II , • IS - HT " O YOU UFFER T. Use igtisei's U , 4i I , - - ' CELEIWEII G11)11A 111XICI „ , ,- I i - - LENTRANT t - i.-. A itever fatting reatedy fol. Inflammatory and - Chi - obit: _ ithenmatisnt, El:dm ns. pains, brUiSeS, pain iti the back,istitlness or numbness of the limbs, or weakness in the joint:3 l , swellings, :333,m_ ~: : .throat, burns, sc:11 - dti; etas, of -. , rested 'feet, neuralgic iffectio . , a,e4; awl in fact for all diseases . .:„. regitire'ah osterrust •ipplica •,ti^: ; • such it has no t i . pii 's. H - 4* numerous remarkable cures etreettl I t the us"! of the 3.ti. (.;erman. Arnica Ointment, land the Vitge and . zonstantly increasing demand for the same, has led the Proprietors to tiring this iniralitable remetty before the putiic, and take pleasure in . ,recomir.ending it to the nplicted. 1 1 W. Plate, of Briitiewitter, Pa., writes to us: I have used Kaiser s Celebrated Oermad Arnica .ointment for a very revere . bru ise, and it has. effected au immediate cure; therefore.:Lfeel it my duty to recommend ants Ointmetti ito all .similarly afflicted. PLATr., Bridgenater May 9th 1.37. Watchmaker I . ltavensed-Charles L. Kaiser. &J.lro'i Arnica ilintifient, and believe it gie best curatiye for a burn I have - ever:tried. !! 3- IL DAItRAGE. 4haron, 3lay let, 18571 . • - / treparel and sold Wholesale and lletkil by C. L. Kaiser Sr Bro., Pruggists/KoChester, Beaver county, Pa, Proprietors:: - I Agents for Bcerhay . e's Holland - Bitfers, tr.arke's Female Pills, Bowman's Vegetable Cornpound, - Jayne's Family 3lediCinea; othei Patent Medieines of the dttf.'".• ,l'Une 3 1857 • ,Wakhes, andltwelry. T WOULD mo:it reipectrullyt• - enoti,'ee to the At citizens of Bridgewater, Bewier, Rochester and vicinity, that.' have received a new ttock of i ltiat • I 'can' jell low btit rea lower h. less, in ealb ant earth •es, Crocl taken ; ber th i Stews] A C, main* and . Watekes 'mid Jewelry left me fo Opaira,.with!,3lr.. Plate, - W4ere they can be had when -Called . on, -Having a perm& kuhwledge of Ir. Plate; I would recommend hint!to my old' ctmtomera for anything in hi. 4 - !- !HENRY T. PATTON. - , DISSOLUTION OFPARTNERSIIIP.t ' '4IIE partnership heretofore exlstinm betweerk .the under.signed, under the .title of rLowry is this thty•disolved by lnutual consei% unit ran buiness will liere:tfter continued,* (Junes Wilson; at the ,intoutk of •:the Oonne44e , biassing Creek, .:Wat.i LOWRY, • June 24th, :JAS: IVILSON. 11 A - 9 • 4 DAV S CCCS 4O I . to Ai . : IL ) OF' i . ETIIEREIL OIL AND, LA3IPS'. .No. 4th .Si. Critc en 11Votl'aitt1.3.1iirket, , . PITTSBLTRQII, THE undersigned Llprepared tq furnish,deal -1,m4 with EthereakOir and, Darning Fluids ot, a - Eupetiorqurlity, - of hislown thanufactUre. 41c•ohel L'anaphetir and " •.1 • And. every description Jef Side and Centre Ta ;hie Limps, Giromloles4 Candlebra - s; 1.: "te:t imterns 'and most Approved style,.]•i ';" Chandeliers: Girontes and Lame; repair 'ed'and regilded. 1 • CI tuai;c,,•-17. I. If-YD.EN , ! • • - NOTICE TO i FARMERS,' 00:63INEbI 1 ; ;.• i . I'LVG JIACILINES TI.T RED BY . krr & w.l .rdAvrs, RGII, delivery.' E rly'orders' •ferenee, as theL,numher, ; They are viarrunt-I and inay, be seH and in.-1 nd Agrieut,tural Itjuse,l yo nING 4; RE, MAN UFA WARDROP, -STO ' PITTSB RE now ready f.i 1•11 the Tr! 4,limite+l this se ed in livery - respect, iers left nt the Seed 47; Fifth street. 'June 10,"67. JAS. WARDROP. , • . • -and Gnndsto es.--Plos itucco wprk. Cement, for etc. GriMlitones of all Liberty A., - rittsburgb, Watts. " D dozen best OSA' Steel tlizesis,for sale , by .: lir SRDROP • - • KENNEDY;JR!' SltaNE.• TIIONAS KEN3)IEI)7,- JR. • I',t 00: 1106'2, tor ll'ooOr awl 4th st!, • :P_I7'TSB UR 011:, PA ,ILITE are now opening a large and well selec tft ted stock of .EANCY , and VARIETY GOODS 'lncluding Cottibs,Ttread, Toys, Looking Glasseiand Jewelry of all kinds. -As we manufacture- oar own looking _Glasses, 'We are enabled to selli4hem as low as they can be bought in any market, We inviteithe auen ' Lion of purchases before going eat 'Or / buying z eliewberi. • Particular attention paid to eiders.. Mar 4. 1S 7._ ' ,11101.,,ASTEA Cement' -L ter fur land and ptiblie.works, Cisterns .at xay ; 2l, 1£456. - VIOES, HOES.-11 Hoes of warians! jelo_ ADMINISTRATOR'S .NOT ALL persons knowing theosselvesilhdebted to the estate of Alexander llarik i llopewell tp , :cleaver county,. dec'&,',artyre/tuested to :make immediate payment, Ati'd - those Juicing claims will present them to the subscriber, re siding in said - township, for-settlement: • I.IOIIN It MeIIONALD, Lkiluer. 4une 3 1857* /1 • - ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALL persona knowing these Indebted • m res; '`. to the estate pf John Eikin deceaeed, late of Darlipgt?n township,Beaver ecranty, Pa., era recinesteA to nucieeimmediaie payinent, and those haring claims against said estatewill pre eent them to the subscriber,:properly. antbenti nnied for settlement. , • PETER. YOUNG • nay 20 1857 .;j Administrator. ADMINISTOR'S NOTICE`. ... ALL persons `' knowi ng -, themslves indebted to 01f -estate of Jons -S. ensame, "dec'd„ lite of New Seriekly. township,- Beayer cOnnty, are re p/tilted to make immediate - payment ,' nod tliose ha 'ug claims against nnid estate . syill• pissent th m to the subscriber,l properly authenticated fo settlement. : 0 '1 JOHN lIESBON, I i 7 :'.., BLACK,' ' =‘ . Adm'rs. wry. 6.; .57. TiNNETS of latest ety!e r with triMmings to J match, at TAYLOR'S quit 16, 1856 . / /Rochester on the hill. RS—Th. tirgost and most besuaril stock of plain figured Silks ever offered io this iiounty / cht. ,'may / be fbun • TAYLOR'S. . rosy 6 , - AL and'lfinter liormets. silk anl strew [ bonnet triamiags es all triads aE YOUNG '& THOMAS faid for Butt,er and Eggs, at 17 --- Jan/7 1857 A. S. llairrir's. N.. 8, Stewart's Row; Briditeirater. N to ONNETS,-Bilk;:Crape, ...Straw an4 e ßrald 3 Bonnits, of the latest st y le , just reed at may 6 • ' TIILY4fit'S. • ,01IN PULTIVATORS-7.40 Exiipiling : Cal ad.vted icipoiato and , corp clops, 8a1 (e10.1 1;Y J. WA , RDR -; street , Caps, Boots and Shoos, at .4lot. You::o kt, Tnoxu' - • -' if.l , . MIMI 1' 85' L. 1.851 . ~., i , . Spring. - - [ G oods. , - 1, 11. TAIL LOR, Et4ficster on the bill, bas ejtoredrmg'smaliy argeand va ried stock orprig deoli, em b racing silks, 1 delaine - s, chullices, tebeies, Fren ti ginghtuns, embroideries, hosiery, gloves shawls, bonarts, shoes' &c., together_withra full stock of Domes tic and_jtottse keeping goods, to which the at tentiOn of the public is very respectfully invi ted. , ' I • marciblB 1857. -' .I.7(.:E.;NDLER ...... 51 Z. GILLES PIE A CARD. Ihave this day associated with me In the I- practice of-Dental, Swrgery, Dr. ' M. E. Gil lespie, (late of Crestline, Ghio,) under the name of Chandler Gillespie, Where we are prepared to perform 311,th operations of the profession, hi the most approved mariner. Teeth from Imo to full sets inserted in gold or silver plate. r - Also full or partial setts IF , gutta percha vase. 1 We arc also prepared to insert teeth in entire porcelain base, which cannot fail to please the most fastidious, iu beauty and cleanliness : we invite' attention to our specimens: t . . • — 7 - An those indebted to nie by note — or book ec connt;will please call awl settle, as . I sm anx ious to close m.,* old books. T. J. CHM/IDLE& Rochester; Tip,. 6, 18564 m. DENTAL SURGERY, MURRAY would announce to the public J ,that.he has, at cousi,derable cost, precut red the latest improvements in the. profession; and is' now prepared - to; accommodate eyer3l varietyi of public taste, .; . 4 Ist; Si n gle - gum-teeth, - On gold or silver plate 2d. plock4eeth, ou -geld 'plate, presenting',it continuous gum, - 3d, .Indestructible tech on Gutta Percha base. ' L • ; As this last is a new mode of inserting teeth, should it fail to render satisfaction afters fair trial, 1 Will replace the work with gold or sil ver. i It is be "void Office and . residence en SfarkeL Street, oppo !site the Market House, Bridgewater: Bridgewater, Jan. 2, 1806. .--- • -- •• • THE PHILLIPSBURGH • 1 1 7.-I'ER CURE ESTABLISHMENT. 1111 HE r i sresent physicianlof this place respect fully informs the citizens of Beaver and the adjoining counties, thet he has lately open ed and greatly improved the above institution, aid-carries on succestfulli, the treatment, by water. • " , His long experience, in that branch of healing art enables:him to cure dikeasea uncontrollable under any other system. NIIe would also notify the public in the neighbor otal, that he practi ces the Alloepathic and Homoepathic systems, and:will attend teal' callt as a physiciin and surgeon through4he neighborhood.. • • The stiliaeriber being regular'.' educated physician nod having p I cticed medicine and surgery duriiigraearly 2a4ears. is enabled to respond_to - all reasonable expectations from thoseahat place themeelvds under his care. ring. 27,.18.56. C. BAEZ, M. U. --------- Farm ` f r Sale. ;-- rent le you= to Wittch Silver temeru- No. 2; TE. Hopewell subscriber, living in Hopewell tp., ver :county, will offer for sale, a tract of land lying on the Ohioei bank, containing a b o ut 90 acres. About 44 acres cleared, :10 Id which is eve* bottom. ',rite farm lies opposite Economy station,lon thesT.-Ft. W. S C..K. IL; and would beconveniiiittl Fittsburgh;, should any one desireit . for gardening- ptirpOses. On the farm is a sinall frit* house and a large frame barn,-s:c. For further infermatisn in quire of R. L. Baker, Esq.t of Economy; or the subscriber living in Logstawn2Valley.--! P. S. If all of the abevo. tract cannot•he sold I will sell a-part ofdt. PM , 31'1)0-NALD. _March 4 1857. 1 1' ; • •fi New: oods, FCAX.ELL,47 BENTE, • r have just riceivi•tl their St ring and JI- Squimer goods:at tne i ii new store. • Their stock is large and well_selected, which they ()t -ier at as low-prices as can had. at any estaiV lishment in the CountY. 111 they ask is for the public to call and examin tneir stock;oand be convinced that they do seld goods as lots as any establishment in this seciion. Our stock of Dry Goods is complete.; Hats' and Caps of n"11 kinds. Bonnetsi of every. *tile, and all kinds of Bonnet- trimmings. Groceries and BroviS ions always kept on hand.-1 • - • I M'CON&EL 'S: BENTBL. Freedom, aprill22 '57. t. I - • I - AV .1g- IY. • A splendid stock of - _ ..]Lawns, / Brilliaras; Ginglinini; • Challeys, • Linens, Checks, Opened, this, day, and wilhbe sold pow. ITI 31.; T.I'SLOIt. 'may G 11856. - ROchester on the *ill. ' • I EXECUTOR'S . 'pTICE. • A LL. Persons knowing themselves indebted Cl to the estate of Margaret Shields, deedit late )(Independence tp.;lleaver co. are request ed- to make immediate paynient,andthose having claims will present them?-.to the subscriber, prolerly authinticated for i3ettleinent. I " = THOS. STODISII, Executor.' June 10.1857. - • • _ Tr 10. T Wool - Goods.t-Sacks, Bemis, Opera A-X;•':-caPS. , cuffs, sleeves, 'Ladies' merino vests,' victorines So., just opened "at TAYLOR'S. 110 t ALM OF A "THOBRAND - ,FLOWERS. at . (niay6,'s7.) s ; YOUNG'S.: I SELLING AT' , ..REDUC.ED PTIIMB:::=TtIa undersigned wi.shingto reduce his Stock will, ~seell at reduced Price...froini• - this date until April Ist for Cash or approved Produce. Feb:4, 1856. i TIIOMA . • M _ , - - Carriage for Sale:. . „ 1 A friend has left with tno i i• subscriber; for sale,' a very fine one hoise carriage, suitable Tor a family . It will be sold.l*N' ';'April .29, '47, 'DANIEL AGNEW. ;' OUN M. LETICANS, O. S. LS RIMS, 'W. LUKILYS . LUKENS & SONS, Forwarding and Corun4smon. Merchaiit. , Rochester, Pa Agenti for steamer Michigan To. 2, between Pittsburgh and Beaver. ap2 l VINE Kid Boots , for LadVs, at the Shoe Stare of • BAILYZie $E NICHOLSON, dell) Stewart's Row,. Bridgewater. . Q TELLS: and Cashmere Showls, , from $2 to 1•••7 $6, jest received at TAYLOR'S. march 18 1857. SBAWLS., Pat mas, comforts, blankets,glore woolen sod Owckskinl socks, woolen and cotton at Young Sr. Thomas* SROES+The best , . assortment for ladies misses and children, at . TAYLOR'S, aprill6, 1856, • RoChester on the WV. • T AWES SHOES-20 - 402mi lithes trePiocco _LI boots. 20 doz. gum bier shoes and sun= shoe, just rectivesl-it • i t trart.aa's: vemb er 1p(1856. . 4 TZ: ID and French Morocco Buskins, a very .1)- finearticie, at the Shoe Store of • • BARMIib icaoLsoi - '.dell Stewart's Row, Bridgewater; I_IIAILLIINTS ANDLAWNS—A fresh! sup- LA ply just received, anct selling low, ai ,• TAYLOR'S,' apritiO, 1856. ltocimrter on the bill VRENCLI Morocco Treeo - adieer,lse most frishionabte style, at the e Shoe store •Bassos Sr. ZucuoLsoN, dell • Stewart's Bow, Bridgewater. lifissoint on of, Partnership. T HE co-p hip heietofo4 existing be tween Dre. Simpson ?ind Stewart, of New, Brighton, Pa,' this day4'by mutual consent dissolved: Dr Pa., ' ' _ miky be consulted itere-', after by his friends at hid office in B,)chestert and Dr Sfewart at his offite, (the former once of Situpson and Stewart,) New Brighton. W. W.W. SiMPSON, STEWAIit Morcb 28, 1857.* DRU S! DRUGS! I pRuGs • Just Received , • AND FOR SALE LOW, EY • • P. B. YOUNG,' 4thisold Shaul; Cancer Of 311 and Elk sts ; BEAVEpj THE following Patent medicines can always be had at Young's New Drug Store: Keyier's Cough Syrup, Ayer's Cherry Peen. ral and Cathartic Pills, Bowman's Vegetable Compound, Sanford's InVigorator,' Perry Davis' Pain Killer; Radway's Resolvent, Relief and Pills, Boerhave'a Holland Bitters, Woods Hair Restorative, Prof—De Grath's Oil, Tobias' Lin iment, Prof..- Reed's Magnetic Oil, M'Larie's Vennifuge anti-.Pills,Fahnestock's Vermifuge and Cough liasam.Darley's 'American Heave Remedy, gelker's COugh Syrup and Yermifuge, Kennedy's Discevery, Swaim's Panacea, Myers' Extract of Rock Rose, Sine's Balsam Tar, Wild Cherry and Hoar Ilourd, Sine's Dysentery Compound frown's' Essence of Jamaica Gin ger, Gedfrey's Cordial, Harlem Oil, Petroleum, Bough Worm Confections, Merchant's Gargling Oil, Jaynes Carminitive, Trask's magnetic Oint ment, Nerve and Bone Liniment; Holloway's Ointment and Pills, Thompson's and COok's Eye Miter, Kaiser & Bros. Arnica Ointment, and many others too ,numerons to mention, al ways on hand. may 6,N57. - ' WALL P AVER. 11'. I'. MARSHALL k CO. At Nc. 87,_ Wood SlCOfit, Pittsburgh, Are now opening a large and new stock of PAPER HANGING of every_ description for the Spring Trade, suitable for Drawing Rooms, ~ Parlors, _ Dining Rooms,' 111111 s and ; , Chambers. • - . , .Embracing the - riewartlesigns of pattern. Also Window SWes in great. variety, at prices that will suit the Country Trade:- 1113 r 4,1.857. BEAVER= DiIiCHINE WORKS.: Childs, andbarraghs, FOUNDERS Ik.lllE'lll]. STEAM. ENGINE BUILDERS Faligon, Beaver an . m'll, Pa. ' WE respectfully tilt , attention' to the in ducements offered fur purcharing Engines and llae,hitiery mentioned below. - We-have pur chased the rigbE to make And sell the P tTENT OSCILLATING ENGINE of Messrs. Cridge iVadsworth, and are now engaged in the manufacture of them - mt the low est possible rates, which-is about twenty-five per cent- lower thau the Slide Valve Engine -- Their simplicity and durability, combined with their clicapness,'anil almost utter impossibility to get out otorcler,"renders them the most de sirable En mici,e•to have. The following inn l6t of the different kindi ef Machinety vrbieh, we have made. Person wishing to procure :anything- of'the kind, will do Went° give us a call before.purchasing else where. . Double Slide Valve hedpronating Engines, the same as manufactitred•at Salem, Ohio ; Os- dilating Engines. Cridge it Wadsworth's Pat ent ; Tub And Bucket Machinery ; Flour Bar- ! rel and Nail Keg Machinery ; Planing Ma- i chines • 'Cylinder or Barrel saws ;. Fire Brick ! and ,Ciay Roller \ s; Starch - Hollers, Pipes and Castings fur extracting Oil from Cannel Coal ; 1 Flouring MilfOetiring ; follies and Shafting ; 51uley, Sash, and'Xircular Saw Mills ; La h t Machinery, Ste , besides numerous other NI: - chines whiCh it is not necessary to enumerat. We might add a long list'of certificates, b. t deemany but the following s uuriecessity. ECONO3IT, December 21th, 185 ;7 . MEssns. W -Cstnus, snstrosTft et Co, Ge n e •;1 i e•ii men:—We'hereby 'certify tliat we have hind e of Your cOSeillating Engines. iu use- for. nearly tour months, end that it giros satisfaction in evtry respect!. Its' principal advantages ovei the common Endue are— ". • i Ist. Its simplicity, and the Consequent fo' , . ei , ity to keep it in,goo4 order. 2d. ,It takeslup 'much less room. 31.1.! It .reqUires less preisure or steam to do the slime amount of worle; awl is; therefore, worked with hlss danger ijnd less fuel. ) • Respectfully yours,. .. . ' It L. BAKER. JACOB Trustees . • Our facilities for shipping to any relat eyer, by Rail Road, Canal. , or oil - the Ohio Riv er, is es good as at any other point. .Our works are situated in Fallaton, Pa. on the west Bank of the Elearer.River; opposite N. Brigh ten, and only one hou vs ride by rail from Pitts burgh.. July 1, 1857. FARM,AND MILL PROPEi.TY AT PUBLIC".SILE. . By,...ivirtue of an authority cobtained in 'the last wiill and testament: of Peter Shields ihm'.l., I will offer for sale at Public Venduc, on the premises"; on Wednesday the 26th . day of Au gust, 1857, at l 2 :o'clock M., a valuahl tract of land vituated'on Service creek, Indepell deuce tp., Beaver County. containing about 108 acres. near 40 wares cleared and under fence the bal ance moderately well timbered On the prem ises there is a Flouring Mill iu. operation with one pair of excellent bufrs and one pair of choppers,. antl,a. Saw .Mill Which is somewhat out of order, the whole haling n good water power of 22 to 24 feet, head and. fall, with a dam not over 6 feet high,.the distance from the dam to file Mill house not exceeding 40 feet.— The Other improvements are one frame. house and kitchen, anti one log house, each having a stable and a - 4 7 e11.01 . water- cenvenient. Tide good. • TERMS.—Ottc third in hand, the balance in two equal annual payments:with iuterest frOm sale. THOS. STAN 1811, Executor. JUly I; 1857. . . 1 - , THE UNDERSIGNED . . . Wauld beg leave - to inform the citizens of New Brighton alid _vicinity,'that he has remO4ed his Electra ChemicalThith establishment to the build ing oposite the dwelling of B. R. Bradford,'Esq., where he will lm happy tereree his former pa trons and the public generally, and where he will continue to apply all.: Electrical , Remedies for the relief and removal of suffering. oflran. one kinds: J. C. KNAPP. ' isiew Brighton. Pa., June 241857. - , ADMINISTRATORS. NOTICE ALL persons knowing theniselves indebted to. the estate of Robert Culberson dec'd, late of South Beaver township, Beaver county, are re quested to make payment, and those having claipas against said estate will present them to the subscriber,' properly authenticated for settle ment. . JOHNoCULBERSON, Administrator April. 29, 18.37. CLIAMBERLII - 10 CEJTIII3EitTSON, Attorneys acid Counsellors at Law. Office on Broadway, 31 door below Merrick Houses New Brighton. ' _ aprl9 • - WRENCH leather Boots for Ladies anti Mieee a new style for winter, mide to order, al the Shoo store of BAILNIts & ,Ntettotsow, ilea° Stewart's Row, Bridgewater . BLACK - and tan colored Gaiters, for Ladies and Misses, at the Shoe store of , • , Basics dr. NictioLsort, delo . Steirart's Row, Bridgewater, PARAMETA, Coburg. Thibot 'and Matta is - cloths, detainee, rersiari and all Wool :Plaids, robes and poilins, at _ Oct. .T 2, • • - YOUNG & THOMAS. TiTtViuss, cauurts.:-A constant supply of Spain's Celebrated. Barrel Churns, of vari ous size!, will be kept on hand. These Churns have been fully tested, and ars warranted the best iu utio• For sale hi I. RDROP, jell ' : ' 37, tail/ et. 't tr ...., • - ... Nine and psi ta.' Mar I se. 'snecesful' rented . y i '''-fir.V. the Of al itio. • . MRS -.•Costiventaiii ' Itidi.' . elation. Jatindi •e, Dr pay , Rh utuansm, ifevers, Otiur, Humors, *fr., -ti Sos, Irritability, Inflarrfina- Boats, Ile.ala.th ,- Pain. 7.471 the Brunet, Sideil Back, Ind. f.icabs, F. ale C ruplaints, .!i:e. &c.• jlndeed, • 'err few are the iset. -in which a Purgatiyeitledi -1 "tie is not ine'or I mistimed, and mush sick aeSs and sutferi ig tail ht bo prevented, if 'a:hand less but effect u I Cott, rtic were' more.freely used. NO person ' can fe els f while' a costive habit of body prevails ; ides. rt soon generatea.seriens and . •Ifteu fatal disea s es, which might have been )avoided I{y l !he timely and jtulicioni use of a geod.purgativn. Thut iii alike true of Cods. Feverish 'syntptovaa, and' U te l l inta' derangentents. 'lhev alt tend to beeinue or tiroduee.the deep sea and . formidable distempers Which;loart the bearses,all user the lend. Bence a reliable family physic Is of the Ifireiti importance to the public health, and this Mir/ bas l been perfected With consummate ski t to tree that demand..' , An IttißgiTe trial f its v Mealy 'hyskians,lrrofes...., 'soil and l'atie ts, i ts shown result's sturtssing', ens thing tith e kin of any medieine.l ', Cures ii n have been effect bey. d belief were theyimt sub stointiaterf. by raons f such exalted position and character as tofor bid e suspicion of untruth. : Among. the any et &mit Mmtlemesi who have - testified in faro of th • Pills, tore Mayanentioir • I Dn. A. A. Il&poi,-.A. inlytical Chemist, uf Boston, and State ,Assayer of }lassachusetts. %Thos. - 0 high professional - character; onion...ld by the p - 1 flocs. Buis -sun Heiitterr, Senator of the Q. S. 1 ROBERT it, IV l r_.i_,.Vlfillt 111., EX-Speaker or the House of , Reprrientgtj,leit, ' ' • ' I I ..i.nnorr LA WiINI . WRE;.:RE 31iiii•iter Plen. to England. if JOHN 'l3. FITEOATiI ex, Catti. llishoi. of Boston. • i Also. Dbl. J..lt. CR; LTON, l'iartieal•Chentist, of New York City, endur ed by I I I( 111 - I How. W. 1,. Miner Secretary of State. ~ ! r ! %Vit. B. Asrtin, the richest Man in America. ' 1 8. LELAND A Co., l'ropea of the Betrtrpolitan , , Hotel, and others.. ~. Did space permit, We could, give' many hundred - Certificates, trim all parts where the; Pills hive— , been used, but id, nee even mere convincing than the experience Of eminent public Men its tintud in their effects upon trial.) ' I ' r These Pills, the reslt of long investigation and . study, are o ff ered. to he public as .the 1.0 - 0. - and vi moat complete which he present starve of intsli l eal I science can atiiird. They arempuunded Pot 'of IMF! drugs themselves, 'but of the' meslicinal 1 rirt,lies '.only of Vegetable rem ies, ex t racted by cheiniCal ~, iio I process in a state of p rity,an 'combined together j m stem manner as to noire tit beat results; ' this syitem of com Nation or mediehtes . has been found •iM the Cherry Pectoral and PHIS both. - to prtidnce a more efficient remedy than had hitherto been - .1.r. Mined by any proce.s. ' 'lle reatson ix perfee'lly oh ' View,. While by. the o mode of composition. every medicine is burdened with •ine're or less., Of urn. minions and inituiou q ualities , by this melt indi• vidttal virtue only tha is detailed fur the, eitrotive effect is present . All e the inset Ind obnostoaS snail iticsof earktailistance mployc are left behind. the curative . virtue only mug ro t ) inefl. 111 1 Ijee it it; li. ti self-evident th :ere( t should 2t,rove as they h a vi . ' prink more pc ely re iedial, a m id the l'illSln surer/ MOM . powerful !maid° e' to &dose than 'll4 other medicine known to , th , world: I 11 . .',. As it is frisitiently !expedient that my .idt'sli,•inc• should be taken miilthe conikel ,if an Slientling l'hrtieian, and as be scald fiotiproperly juditt; tif a reit.rely without:knouistr im-ia....posiiion,i I base sapplipil the accurate linnuul: • his , ahichladli my ' Pectoral and' l'ills' or madrltl 1116 whole liotly of i l'ructitioners in the noted Stat s mud British' Amer ican l'rovinees.• If, howeVer, there :thould, be any ~ ton, who has ilot,. received thn:, they . iill. be • pioniptlY . forty:loEll'l,s! mail to his address. If all the l'a ten tlfOclicines that ate offered, how few would be taken if their eumPositiun watckitinvii ! Their life consists inl their tnystery. I ltiive no mysteries.': . I, . i • . . The couiposition of n.y preparations is laid imen to all mill, and ill are, competent to' inage 1,11 I the subject freely acknowledge ( their convictions of their, intrinsic merits.( The Cherry Pe . etoral was primonneed by scientific men to ..he a Nvirittlerftil to, li, hie before itstl'ects W 1. 1 ,.! laiimii. Mittv. ctn . intlnt Physicians have dee' r, ,the sante, thing of toy Pills, - and even Havre emir! subs,atill.are till )', ing to -certify- that their antieniatiots' were morn' than realized by their infects upon trial. ..„ • , They opei-ate by their poweirtil infltienec on the internal viscera to purify the blond and stimulate it hit° healthy action ---iret -e the übstructiops of, the stomach, bowels, fiver, andlother organs of the • body, restoring 'their iiites•-islar - action to health. and by correcting, wherever they e l ,sist, such derange , : mi'nt's as err the first iwieiii of disease. • . • t i• • Tieing sum,r Syrappcil tliefac pleasant to lab and I,t.ing purely veg,ecable, no harm can arise frin thm ny eirse in.a quantity. ,r f 1, I. Fur minute directioas, see wrapper on the Bo . PREpA RED:- or . . r 1, , ' .1 - AM'E S 1 C . f k. - YE 13 , :,., , rrn. ! ,ticat natd Aitztlyticts I Cltelttsist,. •'r . ' d.0W1.1.T„ 11. k ,§ I N. • .I' .- Pries 25 . Cents Per. Box. live Boxes for ' $l. . st t.i. Br • .I. • • ~ , AdENTS—Young, &11011111.3 Beaver, Dr Smith Brid,gewatert C. L E. iiser, il l ochester, Br. Sur., ,' :gent, New ' Brighton ...olni 'Hack Darling on; and liy all ' Ju'areharrts eve r ywhere. .I)r.. Q. Cunningliani, Beaver.- ~ i ' . . NE\V STORIq ! •• 4 ' • • 1 i. ,•, mlx 0 NN I L L &.B E.N T E L 9 -‘' (Successors to El Beittel) .l • .. II .1: V 1; just I opened one ef , the largest and best stock of Goods ever o pened in Freedom, 1 and intend to keep of ,Land ego variety of , I Dry lialidvare Qge aware Hots .G00d., ,1 I . / I tops a at Boiptil e . E.l ' , ' • Groceries and !Pr visions of 'till .ki ids. • We' flatter ourselves that we cna sell' ni cheap if not cheaper tliaa•an other) establishitient of .the the kind in ICOunt : , 1'• . - !.I ' l , . We. invite..all: to c \ al and see us and he con yince4.l' tint we do sell Cheap goOds.• I- .. . . • Alkkinds or-- , roduce taken in eichnnge for goods, our igi eat paces raid for the I.ll9TrOg oldN t ; : i L a L ud A .) l3 s E t N 4r , T , same ,1 ' . (o.Pposi E Co L py. March ' '''' 1 ' ' I ' • Beotw ck, : ►Nu. ',Eli and Wholesale and Re. l: T / tail ail d lcinds ief ''i 9 I. Tin 'Cop el-lron-Ware. , - n ' She r 1 g l obbing, ltoofin , Spouts , &e.i made to ! order. r 1 Shop on Broadway, one door abfrie Ap ple street, New _Brightm, Pad 1 (hp4) . E" 1 - l' ---- Wli Calf ski . Boots fori Ladie and I IL Misses, •with enth_withOut, heels, at the Shoe storeot BARif Si i.N161105.90.11 , , , del() - Stewarti RoW. l ßrldgewater.\ . Wanted it the Cor I= r Fgetary. for Sale at the St rell 'angry,' :f ROckest,;! Fee Rocheite r C '. PUpLI • 110 I S EL . ~ ' 1 , T " E subscriber, . hivjugp . haled and fitted dii ; • up that well kndwn pro . rty at thiliorth west corner or ibe P blio Nit* in Beaver, adjoining the ri .idea eof Judge Aftiew r lie now prepared to accimmo te the p ublic, where he will uee every ertio to ple and tritthe com ,l'ortable, all wh may t eill on 4im. - 1 1:"-Ileaver, Silky 6, '6T\ , ' " liirx. A. LAIRD. - „ .Jus Received ' At the Ro'ciiiii7 D (1 Sre, Sign` of the 1 ~ 1 . . ----dolde* Mort r.. • 1 ,-,1. • "I ` 10,000 n aTa iwi &gars, different kinds. A doz Balm of Thonsand,dowers. I 6 ',” weep fun 1 , , 1 1 gross Sir James Clarke's ?male Pills. 1 ;5 " • M'--Lanes Pills and Veivalfrige. " Dr.lA. Jaynes Faa4l9 medi _ , inea: ' 10 doz. Ayer's Cherry Fed rah ' l ' ''' 2 basks Catawba, ine and' : _ready. E. doz. DORM/LW* Vegetabi Compound. a t 5' gross Bmtlive's Ilollank, ittcrrs. i 1 ; ,.,1 Shoulder Bia s e s of-all`desemptiona.' i I ; 1 'grass Radw y 's. Remedies.l_ , , . 1 ..' I i 111 1 . Perry vis'i Painkil em. : Fur. sale sale low y ,i 11 . C. L. KAIS EL & a Proprietors of iser*Celebritid ! ; - nica -Ointmea I . `, ‘ : . l sxEciuTows NoT1(1 -, , NvllEmus i letteni testannintan [ late of Mary Johnston, deeeb Ilanover townstip, Beaver copuly", granted to the'aubseriher, all perso to said estate are requested tO ma and those having darns against thil present them p rlyi authenticate went. , It 2, A . MOON, WaY,2l 18.57. l' ' The Greatest Medical Macey- , OF THE 'AGE. , - Dr. Exiiknor, of Roxbury has discovered one oflsoux common pasture weeds a remet i l that curererzy kind of.heinor, fro* the wbrat & s, rota' down to's, common pimpleJ , II •I Ile has tried it in over 1100 tcases,and miter ailed except in two casee.l (both th under. hit. t or.) I Ile has now ,in his pessesaion over two hundred certificates of its, virtue, all .wit hi n twenty miles of Bostqn. ; 1 i I Twobttiedarewilruktedr : ci,nslur6ing rei f tr. i One :tlree bottles wlli cnt th e worst kind fPinennnthnftne: Two:or three bottles will clear the system or ;ices. '.: .1 . ' Two bottles are warranted to cure the w ore aaker t 'in the mouth and stomach I Three 'to five bottles are warranted to cur I the worst cases of Erysips. i 'I One to two bottles are war ranted to cure' all tinnier ' , in the Byes . ' . ' ' I • Ii .Two bottles are warranted to cure Tanning of the ears and bloehes among the hair. Four to six bottles' are, warranted to, cure corrupt and running ulcers, ihk in , one bottle will cure scaly eruption of th . • , , 1 Two or three bottles are warranted to cure e worst case of riogworin. ' \ 1 'Two to three bottles are warranted -to cure he moist desperate ase of rhenniatistc' .- II Two or three bottles are warranted to, cure the salt rheum. , 1 ' II Five to eight bottles will curl the worst case of Scrofult.,,l ' ' •, , 1 ' . 1 1 A benifit is always experienced froni the first bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted what e above quantity is taken. ,F Reader F peddled over a thousand bottles of his in th e ' vicinity of Boston. I know the of; ect of it in every case. So sure as water, will, •• xtinguish fire, so sure will this cure humor. I never sold a bottle of it but that told anotheri after trial it, always speaks fur itself. There _ two things about this herb that appear tome diprising; first that it grows in our pastures, in .sonic planes quite plentiful, andyet its valuep l ati • ever been known until I discovered it in i 96 'second, that it should cure all kinds', of hu-1 t or. ;' I •,- . ,1 r or. . , , ..; ~ ~. idea of 1. In order to giro% some idea of the sudden rise and `great popularitY of time 'discovery; r will state that in April, 185 3; I peddled it and sold abo u t , six bottles per ciay—ln April 1834, II sold yer' one thousand bottles perlday of it. I • 1 Some of the wholesale Druggists who, lav e . been in business twenty and thirty years, say that, nothing in the :lentils of patent medic nes yeas ever like it.l There is a universal praiste of it from all quarters. r ' 1 In my own practice I always kept it stri ctly or humor*—but since its introduction as a gen i i great andwoti n deri n u t x l ra irt i u f es a h in a il v Y e . h in ee e4 n i g n iitln it that I sever acted: -1, ili i Several cases of eigileptic . fits—a desease w ch as, always considered. incurable, , hovel bdeu •Ured by a few bottles:. 0, what a mercy if it will rove 4ffectual itiall Cases of that awfulma Tidy there are butfen -:,,who-have seen more fit han I have. 1 i ' • , .. , I I know of several cases of Dropsy, a11.0f 5 ICI* ged:peOple carrel by- it. Fur the various Otis;' ases of the - Liver,' Sick HeTulache, DyspePsia•,' \stilling, FeveV s itue,_ Pain in - the Side,Dis ases of the Spit; i e., the discovery has one and.particularly ih dis :lass f 'the l iiidneYs Ik i i more good than any mnedicine ever'known.- I I No changof diet ever necessary —eal the best you , get and enough of it. -..- .1 1 . _ DIRECTIONS--Atiults one title spoonful per day—Chihli:et:L.:over ten years dessert spopnfull. Children frona five to eigtit years, tea'spoonful. As.no directions can be applicable to all cinsti ttitions, fake tinflicient 1,1 F) operate on the luiwels lovicil a day. Manufactured by , . 1' DONALD KENNEDY ,1 • No I - 2.0 Warren St. Roibury, Hass. katicic $l. 1 I ;, t, l & Sons, Philadelphia, Geri- For sale by WI! Philips, re'e- Rochester; and . Dr. S S ith, r4l wholesalie agents W 'tern or, 19t; Wood St. Pittsblargh, t,leral St. A llegheny City, I 1 irnver. ', • I! • 1Y Dye A g'ts for Pa. , lom; C L. Kaiser, j Uridgewater; Gen pa., Geo. IL• Keys, `J. P. Flemming Macley St,Young. _ I A. BAUMAN. i 1 1 :., ' . 7: A. I.7AU-1/ 1 .7f. so -a -i . .. ' upataSallitil tom; t)0.1 1, 1 i -1 - . Exchange, Land 'and' Real Estate-. Agents; -,- -:"'.- FI • i. it ' z i . :,... ~,, . ,?,t es .. ()Iles, ar. BUY, BF t LLI&- LOCATE LAND . W . A.ItIIrANS ri i NiTEST,:meney for parties at' western tes Of 1 interest . • Taxes paid for residents o non residtmti.l' Investments • made in Obvert ment lands! 'TRICs paid, And all 'trouble and other t expense borne by us, for One-ei'gl th'cf gross proceeds, Interest , at ten. per cm t, ;per nia num, allowed on all special deposi es;'iforsix 'mots, of kinger time . ; ' ' I 1 .1 P rtie - s desiring g overnment or' o her f can ly upon us fo'r it full and cOrrect de; tion of either; and 'the - lowest market mull. Orders for government lands will be atteeded , 1 to as soon after.receipt,as possible. I 1 , 1 .. ' - Remittances - can :be made , in drafts on ' New York, or by depositing money in any goo, bank in Boston,•New - York, - Philadelphia, Daltiviore; Wasltington Di C., or. Pittsburgh., • I '.- , . ! Applications made for Des' Moines River lands For settlers. Improved and unimproved 1 riiirie and timber lands ibought andlsold Billslof ei 'change on Eastern cities bought and sold.t , ~ - • , ~ l'i -4- , • '',..• i 1 i REFERENCES. ' I, I rn Hon W F Johnston,!Pres., l A . y•.R R• Co.; Pittsburgh,!Col. Wilscin McGandless; do. Robert Anderson ' _O. m. do ; Messrs. Emmet. & ftahm; Banners, de. ; lion Joshua IR Giddings, Joliet.: son, Ohio ; ; ;A. P Laeoest,, Esq.,! Beaver, f Pa. Joseph Chamberlain, Cleveland, Ohio ; 1 4 Hon': Jahn Allison„New Brigkton;Pa.; :Johtildriton, Eici., Rochester, Pa.; Treasurer's Savingslßan4 Washington, D. C., ; Cashier ,State BeriK .Ohio; :Guernsey .Branch; Messrs: Gallaher 4, CU.; Banners. Washington,i li C. ' tnay 21; 1856 1. DISSOLUTION. WE the undersigned, partners in .11ussell's Patent Roofing business, have this day. disiolv 7 partnership, by mutual consent 'I K. W. RUSSELL, . . . . ; NARO PARK; 1 - The Roofing busincas will now be carried on Nasr,o Park,' of 13ridgewater, who -willl-Pay strict attention to all calls for roofing, New roots \ put, on; old leaky tin and aheet iron, roofs made 'tight at short notice and cheap; Arldregi NAZRO PARR, , 'r je 17, .0. BridgeWiter, Beaver,Co.,lPa. • 5ig,..241r, It. W. 'Russell of Vanport, and Mr Joseph \ fil'Clure of , New Brighton, will tract for jobs; and give all information reepect ing lt. , \ x `, , '1 ADMINIS'D*ATOR'S NOTICE! , ALL persons knowing tffemselves ted to the estate of LUCIEN Fomnsul,i)ste of New. Bfighton bor., \Beaver county, are requeated to make immediate payment, sod those hsvihg clime will present them [properly authenticated for settlement, to the inbicriber in said borough. \ • 1 JAMES DE 1 FO3II:II3LL, i Adler. Jane 16, 1857* • ' • CHAIRS ! CHAIRS ! OHN 31'CUNE still continues the nu mafae 7 J ,ture of every kind of plain and ornamental Chairs. Call and examine my stock. Shop•op4 posits Hugh Andirsori's Grocery, on 8d stree . t, The stock ;is lower than 'ever before offered \ ‘ in this maikeL 101 d Chairs' painted or grained / and made to look as well as new. j Beaver, Die. 13, 1854. - ; b th e I I _ow .jp et,e. 100 pieces bleached inued6i, assorted. ' 6.bales brown do do I 200-pieces j Cocheco' ; mid other iriuts. 60'pzeces Lancaster 'gbighaiiis. . I 1 T.' , 111.1 i • BRO. enizsit Ar 4 UM On the es slice of have\been . indebted 1 JOSEPU , L I 4 . W ILS ON ' it f 'TTORNEY AT W—O ffi ce :in rence benne, on t e North side Ond, Bearer, Pa. - : Jar Payrent, 0 same Will for eletile-s , 'x!autur. • riASII paid for Buda! and Egga, L A. S.l lIAR JulY•ls '37 No. 3 P Stewart 1 Glad News. FII L OF Hon TO THE AFFLICT,E SUFFERINci Sitiny •of the thousand portals of , De 4 be closed, and life - made happier, apll comfortable to thou'samls whO :train in danger, • Doubtless MO Wolild containmany a balm to *podia - its physical woes and , cara • 1 , diseases. AtuonF •,1 • tbose.in proid ' neat rank; • ; ' • stands - I I . 1 • ' BO WA , A N z VEGETABLE CO3IYdU' D,. ,A 1 SAFE - and speedy cure for Consumption, not only in those milder forms of; Throat- and Lung Diseases, 'such' as colds, cOughi,-fintnseY,, difficulty of breathing, bronchitis,;•Nin sters' sore throat, weakness of the 'cheat, as, bum,{ inwnrd • ulcer, Spitting of blood, Influenza, croup, whooping-cough; pain mthe 1 1)rel4t and, side, hoarseness, 'catarrh and' catarthl utfec tione,. inflammation of the lun4s, bleeding of the lungs, and such like. But its!iperkr ex cellence is seen and' tested in the more advan ced; affections of the lungs. Fpr the troth of the Above statement and the efficieney of the preparations as an antidote, we'refer pie Public to the following, testimonials : ' ' Language is scarcely stroug'enOngh t, the 'great Offer of this • ! • t WONDERFUL DISCOVERY ! ' The doubting may try and be .convinced. : The Proprietors point to the following fide certificates with confidence 311 the-co nity ; they .are but samples of the Many deeds of testimonials in our possession : PhiladeAphin, Aug. 15.18.56..Liii5t spring, - While in Pittsburgh. I bad a' batV cold and coughovhich troubled me much, , anti 'a friend of mine gave Bowitutns Vegeta ble Compound, for diseases of ti4t throat and lungs, which I commenced taking, 4na found' relief almost immediately. I had taken many thing:lpr cough and honrieness, ,but i never gGt m anytbang to help eas it has done. I believe it, to be the best antidote for coughs shit hoarse ites.s that is out, and cheerfully ree4inniend it to the public. % TIIOS. IL STOCKTON. Paktor Ist Prot. Meth. Church.. • • • i• . • From ;Judge VanhoraTal the District Court at ,Cincinnatia. s ! -Ciaciunati, May 4, 1856.—1 have Used , Bow ,man's Vegetable,Compound•for bionihitis'and cough, and. helieve 'it to be the best' medicine, out fortthose diseases, nod the only oue I ever got to give me any/ permanent relief; It will cure. I recommend it to the, public as au hon est and efficient medicine, 'hint will; ptjrforin what it is published to do p W. VANIJuItN.' • , • i . TO THE ?Omit - 3: Lave used Downian's Vegetable Compound I,iiiltny family. fur coughs. colds, and Ministers' Sore throat and believe it to he the be thYng that II ever got fur thozconi i iibillits, atid cheer fully recommeul it to the !ilk. • 1. cusToN, ['astai. of . the Clinton t. M l Church, Juue 10, 1 - 855. i 1 , • 'eine:lll66. . ~.. Here is one from the oil pioneer MeltonSt . presklter of Ohio, Reif. J. It.' Finley.' 1 14 ) Ib.erieve Bowman'S.Vegetable 'couipottn , l to ,be the best .renteily for Disi!ased Tl,iro:d hod Luug4k . of the Aity. I have teste . i.Jit, rind !found - it to: be the best. of : ull-the popular rinitedies-1 ever ttieil, end I hitch tried very jolai4, I re*.e -outtitenl it to the ptiblie; Try it an , ,l yij will be convinced of its superiority.' ' , . I t.!ini it nal . July 185 LI:. -. it ev " . ;J . IS.-.• Fi..:LEY, .. Hear what the eeltibr.ited•Dr.'teeki , av \Nevr York, Ikll4 , 185(3.-1 lia t ve use Bow inau's Vegetable . Conapottud for I soughs and hoarseness in speaking; and believe AI to be the be.st.preparittiutt for. Throat :Lail Lung coin : . plAnto I ever got ; and I reeotaillenll,lt to the public speaker. andsinger. as' lie), as .thoke.al flietet(lvith Lung diseases., , N.I' I ECK.. I ,! . A. . - Hear what Dr. Denson, of- eiifF! [Fstract . from a letter.] , 66 . . oliman's Vegetable.compora, virttie which is not posleSsed by poptilor medicine in my knowled;. not lonlykstnoothe the disease ove onlyl temporary relief (like most utj icines,) but it commences at tee-ni ease . and performs a perfect cire.l G. , W. .1.114.N5i Our space will not"Perinit us to certlicatts in full; but we would follOwingpersonS, Whose letters al session, certifying. to f its worth: Rey.. Bishop Nlisrris, Cinci . Rev.: Robert Walker, Rev. Joel Waite;',' • . Eccrlotii'v i••• 'Bev. John.'Powell. .Porfsiuttutl • . . John L. , Henry L:firitlitli *R. B; Baker, Wlntelitig; 'Capt: E. Gordon, • I Pitisburglii John T. M'Coinbs, / Mrs. Mary MerroW,. •'N. i;rigbt6. • Mrs. M. Evans, Robert. Greenlee, Isaac Sutherland,. . I,Mrs. 8. A., Gettyis, .' Silas. Roberts, .1 2 I Ilenry'Smith. . Mrs. Sarah Lawry, .• I•Joseph P. Brown, 'Alartha. A. Wilsdn, < Ex-Gov.. W.F. Johns) T. C. Cunningham, IsaacWhitesides, D; Maratta, • ' Rev. Win. Smith, J,uage Keyi, • Capt. Geo.iKennedy, Junes Wilkins - , J. P. O'Neil, • • .]Rev. Henry Cline, 'tor. James Parsons. ; Rev: John Watkins, leapt. Jacob Poe, I Tames - L. E - Gov. Wm. Bigler] • Rev.. G Section, ~ Bowman's Yeketablei 'Druggists per bottic. ands, . • crip- C. L. Keyser is our age' ver county,-Pa. Retail plied at our (wholesale pri Also' H. T.' Sr, J. • Reeves,l rect[ all , orders for trietlieiri man & Co., New Castle, sole Proprietors. Agents lage in the ljnitettBtates by lettcr or othervrise to • Nov. 19, 1830. ~ , ' - / ILIME! LI)IE I t '," i i, 1 . ..• I , To the Poi i' le - i , • • 1 THE, undersigned having finished two INK KILNS, on the farm formiirly belonging to to fu isam uel Johnston; Vanport, would "respectful in i,, form the Public , that he i prep a red to 03 S d almost any .' quantity want ,at lite shortest no tice. The Lime is of the est qUality, andirotir ly three-fourths" of ami nigher" B MIT than ano ;otherin the vicinity. J. J. POW R. . Refer to Hugh Anders , Beave4; lir, S - Min. ger,l Bridgewater; •or John Stiles, ' Roc hester.; si&-Address, RVcbeater, Pa. Apr 23,'57. , - 31ercitaliVs . Hotel.' • ,CORNEII SRCOND AND. SMITUFIELD !MBE T, PITTSBURGiI, I'ENN'A. ) : • Trim Subscriber would respectfullY i form thispomrannkty,, that he has recently lifted out thief House in the most 'modern and approved. , style, and earnestly . asks fora share of your pat aga Charges ' moderate , JAMES C. Itl'KEB marl 4 f 141SNBTS & RIBBONS.—We aretirece?l, fresh supplies thothoul seasen;6lthe most-fashionabli styled:, 1 le 4. ' ss., 1 .- t s' .M. II ;tat, et • M. -1._... • __ ...• 1 LOVEAcetber patent tip Boots Or .s..m at the Shoe store of f ', ' . 1, ,, BARNES & NICHOLSON, tewart's Roi, BridOwittr TO TI! 1 A 'FL you want - Datant tuedici of medicines; call at citcap And Imre. \ • • ~.. . , ~, . , , ..4 NEW STOCK OF •-.— Fili- , and:inte G0f...; , . , . TUST,'ielied at the aisle, r Of. M: .. , r : 1 i Bridge ' :Erects; Bridgew:4tr; Pa. '' : • -' ink, reCeirit'linit tiEn;uote'oniiking, ae . • --•,. ritlile.'stiCk el gooil - suitab4-for tifr and coining season, •to which I, invite ti tion of my 41.ctidtontersaint the pu11,;.: .2 ere.' to an leitiminaiiee, its! I feel.:noof, i l will compare in quality Mid. price- to 11 , I; • . 1 hoime its this vieinify:. • . '• - -,', .. .'' iI)I{ESS• UOOIIS & TItIlnlIN'• • .., Irould especially invite the lea. ) ..., .... an examine. my , stock cif silk,..preuch nu . . I ali Wool delnines, cashmeres, canags. ; ' Persian cloths, Persian, twillsfliltig!f:gi i .• : I Irius; - paper eambries, Cambric, jacer-- . . 1 1 And MU 1 muslins, sleiwls, dress trii - lace fringes, bizinnet ribbon; sleeves, waist hands, hose , A.c Alsu tillkrge a,ss, '''• ' 'of taco and buys wear, consisting.nr.i.hl:. -7 - •', colored. French Oaths; dee skins . fancy. ,• meres,i tweeds, cordS, ' - jentis, satin am! • ~,I sestinas, nett shirts nn , .drawers; :Ilk (IT Zi handkerchiefs, stocks suspenders. cininor',- ; 110USElliiLif EitiODS. r : L Colored, white, I'M' barred flannel. c flannels, 80:4.p+, browo mot .blenchee lir . .. shirting checks, drilling, , onnkeflns, th-l.n, Boots nud shoes - for men, boysilholies ...n, dren, fur durability null neattiess cwia.- i . stirpasseiL, Also a large tif:seksest hats, efoth, plush tied nil silk caIIIC — ILT • : . . queeinsiviire, -glass, nail's and gl!.c.erie,.. . which'will be sold to* for cdsli rr i,t4t . , 1- _Oct. 15, 18504 • TflUAlA.Sl.,.tt.f.lii : , -AND may. lore M ~'. bona Inin bun- Oat Meal, Pearl Barley, Pearl Skr,o. •Tapitteu, 'Arix;w_ltoot, Um Stt/p . loir, - •.. proutol Ginger,. 1 innanion. Mitstard, 1: I‘, Cayenne Pepper,l extracts fUt ctmliing.e, l ' Lemun, StrAWheery-,‘ll.asiMerty. ;:pt':`' Vanilla, Title - Apple §:c. '• l , i,• , • 1 Alum, t - l'oppertis-, - Intligo,.o , :alic Avid. and cominon plue„ Mtale-, Extract .1.1;w , gromul In Camwood, burnt I.7inher; Veriii IChromic Oreen, Yellow:tlm V.elll3w Och netian Red, SpAnish - Drown,Nandyk e . 1 Stareli; Rosin Challt. - Vutty,/ Oils • *.t,lia: - • • pentine, Varnish, .Carpenteri•f'iutgh' ti At i :: lloarhotaul, rarrigreeti, Mod'SliPpeiy Eli,' Seller:3 Cough Syrup; McLane 's Vert ,'. Carpenters. do, Ayer's Cherry' Pe,:tvf3l. leak: Dayk-Pain liiller,-Dalley's Pain I tor, Holland (fitters, Terrell's Tettee .1 .. 1 Tooth 1 aste and Pawder,Clothe.s pros . 1 I 11rnshes,-'fool)5 Brushes, 'White (('ash-. I. bes,Fancy Soap, Glaiiers Taeksi,l. Pe., ~ . generally, Vials, Bottles by the gru , ,' • erwise, i'aintr and Varnish }:tit lie,;, \.u.' Ruttles. Braudymnd Wine for 'Alt.ti:•in•rr pu icg.. f. . .O. CC , NNINtIft.. , •, tkt. 22 ; IS e, Every day .- I:rings - soliethi-.14. 1. , . 1.-N...Atkins Ira s just received fr ~e 1' r.' phia alarge steel: of the . . .- . Fallinintill t inles• sale,e 'tilt and soft EN: i.:... , .:- Ot':,:vkititisi find prittos. „ .:-, •Als; ) ,on hurls and 1113iIIIrAvtIV.11; A . i eitoZ:k - of fur' w'oo) hats, W I'M' hfelt still , o! • cheap.. Lm . . •., ' 1 t - ih, abs wo d atol'all kinds of fu ea o furs t tlc clotame for 1 ats at , the hi pri, : y . 4. ' . Come, 'al who AVAIIt g'ou.l, • - i-ersiee ad fashion:o3he hats tilli ens, mid be sup_ol: i tt.,.+2f Remember the Sign of the • f. - •,' 1 lieaver,i Nov. P.), Iti:it,. i/ : - - ~ : ii I._ - , ‘• ....., l .... '' David 6.1.6 k t0ii, m. ,111 - a ••t a.,., ' . - . DRS D. dc.:W.'SrANTu, - . i i -r-I.EsiEI!TF LI 1.,1 ! 'i .hirer titir -servn, - C practice of medicine an I ~., : airg,, T . 7 , . nli.thitatitri ui NeW ' Llrightm; Fallsto ,a at tlittice i ftnti in e buil.ling, one 10 . 0 -116tDie, CM CIE ALL imvon f i- haviaig . .ll4 . %eftled. my . old Loop:; vxllLeok!fer . a favor t t •. iuuncliately.' L. ST.ASTI.T. 1 0)171 • any ge.' I mos R I other' t . does lug it t nie , l-1 Ite'..4s-1 jgiv teu ut di t FRIENDS, Citiztnts nn 1, the IX 1% ott , NI A 11111. K 13 17 . §.1:`; le:SS' in ill' It I, bratteitett.:' 4 thettebt resting pla:e of their t'riuthi-t'.. y it +i,rkttt! , ,y to their interest to givp chit , Awe tii.Pittburgh; 1. 1 11;1 .1,14 not to be iiwivrsolii. .t.tjeis:of be•t tini•ltStt with and:Avorktualibir. tvarrtintpl. 4 rise, is Bli•Ltitt't•tt-..t1 oliltositt Dr. S4tith's 1,41.1,1-(X:tbrei: ' aplB-tly MEI publi.4' 1 elir i C iti uu II any o the r Ipos- I inn .1i • . . • • ip.we p.;T;:rereiveli • the 'E our 11 i'A PE ft • . t,karger,th:ip ever be.t re Netr sty l e AT Ire. call piur atteinic‘o , peelally,l to r: . r. .$3000"13.01,T8 AT Jo 1112 per "'leo°. i DoC!Io0'orerlo4 the iact th luny l)ere,get nn 414ional of returavvlctt yani'ha we. bi.m4t.t4: s ,oivl .M.i+o, varietie.9,•&e, yanpori, • Fr.e*dcap.. Mend Ne ' Lnycretibe - - L4' 4 t 1 New CaTAle oti; Pitbdinirli Bridgewate Cincinnati, 'Steubenvill VFnanco c. 4aysvihe,. Georgiturt • butler; co. '13001.5 . NOT. Oti.ll:txtYi : we, win iet.rit'a tky or two.wittArt . rahs prica .tlwy thoniann,l • • isCurlyor , pro i doce. ' • • nit t Et; EWA T 130 wi 5 , •(' . 4 • :Briageiratr, f Beaver Lthige, NO. 366 Bridcretirater 9 Beavei Co.;. • ra. 1 1I 2nd every Tueslihy evening in their' I . 2nd stufy of Brown's Brick Block, Bri,l water,'' - 1•... • • uFFICKR9 iILECTED,- PREM.:NT !lulu, N. G.; • John wooorufr, G: LiArid Woodruff:, „Sec...; John' Sharp, Win.i.lhirnes,r. G.; ; Ira. Blanonani, • • Pena Compound": sin, or t; bailee 10 t at Itoeheider erelianM enh b I •es e by C. li. K !Now Brighton. 'e to I). IL M. • wreuen . county wanted m eye it CnundnAi EIILO . , . • SA4IUEI, TOCK Importei and Ikaler iti Nu. 71 Woo.llstreet, bet Ween aiid Fourth street. l'ittsba . rgit, MIR; subscriber is now ireceiviiig, froiu glauil and .Imericau 31:mufact!trers..: - 1. spring 'stock ,of Hardware, consisting. 'in of knitcs, forks, pen . and pocket kuift”,. spout. locks, hifiges; itcrewis, flies, .scythes, corn !IQ+ carpenteri tools, chain', •putip fixtures,. ac., All of which will gold on•the lovrast terms Mat...11:18 . 5i. 'SAMUEL FAIN $:). Bea sup- ftirmr. Di. Bow- PA pply . =23 'DISSOLUTION OF PAIt . nitIRSIIII!.. • The Partnership heretofore existing,hetw the untie r rsigned in the Foundry Bridgewntsr, under the Istyle of An.lem - Lehukdr, has this',day been disolve4l by Anderson selling his interest to .L The btisiuess - Of the firm will be setiled l-2 :; S. Lehmer. ) •J. J. AlvllElCb July I, - 1857.-* JNO. S.' L ERNI. Having' hougheou't'theintereit of J..J, dersou in the - Bridgewater .Foundr, , I wilit entryen the business of matt ..facturing :41 Ilollow-ware and Oastiugs of coriOus kin would.solicit the patrondge of the friec the late . JOHN B . LEHJIF ALLLL persons knerieing thernielves to the estate ofiWilliain Morton, deceast late of the borough .if Bridgewater,'.lleaver are requested to - Make immediate pay:newt. r•'? those having' claims present, them, propv7. authenticated for settlement. • •_dOSEPII }L.:WILSON; Awn Halt ': EST • • ! 100 Itevotring,llay'atikea;'• 125 dozen tlandinalces; ' ' • 1 50 .116 Islorth-IVaineGraesSeytike , , 41 do doI do • -I:relit , Seed , awl Agricultural Warehotise, No 47, , :ita D- J !the 1I , '• 1. %VAR VW' , illittlFUN111111" na - a Fta - -vering always be touilLt t : I . OIJ - IslG'z.-: • ,ving t the BB ICT I Inos oup Idr d y es, lan tday6,'' thet bur New.: Drug it HEMIC A LSTO E War is Horrible ! Ili= ADM I NIST 11 ATOW s wricE PI C.911t1 t,.)ry 4 .0 81' Apri ;.;,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers