FROM A LATE HALIFAX PAPER. Exlraß from the Proceedings of the venerable Society Jor propagating the Go/pel in Jortigu parts. " TN the lait year's abftradt it was mentioned, 1 that Mi". James Frafer was gone attendant upon the Negroes to Sierra Leona, with an al lowance of 50 guineas from the Society. " That experiment had turned out very con trary to the expectations of those who were in duced from the belt motives to plan and encou rage it. Mr. Frazer's health has been so mucli injured by the undertaking, that he was con strained to retufn home ; and though n> an y months have elapsed since, he has not yet found the blefling of a perfect reitoration. While he was there he wrote two letters to the Society, ot the refpedtive dates of July 22 and September 15, 178? : In the former he expresses his concern, that there was no likelihood of a permanent fet tleinent, from a variety of causes, some of them unavoidable, and others unfortunate. They had the misfortune to arrive just at the commence ment ot the rainy season, so that the blacks could neither build comfortable huts lor their fecui ity, nor raise grain to supply provisions when their allowance from government should be exhaulted. The unhealthinefs too of the climate added great ly to their misfortunes. This proved tatal to Mr. Irwin, their conductor, the fchool-malter, and 20 other white people, and 30 blacks ; be sides, that 140 died in the voyage : and of the 330 persons then remaining, there were no less than 150011 the lick lift. This had so prejudiced the blacks, that many of them then proposed to work their palTage to the Weft-Indies, after their provision should be expended, which would not last more than five or fix weeks. In the second letter he said that the condition ot things was ■very little altered ; their number was diminished ; the whites were still sickly, and the blacks, tho healthier, were still far from being reconciled to the place, or attentive to the cultivation of their lots of land ; that they had sown little or jlo feed, had built few comfortable houses for themselves, nor any house for Mr. Frazer, or tor public worship, and that they were very little disposed to remain in the settlement. Soon after this, he came home in a very ill state of health." Joseph Anthony, & Son, HAVE FOR SALE, At their Store, No. 5, on Chejnut-Strect Wharf t AFEW puncheons choice old Jamaica Spirits, Grenada, St. Kins and Nevis Rum, Port-au-Prince, Cape-Francois and Surinam Molafles, Coffee, Colon, and Pimento, Hyson and Souchong Tea, of the fi'ft quality, Cloves, Cassia, and Bolton Chocolate, Spermacseti Candles and drained Oil, Salmon and picked Mackarc), Bollon Beef and Burlington Pork, Russia and Boston Canvas, A few bales excellent Hops, Myrtle Wax Candles, St. Martin's Salt, Madeira Wine, in pipes, hogfoeads and quarter casks, And a few cafcs old Batavia Arrack, February 8. 17Q2 IMPERIAL HYSON,SOUCHONG, andBOHEA TEAS, REFINED SUGARS, COFFEE,&SPICES,&c.&c Of ihe firlt quality—by retail, No 19, Thircl->Street,between Chefnut and Market Streets Dismal Swamp Canal Company. PROPOSALS for cutting a Canal from the waters ot Elizabeth River in Virginia, to those of Pafquotank in North-Cam,ina, or lor conducing the woik, will be icceived until the ninth day' of Aptil next, by Robert Andrews, of Williamfburg ; Thomas Newton, jun. and Daniel Bedinger, of Norfolk, in Virginia ; by- John Cowper, of Gates County ; and Benjamin Jones, of c'sm clen County, in North-Carolina. The length of the Canal will be about fixieen miles; the country through which it will p d fs. is swampy, Iree from stones, and covered with heavy wood. T> e Canal is to be thirty-two feet in width, and eight leet at .'call in depth, below the furface of the earih, and capable of being nav gated in dry seasons, by vciTels drawing thiee leet water. Good fecuiitv will be required ot contraaors; and persons making application to be employed as managers, muit produce certificates (from charaders of reusability) of the, qualifications for a bufintfs of this kind. By o.dcr o[ the Pr.-fidem and Directors WIU.IAM A. BAYLLY, Clerk, f'-pIC)A) Nor J '/i, January 21, 1792 American Lead Manufa&ory. STEPHEN AUSTIN, &Co HAVE jufl now opened their Lead-War EH0 USE , IW ' 0 door, fouthof\. alnut-flreei Wharf, adjoining their New Fafloiv— where they have now made, and leady for fair, a oeneral a(T,L rncnt of SHOT ol all sizes, with SHEET and BAR I EAD ,h production of the Mire, in Virginia. As they have employed . number of experienced Engl,lb wo, km.-,,, they wa,™, it be equal in quality to any manufafturcd ,n Europe, and at a reduced price from the cost of imported. "ucec They alio continue to inanufaflurc all the above =r,;.i Xichmond, in Virgin,a. All orders addressed «o luher of the tTeft notTce"' " 3 " d "«««» - N. B. Wanted, indubious, foher, Labouiinp Men ar ihr f A Mines, where constant employ, good wages, and othe,VncouriK tiients will be given, means of conveyance being provided and" houieA tor their reception. ' Eo, further particulars enquire of MciTrs. MosisAut , ~ A r at their Fa&ory in Richmond, or as above. « Philadelphia, December 3, 1791. \ ' TO BE SOLD, BY JOHN CAREY, No. 26, Pe A R-St R E ET, A COLLECTION OF Scarce and Valuable BOOKS, Which may be fcen every day, until five o'clock, p. m. Among them are the following : Folic. TTOMER, Xeuophon, Plato, Plutarch, Eufebius, Sozo ll men, Theodorcr, Virgil, Horace, Livy, Tacitus, Patei culus, Pliny* Concordantia Lit; Concordantia G,r. Thesaurus Ci ceronis. Biblia Junii and Tremtllii. Bible de Mart in, Weill's Maps, Scapul«e— Phavoriui—Martinii —Hoffmani Lexica, Voflii Etymo logicon, Aniiquit. Erclef. 3ritannicae, &c. Quarto. Pindar, Cyropjedia, Beniley's Horace, Terence and Ph&dru*, Ovid, Juvenal, M'amlius, Ciceronisop. om. Caifar, Su etonius, {ulius Pollux, Hederici Lexicon, Voflii Ars Gram. Cluve rii Geographic, Justinian Code, See. Octavo et infra. Homtr, Anacrcon, Aristophanes, Longinus, Theophraltus, Hcfiod, Poetae minores Gr. Ifocratt.% Phalaris, va rious editionj of Horace, Viigil, Terence, and Ovid, Tibullus, Plau rus, Lucan, Martial, Claudian, Val. Flaccus, Aufonius, Buchanan, Sallutt, Curtius, Flosus, Juitin, Val. Maximum, A. Gellius, Hilt. AuguiL Scriptorcs, Eng/ifo and French Tranjlations of fame of the ClafTics, a great variety ot Greek and Latin Grammars, See. See. Catalogue.® may be had of MelTrs. Rice & Co. Booksellers, Maikct-ilrcet, or of October 31 Public Securities, Bought and Sold, on C O M M I S S I O N, by SAMUEL ANDERSON, Chefnut-Street, next door to the Bank, No. 97, John Pintard, SIVORN BROKER & AUCTIONEER, PURCHASES and SELLS PUBLIC DEBT of everydefcription,on Commifion, at the following rates: ON the fpecieamount of all sales at auction, one eighth pei cent. On ditto at private sale or purchase, ong-kaj per cent. On remittances, ditto. Receiving interest at the Loan-Office, one percent, on the amount of the interest. For making transfers at ditto, feventy-five cents per transfer. {(3T Such persons as may incline to favor the fubferiber with their orders, may rclv on their being executed with punffualily, fidelity and dispatch. His long experience and extenftve dealings in the public (locks, together with a well eflahlilhed correspon dence throughout the United States, enable h m to conduit his operations with peculiar benefit to his employers. JOHN PINTARD, New-York, No. 57, King.Street. OElobcr 15, 1791 A LOTTERY, TO raise the sum of £. 750 for the purpose of repairing the Protestant Episcopal Church in the city of New-Bt unfwick agreeable to an ast of the Legislature or the State of New- Terfey' pal Ted November 1791. 1 1 2 5 10 3° 9° J 675 1814 P r, zfs. Blanks. f -p, 533i Tlck "*' at 3 Dollars each, is 16002 Dolls This Lottery is compofcd of 5334 Tickets, not two Blanks to one Prize, and fubjeft to a deduction of twelve and an half her cent, whicn is more favorable to adventurers than any Lotter v vet otiered to the public—and it being of such evident utility, that it cannot be doubted but the undertaking will meet with the iroft liberal support. " f eD4w~| The diawing will commcncc on the second Monday in Aoril or fooncr if the Tickets are d.fpofed of, the city „f New-, under the .nfpefl.on of Col. John Bayaid, Preliden, of bid city; James Parker, Esq. Mayor of the cuv of Ainl.nv . and Archibald Mercer, Esq. Deputy Governor of the Mauufa&url tng Society of New-Jersey. Tickets to be had of the following persons, who are duly aD pointed Managers, arc under oath, and haye given security for the faithful performance of their duty. ' A lift of the fortunate numbers will be published, and the prizes paid immediately alter the drawing of The Lottery JOHN' PARKER, ) PETER KEENON, ' Managers MRU . . ANTHONY W. WHITE, $ N. B. rhofe prizes are not -lemanded within fix month, after the drawing of the Lottery, will be confidt-r, A „ donation to the Church. generous New-B run [wick, January 9.0, 1792 TT O iJ i. SOLD, HAT beauhlul and elegant iituanon on the banks „f the Po loniack, adjoining the town of Alexandria, whereon the ful> fenber now reiido; about 2tor on acres k rij , , lion from Alexandria to the other two towns Sho n :ommu " ,c ' 1 - offer bcloie the 15th of Februarv nevt a 1' " 1 3 P urc heler had. An indilputable title clear ol all i'n k" P a 'S'""n«y be bv .he fubh nber. IwMa Lfd ' ,h 7 bC ma<ie Wood Land, about , m'l« difi , P ', a "'. 220 Ac '« °< port the above in wood and timber. ' * ' C ' W ' U fu,t wcl! 10 lup- Dectmbtr 14, 1 - Q ,. j about 16 agej t£>kwuhhfmT MORRIS cloth coat and brecchcs cordurm- l- ."™ ' ho,l,c fp"ii homespun shirts, two pa,r ihocs and Com' 7° ft ,° ckin S s > ,wo Juppofed he went on board v" ITT^' R«d a y U -ina W nd.- '> *" g " to h.. m.fte, again, £h»ll ,c«.vc Two "rdTy him benjamin holme. 340 SC H E Prize of Dollars is 2600 200© 1000 500 200 100 .50 20 4 Baldwin dads. SALES Of the real Estate of JOHN KIDD, late of the Townfhipof Benfelem, intheCounry of Bucks Esquire, deceal'ed, pursuant to the Directions of his last Will and Testament. OM Tu< fdav the 27th of March next will be exposed to v Sa!e, by way of Public Vendue, on the premises—One exceed ingly valuable and highly improved Farm, containing about two hundred and ninety-nine acres, situate on the river Delaware; on which is ere&ed a handsome two-story brick house, with a new piazza in the front, two kitchens, a good barn,ilahles, h<ty-houfe and other convenient outhoufrs. A good orchard of the best kind of grafted fruit, now in its prune; a large garden well fenced in and in good order; and a lh;td and herring fifhery before the dooi This place is remaikably w ell timbered, has a fufficiency of tnca* dow, a large front 011 the river, and runs back to the polt-road. One other very valuable Farm, adjoining the above ; coi.taininrf about two hundred and (even acres, the greatelt part of which is wood-land. There are on this farm a good house, barn, itablesj and other outhouses, with a young thriving orchard of the belt grafted fruit, and a lhad and herring fifhery. It has long been a well accustomed tavern; and the feriy belonging to it, known by the name of Dunks's, is noted for being well kept and much fre quented. Both the aT)ove places afiord the belt profpt&s 011 the xiver, and are remaikably healthy. One other small Farm, containing about fixty-thrce acres, situ ate in the township of Southampton, in the sounty aforefai'd ; on which are erected two log-houses. There is a small orchard, and a great fufficiency of wood-land and meadow ground. JOHN CAREY (eo tf.) One Lot, containing four acres, situate on the great pod-road leading from Philadelphia to New-York, and ten miles from the former. On it is a good log d welling-houfe, and work-{hop ad joining, with a well of excellent water at the door: now in the tenure of the Widow Ward. Also, at the fame lime and place, will be fold all the remaining Stock, Houfhold-Furniture, Farming Utcnfils, and Wheat in the ground. N. B. The conditions of sale will be, one-third of the purchase money to be paid down, and the remainder m two yearly pay ments with interest. Januar Y 2, 1792. INFORMATION is hereby given to all the military invalids of the United Slates, that the sums to which they are intitled lot fix months of their annual pension, tiorn the 4th day of Sep tember, 1791, and which will become due on the $ih day of March, 1792, will be paid on the said day by the Commiflioners ofr the Loan* within the Rates refpe£tively, under the uluai regu lations, vi z. Every application for payment mull be accompanied by the following vouchers^ lft. The certificate given by the state, fpecifying that the per son po(lVfling the fame is in fa6f an invalid, and afcertaimng ».nc sum to which as such he is annually entitled. 2d. An affidavit, agreeably to the following form : A. B. came before me, one o* the Jufticesof the county of in the state of and made oath that he is the fame A. B. to whpm the original certificate in his pofieflion was given, of which the following is a copy (the certificate given by the ftaie to be re cited) That he served (regiment, corps or veflel) at the time he was di sabled, and that he now resides in the and county of and lias reiided therefor the last years, previous to which he resided in 1000 1000 In cafe an invalid should apply for payment by an attorney,the said attorney, belidtsthe certificate and oath before recited, mult produce a fpceial letter of attorney agreeably to the following form: I, A. B. of county of Hate of do hereby confli tute and appoint C. D. of my lawlul attorney, to receive in my behalf of my pcnfion for fix months, as an invalid of the Uni ted States, from the fourth day of September, one thousand (even hundred and ninety-one, and ending the fourth day of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two. 1000 1000 I .s*° 1800 6700 16000 Applications of executors and administrators mull be accompa nied with legal evidence of their refpeftive offices, and also of the time the invalids died, whose pcnfion they may claim. By command of the President of the United State.*, H. KNOX, Secretary of War. ?1 he Printers in the. refpe£tive ftatcs are rcqucftcd to publilh the above m their newspapers, for the space of two months. . . Annapolis, January 1, 1792. ta Meeting of the Visitors and Governors of St. Jon n's College, «n the State of Maryland, on Thursday the loin of Novem ber tall, 1 RESOLVED, 1 this Board, at the quarterly meeting in May next, pro cced toelca a Vice-Principal of St. John's College. 1 hat it he the duty of the Principal and Vice-Piincipal, t® teach tome of the higher Authors in Latin and Greek, certain parts of the Mathematics, Logic, and Moral and Natural Philoso phy ; and that ihe departments of the fa id Principal and Vice- I 1 incipal (hall hereafter be alcertained with precision, on consi derations of their mutual convenience and refpc&ive qualifications. I lat the Vice- Principal shall be eniitied to receive, for his (cr vices, a salary of three hundred and fiftv pounds, current money, ratrng dollars at 7/6 each, to be paid quarterly. 1 >at unions defuous of, and qualified for the appointment of ice-1 nncipal, br, by public advcrtifcmcnt. rc que fled to make ap plication to Mr. Charles Wallace, Mr. Charles Cairoll of Carroll ton, and Mr. Alexander Contee Hanfon, all of the city of Anna- P olls - By order of the Board, JOHN THOMAS, Piefident. N. B. Ihe fundamental Laws of St. John's College prohibit all preference on account of religious tenets or opinions. s the appointment of a Vice-Principal is alone wanted, to com pleat the plan of this rising seminary, the Board will certainly }' r ' )CCf to eleflion at the llated time; provided a person qua .hed, in iheir judgment, for this important Ration, can be pio curs .' ' personal attendance of the candidates, although not positively required, will beohvioufly proper. It mav be ufelul to remark, that the falaviesof all the profeflois a " l ' ac "ers have hitherto been paid withentire punctuality ; and t e timds of St. John's College produce a certain annual in comr, uperior to all the appropriations, which have been, or pto bably will be made. [cp3m] nf nntcrs newspapers throughout the United States, are earue ly requeued to in Pert the above resolve and remarks — an to tepeat the publication as often as convenience will permit. A TART FT° RE S ° LD ® Y ™ E ED,TOR » , , tt j receiving and paving Gold at the Bank of the United States, (hewing the Value of Gold in Dollars and A r^ m nC t(> a ,ou^an< i Pennyweights—according to the u ongicfi, afccrtaining the Siandaid and Value of Goici JOHN SWIFT, ) M. NESBIT, t Exccuto.-s SAMUEL BENEZET, ) (cpt!tl2 7) War Department. Signed and fcalcd in the prefenci of Witncfles, Acknowledged before mt,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers