'SV.. M «CMB. k>i' fiiixtter hw a italUttVu* 1 l !, !."vJi» ; 4ba mb£ mv.tc. I l« **jg| l“ or tbeLun^ It t o x*scna - II cure ■M ruction kcd a^pyrtet^Bt ■ cure :&HQfl|j||| v' ;r cnused “ r «v w h? the ; ■’•■ **'-• Capt- WM. WILLIAMS, , Scrigt Jw .L..KIDD.. , Feb. 1, ’69. \ Corp. JKO. KEEFFER. The papers of the- several counties named are requested to publish the above. Recife for a Modern Dress. —The follow ing French recipe for the modern dress of a fe male, will be perused with interest,by the lady readers of the Tribune, It was published nearly a century ago;— “Han? a smallbngio cap on, os big as a crown. Snout "it off with u flower, uulgo diet, a pumpooin, Lr t your powder be gray, and braid up your hair, Liku the mane of a colt to be sold at a fair. Your neck and your shoulder* both naked aboil be, Wos.it not for Vandyke, blown with a chevaux dt/rttt Let your gown be a sack, blue, yellow, or green, And friugh* your elbow* with ruffles sixteen Furl off your lowa apron with flounces in row*, Puffnnd pucker up knots ou your arms and your toes, MukO vour ebon, that u hooj> eight yards mat, May decently show how your garters are tied.” A CARD.— a report baa been put in circulation in this community (by interested parties, I presume) to the efiect that Dr. S. Kimmel, of HoiUdaysburg, while performing a dental operation upon mo fractured my jaw, I wish, in justice to Dr. Kimmel, to state that the report is incorrect. GEORGE GREGQ. Altoona, Feb. 3, 1658. Ho! x for the Arctic Region! If any of the Ladies are dissatisfied with the weather we are having, and desire visiting the Arctic Region, we would recommend them to call on C. J. MANN and replenish their ward robo from his beautiful stock of CLOAKS, CAPES AND SHAWLS, which he is selling off cheap, being determined to dispose of them while tie snow is screeching. Jammy ISth, 1859 THE HALL OF FASHION is still open- and the Proprietor, in returning thanks to bis nu merous customers for their liberal patronage bestowed on him since Jiis commencement, here desires to say (without fear of contradiction) that he'is prepared to' offer for theii- inspection the best assortment of handsome Dbkss Goods,. Shawls, Cloaks, White Goods, &.C., &c., that can be found in Altoona Respectfully, &c.,' The Panic —Moan Failures. —The panic in Now Yosk scorns to be on the increase, la this city everything goes on smoothly, and the only failures we have i heard of were the failures to furnish good fits made by some inferior clothing establishments. There is no such difficulty to be encountered by those who patronize the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rockhill & Wil son, Nos. 603 and 605 Chesnut street, above sisth. Gentlemen and Youths never fail to pro cure capital fits at this popular establishment. See advertisement of Dr. Saudford’s LIVER. INVIGORATOU in another column. SPECIAL NOTICES. Dailey’s Magical Pain Extractor. In nil diseases inflammation moro or Ims proJomiuatcß— now to allay inflammation strikes at the root of disease — , bunco an Immediate cure. ■ I)ALLEY'£ MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR, ; and nothing else, will alley inflammation at once, ami make | a certain cure. , \ 1 VALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTHACTOR | will cure the following among a great catalogue of discos.-a; , Burns, Eealds, Cuts, Chafes, Soro Nipples, Corns, Burnous, j Bruises, Sprains, Bites, Poison, Chilblains, Biles, Scrofula, I Ulcers, Fever Sores, Felons, Ear Ache, Piles, Sore Eyes, Gout, Swellings, Rheumatism, Scald Head, Salt Khoum, Baldness, Erysipelas, Ringworm, Barbers’ Itch, Small Pox, Measles, Rush, Ac., Ac. To some It may appear incredulous that so many diseases should be reached by one article; such an idea will vanish when reflection points to the fact, that the salvo Is a com bination of ingredients, each and every one applying" a per fect antidote to its apposite disorder. VALLEY’S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR In itir effects is magical, because tho time is so short be tween disease and a permanent cure; audit is an extrac tor, as it draws all disease cut of the affected part, leaving nature as perfect as before the injury. It ■is scarcely ne cessary to say that no house, work-shop, or manufactory should ha one moment without it. • No Pain Extractor is genuine unless the box has upon it a steel plate engraving, with the name of Henry Bailey, Manufacturer. 1 Sold by O. W. Kcsslih-, Altoona; George A. Jacobs, Uol- Udaystmrg; and i>y oil the Druggists and patent medicine dealers throughout tho United States and Canadas. ‘ Principal Depot, 1«3 Chambers street, New York. Nov. 11,1858-ly 'C. F. CUACK. TUE GREAT REMEDY. SIR JAMES CLARKE’S ' Celebrated Female Pills. , Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, M. D., Phy sician Extraordinary to the Queen. This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the,cure of all those painful and delicate diseases to which the femalacon- • stitution is subject. It moderates all excess and removes all obstructions, and a speedy cure may bo relied on. to limaiED LADIES it U peculiarly suited. It ln fc short time, bring on the monthly period, with regularity. Back bottle, price one dollar, bears tho Government Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. j CAUTION. . These Pills should not be taken by females dunnglM_lirti j three months of Ihregnemey, as they are sure to bring on 3iis - j carriagt,bulat anyolher time they aresafe. In all coses of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain In the Back and Limbs, Fatiguo on slight exertion. Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these pills will effect a cure when all other means have foiled, arid although a powerful remedy, do not contain, iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the ‘pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. Sole Agent for the United; States and Canada, JOB MOSKS, (late I. C. Baldwin 1 C 0..) Rochester, K. T. ’ N. 8.—51.00 and 8 postage etamps enclosed to any an thorized Agent, will Insure s. bottle, containing 60 Pills, by retard mail. x 8.-L. Fahnestock, Pittsburg, Wholesale Agents; also, for sale by all Druggists. ' [June 3,1858.-ly. WIGS-WIGS-WIGS. BATCHEI.OU’S WIGS AND TOUPEES burpim aIL They are elegant. UgUt, and durable, s Pitting to a charm—no turning up behind—no shrinking offtho head; Indeed, this is the only Establishment where thwe are properly nndcnrtood and made. ' ’ Kor. ; 18, 1858-ly . 233 Broadway, XewTork. TOOTHACHE- This disease can be cured by Db. ICsraett’s Toothache fijamr, prepared Uy him in Pittsburgh, Pa., whidh Is hp-in boltUs and sold at 25 cents each. It is an excellent ntedjcine, When dUnied, far spongy and tender gams, and tteaslj* y*ltbS id' all who’needit. . shl•s Corn Mmtl $ luO lbs. 100 Bran & Shorts *1 100 Iba. l-W* Rye Chop, “ Corn and Oats, •' *• Middlings, . *• “ \ t- 50 Cash paid for all kinds of Grain. Flour and Feed can always bo hod at the Mill at the prices quoted iib'-re, JOHN ALLISON., MARRIED. On tho 20th iilt„ at tho Lutheran Parsonage- Ly 80v.,J. Stock. Mr. HENRY LA NT/, to Miss CATHARINE BIIIjS DEIiMYEK, both of Altoonai l*n ■’ On tho 2Cth ult., by tho Rot. J.. Mossier, Mr. JAMEft.-P• SCOTT, of Huntingdon county, to Miss MAKTHA ANN UYLE, from pear Martlnsburg, Blair county; Fa. - Oh the flflth ult. by tlio Rev. Lloyd Knight. Mr. DAVID TYLEU of Logans Valley, to Miss AGNES BARNWELL of Ho.lidaysburg. C. J. MANN. In this Borough, on Friday last, ELLEN, daughter of Cornelius McLaughlin, aged about 5 months. Ou the 24th ult., in Altoona, Sira. ELIZABETH DAVIS, mother of John Davis, aged 77 year*. S months and 9 days. Our beloved frirud, whoso death we record above, has been a member of thu United Brethren Church for about twcuty.fi vo years.- Slio has exerted a healthful OhnFtinu influence during her warfare. We are informed that ft|ra number of years past she has been waiting for the period when death would bid her travel from this body of sin and death. Death to her had nesting, no dread. Oh! no; her mortal life was “swallowed up in victory.” Thus OUr friend has left her earthly house of clay and corruption, and entered the immortal in the celestial legions, where there are no deaths, no graves. Truly may we exclaim, •• Ble.-oed arc thu dead which die in tho LvJni.” “ Why do we mourn departing friends, Or shake at death's alarms! 'Tis bat the voice that Jesus sends To.call them to his arms.’’ ' B. 11. ?- On the 30th Inst., of Typhoid fever, MICHAEL AULT?., of Hollidaysburg, aged about 60 yoarsj In Lognu township,- on tho 30th instant. Mrs. MARY WILLIAMS, widow of Thca. Williams, Esq.,deceased,aged about 70 years. ‘' i'i BO AKI) E K S WANTED —TWO GENTLEMEN can find good accommodations lit a private boarding house on mailing application at tins office. Feb. 3d, 69-tf. ' - : Attention i—al toon a guards ! You arc hereby commanded to meet at your 4 Ariimrv, in the Borough of Altoona, on Ti.’HSDAV, tho •] •22.1 day of KKUKUAHY, at 9 o’clock, A. 51., iu full til uniform, properly equipped f.< drill. Kuch member will provide himself with 10 round* Clank C«tridgoilr% 1!t order of the Captain. tjn U. HOUSEMAN, 0. 8. U| ■VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT V ORPHANS’ CODRT SALE.—By virtue of an of the Orphans' Court of Blair county, the subscriber .will sell by public outcry, ou the premises, on WEDNE3W.Y. 23D DAY OF FEBItI’ARY, 1359, nl ID o'clock.A. M., the following Real Estate, viz.:—A LOT OF EgJti GROUND. 50 feet front bjr 120 feet deep. having (hcreou erected ii two aud A half MjigßS |.»U» story FRAME HOUSE, aud other outbuil- Wtga 5 ■ jjaL dings, situate on Emma street, in the bor> JSgpguUiZß TERMSy-Coeb, on the confirmation of «ib-.« JAMES LOWTHEE. Adm'r of Hariha Uunttr, dic'd. Altoona, Feb. 3, ISb'J-ts. : '■* , AT ALTOONA STB AH MILL. DIED. Feb. 3d. ISSO-3t. List of letters remaining in the Post Office, at Altoona, Pn., Teh. Ist. 1850;: . Ako, A L Hamilton. W McMillan. Mrs Aimer, Mary Ann Hughes, Kata ' McCormick, Cath Bartow, Mahalah Helm, George, jr MeLaublln, Suoin Byrne. Margaret Hor.mn, Sam’l • McCormick,Eliiu J Baker, Julia Hardso-ik, Rosa Reilly, John >■ Branan, Ellen Hamilton, Barbara Robison, Jane Brooks, David Johnston, Martha Sharp, Sophia :. . Carr, Christian Kn-'ppor; Mary J Spare, Mary Courayd. MarV K irby George Secrist, Mary J Campbell, John J Kafej Mattlicw Templo, JamM Deutsh, Arnold J 2 Long, John IV oh a, Little 2 Decker, William S L“ul», M . Wolf, Wm Donovan, John Martin, Laurence Walton, Wm , Eastrict, William Manley, Simpson G Wiftgtvtd. Gouglmour, Ales D Morue, Charles WtHljun*, Wm - Glass, Jams Mountain. Cath'na Walton. Wm It Persons calling for letters on this list vrUJ plA>*s say they artLivlvertlsad. JOHN SIIOEM AttßU, P, il. ; .Altoona, February 3d, 1859, • . TjLATR COUNTY INSURANCE Xj AGENCY.—The undersigned. Agent of the Blair County Mutual Fire Insurance' Company; is gl all times reudv to insure against loss or damage by Qro, thudd ings, Merchandise, Furniture and I‘rupcfly, of every des cription, in town or country, at as reasonable rates as any Cmnnany In the State. Office with Sell, Johnston,^.Jack 4 Co.* il D. 1. CALDWELL, Agent. Jan. 27, ’6O-tC Notice particular.—all persons knowing themselves indebted to the OfEe of IfOOPEK * JAMES, or to THOMAS J. JAMESlnditSdu ally, are requested to pay np Immediately* without rtapeet to persons. All accounts unsettled two week*: from tills date will bo placed in the bands of a Justice tof collection. JOHN W. HOOPJJB, THOS. J. JAMES. 1 Jan. 27 W-Sl* New firm i-t-the UNDESIGN ED -would respectfully inform theciUMns of Altoona ami vicinity that t hoy hare purchased the entire Stodkaud buildings of J. Wells Coir.i.s. knd tateDd to carry dh the BUTmRRtKCt BVSISES& In fib Weafc W« vrljl nlsh MEAT OF All. KINDS at tsb lowest Our MARKET DAIS will bo tbo same as herotofege. on TUESDAY and SATURDAY. We wlll'-also attctjd on Monday and Friday evenings tosopplythoMwßo McJcr calling at that time. " • ■■OTlKft'fc®. : Altoona, Jan. 13, 1538.-3 m i ‘ YALU ABLE PROPPtTY |t>R sale Within of Altoona.—The tfutwfcrfber offers *t containing one- aero of Bro»BJd,n»lH»- *n House, Spring House, Stable, and other bulHinga tbMon. Alma nlumW oirSwico Fruit Tree*, MidGrapu-Wne*, which arein i thrifty condition. -There fat anever-fci!ing spring of water on the Jot. ” • I;! - ",, If tie property U ndtsoldby the it fl'l he tot rent.- .Any may he had ftom ! . ’ s®®’ 9* CRAsfER. ■ Doc.'29, _ ’ ;y.. ~ . . ~S5(i A MOI&H', |sj AN3> ALU BXPICNSES'PAJD.—Ah agent is wnated » ra mnawitegi Sh,, KwForV C«y, enelc«ng«4e yettageefaap. pj| to. 13^ i V . •: ’ ';■■ ,: KK ! tu, M. chirwrwf >y tlie sta% «f pjtUwnh, ffeSS»«Kfl ,V PaiMna#4Bc tt?irtrfi »SkY :. i WOOD, EDDY i..C0.„ MAXAOEBLS. sv.m*to:tt*fd»MW tha foflowinß kmm«, tv IM dmwu ctiik tNsHPf* Febniwy, ISB9, at DelwMsra, in JuiSflo^da- 5 dtr tl>B anpcrinttwluhco ufawora caiaari»loner« ed by'tho Governor. : Class H O Pratts Wednesday, February 3,1819; i Class 122 Draws Wednesday, Fobrtfwy 9£ M».- i Class I§4, Draws Wedncsday, Fel*rmiri 16. 1860. Class 14G Drftws'Wcdnesday, Febinaty, ss, ISfifi., THIRTY-TWO TPOTOAKP THRUM HB!WW|>. W NIN KCY-SiX VRIZJBSt Nearly one.Prfco to every tWo;Tl6kßtif 18 S«n«U. v MJtONI»I€BNT BgHEMB. - EACH WEt&KSDAYJS FEBRtfARY. 1 PrU» of S«V,OOOU MM| •lijOW “ TtTW 13,000 “. iSS*. 7,506 « - 7^' 1. 1 “ 1 “ 1 “ 60. I'm** of 60 “ ISO « , c& « 66 “ 06 “ 130 “ 4.745 - 27,040 •* 31,390 Prises amounting W Whole Ticktlt $10 —Jlaltct Quarter* $2,0 . Cci tiiuatca of packages wilt l*o r*H i| ih» tiH>Tlii| rates.which is the rink. , ' t. CcrtidcatM of poekagwof SO WhnU tickets Allnja -G Half “ *• “ 30 Quarter “ VfS IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CEU^ieAM®, Enclose tho amount bf money to our address, fbfVbliVinn sHsh to purchase; nmno tbaLottery In whlch"yv« wbahjl itlvestcd, aud whether you wfdf Whole*, Halve* dr(tou , > ter*, oh receipt of which. We eoidwhat U ordered, hyv»» mail, together with tho scheme. ' ... Immediately after th c drawing, the .Ufa ttu nuntberawtH ha si-nt with n written explanation. . Pnichnsera will please write tficlr slgnalUxMplaln, m 4 give-tin: minis of their Post Office, County and Stats. : NOTICE TO COIUIK3PONDSXT*i . : . Tboeo who-prefer not sending money bjrnitH, can US* THE AUA>I AKXPKEttS COMPAST,' *” ” whereby money for Tickets, in sum* i f Tea Sultan, and upwards, can be sent us AT OUil RISn ANDRSPEKBK, " i from any city or town where they hare art SOW., Tba money and order mustjie enclosed in a “ OOVEHNiUUtr POST OFFICE STAMPED ENVELOPE,’’ Company caunot receive them. .' 49* Orders for Tickoti or Certificates, by Ifailorßx. to be directed to WOOD, EDDVAOo., ", Wilmington, Delaware, . Druggist ami Phavinacoatli^ TSiEALEiI IN DHUGS, MKIHCINga, 1/ QILS, PAINTS, I)VE STUFFS, PATENT m CTNESj PBKKUMKUV, CIGARS aud VAKirnKS. Koom umlar Keystone Hall, N. E. corner ol Virginia anil >Mp streets. Comitcntly on hand a splendid assortment of PERFUMERY, consisting of all tho Superior Extracts for.Utbllliadker* chief, Pomades, Ualr Oils. Colognes, Oriental Drupe, Oae ructiLM. I'rangip uii Sachets, Fancy Soaps, Rungei^ete. VARIETIES. Brushes. Hair, Tooth, Nail, Flesh, Point and Ctotbea. Porto -Mouuaies, Pocket Books, Purses, Pencils, ftssW, Knives nud Violin Strings. , \ l PAINTS AND DIES. Paints of alt sorts, both dry aud giound in Oil.. Window Giass of every description. Carbon. Linseed. Sperm and Lard OIL. PATENT MEDICINES. II do {land’s German Bitters, Bccrhiivo’s Holland Bitter*, AyoCs Cherry Pectoral. SArsaparilln and Cathartic Pills: FnnfunTa Liver luviporctoi; Litidecy’s. BtOod BeaiyUor; Clarke’s Female and Dupouho’s Gulden Pills; Wright’s, Wilson’s, ilcLaue’s, Lvidy’s mid COrbln’s PUD ; WolflPs Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps; Merchant's OargUng Oil; Perry Davis’ Pain Ki’der. Pour-fold, Arabian,' Mexican aud Nerve and Uoua Liniment, together with all (be popu lar Mediciues Of tho day. CIGARS. > Light Guard Open, 1 1 La fortune, I liver !r; fitnr, I La Silva inra. Cigarette#, I La Tccncas », | Celebratvd Vnra Priadf^ which 1* very justly popular wherever known,, tagitlott | with ul! the «ttpertor brmuti in market. . , i A full assortment of Knight’* Celebrated FiavoringKx | IractsAbr 'looking. Duvtec's ChamitulilaWing t*owitor,ai»d ' llcckera Prepared, Viiritia. . CAM I*ll KNU and lldl’.MSti VLu! D constantly on hand. Physicians desiring pure and reliable pft pal a! So m -Will find it to their interest to call. . ’• " v ■ : ' '' kte. Prcscriirtious carefully and reliably compounded. Remember the sign r-f the Golden Mcvtur; Altoona. Dec. 30, If'Oi*. Head quarters for low PKlCKS.—Thankful for past favor«,fb* »nbeertb*r would respectfully beg leave to Inform the cithtena of sir toonaaiid vlciuily, that be has just received and o Jinked his stock of ii .‘i FALL & WINDER GOODS. which bo will sell at very low prices for caah. It consists in part ot ‘ • v Delaines, Robes, Pat de Chtnet, plain Merinos, figuredundsiriped Merinos, Uool Ptaid»i Union ' Plaids, English Merinos' black and fancy Silks, Shawls of every description; Sheet ings, Muslinsi, ’Flannels, Cassmtret, Sat tuieils. Ginghams, Chinte, Hosiery, ' Gloves, , Evi'roiderks embracing Collars, Settsi Bands, Insert' ■ ings, Edgings, (n fine, every article of ta- Hits jrear. Alio—An cicellout as« .rtmciit of Suhlenable Qaeeae ware, Glbbs-ware, ftirthenware, ,A«. BOOTS and SUOE3 of all alien, qiudlJiM *nd styles.— and Mlaaes’Shoes imdOaHeia, , The very beat asaortment of dkOCERIEfi may bofoand at this establishment. Como oncl come alt!! and examine theabove atock. . AltooniyOct, 14,18A8. J,. B.HUJtMAK. S’ECURE THE ADqW #JS ) BCUSIASCB FADES. The place tegst* { ambro'Eypes, . £ : done n£'in short order, te on Jnlln stwflt, tn»o«jtjTK?«i* botiacVs whore ill porsonscau be accpmmodajßdlirlll (Joe and perfectUkcnoss®*. Jimp frwn.Jto ttaeotfa, * S Picture* eroded on reaWnoahlo lema, - Pictures set iu Jewell y: nt Very taw.HtC% itbe P*J« «•* poadios upon the elzo or the article.. vv i, ■ j £ -;• ‘■- v. Pictures always warranted before they an taken away • Ladies and uto iurifcd to ww,«#* specimens.:.. ’ - ■ 1 • Pictufcs tukcn as w«a in cloudy M v , fil U,^S , r?l , December 10,185§-Cni.} j. W* KrIOE REDUCED QW^Sil ■f ". “■ .yrir medical salt : : . vv . ON32: JS&&I+AMI ...... Jan. ao.lSi#.^ CONSTANTLY: REOLIVINO ’ VSV Ready MlkltClotWiUf, «f€bB{M»tt SWBfitofecWjw than ]«.>,% ' .TIj ;. Z _f _ ~ . ?»---»■- '• >- --T . QE LL I N Cr A ,i 4» AS ky: 80RTMB3JT "of Boots Sh^taW*'Vbd CMt Ov»r»lioe»,at - <■ ■• ■■ -T-Ur- .■; «s®t!lCt{R® - D«. o,lBufc. - . to *» rtuWX. 0,000 u SJ43 ; ‘ ■7,000 »r» mo “ aa« « 100 •* 60 “ 40 . 80 “ 90 « 10 “ & AM 6*ooo 4MW 4*4o* MOO ■UM :#&S i*