'tsgff&x ■wards fupplyin,, anu fnrt, " . ® ma )' bt fquifite 10- lor the paymentof the thall 1 fU " P r,w,li °n be created by virtue of the afl J, i 3CCrUC thc *«* to terms thereof refpetfiveiy and a™ J "» conformity to tha tifica.es to be grantedforth! fcm r" 8 *° the te!,or ot cer- And be it fuuh e r,naZ,A*l?l PUrfudm to thls a «- Jhall be made of lands in 'the wefternTe ° f ' he sal " which that may hereafter belon >to thc Tin!. !T« V "° W bclon g'ng, or kereby appropriated towards (ink. in A, difch ' hJI b< "> and for the payment whereofthe United d ' fcha 'g'r.g thc debts, this aci may beholden and (fc .11 h ? , o .* arc or b y virtue of 1,1 the flld debts (hall be fully (atisfied >P ' y'° th " ufc un " FREDERICK AUGUSTUS MUHLENBERG Arp*#viD, August 'li S """ e ' GEORGt WASHIVPTAv n FOURTH, 17QO. (True con .j SHINGTON, Prcjidcnt of thc Unit-d States. „ , CONGRESS. house of representatives FRIDAY, JULY S ' f O Z'r dmer * " fthe Scnate t0 ?"»d. S UiJ > t0 "IT""" "part of the State Debts. (CONCLUDED.) Twit i lackson. cmT'n- b." ' B overnm "". tht f.«r will A gentleman from Maffachufrm /tor. a \ , tendency of this meifure will hero i 1" I ? CS ' hasafked if the benefit—-he i.of .he on °~ "vague queftion—lff, r the allows this to be a Will not adopt it H■' fevs hnw " V ]? KUe °' dubious . iurcly he ference betwVn theW* ,hat I " w '" i„,er- Pr Th n t ' ' hC of ™»POnT e o' t t' bH °' "* Um ° n ' a " d ha ! 1 W l" Srant the gen. thing left to usurp. The States will be I j Wl " be no but the (hadow of power—they wi'l ber V" Y mere colonies, wit Lot even The p o w„thcvoJA' °' to the revolution. Y previous «i... r , ,„d t, t „r£ P ,, P f,°^v; d r„r "":" ld <■< mcnt therefore goes too far, wb n,t tend S tn ß n u* power we give the government, the belter wc LpT T-' S.r, the com petit ion so far from btin - an injury is „ mvT"" benefit—jealoufies are necefTarv to aiMV. " * y Opinion a asthofejcaloulics ex,ft, the pople w'll be fcfe"'k" ""clearly proved that the Stairs comnbu'te to ' portion to the number of inhabitants The L P r pfQ " fachuf«tts his likewifc n, ,; rr j .i,;_ gentleman from M.if the consumer p,£ b „I dent thaTl f C & gC " :l<?m " n pulation—they contribute fir, agreeably" to n' t l} P °~ nanufaflurrs a greatdcal, and On- .mports little ' faftures nothing, and imports every tiling. Therefore r m,l " U ' akho her population is not near folaree comrik , Gcor « ,J > puhhetrrafur y by import. ontributes more to the « ar *; ,mf r- and * arguments so far as refpeif, the aiTumpi.ouTuaW i"l« Zth'so „°cX X or'Vh« U ""' S " d °" ly bc P<™ d u- it i, -ttzszuFttzztt «*«»« stead of burth-ns and reftritlions it is th/'i" ' ™ Jf? 5 thllt m " £ pptx. tt::i Sra sk r ; h r e i the r prore in finr power chan ofd *£%£ Theone.seq,, lly g,ven us with the other, an 1 carry the idea nf rSI ux'mo r" f n " CmCn wilh »> »"d you may carry d,- Con rT?' "• T e arc noC co,l " ncd >" °ur powers and f 1 C ,aX t ' ,c o . c " ,zcns lo 'he whole .mount of their 35&^<aaera& aa £ B'n,H° ~Sr JJ received no in.ercft norexp tied any-they JWrted with the certificates a. ihcy flood, without m en ft-the « fc. U tM . ! h n ° W th Tl anH contrar y '° the tenor of the ccr- Ikev w!|| h ' n ternt '°** t>f the Siate, and the contra ft t . ley mad «i«. The on mU :: "- H " C will bc 3 prodigious diftinc othe'rs mo 'he creditors olf Georg-a receiving interest the will hV n r'T ' 5 V"u° be rCCOUC,Ird ? Brides, fir, rhe debt t err# ,T,' me ' ,h " C W,U bc a » debt, if feddoll T "r " ho,e L os thrce hundred and fifty thou tl lou f Jn j " rs > f u PP" r '"S, the debt to amount to seven hundred <4 the&r' h he ° r,g ' n;, l hold L er whodid lhe fcrvieeor furnift th'n /:T P y r, f fCOntCn to be taxed to iupply this interett, I 1 he himfelf was not allowed it ? | oot ar S umcnt af tfcs now against the measure which did continl , t o rmCr cxcife whlch had to set the dv Ae' j ? rc if ftcd - Are there members har themfelv c ° f f'°" a " d a<io P t 11 now . after they have exerted Xre tl ~ K r must bc the Cafc « or lt be a i 'cjcCtcd—Will this house at I before msotioned, be like the THOMAS JEFFERSON, Sectary ofStatt 'a& are tlie ways and TOam l ' re J tft " ? Where elf If our , mpoft is ftrctched to the £"«*> this ace, mutated ddht ? not onlv opprels the peoDle bin kJ y ° U g ° farth^r "oceed todireft , axatlon 1 h f you ; revenue- w. II y 0 „ Pie w,II not submit to it ' &"«!>««> informed thatthe peo •f-The refpcQive States ought 'f" " the P enuc Qiould appear the reftilt. , and tke meafurr of deliberation, whichallouri. f l s""' but the rcfull 'P ? «ranceW-lf^:" e^ r ""f J"' 1 «• -a now aher so many decision. £ i_ w f °"ner, if adoptee to the warning „f a Hancock ,ct us llftei fignaturefirft pronounced to'u aLf „ H u 7 * s ' who b V h ' patriot expressing his doubfs of " ' hf vcncrji>i pest without the confont of * ?*!? *" this ,t! Her Legislature, in j ? tes firft obtained prefentativej—this was done »!►►. Senators and Re bout that cou'rf U.rlf Boo < a her otieen. borne down with the wrilhr !rf debt ' a "< have done the fame ? V„„ I, ?§ f '««—What othe fwo States only which are Caro, ' , »—so that thi inftruflionj from their Leeiflamr,. » bufmefs have reccivet thofetwo States have received '"V* ' efted, if the other States Ihould »mAT' r er , c so mu ch inter tlicy art to receive no benefit from T and w ' , S ri Hoafc.jp ,hi„i of d\tz£s^r t *-» £. a'ldatfcftto poftpone 't Until the before it is too lat, «» will be goo/ ,heV_if SjfT l "--. l ' 1115 S°°d «»« •[ :t is.(Turned at the Present ftffi^ r fti n ?, W I """ then J but the power of relieving ourfelv« t , bound withou not exhibit a to u fcrving republican manners by ap' & '"Poffib.h.y of pre "ig the foundations of our ; a " o,>s and la y- Sir, out times, happily I bel,evT£l'l' mrncnfcdeb '«- ptriug—We shall return to the mlfc!?,), country, are near ex '» the burthen, we impofe--When,££, 8 J7 P T P a ' tic, P a » arrive#—happy indeed will it h#» f Ul gatior ° p P P^P l '. we have not"o cj'd """""" ° 1 to °li»ve been guilty of t - condera nation-. and this debt of fetter, on the pe<»le Am° "c the nati ° l ways think, as is the falhi„ nof X' Z "? Slr ' W! " not al iron ban«l of tytanny is f e h j,„ ? c da y i and when th wlyi by imposing enorm'ous anl? "* W '" fall 'hof, gar the people and bind them ,n cW^" 01 * debt> will be ' WEDNESDAY, AUGUST a An engrofled bill declaring the aflen* „fr grefs to certain adts of theVate ofm i°T 3F«.?#asS=3 I t A " lc %« was received from the Houli had received his alli,„_ vi 2? ™™f01,,,, debtorll,. f °"s' zes impoi ted into the United Stares mrl 1 tonnage of/hip, or vefle"J , "" V imitCd dme 3n ""itTed'; -J "ffl for the temporary eflablifhment of the W e^e r apnoimed! !r ' 3 " d Mr " Wadfworth in abKad A nmit!C^ t0 P re P are and bring in a bill to add two commiflioners to the board already eftablifced for the fettle,nent of the ac r a rfta b t e er een thc the fssz. The house went intd committee on the bill fur "°fn'f provjfion forthedebt of the United dLhr V I 1 a* rer ? e<fts the aflumption of the debt of the state of Georgia • ifrJ r™L.• spent thereon, the committee rose and reported certain amendments. ported On the quefbon to order the bill engrofled it M ne Kr ' a " d so thebill was rejected. /* irom the committee appointed presented according to order, a bill to add two commiflioners to the board for fettling accoums rW •Tfn Cnt into committee on the said bill—and after some debate it was agreed to—Ayes 36—Noes 19. -greea The committee rose, and the bill was ordered to beengrofled. cu Mr. Boudinot reported a bill to fatisfy the LoTsS' W,dOWOfthC '* e General , THURSDAY, AUGUST 5. • W , C, e P afli?d to bc «ngrofled this day viz. A bill making an appropriation todifcharge ihe Sarah Stirling,widow ofthe late Major Gen. Lord Shrltng—A bill authoring the Secre tary of theTreafuiy to take measures for finifhine r ™- L, ght-Houfe at Port,and Head intheDiftrift of Maine—provided the expence shall not exceed 1500 dollars. , j C - L or adding two Commiflioners to the board tor letting the accounts between the Uni ted Slates and individual States was pafled. A message was received from the President of the United States, informing ihe house that the atft to provide more effedually for fcttlina the I ™ c ?" nts between the United States and the in dividual States had received his assent. Mr. Blood-uiorth's motion for appointing a com mittee to prepare and bring in a bill to repeal for a limited time the sth fecftion of theatfl for estab lishing the temporary and permanent feat ofthe government of the United States,\vas taken up. 551 noes. Messrs. Ames, Afce, Baldwin, Brown, Cadwal- r r °Jt Cly ~ er > C ° ,eS ' GIIJ, Madifnh m° f UC ' J 'ckfon, Lee plrkir P -!f WS ' Mo ° le ' P " Muhlenberg, Page nickfon Srlel c' Se " ey ' She ™«>> Wh w e ' ° n *' Sum P ter , Tucker, Vininr White, Wynkoop, Williamfon. M . ' £ ' r H ° u . fe resolved, that a Surveyor-Ger/eral le United States, be appointed who /hall Sn .Ttji m" " 'i e o"'° £" in^thefe e f WaS u eCeiVedfrom the Senate return cwded *t "2? an,endmeilts - The house prZ mai l, ° C °" fide r r £ I he said •mendments, and made foine progress therein. A petition of A, Macomb, and IV. Edgar ref ffssrr? chey kave Secretary of the T Wa r a " d referred to the rjof tfee Treasury Adjourned. T , tR / DAlr » AUGUST 6. .1,, J j e . blll making an appropriation to difchar^e the claim, of the widow the bni 'SB? ta: rC3d th _ e th »d time and palfed. Winn introduced the following refo utnonzed to close the prefeiit session -md dj ou ra the refpe<ftive houses on Monday next to meet again on the firit Monday in »? ~ "■>~=»ber," and ,o X Cm, . del ,„e, „ d was Snail, negated Mr. . wing introduced a refolutiou to the sol a™rage"s"f«fi 'tL'tef i he amendments of the Senate to the bill mat atS fi ° n for the P^-nfoSdTb^ ot the United States, were taken up.—The hmifi! proceeded in the consideration of the amend s '"ndrj alterations were proppedit r„dt e h no :,"^f d ,o —■ l xi M™ ■ tilths (S. C.) to itriko oat 12 cents Mi» l on fait for the porpofe of inft,"ng I cents cafioned a considerable debate The ane<V ' ttriking o», Was determined toU^S" a,, Th. r°r 3 °' "«<»'' I ™r S Z7i The houle went thro the amendments agreed to the whole with very few a T r !" " d A niellage was received f L tL P the United States with the f' efident of State of New-Terfey of he , *T'° n thc fed by Congress to the constitution of the UnlLd States ; New-Jersey has ratified all the amen/ menu except the fccond and thirteenth [ Ameliage was received from the Senate the bill to compensate Thorn,, Barclay f or ' va .: %f T eS J concurred with amendments r -/r^ ; rep ° rted a blll f ° r the relief of fondtti ' Whkh W3S rCad the se a C ) moved for leave to brinp- in a bill foi altering the times of holding the in South-Carolina and Georgia fids-l"™! till co-morrow ro o'clock. djourned NEW-YORK, SATURDAY .AUGUST y. APPOINTMENTS.—BY AVT\UORtT¥. ' John Stoics, Judge of ihe North r' o fciver Ohio— R. Da 'ic, declinfd. Samuel V j"' Wlll 'a® Maiblrhead, vice, Richard ft . h ? P"" furvevor of the port of Patuxet, vice lnhn A f "? MtuUs. chned. Thomas AmtU, furvevor of fh/ „ 5'l on „ y Aborn, de vice, Job Comftock, declined. Joshua i f u 'iT' l4, ful ot the V. S. of America f*r X. J of Maryland, Coa iridgc Updike, surveyor of the port of°N h * Daniel Ei ~ John Street, of Fayal, ViceConfal of tht'u s'f i R -"land. Aarfrt •«»- uon now in this city Chiefoof theCreeltna preachcd'by > Dr °™ alio ». "ill bo Old ta "« Mr V.nmg moved the previous question or. I.ers* ! °n on ' *"/?■ be ' ng fu PP° rted ' b Y five menj- Quett^n) q! ' eftlon ™ s ' taken " Sball tl >e maia called 10WpUt/ the Yeas and Najs were For patting the main question. M „ AYES. Meffi s Benfon, Bloodworch, Burke, Floyd, Fof- Lawrance r r ° UC ' atilc "; n > Hu ger, Huntington, e-u nce » Leonard, Livermore, Renflellear cyT' *■**, (M.) sS rl, " K ' ,er . Trumbull, WziC-
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