The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, August 05, 1858, Image 3

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:hut acts as a OUbartic.
ian any other medicine
, lat a Xirer acUn? fljJ*
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off that matter, thus accommSJff' ll *«4
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imakca the fooddhSat(
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attocka caused by Wozju
" *****
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ions type.!
; e willing!
by exciting the abewbenu.
commending the medidm
and Ague, Chill PevS
It operetta with certohiT
to testify to Its wooderfij
re giving their unanimous testimony u
r in tho month with the Invlgormtor, .m
tlu-r. ,v* I
C MEDICAL mSCOVBKY, and iadaflr
moat too great to believe. It core* tad
i first dnu giving benefit, andacUoaiaotr
r.-.iulred to cur* any r |Ond Uter Co»-
e irst Jmmdict or -Oysptptia to «tpundi
I’hich are the reeult of a DISEASUiXITniJ
r- pollab rra MRU, / “(I
I roj-rietor, 315 Broadway, Kew,York. >1
iV. KiJsLra, Altoona: auit retailed tv i
tMayaT. ,(
- -hr miMicceasfuUy Bought,
KS I'EI!MANF.XTLY gray hair to
; rovira luxuiiautly the hteld head; rr
■i iu liing and all scrofula, scaldh«wl and
It • » the hair soft, hralthy andgliiaay• ud
-:-ny imaginable‘age; reoiuTM, aa lfb;
--. ai „ from the face and enreaaßoeatai
- lulache See circular ami the following:
Dover, X. IL, Feb. 2d, 1817.
ei- * Co.—Grata: Within a few deyawa
l iny ordersßudcallafor VruC(k J.WOOd't
thalfo-daj we were compelled, to wind to
:iity.'(the C you forwardedaUbeing
.i.:ht ordi-r a rjuantity from you.' firry
'/ firms in hart produced thrtc or/mtrtwt
~ appr--ballon, and patronage Itreceirt*
ii -tanlinl and worthy citlzena of owrt
•lice us that it la A MOST VALUABUj
u .is may Ire one groae Of gl else; and out j
id t*Ucr« u* yonn very rrarwctfolly.
Ircvo St. Charted Co.. Mo., Xor. tO r l&Ss.
»»—l>-«r Sir; Some time tut simmer «t
u«; Mine of jour Hair- KestoratiTß, »>d
o wonderful, we feel it oar dntj to joo
. to ri j>ort It.
■ li' ttJ for «omp tim* had been perffrtlj
i'.-s and some called it acold bead. Thi
■fly oune off In consequence, when a triad,
ln"i. advised u« to aae your Ueatunihe,
tiif iiojic of succom, bnfc to ouvnupiiw,
a- frfcada, a very few application, rtawrej,
Ir.afcda new and taxurient Crop if.liafr
:m<] we can now say tlmt our hoy bai u
u.ti sa luxurieut acrop of hair.Msrgr
C*n therefore, aud do hereby reeenßßtrd
rt‘ a perfect remedy for all diseases oflbt
Wo at *, your* reaprctfotly,
GbOROE.w. hiosinbotimm,
Gardiner, Maine, June 22.15 U.
—IV«r Sir: I have used two bottles of
Hair Restorative, and can trulyasy it ii
»< ry at the age for restoring andchaL{ir<
osiriK it 1 sraa a mail ofarrentj’. B;
its original color. You can recoa
rid without tho least fear, as iotcsm
rs! kind.
Yonra Respectfully,
daxi’eLs. mcrput.
Proprietors 312 Broadway, JfawTal,
. Wire lUilmg £«tahlli&mbuj and U<
ir>. Mo. -r
IvKSSI.PR, Altoona, and 17 all grot
(Junes, USB-ly
rKUFUMSEY,.iucU as
If air Oils, Cologne*, .im*
nd domestic; Oriental
% Cosmetics, Fratigi- -
ponni Sachets, !;■ ~
ifH Soaps, Hair .
rs,. Tooth Brushes,
Combs, Pocket Coittbt,
Leaf Water, etc,, file., etc
A. 1
/ ’ • "■ | —>
JOAkS! ' \
A S.OVSB, Dtm*-
.TER!' "
ia Slnet, above tSelMlbtran
11,I 1 , and So»p Powder for
<i common B<wp; CastU* Wi"
<-tc., on hand and tar
tng Cathartic, mild in Its ®P* r * w *, prepared and for mSaJV
Turpentine, WUto^,g.
«e.r in its use under any circuit*
i’g Store of v a
O. W. KEflSt^,
>u; f?r Laic, WboleMde.»gS7
JpflMß :
union camp meeting.
wJtberrv VChwlfc’-a®# Hollidaysburg and
will hold a Camp Meeting, at
midway between HoTlidaysburg
Altoona! commencing on Friday 20th and
Thursday, 26th day of Augustnext.
SrJtatett and people of Birmingham, Willi»m£
other aborning Cimitt,
SSectibUy invited toioin with us. ■. Mmis-
Md members of other denominations ore
SJ cordially invited to pitch their fonts with us
participate in the exercises of'the occasion.
jßdpsrucipa GEO. GUTEE, F. E.
. SAM’L a. WILSON, \V. C.
July 21,1858. i
orilay evening last * meeting convened in front
of the Miaonic Temple, in mponae to a call is
oued by a few persons who are opposed to the
introduction of water into our town. The call
bod been worded In such a .manner as to create
the impression in the minds of many that the
Committee appointed at a previous meeting in
tended to report, else, wo presume, there would
scarcely have been a baker's dozen in atten
dance. When the plot of the opposers of the
water works was discovered, and it because ful
ly known tint the meeting was intended to get
up an opposition to this desirable object, the
friends of the project very naturally set about
counteracting and contradicting the false re
ports which were being circulated. The meet
ing was called to order by electing Dr; Ickes,
who was tne prime mover and chief spokesman
of the President. A fter stating the
object Of the meeting, he proceeded to address
the assemblage on the inexpediency of introdu-.
cing water into the town at this time, crying
“ taxation I" “ debt!” &c. After he had con
■ eluded, be invited any person in the audience,
who had anything to say on the subject, to get
up and speak, whereupon L. W. Hall, Esq.,
responded. He gave a full statement ofthel
plan by which it was proposed to introduce wa
ter into the town, and showed most conclusive
ly to the, minds of ail present, not even excep
ting the Presidentj that now was the time, and
the only fame in -all probability at which the
borough would have an opportunity of obtain
ing water on advantageous and reasonable
terms. We,will not enter into an explanation
of the means by which the town is to be suppli
ed with water, as that is generally understood
and approved lsy our citizens, suffice it to say
that the remarks of Mr. Hall effectually knock
ed the wind out of the opponents of the meas
ure, and on a vote being taken,, on the motion
to await the report of the. Committee appointed
at a previous meeting, ’ there was a unanimous
response in the affirmative. Thus ended in its
lavor, what was intended to be a meeting in op
position to the introduction of so desirable an
element as water into dur town, andourciti
icns saved the disgrace which a different re
sult would have brought upon them*. We hope
to hear of no more opposition to the measure.
Editorial Visitors. —While engaged in mail
ing our last week’s edition, who should pop in
to our sanctum but our old partner in the Juni
ata Sentinel, now editor of the Jilniata Register,
Cal. A J. Greer. Time does not appear to
have left hey traces or any other part of her
harness upon him, nor could we perceive that a
change of,views on political questions had'
changed the color of his hair. He is the same
old Adam wc knew so well in former days, and
he will likely bo “ Old Adam” when he dies, if
he lives a score of years longer.
On Thursday last, we Lad the pleasure of
making the acquaintance of Hon. John A. Ba
ker, of the Perry Freeman. We found in him
what we had anticipated, a perfect gcqtleman,
affable in conversation and manners. The
Judge; in jnc those firm and consistent politi
cians who arc hot wheedled around by every
new ism that may be tramped up to suit the
Next Came our “ phunny” friend of the Slan
d»d. It is a pleasure to meet with such men
m Trough, and we always feel at home in their
company. We are only sorry that we ean not
meeVhim more frequently. Like ourselves, he
i>. a working man and stays at hemp to attend to
his business. Like other busy bees, lie molests
no one unless they stir .him up, whereupon ho
presents a “sting” that often makes his moles
ters feel uncomfortable.
I Literary Association.— The excitement oc
casioned by the discussion of the subject of wa
ter works, we jpresamo, caused the young
men, and all those friendly to the forma
tion of a library .and literary association, to
forget the meeting for thatpurppse,onBatur-
I day evening last. We are sorry for this, as we
had confidently anticipated that we should be
able to make a good report of the meeting and
announce the establishment of so desirable an
I association in oar midst. We are notlbolined
I telieve, however, that they opng men of.this
place will permit the many good-offers
I Ti, Te Cen 0m to go unaccepted.—
Thcro will be another meeting for the purpose
of establishing' and Oiganfcing anassociation of
“e. referred foot early day, (due notice of
hich will be given by posters,) and tbep,
I young men of Altoona, do not let ithesaidof
. y° n offered instruction and would
“iV? «■ »"*•*
I’*’*?-? men
4. hehiipg a e»cMpn»t
fell. After considerable speechifying, Hol-
Udayaburg wm fixed upon as the place, and the
as the time for holding said
encampment. We shall hare more to say about
affair hereafter.
j —On Saturday evening
of th- r 5 W?i<iing»bOß,t tiro miles west
PIMe ’ on *® w « » Stalk of back
m am .**■*, .»i»
Pm J? ?"! * en tochw In length.—
f*“ * thieh W
' IM#BOVMfBHTB.—Since we last noticed the
improVementain this place, quite 4 number of
largeand handsome houses 'hove (been erected.
In North W«d, ‘ MelBrB. J. Shoemaker, C,_ K.
Heetetter aßd Heory Bnrgen bave eaob erfected
large and convenient buildings. (Mr. Shoema
ker’s house is built innottqge style and is quite
an improvement to that part of the town.' The
houses of Messrs. (Hostetler and Burgen are
double, intended for two families each. They
are finished up in good style and add smelt to
the appearance of their localities.
-Mr. Jon. Conrad has just finished, a-large
double house, on the corner of Jolla and Branch
streets, East Altoona which greatly* improves
the appearance of that part of the town. The
bouses, are pointed a beautiful lilac coloiy which
gives thema neat and cheerful appearance.
Other hoosea have been . built and improve
ments made which we can not think of at pres
ent, but’will note again.
A Ncuahok.—For some time past, a half
witted darkey, Who colls himself “ Whistling
Jack,” has been cutting up all kinds of “ didoes”
in and about town, to the no small amusement
of the . Juveniles, and extreme- annoyance of
many of outcitizens. '] He is constantly whist
ling or singing, and is not particular an to
whether his remarks on the street;are offensive
or not. On Monday evening last. Constable
Ely took him np and placed him in the “ Lock
Up,” where he kept up such a noise that the
Counoilmen, who were bolding a meeting in the
room above, ordered him to be turned out. At
noon on Tuesday, the Constable arrested him
again and placed, him on the baggage oar of the
Branch Train intending to take him to Holli
daysbnrg. Jack baa no , fear .of 'jails or “ lock
upa ”as be says he can easily whistle himself
out. of either. One thing we sincerely hope,
and that is, that he may stay away from this
BgU On Sunday last, we had -the pleasure of
listening to an aged tad distinguished colored
preacher named Harper, who hold forth in the
morning an evening in the Methodist church.—
We were astonished at the masterly maimer
with which he grasped, the deep and. apparently
hidden mysteries of the bible and made them
plain as day, and the baore so, when we were
informed that he was uneducated, save what he
had received since he had been admitted into
the church. For a man of bis age (67 years)
he was remarkably strong, and delivered him
self in a clear and distinct manner. His dis
courses were well received by the large audi
ence in attendance on both occasions.
CouFUHCKTAnr.—A correspondent of. the
Philadelphia Daily News, writing from this
place, among other compliments to the town
and its inhabitants, pays the following to the
Tribune: —
Journalism, too, is cared for. A spicy, chaste
newspaper, styled the “Altoona Trilnute," is
now in its.tbird year, with a considerable circu
lation, and rising. It is under the control of
-Messrs McCrum & Bern, who seem tq be of
that stomp of men necessary to success; Vmd no
doubt, as the town improves, they will keep
pace with it, or oven outstrip it.
Water Committee Report.— The committee
appointed at the public meeting, hold in front
of the Post Office, a short time since, to act in
conjunction with the Borough Council, in the
matter of obtaining water to supply the inhabi
tants of the borough, met the Council on Mon
day evening last. The'result of the conference
was, that the Act of Assembly, passed in 1856,
for .this object, was deemed defective in charac
ter and incomplete in its provisions and requi
red revision and amendment. Here, then, the
matter will rest for the present. '
Good Flour.—As a general thing, the deal
ers in flour, in this place, keep as good a quali
ty on hand at all times, as can be found in, sim
ilar stores in any town in the country. Ibis
being the case, we feel loath to recommend par
ticularly the article kept by an individual deal
er, but injustice to Mr. Henry Lehr we must
any that the article furnished us by him a few
days since, surpassed anything in that lino
whlojh we haye ever purchased in this or other
townjs. A trial will convince any one of the
truth of our assertions.
Supper*— Welearn that the ladies connected
with the United Brethren Church, in this place,
intend giving a sapper in the basement room of
the church, on the evening of the 13th of Au
gust next, the proceeds of which are to be ap
plied tqthe liquidation of the debt of the church.
From our acquaintance with some of those who
Will be engaged in getting up the entertainment
we know it will be well Worthy the patronogo of
every young man and woman in town, and we
hope (hey will all purchase tickets.
We have been requested to give notice
to the male members «of the Methodist church,
in this place and vicinity, that it is desired that
as many of them as possibly can get away from
home or 'leave their work, ' .will repair to the
gipre selected for the Union Camp, ground, OR
Monday morning next, and assist in preparing
it for qse on the occasion- of the coming Union
Comp Meeting. Delegations from Hpllidays-
and Williamsburg circuit will be
in attendance on that day.;
Mountain Eestaueabt.— -The enterprising
and gentlemanly proprietor of this pojpdar sa
loon is having It fitted up in a stylewhich will
surpass anything of the kind in the country.—
He has recently pot up a billiard and bagatelle
table for Ihe' amasement of < his visitors. He
spares noj expense to make bis saloon a popular
resort, and we presome bis outlay will be folly
matde up by an increase of patronage.
Tbb Bais.—The copious showers of rain
which descended bo gently upon the parched
earth on Sunday end Monday lost, have revived
vegetation wonderfully. The garden vegeta
bles and field crops yet growing had began to
recede instead of advance, but the timely wa
,freBU ii f e and nowr every
thing looks green and promising, :
v AoMnwinuL SociETr — Wc learn from, the
SlaudardtiM* meeting of the Executive Com
mittee: of Blair Comity Agriculture Society Was
** 27th nit,; which
l waa doemcd on oocowVafE
tw.MM a jiftir this year, * -
Exmindbit tickets irill be issued' from ail sta
tions Pennsylvania- Railroad, between
Huntingdon and. Cresson, to this place, daring
the eon&nasnee of the Union Camp Meeting,
fron»:the> 19th to the 28th «f Afrgnst The
tickets will be received on any train. This will
afford «rey person an opportunity*© be in at
tendance, and ire aspect to notice many irniii.
ing themselves of it. .
RelkSotts —-The Communion of the Lord’s
Sapper will be administered in the Presbyteri
an CharOh, of Altoona, on Sabbath next, (Bth
inst.). 'jPreaching on Friday and Saturday
evenings; at 7} o’clock, and on Saturday mor
ning atlOJ o’clock. Rev. A. P. Happer, M. D.,
will assist. - The public are invited to attend,
and the Christian friends of sister ohhrofaes most
cordiaUy invited to unite in the celebration of
the Sapper. A. B. CLABK,Parf<w-.
Celebration.—We understand that the col
ored people of this place held a celebration in a
grove, a short distance from town, on Monday
last, (August 2d,) the anniversary of the eman
cipation pf 8,000 slaves from the West India
Islands. : They had good things in abundance,
and, like every tiling got up in this place it pas
sed off in fine «tyle.
Bggu A meeting for the purpose of or
gamzing a Library Association will be
held in the basement room of the Presby
terian ckuroh, on Monday evening next.
The public is respectfully invited to at
A Voice from Blair County.
The Blair County American Conven
tion having adjourned without giving an
expression as to the chpice of their con
stituents for Congress, the Delegates have
addressed the following to the Conferees,
to wit:
To the Congressional Conferees of Blair
County, elected by the American Con
Gentlemen: —Permit us to recom
mend to your as a suitable can
didate fpr Congress, John Brothehline,
Esq. We hope you will bring his name
before the Conference, and if possible, se
cure his nomination by your votes and in
fluence. Yours respectfully,
John H Stiller
Isaac Hooper
Edward B Tipton
Allen D Smith
Archibald Rankin
George Koon
Landon Reeve
Job Barefoot '
George Kopp
Samuel Cruse
L F Butler
James Malone
Frazer Harlin, -w
Daniel Shock
D. R Lingenfclter
Jacob Zeth Jr
Daniel F Beegle
George P Kelly - f
' Samuel Furncy •
John Trout
James Coleman
Douglas McCartney
Abraham Loudon
John Wesly
John McFarland
Wm R Plumer
J ohn Tate
’ George L Cowen
Jacob L Martin
John C Biddle
Samuel R Shifflcr
E Burket
!, Isaac Yingling
Thco A Stecker
J L Reifsneider
Thomas McMinn f
]. ' William Fox
Daniel Price
.Benj F Burley
i - Levi Riling
George F McCabe
Andrew Green
James R Patton
N James Williams
Wm C Kean
Alfred Canan
_ : Jas A Freeman
Geo A Jacobs f .
John M Barbour
Joseph Barr
' Francis Henry
Jacob Mclntyre
John S Heffler
‘ ■ Franklin Snyder
M H Jolly
■I - A C Mcdartney
Wm R. Maxwell
■ :,■■■ : Delegates
'WSff A Monmouth paper says, “ip another
column will be found the certificate of our fel
low townsman, James W. Davidson, Esq., to
Prof Wood, This its another of the numerous
instances where it has changed gray hair to ra
ven ringlets, and bald scalps to .waring looks.
Let any who stand in need of this valuable rem
edy give it a fair trial.”
Caution.-— Bewareof worthless imitations, as
several are already in the market, called by dif
ferent names. Use none unless the words
feasor Wood’s Hair Restorative, Depot St. Lou
is, Mo., and New arc blown in the bot
tle. Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine
dealers!' Also by all Fancy and Toilet Goods
dealers in the United States and Canada. See
advertisement in this week’s paper.
- .The Panic—More Failures.— The panic in.
New York seems to be On the increase. In this
city everything goes on smoothly, and the only
failures we have heard of were the failures to
furnish good fits made by some inferior clothing
establishments. There is no such difficulty to
bo encountered by those 'who patronize the
Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rockhill & Wil
son, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above
sixth. Gentlemen and Youths never fail to, pro
cure capital fits at this popular establishment.
' advertisement «f Dr. Sandford’s
LIVER INVIGGRATOB fn another colomn. r
" V „J X -- .'•’"TO!’ VT. 1 ; r T-* 1 : — T
Tan Bad? .(pouau Medicine.— One of the
very best ..Cengh. Medicines to be fbnnd any-
%eyseris Pectoral Syxnp, sold by
0. W. at 60. cents per bottle.
Female Fills.
Prepared from\a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, 3t. Phy
’ tid&n Eairiiordinary to theQueht.'
TUI* Innlttuh medicine is unfailing la the con of all
thqse painful apd delicate disease* to, which the female con-,
stltution is subject. It moderates' all excess and removes
all obstruction*, and a speedy enremay be relied on.
to WiMtOm urns
it is peculiarly suited.' It will, in a short time, bring on
the monthly period with regularity.
Bach bottle,price one dollar, bears the Government Stamp
of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits.
These PiUi should not be taken Iy female? during Oufret
three months qfPrtgttancy, ae they are ture to bring on Mis
carriage, but at ony other time they are safe.
In all cases of Nervous and Spinal' Affections, Pain in
the Back and ijimbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation
of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Fills will effect
a cure when all other means have faffed, and although a
powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony,
or anything hurtful to the constitution.
Full directions in the pamphlet around each package,
which should be carefully preserved.
Sole Agent fep the United States and Canada,
JOB HOSES, (late L C. Baldwin A C 0.,)
Rochester, N. V.
N. 8.—51.00 end 6 postage stamps enclosed to any an
thorixed Agent, will insure a bottle, containing 50 Fills,
by return mail.
B. Jj. Fahnestock, Pittsburg, Wholesale Agents; &lao,\fbr
sole' by all Druggists, [June 3, 1858.-ly.
Flour—Superfine, bid.
“ Extra, %* “
Corn Meal, Q cwt.
Potatoes, V bush.
Dry Apples, “
Butter, lb
Lard, $ “
Hams, $ M
Shoulders, p. “
Side, $ “
Eggs, ! Q doz.
M’Lain A Lcl
White Wheat’l
sell their Flour at the following rates:—
.jar, Extra, Family, $6,12
i “ “ Superfine, “ 6,60
“ I “ Superfine,' - “ 6,12
Extra Family flout,
Superfine Extra, beat quality,
i ’ ___ *
On the 14th uif... at the Presbyterian Pnrnonage, by Rev.
A. B. Clark, Mr [STEPHEN KECK, of Frunkstown,toMis*
On the Slot ult, by the same, Mr. ADAM BEAR, to Miss
ANNA BEGIN A SHECREH, both of Altoona.
XX. «kxt.-a House ami Lot ami a Blorc*ltoorn,
adjoining White Hall Hotel, are offered lor rent on reason
able term*. They will be rented separately or together, ua
may best renters. Apply to
August 18u&3t*]
House, 1 and lot for sale.—
Tim subscriber offers at Private Sale, a good Two-
Story PLANK FRAME HOUSE and excellent Lot, of the
usual size of Jets in Altoona, situate on Katharine street.
East Altoona, formerly occupied by Amos Laughlin.
August 6,186f31*J J. B. MILKMAN.
in the Post Office at Altoona, August I,ISSB.
Boring. William; j Louis, Mary
Barkhimer, Henry | Martin, Selina '
Bryan, Benjamin I Morrison, James
Brown, Henry (Maurer, Nathaniel
Buckley Washington Martiel, Scott
Burns, Joseph K Michal, Burner
, James | Moss, James
ey,J.H. ' Manley, David
Block, Charles McMonigle, David
Clark, James McLelUnd, J. H. 2
Carter, Edward McHugh, John
Cuahiday Janu . McGowan, Hugh Mrs. 2
Crall, Susan 1 McGuily, Eichaid
Corbett, Annie McDade, Thomas
Cowcn, E. D. McCartney, J. C.
Douglas, Perry Patton, John
Duncan, A. C. Boot, H. K. Dr.
Douty, Mpses Kobeson David M,
Davie, DeWitt Snyder, Lucinda M. 2
Davis, Jeremiah Smith, Wm.
Davis, John E. Storm, Mary
Foster, W. B. Skile*, John K.
Glasgow, James Stiuo, John
Green, Margaret Stroup, John
Goodfellow, Davi 1 Simpson, Joana
Green, Albert Smith, James’
Ginter, David Sloumbogh, Joseph
Henry. Frank Steel. Will Urn
Hill, N. J. Shoemaker, Dr.
Hickey, Patrick , Strunk, Willi,, m
Houseman, Carol ine Scott, Jesse B. i
nm, Nancy J. Stimer, Rachel - 1
Hair, Wilhelm Shellenkerger, Elizabeth
Jackson, Henry , Swknger, David B.
Ingram, Ebonezer Stnckpole, Hannah
Kicscl, Conrad Tuney, Mary
Blink, John* Taylor, F. 8.
Lee, George M, Timmons, Helen
Lagan,. Patrick Western, Sarah
Lngebell, Peter Weakland, Simon
Persons calling for letters on this list will say “adver
>or, I’m here on the gronnd again. • Per
when I, lost year, asked yon to hold my
and tell me where the' CHEAP STORE
ferent now. If reminds me a little of
840, when Gen. Harrison was elected Pro
only to go with the crowd and yon will
in finding MCCORMICK’S STORE. From
wn the valley, and the quantity of goods
, they must bo selling off very rapidly
“ Halloo, neigh
imps’ yon rcoollec
horse a moment
was. But it is di
thecampaign of 1
sident. You bavi
have no difficulty
the excitement dt
I see carried awa;
and very cheap,”
“ You are right
ahead and your
has a very large i
He'll sell you a di
into the bargain,
my friend; I would say to yon, sir, go
anticipations will be fully realized. He
nd well selected assortment of Goods.
w tar fifty cents and give the trimmings
I’m told, and all other goods In propor-
ghbor, that’s whbre I nm going to'buy
"Good bye, nc
my goods."
so shook! everybody else. Good bye.”
“ That’s jdght, i
DBY goods; '
y cheap Bonnets, Misses’ Flats, Ac.; La!
-and Slippers, with Misses, Boys and
loa*, and every other article kept lit a
store, can be had cheap far- cash, at
Hats and Caps, ve
dies’Gaiters, Shot
Men’s Bouts and f
first claarcountr
All articles of
Altoona, May II
country produce taken in exchange for
18S8.-ly .
invented for burning Carbon
from thb l«ap is chMpwand
man beauUfn! mn now In use. me oil Is perfectly
m*. It will net {explode by the accidental breaking of
ttelarop and bydjoin this lamp Is devoid of smell. g It
- 118114QBnt P erhonr - Thelamps
, Jnly 29,-tf) 1; O. W. itESSLBB.
Medicated fur CHEST PRO
Broncbltla, Ctonghfli^Colds, and otheraflfeo
wens of the lugs, Which arise from the expoeedrtate of the
Chest, acwrdmff tdfashion and the cohtlhual chahges oforf
climate, for sole atj the Drug Store of 0. W. KKSSIJEB*
JL PER has onband a few articles of Household Prop-
amoug which ore a conple of excellent STOVES,
which hewfll dispose of cheap tor cash. The articles can
be seen at J. & J. Lowther’a Store.
July 1,1858.-tf WM. McDOWELL.
11 all persons, not to pay money or; give stock to any
person on onr account, unless the individual demanding the
same con produce a written certificate of agency from ns.
July 16,1858.-3 t ARMSTRONG t COLLINS.
Abdominal supporters, Trus
ses, and Shoulder .Braces for sale at
i-ttl ] . :. .. ■ KESSLER’S.
Blanks *>f all descriptions
neatly and Mpedhkxisly eseculed at thjsjofflce.
A : LL Pp^:jP4^^Ate r RATENT
? bbl. 85 60
“ 6 00
“ 4 76
JN" ooMmI
States Journal Publishing House.
Encouraged by the Unexampled success of our novol end
extraordinary Premium Offent dathe Circulation of Iho
tonfteatabUshedsnd pmnlsipF-fotlai monthly, the UNI
TED STATES JOURNAL, and iathe-sale of. our. valuable
Books, we now announce our now jprognwume ol premiums
for the season of 1868 and 1860, embracing the celebrated
Aft Union Sopite of twelve large jmd splendid Steel Plate
Engravings, and a srfieduloof Gold Watches, Rrcu Jew
nn of all kinds, Gold Pairs, etc., Offered on a scale of libe
rality surpassing all previous offers.
Our jewelry Is composed exclusively of the richest flrst
class articles, warranted to be mild gold, or precisely as
represented, and every person selects his own premium.—
'Ours 1* the'only Publish fng House' that offer* Premiums on
this plan, or that fhmishee this class of Jewelry.
The following la Alist Of a few pf the articles, with the
amount of the dub few which it is given as a premium, and
the postage required for its delivjjryjby mall:
Splendid Hetnched Lever, Enameled Dial eigh
teen carat Gold Wotch, warranted a perfect
time-keeper, - jl $OO 00
- Elegant Lepinia Enameled Dial IS i carat CkQd
, Watch, \ T 'I .... T.SO 00 ‘ •
Large Donble-SUdo Gold Pencil and Gold Pdp, Postage.
warranted to be solid gold Uuoughout, t J 000 vc.
Beautiful Gold Pencil, warranted to be solid
gold throughout, - 1 ’ | 200 oc.
Gold Pencil. Cold Watch Key, and Oold Tooth
Pick combined,. ' < 800 9c.
Extension Silver-Case Pencil (warranted same
as coin) and Gold Pen, 250 Be.
Rich Gold Band Bracelet,- ; 400 9c.
Fancy Gold Hosaic Bracelet * - ) 800 oc.
Superb lined Gold Locket, engr’d and turned, 400 6c.
Set of Gold Cameo Ear Drops,/ . - 000 -6c.
Set of Gold Coral Ear Dropv - , 000 6c.
Gold Cameo Pin for Lady, .i \ - 600 6c.
Gold Florentine Pin for Dads’, , I f i 6'oo 6c.
Gold Bar Cluster Pin fur Gentleman, SOO 3c.
Set-ofQofd Cameo Studs, 300 Bc.
Set of Engraved, Dined Gold Studd, 200 So.
SetefOold Carneiian Sleeve Buitohs few Lady
or Gentleman, 400 3a
Superb Friendship Ring, solid sixteen carat'
gold, richly enameled, ■■■•'■ ! ; - 4.00. Sc.
A Miss’ Bing, soldid sixteen eafat gold, act
with stone, 2.00 So.
Among the Engravings ares * ' ,4 .
The Signing of the Death Warrant df lady Jane
Grey, from the celebrated painting by Daniel
Huntingdon, £2 inches,ioug by 4* wide, $1 00 12c,
The Trapper’s Last Shot,from the great {Mint- , .
ing by W. Bonney, 18x24, 100 12c.
The Angler’s Daughter, from the groat paint-;
Ing byj-andseer, « . 60 9c.
Sparkling, from painting by W. F. Edwards, . 60 9c.
(fbr full Schedule, tee Our Catalogue.)
The United States Jouohal contain* sixteen large folio
pages, ably edited and profusely; illustrated. Price only
50 cents a year.
1 Our Catalogue contains over 1,060 of the most useful, en
tertaining and popular works of the ddiy.
Any person sending as 50 cents :or mote, either for the
Journal or for Books at the lowest prices. Is entitled, to the
some amount in any of thapremiiims of his own selection
from the schedule. He-is also entitled to extra Premiums
amounting to $l, olid extra Boohs .or Journals amounting
t) $1 for every dob of $lO, thus receiving fbr $lO Books or
Journals amounting to $ll, and, premiums amounting to
$ll. The amount to prepay postage on the Premiums,
should accompany each order. !
Every reader is' InVited to form a club, and we wish to
arrange with gome persons at every Post Office to act ad
local agent and correspondent, tvho will be richly paid
therefor. : I ■ ' '■
Specimens and Catalogues sentfreeon application. Send
on a few subscriptions at once, aha select your premiums
from the above, or when yon receive the Catalogue.
J. M. EMERSON t 00., PublUhera,
; Ju1y29,1858. 4oCßroadway,NcwYork; .
vision STOKE. J.
The subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of
Altoona and vicinity that ha has Opened a store of thcabbre
kind, near the corner of Adaline and Julia street*, Stf t
Altoona, where he will keep cdnstantly on band a {kill sup- 1
ply of everything in his line. Tib
are all fresh and will be sold af prices\* low is those of
any other establishment in town; His stock of provisions
consisting of ! ' ’
Flour, Hams, Shoulders, Sides, &c,
will be sold a little cheaper than they can be bought any
where else. Ills Flour is obtained from the best mills in
tlie Western part of the Stateu ahd ! Is warranted to be what
it is represented. '
Ail kinds of Feed for horses, cpWs and hogs, always on
band. *
I intend to keep such no assortment that I shall at all
times be able to supply my customers with whateVerThey
may need, and I intend also to Sell af prices Which will
make it a saving to those who patronize m v store.
July 22,1888 3m. . ■ i HENBY BELL.
{Successors to John &. Brant,)
Near the Penn’a Central Railroad Depot,
SARD AXD SOFT COAL , Pig Metal, Railroad Iron, Air
and Merchantable Iron, Rails, I Flour, On- >
eeries. Provisions, Ilak,. Salt. ite.
COAL sent in emta, in large or Small quantities, along
the different Railroads in Pennsylvania. [July 22-ly.
Altoona giet Association i
The Committee appointed to Distribute the Proper
ty of the El Dorado Gift Association.
. At a meeting of the shareholder* in the above Associa
tion, held on the 10th of June, 1568, a Committee of five
Disinterested persons was' chosen to distribute the proper
ty, viz.; •
The above committee Is cdniposej of men of good land
ing in society, to whom shareholders can place implict con
fidence, and feel assured that they Will receive Justice at
their bands. ",
■ ■ i
■ *s® undersigned, having Beeri chosen n Commit! tee
to distribute the Gilts of tlie above; Association, beg leave
to Inform the shareholders add all iiterested, that we have
fisted THURSDAY, the 12th day of AUGUST, 1558, as the
day on. which, the distribution-will; positively take place.
All Agents nre requested to make at full return of all mo
neys, silk; and Tickets in their bauds; on nr before the let
day of August, 1868. JOHN ALLISON,
T “® undersigned begs leave to state that the reason why
the distribution did not take place in April,' a* advertised,
was the failure'of three-fourths of Die Agents to make re
turns. ' Thera .will be no postponement from the above,
whether the returns in all made or not. Agents will
therefore plcaeo attend to this notice burnt dlately.
T)ie effioe of the El Dorado’Dift .Association is oh'
Mala street. North Ward/Altoona, opposite Mr. John Al
lison's residence. AU who wish tickets in this enterprise
will please call and get them soon, aS there is an opportu
nity to get the money back, ‘ f' - .
July X, 1858.-td x ... JOSEPH MOIST, Agent.
undersigned having pelleted thftlr Spring Stock,
now oifor to the public , tlie LAEGBSI K)T OP GKOCE
KIE? ever presented in the town of Altoona.
Our object in publishing this cardie to present the fol
lowing facts: > . ■■ ■■
Iri- Th® recent hard times have very ranch reduced the
Qr**®ries in the city, especially to cash buyers.'
2d. We bought these Groceries in' large lots, many of
them from first hands. ■
3d. We bought them entirely for cash.
. 4th. We sell for ready pay.
®*h,, We Jteep our-stock full by ivoekly receipt*.
6tff. We fcredetennlned to Keen trpfhe credit of our hongc.
7th. Wo sell more GROCERIES then any other store in'
Blair county* at less per cent. i
Bth. We sell cheaper than any other store in the county,
A continuation of patronage u respectfully solicited.
Altoona, Jupe 10,1858- V McLANB * LEHU.
.» , EMPORIUM.—The nvlersigned has constantly on
hand alarge assortment of t
4 ■ which he will sell cheap
Spouting pnt up at short notice in town or
country, and painted, at I‘2J4 cents per foot. . V
; Tjoe best Quality of Cooking Stoves, of va
rious patterns, constantly on band. '
- All kinds of Job Work done with neatness and dispatch.
Cali and see. JOS. H. BUSH,
'June 10, '57 -tf] Opposite. Am<ncan House, Altoona.
Take notice, that the as-
SESSJIENT No. 15, made by the Lycoming Mutual
Insurance Comp my, iu Blair county, is payable at my of
flee. The Assessment Is 9 per cent,, on all notes In three
May 13,1868. JOHN SHOEMAKER,
Altoona, July 16, 1658. ; Bectiar.
Lumber for sale.—
60,000 Shingles 50,000 Lathes,
and all kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL, tower than the
lowest, for Cash. Apply to JOHN SHOEMAKER.
Henry lehr’s store is in
John Lehr’s old stand, nearly opposite HcCor
store, in North Ward. [JiroalB, , s7-ly.
\7T comflote assortment of haye lust been re
ceived Wt the store of
rpCTtfITE PUBLIC.—-13,787 GIFTS'
- tor the sale of $13,787’ worth of. Sewing
Silk. Each purchaser of one, dollar’* worth of Sowing 3Uk
trill receive a numbered chock, which will entitle the hot
der to one shore and a voice in the distribution of the Ibp
lowing list of Valuable Property, to be distributed by a Com
mit tee, chosen by tho' shareholders, in such a manner ae
they may doom advisable and agree hpon among theißMlne.
7 ccrtier Lota on Washington street Altoona, SO
. by 130 ftet, valued at slB4bddh, -i s],3n
17 lots oil Washington ft;, $l5O each, 2,062
8 cor- “ ISO * 1,248
W lota on Mulberry at., “ “ ,132 ** 3,500
. 2 lota on Sigh street, “ , «#: “ 120
1 cor. lototfDflnaan street, 50x175 fh, Valued at OS
8 lota on tie* mart street, - <•' ~ x ftlwh tea
1 lot on Howard street, 50il33foet, Gained at MS
d ww.totonbwrtngtonst, •*’ - " 1M
flats <m Chestnut street, $l3l each, 203
1 Gold Uver TTateh, Tallied at 100
1 Hone, - u u jgj
1 Two-Horse Wagon, « 08
1 Stiver Lepino Watch “ « •
12 Oowt.Pattcrns and Trimming*, $lO each. • I'D
SO Pants and Vestpatterna, at s4,Weeclk 220
7 5 Article* or Pamela of Merchandise, $3,00 eoa
100 “ “ “ 2.00 “ 200
100 - .« “ \jn ioo
too " , . *B' ?A S 3f{
. ft
2.000 M
8.000 «
i,OOO “
8,885 “
13.787 Qlfts, valued at- .< ... -• siavcr
The Bealkrtateln this Enterprise is h(tndsohn's»lluaied
in nourishing hjwnof Altoona, (lleafrauMteni of the
W. Ctatnl K |l. Oo.) in a few yean oai grown aa if
by magic, Its present population being over 3,000. -
The above property will be delivered tv the person's enti
tled to race ire it, immediately after the distribution.
An iudiqiutsble title to all the lots in the above bill will
he given by H. H. McCORMICK.
The articles or parcels per bill, will consist of cloths, caa
aimeres, de toinsa, Ac, Ac.
: My objectia to dispose of the silk in the shortest possible
time, and I deeire everybody to purchase soon ana became
member* of .this Magnificent .Astecinlum. •
, The silk will bo sent to any port of tho foiled f-tstcci
■with Certificate of pur
chased,) on receipt of the cash; .
' Agents or clubs remitting $lO at ono.tlme, will receive lb
return $U worth of silk,and 11 certificates
; Alt ordera ma&t be addressed to JOilunrMoiHT,
June 10,1855-tC.) . . Altoona, tSlitir fb, lit.
All orders by mail, with postage stamp enclosed, prompt
ly attended to.
New firm and new goods.—
J. A J. LOW'rtTBH hftveAttt retained from the City’
and arc now receiving their stock, or ,
spring qoodsV !
which they fool inured are aa HANDSOME and CHEAP,
if nets Nwcehsnpstv than, any yet brought ip this place.
On account of gaitMTtb Philadelphia late la .the season.
wr» have been able to bay oar goods at great lyraduoed pri
ces, and we aire determined to sell them at verji email prof
its tor cash or to prompt monthly paying ciutohicis. :
Wo have Us Usual a splendid stock of
Also, Shawl* any Mantillas, iuaroat variety, together with
' a good stock of Domestic Pry Goode. Sfraw Goods..
. ■ WARE, GROCERIES, se., K' ~
Tli* cltizcnanf Altoona will find It to their advantage to
examine oar stock, as Wo are not to be undersold*
April . .
— l The kubecribtr would respectfully inform the cltl
»«n*of Altoona and vicinity that be has just rwxttedia*
fctOCk Of ' •'v •'
consisting, in part, of , .
luch.a* Silks, Satins, Bareges, DLaiucs, Chullhs, Ducals.
Lawns, Ginghams, Prints, Ac, together with all hinds of
pry Goods, all of which wiW bc sold cheap for cash.-
He has also on hand a large stock of
and all other goods usually kept in stories in this place.
Having adopted the CASH SYSTEM in mV bosiUMe ami
being resolved to carry it out, 1 have masked my good* at
CASH PRICES, and invite inspection and comparison, lit'
regard to prices and quality, With that* of aby Other store
iu the town. Giro me & call fi&djtfdge fur yowscHea.
Country produce taken in Vxctttoge fot-goods, at (he
highest market prides. i • it ,
April2B-Ifl J. B. 11l LEMAN,
_Lj SIGNED respectfully informs the ,•
citizens of Blair county and others, i
that he has opened , up . the ,LOG.uL*CSH^£-«_2
HOUSE, formerly, kept by.ShaHff RmHH£S||^h3p
at the.west end orUouldaysburtf,fortheMKu9Bj^pr:
reception at strangers and travellers.—
Everything connected with ..the house has. been refitted in
the new with the choicest tiimlture, Ac,,Ae, ,
The bouse is Large and commodious, and well calculated
for convenience and comfort. ■ ■
His TABLKwIU be (Urnished with the very best tbotnpr
ket can afford, ahd no pains or trouble will be spared to
render those who may choose to fhvor hpa with thotofe. ■
tronage comfortable and happy during their stay withhnn. •
His STABLING Is ample, and an obliging and cairefht
hostler will always he in attendance, . j,‘ .
•S- The Williamsburg stage, wHch mokes <hti!y trips
between thia placo and Williamsburg, stops'St thcr Logsir
Dec. 17,1857,-tf.] JOHN KEEPER.
Blajh county daguerbean
ROOMS.—Mr. G. \V. FISHER. the JloiUdaysbnr*
Artist, bfgs leave to Inform oar readers that bo is prepared
to take ' • _ •' ■ •
’ Photographs of deceased ''
from Daguerreotypes, at the shortest notice.,anil on Ui«
meet reasonable terms. lie ha* JrritC received * forge stock
of durable am) neat casep, of alt Jbcltolihc '
s heir pattern of Family Case for four persons, uni is jin
pared to fill them with perfect likenesses,
Giro him a call. Rooms on the coiner of Montgomery
and Allegheny streets, HoUidaysburp, Pa. • fJune l"-tt ”
_L si Hoard of School Directors of Altoona skt to employ
charge of their Public Schools the ensuing term. The
Schools will be graded. • ■ i '
Tbe Term will commence on Ist of Septamhcr and con
tinnb elghf inonths. 01c County Superintendent will be
in Altoona ou.Thtusday, the I2tb of August, for the por>
pose of examining applicants, at which time all persons
applying for any of these schools will bo expected (o he
present. The Board arc desirous of. procuring competent
Teachers, and none need apply only those who can come
Well recommended. By order of the Board,
Altoona, July IS, 1858.-td Q. W. PATTOX. ftc’y.
stages Union hotel
606 and 608 Market Street,
ABora £iith.
Terms~sl.26’Per Day.
. . ' O. W. IIIXKLE, Paorttrros-
July 1, 18i>S.-im.
XX. Xotico Is hereby giycn that letters of Administration
on fhe aqtatd of Aocutuxu) yjCcCAGRS.tx, late of'Altoona,
Blalrcounty, dec’d, have been granted by the Register, Ac.,
to the undersigned, residing in said county. All per
sons knowing themselves indebted to uald estate are re
quested to. make immediate, pajuwni; and those having
claims against it will present them duly authenticated for
settlement. . JOIIK TROUT,
July 1, ISuS.-fil „ J'fm’rt.
T IMEI LIME! LlME!—Duncansville
i i Lime Kilns, near Huni(!«jBlmrg7 Pa.
Ifie subscriberhas now in operation, C>ur largo titoo
Kilos, producing dally largo quantities of the ■
He is prepared to fill all orders, from 1 bnSbrlfotns
thousand bushels at the lowest rates. .
'#g»_Llmo delivered at any point on tl»c PcrinKjlranla
Boil Bond; also, at Altoona, or any point m tfco mintrand
ing country, by wagon, or at tho Kiln. Address
DunoaiuttUe, Stair Co. Fb.
'June 17-6 ml
Restaurant and lager
BRER SALOON.—The subscriber wouhi reapfctAUly r
annoimcc that he vTlUkccpconstantlyoDband,athhi saloon
Under the Masonic .Temjile,
n supply of refreshments, such ns Gikce, Cb «■«•>, Sardines,
Pretaels, and an excellent article of LAGER BEER, Burio*
fectured at the Altoona Brewery, wbicli ia prc-mmuced the
best in the country. His saloon is fitted up in grind stylo
for the comfort and accommodation df his patrons, and ho
hopes by strict attention U> their wants to iacrif andreceiro
a mlr share of patronage.
May 13,1555.-ly]
Blank books and stationa-
Job mans, Stationer and Blank Book Qg/fftM.
Orrutr Afarjtct <t Second Sis. IHtttburg, fit. vmlmmm i
rcspeotfuUj invites attention to his Urge am! well selected
stock of
Blank Book, Paper and Stationary, Pail
Jioad, Mercantile and Book Printing,
of every description, promptly executed.
Agent for 1. Johnson A Co., Type Fottnders, rhiladel- .
pbU. ■ [June nMy.
tIUU receded and »r sale by 3.1, 2C&S3. ‘
« 1..-'
a ■
9b “ 1,000
» ** 900
» “ WOft