. . RIISOLItiON. Propostng-Ansendnients fo the Constitution - 'olds. Ctnnesoittisealth. . . lleiolved.by the Bemis aid Some of. Repro= : eentatives of tire Coseinonwrlalth of Tenney:rm. nia in humid aLuesibly - nieb That the, ifollow- ing iniendinentii are proposed to the ennitltn tion of i Abel tointoorkwealth, in aeciridanOe with: . . _ thesprovisiorur ;of the tenth article thereof. • -- .' ' .- • First Amerit,detextc :r i , '"' . l' There shall be an additional' article to said , , :a eon:siltation to be designated as - article ole - ven .-as f01101,11..7 ' . - '' i * , ARTICLIC, xr. .:01? PUBLIQ . D.EBTS. .... . -.- . , . "S sestes , l, The State may contract debts, to eupply casual 'deficits oritures in revenues, or to meet expenses notatherwir provided for;but -. 4 1i., he OgiAptte; amount of suck-debts direct and, _ contingent, whether coati-acted - by virtue of one - or - more acts Of the general assembly, Or at (lir :— ferint petiods!of time, shall never exceed seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars,and thernon- h el arising from the creation of each debts,s4ll.l ------- tio applied to thi purporlifor'which it was ob.l tained, or to repay the debts so contracted , and' to no' other purpose whatever. . 1 - -,, - 8E6.1 In a 'tion to the aboie limited 'pow - . i r ,er the State m y contract debts to repel inn - 4ion, suppresti , nsurrection, defend the State in: War, or to 'iedeem the present outstanding in : debtednesi,of the state; but the money arising • treim the contracting of such debts, shall be rip ' pli_ed to the purpose for - which it was raised„ • or 6, repayiench debts, and to no otherpnrpose -, whatever. 1 . gtc. 3. Except the debts above specified, in sections one and: two of this article, no debt rehittever shall be created by, or on behalf of the state. - Sac. 4. To provide for: the payment of the pent debt, end any additional debt contract. edOra aforesaid, the legislature shall, at its first r e .310 n , after the adoption of this amendment; create a sinking fund, _which ahall - be sufficient. to pay the accruing' interesrowsuch_debt, and annually to reduce the principal roof by a, -Jure not less than' two hundred_ and thou. janddollsrs; which sinking.fu.ncf shall co 'et of the net annual income of-the Public works, m , time to time owned' by the, hth ate, ot e pro.' seeds of the sale of the same; 6r any part there- Of, and •of the income or proceeds of sale of l ,atocks owned by-the state, together ;with other; funds; or resourcea, that may be designated byl law. The bait' sinking fund may be incrensed,. :tiorn time to tiine„„by assigning to it any aitof' the taxes, or other revenues of the .ate. not require:llor the:ordinary. and cu t expenses: 'of government, and unless in cfse'of war; inva. : aim" er iniurrecticin, no part •nf the said !int.! ing fund shall be need. or applied otherwise; than in extinguishment of the public debt, until! the l amoimt of anch debt is - reduced below. the; ohm of five millions oNollars. . - - r ri S.K. 5. The credit of the commonwealth shall: 144 itt any manner, or event, be pledged, or, lOOned to, any individual„ company or association;' nor shalt the_commonwealth; -- hereaftOr become a joint owner,; or stockholder,: its any poroftiny, association, or corporation. ' I ': Sac.. 6. The 'commonwealth shall not assume! the debt; or any part thereof, of any county,l . city, borough or township; ,or of any corpora; -tion, or association; unless such debt shall bevel been contracted to enable the. state to repel in vasion, suppress domestic insurrection, defendF itself in..„tintez of war, or to assist the state - I'6l the discharge , of any portion'of its present in.! debiedness. , / i / , Sac. 7. , The legislature ( shall not artthorize t any county, city, borough, township, / or incord pgrated district, by virtue of a vote bfi its citi.l tens, or otherwise , to become a ibcktiolder in! any company, assoclatiOn, or.cu'rporation; or to; attain money for, or loan its 'credit to, any cor-! itonttion, association - . institution, or party. . i I • 'Second Amendment. i '' anti There shall be aniitionaT article ” , to said constitution, to be / designated.as a'eticie XII, as ,feflows: / ' MI . .. - /..‘I6.TICI:V. XII. -!'• -- .: , . ! _ 01? NA.: W.-A) Q U<N TIE S . : 1, to coum - 42cs, hal l be divided - by a line cutt [ ing Off over z one4eath of .its - population, (either to . .furor a new county, or otherviiie,) - without the,. express neTent of tuch county,- by a tote. of the .-eleetois 'flie - ?eof; nor shall .any new county:he: establitd, eoqtaiiting issi than four hundred - - square .Ics.• -• . • - . -.- . . - .1 •,. - - ' Thiril 'Antenclei!ent: ' • 1• I •I Front section itva. Al' the first aiticle of the . Constitution, strike " out the words,. "ofi the City; Pf Philadelphia, andof each eounty'resimetive-I 1y . .0"-tromsection five, %a to article, strike out Stit troVils, "of - Philadelphia and of several Counties:" from 'section seven, same 'article Strike out the words, "neither the city . . of 'Phil4, tidelpida nor any, and insert in lieu thereof the Words, "and no; ' and 'strike out "section kuri tiame article," and in lieu thereof insert the foli--, lowing: • : f • -.. . . ti K ..1 "Ste. 4. Intim year one thousand eigh ant 'fired And. sixty - four, and in every,seve it year ' thereafte;; - representatives to the unudtersif one hundred,ishalrbe apportioned and distributed equally, ,nrotighnut she state, by dietricts,•iti `` proportion to. the 'Mitilier of 'taxable Inbabitabti ' in the' scveralAmrtit theredp.7except that any. County containing at %mt. three thouiand fire • hundred taxablea, may_ be allowed a separate representation; hnt no mare-than three countieS -I: - ~hall lie joined., pul no county shall.be divided', nit time formation of a district Any city coni- 'Seining a suffielen't untidier. of taxable,' to anti' tic it M. at least tw 'representatives, shall have' • a separate repre ss ' tion assigned it, and shalt il i a he . divided into co venient distriCts of contigu' r . ens - territory,' equal taxable populaticin- as ' hear as mayhe, each of which districts shall eleet - Pne*presentative., 1 At the end of 'section seven, same article,: in - Sett' these words, "the city of Philadelphia shall - be divided into''ugle Senatorial districts, •of '. lignous tett-it° as, nearly equal in tillable. population as pa ssib le; but rip , ward shall - he di. , Tided in- - the:form tiou thereof." . -1 . . .'_ -- 1 •-1 - -fte, legislatuie: atits first session, after the • adoption of thlS amendment, shall divide the city• of .Philadelphi i si into senatorial and reprel• optative ilistricta, ,the :manner - -above provi; `.ded; --- litichl districts, to remain- unchanged untill the apportionment in . the year .one thousand eight hubdred.Andsizty-four ''.. ' - • I - 7:: : -.1 . • . FLurth .I.Ameiedment. , ... , . ,i These shall _ be an additienal section to the •-- Ilest.artiele of Saiirbonstitution, which shall be Atunbered And - read as follows; •, - .. - ' - • I'• ... , ' - I Sze: 26..._Thetegislatnre shall havej the powe r to alter; revoke, or annul, any 'barter : or incorf ••• pCration hereafter sonferral by, or - nuclei; any special, •or gensrallaw, wheneveriin their.opin4 . -ion it may be inj u rious -so the citiitistas 44 'the c.ciamanteealtb,. in such Manner, lioWever; that tiP injustice snail - be done the eorporators.Ll -Li ... --,i- . - ..: -, ..• • _ • . • •-.... I I . :.. fit , ,SkiiATE Mirth:. th 7] . . r , _185. - - Risolired, Tht is resolution - 1, 8. On the first aMentiment; yeas 24; nays 7; on She second imeroiment, yeas 28; nays 8; on the thirdinitend; . Mont, yell 24, nays 4;. on the fourth amend Merit . yeSS 28,' says 4.) . . . • • '' , l -I' •, - [Eztrttet from the Jourfial] - • • 1- t 4 E0.,1-14.'-11AliPIRS LY trk-• . . , )• • tr IN THE 1101111 E oz RIFTRESENTATIVEs, - - •April 29, 1857. That this resolution pass. On the Fret amendment; yeas7B, nays 12; on the see... and amendment, yeas 57, nays 34; on the third amendment, yeas 72, -says on the fourth amendment. yeas 86 1 , nays 7. • [Zatrae: from the 'Journal.] 'JACOB ZIEGLER,I,CII koli s i ilk Secretary's olftee,r -- May t 1857. A - GICURTIN, - • . 'Secretary °lithe Commonwealth. SicRETARY'II ()AMC!, - t Halutzsagitti ; Jane 22, 185 7 . Pennsylvania ss: , / do entity thit the above and foregoing is a rens and.oorreet copy .of the original ußesols. Linn proposing amendments to the Constitution , orthe Commonwenitl," with the vote in each brunch of the ,Legislature upon the deal pas ' sage thereof: , as oppesia - from the originals 0., ltle z in this office: '- r t, In tostinpiny whereof I have hereunto • • - - • - i, • 7 • - , t , tuned to to allied the seal of tn, the de" aid 'tor their i t'" A. . ,i ' 1 G.. CURTIN,. - - .:Secretary of the Cogitiunwealth. 1 • . IR SENATE, Atireh :27,1857. , ' , ' The resolution PrOposing ameralmernes to the `Constitution of . the Commonwealth being under ;consideration, - A On_:the question, I A 1 e , 1 . 1 William Senate egret to the first amendment ? 1 The ;yeas and noys- were tsket agreeably to t e provisions of the Couetitution; tad Were u t f lows, viz: , • F 1 , , I ra Yru—Messrs. Brewer , Brown, ColTey. - Ely. ns. Fetter, AFlenniken ' , Frtser,t Ingram, Jor n. %Slinger, %n z. A Limbach, .Lewis; Myer," Scofield, Sellers, ISheunan, Stiele,, Straub, Welsh,Wilkins,Wright and Taggart, Speaker-24. Stit—MessriC C'rabb, Cream Well, Finney, Gregg. ntai.;_Peninee,and Soutbe7. • So the question Iffl3 determinalf in the affir- Motive., • - -., 1 i; 1 aetlar . haad and ea the 044:retarfa •,` liOttes. On the_ question, f • Will the Senate agree to..the second =end. meet? The yeas'and nails , were taken agreeably 'to the provisions of -tlii Constitution ~'and were as toilowsi viz: I YEAST—MUSES. Brew*, Browne, Ciesswell, Ely, Evans, Fetter, - Finney, Flenniken,' Ingram, Jordys,J Knox; r Lanbich, Lehi~ Myeri Wert!, ghunsae, Souther, Steele, Straul4 - Welah, Wil kins, Wright and Taggart, Speakni-23, NATS--Messrs. Coffey, Crab's, Fraser,Gregg, Harris, Killinger, Penrosk and Soefteld-8. So the question was determined• in the afar waive. ' - be Istf-- • :'• On the question, I \I; . Will the Senataugree to the third amendment! . The yeas and nays were taken . agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution,'' and were as follows, viz. •I • !f.,. 1 _ ' Yozs—Messrs. Brelter, Browne, C rabb, cress *ell, Ely, Evans, Flenniken, Fraser, lingram, Aordan. Killinger,noz, Lanbach, Lewis, Sly er, Scofield , Sella Shutout', Souther , Steele, rs l Straub,' Welsh, W ilkins and _Wright-24. , Nars—Messrsvdolleyi Gregg; Barris and' Penrose-4. Z .1 ; f, 1 bio the question was determined in' !the affir mative: . 1 - • Ii I , Once question, I , .I' ; Will the Senate *greet to the font. amend ment? l'r . The yeas and nays were tik bly to the provisions of the Constitution an were as, I ' follows, viz: Yzas--Mesitnt . . Brewer, Brown, off ,y, Cress well, Ely, Evans, Flenniken, Frazer, i Ingram,' Killinger, Knox, Liubach, awl Myer, Sco field, Sellers, Shuman, Souther , 8 le; Straub, ef ee Welsh, Wilkins and Wright -23. ..I ?fare—Messrs. Crabb, Finney, Jordan and Perirtse-74.. I . So the question was determined in the affirm ative. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESEbITATIVEs, ' I . April . F 9 1857 P The resoltition proposing amendments to the Constitution of the Corizmonifeald beibg under I•consideration, :._ - \ II , 1 On_ the (Ligation, .. ' I , Wilt the House agree to the fire nmendmend Tim - yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provisioispt the Constitutien„ and were as follows•viz: '. ,/ . l u. 1 um Tr—llessrs. Anderson, Arthu , ekhouse, Ball, Beck, Bishop, Bower, ' •BroWn Calhodn, , Campbell, Citise,, Cleaver, Crawl' rd, 1 Dickey, Ent, Eyster; Fausold, Foster, Gib -- i nei; t; ildea, Hamel, Harper; Heins, Hiestand, ill. Hillegas, •Hoffman, ißerks,) Itnbrie, lanes, scabs, Jen kins, Johns; Juhnsan, Kauffman, iterhi-Knight;', : Leisenring, Longeker, Lovett, Iffaneartigangle, 317Calmont, Al'ilvain, Moorhead, klumriti, Mns- Selman Nichols,Nicholson, l Nausea :Maher, Pear son, Peters, Petrikin; Pownall, Parcel, Ram sey, (Philidelphip,) !Ramsey, (Ye k,) Reamer, Reed, Roberts, Rupp, Shaw, 8 oan,l Smith, (Cambria,)tintith, (Centre,) Steve son', Totals, _Vali,. Vanvoorbis, Vickers, Voegbley, Walter, Westbrook, Wheaten, Williston I . Witherow, 'Wright, Eh - - ..nd Oetz, Spieska.l- ,rigm., a: merman ant .tetz, Spiaker- I -78. -- 4 NAT#--Messre. ; Backus, Bensonj i Doak, Ham. Mon, ' Hancock, Hine;.' Hoffman,b (Lebanon,)! 1,,eb0, Struthers, Thorn, I Warne l end Win= trodel2. ! I , 1 ', :., , • So the que'stion was determined Ott th l e.a ffi rml _ stive.l i On the question,to t . I rets Will the House eg; he s and ameM ment? ' I/ l i , ' ' 1 Tht 'mad - - -- tore 1 nays were !firm ' [ greiably to the Con i stitution, and :W:ere as 1 ‘ 11 • A yens=re m the prov'' follows, , . Y a.k., Anderson, Backhouse, Ball, Beck, Hewer, CalhOun;'Campbeill Carty, Ent, Fansold, Foster, (Widest, Hamel, II r, Heim, i HeistsUd.' Hillegas,l Hoffman. ( rks. ) irpeHouse keeper, Imb,ie, Indes, Jenkins, ohne, John -son, Kauffman, KiLdght, Leisehring,.Llongaker, Lovett, Menem., Mangle, .IPTlvain, Moorhead, Slusselmau. Nicholei,. Nicholson, INunemacher, Pearson, Peters, I'etrikett, Pownall, !Purcell, Ramsey, (Philadelphia,) Ramsey, t.York,)lteam er, Roberts, Rupp,l Shaw ; Sloen Tolan, Vail, , , Voeghley, Walter, WeithrioliA, Wharton, Zim merman and Getr, - 11Fraer —z37. 1 NAYB—llet•srs. Arthur, Augustine; Backus, Benson, Bishop, Brown, Chase, Cleaver, Craw ford, Eyster, "Giblioney, Hismilflin, I :Hancock, Hill. Hine, Hoffinan, (Lebanon,) d'acobs, Kerr, M 13 Lebo, 'Calmoot, Mumma, Reed, .i.h, cc...- V- 7 L O Smith, (Centre,;) Stevenson, Struthers, T orn, Yanvoorhis,lVickers, Wagenseller, (War ner, Wintrode, Witherow and Wright ,--34,1,, • 1.80 the question was determined' in the affirm l- eve: --- . z 'On the question; 7 II • - - Will the House agree to the thi4 amendment! l • The yeas and nays; 'were take. agreeably to the provisions of - the' Constitutie. and were as fotlows, viz: - - , : _ . . Ir szs—Yeserrs. Anderson, Bac .4ouse, Ball, Beck, Benson, Bower, Brown , Ca ono; Camp bell, Chase, Cleaver, - trawford, Hickey, Ent, -Eyster, - fausold, _Faster. Gibboney, Hemel, Hat-, per, Heins, iliertaint,'Hill, Hillegas,:ffoffmaii, (Berks,).- . 11Offmas(,, (I,ebation,l) - Iloniiejteeper, • Imbrie, Inner, Jacobs, Johns, Johnson, Kati,- Man, —Kerr,'..Lebo, iLongaker, ',Lnyett;:ilatiear, Mangle, hgCalmont, Moorhead: Mumma, Mus selmas, Nicheds,-Nieholsop .Nuneinag Pear son' Petrikin: Powtiall, Purcell, Rit..•. ker.York) Reamer, Reed, Hipp, Shaw, Sloan, finiith, (Cambria,) Smith,l Centre,) Stevenson , Tolan, Vail, Viinvoorhis, ickers, Voegtley,' Wagon seller, Westbrook, , illiston. Wilber*, si; Wright, Zimmerman and Getz, Speaker-2. I NAYS—Messrs. ' rthur, Angurtine, • BaCkus, Bishop, Carty, 'Doe Gildea, Hamilton;. Hau 1, cock; Hine, Jenkin , Knight, LOU oaring, , M'- Ilvain, - Ramsey, .( Philadelphisi,) , Roberts, Struthers, Thorn, , 'alter, Warner, Wharton, and Wintrode-22. • i i 1 ' ~_ L 8o the question Was determined' in the 'Aril • afire. • • '' ' 1 i ' • 1 On- the question,• - ,// I ' , • -•' Will the House ' ag ato the fouitkamendment? : The visa and as a were taken' agreeably to the provisions of e Constitutioi and, were is • follows,' viz: •\,,,• „1 ' _Yaitaiessrii:L. derson,Arthur,, Bickbouse, Backus, Ball, Berle, Btinson..Biahop,' Bower, Brown,. Calhoun, piaipbell, Corti; Chase, Cies, ver, Crawford, Die ey, Eat, Eyater, . Fanfold. Foster Gibboney, 13 Idea, Hamel, Harper,Reiiii, Hiestand,. Hill, H 'Emelt, (Berke,) tHoffman, (Let:wl:O. Housekeeper ; Imbrie, Sens, JaCobs, Jenkins, "Johns; Jiiktirn, Kann, Kerr, Le bo, Leiseniing;Unkiiker Lorttt,,,Lldaliear,Man gle, M'Calmont, Arllvain,.'Mnnun Mianselman, Nichols, Nicholsoti,runuaailier, ' P etre on • Pe tersj. Petrikin , -. P wnall, P • 11, i Ra msey, • (Phils.delphia,)Ranuiey, - (York,) I canter, Reed, Robertii,;' , 'ltupp, 'Shaw, Sloan, BEiii. ICambria) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson, Tolan, Vaul, Van voorhis, Vickers, 'foishley, Wagenselier, Wal ter, Warner, • Westbrook, Wharton, • .Williston, Witheroar, Zimmerman, sad Gets; flortikir=-418. . Dock,,Have---Meifiti Hamilton, Haneoelt• Struthere, Thorn, Wintrode, and Wright--7. So thi que.t:ohwaii determittedln the &Snit; :I - . stir.. - - • - - 1 1. .. • • ,_..._•. , ... . ,- , : 11 • .-:, ' •4SECRETAIIVS• 'Ol7lOEi • • : --.- - , '•ltarrinburgP , Ji ne - e 2 .1 - 1857. eimsylrania,.a: ' !1 Ide certify that the above - and rigging is a io -,tree .and correct copy bf,`lllt !Ye s' and 'Nays' _. . I .1. . . taken the the itrut4n 1 to the Constita on Of the same appears on the o Booms, of the General Aseluddy 'pommel* for the session of 185 1 1. [l.. al Witness nip headt i, thel seal of said office. this twenty- nd day of June. one thousand eight ha 41 illtroeven. pi, . Secretary of the mot wealth. DUFF'S INERCANTE OLLEGE PHII4O HALL, 75, Jd STREET, 1 PITTSBURGH .P.i. 1• • i THE oldest end most extensiveramose per fectly "arganized COMSIESUIAL LLEOE in t ) the United States. The 'o } p ly on in the State i ii acting under a Lrirtitativ CHAR LH. - • BOARD OT TI ITIKS. Hon. JAILS BUCHANAN, .President States, I i Ron. WILLIAM WLIXINS, Hon. Atom Hampton, i Hon. WA.1.711 H. LOWILIT, I Hon. CHAIM'S NATLON,. I Gen. J. H. Moonagan, i - O - P. DUFF, (author of Dors or tantile avid Steamboat Ibiolt eepii of the faculty, consisting ; of ; from teen Professori and Lecturers, of the best Feet:item in the V. S. TheStuden' , tit this Institutio n obtain' the, folloWing im • advantages over all others in the West..:-.. \:- —4- - - • i t Lt. A train Aor i sea by -" Merchent of nearlyT.o years ex tensive inland and shipping busine , 2d. Their Diploma bears the sip author of a system of Boolciteepin by the Chamber of Commerce of the best in our Langnage4tee ci 1 3d. A' new and abbreviated methr Entry.' " I • 4th.--The Private Ledger; not b otheriColleger- _ • 1 ge j . btb. Single Entry-Books than Entry. , - [____ 1 - 6th. Improved &rum of pirni checking the Ledger. 1 _ 7th. Improving form of Check; lying the Bank Account. 1 -Bth. Rules for determining the rity of notes. oth. Rules for adjusting clerani try Books. . 1 - , i 1 , - 10th. Paripership Bettlemenus b: Ape,. Ilth.''Joint Account Settlement? and complete sales. 1 12th. Three different methods of a new Partner. 1 . I ytth. Six examples of 80, k! ope ciak conditions. : : I 14th. Dissolution and winding ul Boa. t - ~ Ath. &' ' "-.---- if _isle and transfer 01 partner to another. I I See test problems on he abi 11 rentn . Penmanship, Mercantil Arit metic, Com mercial-Agar Cerrespondence ' Commercial Ethics, Politi - OAT - Ee4.nemy And lie ecting Coun terfeit Notes, are allinclude4 wits our College Course of Book-keeping. 1 ------ -- " About,4ooo Students hare been qualified' for businees in this Instituttop. Circulars and mail edspecimeniVolPenminship- free. ; • Duff's. Bookxeeping, Harper's pp. 222 royal octavo. Price sl.te cents 1 . I . Duff's StiAmboat Ptokiteepingi postage 0 cents. I ..No printed Unuctsalist .1 given to ' Students '.in this Insti l "Universalist preaching" lis advel College Rooms on Sundays, ontbf And tendencies" of the Preibyteri , Lutheran and other Churches. he\published in s few ness and Ornamental Penmanshi Duncan, Professoi of Penmanship 'tuition. The work will' bet in lin form, containing rakearly 500 aped . 1 : ness and ornamental Peninitnabip, prehensile yet published, I esign of both learners and teac era. BEAVER' MACH I NE 1 ORK. ;, ). ~ ' ' Childs M'Connellnd D rraghs, / LF OUNp RS _, 1111,..11111T_1C111 ; -' STEAM ENGINIE IMILI)ERS Pallsion, Beavet , Go' unfy Pa. ; 71 — —: E 'respectfully7call attend n to the in dacements offered for purch log Engines and Machinery mentioned below, - Ve have pur chased the right to make,and sell the PATENT OSCILIJATING E GINE of Messrs. Cridge & Wksweirth, - and are now t- engaged in the manufacture of the at the tow est . possible rates, which is abon twenty five per cent, lower-than the Slide Val e Engine Their ,simpliiity and durability, combined iith . their cheapness,'and almost utter i mpossibilit y to get out of order, renders them the mosticle sirable Engine to hreve ' e The following is a l ist of the different kinds of Machinery which we have male . Pereons i wishing to procure anything of t he kind, Will I do well to give us a call before p' leasing else where. ,- • • ' " „1 Double Slide Valve lieciproe.at u g angel:lea, the same as manufactured at Sede , Ohio ; Pe cillating, Engines. Cridge & Wad worth's pat ent ; Tub and Bucket Machinery ;. Flour Bar rel and Nail' geg Machinery ;. 'airing Ma u chines e !Cylinder er Barrel Saws Fire Brick and Ciny Rollers ; Starch Roller , Pipes and Castings for extracting Oil from annel Coal ; Flouring ?dill:Gearing ; Pullies Id Shafting ; ,Mulry, Sasb,, and Circular Saw Mills ; Lath Machinery, ac , besides numere 5 other Ma chineir which it is not necessary ik, enumeratje. We might add a - long list of ceitlficates, Nut deem any but the following unnecriP i Ecoxonr, December • th, IBS6. , I MIIIIII.I. CRIDOC, WAbSWORTH S. CO„ Genial,- mem—We hereby certify that we iveve had one of your Oscillating Engines in use for nearly four months, and,that it gives sitisfactiou in every respect. Its principal ad takes over the common Engine are— • Ist Its simplicity, and the co silky to , keep it in good order. • 2d. It takes up much less room. 13d. It requires fess presume of the same amount otwork •, .and "i worked.with le= danger and less Respectfully you R. L. D, -JACOB Oil • Our facilities for shipping to an: ever, by Rail Road, — Canal. or on t er, is as good as any other' Works are situated in Faliston, Ps, Bank; of, the Beaver River, oppost ton, and only one hour's ride by rat burgh. ;. :Jul; DENTAL SURGE JMURRAY would announce the public that he has, at considerable cost, procu red the latest' improvements in do profes s ion, and is now prepared to accomniodate every variety of üblic taste. Ist. Single gam-teeth, on gold , r silver plate 2d. Block-teeth, on gold plate, presenting a continuous gum. N Bd, Indestrrictible teeth L L'on ntta Perch* Am this last is a new mode of inserting teeth, should it &HU render satisfaction after a fair trial, I will replace the work with gold orl sil ver. Mee and residence on Market 3treet, oppo site the Market House, Bridgewater. , Bridgewater, Jan. 2, 1858- • I CHURNS, CHURNS—A eo • t supply of Bpain's Celebrated Barrel Cb of rail. ous sires, will be kept on band. hese Churns hare been fully tested, and are With the beat in 11311* For sale by 1. IVAftDROP, jell 47, Fifth St. apeodelents ftweeith, el! s of the two this COM. .ess, TOM ie - alrstioni Jaundice , Dropsy, Rhenmatinn, Fevers,' Gout, Denton, Ntry ousness, Irritability, Lift: mow bons, headache, Pains. n the Breast; Side, Back, and Limbs. Female Complaint's, itc. ;cc. Indeed, very few are thedis . eases in which a Purgative Medi cine is not more or less required, and much sick ness and suffering might ;be irseVenteo. if a harm less but effeetttal Cathartic were more freely used. No 'person can feel well While a costive habit 'of body Prevails: besides it soon generates serious and often fatal diseases, which might have been avoided by the timely and judicious use of a good purgative. This is alike true of Coldstreterish sytnptoms, N4 Bilious derangements. 1 ill tend to become alb Produce the deep seated ' f ormidabledistempers .1 7 which load the treaties all over the land. Renee a reliable family physic is o the fi rst importance to the public health, and Pill has been perfected with consummate skill W meet that demand. An extensive trial of its virt ' by Physicians, Profes son' and Pr Herm% has own results surpassing any thing hitherto known of any i medicine. Cures have been effected beyond belief, were they not sub. stantiatedly persona of such exulted I position and eharacter ono forbid the suspicion of untruth._ ,-1 1 Among the many eminent gentlemen who have ttifled In favor of these Pills, we ma mention -. ! Da. A. A. liar es. Analytical Clusul I, of Berton, and State Assayer of Massachusett s, high professional character is endorsed by e How. linwann Brant:Tr, Senator f the U. IL RODER:Pc. WINTHROP, £I. 7 SPINIker of the HOWIR of Representatives. ABBOTT LIIIPRENCE, MinißtalleLl. t Joint B.*Frrxraritieg, Cath. Bish Also De. J. R. CHILTON, Practical New York City; endorsed by .'1 --- liow. W. L. MARCR, Secretiry of 8 %Vre. B. Aaron, the richest man in 8. LELAND & CO., Propr's of the Hotel, and others. . ~.. ' f the United m of lkfer ) Prisident else to flf eluding one a" practical moo itt,ex a. stare of the . sanctioned ew York, as color pi 17. sod of Doable Did space permit, we could' give" m certificates, frOm all parts whete- th y been, but evidence even more cvn the ex per ience of eminent publite l ni as , their e p ects upon trial. These Pills, the result of lonflinves Itation' and study, are offered to the public 'as the but., and most complete which the present state of medical science can;afford. They are ,componded not Of, I/ the drugs themselves, but of the med i cinal virtues only of Vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical process in estate of purity, and combined together -.in such a manner as to insure the bmt results. I 'This system of composition for medicines h. been found in the Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to produce a etmore-efficient remedy than had hith erto been -A.. tained by any process.. The reason is perfectly ob vious.. While by the old modenf compOsitiom ever) medicine is 'burdened with more or Ileas of acri. monious and injurious qualities, by titis each indil vidual virtue only that is desired for the curative effect in present. All the inert and obnoxienis qual ities of each 'substance employed are le t behind. the curative virtues only being retained. Hence, it i. self-evident the effects .shotthll prove s theytaill proved more purely remedial, and the Pills a shrer, more powerful antidote to disease; than any othOi medicine known' to the world. I I ' ' - • As it is frequently expedient that my medicine should be taken under the 'counsel th at an attending Physician, and as he could I nut properly judge of a remedy without knowing its composition. I ha v e supplied the accurate FormulM by which both.niv Pectoral and Pills are made to the whole bad? loi , Practitioners in the United States and British 'Amer Jean Provinces.' If, however, there should be' am; one who has not received them; they will bi n promptly forwarded by mail to his liddres . s. —,. 1 ~ . Of all the Patent Medicines that are offered, hot. few would belaken if their composition waslknown ! Their life consists in their mystery: I hare ino mysteries. ; The composition of my preparations is laid open. to all men and' ' all who are competent to judge on the subject freely acknowledge theirrnvictions of their intrinsic merits. The Chary Pectoral who, pronounced by, scientific . men to be a wonderful medicine before, its effects were known. Manyem ; lucid t Physicians have declared the same thing of My Pills,and even more eonfidentlyVand4re will ing to c ertify that their antiCipations,-were more than realised , by their effects upon trial. They operate , by their powerful influent* on the interne! via' to purify the blood ind4:timulatel it into healthy action remnrorthe obstructions of the stomach, bowels, livevand Other. organs of th , body, restoring ' their irregular ' action to health, and! by correcting, wherever they {{'--exist, 'such &rani'. mu en as are the lot origin or disinie. 1 Being sugar wrapped they are pleitsant toy take. and being,porely vegetable, no harm canarise from their use in-lin y quantity. 1 I - - I For inMate directions, see wrapper 1 ' on the Co t .. I i•ttEOARED 'BY 1 1 . .1 - AIII44', L S - C. A - VE R. , • Practical and Alla I y lea I Chemist, ; ; • ... • ' LOWELL, !i ASS. I I i Price` 25 Cents poi Box. ire Boxes for ISI 1 ; ' ..“1.11 itl• 1 • . ' I AGENTS—Young, & TbomaX Bearer, Dr. Smith _ Bridgewater; C. E. Keiser, tochesier, Dr.l Bar.' gent, New Brighton; ::ohn Black Darling on, and by all merchants e‘ erytibere. Dr.d . O. Cunningham, Bearer. ' I 1 8 •46 _L._ ..__l, ~ . • \VIII DO lOU SUF F ER ? • 1 • .1 Use . lidiser 7 s ~ , . CELEBRATED GUINAN ARNICA. light in any into Double ok; diFectly .. k-simpli. recise matu- d Double En- ingle Entry. with partial intr9ducing ed with spe- parinarship st from one into, i==l ew edition postage 2 Price $1 uestions .Are !fist's; nor no ised in t i be '.doe trines Methosiist, i7 221 q• eek 6 " by7J. S. n this insti rial .qtnuto ...ens of bust 1. a moat am ; for the use OINTMENT tt A never failing remedy for; Inflammatory and Chronic Itheumatism, sprains, pains, bruises, pinija the back, stiffness or numbness of ithe limbs, or.reakness in the Joints, stiellings, sore throat, burns, scalthr . , ents,l old sores, frosted feet, uenrilgic affections, &c., and in fact for all diseases which reliuire an external applica tion; es such it has no equal. The numerous remarkable cures effected 'and: the use of the German Angers Ointment, and the large and constantly increasing , demand for the same, his led the' Proprietors to britig this invaluable remedy before the public, aidltake pleasure recommending it to the afflicted: • • Wm. Plate, of Bridgewater, Pa., writes to Os:' 'have used Kaiser s Celebrated German Arnica Oiitment for a very severe bruise, and it has effected an immediate cure ;I therefore. I-feel it my duty to, recommend this Ointment to all similarly afflicted. • 1 WM. PLATE,i - Bridgewater May 9th '67.1 Watchmaker 1 have used Charley L. Kaiser & Bro's Arnica Ohitment, and belleve ...__ 'lt the best:urativ e for a burn I have ever tried.' S. 11. DABRAGII. Sharon, May let, 1857: N, Prepared and sold Wholesale aid,Retail , by C. L. Kaiser -& Bro.,Druggist:l,' "Rochester, Beaver county. Pa., P r oprietors, ' " 1 . Agents for Bterhave's Holland Bitters, aariu:`'s Female Pills, Bowman's Vegetable Componed; Jayne's Family Medicines, and all other Patent Medicines of the day.. Jane 3 [1857 sequent fa- steam to do , therefore, el. a ITIHE subscriber, having purchased and fitt I- up that welfknown property it the Nor west corner of the, Public Square, in ,BeaV adjoining the residence of Judge Agnew, is n prepared to accommodate the public, where will use every exertiod to'please and make Co fortabre., all who may call on him. — 'Beaver, May 6, '67. Wx. A. 14.111tv. I. ER ENRICI. Trustees point what e Ohio Rir point. Our on the west tte Y Brigh. al from Pithi ly - 4, 1857. Just Received' i At the Rochester Drug &i re, Sign 'of Golden Mortar. 10,000 Havanna Segue, different kinds. d do: Balm of Thousands flowers. ..6 ween fun. 1 gross Sir James Clarke's Female Pills. hi'Lanes Pills and Vermifoge. Dr, A. Jaynes Family mildicines. 410 dos. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. 2 casks Catawba Wine and Brandy. 6 do 4. BoWman's VegetablaCompound. l 5 grins Berbera's Holland Bitters. , Bleciilder Braees of all descriptions. 1 grass Radway's Remedies. - 1 " Petry Davirt:Pai,likiller. For sale low by , ' C. L. &USER Svlt i O. Proprietors of Kaiser's Celebrated German ! , Dina Ointment. CHA.MBERLIN & CUTHBERTSON, Attorneys and Counsellors at Once on Bewldway, 3d door below Merrick Holiest Now Brighton. = open (mayG;s7.) ' YOUNG'B. PUBLIC; HOUS g. , The !Greatest Ditedical Discovery 1 - OF THE 'AGE. _ \DE KIIKIIIDT. of Roxbuzy has discovered in ontinfl our commonwardata •rnedy that cures every kind o_pectuni f humor, frcun4a worst Scrofula down to s common pimple. Re hal MO it in over 1100 oases, sad never failed exempt In twb eases. (both Amide: . mar.) ! He his now in hls posaession over two hundred certificates ofita virtue, within twenty miles of Boston.N Two; bottles are warran to cure a nursing sere mouth.. 4 ,r ' One' to three bottles will, cure el worst kind of Pimples on t he , face..f _ . Two"or three bottles will clt the systellitofi - VI,?" Or KTABLE COMPOUN : D, , . Two-bottles ~, Bile" 1, o , bottles are warranted to enialthe worst , A SAFE and speedy , cure for Consumption, ' , Itiet. only; in those milder-ferns' of Throat' and , canker in the mouth and stomach 1• ~ Lin Diseases , such as colds , cough's, quitisey,f Three to !five bottles are warranted,tO cure_ g• difficulty of breathing, bronchitis, 31inisters the worst eases of Erytdpebus. , , , , ted ta 11 "re t h r o a t, weakness of the chest, asthma:l One:"' lw° b° " s" warran ted I ""-i * inivar ulcer, spitting of blood,. influeezal humor: i 4 the E yes. • i • croup, h ing-cough --pain in the breast and of w ciop , ~ ... - Two bottles are warranted to -c running side, hoarseness, catarrh and catarrh! ‘euec the ears and Mocha' . among the hair. ! tions, lamentation of the lungs, bleeding o roar to six bottles.ore warranted to , . the lubga, and earl like. ! But its superior. ex, 1 corrupt sad running nice "' ' • ! ce pri ll p en am ee d i o s n me i m d an arid an te ti a d te av d : w it e th re e fe m r o th re o a p d ti r b a i n ic • One bottle will cure scaly eruption of the ced' affections of the lungs. For the truth.of akin. 1 ~ , ! I . 1 ,___ the above statement and 'the e ffi ciency of. the • Two, or three bottles are warranted to - care - the worst case of ringworm. -t- 1 to thel following testimonials : • -- Twel.to 'three bottles are warranted to cure Language is scarcely strong , enough to tell be moist desperate ase of rheumatism.] I: the great power of this - ~, ' • Two or three bottles are warranted to cure . j , WONDERFUL DISCOVERY ! ' 1 the salt rhennt ' • ,,, The doubting may, try and be, combined. Fiveeight bottles will cure the worst calm . The Proprietors point ' to the following bona of ' ill& ' • I ' •- fide certificates with,confidence inn the comma- A nifit isalways experienced from the first botneed; they are but samples of the Many lon a , and 4 perfect cure is warranted when I deeds of testimonials in our possessicin : tit above quantity-is taken. ' I ' Philadelphia, Aug. IA 1856.—Last spring, liader, I peddled over a thousand . bottles of while in Pittsburgh. I had a bad :cold, , and thi • the vicinity of Boston. ' I know the ef coegh, which ,' troubled me much, mat a fr4.nd fect o it in eiery case. So Sure at water will of mine gave ineKbottle of Bowmati'i Vegeta extinguish fire, so sure will this cure humor. I ble . Compoundler diseases of the throat ';and never , sold a &Atte of it but that sold another; lungs, which I .casimenced taking, antt-found after trial it always speaks for its e lf .., There relief almost immediately. I !ha r d taken ninny ere two things about this he rb that appear to me„ thine for cough end hoarseness, but ne4er'get 4rirPrising; first that it grows in our pastures, in anything to-telp nritits it ,has . done. I belleye scime places quite plentiful, and yet its value has it to be the best antidote for cohsend horirse never been known until '4 discovered it in , 1846 item that is out, and . cheerfull yrecommend it —second, that it should cure all kinds of hn , . to the pu blic. ' 'THOS. II. STOCKTON. nor.' - 1 • I • Pastor lst Prot. Meth. Church. , In order to give some idea of the sudden rise ' - - and great popularity of the discovery; I will state that in, April, 1858, 'p d eddled it and about six bottles per day—lri April 1854;' I Mild, over one thousand bottles,per day of it. 'l [ 1 8ome of the wholesale Druggiste who have been'in business twenty and thirty[Yeers, say that nothing in the annals of patent: medicines was ever like it. There is a universal tiraiseef it•from all uarters. I, , I my own practice I always kept itletrictly for humors—but since its introdtiction he a geu -1 eral family medicine,. great and , onderful I,virene.ehave been found in it thaCl rer , ..sus• r pected.: , ' ••: 1: i .- Several cases of epileptic fits—a de e which was alWaye considered incurable, ' ve been by a few . bottles. 1 0, what ame if it will prove effectual in all cases of that air 1 Malady —there are but 'few who have peen ore tor it than I have. 11 I knew of several came ofDrop.ty,. I of - tins aged people cured by it. For the va 'one dis exits of the Liver; Sick Headache, yspepsia, Astlims,lFevei Ague, .r.in in the ide, Die ehses of the Spine, and particularly i diseases of the Kidneys &c.,' the discovery luis done "more good any medipine ever known. , No oharige of diet ever necessary --eat the best yeu get and enorigh:of it. -- . Putscrions—Adults one tatle spoonful per Aly—Phildien over ten years dessert spoonfull. Children from five to eight years, tea spoonful. As no directions' can be applicable to all consti tutions, take sutficieutiter operate on the bowels ;twice& day. Manufactured by ': i ' 1 , , ,! DONALD KENNEDY, ' No 120, Warren St. Roxbury; Mass. , [ - erica $l. - atirT. W_Dyott & Sone, Philadelphia deft ' Ag'ts for Pa. ,For 'sale' by WP Ptillitis, Free -1 dont; ~ C L Keiser, ,Rochester; and Dr. 8 ;Smith, Bridgewater; General wholes:the agents Western Pal, cleo. IL Keyser, 146 Wood St. Pittsburgh; J. P.l' Flemming Federal St. ,Allegheny City, Illaalay ft -Young. Beaver. o Eaglazia. • of Bottoi. merica. etropolitazi • ; nv'hundiegi Pills haie sing than is found in EU TO CASH BUYERS, GREAT REDUCTION IY. PRICES, THE season has arrived when ' our tuck of Summer Goods mat and alt/ Lc sold.. Cold weathet in the Party part of tho season basleft us with a atock..of Suininer gUods, by far 'too large for this advanced time of „Summer, and as wp are determined to carry over np goods to another sumnier--thereby losing the use of niir money fOr nearly-a lyear—we will for Thirty days to come, sell at EASTERIiCOST, Our stock of , ' Lawns, • Mantillas, Fancy Silks, ac . Shawls,.• . Frei:Leh Collars, Challies, Boinets, Mohair 'mitts, Debeges, Ribbons, r Pin!sols, and Twisty goodigenerally. -• As' a further inducement to purchxsers,l we will also sell'at a'reduction our stock of Doilies tic and Staple goods—such as Calicoes, bias - line, •Tickings, Checks, Table Linens, • and all goods usually kept in a dry "goods store.' Ae we are determined to close.out (turista:lt—par ficukirly light goat—unite gootkbsrgains may be expected. T. M. 'TAYLOR, , July 22, '67. , Rochester 'on T. J. CRANDLIIII. C. GILLEN ME A CARD.. with T have this !day associated me in , the .1 practice ofßental -Sirgery, Dr. M. E. Gil lespie, (late of Crestline,,Ohio,) under the name of Chandler & Gillespie, where we are prepared to perform all the operations of the profession, in the most approved manner. I Teeth from one to full sets inserted in gold or' , silver plate..— Alvofull-or partial setts" on pieta perchs vase. We are also prepared to insert teeth in entire porcelain ! base, rbich'can g? t fail to please' the Most fastidious, ,in beantyland cleanliness. r we invite attention tol our spitimens. All those indebted to me by note or book ac count, will pleasecall and settle, as I out anx ious to close my old books. T. J. CIIANDLEIL Rochester, Aug. 6, 1866-6 in. ',, CHAI,LSI __CHAIRS ! JJOHN 31'CUNE still continnes the trinnfac tare of every kind of plain t and 'ornamental Chairs. Call and , examine ray F etock. Shop op. ,posite : Hugh Anderson's Grocery, on 3d street The stock is lowerithan ever before offered in Alaukarket. Old Chain painted or grained; and zakde to look as weld as neW. BeaTer;Doe. 18, 181iL • ; Low7-by the Piece. 100 pieces blescluxlmttslins, assort& 6, bales brofn 1 - '443 do 200 - pieces Cocheco"anl-pther prude. 50 pieces Lancasterlgingbams. „, 'June 4. I ,T 1 hi..,yeeta,: BENCH leather Boots for Ladies arid-Misses, F new style for Wiliterit made to order,,at the Shoe store Of Biliilrll I N1CH0L3025,. deelo Stewart's IRow, Bridgewater . CORN CULTIVATO , avatar. adapted for aide b; 'jade. ' . . JOSEPH WI =WILSON; , A TTORNEY AT LA*-:—Ofßee in the Liar• rence boner.th6 North aide•of the Di amond, Beaver, Ps. 11 L Jan 7 1867 pro X. MMUS, G. F. I.I7ICRNS, W. LUXUS. LUKENS & SONS, Forwarding and Conimihtdon Merchants Roehester, Pa Agents for steamer Michigan 2, between rittsburglrand Beam. ap2 FINE Kid Boots for Ladies, at the Shoe stare ef- & X1=014031; f del° SiOWAILV. Row, Bridgeeeter . TELLL and Cashmere Shawl!. from $2 to S $6, jest received st TAYLOR'S. march 18 1857. . I Ct ASH paid for Dotter and Fgge, by I \ • A. .S. l HARVEY, July' 16 '67 Nv. 3, Gpowart'o Row. •I „ I FULL, CIF 1 Many of lb. • be closed, comforts From Judge r Vauborn, of the District Courti at Cincinnati% J - j Cinciuna i; 'Mny 4; 1556.—1 have nett Bow man's Vegetable Compound for ,bronchitis and cough, and believe it to . / bc,the best inedii:ine Out for those 'diseases, and the only one I ever got to - give nie`iiny permanent relief. twill cure. •Ireec;nunend.it to the public as an bon fist intLifficient medicine/and will perform What leis published to do .W. VANIIORN. . _ )• - TO THE- PUBLIC. !,1 hare well flowinntesjegetable Cornpourid in my family, for coughs.'eolds -And Ministers' byre throat and believe it to - be the .best. tiling thatt ever' got for those Complaints, and cheer fully irvemtuneul it to the', üblie. . • • ' REV. - Jf GASTON, Pastoi of dui Clinton st. M. E. Church, ' June 10:1855. . • , Her is one , from the old pioneer Methodist , preacher of Ohio, Bev. J.- B. Finley. . -,, I believe Bowman's Vegetable'Compound to.l be the; best iraniedY for A/hosed Throat and Lunge, of the •day. 'I have tested it, and found it to be thebeet of all the popular remedies 1, ever tried, and I haVe tried very Many. I-rec 'o,mmend it to the public. Tr •it and you will be convinced of its ouperiority 1 ' I Cincinnati July Issi.. It •r. J. B. fisi,i:y,' of 1 : ' •i f • I Hear what the. celebrated D. Peek says: I New York, Ma 12,18.73.-1 have used Bow-!, man's. VegOtabl Oompound 'for coughs. , and :hoarseness. iii. - a ta4ing ;' aiul,ll4clievo. it to he i l the beet preparation ; for Throat and Lung Come i'plalnts I ever,got ; 'and I recommend it to the i i public - speaker and 'oinget, as Well, as those of- . flitted with Lung diSeases.. J. T. PECK. hear ivh. _.oson, ot ~;incinnati says [EY.Aract from a letter.] • l'owman'siVegetable pompean.l contains ix virtue whiclt is nosi possessetli.,bY any Other popular Medicine id my knouletlge. It does, not - only emoOthe the tliieasel.over; giving it only temporary relif (like most of patent hied idines,) but it commences at tee root`of the . dia-i ease, sud.perform4 a perfect care. • . l a. W. BENSON, NI. D. • , , • i Our spnce,Will not peg certificatei in full,6itt• ' following rwrsene, wbuitei flee:don, certifying to its Rev. Bishop Nlorrin Rev. Robert Walker! 'Rev. Joel Wnite Her. John Powell John L. M'Junkin Henry L. Griffith, . HAI. Baker Capt. E.. Gordon John T.'M'Cotobs Mrs. Msfy Morrow I .Mrs. NE Evans Robert Greenlee er county, Pa." Retail 'lied at our wholesale p I,klpo If: T. & J., Reeve ect all orders fo'iluedi 1 inan & Co.; New i Castle, 'ola Proprietors. ) Agen. age in the.Unit.d State. y lettbr or othe ise to II 0 Nov. 19, 185.. ' LIME ! . 'LIME • , To lhe Public', THE undersigned . having finisheil two , LIME KILNS, on the , farm 'formerly belonging to Semi nel Johnston, yanport, .would respectfully ;f rm the Public, that he Is . prepared to furnish' most any quantity ,wanted at the ilhortest no= tics. The Litheis of ihbest quality, and nearl, three-fourths of a mile nigher Beaver thini ano other in the vicinity.; J. J. POlVElt.r3,:l i. Barer .to /Ugh Anderson, Beaver; II *$ RalW, 7r, Bridgewater; or John Stiles, Rochester.. stiriAddresa, Rochester, Pa. Apr 29 '57,L. • • Seminary Lessen. - - A , Qinurrion. Ho* many Ladies are there in the Female Seminary in Beaver! Ansa/EL 04 Hundred. ' • r , Quserrion. WoUld 'it be a desirable locatien ' for an Oculist or Eye DOctor? Axe: No, sir. Quernoe. Why not ? Awe.' Because the La! dies all wear fine,..Eit — Hropi,._ which they get' chemist the establishment of WH. PL - ATE, in Bridgewater. He also deals largely in Finger Vngo, Pins, Gold and. Silver Watches,all ery cheep, for Cash. July:22, '67- 1. •I Expanding Cal:. potato and corn crops, J. WARDROP, stti street IBONNST &(11111BONS.—We ere: receiving , fresh Supplies every' week " throughout the risen, of the most fashitiumble styles. -- ane 4. . • I 1. M. Tiriott:f ! zo YE leather patent tip Boots for a tee at the Shoe store of Bussen n°iON. dell ' Etewareir Bow, Briligeitefe. • , - ' led News. ton TO THE AFFLICTED AN* SUFFERING 1 ithousand portals of Death may s nd. Ufe wadi hatipier,l and more tblelo thousands who are now : • !ger. Dinbtleis — this tins many a balm to soothe • physimil woes ind cure its diseases. Among those in: nous rank, ' stands , • BOWMAN'S. #on its! I . I ME IMII e Dr. Berison, 'bait us to - publish , au'yl •e would refer to. the letters are in our. pon- 1 worth : ' Cincinnati, Isaac Sixtherland Mrs.'S. A. Gettys Silas Roberts, Henry Saab Mrs. Sarah Lowry Joseph P. Brown' Martha A. Wilson - i Er.:Gov: W. F. Johni 1% C. Cunningham Isaac Whitesides D. Maratta Rev. Wm. Smith Judge Keys Capt. Geo. Kennedy James Wilkins J. P. O'Neil Rev. Henry Cline Dr. James Parsons Rev. John' Watkins Capt.-Jacob - Po James L. Dod d Ex: Gov. Wm. Bigle ' Bridgewater, . Louisville, •- • ' • Cincinnati, iVellsville, Allegheny,' Steubenville, • Venanrco co. Louisville- • lfaysvillc I { • ~Georgetswn, Butler co. ' i . r Cinapound sold hi p, or 6 bOttles. for, $5: •nt at Reichester, sercharite can be'saii ces, by ,C. L, Neyr 'Brighton., ne to B. 11. M. BoW4- Layrtllnce county;'Pa. :l , - WAWA in every vil; and Canadati. Apply the proprietors: ' Rev. G. Reelion .towmarts Vegeta, ruggists at dilipee • C. L. Keyser.is•our a , , •. A NEW STOe Olr . 1 1 =1...,... ' Fall and . Winter Goods... i uS7 rece Streets, ived Bridgewater, the!r wa er ier of .r tul l Let Lase Bridge j t•received and am now opening a very des ra le stock of goods Suitable fOr tho!presefit an catalog season, to which I invite the nit in wit; ti iof ,toltj custom er s and geev• the public in i • _i nevi'. to• an examination , as I feel' confider.t it- I-wi 1 compre in quality -and price to any- oti ci i, 1i0 . .i. •se iiiihis vicinity. . • • 1 1 • DllEiS GOODS A TEDII‘II.NQs; t , i 1. - would, especially : invite the ladies to, l- Q1 I an' exainifle L my stock,Of silk, French meriuoes, i all mob' (Mmes. cashmeres , cobnrgs, poplitis,-, i Peskin cloths, Persian , twills, ginghams, chaos, br i i I - s, paPer Icambrics, cambric,! Jacohet: swiss il amu I niuslins, shawls:, dress trimmings, Ilacie - fringes, boniet ribbon, sleeves,'! collars, .wMstliar.ils,liitSe Tic. Also a large asicortrnell it I or i mert awl" boys: wear, consisting of black and II co ()red French.cloths, qoe skins, faricy, casii I I, mores,. tweeds; cords, Jeans,- satin and fancy i v4tings, nett shirts an draweM, aillideraya;.' rhalidkerchiefs Stocks sns entleis comforts 4 i - • i 1, , ,_ , p . ~ ... ', • HOUSEHOLD. GOODS. .! ! .. I Colored, white Juid • baried liannej,..ccanto u COlabnels, limeys, brows and bleachsdrniuslitis, !Aiming check. drilling, nankeens, tickin s l am !Bouts and shoes' for men, boys, ladies.and chit dsin , for durability •and neatness , cannot p o surpasso.• •Also a large assortment of soft hats, cloth, plush and oil silk caps. •Ilardsar o. 4 qii'eenswarei \ glass, nails And groceries, all,f o g which T r y' be\sokt low for caish Or produce. 1 Oct. Vi, 185il:\, • TIJO.HAS I, ALLISON: — 7l .1- • T ' I Just Iteeved air Lae - f 1 . . Drug _ . 1 . ew ~ . ' and ‘i. , . 1 ~______ .1:.. , cII E 31/PC A L S \ T ORE . • • 1 ~ / r; ;Oat Ieal„, Pearl Barley, PettilAago - . • I l'apiaeo,'Arrbw lloot, - Lac Sufpltur. ; I 'Cirounff. Ginger, Cinnamon, Mustard ; Cjovoe, Caienne Pepper, extracts for cooking\tc.,, • I : o-temon,- Strnberry, _Raspiseiry, Eixtineg, I.•Vabilla, Pine Apple A.c. 1 -- . . I I' ' 1 ,1 Alum, Copperas, Indigo, OtaliC Ac 1, !an !common Glue, :Nl:idler, Extract Logwi• ground do. Cainwontl, burnt !Umber, Vermillion, Chromic Gxecn, Yelltw do. Yellow Ochre,: Ye- I netian Red, Spanish Drown, Vanityk&, Drown s ' Starch Rosin , clinik Putty , Oils . Glass - Tue. pentine,A'arnisb, Carpenters Cough Syrup of 1 IlUntlitffind,_Carrigreen, andlilippery Pm.' • Sellers Cough Syrtip,„--11-IcLnue's liennifuge. [Carpenters do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Ayei l s trills, Davis' l'ain Killer. Dalley's paiti Extrae- I tor: Holland Ditters,--Terxell's Tetter Ointment. I Tooth Paste awl Powder. Clothesßrushes, Hair Brhshes, Tooth Brushes, White Wii.sh-ylo....Trus , . - ... , ----_ 1 rees, l Fancy soap, Glaziers Tacks , vertunier rlgenerally, Vials, Bottles - by the gross or oth eriisc, Paint awl Varnish Brushes,iNuraing Bo tles, Bircoly and Wine for 4e , licinol parpe ses: • .. • -O. CVNNINGBA.3I. ( cl. 22,_18 a L • i Da id Stanton, Si. - Lk : . Wm ' . Staittli i p, M. I) i • DRS..D. & W..STAIiTONI i , - - ESI'ECTFULLY o ff er their services in the j ., -,1 1 practice:of medicine ant surgery, to the iiliOitants of Sew Brighton, Fallston! nal vi cinity. I - .: ' l. • ' tithe ,o,v-s! .. . i },Offie:qtfie. nna . fug . in second 'story of W Clejery's buihiiivz. one , loor Noith o(xerricsci llopse, New . l3rightoki; Pa. ' : April 16, 1856.1 r : . 1- • 1 . I ! I ..„ , l l N1:11111,L1:: 131.."81 . NE.5S '; hi' till iti tutiotni l i netes. Person4wittlil#gany thingfto" mark liii'restingpluce of; fair frieiniso will find rattly to their intereeito giro I rue a call ' be •:;going to P;ttshorgli:liiss - I — eite - ileteetained I to be und e r,i o l,l, I St4ek of the: bet nittbiiid, Italian marble, ,:roli4sfiiiiEhealwitlittirac 11 s 't It, ,I workmanship warnintetl. A. word to the .e is sufficient. Calf -Shili , on bridgo Oireerl aitel)r. Siuyith'b bros. Store. 1 A IplB—ly , , -:f a., • ' : • U , ' - 6 ‘,. ~ ' ' ' ..114o0k Her i el'' ' T received front the Em4rlOur 2qii Stock . ' WALL. PAPER' ' i .. '.• , , Lnrger th:in ever hefqre. New style POSITIVELY lAT - CITY-PRICES. . e call your attention, spec illy; .tu;'s, lot-of 'boo 110LT,S AT 10 AND 12 CEVESI , . ~ I ~ 1 - 1 . _, , , I piece. Do not roverleok th 6 trictitliat yi)a y here. get an additeild Solt, if Opeseary„ .einiu what 'y'p liavo bought Coo much_' u f ) 11,so, ti ood nsiortineut of badts, stationery, cy goo ~ varieties, tic.. i ; , ' I ' it OKS NOT ON 11 AND , will get_in a day or twc...w: l ll : l ;ulr4ising OA '63 they . compinnA in the. rity.l, 1 •' i . E11)19-l'ash or F4oluee : . „ . , 1 . ' ... ---. BIIIEEtt'AVATER, .1.300K.1 1, 0,itg triftgertatt.r, Mardi/ :;. 1857. II 1 I 1- '- .. 5:3' pe . 111., Economy, Portsutoutl4; Butler, Pittsburgh,' Wheeling, rittAtirgh, do N. Brighton, • do averl.otigef rio. 366, $3.10f .0. PI BridgßruPrewater Beaver Co. Pa ewater! • EETS-every. Tuesday evening in their Hall end story df Brown's Brick Block,l3ridge , '. xter,:*. 1 I i f • 40rt ler.ltS ELECTED, PI LBENT TERN " 311.114(3 W. Hain, N. G.; John' 11'Oodru7, - '7 IM id woddrilff, Sec. ; John !Shari), k4tines,P. G. , Ira Blanchard, P ,4 I - 1-- VatffS, Clocks and Jewelry, ri Beaver, - • Viutporf, Freedom, - Ileadville, • Now Castle, Lawreneeco. do ,New Castle, _Pittsburgh Allegheny, $' irOI.ILD most respectfully give notice to the, 'citizens of-Bridgewater, ;;IdetiVer, Rocliestor ivicinity, that 1 have received a new !trick.. lratchet, Clocks, Jewelry A:c:, whi r ch I cal -1 !miser than can be had in Pittsburgh. lt is t.,rea s Sonable to say that: goods can be sold, er here than in the largqeities: , our rent is 1, and our living it leas. ,1 I' otily aik you to 1, and I Will try and sell the go°ds,. pi rartiMilar attention paid to repairing Watolt. , , Clucks and , JeWelry; old Gold null Silver :en in exchange for goods or Worlei! , ,lteniem-; i the . -place; pigs if the Big Wittch",! No. 2; tewares Row, Bridgenater. .I‘l,M. P 1,4174.. ...f . AtA ID.—.llavi, ng relinquished, the hintiaess mil wising to settle it, ;I have lift alll Watches an i d Jew lry, left me for repairs, - With lqi. I'm. i. Plate, where they can be had when crlted on. lltiyifig a persona' 'knowledge'. of Air. 1 1 Jute, ,I would recommend ,hiui to niy old custoaais for anything in. . Apr. 29, '57:; i- IIINRY T. PATTON'. r -- . I '_- Brldgtiwater .Sl Drily; ore.` ye•-. TridHE'_subscriber having just .received '4ll6— ',a - ffter. 'and - large assortment orlDrugs, Patent Mr.dicines, &.I.4, s respectfully informs, the eiti-. Lena eißridgeirater and adjoining villeges, that thf,y can s how;obtaitt - anything; in his line as cheap as thei cart he purchased in] Pittsburg, orl any other city west of the mountains. }lay-. ing his,Drugs selected) by a careful add expeth eked person, he cannot fail to give satisfaction,: Thankful for past favOrs no splicits the custom of both friends and sitrangers ' feeling that he cifti both supply and satisfy heLlisks your pat. ronagn. .lle has this day. received i..ptree as sortment of paints, oils;rturpentiiterand d Y a . ~s tuffs, which he can toll cheape ith aril they have . ever been offered to the public before. Also a !ge assortnfent of pure wines, brandies awl liquors; for inedical gip& sacramental - purrsgs only. A large stock of cigar B and tobacco kept constantly on Laud, 'Which wi l l ipd sold, w q cl/6- sale and retail, cheaper than" 1 hey can be boagkt eliewhere A' full:assortment or all the Patent Medicines, hair oils, fang' soapa and perfumery constantly on hand, at Smith's , old stand, Bridgewater... ).... SAMUEL MILLER. • • July 15 185 t. - 1 . _ I I • Would: beg to inform the citizens of New Brighton.and vicinity, that he hu removed his 1, Electra Cheinicalßleth establishment to the hand -1 ing oposiie the dwelling of B. R:Bradford, l .Esq., 1 where he *ill be happy to seit;hia former pa .; trials and the public generally, and where be will contiote to apply all Elcarice .6tilieri.i.l.s or 'the relief aed removal of suffering of tart.. 1:buo kinde. , • J. C. 'WAFT. Ye* Drigltcn,F Pa., June 241837 IL peusans having 7uusvtied accounts on 5.11.1 bvoisa cotaq 4 favor by calling t t dintelY• / BTANTAN. . War is licirriblg ! It-LENDS, Citizens and titriingeTs;; Tzi s ta NOTIi . :V--•-11111t Woopayreitill euntintirs HE)UNDERSIGNED IA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers