The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, January 19, 1866, THIRD EDITION, Page 7, Image 7

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A Deliverance from the Latter.Day Salata.
racAn op a iouno girl from tub mormons hr
A corrospondoTit of tlie Cincinnati Commercial,
writing from rctcrsburg, Ohio, elves loni ac
rount ot' tb adventures of a joiinir elrl tunned
Ioulha Black, who recently escaped from tho
Mormon community in Salt Lake City, and en
durqd ercat sutlutlng. The bubetaoctof the story
la an follows:
"On Thuriiday evening, tli Inst., as a boy was
rftuminsc Iroru school, across the fields, near
Petersburg, on neaxins a couple of haystacks ho
heard plaintive moang, apparently proocedwir
tlierelrom, accompanied bv falut articulations
of a human voice. He distinctly heard the
ejaculation, 'My God ! my God 1' Th boy hur
ried to his home, which was In sight, and told
Mr. Davidson what he had heard. Mr. Davidson
it once started bock with him. and meeting two
neighbors on the way, took them aloug to tho
iitack of bay.
"On reaching the spot, anJ going round one
of the stacks trom whence the sounds proceeded,
they dicepvered some raars protruding from the
bn&e, and, on Investigation, what woa their "sur
prise to find a jounir girl, an entire etrantrer,
literally burrowed in the hay, seemingly talp
less, and in a dying condition. She raised a
pair of blue evos to the gentlemen's startled
tsces, and implored them not to move her, to
let her lie there and die, tor she was frozen and
starved, and aid had arrived too late I How
f ver, the gentlemen ralcrt her as Kently as they
could, and though the gentlest motion aggra
vated her sutlcringB, succeeded in carrying her
tack to Mr. Davidson's larm-house. 8he was
evidently not more titan sixteen years of nso,
and scantily and miserably clad. A tattered
dress clime around her, and a garment that had
once been an underskirt she had torn in two,
one strip being tied about her head, and the
other wrapped about her feet.
"Hhe avers that she resided in Missouri until
the tall of 1864, when her father became infatu
ated with the Mormon faith, (a number of Mor
mon being settled near them), and in opposi
tion to the wishes of his wlte and family, made
E reparations to remove 10 Salt Lake City. As
e could not be turned lrom his purpose, his
lainlly reluctantly accompanied him, and were
numbered among the inhabitants of that citv.
while Mr. liliick was at once enrolled among tlie
'saints.' They had been there for six months,
during whioh time matters had been growing
from bad to worse, when the crisis arrived, in
the shape of Mrs. lilack No. 'I. Tho family were
now wroucht up tn desperation, and Mrs. Black
Ho. 1, with her three daughters, resolved to
make their escape from Utah, at the same timo
beine cognizant that the way was rilo with
danger, and that if captured death would bo
their doom. Louisa goes on to say that they
succeeded in eluding vieilance, and made their
e.eupe lrom Salt Lake City on the 10th of lat
June, with only twelve dollars in their purse,
and turned their faces towards the States.
"The girl say they kept mostly to the woods
and ravines, and all covert places, to avoid dis
covery, and gave their former homo in Missouii
a wide berth tor lear of the many Mormons
there. At length one of the sisters died iVom
exposure and privation, and covering her up in
the woods, they still wandered on. Soon another
skter perished, and Louit-a and her mother alono
pursued their flight. At length Mrs, Black lay
down, never to rise again. Louisa thinks it
miiHt have been in the vicinity of Cleveland that
her tiiOther died. Instead of asking any assist
ance she wandered onward alone. She tells of
being at Greenville, Pennsylvania, and of finally
arriving at Middlesex, where she says she lay
.-TtTSveuled tor three days on the liirm of Mr.
Edmonsou. This waa about the Oth of De
cember, "She proceeds to relate that she was here
found by a couple of horse-thieves, and we next
find this young girl, on tho eve ot December 11,
employed as an emissary by these rogues to ride
ofl a horse that they had fust stolen from Mr.
Edmonson's field. She states that they instruct
ed her to go to Oil City, and gave her directions
how to get there; also that one of them pave
her two bills, a ten and a five, with which to
procure subsistence for herself and horse on the
route. When asked what she did with the
money, she at first did not seem to recollect and
at length said she 'spent it,' but did not say
what tor. However, it is supposed she lost the
money. These thieves told her that they would
take 'another route to Oil City, where they
would meet her, aad take charge of the horse;
also that their earn? had tfteir headquarters
there, and that they had run off many a horse
to Oil City. Tho.v furthermore) boasted that
1ES had stolen a span in Cleveland worth $400.
TbrV placed her on the horse, and started her
off, and that is the last she saw of them. In
stead of taking the prescribed route, Louisa
changed the programme by taking a route of
her own choosing.
"She finally took refuge in the haystack
where she was found, badly frozen."
Musical Items.
An operetta in one act, .-sailed Chrisiuas Fee,
has been given with success in London.
Sim Iteevess is very busy slngiug in England
this winter. His popularity Is as' unbounded as
Heethovpn, anions other antipathies, had a
great lepucnance for beer a decidedly peculiar
aniii'uthy for a German.
a son of Meudelssohn is engaged in Frank
foit in wilting the biography of his distin
guished father.
There are to be musical festivals this year
both at Worcester and .Norwicii, t,uiriana. Air.
Beuediet will conduct at the latter.
The National College of Music of London
has dissolved. The Society of British Musicians
has also dissolved, alter an existence oi tinny,
one years.
At the last Exeter Hall performance of The
Hrsmun, Louisa Fyne sang the toprano solos,
nud a new singer, Miss Lucy Franklin, the coo
tralto solos.
Arditl has composed a new waltz callod
"Limited Liability," and it has met with ttiy
favor jf the London public, notwithstinding its
odd title. The principal theme is said to lie as
tunelul and catching as the well-known "11
A new oratorio called Job hai been produced
at Dublin. The music is by Dr. Chipp, and the
most Unking pas?ages are a chorus, "Blessed is
the man:" a soprano air, "Thou art fallen, lrom
Heaven;" a tenor air, "The Lord is my stiep
herd;" a chorus, "The Lord is righteous;" a reel
tative bv Job, "My soul is weary," and a con-
cluaiiitt tugai chorus, "u sing unto the Lord."
The widow of William Vincent Wallace has
this advertisement in the London musical Daners:
"Mrs. Wallace (late Helcne Stocpel), pianist
to the Duchess Dowager of Sutherland, begs to
announce that, owim? to the death ot her hus
band, Mr. Vincent Wallace, she requires to re
sume her professional duties. Mrs. Wallace
attends boarding schools within a circuit of
twelve miles, and makes arrangements of a libe
ral character when there are several pupils in
the same familv No. CI Ordnance road. St.
John's wood, and Cramer & Co., No. 201 Regent
Carlolta Patti, at a recent concert she gave
In Pesth, wad called twenty times before the
curtain. A French paper adds the following
"Alter tho concert, Alexandre Da mas, who was
in ti e aumeuoo, requested to be presented to die
vantatrif, and addrossed to her one of those com
pllnienU which he alone knows how tonne. 'Toil
Lave bad he cried, terminating his speech, 'the
greatest iucccbs whioh caii satisfy the ambition of
a n artist Ilttlt rrivtii ttw BiiAltAu than all uv.l.iiniul
Carlotta, 'to have made vonr acquaintance, dear
mister.' 'Oh 1' exclaimed Dunns, in an ecstaoy of
feeling, lucu talent, beauty, etprtt in a tiuugie per
ron in too much!' And opeuinr his arms to the
charming artist, be embraced her many times, in
..r.uince ot minie fifty neonle who surrounded them.
The next day be called upon nor and wrote in her
album tntte two verses, more remarsauto ior miou
tlon than lor correctness oi me inyme
" Je wt tilali a t'entendre, ctant homme et Chretien
UuU si J dais oueau, J en mourrais cie cnagnn.
(' 'A. 1UAB,
' 'AsChilstian man to hear theutilo't ami,
But u I were a bud with grief I'd die.' " .
Carottinglhas lately been revived In London.
-The quarantine which was established on
the Roman frontiers on account of tho cholera
has betn abolished.
The Fiench Government resolves to with
draw from the Extradition treaty with England.
The treaty expires in June next.
The passage of the Bosphorus and Darda
nelles Ly night is about to bo opened to steamers
of all flags and classts.
It is stated that fluslave Pore' Illustrations of
Munchausen were the artistic hit of the Christmas
season in London.
A proiect has been started for running a
pneumatic railway between Liverpool aud Bir
kenhead, under the bed of the Mersey.
A painting by Rubens, representing the ap
pearance of the Virgin to Bt. Francis of As?Iki,
nag been discovered in a church in Casel, Ger
many. The little book published In France by tho
Society St. Vincent of Paul represent the cholera
as a Judgment of God on those who do not
believe in the devil.
Queen Victoria always sends a gift of 3 to
any ooor mother in her dominions who may give
birth to triplets. The latest sucesstu! candi
date for the money is the wile of James Gibson,
a weaver of Kilbarchan, Scotland.
The Emperor Napoleon lately nave an audi
ence to Captain Minie, of rifle celebrity, and it
is raid approved of a new arm submitted by
him, which will probably bo adopted for the
whole army.
A Fenlnn baa been captured In London.
He wss charired with manufacturing pikes lor
the Fenlnn Brotherhood, and was sent oil to
Ireland in care of two members of the Irish con
etabulaiy. ...
The future wife of the helr-anparcnt of the
crown of Italy, the Princess of Leuchtenbenr,
is the niece of the Emperor of Russia, The
young Princess has been brought up as a mem
ber oi the Greek Church.
A cafe singer, Karulz, singing in Madenburg,
recently donned a waistcoat of red and white in,
one song, and put on a false beard in another.
The oolice authorities fined him two thalers lor
weniing "costume."
A beautiful bouquet was presented to the
Trincess ot Wales on her birth-tiay. coniisting of
scarlet and white flowers, the Danish colors, with
letters in (lowers in the centre, representing the
month, day, and year, the whole being sur
mounted with choice lace.
A simple Invention was exhibited at the late
Birmingham cattle show tor making butter by
atmospheric act on, the air being forced by a
plunger into the midst of the milk or cream,
which is contained in a clinder, the result being
that in a lew minutes butter is made, leaving ihe
milk perfectly sweet for family use.
A druggist of Bolton, Yorkshire, who had
sold a poison which had been put to a fatal use,
was convicted by the magistrates reccntlv and
lined, under the statute regulating, the sale of
poiHons. The statute requires that the sale
should be completed in presynce of a witness,
and the particulars of it entered in a book. As
aifirst offence, in this instance the mugistrute.s
only inflicted a nominal tine.
A statue of the Mexican hero Morelos has
lust been finished by Pcattt, an Italian sculptor
now in Mexico. The only likeness used by the
artist was a small medallion in wax, taken of the
subject while he was in prison, and but a short
time before his execution. It is above the ordi
nary size, being six feet six inches in heieht. As
Morelos was a f oldier, he is represented w ith a
drawn sword in his right hand.
The Imalide Jiiisse aud tho Moscow G.izetfc
have received interesting intelligence from the
Dobmdja. According to their account, some
eighty thousand Old Believers, who in former
times sought refuge in Turkey from the oppres
sion of their orthortox countrymen, have ex
pressed a wish to return to Russia. They are
prompted net only by tho lenity recently hiani-fei-tea
towards Dissenters by the Czar, but also,
and probably more forcibly, by the colonization
of Circassian emigrants in their midst.
Some time ago, atone of the Dumfries' fairs,
a voting woman, too obviously "from tho coun
try." was seen standing with a very perplexed
air at one of the street letter-boxes in front of
the Mechanics' Institute. She was observed to
knock several times on the too of the iron pillar,
but obtaining no response, she passed round to
the opposite side, and raising the cover of tho
slit in which letters are piacea, sne appuea ner
mouth to the aperture, ana cauea loua enouen
for the amazed bystanders to hear, "Can ye let
me hao a postage Btaiupr"
The city of Mexico is better supplied with
water than any city in the world. It has two
immense aqueducts one Seven miles tonsr ana
the other three which bring the water lrom the
mountains to the very heart oi tnc city; tnence
by arteries it is distributed in every direction.
There are also numerous Art-isian woiis in tne
city and its suburbs. By boring an average
depth of eighty feet the water rises several feet
above the surtace ot tnc earm, ana nows in a
very bold stream. In many instances this wtter
is not at all brackish, but is as fresh and as
sweet ns that brought from the mountains.
The Capital Punishment Commission in Eng
land has submitted to the Q ieen the following
'1. That the punishment ot death be retained
for all murders deliberately committed with ex
press malice aforethought, such inulico to be
iounci as a met Dy tne jury.
'2. That the punishment ot tieatn be also re
tained for all murders committed in, or with the
view to. the Deroetratlon. or escape after the per-
petraiion, or attempt at perperranon oi any oi
the louowmg leionies: aiuraer, arson, rape,
burglary, robbery, or piracy.
"3. That in all other cases of murder the pun
isbments be penal servitude lor life, or tpr any
period not less thau seven years, at tne uiscre
tion of the court."
The Omnibus of Naples relates the following
storv of a man who found means to turn to
account the popular apprehension of poison
ers, which has prevailed there since the appear
... i . , , I .,!..: 1 1 .1 "
anee oi tne cnoiera. xue uiuiviuuui iu iiucauuu
being exceedinely hungry, and having only a
$incle coin ot the value ot a sou, laid it out in
the purchased powdered sugar, and as be passed
made a kind of pancake called. trdlare, he drop
ped, apparently by accident, some of the suear
into the Irvine Dan. He was instantly seized bv
the bystanders as a poisoner cauuht in the act.
He denied vigorously the truth of the allegation,
and at last, to prove nis innocence, onereu to
eat the contents of the pan. This proposition
was ecceoted. and he accordingly despatched
the pancake with great relish, and then walked
off well satisfied with the success of his trick.
A new "crime," which Is creating some terror
In the feminine breast, ha lust coineto ngut in
Fans. A hair-dresHer in the uuartier .uontmar-
tre has been chareed before the police court
with a series of sineular assaults. With the
assistance of an accomplice, who appears to be
known bv his associates as "the assassin." he lias
been in the habit of enticing into his shop poor
ignorant girls with line heads of hair, and then
depriving them, by violence, of their locks, not
untrequently adding insult to injury. The police
tilscovered in his shop numerous letters from his
victims, unbraidintr him with his cruelty. A
young girl of sixteen had the courage to de
nounce the ruuiun to tae ponce, unueierrcu uy
his threats of havlnc her imprisoned as a vacta
bond, and there is abundant evidence to ensure
his conviction. The only defense was that he
dealt largely in false tresses and chiernons, and
was obliged to hnd material the best way he
could. . .
The Russian Gaielte of fit. Petersburg pub
l;hes the tollowinir details of the assassination of
an actor named Koulebiakina: "Some time since
a company of actors arrived from Tambof at
Balachet, in Russia, where they gave some repre
sentations. At the close of one ot tne perlorni
fiijces. M. Koulebiakina wasihvltort to supper by
one of the spectators. Whilst taking thoir seats
Jn a rehtaurant, they were accosted by a certain
M. Dokoukinc, a landed proprietor ot tne noien
i boruooa, known lor nts quarrelsome cniractor
He reproached the actor with havinn played his
part ill. 'Will you replace me ?' said the latter,
'and I shall then see w hat you can make of It.
Althoueb thi reply was perfectly inoffensive, M.
Dokenliine gave the ohcr a slap in the lace, and
in return was attacked by the actor, and received
a pood bcatmp. The bystanders separated tho
combatants; rhnmpwKnc'was brought, and peace
appealed to bo made. Put M. Dokoukine was
befit on venceanoe. He returned to his own
house, loaded a towline-piece with ball, and pro
ceeding to the hotel Inhabited by M. K.oule.tiakm,
knocked at the door oi his apartment. The actor
opened it to inquire hat was wanted, and vim
Immediately fired at point blank by the other.
'Why have you killed tne?' easped the dyinif
man. 'Because vou deserved to dio like a dog,'
was the reply, the assassin then entered the
coffee-room of tho hotel, extended himself on a
sota, and went to Bleep as it nothing had hap
pened. In the meantime, however, messeneers
were sent to the police, to a surpeon, and to a
priest. M. Koulebiakino confessed himself, took
tl e sacrament, and died a lew minutes after.
M. Dokoukine was awakened and taken oil to
prison, where he still is, awaiting his trial,"
--A funny scene occurred in the streets of
Manchester, Encland, last month. Tho keepers
of an elephant bclonsrinir to a mcnactcrle were
taking tho animal thmugh one of tho public
thoroughfares at 1 o'clock in tbo morning, when
the Dat-scrs-by became lrightened at the unusual
spectacle, and the police attempted to arrest
tne elephant. His keepers, however, stimulated
him to resistance, and tho elephant's trunk
Droved more than a match tor tho clubs of the
ofllcers. He struck the men, and they fled for
their lives.
TJi der and hv virtue of the nownr vpntcd In mn hv an
Imhmure ot Alonnai-e npon the property tierlnuttnr
(lrnrltied. rxecu eo bjr ilie Tyrone ami cienrtleld Kull
road I'ompan.r to me as '1 ruMee, dated the inula' o
hoven.ber, A. D IbO ud rrcurued In ihe otllce lor Be
cording Deeds, etc.. In aud lor the coutny of Blulr. on
tl.e Hiti day ol November, A. 1). lHfcl), In Mortgage Book
"B," pav-8 107. IW, m 110. and 111 to secure (he par
jnent oi Bonus oi said (omtuny to the amount of thirty
lire iIiouhsjiiI dollars, and default having been made
lor more than ninety days alter the same has been de
manded In the payment ol the interoht due on mora
than III teen tlioupnnd dollars in amount ol the Bonds
secured by rain Alonpnite. and having been raiueated
In writing by the bo Idem of more tliun tilieen thousand
dol ars in amount oi the said Bonds, the payment of the
Interest on w hich has been so demanded lrom sulil com
pany, and been so reiured by thi m, to sell at public
uun km upon the notice and terms In the said Mortgaue
mentioned he nreuilsoe therein reierrcd to and to i ul 111
by such pale the duties Initio ed in accordance there
with, and to discharge mv duty as trustee In respect to
the premises. I . J OHN liDoAR '1 1IO.MSON , I'ruaeeaa
aiotesitld, and J, r gayer in trust lor the holders of the
Bonds secured by said roougngc, DO HKUt.B f UIVK
O.KK, ilitti in pursuance of the power alore
said vented in tne lor that purpose by the
siUd indenture of niortpago, and to exercise
ol the discretion theieby con, erred and In
obedience to the said renulul ton oi the holders or the
Bonos to the amount atoreald, aa In said Mnrt aire pro
vided, 1 will upon MONDAY, the 12th day oi Februnry,
A.l). 1M. at U o'c.ock M , at the l'hi adelphla Kx
chniixe. In the city ol I'lil ado phia, by the bands of M
'I bourns und Hons Auctioneers, and upon the terms and
conditions l.eremalier slated, txpose to pub Ic sa e br
vendue or outcry . and will there gi ll to the highest and
best bidder ior the same, tl e propeity conveyed to me
in Moitpage rs aioresuld and next mentioned, viz :
'J be whele ot that scetion ot the Tyrone and ( leardeid
Eailrond, lrom t lie point ot Intersection with the Fenn
Hj lvuiiia Kullrond. at or near i vrone station, in B.alr
county to the point ol connection with the grudcd line
of iLe sa.d 'lyione and Cleardutd Kuilroad knovnand
designated as ' 'ihe Intersection." being about three and one quarter irom the Pennsylvania Knllroad
at'lyrone Stulion as the sumo Is now constructed to
tether vitn all and kingular the rail vats rails bridge
lenees. privileges, rights, aud ail real property of every
description acgulred b) ami be onging to said coin nan v,
adjacent to oi connected ith or on the Inn of said sec
tion oi il ree and one quarter miles ot road, and alt tho
to Is income, Is-uea, and prollts to be de-lvcd,
and to time trom tbo mine and all tho luuds
used end occupied lor nil. ways., depus. or
st ut Idis between ssld points on said section
ot three and one quarter u.iles wllb all buildings
Standing thereon or procured therefor.
A more speclLC and detal ed statement of the Umi ot
propertv inculed and relet red to in the foregoing de
scription may be given as tollows :
All that section ol tho said ivrone and Clearfield Rail
road us now located and bui t, beginning at the point, ot
Intersect Ion of the raid i ) lone aud Clearfield Kuilroad
with the Pennsylvania Railroad at or near Tyrone i-ta-tlon,
Blair county, rennsyivinna, thence extending
northwardly to the point of connection with the
praded line of the said Tyrone and Cleardeld
Rabrcad known and designated as ' The Intersection,'
being about three and one quarter miles from the Penn
sylvania Railroad, at 'Ivrone Station and there teiml
nutlug; said section of said roau between the points
atiireeald being about three and one-quarter miles In
kntlb. Together with the right of way tor the same
Tilth such additional widths as are required by the
lopes of excavations and embankments.
I'nnneerort with said section at said road, and be onir-
Ing toeaid Company between said point, and the right
oi way lor the same of the number and length lollow-
Ui g via. : i
At lyrone, ono siuiug, auuuioiv iw. wui.
At Tyrone fcnglne Bouse, one siding about 12l!4 feet
!. .- . . . .... . .,
At Bnid regie Va ley nattroau intersection, two siuiugs
about Bill leet total length.
a it i . A
At Tyrone, one 100-foet 1 rack Scales, with office 13 feet
o meet. .,r-c
All the lands, railways , rails bridges, culverts, trestle-
woris, tuol-tioases, coal-nouses, wharves, tencea, rights-
ol-wav, workshops, macninerv. stations, oepois. uepoi
urounds works, masonry, and other superstructure.
real estate buildings, and improvements oi woa ever
nature or kind appertaining or belonglux to the above-
men lonen propeny, and to tne said secriou ot sain
Tj rone and (.'leu field Uai'road, ana owned by said com
puny la connection ineiewun.
Ihe said Railroad Sidings. Real Estate, and Premises,
mentioned In tho said mortgage, and above described,
M be ex nosed to sale entire and In one lot, and the
iollowinu terms and conditions will be observed In the
making oi the said sale:
i he purcnaser yu ds rwiuircu ,ig p.t (.wuvvi
purchase money In cash at the time ol the ttalo. and in
cane any ol the holuers 01 any of the bonds or the
coupons due and payable upon the said bonds of the
'lyrone and Ccortlcld Radioed Company, and secured
by the uto-tgage executed by the said Company to the
said John 1 dtmr Thomson, Tiustee as aoreald.
shah become purcnasers by thcmse.ves or with others
to the saiu premises at the said sale, that then the said
holdeis of the said bouos or coupons may for the residue
ot Ihe raid pure Dare mouey maae payment wiium
twenty days after said sa e, either In whole or In part,
by transierrlng and delivering to the said John Edgar
T hen. son, 'i rustue as a oresald, the said bonds or
coupons, or by receipting upon the Bund lor the amount
thai may be so bid by him or Inem hi whole or iu pait
of the said balance oi the said purchase money, to be
estimated lor the purpose ot suoh puvment at the rate
or va.ue of the dividend or shaie of the said purchase
money which the said holders ot the said bonds or
coupons may be respectively entitled to receive ac
cording to the terms ot suid mortgage, lor which
share or dividend the said de'ivery and transfer of or a
receipt upon the said bonds or coupons shall be deemed
und taken 10 be a discharge and acquittance) and ihe
balance ol the said puichase money, II any, shall be paid
by the faid party so purchasing, in cash, within twenty
days alter the date of sale, to the said 'trustee. And it
thesaid premises shall be purchased at the said sale by
parties other than the bo ders or owners ot the said bonds
or coupons as belore mentioned . then the balance ol said
purchase money that may remain auer the said payment
ol ISOI'O thereof requlrei to be paid at the time ol said
sule. shall be paid to the said Trustee, In cash, within
twenty days thereafter.
Upon ihe payment or adjustment of said purchase
money as Ihereinbetore mentioned, the said Trustee will
execute and deliver to the purchaser or purchnse sot
the same a conveyance of the premises aforesaid in pur
iine at the nower and authority couierred upon him.
Anv further Information In respect to Said sate, or
pieuilse maybe bad upon application to the under
slvned Trustee, at the otllce ot the Pennsylvania Rail
road Company, No. !23rt S. Third si reel, Philadelphia.
No. K38 8. THIRD rttreet,
W. THOMAS KONX. Auctioneers,
Hot. Yii and Ul 3. FOURTH street.
10 30 fwlFM Philadelphia.
11 lltuth
Verier and by vrrtna oftke rower vested iti mri by an
lriri mure ol MfrUsge upon the prupei tv lioreinstterda
erilMd executed by the 'lyrcne ana Clearfield Ktllroad
I ompanr to me as Trustee, doted the lt day of "ebru
arv, A. If. 1MI. and recorded in the ofl':e tor Recording
lieeils, etc., in and tor the ennntv ot B air on the 4th
dny el February, a. D iHfil. in Mengsge Book o. pane
11H e to., and in Ihe off'ee lot Recording Deeds, ete . In
and lor the county ot Centre, on the Aiih day of Febru
ay, A. D. 1WS1, in Wortag llo,k F, cage 408. etc., to
secure the payment m Bonds of aaid I ompanr to the
smuaiit of U ty thousand doliais.and I'etan't hav
ing been made lor more than ninety days alter the
same has been Demanded in the nay.nent of
the Interest due on more than twenty Ihetisand dollars
In amount oi the bond fecun d by said mortgage, and
haying been reques ed In writing t the hinder ot more
than twenty thousand dollars In amount of the said
bond the pay mi nt ot the liuercat on which has oeen so
demanded lrom said ompaiiy, and been so refused hv
them to srli at public auction upon the notice and terms
In the said mortgage mentioned, the premises the eln re-let-red
to, and te until by stu b sa e the dutiea Imposed in
accordance therewlih. aal to discharge mv dutv as
iruhtee In respect to the lse I, R. FK NKLI si
Rai J.Y, trustee aft aforesaid, and mnrtgasxe In
trust lor tl ho'det ot the bon: secured by
said mortgage, do hereby gv no, ice that, in pur
suance ot the powe' aiorcaaid tested In me lor that pur
pose bv the said Indenture of mottgagn and la exercise
ol the discretion thereby con 'erred and In obedience to
the said requisition of the bo den ol the bonds to the
monnt atorvsald ss In said mortgage prov ded, I will,
npon M OMIA Y the 12 h day et February. A J) ,186s. at 12
o'e oek M., at Ihe Philadelphia rxchange. In the sit? ol
Philadelphia, hy the bands ol M. Thomas and Hons, auc
tioneers and opou the terms and conditions heroine tcr
sta ed. expose lo public sale by vendue or outcrv.and
wll, there se I, to the Muhest and best lildder lor the
rame, the property and Irauchlses ot said Company, enn
veed to n.e In mortgage as afore-aid and next men
tioned, vlx !-
1 he w hole of tbat lection oi the Tyrone and Clear
field Railroad trotu Ttrone Htatlon Jualr county. renn
svlvnn a to l'hllluisburg, In t entre count, fennst 1
inii as the same is now constructed, together with a l
and singular, the railways, rails, crost-tlei, chairs,
spikes. Iron, timber, bridges, fences together with all
real roperty ot every description acquired by and be
longing to eaid omnany, appurtenant to snld road,
and all the rifbts, liberties, privileges, and corporate
Iranchi ea of said rosd and company, and all the
to Is, Income, Issues, and prollts tft be deitved
and to arise irom the same and a.i the lands usea an I oc
cupied lorrallwaysdepotsorstatlons between said points,
w ith all buildings standing thereon or procured theretor.
A more sneeilio and dotal. ed statement of hn Items
of property Included and reterred to In the loregolng de
scription, may be given as follows :
All that section of the railroad of the said 1 he Tvrone
end (learned Railroad loirpunv, beginning on the
Pennsylvania Railrosd. at 'i vrone Stuiiou in Unvder
township. B air county! theuce crossing tbo Utt e
Juniata river, aud running successively ihrouuh Tyrnno
borough and Si.yder township. Iu B air cnanty, and Tay
lor township In entre county, to the suntuit ol the
Allegheny mountains, and thence through Rush town
ship eutre county, to and through the boroimh of
1 hllllpshurg In Hush township aforesaid, aud there ter
minating, being about twenty-three and a halt inll.s in
length, tt i ether wl h the right oi way or the same, nlth
such additional widths as are required by the s opes of
excavations and embankments.
Connected with said section ot sain Road. and belonging
to a,d company, be, ween said polfts. und tb-tight of
w ay lor tbetuuiu, of the number aud length following,
viz. :
At T rone one siding about I C feet long.
At lyruoe liifciuu House, uuo Hiding about 1284 feet
AiP.nldFag'e Valley Ral'road Intersection, two sid
ings about lull leet total lenitli.
At Mount Pleasant, one sldlug about 300 feet long.
At 11)4 Mile Poet, one quarry elding about UHJ feet
At Summit, 13;h Mile Tost, a second track siding about
13:il' icet long.
At !-untnjit, one Y and level siding, nnd one levelsidlnn
north ot Minmilt with the right o way lor all beyond
the limits ol the right o way tor tho truck last men
tioned. 'Ihe total icngth oi said 1' und sidings being
about KiOU leet.
1 1 Mundv Ridge. siding about 12R8 feet long.
At l'ovelton. a i' about, l'j8 leet long, nnd iwo sidings
about TiH net total length, w I, h the rluhi cf way lor
the same.
At Osceola Station, a siding about 714 feet long, toge
ther with two lines ol track, one ol which extends trom
the main tn ck ol tho said lyrone and t leurtleld Kuil
road to a w orehouse loi owned by ihe said 'iyione and
t leurtleld Hui roatl Con In said town oi Osceola,
Dtcutur township. ( leurtleld county, about 1wb teet
li ng and the othut of which extends lrom a point on
the suid lasi-oauied track tunned utely wost ot the cross
lug of Moshannou creek to Mi ler's Coal Mines In said
liecutur township, Clcarlleld coun y about 2:154 leet
long auda sob(H) icet of additional Raitroud track ex
tendihk up a. OKliannon creek; together with tho right ot
way there or, and all embankments cuttings, bridges,
and trcst.e-works necessary theretor.
At Dunbar, one sldl' g about 37a feet long.
At steltiei's one siding ubout 223 feet long
At Plill.lpsLurg, ill ree sidin;s, about 16011 feet, total
At Tyrone, ono 100-feet 'rack Scales, with Oflloc, 12
feet by12 icet
t Hardener's (station, near Eighth Btlle Post, a
Water Mtanon lot, 6t by luO leet. together with a Water
Station. 14 leet by 14 teet erected thereon; with all
water rights and fixtures, lands, and appurtenances
eediul therefor. ,,
At Mount Ploasant. a Water Station 14 feet by If)
feet with all the water rlghia aud fixtures, laada and
appurtenances needtul therefor
Atr-andv HWiea. Water Htnf on . 11 Teet by 14 feet,
With, wood sin Us attached, ami all water rights, nxiurea,
lanusand appurtotauces needtui therefor.
Onewaithouse lot, containing 141 perches, situated
In the town of Osceola, Decatur township, Cleardold
At iilM Mile Post a lot rf ground, containing 69
perchos. intended for a foreman's dwelling house.
AtPhllllpsburg. one station lot. contuiulna 44 perehes,
with one trsme passenger station 60 teet by 20 feet,
und one temporary iruine warehouse, SO leet by 20 leet,
built thereon.
At Phillipsbnrg, one lot orplece of ground, contain
ing 4 W-l(iti acres with
One irameWarcnouse, 30 feet by 30 feet.
One irame r mine House ill teet by 51 leet.
fi- t.n Tnra.tnMu AO Ihpt In dlumetHr
Anil nun Irnmfl Water Station 16 feet by 16 feet, built
thereon, w 1th ah the water rights aud fixtures, lundiu d
ppurtenanceaneedrul theretor.
JL.SU ulhuALLlt
All tho lands, railways, rails, bridges, culverts, trestle
works, tool houses, coal houses, wharves, icuces. rights
oi Vay, workshops machinery, stations, depots, depot-
irmiiuia. woras. masonry, uuu uiuer Buuurniruuiuttj,
ical (state oulldlt us. and Improvements ot whatever
na'ure or kind apperta'mng or belonging to the above
mentioned piooerty and to the Bold section o, the said
Tyrone and C learne d Rullroua and owned by said
- . . . . : ..... ...... .,, ,h .,,,.
t OnJPail) lu eouneciioil nnrmni'U, nuu an iuo nfci'i",
liberties, vilvilekes. and corporate trunchises ot said
road and tompuiy.
The sold railiond sidings, real estate, and premises
mentioned tu the ssld mortgage, and above described.
will be exposed to sale eutue and lu one lot, and the
follow ing terms anu couuiiiona win ue uuserveu ui iuo
titHkidir nl tlie aalfl sale :
The purchaser will be required to pay 910.000 of the
purchase money In cash at the time ot the sale; and la
rin nv m the holders ol anv ol the bonds or the uouuons
due and payable upon the said bonds of the 'l yrone and
Ueurneid Railroad Company, and secured by the mort
gage extent! d by the said Company to the said It Frank
lin Raiey. 'irustce as o,oreald, shall become purchasers
by themselves or with others ol the said premises at tlie
suid aaie that then the said ho ders ot ihe said bonds or
coupons may ior the residue o tne sinti nurcnuse money
mull iiflviimni within twenty davs alter said sale, either
in whole or lu pan by transierrlng and delivering to the
said K Frunkiln Raley. Tiustee aa a.oresaid. the said
hi,iia nr eniinnna nr by rcceiutiug UDon tne same ioi
the amount 'hat may be so bid by him or them in
wnole or lu part ol the saiu Diuance oi tne sum purciiuao
money, to be estimated ior the purpose oi such payment
at the rate or value of the dividend or share ot the
said purchase money which the sale holders ot the said
UOnUS Or Coupons mar o rt:spot.nwijf cimutu vv tw
oeiva accoidiiiL' to the terms ol said mortgage, for
,.i,,. n ih.ia i.r nlvldend the said delivery and trans.
ter ol or a receipt npon the said bonds or coupons sha) 1
be deemeu anu taxen to no a uitiarve aiiustttiuainui
ami the ba ance ot the sal t purcnase mouey, u any
snuil ne paid uy me sam pari-y nu jurvnaniiig, u
within twenty days uiter tho date of sale to the said
Ami it' thesaid nremlses sbuil be ourchased
at the said sale bv paitles other than the holders or
owners o.the said bonds ol coupons as betore menilonej,
ii,,.i, il. hiimne oi said nurchase money that may re
main after the said payment of 10 IHiO thereof requtrea
to be paid at the time OI saiu saie.sua i oe patu iu ma
said Trustee lu cash, within twenty days therenter.
Upon tho payment or adjustment oi said nurchase
money, as berelnbelore mentioned, the said t rustee will
execuieand deliver to the purchaser or purchasers oi
tho sunie, a conveyance 1 the premises a oresald, in
pursuance of the power and authority couierred upon
Anyturther Information In respect to the said sate or
premises, may be bad on appllcatlcn to the underpinned
Trustee, at his orlice, Ko. 42 S. THIRD Street, In the
city o. i PBAJ!KUH BALRY Tra,4M
'o. 4i 8. THIRD otreet. Philadelphia.
M. 'iHfiMAS is SONe, A cttoneers,
Hot. 130 aud 141 tt. FOURTH Ntreet,
10 30 ft KM) Philadelphia
T J. M c G U I G A
Importer and Wholesale Dealer n
Ten o kt liAWBKHHY STIUl'lT,
First rUreet above becond between Market and Chesna
purity eFTona and lower designed e.oeclally tor
Churohes aud flcboola, but found to be mally well
adapted to the Parior n4 fcrawlug-Bojim. For sale
only bv - "HUCK,
7 7 Ho. V. SEVENTH Street
Also complete asaottmcut f tbt Perltot Alelodeoa
eeuslauUr oo bund. - 1 IS fttam
1 lit OWC RAIl.HOAll.
TIMK 'lAhl.f -1 onimemtlng MONOAT .tantiarr
IK i rains wi'l leave Hero.t, cmer of LHOAU street
and WAMIll(lO Avenue, as loilnwa:
xpreaa Train at 4 05 A. M (wondnis excepted), for
Baltimore and Wasalnirtnn atorniiiv at Wllminunn
i-rrrjvii , n nm-u- i rnea Auerueen,
Jtavnolia and hti miner's Run
He aware R-1 road Tram at IVU A. M.
reptedt, for Ballsbury, Ml ford, and
1 errman ,
tHunday ex
Inunaedlate Plat mun.
Way Wall Train at 9 IS A M. (andi) s excepted), for
P-a'tttnore awpping at Ckeater, Thuriow cinwood,
(Jayramtt.and all reguiarsiatloua between Wl.iulnglon
and liait ntor.
Kxprwsa Trs'n at 2 45 P.M. (Sandars excepted), fnr
l a llinore and Washington, stopping at i 'heater
Clsymont, Wilmington, fvewark K kton North-east,
Pirryvltle. Havre ae Orsce, Aberdeen, Perr.qian's
ilsguo la and Mcniiner'a Hun.
Mgl,t 1.x press at ll l.i P. M. for Baltimore anu
Washington, stopping at Cheater l hurlow. l.inwor,
Claimont Wilmington, Newark, Illk.on, North tast,
Periyvi le snd Havre de-Orace.
Pssseneers by boat lrom Ra'Umore tor Fortress
Monroe, .sor oik, ( Uy point ana Richmond will take
the 1 15 A. M. Train.
as an additional accommodation fnr tho holding
Through Tickets tor Ilaitnnore. Wnslnnrton and -outli-ern
points, a ripaclal ar whl leave the Philadelphia
Depot at 1 1 30 A.I ., connecting at 8 ray's Ferry with
the Morning rpre-s'l rain lrom New Vork.
rttoppmg at all Stations between Philadelphia and
W llmington.
Leave I'hUsdelpbla at ft IS and 1115 A. V., and it 3i),
5 00. and 7 Ml' M The 3 t) P. M. train conneetswlih
Iielsware Railroad lor Ml lord and Intemiediate stations.
Leave W timing ta at 7 Otl, 8 15 and 9 30 A. At., and 3 00
artdA-OO P M
'1 ra ns tor New ( astlo lcav rhlladelDhia at 8 IS A. M..
8 30 and 5-iNi P.M. '
Lesve Wilmington at 1.-O0 M.. and 4 30 and 9-.J5 P. TA.
. l-'VT, r"'f" r "f'l, H(W, aud 10 14 A. I., and la-JC,
3 43,5 61 5 44 anil 111-20 p. M. '
Leave Halt Imorc t) '25 A.M., Way Mall) I 10 P.M..
F K press ; H-.15 r M.. f xpress- A 85 P M Express
A ii Accommodation Italn for Havre-do-Orace nn t In
termediate stations will leave Ha tlmorn ai 4 10 P. M
i RAIN-- FOR BAl. lMOlts,
Leave ( hestirat P52 M.. 3 a and II 50 P. M.
T eHve V I mlngton at U 27. S13. and i0 33A. M , and
Express train at 415 A. M 'or Ilaltlmore and Wash
Invion, Mopping at W'imlngton Perrw i,. havro-tle-C
race, Aberdeen, l errvmau's, M iguo la, aud Stoimuer's
Mght Express 11 15 V. M, lor llii'tlmnre and Wash
ington, stoppng at t'hester. Tliurow i.lnwood, Clar
mont, W llinlngtou Newark Llkten, Northeast, Perrv
vil e, and llavr. -de-(,
A special lra wl l leave Philadelphia for Wi'mlnilnn
tor Intermediate statu ns a- 0 P. M.
Iave I'.altimore at fp-iA p. M.. sn inu al II .v.n.,ln.
Jrace, Perryvlll". and Wilmlmr on. Also stons at K it-
ton and Newark (to lake passem-ors or Phllat.e phla and
leave passengers Intn Washington or llultimorel and
t hester to litave nassenuera trmn ItAltimnrM ie urai.-
Inf ton.
A special train will leave Wilmington for Plil'adelpbla
and intermediate stations at 6 3 P. M
Freight iruin. wnh passenger car attachnd. wll' leave
Wl mlmilon lor Petryvil e and Intermeulate s atlnns a
m r. . II t. Kr .N Nl- V, Huncrlntendent
A. Depot, HI lit) Hi icet
fthove Thomnniin.
For HETHLFHKM. btlYl.t K'l (iv s Ulerl.
At 7 30 A. M.irxnress). for llethtahem Attnn
MatlCh Chunk. UazlelOU. Wllliinnanolt. anil WIlL-o
At 3-30 P. M (Express) for Beth ehem. raston. etc
teochliig Fas ton at -4 P. M.
At 415 P. M.. lor Bellneheiii. Al entowe, Mattel
Chunk. Danville ami w Ullamsn.itt
For Dovlestown at 8-34 A M., i30 and 4 I, P II.
Foi Fort Washington at 10 A Al. and 11 p. M.
For Lnnsdu'e at t-15 P. M.
White cars ol the Necoml and Third .Hirnt. rir.
Passenger nrs run direct to the depot
-iKwr-M riK J tiit hkli ill A ,
Leave Bethlehem at -15 A. ami 111 in a m
6 15 P M.
Leave Ioy estown at 6 30 A. At ., 3-is and S 30 I. M
Leave Lamdale at b-lo A. 51
Leave Fort Wuslilnton a- 1UO a M , audi 15 P 3
Philadelphia lor Bt-th ehem at PA M.
Philadelphia tot Hovlcatnwn at 3 P. M
lioylcstown lor l'hi adelphla t 7 20 A. M.
Bethlehem tor Philadelphia a 4 P. M.
Ihrouuh Tickets must he moriiied at the tielroi nA-ra.
Till RL htreet cr bkRKS Mrtet.
"6 IIS CLARK. A sent
a I the Stations on the CA MIF N and AM HOY and
connecting llaUroads Increased despatch.
'lllr. CABII EO AM A Mr. Or kAII.ROATt vn
rorew York will leave WALNUT turcet Wharf at J
o'c oek P. M., dauy (Sundavs excepted).
Freliiht must be delivered beiore4XP M.. tn ha fnr.
warded the saue e'av. ltetiii-ninii. tbn ahnva lmna win'
leave tew York at 12 noon, and 4 nnd 8 P. M.
rreigni iur irenton, rrnceion, Kingston rtew 15 runs
wick, and a, 1 points on the Cumilen and Ambny Rail .
road; also, on the Beivluere Delaware, and Fleming.
Inn lit. Nw Jn.v lia k'n,.,, . ..I .t I ........... ... .
the Burlington and Mount Hotly Hal roads, received and
iumsiucu up iu i . jm. . -
The Bclviocte lie aware Rallruad connects at Phil,
lltiahuru wltn the Lehigh Va lev Railroad, aod at Manun.
kacbnnk with all notnts on tl Delawar Lackawanna.
and Western Railroad, forwarding to Myraouae, Buffalo,
anu o ner poiuia iu rsiern jsew l ora.
1 lie isew jerev itai road connects at Elizabeth wltk
the ew Jersey Central Railroad, and at Newark wltn
the Morris and Essex Railroad
A slip memorandum, specifying the marks and num
bers . shippers and consignees must. In every instance,
be sent with cao-i load of goods or no receipt will be
given. Increased facilities have been made tor the
transportation ol Live Mock. Drovers a Invited to
try the route When stock is lurulshed In quantities of
two car-loads or more, It will be delivered at the toot
ol Fortieth street, near the Diove Yard, or at Pier No.
1 orth river as the shlpieis niny des gnute at the time
ol shipment For terms, or other liilcmiatlon, apply to
WALT! R FREE A.N Fi eight Agent,
111 No. 22B r. i)F LA WARE Avonue Philadelphia.
On and attcr WEDNESDAY, November 1st, 1865, until
Fur. her Notice.
Leave Philadelphia . 7. 8, P, 10 11, 12 A.M., I 2 3'10
3h. 4, 5 5tt, B. 7. H , 10, II . t2 P M.
Leave liermantown 6, 7. T.", H.H JO, 0, 10, 11, 12 A. M
1,2 3, 4. 4H. 6 bX. 7,8,0. 10,111' 51
Ihe K 21. oown train, and 3H and 5K up trains will not
stop on Ihe Ueraiuutcwn Brunch.
, Leave Philadelphia -10 A. AI., i 7 10H P. M.
Leave Ueiuiantown8 A. M.. 1 8 nH P M
Leave Philadelphia 6, 8, 10, ii A. II., 2, 3.3H fiU,7,9
and 11 P. M.
Leave ibesnat Bill 710 minutes, 8, 9 40, 11 40 A. At.
'40, 3 40, 5 40. tj 40 8 ID, and 10 4n nuuutcs P. M.
Leave Philadelphia 010 minute, A. M., 2 and 7 P. M.
Leave thosnut Hill 7 40 minutes A. Al 12 40, 9 10. and
(-25 minutes p. M
Leave Philadelphia 6, 8-35 mmu es,. 1105 A.M., IX, 3
4)4, 6)4, 0)4. 8 Oft minutes, and Ilk Iv M
1 eave Norriotown ih, 7, 7 50. 0, 1. A. AI., IX, 4)4, 6, ana
8P M.
'Ihe 6X P. M. ttain will stop at School Lane Wlsa
bickon, Manayunk, Spring Mill, and l oushuhocken only
Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M.. .H and 7 P. II.
Leave Norrislown 7 A. M , and 5 P. 11.
Leave Philadelphia 6 H'35 minutes, li'05 A.M., IS, 3
4S 5M,B. 815, and 1IM P. M
Leave Muuayunk 6Jt, 7H, 8 20. DSi, U'v A. M.. 2, 5, 6H
8) P.M. QjT h,.j,1)AV9i
Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M.,2' und 7 P. M.
Leave Alanuvuuk 7)4 A. M . IH. und 8 P. M.
W. b. W1L- ON. Oetiet-ul Supulntendcnt.
Depot NINTH and GREEN Streets
, fcfcT J KRSKY It A 1 L IuFa Dl7i N K S
Vv From loot oi MA RKE1 Htreet (Upper Ferry;.
Dal y i except !unda 8
Commencing WEDNESDAY . November i5 mt).
For Bridgeton. Salem, aud a I Sta Ions on West Jersej
and Maiem Railroads, at 9 A. M and3'30P. M.
F o. Mihviiie and ait mtermettiuie nations, at a a. m..
F or I ape May and Intermediate stations at (I A. M.te
Millvllle. coiiBectlng with Frei'.ht Train Passenger Cat
altaeUedlori ape May, due 8 4.) P. IU., wd 3 P. M.,
tit rough f assenger one b y , sa.
F'or Glasstioro and Intermediate Stations, at 9 A. M.,
ud 3 ,'io p. M.
F'or Woodbury, Gloucester, etc., at 9 A. M., 3, I 50
"Vrelghf train will leave Phl adelpbla. lrom Bandtord't
whan, at 10 A. M ., and Camdeu ut I'.' ft.
J VAN KFNSSr LER. Superintendent.
will attend to all the usual branehos of express business,
receive, deliver, and lorwnrd through other responsible
F press Companies, to all parts oi the country, any
article intrusted to them.
A Special Messenger accompanies each through tram.
Ofhce No A Wainut street 8J6 m
. 1 . v i -. n x. - 1 X-1 . TVTtT
iik'K V ti 1 L A i) r ii r ii i A a- u r-m t
This great line traverses the Northern and Forth weft
counties oi Pennsylvania to the city ot Frle. on Lake
File. It has been leased and I. Is operated by the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company.
Arrive Eastwtd-r eMail i rain 100 P.M.
. Erie Express I rain. 11-10 A. H.
Leave Westward-Erie M all Train, 7 30 P. M
w Erie Exnress t rain, 7'J0 A. M.
Passenger cars run throuuu on the Erie Mall ana
Fxrress Trains without change, both ways, between
Fb.l.d.lpbl..OKdwErie6BK CONNrcTIOV
Leave New York at6 'P M., arrive at Erie at S'TJ A.M
Leave Erie at I f P. M., arrive at New Yoikl 15 P. M.
No change of cars between File and New York.
legant Sleeping Cais on all Night Trains.
For Information respecting pussenuer business, apply
at THIRTIETH and MARKET streeU, Philadelphia.
And lorl freight business ol the Company's lAgents
p. h Rlnsston Jr., eorner THIuTliig'iUl and MAR
KET Streets, Philadelphia ( J. W. Reynolds, Erie; Wll
lam Brown. Agent, N O. k A. Hauimoro.
, H. H.HOCSI ON, General Freight Agent. Philadelphia.
" H. W. GWINNER. General Ticket Agent,PlilladeILI
JOH I). POTTS General Manager. Wllitauweort.
AI FBPD L. TYUiK, Ueueral Superintendent.
A U I If n KAIL It O A
rniLAHF LI'HIA to Tim irrRBins
t . ' KO' M' Nl OFPa8HKOF,R 1RaIM.
."V?f ,li0 Pompanv's I'enot, at TH 1 K r , h , : aj
find A I LOW HILL btreeta, PhUadelphla at the tot
Ine hours .
.1 1 ' M' ' Keaiiing Lebanon lartafmrg, riM.
rk-Ih.'tMr.', KuL"r r" ha. AHentowa,
his rain conaecta a RRADINO with 'ke East Pan
..vlvanta kal read tialns tor AJeatown. lot and wat
the 11 anoa Valley train for llartishon etc i
PORI CLINiON wl'k Catawlasa lUUroi' tram.'
yu iamsport. Lock Have. EHd a. ete i at H Alt
RlhBi FU w tb F orthern Centra , pmlmrland Valla
and Schuilkl I and Husgurhanna trains for torX.
umheiland Wllllaiasport, York. C'hambersbiin' Plaa.
leaves Philadelphia at t p. M.,.or Reading, PotA.
vlte, U ,rnttirr, etc , eonneot'ng with Heeding an
t o unitna BaHread train tor ( olamMa ete and witA
Man win aii ki VAi.i.rrH.
aawias naroav train for Milton. Wlli.amsuert
Kimita. Itufai. etc w'
I Reading at 0 30 A. M. atonnlnir at .n
slatloiis. arrives lu Fhllare phla at a. M. v
neunuiog ieave rn auetvuia at 4-J0 v. M. amvea ka
teaatng ai 7 tl P M.
1 rains ior Phlladelnhla are Rarruihiira al T4 i w
and Pottavl le at H :ki M striving in I'tnl- de nhla at!
l n P M. Altera, on ttalrs icave Hanisburg at 1 -is
P M. ann Pottavillo at il O .M.j arriving at Phlla
uelpbt at 7 06 p. M "
hamsiiiirg AeeommoJatlon leaves heading at T tl a
M. and rinrrtshnr at B-t OP M
Market ira n with a Passe fet ear attached leave
fhl adelnlila at i 45. noon lor ....
flors ttaves Heading a 1 1 '31' A 51.. and llowntrwina
111 30 P le. hi sdelrhla aim a.i way stations
i II the shove trains run daily Knndara eacented
h undav trslaa cava FnrtsvillA mt hu. a u .na l hli..
de!ebla a 3'lft P M. "
Passengers or Iowningto n aud In ermediate poln
tnketheH-PO A. M.and4 3u P.M. trains from l'lilianVal .
t ins, returning lrou Pownlngton al 7 0S A. M. and
i t" Noon.
Leaves hew York att'iO M. nnd 80 P. kt . saaataa
Keadlng at 1 a. ft., and 1-4 P. i connecting at
liarnsinrg with Penitsyivauia and Northern Central
haihoao l-jpnsa Trains or 1'itlaburg, I hleago. Wi.
Hamsport Flmlra, Baltimore, e:o.
Le uriting. F. press Train leae If arr'sha ig on arnial
ot leiinavivaiila Fx pres. irom I'lttshorg, a Sand
A. Jl . paa-lng Readlna at 4 49 and In 5'2 A, M .arriving
athewYorkst 10 A M snd 1I-45P M. KleeplngCar
aci cmpunvinr tl eso trains -hroag te'wccn Jr ey Cltr
and l ltirbnrg without charge
Mai, Iralti for New Ycrk leaves TlaTuhurg at I 44
P M. Mali Train lor Hanlsbuig leaves New Vork at It
Tialns leave Pofsvl le at MS and 11-00 A. M .and Tt
P.Ai , returning hem Tamaquaail 35 A. i andl'40aa
Trains leave Auburn at 7 35 A. M 'or P net-to ve and
Ilnnlslnirg, nnd at psn 1 M.lor l'lnegrove and 'reinontt
returning rom llarrlsburg a 41H) p. M. aud bom Tra
moctat 7 00 A M. and Mill P. M
'I KKm n.
Throngh first class tt ke.s and emlirrant tickets to all
the princlpa points in the North and West and t anadaa
'Ihe following tleke are oota tied on y at the Oihoe
ol b Bradford. iriaaurer..o 211 8. F'ourth rreat Phlla
Celplita, or ot O, A. Mcolts. (louerul hupcrluundent,
At 25 re. edit discount, between any points desire,
for auiilies and linns
Cord 'orVtOtl miles, between oil pomts at IM-SO each,
lor lami ics and firms
br AeiON Tit RETS,
Fo three six nine or twelve months, for bold
only, to a I point t renuced rates
Residing on the line of the road wll' be tumlaued with
cards, enU ll-ig themselves and wives to tleke jj at half,
From Phi adeiphia to principal stations, good for
hatuiuay. Mmday and Mondnv st redu -ed fare, to t
bndorlya the Ticket Olllte at 1 hirteentb and Cailow
hill stteeu.
RFIf H I'.
Onodsot all desct-intlons tot warded to all the ahova
points lrom tlie Company's Isew Freight Depot, Hroa4
and Wl low streets
Leave Philadelphia dai v at 5 30 A. M., 12 45 noon, and
6-im I M . lor Heading I.euannu liurrLuurg Potuvlllo,
Pol Clinton, and all poln a hovond.
Close at the Phi adelphla Post Oflice lor all places oa
the road and Its branches at 6 A. M. and ior a I principal
Stations onlv at 8 16 P. M. 8 IS
Atnhov and Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad
Company's lines
and way p.aces, lrouu W alnut street wbari. will leave aa
tollows viz.: . t . PAaa .
At I A, M., via Camden and Amhoy Accommooa-
llnn TtH
At 8A.M., via ( amrien and Jeraey Ullv Kxoreaa.. S OO
At V al vta Camden and Amtiov Express U
At 13 M. (noon) aim sr. ai.. via i somer
1 M. rnoonl and HP. M.. via Camden und Am
hnv Aeaoinmndatlon t F reight and Pasaenusri a
At e and 11-30 1. ju. viaiamaen anu amDoy. AO
commodutlon (Freight and Passenger), 1st class
2d Class Ticket
At 8 and 10 A. 51., S and fi P. Al., for Mount Holly.
Ewansvll e, Prmberuin and Vlncentown I at6 A.M..
and 2 P. M.. for Freehold
At 6 and 10 A. M., 12 M 8-30,5 8 and 11-30 p M.. for Pal
myra, itivenon, tieianco, uevery, tngewater Bur
lington. F lorence. Bonlentown etc. The K M. and
5 PM. lines run direct throtlith to Trenton
At IMS A. M., 4 30 and 8 45 P. Al., via Kensington
and Jersey City Express 4t3f)a
At 12 V Al (Night) via Kensington and Jersey City
r xpress i"n
'I he 6-45 P. M. Line will run dally. All oLhera Sundava
At 7. 0 and 11-15 A. AL. 3, 3-30 4'30,5and6 43 P. At., and
12 ior jtrisioi irenton. eto.
At 7 A. JL. 10 50. 3, 6 and P. M. ior t ornwells. Torrla-
daie, nomcsDuig. iB' onv vt isstnominv. itrideHliurg
and F'raukiord, und at 8 P. Al for Uolmesburg and
Intermedial.; t-tat ions
For the Delaware River Vallev. Northern Pennsrl.
vania, and New York Mate ami iheGreut Lakes
Two through trains daily (Sundays excepted) from
Kensington Depot as follows :
At 7-3U A M.and 3-30 P.M. ior Niagara Falls, BulTslo,
Dunkirk, lumndalgua, Jcltnira, itoiica, Owego,
Ri hester, Blnghsmton, eswego, Syracuse, Great
Bend. .Montrose WllkeHbarro, Scranton, Mtroudsburg,
Water Gap, Be vlderc, F.aston. Lambertvlile. F'lemlng
ton, eto. Ihe 3 '3d P. M. Linn connects ditoct with the
Train leaving Easton for Mauch Chauk, Allentown,
Betlilehcm, ete
At 6 P. M. tor Lambertvlile and Intermediate Stations.
For New 101k, ana Way Lines leaving Kensington
Depot, take the csrson Filth street, above Waluut. half
an hour before departure. The cars run Into tho Depot,
and on arrival ol each Train, run irom tho Depot. On
Sundays omnibuses will leave Walnut Street wharl at ft
p. M. to connect with 0 45 P. M. line.
Fitly Pounds of Bavgage only allowel each Passenger.
Fasseuers are prohibited from taking anything as bag
gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fir r
poum'a to be paid for extra The Company limit their
responsibility tor baggage to One Dollar per pound, and
will not be liable lor any amour t beyond a 100, except by
special coutract.
'I leketa sold and baggage checked direct through to
Graham's Baggage Express will call lor and deliver
bavuuue at the Depots. Orders to be lei at 3 Walnut st i
Will leave lrom foot of Cortland street
At 12 M and 4 P.M., via Jersey Citv and Camden.
At 7 and 10 and life A. M..8P. 11. and 12 Night, via Jer-
sei Ity and Kensington.
From Pier No. 1 North river, at 6 A. M. aad 2 P. Jl., rim
Amhoy and Camden.
At li M. 3 and 6 P. Jf. (Freight and Passenger), via
Ambov and Camden.
jVii!j8, l8b8. WILLIAM II. OATZMEB. Agent
UwTnsvlvama central railroad
The trains of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad leave)
the New Depot, at 1 H1RT1EIU and MARKF.T Streeta.
The cam oi the Market Street Passenger Railway run
to and from tbia Depot 'I hey leave Front street
eVery two minutes, commencing one hour previous
to the time of departure of each Train, and al'ow about
311 uiluu es for a trip. Their cars are in waiting on the
arrival oi each Train, arid connections are made with all
roods crossing Alarkei street.
On Sundava Cars leave tueventn and Market streets)
at 6-45 P. M. to connect with Pittsburg and Erie Mall,
aud at 1025 P. M. with Philadelphia Express.
M aim's Baggage Ei press is located ai Jo.31 8. Eleventh
street. Parties desiring Bapgagu taken to the trains can
hava it done at reasonable rate- npon apn'icatlon to him.
Erie Express
Mail Train
Paoll Accommodation, Bo. I ...
Fast Line
HamsDurg Accommodation
Lancaster Accommodation ,
Paoll Train. No. 2
PI'tsbnrg and Erie Mall
Philadelphia Express ,
Cincinnati Express
Philadelphia F.xpress
Paoll Accommodation, No. 1....
Parkestiurg Train
Erie Express
Lancaster 'Iruin
Fast Line
Paoll Accommodation, No. 2...
Day I xpress
Hanisburg accommodation
t 7 30A.M.
" 8-00
" 10 00
" 12 00 M.
" 100 P. it
" a -So
" 4 00 "
' 8 30
" 7 30 M
11 10
, at I SO A Af.
.. 7 10 "
.. " 8-l
." 930 .
. 11 9d
. " 12 30 P. If.
. " 110
.. 45 "
.. " 8 40
'ullaieipnia express leuves
Erie Mall leaves dally (except Saturday).
All other
trams dauy (except ptunnuvi.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume
any risk tor llagage except for Wearing Apparel, and
limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars la
value. All Baggage exceeding that amount In va'ua
will be at the risk of the owner, an leas taken by special
THOMAS H. PARK R. Ticket Agent at the Depot
Ah F.migrant Train runs dally (except Sunday). For
rail lufoliuatlun aa to tare and accommodation, apply te)
FRANCIS I UKK Ho. IS7 Dock Struct