The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, July 23, 1866, FOURTH EDITION, Page 7, Image 7

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Military I2i;erienccs.
From tlie London Tirnvs, July 4.
The treat lesson to be learned by mililarv men
irom tho present war in (iurmunv is tlie trnvisti
ble fciiittriority ol breecli-l.odinp ritlea i.i action.
The Austrian anuy in Iioheinia was supposed to
be miniericllv ftroncer than the Prussian; it
container! a tar turner proportion ol veteran
solnier and proimbly ol Kdenilfie officer's it
raa commanded by a man second in reputatioi,
to no irenerai m Europe; it was Unlitnm on the
delcuBive for a cause which, as against the
invaders, is a pood one, ami in a country ot'
which the population is loyal to the House ot
Hapsburi; and yet it has been graJtmllv driven
back, with a Ions cMirnated by tho Prussians at
thirty or lorty thousand men, and is now paid to
be ETeatly displrved by the series of reverse?
which it has sustained, it was lor norne time
supposed that "strategical reasons" ot an unex
plained and mysterious nature inieht have
induced Marshal Benedek to I'all back, point by
point, towards a posit on selected by runreti lor
alKCiieral engagement. This supposition is no
lonper tenable. It Is ultoecther incredible thai
aucb a resistance ns was offered by tiic
Austrian at Bknlicz, Timitenau, and Munchcn-
Kratz was a teint, alter all, or that Uitschin was
allowed to be stormed, and Prince Frederick
Charles to ellect a junction with the Crown
Prince, in the hore ot arawinp the enemy to the
battle-ground between KoiiiL'gra'z and Joseph
stadt, where nothing but a decisive victory
could avail Austria, and where a crushing de
teat might open to the Prussians a way lo
Vienna. In tnese sanguinary conflicts the
Austrian troops tout lit oostinate'ly and well, but
they were lairly be. itcn and they were beaten,
according to ull the accouiits thit have reached
us, by the more rapid tre of the Prussian
iniautt v. from first to last it is the needle-gnu
that has apparently carried the day, and the
needle-gun h simplv a breech-loaning rille of
very iuaitlerent quality. In principle, as well
as in construction, it is net to be compared
with several brercb-loadiiig rifles manufactured
by English makers; but, imperfect as it is, it has
proved quite good enough to secure victory for
the Prussians in almost every encounter. If we
T'"T to the letter oi our correspondent at the
headquarters of the Hrst Prussian army, we find
ample prods ot its extraordinary ellect. It was
this wnich mainly enabled the Prussians to
iorce the passauv ot the bridge over the lner at
Podoll, between Turnau and jMunchengraiz. The
Austrian) had occupied the village through
which tho road pau-es towards tlie bridge,
and commanded nil the appro tches irom
windows and barricades thrown up across
the (street. But the Prussian riflemen
"tired about three times before the Austrians,
armed only with muzzle-loading rilles, were able
to reply." This more than compensated lor any
disadvantage in numbers or positir.u. and the
Auhtriiins F'-em to hnebeen completely over
mate aid. "In the fctreet. the Austrian soldiers,
huddled together and encumbered with clumsy
ramrods, were unable to load with ease, and
could icturn no adequate lire to that ol the
Prussians, while these, trout the Advantage of a
better arm, poured ihrir quick volleys iuto au
silmoBi deleiiselees crowd.'' It was the same at
the railway bridge, about two hundred yards
distant, where a like struggle was going on
simultaueou-ij. "ileie, too," says our cor
respondent, ' the needle-gun showed its advan
tage over the old-fashioned weapons of the'
Austrians; lor the latter fell in the proportion ol
six to one rrusaun.'' At last the former re
treated, leaving most, if not all, ot their killed
and wounded on the Held; and it was touud that
not only was the number of Austrian dead much
greater, but that in the hospitals "the propor
tion of woundea Austrians to wounded Pruosiaus
was ns five to one."
These are startling result?, and yet they are no
more than any one unlettered by military pre
judices would have anticipated. There may be
ti some lingering doubts among old hands as
to; whether a breech-loader thoots as ''hard"
in other words, carries quite as far as a muzzle
loader, but the better opinion is that, if held
straieht, it is fully equal to its awkward rival
in this respect, while no one ever ventured to
doubt that it do"s much creator execution.
Vow, a battle strongly resembles a battue, with
this aill'erencp, that coolue-3 aud selt-possessioii
are far rarer and of far more importance. If
sportsmen are often hurried by the ditlicultv of
loading fast enoueh wh.le birds are getting
ud on all sides, how can young soldiers bo
expected to keep their heads clear and their
Hands Bteaoy in tne process oi ramming uunu
while they are themselves under tire? From
this point of view, another remark made by our
correspondent with the Prussian army de
serves serious consideration. It is not only
in rapidity of discharge and in satcty of
loadiue, that breech-loaditig rifles surpass
muzzle-loaders, but also in the average
direction of aim. "A man with a musket on
the nipple of which ho has to place a cap natu
rally raises the muzzle in the air, and in the
hurry aud excitement of action ottcu torgets to
lower it and only sends his bullet over the
heads of the opposite ranks, while tho soldier
aimed with' a breech-loading inus-ket keeps his
muzzle down, and if In hue-te he tires it olf
without raising tho butt to His shoulder, bis shot
still takes ellect, though often low; and a proof
of this is tbat very many of the Am-triau pri
soners are wounded in the legs." Tue only
objection, indeed, which is urged against tho
breech-loading system lor weapons to be used in
war is'onc tbat answers itselt. It is said that
regiments would tire away their ammunition so
last it would be impossible to keen them sup
plied. This is as much as to ay that soldiers
must be exposed to the certainty of being mown
down by enemies firing three shots to their one
because otherwise ammunition might be wasted,
and the means of transport must be increased.
Jt intent be sufficient to replv that in the Prus
sian army these obstacles are not lound insu
perable, but where common sense is decisive
of a question it seems needless to invoke expe
rience. Without exnerience. however, no reform in
volving considerable txDense is likely to find
favor with hea ls of departments in this country
It is on this ground that we have invited atten
tion to the experiments which nave lately Deeu
tried on the largeat scale in real warfare, and
wb now most parnestlv reoresent the urgent ne
cessity of profiting by them. It was but last
month that Marshal Benedck encouraged his
trooos to desDise the alleeed superiority ot Prus
sian firearms, and to rely on th9 bayonet, and
we already see the consequences. Every one
knows thai bayonets are seldom actually crossed;
when they aie crossed it by no means follows
tbat those who carry the worst riuos win give
the most vigorous thrust, and before they are
crossed it is certain that rapidity of tire will tell
fatally. With these tacts belore us not a day
should be lost in arming our own inlanlt y with
breech-loaders ot the best available pattern.
There is no official in the War Department who
would himself think ot using a muzzle-loader iu
cover shooting if h had the option of a breech
loader, or who would like to confront, wiih the
former, an enemy provided with the latter. Then
why delay to place the better weapon In the hands
ot our army? The smaller the force we maintain
as compared with our n iuhbors, and the greater
the difficulty we experience in recruiting it, the
more essential it is tbat we should forthwith
appropriate an improvement which multiplies
its etlective strength, and makes ona man, under
certain circumstances, a match for two or three.
Whether the single bref ch-loader, or some re
peating rifle, like that ot Spencer, adopted in
the United States, would on the whole be more
serviceable, is a matter to be discussed by pro
fessional connoisseurs. Spencer's rifle Is a
'seven bhooter " and all seven charges are put
in at once into a chamber in the stock, but as
tha hrprh must be ODened after each shot to
trv,t riit nf the emotv cartrittre. it is Dosslble that
very little time is gained aud some risk of de
rangement incurred by this additional complica
tion. Such points may sately be loft to the
judgment OI SOieuuuu umuon, uui, iuo
aieneu nf anhfliitutini! breech-loaders ior muzzle
lone rs tii another atatr. Scientific officers will
never succeed, by themselves, in forcing the
change upon the authorities, and -the only
power capable ot doing so in the power of public
opinion. ,,, .
Major Von llagen, commanding; the 2d Bul
talion of tho Hist, which was following the
Jagcr on tho first sound of the tiling, bad put
his troops iuto double quick time, and was soon
up to icniorce the riflemen. It was now nearly
dark, and the Hashes of ths rifles, tho reports ot
the tliots, and the shouts of ihe combatants were
almost the indications of tho positions of
the troops; yet it could be seen that the rapid
lire ot the needle-gun was telling on the Austrian
line in the road, and the advancinr cheers of
the Prussians showed that they were gaining
Then while the exchange of shots was still
proceeding rapidly betwenn the window-rratinas
of the tarrohouse and the Prussian tiring parties
who had extended into a cornfield on tho right
ot the highway, ihero was a sud ion pause in tho
firing on (be road, lor the Jagers, supported by
the 31st, bad made a dash ana were bearing tho
Austrians back bevond the larmhoue to whore
the cottased of th village closed on each side
ol the road, and where tho defenders had hastily
thrown some hewn down willo trees as a bar
ricade across the way.
Theu the tumult of the fight increased. Dark
ness bad completely closed in, and the moon
bad not yet risen; tho Prussians pressed up to
the barricade, the Austrians stoutly Blood their
ground behind it, and th" splices distant,
assailants aud deleuda' poureo their tiro into
each other's breasts. Little could be seen,
though tne flashes ol the discharges cast a btlul
lit,-kit over the s U'guig inures, but In the pauses
ol the til ids tlie voices ol the officers were heard
ercoiiriignig their men, and half stifled shrieks
or gurglmg cries told that tlio bullets were truly
aimed, 'inir, was too severe 10 endure. The
l'lussiaus tiling much more quickly, and in the
narrow street, where neither side could show
their whole strength, not feeling the interiority
ol numbers, succeedeo in tearing awav toe bur
lieade, and slowly pressed their adversaries
back '.long the vdlace street.
let the Austrian? tout lit bravelv. and their
plans lor the deienscol' tho houses bad been
skilinlly thouph made; irom every win
dow niKBKets flashed out tire, and sent bullets
into the thick ranksof ihe advancing Prussians,
while on each balcony, behind a wooden barri
cade, Jagers crouched to take tiicir deadly aim:
but in ihe street the soldiers, huddled together
aud encumbered with clumsy ramrods, were
unable to load with case, aud could rtura no
adequate fire to that ol tlie Prussians, while
these, trom the advantage ot a better arm. poured
their quick volleys into an almost defenseless
The NedltGnn In tho French Army.
From La J'resne of July 7.
It is wrong to believe that tho French fiovern
mi nt had not lor a long time hud its attention
directed to the needle-gun. The substitution ot
this gun tor the common ordnance musket was
actually decided upon iinn.ediately alter the war
iu Denmark. Iiut as this would en'lail an expense
ot fifty millions, it was resolved, us a coinineud
able measure ol cconoinv, to proceed with li:e
change onlv gradually. Tli i experiments at the
camp of Chalons hive shown, ni fact, that three
or lour days are eiiou"h to fainil'mi ize our
soldiers completely with the handling of this
new gun.
The War Department has already manufactured
fjOjCuu needle-gnus on an miprovpd model, and
it has touud that, with very little expense and in
very short time, tho rilled puns iu our aisenals
can be adapted to tuo new system.
The 1'rnsNlun Needle-Unn.
When the war now ragiuir in Kurope wai only
a possibility of the future, it whs said that
Difcinark was determined to precipitate hostilities,
because he believed that in her exclusive
possession of the needle-gun Prussia had ihe
power to remodel the in,ipot Europe at her will,
even with great odds aguint her. Tho tenor of
the late news Eeenis to iudicate thut the confi
dence lelt at r.erlin in tui new weapon was well
founded; and correooonopnts and editors every
where concur in extolling the superiority of the
needle-gun to all other small arms no in u:e.
The "needle-gun was originally invented in
18115, although ot course many 'improvements
have Bince been made on the lirei, i lea. The
credit of the invention belongs to Mr. Dreyso,
tho manulocturer of arms at Soramerda: Out in
some respects the weapon is similar to aud an
improvement upon the breech-loading muket
ot JN or way. it is simply a Dreecii-loading rule,
the cartridge ot which is exploded by the intru
sion ot a needle into the fulminate uttaehed to
it. the needle being propelled bv a soiral sprinsr.
There is no secret about its mechanism; and
the only thing about it w hich there would be
the least dilliculty in copying, is the composition
used as a fulminate. Tuis, says a foreign cor
"Is a compound of ingredients known only to
one man tlie inventor; and. so determined is
the Government that tho secret shall not escape,
that thai man is guardfd night aud day bv a
so. mid of twelve soldiers: every letter which he
writes is inspected, and he is not allowed to com
municate orany wirn any person except in me
presence of his guard."
The rifle part ot the barrel is thirty-six inches
long, aud has a caliore oi six-tenths of an inch,
with four grooves, having a twist of rive
elevenths in' the length ot the barrel. The
breadth ol these is about a quarter ot an inch,
and the depth three-bundredtbs of an inch.
There is an unrilled chamber lor a bed of the
cartridge, of a diameter blightly larger than the
calibre ol tho barrel, and enlarging a very liltla
at the rear to admit the cartridge alter repeated
discharges. Where the chamber unites with the
grooves there is a graduul slope to taeilitnte the
passage ot the ball, and prevent too suddeu a
The barrel is screwed into a cylinder, which
holds together fhe mechanism of the piece. The
contrivance by which the trigger pushes ior ward
the needle is too complicated to be described
here without diagrams, nor is it essential. The
cartridge is of course peculiar. Tho fulminate
is between the powder and the ball, so that the
needle has to go throueh the powder. The ball
is sphero-conical, weighing 450 grains. The
charge of powder is 60 grains. Tho weight of a
gun complete is between teu and eleven pounds.
The advantages of the arm, be-ddes the great
one of eeleiity of tire' are the simplicity of the
mechanism, wuiah can bo taken apart without
a Bcrew-driver or other implement: the aaiety
and ease with which it may be cleansed; tho
convenience ot loading iu a' limited space or on
horseback: the certain aud unllorm tilliug of
the grooves; the reduced chaige consequent
upon the entire consumption of the powder,
and the disuse of ' the ramrod. The chief
obiection brought acaiust it has been that
firing so rapidly the soldier would be apt ti forget
to aim, and to waste more ammunition than in
the old wtapons. Boston advertiser.
A writer in the Albany Arqu$ says: "About
fourteen years ago the writer of this was intro
duced to the inventor of the needle-gun. He is
a German gunsmith aud a native of Berlin. He
examined his rille in all its details, and took
draw int s of its several parts. It was patented
in the United States, ana tue inventor visited
this country for tbe purpose of inducing our
Government to adopt it tur tue use ot the army
lis cartridnes were pronouueed unsafe for use
bv tho ollicors ot the Bureau to whom It was
sent lor examination, uui iuu i rusiuus auow
how to ustj them, and they ure most uusati
to those atrainst whom they are directed. Pro
bably wp have now some breech-loaders equal,
it not superior, to the needle-gun, and Wesley
Uielmrd'a h'.nyllsh breech-louder, which has
lately been luinished to several linti-di regi
ment, has a sliding breech with a screw Joint
nearly similar to that ol the tierman .und
Another Arrest. A man named McGinnigas
was arrested at Harripburg, and brought to tho
ail iu this place, on Tuesday, charged with the
murder of the Squibb family. We are told lhat
bets a resident ot the vicinity of Harrisburg,
and mat ne confessed that he had mur
dered three persons, and that be expected to
ne nung ior iue crime. Upon making this cou
lession that it was supposed tbat it was the
murder ot the Squibb family he alluded to,
and was aceordinely arrested as being the
perpetrator of that horrid deed. It is said the
confession waa made on Monday, the day of the
ProeflnK in Frll(niet Report ef
Kpcelail Irnde Couiuilnnloa la H-IhiIom
to thlr Villi to the ntnt Indlts Mod
Noalh AinetlttM C:Iihir1 Hrlbery nod
ttorraptiom Against the Woverument
Pnrty, Jtie.
Ottawa, July 19. The report ot the Trade
Commission who visited the West Indies. Brazil,
and other co an tries, to open trado with (JanuJa
to replace that lost by the termination ol ihe
licciprocity treaiy. iias oein submitted to rar
liamenl. it Is rather dolclul in its general lone.
The Commission give a voluminous and melan
choly account ot tneir adventures abroad, and
w ind up with recommending the establish meat
ot a fortnightly t-teamship lu-.e trom llulnax to
Si. Thomas, touching at Portland; that a contract
be made with tho United Mates to curry the Ca
nadian mails abroad by every steamer sailing to
Mexico, the West Indies, or South America trom
American ports, and the mails of those couu
tries back to Cana la by tho returning steamer;
that a weekly lino ol steamers be established
between Montreal and Halifax ; that the Inter
colonial Hailroad be constructed as soon as
possible; that means bo takeu tJ procure a
reduction of the uutn-s placed on Canadian
fuoductsin the countries visned; that au insinu
ation be obtained ot tho tariils iu the British
Weot Indies on Canadian staple products; and
tbat a sound system ol legisluiiou tie udopted in
the Britith provinces to iosier trade in general.
This is tho whole sum ol the report, 1: the
comparative tables ihowing the great tia ie ol
Ann lica with th'-se couqtnes, and the insignni
cancc of Cuididian comineice, be excepted. ' Tne
whole thing breathes scarcely a word of comlort
and sounds like a wail ot despondency.
The opposition tried lo spur up the coalition
to-day, and Mr. Dorhm mado a speech, chanting
them with neglecting and dohtyiug rue public
business and lo lulul ihe promises so ire
qnently reiterated, thut certain gn at q legions
would'be brought up at various iimes now past,
thouch Parliament' had met iu the do j days
especially to decide on them. The Attorney
General und Piuauce Minister nuido unsatisfac
tory explanations, and Mr. Doriou told them
that they hai not lulfitled their promises in ,i
single lubtauco on the questions he referred
to, and he demanded that the House should go
into committee on the estimate. Some objec
tions were made, but tue Ministry finally
yielded the poiut, und the House is no m
committee on the estimates. They will biin;
up every topic, and therv may be some inte
resting debates upon them, 'ihe small Liberal
party ccnaiuly contains all the little ability of the
Canadian Legislature. roppery aud logy is iu
rule the roobt huie.
Ano'her scene has ju4 occurred in the House
ot Assembly. Mr. J. P. McDonald charged the
Government- w nh bribing members to sustain
tbcui. An instance was culled ior, and Mr,
McDonald said that ihe purchase of . ihe Slide?,
tin the Ottawa river, irom the member lor
Pontiuc, was on ciutliiion ot obiaitnug his sup-
poit as well as the Slides. the member lor
Pontine indignatelv denied this, and retorted
that when Mr. McDonald was at the headed the
Government lie wauled to buy h.s Slides U he
would sustain the Government, of which he was
then head. This Mr. McDonald emphatically
denied. Mr. Wr.eht sai i he d.stiiiclly remem-
bcrd it. Mr. Holt n callcn lor time und place
ot occurrence, which vvr.cht described. iVlr.
McDonald said it was not only not, but that
he had never spoken ten words to the gentleman
f-ince he had been in the Government. The
member lor Pomiac said this was not true.
Mr. llolton piouounced the whole, fcene dis
crednalli?, and suid that such hasty charges
should not be made as those mmio against Mr.
McDonald, oi which he did not remember a
word. The member lor Pontine reiterated the
charee, and Mr. Wright gave vs hat be alleged to
be some ot the woids ol the conversation, alt of
which Mr. McDonald emphatically contradicted.
At length the Aitoiney-Generul arose uud com
menced a sootuiug soeech, which did not sootne
the combatants in the least, aud they arose, one
alter the otner, and pronounced the statements
and counterstatenients untrue all round. Mr.
MiKenzie and other speakers epoki of tue dis
prucetul character of ihe scene, nrd called upon
the disputants to return lo toniii soit ot reuson.
One ot the speakers mid he was tired witnessing
such scenes in the House. It was the most dis
reputable occurrence, perhaps, ever witnessed in
any legislative body.
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We beg If ave to draw Tour particular attention to our
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only one ol Its k.ud In ihia city W oo not lve, hut uj
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injuring them lu ti e least, wblla gieut experience aud
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periect eatmiuerion to a l who may lavor ua wltb tlieii
patronage. LAD1KH DKKhSKS of ever., deaci'ptloti
wither without 'trimmings,' are oleaned and Uninlieu
w lihout being taken apart, wbelbcr the color it geuuiu
or not.
Gpera Cloaka and Mantilla Curtain Tab a Covert
Carpeta Velvet Millions, Kid Gloves, eto. cleaned and
reDulxhed In the best manner Gen leuien'a uiiimni
and Whiter nothing e eaned to perlecn u wlihuui ki
Jurv 10 the aturl A so Klaga aud bauueia All Minis ol
tialDH r moved without e eaniug ine whole All orders
are execnted under our lu mediate auuervlsion. aud
atlrfactlon (lUarHUterd In every iifr'auce A call and
examination of our process Is ropedtiully solicited.
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Hi lMS.-81ba. dally. 00 cento per
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7&een'a perweukt Id lbs. dally, 00 oeuta per week; 20
ins uutiy ai uo per wees.,
btreet, below Thlid.
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THO It st) J. LVONts,
tlivxi i nil.rtliKLrHH TO IHl; INTERIOR O
1 Kf Nbl LVA M , HIK m ill) VL. 1 1. 1., M OlTB
ANrA8 Jt0hlH' omwtai', and tut.
.v , 'JKainh. June! lo
I-MVlnr.'reConibaiiy'f Depot, at TI1IRTFENTH
CAIIGVtUILL t-Uceta. J liliauelphla, at the follow n
bours :
At 7'30 A. Ai. ior Rv.oin an intermadlate Statlo
.t m ,H"NII,U FAI'R.8A.
At fin A. m. lor Hi emui, Lebanon, harrlshnnr Pot
vine, ii '"". iiiniaona. unbllrT. Vllllamsoo
1 Imlra, ltccl,s.rr Ma.ara Fal s, I'.uftalo A lentow
V lik.cburre. I Itnion, York, CarlUla, Cbamborsbur
Ilmerctcwn etc eie,
Ihla train connecta at RK.ADING wrh Kaat Penn
f.ylvsnla Hallnad trains fur Ailentown. etc. and the
l,.iui n an.v train inr Harrldburg etc t at PORI
C llNT'I y tn I atawltra Itr.llroaT trnna t r WW
lln fisMtrv. Lr ck nav,, n,,,!,., e)c , 8t IHRKIS
I t I.G hn Northern ( rntral ( umberiand Va lev. and
Rcliuv IklH and Kuuurhnnna trnlns ior Nurthuuihei laud,
ViMauitport, l ork ( haniltcrtliurg, "iuegtove, etc
l eaver 1 bllnnelpMa at 3-nn P M, lor Kendlntr Potta
vlile. Iltiiris-burg etc., ccnii.rllnu with Reading aud
Grlumbio lint read t'rtinfl lor Co itmlila, etc.
Leaves Hesillng t6C0 A Ji . stonpm atallwnvafa
tions. a iivliig at l'liilnitelpliia at 8 M A. M.
Heliirning. leaves pi.ijuuoiuui, a, fi 00 V. M. I arrives
In Kcailltnr at 7 M P. M.
'irnlnslor I I illei lia leave llnrrlshur at 8 10 A M.
arrt l ot svlile at 8-4.1 a. M arrlvimr In I'hllailelphla at
110 1. M. Attcinnon trnlns leove IhrTrlaburg at 2 1(1
V.W., re-' " ine at 2 r. M., arriving In I'hl.adolphla
at6 45 I'l
Leaves Kei.tlinu at 7 HO A. M. and llnrn urir at 4 10
T M I Olmec umat R a..lng with Anernoon Accom
m ;r.tlon soiilh, at 0 M p. Al.. arriving In Phliadoipttl.1
II iti r. w.
h' iirket Iraln. wuh pasaenger ear attacned, leaves
Philadelphia at l'J 4.'i n on lr llcniiliis an i ail wavstn
ihns l.eav. a l.cnlinu UJha.M ana Downltmtown
at I2-3W i 'or i'iii.aiie!,inn and al way sia I nu.
Alituennovo rains run dally, -undnvs excepted.
Knnrav I rains leave I'ottvllle at KII9 A. M .and Phi
lac'e phla at 3-lli P M Leave I bUndolpbla for Ituadiug
ai 8'dU A v ! ie urnlnr m.rn Keadlnir ur 4 23 P, il.
Paspenpers ttr Doviningn wn and Intotincdlate points
ti ke the and 8- ft a. Jl.nnd 5 0 P M. tmins fnn
Phi Hrielplila, reluming irom Downlngtown nt 8 31 A. M.
and li ll" noon.
Leaves New York at 0 A M., and 8'fJd P.M., paint?
Heading at MS aim Hl A. M and P4H P M , and con
luetituiil llarribllrg wiih icniis vimia and Nor lieru
I i ntral Hullioait express trnlns ior Pittsburg, CbioaKO,
M II lamsi nrt, I Itnira, lialt'inoro. eto
Li tun ,ii.g, xpi m train e.veg llarrlsbiirg on srrlvnl
ot :1 e l (Htitylai In express Mom Plttsouri!, at 3 and
t l.lA. .11 and ('! p. si.. psning Rending at 4 411 and
10 52 A M.. nd 11 :;o P m.. anil arriving in New York at
10 A. Al and 2 4.1 P. X. sleeping cars acenniuiinv these
t niiistlirouyb between Jcrse' i Itv and I'htKburg, with
out change.
a lrull irsln ior New York leaves Hnrrtstmtg at 2 10 P.
SI. Jluii trnir tor Hu.Tlt-burg n aves New York at li M.
S lltYl Kil l. V.M.LI.Y UMLltOAi)
Tialns leae I'uitaville at 7 and 11 ;w .M.,and7 19
P. M . k turning iroui "'amuuua at A. il. und 140
mid 4 If' P M
'I ruins n ave Atiliurn tit 7 iu A. Al tor Plneurovo and
Huriiiihurg and 1 fin P SI. lor Plm-grovo and Ireinoitt.
retumln trom llurrlsinirg at 3 JO P. M., aud lrooi jre
mont ut 7 35 A. S" and ft 2.1 P. SI.
HiroOKli flrst-clnps tickets and emigrant tickp'o to a 1
the i rh.iipal )iolDt' In tlie .Vnr li ana W et and t'ann.'.a.
i lie iuIIi vMhk iiekcls are oblrsl utile onlv at tlie oiliee
ol K 1 liAnt OLD, Xrcasurnr. No. 227 'tt t'Ol'K i ll
Mnet, 1 liiludplnhia, or ol G. A. NU OlLS, Gtnoial
bkiit'Mitindeiit. Penning :
At C.I percent, oiseouut. between 4111 points desired,
tor laii.iiiLs 111 d Units.
Gt ed ior i( (On. His, bc.c;n ull points, $M M each, lor
11 inii.i'tt mid luiiu
l-or three, six, nine, or twelve months, for holdurs
only, to ull points, i.t n d.uced rut, s
l Lf hGYSiE
Pesldlnp on tbe lino o; t lie: road wll be furnished emus
emitting ibiuibclves and wlv i s lo t'ekets at hal' laro.
iX. 1 1.MON '1 1" KLl.i
Ftotn I'LIlad. lphin hi 1 riuclpal s uiins go 'd for Sn
ttndav . Mine, iit , ami Mondiiv nt reduced in. e to 00 hud
in v ot the 'ikkit Gllice. at Ull U'l EI.N'lli aud OA i.
il'W II ILL Streets
Fit Kll. tlT.--i.oo3 of all ilesctlpttons forwarded to
ull the al ovi ii'iiitts irom tlie 1 oiniuiuyV uuw Freight
Lepot, BHOAI) und ivii l.tnv street!-.
r 11 1 1 itA isr.
Lenvel'hllndeipliia nniivnt ft 30 A M., 1? 45 noon and t
P. SI., tor Lehiinoii. Harrisburg, Potisvdio
1 un viintou anu an poiiii neyoiiu.
flopent Ihe I li ilacu lpli it 1 ost Offlee for all places on tue
toad und its IitHKhes ut fi A. SI , and fur tho priuciiial
stulions onlv at ;l 15 V SI. 815
1 i VI Fi i 1 1 . I f fl IV II.IIU 1 11
On and a er WKDN KSJJAY, Slay 10. 18G6,
Leave I bliiidelplila 6, 7 8,0.10 11, 12 A. Al., 1. 2
311 ,
ti?. 1, i, (?i,o 1. s, in 11 ir ji
Leave Ccimantown 0, 7, 1H, 8, 8 20, 0, 10, 11, 12 A.
, SI.
1,2 a, 4,4?i li t , S, W IP, II f . M.
IheHVir limn train, and ;i and 5'i up tiains wll!
: no
stop on tne i.ertnanti. wn i.rancn.
J cave Pblladelpata 9-10 A Ai., 2 3 ft, 8. lOh P,
. M
Leave Gcimantovi n 8 A AI..1.4. 6M mi V SI.
T.cnve I'hlladulphla 8, 8, 10. li a. U., 2, 3H
5H 7,
Iiive Chesnut Hill 710 mlnntes, 8 940, 11 40 a IM
1 '40 )'l i 40. 0-40 H 40, and 10 411 minutes P. St.
Leave Philadelphia fl ltl minutes A. SI., 2, ,1. and 8 P. k
l.eae 1 nci-uiit llill Tij minutes A. Al.. 12 40. (i 40 au
i) 2ft nniiu e p 11
r A 1 I ON brl till' II lH. AINU MIHKISTOIV.N
Leave I'll Inciclphia G. 8-35 minu es,, llii.i A.M., IS,
4H b, OH . H Vb minutes, and 11H P. M.
1 euve OIltowni?4,, 710, 9, 11 A..S1., H, 4J th
mdbP Al.
Hicf) P. M. tintn will stop at School Lnne. IVIa
biekon, Atanuvunk, .spring Mill, uud onhoho kon om.
Leove Phi a.'elpiiia9 A. M ,. -M. 4 nml7M P. U.
Leave Norrlsiown 7 A. 51.. 1, .IX . and i P. SI.
Leave Philadelphia li 8 36 minutes, IrOft a. SI., 1H,
IS 5S, ti'i, 8-tfi. and 11H P .
Uaic Aianayunk 03, 1H, 820. OH, US. A. U.,2,5 C'i
854i'-M- ON SUNDAYS.
Lenve Philadelphia 9 A. M..2S .4. andTX P. M.
Leave SI iinuvunk VA A. AI . 1, B una OS P. Al.
W. B. WILSON. General Minnlnleudet t.
,Ji'D0t M.Nlli and GHKKJbi uccts
Depo. 1 H1RI) Hucet above Thompson.
or liKTIil.EHEM I)G Y 1.1- S TOW N, VlAPtF
HA Kit) .
At 7 30 A. M. tFxpress), for Rcthleheu.. Ailentown
Mailed chunk, Uale on. Wlllluuiapoit. and is likes
At 2-30 P. Al (EspruHsi (or Uetn ebem, Kaston, etc
reaching Easton attj'41 P. M.
At bib P. Ai., ior Hethiohem, Ailentown, Alauul
t or rtovlestown at 8 3.1 A M. , 2-30 and 4-14 P. M
01 Fort Washington at 10 A.M. and 11 P. M.
For Lansda'e at 0'1& P. Al
VY lilte ears ol lite Second and Third nirceta Line Clt
Passenger l ars run direct to the depot.
Leate Rctblebem at 6 iti A M. and 12 25 Noon, an
Leave Doy estown at 6 40 A. 11 ., 1-19 and I) 30 P. M
Leave Lanrdale atb'tO A. Al
Leave Fort Washington a 10 81 A. M , and 215 P. at
Pb,l'aiteiphia lot Hetn encm at ft A. M.
Philadelphia lot Dnviestown at 2 30 P. M,
Io. lestuwn lor Phi adeluhla at 7 20 t. a.
pethlebem lor Philadelphia ai 4-3i P. Al.
1 hrouuh Tickets must tie piocuieu at Hi" ticket oftlci a
THIKD Street, or BERKS streeu
.121 k-LLIH CLARK. Agent.
toot of M'RKET Street illpper Ferryl com
mencing A ON DAY, July 10, lbt.6 Leave Plilladolphla as
lolloviB :
Fort ape Slay, 9 A. SL. Mail; 2 P. M , Accommoda
tion: 4 P. AL. Fast Express
For Lr d(.elou, tsa.eut, and mternicdiato points, 8 A.
V- 11 nd 3 3b P. SI.
For Mihvh.e, and Intermediate points, 8 A. M. and 2
P. Si.
Wcodbury Accommodation. 6 P. M.
Leave Cape May atO'JO A. Al., iiail; 9 A. M., Fast Ex
nress'AP M . Express
1 eave Rrldgetou 1 15 A. M. aud 3 50 F. AI. Freight
304'. SI.
Leave Salem 7 A. M. and 3-15 P. SL Freight 5 4.1 P. M.
Leave Millville H 55 A. M and 6'38 P. M. F:eighl 11 UJ
Freight will be teceived at Second Covered Wnart
tie ow Walnut street, trom 70b A. Al until 5'0O p. AI.
'lhat received beloie 0 10 A. M. will gu through the auuia
"Freight Dcllverv, No 228 H. DELAWARE Avenuo
J. VAN Rb.NbSELAEil, Suporiutenaent.
The West Jersey Fxpress Company will attend to all
tbe usual brunches ol rx press business. A Special les
Ferget secompanles each through train. Ollice No. 3
W ALNL'T stieet Philadeljihia. 7 2
I Ol K) ROAD.-llifs great dne traverses the Soith
ern and Northwest ( ouutiea of Pennsylvania to the
I it. vol trie on Lake Frle It bas been leased audi
operated bv the Pennsv vania Railroad Company.
Arrive Eastward krie Mall Train, 7 a. M.; Erie rx
presa Train, I P. M.
Leave Westward Erie Mall, P. M 1 Erie Express
' Pass'enge'r cars rnn through on he Erie Mall and f x
press trains both ways hetneen l'hllade phla and trie
Leave New York at 9 A M. amv at t rie 9,10 . M
Leave lr rle at 4 45 P. M . an Ive t New York 4 10 P. M
Flet ant Sleeping Cars ou a 1 the night trains.
For in onnutlon respecting passenger bu.iuess, apply
at corner TIllR'l IE 11 and MAURI T B reels Phla.
And lot lretKht business, of the Compsnv'a Agents, N,
B K Ingston Jr., corner 'lhlreeutb and Market stree's
Philadelphia! J. w. Reynolds, trie; William lliown.
Agent N. G. K R., Paltlmore
, H. V. Iionsio v. General Freight Agent. Phha
1 H.W.GWINNFR General lleiet Agent, Pbha.
I A.L. TV LLU General eup't, WUlUutspon.
1 line, TABLE.
Comnunclnfr MONDAY, Jul 2, WA. TrsJns will
lea.t liepot corner nt IIUOAD Btreet andWASHINU
1 N Avenne. as lollowss
Fx press iraln at 4 1A A. M. (Mondavs excsn'ed). (or
Ilsltlmoreand (Vasbtngtoa sropolng at Ghesttfr, Wll
ijilrgtun. Newark. Hkt'm Nottheast, l errr vllle, Mavre.
de Grace. Arerdcen,Pentnan'a, Siagnolia, chase's and
ht'nmer's pun
IV av li ail Train at R IS A Sr. (Sundsvs excepted 1, for
Paitimnre, stopping at ah regular stations between Pnl
lofeii.hta and IinUlmor -.
I'elaware Railroad Train at t A. M. (nnd-s ex
f'Pted,. for PrlucssB Anne, SI II ford, and Intermediate
1 x press Train at II -41 A.M. (Pundan excepted), lor
Eeinnime and Washlnplon.
Fx prea 1 rain at p SI. (Snnriavs excepted) lor Rat
tlnmre and Wanhinpton. stopping at . beter, t'lavinort,
Wl nilrgton, Neviara, Hktoti, Nortlient. rerryvl le
Havie lie Grace. Aberdeen. Perrvmnn's, Edgcwood Stag
mi 1 1 a, ( bnre'n, and htemmer Run I
, t lhtLxprissat 11 P. SI., for Baltimore and Wash
1 aFfenpersbv Boat from Ba'tlmore torror'resa Mon
roe Norn lk. t tty Point, and Richmond, will take the
11 4A A At train.
Ptoiipiiigatailbtntlous between Philadelphia and Wll
1 eat e I'hllRde'nhls t Q A. M. 11 an J mi ami 11 in
P. M. The 4-;t0 p. ji. tinln eonn-ets with Delaware
liai.road 'or llsrrlnrton and infermedinto stations.
l eave. VI lliiiliiKton at 6W 7 IA und 0-30 A M.,4 and fl-30
p. J. The 1 1.1 a. m. train win not stop at stations
bet von I better and Philadelphia
Trnlns for ewGaatie icave Philadelphia at 9 A. St.,
4 i.O ul:u b I '. Si. '
Leave V llmlm.ton t 11 A SI , 4 "l and 10 P. M.
( llre'lKH Ft. P1IILA1) K LP1II A.
Leave C hester at 7 i. 7 55. It) 14 aud 11 40 A' SI., 4 43,
ft'HI, J Still HI fit) P. 51.
leave Haltimorn 7-M A Al.. Wav mnil IV20 A. A. ,
Fxpress. 1 10 P. SL. Expiess. 6-35 p. A,., Express. 8'25
P. Al.. Expr s
I enve ( he ernt 4 40 and 8 til A. M., and 3 39 P M
ltit llnilngion at .123 aim 0 33 A. At. and 41.1 P. SI.
te pht Trrma l h I'asaenger l ars attsened will leava
os iii.lm, s :- l'miii(.lon Kir 1 em vine and mieriiiediate
until ns at 6 (A P. St. linltltnore for Hsvre-do Grace mid
Intein ediate statlnra a' 4 4.1 I. SI. Pertwllle for W 1 -
in'i'iton snl In'ermeitinte stations at 4 ill a. M . con
neetlnu nt VVIInilnuton with 7'1 A. SI. train for Phils.
de phla . .
MM'Al U'll".
Express Train at 4i.i A. m. tor lialtlmore and Wash
ington s'opping nt 1 liesti 1, Wl mim ton, Newark. Elk
lo.i. Nor hca-t Perrjvll o Havre-de-Grace, Atierdeen,
1 i ri ' mi n's Slagno la. v.nase's, and Stemmer'a Run.
Nil ht Kx ris.i 1 p Al tor Pa ttmore and Waslilngtnp,
ah c tt utoilsdon 'I ruin ai 11 30 P. SI. for Wilmington
ttid lutein,! (lluto tdiitii n".
Leave 1 mihi oie at 8-'2ft P. M . Slopping at Ilnvre-do-
Grac, 1 erMv'lie. and V llmington. Also a ous at Eik-
mid Newaik 110 lne pai-.'-etifers f r Phi adelpniantiO
lenxe pasentera trom Washington 01 lialtlmore) and
1 1 ur to leave p;.btteii.ers Hum Pultimore or Wab
An on n odrtlon T nin Irem Wl mington for I'lilladol
bin 1, tut lutein. eolu'e snitlotiH at b "0 I . .VI.
4.10 11 F. K.ENNEY, Hupeiintendent
Allh'iv and l'hl noellihln mil Trenton Knl rnuil
onil tin s i-ini s.
nttd Wy Places, Irom Wulnut Street Wliaif, will lenve
OH lOilOWS, viz 1 FAI1K
A l 0 a. Si., viu 1 11 m den and Antboy, Accomn oda
tun 32 2.1
At8A SI viu t 1. 11 1 in and Jersey 1 ity 1 xprcss.... 3 00
A 1 2 P. Si. via an. den und A uiboi Express 3 00
AtliP Al , via (i.ii 111 11 and uibov Accoininodntion 2"A1
Atti l'. h . via Giiiuacii aud Ambor AcconinioilA
foil. 2d clusri 1 80
AtKA. Al. 2 und 5 P it , for .v. mint Holly, KwanR
vi le 1 en Im mn. and Vmccntow n At 5 A. SI. audi
P. SI inr i n ho d.
At 5 Him 11 a . A ., V- M . 4 .1, 6 and 1 1-30. P jr. tor FLsli
I uiirc relimra. litverion progress. l)"lanco
I'.eviry. V owe" titer, luring ton Florence, Honlen-
ti.vir.e e. Ti c In A SI, and 4 I. JI. Uics rua direct
through to 'I teuton.
At ilA Al , 4 So ti'45 P. SL, and 2 P Al. (Night) via
i,enii .tou and jery city 1 xt rcss L,ines, tare i:i O
'll;e 6 4'. P. Al. Line Williuu dally. Allothtra Sundays
At 7 :o and 11 A. SL. 3 8-30 4 30 5, and 6 45 P. M a d
.1 n.iilLlit tor 1 riMnl. irenioii. utc.
At 7 mid 10 !," A. Si. 12 SI. 3 4 6 mid 6 P. St., fur Corn-
no 1 s I orritoiiic llolinc-inirv, lacoiiy. vt l.luouiing
Lrniet Lurg. una FrunKiorii, and at in 15 A, JI ior
J riftul helKiuk's, j.iiuiugion, anasi'. Jl tor llolnioi
burg ut.d Intein ci in c stations.
At " :0 a. SI. 1 nd 3 :10 P. 51. tor Niagara Falls, Buffalo,
Dm. kirk maiii'iil.tiu, Hinira, Ithaca Owego. Ro
t l.eser I;:ni.lii u nion. Osneeo ."vraeuso Great Bend.
Slontrose W llkcoarro hciunton 8t oudiburg, tVater
( 1 civliuic. i.tiston. l aniDerivllic, s Icinlnuton.
etc 1 lie Bn 1 . M. i-ine connects oireei ti ttu tne tram
k avliiM I aston ior Aluueh chunk, Allcniown, Bethie
hem etc.
At ft '. SI. for Lumbertvtl e and Intermediate stations.
June 1. 1100. IN 1LL1A.M H. GAIZMKK. AveilU
The Trains 01 tic Fcntnn ivania Central Rnilrnnd
lutve tie Lenot at Ihiry-drst anil Market streets, Isriiiehed l Hie ears 01 the Slarkct Mtreet I'as
sinwer hailw a , tunning to and from the Depot. The
lui-t u r Uuves Ftoui street ubout 30 uiiuutca prior
to the eii riiiriure ol Ttulii. ...
Gu hui.uoys Cure leve r.teven h and Market
ttreets 4'i uiim ies inu re iue uepwiure 01 each Trains
.tlann's Luggut-o rxprer-s will c 1 for and deliver
nii.(ii.e at me iipoi. ritn rei. si lueotUce.No
biil I I.CSIIUl Biri'i'l, mil ii-utivDni'iiiuuu.
UtAlNt LEAv B I Kl'GT. VliS I
AInll Train 8-00 A
Day 1 xprei-s
I'l.oli Ailollilnodlitioll. No. I
1 at Lino ..lid Lriu LxpressK
1 in ru t tiri. Act on iiiooatioit
1 anei'tt r Aect 11 tiiooa1 ion
1 m l i ceomiiiedation No. 2
I 1 t: In. ft li ull' ' f tie Aial "
puoli uVccoii.modutioii, No 3
Plillni-c 1 lua 1 xpie.-bt
Cincinnati Express
Philude pi. ia Lxpressi
Paoil .vceoti uiodutioii. No. 1
at 10-00
at 111)0
....utl2 00 M.
at 2 30 P. M
at 4 (0
at ft-Ol)
at 0 011
nt 10 00
.. 11 10
a: 12 49 A. St 710
at 8 2')
1 oiint iiin iriiH' 900
Lin. cusier 1 rain it 12 40 P. M
Fust Line
.at 1 10
Puo.i ivceonuitodution. No. 2
Diiy 1 - press
Fault Aect itili oOalion, s o. 3
Hiirrlsburi! Aecon inodtitlon ,
Haly. exceot Saturdav. t Dallv
....ut 4 1" AM0
u 7-3(1 9-50
J 1 'ui'v. except
Alontlnv Al iillnr 1 rams dallv. exeent sniidiiv
llitinnlng through trom l liiladelpluu to Pittsburgh
find P.rie w ithoii 1 idinnup ol ears.
t-ui dm A I'oii.niooiiiiot Tiaius for Paoll and internio
rt lite ststious leuvo Hhiiade idila al 900 A M. an 1 7 00
P. Al , returning leave Paoil at t 0" a. m and 4-00 r. M,
y Til Ki-.l OFFICE
Is loca ed at No 6?1 ( Itcsiiut streei where Tickets to
all important points ma be procured aud mil luioruiu-
Uon (.ivin liy JOHN t ALI.I-..N. tickci Agent,
jiho at 'I hlny-tlrnt and Market streets, on applica
tion to 1HUAIAB ti r anat,.
Tn tie t Agent at tho DouoL
r mltrimt Tram runs dailv (except Nuniluyt. For
lull puittLUiats as to la re und accommodations apply to
No. 1.-17 DOCK Street.
Hie rcnisylvanln Railroad Company will not assume
any risk 101 liagtuge. except for V earing Apparel, and their rtf possibility to One Hundred Do. lain la
va.ue. AU Lbutnge exceeding that amount in va u
w in be ut the ink of the ontr, un eia takeu by special
coiitiacL n
JJ at the stations on the C A SI DEN and A M ROY and
COTntciiny uui rouus. iair aslii jirAruu.
'llli ('&! DEx N1 AMP.OY RAILI'liAD AN I.
lot Nw lorkwlli leave WALNUT Street W'ha.f at
o'i i,ek P Al. daiv ,Biliiilnv eiei ntedi.
Fu n lit must be delivered before iH o'clock, to be foe
khiiIi d ibe n me Cav.
Kttumliig, Hie above lines will leave New York at li
noon anu auu a r. .11
Fieitbt ior Tien on Princeton Klnjiston, Kew Brims
wn k, and a 1 points on tho i umocn aim Ainoov Rail
mini 1 a so. on tbe be V cere Delaware and Finminu.
ton the New Jeisev the Fieehold und Jatnesburg aud
the j.urnngiou auu .iiouut nouy itatiroads, received
und lot warded up 10 1 P Si.
the Belvidere He aware Uellroad connects at Phl'llps-
nurg wtiu uiv in-: 11 im ri m luan, auu at itianun
kai l link with a. I poliits on the Du'aware, Lackawsuua,
ami v isieni juii ruu, mmuiuK to oyracpse, liuiiaio,
aud other points i:i Western New York
ihe New Jersey l.ulirosd euitnectsut Elizabeth wltti
the New Jersey t entrai Railroad, and at Newark with
tlie Slorils und Efs x Rulltoud
A silp meiiioraitduiii, tpecliying the marks and num
bers, l.ippi rs, and eoi sit nees, must, in every mstunee.
be HentwuU each load 01 goods, or no rccuiptwJU be
N p. Increafed lacl itles have been made lor tne
transt ortutie 11 ol live stock. Drovers are Invited 10 try
the route. W ben stock is turn .shed In quantities ot two
eurloads or more it w I he tie ivrred at the toot of For
tie b f leet t.eur the Drovo Y'ard. or a: Her No 1,
North l.ivi r. as the shippers may deeigunt atthe time
of slid U'ent. , .
For terms, or other Intormiwlon. app T 'o
W AL'I KR EitEi- S AN. t remht A (rent.
No. il 1 .- '! Avenue. 1 iil.aduiphla
1 Y. renruary li two tinny
trams t.111 run between Wasint'i-ioti anu i,. nennurg,
connecting at Gordtuvl le wiiu v irymia genual ki.
road trains to and '"'"'Yll"" ,0'low'-
Iisve Washington dai v (Suudav exc-pted), at 6'45
A- SI , and uriive at Lyncabn rg at 6 ft P. M.
Leave 1 ynehnurg a J a. M. and arrive at Washing
ton at 5 26 P.M. RXrBE8S TRAIN
Lefve Washington o.l.v . Including ennday) at 6 05 P
V anil arrl.e at i ynehbuig at l)0 A M
Lave Ly nchourg at 30 r. Al and arrive at Washing
'"FilVhVinsuiaklng close connections at Lvnohburg
fi.i an noiuts r'outh and Southwest, and at Washing ton
101 ait V" j Northwest
"'vit'clas'sleepin cara attached to the n'ght trains. road at racttva. not on j ior iu eom or able
anromiiiodatlona, but lor the fact that It passes the now
aoioiniiiiu . p.Hlr,,. i.,.,! Hun. Manassas. Ilris-
Run. Manassas, Rris
Inener. Orauge. and
at ett'a, RappabanniM k, Culpeper. Orauge. and
OorilotiVvi 10.
places ot imperishable lateiesi In the
'J hrough tleketa to all points Houth and Southwest
ha bad lu Bostou. New York. Phllait -Iphia, and
-mar nniiu.
Us tmiore, anu at tue
. I . . . ' . 1 . ... it ' . ..... -. . .
iS:1 ot the road 111 Washmiton
W. It. iti Aiir.tti t, ,
aeueral dupe luteadea.
yox populi.
No. 771 South THIRD Btreet
Trice, fl-00 per Bottle; $5X0 for balf-a-dozen.
Tbe onderslf red cttluens take pleasnre m cheerreilr '
rceou memlli g tbe use of Wright's Tar Syrup tor
coughs, colds, consamplion. wbooping-cougk, spttf4
lever, ilver complaint, pains In the breast, iirnno tills,
lnfammation, and restriction 01 air muni in tne laaua.
etc. 'I he remrdy should be In every ramtly t
Charles C. W i Fon, Forn'v'a Prftt ofliee.
Char es II. Grallen, Sutidaf Here my olllue.
James Nolen. A on rer office
Wlillam F. corbtt, AsKoctsted Press.
William 11. Carpenter. Flrn Alarm and Polloe T
graph, Filth and I besnut streets.
A Randolph. Front and 1 omhard streets.
James W. I'errlue No. 1129 Charles stroeU
II. A.Davis No. ?23 Gsskld street
John V oodalde No 1331 Franklin street.
Robert Thouips n No. ltsW Walter street.
h. U. Alarm, No. 620 Flank I In street.
J Geblofl No 731 8. second street.
John hevtnour. No. SI3 n. I-rout street.
F . W. Howard, No. 1 Dock street
II. C. I arttett No. 327 8. -econd street.
L. Rates No. 616 Arch streot
Albert Alartln. No. 417 H. Heoond stroot.
A! aty CatdAoll. No P4I2 Hansom street.
W. 'Ibomss. No. 20 N. Fourth strort
T. M. ( arthv. No. IDE tretu's alley.
George W I son No 2M Race street.
v . F. Iirooxs, No.6!) North Second street
SI. J. Hansen. No. 119 Canal streoU
S. evnlollr Rose Pus'leton.
Char es Rogers, No. P.'l Soutri street
K. T. We lug on, rcond and yuarTV itreo4
r . F. Ihnmas. No. Ll South Ut 1 street
Wlllli.m Earns, No. MAfouth Front s rect
S. S. r-antord. Opera Slnnager.
.IoIid Muginnia. rear of No. Ll4 North Second street.
Sirs. H. K. Choate, Newark, Del,
Mr BVmmL Wrmhit
Km: we take pleasure In recomtnenfrria TonrfTAK
r'Vi.l'Ptof which we bave already sold considerable
uua'ttittesi as a most excellcTit and efficacious remedy
01 the complaints set tortn in your printed Dill aire ty
sulm Itted lo tbe public. Asa erat living act to snnerla
linn anltv we wtl ciieer triv recommeiio jour prnpara
t on to ail attltch d with diseases whicb It is designed a
cure. lours, etc., .J
I'lLKr w nj?. l'rnginsn,
N, . corner Pine and Sixtk streets.
For c also at
DVorr co m.
A nd all principal Drui gts'.a and Dealers.
Tbe snl serlber wnnlrt heir leave tnrthnr to ear thaa
l e is i rcrnreii to fid orders at.d forward tbe Syrnpea
anr ttrt ol be ci.uirrv. Persons deterina other Inn
mutton by nail w i II iniiose a postare stamp and anawesi
n,,, i.-iurin 11 un euuil aa iu KJUKvuviua ui uuBiueaa
will admit Address
3 20 No 771 H. THIRD Klreeu Philadelphia, Pa.
Q. L A D X K S
Are warranted in all cases, for the Speudt and Pbhma
Nh.M GLkE 01 ell diseases nrisiug trom excossea or
1UI 11 r L L 1 .N J)lt KF. I IOM.
Emissions, Genital, Physical and Nervous Debility, Im
I oteuic, etc. etc
They can oc nsed w itliottt detection, and never tail t
ellect a Cure, II used uccordlng to iustructlutui.
Price One Dohar per Kox, or Six lloxes for Five Dol
lars; uiso, Large lloxes. containing Four bmall,
Price Three Dollars.
Frcnt lout to six boxes aro genoraily required to car
ordinurv cases ot Seminal Weakness, though benefit IB
dt rived trout using a single box
lu I hroti tc Cases, and particularly when Impotence
or Get tun Debl Ity with Nervous Prostration baa
allieted tho system,
uilLiivs tonic pii ls
Are rccotrmcndcd as the most F.lllcacioug, Rejuvenating,
and Invigoruting Remedy iu the wor d.
a I'aekage Piice Five Dollars, l.l lost a month, and
ls guieru. y sutlicienU
In extreme cases of Debility and Impotence,
Price Two Dollars, sulliclcnt for a month, can be used .
to good advantage.
Jii-ive stieugtu to the Organs and, with the Pills,
will restore them to their noruiai condition.
A Pamphlet 01 100 pageB, ou ihe EltiORs OF YOUTH,
designed as a Lecture und tnu Ion to Young Men, seat
tree, len Cents reo,uhuu to pay postage
It you cannot purchase Hf.i.l'9 Specific Rrukdim
of your Diuggist, take no other, but eeud tho mouor
direct 10
DR. JAMES BRYAN. Consultlnp Physician,
No 810 BROADWAY. Now York,
And you will receive tneui by return of mall pust paid,
and liee Irom observation.
For sale by DYOI1' & Co., No. 232 K. SECONtt
Street. H i
1311. HYLTON'S
(1onStltutioi:al Renovator
Incipient C'onsnntiitloii, aud all DlaeaflM
I'eriHluiui; to ajonNaiuption,
srcn as
Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Croup. Bronchitis, and atl
Dieeascs ot the Lungs and inspiratory Ort'auut,
Liver Colon unit, Dyspepsia Loss of Ap
petite, Nervous Deolilty. with
gieat Lassitude ot the Mus
cular Bvsiem. eio.
The success ot this medicine In the cure of disease
lias withstood many crl.Icai tests lu this country and
eisewht-re: its talutary etlio a on disease are widely
diast minuted, and require uoeflurt to pany ihe preju
dices o tbe skeptic.
' Dr. DvL-ioii :-1 tnke t' is opportunity to inlorm yotl
that 1 con tdei jou the greatest doctor ondiseai aot
ti e lungs in Ihe countiv. 1 had a spitting of blood,
with large lumps 01 green matter; a violent paio In my
breast mid shoulders, a a. ruining cough ; aud several ot
the most unlneut phvsieNns gave mo up as a hopeless
. are ul consumption I tried all the remedies 1 tlie
da. and gained t o re let t ut view worse; whea a friend
uovixd me to tiv ymir Renova or. satisiyinit in a to at
ou were a reguiur graduate ol the Hulverslty ol Peun
s. Ivsnta and not an-lf-ftvled doctor. I ued but nine
bottles of your Reno, utor, and to tho surprise or nir
iriei.ils. 1 am now a well mau and able to attend aaujr
to my ouslness.
'Any one needing lurther particulars of vay oaaei
can salt ou me una be sa istled.
v li inn. AH RII.C.KR.
No. 235 Races trect
Dr Ihlton ia a regu or graduate 01 the
Puiversliv 01 Fcnnsj rvunla. (His diploma
i nn be seen at his otlloe.) Examines Lungs
without chaiue. Oi'iee. No. 411 V1N
Street. 6 24 tbm2m
liinr.iotiA, vw,.vu.fl,
CALEUON1A." "CAkriRiA,''
CAB! nh 'J0, 8(), and aw
tllr. PAID Cfch ilFD ATE
Issued for bringing out passengers trom the abev
Also, to and Irom
RI ECIALNOIK'E Passengers will take particular
no-Ice that the Anchor Line" is ibe only line erunilnn
tin out h tii kets at the above rates, from Philadelphia to
tne points named above, and tiint the undersigned lathe
ouiv ui Iv aulborked Agent lu 1 hliadilpbia.
Apply to VV. A HAjtILL,
Hole Agcpt for"ANCHOR LINE "
llli No. 217 WALNUT Htroet.
-TTIZ tl.-ii.litn Mo am Propeller Cotitsauy De .-i. insure Lutes vis Item ware aud Rarltan CanaL.
Iea lug dai y ut I's Al. and & p. M., eonueuting with all
Nortluiu tnd Eastern lines.
Forlretihi which v. I I ho taken upon sccontmodatln
te'nts, aVp ly to WILLIAM M. HAlltl) 4 c0.,
3 1 18 No. lli'iib DELAWARE AVeaue
1. uiiuerslsned having leased the KENSINGIOJ
ff'KKW inn K,ne. to In orm bis menus and the patron
oi tLe Hock that h U 1 repsred with increasea fact I tie
to aceon.modate those having vsse a to be raised or
repaired and heum a prac.lcal shlu-earpenuir and
caulker, wll give personal attention to the vessels ea
trusteo to him tor repairs
C ui tulns or Agents e-hia Carpenters, and Machlnlata
having vesftla ' repair are solicited to cah
Having the agency for 'he sa-e of "Wetterstedt'a
Fatem Vlrtullic oiopositlou" 101 1 opper Faint tor uu
Bicservalloit of teasels' bottoms, for tliisoltyt I ana pre
oaied 10 lumlstt tbesame on tnvorbie lenns.
Kens ogton eerew Dock,
11S DELAWARK Avenue. above MURELhtreot
.vLnni it tt.,i ri M ni
m'Ji IwlKTll ktnl above Mnrkt It. ft.
EVT. aKTT, alte: thirty vesrs' practical experlenoe.
guarantees the skill ul adiuattnent 01 His freiuluia
Vaunt t.raduatins I re-sure Trust, and a vsnetv of
others Nunportvis. Klasttu Mtocklugs, Mtuu'unr Braoea.
Ciutebes. truniiensorles, etc Ladles' apartments cou
dueled by a Lady. i
'1 I