1: IXTTER . OF I T STRANGE The. letter' of the .I)resident.in reply to the NeW haven inemorialisty, contains bat a in t rle paragraliti requiring contment.—:— .1n all the rest' he sitillAt reiterates opin- Tons!'which r-vetibody knew that be enter taino.i.' The COnvention that nominated, end tbe Party ti4t. elected him. recognized validityof the bodi . of ine‘ta , .to be the' Lerdsiarnre of Kansas. Wenev• •:•-' kr understood Mr= Buchanan as hoblink'a different opiaionj :The_rwi inference was, r . that if: elected, i bis administration wonlci uphold,that and if called npnn, en foi•ce riPs,.ac.i wit's)! al I the fkleral powr. at -; his disposal. li'be letter to Professcr man, itvewing this policy, Just what 'might, ha t yo boen,expectoti., could anybpdy be, siinpl,F, enough to expect that r eitantitri bisi advent':to power, would ' Ehrinli)frout doing prccis - oly that,tling whioklit!liad been chesk to do. r ~. .;. i ,s b' ~. , /3 titi.) there ikette-par,a gr aph -i n th is - L oc-• uoaliat,• which ay reasonably excite Eur - prnie. 'lt anitounces opinions•whialt he nev er (More Finclatmed--4act i rincs • which Lis iribern supp<Wterii not. only. dared 'not 'tiwiltenatce, but felt constrained to repu ilitif.,:- Refenitig to the passage of the Ne braska aci r he nays: - I e °Slavery - exited at that'cried, and still , I t o existh, in KaPies, under t Constitution', of-the Untied States. Thi point hhs at last be - eie tliallY i settled by the highetzt tri bunal known to our lags. lit ii,CBB3" tery• If a colifetleration 'of sovereign States acquire a new ierritdiy• arthe—c-xpense "of their common blood and treasure, surely one"aet of the partners , can have •no right to exclude the tather -- from its enjoyment, lry,Trobibitingithein from taking , into it whatever is reeognized. to be property by the . common Constitution. But when the Iktople—the bena-fide residCtits cf such-ter , riteary-4proceell tu frame a State Constitu tion, jhert tt is l their right to decide the itn portant cinealio for %themselves, whether they will con4nue, modify or b abolish ala very. Totbem, and to thew alone, does ills - question belong, free from all foreign interference."l 1 N I President of the United Styes has ever given utterance to a oetrhjes -se Trion *rens :t these. Recollect, it was . the opin 'l lon of Henry Clay; Thomas II Benton, iPaniel Webster, Gen. {Cass, Mr Douglass; and the. most', distinguished leaders of, the Whig and Democratic parties, that I the Coratitution !of the nited States flocs trot carry Sitiverr with i into Federal Territry I—that Svery having-been legally abolish ed iu Mexico, the laW of Freedom contin uld to eiist in all tthi territory •we acquired from that P4wcr—tift i slavery could 'exist Fie\ territory only by positive law—that the Tetritorial Legislature t might exclude •or allow tit, atite diseregob. This opinion prevailed throughoutthe:Democratic party in-the Frec'Statcs, so that when the Kzin -ais;Xebraskii, act was Passed. leaving the tpi;stion of ISdavery to, be \ settled by the people of the tetlitories for k themsuives, it was claimed by that party as embodying a policy-which would finally result in the freedom - ofkill the Territories for leave it 'to the poop eotaid tlfq, and will not the free Statesialways cortentand a'- majorityof the settlers? : Mr Buelianan was under stood us coincide in ti opioia \ with thosn,dis .ngnished men. No one drc.amed that ha was a Propgandist, in docttitte:or policy.— All that iis Southern friendsaimed for him was, that he was perfectly onserva tiveln relation to Southern institutions— • . by Congreia - , -- --prohiniting Slav Cry in_ get-- tahr portions of the Untied States Territory were Ea wa y s nyil anl voilk that tti7 ill of Sfavery exj.sis in Oregon, Wasting ton, Utah, New Mexico, Nebrask:Wand Kan sas, and tbafit is not competent for the I , ollle or Legislature of any 0ft633 to s ah-. rogate - thi :constitutional law, until - 16'e mo . m'cof m-ri rtis for the orgatizatien:„cf the. Territcfiy 4o a State! lAnd- th A -,,,, with" a harlihood almostun ' , •extiiifled dila' Buchanatirernarks, "Herr it. could ever have been strionsly doubted, is' a mysterY! , ~ , ~ " IWhen Erich men 39- Clay, WebsVr, 13011- 1 ,on, Cass and Douglass; insisted that sla- , very court exist only by positive law, and that the Constitution did not carry slavery, with it halo United States territory. we ' think the mystery is, that Jfitnes Buchan an should now intimate fur the first time, that be did not then agree ,with therm = VbatlAtre we to believe that; whiyirliras in Washintton; laboting to t.ecure; the ex tension of the :Missouri Conipi`omise line to the Pacific., { ,he believed that slavery exist- - cd-by and underthe? Constitution: in - all United States Territory, and that. Congress 1 . bad no, , authority to run - such a liner Did be thealdeliberately seek to pervert a con ' Etttutionallioht by act of Congrosq If he I r ' held that slavery exists - in all rife territo ,/ ri , fes!of the Lraltcti States unde , r.and in sir ine of the Constitution,- end that tberefere neither congress, nor the people, to: Legis. laturd of a territory can prohibit it.there in,swby did he not proclaim the opinion in his letter aecceptiag the Cincinnati' nonii . _ nation? He knew the great body of ilia .;supporeers at the North held ilo•sneh ioni and did not dream that be entertained I 'it.l Why suffer them to vote in the dnik,, .en - , pecially Winn' 110. con's' hardly doubl, that 1 a•ettil.diseloture of his own views onnitesc pointe r would have alienated! thouspoils of voters tan gaTe,hios: support; suppo sing him to tiold the doctrines reiardi p ng Slaveryinud P4pulan Sovereignty; . fireva-• lent aniotg Noither,dr.ll,l Webtet n 1 Pedro- z 1 • • - otts, ibis seems the darl:..-st- chapter in • , , , F, TIII: ISSUE. - . I ......_ • - •,. . - . , - Is' there in out present . ...e .Canvass 7 any real living issue? Is any eat .prinet. pie involved, whose fate wilt .he deeidna qt -- influenced by the. event? Will any, Isia dit I rg" interests of the Commonweillb be elfeetotd by the' ffiumph of either party 1 i 'lr'is a strange peculiarity of the 'Mena oeratio',' journals and orators that the,:y con tinually strive to persuade the people . ..that . there is no such an issue. heir effort is Icr entoll in thir ratiks as • any vntes as l a noSisible and thinks to „mak every Ocetion , • , . . a mere- question of party 511,C.6:54. apart / 1 fbrir - ib , ....•tneasures of giver went incvolVel. And 'tare may notiee_thatWhenet;t• - they} have succeeded in burying all issuer, their 1 I party, strength Las 'given , thew. victory, I -bile, when they were.defeated, it bits been l.,;, :e a t il. tha grit- 'princiiiles crd+gereA I have l en7ossed the pcpulair mind, and'sbro- I ken the; power of !Alegi: l -nee to tik party I name. It is then not surprising hat the! (.1.1 slave'driCing ne.Wspa - Pors, Ad' tieir Eii:dt- s I door ally are endeavoring to ke levery question-'of principlL ti o? f .sight in the present 'State Canvass; Anil vesolvelit into a i. conflict of patty discipline. i , The i.4ue in the State election- tht,yearl is simply this. ; Ts PplnnsilVanii a heti or! a slave State? The l•denaperatic'..krt& has, ' set forth a new intenprettitiou Of , ,lthe; Con-1 stitution, carrying the right of 'TOperty in ;j slaves wherever it Oxtends. AsOt is -Mel , rt.lsln Lbw, n; ILAJI.:: i, , ...1 • 7: as el as 10 1 V.01190g,:10'11 - it - es - i - Mili - syeti slavery Were, it I establishes it here also l' If the Constitution 1 _Li . reengzes man r.;:i prLpOrty in. `tine square I mile of( the Union it /does so etforywhere. I The . 'Democratic' party affirms lik)th propo. sitions. The Committee on tholsitbject in our legislature last / winter rep .reed that I slaves might be - brOttglit into out 4, State-.and held here by Constitutional right-, anything in our Constitution/ or lairs to the contrary notwithstanding. On the other! hand, the I Republican partyitleties that the nationul I Constitution acknOwledges sdave`rv, affirms ; that . it is 'atiibstitittion not of Ole Nation ' but - of the several Statesin whicli 4 exists' '..1 ! and claims-that PennsylVania hbs the same right t¢ exclude and ,prolAbit i f that South I Carolina - -exercises ' l to insiituteyand uphold it. _t 11Pre then is, the true issue, bronchi( Koine to our very /doors!, . :• . I If we elect a Wernocratle'oiernor, we have an executive pledged to„support and ?. - uphold slavery in Pennsylvania; if we elect i a Republican Governor, we /Live -an execu. tive plesiged to resist its aggressions,. and ; execute our own laws - fearlessly. If we'plect 'Democratic- judges to the', SepremelMeneh, we will have tour latvs Pro- 1 hibiting alaveryipronounced unConstitution.' al and veil, and the hlasting,Withering in stituti cpi lin terpreted' into the State, against her tim6 honored, God. appro oil laws, nod the 'wil d her people. If w ,91ect Ilepnb i - i lican,p . ges we ,will have th' 'old and set- I 1; tied interpretation undisturbel, which gives! , FreeraerC the.-.right to ‘ pronounce their own i 1 soil free. 1.; - - • • - r -- ' .., If We follow the recent Katisns measures -f the adt4inistration, and ttie Drell Scott deelsicirWOh the vete of PePaSylvaniU en. jrsing. flarn, We invite slave, -givers ta ; jiring - their negroes to our 'soi „ and call 1 limit-1.911 of chained!varlets:on the 13randY-1 wine .1.1 - 41t1e Ground, and ovSr the graVes'l-II yalley i forge ; if we meet them with an eversihgming rebuke at theißallot'bok, we declartatr determinationnbt to submit to the et(eroaPhments of. slavOy on our fire sides and. n these pilgritu Shores. of Liber ty.: , ~:- • __;. . . Here is the true i;sne, he one great - is'. sue, Woe white Men of Pennsylvania;. look at it, hiect it like freflllen 1 / 1 7:e Ichite,men, and speak - in such a tan'- that the ( lnegro Murder, slave driving black dentoctacy of the. South will never again as yanitq, en , dots their aff rr• - •csitia - !• .l' - - eis --- • i PRESIDENT-41 .vsztanum ' +!l \ -Maine and Velment. t i l I ntine.P6l3) gmetirtg tq her. sisterStatiis th i e jnyou: ti4ings of au 6'yerv:lie4nt'T , 4 V. ,- publii.on - victqiy,. Sill) e,c!: - , , .. , s I::(61: ti . l: ncks of tr•unr.li tt!, lar crl! riot: , .1.•. t. Vri . 6l( - ,\T i- '_ t • \-,.... .',' - ` 4 • I The. l3 reen itiOlrintln . ,..Z•t: to :11rel; the 'BP -11,11.,1i.2.atts ociir I'l ri:e.f E .' N 1110 ti ..., A:I I) niaj:lritv aro.ll),lk, ‘..1.1 i'l 1,•. ::htte • ,r.. , ,r , ~,,,, 0.4 , ,,, tut '1 \VEINE iiil.OrSANTh for.:_-(iloiu, 11...t.,1.'ipu , ,-. r(f I'i--;55,•11.-, I vAyi A . If you ..1--.1ti! , 1,tii,.. . Jr :1:.,.-: "I(c)-- , l iidr , :te Scat.:" lirully or: lYe. t' . i:••• of 1.'rt , ..,10::1, 1 then colll-4,up to t!:,:. r , 111; .1: 2 ;1 \ 0 1, 1 1 .1:. (3 ,i; and 1 I tilru , ao , !;, LI no inau Lak I.,liiul,j nrij rill 'o* TI:,'N THOUSANI k thajlrityl- for j},t - :• I t.--O l mt IVlLmoi—OrS ,'!,:tinpiir) l 44 . , .1'!.:0E !'3OII.,:FREE LAllillt au 1 11:'.u.LE M.E.ii. \y-,.. i certain if you :Lot do your 'duty ‘lik.2 \.' . J i mkt dctermint:Ll Co - fic.o.---Erie Clu)1,- if fri2l. " • . . 1 tt fret stifu ,I, 1 „ \ IMP° ANT - rESsItI : N inctsloN..--T:he. telegraph t forms us of the foily..in,o• ina portootopini of tho Attorney he :oral: 'The Scertrta of the Interior recently submitted to ill . AtiOrney General the question whether fel practice heretofore prevailing in the Pe - - :71, Office, of allow ing !the children oell i . •olutionary soldiers fn receive the PensionS .% it:11 their t.' ems. eci parents might havlreect -ed, was accord ing to law.; The At rney ' 'encral to day rendered his opinion' declarit' ,-, that the practice has no legal rfountlatioh, aud that neither.,children nor grana-childr have any such right under thc - acts of Col ~ r ess. The cousquence of this twill be, to nye -'o practice of tl e Pe4ion Officb which It, , 1„ t , continued roritwely-nVe years. The At tornity General give the law, :but declines to say - whether the lAtv should; abolish the practice or the pract ce defeat i tbe law, leav ing that as-an adt inistratiOkinestion to the Secrctaryltitnse f. " it 11 it 1 The Effie, ffi A fton. qtt er. ,- CHICAGO, Sept, t 25 —ln the case of the steamer .h:/fie ilytor. f rs; Rock It land Rail road Bridge, wl4lt, has bOn on trial for three wee - Jury failed , to agree r , t eight. RoTtoti ts - - E?ifer nat injure it diseases, may. be truly;said' to have lost half their terroll - ficce the'introductian of Ilollowiy's Ointment. The ' e worst bruises, barns,.-and sealdW, the severest flesh wounds, and 'the, most dangerous fractures, ire treated Sue.. cestfully likith this Ointment in the boapi tals'nf Lonion and Paris. The first dress ing subdues ipflahnnntion and relievesipain, .and, these sytur4nits remelted, the pkocess of rest - eiration ie _rapid almost beyond emit. hiliti., The l'ild are 'thc'idandar?l Ppecifie for - Jiseases of tth'e stomach', liver, and bow - --• igorone anti America. 1 r WILMO AIIN TUE PUBLIC WO KS. It heE ft i (sap stbe:„Connellaville terpri.v.)l been the charge of ouroppo. tbat Judge Wilmot evaded 4tatsi and liarped away 'like an enthualasio, the Slavery question.- Mr. Wilmot hit }nos evaded apy State isanes—he . chat ged his competi l ter to meet him on the s nap, which he, I ,(Mr. Paeker,) declined. Mr. Wilmot was 'willing to, meet and \d *CUM. any is Wore the people; Oat Mr.,' wk. cep baekin4 down, debarred him the ipleas-" ure of meeting him face to face a i dy .is sue. .4 Sec - But to the point. 'lt isknown ,th. aim. Bigler, mode a speech : in few days Since., (alleged to be in :tamer to Mr. 'Wilmot's Philadelphia specieb,) and it known that Mr. Wilmot also spike in 'Clarion the night after. Mr. Bigl.r 'had 0 1 ;: ryq. f. ed:on Mr- Wilmot, that he evaded State issues, to Wiltnot in' the course of hip speech' makes the .fog louang whieli we copy from the. l Clarten, Ball 'r. 1 i (‘lle bud been assailed by lligle isu..va ii)u.; ..Tstnni, who said he had alw4s ~ 1, veideg State issues. - But ho wa toista keu: Ile always had cane so, esc pt, pee- I mps, on that particularloceasiou. Ila was, clutrg..l With refusing ; t4) give his npinton on the . :-.ale of the 'Main Line,but always j l a tnet the question with the answer, that.he was in cur of the sale and glad it had barn. a oc, nrar1;. , 4.4 44, ivvro es pelt Of Lis; platfor,tu—it had been in the fluids of the 1 State a source of plunger, peculStion and loss, not only . so in regard to the money squandered, butin regard to its moral re' sult_ar.d. the evils flowing from it luis.m4n, agement. ~.._- It was destructive' of the publi interest and . had pot paid $lOO.OOO abov,••expcnses pt. 20 years... It bild been sold Ea- $7,500;- `ooo'—and thus decreased the St. to debt to tlutt amount, while if it had retained lon ;ice, it would not have command d 85,000,, 000. , Its.dispesar therefore wa-,fortunate. On the question of Banlis there Was no real fixedness in \ the Democrat ranVs on this question.' But be,,would pledge hirnSelf this far, that ilkelceted he wonld agree Pot to - sign bank bills imjess denaderats , va(ed foi. them'or signed.ili*applic:qien. (Ap plause.) Why the last legislat re althotigh a Dcmecrq* ono, passed F.O many bills that Cray. Polleck could not st nd the! irk undation. -. The Detnocracy o pose banks only in thei! speeches 7 -but ill vote for them where their interests a e concerned and will invariably labor ta . estahlish them where called for by a.• m ajority-of their ;Par tizans, but .generally cut t e pposition from 411 Cil3iin to obtain . th rn.• In 'fact the Banks are pretty 'genera I,y . dem i ocrat- . , e. . - ( ', .1 , Bigler had aisailed him be arise he' had spoken hargely of the question of slavery— instead 'of State policy. Itgler alleging this to be wrong ins the question air-slavery was settled by-the Dred Sett 'decision.— But his opponent had made' his the, entire subject of the opeecl,i.- If it was right fur Mr.;'Bigler it was certainly' so for, Lim. i i ' - JUDGE4II,IIOI ON THE • TARRIIEF. Aaeong the inany'cliarges nude agsiost Mr. - Wilmot by our polftical - opponents, i 4 that he i 9 not souuron the Tariff question : 'and that be is opposed to Pennsylvania Interest's, so far as that question is'coneern- . ed. In reply to this charge, we wilt give an extract from - Wihnot's clarion P peed , , ; niade on the eveniv, of the 9th inst. It is as , foilows: 4-"lre would discuss the question of She -, 'very and the 'f ariralong with State issue• All great questions - S . lf State policy should , te \ s noken'of...-41 is opponents takv'expeet‘tions to views, nor has that' part _-any right .to -arraign bini pn the TafitT question. They have followed the dem:lnds of the Sotith - on this question, and i Whet eit pointed they have followed. The I Legislaturo of our State-had.-demanded ad. j• dittoual proteetien• for Pennsylvania inter-1* gists, and • then Wm.. 'F. Packer vot.;!1 1 wainst a setir's of 'resolutions to that eftect. ; Wharls the le,eofo c o d.-ctrincs to-day 6r. 1 the ertestion. 'What ..vs the Cincinnati , Pratform , on t?..•? Sni.jeot ? It tleclartm tl, t. I lit,: p.i.rty wl•i••11 fortn•-•l it, is in "ftvro- of pro ; -r...srive Fr_ ,-• Trade throughe.mt the iforid!' That i.I th ` eir ptdiey, *awl .thi•y \Nish to rual:o it universal. Wm."! F•Pad:- L .1- , ,';• - •. , i'allows it as his doetriNehand in that (7 , nventionOunve•l that - it he adopted 1 without crossing' a Tor dotting an I. The 1 Tariff was mollified last vear-=slid 13i!derl ros;;st the redaction - from 30 to 24 per cint? I Not he... , lig neither opposed it' nor vindi cated Pennsylvania interests. '''What he, I (Wilmot).lnl done in his vote on the Tar. ift . tvas done from his- own , convictions and • not`thrc•ugl.' the interesitaldietations of the ' • • , Soutli .lle did vote for the Tariff pf 184 G, -Ant it,was different in his district from any others svhere eiceptions were taken to the act of 1'6,42. Tie was oppoied to :the I, I minim an principle - and took exceptions to that. The principle was irranga-it imp°. eel a heavy rate on the coarse ;and "a light rate on the costly\and finer articles, thus • imposing heavily aii,the poor. iman, while the rich were immensely betleritted Ilel } 1 felt thatnopan in Congress labored harder for the interesti - ef,Vermsyrania than 16' ; did. Ile we's in favo'i < Prii. higher Tard , on Iron 'than on pins and needles—such f,e! . !great national interest must n'aturally Claim, }protection. 5 1.1 e contended that universal- Id ratiirum duties were all t - lonsense---..ttd Ifs '' inStance; a high rate on lo,'ar prke s d genitfri land ty rates on tbefinest fabrics. \While five ya ds of coarse silk Nviiiid-sveigli.„ on r pound,,a ound. of fine would measure •per haps-20 ya ds: The duties on the article Of Iron. ,shoule a sileeilicas:,ithe prices i 0 bath pig and * r trap did net incessantly fluctuate as did o er articled . of comMeree =thus thatitnper Pt interests of Pennsyl- Vallia would be am proteeted. * *blin the bill was pending h had appealed to 3,1)... Dallas and implored him hat if the :sinter ..ests of Pennsylvania hun -l on his vere, 16 give a larger rate of prO . etion.ite tiffs' Stare. •. r , • 1 , • Auspension of Specie Pa.,7m en 4) 1 y pie ' Banks. of Philadelphia, ' PHILADIMPIIIA, Sept. 25.—A gq4ral confe..rence of tho Presideot of all the baiike ms had this afternoon, arid after earefilllyl eanvat.i.ini all the eiremilstauoes of Iwo pressure and their resourCes, a temporary -su.pengion of specie payments on ebeelcs, and also bills. eree'sdingj $lO , by itli of this . 1 el banks et y,tssis reso v upon, ogo riutO oftept to-ruorrOir:, • From Old ?Ma , iiazetto. i , ) , I I ,4 0at (lids ova Meath eth be Sttnd , 1 lii 1 - Convicted! , ft , i ,i r . . , 1 Prendent Thliichtuisst,•in his merit I tter S'l to I tr =anona others; • make the' following rem4kahle declaration : ;' 'Slavery existed at that period -(1 ) and still existslo KIISSI9, undr the Icon stitution.of •th United States. ! This °int has at fast beetvdceided by,thehi tour H ;trust rib unal known our laws., oW it coil eV- ' l er have been se'riously doubtetth; amyl ery. o If , slavery einits iii - ,Kanattif.luodqillo Constitution et thei -United , States,' ii of, course existsin all( the other itorritoriks by virthe of the same )nstrinactitll the COnsii tution cannot have one constsuction,whert applied to IN..atiStle, and another tai'on ape plied to Minnesota or' Omen. ;;1r.13 tchan an therfore plainly Means t hat' slaver Las a constitution:di and ) rightful existence : lra all the territorieq, of the Union, , and that of course CongrOss has no authority to li . illac° it. "flow ibis could have boon sooously doubted," 5.4., 141. Buchanan, Is 4 mys tery. - Oar 4 urpese is to show ths both i by word and. cud', Mr. ituchlintin itlonbted' l 3 i and evtua de led t it, in the 'ba o e i phatid manner. "-Nli: shall do so'very briefi The jointresolutions for , the. ad iission of Texas itif`n, tbd'Union as '.4 - Stet tpitssoli the. Stoats 'On, too l 27th of Fiibruar I , 1845 , i ;,) —among the provisians thereof *as tbo followino•i 1 I '; - l t , pt• , I I "New Sates qt . convenient size 'not ex ceeding 414 iii nuinber,ln Addition ;to. said State of Tc l xas, and haFiLlg 4ui: Li ' , li t. pop u. (laden may I hereafter . by thqconso I,: of said ISkate,be fro ocd dut of the tetritoryl.thereof, tvldeli shal . Jo entitled, to I.fl fniissi 'ii under ! the provibi 38 of the redo I 3Qll itution. i And ituch l iittiteS as may hg ,fortta out of !that portiori--ofi said territlrytlyi lot south of thirty-sii degrees thirtyiliainut s north latitude, ilominenly known las thci lissouri Comp/Mania li no, shall bo alai? ted into the Union 7itli or witbou slafter , as lu the ' people of each State asking admit; ion ny I desire. Alnd iu such St: te• or tates Las I shall he fortned out of Tj• ritory North Of I I said Itlis ' o l uii Compromis lioe Livery nr tuvaluntari, servitude (exOept !for crimes) I shall be pretiihited." • : !!i. l` This clause it will he Seen nol only rue ognizes the power of Congress tolupraii 7 ,it Ski t cry viii ilt ITerritor j r,7 hilt 11. so in new' 1 States . suh.setincially to he orgn,iized audi aliiittetl: ' ~ ti Alt. B datum was at that tin+ It Senator' of the Umit/d States froth I ern,y.vania) land on tub day of the pir-sage of t'ae reso ' lotions containing the abOve elmise, not ma t ly voted fer them, but made u5 , ..4., of the Jul. lotting ' l lstrong and emPliatic anguago in supportlof .hitt. position :I i ( d I "Believing, a. ha Most corientimarly , dicl beliere, that the Constitution would not ! be violated in the least;hy tbladoptiou a 1 the ?landing resoliitions,: he her entered his i solenart l i Protest . against ;the soginn prote+ which (tad been made ou thOotlier side, and I whieh!)Went almost the I ,lcit t 4of implyitig that Ln land the tadvocatcs of !these resole , lions, l' i were knoitingly and of ;design .v,iuth- Ling the Constitatiod, and their own oath's, to st4ore a favocite political rtasare.", lq deem it fentirelY tiee4t.ss to' nuke any et . - uuntaits n this dis4l, .iy •of glaring iuccnsiatency. Wo loiive it o his own pe culiar,' supporte. to renncif flit, position of ~S'' notor,-Buchanan in 1845) with the pOsitt i on or Prysivent Bucha an 'to 1.831 d. 4 -- Bank Meetings ii Phil dolphin. 1 c Philadelphia, Sept. 2G --,. meeting or the Bank Presidents was heldtbs aftern ion and vitas reported tha. for want] of concert of setion adjourned without arriving at' any detetminatiao. It wits thought that they , i WOUld tlet‘rmine cr. a full Ist spension , l as prattled by some tot the llahk to-day; but , was not general oh account to the! N(irtli America, Mocha Dies 4nd oti er , reeciv i ing a supply of specie. There a. else a robot ing;lof the Cashiers but thei action ; i. t lnot, 31knewu. It is under to Al thatl applica wil Le made to - the O.,verit it fot the rail of I,l n cxtlra s. -.-ion of the l tet-doture INi:it i helk it.lf,frortlitis i el',t f; t , iI. o li.l DI- q from thcipeoa ty of folfrititre tn, o k e hv d tie law ofltsso.l Set eral of the 1 iitlis, 'howcrtir, , l'itivsyl j k-utia; Fa rum,' kiwi Mo.:bides ', tire, not actin , : otil.;.' i a ll 11,w, ~ a . Ih t I'L!iiatiel , his and avi,t.rplit,.:l:,. , , , l ii I - --- - 1--- j—j -- m 1 tu b e Baltimore Baut.a ,Sus'pend&l) 11 t I „; ~, , I LEA ;more, c"ept. Z. / .—At a ick..:,ting of t tilhlll4. Pre dent this mornimr, it was , t, 1 ,, . . - , T.1611;01 to ~ uspeni., Apeete payments on alt ? i ut I wis. f The saq-eintiont t ine e ttn o'clock , 1,,,, 1,,,„ n tAt a l., uii,lt the t keeplion of accom- i niodating their cit-t,onitis . ovitli a _ ft w ,do.-; tars in change. There l i s no run on the; .9avirms llaitlts; we ha ve .b l ur tlirne, timl the; post ii.mor,,ttt kneyr that they are as safe as 1 the mint. I ! Irn i• . I I) The orchantslseem tp, be gratified with i ~ , I the suspension. If Moolly an the street, which yesterday ttintnatdcil 'Z§i par , 'cent.,; has fallen to-dayito oneiit i i The 13altimoro and, Ohio. It. It. st 'ckk has advanced to $5 per Elaio. ! ' 1 , _ i ' , • , The' Whee i4g Banks. 1 ' ' . W,beeling, Sept. 2b±:ll - t — tt ..meating . bfl the Citizens of this eity,t held this, evening,,l it Vas unanimously resf,:ved•that t_linliankS;; of this' , eity Velretlut.Sted t3' immediately` susfiend sptfeie itaymelits, until tho Logi- i Intel interests of the . e+munitS 7 would jus... tify a 3esinoptien. , 'Yrs . action waS' . taken .in eonsequenee;of .the l havy run Oiat has recently been mAnurion the BanliS! by for eikn brokers and Lankers. The, banks tire sbnntlantly able td t o eet •thir liabilities, tl and no loss till . be so tained , hy - note -hel dells or deposito rs in 1 Couseiineneo :of the suspension. . An. Extra sesSion the Legislature ,to be ic dd. • - • • , Philadelphia, t., is under stood-that !le l Gpvelper will issue a poc laraNtion to•nterfrol4 failiog the Legistl i ture together on :the fit's fruesdsty in October, to take action' ea Pie! lltok susilensionJ.' 4_ • \ \ - t L o - o c A i., A twit) of - wheat airived at Buffalo' last - 1 week, says the I:twat/lc, consgned; to a ''-, 11 house with t .ustructsl us,to se ,it at 61,15. When it arrived IL that Was 'offered 'was 81,10; the - consign e tclegkpbed the to come down and ell it lainsidf... Oa the day of his ai'rivai'it had gotie to $1.01 . .?; he erred at thet figure: and !was offered 81, but‘ he tboui;lit he would look'about Wore sail tit that piicfr sod Whel he Went to mace e triubi it, (lad fallen to 4 35,c1; he waited ' the next day, wlien he Idils of fered 90e L r it, ;and took it: 1 , 1 • '• Ii , 1 - RICE.I OB ;‘l, Tit& Fia..r. IY ,Tll 14FAVE:11: -- X &J. W4and,lEditins & Propiiquiri _ _ El IE=M • 9 DNli D ''? `i iEIS7 I 1 • '. l FOR GOV.U.U.NOR, A, lr IV I. 14 - 310 Of BJCLIVOIId COMV.V. • olfaine iVeccit O r i Fayette , ILitOwis, f C714:51t;r ("vivify' , • I FOW CANAL W l' 1 01 L,LWAR D. `i I P . 744P l ikA f .: • UtdION COUFY TirSET .Assembly LORMA PMBHIR, Beaver. GEORGE I P. SHAW, Lasvrenco. , Sherif. _ w mu. W . IRWIN, Pulaski tp, - Register . 4- ,Recorder. SAMUEL B. WILSON, Borough. Treasurer, % I IILLIA3I HENRY; of Borough.' Clerk of Courts. ALFRED G. MaCREARY,'N. Thighton. COMM,issioner. ABNER MORTON, Franklin. ' clitor.l WILLIAM C. HUNTER, Brighton tp. C' • :; .orpner. . NATHAN P.•C91.10H, New lirighton. Poor "Hui Dire . gor.. JAMES! STER.4IG, 4dopentienee. .`"fril*esi 0' 1 Acadon'y. . - M. T I,itiNNE }T. Brighton; (4, yeats.) . SAIkTI.TIO`; Sharon;(4 SMITH CUNNINGHAM ,Beaver, (3 yrs.) ABNI2.It P.LAOOCK,Rocliester-tp yts.) _ - • - • I give S-A CALL. Out Annual Fatt ceomes off this Week. and the beFidULt being ,ticeedingly favorable ' we ex in - petit to see an immense coneonrse of people. We hope our friends and patrons i will not forget to gite us a'eall. -We shall hold ourselve l s iu readiness to discuss politics—the aliunilaut bar vebt that has just ;been garnered-4h° state _of the weather—the good points 'of horses, - cattte, vegetables, &e.,lon.Exhibi,tion—give them an opporthnity to sit in the Editors' Cary Chair, and f IV-it e a Receipt occasion :Iy, if desired, by' • waylo variety, and to give thtim a specimen of our Peniaanship. f Zr& - In order to get a glimpse "uf tlie• do: ing.s in tho Fair Ground, We go to pr'ess earlier this wt,!ek Allan usual. A number • I of tnatterirelaiming attention this week,havp therefore, to!' be .passod nver until next week. — Orgaufze I' Orgiufze !! The-three days of the , yair will afford an • exec:lent opportunity for 'ical icnds'froui all parts ef the ad ' vise and confer .with, 9a"ell "'their, • as , to tho • . • ••• . best-means Of effecting a, Complete and the: , On:: , horgauization in all the •distriet.s: :A fnll, and frabk interchange of views and: piens we deubt , .uet help the .cause - • , ,1 1 TiE Trexivs for the October Elec tion or n e w ready, and :can be had by call ing at thiajOirliT! A pponticil to the,O4un , wucbq ll iour. o Jot' tiry . pn . ). Itizied'Amptilin...:tits to Om .ti;ate 'll t liar,e)rintedall of Them , Cor of f•aii3 ametument.c; if. any, Imi - ever, feehlimpoed to ! - t'ote, ...itgains.t one,all of or : can k:3l 5.0 s:ril:iu.r one; the 7f) , ;(1an.1 - 0 , inserting in writim. , the , Le .! 'Agaime ; - . • • BE A:l•iE.SEii.-Our epu'ulicau ! beer in mind, that astiesneents, t I. F • Oevailinr this ycer; rin be mule !pri. - ,r to the eleCtinu.' Er:tun:Li; neit,thero.= fortl, ail: be the last day n selifeh this duty: eau be suceoscully 'perfurtued. Lt none lel our friends negb:et it. • ra''We invite ittteption' , to the card cf &the e i stenFive and i";t3iiio r nablti Ilat , andl , Cap mauuftteturers, anti dealers in Fur* in Pittlilpirj , 11 iPa. • 1101/1 WILIAM'S STEIVAIrry o'ir Rej :. r'esentativelin flong .. p. , ss, trill please accept, our thinks :or the Mechanical portion of 'I the Patent Office Reperi for 185(1.. Jt is a, valuable work, arid id divided into three ; • parts± 7 the last being devoted exclusively, to the illustlations of the 1111112 . Cr3ll3 l Pateb . ' ' D . . VBATII OV Va. SliA.W.—We_ to . ... , learn l that Dr. WILT ! TA.II• Stintv ~ . tormerlY of Ncu• Oastle,and well andfaveraoYrrn - own to many of the residents of thn County, died 'near Hyatt, Kansas Territory; on 'tie- i 3d inst. He WAS alTut 67 years , i)f age. .....,1 4 .---:--- i . R I AILWAY CONSECTION.--=-TIV3 ,through l Tr,i ) ins on the P.vt. AV C.li 'lt nots i W. ' * -1 , I kth er)ss over into 'ittstairgh, and form a close e9nneetion with it Philadelphia' Railroadl The New lirigh t ,cirt Accomodation 'Train , stops, and , departs, 'als- here' toforo front thh I • ,I Felleral Street Station, in lAllegheny. ACQUITTED.—As a meeting. of PresbT. tery, held rut l?reedotu • last week, the Rei, John - . Brown was acquitted of tho charge proftTred 'against him. LARGE! RUT:M[IO3dB Seat, Esq., ;of Oliio township, bas 4icgien us a:tent raised f ' = by him, whieh measures 13 indies i'cir..- catuference, end is - 18 inches in iength. tt". Dr. Tubbi bo at his looms in I.3lidgevater Monday net: f t • Appeals !of c , Dmagogues.', ' i.._...._.L. The Contribehr t irri to the, coltoD9 i , u , of the, i3tar.='-editortal.;nd arionymons---tate cc ca.sitin very frequently t 3 asser that Mi, Wilmot: entertains Ultia. Aluerican views, i ' • s and upon the , I trength. of this' gratuitous assumption, rnalce patbietio 'and silly appeals ! ! to our . adoptect,ltitizna to withhold •theirl support from 11 r. Wilmot,l,and throw it ia! , •n.com 1 • _ j favor of -"Ilia Inobatant.' eompetitor. 1 . i 1... Now, then •wU you'll' ask these...scribblers; I who, With owtilike wi4:lom and gravity, dill 1 course so glibly anifn...4 - i'''''h so 'reet - .1.1-O.Yi I '. • , . t 1 1.1 -•,., . for the proof of' tbelv,,Oftlrennated chierg , 4 - .1 ' ~' '.' 9 ~.. ' on fling head?'' i 1 1l here- Is the ground upor which i this chiii:ge l is :Prediz.ateilr , Can tb z il Star produce I'm partrelc of cvid'enee ili•ati word lweigh al fonithOriira'ceurt ' , rf jirsfice?': Is t cro any piing bilro; tat attempt, to ile-I; grad foreign-l l iorn Citii.e.ns. en account drf, thei 1 birth-place,/in lliC r , sdli.itions l al:_prrll by !, e 0)11;76110 , 3'u that-nominate? Mr. ll'ir; ! titer If s"e i l!nt I it r be l -- -othi‘e •il I- t' - .1•: 1 1 ,i ~.. . 3 . 1 1 :4 . •. . . , 61... L., i any thing of diisn - atute in Mr. Vi's letter i of ceN,tani:O, It tisee is, let it he'dra,•,!gcd; - - : . i • to he lilit.l I Did Mr. Wilnorf. in bis ad- ' 7 1. ' - 1 . I kr in: this Vace,imake use of; an3l bin : , gu4go that dc..ilii, by any posAlZity, be ts ; r-! tu ed into anything of a proscriptive clO- 1. ac et'? Allisvhil tvre prose - id. could iv ,, -ti 1 in -taut and erephtdie contradiction to such 1 elarge. Is til l er° any thiiig, objectionabb - 11 ' . 1 . i ( . i Ibis letter to the Altoona . Conned? P` .. : s.; why has it'llot been shown? :We have ~L . il , '. L , , __ i, , L ' 1 1 t v ue alter tirn.:, a:./.:,':i, nOu CIIAT.r:WEI), 1 .... M ar i ti. ariay i ~..i. in 3.64 DEFIJI) th e 't l I • . 62. '" . . 4, ~: : . , ~ ) tlito..tion ti:i a soutary position therein as , flamed. Has it done "so? No. ' It has,i ' been as-ileaf, and as mute, anFas kilepta.sl:l I, • Nr , ..,' 1 .4" l' 1 ille„gtavc: 1 Does war. ty.COVIL prop.-iso• to Flake wattupon any pirticul4r Cirur.:ll--ii Not at all i ;•. loes be propose to wrest fr ! onii jthe members of any, Church; a single .riglitii !or privilege which' they hkve beret..;fore:e x.l , iicreised. No. But, he does proclaim, erai '4)hatically-ainil boldly, ' l li his speeches, hi ll his letterS, a±)d everywhere, that he is .'nnf altetahlYiiipposed to_the iisterferreuce •c t. any 1 Churc as a body, in the politics of thei' con d And we ventiirk to say, that th!, Star=—braiee-faced as itifs+-will not nits! it,_ the fakeof the abuse Which it has r4tl 1 lavished upon individia:d MiniFters •pf th Gospel, !for their - interference in p'..liti-,. -to join issue with Mr. I Wilniot,LupoU tli s i t paint, and takvthe opposite ground. : ' i .. . lint, soy these writers for the Stir; Ile PhilaLl ilphia Sun ast•eris that .111 r iNrilil of is rart4 of an A.L.O a- M etien,thau 'r. fillai c . ~..•, burst?'; Did the writertio6the Star c 1 or see' titt Papor? - , We doubt very ruu4 aj. L.- ! . . . , . ther it over - thecontained parag , rair LIR! , tn. a i ed to it.. • What! if it ]td?lt'is. ..u - i ni.ro the tOurn-piccel 6f )lr.. IVilny)t,tfha . a LoS the Ooe nund i red and , °di' otheir l .pal ers . that'' : Ill' ' r throughout the State are. a i. t ) Le:! or biselection.' Mr. Wilinot is' no more es ponsihlo-for; the Utte'ratices nf the sh,Jets Lbat support tim,'thnnis' l'rositient l i ßil thina i n reSpansibie for the rahid 'vaporiop.:' of.the Star. - Mr. Wil i niot is ol i d.'etni - Lieh, , acid enmpetent enough - •td , speak 4)r Lit. self AO ibi bas spoken fur ;hinisel f.- :. Let i us have ;better evidence,, M miters fo”/ .the-. Star or the.tueiloraict 'of all parties will not hesitate to br,iu i tl, - i • v ) .ai.skulking libellerS., . . . 1.. .r,... 0 ,,,c,km,,,i,,0N, ~,„„aci,,, the 1 ion - ver Female §ekuiwtry were .1 dell en 'Frilly it V Aill' 'l'm flay! ' _ . '. „ ..', fl to en 17111:! th. r•: - ...111:1:1^.* -.m 01% thf. ii 03t LL'ai .. 8 7 2.9. V..- -:-..0.2-•;,_;ti,:iras '0%•,- - e f .• . 1 int , 'l-4 - it to the ;•ntr. , 124 e. -- t - th-t.--- c•: . '-' 11•)4 ,• ~ the f'shlit.3s- of E I:ie:v.:01u f;e:i•.:;;;I:y , p u z.,;: 4,3 of krl:lS ;ft . ,' P:, , ,' r . : l - .1 , 1 , ... 1 Of .', i thent,-,:lree in-a it.attner CU pl.: ~.. - , i • e I . 1 pa. : v.. 5 try it it.t, , ,t . 5 t,....... ~:-..2a „:: 3 ; t . 1 thir faithful 4)1.1 rolc:aint,ii:Ell,..litt, ; Th e E.,:,..,-....1, ccatt..l atlthe el, ..t.,1 c,f t : -------...--4-1-------: 'i•l ,: .: - -- , ' - - ;'` .l '' "' 1 -,u I:u'' ' ' • 1 ' 1 - , • /' , j• '.• sir, , ',-, 0-- , Y..- • t ~ •- - iv•l3 ,i..t.. - 5 , r,,•.-'.....).,....as tip, •-, out ig 1 I,yers pot - 0.., I 1 la-Fparct pro l uott,. ; till l ;-. 11 ;. ! -,.•, f , , t e ~..., r e . t,,,,,,.. ill.tch. um tev !, ;1: 1 a r iy of 1t:nr,. 1 : 1 i.....•a , '. , ...•••: s• , w.!•Il t•hosen--4r.vtalting 0..." t rout p ......tio :1,. htt. -,- 0 c -!....1.:!•• Ns 0.; t•-; ( 1 - n I Pt 1..1 - cir ztppetijc a I;t4 a - • --r%ll : 1 .., •• 1 let.... 0 ft.:. '1 win veil a- .ccrct that ;sill 1...41.1 I:ad-AT tittin c,,. tin.- ..--,..ittintp_ all.. , I._:ni Lill: - • . • ',-. • • 1,, , • .., • , , , ~1 .1 thcat tut he cujciyinen cf thei:r, ,rdlat.c.r.-i i ; -. 7 -tne tatt;tll,l. - .?, iivneeCut and row 1 .Li -- .ut • , -• • - . . : , . -- t-• - -,, 1 1 . 10 ' " B t , ' °ll/ : ti lt .") . W : . -re ';' . :7 , 6`' r ; P-Y rtlld . tottn—Pyeltep,ia.... I Take a el e,,, , ,; .;(,/ 10 1 )--i i , !with an ease rlll ii dietlin.":'es rare v canal.. Stnfur;i's 'I tz• - ? l ,• , rati,rtztfler. e ,. 41:ic,1 • 4411 , 10- ,1, ~„, 'ft . the r." ' • ~, , I, `, . , '..'',- ' -, f , lea. /tieii,itttag .•...)tint.t• 'itoli,,t •----td et . 4,/..14 ../••4•, , 2- . ic.t,b- troai i , if ,.a. :g2ta imityr.,tl , :r;•, i. .l' ,- ..: ,: ' but ou the .ontriAr ! ,v 'fere the nCxtinttAl Liam TVELfiing fit ulitithei —nay, nu, c in- , t • ` - •• 1. - . , . ~ . ' . - . i ,l ip e al-0, - ,ro.lches. tHe appetite wiii I.,e.sit,r. Pleted the, prescribed studies, hail; lit: u .1:11-; pined to aptltecitite r,hykind off..miti' - graduating honorS!conferrai upo,l.4then thou,,.-S o ld -Sold lay I..): 0. Cuunivigitain,., Bet 11.1isses .11c....=ter A 1 I:lQtitley, Lney'it , l.. I eth- ver and Druaoisti'lgenertaly 1 1 .1. a. :. - 1 i . ~., 1 , e.. ,t ~ . t .. - ,1 9,,. )1 ... tall ak,v.tiou to Prof.l .lio - ,, a ertnan, Ainlintial 4 T.iler, S.trah . . l'lrce 1 b ui jot .... pound i t , , , ne „ liiizzoic,‘. ro talj il ~, , 11,4 i r .I , lestorativo!' advertisement' .. ,I WiLli• 1 ,, .. . r . r 1 ' -• 1 , ,q -, ~ ':, Jut dbuot tit,: oitly_rotnetly that iCantreatcd T - 7 - Mg i ni u U• °:1 " . ! Ii ` I , Falni s te % ‘ - '4 .4 * r : i the, hair t., its pristine qua:ity, tit A -tits g.tr,• The Trustees ere cutitled to A 1117411*e i en •univerSal satisfnctioll. ' .r)t) f Pr'' / ,• =l -, 1 •of praise; for tht.ir indefatigl.l,Ft.. :...- d sa cess.: has the testinyinials of Luta:trials .of cs,4 -- 1 Jr ,' or _ I ,cuied by this infallible vc,4',.l..=rativ ~ ita.l wf 4., ful ceorts iu enforeing.,quik iatt ! , •, . .. = • cau-cordi.aly recommend it toil[ wh , it , ... ,1 der ,side frtaro the confusion ti - nav , iida.. - , - I.ile,inl densely arowtic.i au.lit.o ~ - - the or 1, ~ • p ~ 1.. , 1 . . 1 - I i k t .„ ;.1 ail ,ttli!, /Ain. der could liardly l have bccu i . be i ttett - Wei ltt -- -I.•Soldhyl Dr. 0. Ctinningli3* . j ; !:- '' ". trust the exaintAe: will be iiuiti•red ;on all 1 ver soil k4l4ggists generalik. is ' , ... . , similar occasions in the futtirb ; - i ' ..f ' TIIE rtdi iC , HB'y referCin:ce 1 0, ( ttic ) !tele- ! • graphic news it will be seen ith, a notinno tion exists arming,' the Banks 1 n different ••I.' 1 1 ,1 parts oithe. country: It ist t ot , ut that the ceisis-has !been 'reached ) , an that if a little. pail , eaelis; eig rinsed; !the! e'veitetnent will subside in a few'du - ys, anti th 4 most of , „. the institutions resume busine.44, and- go on, as psu.4 Scitno of the i'itftb B. ks . ' UT • 4U Sll - 4 d a . ''' - ' • ' part; 3 su. pen e specie 'rape ( bte,. i on ' ~ Saturday, but" no teats witatevir= are chter tainedpf theperfeet safety pfl heirinotes. • : -- --r--..--- 7 .-.4.- . - , CoisounaiTiOti.'- 7 -The. ,. li ck [lslander , , heretoforopUblish4d in part b I.C.C. rCon peliy, 141.1.,1 formerly of th i is .lticl l ,. :,nil tiae - ArglutilOf tliti` l, stinlq place, hall! be l l' t:ousctl idatedunlit., the trill. of elle '''l.•,l tinder. and • , , • (.), Argus. ,, - , kbe new iniu-tii une .l lS- Stiur , - ly S; Co. lit is a ittig,e sheet .till iooki well. 1 ITHE il,lll I" OF' BANKS 1 ! r.ri loilcittir. is .111 st 'Of Bitiks witiet area sereditetl` - by the Erokers in Pittr. I n ., i • IL-- urgti: 1 . -- • ' - - '''• Bank tif noilowell, liallowell, lirsine. f. ca,btoti Itank,TSeiith Claina,._3l2iine. -.Ell i swerth - 11uuk, Maine. • ',. r ! Eieliabg.t - Bank,.l3,ngor, 1 41aintr. , E e ter. Batik, New 11-atop i .,hir'e. 1) nb' Bank, Vermont. i I - a uth ltoy4lton ;Bank, Vermont. - B - nx of rho It public, Providence, It. I. I an of, South •County;; IVakefii4, Rho ,le Island.. . I ; J. artzcts'.l.Bsok, Wickfut,i, IlLetle; If. lan, ( , 11- 11,. , i 1 !,. I' 3,tnut.lt Verri ,- ,n 'L',lt`ttk,Pravtlence [Q, Ci;l„..tr:ll C; rem mo Llthode 'lt I.!: n 1. it 'rive 1.1:1. -‘r qIN L, ilt:t ) M.lcri •!I%nts" Itoruc t ‘tleut, 8a4,1; tit 11 14 , 1 - k. : { ( 1111:11; A.'9uLty 7 ; t 2 ar rm /;zila. c yalitlela v 1 FT, ftiitci• 13-ttic 131.titilo =‘ , , , vi.y.i-k. i I et. , ten=_, t . 13:t rt ii ; . ....Nt'ety l - ''' fry,- •New 1 ori:. . ' ' - 4- i 1 ' =.; • • Niti r gara River lianip, ..Tentiranda, Nei? I l'ilrk:i . , „- , ll 1 (..iliv - '-.la , :e . S: j u nk,. C`Si'-• - 13tiffalo New " -., ' t oritH -------.______ 1 Otit:trio County, Beiik, ..1 befpit, - Ne w - 2 - T York.,, '. i . 1 ''', • Od't.i.rio I 3 ..1 ttiea Newi Yo: k:', - , 'r • I.t..l=„ii.rocii - j , 13:(iiit - I .filiffilo;lioar-AY9rk; 1... .. ,- .,.:1 , . , et.c's 'lei ii•ir Nats.l.7, I.3uffilii, ::,:* )... , ;riz. . • ',.., ' , . , 1 • , A illeripart . 11:irar. I Tretiton; ..N . tri' Ji3re.:.l. - -,, :!3i/11 of New ~ I(fsey,-, N tiw btuustrick, .:ctsl J:Jrsey. . 1 ;..1 1 ` _ • l'k'-' iota County 3.1:w.1z, 111:c.kertiajk, New - 0 eriey...„.., • ~,,, t. )1 1 gttaript Bailva•llatterSon, Now jerr , ey._ , I , 3 ~,. I, 11 i Oil Bank, Fee:net:town, i., , ,esv Jersey,. .I' artnefi,' & ).le'efraui l es'i Rank Kent.! Cuututy,lttrylanti. .., ' --- ' i I . gamiers, & 3feeitaniit.?' I3ank, Greousl bor,ftugl='eit Maryland. 1 - (tinl.rlari(.l Saving 131tn)r, )laryland. ij.Vtl;!: of liatlavena, I'i 7 rgini.t. Ti,,D,:,_:Ai,e , :atty•l'›atilr,l ) - irginia. (1.!aua1.. - 11,tuc; Clcve.l=.l•4=l; !(..vi,,i= , . ,`t en County 111..;131;' I. J tl'ir:in -Oitio. = , City B atik, (.;ittt•lntiatt Obi i. 'lN'iii,trutt Villley Rank-, ,I)ayt , ,tt, Ohio; Ctinion-13 ) . f aillr; (;oluittitu., (1 1! iti.. City Bauy, Coluntitus', 000 1 ' Anic , ll.l3piiki Samlu,..l:y.. Qliio it gricultural.,l3ank, ,Rrou=lisxille, Terme: see. . . 1 :.- , / ....—.,....__........-------4 . Bank Panic in Philadelphia. l'utt.A.DEt.t•tt lA, Scp,v.; 25.+Th'a Bunk mti=.3.ll;:inia su , pended this morning.l The.s.ll:p.gFi. l n• is (.),(ii.npkt,) ettised, tf,. President states, I),y, eta e actirm of eth l er. I r,ks ap::inst ir, and, 'l;.sse3- from the !•,f., ~.t it f a i; lres of dry g , i . ...- , ;(i.i' 02e11. Itc stv;4 1 ., lilt illy capital is antcbUeh'e,'4. ' 11.1,3 12,ir17r,1 _Auk il l : giving" specie fyr 10103, but cbe l eLs kvilltr,tt Lc 11, - )nure,ll nutil9ne_Tt!.ch-*,A;,,-- - Titt u ''lii li .e s i li. c :a:y .iii rt. t i: i :: I ` Y itl 3' : ll e l P i:l r''lr .:3:::ll ' ari tiii! c'iur,iers of :till th l e,l3,Lliii arAc•J I 1 • •,, r i . 1 ~ .ieger.l`frith def-r•ito i r ,an4 , l, n' to holdtrb. Much alatzn t,revails, tt,tidlu,iness is amr,sl i t.uspezded. !.The I}ilgliil, link still ryful:e4,, - 1-,..lyiucut fof checl.: pfd motes ' of . a Isi'4 - :->i• &nomination. ttllhn to i n:; doll :Fs. The (low. tnorvialand sevcl4l...tlip..r 11 :;I:s have a, :IT:: ? c d. thr saute ppliov, .etti,l :It I:ary rut pill. ' prol„,-ahly v.:Vv.: , all P'4llk,- ti-,1 14 . F , r ,r, n ,1 c i,„ [ly.,3,llzut. . ; 'l.lte - it,ltn.• r : man i a lfauk 13::li ' , _•11.1r v:: 61 the Stati.: fql , :-1.,1,r.t11 th,, , , (3 ;ard thou,: of rlio- '. • ...... :e. i t.. :_lts.ntal . ts) e ' • ' ' ' rl'i ''' " t b ' -. 1 • 1 : .;',-- ;1... ! __.,..,...___-, -- fr+ , - Jj W . ..r .: RI:, , r' . 1.71! id Er I ilii:l6 ' ,-Sa 94 rila (10;! .71 (tip I 411( qli, the:i.a1.3,1.1 t .I. f - ,-.., ,-,, L I , 1 t .1,. nn jl4l l ~-,,,i , y,c , i re ,:,;„_ert.t.,t, tl,_ 1- ~,.. w...' - 41 j IL! Li rt-e ktle 'Li t of t !lel' .Vlif-S*, hiid ail CIA :, ' , /1 -, , , 1 ;•••,,.. -.; J . r4.IFHI ' at. at l'. 13 Yl' 1);,,r 1.3.‘::,:cr; .1cd. , 5,:4, ec.l 8,.,,-4;.. , r,,,,1 t . 2 f - 1,;:i •` k , ..i.:1 A ~1 21-.-Ir i ',4 • .. i --[-.1,-- -\---- 1 i,, , ,%,,, , ,,,H --1-ii:,„ i,,,,f„,:i f',,, f • ` , ' --' •; . , 11 -; ‘-:-. • ' !;:,., ..1 .. tri u.ry 1 .., ...--., i , ,)„ .---itt d: t, is •tlz. , . br-u•li: c; f .try, rub li-iite t ) 'al 'l. rat ,, ha,-,t,41 1.0 f-ti.l. 1 wiilh:\t IS heic 1 t.:4.11 Tc . it) iwil.ll:Eltt fmr 4 i • t: ,, ti. I _ 4.-..x.r1.i1C: DE. , ..,,gm le - 1 SEM = ES -cUatip~ iG I ~ 0 tietti to(•rt Miter FINEI Y j t 1 . I,fi* BE Mil M IR! lt~•;{:~ MA R R.I. Efi ' , , j 4 On Thursday 2 R 4th by oy. Jo). . McGill, Mr. .31ciriiii IP: Elliot, Ohio T , Txs• ship, to Miss i Sarah J 1 1J v.t ix 1., lof 1 c.• part. 1 (Otr the smoe'rdny, by'the sainp, 4 1fr, E. , ear ,1 Sr, ren,i, 6 Ai i,,s Martha Qcenty, b)..i.1 1 of RaebOetir. • , , i ---- - -. DISSOLUTIO3.;! , „ , 1 THE - subccribers', doing busitieSS agroo,Be'• ‘ ~,, Ver -Colliki.l:, 11111 e 1.41.4 Jay diesolvetkpolrtnerh , by cautflul Oom ,V eue. All persons knoning eh: selves.indebteil ioitts are requested t,. n it 5:: ,sectie Aileir ack,oums n 9 :806u [191p0 35 M 10.1::' I„ I I itenry MOM, Who stilt continues busne_3l: tlit ord stand.. I ; HENItY MOO* ; Se 4::12, 11357.. DAVID DEAL. • LIST OF CAUSFegiC r Specifr/ COA rt 31 43 (i Jj A . Odobiir 1857:: ! , 1 t 11,1% Holmes vs Susan t. orn r. ;Goorg Ritter vs John M ,Cinotorl ' „ I 31. B ; 41r.A.Y, re ,iiept, 31). ,1§57., . IN3 ~:ir t, II 11 . i. RIM acd kir, S'N ud ,; IF i ', '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers