Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, August 01, 1789, Page 127, Image 3

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    , ne w Tournal, under tlie title of Les Etats Ct
' ,vas publiihed in France on the ad mft.
j \ro have been continued three times a
kfor the space of three months at least. The
fur,lotion was three half crowns, and the
mber of subscribers, who all paid beforehand,
was upwards of 2000. Le Jay, the Publiflier,
...ployed a l'currilous and unpleafing writer, for
which reason it was fupprefled by order of the
Kine's council on Friday lait, after the publicati
-o°f the second number. As a specimen of its
manner, take the following paragraph. " The
deputies were obliged to wait from eight o'clock
inthc morning till after eleven, in the narrow
dark lobby of the ephemerous hall, built for the
States General, which really offered a view of
a eroupe of merchants on 'change, rather than
that of the entrance of a grand ailemWy."
In committee of the whole—the difcuflion of
the bill for registering and clearing vellels and
t0 regulate the coasting trade was resumed—
further progrels was made—many alterations and
amendments introduced —but the business was
not compleated when the committee role.
Mr. Fitzsimons moved that leave might be
given to bring in a bill to suspend the operation
of the impoll and tonnage bills—but this motion
was not adopted. Adjourned.
The committee appointed to examine the en
rolled bill to regulate the collection of duties on
tonnage, and on goods, &c. reported that it was
found correct, and laid the fame upon the table.
The Speakerthen signed the bill.
Mr. Livermore introduced a resolution that
each member should be furniflied at the public
expence with two newspapers of this city, such
as he Ihould choose, and no more. This was
laid on the table.
In "committee of the whole—the difcuflion of
the bill before them yesterday, was tiniihed—the
committee then rose, and the chairman reported
the fame to the houl'e with the various amend
ments proposed.
A meflage was received from the Senate, by
their Secretary, Mr. Oris, who informed the
Hon. House, that they had concurred in the bill
for fettling accounts between the United States
andindividual States, without any amendments.
The House tl;en took up flic report of the com
mitteejult made—many of the amendments were
acceded to —some of them negatived and others
added by the House, so that the bill was not finilh
ed when they adjourned.
Mr. ScOtt of the committee appointed for the
purpose, brought in a bill for eftablifbing a Land-
Office so • the western territory ; which was read
and laidoll the table.
Upon motion it was voted, that a Handing
committee be appointed to examine the enrolled
bills, and toprefent the fame to Th e President
for his approbation and signature, and Mr. White
and Mr. Patridge were accordingly appointed.
Mr. White of the committee appointedto ex
amine into the measures taken by Congress, and
the State of Virginia, refpectingthe lands reserv
ed for the use of the officers and foldies of said
State, kc.—brought in a report which was read
and laid on the table.
The House then proceeded in the consideration
of the amendments agreed upon in committee,
to the bill for registering and clearing vellels,
&c.which beingfinifhed, it was voted that the bill
ihould be en eroded for a third reading on Mon
day next.
A meflage by Mr. Secretary Lear was re
ceived—informing, that he was directed by The
President ok the United States to return
to the House, an a<fl to regulate the collection of
duties imposed upon fliips and vefl'els—and 011
goods,wares and merchandize imported into the
United States, which had received The Prelident's
approbation and signature: He then delivered
inthe act and withdrew.
A mefiTge was received from the Senate by their
Secretary, informing, that they had palled the
bill for eftablilhing the Trcafury department,
with amendments.—
Also, Thar the Senate had appointed Mr.
as a Handing committee, to join the
committee appointed by the Hon. House, to exa
mine the enrolled bills, &c.
Mt.Sedgwick of the committee for the pur
pose, brought in a bill to provide for the fafe
keeping of theaifls, records and great seal ol the
United States, for the publication, preservation
and authentication of the a(sls of Congress, &c.
which was read and laid on the table.
Mr. Huntington, oi the committee on the
memorial of Nathaniel Gorliam brought in a re
port which was also read and laid on the table.
Adjourned till monday morning.
I AM one of those who mind my owti business, and let the
World jog on as it pleases, provided. I fuffer no molestation from
it in my favorite mode of life : I am a friend to good government,
because I realize that there are some perfonsin my neighbourhood,
who do not know the extremes that the workings of envy at my
imaginary wealth, would lead them to, were they not restrained
by the laws. Having had considerable experience amoiig man
kind, and being convinced that Government is a very happy in
vention—that the security of my life, and all I poflefs,depends up
on its (lability and energy, I have had my quiet a liitle interrupt
ed of late, (which by the by is thercafon of my troubling you with
this writing),for I have heard some strange doctrines about magi
strates, and Governors, and Senators, and Representatives—it is said
by some, who I believe and hope do not underlland a word they
fay, that they are all going to be mixed up together and there is no
difliti&ions to be observed—and they are all a going to fit and
smoke together—andtotalk over matters—and to make laws in the
very cheapest. and mod expeditious manner—and are ail to have
the fame pay—and wear the fume fort of coats, and to cut off all
their hair, but not to wear any wigs—and are to call one another
by their christian names—and so to relieve the burdens of the peo
ple, by doing the public business in about a week, or fortnight, or
so : These will be glorious times my neighbor Tom Trotter
fays ; but I assure you, Mr. Printer, these things make me feel
plaguy fober—for I vejy much doubt whether they will answer.
I am so faithlefs, that if an Angel was to come down from Heaven
and tell me that mankind were grown so wife, so moderate, so
just, so clever, and so every thing that's good, that they would all
be made happier by throwing every thing into a common flock,
my little all among the reft, I should look very (harp to fee whe
ther he had not a cloven foot, before I would believe him.
I tell some grumbling folksthat itis hardly so easy to make laws
in a chimney corner,as it is to fight battles there ; and that though
we in this country may be wiser than the reft of mankind in the
old countries, where the common people, as they are called, are
brought up in ignorance, that they, by long experience, have
found out some things of advantage to them, and among the reft
that they cannot live very happily without government —in which
some must rule, and others obey : I also inform them that some of
the greatest tyrants that ever lived used to coax and cajole the peo
ple in the firft place my paper is full, or I would write more.
Your's, Simon Doubtful.
AN ACROSTIC. by a lady.
W HERE is the man, whose blooming laurels shine,
A nd form a wreath his temples to entwine?
Steady, yet a£live, thro' a gallant war,
He rode victorious in the martial car :
I n couneil cool, determined, modest, wife ;
No guardlefs moment took him by surprise ;
Great were his dangers—thorny was his way,
To reach the goal, where Peace and Glory lay —
Oppression fled, blest Freedom now abides,
N or e'er (hall roam while WASHINGTONprefides !
While the foil of America is propitious to the
produCtior. of genius, Europe appears no less pro
pitious to its growth and maturity. Poets, Paint
ers and Mechanic? seek in the old world those re
wards which cannot be bellowed 011 them in the
new. Our Weft, Copley, Brown, Trumbull, be.
seem to have taken up their abode in those climes,
where the ingenious and benevolent Mrs. Wright
breathed her last. The inventor of the Quadrant,
Godfrey, though he loft the credit of the invention,
was there liandfomely rewarded—and within a
few weeks past, the indefatigable and ingenious
Pope,* the improver on the Planetarium or Or
rery—one of which he lately finiflied—fetoutfor
London, in order, by observation or encourage
ment, to extend the sphere of his inventive ge
nius—and while benefiting liimfelf, add honor to
the country that encourages, and to the land in
which he was born.
•This Gentleman is one of those " hdittlti" but fclf-tsught
American Geniuses, who, maugre the wonderful difcovcries of cer
tain European philosophers, bid fail to carry the palm of know
ledge from all competitors, however fclf-magvificd, of the Eastern
hemisphere, Mr. Pope was bred to the Clock and Watch-mak
ing bufinefs —and although he had never seen the Orrery of our ce
lebrated RiTTSNHOi'SE, or any other machine of a similar kind,
he invented, conftru&ed, and complcatcd his PLANETARIUM,
which a celebrated genius from France, lately in this country, pro
nounced fuperiorto any thing of the kind in E.urope. This noble
Machine now forms part of the Apparatus of Cambridge Univer
sity. 4
The officers, civil and judicial, throughout this
State, are taking the oath prescribed by a late
Ad: of Congress.—On Tuesday at the Court of
Common Pleas in this town, the fame was ad
ministered by the Hon. Judge Sullivan, to the
Judges thereof, Attornies, &c.
From New-York. —July 19.
Yesterday the Senate passed the Bill for the es
tablishment of the department of foreign affairs
with one very finall alteration refpetfting the chief
Clerk to the Secretary—the principle of the bill
is not varied.—The question on the President's
power of removal from office was very warmly
debated,and in voting the members divided exact
ly even to and 10—The President of the Senate
gave the calling vote in favour of the clause as it
came from the Hoaie, by which the power of the
President, to remove from oilice (as contained in
the Constitution) is recognized—for I consider the
aftas uothing more in this point thail a recognition
of a principle interwoven in the texture of the
system.—Heaven has been all gracious to America
in guiding this people to the choice of tlietr firit
andfecond magiftrlites— this determination of his
Excellency, is in perfect conformity tq, his senti
ments, nor do I think he would lacrifice them for
the Em pire of the world.
A government founded upon right principles, in order effec
tually to guard the rights of an enlightened people, Should be strong
in its conftru&ion, and energetic in its operation : Those amend
ments therefore which (hall have a'tendency to lefTen the force of
our National Government are to be deprecated.
The fubjeft of amendments to the Constitution is very delicate in
its nature, and dangerous in the experiment. So loug as it remains
as it is, the people will have a definite idea of the instrument—and
it will be considered as the great Charter ot their privileges—but if
it should fuffer such alterations as will place the whole, or its vari
ous parts, in a conflruflive point of light, the benefit ol a Conflitu
tion will be loft. The much admired Britilh Conflitution is to be
found only in that infinity of precedents which are fcattercd throngH
an innumerable multitude of musty folios.
If history and experience did not fully explain the mystery, it
would be extremely difficult to account for that opposition which
some chara£ters, in some of the States, make to neceflary official
Titles and Diftin£lions—for these persons, from education, habit*
and natural difpolition, difcoverthat they possess the modfovereign
opinion of their own individual importance. To such oppofers of
the legal honors which the people are always disposed to confer up
on their civil rulers, may be applied the words of Dean Swi Ft—
Their altitude ojfends tJie eyes
Of those who want the pow*r to rije.
Disinterested patriotism is a contradiction in terms—to this as
sertion the example of the Decli, and others, who facrificed their
lives for their country, may be opposed—but it is well known that
the force of very inferior motives has (limulated men to such a
facrifice—vanity and vain glory have produced many very bril
liant actions. Wife legislators calculate their regulations of so
ciety upon quite different principles—they know that intercjl :s the
great obje£t of mankind—hence they have always found it neces
sary to hold out inducements of various kinds, to flimulate to exer
tions, and to ensure obedience to the laws. Tnefe inducements
a*e requisite in proportion to the freedom which is emjoyed—in
arbitrary governments the feelings of the people are consulted, as
convenience may dictate—and their interest is always a secondary
Confederation —but in a free republic, though there is every local*
general and personal consideration to influence, yet the people have
always found it neceflary to confer titles of honor and diftin&ion
on their civil Rulers—for public offices, in proportion to
lity and freedom of the people, are never to be considered in a lu
crative point of view. And until human nature is d fferently con
flituted from what it now is, there must be a fubftitnte for pecuniary
rewards, to induce men to enter into the public service—mankind
have never yet devised any other than official diflinflions by hon
orary Titles.
The Boston Gazette of Monday last, printed by
B- Edes and Son, contains the following article :
" Our beloved Preside nt stands unmoved in the
" vortex of folly and dissipation, which the city
" of presents."
[A correspondent thinks it just to observe, that the reflefiion on
this city contain d in the above, conveys neither the fentimentsof
the inhabitants of Boston, or the people of MafTaciiufetts at large :
Of the great number of chara&ers from the £astern States, whom
a laudable curiosity has induced to vifil New-York, at th.s irjier
efling period, not a single complaint, refpeiting the " tolly and
" dilfipation" of the citizens, has ever been heard—and indeed it
is impofliblc that any person of the lead candor Ihould entertain
such an idea,for it would be contradiifrd by all their senses—every
appearance both in public and private, being in direst oppolition
to the infinuationof this para'graphift. j
Wednesday last being the day appointed by
hisExc'y the Commander in Chief, of this State,
fortheannual infpe<ftion and review ofGen.Mal
coin's Brigade ; they were accordingly reviewed
and infpetfted by Colonel Fifli, the Adjutant-Ge
neral, on the ground belonging to Colonel Rut
gers, where the whole were cxercifed and ma
noeuvred in his presence. The neat appearance
of the legion under the command of Col. Wykoff,
—their corredl execution of duty—together with
the orderly and refpe(ftable appearance and con
dud: of the battallion troops, induced him to
bestow many liandfome commendations, and to
promise to mention their behaviour in very fa
vorable terms in his report to the Commander in.
A correspondent begs leave to recommend to
the farmers wives and childred, an attention to
the preservation of pried apples. They are a
pleafantandwholefome article of diet. Former
ly they ma-de a profitable articlc of remittance to
the Weft-Indies. It is thought they would fait
the East-India market, and thereby prevent some
hand dollars being sent out of our country. They
are belt, both in taste and appearance ; when
they are dried in a kiln, or a stove room heated
for the purpose.
Tl/urfday, Ship Lord Middleton, Hewgill, Shelburne, 7 days-
Brig Mary Ann, Tinker, Turks Island, 12 days-
Sloop Eliza, Blackburn, Cape-Francois, 13 days-