FOR SALE, By the Subjctiber, at Walnut-Street Whurf, HILL of EXCHANGE Madeira Wine, Fit Tor immediate ule, in piprs & quartet c»lks, TENF.KU'FE WINE, in pints, MIr.RRY WINE, in quarter cask», WEST-INDIA RUM, 2, 3 and 4 proof, OLDIiRANDY, OLD SPIRIT, COPPERAS. BRIMSTONE, ALI.UM, Two Bales 10-4 BLAMKEIS, aud A bale of MUSLINS. A new 13 4 Inch CABLE, 12c fa homs long. GEORGE MEADE. Philadelphia, Jan. 19,1793- e P 2Tn 70 se SOLD, OR LEASED FOA SIV IN OR TI N YEARS) TM tOLLOWI.MG HOUSES. ONE on Walnm-ftieet, ncir Fourth.street, 23 feet (ion!, hat two parlour* below, the finnt one 21$ by 17$ fed, tlie pa.iour i» 18 by 14 (tel. The front room up flairs is 263 by 174 leet. There are live good chambers in this house, befcdes the is divioed <nfo three rooms, in two at them there arc tire places. The other House is 27 fret npon Walnm ftreet, and 5? feet upon 4* h ftrret; there are iwo good parlours below, one of them 25 by 20 1-2 feet, the other 95 by 18 1-2 fret, and fiven com plete bed-chambers; b«fides the garret is di vided into 4 rooms, 3 of which rooms have fire places. The kitchens are good ones, and are under the houses ; the largest house nas *lfo a house-keeper's room, li is intended there ihall be a communication from both of these houses to a neighbouring ice-house, fufficientlv large to supply g houses. Within 50 yards of these houses, there will be complcat ft able* and coach houses, for both hoijfes ; iliey tyill fimfhed ill the nioft cotnpleat manner, and the keys ready to be delivered early in the fuminer. On paying half the money down (if fold) the oth r half may be paid bv iufl.almei»«s, or the whole may remain lor 5 years, paying interefl and giving security on the premiles. For terras of file or leal'e, apply to the Sub scriber, GEORGE MEADE. Who has Jor SALE, Sundry Ground Rents, In thii city, amounting to twenty-five pounds fixtecn shillings and fix-pcncc, per annum. Also, a quan'itv of BAGS, that will contain two and a half and three and a half buthels. Philadelphia, Jan. 19, 1792- (pvm BY the Commiflioneis appointed to prepare the Public Buildings, &c. within the Ci»v of Walhington, ior the reception of Congress and for their permanent icfidence after the year 1800— A LOTTERY FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE Federal City. 50,000 Tickets at 7 dollars, are 350,000 dollars, I4$T OF PRIZES, viz i Superb Hotel, with bath*,? out houses, See.See, to coil ) i Cash Prize 1 ditto 1 dilto 1 ditto 2 ditto io ditto 20 ditto too ditto 200 ditto 400 ditto 1,000 ditto 15,000 ditto 5,000 are 1,000 500 >00 5° 2 5 20 16,737 Piizes 33,263 Blanks 50,000 The sole design of this Lottery being 10 facili tate other improvements together with thePnblic Buildings—it is the particular defirc of the Com miflioncis that these may be efft&ed with as few deductions Irorn the Prizes as poflible—how far their endeavors may be answered, the Scheme of the Lottery will dcir.onllrate. The keys of the Hotel, when complcat, will be delivered tp the fortunate poffdTor of the ticket drawn a agaioft its number. All the other prizes will be paid, without dedudiony in one month after the drawings by the City Treafurcr at Walhington, of at such Bank or Bunks as may be hereafter announced. The will commence on Monday the gth ot Sept cm be i next, at ihe City of Washing ton. Tit kets m»v he had of Col. Wm. Dickens u C\tv iTi eafurrr of Walhington ;of MefTrJ. amcs Wejl & Co. Baltimore ; of Mr. Piter Gilmariy Boston ; and at such other placcs as will be hereafter publifticd. N. B. O&E HUNDRED DOLLARS will be given tor the bell Plan ol an elegant and con venient HOTEL or INN, with hot and cold Baths, Stables, and othrr out houses, if prejented fin or be/ore the 10th oj April next; and a pre ference will be n to the Artist for a Con lia£f, provided lie be duly qualified to compleat his plan. The ground on which the Hotel and out houses are to be erected, will be a corncr lot of about 90 by 200 feet, with a back avenue to the ftablrs, &c. Seflions and eftimatcs of the expense will be rxpe&ed "with the elevations, &c. eomplrat ; and 50,000 dollars must be regarded by the Architect as the utmost in the cxprnl'e intended lor this purpofc. S. BLODGET, Agent for the affairs of the City. fanuar\ iq. A large Cellar to Let, Sufficiently capacious to Jtore ftveral hundred ban els. Enquire ot ihc Paxils*. JUST PUBLISHED, By Thomas Dobfon, HovklciUr, at the in Second jlrect t VOLUME VII, of ENCYCLOPEDIA: OR, A DICTIONARY or ARTS, SCIENCES, MISCELLANEOUS LITERATURE, On a Plan entirely new BY WHICH The Different SCIENCES and ARTS THE History, Theory, and Police, of cacb, according to the Latcft Discoveries and im provements : and lull Explanations given of the various detached parts of Knowledge, whether relating to Natural and Artificial Objects, or to Matters Eccltftalkical, Civil, Military, Commer cial, See. Including Elucidations of the tnoft im portant Topics relative to Religion,Mora!s,Man nrrj, and the Oecouomy of L'le : together with a D Icription of all the Countries, Cities, pi in cipal Mountains, Seas, Rivers, &'throughout the World; a General Hiftoiy, Ancient and Modem, of the different Empires, Kingdoms, and States; and an account of the Lives of the inoft Eminent Per,fons in everv Nation, from the earlielt ages dow nto the present times. Com piled from the writings of the belt author*, in several Languages ; the moll approved Dictiona ries, as well of General Science as of particular branches; the Tranlaftions, Journals, and Me moirs of the learned focietics, both at home and abroad—the MS. ltftures of eminent profeflors on different Sciences : and a variety of original Materials, furnifhed by an extensive Correspon dence. The Seventh Volume contains a description of Mount Etna, Eudiometer, Exchange,' Expe rimental Philosophy, Svftem of Farriery, Feudal fyftcm, Fire, fixed Air,Fluxiorts, Food, Fortifica tion, Foflils, history of France, Gardening, Gas, Geneva, Geography, Geometry, Gilding, Glass, See. with a variety of articles in natural history, biography and mifcellanie?. Illustrated with Thirty Eight elegant Copperplates. I. The work is printing on a fuperfine paper, and new types, (cast for the purpose) which will be occasionally renewed befoie they con trail a worn appearance. 11. The work is lurnifhed in boards, in volumes or half-volumes, as fubferibers chufe; the price of the whole volumes, five dollars each, of the* half-volumes two dollars and two-thirds of a dollar each. Ten dollars to be paid on fub fcribmg, the volumes or half-volumes finifhed to be paid for when delivered, the priceof one volume to be paid in advance, and the price of each succeeding volume to be paid on deliver ing the volume preceding it. No part of the work will be delivered unlefspaid for. 111. In the course of the publication will be de livered about five hundred copperplates ele gantly engraved in Philadelphia: which by iar exceed in number ihofe given in any other fcientific dictionary. At the close of the pub lication will be delivered an elegant frontif piece, the dedication, preface, and proper ti tle pages for the different volumes, It isexpciled the woik will be comprised in about eighteen volumes in quarto. $3" Those who wilh to bccome poflcflors of this valuable work will please to be early in their applications, as the fubfeription is nearly closed. 50,coo 25,000 20,CC0 15,C00 10,000 io,oco 10,000 10,000 10,000 Jan. 23. City of Washington. January 7th, 1793. A NUMBER of Lots in this City will be of fered lor sale at au£lion, by the Commis sioners, on the 17th day of September next.— One lourth part of the purchase money is to be paid down, the rcfiducat three equal annual pay ments with yearly interefton the whole princi pal unpaid. 10,000 10,000 £o,o®o 350,000 Dollars 350,000 Extract of an A£l of the General AfTembly of Maryland, concerning the Territory of Co lumbia, and the City ol Washington. M Beit cna&cd, That any foreigner may by deed or will, hereafter to he made. take and hold lands within that part of the Jaid Territory which lies with in this State, in the fame manner as if he was a citi zen of this State ; and the fame lands may be con veyed by him, and tranfinitted to and be inherited by his heirs or relations, as if he and they were citizens of this State : Provided, That no foreigner shall, in virtue hereof be entitled to any further or other privilege of a citizen Jan. 19, r pHE Suhfcribers having been appointed a X committee of the Board of theTrufteesof the University of North-Carolina, for the pur pose ot receiving proposals from such gentlemen as may intend to undertake the inftru&ion of youth in that institution, take the opportunity of making known to the public their wish ihat such gentlemen should (Vgnity their inclination to the fubferibers. The objc£b to which it is contemplated by the Board to turn the attention of the ftud> nts, on the fir ft establishment, arc—The Uudy of Languages, particularly the Englifh—Hiltory, artcient and mortem —the BclJe-lettres—Logic and Moral Philosophy—the knowledge of the Mathematics and Natural Philolophy—Agricul ture and Botany, with the principles of ArchU tenure. Gentlemen conversant in thtTe branches of Science.and Literature, and who can be well re commended, will reccive very handsome encou ragement by the Board. The rxercifes of the initiation will commence as early as poflible after Ihc completion of the buildings of the Uui vtrfity, which arc to be eontrafled "for immtdi- SAMUEL A SHE, A. MOORE, JOHN HAYE, DAVID STONE, SAM. M'CORKLES. a;clv PHILADELfHIA, AND arc digeifced into the Form of Diitintt, TREATISES OR SYSTEMS : COMPREHENDING CONDITIONS. JOHN M. GANTT, Clerk to the Cem'rs. To the Public. £*5 ep2in 280 Insurance Company. AT a general meeting (by ad journment) of the Company of Noitn-America, on Wednefdiy the i6ih inttant, It was Rcfolved, THAT the InftalmentJ which, according o the Conftiiution, will become due on the fccon Monday of July and January next, or either ol them, may be paid by any Stockholder at earlier period i and any Stockholder so paying iucii inlhlment, or infialmenis, lhall rcce,vt * proportionate Ihareofihe Dividend, 'hcrealter to be made, calculating such share from the firfl day of the month fuccceding Inch payroenu re fptaively. Exiraft fiom the Minutes, EBKN. HAZARD, Secjry. KBttodifphia, Jan. 23. BWKOFTHE UNITED STATES. RtSOI.VID, HPHAT the Cashier be authorited to receive i. from the proprietor of any number of com plex Iharcs, such Certificates, not in his own name, as he may be the proprietor of; and after cancelling the fatne, to ilfuc a new Certificate or Certificates in lieu thereof, in the name of inch F< R Eiolv id. That in all future tiansfers of com pica: fharet in the capital flock of ihe Bank, the Certificates of the Iharen tianslerred be can celled, and a new Certificate or Certificates be issued it) the name of the transferee or purchaler. Resolved, That the Certificates in issued, be foi one or more shares, as the pro prietor may request ; and the new Certificate or Certificates {hall be of correspondent numbers wilh those 'in lieu of which ihry arc issued. ep3 w JOHN REAM, Cashier. BANK OF THE UNITED STATES Philadelphia, January 7, 1793. XTIOFICE i» hereby given, that there will be JN "paid at the Bank, after the 17th instant, to the Stockholders or their Reprefentativcs duly authorized, the following sums, being the Divi dend declared for the lad fix months, viz. For each (hare bearing dividend from the lft of July, Sixteen Dollan. FOl each fharc bearing dividend from the ill of August, Fifteen Dollars, 33 Cents. For each lhare bearing dividend from the ill of September, Fourteen Dollars, 67 Cenis. For each (bare bearing dividend Irotn the ift ofOSobrr, Fourteen Dollars. For each (bare bearing dividend from the ift of November, Thirteen Dollars, 33 Cents For each (bare bearing dividend Irom the ill of December, Twelve Dollars, 67 Cents. For each three-quarter Ibare, Twelve Dollars. By order of the Prelident and Directors, 3W JOHN KEAN, Cashier. A GREAT BARGAIN. FOR Sale, a beautiful fituaiion on the Po towmack, adjoining the town of Alexandria and in a line of dire£tion towards the Federal City and GeArgeTown,in full view of each place, commanding a profpett of the river and adjacent country ot Maryland and Virginia, for many miles; about 45 or 50 acres ol Land, lying di rectly on the river, will be fold, with the im provements, whicti are, a two-story framed d welliiip-houfe, neatly finiftied, a kitchen, office, brick smoke-house and dairy, two-story framed barn, a well of excellent water, arid an ice hou(e, a yard and garden, neatly railed and highly improved, with a number of other ne celTary improvements ; the whole of the land enclofcd with posts and rails, tenor fifteen acres laid down, with different kinds of grass. Its contiguity to those three towns rnuft; render it an object worthy the attention of any person who wilhes to invest money in a property that mud enhance in value, in proportion to the rapid in crease ot the Federal City, Alexandria and George-Town. This property lies nearly in a central situation to each place. The Potowmack at this spot has a fine deep shore and harbour, capable of receiving vefTels of any burden. It may not be improper to observe, that men of judgment think a profitable and convenient F*rry might be ere&ed here to the Citv of Washington and the Maryland shores leading to iMiwrmore aod Philadelphia. — Also *o Cell, 215 acres of Wood-Land, about three miles distant, which will futt well to supply the above in wood arid timber. The title may be seen to the above property, which is indifputablo, and terms known by apolication to the fubferiber, living on the premises, December i2th> 1792. 50 Dollars Reward. RAN away on the #Jjth instant, a likely Ne gro Man called Isaac, about twenty-three yearsoid, five feet fix or eight inches high, a well made tellow, fond of talking, has a large tnouth, and (hows his teeth very much when talking ; had on when he went away, a brown linen ftnrt, a fhcirt white kersey over jacket with a very high collar and plain bread, with buttons which appear to have been vtry gav ; a pair of white kcifcy breeches, a pair of white knit yarn flotkings, a pair of Ihocs with firings in them, and a coarse hat ; nil the above clothes are al most new. Said Negro was fprmcrly, the pro perty of Mr. William Thomas,' late of Kent County, near George-Town Gross Roads, de cviVfd, and has tor several years btien cmploved in that neighbourhood, and principally by a Mr. Maxwell, and lately by Messrs. John and James Carmack, as a waggoner, which buhnefs lie is well acquainted with, and is what be prefers ; and has been engaged in driving a Waggon from (aid Cross-Roads to Duck-Creek, &c. until August last. I expe£l he will make his way for the neighbourhoods of George-Town, Dack- Creek'i Dover or Wilmington. The above re ward will be paid if delivered to me in this place, or Thirty Dollais if fccured in any goal, so that I get him again. He is an'anful fellcfw, and wh<*fi taken, will make his efcapc, unless particularly fccured. Eastok, TaliolCounty, Maryland, Dec. 28, 1790 THE Subscriber will convey forever, by good and fufficient deed, Thirty Lots iu the City of Washington, situated on South Capitol Street, to any man or company of men—provided they will agree to erert there on good and fufficient brick houses, vrittua threj years from the date hereof. THE Officers of the late New-Jeifty iine are requeiltd to meet at the houl ot James Drake, in Ncw-Biunlwick, on Thurfuay ihe tevenih day of February next, at the h<»ur ot Ten in the morning, to take inio application of different lines of the late now before the of the United Siaies. JOHN CUMMING, JONATHAN RHEA. 200 Dollars Reward. LOST, at Providence, or between Providencc and Boston, a very small TRUNK, covered with seal-skin of a reddish colour, with white spots. It contained a quantity of South and North-Carolina State Notes, and a few of the State of Rhode-Hland ; with other papers,which can only be serviceable to the proprietor. The State notes are cheeked at the offices trom whence they iflfued. Any person producing the Trunk (with its contents) to JOHN MARSTON, of Boston, WILLIAM HALL, of Providence, MeilYs PATERSON and BRASHER, New- York, cr Mr. SAMUEL EMERY, in Philadel phia, shall receive the above reward, or for any part of the pr*pertv, OneHundied Dollars. Boston, Nov. 28. eptf. BOWEN's EXHIBITIONS OF W ax- YV ork &Paiiuings, AHE open every day and evening (Sundays excepted) at the House lately occupied by Mrs. Pinl, No. 9, North Eighth-street. First Room—Contains upwards of 103 elegant Paintings, and about 3 3 Wax Figures, in full ftature —among which are Likeneifes of a number of the principal ciiarafters in America; Baron Trenck in chains, an Indian Chief, and several beautiful young Ladies of different States, ftc. &c. Second Room—Contains eighteen large Wax Figures, which form a SocrAiLE Ctiij, or the Oyster Sup-per ; and the School for Scandal, consisting of twelve female making their observations on a youtig Lady, who had eloped with a Footman. Admittance One Quarter of a Dollar eaeh Room. BALDWIN DADE, ep 2 m OWEN' KENNAKD. Federal City. DANIEL CARROLL, of Duddington* City of Wajhinglony Dec. 1792. 61 January 16th, 1793. Philadelphia, Januarys 1793. Mathew Carey Rfefbc£tfully informs the Citizens of the United Stales, 1 Hat the Maps for his iOJ>rndfvi edition of Guthrie's Geography IMPROVED, Are now engraving—awl as fqon as a ftimcient number of them arefinifhed, to secure a re gular supply during the publication, which will piobably be early next Spring, the work will be put to press He returns his acknowledgments to the very refpe£fcable number of Subscribers, who have come forward thus early to patronize this ardu ous undertaking. He assures them and the pub lic in general, that no pains or expeule (hall be spared in the execution of the work. Terms of the Work : I. IT (hall be published in 48 weekly numbers, each containing three sheets, or t\venvy»four pages, of letter press, in quarto, piinted with new types on fine papei. 11. In the course of the work will be deliver ed about thirty large maps, of the fame size as tbofe in the European editions, viz. mod of them (hect maps on post naper. (J3* Bcfidei the maps in the Briti/h editions, this work uuitl contain nine or ten Jm£ncan &tw€ 111. The price of each number will be a quarter dollar, to be paid on delivery. No advance required. IV. Sublcribers who disapprove of the work, on the publication of the three fhft nurnbeis, are to be at liberty to return them, and shall have their money repaid. V. The fubferibers* names (hall be prefixed as patrons of the undertaking. * # * Subscriptions received in Philadelphia by the intended publisher ; in New-York, by all the bookfelleis *, in New-Haven, by Mr. Beers; in Hartford, by Mr. Patten; in Bofton,by Mess. Thomas & Aodiew&, and by Mr. Wert ; in Bal timore, by Mr. Rice; in Richmond, by Mr. J. Carey; in Charlcfton, by Mr. W. P. Young, and by sundry other pcrfons throughout the United States. (lawti) PLANS OF THE City of Wafliington, Sold by the Booksellers, DOBSON, CAREY, YOU KG, (3 CM 'tiWANK. Stock Brokers Office, N0.45, Great Dock-ftrett, New-York, r T" , HE-Subfcribcr intending to confine himfclf I entirely to the PURCHASE and SALE oh STOCKS on COMMISSION, Begsieave to oftrr his lei vices to his friends and others, in the line of a Stock Brokfcr. Those who may please to fa vor him with their bufuiefs,"may depend upon having it tranfa&ed with the utrooft fidelity and , d,ifpatch. Orders from Philadelphia,3ofton,or any other part of the United States will be ftrifUy attend ed to. LEONARD BLEECKER- (c.f.)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers