.Ta> the Public. r TVIE E4iior of the Ga zit w op rHf United • ■ s,-projXjfes pubiifhiog tiiC Paj^r ( under.that' T.irie, every Evening, Sunday's excepted. To render it interefiing as a Daily Piibli ration, it (hall contain foreign and dorae'tic, commercial and political Intelligence : fays and Observations, local and g?ner*J :— Maritime informstioi#:—Prices Current of Merchandise and the Public Funds. Alio a fummarv of the proceedings ot Congrefi, and of the Legislature us this Stale with a iketch of Cong.reffion»i Debates, Krc. ADvtJTtziNG favors will lie gratefully re ceived. T I R M S. Ta be printed; oa.poj*r of tJ* (Jeraj l &•; b«t a-large c fiat rhDoccnv b«r next. •'■ ' The price Six Dollars per Annum, to he paid half Yearly. fii#Mrrtbe«ii?.* ob£swo«dt.tbe PoWlcatlon fliaU Mmmsoet. In the interim, the Gazette will be pub'ifly ed -twice a, week as yfiial."r-Subljcri|>tl«n«ilie refpeftfulty solicited by the PubHc'« l»»p(ble Ctt.v*#, FENNO. Sibfcriprilw-7 arc receiver! at the City Tavern, Soutn Second Street-by Mr. Mfon, at th Stent H<mfe—by other perjons who are in fojjrffioi uf-ful fcri'ption, paper i, and by the Juditoy at hti ji t?w/V> No. gj, S'orth Fijth-Street. Philadelphia, July, :793> THE A D 1 / 0R MOST eaineftty rtrpiefls those of lis difiant Sub scribers uho au in arrearsfor the Gazette, to make payment as soon at pnffible.— i hose perfoni alio hate received fitbfcription money on kis account are tit fired to remit the fa""- Tit, arrearages for the Gazette hive accumulated to aferious amount —Serious, as they are the only resource to, dif charge very fefious engagements incurred in the prosecution of this ex fenjivepublication. Philadelphia, June 26. BANK of the UNITED STATES. July ift, i? 93. NOTICE is hereby given that there will be paid at the Bank after the lOlh iuftant, to ihn Stockholders or their Reprefematives duly authorized, FOURTEEN DOLLARS and FIFTY CENTS;'or each Share, being the divi dend declared.for the last fix month*. Bv order., T .. JOHN KEAN, Cashier, «P3* INSURANCE COMPANY Philadelphia, July ift, 1793. NOTICE is hereby given to the members ot the InHurarvce Company of North Ameri ca, that the Directors have declared a dividend (to this day) of fix per cent on the amount of the lirft instalment, and of one per cent per month, on the sums paid towards the i]econd and third inftalmcnti, calcuhting from the firft day of the month following t fiat in which these pay ments were made. The Dividend will be paid to the Stockholders or their Representatives, at the Company's Office, (No. 119, south Front- Street) at any time after the 71 h inft. FiifcNfcZfcß HAZARD, Sec'ry* fijT As (hi r.tcmbirt of this Company are muck difpcrfcd throughout thc United Stfltej) the Printers in thc jevcralfates are nqucjlcd to give the abuve a* place in their ntxvjpapers. RULES To be obfcrved in tranfc&ing Bunnefs with the Insurance Company OF NORTH-AMERICA ift. A LL orders tor lufurance must begiven JIY. in writing, signed by the applicant; and as minute a dcfcripii»n of the vctlel it-ex* petled, as the person ordering lite insurance can give, refpetting her age, built, how found ?nd fitted, and whether ftngli decked'. 2d; All pplicies will be ready tor delivery in twenty-four h<?urs after the order soT intuvanre is accepted at the office, and the policy mult be Uken up in ten days. 3d. Notes, with ap apjyoved endoffaj, forall sreaft be given in ten d«yt* payable a»follcvf§;. For American and Will-India rifques, in three n onths after the Hate of the policy. For Etvropeun rifques, in fix months. F»r India and CH;'na rifques, in months. For rifques by the year, in-<ight months. For lifqutva for fix monthsj in foni inomhs. And loi rifqi}c.i for any 1 offer time, in three mnmhj. 4ih. Losses will be paid in ten days aftqr proof and adjustment ; hut if the note given for the premium not have become due w it bin that time, the-ammtnt of itftiall', nevciiheleft, he de-» dueled from the loss to be paid. The Infutanue Company of North-America hereby giv® notice to all whom it may concern-, thafi agreeably. above rules, they are ready to receive*aU orders for insurance, which may be ad,dreffed tothem, accompanied with dnec tions to some refportfibJe honfe in Philadelphia for t.he payment of the premiums within.the time, limited. In cafe thr rifques offered fh.al.l be- approved, the insurance shall be immediately effr&ed ; otherwise notice fhali .be gi.veo,.cuhct byanlwer to the person applying, Or to his agent, in Phila delphia, as may be ordered. Bv order of the Directors, E&ENEZER HAZARD, Sec'ty, 4 W J i'y 3' THE MEMBERS OF THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, Arc defreJ to take Notice, THAT tht-Conliitotion icquires raymfjw of One J'oHur on each on the Second Mot.dav (tht 8 h Day) o'l July.next, on Penally ol Fotfe»*ure of iht Monty already paid. Sych Stockholders as have nqt made their fe ccad Inftalmem, are informed, thai Payment . will be received at the Company's Office* N«>. 119, South Front-Street, either on or before the fdid Day, a* they may find it mofltfonvenient. EBEKEZLK HAZAUD, $*>* Jane 8. 1793. e P^j JV9T n'IILISHED, By Thomas Dobfon, Book Teller, at the Siwz-HiHtJtj Saot,d Philadelphia, VOLUME IX, o. ENCYCLOPEDIA: on, a DICTIONARY of ARTS, SCIENCES, and MISCELLANEOUS LITERATURE, ; QtpPlM'twif-ntty ncn • '\ BX »HICH 'tn* 9»rrifc I 'k»iT SCIENCES Awn ARTS , . Frtri« of Diftiaft, TREATISES' or SYSTEMS THM VOllWI! C««il*IN« T.Kygtpmeter, «tf»o«y iajiinj ]Lfl*M, Jerufalein, jfwa, b»oi», InlrSs, VrifoirAn'ie, fw£y» Kamfchajka, Jj»nga»(p-, E*w, 'L'tgcrdertiVtn, witb jren if rtrt toifceh- < Uneous •*>'¥ thlttyfon* : ckg,«atCopyerpl«tc.s. CONDITIONS. I. The Work is printing on a fupeifine paper, and new types, ('call for the purpose) which wi i 1 be octafumally renewed before ih«y con- i tr?d: a woni appcotaiWe. 11. The work is furnilhed in boards, in volumes or as-fubfcribeis rhufe;the price of the whoie volumes, five dollars each, of the half-volumes two dollars and two-thirds of a dollar each. Ten dollarsao be paid on fub fcriW)g t the volumes or half-volumes finilbed td be paid for when delivered, the price ol one volume to be paid in advance, and the price of each fvQCfieding vohinoe Co be paid on deliver ing the volume preceding it. Nopzriottbc work will be delivered unless paid for. 111. I ft- the course of the publication will be de livered about five hundred' copperplates ele gantly enjgf.aved it* Philadelphia : which by far exceed in number ihofe given-in any othcT fcientific di&ionary. At the close ot the pub lication will be delivered an elegant froniif piece, the dedication, preface, and proper ti tle pages for the different volumes, Iris cxpetted the work will be comprised in about eiehtecn volumes in quarto. The subscription will continue open on the abovrterms-till the firft day of September next, to give opportunity to rhofe- who are Mitt yet f.jhfcribers, to come forward. Those who have and got only a small part of the work, a»e requeued to com plete their setts., as far a& published, as soon as pollible, as after the firft of next September., by which" time the tenth volume is expetled to be ready, the publiftier wilt not consider himfelf bound to nuke up those- setts which are not completed up to that period. Philadelphia, fane tg, 1793. Albany Glafs-Houfe. The .Proprietors ofthe Glafsr Manufactory, under the Firm of M'CLALLEN, M'GREGOII */;^Co. BEG leave to inform the public, that ihcy have [ now brought their WI>NDOW-GL ASS to such pejfcftion, AS.willhe found v on .omparifon, 10 be equal, in quality, to the belt London Crown Glafj. 1 Having fixed their pi ices at a lower rate than impqiitdlGM"s;.they aie induced to impoitationsof this article will be difconnnupd,. in proportion as the'r works are extended.— Ithey ptopofe to enlarge the scale of this ness, and as the <"ucccf*« of it will depend the * patriotic fwppoitof.thc public, they beg leave to ~ I" ~ y ~ J " ~ o Solicit their friendly parsonage i»i the pursuit of branch which will interest exexy lover of American-Manufactures, All ord'cr* tor Window-Glass, of any size., wl> he received a* the Store of Rhodes and *| g on, No. 234, Quecn-iireer, New* York;, and at the Gtafs Wa r ehouse, No. 48, Market-street, Albany, which will be punctually attended to. (J3""WANTET), fix smart aflivc LADS, not exceeding 16' years of age, to be indented as Apprentice*-, and' rogwUriy. infttufitd in ihe v»rio«> bra bc G4a f«-Ma king.' Atfb, 'href Window-G-lafs Sinkers, to whom glieat encouragement wiH be given. '*% 1. '793' G E;N £RAL POST-OFFICE, Philadtiphia, May 27, ITQI, 509 Dollars Reward. WriEREAS a ccrtarn THOMAS SI.OSS GANTr, has lately made his efcapc: from Baltimore County Gaol, to which ,he wos committed uridTr a charge of having roMtett'the F.aftern Mail, on the zljibr day of January last : Notice is hereby given, that a reward of. five hundred dollars will be paid at this Office, to anv person or persons who Iball apprehend the hid T/idnt&J S/OJI Gantt, and deliver him irtp ( thc cuftodyiof the keeper ~f the faidGnol, pr mji> thecufiody of either of tho Msrffials wttbin. the' Uiiited S-jii-s, so that the said Thomas Step Gtin]t ■ may be cffeftu.llv secured. and forth coming to ' answer the above mentioned charge TIMOTHY PICKERING, PoJLMuJitr Central, fi 1 Ttfc fo!lo«vingn< « icfcriiipiioo- of the - j;.n|me<J TiMm.Aj sum-G A*».!•}'• ft*' •»- iboit I fi*f«thigh,irtrait, nd well TOMbV Kw light co ( Imited -h*ii'-, lied behind, fair anc ha-s a down look when fputawtfei ■ 460 FQR SALE, ?■- M At'Hfi Vv c A R tY, At In, N«' "»• I'lJ 11,* ot »■>•»»*• T7HE AMERICAN i . ...i >» ]«>«"*• .'7»7. «» J >'• tcrin'nrtdon ,n D remwr. .79.. -» M*»™ «- hunts, price, neatly 4 " d lslU,edt """" of the United Sixes, retpefl.ng this work, is ti follow* . « 1 believe the America Mofcqm h« met wit h extendi may f»y, ™'lm £ probation from competent judges ; lor I am of that the work U «* only eminently eflcohied .0 difcminao political, agriculture philofopbical.aodoth . but that it has been unijarmly ccndufltd wuh tafle, 11 \° lhek "" P °'T' obiefts be fuptraddud the more immediate de fisn of rescuing public documents from obit vion—l will venture to pronounce, as irjy ten timcnt. THAT A MORI USETUL LITF. RARY rL A N HAS NEVER BEEN UNDERTAKEN IN AMERICA, or one more deserving of pub lic ENCOUR AGiBSENT." - 1 i v ■' i- J»" g 5- Hercule De Sercey, From Lcogfne, Jjlar d of St. Domingo, MAKES and fells all Tofts oi Vugs, J<» cks > Porringers, Cups, Stcv/-Pans, Lamps, See. in Tin, plain or ppanoccl —He also mends oja tin work. As he works cheap, he hopes for the public encouragement. No. »3, Raccftreet, near Front-street. Jiiiie »2. HERCULE DE SERGEY, DE Lcogane, Me de St. Dommque, travatlle en fer Blanc, de loute forte de manieres » omnnande ct a bon marclte. A Philadelphie, ce 22 Juin, 17,93. No. 23, Race-ilreet, pres Froouftreet. NOTICE; r |" , HE STOCKHOLDERS ui the SOCIETY 1 for ESTABLISHING USEFUL MANU FACTURES, are reqnefted to take notice, that the fourth and last payment is due, and mutt tie made on or before tlic 13th day of July next, either to the Cashier of the United States Bank. Office of Bifcount and at Niw-Yark the Cashier of rf« Bank of New-York —the CalKicT of the Bank of the United States in Phi ladelphia— or John Bayard, Esq. in the city ot Ncw-Brurvfwick, iu the state of Nrv/-Jerfey.— And that the (hares of all pcrfons neglect i go make fnch payment, and the monies by them previously paid, will then be forfaited for the common bcnefit.of the said society. That the fiiblcfiber is duly authorized to make the rcquifite wdorfments upon t*ie.certificates of j (hares, and that books of transfer are opened at his office in Front-ftree*. NICHOLAS LQVT. Niw-Yerk, June it, '793. Stock Brokers Office, No. i 6, Wall-ilrect, New-York. TfiESubfci iber intending to confine himfcli entirely to the PURCHASE &. SALE of STOCKS'on COMMISSION,b« gsleave 10 oU I tier his fcr vices to hisfriendsand others, in the li ne ot'a Stock Broker. Those who may plea ft Co favor him with their business, may depend. u;>on having it t ran fa ft ed with the utmost fide lity and di ("patch. Orders frorp PftUad'elphia, Boston, or any other part<*f the United States, will be ftri&ly attended to- City of Washington. January 7 th, 1793. A NUMBER of Lois in this City will be of fered: for sale at au&ion, by the Com.niif t (ioners, on the - 17ch day of September next.— ; One fourth part of the purchase money is to be paid do ; wn, the rcfidueat three equal annuel pay* ments with yearly interest on the whole princi pal unpaid. JOHN M. GAOTT, Clerk to the Ccm'ts. : Extra#.9s an-A£t of the General AlTcmbly of Maryland, concerning the Territoiy: of Co lumbia, and the City ot Wafhiogton. 41 lie it enabled, That any foreigner may'by deed or will, hereafter io be made, take and hold-lands within that part of tkei J aid- Territory, which ties with' in this State, in the.fa we manner' as if he was a citi2. zen.6f this State ; and the fame lands tnav.be con* ueyelby him, and traaftoitted to and be inherited-by his heirs or relations, as if he andxtkey were citizens of this State: Provided, That no foreigner JhaU, in virtue hereof, be entitled to. any furrier or otiter privilege of a citizen.7 J l9, tickets Inihc FEDERAL CITY LOTTERY, Miv he had at SAMUEL COOH'.R'i Ferry FOR SALE, 1360 Acrcs of excellent FARMING or TOBACCO epijw L A N D S, LYING hi the coOnty- of Arahvrfl; in the (tote of Virginia, ofrmie of the principal branches of Jameißiver, within fix- miles of the latwr, Jrom wh*ner it iswm"gable for boa l •of ten or i»el»f tons bit*. hrfn;' Be fides the advantage* o* these iondt, for the /aimer otr cultivator of tobacco, th'cv are sup posed, from a finall though fnccefsful experi ment made by the late Col. Chifwcll, o conta n an abundance of iwtaj», which, if not of a p\e ftfmr(as has been ec^B' 'are certainly of a vety valnabJe Hyid. The better however to atcerraio tins fact, and D/acc the purchnfei on a fate .foot mg-, in so (if ■»•<!, m . d.bufi.uH, as a I ~I(iofs subterraneous relear. 3 s w , boot the u - ..njuftierta my of an abu»,i a „» the j ,j <€ j ore, jKe-faoppfcd :o be, <V*s, rf..nahU a,,, nrecHi.y affiftani. or .it l, e r. . •ler d ihofe intliperi-r-.'ni>,; "■ the t ri „ A'ef! as every o J th-M , n f l()1( , bvtk • . » b'f't!!:-- il. r [epu LEO.NARD, BI.EF.CKEB- TRXASr.RV Jar.r if. XJ Ol ICE is hereby /u- prtipw*iib w ,j ( i if be received at the other of the Secretary 0 f tbc Trcalury, until the fourteenth day of Sp tenil»er next inclnfively, for i!ie f'tpply of ijj Ration* which may he required for the of the United from ihe fitft-dayof J«»nu i t to the thirty-si.st day of December 1 7 g 4 , days inclufivc, at the plarrs, and wuhin t| lc diftn&s hereafter mentioned, vi*. 1. At any place or places betwixt ar.d Carlisle, in the Sale of Pennsylvania, a M< j P tt{butgh,&ar PiitfWrgh.Yoik-towTi^Carhfif 2. At any place or pfaCes from Prffb:ir/h tV the mouth of Big Beaver Creek, and 4tthe of B*g B«aver Cicek. 3. At any place Qr place* from the fa id mowfH to the upper Mb of the said Brg Bearer, and *t the falls. 4. Ar any placeor places from the said upper falls to Mahoning, and at Mahoning. 5. At any place or places f rom the (aid Ma honing over to the HcacJ Navigation of the river Cavahoga, and at the said Head Navigation. 6. At any place or places from the said Head Navigation to the mouth of the said river Cap. iioga, and at the said m6uth. .7. At any place or places betwixt the mourii of the Big Beaver Creek, to the mmath of th rive r Mufkingum, and no the fjid r»»er to she Tufcarowas, and at the Tufc» r owas, and thence ovct to the Cftyshoga river, and thence dawath: said river to its-mouth. S. At any place or places betwixt the of the river Mufkingum aod-tbe mouth 9$ - the... Scioto river, and at tbc mouth of the laid xi*yr Scioto. 9- At any place ot places betwixt the toq«ui of Scioto river & the moutb of the Gre*» Miami, at the month of the Great Mismi, and fr/>m thence to the rapids or the falls of the Ohio, and at the said rapid's. to. At any prtace or places betwixt the mouth of the GVeat Miami, up the laid Miami to aixj at Pique Town. 21. At any place or places from Fort Waft, ington to Fort Hamilton, and at Fort Hamilton At any place or places from Fori Hamiltoa to Fort S». Clatr, and at Fort St. Glair. 12. At any place or places from Fort St. Clair to Fort Jrfferfon, and at Fo»t Jcfferfon. 13. At any place or places fh*m Fort Jo'fferfo* to the field of afilion of the 4' to of November, 1791, and at the said field ot difction. 14. At any place or places f»om tht said fold of artion to thfc Miami Vtil-ages* and at th« Miami Villages. 15. At any place ojr.places from the fyid Mfi ami Villages to the falls of the ; Miami river, which empties into Lake Erie, and at-thefeid falls, and from thence to its mouth, and at it* mouth. Is. At any place or peaces from the mouth of the said Miami river of Lake-&rie to Lake, and at Sanduf]k.y Lake. 17. At any place or places from the fyid San* dusky Lake, to the mouth of the river Gayahoga^. 18. At any place or places from the mouth ciE the said river Cay'ahog? to Pfefque Jfle, and at Prtfque I fT.\ 19 At any place or placf s from Prefqu. ifij. to the ftnpatn* running into tafce En'« (ram in wards the-ladaghque Lake, and thence uver to and at the said J'adaghqiie Lake,and thence dov.'a the Alleghany river to Fort Franklin-. 20. At any placeior? piaces from Prefqoe I fie to Le Beuf, aud at. lie &euf. 21. At any place or places frnm Pe B*et»f to Fort. FranMirt, and at. Foil Franklin, and from thence to Pittlburgh. 22. At any plaoe or p.la<sesJrom the rapidvof the Ohio to the mouth of the Wabafh-river, and from the mouth oiih* said Wabafti. rivertl© tb#. mouth" of the river. Oh in. 23. At ;>ny p!?cc or plaqcs on rhr Eaftvfid* of the river Mifliftippi, from the,raouth of the Ohio: river, to the mouth ol the Illinois river. 24. At any place or places fiom the mouth oJ the laid Wabafii river up to F®rt Knox, and at Fort Knox. 25. At £ny place of pla'cca froth Fpri Knojfnp. the (aid Wabalh to Oaitlaoon, and at Ouittanon. p. 6. At anv- place or places from' (fru'iUamfti, up the (did Wabdfti, to the head navigation ol a branch thereof called Little River, and at th.si. laid: head navigation of Little "Kprer. 27. At any pla< e or places from the saM bead navigation of Liale River over ta rhc Oirt*iflWP ,8 gP» s 28. At any platfe or places from the mouthof the river TeoelTee to Occochappo 01 Bear Creek, on the said river^inclufively 29. At any place or peaces the mouth of" the river Cumberland to Nalhviile, on thfc'faid' river, and at Nadiville.. go- And at auy place or places within thirty miles ol said toafhville to the Southward, Wtft ward or Northward thereof. Should any rations be required at any place?, or within Other diftri&s, not fpe.eliied in tbrfe proposals, the price of the fame t>e here.»ttcr agreed On betwixt the public .and the contractor. Th'e rations to be fuoplied are to confilluf the foN6wjOg irticles, viz. One pound of bread or fljur, One pound ot beef, or | of a pound of pork, One quart of ftflf, ) Mwo quarts of vinegar. f Tvro potm<ls of. fiap, >P" 100 ratlorl3 - One pound-os candles, ) The rations arctobe furnifhed in fuc'H quanti ties as that there shall at a-!! times, during iftrfadP term, be fuffitient tor the confurnption of the troops- at each of the said posts.« f#r the space of *t Jel-ft 3 months in in good and witdlet some provifions, v if the fame (ball be required. It i>to tyeunderftood "in each cafe,that allloffei fudaincd by the deprecations oftfre enemy, or by means of thetroopsof the United 'States, Avail be paid lor at the pi tccs-of the article* captured or oeftrdyed, on the depofitrioos of two or more redltable charters, and the certificate of "Si ■'.»mm ; flionrd officer, ?fccrtainlng the circum iiin-cs.»{ aelofs; and the amount of the articles I or which conipeafation is tlaimed. Tit" the above fuppiies will he madv either sot one var, or tor two years, »»it> a y eligible. Persons difpoied to contVao will therefore confi ie offers to one year, or hey inav make th«»ir proportions so as to admit an elettion o<f. thr term of two years. The offers may romprtfe ?H the place 6 which
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers