, ne w Tournal, under tlie title of Les Etats Ct ' ,vas publiihed in France on the ad mft. j \ro have been continued three times a kfor the space of three months at least. The fur,lotion was three half crowns, and the mber of subscribers, who all paid beforehand, was upwards of 2000. Le Jay, the Publiflier, ...ployed a l'currilous and unpleafing writer, for which reason it was fupprefled by order of the Kine's council on Friday lait, after the publicati -o°f the second number. As a specimen of its manner, take the following paragraph. " The deputies were obliged to wait from eight o'clock inthc morning till after eleven, in the narrow dark lobby of the ephemerous hall, built for the States General, which really offered a view of a eroupe of merchants on 'change, rather than that of the entrance of a grand ailemWy." sKE i~'CH OF PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS. in the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES of the UNITED STA FES. WEDNESDAY, JULY 29,1789. In committee of the whole—the difcuflion of the bill for registering and clearing vellels and t0 regulate the coasting trade was resumed— further progrels was made—many alterations and amendments introduced —but the business was not compleated when the committee role. Mr. Fitzsimons moved that leave might be given to bring in a bill to suspend the operation of the impoll and tonnage bills—but this motion was not adopted. Adjourned. THURSDAY, JULY 30. The committee appointed to examine the en rolled bill to regulate the collection of duties on tonnage, and on goods, &c. reported that it was found correct, and laid the fame upon the table. The Speakerthen signed the bill. Mr. Livermore introduced a resolution that each member should be furniflied at the public expence with two newspapers of this city, such as he Ihould choose, and no more. This was laid on the table. In "committee of the whole—the difcuflion of the bill before them yesterday, was tiniihed—the committee then rose, and the chairman reported the fame to the houl'e with the various amend ments proposed. A meflage was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr. Oris, who informed the Hon. House, that they had concurred in the bill for fettling accounts between the United States andindividual States, without any amendments. The House tl;en took up flic report of the com mitteejult made—many of the amendments were acceded to —some of them negatived and others added by the House, so that the bill was not finilh ed when they adjourned. * FRIDAY, JULY 31. Mr. ScOtt of the committee appointed for the purpose, brought in a bill for eftablifbing a Land- Office so • the western territory ; which was read and laidoll the table. Upon motion it was voted, that a Handing committee be appointed to examine the enrolled bills, and toprefent the fame to Th e President for his approbation and signature, and Mr. White and Mr. Patridge were accordingly appointed. Mr. White of the committee appointedto ex amine into the measures taken by Congress, and the State of Virginia, refpectingthe lands reserv ed for the use of the officers and foldies of said State, kc.—brought in a report which was read and laid on the table. The House then proceeded in the consideration of the amendments agreed upon in committee, to the bill for registering and clearing vellels, &c.which beingfinifhed, it was voted that the bill ihould be en eroded for a third reading on Mon day next. A meflage by Mr. Secretary Lear was re ceived—informing, that he was directed by The President ok the United States to return to the House, an a