supply '"'"hediate wants and ptoviclc for their comioi table ac. toi" mod a '.ion, u mil t he in t crierence oftlie fieucii imiiilter, or the gene ral gov oi iuii e 1.1, can be engaged— That ttie paiieugeis and c le v.s in general appeared to be lieaithy. actuated Ijy mo tives i>f P"y f°'" 'I'e ilelplefs part of the pallengers have, of their own authority-, oidercd a supply offrelh pjovilions and vegetables to ieveral of the ihips, of which articles they bad been totally dellitute during ihe voyage—this part ofiheir con driift tlicy trull will be approved of by their fellow-citizen's. j he bullnefs of futuie supply the cbnitiiiuee conceive ought to be con duifted in some regular lytleni. On raature coniideration t hey beg leave to retoiiimend the following relolu- tions^- Refulved, That fnbfcriptioris be taken immediately for such sum as each pei foti may pleal'c iu cpntri bure or advance, on tlie occasion— one third ]>a rc to be paid in hand, and the residue when called for ; — iliet the whole lie put under the direction of the Consul of the r : i encli Republic, who .will caufc an exact account to'be taken ot the pallengei s that are 111 actual want offupport— that the Consul l>e requeited to ap point a committee, from the contri butors, to re'neive tiie money, who will keep regular account* of the expenditures autbunled by him,and appoint persons to purthafc provi sions, pi ovide hoults, and do such other matters as ftralfbe judged pi o pet- and necessary. Relolved., Thac f a committee be alio appointed to cali on the inha bitants ot the town, to requelt them to give accommodation to the un happy people above mentioned, in such numbers as is convenient to each family j aiid that' they make their Report to thly) being t11e17.11 anniversary of American Independence—the lame was cele- Waled here. The morning was ushered in by the discharge ot can non from the cattle, by the com pa «iy of artillery in this town, and by the so"sot Liberty, sit Liberty ftjuare, &c. . -.t tivtlve o clock the Lieiuenant guvtri.or, tne Hon. Count.n,- wiui ie v t;, a J gcuiciici) of diltiiictioii, walked ii, proceition to the *>ld i>outh liieciiog bottle, where, after the Kcv, JJJr. 1 hatcher iiad addi efl ed the throne of grace, by prayer, an Oration was delivered,adapted to the occaiiou, by John Q. Adams,Efq. to a very iuimeiou&audience,whole countenances teflified the fiucerity ofthe universal plaudits with which it was teceived. And it is but jus tice to Mr. Adams to observe, that in,point ofcompofition and orato ry, he has been excelled by none who preceded him. The Independent Fufileers, anc! a company of militia, in complete uniform, paraded in honor of the day 1 lie day was celebrated wiih the great eft hilarity and good humor, hy every cluls of citizens, and at funfer a dil'tharge of cannon con cluded the entertainments. The Ciiiciniiaii,agreeably to their iiiftltinion, dined together, at Mr. Bryant's Hall, in Equali 1 y-Lane. Latejl European Intelligence, - tiy an arrival at Bojlon from Liverpool™*'' LISEON. April 14. T, j EIUT. Gcn. Bernard Ramirez Ef- I -i quevaV, has been aj 1 pc>intecl admiral ot our fleet, which will be of II fhipsof the liiic. l frigates and 2 b'rigs, artel are at present on the Tagus, bet wet ft Junquiera and Belem, ready to piit to lea. Twelve b'.ifidfed young men flora Oporto have offered to serve as volun teers on board tiiin-fleet, as well as niariy sailors from'tlie adjacent provinces to the amount of 4000. GE R MERSHEIM.. May 6. The Prince of C'oude has announced to the Bretons who are under his com mand, that he has received intelligence that all Hricaiiny, exct-pt Bn-ft, has fnb mitted to the royaliita, and that he withes they would use all the means in their pow er to go thither, where they may be of mojcTervice than with him. " gene- A fleet has just anchored in our roads, fuppoled to be the aitillery fmm the tiver 1 h'jmts. The French, who are in great iorce at Dunkirk, are again threatening us. Lalt. night there was a long ikii mill ing between our advanped polls and them near Fumes ; hut as we have not heard any thing since morning, we suppose lhey hav« t.treated again. May iz. ... The. Pre nth to, the number of I ZG&, at 5 thinoloroing made afortie from Con de and pu(hed forward to attack our ad vanced pivfts, which to draw them the nearer, rrijide a feint to retreats In the interim the enemy set fire in old' Conde, to two farm-houfes by which our cfiaf feuts were covered. It wasjthen that a battalion of infantry, took them in flank and rcpulfcd theut vigorously—.killed a number of thetn : As they gave no quar ter they bro-t in no prisoners. Ori our fide we had 6 men killed and two,bor£es wounded. The army under the command of his fcrene highness the prince of Saxe Co bourg has at this time a free communica tion with that of gen. Clairfait. We learn by trie French deierters that their commander in chief, Dam pie re, was interred on the right wing of the c»uip of Famars. Private letters from Worms state, that the French Gen. I'.ufkine, has been made prisoner, with a part of the troops under his command. FRANKFORT, April 2 J. The French army on the Moselle, confift jng of 43,030 men, has made a movement in front, aid again taken polfeffion of Deux Pants and Hambonrg. Jt is fuppol'ed how- that r'ley wiil soon be diiven thence again, as the reigning duke 01 Brunfwick, at the head of a body of 23,00 D PrutGan-s, Au ftriain and Heflians, is inarching to the relief of this D'.ichv. [A'« an Mitit'i oj 28ti Aptil, in our l"Jl Cazilti,} BRUSSELS, May iJ. The French troopi, disappointed in their efforts to fucccur Conde, have in great part retired to the camp at Famars, and the re inainder to garrison the different fiontier towns. O S T E N D, May 18. A fbet has jnft anchored in o;tr road?, poOrd to be the artillery from the river Thamet. The French mbo are in great force at Dunkirk, are threatening 11s. Lad night there was a long IkirKiiiiuj be- 471 V t\v-en our advanced ponnd t? om nc?.r F»J' i .>iit as Wfc ii i* vtj Mot 'lifct'd {I'll > I ill HIT i we iup pole tIK-y ix»i v U ifilicdl jj ,cd Ihe S' f >ctniih ihipis not,us has been dated, condemned as apf jze to the r-e-cap tors, there not having been yet time fur the cuftoniary process of the High Admiralty Court. The opinions in this new caie 'are, (trongly in their favor, and the -Spaniih Amba'fador fays, this opinion coin crctes with .the laws of his country. The a niotirit of the specie already come at 15450000!, and the whole of the cargo will net about B>£|&3fer the pioduce of the (hat the inhabitants, pteaf*. d with the g(■ritoT'fMv of (Tils offer, agreed with the General to lurnvfh ihe produce,in consequence of which h?< eminent, (he American - delivered th**ii flour, and then the mhabjtarits would not comply wji-.h .their promises— at this fV'gc oJ :he bufitiefs the coinmiftioncrs arrived—they ceitfured the gene ra! for exceeding his powers, and so defined wi»»r they conceived to be his aui hoi it y, that hc.refufcd to remain in the Iflancl, and deier -.mijicd on return ing to France. The com mi f fioners however confirmed (hr pur-chafe from the Amevic;in*. and a{T lied the inhabitants hea vily (or th# payment —the latter disgusted with iiie tax, invited the genera] and adniiiaKwbo it fcerni was difpjcaled also with his treatment) to an aaatk. on the commifli »ners, they landed for lhe purpose, and the inhabitants refufed their aid'* the commissioners and their party fulfain td the attack, of their adverfafu s two days, and it then would appear that each party considered itfeif in danger, the one retired to the {hipping - , the .y;ir'Js t n-c-1 a-i 1 1 v«;s i • o*l» Cup.-.franco;.;, cnccuC; all' pra:k. tyttc* f ■'luufifi.l Dakcd, and jn want of every thing. The French fleet arrived in carried in two valuable Dutch prizes. Ext raft of a Letter Jrom a Merchant in Barcelona, to a Gentleman in this City, dated April 20. 44 No doubt you have been informed be fore this, that Spain and England are engaged against France. Those powers have been careful with regard to navigation ; the Spa nish government* having ftatioried frigatfes, and other armed ships along the Spanilh coait from this p'aee and Gibraltar, with orders to protect every velfel coming this way with grain and any other goods j confeqnently the Engiifh and American vefleh, on coming into the {Vifeijjjit* will meet with a fafe convoy * nor wiH they be molested by the Baibary crui- - fers ; so that it is not necsffary to charter neutral vefTels, a« those are equally fafe and may be had on lower freight than neutral lhips. " The cai-jri) of wheat and flotfrfroin Arae. Rica, is ju ft fwM to the magiltrates of" that ci* ty, rhe wheat at the extraordinary high.price of !10 reah per quarter, and tile flour 125 reals per quintal. 1 ' F.xtrafl a ltucr from Jufy. j. - " There fgpns to be a uiiiverfal acquitTcrrice in the mrafuies of goveinmeiu in this quarter ; ind utili fs 111 orr fucccfsful effarti are in«3e to stir up (he people to their own injury,, pCac? will continue to bk f» us." Exlracl of a U't:r fr:,n a neighbouring atontrytotAt. l< Claw me and I'll claw yta." Scotch P*ovt*is; " A few high mettled idlers of our town ii'.ditig no orher chance by which to diftin guifn thetnfelves from the multitude, have of late determined to meet together and to con fer on each other the title of " M£M2ja OF IHt Democratic Club"— -under this plausible name they hope the public mind may he led to repose intire confidence tn all their doings. Whether tliey wifli tn choole from their own foeiety the officers of government, or ro alter any law that may not fnit the particular fixa tion of any of the members, it is presumed that 110 one will dare to oppose their tneafures. Should any one be so impel tinent as to aik, is not this the minority dictating to tha majority ! the answer is, it is the voice oj the De mocratic Club. 44 I had determined toenlift myfelfwith this party, but my friend and neighbour has fu«- gelhd to me that in time the rcmocratic Order will become Nobje, and that it will fubje