11 MMM NEIV , STOCK OF GOODS - Just :Re:caved ,at ..)ro..l.lStewarti Row, • ; Bridgewater. rrIHR irub:ieriberlins received twit le now °per -L -,:vry - desirable stock of. I FALL & WINTER GOODS,. which 'ho will, take pleasure in shuwing to hid_ customers And the public genet:illy . , Con . sistiuli in portot the following articles. pr. Cloths; 'doeskin, eassimerad, tangy cassi- Tn s ,res,: all weal tweeds, jeans; satin, tweeds, i.tnnetts. corlarey: knit drawers and under shirts,lCanton Hunuel., ilanni is, kent's.gloves, i‘O r sr. ^:Lksi- era vatz., 0.2 b'ds'fs,!etc. . lie ,'04.1 ,t 9 iuf.rat the Ladle.* that he ha's a vinyl desirable - itoek. of i I)ressiGo9f Is < la' TriniTings T.l!-Le;F: ask cbloreif,..stiks; French tuntines; •. thihercloths,l yr. isuiitio4laids; all. w•iol do ?:dues; c6burjs, ilelyagesi de giaghims., priats, collars, traderdlettres,- ihimizetts, b rt4et,..miintua and waist ribhons, broclia Itint l rl,..ls.hawis, ',tress trinstnitigs,.gleves Uzi s iosiery, •te r„roce snu . wl • ' Tzitiqa.eitcor 'of prods hardwore, queenswore, Filch he will offer at dsmall ca,ll('or pr'odueo 7 p x .lll cc lalaktilitt exchano for`moosis. t - 'I 7 3TAIN -On"- • i • , . . 1 -ivi`...ti re Lny. r ....din - Sprite% : 1 1:ssortment or i - • ', --- i. l . .'' .. IL V0.'..15, 1 ri?.?pectfully mvltc• my ir:ends4o e. ' -.-- •,-: :3 - f. •-.: ..i . , 4.)e1,;. - eom•hsti of I:r.e.otel, ~...lin .lemirt3 •Enjli, , h mixel delidne, daniagks --,. anl m',;.t...in:i , - S•niN , .-rli :lee eurtnin.., , ; mull d. , ., ~.d re-,v: , ..yles and.,finizli ; rich • - .zicely.., new Ft t torns, at V:lrrous ::, awl eenti ml of all dis, fm. cur frirt::!,'.. Curt . tit' b tildt; C , f all pat h ln - _ - 4 - . - limz.:li,ix quilt - ....., dimety hJilanl.3,l - aud green.,.l..) of en'. ... "p.-.- len.:,:s art very low 1 iee.s. In ;,, ;r tre-ronm wil: be foaMl:,immen6e L. ..,.'ir 1.1( :1 li,r. l !lll.Lit;€Th7l.rters a'. 1- f% pillew le. -, o'jrt..., -'1 , 1;-, 1. , 1 :ow ,-lipi, towels,. saehlo7 : ....,. ..';',4e ee,..h., , ,,.,..5ettee t‘elts„ peg en3l;- . It,a , , 4:14 ~.,v-ir,:, - F.,r.:: - !•? uAuaily fonna in an ex-:. t.• ".Vl. 1 - i.i. ~.' Z:- - 'l'Vt;-:,,a)/i4IIITNIt, de. , i.ing these.• ' ' - xr.: i .r.:., ty hI , . I e -.1 fur:Ill - 1 !hem at ance .. , ~', ,n .it0n....j,;.1:ty. arnat4 m•:1 an 4 put ‘l4nr 11. 7 `.1.1 I I i ' .t : "..H., , r:, r ~ .t. ;,.. hitt 11 ; blimli ''p....inted Lad 7 . - ii I. Li,...ler blinds fitted np. Cir .I.'i'.3 promptly. filled and' ;500,1,4 carefully Fic,-1.:61. '.V _N II I.ILE, Up.1...0;. - ;,4rer. i1'it.; , ..b.nr.,..:, A-.eil ;;- i-°l-; . ;... - -..;r , . „ ~ - 1, 0 C.II'IN G - LANDS: 521213 CM ..•~•:~ _ ri ; i rf71. , 1 111 I= LAND WARRANTS. r ICArtneictd":ollr tirai jut r..-.turit.e I f , ert li:rt, v. - I,ere..arer::4-nteutl bare ' , ern reiit 3 , t'CLCIIE 7 C, Pe.)u , ine, ..ete of the 1.1r, - e.-t , 1 O. 11,:i1,0 . 1 n low:t, w. are . . . pr , .l._re 1, :,t the of,a. Lati i C. ,tu ! • ' L T ArD vr;ci r , r hand. Niarnanti. , invot, And., winhiroJv to rig-. rfirc larze. per - contal. cannot dr, better :Ilan z:.:vet . rn 1 1:11 - 9rfig.ilien .11Eiving n few doliara to invent Ti kn..ln, or cnp.ta det:ring to invont—darci.y, cannot do eti:ing• on the tindzrsignon.L n 7 ur As in loe:L nnike tluu 0, 1 7 thviugh qinpection, l LLe.'2.lth IS3fi.: : WN.r. A-iqfp.r.r.oN co. -... f I.II...\MENT I - '' ' • J - A,llli)rotfyi)es. I . . ..,-----_-,- . -I,y R. PP RVIA NCE ha y sthe pleasure of an -"-•"en .hittin g p. few ; 1-Ti nouncing• to Ole citizens of Beaver Coiltity, or capita-: that. he has:pernatnently located in the -- B"ernina . d o •ry buiidinzsflately occupied Ihy Miss Cuil4s)in ! the Borough of New Brighton,.where he . will al -1 way.s he fouipl reh..lyl to wait on MS friend 4, and ; foil others who wish artistic and life lire Min-, . F - . . i fatures. . '- • . 1 3 , -. All .izes rind styles of LiKeneseslatrni hed . • - 1 atiess-than.Pittlburyli prices. I ' - ~. r , it._ -+ 7 , - \:, •:. ' B 0 .b....t.d.AY .L . , b • I -Beautiful and accurate iinpressiona ofl ' lle'st. dd . - 1 1-.] to-en b• au ifistantan ;4 )1I 1i li 4)' . `' - TT" " ' '' n ' l ls '- '' ) '. 1 V. 4, X 11. I _ II a _ - IA il.k Proe 6 ss. ' ' ,„ • ' ;, , ~ -.- - . ..• - .. ..1 Pif,tures birten.equady as well in clou . ly; ~, • . At" i clear weather. ' • - so .. ,--`"••• -4 ' ' New Bri:oliton 11.1 1 lB.ltl —1 yr. . t ) ‘4-1-,- - 1 . --' ~,,, 3 1 -:--_--T--, ,t:i. •‘• - 45 ' ,5 "; .--- ti a 7. ! +ti::- - ! I The Teeth ! 11. The - Teeth !II - - --. .- - -. f . 5 ." ..;;' , :z.w--2-- - .4.1 -re. i "'-' 'i-- _... , ....-5,---dt;;;qiir , -.. • I I -I F r M. WllmTir, - M.. P., Sur eon .1 1 lii' I _, l -.....°..„ ~.A . ,:-7- : •,,•41 • 4- 1 _,,, % 's; S t ' ll' 1 • . tist. Office and residence. No, . t ". 1.4: • .„;.t-k • i0.....b54;;;. , -i;: .- -. '').- • Penn street, Pfttsbur*li unPasite Christ's , .. -- - - ' .. p.'}..s.r A sri: • ~,- ..... ; . , c ' - .--- ' 1 - - ••• • iv, - s•ai-.„,,:f•- - - -- kpi .„.r.. i , .L. , .Ifnreh. r- •c . ••-•-- Ti4 -- -,- .Y.„1„,_,A., , ,: . ! ....., - 1 Dr Wright'slong•• expbrismee in the praq -‘,.. -- ••• el:,;_—'. • - - . I 1, - of Denfistry; has. rit - :kik to posse.ssion ot L • I ''' ' ' - -- TV , ...F. •;; c -;... • stet-,-,'-....i.)81Ar. ~: -z, 1 the improvements inithe - lint of his profesi .; '• 4. ---L. ' r-•- • ' lor.• Wriclit's' fatulitires 'for 'dispatching N'T ~, • .. . . . , - ----- ~ wilL.enalfle persons•Yisitnsg lottsbUrgh, to 4 'UM CF.I...7IItATED HOLT. IND ra:MEDI TOT . . _ opkrft n. tio.. perfnrturd during !,‘ short stays. - , , Dy-s E. 47:p ST,-.1.- 1 Pr. Wrig,lairesp , ctffilly refers - Ito the tneLlieal -.-- . -- I --- --.— ' ---''''': • " r ': pri , .fe.Ssion ot Plitihtligh, , ~ -: ,• , I ! April l 23; 165 - . ..' DISEASE D•F Tin'• KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLA4Nti:- . . • . • • WE AI:Nit:SS •OF ANY' RTN.I) 1 'FEVER AND ACME 1 1 Bedford [.; And••*hef7irifitts alTectioas Co imerpfent upon '; Setnei4et disoniered ' • . ; ilt. Pleasant, ..... .. - S1 1 • . 0 :NI A 0 II AN D . 1._1,1' E It. I Cumfcilsyllle --! . ' Such as Indigestion, Acidity of dlfetomaeli, Co Uniontown - .. , o , .f ,Ilrewnsville lickyP4io,, Ifeasbilin, *Los. - 1 of Appe'tite, Bei- .' ; Ne i,. Bri ,, itlun .- `'''',..l - r tte i r (...,.. - pon ,- 104,‘ - y,. Costiveness, Blind :fad 'Reeding Piles. 1 lit aill3ery.ms,-141cumat t ic and Neuralgic Atfec- 1 Deposit . ; Received, Dir.if.:Oun ts 4acit. tions.!itlhas ill numerous instances proYed 1:i .dt- ! Pr a ris Ifni-11119 Si/Id ...atltil,,Elll lea I . i beijelicl.al: and i n ot h ers • e f t . f.. cte d , 1 i i . c iii ,1 ; - Bank Notes and Specieß4i!ghi and Soi f t. i 1 . . -, c ur e ,•-,. i --".- , '. „ i • - ! .- stoez3. Notes and Other Sec•frities Bought I 1- • , • - 'l' a.sfs a--pt huh vegetame clthpound. prepaild i;,h - I ion Conortis,4ions 1 . I -... e 1 on - strictly scientific 1 rinciple.4.afier tic niaii-1 rorfrsrm , ffiellte & 't)l!cetiol.is Seiliclhtl. • n- of the - celehCote.l Ilalland Proessor, 'LI; - • 1 S•- - , - . 1, Ji o.e. :Because .f its great cue e. tit mast •of :, ''' - L• Fo . rlpean :If.aes. its inti - odaotion io to the 1 - Al' (I),SM ,•.:•---' ~ t cd Btatss \vas i•ifen•led Moro especially for!, 1-,,,;---„,„1,.. t . t ,, pr „ rtr ,,,, f .,, r ` art.; ”1„,....,;§,., rt ,,.,, ;„. tru; ' - tivie.ll. - -our fatherland ',cattered here and: tlif:re' ,tr - ,- ' - „ „., ~.: .aind to al id e:frryiu.royer4 . ny, I,linter gOll 1 ai• - ( 7 1. tl,li-ficeof i r iliSlTniglity ednutry. wi..ao - rVao sstc.ess ammic thc - in,l now :.:1 -' 7 ' it '" ,:l to allathr.sa-on ' " wi" '34fr'r. for a wgek ' l Efstern cutit, oyr . c . ..ll.lrt ) ..st 4 6akro.' 1- ~..- •. I t ... thif- - A4...i.iaplihlic, I,alsaili: thlit is truly . 111 11 i 6001/:,•, . -. wonlyrfuo rawliorirgadostirtues locst be ae' - noffl ...I ' N ' ~.- ,coniistlng in part of French nievanoes, c.iburl gcd.-• .;.;..-- - 4 . 1 ,, - :, , lelaip.;all:wood and mixed plotls,,;heavy hi P is plrficiilarly recomn. , unl e .rto 1 - ,,,.1 -- - 4 1 . fsons •,‘...!,,,,..; 4.1 / 1:` , ..t ll t!'.us tryfy. have byes impuir. 1:4 riJrtnnels, iroolep atll br...lf [ • 1.,,A1A 1., 1.. •,, Wilifei beamels ;find trimmingi.f men's' woo,- , jed by ;:he contilitious nee of ar;leot spirit s ;•;, r ; ot..er forms of dissipation. Generally instahia. , caps and hoot., tatinets, thifittels - Oflanli-qff,..x.! • !wolfs . if effect, it finds its wiv directly to the • We are deteralifted to make id! hinds of goof Fe , ll of life. thrilling, and quiet:cuing even-nerve ;goMT in „tlaar,, - „vqoper-ssmson if not at, a pr. , fiti r.,.. - ..,....1 a,.1.1 1 e ily,,,,pin g spirit, ...m..1 in fa - et t n . - fcifilout itipy p'firsuing this course' oar stet fa ..; f new lieoth and vi .r in the system.. ;-?'"rhe kip always tr2.-sh and ' 6 " 3 " ble- 1 .NO111"1.;:---Wli )c‘er ' eXpo...;:-- to and in this ; Those in - want of anything In; the line of lViv _ .. t. , ;;;; , ; ,,, , ,,4, „,,, D. be ,i i , api .. at;el, but to the l i„ick . ; ter Goods.Sl7,.respectfully invited tai. exantir .• , ~,,,,..1 , 1 1 0w ,.., , ,;,...,.1 . i t „ii.b r ,,, ot . e a ge , e n t . ;ll ; uur Iturk arid fric-i.. hef6re purchn4ing elsowher , , a,' •••I•',ti..F. eordi fl,possessesl of 4in'g-illar reahnlis ~' . January:lst, 1857. T: M; TAYLOR, .'. propertibs. E. ,7 - .- - . ' -• ' : • ,1- - .`; ; -..:. . BocheStyr, on the 11111. ---------,-;-,,---.....--- .-.------..... . . • ___, __---- -- t0.....i.-f hr panollri tilt ' or ti,,,t ,1,% -; i t'... ------- - - ....-.1%- WI T. • 11, - --- - .IV 1.1 9 I ---• ---- -11-ti - al,lAroma- -- has in;l:hied manv:imitioti ).. 0 . - ' -' — 7 - which Ole publk...heohlsgoaclagonst. puri1i1 . ,. .....1 ‘ . 171 - 1 ,. }"REA.5..1 Ro' ert MclCilihin. of NoW - 1 inz. o q -awt pernnaded•toimy a ; i y t i i i a; _ . . ~..., ,I; ~., :i. i I a.tie. - ra., have tukeu. - 01,t. letters cif a a Ithittistration in the county irf Lawrcii44‘. oil Li.' +.+ - 4 Imre i ! .!ir+ii il.a.r.!iayef; il, );:+l . ,,,LEjlte r , +1 cdr trial. Um, bOctle will eousiitee. vow 1i.„17 , ;. the estate of Jarues M'liibhin, a pedlar inllle4 . v..r county ; this !., In re piest f ill persms wile; imioitelY ,uPerior it is to all these ilpitatious, theins-•'ores.. iml , :hted t i toe said ilameli v ' , 1'.412 5 ..4!)1d - at .1 . i.11 tti per bottle, e. it six bat des. fo; ' "63 '.: ;!2•5 - 0 1 . 1 . shhl bY:the pio , prleiers, Benjamio v sg ,.. 1 ~.\ 1 K . bbinc:th , lti 1V1V,..:11110i.it , ..4.11 .1,171Q.4 iroks; mvoul fageat toellecf Jr - .w. I'4l. .11'1(1'1 NZ (111 - Ll4 rillinTrZleellEjiti a wl, t ''.l • ' Q I 111 ”. 1 ''''"' i o ' fl y chcinisti. rittAargh. p a, ; ; , - i ; ; ;l any outstanding aec , :biti for me as if I were., dee...17; '55 Mil - Lk:nil M•Rfamlxi _ _ xvicli, • • AN!JF - AcTull cis a i Wh• - ,lesale an& Ita. , _E! EAV Calf "km ßo./ti furLadi , ts knit :LT L Dealer i-n kit is of • , t A misses, with and 'without heels, at the Tin7,4llopper, and . Sheet-Iron iVarr. t lroe store of B ARN CS t NICIIOLSOS, Johliifig,f Rooting. Spouts; nia , ie to' ord(;r11dclO Stewart's Row. kiiidgewater. "t.;_irzi:irop an liniad way, one door nl,qve Ar--! =•-•- klePaol,4 r Nir-we;.,l G001,.--s:J,ks, it.. pup ' 1., 0 LAL . ,rips, cuffs-, sleeves, Ladies' reerinn.vests, l l R ct.:rines Cc ' just opened a Y t TAILORS. i FREsii FALL .(100D s. • - ' i .._ Tllt. Sub:scriber 'Lt.:lag returned frc•rn the ' • • ' - , NV, fl pg. 1 1/ East, will open, Suring the preSent wee! a ...,171)TtcE is hereby given, that the School t, lae stpcst of et and fancy Dt7 Oco.la, _LA , 'Directors off9hio To.wnzhip; Beaver C 0., /, embracing) the lats.st. and. - Arto,t - 7i - ishi`Onahle will receivesealed propos als, from this date tot! styles.N\,t? g th' , ' tuarkets ' T:7.1.1. TAYLOR,' Marcii 2+4th, 1857, for then nildinbf one Fta - nel -.-i11 ,. -2 - T. 1 ;. - Rochester on the hill.; Bcho'ol House in' said Distriet.i. Plan at net :Misuse canbe seen by calling onithe ;undersign : - ell. " 7, , It: 11.L'ARCLAY. L' Jan. 21, 1857. President of the - III:1rd, ) - 0111.17i.L.C.4.5.i .. i. ' ..1. P. I..Erei.:l. w. Ltra..l"):s. i 21 . 7 4 . 1 - ..EN.S 4., SONS, 7 , Forwarding :sad 'Comrni.sion 31erchants, - ; ), a „ P.c.:a:lister, ra :._ Agents for reamer Nfichigln i Low by Cm Piece. \ 1 • - 2,;: between 4 P.ttsi.#947tiztniii Beavar. S'p:f! ,00 pieees bleached muslius, assorted. i ' -------' ' 'f, bales brown do 'do TO LET. - • . . - i , 2no I,,eces Cocheco' aniot er. printa. • r(lititus m9ms, nne on the fioor, an'i I t r J pieces Lancaster gingba%ns. a: twaron the See6,l..i , in it et , rafort a hl e. brick 1 ju.e 4,.. , rw• TivrArge.• b.,use, A, the We'tern pArt of Beaver, are of- -,---,----- . iered f-t• rent trowir the ht of ~-IrriL Terms. ' _ ih,qvi.t.... inquire'at this ca , 2e. . • • . ~. • DENTISTP.Y. .. -. 1 .17 ,T c .1 -- .11 - t. w.. F. Ft.D.ZDE'SgERG ' hay y • , : a r ll ing returned ' fiiuu Europr, has aE. yvo wealt. a riot& ni . ik, Firogli merino,..wool , ` lllllll4l r . resuwed t h e - pract i ce of his profelsion. Ji., plaid or tle4ilit., y o u vvili -Cola it at • , Officr n. T tki rei•iJoneo Nu, Ill t Tii i irl Street; two Leo 3 185:3 -. ', - T.-11Y O P... 8 . ;lours abOvo-EqUitlitielLllitrk;lttobur g it,, ll*. • L , Juno I Tly. ," • ,--- .ADIES stud. tattuta hoc,,li, ladies gepay r • , _t sla.tvoa and silts, v,volvit weak sad mull • _SKIL'!" wa.l - aklrtlng ipeods,,or twisty ; 4u.- 14ati g it- Tisosia. ''' ' - I him. linieell% id I - 7 / I Prdereff• ~-, '• .. - ' 4. ~ , I= 1 DUFF'S -,11 ERCI triige, . COl4 O Fitts&urgh ."; ITiectis?' rar , , f . . f' C I Uri/11 . 9631/, /JIM. , 1 r .Fentidett fit' 1810 and incorporated 1 Legislature of Pennsylvania, 1 with pe , charter. -.w .. -. ino.its.b OTOIIII.ECTOIIII. . I 1 It ci. Tawas Ducna.ewer, . Preeiden t: of thei • !States. ..,...,- • , ce ' Hon. W.traitasyWrrats - a. 1 i I lion..liotiEs Ifamplon, j 1 Hon. WaLriat H. Lowitai.., tl , , , I lion. CutaLEs NAYLOR, - •,,_ i 1 Gen.ilplil:Nlooaanan, :- 1l• i FA tuat. - AT PriTSl3l7llofr, ' 1 i'resi'dent, P. Drirr, (author of Duff'si keeping, The Wes:ern Steamboat. hecoq 1 Se; I'rmossur of rite PrinciPles and Prac? I Rouble Entry Bookkeeping.... -.. A T. llawden -- Professor of, CMth .: and adjunct ; Professors of Bookkee'pini.l W - . H. Duff, Thtis; NleGarty Thos. McCabe, T. I ' A t i a. Jones and _L it!. Stockton,sbociate irtifes t sors of Bookkeeping. , 1. 1 !J. . Willianvi, (ihe best DO mess 3 , 2, 4 Or- D anmehtul Penman in the UnitedStatas,),Pro-' tear of Penmanship. I I I N. It. linteh, „Esq., Profeseoi f MOr antile i I Law and. Political Economy. •i: 1 '. i lien. Judge:llhnnnou and Iron: J. M. Kirk -1 'iti!trick, special lecturer on mlantile I#vr. .' -Itev. David Ferguson, protes4t of Commerk I ei.l Etflic.i. I ... John Marpby,-Teacher of the Art - of Detect 'itrE Cottnterleit anil Altered\ Bank Notes. i ' ..,-. 1 .F. L. Aped; [' Pro eraser : and'German • Languages - . ; - ; - , I. l ' E. fludry, Prof or of lleabanifal and. Arch-' iteettrilltir.twing. . . i i i P.trie,Deojamin, of NelrYork, and ; Other a , finally tii-inguisited liternry,. gentlemen trim) ett.t..tvrit tiCes. will also lecture - b,efore tlie Col-, j lege 'luring winter. ~,- • , 'll .is-i 7 believed to be thb only....Establisbreent . in tlil Union fonntliitl, orgnnlzed :old etn•lneterl • . . T hg a uraetteal Merchant. 'who, frtan the mosi. matured expeilmental inferfriation, has bmglit the Accfluii.L.tut's lind,l , -reltant's education to vlegr.lie_ of perfection never attained try the Best theoretical ,'teachers. ''. . - ' , ! Upward.; of 4.00.1 students naFe been ectuea. ; ta.l . for .. t he Merchantilt , Profes-ion ; au.) 'sued has been rp,.. , nit int-Iv:ls:en - 1 `basin..sA, that 11, tirge 41ltifinlit Ilall'and Serer;Qlo.li l tional, TescheL*l;,..ckkee•thp• h.. ..e , bt,.iinle neCessa , ryior trigttet , Ammothttion of the i-,.tiolelitl. . ,I IStaggs Save access o a i"...rary k.fr i ?.,oool vollnnt*‘ .- . s. , floc let .pqrtie•Vafs - end 1" , t• cp•erivinri of • Mr WAxn,s. PebinanshiP, and A eireulitr of'. 41 pal.es4:in,liled fi...C. f , , 1 1 Duirs'illei)in'g, ,11 - irre '.3 new elit:llni pp ; 222 r. , y,tlii4Xt.ro. Price s.s9j'pest.ae 2,1 1 ern ts. -T,_. DutTs Steamboat Eookkcep ng. Prie , t - pissce' . e:-.4:ts. ' - P. eiNure prompt nnqacerl, vaLlr letters resp ,, ettug the C.:lh.-; - .:e tcr;the Prin Pot' Itutr:6 sy s f e nii htc.ol6.ltee.l3l: C2l - of the; riitslaa.,-/.1'.1.7.a4.5e the, Publisher:6, Harper si. l- iu:k. — • • - vi K.LUG • HOUSE . 1 OP, I. ' i' ll ,T . JOILN T. lIOGG 1:4;et1 0r . .1. Co; .4St ..i l lerst i.;.3 - . 4 .We4tmorelan Fayette Co, 3A illi EGG and .7 the petual United t t Book ntant, tica of p the Court of Common Pleas of Beaver Conti- Aty.'No. 135, 31arch Term, .1851; In the matter of 4,4 petition of Rebecca Jol •ly for leave: to become a feine sole 'trader. And now to Wit : - . Jan. 20, 1857, - the Court or der notieevo be, given *by publication in a news pitp•er published in 0114 county, three consecu viie weews, and the firot day of next Term is fix e.l for the heariun of the application. . A true extract from the Record. , • Attest: . 31. S. QUAY. Pro. Notice is hereby given in pursuance of the above order, that the first day of next term (24 3londay of 31areli) has been fixed for the hear ing the aboier petition, when the same will be allowed unless cause be shown to the contrary. Jau. 11. 1120. Al. S. Qll.ll - , Pro: • ; la - tice Pi., where may-be found ag am enera!'r.4.ort tuent of the lyare, roil ; ; at prices its law' as tlii,,:y can he got at,an i • caber hauSe 'C 14 12 E X 31 I N E . S, IS ; ;;G.. C 'A>4. --h:: .r ' ,DEC A - !: M 13 1)- It , 1 . S:5 6 The partnership 0) 1111:1P7lY & -I', - U3PI expiring by limitation in hum anxiims to close nut as far as pa, of gotlils.preparatory to the form : partuership. we.will commence ! MONDAY, I:3th.OF DEeil IRE ofieritig our "".1 ; 1 V a )7C fl .1 Rh t - - i Al. t iii ItikJ i • - In both Wholesale and Retail I.{VOlllieed !rale, • Some of them at a '• • • SA , LII,,A)DVANI SO MI: OP. 'l'll E . 3). and a lorze "portion of them : „ - -&r.11.1:0W COST. ' win ;ovi-Af ti e best oPpJr tunitieseverioffered in this'oity of 600(1 . Goods-, at, Low g priCate sale, lag ; any .4s- the ous ' as 1 'rand we invite calls-frcut all wau ' en ' ! criptiou of 1 -12 - . I. ' n -to ii . Y 4 1.3i0 0 C g lu 6 4 _1..... 9 Particular attention is invited to .our :very i Targe Ftnt..k of 1 ii MI3ItOIDF. R I. F, 8 , In Cuttai's, Slccres rind Fos all of which 'laic b.:en rarkE I down to clo , ing out rrices. Alqh, CI-OAKS•Ind GLOAKI:CG CLOTIIS, Shaels, tadieo Dress Clouds, - F in Silks, De Laities, Cashmeres, tic. ~.. 1 SiirThe placq; North east currier of 4th and I Market St. ..' ilec :-'i 1856. lice all ion. 'urk ave FE3IALF: Ari:NTSI.VANT.i.:II FN every Town nr Village of the Union, to 9011 I DR. S.iNFOR'D'S INVIGORATOR. I Many of tlur Lady Agents are-nankin more I mann, living from. its 1,11.1 N. , 2.i0 :Vosr.4 - rcoui i red until till fuedeeinelsiiabli; simply a good 1 reference necoMpanying..applienlion. ; ii .The Invigoitator enter SwF:. pi.:.tnAOtiiE.— :.Take one-or.two teaspnoniful ate:telt attack and it Will son disappear. For nn o'vcrloaded i i qt.onach, or 'wli.en food rises or sours,, take the ! -1 Invigorator kfter eating, and it will'atit prove 1 di.iagreeable or . niipres-ive. For Ilearthurn. Palpitation, or.-r iticult breathing. takp n tea. , cpnonful enceffirillee daily. For to , s , :'if Appe -1 lite, Languor or tdciles•mess. the ingleclite is I ilia-ally:lde. ' It will •re , t,:re the Apotite and 1 narks the fond digest Well. IC ii; i if.. m.‘ tttt-• t:tke i a t..m,poonful 'on retiring and the, demcniS of '.. , lreani-Inn.l will alt lie fiiritt. - Afttr eating a 1 !tiarty - dinner, tato. a dose orlfivittotattor and it will . renicre all 'nppreei - .,ion or fiiili:ess . The 1 litr:zarat , ,r, i; a Liver Il.ine ly iit unymile.l virtue,. acting dir i ectly or, that organ, curing I fttiTepsia; J.tuull:-.e. trdlinos Attacks', Dy4eit.- ' tery; PiiC., Worm., :40.1 :id Foinale' 01.;strue tions, for which it lets no equal. • ' '1 Auy persou aftrl'r using a fill :hottle br . the. Invigorator for any of the*abore liained Cain plaints. without benefit, can -call at BIG :Agents , a n , l get their manor back. Sold' at Ong Dollnr per Bottle, by SANFORD & C 0.,, Proprietors, Sew Vora . , and by Young & Thomas, Beaver, a.aJolin.Sargent, New Brighton. . Jan. 7, 1837., ME Darid•Stantot4 H. -. 1 . 1 Wm.:Stanton, 31. D D.—&- W. STANTON, suo ESPECTITILLY offer'thcir. services in the practice of-medicine and .fmrzery, to th e nhlhitanti of New Brighton,' ',lllston a* 1 ci , , • ' " . • . , .• . . nn.l lolgift4 in !ieeonil storyc:of Nr- Cleery'l httiLling, o c flonr Ncrth of . SterricK House, Ne'rr Brighto,n, -Pa. April 16, 1856. . ALL retscins lnicin4 . ungettle.l ncenunt9 nn my oil limiws will clmfer it favor" by caning immedintelv." STASTON.- "rt MENDS; Citizens and Strangers, TARE Nonot;--Tfult WoODRI;FF Mill continues the MARBLE BUSINESS in ell, its varions branches: Perion4 wishing any: thiigio mark , the last rei t ting place:of their fiiends,' Will find it greatly to their interest to give me a call Le. fore going to Pittsburgh; al determined not to he undt:rsold. IStock of the best Rutland . and Italian Marble. ~Tohs finished with dispatch and workmanship W 1 1 .71. nted. , A word to tiie wise is sufficient. to• Shop on Bridge street, opposite hr. Smitli'slDrug Store. filllitS 1 CII iIIIS 11• TOEIN I'iI,'CUSE still continues the matitifac 4/ ture of every kind of plain and ornamental Chair's. Cif!! and ex.sinine my atocic. Shop op pneite ,Iliagh Anderson's Grocery, 9n 3,1 street The stoclo ifrower than- ever before offered in this market. Old Chairs. painted or grained, and made: to look as well as new. - _ Deaver, Dec. 13, 185-1. CITA.3IBtIILIN - 4'e.I7THI3ERTSON, Itternqs iadd Counsellors at. Law. 0111 cc on Broadwiz, 33 3otr below Merrick rio'noe New Brighton. '- aprl9 LIRE:it:II leather Iliots for Ladieslind Misses, nevi style for winter, made to order, at tl4O Shoe store of - 11/mes & Ntenet.soli, delO Stew:L/Cs Row, Bridgewater.. ry our bturk tion of a new g ,. mnr.R, C ) OD'S 'con, CU A, War 'is -,1-lorrible ;,. . 157._ . .: ~ , !t . - 7 1 , _ . , ,t, , ,t; f...,.:t .4 •, ' . t •-•'_..,". - ' i',. if , ' ' 1 , 1 e!!: ~ I: ! !. -,- i I , .." ........_...,,,,,,.. ..,.... • ,:.. ~.. , , , , - r08,..a.r.r.,,i7Es r IMPOSES, OP A --... • \ ~ k • IN ..P II .Y*S. IC. , i Teems hos:long xistCtl a publie demand for, an ffeetive irtirebtivO pi hieli.could he relied int as g ~ oil and pert safe i i its opirrail6ll.Thlts' lian .werr pi eptwed to Meet their demand; rind an exten ,ive trial of its,,virtuesicarceonehtsively shewn Stith ;vital sareeess it accomplishes the purpose desigoted..l 1 It is easy to Make a physical , T 7, but not•enmil to I :mike - I: theest 01 all pills-noel which silent(' have more'of the ohieetions, but all the'advantageS,lof every miter. .'ll his has been atteir 4 pted here, and: oilh ttim t ...twiers :we would respee.hilly submit to thel-pnl.lle th-ri-,ion. It has been unfortunate 'for, the pliient hitherto that * l tlntost every purgative atotli..lre. 1. aerlinoirions bed initafir% to Ahe.l3l;ey-' els: This 13 riot. Na,ty of then, piruniee.so much :seining. p'! rind 'so elsion in the system us to more than corn tert:lalanee the good.-to be derived fmm :In at. These nifts protium no irritation nr.pain, ~ tlless- i t atise f;rolii, m prmionsly existing obstrtte-. lie : or , ler.iee...ineot in the 'trowels. Being:purely '‘ ,- r tet%bie, tro harm Call arise frsim. their Ilse ITI any mmtity t hell it is better thabanv incilichie should, 'tie taten joili:himisiv. Minute directions for their' Ilse in the se} oral - C.i..ease3 to which theyare .ap 1:)1.H:111 1 ,e- arc given 911 the bee. " Atrieng the vinar ula:n:s wt. i, li :have been speedily tetra hy thent.iwe , tai ; tail li I ion It :he t complaint, in its - varinurr i ft one; tri trim...her, IrillgestiOn, Laugunr and LON 4 of Aplj ! wtite, Ti , thesoness, IrritAility, Bilious lleadaihe, ililions Fever .Tever and Agne, Pain `in the hide ant:limit:is; fi; in &nth, alt these arc but the eon- - iieyiener of : ratsurrtl action in the liver. Aelan .' [ aperient thee en ,ra 1 ,,,,,,,pt and sere relief in Cos . 1 tiseness, Pilot, Celie, Dvsentery, Hunter', Serof-; i il.r aril !.. , erir . tv , Colds with soreness of the body,l i lt eis, and inrimmity of the blood;short, .in :ley ... ; nil eytri 'ease: where a purgakire is required.- e; I 'flier Ilse., 01sn produced some singularly sue. • eessftri mire , : ig Ithetimathim, Gout, Dropsy. (lraYel,:l' rrvsipelas Palpitation of the' Ileart; Pains in they buck , Shuts It sad Side. They should be' freietr i H. taken in the spring of the year, to purify the blonal. .= I , Awl . primre the system PI the change o' seasons. i An imeniiornal dosestimulates the , stomach `and , stve!. iril:o herlthy aetiA I. and restores the aite-l• En , tit- ~,,,i %.; g or.: They pidify the blood, alit, by their I, i • stimulant action on the cirettlatog systbm, teho- i.t? the s'remith ef the burly, and restore ,the' >. - ~,ied iir d/sel.sid eaereies of the whole organism. . .. 2 . Dem e an () . 1 , ,e1 , K4::11 a•tee is adventagento,' eve n ...., 1 :hi loth no hitiolis derangement eilits; Nit Mt- k, r . A try•..o.h , „r -s to;:g:tuen tit:stein*. ry IviOas tales ' , to iaressi: Thelllsh a plt;:sio rt•sieired ..tatitiot. ~ boa.:s ' Theno:v!sets to *,dc :,l, it is contitleotle twtl . t art , a Lettei , le.rre:e that: hien ass .t.ll:sbb, to o, a:e now n, the p. e.hat tetile.ly to t.pkel Preing 11414 tats.e; - atii being pi hart:, eao - tr's'se; loot their LIAP, ectiw.slce Ter. - „TA MIS C. drractica I smd .tualyl ..I.osviv.i.t. • ' Prie s 1 .M ! 25 Cer.:s per !ox. F - - • , t - I I'• I • ..,, , CHERRY .' , PEr' Ft." ; Oar r . aptol IV t 017t315:. 410 LI) S. . EitUNCLIIVIN. W 1100 1 . t ROI' P. ISI'IIJI i . t'ONV - 311 1 71 1 THit reni,Nly bits 'gm frr it filen, t... rntri, r.firs Pry , varie:ty n. ilmt it is edit e' aimless!ay e.}!,,, -ph of it'. ,irtiles in ottv.c Mos!wen mm:l4rd. :::‘, Rid; is fh!ne.-1., nth! sMII I / 1 11erf4,4 the tr,..t it!ini)st: rssry ce, - tintl of t.l 1 per,d'ns OulAltrl:, knowo, %iv, !mil itlarsning void even dirm,r Itige by it. use ,Wht4 mire L I trl , er es ery 431,0 no , dicite of i n i clt t ., :. , :•.:...t.i' 14rikel Voi,a,./nd - k,.i'r.i . 1 .! , e;1P.. , iii: v.i 1,: , -,gt-r...11. ..i. employ f .. :. Of , ;UsYll•shMZ - A1 tioag -Of ti. . ja4l.:llllsFy OIL 9.1"!• ti , our e1M , ..,:e-j- And nr+t and ,: .•1:s tpc.:111t . ::•• 111it1,..,-i . ,.nt fw.. - cj C 0..::, i ' OrFi.•. i1:,A , .41”. Coto: ; , 1' 0f..., it ;.31,, p!ra...vite , .t . ! . .) , .Pt elli Le ,MA:oll.•ii. . I [As it b . .....11.:14 , twen in .-- - Tillq L',1:.,..r . i.n. wc.iver•ii ti.t afn lc, r'.oo. - itsmC.ity is lei.: til . ' to. it. tarn - Iti tnalft.M. 0 , .... ill, 1 .r. ENTS-Yrmit,p, & Thomal;Benver.. Itri4getrater;(l l .:l:, K-tii.er, Rl • eliester. . .. glut: New i flfeclitlw:l ,am •ivmek. Dl at dby all: tnierch4nts erdry wherq . . Crninglmni. Bearer. • I • )oms, nt -1- L .7" — T".7 -. --- 7 ------- -- ". -- 7 - • . 1 . ''''.ll‘loT.lt) " E s . • r : I OTICE:ia :hereby, given !hat .thel T - .i. whip heretofore 1 existilik unler t an :1 . style of Wi l la:tin,owrey ii: GI., its in fling operatiOus a Clinton trtirksl Mover tp.. Ltivrene;i . comity, Itoi bi .lifolre.l. by the with lr.ibLtl . f Williit4 IJI on.l IVil:i:tni Lowny frion thec,nei, 13liemetit of old mot tare wi I be ttilj or 11. our .l'''ent I It. U. Conner, late .I.kl. 'DILI N . ': ‘#kl. , I. tikton,l VOI. NAN-NEM.", ,Ness• Br I 17 1851 MEIMEI D E 3 , . (. N '0 "1' I 0 riT S , I *ye'. 4.7), Wil;111 "St... Pitt ,ll !irdh, Pit., 1 I tlO, l , St. Gli:lr:C3 lipt.el. .., I lAre now Terelvinz an tinniu dly . In. , %)mi.lete assartnelt of • Dry • Goodi and! 110 by the Ifitlilortz , pte.nber.will be Ito 'exhibit .a very attrt..tive 4riek, 1 , 1 :Tneani of a . I)ll3ier Con.'it ItittV in the will be keptlallibriolghon% the season The attention/id' the trade is respect vited. . i . .i sept; 3, Look far the Biff . ll . lteit • B. T. PATTON I AS removed his 'f,'Loct: $t JF.SVELICT STMII; to the old' stand, coiner of Bridge and MuD)erry streets, pridgeWater,l where he will keep good suPply of , • . - eltlekS tF.ITCIII S, AN . D ALL. KINDS OF JEWELItY AT THE I.OIVE . ST MARKET FRIEL. ' 30 flour BrasS Clocks nt T 1 SU. • 1 Bes(Jeroine do. S;t3 j to 3 . 5 . All clocks tiold; - Warranted to keep if not, the money refunded. Also, riety .1.1.Mq-ST EVERY DRSORIPTp Call ana exaniine my stock. I would beg leave to thank my euqti the liberal patronage heretofore bestoi am new preparl to repair all kinds of and clock's; all good watches warrante4 •.4ra,.1 time; •Jewelry neatly repairel at (• 11 ir..01,1 and er taken in est hange or :Zlvdtvl,3„ 4 • Itridgewater. p*. '23. i 1.131) IVAIIIt.iNTS. EI IMIEST PRICE paid in gold tor l and WarraTits. Laud Warrants airways on hand and for sate. Wu. Her.r.ns & Bankers and ExChange Brokers, corner of Si and !Food streets, rittshurgn; itgIIROX Dithnigne Inyr- dec. 18.36 . ."` , "11-441.vitrir Ntablit/::: hit Subset - dies*trio bougheitlittLix Stack, of Town , . &: 36E - gouTlit'll adat several • at ore . ,lidrses and Buggies, is in w prepa'• red to accommodate the people with ood. hor:: ses•and buggieti, saddle horses, anda nything t i i . in-his line. _Also persous wishing cOnveyance to and fre t rn the ws. will be accommUdated at any time, hi leaving notice at the staid.' or at Dr, Smith's Drug Store, iu'lSridgewater. .1 . Also, Oinuibussesalo Carriage' for funerals &a. • ". 1 : ..101M.WOODAUFF Brilierrata., Feb 30; 1846 - :' ; ' i 1 ! too far.l , s!rcllg IL, h here, tut , of r% hry, pill will hirhh • en tlileir 0 Innirer era r,f a • they ere table, no e . .go a.i ' be earrie lur ,ew IS c ea;,e intnnemted tie rits.On lute thing Bind. VII rablic will t .theri in n .. iurr;m nippe d rarely 0 any tontir ....tppct tn. ti ritvraityi) itv ICE te•al tit ss. ye Zoxem 1 1 cm! IforS I's TORAL Pe of 10.111SENES N4-00U6111, V.' AND • 1%. • eft 'ouch hot - oriiy p.3lmonitly ditraitt, 0 het-um-Al' the eoi- Intnlittlity'rthere if flm 1:::•!3 of it.‘ , :+e-' cnsta of iti cures, co;tntry! ithrmiids bate bretiirrooted ate• diecatia pr the rid lax Peri , ii:ty .1 MO 11 1141 itppli ..ilere i1761 , 1e4 ate it a. e 14 -, l* A darig•-em• *Tee are Incirts,r % iet;ies 11 - 0 for : sare.t, I • I . , IruVa Itut lie rid h.,- br. Smith ~rlinq nn, k lUr. I'o. tke t. re tha . he err: t partner name the in Big i!en duly 11:entir l . rrii. Th.) uyted by. pianager. gikton. 7 opposite r i nie INptiony, )repared biPh, by Inaric'et, fully in ' 186.0 1. t)mersi for )• t(1 ? r watChes to keep 11 times. 'or work r I . ood time; ?irli, : isiateatnt; , 'trip! lout Dr.. KIINMIDTi 01 Road). one our coOnn4inVpasta AMU cures ereiy khad of h Scrofula dtiiintto a domino Ile, has tried it in two failed except in ilfo, eases. natw.P lie .had nowlita hli' bundied certificates of its IW 7 eti r iiliii;,,;Filiiio!i. Itwo betties arWirliirasit sore motiths. • ' if. 11. - One to three Deities will of Pimples on the face. . - I Tire or three bottle . will chisr:il Biles. ; , 11 , l 1 s I . Two Dottie. are ' warrant id , Cu i canker in the end stomach Three to five lbottles 'sr war/ the worst Cases, of Erysipelas . I Otte to two bottles are warran humor in e the Byes.l I N I \'' ' l ' l Two bottles are warranted to. cu the ears and blocheWanteng the li.: Four . to si x ' : , bottles, are I warren corrupt and running nyerli, • I Ono bottle. will c rerely eru skin. ! ; 1 1 _ Two or three Dot es fire warr! the wors )l, case of ri: gworni. ' Two t three! botiles me I e warri he most desperate li l ies otrheuni .' Tiro or three bottles Sr ' warr the salt rheum. ' ; I i ;', Fivli to eight bottl es wi cure th Of Scrofula. I I '. ~ A. beuifit its alwayslexperienced: ;in the. fixst bottle, mid a perfect cu is w led when the above ; quantity is tak e n : ;lld I 1 Beader I;peddled Iciver , thew= , d bottles of this in the•vicinity of Bos n. . 1 f now the ef fect'of it in every matt. 8. `sure I water will extinguish tire, so sure wil Ithis,c c humor. f',l never, sold a bottle of it but that s hi another; alter trial it always speaks for' i ,•elf.. There I arc two things about this herb their ppear tonic surprising; first that itigii:ws in ou pastures; in Doane places`quite pleats fuli i rind Yet' ,to itilue Isa 9 never ; been known iiittil I iscoverMu 18.11.3 t— seeoutl, that it s li euld c l ure all; ids of hu- anor. ' , . . I-I . 11 " In order to give some id aof the sudden rise' rind great popularity of the 'scove ,II will state that in 4pril, 18,33 1 1_1 peddl e d it Mid sold about six bottles per day ,u-ATiril4Bs4 l ; ' Aoki over one thousand bottle:l er dliy,:of ii 1 I , Some of the whol sale j[Druggls who have 1 1 ) been in buSiness twenty of of ad I thicty S ears, fitly I that, nothing iii the ' at patent da medicines I was ever like it. There"-is,a.uniierte ' , praise of it from all quarters. .1°,;,„„I kept,ft ; , m In y own practicel - Fraways it strietiz for humors—but sinceiis,i \ iftroduclieli as a gen- I eral family medicine ;; great !Mil l ' jworiderful i virtues have been found in It '''tba --1' never sus- i peeled. ' , '.l I 'll ' ' - ' l l Several eases , of eidleptie fits—adeseasewhich i Was always considerld incurable; [ have been cured by a re w'bottles. 0, whatft mercy if ; it will trove effectual in i nll eftles f that Swful malady —there are but few i.cho are seenlmore of it I than I have. s 1 ' ' . I'ILI ' s ' - 11 know mf several , crises of Dropsy, till of theta aged people cured by it. 'orthe various' die eases of the Liver, Si k 11 adacliO, Dyspepsia, : A4thma, Fever Agae, Pia in the !side, Dis i ea6es of the Spine, 'and particularly in diseases 1 of the Kidneys \ tic., the i'dincOvery has' ,dcine I more good than any in dicine ever: known,. No change of diet ever necessary -- c at the best len get and • enough of it: !' •. . I Diaccrimis-I-Adttits one ; table lip onful .per day—Children over ten yea - lileis'ert spounettll. , Children from fivi r t to. ight year.s,.te, i spoonful. As no directions can b • applicable tee con' ti- i tutions, I take stifficient / to operate on e bowelb 1 twice a 4ay. .1114,nttl'acture4 by , , 11. ~. . 1 i t 1 DONALD' KENNEDY, • . i I '"Noti'l2o, WalTert Bt. ltOsbary, Masa. I rerct:' $l. ' ! :I1 i ' OEM'. W Dyett ,Sr. Sons! PliiindelPhial, GC3I- 1 Ag'ts, for Pa. , For sale .1 ,- 11'1,•;Pliilips, Free- I (tom; '0 L Kaiser, Rod i rter: midj)rl S Smith, l b Bridgewater; general whi , lelmlie ii,gent.. Western Tn.,' 0.6. H. Keyser, 10 Wood St. Pittsburgh, r i S. P. 1 Flentining" Fede II L St. 'Allegheny City,. faclity 4;.; Young. Dear r„ t : 1 . . - A. IRAVA I MAN. . 1 J. IA. DAVEHAN.. ' I . . 1 , Bat lI'S ilia Li 1 Al'i;o... . •. • .. • - 1 ~ .Ex.cl4;nge, Latin i Real Estate Agents; ' .i .) t Des .11/0 hies • lowa. - : i BEY, SELL, & 1... LATE; I AND 1 WARR:INS IslvEsT Money foe partici', it western:rates of I 1 intereej Taxes - paidtfo i residents ,or non ' remideos. ; Investments m. de inl Government it lands. Taxes pal; and ' all i truimleind Other' . expenses , borne b' us, Tor , rte-eiglitbi' of, gross' proceeds.' 4 Intere t, at ten r 'fent, - per an, num; i allowed on 11! - . fispecial deposite3, l for nix month's . of longer Rine. jil ' ..' j • Parties: desiring govorninept on 'other. lands, ! can rely upon us for alnll and correct descrip tion of either; and the liwest, inarkgt rites.. j brders . !for governnien lands will be attended 'lto as s.ani after receipt tispoisible.. , Remittances can bu thadc!in drifts on New York, or by depositing nanney in arty good bank in Postow-lew YorK, Philidelphot;. Baltimore, 3Vashington D. 0., or Pitts'bitrgh. II ' ' , I Applications made for 1)63 Aloinesßiver lands for s;ttlers. Improved :roil unimproved, prairie , , . and timber lands, bought, ( . 1,4 sold.! . Billy of ex change On!Eastern citieslbeught and sold. '--, , ' j(. REFER EjNCESL'i lion WM F. Johnston, prei( A. y it Ili Co-, Pittsburgh; Col. Wilson NleGindless, do. Robert A mletion,!r. 31. do ;leshes.,-'!Krani r er & Itahtn. Ilanmerh, do. ;- lion' josil'cri :It Giddings, deffer. son , liiijo ; A P • Lacoci j .E'Sq.. Beaver, Pa.. : ,lal , eh Chamberlain, C o levolnn , l,. Ohio : Hon John Allison, New. priglitthqn. ;,:Thliti „Li ntiM. E sq ., Rochester, Tha l ' Treasneer's Savings Rana Wa:lhingtoh, 1). C.,;_,Ptsi l lei r ,IStato:llang Ohio, Guernsey j ilranch r fs N 9 :""i. Giali4her sr. C 0.,. Bankers, 11 . a.4hingtfut, .1)!' `, ,' rnay , -21, .1836 -,.':, ,- - 1 , .. .1. se. Ilerif•treti'l on 11'0.9-I,' il'airilil.otijecl,itel cckn;ll' , JOd .and i 11 1 1' . LG l' 'P A5'1p.471. 1 1 . 1 4 ...,_, A et +try #,., , .. 1.., a. D. 1112iN.1111), *iI,9I ) I{,IETOR. irr 418 house is eltgibly situate:o, ecinvenient t.) to businesa, has ;:just b i nen opened for the of guests, islitied . UP in the best style. ,ltouins large ~:in well ffirobilied. I : The IlonSe is conduqnd.upon4lie European, principle ; all the i deliieniis of - fhb market puietu6ed, and charge made in propCrtion toltunotints.priered. with moderate charge for Irwin's.' T he. pri Pro• i (dor having long exiierieocei in h is business, 1 feels confident in - being ,able tronil.- .---imec -1 titiii to all who niay favor kiln with their4ntron nib. . 1 '1 1 , I 1. Terms alwais reasonable. A share .of patron age 6 Solicitd. 1 I . 44 7, 186t3.• '• I _ - , ' '.: ' MIA AIL_ ..71C..4 :10( • i igiai • ORIGINAL FIFTH STIt l EET 1 1 act )ry (Established I 1839.) Is 2/010 at the carnelr of .I , l 'oll :St , r ret mu d Allirket Altry, NA7 o no Ve e p rY ot i f lll or e Bradley's Stocking Yarn. Id'ti proroot l mistakes and consequent disnipointinent, retina:oer the corner is the salesroom of onriFactOry., Oct. 1, 1866 I" I ;, I . ;Ai1101.4:4 1 i. 1 .;' ; iOTICE is hdreby give t at the partnership .ly subsieting between Jo eph F. Cunning and Matthew Gillela 1, 1 nder; Melina of ' Cunninkharn fi r is t Lis tiny dissolved 1 1 at hew Gilleland -hi I ti ne t o atid by the .....igtisin & Co. is ti inVint consent; shill T iiiiriled to settle sit il 1 compani. . ' SHOES—The beet a-- meat, .for ladies .misses and ohildren,# TAYLOR'S. April 16, 1 8 56,. lt h eter on the hill. tb LINNETS of lateit style, l itli tr trimmings ' _ I \ lle, -TAYLOR'S:. I April 16. 1856 ' ROC , , en the. bill. p.81LL1A.11p3 7 .-3U pieces I beautiful tigunid beitliillte i At VI . . Scusi.' I T. DI. TAvt.or. I , 1. • 6Trid!...NOV‘is. , - ,,illLL'ilnope TO,Tlllit AFFIME,D I .-...,, 4 ' ift-, 1 . 1 " SUFFERIM3I !deny. of the thonsami portals a' &Atli' I be eloaed,i and life made happier, and mo t .1. comfortable to thousands who ate now ', ! in danger. A Doubtless tubs world 1. , - tOnlidnitniany,a balm to to , .! iti physical woea and oust • its diseases... Among ' . . -. ' , . . thosee.in front- - .•' !,. • !.= . f" .. 1 neat rank, • 1 il .. - - !lands - !'' .-- $ AI IC) W . _M A N r iS VEGE'FABLK- COMPOUN .[ A §AFE , ;Ind 4 peedy Cure for Consul:Op. not only in, hose milder forms of Throat Lung Diseases, Such as colds, enughs, quit difficulty of i breathing, .bronchitia,-.'ikliuis sore tlartustil weakness of the chest, asth inward, .uleet, spitting of , !blood, tinflu crenp, Whoe'king-cough, pain in the break Aide, hearsepess, catarrh and - catarrhl al lions, inflammation of the lungs, bleeJini thelurga, Oh.l such like: But its anperiOr cellenctris area and tested la the more ad; ced affections or the lungs. •For the *rut! the'above statement and .the'ellicitccy of preparation ti as an antidote, we refer the. pt: to the following testimonfals: ; Language', is scarcely strong enough to the'great lower of this - I4ONDI:IIFUL DISCOVERY ! ! , The doubtin'll'uoty try and be convinced. ~,... The. Pitiprieturs point to the following ' fide certifientes with confidence in the, con tift,i4 they' Ore but samples of I.lWinany. .. dreels• of tesf r imordals, in our possession : Philadelphia, Aug. 15. 1856..,--Da.st spring. while in Dittobtt_rglntlAurcrio bad Cold and, cough, which. troubled me much, mid 'a iliielid untaine gave me a battle of Itowmau's Vegeta.. ble Compound-I.r, diseases of the throat land lungs, whiell I Knutineneed; taking, emu fund relief alinosi, immediately. I had. ta'ken,nt a ny• things for ctingli and' honrseness,but, neve ;get .n anything to help-me as i t has doe Ibe teve , tt to be the best antidothfor,eoyglis and-lio. T'S e - 0e s 5 that l isioutl, awl• elleer,fully reecountehd it to file public. • T 110.14. 11. STOCKTON. • ! Paster Ist Prot. Meth: Church!.{ 1 rfippry,pr* his* alooiriefred weeds,,aseattly wor, fr'ipm the wurbt pimply :-* • 00vuies ? Anti, - ev er (both 'thunder hu .osseeeid over two 1 all within , cl;t‘iiiit i pare thi Ur 8 .1 1% worst Lod EZZ the worst ted to cure to curs a • running it cd to cure tiou J:,f,the 0,4 to curo ted r to cure I , , , I tedii to cute worst case y r nm inige.Arauliora, oCtlie District C! at Cincintinita. ; .1 .1 Cincinnat •l i, May 4, 1856. - - , -1-1 have used o*- iitan's Veget r iihle. Compound fur brptithitia and cough, and heiiewe it to be'the best medicine 'out for thust! tlit•easq, and the'onlyone Lever got - ,to gii+ me any permanent relief will cure. 1 ryetannietal it.to the public.as nh. hon est MO ellieicut medicine, and will tier? What itda ,bltehed to do/ W. VANHOIt IsJ . - .• TO THE 1..711L1C.';' , +7.1 . 1 I have used llwinau'olV'etable' Comp( ' Vegetable' in my family ; forconglls.' colds; and , .11iniN .ore throat n!nd,telkeveiit to,•be,the bi!,t.t .that I eveigl't fur th.),:ecOinpltatits,.null ch fully reFotnnj will it to the pub4c.. l' - . REV. J. GASTON . . Pas.br f.,r4 :Clinton et...SI: 1.4 , 7 Ll:nre. : June IC . 813, - ..** --'- Cincinnati. , Here tr 4 in the old, pioneer ,Dletii 'pre:teller:A Ohio, Rev. JJ be the Ino refindy forllliseased Ttiofti ef-the day. I have te . 54.1 it, ifjot' it to he ti elbetit of till the; popular I'vr tried, tyid I latve‘trted very 'aptly. , the publit-.. Try it /int' .ylot he convince , -of itv . superioeity." Cinpinnat:Anly 1856. ' Iter. J. 11;;;1711. Hear 'aim Nt.w l.ork‘ ipan - s Vfii4 himirseilesg 11 the hest prrl., 01)1as I elit public , spca'.4 tlicted , w ' . ' ,• • ■ Hear what, ,l/r. ben..on, of Cincinnati, [Fstmot OAT A l letter ] , Ito inn atila Aleget.th:e CompOnn,l'ehntal iirtne • v!hi'eh 1* not pokfsesse,l by any' 1. popular tneairiie knowle.lge' not only sun,)Othe the iiiiense fieer 4 . givi only. temporary relic (like: most of patent icinea,) but n cns at tee root of th,t. ease, -is -perfect -cure. • 11 I , G. W. DENSON, MID. • . . 1 .1 ^------ - • . • Our•space will not .permit its to puhlis certificates ii,lif. but we Would refer t. -following petsons,' whose letters are in ou , session, certifying: to its worth: • • • ' [ Rev.. Bishop Norris, . Cincinnati, , .' 'Rev. 'Robert Walker,. 4. - - ' Rev. JOel Wnite, Eco-onii, : . Rey:John'. 'nivel!, I , ; Portsmouth John L. l'. unkin e • Butler... " • Henry L. ' itlitif, Esq. .Pittsburgh, ' B. B. Bak •r, Wheeling,, Capt.)B. G4.10n, , Dittsbargh, • 1 ! John 'l'. Nl:Ooinli' , ., J . ' . ..., . ••• Mrs. Mary Alorrow,. 'N. Brighton ilrs. M. Evio.S.' ''. Robert Greenlee, 11 - Heaver,: !! , • Isaac Sutherland,l Vanport, Mrs. si .-v. Gettys,. • . Freodgn. , : Silas .Roherts,l • i Meadville,' ' Henry Smith, • New Castle i 1,. Mrs. Sarah.ivrry, . , Lawrence . • JOseplt-P: li own ; I 44 .- 1 I'Marthi .t. l'ilson. I New C astle 'Ex-Gov.;WHF. Johnsten, l'ittsburgif,- T. C. Ciitiliog6am. ~ Allegheny, Isaac Whitesi.les, • •, i - , ...., 1 •;. Maratta,!l, ~. `I , Dridgewate. I ev. Wan.SMith, • LoniSville, 1 ,• jtagel,Keys,l • , - Cincinnati, ~ .Cap t. Geo. Kennedy; , ' i: t . tllsville, 'James Wilki is, r leglienr., I J. P. 9'Neil, 1 . . 1 , Stembenvill 1 Rev. Henry :line, ..1 venanco C. I Dr; James V 45,1119, - ; Louisville, I Re v. Jo ofl'W a tk Ilfs, . 1 i 'Maysville, . . , Copt. Jacob Poe; . ; •' . Georgetow James L. - ., . - 1 - • Butler ; co. , 7 P.x•-:•Gor. Win. 'Sigler,' • • Penn'ar, 'Ref..Cv. 'SeOlent. - Louisville. Bowman's , legetntle Compound so DrufrgintS nt sl . per bottle,. or 6 bottles fo iC. L. Keiser is 'ngeut nt Rochester, Ter eounty, :l'n.., Retail inerchants can h pliel at; our: Who Isafe prices, by C. L. K Also II: T.. & il l Reeves, New Brighton. rect all order.' for medicine to .1). 11,, M. 1 man & Co., Ni. , w i enstle,.l.nwrence county,, sole Proprietors. i. Agent's wanted in eve)..s• 10w ,, e in the Unitep: StateSain/ f . ' o nna.i..:‘;. oftetter or otuerwise to tune pr . prietos. Nov. 10, '.SSG, • ' . I ~ •,,,, "., • • - Ch' i istmas Gift 4 A picture 'of aloved tide is generall - the I most appropriate and. acceptable.; trieutouto ;that can bq passe, l frlotu Alieuil to friood.' • , AROTYPES with bacitgroundl to suit t c fancy of ker.., n?- turners, anti neat put up in onso3 to suit their various tnotes tiny be had at It. IYEAVEiIt'3 Nv; Brighton. , She' has .Daguarrean Gallery,ri an baud an assortment; of beautiful Bitioti•ellSCS which / she will sell ,Witit picture" at reaqcoll prices. • •It : , - deo 17 18i6 12erel1a lit s Hotel. • 13011 - X1:11 ItECOND ANTI SMMITIELD aTILZAT, PITTSIWRGII, Tiis Sub i 4criher would respeCtfullyln t forns this community , that he has' recentlypfitte out' this House in theFuost, modern .andlapproved . style, and'earnestly asks fur n, aliartilof your patronage. Charges moderate. • ' I ..1.1.1143 C. MIKE& , - raart4 BONNETS & '}iIBOON.S.:-ii.e nre•;recei l .1....1 fr . eiti suppliC. 'to e*e6r week it.litonkhoi 1 isOi.oli, of tha - ca64.faishionil,fle etylea...•: :- ; Ju'ile .}.• ,• I - .- 1 , •,.. T. ill. • T , - I TLc?; - _.• • .•. II , ... . !. .• • ... ; . tL,k ee, . BARNKA, _ te l waKr s BriageWat tb?to • , , •: i : til l .t. celetintreti Pr: peck ;5),., 1 / 4 •L ny 12, 18;.-- tjlll'fire titig 'f ,l,li ltl i le . Conipaii:ul fiii.' c0u, , 4 s yri.spe:lkingi and believe it if l',.,.i . tr ! tioill fur,Tliroat•uti4-I.tin 1 , r , gra ; i n cal . I reconi tti , !iiii - it t r tiid bilig-r, as• iv,ll ;13 ill 'tit:4r di;eitsci.. •J• T. Pl.: 1— f *- • ILI •, - - - • - 1 - And Lawrence (6111111 r- _ • TioS.I.A.eTu,At..MEASTIRESIENT ~ , And:Siirveps .throzshOnt 'taw_ County SLID& BY NATHAN/EL . 81-4 . 45, The undetrgned will 'publish' deda' snEPsient natubei of jubserihere t)e o b ta i a ed. I 1 • . • • NE'IT AND COIPLETF.: M AP OP IIE • yEn, iic ~../..A.AVItEIi(IE copliTits. All.ti;-piic. itowie; Cr e ami ly Stntions. Churches, PostiOlftces,Scheollion aba ses ; Stores, Mills- Pubba a" F T iv ala 4 01 1 ,1 e4. Cem• iteries,NlenufaCtories, Shops, dr,c.,'&o:,to be.ahown on the Map, in addition .to the usual .topograiday of Rivers, S treams, Ponds itud3loun tains. The mimes of property holders-general. ly, (including those in the county who siih,, cr ii in .atl*ance for the 31spyare arse ti he iaserttd at„their tespacti Voce!, .the of: I/ e Slaii.l,ezhlh:ted by the , l ertnrassert. • Maps of the principal villiq;es will he insett ed, On 11 large - scale, in Ole inerglM Ms° veil views el public and-private ImildingS. • ' No expense will be siiatotito excen.etli;e 'in_ the hi Best stele of itr. The plan Wilt plotte4l on ,n suitahle LS seole, so ns to show • tined).ai . l,the to:illicit:ars -above speci fi ed, ere!: nutke a large anti ornamental Map. To be grated - and deli vcied to subscribers', lindsLar; colored, so as to show the territory , in eacli,township, and mounted on rollers. , Map will contain some 14 or 1t sOure Tim 411 tips Lire suiti (ray itti •S'lt'bs6iiption• • • -. arid fit rl' , :o more Maps i ssued than subscribed The flap mil contain tahles- of . 11,6 productions, assessed value priperty; redi gious societies, s,chools, numbei; of ,voters, -hf each taivpshill,Ana tespectiiely . „ car! fully made -dp..front. the latest authentic (loch. Monts. f , ion, d say, era' ma, C Ca, ,and of rex on of the tblie .ona nut -1111- WILLIA3I J. DARKER Ptib%her.' Dec. 12, 1855. 4 e AIVE . S.T9CIC Q • . .. I . Fall- and Winter • tioldk .. : I TUST'rueived at the corner o? 1 Morket and. I tel I.3rirlge ..strects,, Bridgewnter,lPa. .',l itave ,fist received' and inn now opening a eery desi- , rabic stuck of ggyds suitable for the present and' coming venson, to which I invite the attea . - tion of my.oldsustomers ind the publie in gent lernl to - tia - resiiiiiii`ritiou, /1.1 I feel confident ..t I wilt compare in ipralirs and price to any .other' !house in this. licinity. , . 1)11ES 8• O ()0 Ct DS , TRI 31 '3l ING S. I s rionhli especially invite 'the ladies to ;cull ant esitrnitie my stock of silk, French ineriiMes, ii tpt :, ii . l“file.,.eri. , liriti,rvs, colinrit,, poplins. I . er,viV..qcli.g)3s. Persian twills, mingliams, cliain hros, paperl:r . .ambries, cambric, J.rcoriet;-awi4s and inn I iiiiislips,',nhaarls„ dress' trinimings,: . , )ace fringes, bonnet ribliQll, s'leevesi callars!:.• ..ivaist bands, hone ,V.r.t Also it lerge . iitiooVlrt'e4 t. .. of then a osi anal boys wear; c.sisting of firlaek eirc,4:' cola - red French. cl labs ; doe skins. fatic"y, eass4l ineres, twecils., cords. jentra, wain 1:40: fancy resting.', nett shirts and draaret7, sill): ciavats, hitt:nitre ;chiefs: st7iVks, sllSpeusiers, co....itfor'4.:e -.kltrtAtEllol4). G00D...17- i - -:..„ I Col . red. Ilikti'itit.l trtrrett` flannel, ea . toil flitrinol, linsr34, ; )iio kir rtivr•tileivetl..initsitns, Aiirtittg'chlg'4k.s,'lirillitig.,llll6ll,4l2.ll3,:li.!lil iPgs &O. lIOI.IIS- nneilioes f,‘E• mew':me, ii,0,54, - I,tdif.,s a n d diii aken, fur diirrt bility and ieittness 'cails. , t 'he etfillasisei. Also a large as.itirtineat 'bf . ri r ,it lint.'. cloth, plitsi . f.rtivi oil ' , ilk caps.. II Li-Irv:mil ,'quetaiswiire,, glitSs.• naill ..andi groeirri .: ,,i, all 4. , which "will he nol)low thr easy nr pri•hic. , . 1 1 •••!'o,:t.. ii`,. 1856., Tiiiilhs A wAsos.', i~ mid er' ling eer- nl to :and r und ISE EMI Ju,t Recalled at the NeW tiirwr "Int t C EMI I I. 6T 0 It- Bow- Ind 'to Ix' ,eom- J the e Ali , . • ''Ont . Me:tl , Pearl Illrler Pearl 'ilk • 1 , i. Tapileo, ..rroiy Root; to Siilpii;ir. 1 tiround tiiiiger; Clintanionl:Nlii.tar I ( . 11V63, • cr,f nue Papa f.r. estr - sats (V.? . c ..111;ial; ,t:e: ' , I ....email Z511"1,4V,J,f,ry, 1,4,...,J,...ray .)uctiaz,,. Vanilla, Nile' Apple tie. '.- 1 :•' • : 1 '.• Alain, Ciipperas[ln.ligo, Or..aie Aled, whits '. arid comintini O;ue, Madder,' Bxtracti le.isor , ,, r, I . grouii,l do, CamwoOd. hornr, Umber, Vermil'.i , al, I Cyrainie Green, Yellow do: Yellow ge,:ire, Ve-;. 1 netian Red: Spanish Drown,.Vandytce' Brora; Stareb, - ,Rosin. Chalk. Putty, Oils, lil'iss Tar ! pentinc, V • nraist?, Carpenters Cuagh, ;.- trap. of 1 lloarhoiied,•Chrrigrepv i and Slippery 0-41, ... Sellers. Cough Syrup, AleLatie's Verinifae.!; I Carpenters 10. Ayer's Cherry Teetoral, Ayer's i 61I . 4.Bacis' Pain Eiller..D.d.ley's Piiin Ezirse -tor, Holland 'Sitters, Terrell Totterl Ointment, Tooth d'aste'and.Powder, Clothes . Prilshe•i, liiir Brushei;„ Tooth Brushes, White Wash do. Tra.i. : . r ses, Fancy, lioap, Glazieri TaCtl, Perfinnery f generally,::Vials, 13iittles by the • krelrl 9= . ' 3 '.. 11 " erwise, I'ain and Varnish Britshet.".Narsiag t 's ' Bbttleßrandy atiti Wine for Nie lir:hill ptirpo- • i sea. ' O. CUNNINiIII'AM. 1 : . _Osit., 2.2, IS it , I. . -. IC® tiler does ig it teed e ills- nnf the l'"' ilea Vit la a Icr a. it it', lt Y ,G 4 0 .0 1)8 ST'O g.: r subserfbers could inform the ciizeas of Beaver and viciuity, that they ars . ass openino• e altiist class I . Drag and Dry: Good on the corner of 'Third and Elk stri.2;z4; where they-intend .keeping a full' asrortin.lmt of the best, '11'431111:Ines; paints, dye sZ:r.ls. Zo together= with a full 'assortment of Lith Treysl'os ess lecnisisti qg of de- Mines, liareges„ lawns, tissues, in short, nll the nevr styles an t noreities of the se:taint. shewis and mantillas of all styles, and prices. N WOR c. Onr stock" of , collars; flounces , sleeVes not surpasSed in Beaver-or in the surrounding villages. +lngo 19_11(' 12 ." 7117 41;27 • [ 'Prints, muslins, checks, gingival's, tiekngs,' caSitietti,' Kentucky jeans, cJtton lineal stntrs, also.: gloves, hosiery, riW.ili k a, and ev l ery other article usually kept in a ;tirst class DtyGood.s Store;to which we sblicit Cesil and examination before, purchasing elkwh ,. .re; asl we feel mintident. there ]tits never he :H a more' desirable stock of goods - brought to this;market.' - ' • 'tire have aloes, tell assortment ofd.l.in nets and Bonnet trinurtingi; Ladies ~ and Iklisses -Shoes,_ beets and gaiters, also groceriee, .11.Lrdviater cittensware, boats and shoe', which Ifs will c.f. , or.chettifor cash or country produce April' 23, jgeo. , 1 by $5. 13en , !tip : iser. ow-i Pa., vil nrav &try - dAr.._ kilts lomethl:m New 3. ti, Atkini has just received from 'P,Oiladel a large seek of the • f ' _ asiilleVinter style of silk? Fel(avoil Soft, Hats or_ a:1 kinds and price& I. 'Also , os hinds and manufacturing r/ hea stack of fir &vied huts, whtclt, he will lery c heap. • - • - ii .7.ambe wool and all kinds' of fan taken in ix- Change f4r hats at tbebighestpricee • Ohms, nil who want good, servlceible, and fesbionabie hats awl' caps, and be supplied. ' it : l - Remember the sign of the 111(,1 Bever; Nor. 19,'185b. • El. 5 CARBLEII. • - A. , A.: CARRIE a. nno.-, . Coiner 4-th & Southfield Sts., Pitts. l'or Agents State Mutual Fire, and -- Tiflis_ Insurance Co. or Ifarrisburg. , $350000' L, l Gilt IJFire and ;Stories insurance Company of Philadelphia. Capital 800,0,00... Insurance nom. of the Valley of Va.,. _ Winchester, Va. Capital., ... ;00,0)0 ()dice IfinWa Insurance (.tnistit Pitts bundau AuthciritediO4itil, - , 800 pOO - : A.'CAIIRIER, Secretary.. Cmiar,Es'COAl•E, of New Brighton, is aulho ised,to s take _risks in :lie labor e _com pinnies!, ikt very faiiintes. • ' Feb.. 20,1 185611'. C . LAVE !either patent tip 13oote at the Slide store of likaNati & titt:tiot Ste wart's Itow,'Llritlt,e dal° N OilMila YOUNG tk.' TGOVAS: : ! Mil o? f.• titer. I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers