■ ii j Dili. (ft-. Bits.it'i PRICE CURRENT. .dig Fix quantity. —Dot laa s too Ceius each. j iticuf baikcU, 12 bottle* 5 ' 1 Spertnaccu pr. *1 PHILADELPHIA, August J. ' ** I Whaie 3* A' D/ts. Oj. au>.(u\* ontt pr-cad, 53$ NCHORS pr.lb. 7 10 London.pT.ddl. 1 Allum, Engli'.h, pr.cwt. 4 33 — dmo bot.rncl. " Ditto, Rcch pr. lb. "P C u nl' a i. i * 73 ,6 Albes, pot, per ton, «»> Burl.ngtdn, per batrtl, 6 Pearj, «34 '4° * Lower county if S * Arrack pr. gall. ■33 > ~ ' k(V 1 « Brandy, common, 8o g 3 Peas, Albany pr b.ftur] « Comae 9° HO «pptr, pr.lb. Braziletto, pr. ton. 4°| lmento Bricks, pr. M. 4 7 I Raifins, best, pr. keg 7 Bread, (hip, pr. ewt. 2 2 7|Ditto pr.jar 3 33 Ditto, pilot 4 jDitto pr. box 3 Ditto, small water, per keg 36 4 0 |Rice pr.cwt. 345 Beer, American, in bottles, IRofin pr. banel 2 7«| pr.dbi. bottles included, » 74|Rum, Jamaica,pr. gallon 1 Ditto pr. barrel, 6 I Antigua 1 Boards Cedar pr. M feet, 20 I Windward ■ ■ ■ New England 10 14 J Barbadoea Oak M ,6 Country, N. E. 62 Merchantable pine 20 *4 |s a l tpet ,e, pr.cwt. .433 S 'P. do - f 10 67 Safrafra. pr. ton 6 8 I" Mahogany, per foot .0 shot r,.^ The above are the lballop prices, Steel, German pr.lb. 9 for the yard price, add 1 dol- Engliffi.bliftercd, pr. eWt. to Jar 33 cents per .000. American pr. ton s<3 33 Brimftonr in roll*, pr.cwt. 2 Crowley's pr. faggot 1067 Beef, Boston, per barrel 12 ISnake root pr. lb. 26 41 Country ditto 9 10 poap, Brown per lb. ——Frcfh, per cwt. 333 4 671 White ® Butter pr.lb. Castile 11 in kegs 10 1 -jStarch 7 Candles, Sperm, pr.lb. 47jSnuffpr.do2.bot. 4 5 ■—•Wax 53 s&|Spcrmacefi, refined, pr. Ib. 48 Myrtle Wax *3 Sailcloth,Engl i(b,No.l,pr. yard, 4° I Mould, tallow *41 Boston, No. I. ditto 36 ... ..--Dipped 1 3| .ir M. t rr qa Cheese, Engiiftl, pr. fb. Hsugar Lump, pr.lb ' Country 8 >3 refined " Chocolate >8 *1 Ditto, double do. 33 Cinnamon 2 °7 Havannah, white if > 6 doves * 3vl Ditto, brown, «0 >t Cocoa pr. cwt. 10 11 J Muscovado, pr. cwt. 5 12 Coffte pr. Its. *4 iSpiritiTurpcntine pr. gallon s^ Coll pr. bulhcl 4 |? Salt, Allum pr. bushel' 33 Copperas pr.cwt. 1 ° Live 00l 33 Cordage, American, per c*t. 7 9 Cadiz 2 3 Cotton pr.lb. «7 3? lift>on 27 D U u'ck, o ßuTia, pr.pieet 14 15 SMpbuiW. WO. frames p.ton, 2* _ Ravens 11 IDutO Live Oak, «» Dutch fa.l duck, so iDitto redccdar per foot J 7 ii rtlShingles, 18 inch, per M. 3 33 3 °7 Feathers pr. lb. T„ Ditto i'fiet, 650 6 a!t ditto * iDitttf 3'fe«i, irerfed, >3 15 FJaxfced pr. bulb. 9° lStaves, I>ipe,pr. 1006 32 Flour, Superfine pr. barrel J75 White Oak hoglheidj 1033 Common, 3 5 Red Oak do. 1950 ——Bur middlings, bell 45 Lertgan ai33 Meal, Indian i 5* — Barril »6 ditto Rye, 4 I Hr.iftific 2c . Ship-ftuff pr.cwt. t4O 1 7 |5| t j OSj otter, best pr. piece 467 fuftic pr. ton, 20 Minks 4( ; 4<5 Girt, Holland, pr. cafe, 4 6 b | Fox, grey 40 80 Do. pr. gall. 8o 9°! Ditto red «20 Gtue, pr. cwt. *0 331— 24 1 Ginger, white race, per lb, 71 :fiflf«r» • 33 67 Ditto, common 71 Bears 3 Ditto, ground pr.lb. > c | —l_Rac<joiii 27 6; Ginseng, eo a, l| Mu{k-rits tt »o Gunpowder, cannon, pr. q.calk, 373 4 I Braver, pr. !fe. 67 133 Ditto, fine glazed 4 I Deei,inhair 20' 30 Grain Wheat pr. bulb 100 t - rar , N . Jer r, y> , 4 gil p . 6bl . *>> e j Carolina, 32 gals. 2 9 a ,. „| Turpentine pi.bbl. 233 Indian corn ' (Tobacco, J. River, belt roolo. 433 pr.lb. 7| —"-"inferior 3 33 Buckwhea't. per bulb. 4c[ —DUCKwmai, r i Rappahannock 3 S3 Hemp, imported, pr. ton, 120 130 I —; Coloured 533 ® American, |>r. lb. 4 5j- park, 240 Herrings, pr.bbl. 3 j Long-leif 24c Hides, raw pr.lb. 9 j——-Eaftern-ftiore 2 2 23 ffops Carolina, new 2 7 3 Hogshead hoops, pr. M. 15 I old, 33^ Indigo, French per lb, 1 67 Tea, Hyson pr. Ib. 53 1 2g Carolina t 1 fio Hyson fk-n, 53 6 0 Irons, fad pr. ton, *33 33 Souchong, 30 Iron, Callings pr. cwt, 3 4 I Congo, 43, Bar pr. ton, 84 l_Bohca 33 3fi . p- r 24 jTallow, refined, per lb. o Sheet >73 33 T' n P'-box, 1333 >36, •" . 1 Nail rods 101 33|Vei digreafe pr. lb. 47 53 Junk, pr. 5 jvermillion, do. 133 1 Lard, hogs pr. lb. 9 - *°|Varnish, per gallon 33 37 L«ad, in pigs pr. cwt. 5 33 67 Wax, Sees pr.lb. 25 27 bit " .0 10 Sj Wfiale-bone, long pr.lb. 13 30 re< l 6 40 6 6-1 Wine, Madeira, pr. pipe, 176 226 Leather,foal, pr.Jb. 17 2C Lisbon 120 126. Lignum vitx pr. ton, 560 6' j Teneriffc, pr. gallon 63 Logwood 3° I Fay* l 52 Mace pr.lb. 9 -Port pr. pipe >13 33 Mackarel, bed pr.bbl. 8 [ Ditto in bottles, pr.doz. 4 fcondqnality 4 Claret 4 6 Madder, beftpr. lb.' 16 20 Sherry pr.gall. 90 t 20 Marble, wrought,pr. foot, •33 267 rMalaga 77 80 Mad spars flitto 33 MolalTes pr.gall. 33 4 1 1 Multard per. lb. 87 COURSE Of EXCHANGE. flour, in briules, pr.doi. 1 , . , , ~ On London, at 30 days, per / .100 fieri. 466 Nails, BJ. ioi. island 20J. pr.lb. to I _ at 6odays 46333 Nutmegs pr. lb. 7 8 I at 90 oay» 460 Oil, Linseed, pr. gall. , 661 Amsterdam, 60 days, pr. guilder, 42 _—Olive &r — 9° <i»ys, 40 War Department, Jitguft l/l, 1793. Information is hereby given to an the Military Invalids of the United States, that the sums to which they are intitled for fix months 'of their annual ,pension, from the 4th day of March last, and which will become due on the of September next, will be paid on the f.iid day by the Commiflioncrs of the Loans, with in the States refpc&ively under the usual regu lations. By Command of the 1* ass 1 dent of the United States. H. KNO Secretary at War. Stbck Brokers Office, No. 16, Wall-lhect, New-York. THE Sub fori be r intending to coni&rt himfelf entirely to the PURCHASE & SALE of STOCKS on COMMISSION, begs leave to of fer hisiervices to his friends and others, in the lineofa Stock Broker. Those who may please to favor him with their business, may depend upon Having it tranfa&ed with the utmost fide lity and dispatch. Orders from Philadelphia, Boflon, or any other part of the Untied States, w il 1 be ft ri£ti attended to. (t.y LEONARD BLEECKER, 496 American Stocks. THE Resources of ibc United State. of Aim -1 nca being, in pid'portion 10 their D.b , p.obaolv tuprnor to fltofeof any turopean <£>- veinmcßt ; aid they fion so, ,he Payroll ol Um: lu " :,eft -. ot ,b " Stocks, only .wo Arrangement. »J°" " * cfllary to make them J very cffgtble PVopeny to People in this Country; vi*. ,ii In nate ikiM-lTattjtrktkUi* Lmicf ;M, *d! 7» piovidt Xw forcing tht '"""A'' Dividends, :* London, funtluatlj on * etrtatn Da, theft two Objefti, the annWcd Declaration is pubUlhed, aud an ® Ace " v '^ P nt.de, the Direction ol the Trufters, by M . VM LcotenbD'ifi, t»Hcre©>nftant atieodir.ee given, for the Purpose of receiving Slock, and making Transfers. . . The Dividends will he received in America by the Trufle'es, and will be 'J\}s the LONDON and MIDDLESEX BANK, Siratford-plate, London, (a» mentioned to the Declaration of the TrufteiS,) 9»i the First Days I of January, Apjtl, July, and Oaober, without »nv Dedu6hon. ... - , It is hoped that thife M?aftJre< v»tll render making Tiatxfe..' and rrceivtng Dividends M convenient as at the Bank of fcnglarid, or »ny . otWer Place. Persons who with to purthalc American Stocks, or to tratifift any other Buli nefs in them, by applying perfonllly at the Office, or by tetter to Mr. Lwcnwt'th, will Be carefully attended to. - frtcKdh's-CourtjCojnhilt, May to, 1793* DECLARATION or TRUST. WE, CitAiD Noil Ed wards, Samuel Swith, Git>*<rr Ttwri-m, Nathaniel Ml DDI ETON, RICHAtD JOHNSOKj aud JoHS Wi-dgwood, Elquires, Bankers : At the Riquelt of fuiidry Persons, have con- and agreed to hold in Trust for them and othiri, for the Space of Twenty Years, such American Stocks at they (hall, from Time to Time, transfer to us. And (Security having been given by us for the Purpose) we engage to receive the Dividends, that may be paid in America, on all such Siock as shall be so trsns fertd to us in Trust, and to pay the fame to the several Proprietor, at our Banking-House, in Stratford-place, London, Three Months after we (hall have received the fame in America, at the Rate of Four Shillings and Six-pence Sterlingfor iach Dollar received, without any Dedufhon. For the Purpose of Tiansfering the said Stock to the Tiuftees and from Individuals to each other, an Office is opened in Freeman's-Court, Comhill, where regular Book* are kept under our Infprftion and Direflion. We farther de clare that we will transfer to any Ptifon or Persons his, her, or their, Stocks when icqoircd so to do. Lotion, Mat itfh, 1793. GERARD NOEL EDWARDS. SAMUEL SMITH. GEORGE TEMPLER. NATHANIEL MIDDLETON. RICHARD JOHNSON. JOHN WEDGWOOD. A D V E R T I SI M £ N f. Nkw-Jexsey, jt T> Y virruc of a Writ t6 n>e SuJJtx County* ff. £ X 3 dire&ed, issued out of the High Court of Chancery of Nrw-Jerfey, at the suit of William Shipley against John Ming and others ; I (hallexpofe to laleat Public Ven due, on the sixth day of February next, between the hours of Twelve and Five in the Afternoon of the fame day, on the Premises, the following described Tratl of Land, with itsappurtenances, situate in the Townftiip of Oxford and County of SniXex, beginning at a Chefnut Oak Tree, cor ner of Daniel Cox's land, and (lauding in the line of a former survey made to Thomas Steven foa, being marked with the letter B. and thence extending along Coxe'S line (firftj south fifty de grees weft fifty-five chainsand feventy-five links, to > Blatk-Oak Tree corner of Joseph Shrppen's land (second) south nine degrees and fifteen mi nutts, weft ninety chains and fixty-five links to at forked White-Oak Tree, marked with the let ters R and B another of the la<d Shippen's cor neri (third) thence north eighty degrees, eaftone hundred and forty-five chains, to a post on the footherly fide of Paquaoftc-F iver, being also a cottier of John Reading's*land (fourth) thence north thirty-nine degrees Wt ft-, one hundred and thirty-two chains to the place of beginning, containing nine hundred and thirty acres with the usual allowance for roads and high ways— The fame Premises aie within eight miles of the River Delaware, and there is thereon a conveni ent Grill Mill with two pair of Stones—a Saw Mill in good repair, with a fufficient stream of water for their use—a Dwelling tfoufe, Store House, and feveralfmall buildings. MARK THOMPSON. Sheriff. Dated 22d day of July, 1793 City of Washington. A January, jth, 1793. NUMBER of Lou in this City will be of. fered for file at auftioo, by the Commit (loners, on the jjth day of September next. One fourth part of the purchase money is 10 be p&id down, the residue atihreeequal annual pay. iricuts with yearly intercfton the whole princi pal unpaid. , JOHN M. GANTT, Clerk to the Cm'rs. Ext raft of an Ast of the General Assembly of V.;M»ryfai»d, concerning thy Territory of Cu i t flumbia, aiid the City c*t Walhingron. ... , BeKcna« t d, That any foreigner may by died or wtll, hereafter to be tiade, take and hold lands within that part of the jaid Territory which tin with in this State, in the fame manner as if he wa< a citi ztn of this State ; and the fame lands may be con. veyed by htm, and IrahfmitteJ to and he inherited by his heirs or relations, as if he and tiiey were eitizent ofthn State: Providrd That, no foreigner Jhall, ,n virtue hereof, be entitled to anyj',,,her or other privilege of & citizen." Tan. i 71CK K T S Inth= FEfrERAL CI PY LOTTERY Miy be had at SAJUcEL COOPtK,'.' Sv' To the Public* THE Elitor «f the Gacttt* oi T«sW(» STAT»i,,propo("es publi&ing the Ptper, uncier that Title, every Evening/Sunday's ei'crptf J. . . TtfrendeMt a-, a Daily PuWi c&tii>«i it faall enniitin fbW?*rf and commercial and political lirr«!Wgettce r-=-Ef i'ajys »nd Observations, local and general :— Maritime information :—Price* Current #F Merc'rtandire and the Public Fundi. Alfa a i'uiiin'iary ot" the proceeding! ofCorigreft, ami of the btgifhtu'e ot' this Stnte With a fllerch of OangrrfWhil Debates, Sec. Advektixws favors will be grawlvlly r*. t f . -~ - .j-> •*4 Trfbe printed onp'aptr. (ifthe MilT tftf" | » farmer lite" (Wall bslWwtuted ii The pr : ce Six Dollars por Annum, tobs paid half Yearly. When a fufficient number of Siwfcribers is obtained, the Publication lhall commence. In the'interim, (he Gazette will be publifli ed twice a week a* u r uai.—Subscript on.s «re refpeftfully fblicitsd by die PiiMie'i HuniU* JOHN FENNO. 03" Suifcrittians ire rectivsd ut tht City J arm. South Second Stteet—l>\ Mr. Dokjon, at tht Stone Houje—by other pc'Jdns who are m f'"J]e//ion u s fuh. Jcrrption papers, and hy the £ditoat titj h.uj'e t Xt>. Kink Fifth-Street. Philadelphia, Jtly, i7o3i INSURANCE COMPANY PnrcAiffci.Yi&tA, July ift, 1793 NOTICE is herefcy given to t be rnVmbcis ofr the Infnrance Cotapa-rvy 4f Notitf A'Vu-rl. ca, that the Directors have declared a d:vdi nd (to this day) ol {ix per cent orr the amoun; a\ the firfl inllalmcnt, and ot one per cent per month, oa the lams paid towards the second and" third mftalments, calculating tiom :he fitft day of the month following that in which these pay ments were made. The Dividend will be pa d t» the Stockholders or their Reprtfcuiative*, at the Company's Office, (No. 119, foisth Fiont- StreetYat any time after the 7th iifft. £BLtfEZER HA2ARD, As the rhtmhtrs of this (dHpan\- art muck dijftrfld throughout t'-e United States, ihe Prints* 1 in the feveraljlates are retjuejted to give the übuvt a p/ace :n their netvjfiaperj. Ku L £ S To be observed in trarifafling Bu&neft wilh the Insurance Company OF NORTH-AMERICA. ift. LL orders for Insurance must br given XjL in writing, signed by the applicant; ind as minute a defenption of the vr£<?l is ex pected, as the person ordering the nifbrance can give, refpe£ting her age, built, how found and fitted, and whether double or (ingle decked'. id. All policies will be ready tor delivery ift twenty-four hours after the order for insurance is accepted at r'nfe office, and the policy mud be taken up in ten days. 3d. Notes, with an approved enctorfe?, for jH premiums, must be given in ten da-ys, payable as folfcws : For American and Weft-India rifques, in three it onihs after the date of the policy, for European rifques,. io frx months. For India and China rifques, in *2 months, for rifques by the year, in eight months. For rifques for fix months, in fonr mouths. And for iif<jaes f<*r any kffer time, in tbrci months. 4th. Lollies will be paid in ten days after prool and adjustment ; but if the note given for th* premium shall not have become due within that time, the amount ol it (ball, nVvtitheiefs, be dt du&ed from the loss to be paid. The Insurance Company of North-America hereby give notice to all whom it viay concern, that, agreeably to the above rules, they arc reedy to receive all orders for insurance, which may be addrefled to them, accompanied with diicc tions to foine refpon(it>lc house in Philadelphia for the payment of the premiums within the lime limited. In cafe the rifques offered shall be approved, the insurance (ball be immediately effrfted ; otherwise notice shall be given, either by a nitres' to the person applying, or to his agent, in Phila delphia, as may be ordered. By order ol the Dire&ors, EBENEZER HAZARD, Sec'ry. 4 w J u, y 3- Albany Glafs-Houfe. The Proprietors of the tindcf 0 the Firm of M'CLALLEN, M'GREGOR and Co. BEG leave to inform the public, that they have now brought their WINDOW-GLASS t<j loch perfection, as will be found, on companion, to be equal, in quality, to the belt London Crown Glass. Having fixed their piices at a 10-frer rate than imported Glass, they are induced to believe, that importations of this article will be difconiinued, m proportion as their works are exicnotd.— i - They propose to eqlarge the scale of thi» busi ness, and as the fucceJs ot it will depend on the patriotic support of the public, tbey beg leave to solicit their friendly patronage in the pursuit of a btanch which will intercft ciery iover of American Manufactures. All orders for Wi ndow-Glajs, of anv fiz«V will be received at ihc Store of Rhodes and MacGregor, No. 234, Queen-street, New- York, and at the trials VVa'rhoufc, No. 48, M,arkct-ftrcf t, Albany, which will be punctually attended to. £3* WANTED, fix fmait active X.ADS, not exceeding i 6 Yisjsot irr bt uiiieuUd zs .Apprentices, and »nil rutted in the various brjnchej of Glaft-MakiP^. Ajqo, thrtc .(s MAer-, 10 whom ,«at cncouraermeut \v 11 i b« vven, May i, , 793 * <> ♦ epi? w
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers