f 7 H A A VOL. IV. NO. 134. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1871. DOUBLE SHEET THREE CENTS. riRST EDITION Alsace and Lorraine. Speech of Frinco Bismarck Ths Times o n th b Vas hfngton Treaty erniany and the War Indemnity. The Sutler Impeachment. Etc., Cto.. Ktc., Etc.. Etc., Ktc. BISMARCK. Ilia Speech Upon the Annexation of Alsace ana Korraiue. In the German Diet, on the 25th of May, the bill respecting the annexation of Alsace and Lorraine to the German empire came np for Glscuselon, when a role, Von laczanowskl, made a bitter attack against the measure. The Imperial Chancellor, l'rince Bismarck, then rose una said: Have no fear, gentlemen, tbat I shall answer tbe previous speaker.MYoa will, with me, partake of tbe lecllng tbat bis speech requires n answer. (Very true !) If I refer to a portion of his distorted state ments, it is ODly to defend an absent one who has no voice In these deliberations. This Is, or rather tbese are, the French Ministers with whom I have concluded tbe peace. I can give the assurance tbat no secret provisions exist; the treaty has been con clnded as it has been published. Besides, I feel tbe necessity of saying; a few words to you. as I was not allowed to participate In the discussion upon tbe first and second readings of the bill, or particularly in the deliberations of the commission where 1 might have expressed myself unreservedly. I was glad to perceive from the result of tbe discussions that you have resisted the temptation to determine the fate of Alsace and Lorraine, in the present state of affairs, farther than at present absolutely neeessary. It li tint necessary to reconnoitre the country. 'W hat we now have to give the Alsatians is the right of German citizenship, the privilege of free Inter course In Germany in commercial and social rela tions. We must come to a conclusion respecting tbe form In which we will give them this citizenship. Thereby it can only bea question whether Alsace should he annexed to one of tbe existing States of tbe Union, or whether It shall be a direct province of tbe Umpire until it shall have become domesticated in the family. It has only recently come in question whether AlHace shall be given to Prussia or whether it shall be an Imperial province. I have expressed myself un conditionally for the latter alternative, as I regard it as more easy for the Alsatians to become friendly to the name of "German" than to that of "Prussian." It Is our tasn to -strengthen particu larism in Alsace. The more they regard themselves as Alsatians the more they will be inclined to give up tbe French. A second subject, In which I, In my absence, had the luck to bave a vote of want of confidence, Is tbe question respecting the debt. I do not know whe ther yon can conceive of the peculiar Impression made upon me, when I returned from tbe peace ne gotiations and learned tbat my person had been de clared without credit. I am entitled to llttie credit for the great results of tbe war, but I can apply to myself tbe credit for tbe fact that Alsace is perfectly free from debts. Upon the negotiations I had it in view to make a very considerable instalment of the French war contribution to become payable at an earlier day than was provided for in the articles of peace. This was made possible by mydeclarlng myself willing tbat a part shoald be paid In French bank notes on condition that the payment should imme diately be made. Tbe bank notes stand at par in Alsace, and consequently a week from to-day we will receive the first 40,000,000 francs In Muhlhausen, (Strasbourg, or Metz. I bave also agreed that, of the second rate, which becomes due at the end of this year, a sum of 125.006,000 shall be paid, already In the course of the Bnmmer, 60 days after the capture of Paris. I think tbat thereby I am entitled to tbe gratitude of the country. However, yen bave declared to the Alsatians, We send you this Chancellor, but give him no .mo ney: we don't stand behind him. (Laugh ter.) It has never occurred to me to con tract aents ror the country, u tne country itseir does not desire it. I would regret In the highest decree. If you should adhere to your resolntlon. In that case i would in toe a eaerai uounou give 10 cue om a new character br which tbe personal co-oneratlon of the Chancellor would be excluded. Tbe Emperor can appoint another official. The power must be so conferred upon me that I can appear before the country and say : I come with the full confidence of the German Imperial Diet, and I am quite revly to do you every service that the country can expect, out give me me possibility oi uoing tais wnn plea sure. (Applause.) In the discussion that ensued Herr Larker ex pressed regret tbat the Chancellor had mis- understood mm. in tne vote on tne aeoi mere was not the least expression of want of confi dence; it was not the Intention In any way by law to regulate the future condition of Alsace and German Lorraine. Prince Bismarck in reply Bald: The public acknowledgment Is far beyond my merits. I have only said my efforts in favor of Al aace bave not been recognized, for I could have come to another arrangement with tbe French. I cannot recede from my position yon want to fetter me with respect to the Alsatians. As to the results tbat would ensue If the law should not be enacted , I will express no opinion. If the article remains I will not take tbe resposlbillty another will have to take it. I will request the Emperor to strike the article from tbe law and to appoint a Governor for Alsace ana Lorraine. THE TREATY OF WASHING TON. How it Is Regarded In England. From the London 7'imee, May 23. An interesting constitutional point was mooted yesterday in the House of Lords respecting the recently-concluded treaty at Washington. Every one is aware that this treaty is one of the most important into which England has entered in our time. It purposes to conclude an inter national dispute which has engendered intense bitterness, at least on one side. Now, Lord Kussell has given notice of a motion on the subject la the House of Lords, which has been postponed until after Whitsuntide, and stands for the 12th of June. We learn from America that it is expected the Senate will ratif y the treaty this week, and the consent of the President is understood to have been given. The text oi tne treaty is in the hands of the Queen's Government, and they also approve it. There is, therefore, nothing, bo far aa a member of either House of Parlia ment knows, to prevent the ratification being exchanged at once, say during the Whit suntide recess: and the country would then be bound by an engagement of which it has no official cognizance, its only knowledge being, in fact, derived from our columns. That the Forelsrn Secretary. Lord Grey, and Lord Cairns, are technically in bUQ llUb UlJLfc V v www., tug 1U UL MIO Crown to conclude a treaty is like its right of declaring- war. The Crown may declare, war. but must come to Parliament for the means to carry it on. Theoretically, the Crown might ulnnze the country Into war during tho recega. maintain it for months, till funds became abso lutely necessary, and in the meantime commit the nation to a policy which could not be ab&n. doned. In practice, it is settled that hostili ties shall not be declared without calling Parliament together. This is the "constitu tional" practice in other words, it is an estab lished usage, the understanding on which suc cessive Ministries hold office. It seems to us, in spite of the high arguments for the rights and dignity of the Crown which were uttered last nia-ht, that it wou'd be well if an analogous principle were established with regard to tne rauncauoa oi ireauee. According to tne Constitution ot the United States a treaty must be approved ny tne senate, jora urey urges that diplomacy cannot be properly carried on La large legislative assemblies; and U may be that to require the express sanction .of a legislative body to every international act lis in practice somewhat Inconvenient. Bnt we believe the principle to be sound that, in one way or another, the Legislature of a nation out-ht to have tbe opportunity of expressing an opinion before the nation is irrevocably bound. As our Constitution Is a thing ef understand ings, it might be understood that no treaty shall be ratified until it has been officially com municated to Parliament, or, at least, made public in some way, so that Parliament may criticize It if so disposed. It cannot' be denied that Parliament has a right to concern Itself with treaties; it cannot be denied that criticism after the event is useless. Tbe conclusion Is in evitable that an Interval before ratification Is reasonable, and onght to be afforded. If we apply these considerations to the present treaty, their justice will, we think, be admitted. In our opinion, the treaty Is a (rood one, and ought to be ratified. We believe tbat neither in the Lords nor in the Commons could any successful opposition be made to it. But it contains stipu lations oi tne very mgnest importance and novelty, just such as may afford material for endless criticism, and encouraere those purpose less motions which are brought forward all the more readily when they can lead to nothing, and OBly give the opportunity for ingenious cavilling. A hasty ratification is quite a mine of argument to the class of critics to which we refer, for they can always urge that Parliament would never have consented to that of which they complain, and that it now refuses to listen to their rhetoric only because the evil is irremedia ble. It is clearly better to have a thorough practical debate at once and have done with the subject. If a treaty lies on the table of the House of Commons for a reasonable time, and no opposition Is made to it, or the opposition fails, then every one must admit that it has been accepted by the nation. If It is really objec tionable, then Parliament has the opportunity of saving the nation from obligations it would always chafe under. For these reasons we are glad to find that, as a matter of fact, the Gov ernment will not be able to ratify the present treaty for some three weeks to come. THE FRENCH INDEMNITY. How Germany Propose to Dispose of the money ie ue l-aia uy f 'rtuce. . A correspondent of the New York Times writes as follows under date of May 20: APPROPRIATION OF THE! INDEMNITY. A plan for the appropriation of the French in demnity appeared simultaneously in almost all seml-ofliclul correspondence yesterday. The sums to which this plan applies are, first, the indemnity of two milliards and the interest to be paid on tnree-tiuus ot that sum. payable at later periods; second, the contribution levied on the city of Paris, amounting to 200,000,000 francs; third, the amount of taxes and impost levied in France by the Germans, and not yet appropriated to military purposes. No state ment is made of the exact figures of the latter amount, dui it is considerable, and was origi nally to be deducted from tne indemnity. Out of this fund 240,000,000 thalers will be assigned to a f nnd for the payment of military pensions, according to the new Pension law just passed In Parliament; 40,000.000 thalers will be formed into a common war treasure for the Empire, out of which all preliminary expenses of future wars will be defrayed, as far as the fund goes. This proposal does not meet with particular favor among the public. It is a perpetu ation of the old Prussian policy of accumu lating money in the State treasury, which mu-t remain absolutely barren, depriving the Industry and commerce of the country of the benefit accruing from the circulation of so much specie, and the exchequer of the interest ot so large a sum. Government, in defense of the scheme, points to the eflects of this state treasure in former wars, and especially in the last. The money was ready as soon as the decla ration of war was delivered, and had only to be taken out of the cash-room. notwithstanding this advantage the system is one of false economy. The same amount would have been forthcoming had the money been applied to trade, our UDerai party eyes mis unmis takable strengthening of the hands of the Crown, curtailing Parliaments constitu tional power of the purse, with un disguised suspicion. Next to these first and chief items there is a fund to do created tor the payment of all current expenses of the Im- Eerial Chancellerle, which are thus likewise to e removed from the control of the national representatives. Next comes the money due to owners of ships and cargoes captured or injured by the French. Another heavy item is tne com pensation to be allowed to German and Alsato Lotharlaglan cities for damages inflicted by Drench or lierman bombardment, cannonade, etc. Only the principal claims have as yet been made out, amounting to, altogether, 57,700,000 francs, viz.: Strasburg, 50,900, (XXJ; Scnlestadt, 2,500,000; Brlsacb, 1,800,000, and Thlonvllle, 3.000.000 francs. Then comes the Davment of military service by Germans and Alsato-Lotha- rlnglans. This includes requisitioned pro visions, caiue, impressed services ui uursus, wagons, etc. The Alsato-Lotharinglan fortresses are like wise to be repaired and enlarged out of the in demnity. The plans for these works are very comprehensive, ana consequently expensive, and almost promise to make the places impreg nable. Finally, the Germans expelled from France will receive some assistance compensa tion it cannot be called, because it must fall far short of anything like the actual loss sustained A complete reparation for such losses is of course utterly impracticable, it was, nowever, expected that the Government would appro priate more than seven millions of francs the amount now definitely assigned to that purpose. A large amount ot money will remain over after these various items have been disposed of, and that is to be distributed among tbe allied powers. It Is not proposed to form it Into a joint Imperial trea sure, because the war costs have been borne by the individual States separately, and the partial repayment ought therefore to be likewise made to the separate excheauers. The amounts dae to each State win be regulated by the ratio ot men and horses supplied to the common army, the half-monthly reports being made the basis of the calculation. North Germany,) hav ing comparatively the strongest army and most numerous laud web. r, will receive the lion's share. COMPENSATION FOR CAPTCRIO VESSELS AND CAROOES. The regulations by which owners of captured vessels and cargoes are to obtain compensation have likewise been determined. The authority for awarding such compensation is to be a board of six deputies and four vice-deputies, which are to meet before the end of the present month, and to employ the greatest despatch in acquit ting themselves of their duties. Half of this board are to be members of the Federal Council, the other half of the German Parliament It will have power to require the presence of any per son whose evidence is desirable, and to examine him upon oath. All damages included In the risks provided against by insurance, are eo ipso excluded from any claim to compensation. The value of veesels will be calculated accord ing to their original cost price, a deduction being made according to a fixed scale for every year's wear. Owners will, however, be allowed, If able, to produce evidence to the vessel's higher value. Cargoes will be calculated at their value before shipping. Harbor expenses, no tary's dues, loss of provisions, expenses for the suttentatlon and journey of the crew, and men to load and unload cargoes, and all similar actual outlays, will be recouped. Moreover, the lose of luggage and other private property to masters and crews will be repaired. A fixed tariff has been determined for such reparation. viz.: To masters, 400 thalers; to first mates, 200 thalers; to second mates and equals in rank, 150 j Lwoers- ana to sailors, tic, iw tuners. NEBRASKA. The Conviction of Governor Bntlcr. From the Omaha Republican. The conviction of David Butler by the High Pourt nf lmn..nhm.nt rtf tho fttatn nf Nflhra.l. and his consequent removal from the office oi uovernor, nas occasioned a shock even in the minds of those who believed him most deserv ing of punishment. He will not fail to realize tbe lull force of the stunning blow, for David Butler was an ambi tious man, and aspired to still higher honors. It has been assumed by the friends of Governor Butler that the charges made against him were the inventions of malice and jealousy, and that he was really guilty of no wrong towards the public. These pretenses have served tnetr purpose, in raising Dim up apolo- frtfttn ATiA ripfoTiriava jnrlnfr t rift rapont trial Knf it is quite safe to dismiss them henceforth. That he converted to his own use nearly 117,000 of the school moneys, without securing the State, when he ought to have paid them into the public treasury, is now undeniable; and it is equally clear that on the stump and to the Legislature he misrepresented the facts con nected with that transaction. It is also in proof that he accepted large sum) ot money from parties who were favored with State contracts; and there cannot bo a doubt that he repeatedly bartered the influence of his official position for his own private emolu ment. It has been said that Governor Butler's "services" in helping to create the city of Lin coln on the virgin prairie, within a period of tnree years, ana tne erection of large public buildings, without taxing the people, should excuse his slight deviations from official recti tude. That he has been energetic and enter prising is doubtless true; but when we look at tbe character of the public buildings the want of care In the selection of material, the wretched architecture (If we except the University), and tne enormous sums expended we laii to see the cause for gratitude towards Governor Butler and his self-sacrificing part ners in those enterprises. David Butler is no longer Governor of Nebraska, and his disgrace ful fall should be a warning to all other officials in this young Commonwealth. The time has come to inaugurate a new era. We have had enough of peculating and speculating in official positions. Fortunately a Constitutional Conven tion is soon to sit, which can arm the people with the power of selecting new agents to manage their affairs. Let them make a clean sweep and start anew on a higher plane of offi cial responsibility. THE DOOMED CITY. The Fever Renewing Its Ravages In the City of Buenos Ayres Sudden Reappear ance of the Plague with Redoubled Ma lignancy. Recent aavices from Montevideo represent the condition of affairs in the stricken capital of the Argentine riepuono aa not oniy not naviog lrn- firoved, but having grown alarmingly worse. The ast advices from Buenos Aires byarazlllan steamer to Lisbon, and telegraphed here, as already pub. lisneo, report tne numoer oi aeatns at seven nun lred per diem. A gentleman by the North America, direct from Buenos Ayres, estimated tbat at least 88,000 bad died of the loathsome disease out of a population of 250,000, and that there were 16,000 sick, the most ef whom would doubtless never recover. A more deplorable picture could scarcely bave been conceived than is given of the misery ana sunering enaurea Dy an, ootn nign and low. within tbe fated limits of one of the most beau tiful cities on the southern continent, Since the reception of the above sad information, the arrival of the steamer Humboldt brings, if anything, still sadder news. About the 1st of May the fever seemed as though it was gradually but slowly abating. ALL HOPS BANISHCD. Like tbe mysterious workings of tbe dread cyelone at sea, an ominous lull, succeeded by a low moan ing sound as If tbe very ocean bewailed Its lashing, tbe wind waved through the graceful branches of the stately palm and bore on its bosom a surcharge of Infection. In tbe night the fell destroyer was among them again more merciless than ever. One by one of those who had lately considered them selves so fortunate in escaping the disease were stricken down and In a few hours were borne to their last resting place. A panic seized all, and In the terror of the moment little was thought of the means, so tbat the flight was made secure from a death which in its horrible attendants can never be equalled. Tbe fever raged and the flight continued. Business was again suspended, and the government was abont being moved to tbe city of Rosarlo wben tbe gentleman who brought the above information left for Montevideo. A PICTUBK OP GLOOM. In the grand old cathedrals and churches, the organ peals were stifled by the heavy, dark at mosphere of the fevered precincts, and Instead of the melodious swell of a symphony, a low dull moan, in striking consonance with the wail of tbe dying, resounded upon the ear as requiem upon requiem was chanted for tbe dead. A veritable pall seemed to have been thrown over the onoe lovely capital of the Argentine Republic, and the imagination could easily ascribe the Intense feeling of oppres sion which prevailed to a universal death doom to all within. The air, loaded with conttgton, had a suffocating effect, whloh even extended to the remarkaDly deep-toned bells so peculiar to the churches of all Spanish-American cities. Tbe chimes, once so sonorous, gave forth a cracked, death-like clank as tbey tolled cortege after cortege from the sanctuary to the cemetery. In tbe commercial quarter, the marts were deserted and the busy bum silenced ; for the merchant, with all his eagerness to accumulate wealth, bad long since fled before the fatal march of tbe malady with those much dearer to him than all his gold. The gloom, tbe sadness were all-pervading ; even tbe shipping tbat lay in the glassy stream In front of the city, though not Infected with the disease, looked dull, motionless, and lifeless as tbey rode idly at anchor, with their huge sails dangling languidly against tbe masts, giving evidence of tbe panic and wholesale desertions from on board. In the suburbs, recently embowered In bloom and floral loveline ss, the shrubbery and plants appeared to have partaken of the surrounding ghastllness.and languished and died where once they grew In such rank luxuriance. ALL IN DOUBT. Aa otato1 sKaha a 1 1 AnmmnnlnatlAn Vt a 4 n n A (io obtttu muutci on vvuiiuuuivaviuu ua a bcenrjVA between Buenos Ayres and the outer world, conse quently there is no Information in regard to tbe mortality among tne American ana other foreign residents. It is however reported that Mr. Samuel F. Lafone, an eminent Knglikh merchant, had been carried on by the malady. Through the commend able zeai oi Air. isaw. k. uavison, tne uousui-uene-ral of the Argentine Republic at this port, and the munificent charity of a number of merchtnts, the last steamer to south America carried out nearly 5000 to aid the sufferers in Buenos Ayres. It is hardly possible, It Is now said, that (he fever Will abate until the frost appears, which Is never very heavy in the vicinity of Buenos Ayres, and there Is little doubt but by that time the South American city of Buenos Ayres will be In truth a city oi me aeaa. A STREET SENSATION. Mad Bulls In the Streets of IloboUen. Unusual excitement prevailed in Hoboken on Sunday, owing to the escape of eight mad steers from the slaughter-bouse in Grove street. Jersey City, which ran furiously along Ferry street. They suddenly turned into William street, and entered tne large square lust as the large congregation were leaving St. Mary's Church, near oy. ine terror oi tne people became indescribable. Men, women and children rushed frantically down the side streets, many of them falling frequently in their flight. One of the animals raced towards a man crossing the square, but the latter fortunately tell, and the steer swept over him without injuring him. Three of the beasts took different courses, and one of them was Bet upon by citizens and despatched with knives and clubs. Another was hemmed in at a lumber yard and killed with a carviner knife while he was planed to the ground. Tbe five steers hurried through Wash ington street towards Weehawken, spreadl consternation on all sides. The pedestriaus took refuse behind the fenees and trees, while policemen pursued the animals. The latter faced towards iiowoken again, dui uy tuo umo mey reached Seventh street they were either ex- i haueted or killed. SECOND EDITION TRIALS OF THE COMMUNISTS. Vendosr.e Column Restoration. Letter from Vice-President Colfax. His Account of His lllnass. A Floating Cattlo Field. Frightful Affray on Shipboard. Colored Laborers' Strike. Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. Etc. FROM EUROPE. by associated prkss.J Exclusively for The Evening Telegraph. Elections Void. Versailles, June 7 The municipal elec tions at Marseilles and Tarascon are declared void. Twcnty-nve Women were Killed and fifty injured by a railway accident near Paris yesterday. Restoration of ttio Vendome Column. All the pieces of the Column of Vendome are found, and the monument will be exactly re stored. The Bank of Holland. Amsterdam, June 7 The Bank of Holland has reduced the rate of discount to 3. Florence, June 7. Slgnor Robllante, appointed Minister to Vienna to replace Slgnor Dloechl, is now in Egypt for the purpose of establishing an Italian colony. Triumph of Ashbury's Yacht. ZZ London, June 0. Ashbury's yacht Livonia won the Harwich regatta, beating the Gwen dolin, Halcyon, Flying Cloud, and Volante. Andrew Arcedeckne, Commodore of the Royal London Yacht Squadron, died last week. The Bank of France. Versailles, June 7. Ficard has been ap pointed Governor of the Bank of France. Lyoni Q,ulet. Rotunde, Frocureur-General, says the report of the disturbance in Lyous in false. The Trial of Communist Leaders held here as prisoners will commence at once. The first one tried will be M. Assl. Louis Blanc has written a letter to the Figaro denouncing the Commune. Arrests of Communist leaders continue. Lul- Her has been secured. Fyat is still at liberty. It is said Jules Ferry will be Minister to Wash ington. This Morning's Quotations. London, Juno 71130 A. M Consols for money. 91 tt; for account. 91. U.S. 5-208 of 1662, 90; of 1865, Old, 90 ; Of 186T, 92 X i 10-408, 88. Frankfort, Jane e Evening. U. S. Bonds closed at 96 g for tbe Issues of 1862. This Afternoon's Quotations. London, June T 1-36 P. M. Consols. 91 'i for money and account. London, June T 1-30 v. m. Beef, iocs. FROM JVEW IORK. bt associatbdVrbss.j Exclusively to Th Evening Telegraph. Letter from Vice-President Colfax. New York, June 7. Vice-President Colfax in a letter to Whitelaw Reid, dated South Bend, June 5, says: I am glad to tell you that the journey from Washington made me stronger, and that here, in the quiet and happiness of family and home, I am regaining strength, which shall be guarded in future more than in the past. I think I have studied out the causes of the attack which pros trated me bo suddenly on the 22d of May. A bronchial affection of several years' standing, caused by over-much speaking in the open air, had been aggravated this spring into a severe bronchial catarrh, accompanied with a slight bilious derangement. i "When the President convoked the Senate, I leit for Washington in such impaired health that I told my family it was the first time in twenty years that I had gone to a post of duty with reluctance, but if I stayed at home it would surely be attributed, though unjustly, to hos tility to the pending treaty of peace and recon ciliation. Although occupying the chair every day of the session, I was under medical treatment the whole time, and so far from the statement being true which has been so widely published, and credited to the New York Sun, that I smoked five or six strong cigars that day on an empty stomach, I smoked but one Just before breakfast, six hours before the attack. I have had three previous attacks of vertigo, two while speaking, and have been warned by medical friends of the peril of more dangerous attacks, but have failed to heed the warning for the past ten years. Certainly since first elected to preside in the House, eight years ago, when my constituency became wider than a single district, I have never risen in the morn ing here or at Washington that I have not felt that I had twice as much work to do that day as there was really time for. A correspondence of all conceivable inquiries, and all kinds of business, etc., often extending to hundreds of letters per week, I have attended to myself, in addition to official duties, always in hours stolen from rest and fre quently in hours stolen from sleep. The very day I was attacked, having felt the oppressive atmosphere of the executive session more un pleasantly than usual, I left it, and going to my room wrote a large number of letters to catch up with arrears of correspondence, returning to the chair at 4 P. M. Tbe blow fell ten mlnntes thereafter. It is tbe old story of mental strain without relaxation; but after this serious warn ing I Intend to mend my ways, and to recognize that there is a limit which even the strongest constitution will not allow to be exceeded. "Let me, in conclusion, correct another erro neous statement that I was not able to talk for a week after the attack. Every day I conversed with my physicians and attendants, but, feeling the necessity of quiet, I declined conversing with nearly all others who visited my room. "Yours truly, Bchctlek Colfax. West Point Cadets. New York, June 7. Among the cadets pasted at West Point was a son of Brighaia Young, and the new colored cadet, Napier. Twenty-one were rejected. The Mutiny n the Brig Bowen. The brig Bowen, about whose fate apprehen sion was felt on account of mutiny, arrived in the Narrows last evening. The following is the report of Captain 81eeper, who succeeded to the command when Captain Amsbnry died: "While stowing the anchors on the 2d Instant, at 4 P. M., one of the crew disoseyed orders, and on being spoken to by the first mate, he aid Cap tain Amsbnry, who went forward at that mo ment, were set upon by the crew, six in num ber, all negroes, and Captain Amsbury was struck on the head with a capstan bar and fatally injured. The mate had his shoulder dis located, and also received two severe wounds on the head with the capstan bar, from the effects of which he was disabled three days. The second mate and steward were also seri ously injured; got the captain aft, but all efforts to save him were unavailing, and he died the same day. The mutineers were taken ashore last night, and locked up." : Return of Mr. Greeley. New York, June 7. Hon. Horace Greeley arrived at the Tribune office at 10 20 this morn ing, on his return from his Southern tour. FROM WASUIJVOTOJY. BT ASSOCIATED PRESS. Exclusively to The Evening Telegraph. The Colored Laborers' Strike. Washington, June 7. The colored laborers were gathered in various places to-day in small groups, but with apparently a less aggressive spirit than yesterday. A number of the strikers are anxious to resume work, but fear violence. The Board of Public Works, with Governor Cooke at their head, have decided that $150 per day is as much as the tax-payers can afford to give, and as little as the laborers can afford to take. The board yesterday recommended the con tractors to suspend work, for fear of violence, bnt now promise to protect the just interests of al), and will not yield to violence or counte nance any attempt to intimidate or interfere with honest laborers by mebs or gangs of armed men. Government Weather Report. War Department, Office op tub chief Signal Officer, Washington, June 7 10-30 A. M. Synop sis for the past twenty-four hours: The weather remains unchanged weBt of the Missouri river. The area of lowest pressure has moved northeastward, and is now central In Upper Canada, whence the pressure Increases towards the Southeast and South west. The rain which on Tuesday morning pre vailed from Missouri to Lake Superior Is now fol lowed by clearing weainer. uionay and threatening weather is now reported from Lake Ontario east ward. The temperature bas risen In the Eastern States, and fresn southeasterly winds bave con tinned to prevail there, as well as on the Middle At lantic coast. Northwesterly winds with clearing and clear weather are now reported from Lake On tario and Lake Superior, and southward to the Gulf. il Probabilities. Westerly winds, with partially cloudy and clear weather are p'obabie for tbe rest of tbe day from Lake Ontario southward and westward. Cloudy and clearing weather are probaole from Ver mont to Pennsylvania. Tbe threatening; weather of the lower lakes and Canada will probably move northeastward. The light rain in Northern Florida will probably not extend to any considerable dis tance. Milwaukee Markets. Milwaukee, June 7. Wheat steady. No. 1. fl'SOX: No. 2, f 1-29. Receipts, 80,000 bushels ; shipment, 183,000. Freights sail, Bo. ; steam, 9c. , THE "WEATHER. The Detailed Meteorological Report for To-day. Tbe following Is tbe meteorological report of tbe Signal Bureau of the War Department for this morning, all the observations being taken at 7-43 A. M., Philadelphia time. Tbe barometrical reports are corrected lor temperature and elevation. The velocity of tbe wind Is given in miles per hour, and the force is an approximate reduction to the Beaufort scale: Place of Olser. c ti le Jt Baltimore. 8-87 74 8. W. 19 Brisk. Cloud Boston. !9-88 TO S. W. Gentle, tstrm Cape May 29-84 67 8. 10; Brisk. Clear Charleston, 8. C. 29-87 80 S. E. Fair Chicago 89 84 6S W. U Bilsk. Clear Cincinnati 29-68 72 N. W. I V, gent. Clear Detroit 89-66 68 N.W. 10 Brisk. Fair Key West, Fla.. 29-94 81 E. 6 Oentle. Fair Memphis 89-90 78 N. K. V. gent Fair Mt. Washington. 29-95 47 W. 30 High. Cloud New York 29-8J 72 8. E. 6 Gentle. Cloud Norfolk 29 90 li 8. B. 8 Oentle. Cloud Omaha 29-92 l N.W. 6 Gentle. Clear Oswego 29-B7I 67 8. e Gentle. Cloud Philadelphia 29 S4I 78 8. E. .. .... Cloud Pittsburg 29-89 ! 74 N. 6 Gentle. 1. rain St.louis 29-9li 72 N.W. 1.... Clear Washington 1W841 79 8. w. 7 Geatle. Oloud Wilmington, N.C 29-921 81 8. W. 3 V. gent. Fair THE PITTST0N CALAMITY. A Strange Presentiment. The Scranton (Fenna.) Republican tells the following sad story of one of the victims of the late Fittstou disaster: "William James expired about 8 o'clock on tbe afternoon of the Tuesday following the catastrophe, and waa the last added to the list of those upon whom tbe death-angel laid bis band in that awful havoc. Ee was a Welshman, and bad been In this csuntry about seven mouths. On the morn ing of the dreadful day in question be bad taken his breakfast, and his wife bad made ready bis dinner and set tbe pall beside blm. For some time he sat wrapped In thought, bis arms folded, bis eyes fixed vacantly upou the stove, and a deep melancholy apparently brooding over him. lie was aroused from bis reverie by his wife telling him that his dinner was ready, and that he would be late, as the bell bad rung. He started to his feet, and gazing upon ber for a moment with a look full of tenderness and signlCcavce, said to her, 'If 1 should not come back alive, would you be In such a hurry petting me out 7' Tbe wife answered 'No,' but remarked that 'if be was going at all it wss time be waa gone.' He lifted bis pall without saying a word, and after kissing his wife, kissed bis four little children, who were sitting playtng on the door-step. When be bad got about fifty yards from bis borne be returned again, and kissed bis wife and children once more with great fervency. His wife noticed that be was tbe victim of gloomy forebodings, and as he turned away she was about to entreat blm Bot to go to work If he apprehended any dan ger. But hope and courage and the pressing neces sities of their family overcame ber Intention, and she let him go. She 3tood in the door and watched him on his way to the fatal pit. Wben at a point where be turned out of ber sight, be paused and cast a wiBtful look toward bis home and llttie ones, and seeing bis wife, waved with his hand a last adieu. He parted with his loved ones forever." . FINANCE AND COMMERCE. KvzNtKO TsxaoBAra Omci, Wadawddf, J una 7, lsl L I Yesterday and to-day there bas been a decided Improvement lu tbe demand for speculative loans, but it is not yet sutflclent to effect any material change in the supply and demand. There is still a large amount of capital seeking temporary and steady employment, and loans aie freely advanced at 4 per cent, subject to demand, with good collateral securities, and at hfa, 6 per cent, on time contracts. At the banks depositors in good credit obtain all they want at these figures. Gold is quiet and weak, the sales ranging from ma 112,Y, opening at the latter and closing at Government bonds are qnlet and steady at last night's clesing prices. At tbe 8tock Board there was a good business done, and prices show a further advance. No State or city securities were sold. Reading Railroad was quiet, but stronger, eellineatsa ei; Pennsylvania advanoed, selling at 62(S)G2K, and allotments at 61; Camden and Amboy changed hands at 1275128; and Mlnehlll at 54V. Catawissa preferred attracted attention, and sales were freely made at 48 48. . Canal stocks were quiet, with trifling sales of Lehigh at 88 and Morris preferred at 124. The balance ot the list was strong but inac tive. Mechanics' Bank sold at 83 and Central Transportation at4tt- PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE SALES. Q Reported by De Haven Jk Bro.. No. 40 g.Thlrd street. fikst Board. n Fenna 7S...100 liooo Leh gold L... 93 $4000 d nji 14200 8cb N 6s, 83. 81 fiooo Leh R L 92 1100 Leh , 84.... 88)tf 1300 C ft A m 68, 89 95U 28shMecb Bk 88 69 ah Fenna K.ls. 62 4 do... allot. t 17 do... allot. 61 ft 860 do. receipts 6t 160 do 69 V 10 do 62W 109 ShRA4R..b30. 08-91 41 So SO. 68-69 ie sh Can t Am..nrv 7 do 18T 8 do .188 CO do isg 1 sa Mlnehlll. 54 BOO sb Cata Pf . .S60. 48 40 do 8d. 48V IsshLeb. NavSt.. 88 v 18 sh Cent Trans. . . 4s 10 BhMorCl pf....l24 15shLebValR.... 62 Messrs. William Paintbr fc Co., No. 86 8. Third street, report the following quotations : U. 8. 6s ef 1881, 117i117.5tf J 6-80S 011869, 112112,','5 do. 1864. 112M1112: do. 1866, 112U2; do., July, I860, 1U114V: do., July, 1867, 114VU4K: do. July, 1S68, 114mll4H; 10-408, HOailO. U. 8. PaclflO R. It Currency 6a, t&UX. Gold, lllauav. Market firm. Messrs. dk Haven t BROrmnt, No. 40 South Third street, Philadelphia, report the following quotations: New U. 8. 6s of 1831, lllW(ail2; V. 8. 68 Of 1881, 117VU7X: HO? 1863, 1115,3114; do. 1864, mmyt', do. I860, 111(4 112S, ; do. I860, new.iHiUH; dO.1867, d0.1144 ny, ; dal868,de.ll4ll4f ; io-40s,l09ft(ilotf. U. 8. 80 Years percent. Currency, llBaii6.V old, 11179 112H!; Silver, 107lO8j: Union Pacific Rail road 1st Mork Bonds, 9192J; Central Paclflo Railroad, I02oi2 ; Union Faolfle Land Grant Bonds, 66W1X. Narb Si Ladner, Brokers, report this morning gold quotations as follows: lo-oo A. M m'i 10-80'A. M 113 10-15 " ....ns-i 10-45 " 112X 1215 P.M 113 Philadelphia Trade Report. Wednesday, June?. Tbe Flour market Is dull, the demand being limited to the Immediate wants of the home consumers, whose purchases comprise small lots of superfine at f5-2S5-60; extras at S-62)f(g5-87X; 2008 barrels spring Wheat extra family, on private terms; Iowa, Wisconsin, and Min nesota do. de. at $6-tW'46-75, the latter rate for fancy ; 200 barrels Indiana and Ohio do. da, at tt& 7-66 ; and fancy brands at $7-75(39, as in quality "Rye Fiour may be quoted at S 876. In Cora Meal nothing doing. Tbe Wheat market Is without improvement, tbe demand being limited ta prime lots for the supply of the local millers. Sales of Pennsylvania and Western red at tl-66l-S5 ; amber at f 1 6S$W0 ; and white at $l-70(l-84. Rye is held at f 112 115 for Western and Pennsylvania. Corn Is Inactive, with considerable ottering. Sales of sooo bushels yellow at 73l4c., and Western mixed at 72c. Oats are quiet at the recent concession. Sales of Pennsylva nia and Western at 6768c In Barley and Malt nothing doing. Cloverseed and Timothy are nominal ; Flaxseed is scarce, and wanted by the crushers at 83-25. Whisky Is unchanged. Sales of 20 bbls. Western iron-bound at 94c, and 60 bbls. Pennsylvania wood bound at 92c LATEST SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE." PORT OF PHILADELPHIA JUNE T ETATTS OF THXRMOUITIB AT THI BTBNINO Tf LIORAPH OFFICK. 8 A. BL........7S 1 11A.M.. 83 1 8 P. M...05 Sew Risss. 4-81 1 Moon Sets 110 Sum Sara 7-86 Hioh Water e u By Cable.) London, June 7. Steamship Weser, from New York, touched at Southampton to-day. Steamship Assyria, from New York, was off Mo Vllle te-day. Steamship Bavaria, from Asplnwall for Hamburg touched at Southampton yesterday. . Steamship City et Baltimore, rrom Llverneol for New York, Is at Queenstown to-day, disabled. . rsr Bark Gulseppe Prata, Captain Masella, from Philadelphia 14 area 81, at Cork, reports bavlnir shipped a sea which carried overboard the master, one mate, and several sailors, all of wnom were drowned. ifiV Telegraph.) Niw York, June 7. Arrived, steamships Alex andrla, from Glasgow, and Helvetia, from Liverpool. Steamships Moro Castle, from Havana, and San Francisco and Fahkee, from Bermuda. CLEARED THIS MORNING. Steamship J. w. Everman, Holmes, Richmond via Norfolk, W. P. Clyde & Co. Steamer E. C. Biddle, MoCue, New York, w. P. Clyde Steamer J. B. Watson, Baer, Chester, Graeff. Roth ermel A Co. Brig Velocity, Darrell, Demerara, Lennox fc Bur gess. ... Schr J. H. Walnwrlght, Abrams, Charlcstown. Graeff, Rotbermel & Co. ' w, Schr Mary Haley, Haley, Newport, do. Schr Sarah Clark, U rifling, Providence, do. Schr Alex. L. Massey.Donelly, Norwich, do. Schr Maria RexanaPalmer, Warren, do. Scbr 11. T. Hedges, Franklin, Danversport, do. Barge Eleanora, KantlL New York, . , j do. Barge Edward Davis, Kelly, do. do. Tug Joe Johnson, Ingrabam, Baltimore, with a tow of barges. W. P. Clyde A Co. Tug G. B. Hutcbins, Mulford, Baltimore, with a tow of barges, W. P. Clyde A Co. ARRIVED THIS MORNING. Steamer Fannie, Fenton, 84 hours lrom New York, with indue, to W. M. Balrd & Co. Steamer Black Diamond, Meredith, 34 hours from New York, with mdse. to W. M. Baird k Co. Steamer E. C. Biddle, McCue, 84 hours from New York, with mdse. to W. P. Clyde A Co. Steamer Bristol, Wallace, 84 hours from New York, with mdse. to W. P. Clyde A Ce. Brig George E Prescett, Buckmlnster, from Vlnsi Haven, with granite to Lennsx A Burgess. Schr Nellie Treat, Trim, from Bangor, with lum ber to GaskUl k. Sens. , Schr F. A. Sawyer, Nutter, from Calais, Me., with lumber to W, A. Levering. Scbr A. B. Cranmer, cranmer, from Norfolk, with ties to Camden and Amboy KK, Co. Schr Garnet, Burns, from Milton, with wood to Camden and Amboy KR. Co. Scbr Adelia Keller, Young, from New York, with salt to Win. Bumm & Son. Schr K. F. Meany, Lewis, from Portland, Conn., with atone. Scbr Adeline Townsend, Rlslev, from New York. Scbr Northern Light, Irelan, from Fair Haven. Schr Ann K. Card, Tyler, from Boston. Scbr J. S. Worth log ton, Brown, from Providence. Tugs Thomas Jefferson, Allen; Fairy Queen, Wil son; and Lookout, Shearer, from Baltimore, wlta tows of barges to W. P. Clyde & Co. Iir Brig Nancy Ross, arrived yesterday, Is from Demarara, net Havana, as before reported. Correspondence of The Evening Telfpraph. KASTON fc MCMAUUN'S BULLETIN. New Yoke Ofkicr, June 6. Tbe following barges leave in tow to-day for Baltimore, light: E. B. Hmmons. D. R. White, Passat C. H. Gage, J. W. Morris. Clinton, J. L. Post, James Frazae, (J. Winters, laaao Filklns, National, and L. D. Jarrard. Liberator, with lumber, for Baltimore. Charley, with Iron, for Trenton. ' ' Baltimohb Bmakch Okfick, June (.Those re ported last utght did not leave until this A. M.a with tbe following- ( aacadilla, Governor Jones, and Honest Abe, Philadklphia Bkakcu Okficb. June 7. Tbe C. U. Wlnne, Sarah Ann, and Alpha, with coal, for New York, left last evening. F. W. Tripp, with pig Iron, for Baltimore, left yesterday. L. S. C. Special Despatch to' The Horning Telegraoh. Havrs-bb-Gbacb, June 7. The following posts leave In tow to-day : W.N.Carter, Lliczle, and A. S. Goodman, wlta lumber to Patterson & Lippinoott. Delaware and Hudson. Kmmi and Harry, and Baltuuwre Coal Co., with lumber to Wctson Maloue A Son. Dodge Mills, with lumber to Baylor, Day A Morle, J. B. Anduureld, with coal to capuia. 1 Mollle, with bark, for Wilmington. ' I AJtUmalfifV'VhesWr, J. R
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers