ribbons, Collars, Band kerchiefs. Kid Gl&oex. Hooped Sl.irtt, Skirt ing, lace Mitts, <fe. ALSOj Ticking., Check*, Bleached and Unbleached Mnaiina. Cotton and Linen laid* Diaper. Craah, Nankeen, Ac. BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, OIL CLOTHS, CARPETS, AC. GROCERIES. Our .lock of Oncer lea is more extenalre than ever, and consist. of Rto and Java Coffee, Crnabed. Loaf and N O Sngan; Green. Y. 11. and Black Teaa; Molaasaa, Scan*. Ca-dlea. Salt, Fish. Ac. Thankful to the pnhlle for the eery liberal patronage heretofore rec>ired. he hope, by etrict attention to bnei oee*. and an andeavor to please, to merit a continuance o the same. a • WCall and examine hie Stock, and yon will be con Tinced tb il he haa the beat aaaortm.ntand cheapest Good, in the market. **• Country Produce of aall kind* taken in exchange foi Good, at market price*. Altoona. April 28.1883. CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM SALOON, r PHE SUBSCRIBER WOULD IN X FORM tbecitlaena of Altoona and vicinity that hh CONFECTIONERY, HUT and FRUIT STORE, ft always anpplied with the eery beat article! to be bad, and Ininai variety. Uehataleoan ICE CREAM SALOON attached to hit atore, in which he will nerve up ICE C REAM 1» the beat alyl* during the season. - PRBSB-BAKKD BREAD, CAKES, & PIE 3, always on band, at reasonable rates. He I. at all timet prepared to anppiy cakes, candies, Ac for pic-ntcs and other partita. He invitee a share of paablit patronage. beifeving that be can render full satisfaction! •, ail; . x . Remember, his atore and saloon is on Yirginlastreet.twb door.below Patton’s Hall. OTTO ROSSI. ’ Aitnona. April 28.1868-tf. CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM SALOON. MBS. C. BETTER respectfully an itounces to. the Ladle* and Oeutltmen of Altooiu. and vicinity th»t sbo has opened a CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CEEA3JT SALOON, ; In Jtxu Smith's old on Virginia street, opposite tK* LUTHERAN CHURCH, ‘ wherein will keep du hand a choice lot of'confectioneries note, fruit, ekes, wttlch die will ael) at the !muai reasonable price*. i . Daring the season she will also keep Ire Cream, ofdiff*r ent Savon, which site will tike p e sure in wrvioettfCM tomers at all boon of the day and evening. Give jne a call, and I will give Mtiihcaon. April ttst, 1fe68.-&p. CJ SPECIAL NOTICE.—On and aifter lt “A*Teomm«^ Atl wbjwUh to nve.Mu the Five-Twenty Loan, moat there ore, apply be.ore tbeltt of JULY neat ’ JAY COCK IS, Apn. Uth, CS.J Gnbeeriptloa Agent, > l3m) No. U 4 8. THIRD St, Philadelphia. INDSEY'S IMPROVED L SEARCHER, Cancer, Pimples on the Face, Sore Eves, Tetter Affections, Scald Head, Dyspepsia, Costi Tenets* and Stubborn Ulcers - Rheumatic Disorders, Jaundice, Salt Bhenm, Mercurial Diseases, General Debility, Liver Complaint, Loss of Appetite, Low Sprits, Female Complaints, Epilepsy or Fits, Paralysis or Palsy, Syphilitic Diseases and Caries of the Bones. Together with all other disease* having their origin m a depraved condition of the blood or cir culatory system. • CASE 0? DANIEL A'. BOYD. PITTSBCSOH, December 31, 1861. D«. O. 11. Kivstsl take pleaenre in making this vol untary statement in favor of a medicine prepared by yon called “ Lixsixt’s Blood SkaBCBOk.” I had Buffeted for five years with Scrofula which broke out on my head and forehead so as to disfigure me very much, and took off the hair when the disease mode its appearance; It also broke ant on my arm above end below the elbow, end eat inte the skin end flesh so as to eipose a fearful sore. The disease on my head went so far th it several email pieces of bone cams ont. I was very week and low spirited, and bad given up all hope of ever getting well; os I.bad tried sev eral Skillful physicians and they did me no good. In Sep leather lost, 1881.1 was induced to try *• LixnsxVs Iff. PROVin Bfoon StaacHXß.” I must confess I bad no faith in patent medicinee, but after I hod need-three bottles ol Blood Searcher, the ulcere on my bead and arm began to heal. I have now taken eight or ten bottlce, and my head and arm ore entirely well except the scare remaining from the sores. I will also state that I had the rheumatism very had in my arms and legs. The Blood Searcher also cured the rheumatism. lam now a well mgu, over forty years of age, and I feel as snple and young as I did yvbcu I woe twenty, end have Increased in Weight twenty pounds. I would also state that the disease in my farebeonl was so bad that when I stooped and lifted anything heavy, the blood runout of the sore. Dr. Keyset had a photograph taken OI pie by Mr. Cargo, the artist, after 1 began to get i’ell. It does not show my appearance as had as it was before I commenced taking the medicine. Ton can see tho photograph, one of which is now In my possession, and also at Dr. Keyser’s I-tO Wood street. I would also state that; 1 I-ok tlie Blood Searcher which was made he fore Dr. Keyoer commenced making it. Although ii helped me some, I did not recover fast until ligot the kind made by Dr. Keyset himself. One hotHe- of bis did me more good than two of the old. I believe it is a great deal Wronger imd better. I liave recommended the Blood Searcher to a great many of my friends lor various dis eases, amLI believe it has helped the whole of them. You may publish tide If you wish, and I am anxious that all who are afflicted as I was may he cured. J live in this city. No. i Pine Street, and am employed at Collville A Ander son’s Union Morbid Works, M Wayne street. JESSE SMITH. 1 live ip Sligo, at Clinton Mill'and have been nearly blind in both eyes for nearly four years. I called on Dr, Keyser a)> ut three months ago and asked :bim to give nil directions to the Institution lor the Blind to pfiladelplii* He told me that I need not go to Philadelphia to get well as he bad medicine that would cure me,Whe said uy dis ease was in tbs blood. I was treated tip it two or three times In the hospital in this city, and was relieved, but my disease always returned alter a mouth or two alter 1 came out of the faoepitaL I fonnd my disease was re* turning and I called, by the advice of a good friend ol mine, on Dr. Keyser, who has restored my sight, and my eyes are pearly as well at ever. Th* Doctor gays me Lindsey’s Blood Searcher” and a wash. DAVID KINNOLLY, Clinton Mills, Sligo. Pittsburg, July 6,1861. Witness—E. F. M’Elroy, Anderson street, Allegheny City. PlTitacxon, September 18,1861.-1 hereby certify that 1 have had a sore leg for over a year. It was covered with ulcer* and sores so that 1 could not work for nearly a year. Uy leg swelled to that I wo* unable to do any thing fora longtime, for at leakt six'months. I tried several of -the beat doctor* In thecßy, but wfthont any benefit; finally I called on Dr. Keyser. at No. 140 Wood street, who only attended me about two weeks, and gave me but two bottle* of medicine, and I am now entirely *ell and have confined to for tix months. lam employed it the Eagle Engine House on Fourth street, when any one can too me. . A Lrmm Faon Esuaiip.—Mr. John I Pope, of Blaena* von, near >Uontypool, Monmontahlre, England, writaa as ullowi; Sin:—An old woman i i tbit place has sriahad me to vrlte yon respecting Liitsan’s Ulood SXIXCBXX, from vhkh the found great benefit, and srislift to haves, Iltth oo‘e. She haa been suffering from s disease of a cancer •us nature for (ha laat six or aeven years. Her daugbtci ahu is living in America, obtained it for tier, and sent bn •Ighteen bottle*. She la now quite out of it. end I have •Htten to her daughter twice and have received no am iwer; of course she la anxfooa to get mote, to g«t co» .iletely cored. 1 told her I would write-to 700 forth? igeucy in this 0000(17, *nd ▼ery tOuco pleased to hear me say so. I now beg to ask yon oO wbat term* yon will supply me; you will please bear ip mind the cat riage, and supply me aa cheap as possible. The carriage >0 the one dozen bottles was £1 8s W. The medicine waa v present.from her daughter. I would like to have lli*- Blood Searcher in a Jar or small cask. If yon can send ii n that or in plut or quart bottles. I will send a bill through lank or registered letter, whichever will be mnfi joovenient to yon, if yon will qind me confer 1 * receipt o ;be porcel as security. 1 would send yon a stamp to sin iwer this, but it is uncertain of thfemtchiug you, od iheonntof thd conntry being In six and sevens, a term which hr commonly used, yon will be kiud enongh to me with the postage. ; [Signed] (We have Men the latter which la pnbllahed in today’. Dispatch, from Jcjho Pope,' and btUeva It to be genuine,— Editors DapatekPittstmrfh. '■ tS> Xbet/er.Di'. Xtpmy’a name anar (be eertatojrmraf betxfi iayitlrrf ayeiE ‘ *■ Prepared andatod by Dr Oxoua U. Knu^riUaherali _*old if-Altoona by A. RManand'O.'W. Kwpint in BoUMatobaiv^r t- B.Pamtt andJacca tiina. : ■ 4naa*M«aAy i a icu eras to* Cancerous Formations, Scrofula, Cutaneous Diseases, Erysipelas, Boils, DANIEL A. BOYD. A BLIND MAN CUBED. A BAD SORE LEG CUBED. THOMAS FARRELL. CANCER CURED, Yoora, reapeetJWly, ' : JOHN POPS. HELIBDIDf 1 GENUINE PREPARATIONS “HIGHLT CONCENTRATES’*' OOMPOUNB FLUID EXTRACT RBCHB, A PnidUTttnd Spedflcßtmedy For Dbtattt of Ok BLADDER, EIDKKTS, a»A»t 1 AND DROPSICAL BWRLUNOB. ' Tbls Medicine Increases Uk power of Dl»e«tfoii. tad »a cites the ABSORBBNT9 Info liesllhj- srltoa, by WkScti tit WATKEF OR CALCAREOUS depositions, and ail BN NATURAL ENLARGEMENTS, aiw wdocsd; a* *s« as PAIN *« INFLAMMATION, and It ctod for M«a.*« *» ot Catuasa. ' \ - ■ ' ' ■ HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUBHU. *' or wssknsss arising from Excesses, Debits of Dissivs Ron, .Early lodiacrptloa or Abuse. ATTENDED WITII TUB FOLLOWIAO SYMPTOM a; Indisposition to Exertion, Difficulty oTßreathlng, Loss of Memory Loss of Power, Weik Nerves, Trembling. Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, " Dimness of Vision. Pain In ths Dnek,. Universal Lassltnds of tbs Moscular System, Uol Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, -- Eruptions of the Taos. PALLID COUNTENANCE. These symptoms, if allowed to go on. wfaich thls medi cine invariably removes, soon follows larorsscT, Farms T Epileptic Fits, in one of which tbs patient may expire. Who can say that they are not fteqimutly followed by those “DIREFUL DISEASES,” “INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION.” Many art inn oft he am of thrir Suffering, BUT NONE WILL CONFESS TItB REOOKDT Or TUB INSANE ASYLUMS, Aud the melancholy Doubt by G.nrrntnptlon Utrig. pit wit nett to th'e troth ol tbt assertion. THE CONSTITUTION ONCE AFFECTED WITH OB OANIC WEAKNESS, Requires the aid of medloioe to strengthen and Ikvlgor ate the System, which HEMBOLD’S EXTRACT BDCUU iurariably does. A trial will convince the most skeptical. FEMALES! FEMALES!! Out on Yocm, Sisqlx, Utaaits on ContnamiiM Man sues. In many affections pecnllar.to Females, the EXTRACT i BUCUU is nntqnaled by any other remedy, as in Cbloro : sis nr Retention, Irregularity, Vaiufnlneae orEniptewton •>f Customary E.acuatlous, Ulcerated or Scirrhous ttnle ■ of the Clerae, Lencorrlioe or Whites, Sterility, hndifcrilll j complaints incident to the sex, whether arising than to- ! discretion. Habit* of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CIIAKQS GP UPS. : iu mmn imtk. No Family Should be Without It. . Take no more Balaam, ilrrcurj, or uoplraaao t MaOklna I foronpleuant aoUdangerooe dlmtee. ■ HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUBHU. AKD Improved Bose Wash GUESS BBCKEZ DISEASES 4t lltlto Imiiwi, Ho lacearrainc* ■ In all their etepei, Little or no change in Diet, And no Exppmrt*. It came* a flraqntnt daatra and fjraa atrrngtb tpUiinata, thereby Bemoriny Obstruction*, Preventing and' Citing Strictures of thoDretbra. Allying Pan and ludaoa. tiua *o frequent Infhe elm of diaewea, and Paiaonoua Diaeaaea and aruro«>nt Haller. TUOUeANirS WT TIIOBSANOS who baa* bain tba rktima of Qnacka, and who bare paid baa*; fee. tub* enrad iu a abort Uaw, ba*a (bund *'■*» *■—j -nra (tefeliiil >ud that tba “POISON" baa, by tba naa of-powerthl aa- i irlnganta,” been dried up in tba ayataai, to break eat la : “O aggravated fona,andperbapa after Marriage. 1 1 ' Dm Hnwntfi Kcmei Score Sir all •Ueeqm efthe ' J&Mift. ■ • P*™*** OEG4NS, iiai|jor snuis. -Ss^EW Ftoa whatever came uflglsatiog, endno metier at nQW LONG STANDING. Dtrnaeee of thee, orgin, require til eld of a Ptmtn ' ■ HELM HOLDS EXTRACT BCCQD It the Greet Dreamt, end it cntaio to bee the (halted sffectlo ell dieeeeee for which It lerecommeodeO. Evidence of the hd|et reUehle end reepomlhle&ieaHCm wt‘l eccdnipep jtbe tnedkliiu. ' ‘ '- ; “'Vs# J t™s's» Certificate* of dime, ffefp eight to twenty year* ttaaA .Of, with pane* known t« ecience end Price $l,OO Per Bottle, or Six tor ||^ Deltrend to any addraaa, securely puM tram my'dfr- MTTfttiOl). '■ ; : Parana Sinun nr au OnatntcatMK." • - CnmPttumntort. x ■ Adrien Oratla. AFFIDAVIT. . ; Pentnully appeared beta a me, an Aldentaa«f|||aa£p af Philadelphia, at. t. Ueuuulb, who being dnly nin, latb iay. Lie preparation contain tnnucotlc;«()i«&. ry, or other iujnrionadrnge, bo( aro poiel* . ; «.T. UKL^BC^. Sworn and eaberiibed before me, thla 23d day of 3*. reuber, IBM. W.P. aiBBABD, Alderman. 1 Slnth gt- Addreae Inhere tar Information in confident to a. T. UJSLMBOLD, Chemist, | ■ Depot, .KM Sooth Tcntli-St, below Gheamnl, Pblladaip)pr« os . ; DEW ARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND CSPmMIPLBn OKAI.KRB, J [ ! apdeayor (So "or Tana »w»” artklnoatliafrjnuatiooattahud by . QalraboldVOeuauM Prriaratlcma, ..*»-> *». '' ImptvradiSsi^t?ijjS?: . l>raggt«a eTcry-wbn*. Tafceae eehea.. Cal &***H9mw9*i m n and azpeaara. , £ ■*t»emb«lllh, lM».ly. 1 il
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers