t. - -ii 7 : - .1 4 _ 1 , -I '""" i ' .....--e ' Mil ..•. 4 . i - . ? -r l E . , .1 - i i , - - - -,- - , . 11. E , , L ti_ ji i 7 _. • , . I i , . .: (11- I. I.U . , f ~ .4. II • 7: .. =,-- ,1 it t - 7 - r - 1 II lII,' rrtstED AS 4P III 6LISZED ST . -- • • - it ) , r • Iti 11. &) J. 1 EVAAD. - • li iiFv 1 _II , ~ 4 i „„T„.._.. DOUR ~.I.w.. 1.w.H .dripT, cirwra, T .r i-ii.„,,.. ; i. AO 1 1 144 , 41 th Se TWO DOLLARS will be cli No lo discontinua], until a)1114-estrigtM ! e settlefk - ozlept, 44 .the- option a the Editors. rl sett .' 7--- 1 il. i l Adi: - ertisements'insektedi t t tie' ate Of 51:1 ets: •Pr square, Of fifteen lines 101 l one inreriion— ech Subsetritentinsetin 25 dents. "A liberal discoont made to' ea ' ntivertiseri.- ' • I li. flor-Letterstitirti coinmunitMtions, by mail,' stall invo Dr° t atte l i ntion. I ;" - - , - 1 I ' l' 1(. Fur the Argus. A r lair l idSi WALK- *- ' lv :: " !.., i : • 4 LYDI 131.' RENO:, :: -- t i• •- !-'"'', . . ' 4 . ‘ pnica.... ..Oar": flea Mt , B! 111Dost,./a.t., _., , .., } fly flea and , , ; ‘.• iwere, !tdaia that are, HI at giely sweet: , • -.,..„'. with ght to war. . ' l ii 1-1 1 . I I ur Aut' cov, walk ' , - * i t - t ' id hy t ostreau et had li t v , I I ...,, ...:,, in a - dre,• }4 . • 4 11:,', -141 I }*"}*":' N.. • HA LH 411, J . ',. 4 fro th iltlUiClii: tileMO., ll .. i . 1 : -,":.; i • if 3 pliciiitrkply . down; res ben ' th! our} feat .1 i l er's fa( 1 i ifts} } } • .-• ' is low l is sweet,l -". • - the Loci lug farti.s •r letie e e;:ii. 1 • 11 its"ll lnu ut } ing'. stroa, }ut 1 cr rleck bed ira lkelei Mime , 1} „ tet eteiftry tra(l;. * • lieari.. °tired leut fur, the de t itd. 1 ; " ll• . • : 1 l ~-* I iloimpi:l • li fele!, r• • :-se.:l' sliriti}p "' 1 } t rose i}iinsi.)ling iinrei Ili' thii e,.iin'fiiie,— a ilea l-, .1: rt.' time, • 45 11 lo.st (Ircii3l. ,},} l bet .lillutan - Walk -. is surely foldrife, - ! t tiro - sit - rock '}- - I - 4ii I, , l .., • e 7 ,- ,l,•estylveriu'estrtie; •ciuls (liiikk itti * -,} clews life. 4 1 to }.l. } i 41 nelwlir,:i • tied, it loug, g o i l gi ih r ly, .1 i s •14-r w - } of tb I diiv, 1 " } r vi,..___ A 1 :. - 4•-•••Ai- l• } 1 ,, heart u. i } .;.......). lipzu 1,,i14-, ' Otriti 1 4 - P 1 I 1 , , • I :.•et!..p (tint arst i i 71 , 4 , n`s isoftfjciwif ti i irngs . tdast p • Fb thi t rking‘cd" of Limn the Lai's; A lied Ls if tanuLai pli!ces 2. 1 r Ain-44 We said at Si . eiusfar remoras " tT!ie :41 7 tbatb . .stylip !z;,*g li weted kale . Sumni t o luldirustEng muf irown o' 3 l ro tilierril hi tL - ihe 1,, 41 1 '1 anderir4 Col vingly we ti Veil' the Bei 1 : 1if . :),) . y . cf r -chnstenr,i before a LI of bear. • , beloved-1 r I WT I atfat. , to 140 1 'ent 1 ut mitre ISt hl g !ZEE 11 tivil I th r t i t I, Egi AulAuri -1 _....., irliwq:.+l -TheyP J I-I tt..l for:okii .1 .141 Oh we ha,' Wi for ftlie colnwtunioi:ll .kii.od Withili'llq:l, Lik th.irs-tiewi i.... 4 • li r ff . tl.wrzw, ''''A. )or soma time S , Tiat hint 'teed litt rukk eity, 01 dc i Culled irieh f - fl f YOteriav ip au all turimithtel e e 1,.. r . ye ~was argutng a •th foliate; VEI t5.,1 ' th ' 'insane ylitut l VtiruiXtht: pi ft by the laipelittj IF.;, who handl,' 1. t. u :.i,,, - ,e'd by hi - th 'prieuding•riu 14: ~ a . :.11. L, r 1 h-a-r'i a 1 0 I:I; r 0 iVit I liiist.;:iticy, 1... liser ' S 41 ' .11 i t . 14, , !tor !' . Tite ezis ill Ilie N. V,. l'elt durpt.syroroito by tort 'i.,11 •si.t history ruff i•eli at the - lain -,N% hi `assbuted t 4; b i 1 I. 1 - ,e mnriticei Li ' , nett& tte tnot.l lat • wan t de rarity pn boetki's thaeitia } lti f 1143tk tot 3i..-, .) ; ,, bcked, wlitritur in N...417,,rk, Plii"li'd4. .. i tuir places, at lot 41t Wasl taken toll ] itnilid,laud 14t t b /114iCal treatmg.t4 gedrliito rttturit Il i aerplaiti ed. with Ft _- ~ _ t-- fr -. ukt•tr,iter reputan vhi4hl l ite afterwaW zsl.e.llllf re.lonne'd I h] .1_7, , .)10 lug to A met e . .attittolem fro te i r r i ' f Abe iiine, - nud `ells, I vll4 'l4: asked lit: i 1)9 . envies be rqs4. --tee s atilizoels jo e, t.! ey: '',:- . 13y s Cb ' rut all this''-ill i siii it *' knotylml , iel of i -:iiite I.tter ict..7 . 4 tits ' ill to trcerairou i 'kite to cep her “Ihr h ,baudi cue . Ittri ! P .' k. ' (h, [ its iiibli tr. t . 4 , It. - 111 ;3-dye 1 -•,,, 'l6 e, )3it. . .. .. _ se tf alleged lu ;etio4 iul th, court- of N. ;ails f: l i lac+ have fur : ; r tit s .totitl lionll.lts. t, it - Fat ► e o audtitiu lief 'Ju l Vltile a law fat. r ofi l tb • - rcleate of aryl e- % ofitlrunu, front it tt nth If her friouti,, beget ' gs wt Ft: iLI I errupi ce- 0 ' bet ftrtithcr of 3irS. ti t [ Court aft applea t4st ' , r.' ' l i ets!tittg th.t her .t i ute hoottitl tenni i. rang ItAatt4rs;ittiliethly and ns . about it) return It: iu is t isArptotith her ; 1 I the.t . elided,' but we find of liti evtaiiitg; aa, :till: 1 rs. 1 V olni titatt, which a: dittcroilils slig l ` lai Is of t.W turn;' Furiths, ; beri'..ritiutl.l; 1 - , `:cite rig,3 nod furbishets %cuts ME / . le iabtltinx.s or hit era tv J oal_l4alid. - It be . fui, tur)ro ,- than a .ured/ serlugi , d i i'an.ten 11 i , , Tcyd . I/ 'arts, La. , 4prr, Iptax,- New lirt,eausferid els a i,rivlatit Looses: aris I t .y her bitsbial ' Ai ere ib undergo: Akcitlill j ghili: . i.4 - buzi:aess obli- I nnid. iSlf Own. got rilis4 who aci'alied [low ? . 1 - in I pugli het tveakfica.s A ,z itse4 w ed tovs6l boa red ,iie ars. l I be tpuorre i d, ;extorted, itnoo il, jewls; Sw., all sh Hid nOt give brat , eat ..iid; abased :iier rl , olpturbarres to her foreepter to give him tra4e iufai L uatioa she phewit, ke ii iv, s u git frora er Ausbapil, < Until at lentallY founa it -out.-- 20 RdUe of , . 71.troi longe t De Oheatet I gi- Could 11. Stu ,- history kn —. lie Bubb I ( terry tinreal ullars,jio In !edit' uf tis !! title at !li :et i•ioc,ilir D! §k i , r-3 or ti t 'Ar t , iout3l of t. ' l it tip tu th )ut their a e 'Petry p e ,e e. 0.. to receir ii you thiu ! eourr / rail : 1, ree ti at 3 Dy 104: GED necl moue J u tok l it erp. Jrt i El 7 a ; I' la 11123 eol iC'S, cut .y oT • I J 'gcs ad. 1 4 br. 1110 f ;I : I ItAl I •• Mill II , , ,' .:e. :, ZEE LE tii•±z~c: xi•.:'x~.i-~0. !~ `.~_ _ 'ulling project is Substantially , lich Gen:Jackson said he 'wall it furnish had lie been called upon ; i - .., He often talked wi the Ltu4 upon the isubjeCt, and. ! seemed 9 know whether a 'au6tituta foe a totes Bank, pureli national in it a , coull -not be devised. These. ions resultedin the. concoction' et i scheme. ---' W. B. fartvis.i J flowing oiatiino of a" kinenemli - propospd as . - a substititte for a; be. place ? bt aNational Bank lit , to establish Treasury 4gacies - . leinatiklerpubtici tioltitly '''''` t im 2. T e should be ' at- east one-cu these agerreits 1 rtea in every State *toil u s ' tory in t el 4 . It, Union, at such points sI wee l be , utobt i nienient and suitable. i - 3 F r o • aoh *ivory there' should 607 IT- - pointed' e principalnfficer, with sis wan subalte as would be 'sufficient to 'pantie the buiitfess thereof. ,;-' ! ; 1 1 • 4. Piinte •individuali shinald also hi iti 1% permitt I nY deposit • their loads tor sal I keeping 'ltbese 66641 and toirecaiv - i *heroie 'flutes of depoSit( in the okapi of bank t imtei, payable on demand' at :tbd agencies where deposited) in gold or illye4 or Imola o f h r i , Ands as would be satisfacteryl ito the bq J rs of - vertifbaiea. 1 • " i 1 -c . -5. -4 !Fue t e deposits of • Th. il same ill Pared" c__ps ders auYio Uuit chant . COUV6 I the wtit, Th 1 (ache 1. - ProP *car .. . .t pttvate todividu-t i zif - s - ,.;",he.' riper officers of tiaid agencies irilic4 . b directed to lank° as.: Peeyleertin-1 cateitito ' such's! .1 8 Itutg ibe tetieir f-_, .. • Ze a 4 i .cd, pay' e they shall not to !of a less tle. ;nommen, •ithau fifty or 604 , htindr l ed dol t. lays. ("; c Stain- banks'l ahuilld be 'looked • to for sn-I notes.) : 1 I 1 .' 1" I 1 G. Ticia • p kcipal-offices lof nth ti e eneies i i I sho u ld b It' e itibrizeil to rc l ceive for the oth' ; IHe dhes r d from private depositors besides • gold mid 'it er, the uotels of Inuell speein paying 8 t Banks as they it consider I oft untbi 't solvi•tic 1 - 11 ' 1 . ..Y• ' '.-. - i . 17. Th ' rtificatcs of dePosite itsned by the prope -t goers- of sai4 agencies should .- i also be /4 11 red anywiCre .initaym(itot for i • the publi Ants, and at the Lind ofikeistfor 1 public la 11. - - ' I H ' 1 ~ i ,8, Th tigers , tof the' a o 'ment..•ies should he I required axe weekly or monthly nettle Il mettle. wi i ll tlio - Statti Batik 4 whose notes i i arn - retei be at the .igniu:iestl'antl in ease ithey'• , h?l'll -. any num tad , sanitactortly : m i ;.adjust tl+, • latices standing egatust•theni, i ateir uotq.4sh ould no lougi be, rei:eieeti l on depreii4, a nd suit belintdit aced against ; dim fors ' "tit for ttc Mn'ou . ntiof their liu"--1 44ebtefinei the itiiid _agencies. - I ' ti , i 1 rfn . ~-. ui .rithjtilel a a l i tes or : cm) 'tutting and 1 e , ; comiminiti the proper uffiners "of• the Isgencini itioltild not onlY be ttiioti-tod, but 1 I t directed furnish drafts upon tdi event t .1 Sections fl the , country,; if desired, hen : tiv.l. thesi tuation of the,(tigencies would ad ii.. mit' of it • arguing: such premium. only as 1 would be / " . tient to'dernty the additional nipensee 'Cloned by the receiving and paying u i the funcif of - private • iadicid. wthi.t- _ ' I t 1,1 t 1 ; 10. 3 ricers of thelegencies 'iihnuld „4, n - be requirC make wenkty,: monthly, and ti o quarterly, e urus - to' the' Seeretaty tif !the Treasury - , a d in case of failure or neg lect to do s :.tile law should Make it I the duty of th 'resident tedismisS theni from ofiiee for; J, vith. ' .1 . ; It ' ' ' 'l'll ME TM 11. Ti ~ suet bonds 'and I .siirety tihould be requirq' of the officers of sail ageneies,'!, and in ca e -of defalcation ,3r:in !improper ! , use of theinioneys by thew; pUblic itrpri.i , vote, ibei eMould be deemed; to haw! cow-11 , !mined a Onitentiary offence, and "on con. ',l, vietion thOrelef be punished itccordin4iy. - 12. TLICe '' ffit,ers of said , rigeteics should , , 'be apoiute' 'ai• a term of four pair,- midi, should tw i t te•reinoved fromi office without • i the concur elece of the Senate; butfor elle- II ged -iuipr i.r. conduct ..they !might be 13119- I I petuhid u 4 it application of t the Secretary ! i i , •of the Tre s ry to the President, trlio, i n ! ,, !snub caret i ould be ' required to ! report il, ,the re.aso* f o r such susp e nsions to the . k ' Senate forili MI, if in session,' if, not, I then nrlh i iiiiiielinu4t of the next:e ! I kt- tf suing sea N 4 it. '• 1 , , ' ! 1. — ILEAn sl.—The establishment of ;these!' ; Treasury ! pixies or Brauches,would Obri-li ate, it w t - Ought, theiconttit:Mianal ob.! i 7;-actionsw h i had been mid to a Nation-11, :al Bank; •t' they xonld !afford to the ,' 1 county ae n paper circulating med i um, I ' d -' in the she, e of bank ecrtific4tes tOr clepos. ' 1 ites; that ' would have the salae con ; trolling iu u ace over-the Statelhauki with regard tot it issues.- ai a National h3ank would or . uid have, and that thr3 t cerlift 1. Cates of de sit, guarantied as (they would I be by th 3 overnment, would command universal p Pt:lice, and be lint l on valuable 1 every wherehen data Old' or silver. It i T might, ba,,ii re~atriet the is.suink (4 era certificates of de it to a i few only the Agon esJ,--y 'llMitein, ' 11 New Yor ~: hiladelptia Ba4leaore, Wash-. lingtl on, 4 .. mood, _C lesioni Ney Or l ui !leans, andl ~Lanis. I I I 1 1 I . It was i aced there could be; bat one objection i f much fore made 7 ,:: to this scheme, on hat was tha the-United totes ' were mad e t ie depOsitori private funds, and respon Ibis,' for the; 'ea e•keepiiii4 and ,alisburseniitl. Many oth ro jecticiis.lreuld :aloribtress e been mad bylthest inifavor. of United; ' ' tes llarilr,- r fa'vorit.qh#eries of their OW' but in answer te Ihtitri'all it might be ts i that the at public: bane ii ! fits arising f An: it, if adpptc , by. the itn •,proved con q!ori of the currency and ex ! change of! lt :country, would are i than ! cOirrpensatele: any l injuries o losses the Guvernme! ' I might sustain. t should be borne in rt. nd, too, that the,wh le imichiri ni I cry: of th . r i s . hem° was to be C wider the en s/i I tire contrail- direction, and mieriialbn of I Cmeress, lila entirely bdyend thei retch of the Pacctitit., or the ilicentiv infitience. - iris' Wood vacantl y „recovered Ildollars deanages ir a' breach , fora 'n , - faithless law iu. i mei /, „ we think. 1 i 1 I. , esylutu was live with incident in 's this Da: courri my fricntl ?r a roily ;for twen- Ivrea tiie neat Any 'cis 'll'e Jiidge eir t i vi fi s teti,et it t f virfdeonit -03 Thii i den signed ! n • ' , iud hal bar, till i l .0 , igned L i I then s, and the three I itl , k it Ito illia niari he :,tilt ti 11 i)rouiptly . t . fool, Itiwyl eud T i _ , 4 let you . t , rsr on par 1 • to cheat tuEti 1 1 - rarkci l 41, the court 1 , ten t bout's , i i,l.3rtcci for 1 of Prulni 3 l i rice for IT out to y '5411 • I r , r): l ' ,~-~:. Z" ,, ']' TT- 7 :.,., ty Ina MU -: I-, be liaativille Daily kora, of No: 'k1317/tY Amens. . I I I LETT},t. lOll BlfarriP iI Th reiall. As I lef he unitt- i nee this morning, and 'sail-. down4e, I felefor: the first !hue • ‘ ,l that my)itee tv turned towards the lands' of thelr.. I !red metrthe Turk and the Arab, I' the r peculiar leostunies inl the ' heautifiind -Crowded capital ; of the Atte- ' titian e mpire. The long b?vid, the turban, am . robNl ut_ the almost;finseparable O N bad sho t ;in th t - ti already I was on the bar , ral den"' of stia land; but not until' 'the city had t ranie ied from vieir"did I fully re- alise that My long journey had omntrieuoed. 1 Sparcedy,ll hornier, had -I:tar:led from ga- I = L eg - nul l a4Pla rg Of., the , Tyreleser Aips, wh i ich gre r Pidly receding behind,* city, who •tho faskiplaitOiporttherriorth oft t. e' Diu ' . :01Wd'historio inemoriteroti t ie the past. '; Fro t he top of St. Stephen's,' tli etch wer I I had, looked out over fife 1 ,fields of I *gra* and . Diling, and Espe l p, where 17441conlisd *f the armies of As tiM--I hall • pti.Wang the berder of he battlefield of liV i t.as , I hurried tn . il, ir Dresden 16 Vidnua—butliew, as more Shirrly thajatember sailed upon the; al Id i Eureka gr diktat river, I hid timo to redid( the Curio IcOn fi iete of the - past. e Romans iv re is Vienna - and" near it .f host they enceunteretiLthe barbakan hordes of the Nora -The Turk Iliad i enema . argund.tha eity4burned its subnrss a d weimlect 'over' itieibeillainaheo: the '. halide wail! tou4t - between ther llotme I gi, liapsloirg sad ' linhemian king, °now, which gave . strength and pilot - Mir to the tiatrian idominienstud ' here, too; 'the gio,:ifl:errpulanC4ie ,OiStfaiOrngOle.":°iWelinertetiliglieithrnilirititlndbdi-ft B,lg d, untili by killfuLtuaocetwee be de- ! eit„ et cal the l rdi duke Chariots- 1 0E5W his lr y of 1 , 0,0 tl men in • 'a single night ve the ri er, 114 gaiued a signal victory ui_. .f,,., clve his enii, s wies ,IL Neer did I' e tully • _tha to the !grail e r of the grains and t e rnaaeitude Of tilt. labors of the lri•etich E - i pertr us since I 'have molded over Earop p e t a h re:lF u u r o i r , i ill ' r e .: e , b _ ; 1 4 ( ty p fi o l e i l t l e , : e ali ; ° , ,, r a late l a s o r i l i ll e t e t b r o u ti L i i s: l i t3 l : L a 4.itaic where he bilged, a monntair c iinbcd,. a L eity le vikited,. tn. an! firth. ir reiutuat Wtch, be i wore.tlauthas pot to al cliatutott 'that 41 ' count,: in I the coiner t;t• t e Moneta td th .1 Ul' I a prph.. ,- , l te t I .. FOO i spects the Danube rescuil Illie:3lii•eiNitippi.l It is not so large,'( It u .but Air , maitY,miles it has lbw bat 1 1. Iwhi?li..only[ by raised levees =protect !country foal ovetflow,. : atl it .is chant [its fbinaul - ,firowl - ;yearl4.-year . . J • 1 The 2fter*LL•f* - 4 - fir Oita gold ; is found, iNeeral places - to-day. I noticed in, InOrk washing out the prof-tour • grain. llVlita' r idquiredl of a German as ti ' ess of the 111 - ICs; he replied that nn ,gtil was found, but, giving bia'shouldt III)c liar siting, said that it til l . went tt frichiu taperer. pecafienally the hills, appn lclose to the river; laud remind one of 1:3 the most ;beautiful spots on the Rhine or r . ,ci the L l uditon. The latter, in its pictur i l ate highlands, lily, needs the ruin of ol 1 eastles, and to ied walls, and the gran. !derv' of historic inI I ociations; to rival th proudest td• Europeanliiver seenery.. Ile, • the Mind is carried back two thousand yea Crifilott ele4ated batik ou the Smith is P trop dl, suptiosed tee on the site of Cara ✓rtiirn, destroy° !It.‘ fierce Mills. The u der the shadow of tlie °vet Langiog,heigh II a e "the warns opting., which the Roman c• 114 d Aqu4Poniouitacy.and iu the watei. o , which thy b• shed;, and at a little dial Itatie r e' are rainpar ~ b uilt by Roman Lands,l lt' ae.d {oh which the Ttuks aud'Austriatis ha ' 'wily ,gombhts. But the glory of tbe pas e cridiaitewitlthe Aa - sdut. Ages of warfare V (deuce mil di; actiou turned the mind i o tlia p.aiplit ° in fro. ' , lilt developeut of the • . , , esoarees off be ecautry, and the establish ] 'iti - -: . of the variops: institutious of civiiiza i ilj HoW;istrauge hi-the scene contrasted ! rw till America. ilere is a river almost ri- , 1 t *ailing our Ova •lississippi—far sUrpassio & the phio--itilow I to the world for two!, klibusaud yatirs— i the scene a- sothe of ths' gri tritest events in hi4orie reeord--and yet t Waters - roll mi almost thiough a waste (.11 Apart :Erato the Fold "r4stles new io 4 i ruins;-, and apartl . !erh the vicinity, of a few latti eider , µ hero is meroappearaore of im provement b'etweeA is 'turd ,St. Paul t laufbutweee Vienna, with its 400,000 in it itants,,and Pc Eh, with ita i eurroundings o 100 000. •- , , 1 ' • ' f awakening There aresow nthcations o i :' Nearl y thirty years age two'English a-placed-n the'lianu'ae the first steam 1,, rrs., 'But s ynch were the difficulties attend-I tug itheenttirprisellthat it was about to Ise hbealloaed . A ",company Wes, however, f0r,. . ! im lat Vienna by the esertpu of two nee l hl men, an I.s:claim' e charter obtained t r fr o f the A triatt gownment, grant ing to t, al the so ' e right of steam navigation for ionnt twenty! year yet to oome.- This emu patty bas built a ' large fleet Of steaniers— moil than - 1110 y, Land is it once aid ing tn:develaping dm resources of the coull fe try slid - elfriehin , themaelves. The, rice 1 ,0 Flamage Sow i ienna to fintlats—about is fo. as fiat Pi teburg to - Evarmville 7 - is, , 01 An ' bey or - b o ats of peculiar COl3. uetion abisdreen upon the river, oh - ed.fOr c ' yinglgrain i wood, &c. These t i float :down the current, but up stream are , w i n by 'calf as our` canal beles; I b Ile seen a aw er with ropes which ap. red fret 6 fot,rth to a half a mile long, fia n by from 20 to GO horses,driven 10. ; plan the Ilk. lii , The firstliplaeo. at which our ; steamer ()Ached wasrilaiabmg,—and here was far. i hi.+:l an eitunplle P er Austrian Legislation. , T 4 Itown A a el:list, 'tob?ccb,manufactory, vi r g, o u t br a populaiion of 5000, some i ete or fifteen hundred hands imploye . d !, lie goveinmetiel NO citi z en of . Au_atruc , li s 1 !. l qt v l d ifigt°lltataePt%arufale"e except and 1 ry l , ; t is 4 pure and' 1 . hi a lby the velnient t an on all thin At, tow° cps 14 the Austrian titter you 'II icit tam Oyal aims ail thieign ' B. IL n [1 l'-ii• I' I 1 . 1 1 individi TEM _4 l l II Mr 1 • 11 • W F 1 ii-:tr.'T : di • t • •11" ' • - • - I lia 1111111 i*i ME 1 1 t 1 1 t4F l ab.r, 1 7 .vity/4 - 4 , ta , m, I,ylog ' a he( Iritthplai• ixiaufy_iu 1 o in:ivvial ....._- , . 64 riciaitill 1 Ica, eittliiy* 1 ~ parry; el . ....kiii t i me .d I Direicrier) 16 pi s I , py- . ,o di , Ilpp er o mold' air , , .. 1 Ikea) bilki, a and a;,,eor •f , o d this.. - , t, .r , i r ut) 1:1 l i .s ? h : : . Neigk r —_,_ tilei origia to'plio 4sq ezhileil . .);i d Ihepl owithi ~ Plaom bilk/ 1 n • , land tha!iati irits,.aimplp Ilc, og fro* SI which il . I' tbOII , . f Hangar t*hb . ' f y t di 0 ig ' T ns. 0 n e lai vit nit, ti ," • t th IV e _ pi DOAN , v Ilsor Is 10 ti ; . .., - :Oa utu to t s ads a 1 .itt u "tr , imuide of u a , ii.tower. I (rola . eighboringl rica ff .7 ottcE of tt i Tb ' b h eielted ge, b i co, ad . whet' is ~ to ' tee their .puin " . 1 r tle • iri g lovurs'ea ttl me i Oili is arum, if hr & I P "tikanithe--aud I t file:l.l , l4ls Tourer. I 1101 Illg-ir --tiial . bor IV thi imillebristiauit: re 6 pd; Flung:my! 1 1: rr bef COM I 1 e t i r e e in t j tl , o opposite's.ti I mound .•o ded in , rt 1 is called K iii ungsry'sc or, hs rode up tb, the sword of °wards the foi pledging 'tn Iminions: 7 ough thei ii i , too, on It e the walls nen, itu i lts four tin; alt' oc hero in' eruct d ere—awl poTs 1 intikof the Tar mud a ill. Wa3 hu 1 er b e r p3ired 1. , abie ih r —at leai, I 1 fron t , . • 4 t lt e vier. i lli, o! T I Mar 71 resa Rai a4A ever id ~ ancliwh 11 soda otdti, oho call': Li hers in a Ilungari a .with !, e l l hely crown , f I t t. Lead 1 ~ tee ribs of wi is ed lbj thll'opei and b hare tieeul, made by tii you s r chqd in her a to Una 7 riattrnObles in td sto6. , f 11 , i sutretilJg I east ti rse f on thew 1 i l ons e lf tb , e masterly si i 'poi f hick that el 4. - ~. • nun, • I 1 ti. 1 ," i ,, ,ptilsive, a • ttst on i e wan ' the ( awe . a they went , di iwith thered from e. of 1 4,94'.. ose &woe and. t ' Irep her , enemies. i iti,lwi • the laurels o i ipoul is brew, - toade litL.ustrLy the treaty o ii 'byustria—r her Mo n h. only 0,, could bedu ne 'with is et: 94 Ike oppoide si. e t 1 20 t! 1:04y e cavalry, hil I j oroisldver but cow. .1 . , &10'44 th pMide. 8 Imeit enry step in! - ' ' in h u cit is the so. n Ca .Ilse system lo el . led to-e e 'like down 'the enbje and to ma ';' iblel ' mere obedient is hreei, i eat eve r y ye og o mil tar discipline. yams soldiers came, . enlth iii y to. Ku . . dews he' Issusiiets l .., i iheirAiuus isreatsug , . /king • A CI. " . lie pdests or student a distitigui ed by kb ii I !eaehshg t their auk eB, !tress dr s ill of Use • i i * um r °lsmail i . he 0 doe, whiels p . be l o vet , verid Wks in i i 4. ..-; t P°, Os - an 'r irn ad. ;I t m ap t dui 4 I 1 ed ?i t tar Iciqb li lrit I walr ci it 1 P•9 B 1 s i oiliteiri [ mail!' t, law'aii $ i eity, i s an li 1 I _ 1 ISI LWlial 1 ; L MI !lig 1- , , ' ; die • ' , 1 1 . , • f , t i l -1 41 . Royal Tobs - Ito - ' ' lko n coitskle Oil bait a nlialbeii r h &Muir interatio , 4ifi bibiited Ha to of ( wiibbo abiki ' 17 Ted appropii, )Po t o ooe of sb . ' 1 r iihcoiOpgio.is Imt lit Thom op! iho Obiol ‘ .. * o Ol ' ilie s ,,Cisaliit '4*.apriiood..-th; let} etliquerilanA foie; here I ,es7iga4l lotte;:hefr ler t the ell niche /1 1 of ! i Om iced, hel rider tkt the lou tee 'the ap.l et „ 4 foxtuti The e 'erHutip..l *dudl'll4les ' held I Ili' 110illif it corn.' 'hi Maretlitipon the 1 tiu4ow a l 1 gt, bro. i ' tot. 4 . 1* old for ! er, fill the batik.' Ter i bttUt•l apoi a ', once used 1 ; 1116 itst legend that alto tras car. I of the ctle.— polaCe Ito You iy c n o was about .'dm castle,,,t de fdies, locked in Ipiuuacle ibt4 ay it isf called the:snit spot of ,diniJeftTeilia. %hi t ch my eiti lasootatte• 411 l ie iited to ,I 4 ding place is twelve feet high, a kind Lopatits. oi„ r ~[ 021 a the i e newly grown t3l und, Iliad, a ii t. Ste h em, and pity points o the eons la tiou toevery part Ili ,tuoundaltill re- Ali d has ipassed i a rip I v rllting the, )(it eld r oo f 4ss psl. 1 1 it,i ed twice s: 1 Roy, klkg dor4-ki PO were . till' Bdo srs lin the Ici, Cdr werel the court la c Ito 1811 n ~ a ini - no y r o "ty , es remark tio o s al e n he seen ' i r to film hit ssIll;ii" ill bY e ethics on ~ . i. vert pqat was o 3 rtii• itir , cr i rrity ed u cuing ga,kb,au4 . Ste i plii4ulool Lur li 13 had ' , bean prebuilt ' • i iveiliPtholight, to:. ; . s-1-and [ivith her s 4 , tog' to the I i i hi g strains thal bpi. wron g , and I oteet l ion. ilt won kea of polifq, the •wd woman well . xo I wer e , no, tted li.ir their iiwordr, or her, inforth. pert of Ith king ,dlesa hos - that I • too' mink,- tetlits y fresh ? ii to $ of r ,i ,,,, „stints a,i treaty • heir pr, ums of lirolcoit• ii?ien it - t 8-4 te% Were • ere waiting to , `infantry were • i rs are met Ist • , and oval day ofmartial 1 muse lio lain is so work k dividuality 'of •iii i as far is pos. •h ne..il Xod for ' o is subjected •• tope , yiaf these • • the steliumer, a• d hating laid luispeaots• spent • read and. sato ° young', Oath°. • pie on ., board 1 lo g blue coats, ' • _ by an I under -1 -` ' • 1 I , - 1 • i , tiara •fiiir. info, 1,1 requeF ll 7 I *Peal° tbl utterspereed. Ell N [ 4 1 I , .: 1 ESE 1 . 1 ' t ' 1 I 41 IS E ME 11E1 Itiii ilsrge i islands, and thett eon) the..'sise of.- the 043, 1, 4 a fine itt ker, op po : pinistrille. ; The 1, coysted* willow gait k9tcb, now il r ging rap 1 . from g:een t? . yellonr ! ant fteeee,atitij ticks are seen , to great nun ~ Ptuunne , 4-nj umber of tonsltand ..itailu tint plaeSsi, we touched at -Mancini: i is thejtist oic l fortified Olsen inlEinni It lielkat (4e junction of; the Waag I the listnandi and at the r iOt ot die.l(o laiktl!of selintt. ' Au'islincl dire tip a ' f be 4ilillaie for - strong fo4ifieati .1- , ;',‘40)-‘ inr 11 . 4,01147 : 111 ,t , -., 7 .; g`!MIOD di4 -Silliii4tifyiiearitii g attly ikriagrbenedliiibo*r to, enfant Ls th place of de - posit fur the'ettiwu itelemeit ii ,do n the river we paised•le of the . iestins of Court - Esterhasy, who 'has been ooniipicuous in the' diplomatic' circles lof Eturopoi [ Beporkaays that he 'bee here a wine vault in which is one •tun Capablh of nearlyll has I holding . 85,000 g allons. ' e a palsocsi litienni, and . possesses immense wealth. , llc is said that so 81. Petersbtirgh beware a court robe which ant 1175011:100. ,Towards,evening the bills begat , to approach •booster the river - and.] we were. told that t hey centnined , an Wbundanee of iron Ore. But Oen we inquired, whether there were ; ;iron works iVuir,"titwas 'replied, th 1 there took any interest, in 'working iron, tai Ten who'haniontiy preferred dealing i n wine and, wii)}. Still there are ironw orks it Hungary at Iwhieh an eicelleut tiele li manufactured. Upon a nigh pro j ecting rock'staials the Village of Gran. li Its n thedrat, the tsrg2st in Hungary, is of 1 4 , Hatt aiehttect6re and has' been but rece t ly finhibeil. It ' et/mina:ids • a fine lieer 61 the river,' 'am is laid toroceupy the site of an el& foritc• . —how old,' n 13 *we can t 11, for seine !slty t was the :13regetitrm lit l ipii u [of by Ilteleuty. • Like other places t I , H , H. 1 ify, ,it !has shar p the vicissitudes of , . ar, havitig been t.old alternat.:_ly' lby t i tsrks and tilirts i ' the Arclibisho , . -4. A lag : uu.l a *ha , . ' harles,l. and 11.. led a nd there the 41u •• 1 irtrian nobles tibrl tune kept Sigisniund i captivity. So . ', atee it that rude anti harre zi rock weJeansearc l ely fancy bow it could tultivated, i ,anjtet higtory tells us th 3lt tope's legate ll i dit an caltbly paradi ben Ointiio.biautifted, it as a pleasure round ' i I ;• ,II I - 1 • ' \ 11 . It w ntgbt---; haugh the full moon gav Sur • 1 4* a %leWi-r 14en - we saw the. l ights i Buda, firstlti 'high fortress and thn i har4laed r t i ttv epic around under itSuta - ificent lenspension bridge,l' we landed i esti), the c apit a l of Hungary. 1,1.15. - l'olli) Odtoier ' 1857, ', 1 , - I I . t/he Ohio Tbe_c4user ascot Ohio to catty the legislature, Iva tat, in several ; of t st counties where ,thci dorklitY is Doi! vet' :large, but sufficient t eoai rry over all 'o ppoWoo, they . dissolited O. . 7 I •-1 t l nnuorni or pr e ferences and cions ently divitidn of the party. - Tbitri.4, n=. idablis in ma tistanctl, but fil.1611!d• 11 t+erted in ev y rtr ery ai--iible, wen • ! 1 ---7 hal/alto coroba; with such an old ADasp ' r sinned trickster as the deinocratic ii.irtY, Whey sistrenolpaius or czp4oses to ii4ur, 'unatitaiiiy. nod jibe reonciliihion of any di , ronces.litat; niay arise in theirlraokii are its:thelr. re thlt hiy success tey co,: o tale tiy3fre. f ;in eillonce it came rro - di' tit upoit filly trivial question is ,alMost c kigrettti 1 11• 1 6 ever, te_conun4id .tll. v . M'M cart pt policy of the dcreocrac! e do itcit melt ~Ifni all geod awhconiiert , ' i t ttve Repobli ' , wko have in view the p the of the 4 i t neceSsiti)us principleti of..t. party, and wh I knew the necessity of ups wily to gain 11100V/8, . should throw, avid these pat --i 4 ndiees, and ;the ov tltrowni hind. . I - 2 ' ookie the Pr ' .00ineidents of littinbe: line 'Of Ave Proudest rig with Adana. I lie ince, of. the peritids i and went (')st, of o l€ We pr at a we* ...sued; t i lt° I eats ,; 'th a few ' hleh re to to the • nib and lepdi ia a table for iost 1 which they' were? \ \dam...\.. Joh4 i c il' es li so om rj elj h e a ff ia cr a so a i n izi . i . s ., ; . m .l a 7 a 4 i 3 Bo ill. o2 B l. o9 lt, a t j J ar a wn w h e e: a :t p l i o 4 o 6 n d r:ol e il .` a„ . l . „ ..... 7 .. e l l ff 7 7 e s s irs l an ' ; ; I , ' 1 1 m $ 8" 0 2 1 0 5 7 :1 J. Q. iidaina,;...1...... . 1767 ' 1629 I : 1 I seen- i• I Now, it will be by this, that !Jeff . n was bore juat ; eight - years atter big p, a ht' ears after Midison, and John Q. vs, i g WU eight lairs after Monroe. Anothf cdons-fact to titf Adam is, that Ada just 66 year ;- old when be . fetiit! , . lil t ,. Jefferson; wltit 1 q. A 66, Mai.iiion was 66, Alai wfas 66 and ' Adams h.ia ho baci i i 'eicCtrat a ascend ,orro, woold,have,*; 66. Adams, 1 Jeffersoo and ldordoii ? : ' died on the 4t4 pfi' tali. li i i l i , , , , . i 1!/J '. ,r. 339 ME , ir , • , 4.; c':. : -. ~{Ct ~,. En Legislature. 1 1 1 I failure of the 'll,lpubl I, , Born. . .. 1785 • ! , . At^ • • ,1 ,' , I • , .....,„ ._,-7, ~ , ,..___.i . ...1 . ..., .....„..... .• ....... ~ , 1 ...i. T - F ___ i I . {- - • '• ' 4. F. •• - . • • - - I ;~ ; }- 1 ~: ~~f> ~ ;~\.~ !, ~~ D*ZOCIIATIC /DD OF AETAitsve' REiT4anyil: [.. 11 1:' WO have heated of personi whose. aver shin to the truth ! was so inve i rate and pro foand, that. they woalci , heVer ut t er it even when it was 'better Suited,Ao l their 'purpose than a lie; but;preferred relying upon . }the latter as a Matter o f taste a nd 1 principle, even if it, entailed Some sactOca of _inter est or expediency. The,instanen we hare J 'put 'is a v,eiy'ettrialfs idiosinenicy in chi; constitution oft cer,taizi-claie of Minds; is; peihaPs,.. an extreme ;case; but it igustntti4 '), 1 4? 4 .0-101teres, tiogi phase of bib I into WA n. lid Ell ith ~ve (With Imdth I , il t 1 WaX, ..- w , , ~r- l ify‘. .i.--.., —hit slaves col s lier 49 d 4 „,,‘,77k _ to, teseb Ps 'hamar ' 130- i . Ct'Ottia, * pride.' - - -- , , a more iWe have never known `lgilli- - eV ample of,tbe perversity of Mind ' i to whipb we bare referred than is?acccirdiug to ru mor, about ; to be given by the Democrat Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. 1 Cobb.,-- 31i. Cobb is a Southern man l ank's 'Demo- , ' crat, •and therefore under a deublii °blip-, tion to'oppose and- repndiatd e/t:rythill like protection to - native industry r native productions. It is his duty, is - :doubtless, it is his pride, both as a lime disciple' of Demtieraei and a 13outheineri tot go even out of his way, :at considerable expense "bf time and trouble, > - to manifest ',hif ;aversion / to the principle of protectioni apd to all, a . freedom! apphcations of that principle eves 1 a when bench are accidental anti ineidental. 1 a - It his perhaps:known to those of our rea ders Who take an j i nterest—in such platters, that the proceeds from the revenue duties have'of lilto been very greatly ; diminished.. - thi,inarked and so decided has beer{ the di-. 1 tailiution- of the income of the" Govetiti f Imet l t from this, source, inat the /'itesuri, 1 , of ine United States has suffered , in oink-- I wee with the country, emberracinnents ~from the proseuro of the 'tinier. In view f of this fact, Many of the „pitiXeu.4 of ,the country had began to entertain_opes of.: etch a revisich of the Tariff as Won &while I bricking it Merely up. to a revenue sten li third sufficient to supply the wintti 1• of the Government, at the same time; kyle judi- Pious arrapgeinent, be made)o afford some pi - election:A native indmilny, and , fignish some cliee' 11 bc - iiiosiieieSsslve ieliiiiiffitiatils: which have been mainly instrum'ebtal in prodUcing our present, enibanesswee ts ,—. It wits hoped - mat theliDeinocratie party iseixe.the happrecemnort-which the j ' cies lb(' the Treasury farniiked, I? .)% il gracefully a little of its old party bigotry, tcipStriotisur, at.dlellan, and experience. But it seems all such t4opeir land expecte , lions were pliemature.' '' ' ' U i lt'is said' that Socretary i Cobb's first ex pedient for - _,relicring 'the ! embarrissmcitt,l orthe Treasnry, will be the refreneltme(tti antieurtailmetts of thepubliel.exPenditures. - If this primitive but most.'excellen(expe dieui- fails !of, its intended! l effect, - that' he will irecorr.mend to Congress to increase the duty on tea and coffee, to X standard suffi ciently high to supply the vsditts;of the Treasury. ay ; It was supposed by those best i• acquainted with the commercial!" and finan cial wants and"interest of th e country, that if `the dutieg' wore augmented Upon ! ! scything, it would 'no upon !the', articles of sugar and iron, . . two import toti nonteterciat stapls,. upon 11116 the duties ate n4w_ . very lor. ' --'-'-- : I - .13 t : , ' B. t no! Sugar and iron are ho i tk pr - duced in abundance in this country, 'they ltre'tirticles of domestic -manuf4etuse, 'and any , augmentation of . ,the dutiei upon the impoiled articles would operate as fa - pro tee,thM to the ittive producer. ,TherefOre, tea a d Coffee ire selected in profereue,l be- . ''canse the 'United States does net !produce eithe of thosciartieles, and no matt'er , how high the dunes are raised, they[eauot -illy any , ossi bill t i l r, 3: i benefit', alai branch Idr el4ss of domestic Industry' Certainly 4his lis very Democratic, , bu t is it ituitible or i 4tatermanlike?, If ha revoans, Iduties nittst bo ' increased to supply, aft adequate revetre, why not attgmittf,the duties upon' articles as will inctlentelly Prritect, oar own industry? ; Can any gotin reason he assigned why this should not ' done? Does any .other people of any/Oth r Gov prunemt in the world, Pursue' a policy, so perfeetly suicidal as this people ; and thial Government? "' .Will we never learn wis dom from eipelienee,loi acquire the'.Meral and intellectual strength to emancipate our selveit from the shackles of bigotiVy and pie-,,, judioe.-'-'-ilfaysot3 (Ky.) _Eaglet; 1 , 4 1 ' • GoLb pry=l,2l 'THE LAKE SUPIRIOO, COUtrilir.‘ . --Wci learn frOM a privattt source that coisiderable.l excitement was late caused at' Untenagon, by the arrival at' 3 party of'lndians Item the, head waters of the. Menominee river, bringing :with them some remarkably' rich specimens of gold. besulpg quarts Theyrepresex4ed that the wintry was rich with the same species of mißogie of the leading mining men ofgt ( ral. otonagun,r . after examining the sped.' me forined an agreenient with the In dia -to guide them to the !place froM which they procured th...kericeinsenel;land al.' BO k p . th e . matter ii secret for the present. By heir he special retreat the poicittagon pa pers - 1 11 are also silent is regard 'to 'the 'expedi tion. The menominee rivet ikies ' i o ._ Mar qnet e , county yid flaws isotatheist: into 'Green^ Bay. It forms the sent:here boils. ifary of the Peninscite. It Is thought that the heavy . _snOwsl which hive latelV tallest itillperhaps; prove t ,the - txpedithin front reaching its destination this Fail-- .iioPie rrev.Preu : Xpv. 1.. ,1' l' L.,.., 1 7-, Foote once II man w' asked hout a :..ci . tune ju Ibizq: "Why ire you for, hummhig that tuner' 4 13tec i ause it is ins' was the riply,' ".1‘;lo wonder,' 1 oote, "you' ate:• L for etrarl murdering 1: . 1 ' 1 -i --I DUD ever MEI Op_c_ w -. ,' -- s' , - -,',. F`• - ~. ::-- ~- ,: .. ; .---•- - ..1 .. , .: : ',,, r . ; 1 _:.f.,,f° .. - -....,11 , • . " ' - -I-J- - • -:-.1--- : " •-f. - ill - ..Z:.i :'1"3.:_:' , ' , 1 , .. \.-' 7. • "•••••" , : , , f , 1 . 1•.z..,..`',...! i P=-.2 ''' ~ , - • i - i—l• -'• . t , :. 'j - , , -. tt, .1 • •, - ... . . . ~,,,- ~ . . : :' -'•::-. A .'-_..--.... - ..,, , ..;.:..,..-1 L -I . .., . ESTAB • - - ..- -. 7 --- '. , i. f...: , ' . 14:1 ''. '7l - . •:.. i. ,- ,,a . : - , 1 . . 7'. r..%)...1' MI -,----- --4. . ... THE BR of a-PROWLING LADY'. As early as. 1450, we-,heir of: a :11#/a. • Cole, iu the law records, -- ;appeAtrir4 as dali 1 secnsattix of certain i parties /grille eitimin lof lareeny—they having acco - nlin' 7 goh.lber I affidavit, .robbed .- the offitea.of , the:Dtstrict • lAttorney. A second , affidavit : appears, made shortly after, entirely, revoking. thiv. [lux' usattopy and thus hnfolylng the utok,frf . hushinovey or•s - Olie Bllllll4l' 144 . 41 11 1 `9 1 : 4 14 1 1 -: etisi accusers. , •_ J -- 1,1° , 1, , - Shortly after thtg, Mrs. Crile r gittwis de' „ in Charleston, South Carolina; ‘ibbie iht! tap - pears in the character of a mist*, fa* tentlevnin the restauraas buainesartllho !e 4 ' . igt" , -.. ..k. , ..., ii*,,,kva, allAi'erta. - tb , bi A ll4:4 - xk ii l44 n u t; l 4,:i°l44*-01*... and- 4 is i•nielaaalMiYfr•MnzflggrilettkhOli. affection for him ,; that 't, eelseti . viic 144 monergare out.. She Ihfilthe intfortnawile 't restaurateur, :and sought a inoronitliitingt ' '• field Air her powers. L . ': - 1 An..old ger.tletuan &greatspilotabtlityl Wait her nextlover. His na me was, Eget. '-'-' : ston; and be held_tipln_thct , . ' State Bankef_atarWstott. .It did . nat take -, long-fer;Mrs. C. to infittuate thield litter, • title, nor to , wake him Pay ittundii fin iddd infatuation. , Ilia `sentry, was by noMeagge. equal' to her ambiti ous notienerof . things ea ,thpyfihould be, an he Waa,Aidliced tneoult snit it a forgery, to keeP.Up. fhtritlfraxles into which his 'pet i .rithliail,Y Anil (Iseif a ud him. li'er' tbiee, , years their - atm. - nection continued, and - during - that than the old': gentleman , committed fcrigeries-to the .., amount of 660,000 or over. Of thlelt itt presumed over $40,000 was tqaaderetrupot4 this woman. 'The, frauds were ftallirdis, covered, -and poor Egglearott inipii,amitioV-L, S 0011: after his incarceration, he s ent *did • to his 4 tdarling Agnes" that he, wished-tee to comet and ace him. ~Aar answer ahoia the depth of her passion, for MM.', "Dear - Eggy 2 --I• haven'4 , time to make'calls;. be sides,, .1 1 ou •areplayed out.-" - • , '-.,..,: 'l'Ne, agent of a ' , large. traveling ; eittea Mefragerle;l next', 'accupied , her atteutiota l -- ile;Vvas a handsel:lle, wen (thy man, of Wartei quick temperament, and great seeial +fai th.. opment—just one of thOso felloWs, who ant verkgbed, or very bad, btu alwaysibrilliatit ando'greeable.' Ile conceived for 111r5. , 0. a devoted istfe4ion, aud was fairly kti • astray by her. .'..Yron, genuine love his feel ings sere turn .d into 'the channel of &Usu. , ....Lousneasynnit e old. story re=enacted., He nay, . 1--f • ;ret el' l- '" ---4- ''''' - _ :.... _ ••w re months (Gaud/tilt • and,titL t. ..,_ ',..en.,eavy .. te- , ........----a„,__ -- s p ar k : • i:;t4istaitiment the La d !et. ' tnerly prof:.: • . -)Ofnittrtain for hint, 'iitb in her breastfireliiew his brains nut, a t id., 1 tertiiinatei this' sad amnia. , ..1' 'll r I D I .Her last 'hove' but one, wee 11 r1 caul% --,, trite died lately; .in - his hotel. Tl4l Doctor', I _, was a gay- man—what is called lc' inn:limy man, and had some 'means. Mrs.,. We . • found it out, and immediately COultuenii4 i her fuhiinations upon him. Their.. relatieu continued until Ileatty,'s death, au‘ktve de - 1 , not know that he , ever had catisi to run the • day when he met,this 'strange woutin„liita, I less his.otteseience way have give° him 7:4 - occasional ticiego. - ' • ,• ,', •-• ,• 1 AN EtIONOSiIr WORTILCoNSIDERIN In these hard 1 times, and in iriew of , the 1 advent of cold , weather, it wll-be worth while for some at least, to testAfte truth of - the assertion that newspapers make a- warns I and comfortable bob covering ' I is , said ' indeed they supply a surrtisidg degree of 1 warmth cdn:tuleriug the liglitn _ of: the . fmaterial. The papers can be spiv loose ly, over•lapping each artier, 0r t ey may be pasted together at the eages,lor itched between a pair or sheets .it is' ssorkg) I that they really make a light, vr tiki,sta . d agreeable' bed-covering, and do aw y with , nose the nessity of pils of tiothes in reeling Weather. If this is so, it will beappoi., _tibial ry useful _to others besides i the ' -to •:, whom, 41 . at tbh present titne,litaitruthfshnuld , , . - 4 mae i t . invaluanle. At any rate Mo e ex- pertinent can boeasily tried. fWe preaume that paper not printed in, could - be used, . i • tut we .hardly think the ,sotunoleat quail- ties of the new covering; eau be fairly at., tributed to the fact . of their 6ligg - nude 9t. newspapers oury - : sierNo party-eau - live by fraud this I - country, nor by schemes and' • tricks i. E ven deception and--demagoguery have ue Mid 4- -hut tetnPorary , Success, to be atieceed4l4 i overwhelming defeat; aud le i Osaka Ito an' over - ruling Providence , we h ope it will al, r *s i te.J—Deanocrui. 1 ' :' 1 i Then the days of the bentectittio I ,party II are numbered, for if ever, sparty was.black: etied ' with frauds, if ever's party tried to succeed by . tricks and schemes instead of any intainam merits in its if ever . a party relied upon deception; and - dema. _ . roguery, , aaith only Mean; .4 inunter, it Is the Demaeratta party- 7Lotoiviiic. jOuroa4 , 1 ' ilo--: . .-:. - • - _ . SINQUw3.—A very siugOlsr, thing 10, beiug brought' to light sat the . Minnesota Mine, Lake Superior.lty lezitnituitiOn` among the'bicolco4 licks ot- the bide of the ()ruff, pieces of eddied/e, with .copper and silicate, were — picked. up at u ue point inT cotisiderable trantities,'aud it was theught best to pull away-gnu/actual rubbil examine for the teut-crop ofAite vein. A partytof men wee'' upon] the 'OA soon found the . cd/glemerate whit- a . channel or trench pasetiug thro some tine or Fla feet in (width, Thie Wns nut with , . soft rubbish, coracle/a& cliatepd ct . qtbep traces of the works br ;the audio Its depth hp pot yet beeti eriette44. ig.,What It - world of gop would lnc prevented, if it my only reriwoltemi thp it a penon wbo tell& 4.11 ofd tile4l9llltt of other'', inteas to tea O EI qm, faiths. \ - I - Pt *A. ! : 1.:::-.-;.::i'-,Y1,..';:': ' : MON • ..-*if! = 1111 RE 7- 7 11, SI I EN= ENE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers