Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, July 17, 1793, Page 471, Image 3

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    supply '"'"hediate wants and
ptoviclc for their comioi table ac.
toi" mod a '.ion, u mil t he in t crierence
oftlie fieucii imiiilter, or the gene
ral gov oi iuii e 1.1, can be engaged—
That ttie paiieugeis and c le v.s in
general appeared to be lieaithy.
actuated Ijy mo
tives i>f P"y f°'" 'I'e ilelplefs part of
the pallengers have, of their own
authority-, oidercd a supply offrelh
pjovilions and vegetables to ieveral
of the ihips, of which articles they
bad been totally dellitute during
ihe voyage—this part ofiheir con
driift tlicy trull will be approved of
by their fellow-citizen's.
j he bullnefs of futuie supply the
cbnitiiiuee conceive ought to be con
duifted in some regular lytleni. On
raature coniideration t hey beg leave
to retoiiimend the following relolu-
Refulved, That fnbfcriptioris be
taken immediately for such sum as
each pei foti may pleal'c iu cpntri
bure or advance, on tlie occasion—
one third ]>a rc to be paid in hand,
and the residue when called for ;
— iliet the whole lie put under the
direction of the Consul of the r : i encli
Republic, who .will caufc an exact
account to'be taken ot the pallengei s
that are 111 actual want offupport—
that the Consul l>e requeited to ap
point a committee, from the contri
butors, to re'neive tiie money, who
will keep regular account* of the
expenditures autbunled by him,and
appoint persons to purthafc provi
sions, pi ovide hoults, and do such
other matters as ftralfbe judged pi o
pet- and necessary.
Relolved., Thac f a committee be
alio appointed to cali on the inha
bitants ot the town, to requelt them
to give accommodation to the un
happy people above mentioned, in
such numbers as is convenient to
each family j aiid that' they make
their Report to th<? Freflch Consul,
and aiiilt in carrying this plan into
, The fubfci i ption being opened on
the iuN«liAnge this day «t Y 2 o'clock,
*r_cre iuunediately ftibfcrifaed, and
the *4)
rally followed.
. To'tie Ladies of Baltimore.-■
TO alleviate d'iftrefs is the pecu
liar province of t he female sex ; the
hand of nature formed them, no
less to fiiiooili {he afpeiity of man,
,and give a geiulenel's to his difpo
fiuon, than to avert_ misfortunes
from destroying his peace, or de
piivi»,g them of their severity when
they may occur. Being coiifcious
of this truth, it may be unnecefl'aiy
to remind the fair, that an oppor
tunity has now offered to display
the generous attributes of their
jouls. Our valued allies now im
plore aflillance ; escaping front the
Ruffian barbarity of a murderous
mob, deprived of* .1 ll that fortune
had prelentedj or their indaitry had
accumulated, they seek refuge in
this afyjlin* of peace and .happiness,
■without food to support.their droop
ing bodies, or clothes to protert
them from the inclemency of the
■climate.—The liberality of our ci
tizens is already preparing to afford
their mite ; b»it how many leinale
fti angers,many of them lately blefl
ed with affluence, demand the more
immediate and particular attention
cf their own sex I Once furnifhed
with every luxury of life, they now
would gladly receive the humbled
pittance—Very few pofl'ef* a second
change of garments, and it is in
this that you can especially aflifV
them ; thitik but a moment on their
helplel's situation, their impoverish
ed infants, torn from the hapless
partneis of their misfortunes, their
huibands, fathers—and my feeble
♦ oice will not be required to ftim-
Jiion into a< r rion the com 111 iferation
and benevolence of your hearts.
BOSTON, July 8.
Tbui fJay last (4111 J <>ly) being
t11e17.11 anniversary of American
Independence—the lame was cele-
Waled here. The morning was
ushered in by the discharge ot can
non from the cattle, by the com pa
«iy of artillery in this town, and by
the so"sot Liberty, sit Liberty
ftjuare, &c.
. -.t tivtlve o clock the Lieiuenant
guvtri.or, tne Hon. Count.n,- wiui
ie v t;, a J gcuiciici) of diltiiictioii,
walked ii, proceition to the *>ld
i>outh liieciiog bottle, where, after
the Kcv, JJJr. 1 hatcher iiad addi efl
ed the throne of grace, by prayer,
an Oration was delivered,adapted to
the occaiiou, by John Q. Adams,Efq.
to a very iuimeiou&audience,whole
countenances teflified the fiucerity
ofthe universal plaudits with which
it was teceived. And it is but jus
tice to Mr. Adams to observe, that
in,point ofcompofition and orato
ry, he has been excelled by none
who preceded him.
The Independent Fufileers, anc!
a company of militia, in complete
uniform, paraded in honor of the
1 lie day was celebrated wiih the
great eft hilarity and good humor,
hy every cluls of citizens, and at
funfer a dil'tharge of cannon con
cluded the entertainments.
The Ciiiciniiaii,agreeably to their
iiiftltinion, dined together, at Mr.
Bryant's Hall, in Equali 1 y-Lane.
Latejl European Intelligence,
- tiy an arrival at Bojlon from Liverpool™*''
LISEON. April 14.
T, j EIUT. Gcn. Bernard Ramirez Ef-
I -i quevaV, has been aj 1 pc>intecl admiral
ot our fleet, which will be of
II fhipsof the liiic. l frigates and 2 b'rigs,
artel are at present on the Tagus, bet wet ft
Junquiera and Belem, ready to piit to
lea. Twelve b'.ifidfed young men flora
Oporto have offered to serve as volun
teers on board tiiin-fleet, as well as niariy
sailors from'tlie adjacent provinces to the
amount of 4000.
The Prince of C'oude has announced
to the Bretons who are under his com
mand, that he has received intelligence
that all Hricaiiny, exct-pt Bn-ft, has fnb
mitted to the royaliita, and that he withes
they would use all the means in their pow
er to go thither, where they may be of
mojcTervice than with him.
A fleet has just anchored in our roads,
fuppoled to be the aitillery fmm the tiver
1 h'jmts. The French, who are in great
iorce at Dunkirk, are again threatening
us. Lalt. night there was a long ikii mill
ing between our advanped polls and them
near Fumes ; hut as we have not heard
any thing since morning, we suppose
lhey hav« t.treated again.
May iz.
... The. Pre nth to, the number of I ZG&,
at 5 thinoloroing made afortie from Con
de and pu(hed forward to attack our ad
vanced pivfts, which to draw them the
nearer, rrijide a feint to retreats In the
interim the enemy set fire in old' Conde,
to two farm-houfes by which our cfiaf
feuts were covered. It wasjthen that a
battalion of infantry, took them in flank
and rcpulfcd theut vigorously—.killed a
number of thetn : As they gave no quar
ter they bro-t in no prisoners. Ori our
fide we had 6 men killed and two,bor£es
The army under the command of his
fcrene highness the prince of Saxe Co
bourg has at this time a free communica
tion with that of gen. Clairfait.
We learn by trie French deierters that
their commander in chief, Dam pie re, was
interred on the right wing of the c»uip of
Private letters from Worms state, that the
French Gen. I'.ufkine, has been made prisoner,
with a part of the troops under his command.
The French army on the Moselle, confift
jng of 43,030 men, has made a movement in
front, aid again taken polfeffion of Deux
Pants and Hambonrg. Jt is fuppol'ed how-
that r'ley wiil soon be diiven thence
again, as the reigning duke 01 Brunfwick, at
the head of a body of 23,00 D PrutGan-s, Au
ftriain and Heflians, is inarching to the relief
of this D'.ichv.
[A'« an Mitit'i oj 28ti Aptil, in our l"Jl Cazilti,}
The French troopi, disappointed in their
efforts to fucccur Conde, have in great part
retired to the camp at Famars, and the re
inainder to garrison the different fiontier
O S T E N D, May 18.
A fbet has jnft anchored in o;tr road?,
poOrd to be the artillery from the river
Thamet. The French mbo are in great
force at Dunkirk, are threatening 11s.
Lad night there was a long IkirKiiiiuj be-
V t\v-en our advanced ponnd t? om nc?.r F»J'
i .>iit as Wfc ii i* vtj Mot 'lifct'd {I'll > I ill HIT
i we iup pole tIK-y ix»i v U ifilicdl jj
Ihe S' f >ctniih ihipis not,us has been
dated, condemned as apf jze to the r-e-cap
tors, there not having been yet time fur the
cuftoniary process of the High Admiralty
Court. The opinions in this new caie
'are, (trongly in their favor, and the
-Spaniih Amba'fador fays, this opinion coin
crctes with .the laws of his country. The a
niotirit of the specie already come at 15450000!,
and the whole of the cargo will net about
. fSbf-ty; The fight wing of the Co!c?fii earn
' regimont were the troops that fuffired mo,'t
•in th(f attack 61 tfreStb. Itconfiftvd of four
tampkniet. commanded by Colonels Bofvilie,
Freemantlc, and Fitzioy—the
si ft loft 2\ men, the 2d 19, tlie 3d !4, and the
■ 4tb 9 killed and wounded.
Philadelphia, Joly' iy.
A le'tcr from Baltimore contains the follow
ing icj&Urs relative to the cauf<j of the late
ev at a? Cape-Franqois : v
4V Tnc most circutyilUmial account we have
received of thecaufeof this fatal disaster, thmws
considerable p<irt ot the ceufure* on the Hihabi
tairsof the Cape ; it apprarsthat Gen. Galhaud
arrived there in the Jbfence of the commission
ers ; that he found (he in great want of
provtfions, which he had nor money to purclufc;
that he offered the Americans fourteen dollars
per barrel inr f] iur, payable in drafts on Phila
dfl'fiWla or Francey.Vhat the American* refufed
Ho deriveTiiCTi p.tyYn'ent,' but offered their fiopr
at 12 d&lars for specie, <>r the pioduce of the
(hat the inhabitants, pteaf*. d with the
g(■ritoT'fMv of (Tils offer, agreed with the General
to lurnvfh ihe produce,in consequence of which
h?< eminent, (he American - delivered th**ii flour,
and then the mhabjtarits would not comply wji-.h
.their promises— at this fV'gc oJ :he bufitiefs the
coinmiftioncrs arrived—they ceitfured the gene
ra! for exceeding his powers, and so defined
wi»»r they conceived to be his aui hoi it y, that
hc.refufcd to remain in the Iflancl, and deier
-.mijicd on return ing to France. The com mi f
fioners however confirmed (hr pur-chafe from
the Amevic;in*. and a{T lied the inhabitants hea
vily (or th# payment —the latter disgusted with
iiie tax, invited the genera] and adniiiaKwbo it
fcerni was difpjcaled also with his treatment) to
an aaatk. on the commifli »ners, they landed for
lhe purpose, and the inhabitants refufed their
aid'* the commissioners and their party fulfain
td the attack, of their adverfafu s two days, and
it then would appear that each party considered
itfeif in danger, the one retired to the {hipping - ,
the <vher to the country ; the revolted Negrot s
were admitted into the «own, and then fee ties of
tatrtar were coitfimtt^d.*'
On Sunday last AdnuralSercev, commanding
the fleet from Capc-Fiancois, arrived in town
from balnmore.
The Hiip Wafliington. of Wilmington. Dela
ware, ai rived at that port lalt Sunday evening, fix weeks from Londonde.ry, with
about 360 passengers.
Tiie committee appointed by the citizens
on the 91-h inftatit, to pursue lllea Aires,for the
relief of the distressed citizens of
cor-.: ©a i n the fiyfifonent of their duty ie
commend, that '"iib'cnpnons-be upc.-ca ; n
refpe#ive wards of the city, in the diftrift of
Southwark, and the townfliip of the North
ern Liberties, for the benevolent purpose of
supplying the wants < f such of the diiirefled
as are or may arrive in this city, and those
that are already in great numbers at Balti
more, and Norfolkin Virginia. The follow
ing gentlemen are accordidgly solicited to
with the committee in raising the
necciTary Supplies, and when prepared return
tfee amount and sums collected to a meeting
of T tl*s"'fubfcribers that may be appointed
William Van PnuJ, Randolph,
Godfrey Haga, John Baker, Phiiip Wager.
South Mii'bcriy.
Leonard Dorfev, Thoinas Morris, Chrif
tophej.Kycher, Michael Hillegas, Jufiipb B.
Henry Kammerer, CiiarJcs Bidctle, Jona
than Jones, Joseph Anthony, Lawrence Sickle.
High Street.
John MorrtUj William Wells.
Upper Delaware.
Andrew Hodge, Henry Pratt.
Lower De/awaie.
John Duffield, John Gill.
Casper Morris, Robert Smith, James Craw
Chefnut Ward.
John Stilje, Senior, BenjatninSaiitb, \Vil
liaiji Poyntell.
, . Miidit Ward.
Israel Israel, George Brckham, Francis
Bailev, Beiijamin F. Bache.
Sntk Ward.
Thomas Marrifon, Samuel M. Fox, Charles
Marfliall, Matthew M*Connen.
Dock Ward.
J<*hn Pui d in, Joleph Lownes, Thomas M.
Willing, George Meade.
Neu) Market Ward.
Daniel Smith, Clement Stocker, Robert
Wharton, Waiter Stewart.
W«Hiara Clifton, Thomas Penrpfe, Joseph
Karthra Lilvtits.
WiiHam Coatee, Robert Peter Brown,
Jacob Servofs.
LONDON, Mav 9.
North Mulberry Ward.
North Ward.
Walnut Ward.
Tv_» !i~.i ,■ .- 4 ,!q
;;i 1, c, !Hin i i C«> .y;ir'Js t n-c-1 a-i 1 1 v«;s i • o*l»
Cup.-.franco;.;, cnccuC; all' pra:k. tyttc*
f ■'luufifi.l D<u!ir\ luotc'ibcu in a vc:y
cimic— vtiuon". expedients are tic
viicl by their camafiuces, to tiud employ
ment lor the mechanics, and fouvon-|c»»t *»c
- tbj wi.u.e.
These exertion. appear to ilia Ice the molt
feofible- imprcflion» on the minds ot our un
fortunate allies—Su eiy the bieiling oi the
Father of Mdrdesy will dciceud on their
heads, who thus ho id out the cup of canfoiu
tiou to thole who, were re.vcly to pciiili.
Letters from New'-Yoik f;y that the Ambuf
cadc 14 «r rivCd there from a cruile.
One hundred and twenty veiiVls have en
tered the Chefapeak bay, with upwards of
1200 paftengers, men, women and children,
on baard, many of whom have escaped by
swimming from fire and (word, i>akcd, and
jn want of every thing.
The French fleet arrived in
carried in two valuable Dutch prizes.
Ext raft of a Letter Jrom a Merchant in Barcelona,
to a Gentleman in this City, dated April 20.
44 No doubt you have been informed be
fore this, that Spain and England are engaged
against France. Those powers have been
careful with regard to navigation ; the Spa
nish government* having ftatioried frigatfes,
and other armed ships along the Spanilh coait
from this p'aee and Gibraltar, with orders to
protect every velfel coming this way with
grain and any other goods j confeqnently the
Engiifh and American vefleh, on coming into
the {Vifeijjjit* will meet with a fafe convoy *
nor wiH they be molested by the Baibary crui- -
fers ; so that it is not necsffary to charter
neutral vefTels, a« those are equally fafe and
may be had on lower freight than neutral
" The cai-jri) of wheat and flotfrfroin Arae.
Rica, is ju ft fwM to the magiltrates of" that ci*
ty, rhe wheat at the extraordinary high.price
of !10 reah per quarter, and tile flour 125
reals per quintal. 1 '
F.xtrafl a ltucr from Jufy. j. -
" There fgpns to be a uiiiverfal acquitTcrrice
in the mrafuies of goveinmeiu in this quarter ;
ind utili fs 111 orr fucccfsful effarti are in«3e to
stir up (he people to their own injury,, pCac?
will continue to bk f» us."
Exlracl of a U't:r fr:,n a neighbouring atontrytotAt.
l< Claw me and I'll claw yta."
Scotch P*ovt*is;
" A few high mettled idlers of our town
ii'.ditig no orher chance by which to diftin
guifn thetnfelves from the multitude, have of
late determined to meet together and to con
fer on each other the title of " M£M2ja OF IHt
Democratic Club"— -under this plausible
name they hope the public mind may he led
to repose intire confidence tn all their doings.
Whether tliey wifli tn choole from their own
foeiety the officers of government, or ro alter
any law that may not fnit the particular fixa
tion of any of the members, it is presumed that
110 one will dare to oppose their tneafures.
Should any one be so impel tinent as to
aik, is not this the minority dictating to tha
majority ! the answer is, it is the voice oj the De
mocratic Club.
44 I had determined toenlift myfelfwith this
party, but my friend and neighbour has fu«-
gelhd to me that in time the rcmocratic Order
will become Nobje, and that it will fubje<ft
our country to £Tdub?e. i• be much
obliged to any friend of your's for his opinion
on the subject before I am enrolled,
Jiriv 12,'tfgg'-
THE vara t ion for the PMofophtcil Glaffei
coramtncfi on Monday the ljih instant;
and is to continue Jix weeks; and lor the dil.
fercni schools, belonging to ihc Inflituiion, on
Monday tlte-tglh inftjm, 16 continueftur weeks.
The Commencement for conferring Decrees
on ihe Slutkntiolihe Senior C.lafi, who hav*
hicn already examined bcfoie the Faculty an 4
Truflces, and approved ps by them, will be held
oh the sd Wrd<R-)d»y. of September ntxf.
Aj the Philofo'phical Profcfforj wiii hegrht
their couifei of J.edfurcs about ihe ill of Sip
timber, to the Cla(Tes under their care, and as it
is utuat for Students 1 distant parts,' «v ; ho
wifla lo.ftalfh tfceir education ni.t'he U*liver£ty,
to. enter one or other ol ihefeClafics.accorrUoj
to their proficjency in Literature,■ it ij
mended to such Students to tqake their Applica
tions for adntiljinn at that tiihci '
The Lfflures of .the Piovoft for the benefit of
the Medical Students, will begin, as usual, on the
firft of November, when the Lt£lures of the
Medical Profcflora commence.
By order of ihe Facility,
Wm. ROGERS, Six'iy.
For the Covjlitution, &c. oj the Democratic Soficty r
fee 4lh page.
Ship Robert, Jacobs, -Hundurti
Jeony, Markbalk, S)e*r-Y««k
Jiiduftry, Caffio, , Lcwii Town
Tndullfy, Haven, New-Hampfhir*
Bri 6 P f fSV. Motrin S»*annaJ»
Chickley, St. John'*
Hetly,' Wood., St. Tlwiktai
Afiive, M'Krevcr, St.'Croi*
Duron, Deakin, Marfeillri
Derry Paitct, McCarthy, Mondur«t
Li*rly, Hickman, Button
Stk*» Sally, W'lfon, i}tiio
Sloop Mary,
6 per, ,g r *
3 per C-nis, jo y*
Ur ferrca. j (jt
Full lh«res Bank. U. S. pel ceat. adv
" A DSMOCrati"
Cafco Bay