, c J=NTitAL emporium HOUSE." ALTOoV. ’ - BE H/®® lions of cricait, •k }Kuxrty.\ - iqf OurOkdm. True .:. U^rptr 1 ! j^to^****** 1 . u’s Pictorial, 1 World, (Ocrman.) ***' jxr, ■" Irish American. SiSm: *%SS9SIL; > - V sS£*?22. ss. States, l’onk, > , Knv^pj, Itoolci Mid In bet •wJr 1 oniiry Imc. Toys, No/ 7 of every varioty.-pfc. ctnre Frames, *c. ;ch it is applied. -Try it. : foh H. TSTtWIQRR iUOSTS IIsT V DIXON’S LINE "U'L'L WEEKLY FAMILY PAPER. & CO., !,m '" v str< *‘. lialHaidrp, jjj ■> A’” u tmenf Utt . • n f the 76 •• m *• 35 ■'*> a~- 15 •• 10 “ » •* 15 “ M-jaaic, Ura, J e( ■ :>u nxveeablejipn** hr »b > .iy» Im liiXltrlnlHly »upi>lW im y unit oitbw. mill I*l* B» r i. ui N. 4IU i-liarge* Mn •• •■ lli'iid iu iUelUaeryaml i’ :i!i biiueU of bjr.tbuie »I* J l x to ireoulf* ft « j t!teii(Hi>g to tfoaerre it, b« •n lie nod invite* * trW. l . r .No. 1 Freucb Brand'. t ' V.’inM*. for meUieiim! ptu . t .t old Up ttb|*kty to MAN JOU.V I:SAL^2SIMILKS in the £tate of N« w r--r .\£ricultpr*l y iH.ttum. .Tlir lafliu i»» und JmndrwU ftw i-citliiij: and butlJirp- ; can be iftn growing. - ... . from ttmU. Term* i; v.ithin four yew* to ■*f‘ - l >, Fresh Lahf , toad on , pr»nt# ; kn 4 eyiwlß^i^E^P U-C-t.M, ETRONO * C°‘‘JL>' 1 JwltycfrffiL' 1 iJESGRZ|»J*?f S pflima Crikme LOCAL ITEMS. Mi«w BT Marrnia.—Agreeably to an Order of Brig- Qcn>l B - F * Be,I > a me «ring of military Btn of this Brigade was field in the Masonic Hell, in Ilollidaysburg, on the 26th day of July lilt. Oen’l Bell having called the meeting to order stated that the object of the order was to consult the wishes of the Brigade aa to the time end place of holding an .Encampment this fall. A call being made for the names of delegates tbs following persons responded. General Staff—Qen’l B. F. Bell, Capt. E. H lijrdner. HolliJsyaburg Fenciblee—Lieut J. R. M’Far- ffasbiugton Artillery—Lieut. Miller, George Bulger, J. Gibboney: ffnyne Guards—Lieut. Ayres, J. Tingling, Corp. Allender. Tyrone Artillery—Capt. James Lieut. Burley, Lieut. Bell. Tyrone Cavalry—Capt. Crowthcr, Lieut. Hen dcrson, J. H. Barley. Allegheny Cavalry—Capt. Stitler, Lieut. Harpster, Lieut. Hamilton. Juniata Rifle Co. —Capt. A. |M. Lloyd, Lieut Jlurrel, Sergt. Garrett. ; • EmmetQuards—Capt. Williams, Lieut Keyes licut. M’Nally. Altoona Guards, Logan Rifles, and Scott Ri fles not being represented. ; The Delegates from Tyrone and Martinsburg | each invited the Brigade to hold the Encamp ment nt their Boroughs. A vote being taken it* 041 decided that the Encampment be held nt Tyrone. The vote after wards made unanimous. On motion, it was resolved that said Encamp bcdi commence on Monday October 17tb, 1859. (icu l Bell then ordered that this Brigade i shall hold a Military Encampment at Tyrone on I .Mond.-iy October 1 lore Home Gc.vira.~We find the fallowing potion aado, in the last nwmberW the Scien -inericatt, of an invention gotten up by a ‘oaple of citizens of this place. |We hope the may find their improvement to bo Mt what they intended it should be, its ap f‘"* tion 10 locomotives practicable, and be rewarded for their ingenuity. Coax-suswiso Fire-box aid Oill ond QeoiwTfr. arier, *hVhrit > aa 7® invented an improvement * novel,; simple and economical titnZi- ■ ,n to , o placed within ihlefire-box or •W; “***“ connection wiftd^ledtore, desired end is attained. • hi]!^, Mike Phelan, .the gseitjfew Pork W tol . . cr w “ “ town on Fri lay .evening k oto > couple of iur bjll: 1»„ ® *hichhe indulged in a som*!game or «*eh 00 »»g out > UUlei»head 'sk» -v. ' a number followed -in hie it »a s . * #m he *««*; when it TTflB kaoir wbfl £ off the following* the truth of which can not be g*in» ye sold or applied (In 8 private rooms) at the Wig Factoiy,232 Broadway, Jfew York. Sold by Druggist* in Altoona, and by Druggist* in iu cities and towns of the United States. - ' addnwa up3 York,. [Advertisement.] - 9th REASON. On visiting your numerous mercantile bouses in this plsoe, for the purpose of maUngan advantageous purchase of a considerable amount, I luckily called in the aagnifl cent store of Mr.C.B.SINK. Although to one not sc qoainted with the town, it would seem a Utile out of the way, as It is the uppermost store eu the main (Virginia) street; it is the npperiaost not only in locality but in every respect I examined all his splendid stock of Goods, and think they can not be rivalled in any inland town in the State. I will not pretend to describe his selections, but' invite all to visit his store and it win speak for Itself. The eye is filled with all the gaiety of fashion and the substan tlals of wear that any heart could wish, from the most fas. tldious yonng lady or gent to the grave old farmer. Indeed, . storo 16 sn l* rb . and his clerk, Mr. Vxaca, is beyond a rival in honesty. Integrity and affable manners. Uis very gentlemanly deportment with his kind and accommodating disposition, can never fell to give entire satisfaction to Mr S. and all who visit his Store. Yon are welcomed with a smile, and his straightforward mode of dealing at once convinces you that all he says is right. Yon are always asked tho lowest price and you can place implicit confi dence on bis word. AN OBSERVER. Altoona, August Ist, 1859. SPECIAL NOTICES. M ff f M M $ DR. HOOFLAND’S GERMAN BITTERS, DR. HOOFEAND’S BALSAMIC CORDIAL, The great standard medicines of the present age, have acquired their great popularity only through years of trial. Unbounded satisfac tion is rendered by them in all eases; and the people have pronounced them worthy. liVer Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Debility of the Nervous System, - Diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseases arising from a Jlsordered liver or weakness of the stomach and digestive organs, are speedily and permanently cured by the GERMAN BITTERS. The Balsamic Cordial has acquired a reputation eurpassing that of any similar pre paration extant. It mil cure, without tail, the most severe and long-standing Cough, Cold, or Hoarseness, Bronchitis, In fluenza, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient Consumption, and has performed the most astonishing euree ever known of ■ .. -- - Confirmed Consumption. A. few doses will also at once check and cure the most severe Diarrhoea proceeding from Cold in tub Bowels. ► These mediants are.prepared by Dr. C. M. Jacksok & Co., No. 418 Arch Street, Phila delphia, Pa., and are sold by druggists and dealers in medicines everywhere, at 75 cents per bottle. The signature of y. M. Jackson will be on the.outside wrapper of each bottle. In the Almanac published annually by the proprietors, called Everybody's Almanac, you will find testimony and commendatory notices from all parts of the country. These Almanacs aft given away by all our agents. for Palo, in Altoona, by A. Roush amt O. W Kessler, and by all Druggists. [may-19, 'S9-lf Dailey’s Magical Pain Extractor. In all diseases inflammation more or lose predominates— now to allay inflammation strikes at the root of disease— hence an immediate cure. DALLEY'S MAGICAL PAW EXTRACTOR , and nothing else, will al lay inflammation at once, and make a certain cure. D ALLEY'S MAGICAL PAW EXTRA CTOS will cure the following among a great catalogue of diseases: Burns, Scalds, Cuts. Chafes, Sore Nipples, Corps, Bunions, Bruises, Sprains, Bites Poison, Chilblains, Biles, Scrofula, Ulcers, Pever Sores, Felons, Kar Ache, Piles, Sore Eyes, Gout, Swellings, Rheumatism, Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Baldness, Erysipelas, Ringworm, Barbers’ Itch, Small Pox, Measles, Rash, 4c., 4c. To some it may appear incredulous that so many diseases should bo reached by one article; such an id»a will vanish when reflection points to tho fact, that the salve is a com bination of ingredients, each and every one applying a perV feet antidote to its apposite disorder. DALLEY'S 3UGJCAL PAIX EXTRACTOR In its effects is magical, because the time is so short be tween disease and a permanent cure; and it Is an cxtrac for, as it draws all disease i-mt of the affected part, leaving nature as perfect as before the injury. It is scarcely ne cessary to say that no house, work-shop, or manufactory should Kb one moment without it. No Pain Extractor is genuine unless the box has upon it a steel plate engraving, with the name of Henry Dalh-y, Manufacturer. Sold by G. W. Kessler, Altoona; George A. Jacobs, Hol lidaysburg; and by all the Druggists and patent medicine dealers throughout the United States and Canadas. Principal Depot,'l6s Chambers street. New York. Nov. jl. 1858-ly C. F. CUACE. HAIR DYE—HAUL DYE—HAIR DYE. h'ov.l9, J9SB-ly AND WORM SPECIFIC* . PREPARED by FLKHQia BROS. hesn a cos tomer.shows thdhia.ml , Tfo B*o>- Pa,March.3o,lBso. theiireat g;wag>CTt conaeqnwiee of “T? annnaptm" ofyour “ Worm Speclflc-Inthisplace and (vicinity, we have entirely exhausted mr ibvk w. shoipd fa«l obliged by your forwarding vlaOornlnr W Y ra d j^ en ’ W ’ th y our ba, » «mo reception of which we wifi' remit yon tho monsy. pyom the wonderful effects of aal* « Specific" in this neighborhood, there could be sold annually »1„~ thy, if to bo had, (wholesale and retail) from some local •gent. If you would compensate a person for trouble and expenae of rending, I think I could make it to your advan tage to do «o. Yours, Respectfully, WSI M. MALLORY, W. E. Poarra. *9“ Purchasers will be careful to ask for DR. M’LANE’B CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE, manuOcturod by FLEM ING BROS, of Pittsburgh, Pa. AU other Vennlfogea in comparison aro worthless. Dr. M’LamTa gemiino Terml rage* also his celebrated Liver Pius, tan now be had stall respectable drug stores. Abne peiiitiae in&fs tte V FLEMING BROS. Important to Fjemales—Dr Cheese. Mis’a Puts.—The combination of ingredients in these Pilla are the result of a long and extensile practice. They are mild m their operation, and certain in correcting ail irregularities, painful menstruations iremoTlng ’all ob structions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in tho side, palpitation of the heart, disturbed sleep, whMfc always arise from interruption of nature, inducing wfl certainty periodical regularity. Warranted purely veget? ble, and free from anything injurious to llfoorhealth. Ex plicit directions, which shonld he read, accompany each box. Price $l. Scut by mail by enclosing $1 to any authorized Agent. R. B. HUTCHINGS, General Agent for the United States, 165 Chambers street, New York. 2b whom all Wholesale order f should be addressed. Sold by O. W. Kessler, Altoona; Geo. A, Jacobs, Ilolli daysburg; and by all Druggists iu the United States. Call on the Agent and get a pamphlet free. 1 Not. 18,18i8-Iy toothache T| ns disease can he cured by Da. Ksmes’s TooiuiCßS Remedy, prepared by him in Pittsburgh, Pa, which la put up in Bottles and sold at 25 cents each. It is an excellent medicine, when diluted, for spongy and tender gums, and is worth ten times its price to all who need it. Sold here by G. W. Kessler. [Dec. 9,1858-ly. WIGS-WIGS-WIGS. BATCHELOR’S WIGS AND TOUPEES surpass all. They are elegant, light, easy and durable. fitting to a charm—no turning up behind—ne shrinking off tho head; indeed, this is tho only Establishment where these things are properly understood nad hiado. Nov. 18, 1858-ly 233 Broadway, New York. married. tr 2» V S a Ult- ’ by Henr y Aurandt, Esq.. Mr. GEORGE of Somerset county, to Miss MARY CANOWAY. of Huston tp., Blair co. - - - ’ HOUSfi AND LOT FOR SALE.— The subscriber o.Tcrsat PfivptoSftlb; e tlie HOUSE 4nd UOT no w occupied by bitty 4KbB|99L on the corner of Adeline and Julia streets, S I Vfi£ En*t Altoona. The House is a good Two- nHSit WI Building, containing u HuII.jAHUUmB Parlor, Dining-Room and Kitclien on Uie?®SSSSSBH first floor, four good sleeping rooms on thu second floor, & a finished Attic. The lot is in good ordor. * Persons wishing to view the premises and obtain farther tmfurmatiun will call upon the subscriber.: 3XAKQX. 31. McCKUM. Altoona, Ang. llth, 1859-tf. -i-X per month and all expenses paid. AGENTS wanted in every town and county throughput the United States, to engage in a light and easy buslhes*, in which the above profit may certainly be realized. For particulars address with stamp, Dr. O.PHELP3 BROWN, Aug. 11. No. 21 Grand St., Jersey City, N. J. For sale—two houses and iJOTS, situate iu West Ward, Altoona; The one ig a good two-itory plank House, with a basement Kitchen, The other is a one-aud-a-haif story frame House. For par ticulars inquire of JOS. WEAVEIt, SrT August 1,1859.-31 1?0ll SALE —A LAROE TWO . STORY DWELLING HOUSE, with » - a Kitchen attached, a good Well of water mdKHL at tho door, and other conveniences. From § I its size and location it is well calculated bH'I ■IK for a Boarding House. It will be sold ogJHU|W very easy terms. Any person wishing to**S3sS9li view the house and promises will bo shown them by colling on the subscriber at the Store of R. U. McCbrmick, or on the promises, which adjoln’tho Store. Aug. 4,1859.-3 t A. MCCORMICK. WE. BOYERS, • ATTORNEY tC COUNSELLOR AT LAW, ALTOONA, BLAIR COUNTY, PA. Will practice in the several Courts of Blair, Cambria, Huntingdon and Indiana counties. Particular attention given to the collection of Chums, and prompt remittances mode. He speaks the Gorman language fluently. 03“ Office* for the present, with J. M. Cherry, Esq*, op. posito Kessler’s Drug Store. Altoona, Angost 4,1850.—tf LADIES* FAIR. The ladies OF SI. Luke’s Prol. £pis’] Church TTiU bold a FAIR in the Boom of the Alfa pim Jfte&ottict’ Library and Heading Hoorn Association, commencing Tuesday, August 16tb, 1539, at 10 o’clock A. Mi, and continuing until FRIDAY EVEN ING, at 10 o’clock P. M., at which time U SURPER will bo served up. The proceeds ore to be applied to the liqui dation of tho debt of said Church. P- Admission 10 Cents—Season Tiokets2s Cents The public ore respectfully invited to attend. Altoona, August 4, 1850.-td : For rent.—the store-room heretofore occupied by H. Tuck, oh the corner of Main and Caroline streets, is now offered forrint. Inquire of the subscriber. C. 0.- SHANNON. July 28th tf. CAUTION— ALL PERSONS ARE hereby notified not to purchase or sell’ any lager beer kegs with the stamp of the ALTOONA BEEWEEt there on, as such kegs never have been and never wiU'btfsold from tho Brewery. All kegs containgtng said stamp wQI be Claimed and taken, wherever (bund, by the uroo rioters of the Brewery to whom they belong. -!•“■■■ > • July 28th 1859-tt ■ WILHELM * BRO. SELLING OFF AT GOST:!' : ODE EKXXRE' STOCK OF • SUMMER aOOiDS. Giw ns a calf and secure GREAT RATtri/irwp l n BOOT§ AND SHOES. We will continue for POOR WEEKS to sell the of onr Stock ofSunmer Good*' : AT COST! n to make room for an early Fall Stock. The People*' Cheap Shoe Strife^ Virginia Bt, two doo© hejdw Supfcrlotehdeht’s Office.: Altootta, duly 38,1889. - C. W KWlil I.T. NO TIGE IS HEJBLEBZ iGIYEN, 'that the Book Accounts Add Kotos oif Dri’C/JT, Hirst, an*? also of the late firm of Hint A Qood,ape. left in nay indebted will make payment Altoona, July 14,-tf JACOB £WOi),V. F. TVrpTICE TO TEAX^rt|--Notice T* hereby given*thal«n ExamfoStfotfof Teachbrg to take charge of the Public Schools of iho Borough of Al toona, vrlfl I>* beldrin Wert School Hoom/on BAT- 1859, TbaPlrectoradestes tasscnra tbssorricsaQf Bleachers -4 teru of 8 suite Schools to opta on thaflrrt SfSfeday la fiepttober. July 14, W69.-t3 B: F. iBoB^.Sec-y. : ' B OE bouaiVd bitters CELKBRATKD HOLLAND KSMEDT IDS , : SI«»S3?SI4 , DISEASE OF THE KIBSEIS,' OF AKY KEri> PEVER AND AGUE. And the Tkriotu aflijctioiiß coDteonent upon Such Hontpd Profottor, Bperiutva; Bcctiao of itacnatmeM. in the Q)O0t of the iioroM&ll SUtci, Ifa faitrahuttnn i . ♦Kt- U i;i < “^ lBrl * tettterod hare ul there ovtr the too ol thi* mighty country. Meeting with great tucoeet SSaan tbenif I now offer it to the American nnhllc. Ita truly wonderful incdiciU It fo particularly recommended to thmo rtrr »■ a 81 ' •» ■“t^fflrss-bSS ssr *S®&s sicsdsjsia • fiur trial. Ono buttle will convince you how inflnltelv tuperior it it to til these Imitation*. 9W “ W “V 801,1 at SLOO per ho'tle, or tlx bottle* (hr |A by the sous nonunuu, be S'» pa , ge ' JR-. & CO.. Jtonitfuctunng PhtcmacottUU and ChemiOt. m ... _ . PiTTauuaaii, pa. and Merchant* gefce/ally tJjiHwgSoat iK) end Canada*. > [Octa& All wanting farms in a be- LIQIITH/L CLIMATE, ricb-solL- tnd ißcure from colmnu 804 aJ '’ ortiBomont ol Kjuumcnton Aimli lu A BOOK FOtt EY ' K J B° d Y.—STAUThIN^ HSCLOBUKES.-Dr7 iEH’S great work- fur the nit:- - lea, or for those contcmplia,.' I ?K.n'arr!sgo—a)o uamw.Tutt Plates. :nt to all potte under(tal.by ail, POST PAIR 800X00 _>plca sold the loatyeor, , The ingle, married, and the mai’- netl happy., A tocturo on ■tore, or how to choose a parti cr; a complete wprk dnMid- Ifery. 11 contains hundred*. i«d—warranted to t>aworth, £»»„. *« "• 5 Beaver street. Albany, N. Y. : . / D- Pil,x ’ » ,K >*. with full directions.' limPr? wHl 08 not nso them. Sent by mall. A* dress Dr. Teller, as above. ■ April 17th, ’59-1$ TO all wanting Farms"' See advertised wont of Hommonfon Lands. “ T ANDS! LANDS!! LANBSI.It Ax>«^ Il t n Ul )i? e ™i gue ? “ Prepwod t« locate LAND '#AA.' July 14, ISM.-tf ° RtAnus > CwaCountjr,lf.'Ter. limncil; ■ £? v - A. B. Clark, Altoona, Pa, • , .. kum> * Co„ Bankers, AltOrtna. Pa^ : McCecm a Dun, Kd 1 turw, u Tiios. A. Scott, Snpt. P. K. K., D- McilußTßiK. Esq., IluntingUon. Pa. T)ERSONS wanting change of oUwala liknoier colLff 0 •*«*■«“« OfUammpqtoa UadJ Levi riling. ' ~~ - IMPORTER Or WINES, BRANBIES, GINS, &£ AlUghtVflj Street, Xotjtk T^ai^^ ' A large stock of all kinds of al,. Braude, will bo kept constantly on hand! and wtllSaStS' In lot* to suit purchasers, at prices ad reasonable‘ aa AS!. can bo had anywhere In the country. ft HO E Business and FRctoriesean-bh* kJ carried on profitably at Hamtnonton ‘ meat of Uammeiuoa fcfflEjsT *™ t l» *m. Putty Knives, *!*SS&w^Saf . ji- ;• Camwood, j ... . M. a ,Tw°"' mlll "“‘ J «***»; I i ui j pAOTSI PAINTS! • 4 Cases Chronfeflrain, 3 CpsestlhroineYeUow. Burned Cniber. * - - ~ , Terra diSknna.' and^^Tby. ANCY TOILET Bazin’s Ponctoo, and Atmondij. Btowu 'Wlddsor, ». .. ' Pare WhHe Windsor, May 12,1859. J>ERFUMERY ' Kim Sbe SwSaJfi' v* Porsalecheepbj f\OAV OILS I Ttafeßeflmd Unwed Off: ' Pnre CarbooOa. • gcw^g^ For Mia «t F)BTOBmiR— Burnet’* Cbcoalne,. - - ‘ Snpejior Bay Sunt,' f . .L : - ,> A|ajrlS».XBS9. TMTIS. ■ PHEBBr* BAILEY'S ■ -ir aaaasi&g°gSa»^ A* ENGLE'S WRITING FLUIPrr PlntVU.rr-Piut few!*«tßottb* Relinks, Stationery, *c,«t - Way 12,1859. • ' ? SOmWOt TTNIT.BD STATES LIFE U KiHCI Company. jtgaaey. Anoa StTMt,'.iitiu)|b, MartJj IT, JM9. ;OBX HMp ■'.-JrY-'T.K-' •'• v;/ /.?■>: s ,-v ■r: *•