I " I ' —— nils. Co. Dlh. Cts. PRICE CURRENT. * £ rt * HUANTIT* — Dollars too Cents cach. Ditto balkets, 12 bottles 5 PHILADELPHIA, MA«ch V ZZS""" J4 f 7 - W h a 1 e 2 r 00 ADUs.U*. Dlb.Ch. 0 jj NCHORS pr,b. , f 60 Alluni, t.-5..!!., pr.cwt. 433 American d.uo bol.incL .4 ,60 Di.to, Rod. pr. lb. " Pitch, pr. bbl ,73 2 r,' r r rlOR ' 117 140 - Pork, Burlington, per binrtl, ,067 1 ~ , h Lower county 10 Arrack pr. gall. IJ3 •>& Car 01,,., 9 izZhsr* ? a 8-M.1W0.p.. ton. V 34 Plmeo ,' o ' ' Brick*, pr. M. 4 7 y Bread, (hip, pr. cwt. 2 2 13 Raisins, best, pr. keg F33 Ditto, pilot 367 Ditto pr. jar t33 Ditto, small water, per keg 36 40 Ditto pr. box so 3 Beer, American, in bottles, Rice pr. cwt. 3 pr.doz. bottles included, 1 4° pr. barrel _ * 7® Ditto pi. barrel, 4 67 Rum, Jamaica, pr. gallon i_ 7 Boards Cedar pr. M feet, 20 Antigua 1 -New Lnglaud ii »4 Windward 86. — Oak *4 l & Barbadoes 87 — Merchantable pine 20 24 Country, N.E. 67 ' Sap, do. 12 *3 Salt petre, pr. cwt. 14 33 — Mahogany, per foot 10 Saflafras pr. toa 6 8 The above are the (hallop prices, , Shot ditto 140 14* for the yard price, add 1 dol- Steel, German pr.lb. 9 ' ar 33 cc pts per I°°°. Engli{h,blillered, pr. cwt. 10 Brimilone in rolls, pr.cwt. 2 67 American pr. ton 213 33 Beef, Bolton, per barrel 9 Crowley's pr. 10 67 Country ditto 8 9 Snake root pr. lb. 20 4a Frcrti, per cwt. 333 467 Soap, Brown per lb. 6 Butter pr. lb. *6 White 8 in kegs io 12 Castile 11 Candles, Sperm, pr.lb. 47 Starch 7 ' -Wax 53 56 Snuff pr. doz. bot. 4 560 — Myrtle Wax *3 Spermaceti, refined, pr.lb. 48 — Mould, tallow 12 c 1 1 l rr la. vi jo Dipped ** Sailcloth, EnghOi,No.!,pr. yard, 28 Cbeefe, Englith, pr. lb. »9 Boston.No I ditto 30 ■■ Country " 10 , No. 11. 29 Chocolate 18 20 s "gar Lump, pr. lb 24 Cinnamon 240 267 I.Oaf, Tingle refined 25 Cloves 1 32 Ditto, double do. 36 Cocoa pr.cwt >9 " Havannah, white 17 18 Coffee pr.lb 15 >7 Ditto, brown, 11 12 Coal pr. bulhel 24 33 I Muscovado, pr. cwt 13 ; 5 Copperas pr.cwt. 1 67 SpmtsTurpentine pr. gallon 37 Cordage, American, per cwt. 767 8 Salt, Allum pr. bufhcl 44 Cotton pr.lb. 27 37 Liverpool 47 Currants Cadiz 33 Duck, Rudia, pr. piece 11 33 L'ftjon 3? Ravens 8 93 9 67 Shipbuild. W. O. frames p.ton, 15 Dutch fail duck, t8 20 Ditto Live Oak, 18 67 Feathers pr. lb. 48 Diuo rcd cedar, per foot 33 40 Flax ditto 11 is Shingles 18 inch, per M. 333 367 Flaxfeed pr. buth. 90 o Ditto 2 feet, 53a 6 Flour, Superfine pr. barrel 5?5 Ditto 3 feel, dressed, i 3 , 5 Common, S 50 Staves, Pipe pI . 10 00 32 Bur middlings, best 45 White Oak hoglhead, 20 33 ■ Meal, Indian 313 Red oak do " >9 5° ditto Rye, 313 Leogan 2133 • Ship-ftuff pr. cwt. So 153 Barrel 16 Fustic pr. ton, 20 Heading 25 33 Gin, Holland, pr. cafe, 466 Skin »> P»«, b ' a ?'■ P ie « 467 11 o -Minks 20 40 Do. pr.gall. 80 90 F y Glue, pr cwt. 20 at 33 . Ditto g red 4 ,20 Ginger, white race, per lb. 7 Msrlins Ditto, common 7 -c-n r- Ditto,ground pr.lb. ic Bear"' 33 3 7 Oinieng, «o 24 D 0 c r> \» n ——Racoons 27 60 Gunpowder, cannon, pr. q.calk, .q 71 4 n ' . r , v 1 »o /J t Muik-rats 11 20 Ditto, hne glazea 4 D c Grain, Wheat pr. bulh I 3 ®" Ver 'PP r - lb " 6 ? 133 Rye * 6 i D«>. "> ha.r 20 30 Oats 35 Tar,N.Jerfey,24gal.p. bbl. 1 • Indian corn 53 Carolina, 32 gall. t33 167 T Barlev x j 3 Turpentine pr. bbl. J67 2 Best (helled pr. lb. 7 Tobacco, J. River, best joolb. 360 373 ——Buckwheat, per bulh. 40 inferior 3 33 Hemp, imported, pi. tori, ito 146 67 , 0 , 4 ' American, pr. lb. 4 4 l 1 , 3 0 33 Herrings, pr.bbl. 3 Coloured Maryland, 533 8 Hides, raw pr.lb. q 11 , " a 4° Hops ,7 p°ft g -' C '/ 2 40 Hoglhead hoops, pr. M. t 5 Eaftern-lhore 2 2 ,3 r ** — Carolina, new 2 7 3 Indigo, French per lb. i 20 1 53 ■ Carolina i j 20 Tea, Hyson pr. lb. gg i 28 Irons, fad pr. ton, 133 33 Hyson Ikin, 53 60 Iron, Callings pr. cwt. 3 4 Souchong, co 93 ■ Bar pr.ton, 85 33 Cong®, 43 ~~- p 'g 24 26 67 Bohea. 33 36 Sheet 173 33 Tallow, refined, pcrlb. 9 ——Nail rods no 111 Tin pr. box, l 3 33 l 3 67 Junk, pr.cwt. 4 c . ~ lard, hogs pr. lb. 9 >0 P j' b " 47 £ 3 lead, in pigs pr. cwt. 533 r. 67 do ,33 ,67 in bars 533 7 ' Vamifl., per gallon 33 37 white 10 10 67 Wax, Bees pr.lb. 25 27 red 640 667 Whale-bone, long pr.lb. 13 30 leather, foal, pr. lb. 17 20 wine, Madeira,pr. pipe, 176 226 lignum v,ts pr. ton, 560 6 Lilhon , ao 126 logwood go Teneriffe.pr. gallon 63 Mace pr.lb. q 1 Fav ,l r ' J Mackarel, best pr. bbl. "8 Port pr. pipe ~333 —f.cond quality 6 4 — Ditto ,n bottles, pr.doz. " 4 Madder, best pr. lb. ,6 20; claret * 4 6 Marble, wrought, pr foot, .33 267 Sherry pr.gall. %o ,20 Maftfpars ditto 33 Malaga L 80 MolafiVs pr.gall. 53 57 6 77 Alultard per. lb. 8- flour, in bottles, pr.doz. 1 ac COURSE 0F EXCHANGE. Nails, Bd. lod. \zd. and 20d. pr.lb. ic 0n Lan^on » 3° da ys» per £ .100 fterl. 413J Nutmegs pr. lb. 7 8 at a y* 4*o — Pr ' ga "' a 3 Amft " dan " 6° da'ys, pr. guilder, 07 07 90 days, 35 FOR SALE, By the Subjaiber, at Walnut-Street Wharf,, . BILL of EXCHANGE Madeira Wine, Fit for immediate uie, in pipes & quarter calks, TENERIFfE WINE, in pipes, SHERRY WINE, in quarter calks. •WEST-INDIA RUM, 2, 3 and 4 proof, OLD BRANDY, OLD SPIRIT, COPPERAS, BRIMSTONE, ALLUM, Two Baits 10-4 BLANKETS, and A Bale of MUSLINS. A new 13-4 Inch CABLE. 120 fa'homs 'one GEORGE MEADE.° • fiHadilphia, Jan. 19, 1793. ep2m NIW TEAS. IMPERIAL,HYSON&SOUCHONG Of the very firtt quality,and laieft impomiiou from Canton, via New-Yoik, by retail,at No. i 9, Third, between Chcfnui and Market Street*. N. B. A few Boxes ofthe above HYSON forfeit' PLANS City of Washington, by the Booksellers, CAREY, iOUNG, (J CRUKSHAKK, 324 By THOMAS JOHNSON, DAVID STUART.Sc DANIEL CARROLL, Esquires, Commission ek s appointed by Government to prepare the Public Buildings, &c. within the City of Wellingtons for the reccpuon of Con gress, and tor tneir permanent refiUcuce after the year x 800— A LOTTERY FOR THE IMPROVEMENT Of THE Federal City. 50,000 Tickets at 7 dollars, are 350,000 dollars. LIST OF PRIZES, viz 1 Supetb Hotel, with baths, ) outThoules, Scc.&c. to coil ) 1 Cacti Prize x ditto 1 ditto 1 ditto 2 ditto 5,000 are 1,000 500 100 50 2 5 20 10 20 ditto 20 ditto iOO ditto 200 ditto 400 ditto 1,000 ditto 15,000 ditto 16,737 33,263 Blanks 50,000 By this scheme at leajl the amount of the tick ets will return to the fortunate adventurers, and yet the federal City will gain its objett thereby') in a magnificent building designed both for pub lic and private convenience. Although some expence must neceflarily at tend the conducing of the lottery, (which ex pence will be taken from the principal prize) the CommiflTioners having agreed to preferit in re turn a fufficient quantity of excellent free-ftone» togeiher with the best adapted lots for the hotel and for the out-houfes, the value of the lottery entire may be fairly rated at something more than p(}r: In this important instance it will be found, on examination, to exceed all the lotteries that have ever been offcied to the Public in this or perhaps in any other country. The keys of the Hotel, when compleat, will be delivered to the fortunate podeflor of the ticket drawn aagainfl its number.—All the other prizes will be paid, without deduction, in one month after the diawing y by the City Treasurer at Washington, or at such Bank or Banks as may be hereafter announced, for the conveniency of the fortunate adventurers. The drawing will commence on Monday the 9th of Septembei next, at the City of Washing ton. Tickets mav be had of Col. Wm. Dickens, City Treasurer of Washington ; Thayer S3 Bartlet, of Charleston, South-Carolina ; Gideon Denijon, Sa vannah ; Meffi s. James Wejl & Co. Baltimore; Mr. Peter Gilman, Boston ; and at such other places as will be hereafter published. N. B. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS will be given for the best Plan of an elegant and con venient HOTEL or INN, with hot and cold Baths, Stables, and other out houses, if presented on or before the 10th »f April next; and a pre ference will be given 10 the Artist for a Con tra#, provided he be duly qualified to compleat l»is plan. The ground 011 which the Hotel and out houses are to be ere&ed, will be a corner lot of about go by 200 feet, with i back avenue to the stables, &c. Se&ions and estimates of the expense will be expected with the elevations, See. compleat ; and 50,000 dollars mult be regarded by the Archite6t as the utmofl limit in the expense intended for this purpose. S. BLODGET, Agent for the affairs of the City. March 6, 1793- War Department, JANUARY 28, 1793. INFORMATION is hercbv given to all the military Invalids of the United States, that the sums to which they are entitled for fix months of their annual pension, from the 4th day of September 1792, and which will become due on the sth day ol March 1793, will be paid on the said day by the Commiffioncrs of the Loans within the states rcfpe£hvely, under the usual regulations, viz. Every application for payment must be ac companied by the following vouchers : lft. The certificate given by the ilate, fpecify ing that the person poffefling the fame is in faift an Invalid, and ascertaining the sum to which, as such, he is annually intitled. 2d. An affidavit agreeably to the following form : A. B. came beiore me, one of the Justices of the county of in the (late of and made oath that he is the fame A. B. to whom the original certificate in his pofleffion wm giv en, of which the following is a copy (the cer ttficate given by the state to be recited) That he served (regiment, corps or veflcl) at the time he was disabled, ana that he now resides in the and county of and has rtTided there for the last years, previous to which he resided in In cafe an Invalid should apply for payment by an attorney, the said attorney, besides the certificate and oath before recited, must produce a special letter of attorney agreeable to the fol lowing form : I, A. B. of county of state of do hereby constitute and appoint C. D. of xny lawful attorney,, to receive in my behalf of mv pension for fix months, as an Invalid of the United States, from the. 4th day of Sep tember 1792, and ending the 4th day of March 1 793*. Signed and Sealed in ihe Prcfence of Acknowledged before me, Applications of executors and administrators mud be accompanied with legal evidence of their rcfpcdlive offices, and also of the time the luvalid died, whose pension thev may claim. By Command of the Prelident of the United States, H. KNOX, Secretary at War, PROPOSALS tor Te-printing a new, enter,*;., the Errors of Education. JijlabilUlv oj mind impedei wrrtad I, r r,,, , and youth, j n otunmal e di , tllvjlrute the preeeptj 9/ vt'. TU » J,'" ewr7a//i„ W i.KKok. The European edition ofihi.wnrl j I.# y «. fen.,,,,, „« j;;;, 1 ;™ 'J hr W " '*<" P<icr y-Ttm t,j AmertMM t&tion, wbtch Bi,l! be well ... enure new type ,„d si« wn| *' delivered to lubfc.be,. one .oUime'ol 2,* 4 »0 p.ge. „mo. neatly bound, a< a each, lobe paid ..n recewing ,he b- ok, v,hu» will be pu. 10 pref. „ loo„ „ , f u », cltnl J* ber of fublcription. are ohla.aed to defray Z txpenie of (he undcrukinf. 50,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 , o,ill be received at the Hooiflorei of Mcfri. r. Uobfon. W. Young, 7 Cruklh ~ j V ■7l k 'fi n ' a *' l '» Mr "<»n KammereJ,, A.' £ Xorth Jhnd jlrert, Pbladelpka; h Mell it h 'JZ S Campbell, and T. Allen, Zijell,rT, t hT I' a 3 r°' Tientim by ik, Sutjcnte, in Burhngttn -, "id by ciun „ M, hahds fubfcnption papers are lodged. Feb. 18,1793. ISAAC NEALE. to,ooo 10, coo 20,0©0 150,000 Dollars 350,000 advertisement. XTOTICE is hereby g.vcn, Hut the Com. J. X miffitinert appointed by the Board 0 f Trullees of the Univetfity of North-Carol,na will attend at the town of H.llfborsuri, on the' lgfii, 19th and a«th days of April n,*t, 1 0 , ,h e pinole of receiving proposal. from such per. tons as may be difoofed to uuuertake the Builo ings nFthc^Untverfity. FREDERICK HARGETT, Chairman. ONE on Walnut-street, near Kourth.ftreet 23 feet front, hat two parlours below, the f.out one 2i£ by :7 J feet, the back pariour is 18 by 14 feet. The front room up (lain is 261 by 17$ feet. There are five fcouil chamberi io this house, bcfides the garret Is divided into three rooms, in two of them there arc fire, places. The other House it 27 fe« upon Wilnut. street, and 53 feet upon 4th ftnet; there arc tw* good parlours below, one of them 25 by to l-t feet, the other 25 by t8 1-2 feet, ana seven com plete bed-chambets; bcfides the gairet 11 di vided tntn 4 rooms, 3 of which rooms have fire places, The kitchens are good ones, and are under the houses ; the largest house has also ■ houfe-kfeper's room. It is intended there {hall be a coinmiinication from both of these houfct to a neighboring tce-houle, fufficiently large 10 supply 3 houses. Within 50 yirds of these houses, there will be compleat (fables and coach houses, for boih houses ; they will he finifhed in the most compleat manner, ana the keys ready to be delivered early in the fummcr. On paying half the money down (if fold) the oth r half may be paid bv inffalmentt, or the whole may remain for 5 years, paying inteieft and giving security om tne premifrs. for terms of falc or lease, apply to the Sub scriber, Who has J or SALE, Sundry Ground Rents, In this city, amounting to twenty-five pounds sixteen (hillings and fix-pence, per annum. Also, a quantity of BAGS, that will contain two and a half and three and a halt bushels. Philadelphia, "Jan. 19, 1792. epim City of Washington. January 7th, 1793. A NUMBER of Lots in this City will t»c of fered for sale at auction, by the Commit fioners, on the 17th day of September next.-* One fourth part of the purchase money is to be down, the refidueat three equal annual pay ments with yearly intereflon the whole pnuci pal unpaid. JOHN M. GANTT, Clerk to the Com'rs. Extract of an A6l of the General Aflembly of Maryland, concerning the Territory of Qo- Jumbia, and the City ot Wafhingtnn. 44 Be it enabled, That any foreigner may by deed. or will, hereafter to be made, take and hold lands within that partoj the Jaid Territory which lies wHh* in this State, in the fame manner as if he was a citi zen of this State ; and the fume lands may be con veyed by him, and transmitted to and be inherited by his heirs or relations, as if he and they were citizem oj thi) State: Provided, That no foreigner full, in virtue hereof i be entitled to any futthei or other privilege of a citizen Jan. iq. Insurance Company. AT a general meeting (by adjournment} of the Insurance Company of on Wedncfday the 16th inllant, THAT the Instalments which, accordingt# the Constitution, will become due on the iccon® Monday of July and January next, or either of them, may be paid by any Stockholder at an earlier period ; and any Stockholder so pay> n £ iuch inftalmcnt, or instalments, shall receive a proportionate fhareofthe Dividends thereafter to be made, calculating such share from the ft™ day of the month fuccceding luch payments fpe&ively. Extradt from the Minutes, EBEN. HAZARD,Sec/ry. Philadel hi the FEDERAL CITY LOTTERY, May be had at SAMUEL COOPED Terry. »v M.t ~ , ZA , A , low TO be SOLD, og LEASED for seven or ten yeaes THE FOLLOWING ' HOUSES, GEORGE MEADE. It was Resolved, )hia, Jan. 2 TICKETS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers