SdM aill be pultijkedj THE S Y S T £ As or jCcind-) Used byMr. Lloyd,in taking down thr Debates ot Congrefj. A fylteni lo eaty, that any man, of ordinary capacity, may clearly comprehend it in half an hou«, and foun piadiie u, iw »U full eft extent, willful any tuither infttuflion, than what will b conveyed in a lew page*, ■ the whole ART being comprifcd in eighteen Jmpte chat alien, without any of those perplexing, aibiticuv maiks, with which the learners of other fytlems obliged tn burden then me mory, and crnbmafs their practice. Price, to One Dollar—to Non- Subfcribcrs, a Dollar and half. Subscriptions received by Messrs. Rice, Book sellers, Market-Hreet, and by JOHN CAREY, No. 26, Pear-Street. Ha[f a Dollar to be paid at the time of/ul-fcribing. ADVERTISEMENT. Between December \Ji, 1792. William Shipley lln the high CounofCnance- Complainant, > ryot the State ot Ncw- John Meng and o- 1 Jet sty. (hers Defendants. J Prejent, His Excellency the Chancellor. THE Complainant having filed his bill ot Complaint againit the Defendants 'n the month ot September, fevrnteen hundred and ninety-one. and in the laid Bill of Complaint did among other things set forth that the said Com plainant being Icized in his Denulne *s of fee ofand in a certain Ttadl of Land , said to contain nine hundred and thirty acres, situate, lying and being in the townlhip ot Hardwick in the coun ty ol SufTcx in the State of New-Jersey, did on the firft of March teventeen hundied and eighty live, bargain fell and convey the fame in fee lim plc unto John Meng and John Hendcrfon ot ihe city of Philadelphia, -William Goodwin and John Town, for the confederation ot One Thou sand Six Hundred Pounds in Gold or Silver— That on the filth day of the fame month of March the laid feoffees above named did execute unto the said William Shipley a Deed of Mort gage in fee fnnple of the said Tract of Land to secure the payment ol the said lixteen hundred pounds, with the lawful intcrefl which might theieon accrue—That in the year fcveiitcen hun dred and eighty-fix the said John Meng and William Goodwin did become Bankrupts with in the intent and meaning of the a&s ot the Le gifiature ot the Commonwealth of Pcnnfylvania, and luch proceedings were had against them that in the fame mon-h they were duly declared Bankrupts ; and that they the said John Meng and William Goodwin did in some short time afterwards convcy and transfer all their effate both real and personal, and particularly all their right and title to the piemifcs above mentioned to Jo eld, Curtis Clay, James C. Fisher, i .rton, John Kaighn and Arthur Collins V f Philadelphia, fubjcft 10 ihc ' ' 1 a!. . ~ , r j __ • f. v orefaid given to the laid Com p ' .ne said John Field, Cuius' Ciav C. Fiftter, liaac Wharton, John Y .rthur Collins soon after bargained, •ycd all their Rigllt and Title of 1 1 id Trust of Land unto Benjamin i he city of Philadelphia, and John - 0 'j • < o the Mortgage aforefaid— That n h day of O&ober seventeen hun dred , ty-five, the said John Town and Benjlit; r: fwn did execute another Mortgage to the f.iiu William Shipley for securing the pay in. ,t of t v'lve hundred pounds in certain in itcll:n-i'i*»i— : hat in the month of January seven ' hundrt*) and eighty-fix, John Town did ga n and fell in fee finiple ail his Right and to »hc said premif'es, to the said Benjamin Town, fubjeft to the Mortgages aforefaid—That in the month o{ February seventeen hundred and eighty-eight, ihe said Benjamin Town did con vey all hi# Right and "1 itie to the said premife®, to John Field and Curtis Clay of the city ot Phi ladelphia, upon certain Trnfts unknown to the Complainant—That the said Benjamin Town loon after became fiaoktupi, and in purfuancc of the bankrupt laws of the State of Pennlvlva nn, did convey all his elUc real and to a certain Robert Raiflon—That John Hen dcrfon did a!foin the month of September seven teen hundred and eigbty-feven become a Bank an<* unc K r bankrupt laws of tl*: Stdtc ° Peni.fyKania, did aflign .and convey all his real personal to David Lenox, Gco.gc Hughes, Matthew Cla.kfon, Peter Bavnton and j a, d Bache And the Complainant doth in and by hi. hid Bill, p,„y that ,h ,fc having 'g Tto th c fcii d Eftatc may be decreed t<» pay him What is du, on the laid Mortgages, or that Ihc equity ol Redemption be foulofed by the Decree of this Couti. And now upon opening this matter this day by K it hard Stockton, Efquirr, being ofthe com- Tl 'IlVr C ," ll "' C ' —'' appearing to the Court ja e f.nd defendants do rrfide in the State <>' rennfylv,.iia, without the jnrifdiftion ol this DUf, , and it apprai ing tun her to this Court •i-t writs of fubt a'iu h.ive been taken out ac. cording to the course of this Court, that lfie said wnts ot fuhpoena ha y e been duly fetved upon the hid fever., Defendants upwards of one nVf A" i'" y; 8 " rl ,hat "n«<= "f 'he hid u, be et"" 1 h:! or lh < ,ir "ppemnrr I" be entered ,n th,. Court the fui, of the said rxrclle7 am , : " " ,hCrCf ° rC I, V '"« fpnl c/ " ,e Chancellor, that the said' De. to >he n f»if °r\ UfC u' C ' r aopca,ance 10 entered to the ir L vr Complainant according hi,dV" C, ° ' h " Conrt in two f-m confefro'a ° r ki P ' Bin ! iff ' hill be talurn pro the I "n^ rrC • °f ,t,c aa °f T i, J. ,n nc ' l rare "lade and provided nuMi'r mP ' ,, , nan ' Ki * in * no ''" * n * ""ki"? publieationofths r.'leasinaiidbyther.iid ast Ol the Leg-iflaiurc is provided. WJLUfIM PATERSON, ChanttUor. Decmbir iJ?, i-q ? 03" The price of tins (.an lit n H,,„ Oi>l/t r < uj io k t "" 1 a: " ,e »** "//<*' A GREAT BARGAIN. F}R Sale, a beautiful situation on the Po- lowinack r adjoining the town of Alexandna and in a I nit* of oirettion towards the Federal City and George Tow n,in full view of each place, commanding * profpeft of the river and adjacent country o! Maryland and Virginia, tor many miles ; about 45 or 50 acres ol Land, lying di icftly on the uver, will 'be fold, with the im provements, which are, a two-story framed d wc Uing-houfe, neatly finilhed, a kitchen, office, bnck smoke-house and dairy, two-story Iramed barn, a well ot excellent water, and an ice houle, a yard and garden, neatly railed and highly improved, with a number of other ne- improvements ; the whole of the land enciofed with poftsand rails, tenor fifteen acres laid down, with different kinds of grass. Its contiguity to those three towns rnuit render ii obj< 61 worthy the attention of any pei (on who wishes to invest money in a property thai must enhance in value, in proportion to the rapid »n ---creafe of the Federal City, Alexandria and George-Town. This property !ics nearly in a central situation to each place. The Potowmack at this (pot has a fine deep Ihore and harbour, capable of receiving vcflels of any burden. It may not be improper to observe, that men of judgment think a profitable and convenient Ferry might be ere£ted here 10 the City of WaHiingion and the Maryland (Horef leading to Baltimore aod Philadelphia.—Alio to fell, ii 15 acres ol Wood-Land, about three niiles distant, which will fun well to supply the above in wood and limber. The title maybe seen to the above property, which is indisputable, and terms known by application to the fubferiber, living on the pre.mifes. BALDWIN DADE. ' BANK OF THE UNITED STATES.' Philadelphia, November 20, 1792. THE Stockholders of the Bank of the United States are hereby informed, that according to the statute of in.orporation, a general cle&ion for twenty-five Direst >rs will be held at the Bank ef the United States, in the city of Philadelphia, on Monday the fevrnth day oi January next, at ten o'cock in the forenoon. And puifuan to the eleventh fesion of the Bye-Laws, the Stockholders of the said Bank aie herebyjnotificd to afTemble in general meeting at the fame place, on Tuesday the eighth day of January uext, at five o'clock in thf evening. By order of the President and Dire&ors, JOHN KEAN, Cashier. GEOGRAPHY. Mathew Carey Refpe£lfuliy submits to the Citizens of the United States, the following PROPOSALS FOR PUBLISHING BY SUBSCRIPTION'. An AMERICAN EDITION of Guthrie's Geography IMPROVED. Of which theje are the terms : 1. TT (hall be pubtilhed in 48 weekly numbers, X each containing thiee Iheets,or twenty-four pages, of letter press, in quarto, printed with new types on fine papei. 11. In the course of the work will bedelivered about thirty large maps, of the fame size as those in the European editions, viz. mod of them sheet maps on poll paper. (p?" Bejtdes the maps in the Britijh editions, this work will contain maps of as many of the United States as can be readily procured, executed by the bell engrav ers in the United States. 111. The price of each number will be a quar. ter dollar, to be paid on delivery. No ad. vance required. IV. The work will be put to press as soon as 700 copies are fublcribed for. V. Sublcribers who disapprove ol the work, on the publication of the three firft nutnbeis, are to be at liberty to return them, and fliall have theii money repaid. VI. The fubferibers' names shall be prefixed as patrons of the undertaking. Perhaps there is no science more entertaining and uleful than geography. It reveals the difco venes of travellers—the remarkable curiofitiet of all countries, in nature and art—the fttuation ot provinces, c.lics, towns, villages, livers, & moun tains—in fine, the history, manners, customs, laws, forces, revenues, and government of diffeient na- tions. It is an old observation, that " there is not a son or daughter nf Adam, but has tome concern with g-ography;" and that a knowledge of this fciencc IS indispensable towards the study of liif. lory with advantage or fatisfaftion. indeed a man unacquainted with it, cannot discourse on the mo ft common topics of the day without betraying his ignorancc. So much for geography generally. With re- Ipccl to the present plan, let it fuffice to remark that Guthrie's Geography has been long acknow.' I edged to be the best in the Englift language ■ however, the account of America u, „ has, from obvious reasons, been very erroneous and defec "q'j Th< : errorsof former editions will be cor re6lcd, and the defea s supplied, by gentlemen of abilities who have engag-d to fu;,rnntend th's undertaking, ar.d to avail themselves of all the in. lor,nation that can he procured, to rtndrr ,t me molt complete edition extant. 1 he Printer earnestly solicits the support of his' fellow-citizens throughout the United Stan s: ami as no depolit is required, and ever T fublcribtr will he Ihoi'itd'dV 0 WUhd, '; w . his •!", on tri,l. he Ihonld d,f a p pr.,ve ol ihe work, he hopes th< i -enis ot science, and of Atnevican arts and ma "ulnftures, will cheerfully and early patronize M bI I WOrkl ,hC S ' eat< " 3 " d "VXI, pr, bahly, ever yctaucmp.ed in America, in the tvpr g JD'iu,! 1 r,-, tl, ; h.icvelnpxdia cxreptrd. ADVi RTtSKMENT. jl; ' Gaz """p''l>liJ>ieJin North Fifth-Street Mr. 34 ieUoe;, High and Mn/l>erry Streets—where the Lditot norv refutes. A LARGE. CFLLAR TO LET a#-«(/, capaacus '".florejtvero! hundred barreh £iiqui/c us dhcvc. 228 Stock Brokers Office, N0.45, Great Dock-flreet, New-York, THE Subscriber intending to confine himfelf entirely to the PURCHASE akd&ALE of STOCKS an COMMISSION, Begs leave ro oiler hi* services to his friends and otheis, in the line of a Stock Broker. Thole who may please to fa vor him with their bufmefs, may depend upon having it tranfaded with the utmott fidelity and dispatch. Orders from Philadelphia,Bofton, or any other part of the United States will be ftri 6ll y attend ed to. Ma v 2. NEW TEAS. IMPERIAL,HYSON &SOUCHONG, Ofthe very fiiU quality, and latest importation from Canton, via New-York, by retail,at No. 19, Third, between Chefnut and Market Streets. N. B. A jew Boxei oj the above HYSON for sale. To the Public. THE fubfcribe r begs leave to acquaint the pub lic in general, and his customers in particu lar, that he has entered into partnerfhtp with Mr. HENRY KAMMERER, and that the Print ing bufmefs in the English and German languages is now carried on under the firm of STEINER and KAMMERER, No. 85, in Race-ftieet, be tween Second and Third-streets. The German Newspaper will he published by them, as usual, on TucfJays, and all kind of Pi int ing work done with care and expedition. MELCHIOR STEI\ T ER. Philadelphia, Nov. 6, 1792. PLA N S OF THE City of Wafnington, Sold by the Booksellers, DOBSON, CAREY, \OUNG, & CRUKSHANK. John Gould, HAIR-DRESSER, INFORMS his friends and the public in gene ral, that he continues to carry onhis buiinefs as usual, at No 1, South Third-Street, near Market-Street, his formercuftoiners for the favors he has received. Said Gould has for sale, an infallible cure for Weak or Sore Eyes, which on trial, has and will be found to answer the purpose.—He has it in vials from one quarter of a dollar to a dollar.— Any person trying the above, if not found to answer the character given, the money will be returned. [tf] • A further Caution. ALL per ons are hereby cautioned Irom receiv ing of Thomas Mackie & Co. or any other person, tour Notes of Hand, given by the late James Gardner, of Wilmington, North-Caiolina, to Samuel Jackson, of Philadelphia, all bearing date ihe 19th July, 1785, amounting in the whole to £. 2,600 13 3 North-Carolina currcncy; the great eft part of which said Notes have been paid 'o said Thomas Mackie & Co. in proof of which ■he lubfcribeiy have the deposition of Mr. Jaffa Mauduit Jackson, and other documents which will .'ully and clearly illustrate the matter. It is therefore expected that this notice, with the one advertised in this paper in May and June, 1 79 1 » a fufHcient caution to the public. THOMAS WRIGHT, ) ROBERT SCOTT, C Executors. MAR. R. WILLKINGS, ) Wilmington, (N. C.) Aug. i, 1792. (tarogm) TO BE SOLD, A Plantation, LYING on the river Delaware, miles above 1 renton, containing 165 acres ; whereon is a dwelling-houfe,pleafaiuly situated, 36 by 24 feet, having three rooms with fire-p'.aces on the lower floor, and four above, one of them with a fire piace ; a kitchen adjoining, near to which is a re markable large fpnng of excellent water, accom modated with a good ; a bain 36 feet by 26; a waggon,chair and smoke-houses, besides other ufeful out-builcSings ; a large orchard, chitfly of grafted fruit. The farm is well watered, and has a proportion of wood and meadow land, thro' which the road runs that is known by the uame of the River Road. On the Picmifes is also ercftcd, A Grift-Mill, In the midst of a good wheat country, on a never tailing ftreain ; the mill-houfc is 54 by 24 feet, has one water-wheel, a pair of burrs and a pair of Cologne iloncs, rolling screen, bolts for merchant and country woik, &c. and i- accommodated with a cooper's fht p, 18 feet square, near the mill — which is about 300 yards Irom the Ddawate, and vc y conveniently (ituawd to receive wheat, &c. from boats palling down the river. There are also for Sale, 20 Acres of Wood-Land, within leli than a quarter of a mile of the above mentioned Plantation, which lies in a fine hieh healthy country.—For terms apply to the sub- Yribcr on the premises. ia wtf) Trenton i Offober, 1792 TO BE SOLD BY THE EDITOR, A TABLf. for receiving and paying Gold-»- gradunvd according to Law—Blank Maritefls— And Blanks for the various Powers of Attorne> 1' f( 'H'iry in tranfa£hng Biifm, ft at the Tteai'ur y 01 the Bank of the United State*. LEONARD BLEECKER. JOHN MOTT. (idW^lj BOWEN's exhibition's ok W ax- W ork&Paintino-s A RE open every day and everfirg (Sutaav, I, A/r 6 * o at tHe H ° Ule late!v "tCUpicil by Mrs. Pine, No. 9, North Ei-hth-ftr«e[ First Room—Contains upwauls of 103 elegant Paintings, anri about 3o"tt'ax Figure in full itature—among which are Likeuelfes of a number ot the principal character, j„ Ameiica; Baron Trenck in chains, an Indian i' r and ievera! beaiitil'uf young _U d;es ot ' different States, tf c. &c. &COND Room—Contains eighteen large Wax Figures, which form a Sociable (u b 01 the Oyster Suppek ; and the School tW ocanpa l, conilfting of twelve fematlt i • - u rc s making their obJervations on a young Lad/ who had eloped with a Footman." ° Admittance One Quarter oj a Dollar each Rooifl. books, PRINTED AND SOLD BY M A T H E VV CAREY, No. 118, Markil-Slreet, Philadelphia. i. A MERICAN.MUSEUM,f.omit.commence. I A. me.u hi January 1787, (o June 170 a elevfn vols. Price, neatly bp u iid and lettered seventeen dollars and three filths. This work, wh'ch is how conducted on an im. provid plan, containing the best pieces pul■ 11 fh.d for and against the proceedings ol government will be found to contain at leaf! as gli al a variety of political, agricultural, and mifee i neous tjfa\s as any ever puhiifhed in Amertra. Perhaps, nm ! one work are so many valuable docurm uts refpett ing Ihehilloiy of this country, collcftec! together. His Excellency the Prelideni of the United Slates has declared of ir, that "a more ufelul liunry plan has never teen underlain in America, nor one more defeiving ot public encouragement." The fubfeription is two dollars and a haif per ann. Geniletneo in the country who wish 10 be supplied with this woik, aic rc t| ueft<tl to glvc commillion to friends in the city to lubfcribe lor and receive it- Any of the hack iinmhcr, may be had in order to complete sets. 2. Sm it I, 's Letiets so Married Women, or. Nm f ;ng and the management of Children. " We recommend these letters to the prrufat of those to whom thev are particularly add 1 effee:." Monthly Review, vol. 38, p. 101 — Puce, bound, 62 \cents. I 3 Duncan's Elements of Logic-—75 cents. 4. Beauties of Fielding—eo cents. I 5. Beauties of Blair—so ctnis. i 6. Ladies' Pocket Library, containing Mist More'sEffays, Gregory's Legacy, Lady Penning ton's Advicr, Marchioness of Lambert's Advice, Swift's Letter to a newly married Ladv,Mit.Cha ponc on command at Temper, Morc's Fables for I' lie Ladies, Price 6/55. 7. Smith's Hiilory of New-York. Piiceadol lar and a quarter. 8. Elements of Moral Science, by James Beau tie, L. l D. pi ofeflpr of moral philofoyhy and logic in the Matifchal College, Aberdeen— Prict three-fourths of a dollar. Of this book th« Critical Reviewers (vol. 69, p. 628) fay : "VVe have (een nothing on these iubje&s more plain, ;nore pcrfpiruous, or more generally ufeful." N T . B. It 15 introduced into the Univerfiiy in Phi ladelphia. , 9. Beauties of Poetry. Price four-filths of • dollar. IC. Blair's Sermons. Pricc two dollars. .11. N ckfi'sTrearjfc on the impoTianccof Re ligious Opinions.—Price four-fifth* of a dollar. 12. Exam mation of the Obfcrvations of Lord Sheffield on American Commerce—Price, on vciy fine paper, 5 8t hs of a dollar. 13. Ihe Conditutions of the fevcral United States, with the Federal Constitution, &c. Price five eighths of a dollar. 14. M'Fmgal. Price three-eighths of a dollar. American Jtft Book. Pi ice three-fifths of 16. G lla do'jarden of the Soul. Price half a dollar. 17 The Doway Translation of the Vulgate Bi bl< , in quarto— Price,elegantly bound and lcttei cd, 50/2—plain, fix dollars. 18. Devout Chriltan'r Vadc Mccum— Pure * quaucr dollar. i - Think well on't. Puce a quarter dollar, - t..: n.:. ts __ .. r» _: c i'- > ' 20. Christian Kconony. Price > fittl: of a doiiar. 21. History of Charles Grandilon, abridged— Pricc a fixili of a dollar. 22. Poems by Col. Humphreys—Price a ihird of a dollar. 23. Sc!c£l Poems, chicfly American—Price a sixth of a dollar. Said Car k Y # has for sale, a large afTortment ef Books, European as well as American editions, which he will dispose of on the mod icafonable terms. Country gentlemen, who favor him with commands, may depend upon being fupplicd :a the mod fatisfactory manner. A liberal allowance to such as purchase quantities for public libraries or to fell ag.iin. For Sale, at No. 34, North-Fifth-Streer, AN ALPHABETICAL LIST of the Dutifi payable on all Goods, Wares and due imported into the United States; exhibiting the Rates payable on those imported in Ships or Vessels of the United States, and in Foreign Ship* or Vetfels; including the additional Dy-tic* !• which the refprftive Articles are liable. THE EDITOR-TO HIS SUBSCRIBERS. THE Arrearages oj SubscriptionsJor this Gazettf have been for a long timr acenmu'ating. The ex pences oj the publication are great and inevitable, and have annually amounted to much more than the receipts for fubferiptions ; the eonfejuenees mufl bt obvious. The Editor has no other rrjnurce than those arrearages, todifcharge the debti he has been obligfi to incur in profecuttng the publication. He is therejore necejjitated to repeat his afjphca ? tion to those who have received fuffjeription money on account oj the Gazette, and those who have not what is due, to make remittances as soon as pofjiblen On theje rcceipts> the continuation of this Gatette, 0- the plan of an extensively circulating pater W lately fujpcndtd,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers