The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, April 29, 1858, Image 1

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- Communications of a political character or individual In
, Isrcetwljl be charged according to theytboTo rates.
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VOL. 3.
SIoCSUM A ALLISON, Publishers and Proprietor::
Per s/mnm, (payablo invariably in advance,)
j»pa« dUoontloned at the expiration of the time
mys op AOTHtneoro.
, 1 tawtloa 2 do. ,« do.
Foot Unas or leM, $25 237 « i6O
One square, (8 line*,) 60 lif* i«j
Two “ 08 “ ) 100 160 200
Three “ (24 « ) 160 2 cio 260
Over three weeks and lan than three months, 25 cents per
ajnsre Ibc each insertion.
The Cheapest Paper Id the County!'
With the present number, the 7V;s«r.r has en
tered upon its third volume. Commenced nt a
time when the Confidence of the citizens of Al
toona in newspapers and newspaper publishers
was considerably shaken, if not totaily'annibila
ted, it lit* slowly but surely restored that con
fidence, and now stands upon a sure foundation,
uad is universally acknowledged to be one of
the fisod institutions of our town. But this re
»uit has not been achieved without a hard strug
gle, and considerable expenditure of time and
moans on the part of its editors. The steady
increase.of patronage, however, has afforded in
dubitable evidence that their labors have been ap
oiatod. '
In oatoring upon the new volume it is almost
unnecessary to say that the TWiwac will coutin
se to be 44 bu>EPENDja*T is Evkeythixo,” be
ing biassed neither by fear, favor nor affection,
in favor of parties or sects. In this respect it
is only necessary to say that the past affords a
fair index as to our future course.
IfTtos always been our aim to make the Tri
bune, a reliable firfct-cl<iss Local Paper, as we
bcliese that in that character alone, country pa
pers can successfully compete with their flashy
city neighbors, To this end we have secured
correspondents in various parts of the county,
who furnish us with all the items of local inter
est in their vicinity. We purpose adding others
to out list as soon as wo can obtain them. Du
ring the next year we shall redouble our efforts
to make the Tribune a perfect compendium of
JIoHE News—a reliable, first-class Local
Paper,,second to none in the country, and as
such a welcome weekly visitor to our patrons,
whether at home or abroad.
But •while the Lbcul Department shall he our
special, wo shall alaa devote a
ble space to Literary Matter, Fun and Hu
mor, and the chronicling of events of general
interest to our readers. AVc purpose also pub
lishing from time t: time “ Original Sketches of
Men and Things'” which will be furnished by
our contributors. We have m»ac arrangements
also to.have a weekly letter from Philadelphia,
anti judging from the reputation our correspon
dent sustains as a popular writer, these letters
will be a rich treat to cur readers.
As we are decidedly journalists of the pro
gressive school, we hcivd concluded to adopt the
cash .system in cur' business. The neglect of
quite a number of our patrons to pay up prompt
ly, dad the rascality of others, has compelled
us to adopt this course, lime and experience
lias fully proved to our satisfaction that the
credit system ‘will not work with newspaper
publishers. From this date no paper will be
sent I from this oflicc, unless paid for uiadvance,
and at the expiration .of the time paid for, if
not renewed, will bo promptly stopped. ' This
arrangement docs uo injustice to our patrons,
while it will protect us from the impositions ol
soulless scoundrels, and enable us to devote
more attention-to ovr paper.
Recognizing, the principle that contracts to
be satisfactory should b.o fraught .with mutual
benefit to both patties, nud ua money in large
amounts, in is of more value to as than
when received in driblets, 'as an induce
ment to numbers who .wjfuld otherwise discon
tinue, as well os to (who have never yet
' taken the paper, wo offer it at the following
jtowjfttes for the coming Jcjir:
1 copy, on® year J , $1 50
XO copies “ ($1,251 pgr copy) 12 50
ISO ** “ ($l.OO per copy) 20 00
and all above at .the same rate— §l pcr.copy.
The mbne/must, w auLsase*, accompany the
order. ' ~' \
(Kftt our paper
is emphattosllythe uz
As to Usmtoits welcavein to toepublioto de
eide. • -
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Select Uliscdlaim.
Postponing a Goose.
I took a passage in one of the packet
s Lips that run between Mobile hnd New
York. She was commanded by a sharp
fellow, who was interested in making the
trips as profitable as possible. As a gen
eral thing, a meaner table was never pro
vided in a cheap boarding-house.
During the passage, we were becalmed'
one day on a part of the coast which was
excellent fishing ground; and the captain,
with the view of saving a dollar or two’
ordered the. men to get put their fishing
tackle and try their luck. This, was done
and a quantity of the finny tribe were
soon transferred from their aqueous abode
to the deck of the ship.
The captain enlarged upon the delicacy
of the fish, and closing by asking, ‘ what
say you to a fish dinner to-day, ladies and
gentlemen V Every body said, by ail
means 1’ I
£ 00
Attached to the ship was a negro cook
called Centaur.
‘ Centaur ?’ cried the captain
4 Aye, aye, sa !’
1 (Jbok a ipess offish for the passengers’
dinner; and d’ye hear, postpone that
4 All right sa !’
Centaur seemed troubled, and scratch
ed his wool rigorously. ‘ What de mean
by cooking de fish an’ postponin’ do
goose’’ I ben on several voyages, if not
more —I ben in big hotels an’ little hotels,
man an’ boy, for eber so long if no longer
dan dal ; and dis is the fust time I eber
heard ob postponin’ a goose ! Deres pick
in’ g goose, an’ drawin’ a goose, and bakin’
a goose, an’ boilin’ a goose, but posfpon in’
a goose I didn’t belieb dat eben Mrs.
Glass, do great cook dey talk ’bout beam
ob it. It must ue done dough. Wonder
if Jimmy X’ucka eber heard of ii? He
knows everything.
Just as Centaur concluded, Jimmy and
two others of the crew passed the gallery
door, and the bewildered cook anxiously
inquired of the oracle if he knew how to
‘ postpone a goose?’
CDe case is dis, ye see. Cap’n says to
me jia now, gay he,' 1 cook a large mess ob
fish for de passengers dinner to-dav an’
postpone do goose.’ Now, dat is jis wat
dis here nigger can’t git through his wool,
no how, what postponin' a goose is I’
‘ Oh " said Jimmy, winking at Jus com
panions, 4 that is easy enough. 1 thought
every tool knowed that.’
4 ] thought so too.’ an’ so I say to my
self. ‘Jimmy Ducks’ll know.’’
‘Well, you .sue,’ said Jim my lucking
serious; ‘it isn’t a common way of cook
ing a goose, but ven it is served up after
fish, at the nobility's dinners, they post
pone it. Now, this is the mode:—After
drawin' the bird.stuft' it with a mixture
of ’yd boiled eggs, chopped fine, onioas,
ditto; apples ditto; biscuit pounded into
bits, and portions of a fish previou-ly
browned on the fire. Then put the goose
into the pot, boil it for ’alf an ’our, place
it in the oven, and bake it for ’alf an 'our;
then put it on your spit, roast it until
done and serve it with grayv.’
Centaur listened with attention, and
nothing Upon the tablet of his brain all
Jimmy's directions, started for the gallery
highly elated.
Dinner time arrived, and Centaur won
honors by the style in which he iefved
the fish. Dish after dish appeared; and
when every one supposed the meal to be
concluded, another dish was placed be
fore the captain, who upon removing the
cover, to his indignation, discovered the
goose 1 His wrath was not to be sup
pressed, and in a passion, he shouted- 1 —
‘ Send that infernal cook aft.’
Centaur entered the cabin very good
humoredly, having no suspicion of, any
thing wrong, and was startled by, the
question— :
‘ What do you mean, scoundrel, by dis
obedience of orders ?’
‘ Beycd orders, sa; done jest what you
‘Obeyed orders, you rascal? Didn't I
tell you to postpone the goose V
‘ Course you did,' ga; and I did it.'
‘ Bid whut?’ shouted the captain.
‘ Postponed de goose, sa, cordin’ to di
rections.' : v
The passenger saw the joke, and
into a laugh. The captain was somewhat
mortified and requested lOcntaur to ex
plain himself. , I.
1 JVell, sa,’ said he, ‘you ordered me to
cook de fish and postpone de goose. blow,
I nebher postponed in aB my Ufe, an’ on
.course didn't know nothing 'bout it ; but
Jimmy Backs ’lfghtbh me on de siibjick,
mr.l -e»tcfly 1
iad trouhlocuoagb ; t don’t ma4% to jpbst
pone anoder no how.’ | i
Everybody laughed at Centaur's ©xpla
imtion, and even the ca^tamstmied.
v V. he |aid, .‘and
#Bnd Jimmy iDuoks J *
was off in a ; twinkUog r and
mIw 8 curiosity as-tb thwncyr
he had given to the cook, forgiveness only
being extended to |ijm on the condition
that he should eat the whole of the goose.
The punishment wag not very severe, for
in fifteen minutes nothing but a skeleton
remained of that goose.
‘ My heyes!' was 'his exclamation when
he had completed the task; ‘if that’s a
postponed goose, I vish the cap’n ud ’ave
one postponed every .week. The dressin’
’owsuever, might be Waried' so us to be a
Jeetle more palatable.’
A Race witli a Widow.
Merciful JcLosaphat and big onions,
what a time I’ve had with that widder.—
We chartered an Omnibus for two, on
Christmas, and started. Widder, said I,
where shall be go toi? She blushed, and
said she didn’t like to say. I tyid her
she must sav. • i
‘ Well Jehuel, if you insist upon it, and
I am to have my choice, 1 bad rather go
to church.'
‘ What for, widder V said I.
‘Oh, Jehuel how can you ask me V
‘Cause I want to know/ said 4.
‘ W ell—(blushing redder than beef) —•
it is such cold weather now, and the nights
are so cold, and —oh, Jehuel, I can t
stand it!’
‘Oh, pshaw, widder. spit it out; what
do you mean V
The widow riled. She biled right over
like a quart of milk on the fire, aud burst
out with —
‘lfyou can’t understand me you’re a
heartless brute, so you are.’
‘ Hold your horses!’ said I. ‘What’s
all this about! I’m not a brute, nor never
was: and if a man called me that I’d boot
him! sure.’
Aud then I biled right over, and un
buttoned my coat collar to keep me from
bastin' oif my buttons. The widder saw
I was going to explode, or else collapse
my wind pipe, and she flung her arms
round my neck, and put her lips to mine,
aud cooled right down.
‘Jehuel, dear!’ said she, in an insinua
tin’ way, and a voice as sweet as a hand
organ, ‘Jehuel, honey I wanted to go to
church to get mar—no I can’t say it all.
you finish the word,'jehuel, sweet.’
‘ What word, inarm V
‘Oh, you stupid jehuel dear. I mean
the word married, love.’ ’
‘Married widder! said I, did you mean
that V
‘lndeed I did Jehuel, love I’
’ ‘Look here inarm, my name isn’t Je
huel Love. nor Jehuel Dear, nor Jehuel
Sweet, I’d have you to know. And I
won't get married to nobody but one. and
you are not the she.'
Oh, pewter pennies, but didn’t she
rave ? She made one; dash at me,- L dodg
ed, and she went butt up against the up
per end of the omnibus. Crash went her
no mb, and smash went that bran new
bonnet that I didn’t buy for her, and
down she wont with-Her face in the straw.
But in a moment .she rose again, and
made one more dash;at me, I dropped—
she went over-me and butted the door of
the omnibus, and out she went —her •jai
ler boots higher thu ; n her head as "she
struck the pavement.
‘Drive on I’ I yelled to the driver.
‘ Woman overboard !’ cried a passing
sailor. ‘
1 bfyip that W hite Coat —breach of prom
ise—reward—ilerald—publisb,’ shrieked
the widder in tone ofiiuortal agony, while
tears of blood streamed from hlPbeautiful
pug UOtC. ;
‘Drive on! drive on’’ I shouted.
‘ \\ here to ?’ asked Jhc driver.
‘ J’o the devil—to Harlem —to Macomb’s
Dam—anywhere, so we escape matrimony
and the widder.'
‘He started, so did the widder, and
then we had it up the avenue, the buss
having the start of about a hundred .yards.
.Foot to foot and widder gained. Thinks
1, Jehuel, you are a goner, I thought it
best to lighten ship. jSo first I hove over
board the straw, Stijjl she gained qh me.
Then overboard wciitl the cushions. But
still she gained. ;
‘ More steam drivei)
I yelled.
‘We are going fas
lows now/ he answefe
an hour.’ J
Jehoaaphat, how fj
hove off her bonnet ‘
oyer hand. A thougi
I off with my whiti
right down in her pai
it like a she panther,
Oh, how they flew;; ;i
but life is Streeter tl
tailbr is making tdc h
gained full two hundi
came again. Once in
green' in her eyess-—M
felt - ■ - ■ . U
‘-Driver,’ said I, kill them horses or
get another pile out of them.’
‘ Will you nay for ’fern ?’ he said.
" ‘Yes, yes/said I* <otily save me: from
the widder.’ . -r
By craqkey, wfe did slide; the widder
Thus Jt~ojat
led Harlem—twheyte
whh three ngmiyted police
il «
, for mercy’s sake !’
iteflthan the law al
ii. ‘ Thirteen mile§
e widder run; she
and came up hand
it struck me, and so
: cOat and flung it
h. She sprang on
ind tore it - to pieces.
[ wept to see it go
an a coat, and my
new one. Here we
Jd yards, but on she
ore I could see the
sroiful Hoses how I
men, in vain attempted to catch us, he
probably supposing that we were running
away with some bank fundi .
My only hope was in reaching Degroot’s
ahead of her, for I knew they would hide
me. We were on the bridge, and oh,
Moses, the draw was up, ami a sloop go
ing through.’ ‘Driver,’ said I, ‘Jump
that bridge and I’ll make your fortune for
life, as sure as you’re born.’
‘ I’ll do it or die,’ he cried. And he
did it. The widder jumped after us, fell
into the Harlem river, and hasn’t been
heard of since.
Revolutionary Anecdote.
The following revolutionary anecdote is
related in the Virginia Illustrated.
In one of Tarleton’s marauding expe
ditions in the interior of Virginia, his
troops stopped to breakfast at the planta
tion of old Major Hardy, the father of the
present squire. All those of the house
hold who drew the sword were with the
armies of their country, but they had by
no means curried with them all their
pluck and patriotism.
The good lady received her visitors with
so much spirit that it seemed she still con
sidered her house her own. aud she still
appeared to give with haughty, hospitality
what her unwelcome guests would have
taken as a matter of course. The officers
who breakfasted in the house were awed
into, respect by her manner, and her bouses
aud barns were Spared a fate that betel
many others. But the passage of such a
troop was like the visit of the locusts of
Egypt. Fodder stacks had disappeared,
granaries were elliptic!, meat houses rifled,
piggery and poultry yards silent as the
grave. The matron contemplated the de
vastation with swelling indignation. All
gone —all. If tlifcy had been Washing
ton s troopers she would have gloried in
the same sacrifice ; but to be forced Jo
feed the host of the oppressor —to give
nourishment and strength to those., v, ho
might soon meet her husband and suns in
battle —that was hard indeed.
The negroes had returned from their
hiding places ami stood grouped around,
with eyes fixed upon their mistress, but
not daring to break the silence. Present
ly an old Muscovy drake crept out from
beneath the corn house where ho had tak
en refuge during that reign of terror.—
The sight of this solitary and now useless
patriarch was the feather that broke the
camel's back ; the matron’s patience gave
way under it.
‘ Jack,’ she screamed, ‘ catch that duck.’
With the instinct of obedience Jack
bounded upon the wheezing wadlcr. • ,\nw
mount that mare; mount, instantly !’ With
countenauee of ashy hue and staring eyes,
Jack obeyed the order.
‘Now ride after tbe ’troopers, ride for
your lift*. (Jive my compliment* to Col.
lark-ton—mind, to none c’s • —the officer
on the black horse —give him my compli
ments and tell him your mistress savs he
forgot to take that dliek.’
Away went the messenger at full speed
after the retreating cohorts.
‘ Well, Jack, did you deliver that iner-
‘ Sartin, Missus.’
‘To Col. Tarleton himself?’
‘Sartin, Missus.’
‘ And what did he say!’
‘He put duck in he wallet, and say he
much obliged.’
Hold Affairs.
A gentleman away off in Arkansas, who
had been stopping at a cross country tav
ern about two weeks, writes to a friend a
bout the manner in w,hich “hotel affairs”
are conducted. He says:
The regulations of the house are written
iu u bold, round hand, and tacked on to the
door of each bed-room. The rales arc ri
gidly enforced, and the slightest deviation
is mot with the penalty.. Here they arc:
I.—Gentlemen will black their boots be
fore leaving their rooms, or they will not
be admitted to the tabid, with an extra
charge of a bit a meal. r
2 —Gentlemeri going to bed with their
hoots oh, will be fined a quarter for first of
fence, fohr bits for the second, and turned
out aud sued for their board for the third
—the landlord holding bn to the plunder.
3.—No person allowed to call twice for
the same dish, without baying an extra
bit. 1
4.—Any gentleman found going to the
lady's rooms, will be fined jive dollars, and
perhaps turned out if the oaso is aggrava
ting. * y ■ ■ ■ ’■ i - t- ■■
5.—A1l travellers arc expected to treat
before leaving the house—the landlord
holding on to the plunder until ho comes
6. —;toud snoring hot allowed, and a
fine of a bit for evenr offepep. ‘
7. —■Country soap for washing given frejs,
a bit a wdek for town soap. ’
8. —A Balf : dipta will be changed for the
‘ stf-
V 'vy
■ landlord trusts that his boawjb
l||f r db||rte ! the. nbpje «ud 'sfiy
to aeo ♦hat'tfeiy dpi_ <; ;V; ... v; -
John Wbite and Susan Black.
We know a good story. It is true.' All
the incidents happened very Jnuch as we
shall relate. The moral b unexceptiona
ble. It b about J ohn White and Susan
John White was raised on •& rough,
rocky farm, in the State of Connecticut.
Susan, ditto. John knew something alwut
hard work. So did Susan. John had a
mechanical genius. Susan had not.; A
neighbor of John’s having emigrated to a
smart manufacturing village in the State
of New York, wrote to John that he
would give him twenty dollars a month.
John went.
chapter iu. —marvelous.
John saved his wages. His employer
engaged in merchandise, and put John
into the store. In process of time. Mr.
Smith (for such was the name by which
John’s employer was known) went to the
West. John bought him out. John White
became a merchant on his own account.
He was reported to be worth four or! five
thousand dollars.
There were young ladies in those days.
And beautiful, dashing damsels they Were,
too. Of some half-a-dozen, it was hatd tp
tell which was the belie of the town.! Cen
taur it was that each strove to out-do and
outshine a’ll others in the matter of gene
ral accomplishment and particular bland
ishments. They all sang sweetly, danced
gracefully, read novels tearfully, played
the piano prettily, and traded at John’s
store. ‘ Mr. White,’ for thus he was ad
dressed by the ladies aforesaid, waited on
them personally. His clerk could ftever
explain the goods satisfactorily. .john
was all politeness. His very nature was
to please his customers. Therein he found
his advantage. j
John White has occasion to visis the
land of his nativity. It was known all
through the village that he was-to bp ab
sent fur a few days. On the evening!pre
ceding his departure he* was tendprpd a
complimentary party. He accepted; | All
the ladies who had distinguished them
selves as his most faithfuhmd persevering
customers wore present. They were dress
ed .splendidly. They put on their sweet
smiles. They wore positively charming
to behold. John felt as happy as a|man
can led and live.
John was absent just three days: ‘ He
returned accompanied with a young lady.
Good help was scarce, and it was known
that his boarding-house keeper was great
ly in need of a trusty aud industrious ser
vant. John’s companion evidentlyi was
not Irish. Perhaps she was a sister, or
cousin, or sumo plain fanner’s daughter
who had come mi a visit? John and his
companion liai not been very long in the
store before he was congratulated bp his
safe r t arn by nearly all the marriageable
females of the pljjv. He received. £hem
most graciously. Indeed, he looked so
happy that each supposed, when he so
cordially grasped her hand (as hisj man
ner was,) that he was surely in love now,
if never before. John did mean isome
thing, no doubt.
So soon as order was restored, ; John
presented his companion. ‘ Shall I have
the pleasure to introduce to these jgood
ladies, my friend—she that was MifeS Su
san Black, now Mrs. White ?’ Some folks
looked thunder-struck. All soon retired,
with as little noise and confusion as ; could
have been expected under the cireuxn
»tances. ' • h-
Hard things were said of John for the
space of three jweeks. The whole village
was scandalized. It was a living guamc
for John to chjrow himself away. J-t Twas
a disgrace to ml the people to bring'such
a ‘ no better than she should be- into the
place, when there were so many, twice as
accomplished, and four times ns well
cd, and who co uld be had for the asking.
Disappointment lurks in many
What can’t be cured must bo endured
It is of no use to cry for spilled milk.
Though John's wife was not handsome,
she was, in the language of Solomon,’ the
wise man, <N a good thing.’ John apd hi#
wife lived happy together, and prospered
in their business. And it was not’mahy
knonths after their marriage); whep the
very same ladies who were so indignant
at John’s choice, and who had even palled
John’s wife ‘a white-washed blackbird/
became very frequent visitor te her bpase-
Certain it .is that not .one of
dieclincd an invitation to tea.
Wjby ax© S® few
the 'liichigan pemtefttiiiV
Speecb of Logan, Um Mlatgo
It is now the question with some, wheth
er Bancroft, in theforthcominjr volume
of his history, will retain or.dis<ara the cel
ebrated speeoh of X<ooan, the Chief,
A correspondent to the New YorkJ&cn
ing Post states that the ir in‘ex
act and literal copy of the speech which was
presented to General Eustacbte hy |»rd
Dcnmaee, the Governor of Virginia be
fore whom it vaa delivered by Logan. It
is now; wo believe, considered a settled his
torical fact, that Col. Cbssap had nothing
to do with the murder of Logan’s family
—who the guilty person was, has not yet
been ascertained*
“My cabin,ainoel first had one of my
own, has ever been open to any white man
who wanted shelter; my spoils of hunting,
since I first began to range these woods,
have I ever freely imparted to appease his
hunger and clothe his nakedness; but what
have 1 seen? whatl but-that at my return
at night, and laden with spoil, my numer
ous family lie bleeding on the ground, by
the hands of those who had found my Hi
de hut a certain refuge from the inelement
storm; who had eaten my food and covered
themselves with my skins. What have I
seen? but tbat those dear little mouths, for
which I had sweated the live long day,
when I returned at eve to fill them; had
notone word to thank me for my toill
.What could X resolve upon? My blood
boiled within me, and my heart leSped up
to my mouth, nevertheless I bid my toma
hawk be quiet, and lie at rest for that war,
because I thought that the great men of
your country sent them not to doit. Not
long afterwards, some of your men invited
our tribe to cross the river and
venison with them; they, unsuspicious of
design, came as they had been invited; the
white men then made them drunk, killed
them, and turned their knives even agaipst
the women. Was not my sister among
them? Was she not scalped by the hands
of that man whom she had taught' how to
escape his enemies, when they were scent
ing out his track? What could I resolve
upon? My blood) now boiled thricq hotter
than before, and thrice again my hcars leap-;
eJ up to my mouth; no longer did X bid my
tomahawk to be quiet, and lie at Test for
that war, because I no longer thought the
great men of your country sent them not
to do it. I sprang from my cabin to avenge
their blood, which I have.fully done this
war, by shedding yours frOm your coldest
to your hottest sub: thus revenged I am
now for peace, and have advised most of
my countrymen to be so too—nay! what is
more, I have offered and still offer myself
as a victim, being ready to die if thoir good
require it.
Think not that I am afraid to die, fof I
have ho relations left”to mourn for me.
Loytin's blood runs, in no veins
I would not turn on my heel to escape death,
for I have neither wife, nor child, nor sis
ter to howl for me when I’m gone.
•Is Father Here.’—A young man
came into a city station house yesterday
afternoon, and inquired : ‘ls father in
here V Ido not know: what is his name ?
said the lieutenant on duty. The name
was given, and the record exhibited it,
with ‘ drunk, and disorderly’ attached as
the charge. " !
‘ Can I see him a moment—he is my
hither ?f was the response, and the young
man was conducted to the iron-cage frhere
the father bad been confined since morn
ing, now sobered and in his right bund.
‘ Father,’ said the visitor, ‘Jane is dead,”
And the young man choked at the sen
tence, while the strong nerved father! ven
ted his grief in tears and loud expressions
of sorrow. , L ’
While the sister and daughter lay upon
her dying bed the father had indulged in
liquid potation? that dethroned reason,
and had been arrested and confined in tho
station house. The son asked for h|s 're
lease, and the kind hearted officers opened '
his prison 'door, and with a word of co|fi
fort and warning set him free.
iAt I’ said Mrs, Partington, aa
she stood looking at the placards stuOlfc ihl
over the jfront bfa store, advertising-*daih
aged gbods for tale/ It was' not a%B
like those which doctors begin thek'jtofr
scrip lions with, but thesimple ejaculation
/ » tf' "'■' 'j ' * * • j ■'*'L '"* *VV«J
‘ah ! ; and as she said, unpeople going
along listened to Bear' what shehmr to
say. v ‘ This,* continued the, ranninfaionjl
like a wheelbanbw, ‘is wfotlsmeahthy
M?* Ja<j«etijB ke
here she butted against the mm*
aged/ ihafcing two sylAtes 'wSr a
profaOO on 4he&st, 'ilSß*
made het hold up. hei hands iuunOhali-
Mjmm'.SfM «u
egod, J 4ph't RO? tEe need Of putting it
hulte. W %ong~Bo much strOflger ifiabi
the goods are; I dare say/ Ike here pull
ed-athergleeve, at the same time Hfftriwg
dog ftu the nose, jrho was smelling
v < f?dip u l e / aod the old lady moved
on amid the orOwd.-JSojtoa Pat-'
what does the AmeneAtfs|d|i>
-aa difct from » modenj ladyf ; dl&efonp
iohocpa in time of battle,
.ia |S£|l!sj..,, . - P*wr
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m 13.
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