The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, February 03, 1859, Image 3

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parte of4he rwin were also
IW®" 9 , itll bunches of evsrgreen. In a
.IccoraW o ver« the heads: of the per-
in full view of the Wudieuco, were
..ucmemberthe Poor ”, in large let-
Hall was well lighted andeveiything
bft’eW Mul cheerful.
10 s!ttr tlutanding the inclemency of the weath
rtoving rained all evening) the rob*,
C W h 7oold contain about dCO ,pc W was
£ *, overflowing long before the hour nu
,need for the performance tosoommence; and
Jr of kdies. They tur»cd oUt en Mfl««, «q»at
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Slii. a. « W •*«* f « r ' tUe bMt tbit
ill the mMicloo! announced were in e ten -
«., poring tl»at no M.O „none.n.enU-b.d :
bean iniide to atact» crowd to h« .wtertnmod
Smt with apologies for to
uico of this:or that performer. ■ Tho Altoona
Band and Van Tries’Cornet Band of Hol
lidswbttrg, acquitted themselves well, perfectly
w tiifylng all who heard them that they are su- j
to most and, equal toany institutions of j
J* kind in , the State., We feel proud of our
mad, and the citizens of llollidaysburg cOrtain-
Vy have reason to feel proud of theirs. Wo can
dr»w no comparison between them, and would
not If wo could. We consider living in
WTC , go contiguous and liable to; be often
thiruwa together, there should be nonet of that
ill-feeling which invidious comparison would
ingtbder, though we think it perfectly right
ikit Wrt should be rivaby enough to incite
the members to increased efforts W perfect
themselves in the rudiments of musih and moke
them masters of thoir own The
thttboftho citizens ofthisplacearkdae, and,
throagh “s. «*. tendered .to .Van Tries’ .Cornet
Bind, for generously tendering their services
in a good cause, and adding so much interest
to the entertainment. The pieces of music exe
cutory Messrs. Rilcr and Walker, on tho vio
lin, were exceedingly difficult, butthe manner
ja which they performed them 'convinced every
person that they were masters of their instru
ments, and were greeted with spontaneous out
bursts of applause. Their performance at this
concert has given them n reputation as violin
fats of-which most men might well feel proud.
The performance by tho Indies, Misses IvoVy &
.Brubaker and Mrs. Bownan and De La Rosa,
were those most anxiously awaited by, a large
portion of the audience, ynd, all things consid
ered, they were highly successful; although it
was their hist appearance before a public as
semblage, their perfection in tho parts assum
ed rendered them competent to fulfil the expec
tations of their friends and elicit the applause
of, those who could appreciate .their efforts.—
The Altoona String Band, got up for the occa
sion, added no little to the pleasures of the en
tertainment. Wo were agreeably disappointed
in their paft oT the;’performance. Wo received
far more then we had anticipated. We knew
that we had many good musicians amongst us,
•but we did not imagine that they could, in so
abort a time, qualify themselves to take-so con
spicuous n part in a public entertainment. They
deserve much praise. part of the per
formance allotted to young Dougherty {was well
{{led up. He is a good vocalist, and the pieces
selected’and performed by him were received
by the entire assemblage ..with hearty applause,
and he was invariably, encored. With his voice
«»d gultar accdmplishinonts we would not be
afratdto travel at any time, In any company.
ffothing occurred to mar the. pleasures of the
entertainment, the only inconvenience experi
enced was froim the crowded condition of tho
room. Every person’ appeared satisfied with
the muiis, the \management of the entertain
ment. and themselves, the latter induced, no
doubt, by their having contributed to the nlle
vistioh of the sufferings of a number of their
fellow-beings. x , ( *
Of the supper,«rvpd ;up for the musicians at
■lbs Altoona the fconcort, we shall
speak in amothw vUfelc-
The following statement of the. procpeds of
the concert show the handsome manner in
whichthocair fotaud, by the Relief Committee,
hiahecnTespende'dtp;— .
, January SI, 1859.
Mxsiga. & Dsan: —Below please find
:tjie receipts and expenditures of
the late jCppipertibr the benefit of the poor:
Total miaiber Of tickets sold 812.
By JamwLbwther,' v ~ TF tipkets,
“A* C. TanoluA, ■ 60" m *
“ MeCrmn .A Hejrp, 25 . “
" David R. Henty, 80 “
"B. K Miller, 12 “
“ Qeorge B. Cnimer, 116 V
Donation from Thios. A. iScptt,
“ “ Mr. Holmes,
“ Hair Powell,
. “ " Hi. Wilson,...
Aaouat token in at the door,
' Total receipts,
Expenses: <
McCrna & Dern,‘printing, •
lndies and Mila,
Musicians tut, v ■
... proceeds, $101:30
• is respectfully subtaittM by
• - ' ' B. CBAMUfi, Mmagtr.
The above amply sufficient to
P *U the dentatepf opx jxhU in comforta
• circumstances wuriug the season, ' Who
»thas eonpribatedtouring 'about this Result
* U 1101 Ifepoake louder Jnd
\JP*. JNN* in Xnyor of ißa generosity and
. lt y v ® f sfc£illzeasof Altoona than vrbrda
“ubh hono&can not be
j them. The report of the Manager ViU show to j
whom the honor belongs.
The Manager hereby ,rct|mis his-thinks to all
the vkpo ttcre present -on’the occo
'■•x :; 'NQSrCE. w.-
jL-m«dtbp,f 1 will bo
hold iaKcyStone I£all,rcn. * Saturday. evening
n«f, -ibr the purpose of appoihfingßelief Corn;
tai(t«os in the tbffisrent Wards, to act for the.
coining year. Afthe same time, the Treasurer :
who has been acting for the past year will, pre
sent a statement of his account for examination.
He .wishes a’full attendance, as he is anxious
that, all should know' how the mpucy"collected
last; winter, has been distributed.
Applause at Public Abslewlblages.— We
hare a few locally appropriatej words to say in
regard to the above-named time-honored usage.
The custom,-we believe, -originated with the an
cient Homans; and we find recorded in reliable
history, that upon one occaaion. the birds of
the Air fell $0 the earth as from the stun
ning effects of. the noise of the vociferous ap
plause at the Amphitheatre. This applause
consisted -wholly of the. dapping of hands, and
loud words of encouragement to the deserving
performers at the entertainment! In
- plause ,of these almost primitive times, amipg
heathen nations, w« tcan perceive; some rationali
ty ; but inihe public so-called laudations of let
ter days, among enlightened people, oh, how |it
tle I Thera is a class of people, now-a-da/s,
who attend public gatherings for the ostensible
purpose 1 of making as much noise (and as cdn
tempible beings of themselves) as possible, epd
interrupting the pleasure'of peaceably disposed
citizens. They yell at the top of their voices,
clap their hands till they itch with pain, aid
stamp their feet till their very legs arc henuiqb
dd, at the close', and even in the midst of
performance—thus embarrassing the performer,
and deafening the ears of those who pay tleir
mite to be entertained. This condemnablc sort
of applause worried us immeasurably, as well
ns ,the majority of those present, at the Concert
for the Benefit of the Poor, on last Thursday
night, and we were almost tcmptc|, occasional
ly, to wish the brainless disturbers of public
je co a speedy exit out of a window—so much
were wc annoyed. We were sorry‘that our in
defatigable Constable, J. K. Ely, w’is notpros
•ntrby invitation to arrest and imprison them
as.the law directs. We think it would be con
ducive of good to the peaceably disposed public,
if the managers of public gatherings in oqr,
town would hereafter procure Joe’s services—
We are sure if they should, they would receive
the thanks of all order-loving citizens of the
town. Lot us have this abominable practice
stopped—the laws of the State are opposed to
it; all good citizens are opposed to it—‘and all
that is needed to do away with it is prompt
energetic action. Joe, take the matter n hand,
and a grateful community will bless ybi
We desire here to state that those nho mis
behaved at .the recent concert were nottoitizens
of Altoona, but the offscourings of othc| places
who are here temporarily. j
The Scppkr at tub Altoona Ilona;. —By
invitation, we attended the supper serveiup at
the Altoona Bouse, on Thursday evening last,
for the musicians in attendance at the Concert
for the benefit of the poor. It was such a
supper as the gentlemanly proprietor of the
house, John Woods, Esq., could ge\ up on short
notice. It consisted of, oysters, <kkes, jollies
and various luxuries that would ibivc tickled
the palate of the most fastidious eiicurean.—
After ample justice had boon done eata
bles, the manager of the Concert, Mr. Geo. B.
Cramer, Was toasted. Being a man *f notions,
not words, his response was short, ait appro
priate, and concluded with a toast to Tate,
of Bedford, who was present ns a gnek of Van
Tries Band. Col. T. responded in a happy
strain, paying a high compliment to tic musi
cians, the Manager of the Concert, the
ty of the citizens ot Altoona, and the sniper.—
A unanimous' call was then made for aong,
and My. Curry, who was present, was finally,
prevailed upon to respond which he did in ex
cellent style. The next call was upon o«r Uu
morous friend, Al|ex. Vaughn for his song y Oh!
Angelino, I love you, u which he sung ii his
usual inimitable style, to- the great of
the 'china ware' oh the-table. After a toast to
the kind host of the Altoona House, the festival
was cut short by the announcement that the
engine, which was to convey Van Tries’ Band
to Hollidaysburg, was in Readiness. The best
of feeling prevailed, and from expressions
we believe that the .invited musicians were high
ly pleased with the manner in which they jwere
received and entertained. Previous to depart
ing, Van Tries’ Band serenaded the Manager
of the Concert at his residence jin East Altoona.
$l7 5a
15 00
G 25-
7 60
8 00
28 76
10 00
1 00
23 00
$ll2 76
1 06
1 90
' 60
Conviction fob. Cutting Timcee. —The Leg
islature of this State, in-1824, passed an Act
of Assembly making it a criminal offence for any
one to go on the land, of another, knowing it to
be such, and cut timber trees. | Lyon, Slurb
& Co,, Iron Master? and the owners of a jlsrge
body. of timber land adjoining the Tyrone Forgo
property, indicted a man by thoinomo of-Thos.
Dougherty for violating the Act of 1824, and he
was tried last week at the Quarter Sessions of
this county, and convicted of the offence. We
are informed that this is the first conviction
Under this Act, before Judge Taylor, in his Ju-'
dicial District. The decision is a very impor
tant one to all owners <jf unoccupied timber
lands. It being requisite under the Act to
show the guilty knowledge of the Deft., to con
vict, and as most persons who carry away the
timber do so iindci* some pretended claim to the
land, it is difficult to punish thetn. S. S. Blair
and Jj. W. Hall Esqrs; were counsel for the
Com. T. Banks and D- H. Hofius Esqrs., for
the Deft. '
Nones.—The voters of Logan township are
hereby requested to' meet at the White Hall
Hotel, in Loudonsyillc, oh Satuntoy, February
sth, at 2 o'clock P. M.,tpnon:iftate candidates
to bo! voted for at the ensuing toiraship election
will beheld dhthe 15th of .February.
For a good polf of suspenders with
shoulder bracesattaohod—ball at jEUmsh's Drug
Store; We ;h%vftd»sfl thCTO
yA T— —
Prop. Wood’s Hair Restorative.— For the
rear past says the Rockland (Me) Gazelle, we
have been advertising the- above i named Hair
Restorative, and inonth by’lnonthi its Sale has
gradually increased, nnJal it now jcommands a
more ready, sale than any other iarticle of its
kind, giving in almost every instance entire
Batisfactidm A clergyman, reslilinfe in a neigh
boring town Who bad for years suffered from a
burning sensation in the bead, vritit an occoaion
ly dry. itcbing bumbr. pi-ematarely turn
ed the hair gray, and latterly causing it to come
off rapidly,, leaving the crowii neatly bare, see
ing the advertisement of the article in the Ga
z<«c, was induced to try it, and now, after the
useijof two bottles only, bis hair has turned
quite dark and Is very soft, the scalp clean, and
! the rccentlyibald spot covered with a beautiful
i growth of silky dark, hair, the sight, of which,
with his commendation of the Restorative, will
command an.increased sale. ; We vfouldstate to
any one who would wish to (know,! that we are
permitted, privately , to give; the name of the in
dividual to whose case we refer. : See adver
tisement. . • .!
Men I Mud !!, Mua!! I —MuddX ! Muddy ! !
Muddy !! !—Muddiest ! Muddiest !! Muddi
est !!!—Mild in the- on the cros
sings—mud on the sidewalks —muji on the door
step—mad ib the kitchen4-mud ion the parlor
carpet—mud on gents boots —mud on gents
pants-—mud on ladies shoes—mud on ladies
stocSdngs—(beg pardon—didn’t see it there—
but know it is if you have walked two squares)
—mud on bur right—mud on our left—mud be
fore us—mud behind us—mud beneath us—we
deprecate nmd —we think of mud —we talk of
mud —we write about mud—nothing but mud—
we’re so be-m«d-dled with mud that we have writ-
I ten one of the muddiest items ever attempted.
When we see a lady hesitating on a street cor
ner, we think <ot the fate of a lady who attemp
ted to cross a street In a Western down, a short
time since. She was first seen to loose her
overshoe, then a gaiter, and lastly her stocking,
barely escaping with her foot—the latter being
j well fastened on. Should aome of our ladies go
! home barefooted one of these days, their friends
! will know the cause.
Resignation 'and Appointment.— Mr. John
B. Anderson has resigned His position os Super
intendent of the Middle Division of the Pennsyl
vania Railroad, and accepted the appointment
of General Superintendent,of the Pittsburgh, Ft.
Wayne and Chicago Railroad. Mr. A.’a stay as
Supt. Middle Division, P. R. R. Was short, but
sufficiently long to convince those over whom
he’ was pliiced, as well ah those-who selected
him, that he was capable of filling any station
of the kind which might be entrusted to him.—
With Mr. Anderson at the head of affairs on the
Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Road, and
the Pennsylvania Central 'under; the care' of its
present General Superintendent, the route from
Chicago to Philadelphia, Wc say without fear of
contradiction, will bo the best managed and
most popular in the country. Wo have not
learned who’is to be Mr. Anderson’s successor
in the office at this place. ’ ,
Meanness Unexampled.— The man who, in
the still hour of midnight, would rob a hen
roost, is mean; he who would -pilfer tho last
crust of bread from ,a blind, helpless widow, is
meaner ; and he who robs the printer of his hard
earned pay, is tho meanest of the three char
acters mentioned ; but, astounding fact-;.- w e
have beep informed of a still meaner brute than
all these three! AV the door of Keystone Hall,
last Thursday nighty on the occasion of the Con
cert for the Benefit of the Poor, jsome unprinci
pled, heartless, soulless, miserly wretch gave to
the door-keeper a counterfeit quarter of a dollar !
Superlatively superlative Essence of meanness!
your name is known; and if, byour next issue,
yoti do not call at the Tribune Office and redeem
your bogus coin, wje wilt let the public know
your nanio and occupation, to tlie utter ruina
tion of your reputation in this community.
Extraordinary XfiLKGpArii Despatch. —The
great cable in working prdir.-— Fisbci & Brother, ;
electricians and original projectors at Love's
Magnetic Telegraph, having carried the Field in
triumphantly paying out tod laying out the great
Cable of Hymen, are—in' honor of tho Natal
Pay of St Valentine, the reigned discoverer
of Love's Electrical prepared
to transmit, from their four 'great Tele
graphic Batteries at Philadelphia, New York,
Bostup and, Baltimore, all Love Messages, De
spatches and Responses, iolth'e most prompt, dis
tinct jand striking manner, by their House Vrint
| ing Telegraph; guaranteeing no leakage or kink
1 in their Cable —no decline of stock, nor imper
! feet insulation, .' ,
H. Fettingor, of the Literary Emporium No.
1, Altoona House, is ag?nt for the above line
for this place, and 1 has oh hand numerous mes
gnges for citizens of this jplace and invites them
to call and get them immediately.
The Valub op advise our
readers who are desirous of preserving the use
fulness of the lungs and bronohical apparatus
not to defer taking medicine in time for their
cure. Most of tb» co'hsuroptijro cases which
end fatally, are the result of n small beginning
of a cough or cold, which could! easily remo
ved by a bottle of Dr, Keyset's• Pectoral Cough
Syrup, now put up and hold at ; 50 cents and §1
per bottle. It has had abundant evidence of
Us vast superiority over most: other remedies,
hud those who resort to it in will save a
great deal ‘of suffering from those disagreeable
'diseases which are so prevalent: daring the win
ter and spring months. You ejan get it at Dr.
Keyset’s Drug'Store, No. 140; Wood Street.—
Sold by Qco. W. Kssolcf, Altoona.
“hoa RotLiKa.” —Many persons make use
of this term, in. referring to A<jta of the Legis
lature, and understand! perfectly veil what it
means, yet do not know origin. The phase
is drawn from the clearing of forest land, in a
hew . country. The settler cojuhl himself- out
down the trees, and cat them into lengths of logs.
The next step was to theni into heaps, for
burning, and that he coi|ld hot!do without help;
so ho colled bis neighbors to help him to roll,
and when . they h|d^ : ft irolling 'ho helped them.
This was apjtly applied :to legsative action for
the; passageof laws for'; local imejasures. Vote
-for i-my bill and-1 -wiH Vote' for ypars. The
’ probahly r U is cfcrlalnly
[■ j^P#- ! 'ihan'4orliy: - ■ ’ ',' ' r ■ : r ’ =■'-
I. Scott Legion of Pennsylvania.—A meeting
j of the surviving officers and soldiers of the ilex*-
j lean- war-of the counties of Clair, Cambria, Ccd
j ford. Huntingdon, - and neighboring counties,
will bo held at the Logan House, (Cotporal_
Keeffex’s) HoiUdaysburg, on the evening of the 4
22d February, inet., for the purpose of organis
ing a “ SCOTT LEGION.” 2 ’
Capk D. 11.. HQFIUS,
, Scrigt Jw .L..KIDD.. ,
Feb. 1, ’69. \ Corp. JKO. KEEFFER.
The papers of the- several counties
named are requested to publish the above.
Recife for a Modern Dress. —The follow
ing French recipe for the modern dress of a fe
male, will be perused with interest,by the lady
readers of the Tribune, It was published nearly
a century ago;—
“Han? a smallbngio cap on, os big as a crown.
Snout "it off with u flower, uulgo diet, a pumpooin,
Lr t your powder be gray, and braid up your hair,
Liku the mane of a colt to be sold at a fair.
Your neck and your shoulder* both naked aboil be, not for Vandyke, blown with a chevaux dt/rttt
Let your gown be a sack, blue, yellow, or green,
And friugh* your elbow* with ruffles sixteen
Furl off your lowa apron with flounces in row*,
Puffnnd pucker up knots ou your arms and your toes,
MukO vour ebon, that u hooj> eight yards mat,
May decently show how your garters are tied.”
A CARD.— a report baa been put
in circulation in this community (by interested
parties, I presume) to the efiect that Dr. S.
Kimmel, of HoiUdaysburg, while performing a
dental operation upon mo fractured my jaw,
I wish, in justice to Dr. Kimmel, to state that
the report is incorrect. GEORGE GREGQ.
Altoona, Feb. 3, 1658.
Ho! x for the Arctic Region!
If any of the Ladies are dissatisfied with the
weather we are having, and desire visiting the
Arctic Region, we would recommend them to
call on C. J. MANN and replenish their ward
robo from his beautiful stock of
which he is selling off cheap, being determined
to dispose of them while tie snow is screeching.
Jammy ISth, 1859
THE HALL OF FASHION is still open- and
the Proprietor, in returning thanks to bis nu
merous customers for their liberal patronage
bestowed on him since Jiis commencement, here
desires to say (without fear of contradiction)
that he'is prepared to' offer for theii- inspection
the best assortment of handsome Dbkss Goods,.
Shawls, Cloaks, White Goods, &.C., &c., that
can be found in Altoona
Respectfully, &c.,'
The Panic —Moan Failures. —The panic in
Now Yosk scorns to be on the increase, la this
city everything goes on smoothly, and the only
failures we have i heard of were the failures to
furnish good fits made by some inferior clothing
establishments. There is no such difficulty to
be encountered by those who patronize the
Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rockhill & Wil
son, Nos. 603 and 605 Chesnut street, above
sisth. Gentlemen and Youths never fail to pro
cure capital fits at this popular establishment.
See advertisement of Dr. Saudford’s
LIVER. INVIGORATOU in another column.
Dailey’s Magical Pain Extractor.
In nil diseases inflammation moro or Ims proJomiuatcß—
now to allay inflammation strikes at the root of disease — ,
bunco an Immediate cure. ■
and nothing else, will alley inflammation at once, ami make |
a certain cure. , \ 1
will cure the following among a great catalogue of discos.-a; ,
Burns, Eealds, Cuts, Chafes, Soro Nipples, Corns, Burnous, j
Bruises, Sprains, Bites, Poison, Chilblains, Biles, Scrofula, I
Ulcers, Fever Sores, Felons, Ear Ache, Piles, Sore Eyes,
Gout, Swellings, Rheumatism, Scald Head, Salt Khoum,
Baldness, Erysipelas, Ringworm, Barbers’ Itch, Small Pox,
Measles, Rush, Ac., Ac.
To some It may appear incredulous that so many diseases
should be reached by one article; such an idea will vanish
when reflection points to the fact, that the salvo Is a com
bination of ingredients, each and every one applying" a per
fect antidote to its apposite disorder.
In itir effects is magical, because tho time is so short be
tween disease and a permanent cure; audit is an extrac
tor, as it draws all disease cut of the affected part, leaving
nature as perfect as before the injury. It ■is scarcely ne
cessary to say that no house, work-shop, or manufactory
should ha one moment without it.
• No Pain Extractor is genuine unless the box has upon it
a steel plate engraving, with the name of Henry Bailey,
1 Sold by O. W. Kcsslih-, Altoona; George A. Jacobs, Uol-
Udaystmrg; and i>y oil the Druggists and patent medicine
dealers throughout tho United States and Canadas.
‘ Principal Depot, 1«3 Chambers street, New York.
Nov. 11,1858-ly 'C. F. CUACK.
' Celebrated Female Pills. ,
Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, M. D., Phy
sician Extraordinary to the Queen.
This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the,cure of all
those painful and delicate diseases to which the femalacon- •
stitution is subject. It moderates all excess and removes
all obstructions, and a speedy cure may bo relied on.
to limaiED LADIES
it U peculiarly suited. It ln fc short time, bring on
the monthly period, with regularity.
Back bottle, price one dollar, bears tho Government Stamp
of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. j
These Pills should not be taken by females dunnglM_lirti j
three months of Ihregnemey, as they are sure to bring on 3iis - j
carriagt,bulat anyolher time they aresafe.
In all coses of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain In
the Back and Limbs, Fatiguo on slight exertion. Palpitation
of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these pills will effect
a cure when all other means have foiled, arid although a
powerful remedy, do not contain, iron, calomel, antimony,
or anything hurtful to the constitution.
Full directions in the ‘pamphlet around each package,
which should be carefully preserved.
Sole Agent for the United; States and Canada,
JOB MOSKS, (late I. C. Baldwin 1 C 0..)
Rochester, K. T. ’
N. 8.—51.00 and 8 postage etamps enclosed to any an
thorized Agent, will Insure s. bottle, containing 60 Pills,
by retard mail. x
8.-L. Fahnestock, Pittsburg, Wholesale Agents; also, for
sale by all Druggists. ' [June 3,1858.-ly.
They are elegant. UgUt, and durable,
s Pitting to a charm—no turning up behind—no shrinking
offtho head; Indeed, this is the only Establishment where
thwe are properly nndcnrtood and made. ' ’
Kor. ; 18, 1858-ly . 233 Broadway, XewTork.
This disease can be cured by Db. ICsraett’s Toothache
fijamr, prepared Uy him in Pittsburgh, Pa., whidh Is
hp-in boltUs and sold at 25 cents each. It is an excellent
ntedjcine, When dUnied, far spongy and tender gams, and
tteaslj* y*ltbS id' all who’needit. . shl<l Sere
Uy-6.%rKeister. ■ ’ fPec. 0, isj|-ly.
The Original and But i». tit*. .J&ritll •
All other* or* more and should b»,»vbfd*jfc If;-
‘yohiwlahtociicaE* ridicule-. / :
akAt,' BED’ or RtjSTf* HAIR- *» *l\
beautiful And natv-iul IbWn hr | Black,; without ts» toj*t •
ifljtd-y to the Itair or Skin.:".r ~ .-•■ ? ■ ;i' U ’ ’
‘ Fifteen Medal* arid Diplomat haW been hWoWOd Wta-r:
A. Batchelor since 183 fl, *ader«r hpplkwtfciMbhjvF
been made to Abe bair of bis patrons of Uis fmmobs Dye. | ;;
WM. A. BATCIIibOR’S UAIR DY* prodokeif sdo(ori
not to be dletinguhihsd from nature, and Is WAaaxHTmnnot
to Iqjiire in the least, however b“*B it' may be coatlndtd,
and.tho 01 effect of Bod llye* the IjMpilariljpK;
rated for Life hy this Splendid Dye. , ■ <
made, sold or applied (to 9 private room*} ti tit* Wig
Factory, 232 Broadway, New YorJt. ~ : |
Sold by Druggist* in Altoona, and .by Druggist* to hit
cities and towus of tbs United States. \ ■ j: ?
The Genuine lisi the name and addrees atoel
plate engraving on four side* of each Box, of , * :
, 23d Broadway, Now Yotfc :
Not. 18, 18i8-ly
Important to Females— Da Cubes**
max's PjUs—The combination ofibgredreot* In thosa
Pills nr« the result of a long and extensive practice. They
are mild in their operation, and certain In eorreetlQgaU;
irregularities, painful menstruations, removing all Oh*
•tractions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain
in the side, palpitation of the heart, disturbed sleep, which
always arise from Interruption of nature, Inducing with
certainty periodical regularity- Warranted purely vegeta
ble, and free Rom anything injurious to llfeor health. Ex
plicit directions, which should be rend, accompany each
box. Price $l. Scut by mail by enclosing $l-to any
authorized Agent,
K. B; HUTCHINGS, General A sent fur ths United State*,
IG3 Chamber's street, New York. ■
To whom all Wholesale orders should 6c addressed.
' Bold by 0. W. Kessler, Altoona; Uoo. A, Jacobs, Holl£
daysburgt and by all Druggist*in the United btates. ji
Call on the Ageut and get a pamphlet free. ;;
Nov. IS, ISSS v.
Flour, Superfine, ft ibbl., s£• |0
Extra “ d-'®
“ Extra Family' “ >•s
Corn Mmtl $ luO lbs. 100
Bran & Shorts *1 100 Iba. l-W*
Rye Chop, “
Corn and Oats, •' *•
Middlings, . *• “ \ t- 50
Cash paid for all kinds of Grain. Flour and Feed can
always bo hod at the Mill at the prices quoted iib'-re,
On tho 20th iilt„ at tho Lutheran Parsonage- Ly 80v.,J.
DEIiMYEK, both of Altoonai l*n ■’
On tho 2Cth ult., by tho Rot. J.. Mossier, Mr. JAMEft.-P•
SCOTT, of Huntingdon county, to Miss MAKTHA ANN
UYLE, from pear Martlnsburg, Blair county; Fa.
- Oh the flflth ult. by tlio Rev. Lloyd Knight. Mr. DAVID
TYLEU of Logans Valley, to Miss AGNES BARNWELL
of Ho.lidaysburg.
In this Borough, on Friday last, ELLEN, daughter of
Cornelius McLaughlin, aged about 5 months.
Ou the 24th ult., in Altoona, Sira. ELIZABETH DAVIS,
mother of John Davis, aged 77 year*. S months and 9 days.
Our beloved frirud, whoso death we record above, has
been a member of thu United Brethren Church for about vo years.- Slio has exerted a healthful OhnFtinu
influence during her warfare. We are informed that ft|ra
number of years past she has been waiting for the period
when death would bid her travel from this body of sin and
death. Death to her had nesting, no dread. Oh! no; her
mortal life was “swallowed up in victory.” Thus OUr
friend has left her earthly house of clay and corruption,
and entered the immortal in the celestial legions, where
there are no deaths, no graves. Truly may we exclaim,
•• Ble.-oed arc thu dead which die in tho LvJni.”
“ Why do we mourn departing friends,
Or shake at death's alarms!
'Tis bat the voice that Jesus sends them to his arms.’’ ' B. 11. ?-
On the 30th Inst., of Typhoid fever, MICHAEL AULT?.,
of Hollidaysburg, aged about 60 yoarsj
In Lognu township,- on tho 30th instant. Mrs. MARY
WILLIAMS, widow of Thca. Williams, Esq.,deceased,aged
about 70 years. ‘' i'i
GENTLEMEN can find good accommodations lit a
private boarding house on mailing application at tins office.
Feb. 3d, 69-tf. ' - :
Attention i—al toon a guards !
You arc hereby commanded to meet at your 4
Ariimrv, in the Borough of Altoona, on Ti.’HSDAV, tho •]
•22.1 day of KKUKUAHY, at 9 o’clock, A. 51., iu full til
uniform, properly equipped f.< drill. Kuch member
will provide himself with 10 round* Clank C«tridgoilr%
1!t order of the Captain. tjn
U. HOUSEMAN, 0. 8. U|
V ORPHANS’ CODRT SALE.—By virtue of an
of the Orphans' Court of Blair county, the subscriber .will
sell by public outcry, ou the premises, on WEDNE3W.Y.
23D DAY OF FEBItI’ARY, 1359, nl ID o'clock.A. M., the
following Real Estate, viz.:—A LOT OF EgJti
GROUND. 50 feet front bjr 120 feet deep.
having (hcreou erected ii two aud A half MjigßS |.»U»
story FRAME HOUSE, aud other outbuil- Wtga 5 ■ jjaL
dings, situate on Emma street, in the bor> JSgpguUiZß
TERMSy-Coeb, on the confirmation of «ib-.«
Adm'r of Hariha Uunttr, dic'd.
Altoona, Feb. 3, ISb'J-ts. : '■* ,
Feb. 3d. ISSO-3t.
List of letters remaining
in the Post Office, at Altoona, Pn., Teh. Ist. 1850;: .
Ako, A L Hamilton. W McMillan. Mrs
Aimer, Mary Ann Hughes, Kata ' McCormick, Cath
Bartow, Mahalah Helm, George, jr MeLaublln, Suoin
Byrne. Margaret, Sam’l • McCormick,Eliiu J
Baker, Julia Hardso-ik, Rosa Reilly, John >■
Branan, Ellen Hamilton, Barbara Robison, Jane
Brooks, David Johnston, Martha Sharp, Sophia :. .
Carr, Christian Kn-'ppor; Mary J Spare, Mary
Courayd. MarV K irby George Secrist, Mary J
Campbell, John J Kafej Mattlicw Templo, JamM
Deutsh, Arnold J 2 Long, John IV oh a, Little 2
Decker, William S L“ul», M . Wolf, Wm
Donovan, John Martin, Laurence Walton, Wm ,
Eastrict, William Manley, Simpson G Wiftgtvtd.
Gouglmour, Ales D Morue, Charles WtHljun*, Wm -
Glass, Jams Mountain. Cath'na Walton. Wm It
Persons calling for letters on this list vrUJ plA>*s say
they artLivlvertlsad. JOHN SIIOEM AttßU, P, il. ;
.Altoona, February 3d, 1859, • .
Xj AGENCY.—The undersigned. Agent of the Blair
County Mutual Fire Insurance' Company; is gl all
times reudv to insure against loss or damage by Qro, thudd
ings, Merchandise, Furniture and I‘rupcfly, of every des
cription, in town or country, at as reasonable rates as any
Cmnnany In the State. Office with Sell, Johnston,^.Jack 4
Co.* il D. 1. CALDWELL, Agent.
Jan. 27, ’6O-tC
Notice particular.—all
persons knowing themselves indebted to the OfEe of
ally, are requested to pay np Immediately* without rtapeet
to persons. All accounts unsettled two week*: from tills
date will bo placed in the bands of a Justice tof collection.
Jan. 27 W-Sl*
New firm i-t-the UNDESIGN
ED -would respectfully inform theciUMns of Altoona
ami vicinity that t hoy hare purchased the entire Stodkaud
buildings of J. Wells Coir.i.s. knd tateDd to carry dh the
BUTmRRtKCt BVSISES& In fib Weafc W« vrljl
nlsh MEAT OF All. KINDS at tsb lowest
Our MARKET DAIS will bo tbo same as herotofege. on
TUESDAY and SATURDAY. We wlll'-also attctjd on
Monday and Friday evenings tosopplythoMwßo McJcr
calling at that time. " • ■■OTlKft'fc®.
: Altoona, Jan. 13, 1538.-3 m i ‘
sale Within
of Altoona.—The tfutwfcrfber offers *t
containing one- aero of Bro»BJd,n»lH»- *n
House, Spring House, Stable, and other bulHinga tbMon.
Alma nlumW oirSwico Fruit Tree*, MidGrapu-Wne*,
which arein i thrifty condition. -There fat anever-fci!ing
spring of water on the Jot. ” • I;! - ",,
If tie property U ndtsoldby the it fl'l
he tot rent.- .Any
may he had ftom ! . ’ s®®’ 9* CRAsfER.
■ Doc.'29, _ ’ ;y.. ~ . .
~S5(i A MOI&H',
|sj AN3> ALU BXPICNSES'PAJD.—Ah agent is wnated
» ra mnawitegi Sh,,
KwForV C«y, enelc«ng«4e yettageefaap. pj| to. 13^
i V . •: ’ ';■■
,: K<mci —Tlila Ik to IftfetnitU* public, that m baaa Sia.
poocd oftmr iu. OrtnUub#M>K
! tu, M. chirwrwf >y tlie sta% «f pjtUwnh, ffeSS»«Kf<f .
■ tSa.«*o* s to tUu Em vt WOODjwlnQCOvtu
; rtAig .raconuucu>l ,<jur VfcoMwKorK"*MtriQCSMr
' frlmj» no 3 jSWt£j fobfias as* u rod tluvt t!\c mBBjBFvBT
MaUnuett withJJip ‘■luuu 7iil«rUy and promputnda
lu»fcmti&fc'na!d it as conducted £>V PaiMna#4Bc
tt?irtrfi »SkY :.
sv.<xpaao»s ro GJipoo&P
Tto wrimlwwtliwiin
tha foflowinß kmm«, tv IM dmwu ctiik tNsHPf*
Febniwy, ISB9, at DelwMsra, in JuiSflo^da- 5
dtr tl>B anpcrinttwluhco ufawora caiaari»loner«
ed by'tho Governor. :
Class H O Pratts Wednesday, February 3,1819;
i Class 122 Draws Wednesday, Fobrtfwy 9£ M».-
i Class I§4, Draws Wedncsday, Fel*rmiri 16. 1860.
Class 14G Drftws'Wcdnesday, Febinaty, ss, ISfifi.,
Nearly one.Prfco to every tWo;Tl6kßtif
18 S«n«U.
1 PrU» of S«V,OOOU MM|
•lijOW “ TtTW
13,000 “. iSS*.
7,506 « - 7^'
1 “
1 “
1 “
60. I'm** of
60 “
ISO « ,
c& «
66 “
06 “
130 “
4.745 -
27,040 •*
31,390 Prises amounting W
Whole Ticktlt $10 —Jlaltct Quarter* $2,0
. Cci tiiuatca of packages wilt l*o r*H i| ih» tiH>Tlii|
rates.which is the rink. , ' t.
CcrtidcatM of poekagwof SO WhnU tickets Allnja
-G Half “
*• “ 30 Quarter “ VfS
Enclose tho amount bf money to our address, fbfVbliVinn
sHsh to purchase; nmno tbaLottery In whlch"yv« wbahjl
itlvestcd, aud whether you wfdf Whole*, Halve* dr(tou , >
ter*, oh receipt of which. We eoidwhat U ordered, hyv»»
mail, together with tho scheme. ' ...
Immediately after th c drawing, the .Ufa ttu nuntberawtH
ha si-nt with n written explanation. .
Pnichnsera will please write tficlr slgnalUxMplaln, m 4
give-tin: minis of their Post Office, County and Stats.
Tboeo who-prefer not sending money bjrnitH, can US*
whereby money for Tickets, in sum* i f Tea Sultan, and
upwards, can be sent us
from any city or town where they hare art SOW., Tba
money and order mustjie enclosed in a “ OOVEHNiUUtr
Company caunot receive them. .'
49* Orders for Tickoti or Certificates, by Ifailorßx.
to be directed to WOOD, EDDVAOo.,
", Wilmington, Delaware,
Druggist ami Phavinacoatli^
umlar Keystone Hall, N. E. corner ol Virginia anil >Mp
Comitcntly on hand a splendid assortment of
consisting of all tho Superior Extracts for.Utbllliadker*
chief, Pomades, Ualr Oils. Colognes, Oriental Drupe, Oae
ructiLM. I'rangip uii Sachets, Fancy Soaps, Rungei^ete.
Brushes. Hair, Tooth, Nail, Flesh, Point and Ctotbea.
Porto -Mouuaies, Pocket Books, Purses, Pencils, ftssW,
Knives nud Violin Strings. , \ l
Paints of alt sorts, both dry aud giound in Oil.. Window
Giass of every description.
Carbon. Linseed. Sperm and Lard OIL.
II do {land’s German Bitters, Bccrhiivo’s Holland Bitter*,
AyoCs Cherry Pectoral. SArsaparilln and Cathartic Pills:
FnnfunTa Liver luviporctoi; Litidecy’s. BtOod BeaiyUor;
Clarke’s Female and Dupouho’s Gulden Pills; Wright’s,
Wilson’s, ilcLaue’s, Lvidy’s mid COrbln’s PUD ; WolflPs
Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps; Merchant's OargUng Oil;
Perry Davis’ Pain Ki’der. Pour-fold, Arabian,' Mexican
aud Nerve and Uoua Liniment, together with all (be popu
lar Mediciues Of tho day.
> Light Guard Open, 1
1 La fortune,
I liver !r; fitnr,
I La Silva inra.
I La Tccncas »,
| Celebratvd Vnra Priadf^
which 1* very justly popular wherever known,, tagitlott
| with ul! the «ttpertor brmuti in market. . ,
i A full assortment of Knight’* Celebrated FiavoringKx
| IractsAbr 'looking. Duvtec's ChamitulilaWing t*owitor,ai»d
' llcckera Prepared, Viiritia. .
CAM I*ll KNU and lldl’.MSti VLu! D constantly on hand.
Physicians desiring pure and reliable pft pal a! So m -Will
find it to their interest to call. . ’• " v ■ : ' ''
kte. Prcscriirtious carefully and reliably compounded.
Remember the sign r-f the Golden Mcvtur;
Altoona. Dec. 30, If'Oi*.
Head quarters for low
PKlCKS.—Thankful for past favor«,fb* »nbeertb*r
would respectfully beg leave to Inform the cithtena of sir
toonaaiid vlciuily, that be has just received and o Jinked
his stock of ii .‘i
which bo will sell at very low prices for caah. It consists
in part ot ‘ • v
Delaines, Robes, Pat de Chtnet, plain Merinos,
figuredundsiriped Merinos, Uool Ptaid»i Union
' Plaids, English Merinos' black and fancy
Silks, Shawls of every description; Sheet
ings, Muslinsi, ’Flannels, Cassmtret, Sat
tuieils. Ginghams, Chinte, Hosiery,
' Gloves, , Evi'roiderks embracing
Collars, Settsi Bands, Insert' ■
ings, Edgings, (n fine,
every article of ta-
Hits jrear.
Alio—An cicellout as« .rtmciit of Suhlenable Qaeeae
ware, Glbbs-ware, ftirthenware, ,A«.
BOOTS and SUOE3 of all alien, qiudlJiM *nd styles.—
and Mlaaes’Shoes imdOaHeia, ,
The very beat asaortment of dkOCERIEfi may bofoand
at this establishment.
Como oncl come alt!! and examine theabove atock. .
AltooniyOct, 14,18A8. J,. B.HUJtMAK.
) BCUSIASCB FADES. The place tegst* {
ambro'Eypes, . £ :
done n£'in short order, te on Jnlln stwflt, tn»o«jtjTK?«i*
botiacVs whore ill porsonscau be accpmmodajßdlirlll (Joe
and perfectUkcnoss®*. Jimp frwn.Jto ttaeotfa, * S
Picture* eroded on reaWnoahlo lema, -
Pictures set iu Jewell y: nt Very taw.HtC% itbe P*J« «•*
poadios upon the elzo or the article.. vv i, ■ j £ -;• ‘■- v.
Pictures always warranted before they an taken away
• Ladies and uto iurifcd to ww,«#*
specimens.:.. ’ - ■ 1 •
Pictufcs tukcn as w«a in cloudy M v , fil U,^S , r?l
, December 10,185§-Cni.} j. W*
■f ". “■ .yrir medical salt : : . vv .
Jan. ao.lSi#.^
’ VSV Ready MlkltClotWiUf, «f€bB{M»tt SWBfitofecWjw
]«.>,% '
.TIj ;. Z _f _ ~ . ?»---»■- '• >- --T .
QE LL I N Cr A ,i 4» AS
ky: 80RTMB3JT "of Boots Sh^taW*'Vbd CMt
Ov»r»lioe»,at - <■ ■• ■■ -T-Ur- .■; «s®t!lCt{R®
D«. o,lBufc. - .
to *» rtuWX.
0,000 u
SJ43 ; ‘
■7,000 »r»
mo “
aa« «
100 •*
60 “
40 .
80 “
90 «
10 “
:#&S i*