be the two largest in the world ; but that at Bo loana is the moll lingular, except the icenery, there is not a bit of wood in the whole building, and the scenery indeed cannot properly be called a part of the building. Almolt all the foreign Theatres are uifulated. Surely tliey ought to be so in such a metropolis as this ; where fires are fo'frequent, and so fatal, the doors should open outward, and the avenues be wide and straight. In the road through the intricate paflages of one of our modern Theatres, a country gentleman lately enquired, Where wire the Finger Pojh ? The politicians of Vienna and Peterfburgh ronfider the capture of Conftaiuinople as almolt certain, if properly attempted ; and dread the corruption of Prince Potemkin much more than the resistance of the Turks. The degradation of the Grand Vizir, and the confifcation of his effects, has been for some time determined on in the Divan. The appointment of a fucceflor alone delays the execution of this resolve. It does not appear that a Grand Seignior ever takes warning from the fate of so many of his predecessors, who have been either stabbed or strangled. Sunk in the voluptuousness of a Se raglio, how should he fufped: that the adminis tration of his dominions is detestable, that his re moter domains are difaffetSed, that his armies are ill disciplined, or his Vizir faiihlefs ? the fortune of the present Sovereign of Cotiltantinople will, in all probability, terminate in some miserable catastrophe A military government, like that of the Turks, tends to despotism, and in every despotic govern ment the military dispose, sooner or later, of the sovereign authority. The use which a despotic Prince makes of his military against his fubje&s, teaches that description of men what they can do against their Prince. BON MOT. Lord Bute, who does know something of a horse tho very little of a pidture, gave 200 gui neas the other day tor a sea piece, which was ex ecrably done ; for while the lhips appeared ro be in motion, the sea was as smooth as glass. The purchaser, desirous of taking Lord Scarsdale's judgment of his bargain, Ihewed it to him, and alking his opinion " why," fays my Lord, " -wav ing the sea the painting would not be unnatu ral." BOSTON, May 4 It is astonishing what ideas some people have of the Father of Mercies—The Empress of Rus sia, has ordered all her fubjecfls to offer up prayers to the Almighty for his goodness in grant iu h«r aims so complete a vicftory, as the one lately had at lfinail ! aud permitting her troops to massacre 14,000 or 15,000 Turks ! ! ! The son of Mr. Seth Blake, of Dorchester, on Saturday week, fell into the river, at Milton, and was taken up for dead. A gentleman of the faculty was called in, and after using the means prescribed for resuscitating drowned per sons, for three hours, he was again restored to his joyful parents. From the circumstance of the liigheft prize in the semi-annual lottery being not yet claimed, it is supposed to belong to some person at a distance. One of the 3000 dollar prizes was drawn by a deserving citizen of Philadelphia—One of the 1000 dollar prizes was fold in Carolina, and a 2000 in Newport. It is supposed that the adventurers of the town of Boston, loft 2 j,OOO dollars in the late lottery ; besides wear and tear of conscience. On Monday arrived here, his Britannic Ma jesty's ship Alligator, of 28 guns, Isaac Coffin, Esquire, commander from Halifax. On palling the Castle, the Alligator saluted the flag of the United States with 13 guns, which were imme diately returned from that fortrefs. This mu tual attention in powers who were but lately hos tile to each other, shews the superior liberality of the age we live in—and proclaims to the world the verification of that memorable instrument the Declaration of independence, in which our political Fathers declared that they " fliould hold the King and Subjects of Great-Britain, as they did the reft of the world, Enemies in war ; in pcace Friends." BALTIMORE, May 10 The Bengal Journal, of the 4th of September Jaft, furnilhes the following article of intelli gence :— " The commotions which had risen to a very violent height at Mauritius, are said to have fi nally subsided through the wife and timely in terposition of fonie of the peacefully-difpofed of the popular party —the rage which was firlt exci ted against M. Con way and M. Macnamara, had nearly ended in blood-lhed ; temporizing mea sures pursued, had nearly revived the holtile party from a spirit which they were said to have felt at the despotic principles and machiaviliau liodtrines broached by some of the parties du ring the correfpondencc—the popular rage had nearly vented itfelf on M. Macnamara, whom they had led in rather an humble manner to the House of Afl'embly—ths voluntary and manly entrance of M. Conway, an avovvjl of himfelf, alone being responsible for whatever atfts had been done, quieted the minds of :he Aflembly, and enmity was in an instant foigotten in the magnanimity of the Governor's conduct—the Aflembly continued fitting, and their intention was to pass resolutions confirmingthe patriotic measures adopted at Pondicherry,and followed ac Chandernagore." The fame paper, dated Oiftobei 4, mentions, that " the ftorni which had so lojg collected at the Isle of France, had well nigh built on the head of the magnanimous Geneal Conway— his only refuge was at length in flight—and, in a disguise, lie effected his escape, by getting 011 board a finall merchantman then lying in the harbour, which immediately failed, and arrived at I ranquebar, 011 the beginning of la:t month, w here his Excellency now is, and iuter.ds to re main till some future opportunity ofFerj of con veying him to any other country but France." Extratt oj a litter, don, oj a late dat;. " may be agreeable information 10 Johi Churchman, and may favehimfome trouble ant expense, to know that it is in agitation here, tc fend out two (hips, on discovery, in Baffin's or Hudson's Bay, as there appears 'from !ate ac counts, to be some probability of the exigence of a north-weft paflage. Their obfervaticns will, probably, be made with instruments superior to any that John Churchman will procure in Ame rica ; and as they will, no doubt, be published with gre-at aocuracy in a few years, he will be likely to colled: from them the fa&s which he is so anxious to fail to Baffin's Bay to obtain." Extratt of a letter from Capt. Jams Frazier, of the Schooner Eliza, of this port, lated at Port au-Prince, April 11, 1791. " About one o'clock, on the nwrning of the Bth inft. on my paflage from this Place, in my boat, down to the Leoganne, witl two of my people and a paflenger, Mr. William Judah, late of Baltimore, in gibing the boat, ftie suddenly overset and funk, with my trunl, which con tained, amongst other articles, 10445 dollars.— Myfelf and people, in a dark and dreary night, after struggling a considerable time, in a rough sea and ltrong wind, happily, yet beyond ex pectation, swam to the shore, distant, as I sup pose, about three miles, in aweakand diftrefl'ed condition ; bur, I ain sorry {o add, that the un fortunate Mr. Judah was drowned." A S O N N E T, Tranjlutcd front the original Iri/k. IT was on the white hawthorn, on the brow of the valley, I saw the ring of day firft break. The foft, the young, the gay, delightful morning, kiflfed the crimson off the rose, mixed it with their smiles, and laughed the season on us. Rife, my Evelina, foul that informs my heart ; do thou smile too, more lovely than the morning in her blulhes, move modest than the rifled 1 illy, when weeping in her dews. Pride of the western lhore, the sky's blue face, when eleared by dancing fuu beams, looks not ferener than thy countenance The richness of the wild honey is on thy lip, and thy breath ex'iales sweet like the apple trees in bloom. Black arc thy loeks, my Evelina, and poliftied as the raven's smooth pinions. The swan's silver plumage m not fairer than thy neck, and the witch of love heaves all her encUmments from thy bosom. Rife, my Evelina, the sprightly beamof the fun descends to kiss thee, and the heath reserves its bloom togreet thee with its odour. Thy lover will pick the strawberries from the lofty cragg, and rob the hazel of its yellow nuts. My berries fiall be red as thy lips, and my nuts ripe and milky as the love-bejotten fluid in the bridal bosom. Queen of the chearful smile, (hall I not meet thee in the moss grown cave, and contemplate thy beauties in the wood of Mifco ther ? How long wilt thou leave me, Evelina, mournful as the lone son of the rock, telling thy beauties to the pafling galr, and pour ing out thy complaints to the grey stone in the valley ? And didst thou bend to hear my song, O virgin daughter of a meek-ey'd mother! Thoucomeft, Eveliua,like fummerto the children of froft, and welcome are thy steps to my view as the harbinger of light to the eye of darkness. EXTRACT. THE lower class of mankind are generally in jured by being deprived of the means of educa tion, and then insulted for not being intelligent and orderly. But it is time to correct our ideas concerning government. Good government is not bed supported by ignorant people. In Eu rope the maxim has been to corrupt the enlight ened few, in order to enslave the ignorant many; but were the mass of the people enlightened, it would be impoflible to corrupt them, they would then be what the Englilh nobility are said now to be, and what the enlightened of these States really are, the guardians of their respective State constitutions. A State which has 30,000 inha bitants, and among thofeinhabitants but one per son fit fora judge in a court of subordinate juris diction, as has been said of the itate of Delphos in the Peuinfula of Cambria.—ls such a itate pro perly a republic ?—ln a republican government we are told the supreme power derives from the people.—But what fort of power will that be, which flows from an ignorant people. The facft is, the power does not flow from such ignorant people, the enlightened and wealthy few alone 19 written by a gentleman in Lon- pofiefs the power, as is evident from the history of Delphos, where it is said, that at an election, the niafs of people, are so ignorant, that they ne ver consider who is a proper person to make or abrogate laws, but uniformly, vote for the rich elt man in the diitriift to represent them, and they are represented accordingly. Philadelphia, May 14. Among the innumerable discoveries of moderir times, there is none more surprising than this, that the business of legillation, which in all ages has been arduous and infinitely perplexing, is now found to be one of the easiest and fimplelt things in nature; and this simplicity and perspi cuity is applicable to all inferior objeifls of dif-i cipline and government —not only good citizens, but Patriots. Lawyers, and Divines may now bei formed without a tedious procefsof orders, rules, and gradations. ) According to some recent calculations the mil lennium is to commence the last year of thepre fent century. For then, O then the time will come, Whco contradiction (hall be dumb. And all that pleas'd mankind before, Shall never, never please them more. E'en fceptici now believe it true, " That all old things, are growing new !" As, by the Conititution of our natures, men are formed to think differently—we (hould che rifti the molt unlimited spirit of liberality to wards each other—an intolerant temper of mind is the basis of all the tyranny that ever existed. Whenever an universality of the fame senti ments and opinions is contemplated, the free agency of man is loft fight of; and the reverie has reference to fou>e species of being totally diftin(fl from man. There are some circumstances which attended the commencement of the late Fire, that excite strong suspicions of its originating in design.— Mr. 1. Israel, one of the principal AifFerers, has offered a reward of One hundred dollars for a convi&ion of the perpetrator, or for such infor mation as may lead to a conviction. By the New-York papers we learn that several persons have been prosecuted and severely fined for having opened, set on foot and carried on pri vate Lotteries—one person was lined five hundred pounds, another ninety-tour—and both commit ted to jail till the fines are paid. This Spring has proved very favorable to the Shad and Herring Fisheries of the United States. Different accounts from the Northward concur in proving this fact. In the Patowmac uncom mon numbers have been taken—Shad have been fold there at 6f6 per hundred, and Herring pro portionably low. Gulian Verplanck, Esq. is ele&ed Prefxdent of the Bank of New-York. Hon. Isaac Roofevclt declining to serve any longer. On Friday the 6th mft. was executed at Newark, N.J. pur-I fuant to his sentence, William Jones, for the murder of Samuel | Shotwell—Jones confeffed the deed. / The Secretary of State furnifhed the copy of Mr. Paine's Pam phlet, from which the second edition was published in this city. In a note to the printer, the Secretary observes " I am extremely pleased to find it will be re-printed here, and that something is at length to be publicly said againil the politi cal heresies which have sprung up among us. " I have no doubt our citizens will rally a second time rouad theJlandard oi Common Sense." Sacred to the memory of thi late JUDGE HOPKINSON. GRIEF ! from our presence vanish ! cease to rend, Those hearts, which gentler pafTions should befriend. I fee thy pallid cheek fuffus'd with tears ; Thy agonizing groans assail my ears. Yes, he is gone—and Genius has confefs'd, O death ! thy empire o'er the human breast. Yet, whilfl on earth efteem'd, belov'd, admir'd, The Sage to everlasting bliss afpir'd ; And views, whilst Heav'n with drains of rapture rings, The Judge of Judges, and the King of Kin^s. \_Dunldp's Daily Advertifer.J * # * A single perforiy who has had a large share of experience in the dirett'ton of periodical publications, is desirous of procuring employ as Superintendant of a Printing-Office.—Applications, it is requejled y may be made to the Editor of the Gazette of the United States, who will rtply to all requisite enquiries. Philadelphia, May 14, 1791 PRICE CURRENT.—PUBLIC SECURITIES. KUiNDED DEBT. 17/1. 17/2 pr. i 9/' 9fi q/I. 6 pr. Cents 3 pr. Cents Defered 6 pr. Cents UNFUNDED DEBT. Final Settl.and other Certificates 16/ Indents 9/1. N. and S. Carolina debts, T2/4 15J. PUBLIC SECURITIES, BOUGHT AND SOLD On COMMISSION, by SAMUEL ANDERSON, Uicfnut-Street, next door to the Bank, No. 97, TICKETS warranted undrawn, in ihc Cit y-Ha l l and Dickin son-College-Lottery, to be had at the fame place Every day trom 7 till 10 o'clock in the forenoon and fiom ± till 10 o'clock at night. f3" Prizes purchafcd at this Office. 86 pr, cent. 46 00. 45 d °- 80 45 do. do.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers