The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, August 11, 1859, Image 3

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pflima Crikme
Mi«w BT Marrnia.—Agreeably to an Order
of Brig- Qcn>l B - F * Be,I > a me «ring of military
Btn of this Brigade was field in the Masonic
Hell, in Ilollidaysburg, on the 26th day of July
lilt. Oen’l Bell having called the meeting to
order stated that the object of the order was to
consult the wishes of the Brigade aa to the time
end place of holding an .Encampment this fall.
A call being made for the names of delegates
tbs following persons responded.
General Staff—Qen’l B. F. Bell, Capt. E. H
HolliJsyaburg Fenciblee—Lieut J. R. M’Far-
ffasbiugton Artillery—Lieut. Miller, George
Bulger, J. Gibboney:
ffnyne Guards—Lieut. Ayres, J. Tingling,
Corp. Allender.
Tyrone Artillery—Capt. James Lieut.
Burley, Lieut. Bell.
Tyrone Cavalry—Capt. Crowthcr, Lieut. Hen
dcrson, J. H. Barley.
Allegheny Cavalry—Capt. Stitler, Lieut.
Harpster, Lieut. Hamilton.
Juniata Rifle Co. —Capt. A. |M. Lloyd, Lieut
Jlurrel, Sergt. Garrett. ; •
EmmetQuards—Capt. Williams, Lieut Keyes
licut. M’Nally.
Altoona Guards, Logan Rifles, and Scott Ri
fles not being represented. ;
The Delegates from Tyrone and Martinsburg |
each invited the Brigade to hold the Encamp
ment nt their Boroughs. A vote being taken it*
041 decided that the Encampment be held nt
Tyrone. The vote after wards made unanimous.
On motion, it was resolved that said Encamp
bcdi commence on Monday October 17tb, 1859.
(icu l Bell then ordered that this Brigade i
shall hold a Military Encampment at Tyrone on I
.Mond.-iy October 1 <th, and stated that any offi .
cer, company, or private not attending said En
ciapmeat, would be dealt with as the law al
lot* end directs.
Tbs Tyrone Companies, through Capt. Crow
ibrr, stated that they, assisted by the citizens of
Tyrone, would agree to furnish' all the articles
iirceasiry for the comfort of the Volunteers, I
mile in Caup, free of expense to the Brigade
or Companies. ’ j ,
On motion of Capt. Jas Dell, Kesolvr.l, that the
kw forbidding the selling of any refreshments, 1
Ligcr Deer or spirituous, liquors within one !
mile of the Camp, unless by lioensed houses, be i <
strictly enforced. ' |
Brig. Geu’l Dell appointed the following Com- 1 1
mittee.s; ■ • i .
Committee of Arrangements—Capt. Crowlhcr,
Ci]U. Bel], Lieut. Uurlcj-, Lieut. liberliue
Lieut. Beil. ’
Committee Of Invitation, in connection w ith
Leu. Bell, Capt. CroWilier, CapC Jam.-s Be!’,
Lieut. Ilurlcj.
On motion, Resolved , That these proceedings
be published in the different papers of the Bri
gade. Adjourned, “Sine die"
W.vao’a Patent.—Ou the 21st of June. Inst,
)lr. A. \\ ard, of this place, Gener.vl Foreman of
the Car Department of the I‘ctui’a R. r.,
toined a patent for nn Improved Centre Plato
mil Car Body Bolster, which, on account of its
umplicity,,«*dv adaptation to all cars now used
b J the various railway companies, and its real
omt*. must secure its adoption by most of the
railroad companies in the country. We can not
go into a general description of the patent and
ibe advantages it possesses over all others of the
kind ever yet invented, but may notice that it is
no complicated contrivance,ls easily understood ,
by all familiar with car building, qnd needs only i
be Beea to be appreciated. It gives strenth j
ear tilts arid body, because no tenoning i
•r mortising is required; consequently its ap- j
plication to old or new cars adds totlieir efficacy.
The application of the .patent to old cars is very
v«y and the expense small when compared with
tbc increased amount of service the ear will
ittrehy be enabled to perform. It is not only
‘Saving in the wear and tear of the car bodies,
ut Ice B destructive to the road bed, and has
Wu demonstrated to be a saving of at least 20
pir cent, in locomotive power. This latter
quality would alone be sufficient to recommend
no others. From the numerous let
lcn i»r. W. has received from railway nJcn,
acknowledging the merits of bis improvement,
think it will be universally adopted by rail
r,’lJ companies everywhere. We
..'leased to see Mr. Ward handsomely rewarded
li'Mhia evidence of his skill aud ingenuity.
5«. I!. The above improvements have been i
placed upon about 300 freight and passenger j
«r» on the i’eim’n, Central and Pittsburgh, Ft.
ayne and Chicago Rail Hoads, and have given 1
" n much satisfaction that they have been adop
•'i bj both roads and ordered to fye place dupon
cew cars and all that require general repairs.
>lore Home Gc.vira.~We find the fallowing
potion aado, in the last nwmberW the Scien
-inericatt, of an invention gotten up by a
‘oaple of citizens of this place. |We hope the
may find their improvement to bo
Mt what they intended it should be, its ap
f‘"* tion 10 locomotives practicable, and be
rewarded for their ingenuity.
Coax-suswiso Fire-box aid
Oill ond QeoiwTfr. arier,
*hVhrit > aa 7® invented an improvement
* novel,; simple and economical
titnZi- ■ ,n to , o<lu<Mng atmospheric tdr into a
wuj?* a ? coal-bdrning fire-bos ! or furnace,
1 lofla «a»eble gases. within the fire
rather ‘“ r “°B evolved by the combustion, or
•ill h. ■ ?“?•*»«* combnatibni of the coal,
air tod ?,' xed . to * POW bf aaturaaetn with the
peZ"* o *»Peratuw,pp that the
I*2 or beat may tw obtained from
into: . of fuel. Tb« invention con.
•«iea «r** u, i? 1111 provided with a
farm,,, ‘ t “ bes > placed within ihlefire-box or
•W; “***“ connection wiftd^ledtore,
desired end is attained. •
hi]!^, Mike Phelan, .the gseitjfew Pork
W tol . . cr w “ “ town on Fri lay .evening
k oto > couple of iur bjll:
1»„ ® *hichhe indulged in a som*!game or
«*eh 00 »»g out > UUlei»head
'sk» -v. ' a number followed -in hie
it »a s . * #m he *««*; when it TTflB kaoir wbfl
£ off the following*
the truth of which can not be g*in» ye<L
benefit of thqee Whom it may suit. The writer
R»y«. “It rathe policy ofthepeople in every
community to sustain thpir bwn town hv 7
homedndqstry. We frequently Lar
th« «to “7 that the next time
Ynk Zv^*l Phi *' " Baltimore, or New
” teDd pnrchaB “* certain articles.
Sometimes it ,s a hat or coat, a carriage, hoose
foctu^ n - t T’ ° r B ° me^ing *b* ca « manu
-3T afl go ° a athome - These persons
«rc generally engaged in a different branch of
business in our town, relying upoh the public
upport. Now, we desire to say a few plain
words to all such short sighted tradesmen.-
suppose your customers should supply their
wants in the larger cities, if there was a possi-
Uity of saving a few cents at a risk of being
badly cheated with an inferior article? You
would soon be obliged to close up and leave the
place, would you not ? If this,suicidal policy
« pursued to any extent, it soon settles the
tote of any town or community, for its enter
prise and prosperity is dependent upon the
amount of trade it can sustain within itself, and
all that is drawn away from it Js like taking the
life blood from the human frame—it weakens
its energies and consequently impairs' its
powth. Have you ever seriously thought of
this ? If you are a merchant, you cannot ex
pect to dispose of your merchandize to your fel
low tradesmen unlesi you deal with them in re
turn. We have always made itun inflexible
rule, never to purchase away, that which we
could buy at home, and solely upon the dollar
and cent principle, know ing that by patronizing
home industiy and enterprise, wo are almost
certain of returning the money to our pocket,
when otherwise it would go to the benefit of a
foreign community. The projecting and sustain
ing of home industry, is productive of the same
results the world over, whether its application
is directed to a nation or community.
Jin. Durr’s Lectures upon Business, Mer
chants College, PirrsßUHGu.— This geutlc
mnn is tlie well known author of the best, and
most comprehensive system of Merchants ac
counts in use, aud also the founder of one of
tho first Commercial Colleges in the United
States, and which is still considered tho leading
establishment in this branch of education. We
have often heard him spoken of as an accom
plished and impressive lecturer, but heard him
for the first time on .Monday last, in an anima
ted and instructive lecture on the ways and
means of success in business, and the causes of
miscarmge and failure. The subject was han
dled in shell, a manner and proved by facts and
figures, that we .are. ready to admit that had we
heard this lecture ten years ago, wo would be
worth one hundred dollars for every one wo
now are. It is not easy to over estimate the
value of such practical, and wholesome lectures
to Commercial students. If our commercial
men were to hear a : few of them they would do
more to secure their success in business than all
the homilies upon Political Economy they have
ever read. We are glad to know that the insti
tution, as it deserves to be, is in a highly flour
ishing condition. •It is just the place for a
young man to be taught howx to manage the
most intricate business transactions, and to
prepare him for a successful commercial career
j Office will observe a small tin box, fastened to
j the casement of the window, to their right ns
j they enter. It is placed there for the reception
I of small or large contributions in aid of the
j 11 ashingtpn 'Monument, i'n pursuance of a re*
j commendation on the part of those who have
j the noble work in charge. The object is two
j enable the association to prosecute the
| monument to completion as early os possible,
j and afford all who wish to contribute {however
small the sum) an opportunity-to do so. The
money tints deposited is remitted monthly to
the pioper personal Washington, and we may
readily imagine that the means thus placed in
the bands of the association will not be email,
(if the contributions are, at all liberal) when we
consider than there are some 20,000 post offices
in the United States, let all who visit the j
post office rcaiember the monument fund, and
if they in the least honor the memory of Wash
ington they will contribute according to their j
means. AVe feel confident that Altoona will |
make a good report.
j Lock Haven and Tyuone It; R—Week before
f last we published an item from the New York
[ Tribune, detailing a shrewd financecring game
i by which the Agents of the above R. R. had
| been chiseled ou t of $175,000 of the bcinds.of
the road and that the financeerer could pot be
found. ... The following -item, from the Philadel
phia Pennsylvanian, notices tho arrest of the
swindler:—“ln the Superior Court of New York
on Tuesday, an order was granted by Judge
Clerke, oh application of j. D. and T. S. Sher
wood, Agents of the Tyrone odd Lock Haven
Railroad Company, against Allen Sohenok,
holding the defendant to bail in the sum of
$150,000. The plantiffs’ affidavits allege that
the defendant obtained possession of $175,000
of ihe .bends belonging to plaintiffs for $175,000
of .bills of the Southern Bank of Georgia on
; eaid bank was good and
■oiwflfc:- jdeifaiffs assert that the bills ape
the bankisinsolvteL The
defendant was arrested by the Sheriff.**
Cawo . Amia.—Wo copy the . following
itbtn from the Pittabnigh Chronicle of recent
iatg. pteanminig that it will possess interest to
some of omr readers whtt art' acquainted with
.ihoparties states
; ttot Gea. W. rndminiatered a canin g
to Thomas Seaßlfook, Eaq i‘of ihat place, the
Other day] Mr. Seabrook, it is alleged, made
t l3 ? of some very insulting expressions with
gard to }lr. S., which lib refused to retract,
the latter dealt him several blows jon
with his cane. Some mutual' friends
and the eombatants.baving been
separated, the' matter dropped. Mr.-Seabrook
held ftt one time the position of Besident Sngi
■ near on iheGcntraJ EoUr<wi, ; bat has soi been
f for -MHlinr
I and now, we iiLCleTdahd. J ‘
Uful .weather have succeeded Uwiatf &d licbt
n«g of last week, gladdening the earth wL
the glory , of suammy sunshlne and imparting
new strength to drooping vegetation. Theblue
faming to coolness the arrows of heat; while a
T* fW ‘ shields
off the fierce shower of-fire, the glare and sheen
hnd egokes in the morning 0 f
August the glonous eve of October.
S ?* *•«“* Bid b^p“
1° th ' «epltai ,t the
fared worst for the
b £ he J fould have met with there,
—Pithhurgh True Press. "
Qucry-i-who was the officious 'official from
Altoona t Ve have a number of official gentle
men ifi this place, |hut so far as wo know any
thing pboui them, they are courteous rather
than officious.
Late Saevestisq.— We werelnformed, a day
or two-aince, 'that a farmer living in Dry Gap,
some tpo or three mUea above this place, had
just commenced cutting his grain, and that part
o. his crop was not yet ripe enough to cut—
Endently,that Gap, must bo the place the cold
comes from; in winter time, and we think it
would be a good idea to have it stopped up ere
winter pets im again.
To Taos* WHOM ll' MAY Concern.— Mr. John
Shoemaker wishes us to state that those persons
who have been indebted to him for months past,
manifesting a disposition not to “fork over,”
will be allowed ten days after date to settle
after which time their, accounts will be placed
in the hands of a Justice of the Peace for col
lection according to law.
Altoona, Aug. 11, 1859.
Kotice. —The third instalment on the Capi
tal Stock of the Altoona Gas and Water Com
pany will be due and made payable at the Bank
ing House of Wm. M. Lloyd & Co., on or be
fore the: of August, 1859.
. ' B- F. ROSE, Sec'g.
Altoopa, Aug. 4,1809-2 t.
BSP* See advertisement of House and Lot for
sale in another column. ,
“Harvest Home” at Frauhstown
Messrs. EtHfana ;■ — I had the pleasure of at
tending a •• Harvest Home” celebration, held in
the neighborhood .of Frankstown, on Saturday
last. The moping was beautiful, and at an
j early hour thl Juniata Rifles (invited guests,)
arrived %|ia the "raging canawl,” and marched
to the church where they joined the Union Sab
bath School scholars and teachers, who were
awaiting, their, arrival The procession then
moved to the grove, a beautiful spot, about half
a mile from the church. The childien being
seated. Rev. Lloyd Knight introducecfthe exer
cises of the morning with the singing of ahymn
and prayer. , Rev. Mr. Taylor being called
upon, .arose add addressed his auditors in a very
impressive and forcible manner. Rev. Dr. Jnn
kin being present addressed the scholars in his
usual happy and entertaining style.
Dinner- being next in order, the procession
again formed and marched to the table, which
was bountifully spread with all the luxuries
which the apadon and the good taste of the la
►dics couljl supply. After dinner the Company
dispersed, and ere long little knots were seen
scattered; through tho woods, some singing,
others. swinging, and all enjoying themselves
' exceedingly. Tima passed the afternoon with
out a single incident to mar the pleasure of any
At an early hom the procession again formed
and marched • to tlie church where it was dis
missed. So ended this first “ Harvest Home”
celebration which has been held at Fraukstown
for many; yews, and may not another harvest
pass without ■ the repetition of the “ Harvest
Home,” and may Ibe there to enjoy it F.
United Brethren Camp Meeting;
Canoe Cebejc, Blair co. f Aug. 1, 1859.
Mr. Editor—Weasel publish a Camp Meeting
to be hold'(fay the hinted Societies of Altoona
Station, and Tyrone Circuit of the Church of
the Uniteil Brethren in Christ) commencing
September 2d, on the ground occupied by the
same t-'oeieties last year, adjourning the farm of
Mr. Samuhl Smith, about three iniles Northeast
of Frankstomi. '• , -
Ample accommodations will be provided on
or near the ground for man or beast A board
ing tent will be kept; on the ground at moderate
charges to Accommodate persons from a distance.
No huitering will be allowed. The sale or
traffic of ardent Spirits within the bounds pre
scribed by jlaw .will be prohibited, or the law
enforced on the violators.
-The lovejra of the 'Redeemers cause and all
well disposed persona are invited to attend and
participate; with ias in our work of faith
labor of love. 1
Several able --Ministers are expected to be In
attendance ito dispense the Word of Life.
Robert Armor,
Freackir in charge of Tyrone Circuit.
Uessbs. {Editors:—The Fifth State Conten
tion of the Junior Sons of America was held in
Uollidayshjirg on Wednesday and Thursday of
last weak, j A large immber* of Delegates were
in ateendaniee and a considerable amount of im
portant buainesa {transacted. On Thursday af
ternoon the Convention adjourned te meet in
Schuylkill County, oh the first Wed
nesday in August, I 860; On Friday' morning
the weather appeared ho unfavorable for the
contemplated pie jnic that many of the Delegates
left in ihc| v first ’traiiL Those- who remained,
however, weredetermiaed to mabei a. dis
play, and in the j afternoon aboot 70 turned out
in full regalia. Jp, the evening a general picnic
was held in hall, frhere they had a good
time .of it,-ra thing pot to be wondered at when
we Consider that about SO of. the iadiesof Hol
lidajsburg and Gaysport were pnsent. The
order isin a
ond-wehoph it my loog coDShae ,
■ TK n ; -- ■
Wo believe we can not do our readers a more important
service, than by again calling their attention to that most
remarkable preparation, discovered by Dr. Seth S. Hancc,
of Baltimore Md., which possesses the power of alleviating
and curing that horrid visitation of man—Epilepsy, or
Palling Fits. In commending this preparation to our
readers, we do so with a conviction that wo are not degrading
onr columns to puff a common patent medicine, bnt are
placing before them a discovery, which, if fully known,
would probably do more to alleviate human suffering, than
any invention of modern times. Dr. Uancc, in asking ns
to notice his preparation fevorably in our editorial depart
ment, has sent us for perusal a number of letters from per
sons who have used his Pills; and have been cured thereby.
1 All of them speak in ,the most grateful and eulogistic
terms. One great advantage this medicine possesses is thb
fact, that it can be transported through tho mails, thereby
affoiding evety one an opportunity of dealing' directly with
the inventor, and also precluding all possibility of being
imposed on by a counterfeit or spurious Imitation. Dr,
Uanco pays the postage on bis Pills to any part of t)ie
country, and will forward them by return of mail, on the
receipt of a remittance. His prices are os follows: One
box, $3; two dog $5; twelve do, $24. All orders for the
medicine should be addressed to Seth S. Hapco, 108 Baltl
more street, Baltimore, Md.
For the Tribune,
The Original and Beit in the Wbrldl
All others are mere Imitations, and should be avoided. If
yon wish to escape ridicule.
GRAY, RED, orltuSTY HAIR. Dyed instantly to a
beauttfdaod natural Brown or Black, without the least
injury* <0 die Qalr or Skin. . ■
Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been awarded to Wm.
A.Bakhdorsinco lB3B,aadnv«r 80,000 applications have
been made to the hair, of his patrons of his famous Dye.
WM. A. BATCHELOR’S HAIR DYE produces a color
not to be didtingntshed from nature, and Is vutum hot
toinjnro in the least, however long it imay be continued,
and tbe Ul effeet of Bnd Dye* remedied ; the Hair invigo
rated’jforLtth by this Splendid Dye.
Made> sold or applied (In 8 private rooms) at the Wig
Factoiy,232 Broadway, Jfew York.
Sold by Druggist* in Altoona, and by Druggist* in iu
cities and towns of the United States. - '
addnwa up<sn«»teoJ
*" 1 'V^M;'A.’'
5J>3 York,.
[Advertisement.] -
On visiting your numerous mercantile bouses in this
plsoe, for the purpose of maUngan advantageous purchase
of a considerable amount, I luckily called in the aagnifl
cent store of Mr.C.B.SINK. Although to one not sc
qoainted with the town, it would seem a Utile out of the
way, as It is the uppermost store eu the main (Virginia)
street; it is the npperiaost not only in locality but in every
respect I examined all his splendid stock of Goods, and
think they can not be rivalled in any inland town in the
State. I will not pretend to describe his selections, but'
invite all to visit his store and it win speak for Itself. The
eye is filled with all the gaiety of fashion and the substan
tlals of wear that any heart could wish, from the most fas.
tldious yonng lady or gent to the grave old farmer. Indeed,
. storo 16 sn l* rb . and his clerk, Mr. Vxaca, is beyond a
rival in honesty. Integrity and affable manners. Uis very
gentlemanly deportment with his kind and accommodating
disposition, can never fell to give entire satisfaction to Mr
S. and all who visit his Store. Yon are welcomed with a
smile, and his straightforward mode of dealing at once
convinces you that all he says is right. Yon are always
asked tho lowest price and you can place implicit confi
dence on bis word. AN OBSERVER.
Altoona, August Ist, 1859.
M ff f M M $
The great standard medicines of the present
age, have acquired their great popularity only
through years of trial. Unbounded satisfac
tion is rendered by them in all eases; and the
people have pronounced them worthy.
liVer Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice,
Debility of the Nervous System,
- Diseases of the Kidneys,
and all diseases arising from a Jlsordered
liver or weakness of the stomach and digestive
organs, are speedily and permanently cured by
The Balsamic Cordial has acquired a
reputation eurpassing that of any similar pre
paration extant. It mil cure, without tail,
the most severe and long-standing
Cough, Cold, or Hoarseness, Bronchitis, In
fluenza, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient
and has performed the most astonishing euree
ever known of ■ .. -- -
Confirmed Consumption.
A. few doses will also at once check and
cure the most severe Diarrhoea proceeding
from Cold in tub Bowels.
► These mediants are.prepared by Dr. C. M.
Jacksok & Co., No. 418 Arch Street, Phila
delphia, Pa., and are sold by druggists and
dealers in medicines everywhere, at 75 cents
per bottle. The signature of y. M. Jackson
will be on the.outside wrapper of each bottle.
In the Almanac published annually by the
proprietors, called Everybody's Almanac,
you will find testimony and commendatory
notices from all parts of the country. These
Almanacs aft given away by all our agents.
for Palo, in Altoona, by A. Roush amt O. W
Kessler, and by all Druggists. [may-19, 'S9-lf
Dailey’s Magical Pain Extractor.
In all diseases inflammation more or lose predominates—
now to allay inflammation strikes at the root of disease—
hence an immediate cure.
and nothing else, will al lay inflammation at once, and make
a certain cure.
will cure the following among a great catalogue of diseases:
Burns, Scalds, Cuts. Chafes, Sore Nipples, Corps, Bunions,
Bruises, Sprains, Bites Poison, Chilblains, Biles, Scrofula,
Ulcers, Pever Sores, Felons, Kar Ache, Piles, Sore Eyes,
Gout, Swellings, Rheumatism, Scald Head, Salt Rheum,
Baldness, Erysipelas, Ringworm, Barbers’ Itch, Small Pox,
Measles, Rash, 4c., 4c.
To some it may appear incredulous that so many diseases
should bo reached by one article; such an id»a will vanish
when reflection points to tho fact, that the salve is a com
bination of ingredients, each and every one applying a perV
feet antidote to its apposite disorder.
In its effects is magical, because the time is so short be
tween disease and a permanent cure; and it Is an cxtrac
for, as it draws all disease i-mt of the affected part, leaving
nature as perfect as before the injury. It is scarcely ne
cessary to say that no house, work-shop, or manufactory
should Kb one moment without it.
No Pain Extractor is genuine unless the box has upon it
a steel plate engraving, with the name of Henry Dalh-y,
Sold by G. W. Kessler, Altoona; George A. Jacobs, Hol
lidaysburg; and by all the Druggists and patent medicine
dealers throughout the United States and Canadas.
Principal Depot,'l6s Chambers street. New York.
Nov. jl. 1858-ly C. F. CUACE.
h'ov.l9, J9SB-ly
hesn a cos tomer.shows
, Tfo B*o>- Pa,March.3o,lBso.
theiireat g;wag>CTt conaeqnwiee of
“T? annnaptm" ofyour “ Worm Speclflc-Inthisplace
and (vicinity, we have entirely exhausted mr ibvk w.
shoipd fa«l obliged by your forwarding vlaOornlnr W Y
ra d j^ en ’ W ’ th y our ba, » «mo reception of which we wifi'
remit yon tho monsy.
pyom the wonderful effects of aal* « Specific" in this
neighborhood, there could be sold annually »1„~
thy, if to bo had, (wholesale and retail) from some local
•gent. If you would compensate a person for trouble and
expenae of rending, I think I could make it to your advan
tage to do «o.
Yours, Respectfully,
W. E. Poarra.
*9“ Purchasers will be careful to ask for DR. M’LANE’B
ING BROS, of Pittsburgh, Pa. AU other Vennlfogea in
comparison aro worthless. Dr. M’LamTa gemiino Terml
rage* also his celebrated Liver Pius, tan now be had stall
respectable drug stores. Abne peiiitiae in&fs tte
Important to Fjemales—Dr Cheese.
Mis’a Puts.—The combination of ingredients in these
Pilla are the result of a long and extensile practice. They
are mild m their operation, and certain in correcting ail
irregularities, painful menstruations iremoTlng ’all ob
structions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain
in tho side, palpitation of the heart, disturbed sleep, whMfc
always arise from interruption of nature, inducing wfl
certainty periodical regularity. Warranted purely veget?
ble, and free from anything injurious to llfoorhealth. Ex
plicit directions, which shonld he read, accompany each
box. Price $l. Scut by mail by enclosing $1 to any
authorized Agent.
R. B. HUTCHINGS, General Agent for the United States,
165 Chambers street, New York.
2b whom all Wholesale order f should be addressed.
Sold by O. W. Kessler, Altoona; Geo. A, Jacobs, Ilolli
daysburg; and by all Druggists iu the United States.
Call on the Agent and get a pamphlet free. 1
Not. 18,18i8-Iy
T| ns disease can he cured by Da. Ksmes’s TooiuiCßS
Remedy, prepared by him in Pittsburgh, Pa, which la put
up in Bottles and sold at 25 cents each. It is an excellent
medicine, when diluted, for spongy and tender gums, and
is worth ten times its price to all who need it. Sold here
by G. W. Kessler. [Dec. 9,1858-ly.
They are elegant, light, easy and durable.
fitting to a charm—no turning up behind—ne shrinking
off tho head; indeed, this is tho only Establishment where
these things are properly understood nad hiado.
Nov. 18, 1858-ly 233 Broadway, New York.
tr 2» V S a Ult- ’ by Henr y Aurandt, Esq.. Mr. GEORGE
of Somerset county, to Miss MARY CANOWAY.
of Huston tp., Blair co. - - - ’
The subscriber o.Tcrsat PfivptoSftlb; e
tlie HOUSE 4nd UOT no w occupied by bitty 4KbB|99L
on the corner of Adeline and Julia streets, S I Vfi£
En*t Altoona. The House is a good Two- nHSit WI
Building, containing u HuII.jAHUUmB
Parlor, Dining-Room and Kitclien on Uie?®SSSSSBH
first floor, four good sleeping rooms on thu second floor, &
a finished Attic. The lot is in good ordor. *
Persons wishing to view the premises and obtain farther
tmfurmatiun will call upon the subscriber.:
Altoona, Ang. llth, 1859-tf.
-i-X per month and all expenses paid. AGENTS
wanted in every town and county throughput the United
States, to engage in a light and easy buslhes*, in which the
above profit may certainly be realized. For particulars
address with stamp, Dr. O.PHELP3 BROWN,
Aug. 11. No. 21 Grand St., Jersey City, N. J.
For sale—two houses and
iJOTS, situate iu West Ward, Altoona; The one ig a
good two-itory plank House, with a basement Kitchen,
The other is a one-aud-a-haif story frame House. For par
ticulars inquire of JOS. WEAVEIt, SrT
August 1,1859.-31
a Kitchen attached, a good Well of water mdKHL
at tho door, and other conveniences. From § I
its size and location it is well calculated bH'I ■IK
for a Boarding House. It will be sold ogJHU|W
very easy terms. Any person wishing to**S3sS9li
view the house and promises will bo shown them by colling
on the subscriber at the Store of R. U. McCbrmick, or on
the promises, which adjoln’tho Store.
Aug. 4,1859.-3 t A. MCCORMICK.
Will practice in the several Courts of Blair, Cambria,
Huntingdon and Indiana counties.
Particular attention given to the collection of Chums,
and prompt remittances mode.
He speaks the Gorman language fluently.
03“ Office* for the present, with J. M. Cherry, Esq*, op.
posito Kessler’s Drug Store.
Altoona, Angost 4,1850.—tf
The ladies
SI. Luke’s Prol. £pis’] Church
TTiU bold a FAIR in the Boom of the Alfa pim Jfte&ottict’
Library and Heading Hoorn Association, commencing
Tuesday, August 16tb, 1539,
at 10 o’clock A. Mi, and continuing until FRIDAY EVEN
ING, at 10 o’clock P. M., at which time U SURPER will
bo served up. The proceeds ore to be applied to the liqui
dation of tho debt of said Church. P-
Admission 10 Cents—Season Tiokets2s Cents
The public ore respectfully invited to attend.
Altoona, August 4, 1850.-td :
For rent.—the store-room
heretofore occupied by H. Tuck, oh the corner of
Main and Caroline streets, is now offered forrint. Inquire
of the subscriber. C. 0.- SHANNON.
July 28th tf.
hereby notified not to purchase or sell’ any lager beer
kegs with the stamp of the ALTOONA BEEWEEt there
on, as such kegs never have been and never wiU'btfsold
from tho Brewery. All kegs containgtng said stamp wQI
be Claimed and taken, wherever (bund, by the uroo rioters
of the Brewery to whom they belong. -!•“■■■ > •
July 28th 1859-tt ■ WILHELM * BRO.
Giw ns a calf and secure GREAT RATtri/irwp l n
We will continue for POOR WEEKS to sell the
of onr Stock ofSunmer Good*' :
to make room for an early Fall Stock.
The People*' Cheap Shoe Strife^
Virginia Bt, two doo© hejdw Supfcrlotehdeht’s Office.:
Altootta, duly 38,1889. - C. W KWlil I.T.
'that the Book Accounts Add Kotos oif Dri’C/JT, Hirst,
an*? also of the late firm of Hint A Qood,ape. left in nay
indebted will make payment
Altoona, July 14,-tf JACOB £WOi),V. F.
TVrpTICE TO TEAX^rt|--Notice
T* hereby given*thal«n ExamfoStfotfof Teachbrg to
take charge of the Public Schools of iho Borough of Al
toona, vrlfl I>* beldrin Wert School Hoom/on BAT-
TbaPlrectoradestes tasscnra tbssorricsaQf Bleachers
-4 teru of 8 suite Schools
to opta on thaflrrt SfSfeday la fiepttober.
July 14, W69.-t3 B: F. iBoB^.Sec-y.
: ' B OE
bouaiVd bitters
, : SI«»S3?SI4 ,
And the Tkriotu aflijctioiiß coDteonent upon
Hontpd Profottor, Bperiutva; Bcctiao of itacnatmeM.
in the Q)O0t of the iioroM&ll SUtci, Ifa faitrahuttnn i .
♦Kt- U i;i < “^ lBrl * tettterod hare ul there ovtr the too ol
thi* mighty country. Meeting with great tucoeet SSaan
tbenif I now offer it to the American nnhllc.
Ita truly wonderful incdiciU
It fo particularly recommended to thmo rtrr »■
a 81 ' •» ■“t^fflrss-bSS
ssr *S®&s
• fiur trial. Ono buttle will convince you how inflnltelv
tuperior it it to til these Imitation*. 9W “ W “V
801,1 at SLOO per ho'tle, or tlx bottle* (hr |A by the
sous nonunuu,
be S'» pa , ge ' JR-. & CO..
Jtonitfuctunng PhtcmacottUU and ChemiOt.
m ... _ . PiTTauuaaii, pa.
and Merchant* gefce/ally tJjiHwgSoat iK)
end Canada*. > [Octa&
All wanting farms in a be-
LIQIITH/L CLIMATE, ricb-solL- tnd ißcure from
colmnu 804 aJ '’ ortiBomont ol Kjuumcnton Aimli lu
' K J B° d Y.—STAUThIN^
iEH’S great work- fur the nit:- -
lea, or for those contcmplia,.'
I ?K.n'arr!sgo—a)o uamw.Tutt
:nt to all potte under(
ail, POST PAIR 800X00
_>plca sold the loatyeor, , The
ingle, married, and the mai’-
netl happy., A tocturo on
■tore, or how to choose a parti
cr; a complete wprk dnMid-
Ifery. 11 contains hundred*.
i«d—warranted to t>aworth,
*« "• 5 Beaver street. Albany, N. Y. : . / D-
Pil,x ’ » ,K >*. with full directions.'
limPr? wHl 08 not nso them. Sent by mall. A*
dress Dr. Teller, as above. ■ April 17th, ’59-1$
TO all wanting Farms"' See advertised
wont of Hommonfon Lands. “
Ax>«^ Il t n Ul )i? e ™i gue ? “ Prepwod t« locate LAND '#AA.'
July 14, ISM.-tf ° RtAnus > CwaCountjr,lf.'Ter.
limncil; ■
£? v - A. B. Clark, Altoona, Pa, • , ..
kum> * Co„ Bankers, AltOrtna. Pa^ :
McCecm a Dun, Kd 1 turw, u
Tiios. A. Scott, Snpt. P. K. K.,
D- McilußTßiK. Esq., IluntingUon. Pa.
T)ERSONS wanting change of oUwala
liknoier colLff 0 •*«*■«“« OfUammpqtoa UadJ
Levi riling. ' ~~ -
AlUghtVflj Street, Xotjtk T^ai^^
' A large stock of all kinds of al,.
Braude, will bo kept constantly on hand! and wtllSaStS'
In lot* to suit purchasers, at prices ad reasonable‘ aa AS!.
can bo had anywhere In the country.
ft HO E Business and FRctoriesean-bh*
kJ carried on profitably at Hamtnonton ‘
meat of Uammeiuoa fcfflEjsT *™ t l»
Putty Knives,
. ji- ;• Camwood, j ...
M. a ,Tw°"' mlll "“‘ J «***»; I i ui j
4 Cases Chronfeflrain,
3 CpsestlhroineYeUow.
Burned Cniber. * - - ~
, Terra diSknna.'
Bazin’s Ponctoo,
and Atmondij.
Btowu 'Wlddsor, ». ..
' Pare WhHe Windsor,
May 12,1859.
' Kim Sbe SwSaJfi' v*
Ttafeßeflmd Unwed Off:
' Pnre CarbooOa.
• gcw^g^
For Mia «t
Burnet’* Cbcoalne,.
- -
‘ Snpejior Bay Sunt,' f .
.L : - ,>
PlntVU.rr-Piut few!*«tßottb*
Relinks, Stationery, *c,«t -
Way 12,1859. • ' ? SOmWOt
U KiHCI Company. jtgaaey. Anoa StTMt,'.iitiu)|b,
MartJj IT, JM9. ;OBX HMp
•'• v;/ /.?■>:
■r: *•