A NATIONAL PAPE.iI, PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS BY JOHN FENNO, No. 34, NORTH FIFTH-STREET, PHILADELPHIA [No. 95 of Vol. IV.] BY THE PRESIDENT UNITED STATES of America. A Proclamation. WHEREAS it appearr, that a ftatr of war exists between Austria, Prussia, S4rdinia, G. Britain, and the United Nether lands, of the one part; and France, on tiia other—and the duty and iutereft of the Uni ted States require, that they flvould with fin er rity and good faith adopt and pursue a con. duet friendly and impartial towards the bel ligerent powers. I ft*V£ rtewfora thought -It <ly the* jltelents, to dcclare the difpofirion of the United States to observe the conduct afore faid towards those powers refpeftively; and to exhort and warn the citizens of the United States carefully to avoid all acts and proceed ings whatsoever, which may In any manner tend to contravene fuel) difjjtofit ion. AND I DO hereby also make known, that whol'ocver of the citizens of the United States foall render himfelf liable to pnnifhment or forfeiture under the law of nation 1 ;, by com mitting, aiding pr abetting hostilities against any of the said powers, or by carrying to any of them those articles, which are deemed con traband by tl>e modern usage of nations, wilt not receive the protection of the United States against such punifoment or forfeiture ;■ and further, that I have given inftruftions to those officers, to whom it belongs, to cause prosecutions to be inftitufed against all pcr fpiiTs, who (Hall, within the cognizance of the Courts of the United States, violate the law of. nations, with refpeft to the powers at ny, or any of them. IN TE TT 810 NT whereof; I have cau sed the Seal of the United States o{, America to lie affixed to these pre sents, and signed the fame with my band. Done at the City of Philadel phia, the twenty-second day of Aprils ( L S -) on? thpufaad seven hundred and.nino —ty-three, and of the Independence of the United States of America the se ven teenth. G. Washington,. By V%S*S»#>snT,. Tb: JEFFERSON. AVS. QF THE. UNION. SECOND <SfIWGJtSSS Off THS UNITED STAGES, AT THJ, SECOND SESSION, Hpjjun and held at the City of Philadelphia, in ths State of Pennsylvania, on Monday the fifth ofNbvember, onethoufand seven hundred arid ninety-two. 4,N. AQT iji addition to the cn tituled, "An.a&to ettablilh the Judicial Courts of the United btatet.." T) E it ena&ed by the Sinate and Hou*e ofi JD/Reprefentatives of the United States; of Cpngref? ajlsmbjed, That the at*-, tendancp of only one of the justices of the su preme court, at the several circuit courts of t)ie United-State*, to be hereafter held, (hall be fuffic«ent* any law requiring the attends ajice, of two of the faid-'j uftices notwithftarvd* ipg : That it ftiall be lawful foe the AuCMei court, ip cases where elrcum-* stances Jhal!, in their judgment, render the fame necessary, to afflgn two of the said jufti ce«s to attend the circuit court or courts, and it fttall be the -duty of the juttices afligncd, to attend accordingly* And provided alio, r rhat,when only one judge of the supreme court fHa.ll attend any circpjt court" and the vliftritt judge {hall he ablent, or (hall have been of counsel, or be concerned in. interest in any cause, then pending, I'nch circuit court may cbnfift of the laid judge of the supreme court alone. Ard be it furtlier enafttd, That if at any time oijly out jurije-of the supreme court, and tla judge of the riiftriftfliall fit in a circuit court, ard upon a final hearing of a cause, or of a pica to the jurifdi&ion of she court, they ftaM be divided in opinion, it Diall be contin ued to the luccecding court; and if upon the second licaring when a different judge of the fuprepie court (ha 1 be present, a like division fliiiJl ta)ce place, the diftrift judge adhering to hi* former opinion judgment fball be ren dered in conformity to the opinion of the pre «»»» j»d(;e. SS' * - CA-' of A/ // r And bt it fV'rter enacted, Tii.it th« fu pren* court,"when the supreme court fhaU not be fitting, any one of the justices thereof together with the judge of the itiftrift within which a fpeciil feflTum as hereafter authorized fiiall be. holden, may dire<sl special ftflions of the circuit courts to be holdin for the trial of criminal caufet, at any convenient place with in the tiiftiift, nearer to the place wliere the olfences said to be committed, than the place or placeappointed by lav/ for the ordinary fellions : That the clerk of such cir cuit court (hall, at lead thirty days before the commencement of such special feflion, cause tbe time and plaeefor holding the feme to be notified for at least ihree weeks fucceflively, > in one or mors of the news-papers publiflied neatest to the place where the leffion is to be holdeu : That all process, writs and recogni zances ofevery kind, whether refpedting ju ries, witnefles, bait or othenvifej which relate to tbe cafe* to be tried at the (aid special fef (ions, shall be conftdertd as belonging te fucb leffions, in the fame manner as if they had been ifTued or taken in reference thereto: That any fpeciat session may be adjourned to any time or times previon* to the »«*t stated meeting of the circurt CO mit : That all bufi- nefi depending for tnia) at any special court, fliatl at the close thereof be coniidered a.-, of qourfe removed to the next Itatcd term of the circuit court : And that the diftrift courts of Maine and Kentucky, fliatl have like pow- er to hold special fefllons for the trial of cri minal caues, ais hatli. been heretofore given l , or is hereby given to the circuit courts, tub- jest to the like regulations-and reftriflions. And be it further enacted, That bail for appearance in any court of the United States', in any criminal taufe rn which bail is by law allowed, may be taken by any judge of the United States, and chanceHor, judge? of a su preme or superior court., or chief or fiift judge of a court of common pleas of any state*, or mayor ofa city in either of them, and by any person having authority from a circuit court, or tha diftrift coui t3 of Maine or Ken tucky to tal»e bail-; which authority* rcvocai ble at the djferetion of ftich court, any circuit court or either of tlie diitric*t courts of Maine or Kentucky,may give to one ormore discreet persons learned in the law in any diftrift for which such court is holden, where, from the extent 06 the diftrift, asid reinotenefS' ef its paxts from the uliial refideneeof any of the before named officers, fuchprovifion (hall, in the opinion of the court be neceCiry. Pro vided, That nothing herein (hall be conftrn ed'to extend to taking bail in ajiy cafe where the punishment for the offence miry Be deaths nor to abridge any power heretofore given by the laws of the United States, to any defbrip tion of persons to take hail. And be it further, enacted, That writs of ne exeat and of injunction may be granted by any judge of the supreme court-in cases where they might be gnanted by the supreme or a circuit court ; but qo writ of ne exeat Ihail be granted unlels a suit in equity be'commenc ed, and fatisfaftory proof lhall be made to the court or judge granting the fame,that the de fendant designs quickly to depart from the United States; nor (hall a writ of injunction be granted to (lay proceedings iii'aivy court of a. date ; nor shall such writ be granted in any cafe without reasonable previous notice to the adverse party, or his attorney, of the time : and place oMnoving for the fame. And be it further enacted, That subpoenas for witnesses who may be required' to attend a court of the United Suites-in any diftrift thereof, may run into any other diftrift : Provided, That in civil causes, the wituefi'es living out of the diftrift in which the cou't is boldeli, do riot live at a greater dlftance than j one hundred miles from the place of holding the fame. | And be it further enacted. That it lhaH be lawful for the fevfral courts, of the United States from time to time as occalion may re quire, to make rules and orders for their ref peftive courts direftlng the returning-of writs and procefl>s< the fiiin® of declaration* and other pleadings, the taking of rules, the entering and making up judgments by default and other matters in the vacation and other wise 111 a manner not repugnant to the laws of the United-States to regulate the practice ofthefaid courts relpeftively, as fliall be fit and ueceiTaiy.for the advancement of jultice and cfpecially to that e»d to prevent delays in proceedings. And l>e it further enacted. That where it is now required by the laws of any State, that goods taken in execution on a writ of fieri facias, (hall be appraised, previous to tl»e sale thereof, it (hall be lawful for the appraiser* appointed under the authority of the State, to appraise goods taken in execution, on a fi eri facias iflued out of anjr court of the Uni ted States, in the fame manner as if such writ had issued out of a court held under the authority of the State; and i t (ha'l be the du ty of the marllial, in whose custody such goods mav be, to summon the appraisers, in like maimer, as the (heriff is by the laws of the State required to summon thein : and the ap praisers (hill be entitled, to the like fees, as 377 Saturday, April 27, 1795. ; 'life* of ■- VSsiStrtM waWSHlte" frShgduiy firtnAfned, ibaU feiJ tn attend tt*'d pit-ftrth the duties required of then:, the marlhal may proceed io felf such goods, without an ap praiferoent. JONATHAN TRUMBULL, Speaker ej the li6ufeof Reprrfentatitei. JOHN LANGDON, / resident pro tempo ( oj the Senate. APPROVED MARCH 2, 1 793- GLO. WASHINGTON, President of the United States. AN ACT relative to Claims against the United Slates, not barred by any of Limitation, and which have not been already adjnfted. BE it enacted by the Senate and Honfe of Reprelentatives of the United States of America, in Congress anembled, That all claims upon the United States, for fefvlces or fepplies, or for other cause, matter or thing 1 , furmfhfd or dont, previous to the fonrth day of March, one thousand i'even hundred and eighty-nine, whether founded upon certifi- other written documents pub lic or othenviie, which have not alread/been barred by any act of limitation, and which flia4l not be presented at the trea sury befare the firft day of May, one thousand seven hindred and ninety-four, fliall forever after bebarredand precluded from settlement or allowance : Provided, That nothing here in contsined, shall be construed to afleft loan otfice cetrficatc*, certificates of final settle ment, irdents of inteneft, balances entered in the booJij.of the Register of the Treasury, certificates ilTued bv the Register of the Trea f«ry, cotimoilly cajlecf-registered certificates, Joans ofmoney obtained in foreign countries, or certiicatc? ifiued pursuant to the ast, intii. toled, 'J An a-ftmakirrg.proviiion for the debt of the Uiked States.:" And provided further, That nfithing herein contained, (hall be con strued t» prohibit the proper officers of the tTenfury from demanding an accouht or ac counts so be renderetl', for any moniesliereto fDre and not accounted' for, or from the usual forms and ieftric» tions, credits for expenditures, equal to the fonv '">« been so advanced. And be it further enacted; That it shall be the duty of tile- Auditor of the Treaflity, to receiveall fiich claims aforefaid as Have not been heretofore barred-br any ast-os limita» tion, as fliall be prefertted before the time aforefaid, with the certificates, or other do cuments in support thereof, and to raufe a record to be made of the names of tlie pet fons, arid of the time'wheii the fi\d claims are prefentcd; which recordfhaU be made in the presence of the person or perfonsprefenting tJieJamf, and fhail be the only evidence that the said claims were presented, during the time limited by this act. And be it further enadted, That it (hall be the duty of 1 the accounting officers of the trea fiirv, to make report to ConErel's, upon all such of.the said claim?, as fliall not be allowed to be valid, according to the usual forms of the treasury. JONATHAN TRUMBULL, Speaker (j the Heuft-of Reprejentatives. ]OHN ADAMS, Vkl-Phfuiit<t of'th United State!) and President of the Senate. Al'fltOVEO, FEBRUARY 1!?, 17P3. GEO. WASHINGTON, President of the United States. ' AN ACT fupp.lementaiy to the ast for the establishment and fupporc of Light-houses, Beacons, Buoys, and Public Piers'. BE it enacted by;the Senate and Ilou'e of ft«prefentatives of the United States of America, in Congress aflembled, Thar all ex penses, which {Hall accrue from the firft day of July next inclusively, for the necelfary sup port,. maintenance and repairs of all light* houses, beacons, buoys, the ftakeage of chan nels on the sea-coast; and public piers, lhall continue to tie-defrayed by the United States, until the firft day of July, in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four, not -.vithtlanding such ligbt-houfes, beacons, or public piers, with the land; and tenements thereunto belonging, and the jurifdi&ion of the fame (hall not, in the mean time, be ceded to, or vested in the United States,- by the state in which the fame may be : and that the laid time, be further allowed to the states refpeftivelv, to make fuchcefiion. I And be it farther enacted, That the Secre. j tary of the Treasury be authorized and di rected to cause a floating beacon or buoy to be proridedand placed on Smith's Point shoal, in the Chesapeake bay, and a beacon or float ing buov, at the south weft ftiaddle on the royal lhoal, near Ocracoke inlet, in North- Carolina. JONATHAN TRUMBULL, Speaker of the Ho-jJe of Reprefentatrvti. JOHN LANGDON, Prtjilevt pro tempore vl tke Senate. AMIOV ID MARCH 2, 179.1- GEO. WASHINGTON, frejiderf of the United States. [Whole No. 41 7.] Foreign Intelligence. CONSTANTINOPLE, December 25. THE Porte has sent orders to the HoJpo dars of Moldavia and WaMachia, to re ce.ve tha Ruffian ambaiiador who is expect ed here iu February, with the most diftiij gu jibed marks of honor and refpc/t. The reports which have been spread in Europe that the Porte was making preparations of war againfl: Russia, are without -foundation. The people in general detest France. STOCKHOLM, Feb. i. A war between this country and Russia haS long keen deemed probable, it now appears inevitable. The tiding-; of the tragical end of his most Christian Majesty, has filled every mind with horror and dismay. The court is etfpe&ed to go into mourning for fix weeks like that of Copenhagen. L E G H O Kh N, Jan. ju The Grarttf Doke has sent art to Vienna with irttelligence which has been re ceived here by private letters, that the Frenclt are in poffeifion of the iflaud of Sar- dinia. M A D K I p, Feb. 7. Ottr armament which was at firft to co> fift of twenty-one (hips, has been encreafsd, and ordets have been given to have every thing in readineft to arm the wliole Spanilh'navy. The Portuguese fleet which was only to have confided of fix feilf, is also ericreafect co fen iail of the line. H AG t El, Feb. 24: Nimeguen is still fafe from hostile attatk, and its garrison has been reinforced by 2000 men. Great preparations are alio making for the defence of Gorinchein, and all the trees have been feHed round thar place and on the roads; on the itiet adjacent, a batte ry lias been raiffedj a*id a'latge'dvke ereffe' 1 , so that no veflel can attack tire town fVom tl^itquarter. Ail the Surrounding diflrifU are laid under water. THe French are (Fill'marching in large bo dies ft-onl Antwerp againlt this country, and their nurrteroas licrfts* are' fbHfrwed by la'rge trains-os artillery. The French privateers I havS taken' the Culloden, from Leith,. and carried her into Boulogne; ILkewife- the- Fly,' Capr. Wright, from Exeter to Lotidon ; and at Oftend,, the F"a4»otiHttej C»ptl LSfrfiWfrtj ftonr lre^rorn. All the French are batiifted from SAkony. The 1 atefl accounts from Constantinople state, that the Porte gave to M. de Choifeul Goufiier, the late French AmbafTador, a pre sent of lo;ooD' piastres, previous to his de parture. It is confidently reported there, that the credentials of Serrtonv4lle will be accepted. His royal higtnefs the Duke of York ar rived here late on Thursday night; His highftefs immediately took up his quarters in the palace of the StadtlVoldSr. The Englifti guards •arrived fafety at* Hil voet on the ift inft. The onVy accident that happened amongst thtm was one man's break-! king his arm by a fall. They are Rationed at Helvoet, at the Brille, and at Dort. Six. teen hundred are at the latter place- This hereditary priwce'of Orange is named commander in chief. Feb. 25—Their high mightinefles have iflued a proclamation for public prayers, to begin on Wednesday the 27th inft. and to be continued for a fortnight, to implore the bleflihg of Almighty God on the Dutch a'ms, and those of her allies, against the French. March 4. —Oh the 25th ult; Breda was far 1 - rendered by treachery, withont having flood a siege. The garrison, by terms of capitular tion, marched out with all the honors of war, and with full liberty to serve again. It was surrendered in consequence of a confederacy between Count Byland, the governor, and some discontented magistrates and other in* habitants, and much against the inclination of the garrison. Count Byland is at the Hague, under arrest, and a commission is or dered for trying him. Williamftadt, Klundert, Steenbevgen, Ge* truydenberg, and - Maeftricht, are all vigo ronflv besieged, but hold out with determi ned resolution. Before the firll place, many French hare fAllen, without the l'malleft inv preffion having been made upon the fdrtrel's. The state of defence by water • is ftrengtfr ened every day. General Clairfayt eroded the Coer, and on the iftinft. attacked the French army, un der Gen. Miranda, which he defeated, kil ling and taking 2000 men, with nine pieces of artillery. It was understood that he w»s to detach 5000 men to prince Frederick of l'ruffia, who was about to make an immedi ate attack upon Rurerneode—ard Clnirfavt himfelf was preparinj to inarch to tfcc relief of Micftricht.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers