THE TABLE T._No. XLIV. " The examples of former ages (l», beyond all com parison, mors fen fib ly ajfetl tis than those of oier own times." ONE of my former speculations touched up on the propensity of mankind to feel too strong an admiration for the objecfts of antiquity. I pro mified at that time, that the fubjeidt should be again introduced. It is not improbable that the Roman and some other ancient characters were more deeply mark ed both with virtues and vices, than what the present age exhibits. Civilization wears off the iharp points of passions and prejudices that stimu late men in a more uncultivated state of society. A commercial spirit has obtained an ascendency over the warlike disposition of ancient times. These reasons may perhaps solve the qtieftion, though they may not be the most pliilofophic the subject admits of. The difference between the character of anci ent and modern times, is greater in imagination than reality. Custom renders the objecfts, we every day behold, so familiar that we view them without astonishment. Our cotemporaries exhi bit virtues without being noticed or praised ; and commit vices, that excite little indignation or reproach. The apothegms of ancieilt philosophers are celebrated for their wii'dom. They are quoted on many occasions by persons, Who are themselves capable of conceiving ideas of greater depth and propriety. We hear remarks 111 converlation thaL fliew great sagacity, and soon forget them. But when an apliorifin has the sanction of some lplendid name of antiquity, it is supposed far enough to exceed any thing modern. Many persons are captivated with ancient elo quence and poetry. It was more the custom in former times than at present to address the pas sions. This circuvnllance gives an ardor to some of their orations, which is not ulual in modern speeches. Great orators can only be formed by great occasions. The convulsed state of ancient governments kept the turbulent feelings of the human mind always on the flretch. Their pub lic speakers wete invigorated with the fabjecft, and interelled in the event. After all, I think •we have no occalion to look to antiquity for specimens of the inoft sublime and animated oratory. It may feein paradoxical, but I believe it is very true, that a general prevalence of know ledge among a people smothers the flame of elo quence. Where large numbers have ah academi cal education, there will be a great propor tion, who do not give any strong indications of genius. The learned lumber which these men accumulate has no other way to find a market, but by afluming the names of taste and criticism. Inconsiderable talents are ca pable of spying out blemishes and finding fault. When certain rules of criticism are established, from which it is called unclaffical to depart, they chill the natural warmth and bold ness of the imigination. The fancy disdains controul, and when its wings arc clipped by cri tical reviewers, it durst not soar to those eleva tions it would aspire after, if unrestrained. As the imagination gives oratory its mod lively pow ers of iafcination, it is evident that the more the mind is fettered by established rules, the less l'cope it has ,to display those bold strokes of elo quence, which only warm and invigorate the heart, in proportion as they are sudden and un expected. But perhaps a much more probable reason than any I have offered, why we are so lavish of our admiration on ancient heroes and orators, results from the practice of studying the Latin and Greek languages. The students at an academy have not arrived at a maturity of age to form a comparison between the ancients and moderns, even if both had equal julticedone them. But the greatpft pains are taken ito producp a venera tion for the ancients j and such splendid exam ples are feledted as will make strong and perma nent impressions on a young, unguarded mind. The inftrvuTtor will tell one, (that he is obliged to hold out such allurements to encourage the fchol aYs to overcome the difficulty of" learning those languages. In addition to fiiefe catjfes of ex travagant preference, the ambitious lad supposes he cannot shew his attainments so effectually as in celebrating the acftions and names of those il -1 ultrious characters, which poets and hiltorians have before celebrated. It woidd have a good effecfi is the best speeches and writings of our countrymen were feledted and uf'ed at schools arid colleges as lellbns both for reading and speaking. They would not fuffer by a comparison with ancient specimens, either for propriety of fentimentor vigor of imaginaion. The best characters and most noble exploits which our own times and country can furniih, would, by these means, make forcible impressions on the rising generation. It would contribute to excite a national prejudice, without which, no govern ment can cxift in the liigheft degree of perfec tion. FROM THE NEWPORT HERALD. Tranjlated from the PARIS GAZETTE, printed the year of our Lord, 2440. UNITED STAES OF AMERICA. WASHINGTON > the capital of tbc\Jnio>i, May, 2440, THE soldier and the ftatefinan, wliofe name dignifies this federal city, forms the corner stone to this confederated republic* At his country's call he facrificed the innocent pleasures of Ver nonian Mount for the toils and dangers of a per ilous war.—Though avarice was a ruling paflion, he modestly declined all rewards for his services —though religion was unfaihionable amongll the great, he was exemplary in his morals ; and in victory, he acknowledged God to be the giver— though power was fafcinating, he with pathetic joy resigned his sword.—Summoned again from his peaceful retreat to complete the glorious revolution, he accepted, from duty only, the firft polt of government, which he discharged with integrity, unbialled by adulations or power. At his demil'e he left a second legacy to his coun try — THE EXAMPLE OF A VIRTUOUS STATESMAN —a model for succeeding Presidents. These States where liberty, good faith, and equality fled for refuge 800 years ago, are now covered with numerous well regulated cities, and highly cultivated towns. The Constitution theyi formed, was so perfect, that it hath undergone few other changes that what regards the settle ment of the new territory, and the extenlion of manufactures and commerce.—Public virtue and justice hath done more here than what courage and power ever effected in the world : Without the expence of a fleet rotting in docks or idly parading, our commerce is secured and oijr flag honored: Without a Handing ariny in time of peace, turning ulefnl laborers from the fourceof industry, the vigilance of our small guards, and the good order of our militia forms a permanent security for our borders and our sea coast. LONDON, July, 2440. The obstinacy and ambition of George the 111. which fevered America from our nation, was but a prelude to a separation irorn the reft of our colonial eftablifoments which hath since taken place ; and England, like ancient Rome, finds herfelf reduced to the boundaries that nature hath prescribed. The conference has however produced bene ficial effects ; it hath curtailed the power and diflipated the glare of the crown.—lt hath placed the character of Charles the I, in a just light no longer is the temple profaned by deprecatory prayers and lying eulogiums ; instead of which the statue of Protector Cromwell is erected upon the executed convict, facing the Parliamentary house, because the great man it represents is the true auther of our present excellent constitution. The swarm of penlioners who feafted on honey that they did not collect, are annihilated : A magnanimons and free policy pervades our com mercial system, and the capital and ourillands are increasing in wealth, enjoying all a share in the common bounties of God. PARIS ,July, 2440. Twelve ships of fix hundred tons arrived up to the capital and brought an abundant supply of every neceflary article ; by which means the in habitants no longer eatfi/h at ten times its value ; 110 longer reigns on the borders of the Seine, a devouring capricious and insolent luxury, but in stead of it there is a luxury of industry, a luxury which creates and improves every thing that con tributes to supply the neceflary wants and con veniences to all. Absolute sovereignty has been long abolished, the Chief retains the title of King, without the will and power of a difpot—lie executes the laws —proposes ufeful eflablifhments—and as a father of his people his ear is open to hear, and his justice to redress their wrongs. The States-General are vested with all legislative powers, their arrets are founded 011 the public good, they decide by plural ity of voices. Lettres de Cachet are abolilhed, the baftile razed to its ground, and on its ruin is erec ted the Temple of Clemency. The citizen is 110 longer a cypher in the State, for the general happiness of the country is found ed on the fafety of each individual—he fears not men, but the laws, and the Monarch himfclf is fubjotto them ; the King is responsible to the States General for the execution of his duty, and they to the people—hence we fee our Princes fear ing God, and thecenfure ofpofterity ; regarding a good conscience and afpotlefs adminifti ation as the higlieft degree of earthly felicity. The citizens of the present day have clear and just ideas of natural, political, and civil rights ; they 110 longer degrade themselves in holding their lives and their properties at the will and plealure of their rulers ; amusements 110 longer di\ ert their attention from general concerns nor power crush them into silence- but all French men are free. ENGLISH PARAGRAPH. 1 HERE is a late account from Paris, which mentions Co!. Glover's going to take poflbflion of Sauit Aihze, the late princely residence of the I Dutchefs of Kmgfton, and which formerivVi ed to the Duke of Orleans. A great many Jf S " table gentlemen attended hiui to that magnificent palace, which is about 2? mile, r y Paris, ntuated upon a terrace equal to Windr"' at the bottom of which runs the river Se' ' The • .ews from the house and terrace are emM;*' ed with the fine ft villages, gentlemen's feats,wol and vineyards, and an extent of profpetfl impaffi ble to describe. Every room in the house is rkht -and coinpleatly furnilhed. It contains 1 40 *1 ht for any nobleman to lleep iu ; and to eve™ bed room a dressing room, and chamber f o r afe vant. The whole number of beds is 250 Alar billiard room, a large hall, richly ornamented with Itatues, and fountains of water, which and form cascades during dinner. The hJ throughout the house is of great value. There is afine play house, and an elegant chapel This magnificent building would be fit for a Prince o' 2 or 300,000!. a year, although the whole of the revenues of the estate are not above 2jool per annum. It is finely wooded, with various cuts through the woods and the end of each --erminat ing in a rich beautiful prefpeft. The people paid Col. Glover great honors upon his arrival as did all the neighboring gentlemen, together with the Stewards, Masters of the chafe, & c About 40 young men attended him the next dav in a lhooting party, where there was the greate't plenty of pheasants, partridges, stags, deer, and fawns. They presented the Col. with the gun which the old Duke of Orleans used ; and all allowed it had never had been used to better vr. pose in so short a time, as the Colonel miffed only one (hot out of twenty times. MR TENN9, The njertton of the fallowing tn your pt per uiiJJic agreeaUetotkfem, part of your readers—and it is prefumei, uii/l nut of end ethers, have a pretence to gtodntji, ft nee lerioiltuefs is ibe native fpijot every virtue." , On a late SACRAMENTAL OCCASION in the North Church. The Merffurc in imitation of Watts' " few happy matchcs." FROM meaner themes my Muse ascend ! An angel ask some notes to lend, To sing of Love Divine : The Heav'-ns a brighter luftrc shed, Ai*d glory beams around my head, Since Cod himfelf is mine. The thunders of Mount Sinai, now Jtfo longer fright, its glowing brow, Nor witness to our guilt ; The louder cries of Jesus' blood Have quell'd their rage— appeas'd our God— For this his blood was fj>ilt. » To celebrate this dying love, And raise their hearts to joys above This low revolving sphere, Behold a noble band arrive, Who boldly dare in Christ believe— Who dare be Christians here. Around their Father's board they croud, While joyful songs relound aloud, While ev'ry rapture's high ; Blcft prelude to that happy state, Where feafts and songs, and crowns await, In realms above the /ky. O ! knew the worldling half this joy— Half these delights, which never cloy, How would his foul repine, And mourn the foolifh choice he made, Of earthly pleafures-*-phantom (hade, In preference to divine. Awake each sweetly founding string, In notes fublimc salute your King, Let love inspire Uic drain. And when ye take your glorious flight, Up to your God, .to dwell in light, O! may I join your train. christian. THE NATIONAL MONITOR. No. XIX. u Curs'd be the verse how smooth foev'er it flow," Where lies and fcaodal mark the patriot's foe. SCANDAL is the mofl powerful Qgent in the cause of anarchy od confufion. —It is to be regretted that too many characters who art aban doned in principle arid cqndufl, pojfejs at the fame timefo compeUnter acquaintance with human nature, that they know where to ajjail it thegrefllcft advantage. It mufl be acknowledged that we are so ms tuted, that the mofl conjectures nrrefl our attention, and an imp region upon Qur minds. Ourpaffive natures are vulnerable let it external influence ; but when, under the guize of actw 1 ' ment, the bold front of calumny comes foftbard with a eonfdent P" B J icjamation againjl a competitor, it is almost unherfaZy the cafc, tm a fatal credence ts the result—When the fans of dtjor'der and mrulc have so far effetted their oljeCl—the public confidence in their bejl) rU " may be fhakt n—Thofe, whom the sober diclfites of reafan And rest !i * have led the people to honor qnd refpfitt as their bejl patriots, C f abjetls of envy andjealoufy. Their opinions are dfregardtdand t-'J ufefulnefs is defro)ed. The confluences may bemor-e tafily conceived-, than def cribtd.' objeil of the worfl of men, in their innuendoes and'flanders againj f he characters, is never the public good : It \s frfl to fuppiarit thorn* ■ aJfeShons of the people, that the way maybe open tofupplanttkcm j* places they hold. Sometimes it is true, that jlanderers are a " u A inferior motives : Disappointment, chagrin, malice, and envy arcof contented until an humbler grade of mi fchief: And if tha can ( tr c ruin of characters ioh\ch.throw their own into the jhade-, the) Te Jj u r fled. In either of these cases, the public inter eft is far fad- 1 e . v probity, abilities and independent principles are difcoutagd tn laudable exertions toferve their country. " The pojl of honor tc a private Jlatiqn." The people bewildered by blind ana cc" lor St are plunged into eonfufion and anarchy ; till torn by j™ wn tyranvized\over by they find their dernier retort is arms of a despot. | Publi/licd by JOHN FENNO, No. 9. ! near 1 IK- £ '/ccfjc-Murkrt, SE W-YO K K.-~[3^ v ' ■'
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