xo to iJ pr cant, from what it wa> formerly: Can credit 011 thsfe ce -.ns De to oar beuelc ? Is it no. rather toocir ruin ! and (hill we urge our prefenc im.n; ife load of deb. to i -eat Britain as areafon why we hould accumulate inj.-e and more, link deeper anl deeper : ic un kby incereit, bat the tyranny of habit alone, that we are kept in bon dage—as France oil the one fide, and Holland on the other, p efents many advantages as our en couragement to fabllitute an open trade with them in lieu of our present injurious traffic with Eng land : The former is not inferior to Great Britain in any manufactures, except Hardware—her lilks, cambrics, Sic. are farfuperior and cheaper, though (much to our benefit) we cannot there obtain extensive credits—yet for what we may purchase ihe will receive in pay our ihips, tobac co, oyl, naval stores, and other natural exports, while in her extensive coafling trade a large num ber of our veflelsinay find employ, and 011 condi tion wewill not interfere with her carrying trade from thence to Europe, she will consent to open a free trade to her Weft-Indies.—We can obtain from Germany through Holland the best of cut lery and other hard ware, where our rice has for some years formed a better remittance than to any other part of Europe, and with whom owing to their large capitals—extensive pofleflions in that country —knowledge of the trade, and cheapness of navigation we can obtain many In dia articles of our consumption, on better terms than in our present direct intercourse ; for spices we are altogether indebted to them—and many are the political motives whichmuft operate with us to preserve a good understanding with that country. —It will be found not only advantageous but necellary to the extension of her commerce, that America should have her Consuls and other public agents in many of the great; ports of Eu rope, to ascertain their relative commercial in terefis with this country—explore the benefits of a connection with thein, to be bottomed on ex plicit contrad: or treaty, and not fubjecfl to the uncertain tenure of legislative decrees. AMERICANUS. NEW-YORK, AUGUST 1789. EUROPEAN CONTINENTAL INTELIGENCE, in britf—(by arrivals at the Eajlward)—(laics, THAT a quadruple alliance has been enter ed into by Ruma, Austria, France and Spain I hat all hostilities between Sweden and Den mark are at an end— That Rullia is at length listening to terms of accommodation—and that Great Britain is to be the principal mediator among the belligerent powers— 1 hat the Emperor of Germany has so far reco vered as to dine in public— That the Turkish army on the right bank of the Danube consists of 150,000 men ■" That the Turks were compleatly routed in a late atftion with the Ruffians, in Moldavia, and loft two pachas with their artillery That the Austrian army amounts to 276,600 men, exclusive of artillery and volunteers That notwithstanding the rumours of peace, every appearance indicated a bloody campaign- That feverallkirmiflies hadtaken place,in which as usual, the Turks fell by thousands, while their enemies had only a few men wounded, and lbnie horses killed or taken— T tiat England and Holland are endeavoring to mediate between the belligerent powers, &c.— That the King of Great Britain is in such a state of health as to be incapable of attending to pub lic business : He is affliifted with an extreme lassi tude—that for the benefit of his health he is go ing to Hanover, the Queen herfelf, with her own hand, having written a letter to the King of Prussia upon that fubje<ft!— That a duel has been fought between Colonel Lenox, and the Duke of York—the occafton of which was, that the Duke hadfaid, that foinebody laid something which Col. Lenox heard, and which Col. Lenox ought to have resented—and because the Duke would not name the person who had thus fp .ken,they met—Col. Lenox fired, by which the Royal Duke had his curl grazed—but did not return the fire—all this is attested by two noble men, Rawdon and Winchelsea— That the King's dearly beloved foil, Prince William Henry, is made Duke of Clarence, &c That the friends to humanity, in the Britifti House of Commons, were exerting themselves to efFecft the abolition of the slave trade—but were opposed by planters, their agents, merchants, tradesmen and manufacturers who were interelled in the trade, and who were bringing in their pe titions from all quarters. On Monday arrived his Britaanic Majcfly's Packet, Duke of Cumberland, Capt. Deakf., in 52 days from Falmouth and Halifax : By this arrival we have procured the following articles of EOROPEAN INTELLIGENCE : HAMBURGH, MAY 19. WE learn from Peterlburgh, that the ice with which the Neva was covered, entirely disappear ed on the 30th of last month ; the river had been frozen one hundred and sixty four days. The Armistice betwixt Sweden and Denmark, | has been prolonged to the 24th of June. VENICE, MAY 13. The new Sultan has made no alteration in the counsels of the Turks : The Reis Effendi, has de clared to the ambafladors of France and Spain, who are very pressing in their offers of mediation, " That he has orders not to liflentoany propor tions concerning peace, unless the preliminaries were on an entire restitution of all conquests ; the renunciation of the supremacy of the Empress of Russia over the 1 artars, and the independence of the Crimea." VIENNA, MAY IJ. Our august Sovereign is again ill—the day be fore yesterday his Majesty was seized with a fever, which continued lor twenty-four hours. He fuf fers greatly from an obftrucfted respiration. They w.ite from Crotia, that on the 12th of April, 1000 Turkiih cavalry, attacked a post of the Bannat—five villages belonging to the Bos nians, which were under the imperial protection, experienced the fury of the enemy ; all the men were immediately put to the sword— 104 women and boys, 6000 horned cattle, 108 horses, and 507 goats were carried and three small towns all burnt to allies. The enemy, after this, retired to the village of Pograzi, where they fold the booty to the belt bid ders—a Turk purchased two women and four children for 600 florins. CONSTANTINOPLE, APRIL 8. Our new Sultan, Selim lIId. hasrefufed all sub sidies for carrying cm the war, and has given or ders to open the treasury of the crown, and to employ its contents in conquering the infidels. It is remarked here, that this is the firft time a Sultan ever took such a resolution. This circum fiance has not a little contributed to increase the afFecftions of his new fubjecfts. A Ruffian cutter which failed from hence 11 days since, returned the day before yesterday with a Swedish corvette, mounting t2 guns, which she took, after an obstinate in which the Ruf fians loft one officer and five seamen. PARIS, MAY tB. M. de Lamoignon, late keeper of the feaJs, died at his castle ofßaville, on the 16th inft. LONDON, JUNE J. Thegreat question which now occupies thepub lic mind in Paris, is, whether the Three Estates of which the aflembly of the States General is com pof'ed shall fit in one room, form but one body, and carry its resolves by the majority of members prefenr, without diflincftion of rank, as was the cafe in the parliament of Scotland* Or whether they shall form three diftinifl bo dies, voting in dilferent houses, and each having a power, as in the parliament of England, to put a negative on the arts of the other. 1 lie clergy seem to be animated with that spirit of concord which religion inspires, and which prompts them to mediate between the nobles and the commons, who appear determined to stand as far asunder as they can. The commons lent a deputation on the nth of May, to what we may call the house of lords, to invite the nobles to meet the clergy and commons in one common aflembly, to try jointly the valid ity of the returns on elections of the different members of the three orders. Ihe Duke de Liancourt made a very elegant and able speech, the object of which was, to per suade the lords to accede tothe requisition of the Commons ; but on a division, he found himfelf in a very small minority. The nobles resolved that the following answer should be sent tothe commons: ' That the nobles having already made a considerable progress in trying the returns of their members, that work could not then be carried on in common by Three Estates; and that the commons not having noti fied their powers, and fliewu them to be accord ing to law, could not yet be considered as law fully aflembled, andconfequently could not com municate with the other two orders." 'I he second part of this answer had been recog nized as well founded by the commons themselves, who have hitherto afl'umed the denomination on ly of " Citizens aflembled by the King's com mand, and not the name of the Third Estate, met in general aflembly. The nobles having dispatched this answer to the commons, began to consider " whether the House could then legally proceed to business, though the representatives of the nobility of se veral diftridishad not yet arrived, and taken their feats." To bring the question to a point, the following resolution was moved : " That the returns of almost all the members present having been examined, and recognized as legal, the house was fufficiently formed to be able to procecd to make orders for its own inter nal government, until by the arrival of all its members, it should be complete, and authorised to proceed on the business of the nation." This motion was very warmly debated ; it was carried, however, on a division, by a maioritv of 168. Ayes - . in. Noes - . 2J On Saturday last a general meeting of the fub f'cribers to tlie Aflociation for promoting the dif covery ofthe Interior parts of Africa, was heldat the St. Alban's tavern, where an account of the proceedings of the committee during the pait y ea r and of tlie interesting intelligence which had been received in the couife of it, particularly f rora the late Mr. Ledyard, was submitted to their confidei ation. By this intelligence every doubt ol the practicability of the objetft for which the society was inftituttd is removed ; and as fe-veral persons have offered themselves as candidates to succeed the late Mr. Ledyard in the service ofthe Ailociation, there is reafoii to suppose that the knowledge already obtained will loon be follow, ed by more extensive discoveries. June J. The Have traders, forefeeing that the British Parliament are determined to put an end to the commerce of the Human Species,have given orders to their Captains on the coast to pur. chafe as many young women as possible. The reason is, that as the planters, after the abolition law takes place, mult depend for llaves on their stock, and the negro men being in a proportion of three or four to one woman, females will he wanting to establish a proper system of population. A letter from Ireland fays, Mr. Sheridan, speaking in the King's Bench on Wednesday, in defence of a Printer of a morning paper, said,— " Though I admitall that folemii apathy can fug geftagainft tlie licentiousness of the press, let us remember, that it is a public creditor, to which religion, morality, liberty, genius, and science are much indebted—let ns not forget, that it pre served the constitution of our filler kingdom, and restored our own. If therefore, in its freedom, it fometiines goes astray : if in alfuming the office of a Roman Censor it may fonietimes ti e'pafs, let it be controled, but let it be controled as a favorite child, with caution, and with lenity, leftyoura jure its health, and break its spirit." Extrafl from the Speech of M« Neckar, fpdtn it the opening of the States General, 9 th Ma). " The time will probably come, gentlemen, in which you will aflociate in your deliberations the deputies of the colonies, and will cast a look of companion on that unhappy race of men, who have been hitherto cooly considered only as the objeifts of a barbarous traffic—men similar to ourselves in the faculty of thought, and especi ally so in the forrowful one of fuffering. Men, neverthclefs, whom deaf to their lamentations, we croud, we heap in the holds of ourveflels,in order to convey them to the bondage which awaits them in our islands. " What nation can with more propriety than France endeavor to mitigate a system of slavery, supposed to be ncceHary, by substituting for the evils inseparable from the African trade, (evils which destroy the inhabitants of the new world and of the old) that foltering care which would end to multiply in our colonies a people intended to aflift us in their cultivation ? " A diltinguifhed nation has already given the (lgnal—a token of her discernment and compaf (ion ; humanity hath already found a defence even 111 personal interest and political calcnlarion, and before long her glorious cause will find ad vocates at the tribunal of every nation. Ah! what tranfeendent fatisfaCtion, what accuinula ion of honor is in reserve for these fittings of our General States, now they are revived in the midst of an enlightened age." Extrafls from the lnjlruttions of foiue of th: Bv liwicks in France, relating to the abohthn of tke Slave Trade. Noblefle of Beauvois.-*—" That the States Ge neral take into consideration the situation of the negroes in our colonies." Clergy of Melunand Moret.—" Seeing that in the eye of religion, difference of color cauft s none among her children, her ministers cannoi forbear perpetually to exclaim against the slave ry of negroes in the colonies." Tiers etat of Chateau Kierry.—" The third estate, considering that France hath been at all times an asylum for Kings, and the proteftrefsot opprefled nations : That slavery itfelf, on breath ing the air of her happy climate, becomes free, cannot omit exclaiming against the public out rage upon humanity and upon the nation, occa sioned by the commerce and slavery of the ne groes, not desiring, however, to prevent tic measures neceflary to be taken to guard again detriment to the cultivation ofthe colonies. Noblefle of Montes and Mudon.—" We a " recommend to him to propofean examination in to the means of destroying the slave trade, aw preparing for the deftrucftion of the fl3veiy 0 the blacks ; and we must be permitted to wilhna Faance may have the honor of effacing the la vestiges of this degradation of human nature. Clergy of the fame.—" Disgusted humanity ought to hold out to the nation reprefente 1 the States General, an abuse by which every cC ing mind is wounded. This abuse is the f|> 3 ® fill right that man has afliimed of buying h>s e low man ; of depriving him of liberty, ' u J fl '
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