kVVn {A \Xlf y /* SEAJEIGHE^ "I": El 3!i^Sypeij ii Ur Affections, Scald Head, .liken ' Bfeeam, ' Mercurial Diseases, ,--- DehUl^ Spirits, Fanate Complaint. Diseases and Caries of the Bee*. I otter diseases tetiu tfai, oooditioQ rftheblood^X IANEELA. BOYD. nxmaaok, Dceosbsrti, tak* plsasan in maUag tUi wof • m*«Ucl»s prepared b? s Basse***” I W rafiwtd fc, wW*h took* ontunwy JtASdxw as M vny much, and feik «lbowi.ana«M isto tlu ftnrihl jioto. B«e dl^ H ritaieereral email pieeea oft*,.., r-tete. and bnr ipbitod, e«l W r« t««tnn wall, aoi fad »«! »Bd they did meoo good. In&p. M* Induced to uy-lnonr-ili,. *•” I moat confine I fad aohiu, M»4r i fad need three botUee ei bo oh mybead mad ana fana tc h or ten bottlee, end a; bead «tS*pt the aeon remaining him tet» that I fad tbe rfaeaautiim P* l ?*BO- Blood Seetofar alto 1 1 am »ow a. welt man, «Ter fortj *a,*uple and young m I did wh« iasjiuodin wqight twenty pounds, LoifiMUE in my foreheud xu k i awl lifted anything heavy, th % Sr. Xqymr bad « photograph P>, «•» artist, after I began to get my apptjnnace u bed u it wu ing tfae rowlicine. Ton can m •hloh it .now In my poeemqioa, 140: Wood street. I would >lm «a SentHker which was made be senced mekiac it Although it « recover tkriaatil I got the kind awlf. One kottle of bis did m ihtold, I believe It it a grentdal 1 have recommended the Blood ay of ray friend* fcr vstjawi die ~ a* helped the whole of thorn. Tm wieh.eod I us eaziow that oil pMfiy he cured. litre la tkbafty, unemployed at CoHvflfeAAadar rim, Ad Wayne itroet 'j ■ J DAJIIRL A. BOTH. MAN CUBED. Mil*, sad hav* .been' aeeriJ rtf.fetß- yMm. I T eased oo Dt. matgnsad asked kkn'togiyonM dontor 'the BHndln WillXlelph/v to to get well jwndd enU pny.dl*- t wos treated At tt fwo er thrw tbid ctty.asd was rdtovtd, fcet Bad after a month or .two after I tt- ■ J Amtnd .my- dlwaso was n- - rthp advice of a good Mrad of “J laa over. Dm ftoctorgtv* mv s'* and a waab. AATXD KUWOU.T, CHatonJKllb, »Hgo- r, Andoraon atraot, Allo^kW BEG CUBED. ’« jmr. It Mtoom m* work for »' Oat i WU nmMt to do Ml - r«t 4** ota noßlte.. X** 4 k« fctM«N«t-w BSr. JIS.'«» *»«d ■ta stoat twp yoota, as* *»» «BtM, ato I,»at.BB» iwsixtaaqtM. Imsttwjdßj 64 • WlMttt ttrfft, wtora ooj jaoidwyjuuuu. _«W*D. , fe Jpto to** or *»»► 36jg£JSS5Srti» <js»frgsg MMito oott *,“** ri h»o yi-t* 4 as don to ptt f* "**■ J wotad writ* ta JB« *»“' ut ako firit r«7 mot* p*0B"“ B jdoooo tat t» «»W **“l wrBIBIIMt «***■*’ «il ft pi. Jtotastoto**** tar. 1 would Uko i« sawggi I Uttar. whki»nr*B* e **‘ SB®®;- (wtoteod tta»J,»on>!»r3 r4 *'” m f* jf , iw «*»“. I. r j&itmi Sritaat. PRINTED ON , r Campbell’s $660 “Country Press.” TRIBUNE power-press z - PANTING OFFICE. h.tidK within the |*»t two jreua. mule coosiderobls i miim to onr eiUbliihment in the way of new fancy *'"" ccrew Fret)! Paper Cotter, Card Cotter, Boling Mar ‘Jr’“card Power PreM, and large Newepapfr Power , /, cot of which we giro above) wo are now prepared ' xKote anything In the line of printing or ruling in ■ uoai ’to any eatablUhment in the State, and at “7i equally low. We can execute, on abort notice, all pnCf C ? * «r . .;»{«< of Wadding, inviution, Visiting, Ball A Business Cants, Circulars', Programmes, MAMMOTH posters, sale bills. guy, m® yiWOlMgA®® Funpblets, Pay and Check Bolls, BLANK BOOKS. and blanks of all kinds. til Wt nV ii« trial, feeling confident that we can giro JjAction if wo hare the opportunity, office ie Lowther’a bnilding, corner of Virginia and An ie itteeta. opposite Buporlntendent’a Office. LOCAX. ITEMS. The Death op Moeb Blaiu Codhtt Patbi oij to »e Avenged. —ld abnoet every engage ment of any mognitnie, and in many of the skir mishes which have taken place since the opening of the rebellion, Blair county has been represented,' trai never disgraced; and her representatives,' whether through bad luck, or heroic bravery, have generally been sufferers. To the soldiers of Penn ctlranin is attributed a daring amounting almost u/recklessness, and the Blair county boys are not exceptions in this respect, neither are they the boys to run, where a stand is possible, as their con duct on all occasions has testified. Hence we infer that it is theif bravery which leads to the death and maiming of so many of them. We have referred with pride to the conduct of the gallant 81th and 12jth regiments, composed mainly of Blair county men. and we take pleasure in adding to the list out portion otthebrave 76th. Every Blair county man of these command* has reflected credit on his county, and won for himself a place in the mem ory and affections of his countrymen. in another column of our paper will be found 3 detailed account of the advance of our forces from' Port Royal, S. C., upon the Railroad con necting Charleston and Savannah. In that ad-’ vance Blair county whs represented by two com panies in the 76th regiment, viz :—company C. from Duncansville, under command of Cnpt. J. W. Hicks, and company F, from this place under command of Capt. Henry Wayne. In the engagements attending the advance, the 76th behaved most nobly, winning the admiration and praise of Gen, Brannon, the officer in command, but it suffered severely in killed and wounded. A inter received a few days since by Dr. W. R. Findley, from his sotvlst Lieut. Jos. R. Findley, of company F, gives tßeifollowing account of the engagement and the loss of that company: I have just returned from a point about 13 miles up Broad river, where I have been with an expedition which started from this place on the evening of the'2'.st. The object was to cut off the.rail road communication between. Charleston and Savannah. At the place where the attack was to be made, the . railroad crossed an island in Broad river, and on each side are huge bridges. The gunboats were to destroy one bridge, and the land force, the other. I was attached to the gun boat Water With, as Signal Officer. “ The forces landed at the lower point of this land at daylight" on the morning of the 22nd. They consisted of the 76th and 47th F. V.—3rd Xew Hampshire, and parts of some other regi ments. After the troops had advanced some miles, they met the rebels in the woods, and drove them back—when they took position behind a swamp, having previously destroyed the only bridge across if. Onr forces at once deployed and attacked. The 76th supported the marine battery un the left of the line, and at the point nearest the rebel lines. Their guns were finally silenced, but onr troops could not cross to drive them out. "During the fight several of our men were killed. Capt. Wayne was killed by a shell,, which carried away his right arm and part of his right breast. He never spoke after being struck. Capt. Hamilton, Comp. H. was also killed—shot between the eves by a nfle ball. Privates B. F. Steimer, William Boyles, and Adam Fry were also killed. Second Lieut. Geo. W. Gwinn was wounded in the leg; Corporal Richard Bell, hand; Corporal Aikens, foot; Privates, Casper Wicker, head; Fred. Wicker, arm ; Jno. Detwiler, arm; Trevar hr Buck, knee. None of the wounds are consid ered dangerous. -“1 learn from some, that the bodies of Capt. " ape and Hamilton were buried—from others that they were left on the field. If the latter, nothing *all be left undone to recover them,' especially oar own Captains. If it is possible to obtain Capt. Wayne’s body and have it sent home, it shall be .one. Out entire regt. lost from 72 to 78 in killed, 'rounded, and missing. “After silencing the enemy at the swamp, our iorees retired, but not before they saw a train of care (for they were near enough to see the railroad and bridge, but could not reach them) coining in 5™ two and copld hear others coming, iosy then retired in perfect order. .“The Blair connty boys have again distinguish ~ themselves. They 'fought nobly and never ?Gth h® B shown that her ttunber 'k. not b® disgraced—and has proved itself; wbe a hard fighting regiment They stood man- j 'oily to their work, and qnrer faltered, till the or- ! act to retire was given. - “ pie name of Captain Henry Wayne will now , padded to the list of Blair County’s sons, who i “arc voluntarily offered up themselves, upon the | ‘ tar °f their country and for the preservation of ] , le "ttion. In his death Company F. has lost aj. ™re soldier and a humane man.” fhns it will be seen that another of Blair I county’s honored sons, Capt; Wayne, and a nnm j® 1 ' of no less honored privates of his company, 1 “are been added to the list .of noble spirits who j .“are given their UvesTor their country, and who; Ml at the historic battles of Winchester,'Pea > Ige, Shiloh, South Mountain and Antiefam.—• i ln officers “ Little Blair” has lost a gallant Mof- 3 ?■’’ » brave Gallaher, a heroic Keys, a noble ;■ f 1- s patriotic Burley, an intrepid Johnson, a > ? hug, dashing Wayne, and a long list of pri-; ates, no less illustrious or revered, whose death i ! «teen hundred Blair county boys yet in the field I ntost signally avenge, should they gain the ab- 1 POrtunitv. ■ 1 7 i, ** Wa y” e was u thorough soldier, composed j Bating material, and knowing nothing of fear. I «nng made military tactics his study, and hav- \ ,l! T" con6 ' dera M e act ‘ v e service, he was well i therein, and only in his proper 1 , wh f a in comma l kl 'of a company. He | “ght the Indians throughout the Florida war,! enng many hardships, and left the service only i when there was nothing for him to do. When ■ the first note of rebellion wtasr sounded he immedi ately buckled on-iris swordand recruited a com pony for the three month service. That ended, the returned home and recinited a' company of three year men and entered ’ the t6th regiment. ; which, directly after its organization, eras sent to Port Royal, S. C., to reinforce Gen. Anderson, then in command at that point. No braver offi cer than Capt. Wayne led a company in that en : gagement. We felt sure tbit when he fell it ' would be at the post of duty in the thickest of the fray, and so it has proven. It appears unnatural that such a brave and self-sacrificing spirit should fall by the hands, perhaps,,of the very men for whom he once endangered his life to save from : the merciless tomahawk, scalping-knife, or stake of the red-devi is of the Florida swamps. Are not ’ the rebels ungrateful ? An effort is now\being made to have 'the cap tain’s body brought home and interred in the lot set apart in Fair View Cemetery for the Remains of those soldiers from Altoona arid vicinity who may fail in bottle, or die white in the service. He leaves a wife, in delicate health, and six children, the eldest of whom, is with the company be commanded. . ' ; - , The following are the names of-the members of Captain Hick’s company who were killed and wounded; Killed —James Williams, and William Craw ford. Wounded —Michael CuU|gham, seriously; John W. Dasher, severely; Samuel Dasher, severely; George Hall, severely; Joshua W. Davis, severely; Thomas Bold, slightly; Samuel Elynn, slightly; Peter Wilderson, seriously. ■ . Hallow-ees. —Friday evening last was Hal loween, and the boys had quite a time rattling corn against the windows, agitating nervous fe males, and frightening the little ones. The boys of larger growth, who stalk, the streets at the “witching hour of night, when graveyards yawn,” filled the streets with store-boxes, carta, wagons and other loose articles, in various localities, and exchanged all the moveable signs, rendering places of business rather difficult to find by signboard guides. This .thing of “ hallow-eveing” is about “ played out,” and like many other, old time prac tices is “ more .honored in the breach than the observance. So mote it be; although we have seen some rare sport on these occasions, such as putting a farmer's ox in his hay-mow and his six horse wagon astride the comb of his barn ; patting a pig in a neighbor's bed-roorp, while be was asleep; tying a string to the clapper of the Court House bell and, taking a position two or three squares off, ring a vigorous fire alarm and have all ' the citizens out in half-dress; Of course, nobody knew who done the mischief. ' Chcbch Dedication.—The new Catholic Church in this place—a model of architectual ; beauty of which our town may well feel proud—will jbe dedicated to the service of Almighty God, on Sunday week next, the 16th of November. Right :Rev. M. Domcnec, Bishop of Pittsburgh, asssisted by a number of neighboring clergyman, will per form the dedicatory services, after which he will preach a sermon, appropriate to the occasion. In the evening a lecture on the “ Life and services of the Apostle of the Alleghenies, Very Rev. Pririce :De Gallitzen,” will be delivered by Rev. Thomas Hayden, one of the most distinguished divines in ■ the diocese, and an orator who never fails to in terest and instruct bis audience. Admission tick ets for the benefit of the church will be sold which will entitle the holder to admigssion to the dedica tion and the lecture. Let'. the immense edifice be filled to overflowing on this occasion.. . The Law Regabding Substitutes.—lt is not generally known by those procuring substi tutes, perhaps, that should the latter be drafted dating their term of service, the persons hiring them will either have to supply others or enter the service themselves. The law on the subject pro vides “ that if any substitute shall be called in bis own tom into actual service before the term ex pires which he was to serve for his edi plover, then the person procuring such substitute shall march or find a sufficient person to march ip his said sub stitute's tnm, or be liable to pay hjs fine for ne glect ; which fine is to be recovered as other fines for neglect of serving are by this act recoverable; and sons who are not subject to the militia law may be admitted as substitutes for: their fathers, if approved of by the commanding: officer of the company in which they shall be offered to serve.” Hoaxed. —The cry of “ Fite!” add the ringing of the Shop bell, about ten o'clock, on Friday night last, brought from'their warm couches those of our citizens who had already retired, and called into the streets all others. , On gaining the street they discovered the sky brilliantly .illuminated in the direction of North Ward, the of all the late fires, and a tremendous conflagration was im agined. The crowd started, on “double quick,” in the direction of the light, and'after running themselves out of breath, were met by person's re turning, who informed them ihat it was “Hallow Een,” and the boys were baying a: bonfire in the field adjoining North Ward. We can’t say whether there was any swearing done, hut it is fair to presume that there was, unless everybody can take a joke. Ornamental and Useful. —There are some tilings highly.ornamental but entirely useless; and there are other things altogether indispensable but exceedingly homely. An article which is both useful and ornamental posesses a doable attraction,' and certainly the new article of ladies’ dress, styled “Garibaldi,” is one of these, They are composed of wool, beautifully wrought, find are made—well, we won’t tell how, but if you just drop in at J. & J. Lowther’s and ask John to: show you one, yon’ll know more about them in two minutes .than we could tell you in twenty. Of one;thing .we are sure, they are pretty,'and of another thing we are equally sure, they are warm, and just the thing for a lady to put around her shoulders when she goes ont calling. By all means drop in and see them. A Chance. —As brick Is an article which will always be in demand in this place-i—more hereaf ter than heretofore—we think it would pay an ex pert brick maker to establish a brick yard in this vicinity and always keep a good supply on hand. Brick command a better price' here than in almost any other'town in the country. A first rale arti cle of brick clay can be found on a farm, only a mile or so from town. Any brick maker who wishes to go into the business can loam particu lars by calling atthisoffice. CT Kerr's new goods hare arrived. Officers. —The following gentlemen have been elected officers of the committee for the relief of soldiers families in this place, viz:—President, Alex. McCormick; Treasurer, John Louden. By' the way, are the members of the committee doing anything toward securing a fund for the purpose indicated, and bare they visited the sol diers families to find out whether they stand in need of aid. ■ Some of them will ask for aid, but others will not, because of delicacy, let them be attended to properly, so that the soldiers may have no cause of complaint when they return. S*"We hove received alerter from Capt. Hicks, in reply to our correspondent, “ Brevier,” in re ference to the County matter, but we deem it pru dent to withhold its publication at present, believ ing that it would lie productive of evil, and that the misunderstanding, which the Captain alleges but does not explain, may be more readily adjust ed, when the parties meet, should they be so for tunate as to escape the, dangers of war and get home again. . Publish It.— The Indiana Messtngtr publishes the list of exempts in Indiana county, giving the causes for exemption. A similar list should be published in every county, that the people at home, as well as the soldiers in the army, may know who has claimed exemption from the service of their country, and on what grounds. We are ready to publish the list if any one will he kind enough to furnish it. Removal. — W e leam that Murphy and McPike are about negotiating for the store ropm in Work’s new building, on Virginia street with the intehtioh of removing their store. The new room, although not exactly as large as they would like, will be a vast improvement on the quarters they now occu py, and will enable them to show oft" their goods to a better advantage. SuEivEit’s Baltimore Oyster Ketchup.— This delightful sauce is made of the finest oysters, and is intended for all meats, hot or cold, game, sonps, &c„ and is particularly nice for seasoning filling for roast poultry, Imparting a delightful fla vor to the fowl, and is good in any dish where a ketchup or sauce is desirable. To be had at F tore key’s Cheap Family Grocery. GT Kerr’s new goods have arrived. A Hit at the Chivalry. —The Toronto Oiobe, referring to the travel in Canada and on Lake Ontario, says the American steamers have not been jwld as had been reported to come to New York, and adds That, although the time for draft ing rapidly approaches in New York State, there are few northern men in Toronto; while, on the other hand the South is very strongly repre sented by “ patriots,” who loudly proclaim the deeds of valor “ wo” are daily performing to all who will listen to them in hotel parlors or reading rooms. There is on exhibition in Paris and instru ment which imitates the human voice so as to be mistaken for it. It represents a fepilac seated, and the larynx is constructed on physiological principles of construction. The voice has the compass of two Octaves, and sings any air with the tone of the female voice. A Word to Married People.— If it be true that “A penny saved is two-pence made," the shortest way to get rich is to bay your Groceries at FRITCHEY’S, comer of Main and CaroUue streets, Altoona. Browned Bye constantly on hand. Pickles, ready for table use, by the dozen or ■hundred. Shriter’s Baltimore Oyster Ketchup. Pepper Sauce and Tomato Ketchup. Fresh Tomatoes, Quinces, Peaches, Pears and Plums, in Cans. , The American Excelsior Coffee, superior to anything in the market—good (is Java and cheap as Rye. Try it. His stock of Groceries, Emits, Confectioneries, &c., cannot be excelled in the place. Cigus and Tobacco of all brands. Caljrand be convinced that it is to your interest to buy at the New Family Grocery. RAH. ROAD SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY 6, 1862. TRAINS will arrive at and leave Altoona Station aa follower Exprese Train East arrivee 8,20 P.M., leaver 8,40 P. M. “ “ Weet “ 7,60 A. M, >• 8,10 A.M. Fast •• East “ 1255 A. M.. “ 1,00 A.M. “ •' West “ 8,06 P.M., “ 850 P.M. Mail Part . “ 750A.M., ‘‘ 7,46A.M. “ “ Wept “ 6.46 P.M., “ 7,00 P.M. The UOLLIDAYSBURO BRANCH connecta with Ex prosa Train Weet, and Mail Train Eaat and Weet. Ba. THE BRANCH TRAIN also makee one trip to Huntingdon—leaving Uollldayßburg at 10.16 A. M.—Altoo na at 10.60 P. M.—and arriving at Huntingdon at 1.20 P. M. Hanmemto.—Leavee Huntingdon at 150 P. M—Altoona at 3.15 P. M.—and arrives at Bollldaysbarg at 346. ENOCH LEWIS, Gen’l Supl. MAILS CLOSE AND OPEN. MAILS CLOSE. Baetarn Way 7 u x.M. Wcetern Way...... 730 « Hoilidaysbnrg 7 15 A. M. A 6 30' I>. M. Wcetern Through 7 20 P. M. Eeetern Through - 720 “ MAILS ARRIVE. Hoilidaysburg. 7.20 A. M. A 6 46P.M. Wcetern Tht. ugh 7 30 A. M. Eeetern Through 7 50 “ Western Way 8 20 P. M. Eastern Way 646 “ Orncx Hoßaa:—During the week, from 6 46 a. m. til 730 r. si. On Sundays, from 7 45 till 0 00 A. a. CEO. W. PATTON ?. M. MABBIED. On the 28th uIU, by the Key. Mr. Andereon, Mr. CUAS. CACQHLINO, Jr. recently leader of the Keystone Band, 49th Kegt. P. V, to Mies SUE E. MORRISON, both of Newton Hamilton, Mifflin county. DIED In thi* place, on rv««iu*. >ov.-lst, 1862, RE BECCA DOUGLAS (STEWART, daughter of Benjamin F. tnd Marin E. Robe, aged X year, 7 month and IS d <ys. STORE ROOM FOR RENT! !--The subscriber defers for rent the store room lately occur ped by'himself, In North Ward. The stand i« one of the beet in the place. Possession giren Immediately. Nov. 8,1892-tf.j R. H. McCORMICK. PARTICULAR NOTICE ! '—Notice is hereby given to all persons knowing themselves tndebJKld to the undersigned, in store accounts or other wise, to come forward and make settlement, on nr before the 10th of December, as no longer indulgence can be giv en. Alter that date all unsettled accounts will bo placed in the hands ofa proper officer lor collection with cost. Nor. 0,1882.—3t*J R. U. McCORMICK. -A- TRUTH 11 QUARLES WEBB has opened a new BOOT AND SHOE STORE, One door East of Marriott’s Boad House, IN ALTOONA, where he Intends to make to order, and keep on hand, all kinds of BOOTS & SHOES. Those who wish to save a *• V” will do well to give him a call and leave their measures . N. B.—REPAIRING NEATLY EXECUTED. No». % 18«.-p t. VEff WINTER READY MADE .jL. i Clothing jnst received at LAtTOHMAN’S. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF OVER .TJI COATS am be found et LACOHMAN’B. Excellent heavy boots & SHOES Jn»t received at LACOHMAys. DO YOU want a bat or cap, cheap or fine’—go to LAUGH MAN'S. BEAT piles of pantaloons, VjT for Men and Boy*, at LAUOfIMAN’S. MEN AND BOYS’ COATS, of every style and culor, of good quality, at LAUGBMAK’S. 'V'EW STOCK OF BOOTS & SHOES .i. i for Hen and Boys, Ladles and Hisses, Just rec’d at LAUOHMAN’S. All styles carpeting and OU-Clotba can be found a? LAUGHMAN’B. PLAIN & FANCY VESTS, of every site sad etyle at LAUOHMAN’S. ITMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, ) in endless variety, at LAUQUMAN’B. Altoona, May 1,1862. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Jewelry, Hair and Cloths* Brushes, Combs, Pocket-knives, Ac., at LACQUMAN’S MEW AND IMPROVED STYLES af Trunks, Tallsss and Carpst-Bags. at LAUGHMAM’S. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Gent’s Model Improved SHlRTS—Csasimers and Muslin and coarse—white and colored—at LAUOUMAM’ft. REMOYAL OF JESSE SMITH’S Hat & Cap Store. Th e proprietor of the “EXCELSIOR” HAT *nd CAP Store, would iuform big customers, and tbe Public generally, that ho haw removed his store to his new building, on Vir ginia street, next door to Jaggard’s store, where he has just received a large stock of FALL & WINTER STYLES OF HATS, J| CAPS, MISSES’ FLATS, &C. His Stock of Hats and Caps are of the very best selection, of eveiy style, color and shape, for both old and young. All he asks is that the people call and examine his stock, and he feels confident that he can send them away re joicing, if not in tbe purchase of such an article as they wanted, at the remembrance of haring, looked upon the handsomest stock of Uats, Caps, Flats. Ac., ever exhibited in ibis town. I bare also on hand an entirely new stock of LADIES & MISSES FURS, embracing everything in that line, which I will sell at fair prices, as I do not intend to keep any of my stbek over season. » Nov. 6, 1862. OFFICE OF JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, At J AY COOKE & CQ.y BANKERS, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. The undersigned, having been appointed SUBSCRIP TION AGENT by the Secretary of the Treasury, is now prepared to furnish, at once, tbe NEW Twenty Year 6 per ct. BONDS. of the United States, designated as Five-Twenties,” re deemable at Chis4>letufure of the Government, after five years, and authorized by Act of Congress, approved Feh. 25,1862. The COUPON BONDS are issued in sums of 150. 4100. $5OO, $lOOO. The REGISTER BONDS in sums of $5O, $lOO. 1500, 1000, and $5OOO. ■ ' Interest at Six per cent, per annum will commence from date of purchase, and is PAYABLE IN SOLD, Semi-Annually, which is equal at the present premium on gold, to about EIGHT PER CENT. PER ANNUM. Farmers, Merchants, Mechanics, Capitalists, and all who have any money to invest, should'know and remember that these bonds are, in effect, a FIRST MORTGAGE upon all Railroads, C: tials. Bank Stocks add securities, and the immense products of all the manufactures Ac. Ac., in the country: and that the full and ample provision made for the payment of the interest and liquidation of principal, by Customs, Duties, Excise Stamps and Internal Revenue serves to make these Bonds the Best, Most Available and' Most Popular Investment in the jMarket Subscriptions received at PAR in Legal Tender Notes, or notes and checks of hanks at par in Philadelphia. Sub scribers by mail will receive promptlattention, and every facility and explanation will he afforded on application at this office. ; A toll supply of Bonds will be kept on band for imme diate delivery. 1 JAY COOJBJS, Subscription Agent. Nov. 6,1862. [3 moe. 600.000 LLOYD’S NEW STEEL PLATE COUNTY COLORED MAP OP THE UNITED _BTATE3, CANADAS, AND NEW BDNSWICK. From recent surveys, rompletedAug. 10, 1802; coat $20,000 to engrave It mid one year's time. Superior to any $lO m»p erer mode by Colton or Mitch ell, ond eella at the low price of fifty cents; 370,000 names are engraved on this map. It is not only a County Map, but itiaalso a COUNTY AND KAILEOAD MAP of the United States and Canadas combined In one. eivimr EVERY RAILROAD STATION * and distances between. Guarantee any woman or man $3 to $3 per day, and will take back all maps that cannot be sold and refund the money. Send for $1 worth to try. Printed instructions how to canvas well furnished all our agents. ! Wanted—Wholesale Agents for Our Maps in every State, California, Canada, England, Trance and Cuba, A fortune may be made with a few hundred dollars capital. .Vb Competition. J. T. LLOYD, No. 101 Broadway, New York. The War Department uses our Map ol Virginia, Mary land, and Pennsylvania; cost on which is marked Antietam Creek, Sharpsbnrp, Maryland Bights. William sport Ferry, Khoresrilie, Noland’s Ford, and all others on the Potomac, and every other place ill Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania, or money reftmded. LLOYD’S TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP OF KENTUCKY, OHIO, INDIANA, and ILLINOIS, is the only authority for Gen. Buell and the War Depart ment. Money reftmded to any one finding an error in it. Price 60 cents. ' Prom the Tribune, Auv. 2. “LLOYD'S MAP OP VIRGINIA, MARYLAND, AND PENNSYLVANIA.—The Map is very large; its cost is hut 25 cents, and it U the bat which cow he purchased." LLOYD'S GREAT MAP OP THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER —Prom Aetna! Surveys by Capts. Bart and Vn. BOWEN, Mississippi River Pilots of St, Lonls,Mo, shows every man’s plantation and owner’s name'from St Lonlstotbe Gulf of Mexico—l,2so miles—every sand-bar, island, town, landing, and all places 21) miles back'from the river—col ored in counties and States. Pride, $1 in sheets. *2, pocket form, and S2AO on linen. With rollers. Ready Sept. 20. i Natt DiPAiTxcrr, Wasdixotok, Sept. 17,1882. J. T. Lloid—Sir.- Send yonr Mscp of the Mississippi River, with price per hundred copies. Rear-Admiral Charles 11. Davis, .commanding the Mississippi squadron is authorized to purchase as many as are required for txse of that squadron. d GIDEON WELLES. Secretary of the Navy. G-lorious News I f PHE Subscribers would respectfully I announce to the citizeos of Altoona and vicinity, that they havejnst returned froip the East with their FALL AND WINTERS STYLES OF HATS & CAPS, BOOTS Sc SHOES. Thetr stock of HATS & CAPS have been se lected with great cars, and with the view of suiting all who may fcyor them with their patronage. Their lino of Boers and Shoes is complete. Bieir LADIES' MISSES’ and CHILDREN’S SHOES are of City make, and warranted, their Balmoral Sheet for Ladies and Wliewe, are just the thing for foil and winter. s. Thankful to the public for their very liberal patronage heretofore, they hope to merit a eoatlnuancOOf the same. Store on RAIN sr. next door to ‘Bowman's Exchange Hotel. ' EMITS A MANN. Philadelphia, Nov. 1,1862. HELMBOLDS GENUINE PREPARATIONS “HIGHLY CONCENTRATED” COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BDCHU, A PoaiUve and Specific Reaed, For Dieeaee# of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, AND DBOPBICAL SWELLINGS. : Dili Medicine Increaeee the power of Dictation, and ex cite* the ABSORBENTS into health, aeitoo, b, which the WATERY OR CALCAREOUS depoaitloa*, and, all UN NATURAL ENLARGEMENTS, are rednoed, ee welf ee PAIN Airs INFLAMMATION, ead la good ibr Ms*, Wo axx om Chilsux. . ' ftELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUBHU. For weakness arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipa tion, Marly indiscretion or Abuse. ATTENDED THE FOLLOWIAG SYMPTOMS; Indisposition to RzerUon, Difficulty of Breathing, Loss of Memory Loss of Power, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, ; Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Bask, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular-System, Hot Hands, Flushing of th«j Body, Dryness of tbe Skin, Eruptions of the Face, PALLID COUNTENANCE These •ymptoms, if allowed to go on, which thin medi cine invariably remove,, woo follow! Impotuct, Fatottt Epiumo Pits, in one of which tbe patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequently fallowed by thoee ‘ DIREFUL DISEASES,” “INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION.” Many are aware of the cause of their suffering, BUT NONE WILL CONFESS THE RECORD! OF THE INSANE ASYLUMS. And the melancholy Death, by Consumption bear an ple witness to the truth ol the assertion. THE CONSTITUTION ONCE AFFECTED WITH OR GANIC WEAKNESS, Requires the aid ijf medicine to strengthen and invigor ate the System, which HEMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU invariably does. ■ A trial will convince the most skeptical. FE MALES! FEMALES 11 Old or Young, Single, Married or Conujcuauxo Mar- RIAGS. In many affections peculiar toJFemales, tbs EXTRACT BUCHU is onequaled by any other remedy, as in Chloro sis or Retention, Irregularity, Patnfhlneas or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous state of the Uteras, Lencorrhce or Whites, Sterility, and for all complaints. Incident to the sex, whether arising from In discretion. Habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. SEE 6TVPTONB ABOVE. No Fayuily Should h© Without It- Take no. more Balsam, Mercury, or unpleasant Medicine for unpleasant and dangerous diseases. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUBHU. AND Improved Rose Wash CURES SECRET DISEASES In all their stages. At little Expense, Little, or no change in Diet, No inconvenience And no Exposure. It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby Removing Obstructions, Preventing and Coring Strictures of the Urethra. Allaying Pain and Inflame tion so frequent in the class of discs see, and expelling all Poisonous Diseases and worn-out Matter, THOUSANDS CPON THODBANDS who have been the victims of Qnacka, and who have paid heavy .fees to be cored in a short time, have found that they were deceived, and that the ’•POISON" has, by the use of “powerful* as tringents," Keen dried up in the system, to break out in an aggravated forin, and perhaps after Marriage. Us» Hxuootn’s Ezraaei Bncnu for all affections and diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, Whether existing in MALE OK FEMALE. From whatever cause originating, and no matter; at HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases Of these organs require the aid of a DimtiTic. UELMBOLD’B EXTRACT BUCHU la the Great Dnmxnc, and is certain to have the desired effect in all diseases for which it Is recommended- Evidence of the most reliable and responsible character wl’l accompany the medicines. Certificates of Cues, from eight fo twenty years stand ing, with names known te science and fame, - Price $l,OO Per Bottle,, or Six for $5, Delivered to any address, securely pecked from any ob servation. Dtscani stwßoxs i» all OomnniCAtun. Cures Guarantee?. Advice Gratis. AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeared before me, An Aldermen of the city of Philadelphia, Eh' T. UzLWenLP. who being Only swore, doth say, bis preparation contains no narcotic. no msren ry. or other Injurious drags, bnt are parely vegetable. ; H.T.HELMBOU). Sworn and subscribed before me, this 23d day of No vember, ISM- W.P. HIBBARD, Alderman. J Ninth St, above Race, Phils. Addrea letters for information in oonSdeneeto B. T. HELHBpLD, Cheahrt, Depot, 10* Sonth Tenth-St, below Cheetnat, “ l’hßadelpWa,Velni. BEWARE OP COUNTERFEITS AND UNPRINCIPLED r dealers, Who endeavor to dispose “or Thai own” and “OTHia” arttcles on the reputation attained by Helmbold’s Gendina' Preparations, , . do do Extract Bacha, t , .do ■; do m Banaperllta, f *» J: *> ‘ ' ' Ddd by Mncgtsta. evarj-whaa.. taka so <ghst. Cat out the and send for tt| Mid avidf jayoaftioa. and dipoeara- --.■■■<>■ ■ September I7th,ISM-ly. lb Dtttnt—Mti, Ramchtt, 4k. , . tf A'ZMragy MTm, Jfbfevmd » ArVCTettu, *. n Dtrtns /ntiiU n ftnU »«rf Am lt. f -I; “ Costert” Bat Roach, Ac. Exterminator. “ Costar’a” Bed-Bog Exterminator, “Costar’s" Electric Powdertor Insects, Ac. la 25c. 50c. asb $l,OO Bonus as> runs, $3 ax>ss (is* Fos Puaunoss, Sam, Boats, Horses, Ac. "THS ONLY INFALLIBLE KIUEBUtS HHOWH." "ImtmMtou" “ Not dsn|«toas to the Huotl TSsoily.** “ Hsu da not die od the presaeeU.” “ They come oat of their helee to dlo.” WBM Bbenartore by AU Vaousns Dncooure i> too ism ettlee, sad hr Dsosoim, Osocsae, tnaamiuttataniUHiato •Uj. to *ll Country Tons sad TiHtcos 1$ to* Hatted Statee. s ■■ Sold by G. W. KESSLER, Altoona. 49-Coons t teams csb order so eboro. OrsddnM order* dtooet—torfc* Woos, Ysms, A*.] u BEIIRY B. come, PsaqrAL Dir?*—No. «2 Broadway Mew Xcrk. fi WHEELER & WILSON’S 'ss 8 . SEWING | t MACHINE. B - : • - t M R. A. 0. KERR, Z W 5S J ALTOONA, PA-, H W Agent for Blair County, q These machines are admit to be Hubert ever offered to the public, ,nd their superiority Is satisbctoril} established by the bet thet in the lest right years, OVER 1.40 Q MORE of these Machines hare been sold than of sny other see S' nSsctnred, and more medals bare been awarded the pro prietors by different Fairs and Institutes. than to any oth ers. The Machines are warranted to do all that Is ctainted for them. They ate now in use in serersl tamUtes in Al toona, and in every case they giro entire sathtrtfan. The Agent refers those drtlring information an the su periority of the Machines, to'Coi. lofan L. Piper, her. A. B. Glsrfc, George jlawkesworth, Ben]. F. Rose, and X. H. Turner, Eaqrs. The machines can be seen and examined at the store of the Agent, at Altoona. Price of No. 1 Machine, silver plated, glass foot and new riyle Hemmer —$85. No. 2, ornamental bronse, glass foot and now styte Hemmer—sss. No. 3, plain, with old. style Hemmer— *46. [March a, IHX-tf. WEST BRANCH INSURANCE CO.. »» LOCK HAVEN, PA- PREMIUM NOTES IN FORCE .405,000. Insures property on as reasonable terms as am consistent with security. O. 0. D. gatterlee, J. B. Hall, Jacob Brown. P. M. Price, All Inn White, Siteon Scott, C. A. Mayer, Alex. Sloan, W. Pearan. 0. D. SixisELiE, V. P. a. a IIASTXT, Pree’t . j. w. CnAPMitt, Secretary. Ju, y »• ] R. A. 0. KKBB, Agent, Altoona, C. C. SERVER & SON, (Successors ro Thomas K. Taylor ft Co.) Paper, Envelpe, and Printers* Card WAREHOUSE, No. 6XB, MINOR STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF WRITING, LETTER, NOTR PRINTING, WRARPIM, MANILLA, TISSUE, BBOE AND BABDWAU PAPERS, Printers' Garda, BONNET, BOX AND STBAW BOABDB. Printers, Blank Book Manufacturers, Statlonere and Storekeeper*, will and it to tbeir rim ' W£&£?y D " US P NB ™* stock. :. Sewing Machines! XTAVING ACCEPTED THE AGBN- I 1 cjr for the eale of Ibe above celebrated Hacbiaee. pan;, ranying In price. from - ■ S4O to ®lOO. Fnrchaam of theee Machine* hare the advaataae *f cboelDc <ne making «W>ar the celebrated Grover A Ifcker Stlteli, <y the Ixxjk Stitch, the,only valnableSbwtnglU chlne etltcbe* tapradtical nee. The eoperiority oftked* otbme, for tuidf earing, h nwmri* eetabllebe<l.Tl>e pecnltaritlte of the different *tytaa ef Machine* rill be cneerfnlly explained to any one riakinx topnreSaa*. - j.jj. ijhiSai Altoona, top Tth-Sm. SM. WOODKOK, • j msinsT-jL T-zj. w. Will practice in the eeveral j} togtoaCity,be will devdte.facial mtUmttoktott* Me ration and collection of claim* *g*ln*v tbeDntted Stbiaa. including Fenaion*, Bonnty Lauda, Amare of Fay* for Serriceaintfae Amy and Nary, and generally ■)!(■(. noee before any of the Departtnenta. - - Oflle* on Virginia Street, * doore above Julia Street. May 16,1M2-U. Building lots fob sale.— The eubacrit'era offer at Private Sale KIQHT amr.n. 1«U LOTS, altnate on the top of Ora hfll, above thereeer volr of the Altoona Gae A Water Ooeapany, betngnoir bold a« property by the Preabyteriaß Church. Tbo lota an Ally feet front by ITS feet deep,and will beaoMon riimn able terma, Peraona wtahlngtoporchaaoerTtaw thaaa lote will receive all information concerning abeie hy-ep plying to Michael Clabangfa, X. 11. HoOormteki McCoimlck. or Chat. J. Uann, Tnuteeaof Preebyterian Church. [Altoona, April &IMB. SKOCEKIES AND PROVISIONS.— A large and varied Itoek of FRESH GROCERIES PROVISIONB, Jutt received, and for vale Ah cheap nil tbeebeapeet,at MPBPBY PWePIECTShffi — ■ i} ,• Altoona, JoaeffS,lMX ' ■ ■■■•' A REGULAR MEETING OK THB ALTOONA PAIS TIE V CEMETERY AS800IA (BW trill he held oo the aecood Thoreday evening of eauSt Booth; ler the Council Boom. ' XlPUIttiK • JjM Umtm, • • PreaMaat.l ■■■ Be««t»ry. . [May !*■>«] < ftIBXCYOSS: GROVER & BAKER’S
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers