stL £pP?ER’B' • ; Sjk JBiiider-v’, i tKK BOOK "MANUFACTOK v i /»,, * - i wtablisbrnent is otiiefly devoid k, Aa<*tb»bwtlin« paper" ord * r - C»«m, L tartMt ptea, D«wr^S|? , l; l 2 ! **. Etlou. SdentiHc A m»rtc»a.^li-!’ i^ l< y°P : i 3w-»«din mj «tjrle wq»l»»d. lUrnM^J B**' 8 **' i*mn»»Hl*t law*, Inwuid^^Lj* lo ’ tetamtato bind, wlllreeeWe HStoidu!!?* * >«a*ljl* »wt to w froa n ill »otk antnurtad L J>> JiMy and rataraad by *>*#*■• *¥»*•, ICJIi DESK. at the *" W ST.-4& f:: J I il <; hW , ,a-g & - pm. «•§-: • -A4 -S i! ** a ; f <“s 58 111 mi t-u tgi^.] r vP3 * *5? £ « / gglfii detail —jSd Istj t 3 ig t< *6- 9 |SS s! ss§|gfl 22* i | BScv '■s 1 i* . " 'rry. i ‘ *<] TAGOB ’ WEJS, B AND CONFECTIONER, VasLiu Snwn. Altooiu, p*, S CONSTANTLY ON HAND EAD, OAKES, CANDIES ItWCATS. *f hi* own manufacture, which h» > veil, whoteealuor tetall, at the molt msec Also, ronmuN phdits, *och « i-ES. LEMONS, PINE-APPLES VNES, RALSINS, NUTS, 4C..4C. UU in fhetr mpectire eouone. IS BAKED TO ORDER. r -rcaekm*. on (hart notice and in the ent y-le.of the art. I.ivand price my itock and yon will Dud " cheep a* can be purchased eleewhere. fi?.; 'NFECTIONERY OYSTER SALOON. SnHSCUIBER WOULD LN |he citizens of Altoona and vicinity that Ll« *EUY, NUT. and FRUIT STORfej. alwsyl k the very best article# to be bad* and Id mi > Jut* also an STER SALOON if* .tore. In « h icb b e wll 1 eerre up OTSTF Its et daring the season. -f A'JU> BREAD 4 PJgS thoay, « hand. yiinxw prepared to supply Cake*, candle*, it. I other parties. He liiTlte* a thare of public IteyJng that he can .render foil eatlatkctbu t» ;ht*store and saloon is 08-Virxiniastteet.uo Alton’s Hall, OTTO KOBBl it. 10.ia61-tf :. fettingjee’s aul Kews Agency, SsLL, No, 7, MAIN STREET •L . BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, ARS & TOBACCO, TOSST^TLTOKitUSH. & GO.. STON, JAOK & CO.. , aouumm^i,^ fSLWMMWB,: “ Bill; Joktuum, Jmek f Co.”) f .TB ON THE PBINCIPAL ul surer and 0014 far Mia.OoB«etim» wofred on .or opon t£me, with iatenrt at fcir r»t». Ki^i^—^CllCAL rusts. •■ _• ■ Bttoij to sad s dsdre |s reader »*■ * regards price sodijtteltty. JwMf** w fa a iwe of pnblte k Is sposllier efleoftLs ‘■kid MLIMS; “ - WJJ > - i • .N» LABJ? OILS. CAM AT Mc€p nmtfctnt «T'' [tip,—a iw or am WTH, * •»*> Snvbm ** J 6 iN'DS OF PRINTING' , LLAS AND FAB A^!f ’ •> Utf. I'LES Kaui Wfomwllt XAPQB** . wi * “? r ■ [%m ll iyiuff ,V r ~*V Hf 3 mil v'OL. 8 THE ALTOONA TRIBUNE .laaauoi.i.payabla invariably ib advance,; $1,60. vil paper* liacoutinued at tbe expiration af rite time 1 loan-lion t do. S do. .» 8* ’ » » 60 u , itiare.' ( 6 lined) 50 7a 100 f(t . ■ ild •• ) .....1 00 160 200 t «,» >Bl “ 1 60 230 260 i. n tnrao weaks and lam. than time uioßtlia. 26 cauU u*r , aara lor each iuiartion. i months. 6 mootha. 1 vaar. ...$ 160 «S 00 f'fi.OO 2:60 4 00 7 00 4 00. i 600 10 00 600 ,g6O . 12 00 i ;ue» or isss Titrr* * columu..— >us olamu and Kxeoators Notices... j<rch*Dt»iMlTtrti*lng by the year, three square*. eich liberty to change, 'rofeMiooftl or Business Cards, not exceeding 8 ,tae» with paper, per year. 6 00 .joaimnaicstions of a political tisracter or IndiTidoal in* r*at will be charged according to the above rates, vkertinemen .*not marked with tW number of tneer n< oil) be continued.till forbid sand charged ac • ir.iins ro the above terms, siidnats notice* five cents per line for every Insertion. «*>itnary noticMexceeding ten line*, flfty cents* squa e JALTIMORE look hospital vrStAUUSUKO A lIKPUOKKUOJiQUACKkRY " fie Only Place Where a Cure Can be Obtained* DU. JOHNSON has discuvered the most Certain, Speedy ami only Effectual Remedy In , world Or all ibivato Diseases. Weakness of the Back Jab*, Stricture*. Affections of lh»* Kidneys and Blad - iiivoluatary Discharges, Impote.ncy, General Debility. , iu *a*ss, Dyspepsy, Languor, Low Spirits. Confusion . palpitation of the Heart, .Timidity, Tremblings, !> ;kms of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of tbe He-ed. ‘ .\'osd ur Skin, Affections of Luag*.Blo m>r Bowels—th«*e Terrible disorders arising from t he ~ ; A rv iiibiu of Youth—those ucmer ami Bolijjiry prac* ; noie faTal t > their* victim# than the song orSyreu* to hii'iners of Ulysses,blighting their most brilliant or anticipations, rendering marriage .Ac . impossi - v ,jcitllT. who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, ii dreadful and destuctive habit which annoahy sweeps <4ll untimely grave thousands of Youug Men of the most ~ i, .< i talents ami brilliant intellect, who might other* have eutrauced Unioning Senates with tbs thunders r -ioqueace, or waked to ectasy the Jiving lyre, may call *kU full confidence. Married Persons, or Young Men cotemplating marriage, aware of physical weakness, organic debility, defer uitv. Ac..apeedily cured. *U wlm places himsell.under the care of Dr.J. may re* p; u»lr confide ip his honor as a gentleman, and rely upon hi-* skill as a physician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS ; n Mediately Cured* and full Vigor Restored. Distressing Affection—-which renders Life miserable .-i i marriage impossible—is Die penalty paid by the . uf improper indulgences. Young persns are to v : • . commit exces es from not being awaie of the dread i m»equcnce9 that may en-ue. Now. who that nnder , U the subject win pretend to deny that the power of • nation is lost sooner by tho-e falling into improper i .us than 6v the prud««iit! Besides being deprived the ,-ure* of healthy offspring, the most serious and de prive symptoms fo both body and mind arise. The „.;fin becomes Deranged, the Physical and Mental Fane ;i- Weakened. Los*of Procreative Power. Nervous Uri . ;iiity. Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the llourt,.|ndige*tion‘ imfltutional Debility, a Wanting of the Frame. Cough. > >n«uuiptlon, Decay and De&tli. OrFICS, NO- T SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, . band side going from Baltimore street, a few doors j n rhrt corner. Fail not to‘observe name and number. Utters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doc wr‘s Diploma* hang in hi* office A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. JV r o Mircury or Nuttons Drugs. OR. JOHNSON, „ J >K ujber of the Royal College of Surgeons. London. Grad j ,»e from one of the most eminent Colleges in the United jutes, and the greater part of whose life has been spent iu die hospitals of Lendon, Paris, Philadelphia and else *i,«re t has affected some of the most a*too(*hing cure* :>u< were ever known; many troubled wi(h ringing in the Tf.;vl and ear* when asleep, great nervousness, being d inned at sodden son ids, bashfuhiess, with frequent biudiing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind. «*r« cured Immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. iM t J.addiweeall those who have injured themselves 'it improper indulgence and solitary babils.whlch ruin o'<th body and mind; unfitting them for either business, study, society or marriage. , , ■ Tsm are some of the ead and melancholy pro«4 by early bablu of youth, rl*: Weakness of Ihf 8.,-k *nd Limb*, Pain, in the Head, Dim CM* of Sight. of Muscular Power, Palpitation of tha Heart, bye l>-|..y, Nerrou*-Irritability, D*rangement of the DIpM «. Function*,.General Jtebillty, Symptom* of Conransp 'ivn. Ac. Mtvt ALLY .—The fearful effects of the mind we much to > .ireaded—L »ss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, De ts- v-«»i 0 n of spirits, Kvil-Forebodlngs. Aversion to Society. vii-DlstrosL Utveof Solitude, Timidity, Ac.*Are some of. «tits produced. ' . , . raocsisns ofp«r«ont of «U age* can bow judge what is . U 3 CUH of tiioir doclinlug Hcdtli, Ioo»*g tholr vigor, bo . 'uing week,iwale, nertoneand em»clated« bating asm* appearance abcot the eyes, cough and tymptoms ol ■*>n«unaplJoo. YOUNG MEN rVLio hare Injured themselves by a certain ‘practice in jured In when alone, * habit frequently |«arned from companion*, or at iclnwl. th* effect* 6f tnlcn iw •nebtly felt, own when asleep, nod If not cored render* hvm ring* Impotible, and destroy* both mind nod body. -liould apply Immediately. , m What n pity that a young man. the hope.of his country. :v.» darting of hlf parents, shoold be snatched from all •v.)4t>*cu and enjoyments of life, by the ol Mmtiog from the jmth of nature, and indulging in a .;-r! lio turret habit. Such persons most, before contem plating <jUci that a koaod mind nod body are the xooal r«wuisituk to promote coanabi il happinaae. with* aut these, the Journey through life becomes a weary pil grimage: the prospect hourly darkeue to toe Tiew; the mind becomes ahadowed with despair and filled with the ueUncboly reflection tha T the happlneee of another oe ‘somws blighted with our own. t DISEASE OF IMPRUDENCE. When the miegoia«i end Improd-nt votary of pleneure ftudi that be bae imbibed the *eed» of this painful «!► iuh. it too often beppene tlmt au ill-timed eenae of ahatne. ur dread of diacovery, detefe him from applying to thoae »h'i. from education nod respectability, ran alone be-- inend him. delay!ni till the comtitntloitafaji«pto'na of tttii horrid dieeaee make Iheir appearance, such as ulcera te i sore throat, diseased noee, nocturnal pain a in the bean . snd limbs, dimness of Bight, deafness, nixies on the ehini bones and arms, blotches on tbs head, face and extnenii ti'S progressing srlthr frightfhl rapidity, till: at last the ptUti of the mouth or the bones of-ths nose; fail in, and the victim of this awfnl disease becomes a horrid object or emnniiseration, till death puls a period dreadful -uffiTinge, by sending him to ■■ that Undiscovered Country fro m whence no trareller return!.” . Trisa melancholy fuel that thoueande fall victims to r )iis terrible disease, owing to the unekilifuluees ofigno r mt preteudere, who, by the use of that Dadly Jyiton, k-rcary. ruin the constitution and make rend no of miserable. * ’ nlflS'Store STRANGERS . i rust not vonr Uym, w health totni car* of iM many Colesroed’and Worthless Pretenders, destitute ofkuowl* oame or character, wh > copy Dr. Johnston's adyer» >'»JtUonu. or «ty!e them«elve*i in the newspaper*, rego* »*rlj Kd nested Physicians. Incapable of Curing, thry keep ▼oo trifling month afte? month, taking thflr filthy and (»<>i»onoaV compounds, or a* lons as the smallest fee can be obtained, and In despair, leave yon with mined health to <tgH orer your galling disappointment. hr. J.ihnAton is the only Physician advertising. Hi* credential or diplomas always bang In bis office. HU remedies or treatment are unknown to all prepared fnm a Uf> spent Inthegreat hoslpltal*pf Europe, tbe first in the country and a more extensive IPrivat* Prac ilian any other Physician in the world. , ■Kit &*■ t I*B McCRUM & DERN, POXUSBBXB ASTD PBOPXIXTOX*. >KK** or 4DTSRTIUV9 .. < 00 /lo 00 ... 10 00 U 00 flO 00 U 00 3& 00 40 00 YOUNO MEN MARRIAGE MARRIAGE, INDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS. The many thousands cured at this Institution, year after f*sr. and the numerous important Surgical operations performed bv Johnston, witnessed by the reported of the ?^ n * '** Clipper,” and many oth*r papers, notice* of ebkh h\vt appeared again and again before the public, hstides his standing as a gentlemen of character and re sponsibility,!* a sufficient guarantee to ths afflicted. .. SKIN DISEASES SPEEDILY CURED. no letters received unless post-paid and containing a •wmpto be used on the reply Persons writing should state •gs and send portion »f advertisement describing symptoms rßQa * writing should be particular/in directing their >«tsrs to this lostitotioa. in the following banner: A JOHN M. JOHNSTON, M* p.» Of the Baltimore Lock Hospital, Maryland ®bm« §cetr|. ...11. C. DKRN, < Fron Vu Atlantic Monthly. THE TEST. 3 Varwvsll a while, *ny bonnie darling! H)nelong, clow kiss, and 1 depart; 1 bear tbe angry trumpet sonrllog. The dram beat tingle* at my bear?.' 1 Behind him, softest data* ware, breathing Across the Tale their sweet recall; Before him burst tbo battle, seetblwg la flaue beneath its thunder pall. All rights and sounds to stay Invited; The meadows tossed their foam of flowers The lingering day beheld, delighted. The dance* of his amorous hour*. 14 00 1 76 10 00 He paused; again thefond temptation Assailed bis heart, so firm before. And tender dreams, of love’s creation, Persuaded from the .peaceful shore. “But no!” lie sternly cried; M follow The trumpet, not the shepherd’s reed ; Let Idiors pipe In pastoral hollow— Be mine thekword, and inlue the deed! •‘Farewell to love!” hp murmured, sighing “ Perchancel lose What is most dear; But better there, struck down and dying. Than be a mac and wanton hemp He went »\ here battle*# voice was loudest; lie pressed where danger nearest camo; Hie luind advanced, among the proud e*i. Their banner through tbe lines of flame And -there, when wearied carnage faltered, Ue, foremost pf the fallen, lay, While night looked down with brpw unaltered. And breathed the battle’s dust away. There lying, sore from wound* untended. A vision crossed the starry gleam : The girl be loved beside him bended. And kissed him in his fever dream. “Ohl lovel’* she ciied, “you fled to find me I left with you tbe daisied vale; I turned from flutes,that wailed behind me. •> To hear your trumpet’- distant hail. “Your tender vows, your peaceful kisses. They scarce outlived the moment * breath But now we clasp immortal blisses Of passion proved on brinks of death 1 “ No fate henceforward shall estrange her Who finds a heart more brave than fond For love, forsook this side of danger. Waits for the man who goes beyond ! v j&dert .MiftctU&ng. A PATRIOTIC LETTER FROM A GALLANT SOLDIER A few days since in the Ohio Legislature, a message was received from the Governor, enclosing a letter; from General Kosecrana. The letter which we print below is one of the best that we have ever seen. It manfully upholds the course of the President, and gives a most scathing rebuke to the traitors of the north ■ who denounce the war as one for the nigger; It presents the real facts of the case in forcible and patriotic language, and its perusal is commended to all men. It is as -follows:: HaAIXJAKTEBR, JJtPABTMENT OF THE CUMBER LAND, Mdbfßeksßoro, Tlkn.,' Feb. 2, 1863.—T0 the Honorable the General Assembly cif the State of Ohio: The resolution of thanks parsed by your honorable body to the armv of the Cumberland, its Commanding General and his staff, has been duly received, and published to the troops of this Com mand. ' On behalf of a 11,.! return to you heartfelt thanks. This is indeed a war Tor the maintenance of the Constitution and the laws—nay, for national ex istence*—against those who have despised our honest trelndship,'deceived ! our just hopes; and driven ins to defend our country and onr hom&.— By fool and wilful slanders on onr motives and intentions; presistently repeated, they have arrayed against us our own fellow-citizens, bound to us by the triple ties of consanguinity, geographical posi tion aitd commercial interest. Let no man among ns be base enough to forget this, or fool enough to trust an oligarchy of trai tors to their friends, to civil liberty and human freedom. Voluntaiy exiles from home and friends, for the defence and safety of all. we long for the time when gentle peace shall again spread her wings lover onr land; but we know no such bles sing is possible while the unjust and arbitrair power of the rebel leaders confronts and threatens ns. Crafty as; cruel as the tiger, they criedno coercion” while preparing to strike. us. Bully like, they proposed to fight us, because they said they were able to whip five to one; and now, when driven back,-they whine out “ no invasion," and promise us of the west permission to navigate the Mississippi, if we will he “good boys” and do as they bid us. • Whenever they have the power, they drive be fore them into the ranka the southern people, and they would also drive as. Trust them not. Were they able, they would invade and destroy us with out mercy. Absolutely assured of these things, 1 am amazed that anv one conld thing of “peace on any He who entertains the sentiment is fit only tb be a slave; he who utters it at this time, is,' moreover, a traitor to hisconntiy, who de serve? the scorn and contempt of all honorable men. When tin power of the! miscniptilous rebel leaders is removed, and the people are free to consider and slot for their oyvn interests, which are common with Dors; under this government, there will be no great difficulty in fraternisation. .Between our tastes and social life there are fewer differences than between those of the people of the northern and southern provinces of .England or Ireland. Hoping the time may speedily come when, the power of the perfidious and cruel i tyrant of this rebellion having been Overthrown, a peace may be laid on the broad foundation of national unity and equal justice to all, under the Constitution and laws, 1 rqjnain your fellow citizen, i ' ■ ■ W. S. Rosecbaws, Major-General. fry A gentle and cheerful minded lady from Dorlington district, S.C,, writes the following to the Charleston Courier } I propose to spin the .thread to make the con! tp execute the order of President Davis. syhen old Butler is caught, and. my daughter asks that; she may be. allowed to ad just it around his nock, A Daughter op South Carolina. , fry Whv is * fight among Irishmen, like Gen. Scott? Because jt is a Fat-riot. ALTOONA, PA., TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 1863 THE WIFE’S SAVINGS BANK. Charles Lynford was a good mechanic in a pros perous business. At the age of twenty-six he had token to himself a wife, Caroline Eostice, the daughter of a neighbor, who had nothing to bring him but her own personal merits, which were many, and habits of thrift learned in an economical household under the stem teachings of necessity. it was well, perhaps, that Charles Lynford should obtain a wife of this description, as he him self found it very difficult to save anything from his income. ‘ It was not long before Caroline became acquaint ed with her husband’s failing, .She could not feel quite easy in the knowledge that .they were living fully up to their income, foreseeing that a time would come when their family would grow more expensive, and perhaps her husband's business, though now flourishing, might become less so. Accordingly, one day, she purchased, from a tin peddler who mmc to the door, a little tin safe, such as children frequently use as a savings hank. This site placed quite conspicuously on the mantel piece, so that her hnsband might he sure-to set; it on entering. " Hallo, Cnrrie, what’s that, eh ?” he asked, cn rionsiv. “ Only a little purchase I made to-day,” said his wife. “ But what is it meant for?” he asked again. Let me illustrate,” said his wife, playfully.— “Have you u ten cent piece about you ?" Charles drew a dime from his waistcoat pocket. His wife, taking it from his hand, dropped it into the box through the little slit at the top. Charles laughed. “So you have taken to hoarding. Carrie ? My wife become a miser! ” “ No, only a little prudent. But, serioualv, Charles, that is precisely what I want you to do every night.” “ What! drop a dime into this new fangled ar rangement of yours ?" “ Exactly.” “Very well, that will be easy enough. A dime is no great harm./ But may I know what you are going to do with this newly commenced hoard ?" “ Lay it by for, a rainy day," answered Caro line. This ended the conversation for the time. The plan thus inaugurated by the young wife was steadily carried out. She was not one of those —of whom there arc so many —who enter upon a plan zealously hut soon tire of it. In the present case she was fully satisfied of the wisdom of her purpose, and resolved to carry it through. Every morning she called u|kiu her husband for a dime, and even - morning it was added to the accumula tion. Frequently he had not the right change, but would toss her a quarter of a dollar instead. She would assure him, laughingly, that it would answer her purpose just as well. More than once Charles bantered her on the subject of her Sitt ings bank. This she bore quite gallantly. But these were not the only accessions the fund received. Her husband had early arranged to make her ample allowance for dress—l say ample, though I dare say some of my city readers might not have considered it so, but Caroline, who was in the habit of making her own dresses, provided herself with a good wardrobe at much less expense than some not so well versed in the science of ma naging could have done. After considerable calculation, she came to the conclusion that out of her allowance she should be able to make a daily deposit equal to that she had exacted from her husband. Of this, however, she thought it best on the whole not to inform Charles, enjoying in anticipation the prospect of being able, at gome future time, to surprise him with the un expected amount of her savings. At the close of every month the tin box was emptied, and the contents transferred to a savings bank of more pretensions, where interest would be allowed. When the sums deposited here became large enough. Mrs. Lynford, who had considerable busi ness capacity, withdrew them, and invested in bank and other stocks, which would yield a larger per cent. Of her mode of management her hus band was in complete ignorance. Nor did hn ever express any desire to be made acquainted with his wife’s management. He was an easy, careless fellow, spending ns he went, enjoying the present, and not haring any particular concern about the future. At the end of eight years, during which time he had been unusually favored by prosperity in bnsi ness and uninterrupted health, his books showed that he had not exceeded his income, hut that, on the other hand, he had saved absolutely nothing. Twenty-five cents stood to his credit, “ Running pretty close, ain’t it, Carrie? I lake credit to myself, though, fbr keeping on the right side of the line But, then, I suppose you have savetl up an immense sum ?” “Hdw ranch do you suppose?” asked his wife. ‘/Perhaps a hundred dollars,” said Charles, carelessly, “ though it would take a good many dimes to make that." , His .wife smiled, but did not volunteer to en lighten him as to the correctness of his conjecture. So things went on till at length came the panic of 1857, a panic so recent that it will bo remem bered how universally trade and business of every kind were depressed at this period—among others, the trade which occupied Charles Lynford suffered much. One evening, he came home looking quite se rious, an expression which seldom came over bis cheerful face. Caroline, who hod watched all the signs of the times, was not unprepared to see this. She sus pected that her husband's business was affected. “What is the matter, Charles?" she asked, quite cheerfully. The matter is that we will have to economize greatly.” “ Anything unfavorable turned up in business matters?” “I should think there had. Twill have but half a day’s work for some time to come, and I am afraid that even this will fail before long, .yon haven’t an idea, Carrie, how dull every kind of ' business has become.” / “ I think I have,” Slid his wife, quietly; “ I j have read the papers carefully, and have been | looking out for something of this kind.” I ' “ Do you think we can reduce our expenses one ! half?” asked the husband doubtfully. : “ I think we will be able to do so. Both of us are well supplied with clothing, and will not need any more fora year, at least. This will cut off considerable expense." Then there are a great many little superfluities you are accustomed to buy, little things which yon are kind enough to bring home to me frequently, which I can do very well without. Then we can live more plainly, , have less pies and cakes, and I have no doubt it will be an improvement as far as health is con ■ cerned. “ What a calculator yon are, Carrie,” said her ‘ husband, feeling considerably easier in mind. I really think, after all yon have said, that it won’t be hard to live on half of our usual income—for the present, at least. “But,” and his countenance Again changed, “ work should entirely [independent in everything.] fail—l suppose yon couldn't reduce our expenses to nothing at ail, could you ?” “ That certainly surpasses my powers,” said'his wife, smiling; “but even in that case there is no ground for discouragement. You have not forgot ten our savings hank, have yon ? “Why. no, I didn’t think of that,” said her husband, “ I suppose that would keep off starva tion for a few weeks.” His wife smiled. " And in those few weeks,” site added, “busi ness might revive.” ** To lie sure,” said her husband. “ Well, I guess it will be ail right. I will try not to trouble myself about it any longer." The apprehensions to which Charles Lynford gave expression proved to be only too well founded. In less than a month from the date of the conver sation just recorded, the limited supply of he had been able to; secure failed, and he himself without work of any kind, thrown hack upon his own resources. ’ Although he had anticipated this, it seemed un expected when it.really did come upon him, and again he returned home in a fit ad* discourage ment. He briefly explained lo his wife the new calamity which had come upon them. “ And the worst of it/is,” he added, “ there will he pc belter times till spring.” Do you think that the business will revive then '! "it must by that time. But there are five or six months between. Ido not know how we are going to live during that time.” 1 do," replied his wife, quietly. “ You!” exclaimed her husband, in surprise. Yes, your income has never been more than six or seven hundred dollars a year, and I have no doubt we can lire six months on two hundred and fiftv dollars.” “ Yes, certainly; but where is that money to come from? 1 don't want to go in debt, and if 1 did I should nut know where to borrow.” “Fortunately, there is no need of it,”said Mrs. Lrnfurd. •* You seem to forget our little savings bank.” “ But is it possible it can amount to two hun dred and fifty dollars?” be asked, in surprise. “Y'es, and six hundred more,” said his wife. “ Inqiossible!" “Wait a minute, and I'll prove it.” Caroline withdrew a moment, and reappeared with several certificates of bank and railroad shares, amounting to eight bundled dollars, and a book in which the balance was deposited to her credit. •• Are you sure you haven’t had a legacy?” de manded Charles, in amazement. “Surely, a dime a day would not produce this.?” “ No, but two dimes a day have, with a little extra depisit now and then. I think. Charles, that we can ward ofi starvation for a time.” “All this I owe to your prudence,"said Charles, gratefully. “ How can I repay you?" Charles Lynford remained out of employment for some months. The next spring, as be had anticipated, business revived, and he was once more in.receipt of his old income. More than two thirds of "the fund was still left, and henceforth Charles was not less assiduous than his wife in striving to increase it. The little tin savings bank still stands on the mantelpiece, and never fails to receive its deposit daily. Daniel Webster was once engaged in a case in one of the Virginia courts, and the opposing coun sel was William Wirt, author of the Life of Patrick Henrv. In the progress of the case, Mr. Webster pro duced a highly respectable witness, whose testi mony (unless disproved or impeached) settled the case, and annihilated Mr. Wirt's client. After getting through the testimony, be informed' Mr. Wirt, with a significant expression, that be Was throogb with the witness, and he was at bis: ser vice. Mr. Wirt rose to commence the cross examina tion, hot seemed for a moment qnite perplexed bow to proceed, bntr quickly assumed a manner expressive of his incredulity as to the evidence elicited, and, coolly eying the witness a moment, he said— . “Mr. K , allow me to ask you whether yon have ever read a work called Boron Mun chausen ?” Before the witness had time to reply,’ Mr. Web ster quickly rose to his feet, and said— “ 1 beg yonr pardon, Mr, Wirt, for the interrnp: tion ; but there was one question I forgot tp ask the witness, and,if you will allow me that favor, I promise not to interrupt yon again.” Mr. Wirt, in the blandest manner, replied— “ Yes, most certainly.” , Mr. Webster, in the most- deliberate and solemn manner, then asked— “Sir, have yon ever read—Wirt’s Patrick Henry?” The effect was so irresistoble that even the judge could not control his rigid features. Mr. Wirt himself joined in the momentary laugh, and turn ing to Mr. Webster, said— “ Suppose we submit this case to the jury with out summing:np.” This was assented to, and Mr. Webster's client won the case. Not Wanted. —The Philadelphia North Ame rican in speaking of the applications of young men in the countrv for situations in City stores, says that salen\en as such, are not now wanted.— Country yonths who come to the city for salemen's situations will do well to return home and go to ploughing. Time was yvken the art of selling goods was a remunerative profession. Yonng men were chosen fur their snavity and ability to “ rope in” the people who come to the city to boy goods; Yonng men then practiced the art of dramming. In their eagerness to make sales they escorted buyers to places of amusement, drank with them; frolicked with them and sometimes did still worse. Then a saleman was In demand. If he had the necessary trade his salaty was almost at his own fixing. Things are different now. A porter in a job bing house., providing he knows the price, can sell the goods as Well as tile salesman who drew a salary of $2,500 a year. Goods now sell them selves. There is ho (rouble in inquiring as to the standing of buyers. The mercantile agencies are ino longer consulted. The tends arc nett cash ;' | the prices are as immutable as the pyramids in the 1 Egyptian desert. The trouble is not to sell them : hat to buy them. This is as true of domestic as it is of foreign. Both arc immensely high. - With ! exchange at 74, the amount of Import-done must lie very limited, while, with gold at hearty the 1 same figure, the prices of domestics Continue to lie : exorbitant' As ,a merchant yesterday remaiked <o us, pointing to a fifteen year old boy." *• There is all the salesman I want. Nothing’more is neces sary than to know the prices of goods. They sell themselves." gy Why is the Pennsylvania Bail Road like a cat's tail? Because it is /ur to the end. WEBSTER ABE WIET. AFTEB, THE BATTLE. BT VIRGINIA P. TOWSSEXD. It was over at last. The snn which had walked slow and calm through that terrible day, had gone down in a column of fire beyond the’western hills, and now the stars were coming out -swiftly, like petals scattered over an axure soil. ■ And the stars looked down”"on the battle-field, as they had come out and looked down for scores of rears on a fair young land which i had risen in her strength and beauty until amid all the nations were none to compare with her—on the great cities that were hung 1 like jewels on her green bosom—on the broad harvest field that waved their tresses for joy through her golden summers —on the houses where the dwelled thereof sat peaceful and happy nnder their own vine and fig tree, on al( this had the stare which came np night by night to watch towe s of the sky until at last 'there came a change, end now where the harvest had waved their locks in the summer winds, was that must terrible sight which the snn and stare ever beheld—the right of a battle-field. The con flict had raged hot and terrible that day. The hearts of the dismal mountains had ihnd dered with the thunders of cannon, and the earth drank in blood as in autnmn shir drinks in the equinoctial rains; but at last the day’s awful work was done, and the night winds lifted the gray banners of smoke from the battle-field. The air was full of the heat and smell of powder; the dead lay thick together, with stark, ghastly faces, on the trampled grass; the wonnded’lay thicker, filiingtheair with moans—riderless horses running terrified over the field; snd the dying day light of the solemn stars watching overall. A little way from the battle-field was a small stream, making a blue fold in the dark gross, and two men have crawled to its banks to quench their thirst. And when the two men looked up and met each other’s faces, they knew they wore enemies, and they knew, too, that a few boors ago each had aimed his rifle at the other, and that aim had caused a ghastly wound a little way from the heart, which had drank the life blood of each, and each had glared desperately on his adversary a moment before he fell. But there was no fierceness in the eyes of those men now, as they sat face to face on the bank of the stream; the strife and the anger are all gone now, and they sat still and looked at each other. At lost one of them spoke : • VVe haven’t cither of us a chance to hold ont much longer, I judge?’ 1 No,' said the other, ‘Yon did that last job of yours well, as that bears witness,’ and he pointed to a wound, from which the life blood was slowly oozing. ‘ Not better than yon did yours, ’ answered the other, with a grim smile, as he pointed to a wound larger and more ragged. And then the two meu gazed each again in the dim light, for the moon had come over the hills now, and stood among the stars as a pearl of great price. As they looked, a softer feeling stole over the hearts of each toward his fallen fue; a feeling of pity for the strong, manly life laid low, a feel ing of regret for that inexorable necessity flf war which made each man the slayer of the other; and at last one spoke: ‘ There’s some folks in the world who feci worse, I ’sposc, because yon have gone out of it?’ ‘Yea,’said the man, id thick tones. ‘There's one woman with a little boy and girl, away up among the New Hampshire Mountains, that it’ll well nigh kill to hear of this,’ and the man groan ed out in bitter anguish,’ ‘O, God, have mercy on my wife and children I' And the other drew closer to him. 1 And away down In the cotton in Geor gia, there’s a woman and a little girl whose hearts will break at what this day has done,' and then the cry wrung itself out of bis heart, ‘ Oh, God, have pity on them!’ And from that time on the Northerner and Southerner ceased to be foes. ; The thoughts of those distant homes on which the anguish was so soon to fall, drew thdm close together in their last hoar, and the two men wept like little children.— And at last the Northerner spoke, more to him self than to anything else, and be did not know the cither was listening greedily; to: every word. ‘She used to come—my little girl—bless her heart 1 every night to meet me when I came home from the fields; and she would stand under the great plum tree, that’s just beyond the back door at nome, with the sunlight making a yellow crown on her golden carts, arid-the laugh dancing in her eyes when she heard the click of the gate. 1 see ber now, and I’d take her in my arms and she'd stick np her little red lips for a luss; bat my little girl will never watch under die old plum tree by the well for her father again. I shall nev er hear the pry of joy as she catches a glimpse of me at the gate—l shall never fee ber little feet rnnning over die grass to spring into my arms again!’ ‘ And,' said the Southerner* ‘ there’s a little brown-eyed, brown-haired girl, (hat used to watch in cool afternoons for ber father when he rode in from his visit to the plantation—l can see her lit tle face shining out now from the roses that cov ered the pillars, and ber shout of jov as I bounded from my horse and chased the little flying feet, and the loud laugh up and down tbe| veranda. ' But my darting, your bright litde fece. will never go laughing and romping up the old ; veranda again 1 ; And the Northerner drew near to the Southerner, and the hot tears stood on bis cold cheeks, as he said:. ‘May God have’ pity on onr fatherless chil dren!* ’ • 'I ■, ‘Amen!’ said the Southerner, fervently. And the Northerner spoke in a husky whisper, for the eyes of the dying men were glassing £sst: 'We have fought together like brave men. We are going before onr God in a little While. Let us forgive each other.’ The Southerner tried to speak, hot the sound died away in the gurgle from his white lips; but he took the hand of his &llen foe, and bis stiffened fingers closed tight over it, and his last look was one of forgiveness and peace! And when the next morning’s snn walked upon 'the grey stairs of the dawn, touched with pink, it looked down and saw the two foes lying dead, with their hands clasped in each other’s; by the stream which ran by the battle-field. • I 1 ■ And the little girt with golden hair who watched under the plum tree among the hills of New Hamp hire, and the little girl with bright brown hair that waited by ■ the roses among iht green plains of Georgia, were fatherless. A Hivkr of Death. —Yazoo is said to be an Indian name, signifying River o/ Death. The water pf the river is always of a stagnant, slimy thickness, and certain to produce an incurable dis ease When used any length of time. Nearly ail jgf the men in Gen. Sherman's army who went up the Yazoo were affected by the water, and some of the wounded who hare returned are yet suffering from the disease there contracted. The river is properly named. 0» A fast man, like a fast stream, is usually shallow. EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. CAUGHT A TARTAR A Washington correspondent of theßufimio JSx prn* relates the following anecdote of a distin guished General of the Army, and one of the many fools who hare received commissions in the army daring the present war; A tew weeks since I was a passenger on a train of can between Baltimore and Washington, upon which occasion a scene occurred that attracted my attention, and which exemplified the fact that retribution is sometimes more speedy that it is expected. We. had proceeded on onr journey for half an hoar, when load talking and prafiinity excited the at tention of the passengers to a part of the ear where sat composedly an elderly man wrapped in a liberal overcoat. A large siaed, red faced and very voluble- per son of less years, was standing in the aisle near him using violent language and gesticulations, attended with the charge oft repeated that the old gentleman had taken bit scat daring hit tempo rary absence therefrom and demanding with lan guage more pungent than polite, that it should be relinquished to him. In response tn this command the old gentleman, in a very quiet add dignified manner, assured the applicant for the seat that be was mistaken—that his bad occupied the seat from the start, and'coold not and would not relinquish it. This excited the anger of the contestant, and he became very abusive and boisterous. At thin juncture IWO persons occupying the next seat interposal, assuring the ferocious man that he ’was mistaken—that thev had entered the car at the last stopping place, and found the seat they occupied then vacant and look it, presuming that it was not taken, It was probably the one he bad occupied and they were ready to relinquish it, and immediately rose*and did so* The ferocious man then seised the seat and threw the hack over that he might face the old gentle man to whom he bad paid his respects in the first instance, with the purpose, no doubt, of cultivating his acquaintance more intimately. In perfotming this tnanoeuver, he threw open his overcoat, so as' to disclose the shoulder straps of a Captain.— This attracted the attention of the other party, when the following colloquy, as near as I can recollect it, ensued:— Old Gentkinan —‘ By what right do you wear that insignia V pointing at the same time to the revealed shoulder straps. Fttociowt Man —‘ By the authority of the United States Government. lam an officer of the army, and have fought and shed my blood for my coun try, while such rich old codgers as you are lazing about at your ease, and taking up other people's scats' iu railroad cats, while patriots, sir, like me do the fighting.’ Then came a change in the scene. The old gentleman threw back bis overcoat, revealing the stars of a Major General of the U. S. Array, and sdying to the Captain in a firm- bnt dignified tone, ‘ I am General Couch, sir, and I order you under arrest for ungentlernanly and unofficer-like conduct. You wilt proceed to Washington under my escort. ’ The ferocious man was tamed iu a moment and offered an awkward apology, but was cut short by the General, and seemed to enjoy the ccmfort of his own meditations for the remainder of the junrney towards the Capitol. I beard a day 1 or two after, that the ferocious man was a resident of Buffalo, and had returned home minus a commis sion and the insignia which beratyed him. Evi dently be caught a Tartar. Tbs Oldest Inhabitant.—The last will and testament of Mrs. Elizabeth Myers, late of Antis township, Hluir county, was admitted to probate by onr Register on Monday last. The deceased was in many respects a remarkable woman. She' was born in the year 1754, consequently she was 109 years old when she died. To realize the changes that occurred during her long and eventful life, we have only to reflect that at the time of 1 her birth, Washington was beteagered by' the French at Fort Necessity; Pittsburgh was then a small fort in possession of the French; that Brad duck was defeated next year; that she was 12 years old at the Declaration of Independence, and was 58 at the breakiog.ont of the war of 18121 She lived before steamboats were invented, saw boots cross the mountain, the “ iron horse" do the same, and the telegraph compete with thought. Last and saddest of all, she lived to see traitors striving to break op the government, which her husband fought and bled to establish. A relict to the past, she died respected by all. —UolHdayslncrg Register. Dioonra tor Monet.—“ What are yon dig ging there for?" said an idle fellow to a steady laborer, who was at work on a piece of waste land. “I am digging for money.” The news spread, and theidlers collected. “ We are told yon are digging for money." “ Well, I ain’t digging for anything else.” “ Have you had any lock?” “First-rate luck—pays ;well —yon had better take hold.” All doffed their coats, and worked vigorously for a while. After throwing out some cartloads, the question arose— “Whendid yotfget any money?” i “Last Saturday night.” “How much did yon get?” “ Six dollars.” “ Why. that’s small.” “It’s petty good; a dollar a day is the regular pice for digging in this district.” Impudent Questions. —To ask an unmarried lady how okt she is. - To ask a lawyer if be ever told a lie. To ask a doctor how many persons ho has killed. To ask a minister whether he ever did anything wrong. To ask a merchant whether he ever cheated a customer. To ask an editor the name of any of his corres pondents. To ask a yonog lady whether she wonli like a' bean. To ask a subscriber if he has paid the printer. A Nick Hidiso Place. —While hunting af ter deserters in New York the other day the United States officers discovered in a house in Brooklyn, in a bed where reposed a charming young lady, a very animated twister! It priwedto be a sol dier enveloped in a cotton envelope, and when pinched, gruffly exclaimed, 111 fight the whole d—d crowd of you.” He was relieved ol such a task, however, and reclaimed to of Unde Samyule. . love of troth is the root of ail charities. The trees which grow from it may have thousands of distinct and diverging brandies, bat good anid generous fruit will be on them all. 'CTThe late Sir, Robert Peel said, “I never knew a man to escape failures, in either body or mind, who worked seven daja in the week.” \ ■ NO. 5.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers