The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, July 10, 1862, Image 3

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    jtJSH, Drugoist,
*• this opjKjrtnßity ef tttnrnii.,.l,
*of thin plow aid »b„ lt .
W taw beituwed otr lit,,^
«* in KonM.l, that ii,
Old Place of Business.
fftt> the Poxt.Q^
it oil times prcp»r«l ta attend to th • ’
bu«inei!»a cuiiwating of , * ,r
eains Prescription
; April IT, 1802.
ivrles j. mann
poor mats
corns TRupnsaj,
;**criptk*a of Qo-xfc in bi* Une will be
notice, ami at low rates fur c«ih. 1
[ k itock oif DRI GOODS on hamj win i
aStSSSIS 1 ' priCM - in or<ier ■** "“■»«£
f .iW customers and the public g» ne nlh
‘ ‘Bring gone into the Dry Good brulto,'
eite.! « largo end entirely new stock or
•ess Groods
embracing all tirolatest, prettiestand moji
ich may be found every quality of good,
hkb it would bo too tedioua to enumerate.'
0- line of pnre T froth and cheap
,ck under” to any of ln
1 1 feel sure that I cam render satisfaction,
couutry produce taken In exchange for
highest market price allotted,
corner of Annie and Helen streets. Kul
RESALE grocer.
(Ojytosife Eagle Hotel,)
Hon ASKD Tin; interest of kislati;
dll continue the business at the old stand.
Weed to receive the patronage of his old
JUiin' 5.1862—Uni
ill- the attention of persona in want of tht
oar n
liianniacturers in New York, which ena
i much bett&aterjns (ban those who boy
m bands. Our stock consist* of
price from six cent* op to fifty cents per
:ii J*7oi, IStki-Smos.
Iber* offer at Private Sale EIGHT BUILD
ite on the top of the hill, above the reser
tta Gas A Water Company, being now held
t he Presbyterian Church. The lots sr«
f 175 feet deep, and will be sold on reason*
*ons wishing to purchase or view these
ill information concerning them by »p
-■i Clabaugb, R. H. McCormick. Alexander
J. Mann, Trustees of Presbyterian
[Altoona, AprilS, 1882.
teieby given. Hint Letters of Adminatra
*e of SAMUEL WILT, Into of tbe-Boro’
• have been granted to the undersigned,
•id. All penom knowing themselves in
tate are requested to niake innnedUt* 1
•» haring claima will present them, Inly
, IWS-at.] Administrator.
APPLES.—The subscribers
» fpt of bright yellow DRIED APPU&
•e*. than market rate*, tad which they
L cokt and carriage, without delay*—
k> purchase, either at wholesale or rfttU.
r adrantage to gire us a call.
Vk 186?.] MUEPHY* HcPIKEe
iu upon the choke and efaaate avoit-
PRESS GOODS now displayed upoo the
Cor. ofVirginia and Caroline eta
6, 3862.
I varied atock VrfFRKSH GEODESIES
We Joet and for tale ae cheap w
MtTEPHY E JjfcPUtlTS Store,
Cor. of Virginia and Caroline etf-
P. 1662.
tmvForte and Mclodißi, by MS* M
'tuns, *lO per quarter. No » r
nment. Residence on CathariDOßtreei.
I.—Persons wishing Pastor®
E. or Meadow-Onus Ibr H*y» c * n *"*
two miles North of Alteon*.
I.MER GOODS, of superior
iteyiiljuet ree’d »t LACOIIMAH'S.
ifcje, at LAUGHMAN’S
> BOYS’ COATS, of every
Id Improved 8 HIBTB—
and roarsc-whlt*
toy., Ladies
tiBS cakfjstjng- a£ 1>
n I*foaudas
£.l, Br^g^-
> IMPROVE!) Snh&
Campbell’s $650 “Country Press.'
UAVtog. within the past two years, nimh- considerable
..IJitiira to our establishment In the way of new fancy
ivae Screw Press, Paper Cotter, Card Cotter, Holing Ma
rlin'' Card Power Press, and large Newspaper Power
Was .» cot of which we give above; we are now prepared
execute anything in the line of printing or roling in
•vlceunal to any establishment in the State, and at
IricM equally low. We con execute, on short notice, all
liyiea of
Wedding, Invitation, Visiting, Ball h Business Cards,
Circulars, Programmes, .
MAMMOTH posters, sale bills,
[goyL &R9S)
pamphlets, Pay and Check Boils,
All we ask la a trial, feeling confident that wc can give
jaiisfaclion if wo have the opportunity.
office in howther’s building, corner of \ trgima and An
nie streets, opposite Superintendent's Office. ;
local items;
Tub Fourth is Ai.toosa.-jVs intimated in
our last issue, there was no. general demonstration
ill this place on the Fourth, and the town, between
the hours of 10 A. M. and it I'. M., wore a Snn
ilav appearance. Nearly every place of business
inis dosed, and all who felt like enjoying them
selves in the country, attended some one of the
pic-nics in the surrounding groves.
The only ceremonies which partook of a general
character were those got up by the proprietor of
Oak Hall, the programme of which we published
last week. rVt the apjjointol time, (i A. St.-, Mr.
Bohjer's String Band performed an overture, after
which the stars and stripes were flung to the breeze
l.v Master Harry Woods, dressed in the costume
uf "Young America,” while the String Band and
a company of vocalists performed the “ Star Span
gfcil Banner.” After the crowd had saluted the
tlag with three hearty cheers, S. M. Woodkok,
Esq., stepped upon the platform and read the Dec
laration of Independence in a clear and distinct
voice, the band and vocalists following it with a
national air. D. J. Neff. Esq., was then called
for and responded in a short address, replete with
)<uriotism and eloquence, and paying a merited tri
bute of respect to the memory of the hcroes who
have given their lives for their country in the
present struggle. His remarks were well re
ceived by the audience, as was evidenced by their
frequent hursts of applause, anil three cheers when
he concluded. jVnothcr National air was then
performed by the musicians, concluding the cere
monies at about 7 o’clock. jVltogether, we con
sidered this enterprise of the proprietor of Oak
Hall an exceedingly appropriate aijd happy manner
in which to usher in the Nation’s birth-day, and none
pa-sent, we think, regretted having left their couches
so early to be in attendance. After the ceremo
nies. the speaker of the morning, reader of the
Declaration, musicians, and a few invited guests,
jiartook of an excellent breakfast served up by
Messrs. Woods & McClain at the jVltoona House,
This part of the programme was exceedingly ac
ceptable, and all did ample justice to the,good
things spread before them. This concluded, with
many thanks to the proprietor of Oak Hall, the
company dispersed to'spend the balance of the day them seemeff best.
A number of persons residing in the immediate
vicinity of Julia and Relwcca streets displayed
their patriotism and good taste by erecting, on the
corner of the streets named, one of the prettiest
iriumphal arches which we have ever seen in a
country town. Four arches were sprung from cor
ner to comer, across each street, and two across
the centre.. These were covered with evergreen
and fancy wreaths, and a number of flags and
lianners. The likenesses of Gens. Scott, McClel
lan and other military heroes of the day, were sus
pended from the arches, handsomely encircled with
wreaths. In the evening the affair was brilliantly
illuminated, and was much admired by all -who
wimessed it.
To speak particularly of any of the picnics
seems almost invidious. We could not attend all
rf them, to witness the mirth and pleasure of the
participants, but from the accounts we have re
ceived wc. believe that all passed of well, with one
The members and Sunday School scholars of
St. John’s Catholic Church met at the Church
in the morning and marched out to M’Cartney’s
"pods, preceded by a martial band, and spent the
day very pleasantly—a great abundance of good
things and various sources of amusement having
been provided.
The German Lutheran picnic in Beales’ Woods,
was well attended. The refreshments and accom
modations were excellent, and good • order was
maintained throughout the entire day. All who
participated in this picnic speak of it in the high
est terms of pfaise. The crowd upon the ground
at one time was estimated at near 1000 persons.
The Social Club was exactly what its name in
dicates— a club of social, jovial, accommodating
jadics and gentlemen into whose hands it is a
I'? thing to fall when you have an appetite for
a . dinner or good times generally. Their
1 uief desire seemed to be to enjoy themselves and
'.aiise t * le,r guests to do the same. Thev deserve
their name—social.
The Select Club held their annual pic-hic in
tvartney’s woods, mid spent a most delightful
, The music for;the occasion was furnished
1 f Harrisburg String Band, and “ tipping the
0 . t fantastic toe," was the principal source of
lajwmeut. Their refreshments were unexcelled,
■aw served out > n superabundant quantities to their
le German Catholic" picnic was the scene of
uhlT a .^° ut ** ie me °f its breaking.up,
'tir l rt f Ul,e(i . in “tiding a dozen or more men in
jp I . o * physicians to sew up their cut heads.—
it inV 1° ,Bht originated we can not say, but how
Vr Vi 5 ?"* 6 °^ t - le participants will long reinem
,.rlubs ’ a B er 'toot glasses, stones and ah iron
think n are • Ba, . d to il:lVe been ttsed freely. We
I ‘raid ™V L ' I ° of ,lie rumpus may be
"n the ir 16 f; | Ct t ult , u:rc was a lager beer stand
‘l«t ’ contrar - v lo la ' v - which deajt out
Kevem K t d T t ' llt m !lr^e 'l l,a u titles. loonier to
wauld itn«. dls B rl c ef iil proceedings hereafter,
m-v , “** ' vl : u *‘>r ■ t m officers of the law to
uics?" e orec,l,m ~f la»‘r Iteer stands at pic
<Ws parfa of theT ' VOrk f WCnS ,<J be scen in «IWcr-
o Vn f a - te ; r niglltfal1 ' In ,Ws ii-e
can not narttod * Ctl - on liis own hook. We
this respect
the Fourth in andSnd Altoona.
Farewell Meeting. —On Itlonday evening
next, a farewell missionary meeting will be held
in the Methodist Church, in this place, preparatory
to the departure of Rev. Henry Mansel, of the
Pittsburgh Canference, as a missionary to India.
Mr. Mansel lias been in this place, for several
weeks past, making preparations for the voyage,
across the ocean, which will occupy four or five
months. He will sail from New York about the
first of August.
It is expected that Dr. Durbin, of New York.
Secretary of the Missionary Society of the M. E.
Church, will be. present and deliver an address;—
Addresses will also be delivered by Kev. C. D.
Chcnowitb. P. E. of the District; Kev. H. Mansel,
Rev. W. Lee Spotswdod, and others. The minis
ters and laity of udjoiniug circuits aud stations,
and the public generally, are invited to attend.—
No collection.
0“J. H. Moore is an enterprising character. —
By energy and perseverance he has established a
profitable business, and is now well known by the
mercantile portion of this and several adjoining
counties. From jieddling matches he has risen to
an extensive wholesale dealer in notions and small
wares. Formerly he traded with a single wagon,
How he keeps two going-all the time, and is about
to add n third. He manufactures two qualities
of steel pens, one qf which, the Falcon Pen, we
consider equal to any we ever placed on paper.—
There is now a great competition among the mas*
ufacturers of this article, because of the great
number used, and there arc so many good' brands,
ns well os bad ones, that if is wrong to say one is
better than another, nevertheless, wc can say that
Moore’s Falcon Pen Is equal to any.
Another. —On Tuesday evening we were the
recipients of a truly patriotic boquet, accompanied
by the following patriotic note: —
“Will the Tribune editors please accept this bo
quet of National colors, from a friend at ‘ Ingle
side ?’ May beauty and loyalty ever combine thus
The boquet was composed of red, white and blue
flowers, tastefully arranged in the order named.—
We accept the gift most gratefully, and prize it
the more because of the patriotic sentiments ac
companying it. Would that there was os much
patriotism in the heart of every lady in the land as
there is in that of our friend at “Ingleaide.”
Patriotic. —The “Model Conductor” of the
“ Great Southern Train” spread his patriotism be
fore the gaze of an admiring and sympathetic con
course of his fellow countrymen and ladies, on the
morning of the Fourth, by embellishing the Cars of
his train with sundry evergreen and fancy wreaths,
gracefully drajicd and appropriately arranged
around the eves, the \vhole surmounted with an
avalanche of miniature emblems of our glorious
national ensign. “ Long may they wave” (that
is Jim and the old F’lag.)
On His Own Hook.—Our young friend, James
S. Mann, as will be seen by referring to another
column, has gone into business on his own hook,
or rather in partnership, but lie attends to the
business himself. His stock of goods are equal to
any ever brought to the town, and the gentleman
or lady who cannot find something on his shelves
to please them, must he indeed fastidious. Re
member the place, and if you want anything for
the head or feet, give him a call.
C.u-T. Crozier. —We are glad to learn from
the correspondence of the Senior editor of
ister, who is at Washington, tliat Capt. R. J. Cro
zier, of this place, is now at the Douglas hospital
in that city. He says • the Captain is not dangers
ously wounded and expects to be able to come
home early next week. According to the Captain’s
account 14 of his men are wounded and missiqg.
but he is uncertain as to the fate of them.
Tiuhote or Respect.— -At a stated meeting of
Altoona Lodge, No. 473, held July 4th, the fol
lowing preamble and resolutions were adopted:
Whereas, By a dispensation of an all-wise
Providence, we are called upon to mourn the loss
of our much esteemed brother, George W. Burley.
Resolved, That in the death of brother George
W. Burley, our Lodge has lost a useful and con
sistent member, and the communitiy a useful citi
zcii, and the country a valiant soldier.
Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with the
sorrow-stricken parents and friends of our deceased
brother iu this the time of their deep affliction, and
trust that He, who iri his wisdom has seen fit to
afflict them, will sanctify their affliction and sus
tain them by His grace.
Resolved, That our Lodge room be draped iu
mourning, and the members wear the usual badge
of mourning for thirty' days.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be
furnished the family of our deceased brother, and
that thev be published in the “Altoona Tribune.”
Pittsburgh Female College.
We copy the following notice of this excellent
institution from the Pittsburgh Gazette of the 3rd
The Seventh /Annual Catalogue of the Pitts
burgh Female College has just been laid upon
our table by the President, Rev. I. C. Pershing.
We confess that we have examined its contents
with a degree of satisfaction amounting almost to
pride, as we have marked the fact that we have in onr
midst one of the most Vigorous, well managed and
successful institutions in the land. Wc question
much whether one in ten, even of our own citi
zens, has any real conception of the status the col
lege has reached, or the grand and glorious work
it accomplishing. The recent commence
ment, at which nineteen young ladies received
their degrees, gave evidence not only of woman’s
capabilities, but also of the superior facilities af
forded by the college for their development. The
'entire commencement was a brilliant success and
reflected the highest honor on all concerned.
As an evidence of the prosperity of the college
we need but state the fact that the attendance the
past year reached the large number of two hundred
and forty-eight, gathered from nine States. In
order to accommodate the constantly increasing
number of pupils, an addition has been made to
the Faculty, which how numbers fifteen. Most of
the old teachers remain. Among the new ones
are Miss Martha C. Dole, a lady of large experi
ence, and for some time a teacher in the celebrated
school at Mount Holyoke, Massachusetts; and
Miss Fannie A. Fish, who has earned such an en
viable reputation in our community. The utmost
care is taken in the selection of teachers, and the
present Faculty will compare favorably with any
in the country.
We aro pleased to learn from President Persh
ing that an effort is now making to put up an ad
dition to the building. The design is to add 40
feet to the Chapel, divide the second story into a
Library and Heading-room, and also a Hall for
the Browning Association, and devote the etilire
third story to the porpoises of an Art Gallery and.
Cabinet. The design is a noble one, and we trust
it will Ire carried out.
The next terra will commence on Tuesday, Sep
tember 2d. We need hardly urge upon onr read
ers to patronize the College. .If fine buildings,
thorough equipment, a vety large and able Fac
ulty, and earnest devotion to the work of Chris
tian education, can give claims to' patronage, then
has the college claims which qre second to none.
We advise onr readers to send for a catalogue,
Trial List for July Term, 1862,
Joseph. Smith vs Aultman & Co.
Maria Shoemaker vs Isaac Barton & Sons.
Joseph Dysarfs use vs O’Friel’s heirs.
JaraewK. Morehead vs Elias Baker.
Lloyd & Hill vs Joseph Shannon.
J Walter’s Exrs vs Stephen Hammond,
C Roach vs Lloyd it Hill.
James Malone vs Peter Shoenberger's Exrs.
Cadwalladers heirs vs Smith & Banks.
John Miller vs Peter Shoenberger's Exrs.
Same vs Same.
C Hughe’s use vs C L Lloyd.
James M Bell vs Daniel K Itaiuer.
K McNamara’s Ailmx vs William Lynn.
D Good’s use vs D Watson & al.
F. Shoenberger vs John Miller.
Wm Buchanan's use vs B O’Friel’s Admr.
J P Brinton vs John Miller & al.
John Brotherline vs Haggerty & Harman.
A M While & Co vs R AD Lemon & Co.
E Isctt vs J Walter’s Exrs.
D Shannon vs George Wchn.
Clover & Cresswell vs Covisle & Painter.
S W Rhodes Admr vs Penn’a R R Co.
G R McFarlane’s Admr vs P Shoenberger's Exr.
James D Rea vs Kemp & Lust.
Same vs C Lust.
John Miller vs Penu’a R R Co.
Chaffee, Stout & Co vs A Patterson.
Kline & Carroll vs P Dempsey.
William Kellennan vs S S Barr.
G L Lloyd vs H Mclntosh.
C Wendell vs AMIR White & Co.
Peter Strayer vs Spang & Walters.
D H Hofius’ Admr vs E H Ac E S Lytle.
Com for use of Deeter vs Deeter & al.
Lorenz & Learner vs J L Hemphill & al.
Com of Pennsylvania vs A P Wilson.
Margaret Cassidy vs John Tate.
James Funk vs Joseph Smith.
J A McCnhnn vs John Elliott & al.
E Bouslough vs Jacob Bouslough.
D Walter’s Admr vs the township of Greenfield.
D K Ramey vs Simon Brotherline.
J Blair Moore vs Joseph Smith.
Same vs David Caldwell.
D C McCormick vs Thomas McNamara.
TH&JRVaughn vs The F ranklin High School.
Samuel M Hannah vs L Palmer’s Adrar.-
John Brotherlinc vs Altoona Borough.
J C Barra vs Thomas McNamara.
A Stuppy’s Admr vs Watson, Denniston & Co.
Same vs R M Lemon.
Nancy Wike vs Henry Wike’s Exrs.
Shoenberger’s Exrs for use vs D K Ramey.
W R Pomroy vs A Patterson.
Drexcl & Co vs Same.
Stuart & Brother vs Same.
G W Mauk vs M Lingenfelter & al.
J M Kinkead vs Blair & Co Mutual Pro In Co.
William Austioe vs G W Stuart.
Peter Hewitt vs Joseph Smith.
Miss Mary E. Laub will please accept the
thanks of the Junior for that boquct left upon his
table a few evenings since. Knowing how much
printers appreciate the lieantful in natnre and art,
(and what competent judges they are,) our friends
seem determined to vie with each other iu con
tributing to our happiness.
To thk Public !—An experience of six months
lias fully convinced me that the cash system is
the best, both for merchant and consumer. It ena
bles the merchant to sell at one-half less pbofit
and make more clear money, with less trouble than
he can by selling on credit; and the reason is ob
vious—he gets the money down for everything he
wants to sell, and has the use of it immediately.—
The consumer also saves by buying for cash, be
cause he gets his merchandise at from 25 to 50 per
cent, below what lie would have tp pay if helmught
on credit, or even if he bought at a store which
sells on credit. The credit business always loses a
certain per centage, which must fie made up from
cash or prompt monthly payers.
I am determined to do nothing but a CASH
BUSINESS, and have but ONE PRICE for my
I have just returned from the cities of Now York
and Philadelphia with the largest and cheapest as
sortment of Goods ever brought to Altoona. I
would first invite attention to my complete selec
tion of DRY GOODS, such as Morianta Silks,
Black Silks, Ducals, Reps, Foulards, Schallies,
Delaines, Poplins, Debeges, Ginghams, Cambrics,
Prints, Brown and Bleached Muslins, Tickings,
Checks, Linens, Table Napkins, Table Diapers,
Gloves, Hosiery. Also, a fine stock of Cassi
meres, Cottonades, Jeans, &c., for men and boys.
A splendid assortment of Boots and Shoes, for
Indies, misses, men and boys.
A great variety of CARPETS, ranging in price
from 12J cents upward. Oil-Cloths of different
patterns and prices. Window-Shades, of all styles.
Children’s WAGONS, from $3.25 upwards.
Spring Wagons only $4.25.
Wall Paper aud Bordering—a large and entirely
new selection, embracing the latest and most beau
tiful styles of Paper for Halls, Parlors, Offices,
Bed-Rooms, &c., ranging in price from o cents
per bolt, upwards. '
GROCERIES.—My stock of Groceries is un
surpassed, being entirely fresh. Best Syrup Mo
lasses, only 60 cents per gallon; 2d class only 50
cents. Sugars at 9, 10, 11 and HJ cents per lb.
Coffee, Tea, Spices, Salt, Fish, . Soap, Candles,
and everything in that line, at Cash Pbices.
In the QUEENSWARE line, I have the lar
gest stock in town: Wcdgewood’.s celebrated
Iron-Stone Tea Sets, forty-six pieces, only $3.87.
China Sets complete, only $12.00. Chamber
Sets, from $1.25 upward.
In the way of GLASSWARE, I have everything
mentionable, such as Fruit Stands, Cake Stands,
Jelly Dishes. Preserve Jars, Goblets, Tumblers.
&c„ &c.
I would respectfully invite the public to call and
examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere, ns
I feel confident that I can convince them that it is
cheaper to buy for cash than on credit ,- and also,
that my stock is worth an examination.
H. A. O. KERR.
Altoona, April 17, 186 ft
SEXES.—A retired Clergyman baring been restored to
health in a few days, after many years of great raftering,
la willing to aaeiet othere by eroding (free) on the receipt
of a post-paid directed envelope, a copy of the preecriptbm
tued. Direct the KEY. JOHN M. D AON ALL, 188, Fulton
street,.Brooklyn, N. V. [Juno 12.-4 m.
On the 3d m«t., by Key. A. 11. Taylor, Mr. JOHN G.
KLINE, of Harrisburg, to Miss MARTHA J. TOMPKINS,
of Hoiiidaysburg.
On Saturday, July sth, Mrs. JANE, consort of James
Gray, of Logan Township, aged about 73 years.
WILulMV^k, B . l^7 C 7°y n e t^. OU ‘ he 291,1
Another of the same sort !
The undersigned lakes pleasure in announcing to
the people of Altoona and vicinity that they hare opened a
in the room formerly occupied by Wolf 4 Brother, on Main
street, next door to Bowman’s Exchange Hotel, where they
will keep constantly on hand a large stock of goods In *heir
line, consisting of Hats and Capa and Boots and Shoes ex
clusively, and will be prepared, at all times, to accommo
date those who may favor them with their patronage.—
Their stock of
is large aud varied, while their assortment for
is equally complete. There Hate and Caps of the very
latest fashion, and of different stylus fwehjj&s fa
They buy all their goods for cad), w|M«tU||lg to sell
them at a very small profit. . “
Call aud examine the stock and prises, and Judas for
yourselves. iHvtuf It A* N.
Altoona. July 10. 18«2. ;< 7
SHERIFF? SALES.—By virtue of
sundry writs of Venditioni Exponas sod Levari Fa
cias out of the Court of Common Pleas of Binlr county,
and to the Sheriff of said County directed, there will He
exposed to Public Sale or Outcry at the Court-House in the
Borough of Holiidaysbnrg. on MONDAY, the 28th dsy of
Jm.l, inst- at 1 n’lock P. M. of said dsv, the following
All the right, title and interest of Jonathan D. Leet in
aud to all that certain lot or piece of gtonnd situate In the
borough of Holiidaysbnrg, Blair eounty, bounded and de
scribed ns follows:—Beginning at the South-West corner
of Allegheny ami Penn streets, thence along said Penn
street 110 feet, to a lot owned bv William Williams:
thence along said lot in a Westerly direction, and parallel
with said Allegheny street 110 feet to a five foot alley;
thence along said alley and parallel with said Penn street
110 feet to Allegheny street; thence along said Allegheny
streetllo feet to the place of la-ginning—being parts of
No. 197 and No. 198 in the plan of aaid borough—
having thereon erected a two-story brick dwelling bouse,
one double twository frame dwelling boose, two frame
stables, and other improvements.
Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the pro
perty of J. D. Lest.
All the right, title and interest of Jesse Wingate in and
to nil that certain tract or parcel of land situate near the
Bast end of the borough of Hollidaysburg, in Blair town
wiii- iu the county of Blair, containing twenty-two acres
ami twenty-eight perches, mure or lese, bounded by the
I ennflylvania Canal feeder, the Juniata River and lands of
Solomon Wert*, being the dame piece or parcel of land
awarded and decreed by the Orphan’s Court of Blair county
to \S in. Henderson Moore.
All the right, title aud interest of Jesse Wingate in and
to all that lot and a half of ground situate on the South
west corner of Mulberry and Montgomery streets in the
borough of Hollidaysburg, Blair county, fronting ninety
f T t ii 0 n > ,! uU "c rr} ' "S,? Montgomery streets, in the borough
Mrnta y J bur . S ’ B , b ‘ ir co ' lnt y. fronting ninety feet on
Mulberry street and extending back along Montgomery
Mieet .me hundred and eighty feet to Strawberr?slleri
tomg the eastern half of lot No 17 and the whole of loi
N o. 18. In the old town plot of said borough, having there
on erected a large twesstory brick tavern house, a frame
mtable, an ico house end other buildings
Seized and taken in execution and to be sold a* the prop
?rty ot Jesse Wingate. 11
All the right, title aud interest of William K. Piper in
and t.) all that certain lot of ground situate iu the borough
of Guyaport, Blair county, fronting 120 feet on Bedford
street, and extending back from said street along Newry
street. 100 feet to an alley, thence along said allev
feet to lot o' Mrs. Longuecker, thence along said lot 180
leet to Bedford street, having thereon erected a twonrtory
brick dwelling house and a frame stable.
Seized and taken in execution and to lie sold as (he pro
perfy oi William K. Piper. 1
All the right, title and Interest of John N. Hamilton in
and to nil that certain lot of ground situate in the borough
ol Altoona. Blair county, fronting 120 feet on Rebecca
street, and extending back 120 feet to an alley—being lot
block KK in the general plan of said borough,
house''' o*’ 0 *’ tliereon ,r< *ted “ frame dwelling
Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the pro
perty of John N. Hamilton.
All the right, title and interest of Bernard Kerr in and
to all that certain lot of ground situate in the borough of
Altoona and fronting Bfty feet on Main street, and extend
ing back 110 feet to Main alley—being lot No. 13 in block
J in the general plan of said borough of Altoona, and ha
ving thereon erected a two-story brick store-house and 2
two-atory frame buildings.
Seized and taken iu execution and to he sold as the pro
perty of Bernard Kerr.
All the right title and Interest of William McCauley in
that certain tract of land situate in Logan town
ship, Blair county, containii>gl3o acres more or leas, boun
ded on the East by lands of Peter Empfleld and Jno. Hutch
inson and on the North by lands of John Coleman and on
the South by lands of Samuel Haggerty and others, having
thereon erected 2 twoetory log dwelling bouses, a frame
barn and a frame stable.
Seized and taken in execution anti William McCauley’s
interest in the same to be sold.
All the right, title and interest of Lydwlg Newhoose in
and to all that certain tract of land situate in Antis town
ship, Blair county, bounded by lands of Thomas Shaw,
John Henshey, and lands formerly of J. M, Confer, and by
the lots in the town plot of Fostoria——being the same
piece or tract of land purchased by the said Ludwig New
house from J6bn P. Anderson, containing 106 acres, inore
or less, and not including any part thereof laid ont in
town lots.
All that certain lot of ground situate in the town of
Fostoria, Blair county, fronting 50 feet on the Pennsylva
nia Kail Boad and extending back 193 feet to other lands
of Defendant, having thereon erected a two-story frame
dwelling house and a frame stable.
All those two other certain lots of gmmd situate in the
town of Fostdria, Blair county, fronting each fifty feet on
the Pennsylvania Kail Hoad, and running back 193 feet to
other lands of Defendant.'
Seized and taken In execution and to be sold as the pro
perty of Ludwig Newhouse.
All the right, title and interest of Nancy McFarland in
and to all that- certain piece or tract of land situate in
Snyder township, Blair county, containing on© hundred
acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Robert McFar
land on the West, and by lands of E, B. Isett on the East,
and by lands uf John McFarland on the South, and by
lands of Wm. M. Lyon k. Co. on the North-—having thereon
erected a twostory log house and a one-abd-a-half-story log
cabin born. >
Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the pro
perty or Nancy McFarland.
All the righe, title and interest of William Robeson in
and to all that certain tract of land situate in Snyder town
ship, Blair county, containing about one handled acres,
more or less, bounded on the East and West bv lands of
Bald Eagle Furnace, on the North by lands of SWnberg
ers, on the South by lands of George Black—having there
on erected a two-story frame dwelling house and other out
Seized and taken in execution and to be sold a# the pro
perty of WUUam Bobeson.
All the right, title and interest of 0. £. Crissman in and
to all that certain tract of land situate Id Tyrone township
in Blair county, bounded by lands ot Philip BrMenbaagb,
deed, on the North; by lands of John Fleck, dec’d, on the
West; by lands of Jacob Flock, Sr. on the South, and by
lands of Joseph Crawford on the South arid East—-contain
ing one hundred and forty-three acres, more or leas, and
having thereon erected a largo frame dwelling house and
a log and frame barn.
All the right title and interest of 0. E. Crissmdn in and
to all that certain tract of land situate in Tyrone town
ship, Blair county, containing about 255 acres—3o acres of
which are cleared, and having thereon erected one saw-mill
and one dwelling house aud stabler—being part of a larger
tract of land, bounded on the East by lands of Leonard
Hostler; on the South by lands of John Orr; on the West
by lands of Jesse Moore, and on the North by the Brush
Mountain. *
Seized and taken in execution and to bo sold as tho pro
perty of O. £. Crissman.
All the right, title and interest of David Tingling in and
to all those two certain lots.of ground situate in Williams
burg, Woodberry township, Blair county, fronting fifty
feet each on Front stre< t, and running back one hundred
and seventy-five feet to an alley, bounded on the South by
a lot of Henry Winters, and on tho North by lot of Henry
Ally—having thereon erected one two-story frame dwell
ing bouse and frame stable.
All the right, title and Interest of David Tingling in and
certain tract of land aituate in Catharine town
ship, Blair county, containing one hundred acres, more or
Iras, bounded on the East by lands of Mrs. Hewitt; on the
West by lands of Geo. W. Roller, and on the South by the
Juniata River—about seventy acres of which are cleared,
cultivated—being the same tract of land
that the said David Tingling purchased by articles of
agreement from Joshua H. Roller. 3
Seized and taken in execution and to as the pro
perty of David Tingling. ■ 1
All the right, title aud interest of Beniamin F. Gibbo
py, ?. and to all that certain two-story plank bouse or
building situate in the borough of Martinsbnrg, and front
ing on Main street leading from East to West thirty-six
feet and extending back eighteen feet, with an additional
wing of fourteen feet by fifteen feet, and the lot or niece
of ground and cnlilage appurtenant to said building.
Seized and taken In execution and to be sold as the pro
perty of Benjamin F. Gibbony.
All the right, title and Interest of Edwin F. Shoenber
ger, Trustee of MariaM. Shoenberger,his wife, and Sidney
Shoenberger ana John K. and George Shoenberger la the
following described property; to wit:—AU that certain
tract ot land (situate in Blair township, Blair county,
known as the “Gap Furnace” property, and consisting of
all that portion of a certain tract of land formerly be
longing to the heirs of George McKee, dec’d, and after
ward to Edwin F. Shoenberger, lying and being West of
tbe Ko&rmg Spring Creek, together with all and singular
the Improvements thereon erected, and all the way*, wa
ter rights, liberties, privileges, hereditaments and appur
ten mcea whatsoever thereunto belonging or In anywise
A » 9 ?’ 1110 Iron ore in on and upon
the lands of the late Dr. Peter Shoenberger then or at the
EdwlnV f Uh COrt i^ n Doed . by ,<Ud Dr - Pet * r Shoenberger to
i "/-? hoen, rir’“ ,Dd on the Western
?. d * ° r slope of Dunning's Mountain—beginning at a
l ,ne from .southern extremeties of the said
north^rt Pr .Tu s i/° ‘hesummlt of said mountain, thence
noryyatd to McKee s Gap, and thence northward and
paqpg the Dig Gap to a cove called Loop, including the
mamfhiervi™ ?riTnog '’ to dl ß* raise and mine the* said
J™ ll bln * »way. Also, the privUego of taking
necessary Gmbg 1 J nd ’ ° { . tllo Peter Shoenberger, the
and D f? S P n PO"e». ami alto the right
Dr Ppter Sh^^. r >Jf k g from the lands of said
. wh er«ver it may bo found moat
.Shl« !£ d .£ e * t AI». the privilege of using
the stables on the north side of said Roaring Spring Bun,
for teams not to exceed three In numbr, amfall the rights
and privileges conveyed to Joseph Kemp,T»Mtee*4o„ to
fv sth ß i»Si d . by deed bearing date Jn-
recorded in Deed Book I, page* 3X6, 829, 537
w e ” a l n ' x^ Uon i od *» be sold as the pro
perty of Edwin K. Shoenberger, Tnajtoe, Jte.
All the right, title and interest, d John C.Heyleman and
J. R. Jones in iad to *ll those two certain tracts of Und
lying and being partly in BUir county *ttd psrUy in Cam
bria county, in the State of Pennsylvania, one of which
said tracts wassnnreyed the 23d day of Jane A. D, 1788, in
pursuance of a warrant granted by the Commonwealth to
William McDougftll. and the other of which wm surveyed
the 23d day of Jane, A. D. 1788, in parsaimcodf a warrant said Commonwealth to John Gray, containing
together eght hundred acres, more or leas, on which there
are coal banks open and iu working order: having thereon
erected one Blacksmith Shop, one tool house, and one
small office.
Seised and taken in execution and to he sold as the pro*
perty of John C. Heyleman and J. R. Jones.
the right title aud interest of Dr. J. T. McVey in and
to all those two certain tots of ground situate on the cor
ner of Logan and Clearfield streets in the Borough of Ty
rone, In Snyder township, Blair county* fronting one hun
dred and twenty feet on Logan street and extending
back on Clearfield street one hundred and sixty feet to sn
alley, having thereon erected a large double two story
-frame dwelling house and a frame stable.
Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the pro
perty of Dr. J. T. McVey.
Sheriff's Office, Hollidaysburg, July 10,1882.
Manufactured and gold by HALLER t SAMUEL, note
agents, 4.19 North Second Street, Philadelphia, and for
gale by
R. O. K©fi?s
These Cana and JarMfteing perfectly simple in their ar
rangement, and reqniflS no cement or colder to make
them Air-Tight, are the moat reliable and convenient Tea*
gele for preserving fruits and vegetables of all kinds, that
ate in the market.
Ist. All that Is required after the fruit has been put in
hot, is simply to screw the top down tightly.
2d. They can be opened by a single turn of the cover,
and the contents taken out in one-fourth the time required
by other cans.
3d. Besides their simpl'city vpd ease of adjustment, and
impoMibility of stoppers blowing out, they show at all times
the exact condition of the fruit, by simply looking at the
top of the cover; if the gum is concave the fruit U good:
if convex, the fruit is going to spoiK but will always ahow
itaelf in time to be aaved.
Heat the Jars or p ace an iron spoon in them while fill
ing, which will avoid cracking. After the Jars are frill,
take out the spoon or iron, and screw down the cap tight.
Care should be taken to replace the same covers on the
same Jars from which they were taken.
To restore the gums that have been need, to their origi
nal shape, put them in hot water for one hour.
July 3,1862.-tf.
«' 2
P 3 R. A. 0. KERR, Z
w 3
W Agent for Blair County . q
ffl 2
These machines .*re admit
to be the best ever ottered to the public, and their
superiority is satisfactorily established by the fact that in
the last eight years,
of these Machines have been sold than of any other man
ufactured, and more medals have been awarded tho pro
prietors by different Fairs and Institutes than to any oth
ers. The Machines are warranted to do all that is claimed
for them. They are now in nse In several families in Al
toona, and in every case they give entire satisfaction.
The Agent refers those desiring information as the su
periority of the Machines, to Col. John L. Piper, Hev. A.
B. Clark, George Hawkesworth, Benj. F. Bose, and E. H.
Turner, Ksqrs.
The machines can be seen and examined at the store of
the Agent, at Altoona.
Price of No. 1 Machine, silver plated, glass foot and new
style Hemmer—s6s. No. 2, ornamental bronze, glass foot
and new style Hemmer—ss3. No. 3, plain, :with old style
Hemmer—s4s. [March 21,1861-tf.
PREMIUM NOTES IN F0RCE.......405,000.
Insures property on as reasonable terms as are
consistent with security.
O. C. Harvey, O. D. Satterlee,
J. B. Hall, Jacob' Brown,
P. U. Price, Allison White,
Simon Scott, C. A. Mayer,
Alev. Sloan. W, Fearon.
0. D. S&tteelxk, V. P. O. C. Hasvxt, Preset.
J. W. CaAPBAx, Secretary. '
July 3, ’63-ly.] R. A. 0. KERR, Agent, Altoona.
ALL THE GOODS in the above Store
are now being sold AT COST, thus-affording the
citizens of Altoona and vicinity an opportunity of secu
ring anything they need, at city wholesale prices. The
stock consists of a large variety ot
<&C. # &C M &C-,
All of which are ol recent purchase, the best quality and
latest styles. Those who call early will have choice of the
assortment. 4®“” Remember the pIace—McCORMICK’S
STORE, Virginia Street, North Ward.
Altoona, June 26,1862.
Desirable property for sale.—
Tho subscriber wishes to dispose of 140 ACRES OF
LAND, situate one and a half miles from Altoona, adjoin
ing lands of Elias Baker, James Hutchinson and others.—
The improvveinents are all In good order, and the place is
well calculated for a DAIRY OR TRUCK FARM. The
whole property will be sold together, or it will be disposed
of in Loti of from half an acre upwards. ' Terms made ■
easy to suit the purchaser. Any person wishing to view
the premises, will call on the subscriber reisiding on tbe
I will also sell several Houses and Lots iti the Borough
of Altoona, on reasonable terms. G. B. SINE.
June 26,1862.-lm.
Turnip seed.—
Early White Flat Dntcb Strap Leaf,
Early White Flat Norfolk.
Early Purple Top Fiat Strap Leaf,
Long White French.
Long Yellow Swede.
Round Russia, or Rata Baga.
Dales Hybrid.
The subscribers will forward, by mail, one half pound ot
either of the above named varieties of Turnip Se**d, post
age paid, on the receipt of 36 cents in postage stamps.
June 19,1662.] No. 133, Market St., Philad’a.
Office Alt<soha Ga B k Water Co., )
Altoona, Juno li, 1862. J
I this day declared a Semi-annual Dividend of FOUR
PKB CENT, on the Capital Stock of the Company,clear of
State Tax, payable on and after July Ist, JS€2.
Powers ol Attorney for collection of Dividends can be
hod on application at the Office of the Treasurer, (Gen’l
Superintendent’s Office. Penn’a R. B. Co.)
June 19-4t.J
of Julia and Harriet street*, East Altoona, takes this
method of informing the public that be Has adopted the
CASH System, and will sell no more on credit. Kreah
Bread, Rolls, Rusks, and everything in his line, always on
hand, at the lowest cash prices.
Altoona, June 19th-—lm]
TION will be held on the second Thursday evening of each
month, in the Council Room. M. ChABACGH,
Jas. LowtHXB, Preuldent.
Secretary. [May 15-’62]
Another lot of those boontffnl SDK UMBRELLAS.
„ . _
Also, itACKEBJSL and HERRING by the barrel.
Altoona, Jane 29, ISffi—tf.
rhf»p nr fine?— Roto I.ACGHMAN’S,
Pimples on the Face,
Sore Eyes,
Old and Stubborn Ulcers
Rheumatic Disorders,
Salt Rheum,
Mercurial Diseases,
General Debility
Liver Complaint,
Loss of Appetite,
Low Spirits,
/ Female Complaints, ,
' Epilepsy or Fits.
Paralysis or Palsy,
Syphilitic Diseases and
Caries of the Bones.
Together with all other diseases haring their
origin in a depraved condition of the Mood or cir
culatory system.
ha. G. H. Ktrsot : T I taka pleasure in making this yul
notary itatement in Ihvor of a medicine prepared by you
called “ LiimsßT's Bioon Searcher” I had suffered for
five years with Scrofula which broke out on my head and
forehead so as to disfigure me very much, aod took off the
hair when the disease made it? appearance; it also broke out
on my arm above and below the elbow, and eat Into tin*
skin and flesh so as to expose a fearful sore. The disease
on my head went so far that several small pieces of bone
came out. 1 was very week and low spirited, and had
given up all hope of ever getting well, os I had tried sev
eral skillful physicians and they did me no good. In Sep
tember last, 1861,1 was induced to try “ Litoskt’s In
proved Blood Searcher.” I must confess I had no fcitU
in patent medicines, but after I had need three bottles of
Blood Searcher, the ulcers on my head and arm began to
heal.' I have now taken eight or ten bottles, and my head
and arm are entirely well except the scan remaining from
the sores. I will also state that 1 had the rheuteatism
very bad in my arms and legs. The Blood Searcher also
cured the rheumatisml lam now a well man, over forty
yean of age, and I fee) as suple and young as I did when
I was twenty, and have increased in weight twenty pounds.
I would also state that the disease in my foreheard was so
bad that when I stooped and lifted anything' heavy, the
blood run out of the sore. Dr. Keyser had a photograph
takeu oi me by Mr. Cargo, the artist, after I began to get
well. It does not show my appearance as bad os it was
before I commenced taking the medicine. You can see
the photograph, one of which is now in my possession
and iVIBO at Dr. Keyset's 140 Wood street. 1 would also
state that I took the Blood Searcher which was made be
fore Dr. Keyeer commenced making it. Although it
helped me some; X did not recover fast until I got the kind
made by Dr. Keyset himself One bottle of his did me
more good than two of the old. I believe it is a great deal
stronger and better. I bare recommended the Blood
Searcher to a great many of my friends for various dis
eases, and I believe it has helped the whole of them. Yon
may publish this if yon wish, and I am anxious that all
who are afflicted as I was may be cored. I live in this city,
No. 4 Pine street, and am employed at Collville t Ander
son’s Union Marble Works, 54 Wayne street. ,
I lire in Sligo, at Clinton Mill, and have been nearly
blind in both eyes for neatly four years, t called on Dr.
Keyser about three months ago and asked him to give mu
directions to the Institution for the Blind in Philadelphia.
Ee told ins that I need not go to Philadelphia to get well,
as he bad medicine that would cure me, as he said my dis
ease was in the blood. I was treated for it two or three
times in the hospital in this city, and was relieved, but
my disease always returned after a month or two alter I
came out of the hospital. 1 found'my disease was re*
turning and I called, by the advice of a good friend of
mine, on Dr. Keyser, who has restored 1 my sight, and my
eyes are nearly as well as ever. The Doctor gave me
* Lindsey’s Blood Searcher” and a wash.
Clinton Mills, Sligo.
Pittsburg, July 6,1461.
Witness—E, P. M’Klroy, Anderson street, Allegheny
City. ;
PrtETßuasH, September 18,1861.—1 hereby certify that
I have bad a sore leg for over a year. It was covered
with ulcers and sores so that I could not work for nearly
a year. My leg swelled so that 1 was unable to do any
thing for a long time, for at least six months. I tried
several of the beat doctors in the city, but without any
benefit; finally I called on Dr. Keyser, at No. 140 Wood
street, who only attended me about two weeks, and gave
mo but two bottles of medicine, and 1 am now entirely
well and have contincd so tor six months. lam employed
at the Eagle Engine House, on Fourth street, where any
one can see me.
A Lma Flow Enouitn.—Mr. John Pope, of Blaenu
von, near Montypool, Monmontshire, England, writes aa
Sin:—An old woman iu this place has .wished me to
writs you respecting Likbsit’s Blood a»»»<-w»n, from
which she found great benefit, and wishes to have a little
more. She has been suffering from a disease of a cancer,
ous nature for the last six or seven years. Her daughter,
who is living in America, obtained it for her, and sent her
eighteen bottles, She is now quite out of it, and I have
written to her daughter twice and have received no an
swer; of coarse she is anxious to get more, to get com.
pletely cured. I told her I would write to you for the
agency in this country, and she felt very much pleased to
bear me say so. I now beg to ask you on what terms you
will supply me; you will please bear in mind the car
riage, and supply me as cheap as possible. The carriage
on the one dozen bottles was £1 8a 6d. The medicine was
a present from her daughter. I would like to have the
Blood Searcher in a jar or small cask, if you can send it
in tliat way, or in pint or quart bottles. I will send a bill
through bank or registered letter, which ever will be most
convenient to you, if you will send me carrier’s receipt of
the parcel as security. I would send you a stamp to an
ewer this, but as it is uncertain of this reaching ydu, on
account of the country being ip six and sevens, a term
w blcl> is commonly used, yon will be kind enough to
charge me with the jmstage.
[Binned] JOHN POPE.
[We hare seen the letter which U pnblUhed to t»day>«
DitpaUi, from John Pope, and heller* it to be genuine _
Ktttori lHqpatch Pitttburgk.
and eold by Dr Oaoaoa «. K«TSt», Pittehurgh,
to Altoona by A. ttocaa and fl. W. Kmu»- in
H R- P *” To,< * nd JiCo *
a sure core roa
Cancerous Formations,
Cutaneous Diseases,
Erysipelas, Boils,
Tetter Affections,
Scald Head,
Prtrsscaoa, December 31,1831.