4 WOOD, 061 ▼V IWIAWiUUrWiTK • , ' v OAPITAIPRI2E $40000!! C TICKETS $lO. WOOD, EDDY ft CO., IUAMAGEES. mKtfUSOBM TO BRE3ORT 4 MAURY. TbeWrfMißmd, baring become owner! oIXUB iBOTB IHaMIII OteWleVisrsdimob to bo drawn «teb Wednesday to JimVUMv at Wilmington, Detawom in pabbc, on dertb* aupetlntondeace ef (worn commtwlimora appoint •dtf^Smnnr. Claw 814 Draws Wednesday, June 1,1869. . daat.B26 Draws Wednesday, June 8, 1859, Clua 888 Drava Wednesday, Jane 16, ,1869. Class 860 Draws Wednesday, Jane 22,1869. Class 862 Draws Wednesday, June 29.1859. TBIBTT-TWO THOUSAND THEBE HUNDRED AND KINKXT-aiX PRIZES! Nearly one Trite to every two Tickets I 78 limnbora—lB Drawn flanota. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME. . • fo n MUV9 EACH WEDNESDAY JN MAY. IVtteof |40,000 « ■ V 20,000 ‘ .3 •: 6,000“ 18,000 . 4 ; UMwcf. 15 ..«• : -r-* 1 . ■ r-. ■«.•:>* ■ W-1 ..m ■ ■ - -.L&./0- . A/nh V. -u. SSfitO 3Z£W Prif« amoanUng to Whole Tickets $10 —Halves ss— Quarter* $2,50 Certificate* of Packages will be aold at the following rttet,whlcb It tbfi rltk* Certificate* of Package of 28 Whole tickets |U9,60 20 Half “ _ 74,7» *. u 20 Quarter “ 37,37 -JDBLAWARB LOTTERY-CLASS NO. 366, , DRAWS ON SATURDAY, JUNE 25th, 1859. • < 78 Humbert —H Drawn Ballatt. lOnmd Capital PriieofB7o,oool • l Prize of i&ifi oo 6 Prize* of &SOO I * <h i»,000 65 “ ** 1,000 1 « “ 3BB «. “ 460 X « « BJWO Ac., Ac., Ac. \ 31J535 Frizes amounting to $1,066,805! Whole Tickets $2O; Halva $10; Quarter* $5, IN ORDERING TICKETS QR CERTIFICATES, Enclose the amount of money to bar address, for what yon trbh to parchaic; name the Lottery to .which yob wish it invested, and whether you wish Wholes, Halves or Quar ter!, on receipt of which, we send what is ordered, by first nail, together with the scheme. Immediately after the drawing, the drawn numbers will be sent with a written explanation. Purchasers will , please write their signatures plain, and give the name of their Post Office. County and State. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. Those who prefer not sending money by mail, can use THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, whereby money for. Tickets, in sums of Ten Dollars, and upwards, can be sent us , AT OUR RISE AND EXPENSE, from any city or town where they have an office. The money and order must be enclosed In a u GOVERNMENT POST OFFICE STAMPED ENVELOPE," or the Express Company cannot receive them. Orders tor Tickets or Certificates, by Moil or Ex press, to he directed to WOOD, EDDY A Co„ Wilmington, Delaware.' Maria l. de peyster memo rial SCHOOL.— I This! nstifiition, which Is located mna, Blair County. Penn’a, will be opened on : the Ist MONDAY in MAY. It is intended ns a permanent School;, and will connect with it a Male A Female Department. In the Jtlale department, young men will be Instructed with a view to their entering the advanced classes of our heat Colleges; or, if desired, their education completed.- In the Female department, instruction will bo given in any, oruii o! the different branches, either solid or ornamental, taught ii our. best Female Seminaries. Tho year will bo divided into two Sessions of five months each—khe Summer Session to commence on thu Ist Mon day of May, ending on the last Wednesday of September— the Winter Session to commence on tluglst Monday in No vember, ending on the last Wednesday ofMnn-li. The Sessions will bo divided into two quarters of eleven weeks each. Terms, per quarter, as follows—viz.: SOLID BRANCUES.% .Primary (including Reading, Writing. Orthog raphy; Arithmetic, Grammar, and Geography, Ac.) $4,00 Advanced (Including the Natural Sciences, Mathe matics, Mental and Murvl’lUlosuphy, Logic, the Lan guages and Composition Ac.) . • $5,00 EXTRA, OR ORNAMENTAL BRANCHES Music (Including use of instrument) $lO,OO Drawing, ' $B,OO Fainting (In water Colors) 3,00 Needle work, • . 2,00 Instructions in vocal music gratis. One half the above charges, to bo pabHuvariably in advance. * R. W. OLIVER, Superintendent Male Pep'l. A. B. CLARK. “ . Female “ • Mr. ■ —, Principal uf Mole “ Miss C f M. CLARK, “ Female “ March 10, 1553.-tf • fc6 \/f AGN UM ES T VECTIGAL ItJL PARSIMONIA."—DM - every one who reads the hearnne of this article but understand its meaning, they would immediately repair to the shop ot JOHN O’DONNELL, FASUIOKABLE TAILOR, Main St.. Altoona, n few doors below the Red Lion Hotel, and select a suit of clothes from thu large : lock of SPRING AND : SUM.VIER GOODS, which ho has just received from tho East, feeling sure that in.doiug sto'ihoy would be carrying out the motto. Itb not necessary here to mention the different styles and qaantitlM. Of tile goods on. hand, suffice it to say that he haa everything in the line of gentlemen’s wear, and he know* bow to make It up In a fashionable and durable style, on terms ns reasonable as those of any other mer chant Tailor in the place. Give Wm a call and yon wlll scon discover that yon can carry out the motto ’adopted .Vy dealing with him. April 28, ’69-tf. CHEAP GOODS AT McCORMICK'S STORE. JUST ARRIVED, AND NOW BE INO opened,' a very extensive assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, of all tho Afferent varieties nstully kept in country stores, ctrrefnlly selected •In quality and style to salt the season, consisting, in the Dry Goods department, of Prints, Lawns, ShallyS, Delaines, Ac., Ac., in all their variety. Also—Ladles, Misses and Gent'f Gaiters, Boots A Shoes, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Ac. ’ Hardware, Queensware, Cedarware, Leghorn, Piln Leaf and fiinama Bait, Sugar, Tea, Mabuses, Mice, Dried I’eaehes, etc., Dri9Bee/, Sugar-Cured Hams, Shoulders, Sides, tfc., til of which will be sold or exchanged for all kinds of pro duce, such as Butter, .Eggs, lord, Tallow, Bags, Soap, and Grain : of any kind, aslow if not lower titan any other house in town. Being very tliauklut for past patronage, we .will consider it a veiy great fovorto receive a vWt from onr friends, and be mnch gratified in' having the pleasure of showing them onr Goods. Altoona, May 6 1859. ‘ A. McCORMtCK. TT ATS I HATS 11—SPRING AND FI SUMMER STYLES. The subecrlber has Jost returned from the city with a large and well selected stock of . Men and Boys* HATS OF AND , ■ ( ALL CAPS, 4PSTYLES, FOR SPRING & SUMMER WEAR, of every color and shape, Also, a good assortment of ZADS2B A¥l) HISSES FIATS, «T different varietiSfe, all of 'which will be told CHEAP FOR CASH. Persons in want at anything in the above line, will please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere, as 1 am aetsnused to tell at'the very loweetpoofdbla price*. Store on Virginia street, opposite the Lutheran church. Altoona, April 28, 1859-tt JESSE SMITH. A STONE & GO’S GLASS PRE jLJLa SERVING JARS, forpreeorving all kinds ofPfesh frniU, Vegetable*, Mince Meat, Oyster*, and all nidi iihable article*. ggS-The main secret of preserving fruit in a fresh condi tion, consist* in haying it thoroughly heated when sealed op, and in expelling all the air there, may be in the vessel, go thit when the fruit cools it will form a vacuum. - W« aye now manufactuTing the above Patent Jar, (hav ing bought the right from Messrs. A. Stone A Co:, and an prepared to fill all orders at short notice. ■ -'fnfhrhlsh Covers, Wire* and Cement, with printed di rediawtwtth each Jar. ‘ Manufactured and'sold wholesale AB*t*llhy CUNNINGHAMS 4 CO., Glcut Mcuiufuduftrs, AprU jj, 1869-dm No. ICO Water St, Pittsburg, Pa. A JLL THE STANDARD PATENT A.MKDICINES AT U-tf. KESSLER'S. C PECTACLES AND BYE PRESER* vers (or salest , [l-tt] KIISLEh’S. 12,000 8,000 10,000 o^oo 7,000 00,760 4jbdo« . qnnnw 1,000 art 000 « 000 " S6O« Atoo 4,660 r 2,600 ■yjjoo 270,400 $689,689 100“ 70“ i .40 “ i «g« 10 “ AAA RBWABBI-iTHB tPuVjUvv 01)0*0 RBwas actnaQygiraato vy-fMnaa during the year 1868. ■ . NOTICE* 1 DUAK* ETJUBON, Proprietor <rf the Oran* Gift Book Honas.No. 83 Booth Third-Street, Philadelphia, eontfmie* the sateofßooks at owaal, AGiftwcrtfa from 36 cant* to fUXiamt with eVety Book - 1800 WORTH OF GIFTBI Oonriitbig of Gold duct SfoerWatris*, _ - WSneOoUjemOrp,**, Win he Obtribqted with every One Tbowad WAiI Tbs attention ofthe public is reepectfUUv aoUriteO to the exteneive assortment of valuable Standard atid Mlieellane ona Books, which are offered for tale at' the lowoet prices. pIPTSJ GIFTS I GIFTS! GIFTS 1 For erery Book purchased at One Dollar ormore, the Pnrehaacr trill be entitled to recelra one ofthe following articles: Sold and Silver Watehea, Goto Lockets, Ladies’ and Gent? Odd Guard Chain*, Gold Bine, Cameo Set*, Gold Bracelet* with Cameo and Florentine Bettings. ladies’ Ca meo Breast Pins, Ladies’ Florentine Beta, ladies' Floren tine Pins, Ladies’ Cameo Ear Drops, ladies* 6pld Brea*t .Pina, Gold Bosom Stud*, Ladies’ and Gents’ Gold Sleeve Buttons, Gold Commercial Pens in Silver Cases, Indies' Sold Pans with Holden, Extra Gold Pens with Oust and Holders, Gents’ Clutter Bosom Pins, Gold Tooth Picks, In dies’ and Gents’ Gold ladies’Gold Ear Drops, Eight-Day Parlor Time Pieces, Sawing Machine-, l ocket Knives, Silver Ware, including Spoons. Butter Knives, Forks, Cake Baskets, do. Also, Miscellaneous Gifts of Gold Jewelry, Gift Books, Ac., worth from 26 cents to $26. Onr new Catalogue for 1860 is .neat free to all, upon ap plication. The inducements offered Agents are more lib eral than those of any other house in this businea. Having been in the Publishing and Book Selling business for the lost eight years, my experience enables me to conduct the Gift Enterprise w|fh aatiafoetlon to all ' Agents are wanted- Inevery town and county, to whom commissions will be given in' Books, or a per contage in mohey. For a Club of 10 Books, 1 extra Book and a Gift will be riven; on larger orders, commissions ace more lib eral. For full particulars address DUANE RUITBQN, • Quaker City Publithinp Bourn, 83 South Third Street, Philadelphia. P. B.—Just issued, *‘The life, Speeches, and Memorials of Daniel Webster,” by Sonmel W. Stancher, A.M,a splen didly Illustrated volume of 660 pages. Price $2. Agents' wanted. April 21, ’69-3m. - A YER’S cherry pectoral^ , R. E. SELLERS’ Imperial Cough Syrup, Hoofiands German Bitters, Bcerhnve's Holland Billers, Sandfords Liter Invigoralor, ■ - Lindsey's Blood Searcher, Clarkes Female Pills, Duponco's Golden Pills, Wriyld's, Ayer's, Wilson's arid McLane’s Pills, ..... - Merchant's Margling Oil, Perry Davis' Pain Killer, , Mafchetfs Fourfold Liniment, Mexican, Arabian, Neree and Bone Leniment, in store and fur sale at Bept. 2,1858-tf.] A. ROUSH’S Drug Store, JAMES M- WHEELER & 0 0., (Successors to John H. Brant,) . FORWARDING AND COMMISSION > MERCHANTS, Near the Penn’a Central Railroad Depot, HARRISBURG, PAL DEALERS TN UAHD AMD SOFT COAL, Fig Metal, Railroad Tron, Bar and Merchantable Iron. Fails, Flour, Gro- \ eerier. Ihrovisinns, Fish, Salt. «fe. COAL scut In cars, in large or small quantities, along' the different Railroads in Pennsylvania. [July 22-Iy, SECURE THE SHADOW EJKE THE O SUBSTANCE FADES. Tiie place to get AMBROTYPES, MELAINOTYPES, & PHOTOGR APHS, done up in short order, is on Julia street, opposite K. Rei iienack’s where ail persons can be accomiyodated with true and perfect Likenesses. Time from®lo 8 seconds. Pictures copied on reasonable terms. Pictures set in jewelry at very low rates, the price de pending upon the size of the article. Pictrircs always warranted before they are taken away. Ladies and gentlemen arc invited to call and examine specimens. Pictures taken as well iu cloudy us fair weather. December 10, SS-Cm.] J. W, 01,AMADOU. B'y ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH.— 'Did you hear the news from Europe? If you have not, we will tell you wh/1 it Is. Tt is that HENRY TUCK lias just returned from the Eastern cities with a large sUp- Uf READY-MADE CLOTHING, consisting of ail and qualities of Overcoats, Dress Coats, Vests, Pants, Boots and Shoes, and everything kept in an establishment of the kind, ail of which he offers at unprecedentedly low prices for c.ish. Having purchased his stuck at cash prices, he is thereby enabled to sell very low. lie invites nil those in want of anything in Ids line to give Idm a ball, feeling sure that lie will be ulde to give satisfaction. UENRY TUCK., Altoona. Sept. 30.1868.-tf 1 EXCHANGE HOTEL.—THE SUB- J SCRIBER in form the public tliat ho has recently re- A fitted the altOve Hotel, Bnd Is now pre pared to accommodate Iris friends patrons in a comfortalde mimner.ami he wi'l spare no pains in malting it aii agreeable home for ail sojoufners.' Ills Table will always bo luxuriously supplied from the njarkets of tiie country and cities, and his Bar filled witlrjliquors of choice brands. Ills cliarges are as reasonable tas those of an v other Hotel in the place, and he feels satisfied they An not bo complained of by those who favor him with their custom'. Expecting to receive a chare of public patronage, and fully intending to deserve it, be throws open Ills house to the public and invites a trial. Altoona, May''27,1868.-Iy] JOHN BOWMAN. Blank books and stations RY. WM. . HAVEN, jdalmhm Job Prixter, Stationer am> Blank Book fjßfEtnb M.wfr factors*. dt^fSSS€SSf[ Corner Slarlet rf Second Sts ., Filhhurg, Pi. 'dSeUußamr ' respectfully invites attention to Its large and welfsclectecj stock of. Blank Book, Paper and. Stationery, Rail Road, Mercantile* and Book Printing, \ of every description, pr tnplly executed. *3~ Agent for L. Johnson A Co., Type Founders, 'Phila delphia. [July 17,1835-Iy Blair county daguerrean ROOMS.—Mr. 6. W. FISHER, the HoUldnysburg Artist, begs leave to inform onr readers that ho Is prepared to take Photographs■ of deceased persons, from Daguerreotypes, at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms: lie has just received alarge stock of durabljond neat cases, of all sizes and styles. Including a new paOTrn of Family Case for four persons, and Is pro, pared to fill them with perfect likenesses, 1 ' - AMBROTYPB, DAGUERREOTYPE OR, PHOTOGRAPH Glve him a call. Rooms on the' Corner of Montgomery and Allegheny Streets, Pa. [Juno 17-tf. Blair county marble yard. , Proeiuan A HiKiver respectfully inform the fumlc-that they have established a NEW MARBLE YARD' on the corner ->f Allegheny and Front Streets, In Hollidays! bnrg, where they will keep constantly on hand a full as sortment of ■ v CHOICE MARBLE, and be prepared to execute orders for Tomb Stones, Monuments, Table Tops, „ . Ac„ hi a prompt and workmanlike manner. Hollldaysbntg, April 14, ’5&-6m.« , \fEDIOATED FUR. CHEST jPRO L’A TKCTOR, a barb shield against those dtesasea BronchiHs. Ooughs. Colds, and other affeC W i! k w «J> 9 exposed state of th» according tofathion and the continual changed ofom cumat©, for sale atthp Drug Store of G. W. kß&ißy, , Liquors. —a large amount ol well selected. LIQUORS has been received at the “LOOAN HOUSE,” HolUdaysbirfg, which wm be sold at the lowest cash prices, wholesale or retail. The man who wants has only to calL- [Dec 17 tt T EVPS PREPARATION FOR EX JLi terminating' RATS, MICE,-EOACHES, ANTS, and Bedding* without in its use under any clrcnnutan Mt, for nUe at the Dnig Store of Jtoi,24, W-tf] G. W. KESSLER. | CREAM TARTER, SUPBR-OARBO-i NATE of Soda, Salaratus, Washing Soda, ihirkee’s Baking Powder, In store and for sale at Bept g,’SB-tt] A-IWPSySPnig Ston. j SELLING OFF—A LARGE AS- of Boote and Shoes, Buffalo and Call yvershoes, at - -■ ~ • H.TUCH’S ! Doc. o.lBfiB. r * vv “ ° j nAMPHENE, BURNING FLUIDS IJnsoed Oil, Spirits of Turpentlne, White Lfcfr] and' Alcohol, for sale cheap at i MMBV XEHB’S SiTOBE IS IS WEST ALTOONA CABINET WARE ROOM.—The under aighed baa lately made arrangements to do bosineaa'on a more extensive thaM beretotere, aodte now prepared to exocnteall: i ORDERS FOR FURNITURE, ■ y.v. -i - OFASYDND. ■•. AT SjtiORTEST NOTICE. Mia workman an aefcwowledged to ba capable of doing The very best work m the line o*' <Jah%- H net Making, and all thoae who entrust him with their order* nay rely npon;n»elvlDg finished work. • ... Be:keepi»a constant supply of Tnrnitare on band, to which he invites to attention of thbee Intending to J': GO TO BOOSE KEEPING. ” Cah on him at at hi* room in LoudonsvOle, near the Plank Road. VOFFINS MADE TO ORDER. November 11,1868. ISAAC CROMER, FISK’S METALIC BURIAL CA -BEB>—This is a new article in this section of the country, although extensively uaed In the East. They are a sure protection against ■ ; WATER AND VERMIN, and possess: many other .advantages over the’common cof fins. | The remains of the lamented CLAY and WEBSTER were.enca*«y in these cases. fur sale by ISAAC CROMER. November IX, 1858. Altoona, Pa. SA ViN (x FUN D. NATIONAL 'SAFETY TRUST COMPANY.—Ciubteked by the Suiip or Pennsylvania. RULES. li Money is received every day, and in any amount, large or small. a , , , 2> Five per cent, interest is paid for money from the day it is put in. •’ v 3i The money is always paid hack in gold, whenever it is called far, and without notice. ' 4; Money is received fngu JExeeutort , Adminisi+atort, Ouurdiant, and others who desire to have It in a place of perfect safety, and where interest can he obtained for it. 5. The money received from depositors is invested in Real Estate, Mortgages, GBofXD bents, and such Ollier first class securities ns the Charter directs. 6i Office Hours—Every day from 9 till 6 o’clock, and on Mondays and Thursdays till 8 o’clock in the evening. HON. H- L. BENNER, President. ROBERT SELFUIDOE, Vice President. J. REED, Secretary. ’I DIRECTORS. Uexbt L- Bex.ver, Edward h. Carter, RohEiii Selfridok, Joseph B. Ba*rf, Samuel K. Ashton, 'Joseph Yebkes, Ci Lasbeeth Slcnns, Hknet Difpexpeefex. \ Office : Woluut Street, S. W. Corner of Tliinl St. Phlla delphia. - ' > April 14th. '59-ly. MEW GROCERY FEED AND FRO VISION STORE. Thj- subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Altoona and vicinity tliat he hits opened a store of the above kind, near the corner of Adaliue and Julia streets. Kost Altoona, where he will keep constantly on hand a full sup ply of everything in his line. Ills GROCERIES are all fresh and will be sold at prices as low as those of any. other establishment in town. Ills stock of provision.-., consisting of Flour, Hums, Shoulders, Sides, t£ - c. wilt be sold* little cheaper than they can be bought any whore else. 11 is Flour is obtained front the best mills in the \Vestern part of the State, and is warranted to be w hat it W represented. AU kinds of Feed fur horses, cows and hogs, always on ham]. Idntend to keep such an assortment that T shall at all times be able to supply my customers with whatever they may .need, and X intend also to sell at pricks which will make it a saving to those who patronize mv store. July 22.1558 3m. HENRY BELT., A NOTHER BREAK-OUT. THE . subscriber would inform his old customers that he has bjieued out again at his old stand, where he hop* e to receive their calls, lie has now on Laud the cheapest and best assortment of GROCERIES x that cau be found in the town. Consisting of SUGAR. COFFEE . IE A. MOLASSES, Sail by Hce bushel or sack. Dried Fruit of alt kinds, Fish of Ike very best quality, I together with everything in the Grocery line, all jif which la fresh from the Eastern market. (j He also keeps constantly on hand a suppy’jof FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN, ' whlp.h hu soil* nt tlio Inwe.st marfcot prices. POltK always ou hand and retailed in quantities to suit purchasers JOHN LEHR. December 16, 1858-1 y DENTISTRY.— DR. S. KIMM ELL, OPERATIVE <£• MECIIA\ICAL MJTOT Teeth inserted, from one to a fall set, on Gold or Sii\ ei f’late*. Teeth filled ivitli Gold, and warranted for ten years. Teeth Extracted by the Electro Magnetic Machine with out Pain; AB operations and work done cheajur tlinn anywhere else )r the county, and a deduction made, of the railroad expenses from Altoona to Iloilidayshurg. front all opera tion* amounting to five dollars and over. D?. Office on .Montgomerystreet, opposite the Exchange Hotdl, nollidayshurg, Pa. [Dec. IU. 185S-ly liOO'iS AND SHOES—THE UN- J- } dersigneii has now on hand and will sell cheap at,his store in the Masonic Tem-, Wttp pie. a large: and complete assortment of BOOTS VH AND SHOES, ready made, or made to order, BB Overshoes, Ladies’Sandals, Gum Shoes, Cork Sobs, and Everything in his line of business, of “ '"-w® Iho best quality and on the most reasonable terms. All custom work warranted. Jan. •>.’sMf.l ' J. SHOEMAKER. PRICE DEDUCED ONE-HALF! AT IT MEDICAL SALT INF LAM M A T O°RY DISEASES K \ : , TRt IT! OHSrI/Y ONE DOLLAR! CHRONIC PACKAGE. 52.50. £3“ See Advertisement.-icß \ Jah. 20,1800, Home testimony. i [From the Lewistown Aurora.] ‘ I have been afllicted forten years with Chronic Diarrhira, and have received more benefit from Du Vail’s Galvanic Oil than dny ether medicine I ever used. ALEX. McKEE. i Oliver township,' Miftliu county, Pa. T|lis is toi certify that I used Dp Vail’s Galvanic Oil in my family in some of the diseases fur which it is recont mended awl found to act almost spontaneously. I recom mend it to all who suffer from pain. A. M. INGRAM. 1 Sept. 2, ’S3—ly. Decatur townslnp, JlUllin co.. Pa. A CARD.- —Hear what Mrs!. Vaughn lit of Dilucansville says:—l have used the Galvanic Oil prepared by J. D. Stoneroad, Lewistown, Pa., for a very painful disease myself and recommend it'to others, and in every case fhnud it to be one of thevery beat medicines for sorbaud painful diseases. Relieves all pain in a few min utes. Every family should have It in the house. j. - ; - • Sept: 16.1553--Iy. WALLPAPER! WALLPAPER!! —we arc no w receiving at the “ MODEL STORE,” a large oasomnenr of w A Isis PAPER Alinp BORDER, purchased direct from the manufacturers in New York, and we can therefore offer great Inducements to those who wialbto purchase. Call and examine our stock. March ITth, 1859-tC J. A J. DOWTHER. J. O. ADLUM, ALTOONA, BLAIR CtIDNTY, PA. Can at all limes be found at the store of J. n niiMnn Altoona, October 1, 1857.-ly PLODR.— THE BEST QUALITY OF JL- s FAMILY FLOUR for sale, Wholesale andKetall.— J - SHOEMAKER, . pet. 11,1856-tf. Masonic Temple. I UMBER FOR SALE. - J 60.000 SHINGLES, . 60,000 LATITEa, all kind* of BUILDING MATERIAL, lowTrthan the lor pash. Apply to JOHN ABLER; 0? YES! O YES! GENTLEMEN 1 hlrh and hear. JOSEPH P. TROUT innonn cee tathe pi-uc, that he is ready to discharge his duty asan Auctioneer whenorer called Cpon. fjmi.2 ’66. TPHE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF sn i h f 8 Jttdtets, Frock and Overcoats “ the lowest prices, at H. TpOgS. gOLCtIGN OF CITRATE OF MAG wifag mfld to its operation S* t “ te > Pf«pared and fop sale by Jm>e it*. 18S8.-tf A. ROUSH, Dnmrittl J; SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF j andDrawers, Cotton, Woollen and _J^ at H.TOCH’B. 1 o Francis Lee, F. Cakrou. Brewster, PIKE’S PEAK is ,rcatin " con ' ! s? DI ‘ ; M ehterahle eidteinent- hot •» »hoateh by any menne J-J CAL SAW Mtte Urge. splendid and ch.Sp.-twk of nwinm* New Medical Sait, instead of bdmg* ouh<S> re^r C bj- hot now being opened at the MdD L STOKE, and wh “ e **!* onetldog, ; eonaMtoß the •tilt* mooted qnmthjn whether or not geld can ■ »r tho sola onaooiinfltmntion. cored by going to the former place, the proprietor* o( the circolatwn. thereby remoriag the sow«»»*» Model ftel confident in saying that gold Can bo -need by person* purchasing good* of them. , ■ • Onr Stack at present will be fodnd mnch burger more Taried than heretofore, and we bopo to be able to please the tnatee of the meet fiuUdioue. 1 Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Such as JSnglish and French Ducats, black and fancy Silks, French Bril liants, figured and white Mar -• settles, Lawns, Ginghams, Prints, Muslins, &<-. Also, a splendid assortment of White Goode, Hosiery, Gloves, Mitts. 4c. Wo' hare also on hand h large lot of CAKPETS. bought at auction for cash, which will be sold very cheap. A largo assortment of beautiful Spring and gammer SHAWLS. BOOTS & SHOES, Wooden & Willow Ware, Qneensware, .&C ~ & c:, &G. Heeling thankful to our frienda for their patronage here tofore, wo are determined to sell Goods cheaper than ever for cash or for prompt monthly payments only; We cor dially invite our old and new friends and customers to call and see our new stock, which we will be pleased to show them. J. 4 J. LOWTHIIH. April 7th. ’59. YUI ’l H AMJ manhood —just published, the 25th'Thousand, and Ws/vtaa’ mailed in a sealed envelope, to my address, /ysAlfift post paid, on receipt of three stomps. *n*'w' A medical essay on the physical exhaustion fi&mJLsJr and decay of the frame, caused by •‘self-abuse.” ihlectiou, and the injurious consequences of mercury. Uy 11. J. Culvuiwell, id. D., Member of the royal college of sur geons. 4c. JtS~ Sjierniatorrhoea or Seminal Emissions, Genital and Nervous Debility, Impotency, Loss of Energy. Depression of Spirits. Timidity, Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and Impediments to Marriage, are promptly ami effectually re moved by the authors' novel and most successful mode of treatment, by means of which the invalid can regain pris tine health without having recourse to dangerous ami ex pensive medicines. (From the Loudon Lancet.) The best treatise ever written on a subject of vital im portance to till, well worthy the authors exalted reputa tion. ' Ad Irrse. the Publishers J.C. KLINE £ CO.. Ist Avenue. Cor. 10th street; Post Box 4580. New Yoikl.it.-. DUV ALIAS GALVANIC 011*, j Prepared originally by Prof. 11. DU V ALU for-; merly of the College of Surgeons, at Paris, is now of fered to the public, ltje~ fur tbe cure of sure and pain ful diseases j j Fur instance—Pain or soreness In any part of the ' ■system. Rheumatism, pain in the back, breast or side,; i bealed breasts, neuralgia, burns, sprains, lieudaelie. I ; cramp in the stomach, or any other disease that is, SORE and IMIM-TL. and it is ~nly ever this rliissol, diseases that we claim a perfect VICTORY. We say i positively to our patrons we can relieve the stifli rcrl VJ times out of I' O. We would jii.l say to the puli ' lie, Prof. Du Vail was 25 years in bringing to this] 'medicine superiority over all others. I Price 5o cents per bottle—per cent, cut off to the ; trade. All orders must be addressed to j - J. D. STONEROAD. Proprietor, i i 11 - -• lbo-S-ly.] _ Lew istow n. Pa. | _ Agents for Du Vail s Galvanic Oil—Hem y Lehr. O. W. Kessler, and A. Roush, Altoona, and all dealers in medi cines everywhere. PATENT KEROSENE UR CARBON OIL LAMPS! Unrivaled in Beauty, Simplicity Safety or Economy. Every person desiring to obtain- tbe very best and cheap est portable light within their reach, should call at the store of the undersigned and examine these Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, ami we pledge ourselves to demon strate Ist. Tlmt NO ACCIDENT can occur I.y pxiiloiti'iu. 2d. That they emit uu oflViiMVf odor while bmuiug, ild. That they nr« v«ry easily trimmed. 4th. That they are easily regulated to giro more or less light. sth. That they burn entirely free from *:n<-Ive. 6lh. That the is at least on per cent.cheaper than any other light now in ivMinmu n-e. Tilt*.! luui|u are admit ably adapted f.ir the usp nf Stu dents. Mechanics. Seanistiesse-. Facb<ries. Hails. Churches. StoroH, Hotels. nml arc highly recommended f,.r fondle imp. Tim burner .if (lie Carbon Oil Lamp ran be attached to old side, hanging ami table tluM nml oil lamps, nt a small expense. ami will answer every |mr|««“ of a m-w bmp. We gun ranter perfect satisfaction in all rases. Aug. 19. 1858-tf] 0. IV. KEFSLKK. T OGAN HOTEL.—r-TH E UNDER. JLA SIGNED respectfully informs the citizens of Blair county and others. 1 -M, — flint he has upeued up the LOGAN MhresßWW HOUSE, formerly kept by Sheriff Ree< «» ll the we-d ( I:1 of 11 ol 1: i htynl .;i rg. 1. t the n-ception of strangers and travellers.— Every tiling connected with the lions, has beta refitted it. the now with tho choicest furniture. Ac- Ac. The house is large and commodious, and well calculated for convenience and comfort. Ills TABLE will l>e furnished with the Very ti.r-t the mar kef can afford, and no pains or trouble will bo spared to render those who may chouse to favor him with tln-ir po tronage com fin laid- ami happy during their stay with him. His SIABLIXQ is ample, and mi obliging and careful hostler will always be in attendance. tvs. The Williamsburg stage, which makes daily trips between this place and Williamsburg, stops at the Logan D-c. IT. 1857,—tf.] Stoves, Tin & Sheet-Iron Waie, Spouting. TAS. W. Rtoo WOULD RESPECT ff H I.LI inform the r.l.z ns of Altoona and vicinity that ho kei p* constantly ou hind ;a large* assortment of Onlii.-g. P-'rtfirrOJlTct ni,<’ S!"rr,. of all styles and sizes, to suit the wants ol H i'. which he will sell - at low prices, on rc.isomil lo terms. ’ ■ , Ho also keeps ob hand a large stoi-k of Tin trncf Sheet- Irnti Ware, emsi-tiog of all articles for .'alillary pnrpJws— Ouxl SruttUs. SV-yt Vi}*., dv. Also, a large lot oi Cast Ir..ii Force Dump- 1 . ; * * .*'; . •; SS. Barticnl..;: attention pah] to putting up ?PfirTfXo. either in town or country, f-poutiug painted rout put lip on the most reasonable tirms. [upril 14. ]S6O-lv W. M. LLOYD & CO., ALTOOMA, PA ., JOHNSTON, JACK & CO., lIOLLIDA YSBURG, PA., (Late *• Bell , Johnston , Jack £ Vo” ) Drafts on the principal Chics, and Silver and Gold for sale. Collections made. BJotu-ys received on deposito, payable on demand, without interest, or upon time, with interest at lair rates. Feb. -3d. 1851). 11 1 AP OF BLAIR COUNTY.—THE iTJL Subscribers propose to publish a New Map of Blair froM l acttlal surveys, containing nil f»H. c Uotida, Canals, the actual localities of Milages, Post Offices, Ileuses of Worship, School Houses. Manufactories, Tanneries, Mills. Hotels, Stores, Parra lions es, names Of Property Owners.* &c. * Enlarged Plans oi the Principal Villages, a Table of Distances, and a Business Directory, giving the name and business of each ~ptbftcriber, will be engraved on the mar gin. The plotting will be to a suitable scale so os to make a large and ornamental Map, which Will bo col red and mounted in the best style, and delivered to subscribers at $5 per copy SAMUEL 6EIL, April 15,1858. ISAAC 0. FREED. Wm. J.Tatior, Wm. R. Sherborne. WM. J. TAYLOR & GO., /COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND «n 4? h « caa J»» I £ a,e ? ’A? 1811 ' CHEESE AND PRCIVI BIONS, No. ISB South 11 Larves, between Chestnut and Walnut streets, Philadelphia. V. ' " Solo agenU for Henry’s Celebrated Tlnegar. Philadelphia, March 17 th. 185»-3m. 6 OYSTERS ! OYSTERS! OYSTERS I In conuequence of the hard times, 1 have concluded to pnt down theprtce of my OYSTERS to the lowest ppssi- They will hereafter bo served npontbe Chafing Dish »t TWENTY CENTS, and roasted In the shell anqservedup with all other acconrpftnimenu, TWENTY. FIVE CENTS- They will also be fornished, in every oth er way, at prices to correspond with the times. J iw, ir fH . -JOHN KEIFFER, upo. 17. ttj Logan House, Hollldaysbnrg. CONCENTRATED LYE, FOR MA- and Soap Powder tor Washing, one pound equal to six of common Soap; Castile Soap, Palm Smp, ChmntoG Soap, etc., on hand and for tale at June 10,1868,-tfJ o ?■ A. ROUSH’S. Queens ware, just received. . A large and fashionable assortment at the Store of - - ' . ' J- R BJLEHAN.' Hair oils, colognes, pom adee. Shaving Cream, Toilet Soaps, Ac. for sale iy <*• W. KESSLER. ’ Hardware of all descrip. just received end tor sale by WCt.lMf] J B. HILEMIN. XnfUmatiou ora easily subdued by the New Medlealjjalt- Tk* New Mbdkul Sou. is no CURB-ALL, wh»t It claim* to do—no more, “> lean—cquolixes thv UP* eolation by removing from tlw system «U artarial aßd venou* obstruction*- -. : i . . : Mcitirtnws have trie® the virtue# of^ Salt, though but lately discovered and introduced. Wit ness the testimonials and certificate* of euro. An who havb used rr achpowledge a bonoflt flrnm It.— An acquaintance of ours wa# cured of a severe caae of Neu ral ginin less than a week, i i Tom IXVAICABIE MKDlcbi UMW* caae, all the promises which jron.made Arlt.;. A few eases also relieved my.mothcr of IxrLAVMAToRT RifstiVATjEM yros my complaint. The first package did the workcffi’Ctnaliy, a» not a vestige of ZUieuiuaUdiu iti left. ' 0* IiBUSCANj Nw. Vork* I Know rr is soon fbr Uheumattsm. removing it in » ft* hours. .1 am now trying It lor Scrofula and buive nlreadj received benefit. 6. LESSIQ, Reading. I Tried rr for Axi;trßij)jJ oftbe Abdominal Aorta., lu ten days the pain was goiMsi * T.Tf i FITZI SIGNS, Mi D, Philo, i- d;■ —' ■' We speak or the Baoxv . Wc hove tried it. Tt lias com plete control over iutbunsUbn. Bronchitis, Canker, Rheumatism, and Neuralgia havp been cured by It, Mant more wotmt TEsrlfr. If inocossary. Descriptive Circulars, with testimonials may be obtained from any Druggists who has this valuable medicine for sole. Db. CodaswEi.L’s Antiphlogistic Salt. Price, One Dollar. Chronic Package, $2.50. ■: D. C. TAYLOR. 4 CO- Cm, Jgeiito, 203 Dock St Plata. The New Melical Salt |a fob bale in AUooua, by A. Roush; Goo. A. Jacobs. Kollldayaburg. and by all enter prising druggists wheroever the “Tribunc” is retub As it is not a patent medicine, but the prescription of an emi nent physician, no one should bit to try the Medical Salt. For testimonials and directions, see circular. Dec. 10, '6S-ly. TRON CITY COMMERCIAL COL £ LKGK, Pittsburg. fa. Chartered 185 e. 300 Students attending January. IS£B. Now the the hugest and most thiimngh Commercial School of the United States. Young men prepared for actual duties of the Counting Room. J. C. Smith. A. M. Prof, of Book-keeping and Science o Accounts. v A. T. Doutiiett, Teacher of Arithmetic and Commercial Calculation ,J. A. llEruiiics and T.C.Jeskixs, Teachers of Book-keeping A. Cowley and W. A. Milusi. rrofo. of Penmanship. SINGLE AND DOUBLE:ENTRY BOOK-KEEPING, As used in Every department of business. Commercial Arithmetic—rßapid Business Writing, Detecting Caiin'er/eit Monrp- Mercantile Correspondence—Commercial Law — Are taught, and all other other subjects necessary .for the success and thorough education of a practical business man. Drawn a II the premiums In Pittsburg for the past three years, also in Eastern and Western Cities, for best Writing, NOT ENGRAVED WORK. IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Students enter Bt any time—No Vacation—Time unlimited —Review «t pleasure—G nut nates assisted in obtaining situations—Tuition for full iOmmiTdal Course, $.25.00 — Average time* Sto 12 wceka-r-Board. $2.50 per week—Sta tionery. $O.O0 —Entire co-t, jiKl.oo to $70,(>0. •6»- Minister*’ Son* received at half price. _ For card—Circular —Specimens of Easiness and Orna mental- Writing—inclose two stamps, and address F. W, JENKINS, Pittsburg, Pa. .T,Oll\ KKIFFKR BUFFERING HUMANITY, READ kj THIS.—The undersigned takes tits method of thfurm iug tlie public generally that there Is' no medicine now of tend to the public that is rquiil to DIJ V ILL’S OALV AX IC OIL in relieving Rufferfug 1 humanity. I was an observer of its, effects ona friend of mine, who suffered almost everything from a neuralgic affection which resisted the beat medical treatmentinjCeutre county. IV* applied freely the Galvanic Oil to the painful parti and rave some Inwardly, and in 20 ‘minutes thfc pafl -nt was nsleopj and when awakened was free from pnjin and continued so. This Is a positive fart which J am willing to make good at any time. A case of Felon was cured 1 in ncarlv the same length of time. J. IL HaUN, r rilE GREAT QUESTION WHICH JL now agitates the mind of every is, where can I get the best article formyWß money? In regard to othet matters, the scrlber wonld not attempt to direct, but if you want anytliing in the line of BOOTS OR: SHOES . ho invites an examination of his stock and work. .Jo keeps constantly on hhnd an assortment of Boots, Shoes, o altera. Slippers, 4c., which he offers at fclr prices. He will give special- attention to cnitom work, all of which will bo warranted tp givesatlsfaction. None but the best workmen are employed •• ’ ■ , Kemembor mr shop Is on 4nin-«troct, next door to B Kerr’s old stand, now W. O’Neil’s. September 3,’K-tf] JOHN 11. BOBKETB. GW. KESSLER—PRACTICAL • DRUGGIST, respectfully announces '• sa . to the citizens of Altoona and the public enilly, that he still continuesthe on Virginia street, where fat keeps constantly on faund, for sale, Wholesalesnd'BetaiLDßUQa. HM MEDICINES, CHEMICALS* 01LS,.VARN1SH* E 8 and DYESTUFFS. i attention to business, and It desire to render sate isfactlon to all ns regards* price (wd quality, he hopes to’ m m l “A 1 recciTe a “are of public patronage. .= Physicians and merchants supplied on reasonable terms, and an orders from a distance promptly attended'to: Physicians prescriptions cireftilly compounded. [l-tf. ( 10AL1 COAL! COAL! COAL!— V/ Xh?subscriber would rospect-^'^TV Ni ■ ■IMk folly inform the consumer! of CQALtoOO A LaiigTß to Altoona, that be is constantly celling all kinds of COALj which VfW “rSr* drtljerat all times and to any put of the to wn. Office st residence, in NOrtb. Ward. June 17-2m]. JOHN ALLISON. pONSTANTLY RECEIVING NEW t V Clothing, of the latest Fashions, cheaper T-V a-rvcwF pURE WHITE LEAD AND ZINC AND lard OILS, GAM : Carbon Qfl t io., it ***9- I ; KKSSIiEE’S. HAIR, HAT, TOOTH, SHAVING, Fotot, Saab and Tarnish Brusbee at ' '~" v ' KBSSLBB’S. r | 'HE HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH JL Paid for Beef -J. t. ICKES 13 PREMIUMS. Si jit. 30.1R55,—1 v Sept. 2. IS6?-ly.] I rij A Benito!mi fiiitUulion, utabllshed (» . owttSls The Howakd Asaocunos, In view ofthaiwftii of hitmen lit, caused by > »ii lg a J / a ” w *' ii practised upon the unfortunate victim* of such !i- ptt °a* saiy for tho treatment of thjr ciam.oMiseascs m ~I ‘ P forms, and to give medical advice yrntthto all by letter, with a description of their condition! *PH> patios. habits of Ufo, It,) and In end suffering, to furnish noedlesa to and that the Assoetetfoh eemmaojJtSTi •« b Medical skill of tho age,; and wilt fontisb the ed modern treatment. ~ ta **Wrc,», s tho dlMotoraof tho Association, tt their Ananste 1 of tl» Consulting: Surgeon to the fewer Seminal Wonkues* Impotence,-aon-tW«a«, t phllla. tho Vico of Onauhna or filf-abuso, i c , ami couttonanco of thv.aomcplan for the ensuing w ""** * Tho Directors, on a review of the pdst feel eve,.. , thotr labors ln tills spboro of-benevolent effort k»w!‘v *’ .of great !*nedt to the afflkfed. espedaUy to the v™!*' 1 they have resolved to devote themselves, oriu, rens.li' * tk| to this very Important andnincbdesjrfsed iauje An admirable Heporf on Spesstatorrlxea. or e Weakness, tho vlco' of Onanism, Masturbation abuse, and other abtoes Of tho' ucxunlorgah. \Z *-'> f suiting Burgeon. *rlUh»j*cat by mail (in a*eidJ lf opc), jeF Klu OF CHAM*, on receipt 'of!VVo s for pos&ge. Other -IMpottf and Tmctaon tl ra J2****' 'treatment of are constamlv Mn? “T 1 'Hshed for gratuitous distribution, and will te-.nif attlictviL Boom of tho ucsr remedies aud method* t , meht disVovereil during tho last year, are of orcat .1, K Address, for Report orTrvalntent, Dr. OEOlifip i EZRA D. IIEAKT\v£II7. t '' OEO. Sec’* |£c £l. / i RKAT IiUrnOVEMENT LN Cook \T IXG STOVES. C'dSSMU’l'JOy or SMOKE AXD &ljS AXO xj i ) '. or FUEL. - The subscriber hikes pleasure in offering to ilm i,i-i,v r . NEW GAS AND SMOKE COXSUMIN.) 1 Cooking Store, recent!)' patented, which Is Ucsim-d tl , . poretde all other*, as it romrires v ONE-TiJIUD LESS FUKI. than other stoves nml is more easily, •(hlrlcl.r and r> ct, ly heated. Xo unpleasant smell ol gns oi;«,» (i„„,, stove from the Diet that it is all couaumeilrr.oi.il, eupo. There, is no trouble from smoko as lint mol often annoying exhalation is also Coiiornird imal,- the .Stove Neither in there any danger of II n. „ „ r neyi: becoming clogged with soot or the urei tar au, ] V the gas arising from coal ftnjs. Persons wishing to purchase stov»3 are 1-> rail t the store of the subscriber, in the Masonic Tempi.-. c.n !f S amine the above stove*. -IOIIX SUuEMAIOsr. . S>U .Agent /<•>■ Ithnr , X. U. All kinds of Air-tight, Parlor 'Coekhir sn.li;. Stoves on bund, [Aug. lilv ’ IVTATIONAIi POLIOK UAZKTTK.- i. 1 This Great Journal of Crime and Criminal* U,n its Twelfth Year, and is - widely circulate. 1 tlmm-V ■ the country. It contains all tlio Great Trial-, Crinur ; Cases, and appropriate Editori.dson I liesome, top. tlmnnii in formation on Criminal Matters, not to Iw r>-un<l iu s>.> other newspaper. ■ Subscriptions £2 per annum; J 1 ’for >i\ ni>.utl.■ be remitted by snlwcrlhewl, (who should write tln-ir wm and the town, countv and State where they re«i.'f flum!, To 0. \X. MATSEI.I. & Co , Editor & I'roj.'r. of New Volk I’oliet tin?. Us. .'ore I Vie. , to o ® id Hn * t M.s i O.W S« ~ fe» 5° 8 {3 K-3 ® 3 <r si _• l P 5 ps ©•§ 2 slit 31 5511 S | £< 3 0 § § . g P 3 su Pw||-|s O..J, Ph dl CO < =o s # 1 r“ M p-4 !*» «o g r Uly X H <*3 §J ! Qs sasf h-f 2 ® a .3 >- •-< 8* ® Hh *-> b,j © a 1-3 3 s£.Ti3\ 05“ || -tSI-5 si Centre Hill, Their unprecedented popularity has induced the proprietors, Fleming Brothers, Pittsburgh, Pa. to dispose of their Drug business, in which they haye begn. success fully engaged: for the last Twenty Years, and they Will now give their undivided time dud attention to their manufacture. And being de termined that Ur. M’Lane’s Cele brated Vermifuge and liver Bilk . shall continue to occupy the high' position they How hold' hpiong great remedies of the day, they will eontinue to spare neither nor expense in procuring the Best and Purest material, and co®" pound them in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to FLBIINI BROS. Pittsburgh, Pa. P. 8. Dealers awl Physicians ordering from other* Oj” Flemming Bros, ■will do well to write tbelrordendHtm®- Ijr and tote none but Dr. JtZakt*. prepared fcy ■T’****', Dro*v PitUWrgh, ito. To thoee wiehlflft w * ,T L"J?he trial, we will forward by mall, post paid, toany p»rt«' , United State*, one box of Pills tor twelre three** JjtFfL, age stamps, or one vi .l of Termlfbne tor toartoe® cent stamps. All orders from Canada mnrt be accomp»“? by twenty eoote extra. * ...w. BD* f°r eMe, in Altoona, by A. Koueb »ad 0- V'_, Y ler, and by nil Dmggixf,. * ■ ‘ ir.-ir] Dr. M’Lane’s CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE LIVER PILLS. w e . beg leave to call the atten tion- of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the country, to two of the most popu lar remedies now before the public. We refer to Dr. CUas. 51’lace's Ci-lcbratfd Vermifuge and Liver Pills. Wc do not recommend them as universal Cure-alls, - but simply tor what their name purports, viz.: THE YEUM^TGE, For expelling Woi ms from the human System. It has alio been administered. Vuh the r.icst satis factory results to vr.iicus Animals subj act to Wc : ms. * THE* LIVER PILLS, For the cure of Liver.Ccmplai.vis all Bilious Dcraxctmenis, Sick Hi ad- Ac he, &c. In cases of Fever and Ague, preparatory to or after taking Qui nine, they almost invariably make a speedy and cure. As specifics for aboye men tioned diseases, they, are .Unrivaled, and never known to fail when ad ministered in accordance with the directions, , ' AKD \ MeO VOL. TU UeCRD manaon AUCP** paid for- fostltossorj One *q«*rs, < two 1 Ikrss * Over three square for ss jlx lines or I fins square, Two “ Thraa Four ** Half a coli Om column, A 'ojloUtraU |i.~chant> a<: with Übart is, .waibonl with •■OlC ure<t will lw Adrertbora irtircd. will • to tb« above Bujluow u» Obituary mi trib -k ** , ‘ k CH Frtiiylfi* I try Sabbath ni jWo’eloclt. £ turn Boom. F lio fcjmft room M,iAodU»t Ep lot tvary Sabi la*. Sabbath M. tlearrul I’ day o ran mg. arming. thungt lioai J iag crury Sabi* |[a tbo livening. o’clotU, I*. tnlnMday ev PniUd-Jifet'ti try Sabbath nu BU o'clock. c b'dock. A M. [ln tama room. {'militant ,£f oiliW Sd ar«l . JI-. aii-' r? 4 rit'.'Mio, Uf v. I’c.uck In Ilia n Stplut, Bar. naming at It* 1 , Irboot at 0 o’ek itj tveniug. A • • ■ ! irtry Sabimth the uU Union S ALT utcra Way at rMttrn “ WUfUytburg. rntorn Throu; attorn Thiuug utarn XliMUtc! foiti-rn Thruug ’ootrrn Way, uwru “ |nlli,f»j»linrjt Office open f t oT SO P. M.. ih lock, on Suiula. June t, ’S7- Itprcu Train K I. u \\ i»t M k; » w r.a “ > « «4 V The IIOI.UH kiln Ka<i and ' The tiUltteri Far Train Hast run East. Rettmber 39, [ MEET : J4n.nlatV£/W fj of cadi ni ni aetjUo’cloc manUi‘* Etu firth Tuwilaj o Inlc Tempi", at Lodge, N"i, In the at flock. P. M. [firjjulii tivi/j* h“lng. in the tl K*.«tri<«'cl |tri'io«6mn» Tri. I* etery Taejiln [•WO Temple, hlh. W. A. .1 Panw Sont of B night iu the i ffwAiijjfea a h*>J - earning, pwftwia tHritv r «»e!il |, K . i„ ti r. Knee, 0. q p. : c. P : neUormtck. Li', • °“lhrHit f. 1 ’ 1 s.; 11. K. F'»>rw ifcc/mii inieop. suto.ll IpriL Ju| yiw „ m Tat-eiiair u I In o’clock of « of Vxt Co ‘toe, J. p..u Rif-James AH'o-nt O'rnrn u E: Wjs M. Jin ty* to Cnmni App C"Jv otfrucyoi r^-tyuiu 1 ALTOOII IT*?*'"* Hf CfeJ Jr* *• tottnc® CT’y* IVecuu, Wm. C. '%**•/ i S&*krZj\ r” r *~~Tbo«J SrT^ llo^ •*?« . We Jfoi .ftOGßai >l?^,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers