jtJSH, Drugoist, *• this opjKjrtnßity ef tttnrnii.,.l, *of thin plow aid »b„ lt . W taw beituwed otr lit,,^ «* in KonM.l, that ii, Old Place of Business. fftt> the Poxt.Q^ it oil times prcp»r«l ta attend to th • ’ bu«inei!»a cuiiwating of , * ,r N- MEDICINES, oitv NTS, PUTTY," VARNISHES, PUFFS, PERFUMERY PENT MEDICINES, EXTRACT ON OIL AND LAMp s OET-BRIAR PIPES E SMOKING TOBACCO -IQTJCXRs, WCINAL USE. ALWAYS OR HAS* eains Prescription lEFULLY COMPOUNDED lOURS OF THE DAY OB NKJii’p ; April IT, 1802. ARE—HARDWARE; ivrles j. mann \:a IN FOREIGN AND 1m 1 HARDWAHIi, UU WOODKN WARK. BROOMB, WINDOW SHaDRk poor mats SO GOODS. SHOE FINDINGS, corns TRupnsaj, ItJKD CAOKS AN» AVIKK OOOXtCL ' ;**criptk*a of Qo-xfc in bi* Une will be notice, ami at low rates fur c«ih. 1 [ k itock oif DRI GOODS on hamj win i aStSSSIS 1 ' priCM - in or purchase, either at wholesale or rfttU. r adrantage to gire us a call. Vk 186?.] MUEPHY* HcPIKEe )Y FRIENDS WOULD DO iu upon the choke and efaaate avoit- PRESS GOODS now displayed upoo the Oi MUEPHY t jIcPIKB, Cor. ofVirginia and Caroline eta 6, 3862. [ES AND PROVISIONS.— I varied atock VrfFRKSH GEODESIES We Joet and for tale ae cheap w MtTEPHY E JjfcPUtlTS Store, Cor. of Virginia and Caroline etf- P. 1662. -INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN tmvForte and Mclodißi, by MS* M 'tuns, *lO per quarter. No » r nment. Residence on CathariDOßtreei. fJan.l#,XB«-tf I.—Persons wishing Pastor® E. or Meadow-Onus Ibr H*y» c * n *"* to LEWIS G WIN, two miles North of Alteon*. I.MER GOODS, of superior iteyiiljuet ree’d »t LACOIIMAH'S. [ LES OF PANTALOONS ifcje, at LAUGHMAN’S > BOYS’ COATS, of every iKTE ASSORTMENT OK Id Improved 8 HIBTB— and roarsc-whlt* CK OF BOOTS ASHOK* toy., Ladies tiBS cakfjstjng- a£ 1> n I*foaudas AX. ASSORTMENT^’ £.l, Br^g^- > IMPROVE!) Snh& UlU**,«Dd lutooM PRINTED ON Campbell’s $650 “Country Press.' TRIPUNE POWER-PRESS PRINTING OFFICE. UAVtog. within the past two years, nimh- considerable ..IJitiira to our establishment In the way of new fancy ivae Screw Press, Paper Cotter, Card Cotter, Holing Ma rlin'' Card Power Press, and large Newspaper Power Was .» cot of which we give above; we are now prepared execute anything in the line of printing or roling in •vlceunal to any establishment in the State, and at IricM equally low. We con execute, on short notice, all liyiea of Wedding, Invitation, Visiting, Ball h Business Cards, Circulars, Programmes, . MAMMOTH posters, sale bills, [goyL &R9S) pamphlets, Pay and Check Boils, BLANK BOOKS, MANIFESTS, AND BLANKS OF ALL KINDS. All we ask la a trial, feeling confident that wc can give jaiisfaclion if wo have the opportunity. office in howther’s building, corner of \ trgima and An nie streets, opposite Superintendent's Office. ; local items; Tub Fourth is Ai.toosa.-jVs intimated in our last issue, there was no. general demonstration ill this place on the Fourth, and the town, between the hours of 10 A. M. and it I'. M., wore a Snn ilav appearance. Nearly every place of business inis dosed, and all who felt like enjoying them selves in the country, attended some one of the pic-nics in the surrounding groves. The only ceremonies which partook of a general character were those got up by the proprietor of Oak Hall, the programme of which we published last week. rVt the apjjointol time, (i A. St.-, Mr. Bohjer's String Band performed an overture, after which the stars and stripes were flung to the breeze l.v Master Harry Woods, dressed in the costume uf "Young America,” while the String Band and a company of vocalists performed the “ Star Span gfcil Banner.” After the crowd had saluted the tlag with three hearty cheers, S. M. Woodkok, Esq., stepped upon the platform and read the Dec laration of Independence in a clear and distinct voice, the band and vocalists following it with a national air. D. J. Neff. Esq., was then called for and responded in a short address, replete with ) n superabundant quantities to their le German Catholic" picnic was the scene of uhlT a .^° ut ** ie me °f its breaking.up, 'tir l rt f Ul,e(i . in “tiding a dozen or more men in jp I . o * physicians to sew up their cut heads.— it inV 1° ,Bht originated we can not say, but how Vr Vi 5 ?"* 6 °^ t - le participants will long reinem ,.rlubs ’ a B er 'toot glasses, stones and ah iron think n are • Ba, . d to il:lVe been ttsed freely. We I ‘raid ™V L ' I ° of ,lie rumpus may be "n the ir 16 f; | Ct t ult , u:rc was a lager beer stand ‘l«t ’ contrar - v lo la ' v - which deajt out Kevem K t d T t ' llt m !lr^e 'l l,a u titles. loonier to wauld itn«. dls B rl c ef iil proceedings hereafter, m-v , “** ' vl : u *‘>r ■ t m officers of the law to uics?" e orec,l,m ~f la»‘r Iteer stands at pic ,! uU "c rr} ' "S,? Montgomery streets, in the borough Mrnta y J bur . S ’ B , b ‘ ir co ' lnt y. fronting ninety feet on Mulberry street and extending back along Montgomery Mieet .me hundred and eighty feet to Strawberr?slleri tomg the eastern half of lot No 17 and the whole of loi N o. 18. In the old town plot of said borough, having there on erected a large twesstory brick tavern house, a frame mtable, an ico house end other buildings Seized and taken in execution and to be sold a* the prop ?rty ot Jesse Wingate. 11 ALSO All the right, title aud interest of William K. Piper in and t.) all that certain lot of ground situate iu the borough of Guyaport, Blair county, fronting 120 feet on Bedford street, and extending back from said street along Newry street. 100 feet to an alley, thence along said allev feet to lot o' Mrs. Longuecker, thence along said lot 180 leet to Bedford street, having thereon erected a twonrtory brick dwelling house and a frame stable. Seized and taken in execution and to lie sold as (he pro perfy oi William K. Piper. 1 ALSO: All the right, title and Interest of John N. Hamilton in and to nil that certain lot of ground situate in the borough ol Altoona. Blair county, fronting 120 feet on Rebecca street, and extending back 120 feet to an alley—being lot block KK in the general plan of said borough, house''' o*’ 0 *’ tliereon ,r< *ted “ frame dwelling Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the pro perty of John N. Hamilton. ALSO: All the right, title and interest of Bernard Kerr in and to all that certain lot of ground situate in the borough of Altoona and fronting Bfty feet on Main street, and extend ing back 110 feet to Main alley—being lot No. 13 in block J in the general plan of said borough of Altoona, and ha ving thereon erected a two-story brick store-house and 2 two-atory frame buildings. Seized and taken iu execution and to he sold as the pro perty of Bernard Kerr. All the right title and Interest of William McCauley in that certain tract of land situate in Logan town ship, Blair county, containii>gl3o acres more or leas, boun ded on the East by lands of Peter Empfleld and Jno. Hutch inson and on the North by lands of John Coleman and on the South by lands of Samuel Haggerty and others, having thereon erected 2 twoetory log dwelling bouses, a frame barn and a frame stable. Seized and taken in execution anti William McCauley’s interest in the same to be sold. ALSO: All the right, title and interest of Lydwlg Newhoose in and to all that certain tract of land situate in Antis town ship, Blair county, bounded by lands of Thomas Shaw, John Henshey, and lands formerly of J. M, Confer, and by the lots in the town plot of Fostoria——being the same piece or tract of land purchased by the said Ludwig New house from J6bn P. Anderson, containing 106 acres, inore or less, and not including any part thereof laid ont in town lots. ALSO All that certain lot of ground situate in the town of Fostoria, Blair county, fronting 50 feet on the Pennsylva nia Kail Boad and extending back 193 feet to other lands of Defendant, having thereon erected a two-story frame dwelling house and a frame stable. ALSO: ‘ All those two other certain lots of gmmd situate in the town of Fostdria, Blair county, fronting each fifty feet on the Pennsylvania Kail Hoad, and running back 193 feet to other lands of Defendant.' Seized and taken In execution and to be sold as the pro perty of Ludwig Newhouse. ALSO: All the right, title and interest of Nancy McFarland in and to all that- certain piece or tract of land situate in Snyder township, Blair county, containing on© hundred acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Robert McFar land on the West, and by lands of E, B. Isett on the East, and by lands uf John McFarland on the South, and by lands of Wm. M. Lyon k. Co. on the North-—having thereon erected a twostory log house and a one-abd-a-half-story log cabin born. > Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the pro perty or Nancy McFarland. ALSO All the righe, title and interest of William Robeson in and to all that certain tract of land situate in Snyder town ship, Blair county, containing about one handled acres, more or less, bounded on the East and West bv lands of Bald Eagle Furnace, on the North by lands of SWnberg ers, on the South by lands of George Black—having there on erected a two-story frame dwelling house and other out buildings. Seized and taken in execution and to be sold a# the pro perty of WUUam Bobeson. ALSO; All the right, title and interest of 0. £. Crissman in and to all that certain tract of land situate Id Tyrone township in Blair county, bounded by lands ot Philip BrMenbaagb, deed, on the North; by lands of John Fleck, dec’d, on the West; by lands of Jacob Flock, Sr. on the South, and by lands of Joseph Crawford on the South arid East—-contain ing one hundred and forty-three acres, more or leas, and having thereon erected a largo frame dwelling house and a log and frame barn. ALSO: All the right title and interest of 0. E. Crissmdn in and to all that certain tract of land situate in Tyrone town ship, Blair county, containing about 255 acres—3o acres of which are cleared, and having thereon erected one saw-mill and one dwelling house aud stabler—being part of a larger tract of land, bounded on the East by lands of Leonard Hostler; on the South by lands of John Orr; on the West by lands of Jesse Moore, and on the North by the Brush Mountain. * Seized and taken in execution and to bo sold as tho pro perty of O. £. Crissman. ALSO All the right, title and interest of David Tingling in and to all those two certain lots.of ground situate in Williams burg, Woodberry township, Blair county, fronting fifty feet each on Front stre< t, and running back one hundred and seventy-five feet to an alley, bounded on the South by a lot of Henry Winters, and on tho North by lot of Henry Ally—having thereon erected one two-story frame dwell ing bouse and frame stable. ALSO; All the right, title and Interest of David Tingling in and certain tract of land aituate in Catharine town ship, Blair county, containing one hundred acres, more or Iras, bounded on the East by lands of Mrs. Hewitt; on the West by lands of Geo. W. Roller, and on the South by the Juniata River—about seventy acres of which are cleared, cultivated—being the same tract of land that the said David Tingling purchased by articles of agreement from Joshua H. Roller. 3 Seized and taken in execution and to as the pro perty of David Tingling. ■ 1 ALSO: All the right, title aud interest of Beniamin F. Gibbo py, ?. and to all that certain two-story plank bouse or building situate in the borough of Martinsbnrg, and front ing on Main street leading from East to West thirty-six feet and extending back eighteen feet, with an additional wing of fourteen feet by fifteen feet, and the lot or niece of ground and cnlilage appurtenant to said building. Seized and taken In execution and to be sold as the pro perty of Benjamin F. Gibbony. ALSO All the right, title and Interest of Edwin F. Shoenber ger, Trustee of MariaM. Shoenberger,his wife, and Sidney Shoenberger ana John K. and George Shoenberger la the following described property; to wit:—AU that certain tract ot land (situate in Blair township, Blair county, known as the “Gap Furnace” property, and consisting of all that portion of a certain tract of land formerly be longing to the heirs of George McKee, dec’d, and after ward to Edwin F. Shoenberger, lying and being West of tbe Ko&rmg Spring Creek, together with all and singular the Improvements thereon erected, and all the way*, wa ter rights, liberties, privileges, hereditaments and appur ten mcea whatsoever thereunto belonging or In anywise A » 9 ?’ 1110 Iron ore in on and upon the lands of the late Dr. Peter Shoenberger then or at the EdwlnV f Uh COrt i^ n Doed . by ,Jf k g from the lands of said . wh er«ver it may bo found moat .Shl« !£ d .£ e * t AI». the privilege of using the stables on the north side of said Roaring Spring Bun, for teams not to exceed three In numbr, amfall the rights and privileges conveyed to Joseph Kemp,T»Mtee*4o„ to fv sth ß i»Si d . by deed bearing date Jn- recorded in Deed Book I, page* 3X6, 829, 537 w e ” a l n ' x^ Uon i od *» be sold as the pro perty of Edwin K. Shoenberger, Tnajtoe, Jte. ALSO: All the right, title and interest, d John C.Heyleman and J. R. Jones in iad to *ll those two certain tracts of Und lying and being partly in BUir county *ttd psrUy in Cam bria county, in the State of Pennsylvania, one of which said tracts wassnnreyed the 23d day of Jane A. D, 1788, in pursuance of a warrant granted by the Commonwealth to William McDougftll. and the other of which wm surveyed the 23d day of Jane, A. D. 1788, in parsaimcodf a warrant granted.by said Commonwealth to John Gray, containing together eght hundred acres, more or leas, on which there are coal banks open and iu working order: having thereon erected one Blacksmith Shop, one tool house, and one small office. Seised and taken in execution and to he sold as the pro* perty of John C. Heyleman and J. R. Jones. ALSO: the right title aud interest of Dr. J. T. McVey in and to all those two certain tots of ground situate on the cor ner of Logan and Clearfield streets in the Borough of Ty rone, In Snyder township, Blair county* fronting one hun dred and twenty feet on Logan street and extending back on Clearfield street one hundred and sixty feet to sn alley, having thereon erected a large double two story -frame dwelling house and a frame stable. Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the pro perty of Dr. J. T. McVey. SAMUEL McCAMANT, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Hollidaysburg, July 10,1882. LADIES’ CHOICE!— PATENT SELF-TESTING! SELF-SEALING I FRUIT CANS & JARS! 10,000 HAVE STOOD THE, TEST! Manufactured and gold by HALLER t SAMUEL, note agents, 4.19 North Second Street, Philadelphia, and for gale by R. O. K©fi?s ALTOONA, PA. HVYETT ■# FRIDLEY'S PA TEXT. These Cana and JarMfteing perfectly simple in their ar rangement, and reqniflS no cement or colder to make them Air-Tight, are the moat reliable and convenient Tea* gele for preserving fruits and vegetables of all kinds, that ate in the market. THEY POSSESS THE FOLLOWING ADVANTAGES Ist. All that Is required after the fruit has been put in hot, is simply to screw the top down tightly. 2d. They can be opened by a single turn of the cover, and the contents taken out in one-fourth the time required by other cans. 3d. Besides their simpl'city vpd ease of adjustment, and impoMibility of stoppers blowing out, they show at all times the exact condition of the fruit, by simply looking at the top of the cover; if the gum is concave the fruit U good: if convex, the fruit is going to spoiK but will always ahow itaelf in time to be aaved. Directions. Heat the Jars or p ace an iron spoon in them while fill ing, which will avoid cracking. After the Jars are frill, take out the spoon or iron, and screw down the cap tight. Care should be taken to replace the same covers on the same Jars from which they were taken. To restore the gums that have been need, to their origi nal shape, put them in hot water for one hour. July 3,1862.-tf. g WHEELER & WILSON’S ja g SEWING i E MACHINE. I «' 2 P 3 R. A. 0. KERR, Z w 3 rt ALTOONA, PA , W Agent for Blair County . q ffl 2 S.NOS'ILM 9 HaTaaHM OQ These machines .*re admit to be the best ever ottered to the public, and their superiority is satisfactorily established by the fact that in the last eight years, OVER 1,400 MORE of these Machines have been sold than of any other man ufactured, and more medals have been awarded tho pro prietors by different Fairs and Institutes than to any oth ers. The Machines are warranted to do all that is claimed for them. They are now in nse In several families in Al toona, and in every case they give entire satisfaction. The Agent refers those desiring information as the su periority of the Machines, to Col. John L. Piper, Hev. A. B. Clark, George Hawkesworth, Benj. F. Bose, and E. H. Turner, Ksqrs. The machines can be seen and examined at the store of the Agent, at Altoona. Price of No. 1 Machine, silver plated, glass foot and new style Hemmer—s6s. No. 2, ornamental bronze, glass foot and new style Hemmer—ss3. No. 3, plain, :with old style Hemmer—s4s. [March 21,1861-tf. WEST BRA CH INSURANCE CO.. »» LOCK HAVEN, PA. PREMIUM NOTES IN F0RCE.......405,000. Insures property on as reasonable terms as are consistent with security. DIRECTORS O. C. Harvey, O. D. Satterlee, J. B. Hall, Jacob' Brown, P. U. Price, Allison White, Simon Scott, C. A. Mayer, Alev. Sloan. W, Fearon. 0. D. S&tteelxk, V. P. O. C. Hasvxt, Preset. J. W. CaAPBAx, Secretary. ' July 3, ’63-ly.] R. A. 0. KERR, Agent, Altoona. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, &C., SELLING OF AT COST, AT McCORMICK’S STORE!!! ALL THE GOODS in the above Store are now being sold AT COST, thus-affording the citizens of Altoona and vicinity an opportunity of secu ring anything they need, at city wholesale prices. The stock consists of a large variety ot DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, HATS & CAPS, GROCERIES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, <&C. # &C M &C-, All of which are ol recent purchase, the best quality and latest styles. Those who call early will have choice of the assortment. 4®“” Remember the pIace—McCORMICK’S STORE, Virginia Street, North Ward. Altoona, June 26,1862. Desirable property for sale.— Tho subscriber wishes to dispose of 140 ACRES OF LAND, situate one and a half miles from Altoona, adjoin ing lands of Elias Baker, James Hutchinson and others.— The improvveinents are all In good order, and the place is well calculated for a DAIRY OR TRUCK FARM. The whole property will be sold together, or it will be disposed of in Loti of from half an acre upwards. ' Terms made ■ easy to suit the purchaser. Any person wishing to view the premises, will call on the subscriber reisiding on tbe same. I will also sell several Houses and Lots iti the Borough of Altoona, on reasonable terms. G. B. SINE. June 26,1862.-lm. Turnip seed.— Early White Flat Dntcb Strap Leaf, Early White Flat Norfolk. Early Purple Top Fiat Strap Leaf, Long White French. Long Yellow Swede. Round Russia, or Rata Baga. Dales Hybrid. The subscribers will forward, by mail, one half pound ot either of the above named varieties of Turnip Se**d, post age paid, on the receipt of 36 cents in postage stamps. ROGERS £ OEST, June 19,1662.] No. 133, Market St., Philad’a. Office Alt is commonly used, yon will be kind enough to charge me with the jmstage. B. F, BOSE, Treasurer. Yours.respectfijUy, [Binned] JOHN POPE. [We hare seen the letter which U pnblUhed to t»day>« DitpaUi, from John Pope, and heller* it to be genuine _ Ktttori lHqpatch Pitttburgk. and eold by Dr Oaoaoa «. K«TSt», Pittehurgh, to Altoona by A. ttocaa and fl. W. Kmu»- in H R- P *” To,< * nd JiCo * a sure core roa Cancerous Formations, Scrofula, Cutaneous Diseases, Erysipelas, Boils, Tetter Affections, Scald Head, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, CASE OF DANIEL A. BOYD, Prtrsscaoa, December 31,1831. DANIEL A. BOYD. A BLIND MAN CUBED. ► A BAD SORE LEG CURED. THOMAS FABKKLL. CANCER CUBED,