A New Post-Road. HAVING beendefired to ellibl'.fh a pod road from Reading, in the state of Pe.m fylvania, to Williamlburg, at the Greai Forks- ot «he Genefee river, Notice is hereby given, that proposals will be received at the General P .it- Office, for carrying a weekly mail between Reading and Williamlburg .foiefcid, by the following route, to wit : the Great Road now improving between Reading and the sown of Northumberland J from the latter place to Loyai Sock creek ; thence to Lycoming creek ; ibmce in the new road to the Painted Post, on Tioga river; and thence to Williamfburg. The proposals will be received until the »stli -of March next, inclulively;, the carriage ot the mail to comnicncc within one month aHer v»ards. ' Ncccffary Poft-Officea are to be eftablilhcd on the route, and (uch petfom appointed Poll tnafters as the Contractor (hall name, and the Post maftei-General approve. Within three months after theeamage of this mail is commenced, the Contractor is to state to the Poftmaftcr-Gencral the days and hours of us irrival and departnte at and from the prim ipal Poll-offices, which experience (hall prove to be tnoft convenient; and thereafter the mail is to be delivered at the tefpeftive PolUoffices at the honrs so fixed, unavoidable accidents excepted, On penalty of one dollar for each hour's delay ; and for the non-performance of ■ trip, the Con tractor to forfeit twenty dollars. The term of the contrail cannot exceed eight years. During its continuance the Contractor is to receive the rates of poflageby law eftablithed, »nd to have the exclusive piivtlege of carrying letters and packers for hire, such excepted, as flicll b* sent by 3 special melTenger, or which are •t (hall be bv law declared free. TIMOTHY PICKERING, Y. M.G. General PvJl-OJ/ice, Jtn. 21,1793. Insurance Company. AT a gtneral meering (by adjournment) of the Insurance Company of North-America, on Wednesday the i6th iriitant, It was Resolved, THAT the Instalments which, according to the Conftiiution, will become due on the (econd Monday of July and January next, or either of them, may bt paid by any Stockholder at an earlier period ; and any Stockholder so paymg such inftaltnent, or instalments, (hall receive a proportionate (hare ot the Dividends thereafter to be made, calculating such Glare from the firft day of the month succeeding luch paymenti re fpc&ivelf. Extract from the Minutes, EBEN. HAZARD, Sec'ry. Philadelphia, Jan. 23. BANK OF THE UNITED STATES. Resolved, THAT the Calhier be juthorifed to receive from the proprietor of any number of com pleat ihares, such Ceitificatci, oot in hu own name, 21 he may be the proprietor of; and after cancelling the fame, to issue a new Certificate or Ceitificaies in lieu thereof, in the name of fucti proprietor. Resolves, That in all future transfers ot (S<jmplr»t shares in the capital stock of the Bank, the Certificates of the Mures transferred be can celled, and a new Certificate or Certificates be issued in the name of the transferee or purchaser. Risolvid, That the Certificates in (mate issued, be foi One or more (hares, as the pro prietor tnay.rrqueft ; tnd the new Certificate or Certificates (hall be of correspondent numbert with thofc in lieu of which they arc Cued. ep3 w JOHN KEAN, Cafi.ier. BANK OF THE UNITED STATES. February ift, 1793- WHEREAS foreigners holding Stock, in the Bank of the United States may pre fer receiving their Dividends in Europe, to re ceiving them in America, RESOLVED, That any proprietor of the Capital Stock of the Bank of the United States lefiding in Europe, (hall be entitled to receive either in London or in Amsterdam, the half yearly dividends which may be declared there on—in London at the rate of one pound fterJing for every four hundred and forty-live cent*, or in Amsterdam at the rate of one guilder current money for every forty cents and tour mills—the dividend declared in January of each year, to be paid in London or in Amsterdam on the ft eond Monday ol July following—and the divi dend declared in July of each year, to be paid in London or in Amsterdam on the lecood Mon a.y of January following. Provided, That every such Proprietor (pre vious to the declaring of any Dividend, so to be paid in London or in Amftetdam) (Hall give au thentic notice to the Prcfident and Directors of the Bank at which of the said Cities he will re ceive the said Dividend. By the Prefidcnt and T)ire&ors. JOHN KEAN, Cafkier. Advertisement. Mr. JOSHUA HARHIN, Sir, YOU will pkafe to take notice, that I intend to file a Bill in the ftigh Court of Chancery, in the St«Jte of Maryland, to compel yoti to con vey the following .Trails of LAND, to wit— Harbin's Lot, ontaining one hundred acres of land ; Evans's Ounce, containing fifty acres of land,; Piney Grove, containing fevehty-two and one half acresof land ; and part of James's Tract, containing twenty-five acres ; in tke whole, two hundred and forty-feven and one half acres of land ; situate, lying and being, in Montgomery County, in the State of Maryland ; agreeable to your Bond of Conveyance, entered into by you to me the twenty-sixth day of November, 1781. I am, with due refoeft. thy friend, 'JOSEPH EVANS. Ann Arundel County, State oj Maryland, February 1/?. 1792. (ep tow) A large Cellar to Let, Suficientl> capacious to flore several hundred ban els. Enquire of the Prln tk r r FOR. sale, Sv tit Uijcriicr, *t Wdnnt-Strttt frhtrf, BILL of EXCHANGE Madeira Wine, Fi'for immediate ule, in pipes «t quarter cafUs, TENERIFFE WIN'E, hi pipes, SHERRY WINE, in quarter catks, WEST-INDIA RL'M, e, - and 4 proof, OI.D BRANDY, OLD SPIRIT, COPPERAS, BRIMSTONE, ALLUM, Two Balea 10.4 BLANKETS, and A Bale of MUSLINS. A new 13 4 Inch CABLE, i«o fr.homs long! GEORGE MEADE. Philadelphia, Jan. 19, 1793. 'P 2m TO be Sold, OR leased FO* SIVIN OB TEN VIAil, THE FOLLOWING houses. ONE 00 Walnut-ftieet, near Four«h-ftreet, an feet front, haa two parlours below, the f.om one ail by iyi feet, the back parlour ta 18 by u- feet. The front room op ftaira w a6f bv i7iieet. There are five good chambers m this house, beGdes the *arret it divided into three rooroa,. in two of them there arc fire- places. The other Heufe is 27 feet upon VUlnut ftreet, and .52 feet upon 4 tli street; there a.e two good parlours below, nne of them 25 by 20 1-2 feet, ttie ofher 55 by. 18 t-2 feet, ?nd seven com. plete beri-chamben; besides tht garret is di vided into 4 rooms, 3 of which rooms have (ire. places. The kitchens are good ones, and are under the houses ; the largrt house ha* also a house-keeper's room. It is intended there (hall be a communication from both of theie houses to a nfcighbouring ice-house, Tufiictently large to supply 3 houses. Within 50 /trds of thele houses, there will he compltat stables and coach houses, for both houses ; they will be 'inifced in the mod cornpleat manner, ind tWt keys ready to be delivered early in the fummcr. On paying h«lf the mornjy down (if fold) the oth r half may be paid by inftalmenti, or the whole may remain for 5 years, paying interelt and giving fccurity on the premifefc. For terms of sale or leal'e, »pp>y to the Sub £crik»;r, GEORGS MEADE. Wfto has jer SALE, Sundry Ground Rents, In this city, amountin»totwenty-five poonda fixtcen (hillings 4nd ftx-pencc, per annum. Also, a quantity df 3 AOS, that wilt contain two and a Half and three and a half bulhels. Philartdphi*, fun. 19, i7?a. War Department, JiNVAR* £3> 2793- INFORMATION -re hereby given to all the military Invalids of the United States, that the funis to which they »re entitled for fix months of their annual pension, from the 4th day of September 1792, and which will become due on the rih div ot March 1793, will be paid on th.' said day by the Commiflioneri of the Loans within the flatei refpeftively, under the ufu*l regulations, vie. Every application for payment must be ac. comoaniod by the following vouchers: jft. The certificate givtn by the Hate, fpeeify ing that the person pofleffing the fame is in f»£f »n Invalid, and ascertaining the sum to which, as fucb, he is annually intitled. id. An-affidavit agreeably to the following form : A. B. came before me, one oT the Juflices ofjthe county of in the state of and made oath that he is the fame A. B. to whom the original certificate in his pofleflion was giv. en, of which the following is a copy \'the, cer tificate given by the state to be recited) That he served (regiment, corps or vessel) at the time he was disabled, and that he now resides in the and county of aod has resided there for the last years, previous to which He resided in In cafe an Invalid fhnnld apply for pavmtM by am attorney, the said attorney, hefides'he certificate and oath before recited, must produce a special letter of attorney agreeable to the "fol lowing form : 1, A. B. of county of state of ' do hereby constitute and appoint C. B. of my lawful attorney, to receive in my behalf of my pension for fix months, as an Invalid of the United Stales, Irom the 4th day of Sep tember 1792, and ending the 4th day of March Signed and Seated in the frefence of Acknowledged befora me, Applications of executors and administrators mnft be accompanied with legal evidence of their refpeftive offices, and also of the tim« the Invalid died, whole pension they may claim. By Command of the Prefjdent ot the United States, H. KNOX, Secretary at War. (t3T The Printers in tint refpeSlioe Slates arc re tyejled to publish the abotfc in their Ntwf papers jor the space e>J a months. PLANS City of Washington, So'd bv the Booksellers, OOP.SON, CAREY, WWt,3 CRI'KSHASK. TO BE SOLD BY THE. EDITOR, A TABLE for receiving and paving Gold graduated according to Law—Blank Mnmfefts— And Blankx for ,fhc various Powers ot Attorney niceflary in tranfafting Bufmrfj at lha Treafuiy or Bank of the the United States. -296 BY the Cortirriifllonef! ippoinlid Ifc prejArs the Public Buildingi, 4c. wuhm the City of W»(hin«ion, for the reception of Congreft and for iheir.permanent residence after the year •Bo* — TOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE Federal City. 50,000 Tickets at 7 dollars, are 3J",ooo dollars. Ot TH* A LOTTERY LIST OF PRIZES, viz i Superb Hotel, wiifc baths, ) out houses, &C.&C.IP colt > 1 Cash Prize 1 ditto 1 ditto 1 ditto £,000 arc 1,000 5 00 100 .5° *5 20 10 e ditto 10 ditto 20 ditto ico ditto 200 ditto 400 ditto 1,000 ditte 15,000 ditto 16,737 P'i«» Blanks <0,000 - . r The foledefign of this Lottery being to fact i tate other improvements together witn the Public Buildings—it i»'he particular desire of the Com miff.onera that these may be effefled with as few deductions from the Prir.es as poluble—how far their endeavors may be answered, the Schcme otthe Lottery will demonßrate. The *eys oF the Hotel, when compleat, will be delivered to the fortunate poffefior ot the ticket drawn a. ajraroil hs number. All the other >rizes will be pyd, WttMA JeduCHe*) in or.e mon.'h aj'.rr att 'I the City Trt-afurer !>t Washington, or at luch Bank orSanksas may be hereafter announced. The «1 rawing will commence on Mo»d»v the 9th of Septembei at the City of W.lhing- Tickpte may be had of Col. ttUj. Dit uns, Cuv Treasurer of V.'albington ; of MrfTrc. Janes ijl £3 Co. Baltimore ; of Mr. Vcttr Gilma*, Bolton ; and at such other plates as Will be hereafter publi filed. N. B. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS will be given for the befl Plan of an elegant and con venient HOTEL or INN, with hot and cold Baths, Stables, and other out houses, iJ irej» >te>- nn or cfore tin 10it 'ji djjril nexli and a In ference will be givn to the Anifl for a Con. tract, provided lie be duly qualified to com pleat his plan. The ground on which the Hotel and out houses are to be erected, will be a corner lot of about 90 by SCO feet, with a bark avenue to the (tables, &c. Sefbons and etimates of the expense will be expecteu with the elevations, Ac. ; and 50,000 dollars mult be regarded by the Architeaast.ie utmofl lirtiit in the expense intended lor this purpose. 5. BLODC^ET, Agtnt for thi affairs of the City. Ja.mtry ij« City of Washington. January 7th, i;9g. A NUMBER of Lois in this City will be of fered for sale at aufiion, by the Corumif* Sonera, on the 17th day of September next.— One fourth part of the purchase money it to be paid down, the residue at three equal annual pay ments with yearly interest on the whole princi pal unpaid. JOHN M. GAttTT, Clerk It the Cm'rs. Extrafl of an Afik of the General Assembly of Maryland, concerning the Territory of Co lumbia, and the City ot Wafbington. *• Be it ena&ed, That any foreigner \»y ty deed, or will, hereafter to be made, U\he a-d held lands within that part of theJiid Territory which lies with in this State, iw the fame manner as if kt was a citi zen of this State ; and the fame lands lr<*v b; cot> rcycu by him, and transmitted to and be inherited by his heirs or relations, as if he and tiey were citizens of this State : Provided, That no foreigner shall, in virtue hereof, be entitled to any further or other privilege of a citizen," Jan. ig, A GREAT BARGAIN. FOR Sale, a beautiful fttuation on the Po towmack, adjoining the town of Alexandria and in a line of rtireftion towards the Federal City and George Town,in full view of each place, commanding a profpc&of the fiver aod adjacent country oi Maryland and Virginia, for many miles; about 4/5 or 50 acre* of Land, lying di rcftly on the river, will be fold, with the im provements, which are, a two-story framed " dwelling-house, neatly fmifhed, a kitchen, office, brick smoke-house and dairy, two-uorv trained barn, a well of excellent water, and an ice houte, a yard and garden, neatly railed and highly improved, with a number of other nc ceffary improvements ; trie whole of the Una enclosed with polls and rails, ten or fifteen acres laid down, with different kinds of. graft. Its contiguity tothofe three towns must render it an objrft worthy the attention of any pcrfon who ' wishes to invest money in a property that must enhance in valise, in proportion to the rapid in crease of the Federal City, Alexandria and George-Town. This property lies nearly in a central fuuationtoeach place. The Potowmack at this spot has a fine deep ftvore and harbour, capable of receiving veffeU of ?riy burden. It may not be improper to observe, that men of judgment think a profitable and convenient Ferry might be erected here to the Citv of ; Washington and the Maryland Ihoris leading to Baltimore and Philadelphia.—Also to fell, 215 acres of Wood-Land, about ihree miles distant, which will suit weil to fuooly the above in wood and timber. The title may be seen 10 the above property, which is indifpuiable, and terms known by application to the fab farther, living on the premises. Dtccmier ntk, IJ9I, fun pueifSffto, By Thomas Dobfofi, SioiftUer, at the Sionc-Htufc, in Seuni Jtrt-i Philadelphia, ' ENCYCLOPEDIA: OR, A DICTIONARY OF ARTS,SCIENCES. AND 50,000 The Di»mt,r SCIENCES and ARTS are duelled into the form nl Diflii.a TREATISES or SYSTEMS : ' COMPIIEHtKOIKO *5.000 20,006 13,000 10,000 ito,ooo io,oot> 10', 000 10,000 xb,ooq 10,000 20,0C® I^o,ooo THE History, Theory, and Piaflice, of each according to the Latif! Difcoveiic, , m ' provements : and Full Explanation! given oftbt Various detached pant of Knowledge, whethrr relating to Natural and Artificial Objrfl,, or ,j Matters Eccltfiaftieal, Civil, Military,Commru ctal, &c. Including Elucidations of the matt „ n . portant Topics relative to Religion,MtvaU.Mjn ners, and the Oeconomy of L fe : together with a Dcfcription of all the Countries, Cities, prin cipal Mountains. Seas, Rivers, tc. throughout the World j a General History, Ancient uid Modern, of the different Empiret, Kingdoms and States; and an account of the Lives of the moll Eminent Persons in every Nation, from iht earliest ages down to the present times. Com piled from the writings of the heft inthon, i 4 Several Languages ; the most approved Diftions rics, as well of General Science as of particular branches; the Tranfaftioos, Journals, and Me moirs of the learned societies, both at home tvi abroad—the MS. le&ures of eminent profelfnrs on different Sciences : and a variety of ongmsl Materials, furtiilbed by an extensive Correltjoi:- dence. Dollars 350,000 The Seventh Volume contain* a defcripiioi of Mount Etnj, Eudiometer, tape, rimcntal Philosophy, Syftrm of Farriery, t"»ud»l fyfUm, Fire, fix<*d Air, Fluxions. Food, Fottificj. lion, Foflilj, hiftbry of France, Gardening, Gas, Geneva, Gtography, Geometry, Gilding, GlWfl| &e. with a variety of articles in natural hiftoty, biography and vnifccltanie*. lllufttated *iili Thirty Eight elegant Copperplates. [. The Work i* printing oa a ftiperfint and new types, (cafl for the putpofe) nhiett will be occasionally renewed before they *qii« tra& a worn appearance* 11. The wort it furnilhed in boards, in volumes or half.volumea, as fubferibera chufe;the jrticf ol the whole volumes Hollars each.ot ik half-volumes two dollars and two-thirds ora dollar each. Ten dollars to he paid nn feribing, the volumes or hals-volumes to be paid fftr when delivered, tbr prictof oui volume to be paid in advance, ami tbe price ol each succeeding volume to be paid on d*littr» ing the volume preceding it. jfo ptri 61 ltd work will be delivered urtlefs |>iid frtr. 111. In (he eoutfeof the publication »iH M itt livered about five hundred COppefplfctrS ri«U jointly rngtaved in Philadelphia: which by 1 arc*reed in numberthofe given Id itty WKe# f'cientiSc d iSionary. At the elofe ot (he ptiba lication will be delivered an elegant frttttiU piece, the dedication, preface, and proper li. tie pages for the different . It >s ex pelted the work will b« compriMiil about eighteen volumes in qnarto. Thole who wilh to becomepnfcKors ftl thisvalliable work will plrafr m be rarlyinthtt» applications, as the fubfeription it nearly clotrtf, Jan. »3- Dollars Reward. RAN away on the 15th inltant, a likely Nfc gro Man caller. Isaac, about twenty-three years oid, five feet fix or eight inches high, a well made fellow, fond of talking, Viei a large mouth, and (hows his teeth very much v»hcft talking ; had on when he went away, a brown linen fhift, a short white kersey over jacket with a very high collar and plain bieaft, with buttont ■which appear to have bt'tn very gay j a pair of white kersey breeches, » pair of white knit yara fkockings, • pais of (hoes witfc in and a coarse hat j all the above clothes are mod new. Said Negro was fprmtily the cro perty of Mr. William Tknhsi, Ute of Rent County, near George-Town Cross Roads, d<- ceafcd, and has for fevetal years been eni|ilove4 in that neighbourhood, and principalfy by a Mr. Maxwell, and lately by MefTrs. John and James Carmack, as a waggoner, which bufincfs he is well acquainted w»h, and is what he preferss and tias been engaged in driving a waggon froi* (aid Cross-Roads to Duck-Cteek, &c. until Auguff last. I expea he will make his way for the neighbourhoods of George-Town, Duck* Creek, Dover or Wilmington. The above to ward will be paid if delivered to me in thi» place, or Thirty Dollars if Teemed in any goal, so that I get hioi again. He is an aitfal fellow, and when raken, will make his elcape, unlcfl particularly secured. F.aston, OWEN KENNARQ, Talbot County, ?Aary/<tnJ, Ott. 28, 179"* 1,1 BALDWIN DADE eftm VOLUME VII, o> MISCELLANEOUS LITERATURE, On a Pfan cntir?l\ • »T WHICH CONDITIONS. 200 Dollars Reward. LOST, at Providence, or between Provident* and Boston, a very fm'ill TRUNK, cove '' ■with (cal4kin of a reddish colour, with * spots. It contained » quantity of Souttr »« Noah-Carolina State Notes, and a few or t c State of Rhode. I {land ; with other paperJ.wluc* can only be ferriceable to the prnp>ie'o r - ' State notes are cheeked at the offices tlorn * , thev issued. Any pcrfon producing thi■ T™" (with its contents) to JOHN MARSTON, « Boston, -VfILLIAM HALL, of Prnvidencei Messrs. PA TERSON and BRASHER, Nt«" York, or Mr. SAMUEL EMERY, in phia, (hall receivethe above reward, or lo" 1 part of the prapertv, One Hundred Doll""- Boftoit, Nov. 28. C P TICKETS In the FEDERAL CITY LOffEKh May be had at SAMUEL COOnJ" F« V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers