advertisement. B y, Me arrivals from fmct, "u Uiior iis r«*ivdfrnr. I ,l —Ufi, of a Publication vikuh Lomel oif! tune a NATIOKAH"- ,s (hey arrive h Ei "° r °J Her Mod Faithful Maießv's Consul-General to the United Slates, p,blle?.he following EXTRACT f.on, .he I„(lruft,on S sent him by the Rova! Board of Trade at L.sbon, tor the .nforma tion of those whom it may concern '■ p rot ,n« „ r ALL Mercantile Co.itrafl., Policies of Protests, or other Documents, which are to be given in evi " cc Courts ofjufttce, or out thereof, fha.l be authenticated byte Consuls, and fealcd with the royal arms o< the rcf P^ ftl " Cons '' late, which her MajeAy ha, been pleased ,0 grant the Consuls ,0 affix to papers 1 elating to thr.r office - without which no credit (hall be given thereunto in Courts of Jufttcc, or otbc.rwifr. Philadelphia, Augufl 12. -■« —— - IMPERIAL HYSON,SOITCIIONG, aiid BOHLA TEAS, REFINED SUGARS, COFFEE, & SPICES,&c.&c, Of the firft quality—by retail, No 19, Third-Street, between Chefnut and Market Streets |C - LOTTERY TICKETS, Ctiarlfftown (Maflachufetls) to commence drawing id Sept, New-Haven Wharf, ( *°- Maflachufetls Semi-Annual, sd CUf«, >3'h Oft. may be had as above. Public Securities, ** Bovght and Sold, on COMMISSION, by SAMUEL ANDERSON, Chefnut-Street, next door to the Bank, No. 97. MASSACHUSETTS SEMI-ANNUAL, and NEW-HAVEN LOTTERY TICKETS, To be had at the fame place, Philadelphia, 20th Julv, i 79 1. THE Commiflioners appointed to receive Subscriptions to the Bank of the United States, do hereby, agreeable to law, in form the Stockholders of the said Bank, that an election for twenty five Director* will be held at the Citv-Hall in Philadelphia, on Friday the 21ft day of O&ober next, at 10 o'clock in thr morning. THOMAS WII LINO, A YOUNG Gentleman, who was bred to business, and can be favorably recommended, intendirfg to visit the Manufa&ories in the South ol Fiance, the ensuing Winter, will acceDt of Orders for Goods, and execute them on a moderate Commiflion. N. B. He will continue there, if encouraged. Applications dire&ed to A. Z. and left at the Printers, will be punctually at tended to. Philad. August 6, 1791 Public Notice is hereby given, to all whom these presents Ihall come, or in any wife concern. That JAMES GARDNER, late of Wilmington, North-Carolina, deceased, did make four promiflory notes payable to SAMUEL JACKSON, of Philadelphia, Merchant, all bearing date the 19th July, 1785, one for three hundred and seventy-one pounds, pay able in fix months—one for seven hundred and forty two pounds, in nine months—one lor seven hundred and forty pounds,in twelve months—and one for seven hundred and forty-five pounds thir teen (hillings and three-pence, in fifteen months, amounting in the whole to two thouland five hundred and ninety-eight pounds thir teen (hillings and thrce-pence, and payable in produce at Wil mington : —Which said notes have been afiigned by the said Sa muel Jackson to THOMAS MACKIE and Co. and JAMES HOOD, Merchants, Philadelphia, and have since, in the life-time of the said Gardner, by him been accounted for and paid in part to the amount of two thousand and forty-feven pounds fifteen (hil lings and fix-pence, to the said THOMAS MACKIE, and Co. in proof of which the fubferibers have fufficient vouchers. Thcfeare th; refore to caution all persons from purchasing ("aid notes as they will not be taken up. THOMAS WRIGHT, ) ROBERT SCOTT, C Executors. M. R. WILLKINGS,) Wilmington, North-CaroHra, 27th Ma\, 1 yqi War Department, May 30, 1 791. INFORMATION ii hereby given to all the military Invalids of the United States, that the sums to which they are entitled for fix months.of their annual pension, from the 4th day of March, 1791, and which will become due on the 4th dav of September ensuing, will be paid on the (aid day by the Commiflioners of the Loans within the States refpeftively,under the usual regulations,viz. Every application lor payment must be accompanied by the fol lowing vouchers. id. The certificate given hy the state, fpecifying that the person polleHing the fame is in (ast an invalid, and afcertainin" the sum to which as Inch he is annually entitled. 2d. An affidavit, agreeably to the following form : A. S. came before me, one of the Juflices of the connty of in the state of and made oath that he is the fame A. B. to whom the original certificate in his pofleffion was given, of which the joUowin«■ i, a copy (the ce, tficate given by the state to he recited) That he served ° (re gimect, corps or vejjel) at the time he was dfabled, and that he now re fidts in the and county of and has resided there for the lafi years; previous to which he resided in In cafe an invalid (hould apply for payment by an attorney, the attor ney, befidrs the certificate and oath before recited 'mull produce a letter of attornevsgreeably to the followingso. m: »«/, 'l/'n "■( county of (late of do hereby confiUute and appoint C. D. of m y lawful attorney, to receive in my behalf of my pension for fix months, as an invalid of the United States, from the fourth day of March, one thoufani frven hundred and ninety-one, and ending the Join th day tj September oj thefame year. Signrd and r ealed in ihe presence of Witnejfes. Acknowledged before me, Applications of executor, and administrators mutt be accompa nied with legal evidence of their refpeflive offices, and also of the time the 'nvalios died, whose peniion they may claim. By command of the President of the United States, H. KNOX, Secretary oj War. I°" aNAL of lie THIRD SESSION of the SEN AT F if the b HIVED STATES, nay te had-of the Editor hereof. DAVID RI TTENHOUSE, SAMTTEL HOWFI.L. (eptf) (cp- 3 m Charleftown (Mass. CLASS XXII THE MANAGERS of said Lottery prefcnt to the Public ihe following s CHE M E Of the TwtNT y-Second Class, Consisting of 7000 Tickets, at Three Dollars each, 21,00# Dollars. x Prize of 1 ritz* 1 >5 20 20 20 4° 60 70 80 2008 2335 Prizes, 4665 Blanks, 7000 Tickets, Amount, 21000 (p3~ This Class will commencedrawir4g 011 or before the lfl of September. Tickets may be had of the several Managers in Charleftown, and at the usual places in Boston. THOMAS HARRIS, ) MATTHEW BRIDGE, £ Managers. SAMUEL SOLEY, ) Charleflon, May 25. 1791. Hazard and Addoms, No. 173, Market-Street, HAVE Tickets in the above,and in the Ma flachu felts Second SEMI-ANNUAL LOTTERY, for Sale. BOOKS. Carey, Stewart, and Co. No. 22, North-Front-St p.EtT, HAVE FOR SALE, A large collection of BOOKS; Among which are the following AMERICAN EDITIONS. LOVELASS on Bills of Ex change. Clerk's Vade Mecum. Gilbert's Law of Evidence. New Edinburgh Dispensatory. Cullen's First Lines of the Prac tice of Physic. Rush's Medical Enquiries Brown's Elements of Medicine. Ofterwald's ChriftianTheology. Rife and Progress ot Religion in the Soul. Vecker on Religious Opinions. Fordyce's AddrelTts to Young Men. Sermons to Young Women. Poor Man's Help and Young Guide. Newton's Diflertations on the Prophecies. Le&ures delivered by Soamc Jenyns. The Christian Remembrance! Future State Eternal. RufTel's Seven Sermons. Ramsay's American Revolution History of America. Morfc's Geography. Siege of Gibraltar. Shaw's Abridgement of Bruce's Travels. Keate's Account of the Pelew IGands.- Pike's Arithmetic. Gough's Arithmetic, altered by Workman. Clark's Introdu&iontothe mak ing of Latin. Dodfley's Fables. P. Ovidii N.'fonis Metamor- phofeon, 1. X. Philadelphia Latin Grammar. Ruddiman's Rudiments. Schoolmaster's Afliftant. Seleftas e Vetcri Teftamento Hiftoria?, Scott's Leflons on Elocution. Sargeant's Short Hand. Wettenhali's Greek. Grammar. Young Man's Companion. Catechism of Nature. Hervey's Meditations. Young's Night Thoughts. Thomson's Seasons. Rudiments of Taste. Klopftock's Melfiah. Lavater's Aphorisms. IMPORTED BOOKS. Kennet's Roman Antiquities. School Dialogue.'. Trimmer's Sacred History, Andrews's Hiftorv of the Arae vols- rican War, 4 vo!s. Nicholfon's Navigation. New Annual Register. Alexander's Experimental En- Vattel's Law of Nations. Experimental EflTays. Life of Rnbinfon Crufoe Huxham on Fevers. Saville's Miscellanies. Virtues and Efficacy of a Crust School of Wisdom ° fß u rcad ' Knox's Sermons, 2 vols. Edinburgh Phwmacopia. Defcnption of 3 00 Animals. Burke s Speeches and Political Boyle's Voya gfS . Trafls. Sterne's Sentimental Journey. Beauties of the Br,ti<h Senate. The Apocrypha. Davies's Dramatic Miscellanies. Marmontel's Belifariiis. M.fs Murray's Mentona. J„ ur „ey through Sweden. Stuart s; View of Socery. Dupaty's Travels. Richard Steele sCorrefpondence Stretch's Beauties of HilWy. Man of the Moon, 2 vols . Al V Dramatic P.eces. and Principles ot Taße. Phhdelpha, Au S »jl 6, , 79 ,. (w&f 3w ,av,6t) qumes. 132 Lottery. 2500 Dolls, is icoo 100 are 5' 1 4° 3° 20 10 8 6 4 2500 l coo 15°° 1000 800 6 00 B'jo 600 56° 480 8032 17872 Dedu&ion, 3-28 Dallas's Reports. Kiiby's Connecticut Reports. Conductor Generalis. Buchan's Domestic Medicine, latest ed it ion. Claik on Difeafesof Horses. Gentleman's Pocket Farrier. Jenyn's Internal Evidence of theChriftian Religion. Beattie's Evidence of Ditto. Think Well On't. Devout Christian's VadeMecum Edwards's Pliflory of Redemp tion. on the Religious As- fe&ions. against Chauncev. Booth's Apology for the Baptists Dowav Translation of the Vul gate Bible. Enfield's Family Prayers. Methodist Hymns. Waits's Hymns and Psalm*, Price's Sermons. Life of Baron Trenck. Smith's Wealth of Nation*. Paley's Moral Philofophv. Smellie's Philofophyof Natural History. Nicholfon's Natural Philofophv Junius's Letters. Hale's Ass flionate Epistles to his Child r en. Beauties of Johnson. of Sterne. Percival's Father's Inftru6tions. Lady's Advice to her Daughters. Emma Corbet. Accompliftied Gentleman. Ela, or the Delusions of the Heart, Adventures of Maria Cecilia. Adventures of Alphonfo and Dalinda. Beattie's Poems. Conquest of Canaan. Chefterfield's Principles of Po liteness. Economy of Human Life. Fables for the Ladies. Freneau's Poems. Mackenzie's Lounger. More's Sacred Dramas. Present for an Apprentice. Walker's Academic Speaker. *-< .. r. peffons concerned vHI be; pleased totakenotice th>t| , following .dvertifcment has b^ aried from that publS • our paper of the 23d of * ® Treafury^Department. March >2, I-QJ NOTICE is hereby given, that Propolals will be rrceiv'tdn ,l office of the Secretary of the Tre„furv, until the fir 11 M,. . tu September next inclusive, for the supply ot all ratio,* may be required for the life ol the United States, from the Sift d of January to the thirty-fin! day of December, 1790, both day, clufive, at the places, and within the diftrifh herein after mc •" oned, viz. At any place or places, betwixt Yorktown in the ftateof P, n fylvania and Fort Pitt, and at Fort Pitt. At any place or places, betwixt Fort Pitt and Fort M'lntoli on the River Ohio, and at Fort M'lntofh. At any place or places, betwixt Fort Mlntofh and ihe mouth of the River Mufkingum, and at the mouth of the River Mufki n i- UII) At any place or places, betwixt the mouth of the River M,/ kingum, and up the said River to the Tufcatowas, and at theTuf" carowas, and thence over to the Cayoga River, and down the (md River to its mouth. At any place or places, betwixt the mouth of the River Muf. kingum, and the mouth of the Scioto River, and at the mouth of the said River Scioto. At any place or places, betwixt the mouth of Scio'.o River and the mouth of the great Miami, at the mouth of the great Miami and from thence to the Rapids, on the Fallsof tneOhio.and at the said Rapids. At any placc or places, betwixt the mouth of the great Miami up the said Miami, to and at Piquetown, and thence over to the Miami Village, on the river of the fame name which empties into Lake Erie. At any placeor places from therapidsofthe Ohio,to thctnouth of the Wabafh, thence up the said Wabafh to Post St. Vincennes at Post St. Vincennes, and thence up the said river Wabafh, to the Miami village, before described. At any place or places, from the mouth of the Wabafh river t« the mouth of the river Ohio. Atany placeor places,on theeaftfideof the river Mi&iippj, from the mouth of theOluo river,to the mouth of thelllmois river. At any placc or places, from the mouth of the Miami river to the Miami Village. At any place or places, from the Miami Village to Sandufky, and at Sandufky, and from Sandufky to the mouth of Cayoga river. At any placc or places, betwixt Fort Pitt and Venango, and at Venango. At any place or places, betwixt Venango and Le Bcuf, and it Le Beuf, betwixt Le Beufand Prefq'lfle, at Prefq'lfle, and be twixt Prefq'lfle and the mouth of Cayoga river At the mouth of Cavoga river, and at any pla.-e or places, on the route from Fort Pitt, to the mouth of Cayoga river, by the way of Big Beaver creek. At any placeor places, ontheeaft fide of the Mifiifippi, between the mouth of the Ohio and the river Margot inclulivelv. At any placeor places, from the said river Margot, totherner Yazous incluiively. At any placc or places, from the mouth of the river Tenefee, to Ocochappo or Bear creek, on the said river inclusively. Should any rations be required at any places, or within other diftri&s, not fpecified in these proposals, the price of the fame to be hereafter agreed on, betwixt the public and the contra&or. The rations to be supplied are to confiftof the following articles, viz. One pound of bread or flour, One pound of beef, or J of a pound of pork, Half a jill of rum, brancy or whisky, One quart of fait, ) Two quarts of vinegar,£ jOQ rations l wo pounds of loap, f One pound of candles, ) ALSO, That Proposals will be received at the said office until the fir ft Monday in September next, inclusive, for the supply of all rations which may be required for the use of the United States, from the firft dav ot January to the thirty-firft day of December, 1792, both days inclusive. at Springfield, in the state of MafTachu fetts, and the Post of Weft-Point, in the state of New-York, The rations to be supplied, are to consist of the fame articles as are above mentioned. ALSO, That proposals will be received at the said office,until the lft Monday in September next inclusive, for the fapply of all rations, which may be required for the use of the United States, from the Ift day of January to the 31ft day of December, 1792, both days inclusive, at the places, and within the diftrifls herein after mentioned. At the port on the river Saint Mary, at present commanded by Capt. Henry Burbeck. At the post on the river Altama'na, at present commanded by Capt. John Smith. At the post on the river Oconee, at prefentcommanded by Cap!. Joseph Savage. At the post on the river Apalachee, at present commanded by Capt. Michael Rudolph. At any place or places from the Rock Landing on the Oconee, up to the mouth of the main south branch of the said river, from the said mouth up to the source of thefaid main south branch, and from thence to the Currahee mountain. At any other place or places within the state of Georgia which may hereafter be occupied as permanent posts by any troops of the United States. And for rations deliverable on the march to such future posts. The rations are to be furnifbed in such quantities as that there (hall at all times, during the said term, be fufficient for the con sumption of the troops at each of the said posts, for the fpaceofat least two months in advance, in good and whoiefome prOvifionf. The rations to befupplicd are to consist of the fame articles, as are abovementioned. It is to be undcrftood in each cafe, that all lofles sustained by the depredations of the , or by means of the troops of the United States, (hall be paid for at the prices of the articles captured or del troyed, on the depositions of two or more creditable charaftcrs, and the certificate of a commiflioned officer, ascertaining the cir cumstances of the loss, and the amount of the articles for which cornpenfation is claimed. The contracts for the above supplies will be made either for one year, or for two years, as may appear eligible. Persons disposed to contrast will therefore confine their offers to one year, or_they may make their propositions so as to admit an ele&ion or t e term of two years. The ptopofals may be made for the whole of theabove pods to gether, or feparatclv for Springfield, for Weft-Point,for Yorktown» and the seventeen places following it, and for the posts in and they mud fpecify the lowest price per ration, for prompt p2) ment. (JdT* Blank Powers to receive the Interest, and for the transfer of " orincipal of public debt, agreeable to the Rules eflablijked in t e ft fury Department : Also Blanks for abjlrafts oj Certificates, to eJo> the Editsr. few copies of the CONSTITUTION 0. United States, printed with Notes, may he had 0/ Editor. gC7" The price of this Paper is 3 Dollarsper
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers