? 1 i •"* - / •• M ift'f - ' . Brom Bradley' t Home Qazitte. " file Batcber Boy*o Love. ®T SAM OHINDEMOnr. v-~.\ j\- .; Ob/listeQ’tomy tale in verse> to wipe year, eye, i.j , dßoKypnare most hard-hearted, ’V Tlwt» wis a lovely market girl, Who had a market cart, Whoioeked upon aWtcher’sboy, ■. And won his verdant heart. T :.a :.V," - ;r ~-Hlseyea.weredapkiis blots of Ink, . .. •' K ' hazel eyeh were blue, *•' ftfehalr was of a cbosnut brown. And bet’s was golden too. He was. a ,tall and manlyyoatb, AveryliantlsomefcHer, His Christian namewasJPetorlJrown, Audber’s was Isabella. ■lie usedtosquiptacrossatber, ; When she was shelling pets, >■. Apd.tbink.that every .customer Should, go down on bis knees. He’d pick her out. the finest bits, Of meat most street and tender, And be would rather talk to her Than go upon a bender. Inagiije then ibis butcher's woe, One sunny market tiny, To find that Isabella Jones , From markot atayed away. ' And the next weokbebeordatale i ' <M grief most bitter, carried By Mr. Jones to Mr. Smitfa, That Isabel wns married. lie tore bis hair, bo raved and swore, He-stamped frith both bis feet, Ho screamed Jrithpassion as he tore Both up ana down the street.' Ho towed he’d something desperate do, ile would not stop to think, But rushed intoa neighboring store. And there be—“took a dnnk,” itnb Sentiment Pat and the Frogs. Pat had taken a drap too much, and was on his return home, when he overheard a r voice in the swamp, and supposing he had been recognized by an old acquaintance, something like the following conversation ensued*. ‘.’-‘s Prog: Magee! Magee! Magee! ■ Pat : Faith., and that’s give us yours if it is convenient intirely. Prog: Hugh Coulou ! Hugh Goulon ! Hugh -Coulon! . Pat; JBy my sowl, you arc a cousin of youjdpme over ? Jpfrgg ; , LasTMonth! Mputh ! Pat : What does yc find to live ou here in this bug sure ? Frog: Chunks! Chunks! Pat: By St- Patrick, if ye repute that same I’ll-knock ye down vrithray shillclah sure." Frog: Dead drunk! Dead drunk! j D®ad delink! P*jtYer a liar; a murthcring, bluth ing Far. Come ou, if yo dare, ye spalpeen yc.’ ' ' Frog ; Fight cm! Fight em I Fight ehi. Pat: Thers more, nor one of yes, ye highway robbers. I’m the boy that can lick ye. JoSt tread on my coat tail wuust. Frog: Chase em f Chase em! shasc ora. Pat;; I’m on my way to Brownsville, sure and ifyoes follow me to Jim OTlan negan’s store, I’ll stand up wid ye, and so I will, and .won’t strike yc after yer down. Prog; Kill em! Kill cm! Hill cm! "Kill eul ?. ■Pift ; ; Now yrc wouldn’t kiU a pobr man whose got a wife and six children io feed w|d. pertafes. ' ; Frog: Moderation ! Moderation! Mod eration t ' V' Now Darling, yc talk like a praste. Slip up and tike a drink wid me out of this flas% foyyer a broth of a hoy. .Prog: C Cold'water I Cold water ! Cold water! Pat 1 : Is it one of Father Matthew’s . mcdals-ycs got ? I neverjmed the pledge. I’rog: Co home, yer drunk ! Drunk! Drunk !• , Pat; Go.tp Ithe divil wid yer cold wa- of a gun, or by blazes IU taoheye howto be daqint. Pm in for a scrimmage wid ye how, sure. Frog : Dome on ! Gome on ! Come on [Pjftdimbs the fence and fells head foremost into the swamp, hut picks Kim selfagain, puts on his-slouched hatband kneedeep in soft mud, he swings his shallelah and threatens to send Ms oppo nent to a climate where there is not site cieni moisture to make a desirable place of .residence}' for the aquatic animal he was contending with. Hear Mm.] iist: It’s myself that’s here. Strike mo if yer dare, ye cold watdr hull. ' I’ll pull every hair layer body out. ' Fteg: Goodnight! Goodnight! Good Good night, honey. Sweet slapc and yrarte .Bridget Magee 1 Magee! Ma gee. 4 *-*-- ■ .■ v ; Poor sow!, she’s in Brownsville. wM Hetbleen and Parter. \ ' t.trog: Go home! Go home JGo home! CMhpine!; ■ Tv ife Fm off. luckte yi May W&vknty of bafcj jertates and whis f, and may ye reform yer and vo the highways/ f Thais ended the colloquy between Pat key, and the Frog to his Water, until the former was drowned in apjill-pond, the Mfor was crisped on a gridiron, . ' ‘ M ■ fag ■ ' ; —— —— S^,, 00 ' 8 TRT- SWAN & CO. CONTINUE TO DRAW AS USUAL WITHOUT ' . INTEBRUPTION.' ' SWAN & CO.’S Are Legal, tmS authorized by the State of Georgia. THE LATE ATTEMPT TO INJURE OUR FIRM BAS SHOWS ‘ : THAT OCR ’ LOTTERIES ABE DRAWN FAIBLT; THAT ODB PRIZES ABE PAID PUNCTUALLY;: AND THAT OUR SCHEMAS ARE MORE LIBERAL THAN ANY OTHER LOTTERY I& THE WOBLBI ' The following Scheme will be Brawn byp. Swan AOo- K«W» oflta fipwtAAaideiny Lotterjr/ln each olthelr JUagl* Number Lotterfa* fcr August l&S, at ADOUBTA, GEORGIA In.public, under nf (W»- minlonen: ■ ■ ~ Claes 27 draws on Saturday, August 7, 1888. Class;2B draws ou Saturday, August 14, 1858; Class 29 draws on Saturday, August 21, 1858. Class 80 draws on Saturday, August 28, 1858. OS THE PtAK OP SIirQLB Ntn»BBB8. 60,000 Tickets! / nr< noouni FODB BCNSKED AXJ> xtaarr.rm wwwl IstaHy ont Priit U> totry Niw TvkfU! ' MAGNIFICENT BCUEItB! , ' 1 ! TO BX B»AW» WCH JUTP«BAT I!f AUOCBT. ' ' 1 Priza'of \ : H. « . 1 H 1 M i( X u « I f€,.U' ' i ■ <f i( A u i( $70,000 4 Prize of 30.000 4 ■ 10,000 | 4 6,00-i' 4 “ “ , 4.000 so Prize* of ■ 3,00(1 60 « « 1,600 100 “ »<• 1.000 230 » « , i APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Prize* of *4OO Approx’ting. to $70,000 Prize aw $1,600 4 « “ 800 « « ao.ooo « *• i’aoo 4 ;« « 200 “ »> 10,000 « “ 800 4 i “ " 125 « “ 6,000 « « 50a 4 “ “ 100 4,000 “ “ 400 4 I. >• 75 „ „ 3 000 „ „ goo 4 " « go “ “ 1,000 “ “ 200 SfiOO “ “ 20 ore 100,000 6,485 Prizes amounting to *320,000 ~ -Wwle Tickets $10; Halves ssr Quarters s2^o. A, Circular showing Uie plan of the Lotteries will be sent to any one desirous of receiving It Certificates of Packages will be sold at the following rates which is the risk: *• Certificate of package of 10 Whole Tickets, “ , f “ 10 Half « “• ! , ‘V lOQnarter « “ • « ■ loEight “ ' v IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES. Enclose the money to our address for the tickets ordered, or receipt of which they will be forwarded by first mail;— Purchasers can hare'tickets ending in any number they may designate.' . ! The list of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately after the drawing. Purchasers will pleise write their signatures plain, odd (Ire their Poet Office, County and State. I Remember that every Prize is drawn and payable in full ritbbnt deduction. Apprizes of $l,OOO and underpaid immediately after AH communications strictly confidential. Address ordersJbrtickets or certificates to S. SWAN A CO., Augusta, Cat. Persons residing near Montgomery, Aim, or Atalanta,Ga. can hare their orders filled, and save time, by addressing S. S wan A Co., at eitberof those cities. A list of the niimbera tbat are drawn from the wheel, with the amount of the prise that, each one is entitled to, will be published after evmy drawing, in the following pa pers ;— Xew.OrleansDelta, V6UURegister, Charleston Stan dard, ydskviUe Gazette, Atlanta Intelligencer, jiao York WeMy Day:Book, Savannah Morning Hews, Richmond Dis patch, yew York Dispatch, and Paulding (Miss.) Clarion Augusta (Geo.) Constitutionalist. [jan.7-ly. Maryland state lotteries FOE JULY, 1658. R. Fuance & Co., . , ' Managers of the Maryland State Lotteries, present the fol lowing Splendid Schemes . FOR AUGUST, ISOB. - Thd* caution purchasers of Tickets to beware of order ing Tickets in Lotteries where extraordinary large Capi tal* areofleredfor a email cost of Tickets—all such are swindles. . ' Tlie Maryland lotteries hare been in existence for Forty Years. They are drawn by a State Officer, and can be re lied on. If yon draw a Prise, koit will get your money The whole country is flooded «th bogus Lottery concerns. Beware of them. . ’ '■ JOS' Order in the 'Maryland State Lotteries. VAOSIFICEfI SCHEME. MARYLAKDSTATE LOTTEUT, CLASS Jf, Tojbe drawn in Baltimore City, on Saturday," August Slsl, 49* 1! Drawn Ballots in eaich Package of 20 ticket*, 1 Grand Prize of . $40,0001 1 Prize of $2,000 1 Prize of 10,000 I Prize of 2.000 I Prize of 10,000 1 Prize of 2.000 1 Prize of 5,057 1 Prize of 2,000 1 Prize of 6,000 20 Prize of 1,200 1 Prize of 8,000 20 Prize of 000 1 Prize of 5.000 20 Prize of 500 1 Prize of -2,000 113 Prize of 400 1 Prizeof 2,000 66 Prize of 100 1 Prizeof 2.000 06 Prize of 60 1 Priarof 2,000 ,66 Prize of 30 1 Prizeof 2,000 4,158 Prizes of 2n 1 Prize of 2,000 25,740 Prizes of U. 70 30,318 Prizes, amounting to $601,000. Tickets slo—Halves ss—Quarters s2^o—Eighths $1,26. A Certificate of Package of 28 Wholes, costs $l5B 00 I Do. lie. 26 Halves, 70 00 \ ' Do. do. —26 Quarters, SO 60 : Do. do. 29 Eighths, 19 75 Ihis i» tie old mode’ of Drawing. Prises in one Wheel andTtckcUiu another. Nvery Prize is drawn out. Every Prist paid in fvU without deductionl ' MARYLAND STATE LOTTERY. EXTRA CLASS 0, To he drawn in Baltimore, Md., Saturday, Aug, 28th, 1858. 20,165 Prizes! 40,000 Numbers!! We would call particular attention to the following splen did scheme, a package of 10 whole tickets costing only f sBo—and every other ticket being warranted to draw 10, determined by the nnmber drawing the Capital rize, whether odd or even. 1 SPLENDID SCHEME! . I Praoof $35,000 4 Appr’z to $2OO 1 Prize of 10,000 • 4 « 100 1 Prize of 5,000 4 “ SO 1 Prize of i 2,400 4 “ SO 1 Prizeof 2,000 4 “ 60 1 Prize of 1,0001 . 1 Prizeof 1,000 ’ 8 00 1 Prize of 500) „ 1 Prize of , 600 8 »*0 1 Prizeof 400) . 1 Prizeof 400/ 8 ’ 50 1 Prize of 200) ' 10 Prize* of '• 200/ 8 58 100 Prizes of JOOaro, 10,0f0 20,000 lO are - 200,000 IVholeTlekfita slo—Halves ss—Quarters $2,50. A Managers’ Certificate •of IB persons wishi tojmy the riskohly, will he sent for £SO Mo. . ' )do, : ’lO Halved,' . 40 Do. do. •, • 16Quarters, ; ;20 . do ' . 1$ Eighths, 10 The Managers have been compelled from the numerous complaints made to them, of iniCdthinlneaß on the part of those who have been attending to the filling Of orders, to resume the correspondence business in their own name. Order tickets firam the Kanagers only; ■> Adrross au letters to : R. PRANCE A CO. March My] Baltimore, Md. TXOUS& sign; ornamental & JLLiQARRIAGE PAIKXI??O.—The undersigned" beg leave to inform the citizens of Altoona andvicinity that they have commenced the business of HOUSE, SION, ORNAMENTAL AND CARRIAGE PAINTING, * GLAZING, PAPER-HANGING, VAR NISHING, sc., sc., in all their various branches, and are prepared to do all wwt eiitnßtcd to them with neatness and despatch. They have on hand a largo nssortraont'of painting ma terlal* and .Window Glass of all sizes, also Stained Glam and Looking-Glass Plates, which enables thorn to do work man improved style and at reduced rates. ■ ' ftrict attention to business we hope to merit a share or public patronage. Onr room is on Virginia street, Immediately onboeito Kessler’s Drug Store. KEYES & wAtSTT April 8,185»3mv ' ° BARGAINS! BARGAINS! A NEW STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING SUITABLE FOR THE SEASON, JUST RECEIVED BY V EOTINGER & ULLMAN, AND NOW BEING DISPOSED OF AT PRICES WHICH v DEFY COMPETITION. MR. ULLMAN announces that he is ia always on band and wM take" great pleasure in waiting upon all who mayfiivor himwitha call. He feels confident that be will be able to render satisfaction both ip qnallty and price. {April lf*3m Raisins.— 1,000 boxes bunch and Layer Raisins ia store and for sale by WM. N. SHUGARD, March 23,’58-ly] 101 North 3d street, Philadelphia. pONFECTIONARY.—PLAIN AND fine Confccilonary manufactured and for sale by „ , WM. N. SHUGARD, Morel? 20, ’58-ly] _ 191 NotthBdstreot,Phfladelphia: Spectacles and eye preser. \ ri-trj ilessler’s. :*r>U drawing—other prizes at the usual time of 30 days HAVANA PLAN. : *i^-;,::. 1 L v^:;£ to SHB | PUBiIC;—IB,7&7 GIFTS _FOR THEjREOPLE. EL DORADO GIFT ASSO TON for the sale of $13,787 worth of Sewing Silk. Each purchaser of one dollar’s Worth of Sewing Silk will receive a numbered check, which will entitle the hol der, to one share and a voice in the distribution of the fill lowing listof TalhablcPropcrty, to be distributed by a Com mittee, chosen by the shareholders, in'such a manner as they may deam advisable and agree upon among themselves. , ■ LIST OR PROPERTY. 1 7 corner Lota, on Washington street Altoona, SO by, 120'fbet, valued at $lB4 each, $1,288 17 lota on Washington st, 50x120 fn, $156 each, 2,052 Scot. lotsooMulberryst-, “ “ 156 “ L 248 19 tots on Mulberry at, “ “ 132 “ ,8,508 2 lots on High street, “ 63 “ 128 ' 1 cor. lot on German street, 50x175 ft-valued at . 08 3 lots bn German street “ “ $42 each .126 1 loton Howard street, 60x133- feet, valued at ' .182 ■4 cor.lotonLeiingtonst, “ “ “ “ ISO 2 lota on ChaWmnt street, 1 * “ slSlcach, 262* 1 Hold Lever Watch; valued at 100 1 Horse, ]_ “ “ 187 1 Two-Honk Wagon, “ « 42 1 SOverLeplito natch “ >“ 16 12 Coat Patterns and Trimminga, $lO each, 120 60 Pants and Test patterns, at $1,40 each, 220 75 Articles orParccls ef Merchandise, $3,00 each, 225 100 “ i’“ “ 2,00 •* 300 100 « i “ *« ioo “ 100 M 0 “ : “ « • 75 “ 875 2,000 ,“ ; « “ 60 “ LOOO • .8,000 “ : “ « SO “ 900 4,000 « ■ “ ** 25 “ 1,000 '3j886 “ 20“ 777 13,787 Gifts, valued at ' $13,787 The Real Estate in .this Enterprise is handsomely situated intho flourishing town of Altoona, (Head-quarters of the "Pa- Cop train. B. Oo.) which In a has grown as if by magic, its present population bciugioror 3,000. The above property will be delivered to the persons enU tied to receive it, immediately distribution. An indisputable title to all the lotoiu the above bill; will beigivehby K. H. McCORMICK. The articles or parcels per bill, will consist of cloths, cas simeres, do lainee, Ac, &c. ' My object is to dispose of the silk in the shortest possible time, and I deelre everybody to purchase soon and became members of thia itagm/iceiit Astodation. The silk will be dent to any part of the United States, with Certificate of Uembership, (for each dollar's worth pur chased,) on rocelpt of the cosh. Agents or clubs remitting §lO at one time, will deceive in return $ll worth of silk and 11 certificates ' All orders must be addressed to JOSEPH 'MOIST, Jnne 10,1866-tf.]: Altoona, Blair Qt n Pi. All orders by mall, with postage stamp enclosed, prompt ly attended to. New firm and new goods.— J* St J, LOWTHJEH havejust retained from the City and are now receiving their stock of SPRINO GOODS, which- they feel assured are os HANDSOME and.CHEAP, if not a Utile cheaper, than any yet brought to this place. On account of going to. Philadelphia late in the season, wo have been able to buy our goods at greatly reduced pri ces, and wo are determined to sell them at very small prof its for cash or to prompt monthly paying customers. We have os usual a splendid stock of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, such as ROBES A’ QUJLLE, CHALLIES, BAYADERE,LARSLLAS, DUCALS, POIL, DEGUEVEES, DELAINS, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, Ac. and Mantillas in great variety, together with a*good stock of-Domestic Dry Goods, Straw Goods, ' BOOTS 4 SHOES, HARD WARE, QUEENS WARE, GROCERIES, 4 c., 4c. • Tlio citizens of Altoona will findit to their advantage to examine our stock, as we are not to bo uudersold- April 29,1858. $BO 40 20 10 CHEAP GOODS! CHEAP GOODS! —The subscriber would respectfully inform the citi zens of Altoona and vicinity that he has just received his stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting, in part, of LADIES' PLAIN AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, such as Silks, Satins, Bareges, iPliaines, Challics, Dncals, Lawns, Gihghami, Prints, Ac., together With all kinds'of Dry Goods, all of which will be sold Cheap for cash. He has also oh hand a large stock of. GROCERIESI QUEENSWARE, HARD WARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, and all other goods usually kept In stores In this place. .Hiving adopted the CASH SYSTEM in ray business and being.resolved to carry it out, 1 have marked my goods at CASH PRICES, and invite inspection and comparison, in regard to prices and quality, with those of any other store In the town. Give jfao a call and judge for yourselves. Country prodmio taken in exchange for goods, at the highest market prices. April 29-1 y] J. B. HILEMAN. SAVING FUND, FIVE PER GENT INTEREST, NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST 00-, Wat nut street, -S. IK Vomer of Third , Philadelphia. Incorpo rated by the State of Pennsylvania. Money is receivedih any snm, large or small, and inter est paid ftpm the day of doposft to the day of withdrawal. The office is open;every day from 9 o’clock in the morn ing till 6 o’clock! in the afternoon, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till 8 o'clock. ■ . : Hon. HENRY 1.. BENNER. Prcs't. i ROBERT SELFEXDOE, Vicc-Prest. Wm. J. Uezd, Sectetafg. DIRECTORS. lion. Henry L. Benner,- F. Carrol Brewster, Edward L. Carter, i Joseph B. Barry, Robert Sidfridg'', j Francis Lee, Siun’f K. Ashton, j Joseph Yi-ikes, C. La mi ret U Munns; Henry PteiTcudorfer. Money is received and payments made daily without no tice. ' ■The investments’are made in REAL ESTATE. MORT GAGES, GROUND’;RENTS, and such first class securities as the Charter requires [Mor3-sm. W. CuXMJiGHAM. I/T). CCSKISQHAM, K. CdsNISGILUI. D.ItUISES, i O.OUXCAS. CUNNINGHAMS & CO.. PITTSBURGH CITY GLASS WORKS, WAREHOUSE 100 WATER ST. asn 140 FIRST ST., - „ PA-, Detwecsn Wood and Smilhfiehl, manufacturers OF PiKsbcrgjb! City Window Glass, DRUGGISTS’ GLASS-WARE, - AND AMERICAN CONVEX GLASS, For Parlor Windows, Churches and Public Buildings. Altoona, April l,;l858-ly.] ESTEttpRISE WORKS, IVfO. 136: WOOD STREET, PITTS -1.1 BURGH, pa. SOWN & TETLEY, Manufacturer!!. of Rifles, Guns, Surgical and Deutol Instruments, &o. RIFLE GUNS. Wo would call attention to our stock in the above line, knowing that we cannot be beat either in the quality or price. Being largely engaged in this branch of business, we defy all competlon. All our rifles ore warranted or no sale. • Hardware,! Sporting Materials, Cutlery, Pistols, Gun’s, Revolvers, Flasks; Belts, Powder. Shot, Bails, Caps, Fancy (Hardware and Spotting Equipage, in all its variety,. which we offer low for Cosh. : ■ Pittsburgh, April 1,1858-ly. T YCOMING COUNTY MUTUAL 1 i EIRE INSURANCE AGENCY^—The undersigned, Sgent of the Lycoming Mutual Fire Insurance Cbmpany, is at all times ready to insure against loss or damage by fire, JJidldingt, Merchandise, Furniture and Property ot every description, in tow.n or country, at as reasonable rates as Any company in the State. Office in the Masonic Temple. . Jan. 3, *6C-tfJ i. ■ JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent. . TTtTEST BRANCH INSURANCE CO. I* —The’ undersigned; "Agent for Blair county, will takenhort and longrkkd on Buildings, Merchandise, Fur niture and Property of every description, In town or couu tiT. at aa reasonable rates as any company in the State.— Rldwalsotakenon the lives of horses. office in Masonic Temple. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Jgmt, • March 18,1858 ly. T IQUORSi —A- LARGE AMOUNT I J of ’well selected LIQUORS has been received at the “ LOGAN ’HOUSE," Holtidaysburg, whhdi wlU.be sold at the lowest i rash prices, wholesale or retail. The mairwho'wants his only to call.. [Dec. 17,Hi' Rich tobacco and highly Savored Cigars, in abundance, can bchad at Jono 18, HENRY LEHR’S. ORANGES AND LEMONS.—SOO boxes Oranges and lemons In store and for sale by WM, N. SHUGABD, March2s,’SS-ly] 191 NorthSd . CETTEE& EOR UN ’K3 deraigned has on hand a loCof Settees which he Will soil cheap for cash. * JOHN SHOEMAKER, : March 25-tf.} : • Masonic Temple. YOU CAN ALWAYS OBTAIN ALL kinds of Floor and Feed by calling at Juno 18, ’B7-ly] HENRY LEHR’S. Everybody is invited :to call and test the merits of the articles kept by i Jane 18,’57-ly] . • HENRY LEHR. Lots for sale.—l 2 building indiflbrentlobalitioß, in this Borotighfor sale on reasonable tenjis,l>y J. SHOEMAKER. DO2EN FRESH EGGS JUST CJVv receded and for «do by J, L. ICKES.- REAT OF THE AGE \JT IMPORTANT TO TOBAGCO CHEWERS. DR. GOBTAT LINNAHC’S TASTE RESTORATIVE TRO CHES, Ougnat Substitute fur tubaeso. ■ Itfa A well knoWn ana incontrovertible fact that the use iof Tobacco is the promoting cause of many of the moat, se vere, . • . MENTAL AND PHYSICAL DISORDERS to which the race of man is subject, as carefol analysis and long sad painful experience have dearly proven that it contains certain norcotlc and poisonous properties most dangeronfio their effefcte, which, by enterlnglnto the blood derange the functions and oflhoHeart, causing many to suppose that organ to be seriously diseased, TOBACCO affects also the entire nervous system, mani festing Itself—as all whp have ever used the noxious treed will bear testimony-—in Lassitude, Nervous Irritability, Water Brash, Dyspepsia, and many other disorders of a similar character. . THE TASTE .RESTORATIVE TROCHES Are- designed to counteract these baneful influences, " and have proved completely! successful in a multitude of cases, and wherever used. Being harmless, in themselves they exert a beneficial effect [upon the entire system, restoring the Taste which has become vitiated or destroyed by great indulgence,- completely Mmoving tbe irritation and accom panying tickling sensation of the Throat—which are al ways consequent npon abstaining from the use of Tobacco, and by giving a healtbjj tone to the Stomach, invigorate tbe whole system. Persons who are Irret lotions and shortening i immediately and throw trievably undermining their conati their Ilvin, should use these Troches r off the injurious ami and unpleas inwlng. ant habit of Tobacco Ct These Troche* of Loz portable form at the lot oral discount to the Tn Prepared solely by should be addressed. March 18, ly.] JOHN B It wholes! WINES & LIftUORS, AND RECTIFYING DISTILLERS, ftßfk 155 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, Pa., Beg leave res jeetfully to inform th6ir old customers and the pjublic generally, tliat they' have on' hand and ore constantly receiving direct from the Impor ters, a large supply of the very choicest- brands of Liquors Among their largo assortment may be found Wines, Brandies, tliu. Cordials, Janaica Spirits, St. Croix and New England Hum, Chaui|>agne, Irish, Scotch, Bonrbou, Old Monongahcla and Rectified Whisky, Peach, Wild Cherry. Blofckberry, Strawberry and Raspberry ►Brandies, Ac., Ac., Ac. A share of public patronage is rcsjiectfully solicited, and all orders entrusted to dur care will bo promptly attended to. Country Dealers wfll find it to their advantage to call upon us, os wo are determined to sell nothing but thq very best. j - Pittsburgh, April 1, 1868-ly. P. MIDDLETON & BROTHER, • Importers and\j)talart in trines and Liquors, return their thaukrf to Ijhcir friends for the liberal share of patronage heretofore bestowed, and respectfully so licit a continuance of the same, at the OLD ESTABLISH MENT, NO. oN. FiiONT ST., Philadelphia, where they havealarge assortment qf WINES and LIQUORS of thechuie cst brands and qualities; ~.Having mode arrangements witli some of tile first houses in Cognac and Rochelle, enables them to furnish to their customers upon the most rensoimj ide terms, tin following brands of Coguac and Rochelle Brandies: BRANDIES. •.Hard, Haines;/, Marett, , Piunett, Cuslillion, itartcU, T Hines, Idlcrorsin, \J. J. Depug d: Co. -i. Seignctle, <fc., d-c. | WINES Champagne, Old Oporto, 'Xlturgundg. Madeira. Tenerife, Claret, Cherry, Lisbon,. \ Hock, Muscat & Malaga Wines of carious brands and qualities. Hoi laud Gin, gcheidam. Schnapps, Jamaica Spirits. Scotch and Irish Wlilskeys; Poach, Apple, Laicmior. blackberry, Raspberry, Cherry and Ginger Brandies; Cordials, Wine Bitters, Amsterdam Bitters, Ac. Also, constantly on hand, an extensive stock of OLD Will.’ AT, it ON ON G AII EL .1 and BOURBON WHIS KEYS, of various grades, some of which we" guarantee to be superior to any in the country. ftSt-from our long experience in the business, and thor ough knowledge of the tastes of the community, we flatter ourselves to be able to fill all orders that mav be entrusted to us. Orders from tho country (which are nioSt resjx-ctful ly solicited} will 1* promptly attended to. Great care taken in packing and shipping. All goods sent from our establishment are guaranteed to give satisfaction, with Hie privilege of being returned Feb. 26-lyJ E. P. MIDDLETON A BKO. , APRIL, 1858. GREAT INDUCEMENTS OFFERED AT THE hall or .fashions. THE subscriber has the pleasure of an nouncing to the citizens of Altoona, and the ‘- rest of mankind,” that he is just receiving from Pliiladeiphia and New York, ft beautiful assortment of BRITISH. FRENCH and AMERICAN BHY GOODS,; consisting, in part, of ROBE A’ QUXLLE, CRAPE DI KSPAXGE. FANCY OPUUX BAREGE, PLAXX OPHCX BAREGE, CIULLIES, BOCALS, FRENCH LAWXS—BEAUTIFUL STYLES, SCOTCH ’* ” v o front (r.( upwards FANCY DRESS SILKS, BLACK DRESS SiIKS. FIGURED BRILLIANTS, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, Ac., in great variety. Ha would call especial attention to his stock of SHAWLS, which for j tylc. qn-dity and rari-iy. cannot lie surpassed, and must be seen to bo appreciated: Tito assortment of White Goods and Ladies’ Dress Trim mings are all that fashion could desire. Among his stock of Ladies.’ Misses and Children's Gaiters and'Shoes will be found a full line from the best city manufacturers. Hla stock of Groceries, Queens ware, Hardware, Ac, L complete. i ‘ He hopes his Goods and rulers (which by the way defy competition,) will ineofthe approval of all who call upon him; Your patronage is respectfully solicited. April 29,5 m. CHAS. J. MANN. rpHE SUMMER SEASON—JESSE .JL SMITH would respectfully iufurm the citizens of .Altoona and tho public generally that ho has just returned £rom the £ast!witli a largo and varied assortment ° f HATS AND CAPS, HB Which he purchased at low prices fur cash and will sell at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ai'Sn athauce on the original cost. His stock comprise*? HATS and CAPS of every description, size ind shape. All who are in want of anything in his line will do well to give him a call, as he feels confident he can suit the most fastidious, m quality ami price. ; 3 He l-ralways ready ami willing :o exhibit his stock five af chary*, so. that none need fear to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. ; • Remember that his store is on Virginia street, directly opposite tho Lutheran Church. [April 8-6 m. H FETTINGER’S • GREAT CENTRAL LITERARY EMPORIUM, N wi *• L I??aA, , iP U -SE,” ALTOONA. PA., Where may.be had all the popular Publications of the day, such as Daily and Weekly papers. Magazines, Novels and Romances, Miscellaneous Books, School Books, Copy Books, Slates, Pens, Pencils, Inks, Can and Letter IWr, Envelopes, Drawing and Tissue Paper, Blank Books and in &ct everything in tho Stationary lino. Toys, Notions and Games of every variety,' Plctnfcs and Picture Frames, To bacco and Segnrs of thei best quality, Ac., Ac N- B,—We are solo Wholesale and Retail Agent, in this county, for ROUX’S CELEBRATED SALVE. It does pos itively cure ail sores to which it is applied. Try it. [7-tt Blair county insurance AGENCY.—The (undersigned, Agent' of the Blair uonnty Mutual Fire I Insurance Company, is at all times ready to insure against loss or damage by fire. Build ingt, Merchandise, Furniture and Property, of every des cription, in town or country, at as reasonable rates as any Company in the State. 'Office in the Masonic Temple J Jam 3, ’56-tf] , j JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent. GOAL! GOAL! COAL!— The subscriber wjonid «a fully inform the consumers of COAT.fa? P A Lja/rtSaM In Altoona, that he is constantly coiving all kinds of CO AL, which WirW b t 0 deJiT '« r at Omes and to any part of the town. Office at residence, injNorth Ward. June 17-2m] | JOHN ALLISON. /CONVEYANCING.—-ALL KINDS \J of writing done at the shortest notice.—Deeds, Mort gages, At, executed in (ho ncatestmanner by ■ , , I , JOHN SHOEMKEB, Jan-3,1857-tf.] .. Masonic Temple, Altoona. O YES! 0 |fES!—GENTLEMEN draw nigh and hear. JOSEPH P. TROUT announ ces to the public, that JBo is ready to discharge his duty as an Auctioneer whenever called upon. ’ [jan. 2, *B6. J XT ARDWARfe OF ALL DESCRIP XX. tiona just received and for sale by oet lS4f ) : I ' J.-B. HILEMAN, Hair, hat, tooth, shaving, Palht, Sash and Varnish Brashes at • ■ TTAMS, SIDE, SHOULDER, DRIED drays on hand at) 3nne18,’57-lyl ; » HENRY LEHR’S. PINE AND LARD OILS, CAM- Burning Fluid, Carbon Oil, it, at v Jan. 3, 56-tf] | - v KESSLER’S.. "VTONE BUT ’ THE BEST GONFEC XI 'tjwri® B * Hnte dud Fruits kept at r - • ' June 18, ’57-Jy] • !• / , JIENJtY LEHR'S. iges are put up in a conrenientand price of 60 Cents per Bos. A lib- undersigned to whom all orders AMESE. BpWKRS, Druggist. Cor. 8d and Race YAR & CO., LE IN KESSLER’S. TIION CITY: CCiMMESbIAjL COL- I lege. , PITTSBURGH, 'PBNKir ; CkcuterUim. v Board of 12 Trustee#.—faculty of l* „„„ EMPHATICALLY- THE BUSINESS MAN’S COT.LKGB. ' Largest and most complete Oommardal United States. In daily attendance upwards of SOO Stndents, F. ’VT JBNKTNB, , PwsoWd. J. C. SMITH, A, M., Professor of Accounted Book-keeping. L L HTTOHOOOK, Professor of Arithmetic end Com mercial ™mi«H<iw, JOHN ILK MING, Anther of the “Nhttenia System of J. of Arith&et'c, Book* keeping and Phonography. ]L COWLEY and A,T. DOCTIIETT, Professors of Pla and Ornamental Penmanship. D. BACON, Lecturer on Political Economy. JAMBS H. IIOPKINSjEsq, of the Pittsburgh Bar, Lec turer on Commercial Law; w . JAMES W. KENNEDY, of “Kennedy’s ; Bank Note Re view,” Lecturer on Counterfeit, Altered and Spurious Bank Notes. • - ■ .:..r DESIGN OF TJffß INSTITUXiON- To furnish the beat means for acquiring: a THOROUGH BUSINESS EDUCATION, In the aharteat time and" at the least expense, comprising instruction In BOUBLE ENTOY BOOK-KEEPING, : aa applied to Merchandising, Banking, Railroading, Ac. STEAMBOAT BOOK-KKEPWG, With all the recent improvements, taught without extra charge. PENMANSHIP. , ; Rapid Writing, with every variety and style of Business and Ornamental Penmanship. ARITHMETIC” And a thorough course, of Counting House Calculations, Counterfeit and altkrkdnotes. - Full instructions given in this important branch of bnsi uiisa education. 'LECTURES DAILY, ON BOOK-KEEPING, Usages, Lavsnnd Customs of Commerce, Finance and Bank ing, Political Economy, Counterfeit Notes,' and other sub jects having practical relation to active business, TERMS, Ac. Book-keeping, Pull Commercial Course, $35,00 Stationary, about 5,00 Board per week, can be obtained for 2,60 ttS- Students ara not charged extra for Steamboat Book keeping, Arithmetic or Diploma. STUDENTS Can enter s.t anytime—(no vacation) review at pleasure— time unlimited—usual length of course from eight tatwelvo weeks. ' 1 REFERENCE. Four hundred and eighty Steven students entering from th City alone witiiiu one year besides the many from the country DIRECTIONS. . Specimens of Writing and Circulars, containing full infor mation, sent by mail free of charge. Address F. W. JENKINS, Iron City College, Pittsburgh, Pa. • AS-PIIEMIUM PENMANSHIP,—No less than EIGHT FIRST PREMIUMS were awnrdcsUthis College in the fell of 1857, over nil competitors, fur best writing. These, with other previous Premiums, were given in Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and in Looisvillo, Ky, at a “.' l “N for work actually done with X EN ftnu INK, and uot for £ngravtd Our Penmen are folly competent to do their own work without the ant of the engra’ er to make it [aug.27-ly STOVES! STOVES! STOVES!— The undersigned lias lor sale, at his Store in Masonic Temple, a largo assortment of GA LLA HERTS SUNRISE AIRTIGHT Cooking Stove, a new and splendid Large Oven, Flat Top Stove, for Coal or Wood patented 185(1. ' JOHN gHOEJf AKER, Agt. N. B. All kinds of Air-tight, Parlor Cooking and Egg Stoves on hand. [Sept. 11, ’SU-tfc Another reduction in price at McCormick’s Store. Having adopted the CASH- SYSTEM, (or at least credit will not ho given to any other than those who are willing and can give satisfactory reference and assurance of prompt monthly payment,) and desiring to make it the interest of all to patronize our store, wo have made ii very great re duction in the prices of all descriptions of goods, and will give our entire time and attention to keeping up an assort ment. to suit tho wants of par customers, such as DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. i ‘ HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE. CEDARWARE, ’ STONEWARE, , BOOTS A SHOES. Gaiters, Slippers, Hats and Caps, Dried Fruit, etc, all of which will lie sold as cheap us the cheapest! - All articles of produce taken in exchange for goods at. their highest market price. Thaukfhl for past favors, we hope to share the patronage of those who are in want of goods. [March 25-tf. rpilE GREAT QUESTION WHICH I now agitates the mind cf every pefsoh, is, whore can 1 get the best. article formywß® money? In regard to other matters, the scribor would not attempt to direct, but if you HR want anything in the line of BOOTS OR SHOES he invites on cxandcatlon of his stock and. work. He keeps constantly on hand or. assortment of Boots, Shoes, Onitenq-tilippers, Ac, which he offers at lair prices. He will give special attention to custom work, all of which will bewnrranted to give satisfaction. Nonebutthe best workmen are employed ! Remember my shop is on Main street; next door to B. Kerb’s old stand, now W. O’Neil’s. j ' September 3,’67-tfJ JOHN H. ROBERTS. I EXCHANGE HOTEL.—THE SUB _i SCUIBER would respectfully in- . form tho public that ho has recently re- A jStfkj fitted tho above Hotel, and is now pro- « S pored' to accommodate bis friends patrons in a comfortable manner, and will spare no pains in making It an agreeable hopuTfor all sojourners. Itis Table will always be luxuriously supplied from the markets of the country and cities, and his* Bar filled with liquors of choice' brands. Ills: charges are as reasonable as those of any other Hotel in the place, and he feels satisfied they can not bo complained of by those who fovor him with,their custom.' Expecting to receive a share of public patronage,' antf fully intending to deserve it, ho throws open his bouse to the public and intdtes a trial. Altoona, May 27,1858.-ly] JOHN BOWMAN. The mormons evacuating SALT LAKE CITY M ja Tremendous Excitement in East Altoona - The subscribers respectfully Inform the' citizens of Altoona and the rest of mankind that they are now prepared to carry on the BLACKSMITHING BUSI NESS in nil its various branches, at the 'new stand next door bejow Peter Reed’s Cabinet Shop, on Adelina street, in East Altoona. They flatter themselves that they are able to render satisfaction to oil who may fevorthem with their patronage; and no effort will be wanting on their part to merit the patronage of the community* 'Wagons. Car riages, Ac, made and ironed to order, for which gobd lum ber will b» taken. Remember the plaice,: on Adeline St, where Blacksmilhlng is done on the shortest notice ahd most; reasonable terms. JOHN 1W- HOOPER, Altoona, May 27,’58.-2m] N ‘T. A. JAMES. Boots and un dewigned .has now on band and will - sell cheap at his store in the Masonic Tem- VHa pie, a large and complete assortment ofBOOTS AND BHOE3, midy made, or' made to order, Overshoes, Ladietf Sandals, Onm Shoes, Cork Soles, and everything in bis line of business, of the best Quality and on the most reasonable terms. All custom work, warranted. . ■ i Jan. % ’56-tt] 3. SHOEMAKER. /"kYSTERS ! OYSTERS I OYSTERS! They will Hereafter-bo wrved up ontho Onflng Dish atTVTENTT CENTS, androasted in the shell all other accompaniments, TWENTY VXVfcOENte. They will also he furnished. In every oth ®*»Ji at prices to correspond with the times. Dec.l7.tt] JOHN KEIYFEB, Logan House, Holltdaygburg. pAST IRON RAILING AND ALL Wnda of Castings executed to onlc*, al»o Tto Snout tog pot up to order, at shorted notice, apply to t 1 n ic-o ir- 7 J* SHOESLVKKR, Agent fat Jan. 3, ISoB-tC McLuuiiax, M’atsos 4 Co. pUEENSWARE, JUST RECEIVED. X3t< A largo and fcßhlonubla assortment at the store of . ) ' ' ' • •" ■ ' \ J.: T) HILKMAK. ' F> 10 COFFEE, SUGAR,;TEA AND JIV an Wntf of Groceries for aalo by Jf f June Is, ISST-ly] , * IUSJOIY LBHR. EGOS, BUTTER AND ALL KINDS can bo had at . . jpnelS, 67-ly HENRYLEHR’S. TOY BRING AND NEW ORLEANS jiniß 18, OT-Iy] HENRY LEHR’S. PJ.LASS Bxlo TO 20x24, AND OUT ” 19 M!fcr V et m KESgRER. fAcvirr. H° 4 s^. ,ABsoarATlON ’^ A BerurodUttl Institution, established by special far the relief of the tick and distressed, vlenl and Epidemic diseases. . —To all person* afflicted with Sexual Disease .j-t, u,, natorrhcea. Sexual Weeletitif, impotence, Syphilis, the vice of Oncmirm or ikf Abuse. ift Jr' \ The BowiW) Association-, Id view of tho awful' of human Ufo, caused by Sexual Diseases, and tho V practised npon tho unfortunate victims of such dis*«£ w S ’ Quack*, B*T('ral years agodirected their CohsultinesS!!. “f a* a eharitdUe act worthy of their Dame, to opena' *ary for the treatment of this class of diseases. In auF*”* forms, and to give medical advice oralis, to all ** by letter, with a description of their condition !,** &Pp!j pation, habits of life, Ac.,) and in cases and suffering, to furnish medicine free of charge u* needless to add that the Association commands thv7i.ii: J Medical akfli of tho age, and will furnish tho mit ed modern treatment. ““"‘Pprcr. The Directors, on a review of the past, 1M atunj *v . their Tabors in this sphere of benevolent effort, h*«» ** of great benafit to the afflicted, especially to tho tom ana they have resolved to devote themselves, with ren.» *5 seal, to this very Important but mnch despised cane W4>J Jnat published by tho Association, a Report on oL,_ torrbena, or Seminal Weakness, tho Vice of Onanism/S* tnrbation,or Self Abuse, and other diseases' of the SeS, i Organs, by the Consulting Surgeon, which will y nnfj** mall (in a sealed 6nv{lope),/re« of charge, ou the teceici,, wo postage stamps for postage. ' M Address, tor Report or Treatment, Dr. QFORCE H cu, '• HODN, Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association. X 0 * Ninth street, Philadelphia, Pa. By orderof theDlm'i'.. EZRA D. HEARrSV£U, GEO. FAIRCHILD, Sec'y. ' INTENSE EXCITEMENT !—A NEW FIRM BROKE OCT IN A NEW PEACE. MXAIN & LEHR Beg Icaro to inform their Meads and ihe dthcni or ua and vlclnlty.that they havo opened a . GROCERY & PROVISION STORE * in the room formerly occupied by John.Xehr, on Virabi. street, next door to Patton’* Hall, where they will Wh»iK py to serve all who may taror them with a caU. ijJ, stock is alargoaml select one,'conalstingof “ Flour, .Feed, Ifacon, Pork, Sugar, .Coffee, Tea, Mousses* Pish, Salt, ; Potatoes, Fish Oil, Fluid, r , Oamphene, Alcohol, Cigars and Tobacco. As th»r purchase all their goods for the KEADT CASH, and sell tor the same, persons desiring Ofpurehaai&E tUlog in their Une, will do welt to giro than a call, as tWt wilt sell at hilt a trilling advance on lint cost W» ask no man to pay- for anything but what be hags.- Oite us a 1.-. •1 and aeo If we won't melee our words good* , fjan T-,if QTOVES! STOVES f STOVES.~Th s undersigned baa just received, from Philo-,*, delphfai, North, Cha*o 6 North’s celebrated Cook tag StotM &r 1867; .'. : j Tim ROY Ah COOK for Wood or Cosh This bcautlfbl Cooking Stove HESS cbaUcnges.su competitlon-for tUeexouk'Uestyle of ornament and, perfoct operation In all respeeK ri,>| y oven extehdstmder the tiro-box and the flues are wamt-J ed that the whole oveh surfece will bake perfectly and ui'. formly. The slightest examination bf this Stove um-t ta ‘i’ Isfy every one that it will become a universal fovorile THE SEA SHELL, * for wood of coal. The flro-box is of good capacity—it ash-box is deep—tho oven is capgckmH and is a thwou h baker. Tills stove Is one that may'readily bo tcc.iiaine:ijVj for family use, in every particular- All kinds of beating and parlor. stoves consbiut'v „ a bond. . JOSEPH H. BUSH". April 10, ’57-tfJ OpposiU the AiiyricatrlTuutt, Altuotj. /COMPETITION IS THE LIFE'OI' \_y TRADE.—FuIIy convinced of the truth of this wr ing; the subscriber would respectfully announce to th« citizens of Altoona and vicinity, that he has 'entor-’d tha Held, by Opening a MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. in the room heretofore occupied by Michael Gallagher, i;n. mediately opposite the .Superintendent's Office, where 1,., will cany on the; business us usual. He has junt rec.-ind an excellent assortment of .. I CLOTHS, CASSIMERES & VESTINGS, suitable for working and dress suits; which lie wIU make te order, on short notice and at priced which- can not tail u satisfy. He Tuts'also received the LATEST STYLES of ' PALL AND WINTER FASHIONS, and feels confident that ho can satisfy the most fostulieiu in this particular, nud his clothing will bo mode as Well u clothing can be made. In fine, tia U determined that untie ing shall be wanting on his part to render satlsfoclien tc those who may fovor him with’their patronage. Altoona, Nov. 6-tf.l , JOHN TALBOT. ON MANHOOD, ANl> ITS PIIHMA TITHE UECUSE.—Just, JPublished, Gratis, the 3r4 Thousand: _ A FEW WORDS ON THE RATIONAL TREATMENT without Medicine, of Spermatorrhea or Local WeiktK-si, Nocturnal Emissions, Genital audNervous UlbiUty, Itnpc tency, and Impcdmchts to Marriage gouerallv.by I i •,-> U.DR LANKY, JI. D. The important fact that the many alarming cuinpluitila, originating in the Imprudence- and eolitudeof youth, ne v he easily removed WITHOUT MEDICINE, is (n this sntsii tract, clearly denicustrated; and the entirely new stsd high ly successful treatment, as tulopted by tlia Author,fully explain&l, by means of which every one is enabled to curs HIMSELF perfectly and at the least possible cost, thcrcßy avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the day. Sent to any address,gratis and post free in atesledrc velopc, by remitting (post paid) two postage stanipj to bf. U, DE I.ANEV, 88 East 31st street. Sow York City. May fi. 1858. ' ' * ! SPRING AND SUMMER FASH IONS.—JOHN O.DONNELL, Merchant Tjlior, late of Ilollulaysburg, dtsirca to Inform of Altoona and vicinity, that he lifts leased iho building tw« r > (U , ofi Korfh of the Bed Idon Hotel and one door South of Na gle** Saloon, on Main street,* whore he is now receiving tii* SPRING AND SDaiMER GOODS, consisting in part of Cloths ofiti iiWciaa, Plain and Fanrj Cassimcres, suitable forsumervrenr, SUU.gatln Velvet Mar seilles and ull kinds of light ‘ Sommer Vestings, in short, everything that may bo calletf for,'all of which bawill make to order, on short notice, and on the most reasona ble terms. ' '■ His long experience in the business, be thinks, will ena ble him to please all who may favor him with their ordtn. April 1,1868-ly. - , Ti/TAP OF BLAIR COUNTY.—TUB JLtJL subscribers propose to publish a New Map of Blair County, Pennsylvania; from actulU Surveys, containing ait Public Roads, Rail Koads, Canals',' the actual localities of VillageSjiPojit Offices,; Houses of Worship, School Honan, aUnnfitctoHcs, Tanneries, Mills,Hotels, Stores, Faria Hetti es. names of Property Owners, Ac.- • - Enlarged Plans or the principal Villages, a Table of Distances, and a Business Directory, giving the naine sal business of each subscriber, wiT,l beengraved on tbs mar gin. The plotting will bo to a suitable scale so as to mat* a large mid ornamental Map, which wilt be colored and mounted in the. best stylo, and delivered to subscriber, si $5 per copy. SAMUEL OP-IL. April 16,1858. ■ ISAAC G. FREKb. GW. KESSLER——PRACTICAL •, reispeetfhny announces H vo roe citizens of Altoopaand the public eniUy, that he stiU continues the Drug oo Virginia street, where ho’ keeps constantly 2?i55?.3’ fi)r 5 alo ' Wholesale and RetaiI,DRUGS, Bf MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS, VARNISH- E 3 and DYE-STUFFS. • i attention to business, and a desire to render-Mt tsfitction to ail .as regards price and tjunlltv, bu boon !o mmt and receive a share of public patronage. Physicians and merchants supplied on reasonable tenw, andwU orders from a distance promptly attended to. Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded. [I-tf. National police gazette ■®?Jj Journal of Crime and Criminal* is in us Twelfth Year, and is widely circulated throngisrot the country. It contains all tho Great Trial*, - Crlmiwd' Cases, and appropriate Editorials on the some, together wilt. information on Criminal Matters, not to be found in an) ■' other newspaper. ' 102L.Subscriptions $2 per annum; $1 for six months, w emitted by subßcribert, (who should writ© the it pactf* and tho town, county and State whore they reside jdsiidjiJ ‘ - To G. W. MATSEhL A CO, ! ; Editor « Prop’r. of New York Police Gazette, 10-tfJ : . yfa y ork ay. Bell, Johnson, Jack & Co., i£ia^sya&aßaas3fl l - OFFICES AT _|lolll€laysburg and Altoona. Tarafts on the principal, cities, Silver and Gold for sale. Collections Moneys revived on deposit, payable on demand, without ia tcrest, or upon time, with interest, at fciir rate©. (l-*£ J J. D. LEET, A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Hollidays -A#- . ■ , '*oBo, BLAIR COUSTT, I**., "JM Xf 00^*0 to Hie several Courts of Blair. Hunting'* l ’ 1 ina Cambria, -conutiee, am! attend prcbiptlv to all a>lI K ; .ion entrusted to him. Office (fop the present) nt bis rrsl ‘ dence, corner Allegheny nut! Penh - streets, IlQindavsl'nrj, Pa* ■ ■■■ ‘ " , [£WiP , WTVr. S. BITTNER, SURGEON DENTIST, Office immediately opposite the Lutber-W Church, on Virginia street. [Oct. _ J. Or. ADEUM, CPvjhXt>na<3?3 ALTOONA, BLAIR COUNTT, PA. ?!P alt times be found at the store of J. B. Uil«o* n ' Altoona, October 1, issr^-ly A SUPERIOR LOTjOF FRESH GAK JI,JL SEEPS f.'r sale by pifj J. L. '• ~''S f* McCBUM & TOlfc 3. THE AL' ' KgOßtni * OSKN butni u yipiii ducouU&ui ttui %UiUpMort«M. ( S line*.) “ ho “ ) B 2» a (** “ ) . vetki uw latenloi •*****>•*•> SSlf&Oota&a, XSSSatraton and **« 3SK?®* S 5, wilk piiptr, per 3 flUlMlntlfrin rf a p &)* i|ltt lw ac< nut cm A~WL iKU b« cootinttec STuMaM** tenns Mwaaa o «CD#S'row galtaaqr «H>Uc«« cxcec' tribune .. CHURCHES f fV»lMsrfcm, Rev. A I tart flahhath morning at It [t o’clock. Sabbath ktanßooca. Prayer Moot I the same room. JftftwW SpitcopaX, Ro I (aa •very Sabbath morulr lag. Sabbath School In t K. jQs—ml grayer McoU day staslng. Young Mux Xoanftlicai Lutheran, i the Lecture Boom at ‘i o'c ary Sahbath morning at 1 (I o'clock. Sabbath Scho o’clock. A- H. Prayer M iaaamaroom. lYoUttant JBpiteopal, lb Servian 9d and 4th Sunday A. Miaad4t4 P. M, Sot ' OUhsMe, Rev. Joax Twi o’clock la tha morning, an BemHit, (no Paator.b-Sa A/Waoa MeVuxUti, Bn. avttjr flabbath moraiA at tha oh) Coioo School Ileus ALTOONA MAI -Way and Uolllda> KtMsrnTbruugh Mall SWOHm* Trough, (SatimUj MAILJ . . OOat open for the tram to dutlug the wu-,-1 °° -fi^f] RAILRQAC BxpcOai Train East arrives W 7 -' ■!' " West “ fig .. M Jtut •J®- • * w£t « : ■hn -u Ka*t " •• Wert « <AO gOLUDAYSBO RO iTflttfWSft, Mail Train Eiv 'rli RLAIRBVILLR BU PjWBUa East and Wes; MEETINGS O HamtaSm Lodge, A. V. A <Uy oftoch month, in the ptoMIX o'clock, P. M. Jjm NMttdt JSneumpvun ■ HjlfflWlllljr of each mol WjWfftpfct &t i A>WM Lodge, 1,0. of 0 •WUngiia the second etor I. 0. Of < i*yw*B»fcto Dm third story) «*TJ* o'clock, P. M. "Ta»3Hte, No. S 5 rxnesday evening Temple. Connell A. KBKULR, f. « ■ «/ America, tia the thin) ator m COUNT QntrU.—Vr Pwm Jones, i ggsasSKßLa aftssag^Sni! 1 **y*r gmmutiojKri—j r*V9f *JU to^ot—-James [e w »•■ MeFarUno. V*S lf H'—3. Hoover. Sjjw—J-W. Tippery, avss2r &fute Dirtdort— C James Funk. [ ALTOONA - 80! *&<** &th*hacc~ Ja, 1. Jones. 1 a iff!? WWit—Jameii Lo *}er lloed, Nelson ‘ QamcO—ll. I -”** 1 t»«nca—John M I "JWyi TVroxurrr—Jsmf L*W Dirtctori —George py>i 000. W. Sparks. Jos I AAool JBoan I. i I I ™ John MeC! I Aw«or»_G. D. Thomas, I fell* . John McClellai I * •”* t Atiesson— Dan I 'tV* V Election.! —East I “ “ West • “ Nortl East Ward—] “ Wert « , . North “ 1 Li: *-». F|ftS. HIRST i proteMional sor *" «clnlty tn the several 1 medicine a gs&srssas v C^ 8 S, nt > D - B-Oood re ”• M.aammlll. M. D, A baliuß M -®- Hot Flour.— the Is now prepared to ptoofc made from sound »oA, I Orders left with Mr. C. Ji I JnaslJ, ’66-tf] ►BA NUTS.—S,< ®lngtoa Pea Nuts in **wd»2s;‘6My] 191 7WS. DATES, 1 Currant* in stpre *•«* 26, ’6B-Iy] ' 191 A lmonds, w A. and Filberts In 36. ‘6B-lyl 191; pUfcE WHITE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers