&SSSSSJ&S**. :hut acts as a OUbartic. ian any other medicine , lat a Xirer acUn? fljJ* i morbid matter, then on thS th> off that matter, thus accommSJff' ll *«4 illy, without airy of the opt-nuuns of mo»t iSria wstom at the aonjo time that it??**: It daiiy in moderate doses. Trill -V-A* 6 * It; vifh nuutiual 1 ttre3 HH*n me of the id when it he system' it entirely rcr for the the slom tho whole ■iKiin —the ,i- diseases nude it his rs, to find many do- | principal regulator porforma ifofuu^ £ |are fully |de?einlcnt on t&jLS?* fffoper porfonnancrSH l ; ach is at fault, thn »J? f (system auffew ! lavra-hating of tliat organf ouo*o/°, f° study, in o practice of L** 19 some remedy when^Sf* 9 rangmenta^whkh l^ th is rente ith Livlr > try a bot- tic, and convlctioj fa $ ■omove nil plying in ating the rvtso THE ole machi ) fleeting a is are cur the occa- morbid or bod , their place a heidthl*?' 61 stomach, Btoon. giving ton, *2 nety, removing. tha radical cure. ed, A»ls WHAT u alonol use of the uJs*g> > £ - eating is it the food taken be- to reline tkestiv me *l will cure Bwmii.i. spoonrftol wIUbSS^ taken at cures Oos aftcr cacti >f two tea- CBC. ten for fe ll dueaao, luiuediatc- obatructlon «««,♦« i ly relievea \ | tweded to throw out oftL* -1 cine after a long JAinmicz removea all a,L 1 from the akin. *•* / time before eating ■; imakca the fooddhSat( cutea Chronic Dluihceain 1 nwand Bowel compiaiy, attocka caused by Wozju " ***** i rcpnaU-i ireTchtlve buttle U * of medi : takes fur I ural cotorj a, a abort j elite, and I repeated! bile Sum-1 the flrat! ■eea curesj rc Is nO| -rid, ns it es Dropsy! ire t in re-! f-r Fever! ions type.! ; e willing! by exciting the abewbenu. commending the medidm and Ague, Chill PevS It operetta with certohiT to testify to Its wooderfij re giving their unanimous testimony u r in tho month with the Invlgormtor, .m tlu-r. ,v* I LIVER INVIGORATOR C MEDICAL mSCOVBKY, and iadaflr moat too great to believe. It core* tad i first dnu giving benefit, andacUoaiaotr r.-.iulred to cur* any r |Ond Uter Co»- e irst Jmmdict or -Oysptptia to «tpundi I’hich are the reeult of a DISEASUiXITniJ r- o.ve pollab rra MRU, / “(I I roj-rietor, 315 Broadway, Kew,York. >1 iV. KiJsLra, Altoona: auit retailed tv i tMayaT. ,( EAT BKAUTIFIERI SO - -hr miMicceasfuUy Bought, Nl> AT X.ASTI KS I'EI!MANF.XTLY gray hair to ; rovira luxuiiautly the hteld head; rr ■i iu liing and all scrofula, scaldh«wl and It • » the hair soft, hralthy andgliiaay• ud -:-ny imaginable‘age; reoiuTM, aa lfb; --. ai „ from the face and enreaaßoeatai - lulache See circular ami the following: Dover, X. IL, Feb. 2d, 1817. ei- * Co.—Grata: Within a few deyawa l iny ordersßudcallafor VruC(k J.WOOd't thalfo-daj we were compelled, to wind to :iity.'(the C you forwardedaUbeing .i.:ht ordi-r a rjuantity from you.' firry '/ firms in hart produced thrtc or/mtrtwt ~ appr--ballon, and patronage Itreceirt* ii -tanlinl and worthy citlzena of owrt •lice us that it la A MOST VALUABUj u .is may Ire one groae Of gl else; and out j id t*Ucr« u* yonn very rrarwctfolly. : u;iied) .JIANXKL LATUOHP JCo. A Ircvo St. Charted Co.. Mo., Xor. tO r l&Ss. »»—l>-«r Sir; Some time tut simmer «t u«; Mine of jour Hair- KestoratiTß, »>d o wonderful, we feel it oar dntj to joo . to ri j>ort It. ■ li' ttJ for «omp tim* had been perffrtlj i'.-s and some called it acold bead. Thi ■fly oune off In consequence, when a triad, ln"i. advised u« to aae your Ueatunihe, tiif iiojic of succom, bnfc to ouvnupiiw, a- frfcada, a very few application, rtawrej, Ir.afcda new and taxurient Crop if.liafr :m<] we can now say tlmt our hoy bai u u.ti sa luxurieut acrop of hair.Msrgr C*n therefore, aud do hereby reeenßßtrd rt‘ a perfect remedy for all diseases oflbt Wo at *, your* reaprctfotly, GbOROE.w. hiosinbotimm, SARAH A. HIGGINBOTHAM. Gardiner, Maine, June 22.15 U. —IV«r Sir: I have used two bottles of Hair Restorative, and can trulyasy it ii »< ry at the age for restoring andchaL{ir< osiriK it 1 sraa a mail ofarrentj’. B; its original color. You can recoa rid without tho least fear, as iotcsm rs! kind. Yonra Respectfully, daxi’eLs. mcrput. Proprietors 312 Broadway, JfawTal, . Wire lUilmg £«tahlli&mbuj and U< ir>. Mo. -r IvKSSI.PR, Altoona, and 17 all grot (Junes, USB-ly IFUE ASSORTMENT OF rKUFUMSEY,.iucU as Vlt THE HANDKERCRIBF, If air Oils, Cologne*, .im* nd domestic; Oriental % Cosmetics, Fratigi- - ponni Sachets, !;■ ~ ifH Soaps, Hair . rs,. Tooth Brushes, Combs, Pocket Coittbt, Leaf Water, etc,, file., etc -IVED AND POR SALE SgQtJfiJL,,, A. 1 / ’ • "■ | —> JOAkS! ' \ II REE- BELLES, FORTAXIZA6, J LA ROSAS, lULAS, V A S.OVSB, Dtm*- .TER!' " SODA WATER ! r ASP AGREEABLE BBTBRAO® fAVS ON URAUQBT SB’S DRUG STORE, * ia Slnet, above tSelMlbtran lATED LYE, FOB 11,I 1 , and So»p Powder for u; f?r Laic, WboleMde.»gS7 JpflMß : ITEMS. union camp meeting. wJtberrv VChwlfc’-a®# Hollidaysburg and will hold a Camp Meeting, at midway between HoTlidaysburg Altoona! commencing on Friday 20th and Thursday, 26th day of Augustnext. SrJtatett and people of Birmingham, Willi»m£ other aborning Cimitt, SSectibUy invited toioin with us. ■. Mmis- Md members of other denominations ore SJ cordially invited to pitch their fonts with us participate in the exercises of'the occasion. jßdpsrucipa GEO. GUTEE, F. E. I GBO. BBRKBTEBBSEB, ) . SAM’L a. WILSON, \V. C. JOHN H. C. DOBH, ) July 21,1858. i OPPOBIHOS TO THE WATEa4fo)Hgg.— On Bat orilay evening last * meeting convened in front of the Miaonic Temple, in mponae to a call is oued by a few persons who are opposed to the introduction of water into our town. The call bod been worded In such a .manner as to create the impression in the minds of many that the Committee appointed at a previous meeting in tended to report, else, wo presume, there would scarcely have been a baker's dozen in atten dance. When the plot of the opposers of the water works was discovered, and it because ful ly known tint the meeting was intended to get up an opposition to this desirable object, the friends of the project very naturally set about counteracting and contradicting the false re ports which were being circulated. The meet ing was called to order by electing Dr; Ickes, who was tne prime mover and chief spokesman of the President. A fter stating the object Of the meeting, he proceeded to address the assemblage on the inexpediency of introdu-. cing water into the town at this time, crying “ taxation I" “ debt!” &c. After he had con ■ eluded, be invited any person in the audience, who had anything to say on the subject, to get up and speak, whereupon L. W. Hall, Esq., responded. He gave a full statement ofthel plan by which it was proposed to introduce wa ter into the town, and showed most conclusive ly to the, minds of ail present, not even excep ting the Presidentj that now was the time, and the only fame in -all probability at which the borough would have an opportunity of obtain ing water on advantageous and reasonable terms. We,will not enter into an explanation of the means by which the town is to be suppli ed with water, as that is generally understood and approved lsy our citizens, suffice it to say that the remarks of Mr. Hall effectually knock ed the wind out of the opponents of the meas ure, and on a vote being taken,, on the motion to await the report of the. Committee appointed at a previous meeting, ’ there was a unanimous response in the affirmative. Thus ended in its lavor, what was intended to be a meeting in op position to the introduction of so desirable an element as water into dur town, andourciti icns saved the disgrace which a different re sult would have brought upon them*. We hope to hear of no more opposition to the measure. Editorial Visitors. —While engaged in mail ing our last week’s edition, who should pop in to our sanctum but our old partner in the Juni ata Sentinel, now editor of the Jilniata Register, Cal. A J. Greer. Time does not appear to have left hey traces or any other part of her harness upon him, nor could we perceive that a change of,views on political questions had' changed the color of his hair. He is the same old Adam wc knew so well in former days, and he will likely bo “ Old Adam” when he dies, if he lives a score of years longer. On Thursday last, we Lad the pleasure of making the acquaintance of Hon. John A. Ba ker, of the Perry Freeman. We found in him what we had anticipated, a perfect gcqtleman, affable in conversation and manners. The Judge; in jnc those firm and consistent politi cians who arc hot wheedled around by every new ism that may be tramped up to suit the times. Next Came our “ phunny” friend of the Slan d»d. It is a pleasure to meet with such men m Trough, and we always feel at home in their company. We are only sorry that we ean not meeVhim more frequently. Like ourselves, he i>. a working man and stays at hemp to attend to his business. Like other busy bees, lie molests no one unless they stir .him up, whereupon ho presents a “sting” that often makes his moles ters feel uncomfortable. I Literary Association.— The excitement oc casioned by the discussion of the subject of wa ter works, we jpresamo, caused the young men, and all those friendly to the forma tion of a library .and literary association, to forget the meeting for thatpurppse,onBatur- I day evening last. We are sorry for this, as we had confidently anticipated that we should be able to make a good report of the meeting and announce the establishment of so desirable an I association in oar midst. We are notlbolined I telieve, however, that they opng men of.this place will permit the many good-offers I Ti, Te Cen 0m to go unaccepted.— Thcro will be another meeting for the purpose of establishing' and Oiganfcing anassociation of “e. referred foot early day, (due notice of hich will be given by posters,) and tbep, I young men of Altoona, do not let ithesaidof . y° n offered instruction and would “iV? «■ »"*•* kßWrCouetjßHgml, I’*’*?-? men 4. hehiipg a e»cMpn»t fell. After considerable speechifying, Hol- Udayaburg wm fixed upon as the place, and the as the time for holding said encampment. We shall hare more to say about affair hereafter. j —On Saturday evening of th- r 5 W?i