Bete ibutio n f£ but con he abuSi l "' SlOttUea ihftvebee^buwu'^ Igumnenand the nJn! c ‘ Pf >“ ‘be l.^^ tt*d with the grossest j n i^ r PWljr murdered. Ko 1 dlg ' b <>r tefipwlties were perneiS s aaecceded in surrru , -. ft J 1 *" ‘bey, SSSg^ pifaeir anas and aenti„ *beir atoy £ ifc-jg and ft cpnit-toarti.) ! rescued white women testifying i&T wanes perpetrated 0n the d Indians have been ham TO Rive stem j ustice to the kof Upper Minnesota an* w that if the Govern^ f lt T A Kea T fortbea «w“ 511 .diem selves wagb , a War »t the entire Indian wee i Proclamation.— Col. i' s - to the editor of the 6hi covfysaai ton with the ven itoh we ajqjemi ;_« q i-i,i l elways admirea aad-sup rat,: hot perhaps he woihd tocait now, es X had pltoged r *t officers of the Goveto f.measures.’ He replied Government is right, nitain It.* Invited tons to . ®i I ‘Bat I approve %&&&■& Conversation upon en lack. to the proclamatiou tltpt whether or not the tithtional right to declare esident s friends, did hot hy claiming It to. jbe con ieny,’he said, ‘ that there on to justify the act, but eouhtty' clearly justify it,’ (s in the South ; lie only effectual. He could not Democrat could have any h," and he hoped that if toe North who would nation, they would not it position or influence,” i tor Exemption. —The comraissoners hare been incidents lately, but the si in a neighboring district, d :—The next appearance "What is the matter with I, mine back is mostbroke.” bed the clerk. -‘Locale or ujCiin i- yours a stondiny Hays in der hed generailv.” re your back ?•' “ Veil,’l : weeii-.ib der saloon ami t den 1 goes my stairs up, ie out, ami by tarn I strikes fcand I lies in der bed for tiie clerk you fell oat of ?'■; “ Yaw." “ And yon t: how do you make that y, ijch can nicht so much • .while.’’ Yawcob didn't Kebei, Bam.—A retwrnediroin die fonlen pllbwing:—After the rebel eft on their way, towards 1 wntiies dlatein fiom the large fttneiaf procession, pgr to t halt. Dismonnt- selected forty-three procession, and amongst to'the hearse. No vio tbe.canttaiy thegfeatesi 1 towards the unnoted me of the funeral escort hose Writers their horses [Sy .wiw: “3By order of wanted for the army.” re properly secured by their waytothcPoto fetids to find tSrir way of burfel as they best gush Vkopeb.—Gari remiiritnhle affdresrJo a rhapsody, and contains umon sense. We tjoote ron your . way. O calm, be'lest tardy in calling leaajne path of human American republic, for er, and is struggling now laveiy whtch you have id;' Help her to escape ted against her by the and t hen place itt' : :**dphlv [of .nations iinfeiteet ' Call to your tiwfe'im, and lose' Englapo it against her interest, is r' II ' army cobpb^m^P l troops acting »s me they transform wees , haopickets, fences tot° dasioto anted rebels, nljied their ranks and ho outcropping rocltsir 0 be a Confederate fiace sat. * Even in trie <w w. cf oar Wien who m the river for P *“?> frightened line of p l *' selves by felling below ial boat. To these few owl-screech becomes a 1 experience jif » tfeh* ftione and jetnper their —TheßaW a* too^ s - «•" *< w#r i* «£<&«*, jV they ,OPf b kwol potw£» ' amo*®* mw? wft« VT?-- News Items. i.j. j s stated that ;at Vicksburg, Miss., dour *'i-' |icr bbl., and slioes at $32 a pair. ™ mammoth ox, which stands seven feet e ’ ,< oil exhibition at the agricultural fair at jj.-ru'cirti. Conn, si"fiu«t quantities ot cotton continue to ar viu Memphis, ami the prices'in the Western ‘‘ rtets am tailing. (j„v. Huekiughaiu, of Connecticut, has or j a draft for eight hundred more men to fill regiaienis now organized imthe State. ,■ g Senator Elected. —Solomon Foote was ,l„. 14ih inst re-elected United States Senator v,n Vermont for six years, by a unanimous vote senate. There were only seven against i'-intim House. ■a- piie men—about fifty in number—who „. r ■ engaged in the act of resisting the draft in lihckl'crJ county, Indiana, are to be arrested, and ■rfutned t<> the military camp at Indianapolis, for the war. yiotii -vsu Wheat.— The Lynchburg Re savs that wheat is going up in that mar .. a strictly ])rime article commanding from <■> liO to $6 25 per bushel. Family floor is held ■ ill) 50. extra $lB 50, superfine $1,7 50. (ge The Hichmond Disjmtch does not like the Vaiiicics. It describes him thus:—“The Yankee - l.iit a degenerate Puritan—the lineal desceud n: of fiie Mayflower pilgrims, with alMheir traits avarice, hyjiocrisy and conning, intensified in :;-.iusim-'don. ’ - Wheat Choc of Indiana. —By statistics lately oiiu re.!, It i- ascertained that the wheat crop of lihiiiitut lYor ti c year 1862, about 20,000,- olio husheis. I s ing 1,750,000 more than the crop „! 1861. Laylw thb UrsT.— A new system for laying :i„. Jiia. without watering the carriage-way, has : ,u some time in operation in Paris. It consists i .jirinklinp the road with chloride of lime, which, remarkable for its power of absorbing mois iiiv. somi becomes damp, and thortby prevents. ,iii Ja-r from rising, even in the hottest day. g?-A little boy. named Kline, only fourteen „ir, of age, fell into a coal-shaft at Masooutab, iiiinah. while scuffling with another boy. He was mil itated one hundred and fifty-three feet to the ..rtmii, Iml striking the water, was not injured , oiiid a thorough sousing. He was drawn out aftly, ran home aud.cliauged his clothes, and in :*r minutes from the time of the accident, was ~i-k again as though nothing had happened. I'heek Hundred Dollars an Hour.— When liking of poor, starving artists, read the following mu the New York Post: ■ ■i .'lunch. who has not been much occupied dur the summer, painted a picture of Niagara alls the other day for which he received $1,500, wdtisivt- of copy-wright. The old picture of Ni i.rua falls, w hich did so much for Church's repu .■.um!. It. is also louad a purchaser and a testing after floating around for years from one .a;,! to another.” New Poi.mcAL Party.—The. new organiza stvled the Federal Union party, met in New V .rk on Saturday evening, and nominated Gen. i,: ii a l)ix lor Governor and issued an address ; the electors of the State, without distinction of i«!ty, to form Federal Union duos, and send del ate.- to a convention on the 28th inst.. to be kvi.i at the Cooper Institute in that city, in order ratify the nomination of Gen. Dix. Moim uss of Silver.— The Silver Age, of I aiiliirnia. says From a pretty reliable source v kirn that, the Ophir Company arc shipping ■avt ki v. irum their works in Washoe countv, the •aai of not less limn $1)0,000 in bullion, and' some ii ks it amounts to nearly in value. At tin- late the yield of the mine will probably r tell the enormous sunt of three millions of dol aii- this year. There are hundreds of mines in juv vicinity equally as good, which’iire undevel -|inl. but which only require the capital to make kioiii yield -iiuilanV. i in; Hlack I lag.— A tiharpsburg correspon ut ot tiie Chicago Timex, says he has good* nu •:wrii> for stating that the black flag policy ad bv the rebel Congress is opposed bv a ■ - : c of the rebel chieftains. Gen. Lee stated that :' juU make "desertions in the army a daily oc jrrtmo. Gen. Jackson is said to have remarked ..’•t. " to light under the Confederate flag was .the iUL'hcst honor that could be’conferred ona Southern- So lo !'S it waved he would fight to the death' ■a -vAriing n. But he would never lead the vic ii niiiis armies of the South against the enemy ut ‘i a black flag at the head of his columns.” Proceeding. —Singular things occur ■a 'tar rimes. The following is queer, enough to ■ rcconledWhen Harper’s Ferry was surren- J ; TOI - ( h e rebels, of course, took possession of all “f moveable property there, except the clothing 1 tae paroled prisoners. The paroled officers and ■l.en being destitute of transportation, borrowed 1 ■ Stonewall Jackson twenty pne wagons and ‘ ym>, only a few hours previously the property of 'hl- Sam. The loan was accompanied with i > nipdlation that the wagons and teams should - returned. They have left Annapolis for Gen. McClellan’s headquarters, .whence they will be ■■J.i under a flag of trace to the rebel lines. /-'okcoran Sensible to the Last.—Gen. 1 'ti'oran declines to be a candidate for Congress ireiu th c . ,sth New York district, or any other civil, iyiiinrt while engaged in the militaiy service of uc United Spites. In his card he says’:—“Having >'en among the first to respond to the call of tli.e utional government, lam firmly resolved to lie Muf the last to cease my efforts while a vestige of ■ y accursed rebellion threatens to destroy onr 1 moii. ft is of the most vital importance that a war ■b-moemi be selected to represent your district, and i trust that no other shall receive yonr support, lie present is the crisis of onr country’s fate, and one bin representatives pledged to a vigorous ,oecntion ol the war should be sent the the na t’-onal Legislature,” f ■ To be had at Fritchey’s t AMILt GROCERY, corner of Main and Caro- “"“Greets: ' ■ v l' lr !- r P lot of choice Sweet Potatoes at At Fkiichet’s A hue lot of Baking and Eating Apples At Fkitchky’s always for pale At Fjutchist’b. ■ 'ib'ai s. Coffee. Teas and Syrups, fresh frap the L ' p -,' _• ; ’ At Fkitchey’s. 'SKCr's Ijest Family Flour, by the pounds sack ■ At FarrcHEt’s; tijar cured Hams, the cheapest iartown, Sl! «ar cured Beef ! Carbon Oil an 4 Lamps, At i'uITCHF.Y’B !v - 1 . Butter and Eggs always to be had At I’michey’s -Vltocma, A ug . j 862. HtUilKiLD's EXTRACT BUCUU, HfiLMnm r--. TUB GREAT DIURETIC, I, *MBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCUU, UELMi-riii.- ~„ TUB GREAT DIURETIC. L IM! -D n EXTRACT BUCUU. »tU!l!nrn.= „. THE GREAT DIURETIC. ‘-‘-.YiiiOLD’.s EXTRACT BUCUU, . ♦ ~ , THEsGREAT DIURETIC. “ I'MU. ve und Specific Remedy for Dueaaea of the, fidney*. Gravel. Dropsy, v - GW? “ U Di,e ““ Organ. *>' G.e^[Sa^a.Zc'c" * CUt it 00t -* nd Oet VASE OP COUNTERFEITS. ’ ffl# 1 ,. °t®£“ “«►-* «»lwd lf "t wnv W 8 , 5 *” reared to healthijn a few day, >l? »h®Ting, i. willing to wtat J“*«ed enteloMlion"? if ?, the rl * ei P t «# * port-paid REV. JOH jTm. DAG v .V*i uwd - Direct ’la. X. y, *-I>AOSALL,IBfI. Pulton irtrnet, Brook* [Jnne TRIBUTE POWER-PRESS ;;a, lAdriMP l PRINTING OFFIbE. 'vitbtn tb° past two years, made considerable addition to our establishment in the way of new fancy *?? 8 ’ S l rew . Press, Paper Cutter, Card Cutter, Botins Ma chine, Card Power Press, and large Newspaper Power (a cot of which we give are now prepared to execute apythiog in the line of prrnting or ruling in a style equal to auy establishment ;-ln the <i*tate, and at prices equally low. We can execute; on short notice, all styles of Wedding, Invitation, Visiting, Ball & Business Cards, Circulars, Progranimes, mammoth posters,sale bills, ■ ®oyk AM© ©lWlO^iaEA©© Pamphlets, Pay and Check Polls, BLANK BOOKS, MANIFESTS, AND BLANKS OF ALL KINDS. - *ll we ask,is a trial, feeling confidgnt that we can give satisfaction if we have the opportunity. • Office in Low thetas building, corner of Virginia and An nie streets, opposite Superintendent's Office. J;9 a the 19th, GEORGE F. KORNEV, of Philadelphia, to Mis* S. M. RIOG of Altoona. • On Wednesday evening, October 15th, at the M. E. par sonage. in this place, by Rev. W. Lee Spofawood, Mr. JAMES J. BARRY qf Spruce Creek, to Miss SARAH CORKY of this place. „ fn HolUdayabnrg. on Tuesday evening, Oct Uth by Rev. p. H. Barron Major JOHN A. FRDRADFF Ist Reg’t Pa. lots, to MissKLLIE A. daughter of Bon. D. CALDWELL. , On Monday Oct. 20th, at the .house of Jacob Snyder, by-' Bey D. D. Barron. Mr. DANIEL KILLIN', ot Armagh, Indiana Co., to Miss NANCY T. PATTERSON, of Holli daysburg. Near Martinaknrg, September 28th, ROBBRT SIMONS, youngest child of David 8. and Mary Ann Uaffly, aged lyw 7 months ami 10 days. e ACTION.—Ran away front the Sub-, ecriber, a few days eiuce. FRANCISCUS SOLAR, an Indentured apprentice. This is to caution all persons no£ to harbor or trust her on my account, as I wilt pay no debts of her contracting* Oct. 10,1862.-3 t. • C. 0. SHANNON. F tRM.—The subscribers take JLa this method of announcing to the of Altoona, and the Public generally that theyH^B have opened a BOOT & SHOE STORK, BL in the room recently occupied by John H. Rob efts. > The hiuineMi heretofore carried on by Mr. Roberta, will, in the future, be'in the name of Roberta 4 Ruth erford. f They will keep constantly op band a complete assort ment of «£ Boots & Shoes, GAITERS, SLIPPERS, &c , &c., &c. which they will offer at fair prices and warrant to be of the best material anp maua&ctitre. Particular attention will be giien to custom wobb:, ill which we warrant to give enrire satisfaction, as we buy the best stock and employ none blit the best workmen. Remember the old stand, on Virginia Street, one door Rost of Kessler’s Drug Store. JOHN If. ROBERTS. Oct. to ISffiJ-tf. WM. n. RUTHERFORD, Grlorioias News! r PHE Subscribers would respectfully ‘ff. announce to the .citizens of Altoona and vicinity, that they have just returned from the East with their FALL AND WINTER STYLES OF HATS & CAPS, BOOTS <Sc StEIOES. Their stock o.f_BLA,TS CAPS have been se lected with great care, and with the view of suiting all who may favor them with their patronage. Their line of Boots and Shoes is complete. Their LADIES' MISSES' and CHILDREN'S SHOES ate of City make, and warrapted. Their Balmoral Sbreff fur Ladies and .Misses, ore Just the thing for fall and winter. Thankful-to the public for their very liberal patronage heretofore, they hope to merit a continuance of the same. Store on MAIN ST. next door to Bowman’s Exchange Hotel. 3MIT3 k MANN. HARDWARE—HARDWARE! CHARLES J. MANN. | kEALKR IN FOREIGN AND DO - MESTIC HARDWARE. WOODEN WARE. BROOMS, WINDOW SHADES. ■ DOOR MATS, UPHOLSTERING GOODS. SHOE FINDINGS, COFFIN TRIMMINGS, MOULDERS’ TOOLS, BIRD CAGES AND WIRE GOODS, WINDOW GLASS, PUTTY, WHITE LEAD, 4C., iC. , Every description of Gods in hie lipo trill, be far* noshed at short notice, and at low rates for cash, . His remaining stock of DRY GOODS on hand will be closed ont at remarkably low prices, ih order to ’relinquish that branch of the business. . Agent for Willson’s ’’Telegraph Fodder Gutter.” . ' Altoona, May 29th, 1862. 1 Building lots for sale.— The subscribers offer at Private Sal© KIGHT BUILD ING LOTS, situate 00. tbe top of the Hill, above the reser voir of the Altoona Gas A Water Company, being now held a*', property by the Presbyterian Church. The lots are Jmy feet front by'l76 feet aeep,and #lll be sold on reason able terms. Persons wishing to purchase or view the£» IptSr will receive all information concerning them by ap plying to Michael Glabangh, R. U. McCormick, Alexander uoCoimick,or Cha*. J. Mann, Trustees of Presbyterian Church. [Altoona, April 3,1862. in A Y UP! PAY TIP!! r We wish to remind those indebted to us, that we intend going East in a few days to bay goods, and hope no one will take the liberty’of withholding the amounts due ns. Short credits are the style now, and those who wish to maintain a good creditmust pay up promptly. J; A J. LOWTHKR. . Altoona, Oct. 2,18d2.-2t Bargains in wall paper.— In order to make room for a Tory large stock of Wall paper andßordertT ordered for. oar spring sales, we Have concluded to close cot our present stock at greatly reduced prlcesl Those In want of anything in this line. Will save money by giving ns a call. . Sept. 17 1862.—Su] J. A J. LOWTIU2R. A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ■ ALTOONA IP AIR VIEW CEMETERY ABBOCIA TIUN will be held on the second Xhnrsdayevening of each month, in the-Conncfl Boom. M. CLABAUGH, v j ’ JtM. Eowthis, ' Secretary. OUll LADY FRIENDS WOULD DO veil to look Jn upon the choke and chaste assort ment of Summer DRESS GOODS now displayed upon the well-filled shelves of MURPHY A JIcPIKK, Cor. ofVlrglola and CarolinMts. : Altoona, June 26,1862. At Feitchst’s. At Feitchet’s. G 1 ROCERIES AND PROVISIONS.— IT A largo and varied stock of FRESH GROCERIES. A.ND PROVISIONS. Just receiTed, and for sale a* cheap as the cheapest, at MURPHY * McPIKE’S Store, Cor. of Virginia and Caroline Btp. - Altoona, Juno 26,1862. MUSIC !—INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN on the Piano-Forto and Mqlodesn, by Mias M. MA&KR. Tzbms, slp per quarter. No charge for the use 6f the Instrument, fiesldence on Catharine Street, tfeat Altoona. ; [Jan.16.1862.-tf. RENT. —The 1 subscriber offers L for rent the Store-Room on the corner of Annie and Harriet street*, East Altoona, lately occupied by Foust k £tuler. Peaaeaalon given immediately. Apply to ; Oct. % 1862—tf ANHREfT KIPPLE. A BDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, Trus f\ •*. and ShoAlder Brace, for tale at 1-tf p. W. KESSLER’S. TVTfiW STOCK OF BOOTS & SHOES X l for Man and Boya. Ladle, anil Miuea, juat rec’d at 1 BAUGHMAN’S. YOU WANT A HAT OB CAP, X/ cheap or fine f— go to- tAUOHHAITSa MABBIED. DIED: President. [May 15-’62] NORTH WARD AHEAD ! NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! AT OLn PRICKS. r HE UNDI-iRKIGNKU VVtMiLH HE f Hpectfuily; loforutfthe citizens of Altoona anti sor* rounding country th^tße has Just returned from Lite cast, where he has bean selecting his stock of Spring and Sum* mer Goods, which for style, quality and Hnw cannot be surpassed in this nefck of country. His stock is tuneb larger than .heretofore, and, as it is quite so object in tb«W war-exciting times for every one to purchase where they can get the BEST article at the LOWEST PRICE, he !*£Hl d “y ***** he can and will sell AS LOW,*If not A LITTLE LOWER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE in this place. He Wishes all to call and see his stock before pur chasing elsewhere, as he feels confident he can offer in duceuentt which will DEFY COMPETITION. His stock consists of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS OF BVSBT DIaCBIPTiOS. MEN AND BOYS’ SUMMER WEAK, " LADIES’ AND MASSES’ DRESS SHOES, MEN AND BOYS’ BOOTS AND SHOES, MEN AND WOMEN’S HOSE, HATS AND CAPS, Ginghams, Lawns, Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, Dried Peaches and Dried Applee, Plain and Canvassed Bams, Ac, Ac, Ac. He will »«11 the AMERICAN PRINTS at \ »A cent*. FAST MADDER COLORS, 10^ FANCY DELAINES, from \2% to S 5 Fine Bleached MUSLINS yard wide, 13L; “ :: g :: % Heavy Unbl’cbed vtird •• rlave *' " ™ “ 8 and 10 “ LAWNS, from 8 to 16 - LADIES’ SLIPPERS, from 40 to SO “ “ Fine, French, Sewed, Heeled BOOTEES il 24 “ Pegged lou MEN’S CALF BOOTS, i „ “ GOAT " T, IX BOYS’ GOAT. (Noe. 4 and 5.) \ MEN AND BOVS’ OXFORD 'PIES, from 75 cents to 1 00 MEN’S CALF MQNROEB, 1 oo All sizes of MISSES’ A CHILDREN’S SHOES, very low. £GROrsRio Coffee at 20 cents, 'White Sugar 11 and VZ'A cenu. Brown Sogarfrom T to 10 pta.; Beet Honey and Lovering>B Syrup, at 60 cte.; Sugar House Molasses, 40 cte.: Bakina Molasses, 31 to 40 cte.; together with Cedar and Willow Ware: Flour, Peed, Ac., and ail other articles of Goods just as low ae any other house can sell. Please call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere Altoona, May 1,1862. J HEAD QUARTERS FOR THE CHEAPEST AND BEST FALL & WINTER GOODS!! J, B. HILEMAN has just received u large and wel! selected stock of Goods, consisting of Cloths, Plain and Fancy Casaimeres, Kentucky Jeans, Tweeds. Beaverteens, Blue Drilling, and all other kinds of Goods fur MEN AND BOYS’ WEAR, together with a grand and magnificent assortment of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Such as Blade and thney Silks, Chatties, Bereges. Brilliants, Lawns, Delaines, Chintss, Deßeges, Crapes. Prints. Crape and Stella Shawls. Mantillas. Undersleeves and Hosiery, Bonnets asid Ribbons, Collars, Hand kerchiefs, Kid Gloves. Hooped Skirts, Skirt ing, Lace MdSt, etc., etc. ALSO, Ticking,, Checks, Bleached and Unbleached Mnsiins, Cotton and Linen Table Diaper. Crash,. Nankeen, &c. BOOTS AND SHOES, HABDWARE. QUEENSW ABE, WOOD AND WILLOW WAKE, OIL CLOTHS, CARPETS. AC. GROCERIES. Our stock of Groceries is more extensive than ever, and consists of Rio and Java Coffee, Crushed, Loaf and N T 0. Sugars; Given, Y. If. and Black Teas; Molasses, Soaps. Candles. Salt, Fish. Ac. Thankful to the public for the very liberal patronage heretofore received, he hopes by strict ‘attention to busi ness, and an endeavor to please, to merit a continuance of the game. and examine his Stock, and you will be con vinced that he has the best assortment and cheapest Goods in the market. %* Country Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for Goods at market prices. Altoona, April 4, 1802. 600,000 LLOYD'S NEW STEEL PLATE COUNTY COLORED MAP OP THE UNITED STATES, CANADAS, AND NEW BUNBWICK. From recent surveys, completed Aug. 10, 1862; cost $20,000 to engrave it and one year's time. Superior to nuy $lO map ever made by Colton or Mitch ell, and sells at the low price of fifty cents; 370,000 names are engraved on this map. It is not only a County Map, but it is also a COUNTY AND RAILROAD MAP of the United States and Canadas combined in one, giving EVERY RAILROAD STATION and distances between. Guarantee any woman or man $3 to $5 per day, and will take back all mapa that cannot be sold and refund the money. Send for $1 worth to try. Printed instructions how to canvas well furnished all our agents. Wanted—Wholesale Agents for our Haps in every State, California, Canada,-England, France and Cuba. A fortune may be made with a few hundred dollars capital. No CbmpcUtion. J. T. LLOYD, No. 161 Broadway, New York. The War Dej«artment nses our Map of Virginia, Mary land, and Pennsylvania; coat $lOO,OOO, on which is marked Antietam Creek, Sharpsbprg, Maryland Sights, William sport Ferry, Rhoresvllle, Noland's Ford, and all others on the Potomac, and every other place in Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania, or money refunded. LLOYD'S TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP OF KENTUCKY, OHIO, INDIANA, and ILLINOIS, is the only authority for Qen. Buell and the War Depart ment. Money refunded to any one finding an error in it. Price 50 cents. From the Tribune, Aug. 2. -LLOYD’S MAP OF VIRGINIA, MARYLAND, AND PENNSYLVANIA.—The Map is very large; its cost is but 25 cents, and if is the best which can be purchased LLOYD'S GREAT MAP OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER —From Actual Surreys by Capts. Bart and Wm. BOWkN, Mississippi River Pilots, of St. Louis, Mo., shows every man's plantation and owner's name from St Lonls to the Gulf of Mexico—l,3so sand-bar, island, town, landing, and all places 20 miles back from the river—col ored in counties and States. Price, $1 in sheets. $2, pocket forin, and S2JM) on linen, with rollers. Roadr- Sept. 20. Navy Dxpastxxnt, Washington, Sept. 17,1862. J. T. Llotd— Sin Send yonr Map of the Mississippi River, with price per hundred copies. Rear-Admiral Charles H. Davis, commanding the Mississippi squadron is authorised to purchase as many as are required for use of that squadron. GIDEON WELLES, Secretary of the Navy. GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, Annie Street, East Altoona, a few doors above Branch Street. rpHE SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST RE- I calved a large and freah atcek ofOBOCERIES, PRO VISIONS, Ac., which be will sell at prices equally as low as his competitors. His stock consists of FLOUR , FEED, BACON* HAMS, FISH, SALT ; POTATOES, COFFER SUGAR, TEA, SPICES CRACKERS, CHEESE, TUBS, < ~ BRUSHES, BUCKETS, BR O OMS, RAISINS, LEMONS, ORANGES, FIGS, DATES, COMBS, SOAPS, KNIVES, BUTTER, • EGOS CONFECTIONERIES, DRIED FRUIT, AND DRUGS OF ALL KINDS I invite the public to call and examine my stock, as I am determined to please in quality and price. May 8,1862-tf WM.H. PERCTVAL. GROCERY, PROVISION 'AND WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE. rnpE UNDERSIGNED WOULD IN- I FORM the public that he haa purchased the interest ofl. MILLLRON in the Grocery and Frorision Store here tofore kept by them on Virginia street, below Caroline St, where he wilt continne the business, and will keep con stantly on hand a large supply of FLOUR, HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, DRIED BEEF, FISH, SALT, MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA., SUGAR, SPICES, CONFECTIONARIES, and everything uanaily kept in Grocery and Provision Stores, all of which he receives fresh from the eastern and western cities, and will sell at the most reasonable prices. Having recently obtained license to sell liquor by whole sals; I trill keep constantly on hand a large aeeortment o t liquors of the beet quell ties to he had. X respectfully solicit a share of public custom. July 13, U«-ti;j J. BERKOWIIZ. [ IMPROVED Together with' all other disuses having their origin in a depraved condition of, the blood or cir culatory svstem. J. A. SPRANKLE. North Ward De. G. H. Kxtsxr :—I take pleasure In making thla vol untary statement In favor of a medicine prepared by yon called LixnsiT’s Blood SEaacnxal bad differed for five yea re with Scrofula which broke out on my head and forehead ao as to disfigure me very much, and took off the hair when the diaeaae made it, appearance; it alao broke out on my arm above and below the elbow, and eat Into the akin and flesh bo aa to expose a fearful acre. The disease on my bead went so far that aeveral small pieces of bone came out. I was very week and low spirited, and had given np all hope of ever getting well, as I had tried sev eral skillful physicians and they did me no good. In Sep tember last, 1881.1 was induced to try Lixuskt’s Im proved Blood Searcher.” I must confess I bad no faith iu patent medicinee, bat after I had used three bottles ol Blood Searcher, the ulcers on my head and arm began to heal. I have now taken eight or ten bottles, and my bead and arm are entirely well except the scars remaining from the sores. I will alao state that I bad the rheumatism very bad in my arms and lega. The Blood Searcher alao cured the rheumatism. lam now a well man, over forty years of age, and I feel as anple and young as I did when I was twenty, and have increased in weight twenty pounds. I would also state that the disease in my forebeard was so bad that when I stooped and lifted anything heavy, the blood run out of the sore. Dr. Keyset had a photograph taken or me by Mr. Cargo, the artist, after I began to get well. It does not show my appearance as bad os it was before I Commenced taking the medicine. Yon can see the photograph, one of which is now in my possession, and also at Dr. Keysets 140 Wood street. I would also state that 1 took the Blood Searcher which was made be fore Dr. Keyset commenced making it. Although it helped mo some, I did not recover last until I got the kind made by Dr. Keyset himself. One bottle of bis did me more good than two of the old. I believe it is a great deal stronger End better. I have recommended the Blood Searcher to a great many of my friends for various dis eases, and I believe it has helped the whole of tiiem. Yon may publish this if yon wish, and I am anxions that all Vho are afflicted as I was may he cured. I live in tbiscity, No. 4 Pino street, and am employed at Collville A Ander son’s Union Marble Works, 64 Wayne street. I live in Sligo, at Clinton Mill, and have been nearly blind in both eyes for nearly four years. I called on Dr. Keyser about three months ago and asked him to give me directions to the Institution for the Blind In Philadelphia He told me that 7 need not go to Philadelphia to get well as he had medicine that would cure me, as be said tuy dis ease was in the blood. I was treated for it two or three times in the hospital in this city, and was relieved, but my disease always returned after a month or two after I came out of the hospital. 1 found my disease was re turning and I called, by the advice of a good friend of mine, on Dr. Keyser, who has restored my sight, and my eyes are nearly as well as ever. The Doctor gave me * Lindsey's Blood Searcher" and a wash. Pittsburg, July 5,1861. Witness—E. F. M'Elroy, Anderson street, Allegheny City. Pit etb rao h, September 18,1861.—1 hereby certify that I have had a sore leg for over a year. It was covered with ulcers and soree so that I could pot work for nearly a year. My leg swelled so that 1 was nnable to do any thing for a long time, for at least si* months. I tried several of the best doctors in the city, but without any benefit; finally I called on Dr. Keyser, at No. 140 Wood street, who only attended me about two weeks, and gave me but two bottles of medicine, and a am now entirely well and have confined so for six months* lam employed at the Eagle Engine Honse on Fourth street, where any one can see me. A Lima From England. —Mr. John Pope, of Blaena von, near Uontypool, Monmontshirs, England, writes as follows: Sir:— An old woman in this place has wished me to write you respecting Lindbxt’s Bloc© Sxakchxx, from which she found great benefit, and wishes to have a little more. She has .been suffering from a' disease of a cancer, ous nature for the last six or seven years. Her daughter who is living in Americs* .obtained it for her, and sent her eighteen bottles. She is now quite out of it, and I have written to her daughter twice and have received no an* swer; of course she is anxious to get! more, to get com pletely cured. I told her I would write to you for the agency in this country, and she felt very much pleased to hear me say so. I now beg to ask yob on what terms yon will supply me ; you will please bear in mind the car riage, and supply me as cheap as possible. The carriage on the one dozen bottles was £1 8s 6d. The medicine was a present from her daughter. I would like to hare the Blood Searcher in a jar or small cask, if yon can send it in that way, or in pint or quart bottle*. 1 will send a bill through bank or registered letter, which ever will be most convenient to you; if you will send me carrier's receipt of the parcel as security. I would send yon a stamp to an swer this, bnt as it Is uncertain of this reaching yon* on account of the country being in six and sevens, 1 a term which is commonly used, yon will; .be kind enough to charge me with the postage. Yours, respectfully, [Signed] | JOHN POPE. |We bare seen the letter which ispnblished in to-day's Ditpaith, from John Pops, and believe it to be genuine.— Editor! Dispatch Pitttbmyh. t). look for Dr. Key ter 1 1 sums ovtr Vie corke to prevent befsp imposed upon. Prepared and aoid by Dr Gioaai ILKirsmt, Pittabnrgh Pa. i- Sold in Altoona by A. Rosea and! O. W, Kusus; in HolUdayabnrg by J. R. PiTTTos and Jaoos Una, June 3d, 1863.-1 y. BLOOD SEAKCHER. A SI KE CURS roa Cancer, Cancerous Formations,; Scrofula, j Cutaneous Diseases, ! Erysipelas, Boils, Pimples on the Face, Sore Eyes, Tetter Affection?, Scald Head, Dyspepsia, Coetjveuess, Old and Stubborn Ulcers Rheumatic Disorders, Jaundice, Salt Rheum, Mercurial Diseases, , General Debility, Liver Complaint, Loss of Appetite, Low Spirits, Female Complaints, Epilepsy or Fits, Paralysis or Palsy, Syphilitic Diseases and Caries of the Bones. CASE OF DANIEL A. BOYD. Pittsburgh, December 31,1801 A BLIND MAN CUBED A BAD SOBE LEG CURED CANCER CURED. “HIGHLY CONCENTRATED” COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACTBUCHU, A Positive sad Specific Remedy For Diseases of tits BLADDER, KIDNKTB, QHAVEL, AMD DROPSICAL BWRLUNOR. This Medicine increases the power oMMgeetlon, end ex cite* the ABSORBENTS into healthy ecltoo, by which the WATERS OR CALCAREOUS depodtionSi aad fill UN NATURAL BNLAEORUENTB, ere reduced, w well e> PAIN in> INFLAMMATION, end b good for M*», Wo lf bst oa Csanasa. For weakness arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipa tion, Early Indiscretion or Abase. ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWIAO SYMPTOMS: Indisposition to Exertion, Difflcnlty of Breathing, Loos of Memory toss of Power, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain In tie Back; Universal Lassitude of the Moscular System, Dot Hands, Flashing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin,; Eruptions of theface, These symptoms. If allowed to go on, which this medi cine invariably removes, toon follows Ihpotehct, Fituin Epiurrte Fits, la ode of which the patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequently followed by tfaoee -DIREFUL DISEASES,” “INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION.” Many are aware of the cause of their ■ offering, BUT kONE WILL CONFESS THE RECORD! OF THE INSANE ASYLUMS, t And the melancholy Deaths by Consumption bear am ple witness to the truth oi tbs assertion. THE CONSTITUTION ONCE AFFECTED WITH OR GANIC WEAKNESS, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen sod invigor ate the System, which lIEMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU invariably does. A trial will convince the most skeptical. FEMALfiS I FEMALES I! Old os Young, Sinols, Makeup os CoNTtnruraa UxxN In many peculiar to Females, the EXTRACT BUCHIi is unequal ed by any other remedy, as in Chloro sis or Retention, Irregularity, Painfdlneas or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous state of the Uteras, Leucqrrhce or Whites, Sterility, and for all complaints incident! to the sex, whether arising from in discretion, Habits df Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OB CHANGE OF LIFE. S*X ITXPTOKB ABOTXe DANIEL A. BOYD. No Family Should b© Without It. Take no more Balsam, Mercury, or unpleasant Medicine for unpleasant and c angerous diseases. HELMBOL D’S EXTRACT BUBHU. CURBS 'SECRET DISEASES In all their " At little EapOnae, Little or no change In Diet, No Inconvenience 1 And no Bzpoann. It causes a frequent desire and give* strength to Urinate, thereby BemovingJObetructiona, Preventing and Oaring Stricture* of the Urethra. Allaying Pain and Ipflama tion bo frequent in the claw of diseases, and expelling *!! Poisonous Diaeasea iuul worn-ont Hatter. THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS who ban been the victim* of (ftuclu, and whobave paid heavy feed to be cured in a short tic ie, have fonnd that they wen ddoatved, and that the “POIf ON” has, by the nee of “powerful ‘aa tringenta,” been dr led op in the system, to break opt in an aggravated fora, and perhaps after Marriage. ' DAVID KINNOLLY, Clinton Mills, Sligo. Uai Hxuaoin’a Exmacr Boone for all affections and diaeasea of the A URINARY ORGANS, Whether eziating in THOMAS FARRELL. From whatever caope originating, and no matter *0 Ie the Great Dioaiyio, and is certain to hay* the daaired effect In all dlaeaaeajbr which it la recommended, 'i Evidence of the - rnost reliable and reaponaiSie character wi’l accompany the medicine*. • Certificate* of Core*, from eight to twenty year* (land ing, with namea known to acieno* and fomo. Price $l,OO Per Bottle, or Six lief $6, HELMBOLD’S OENUINEj PREPARATIONS HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHD. PALLID COUNTENANCE, ftlAOft. AND Improved Ross Wash hi ALE OR FEMALE. HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of then Organs require the aid of a Dnmno. HELM BOLD’S EXTRACT BUOHU Delivered to any addreai, securely packed from day ob servation. Dncntn Stanon a ill (kuniomcariom.: Cures Guaranteed. Advice Gratia. AFFIDAVIT. Penonaiiy appeared before me, an Alderman of the city of Philadelphia, H-; Tl Hxusnbto, who being doly tworn, doth say, hie preparation contain* no narcotic, no meeen ry, or other injnrioina drugs, but are purely vegetable, i i H.T.HELMBOLD. Swornaod subscribed before me, this 23d day'of Ho ■ vember, 1854. W.P. HIBBARD. Alderman, Ninth St, above Race, Phil*. Addrsas letters for Informatiosi in contdence to ' H.THELHBOLD,Chsiafot; Depot, 1011 South Ten tMt, below Ohestaht, Philadelphia, BEWARE OP COUNTERFEITS AND UNFRIMCtPLED | Pkaimb, A COMPLETE ASBOKTMBNTOF Wbo tndeoTor diipooe own” and “oran” flfmrt tTwH - - utlclwon tba rrpoutloo xtUlned bj ffmln ffhlftr ?nn toil r<aiw; alilK >niTrfrVirod"|J^ Snplaa hefuitloH, ' ■! | do do Extract Bacfao, do do do ‘SaraaporiUa, ' do i doj ; , Implored Ron Wmt. i Sold JW'JJfcxMßdwo drotT-whoto. ■ Tit* &a othtr. Cat! : tett,«d.»otdu4oitta.: -VTEW AND IMPBOVKD BTYW mmm**, "r' : 11 »t rn«k». rxiw*. »»d c»r»n »«mi loptaniMT iTtti issa-iy. awnmn. ft fMrtf ft Mil Mi to An,' CMn, dr. ftilMTIf —JiafWtMMMi Jlw. ft “ Cortert” Eatßoach, Ac. BxttOMaaler. “CUetaA" Bed-Bie Btiamliaiee. “CoeiarV Electric Powder fir hwat,Ac. 1»25e.50c.i» SMO Bonus u>ruia,|iu>|l Kaw PttetinoM, Bane, tatn, Bwu, Aa. 14 TH* OKU INfALUBU MBfKBOV KKOWK." ~ Pros from Mtoa*.' • . “Mot iltfromi to th» gamTintlf " “ H>«y eoo» oat of iWrhatao to «*» «9>au AU Waotitua Di«sm la tfc* tarn Sasmisu, Owxoaa, Snunmu,tad biuaeM. aUyJa all Ooaatry tawaa tadVinagtt tatka Sold by G. W. KKSSUSB, Altoona. »OMnwAluMH«n artar aaabera. Or addraa ndm dii»et-{ar *» Meaa Tm% «*.] t> BftntT m. CMTAJt. Pemoru Dum—No. 481 Broadway Sew Tatk. g WHEELER t WILSON’S W ■8 SEWING- n I MACHINE. S ■ ..... ■■ ® ea R. A. 0. KERR, * w ALTOONA. PA.. H W Agent/or Blair Comity, g £ s.Mosim s aaaastHii § These machines abb admit to be the but erer oimd to the public, and their •uperiority U eatlalhctarily eetabliahed blOtwlttitli the lut eight run, OVER 1,400 MORE of tfaew Meehinee bar. bm aoU ttu efugsoteau nlactiired, and mote tnednle taro been awarded the pro prietor. by dilbnnt lain and Inatitutea than to Hf Wh en. The Machine# are warranted to do all that le claimed for them. They are do* in we lo eereral to AU toona, uid in erery ewe they giro entire nUiMU. The Agent refer, thoee deelnag lafonnation w the ta pe riority of the Machines, to OoL Jehu L. Piper, &n. A. B. Clark, George Hawkoeworth, BesJ. f. BoM,aadß. B. Turner, faqrt. • The macblnea can be aeon and examined at the aton ef the Agent, at Altoona. Price of No. 1 Machine, lilrer plated, glaaa foot and new •tyle Hemmer—s 66. No. 2, ornamental bronxe, glaaa foot and new atyle Hemmer—ss4. No. 3, plain, win oW atyla Hemmer—s4s. [March SI, IMl^f. WEST BRANCH INSURANCE GO.. »» LOCK HAVEN, PA. - - * PREMIUM NOTES IN FORCE 405,000. Inaqres property on as reasonable terms as ara consistent with secnrhy. BIBIOTOBI G. 0. Bitnr, J. B. HmJI, P.M. Price, Simon Scott, Alex. Sloan, o. d. SimxiD, y. p. o. a Bum, Prat , , „ . *■ w. Csanun, Secretary. JulyS, >62-1,.] K. A. 0. KKER. Agent, Altoona. C. C. SERVER & SDK, ' (Successors TO Thomas B. Tatlo* ft Co.) Paper, Envelpe, and Printers’ Card WAREHOUSE, No. 513, MINOK STREET, PHILADELPHIA *4. A large assortment of wwma, LETT**, NOTE/ ~ ' MANILLA, 118811*, SHoLa*® PAPERS, Printers’ Cards. BONNET, BOX AND BTR A W EO AEDS. Printers, Blank Bode Stationary and Storafceapeta, wtUSnd it to thalr adn*- to , oA t£- ANl> ******* *>o* STOCK. May let, IMX-lj. GEOVEB & BAKEB’S Sewing Machines! TTAVING ACCEPTED THE AHS& JLL cy fcr theeele of the above celabrated JlaeUte. man now prepared to ftarniehToa abort m&SrSr* szssstusxisr »*®- ®4O to ®lOO. fnrchaeent of theae Machine# ban ton': dman al eboSnc otw naktof either tbi I'iliMMllfliiitflMl Stitch, or the lock Stitch, the only mImSTSmSE Chino atitehee In practical nee. flw siweSl*iE- Machineaoter all other#, for finally *SETI2LSmaI oetahliafaod. The pecnllaritiea rfna Machlnee will ha aa^n, topnrchaaa. ‘ j -eT>j43MWr Altoona, An*. 7th-Sm. aJ"W ' SM. WOODKOK, * cntloh and collection of rleln eseinei the TTaISiT niia neu before any of tlie Departaacate. * "* “ Strait, i doore above Jalla Street. Another of the 3ameboet t Bw«adM«icMd takM idtw'm la aamaetac to the people of Altoona and Tfelnitytbat tliayhMa a BAT AND CAP BOOT AND SHOE STPBS, in tha room fcnwriT oeeaptad by Wolf dßntlMr.on Kaia •treet, next dm to Bovnaa’a Kxctaaa wOl keep eonetaatly on handalartetMfcaf CeoAfetMr |‘—i —•—*-**-y ~f- Hilt rH font Sit IMffiHMll clneiTeiy, aad wtU be prepared, at all tiM, to MOMBMa data thoae who nay few Utia dlk tWritlMMii- Their (took of , . " LADDEB, HUBSB, AMD OBUJHUUI’S fiHOBS fa Urgeand roM, wtgia thatnaartafial far MEN AND BOYS WaiStt Z^StSSSSfS* COMMB* Tb«» boy all Uwlr pood* far cub, amt an trflßag t»MI. them at* nr; null profit. Oil mm) azuniM tha itself wfi w|e«». *mt fa)p fa JuI yIO ,IMS. A ***' ' J A GENERAL ASSORTMENT u 0. #. SatttrlM, Juob Brava, AUlaon WhtU, C.»jr«r, yr.tmm.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers