TIIK DAILY EVENING- TELEGRAriT. VIIILADKLPIIIA, TUESDAY, DKCKMREIt 20, 1801. 8 TDKSDAT, OV.CRMBKR 20, THE KWSYIMHIA WIILIFIA. Am tan-aartaat Meclnlon The (laratlnn l K. fernx. II ARHlFanr.o, lira. 19, ISM In ivplv to lnitii'ii"i Tad.lr.s'wd by ser"ral jii-iittrmrn, Cit'iii'ial Tom. kn written lhe Mtnwina Ittfr: lltJkMgUAKTrRK IHHsmYIVANIA Mtl.lTlA lMHrr.OTIH-t.,SII:ItAL'a f'pl'H'K IIAHHI.lltll. !' 17, 1 -4 Ftwt Ai throw who hold exemption c!rtilral from lh I m.cd 1-taUsj Hoard exempt under tho Utrte la w The rrrtiflrate l fucnip'inn "f mental or phv ajical tiisabil Iv, given hy llio phi siriui nf tho Ku rolling Hoard of the I'tdled fs'a'rs, alinuM not bo received as endenoe ol' riisahilitv or ilis.'iiaHtlnitinn for Stain errice. Eacli llnanl m it maki- lis own exemptions, drt.irnutiiiif from all the cticmiHtaiici 01 each particular caw, w.i.ttur tlio .irl .Ik proper sul Jnct lor eaenptl.in. ppcnnd Arothoffl win paid cmirnntatinn to tho United states, or liirnlslinl sul.sti'ntes, exempt f Answer. Ihe citiaen owes allegiance, and as a eoliM finence M Trice to liotli Hate and National lio Ternmcuta. anil exemption trom wrviwi under the vrotisions ol tho act oi tunrreeslor euro. Iin and allnc out the National Intro.., dota mil relieve party trom the eervicft ho owca tho Mate under tho sulllija law ot tho ('nill.nnw.-al'll. It is a aiipor added obligation. I havo the honor to lie, goutle tt.cn, Tour oticd cut servant. (M(tui)) I khitbi. Trn, Irispoctor-tii'uoral. LATE rEOM THE BOUTII. Calm Arnnml IlrlurB-Froiii South UrNlrrn Virginia a"lif Nisll Hotailme iorrl SUefe Nlirrtnitn at Havanaali The rilr no t'nlinorlnt IMIal-forl HrAlllxirr nt No Aecount The Sin hi SU rooaawafrble rrnre Keaoltitloosj Aflr. Trom Ihe Rirhmnd Wing. Dee. 17. Tliero n iiu lou.vr any doubt Dial Siiriivan has contnTod to (ret tbrouvh doors' a, an I to r.'aeli a p ace oi sale!? lor hiinselt and hia army. It was to be hoped that he mlirht be pievented irom accom plishing veD tuat much; thai ho nuxht be annoyed tunng hia raarca to such an extent as to cmbarra-a Lt loiae'na operations and cut on" Ins simply o loud; that lia way might be obstructed and hia progress Imp ded by an energetic use oi thoao moans winch lay opulently at hand; that the militia oi tho country jnlahl rather In hia iront. on his flunk", In hit rear, and narrasa his weary t"oopi by night and by day; and that Uuallv, by a comb nation ot th.to tinpnipi tioua circumstances, ho nitlit b brotiirht io untimely fnej. It In apparently slow and languid progress through Georcia gave lore and color to these expectation!-, for whereas, aicoidlng to hia onvltially contem plated rate of advance, he should havo readied So Tannab In twenty duvs alter coninvneing his march, be did not arrive before that placo ti l tho rx-nratlon of a mouth. Ho was delayed twelvo days, or long enough to march a hundred and eiirfity miles, even at the alow rate adopted by himself. In these twelvo days ho might have been demo ihed, had the means above suggested been at hard and Jnd cloudy c.mi bint d lor tiio purpose. lint It turns out that .Siikk mah's calculations woro. to a certain extent, well foundi d, and that, lor var o,n re isons winch, no poaaible tor us to couceutrato our iorc4 to cotnbiiio doub', had been well wcmticd by him, it was touud iiu ourcflorts to involve hliu in any serious limu'jr. lie has foi through Georgia at last, and that with out any matonul losa. He ii salcly eitahlishcd on tho ai a coast. That much, we nrosnmo, is rattled by tho capture of Fort McAllister. And. ad .r ali.it ia a roliet to know exactly how much inim vln ha" Inllictnd on V, to bo able toprojrnotical tlio coutlniroiit results ot his movcni"iit, even at In maximum ot prohihl o vuccess, and to catimuto with itDproxuaato precision the re at vu atlvauta' and disjdva ut.ixes U iwuif from his radical chanao ut military potior. In tho first we And Hint the Nor tlioru press and the North rn people were entirely Uuiuded by their expostu lations ot extraordinary results to bo aclneyed by lioneral hUi.nUAM'a army during its march. Tho capture oi Macon and Anirusta did not Illus trate the history ol tU is grand movement; nor woro tho Federal prisouors re eased tiora captivity. If these tnimed any part of Knv.iiMAN'8 plan, his cam paign haa been a lainont able lailuru. It tlioy woro not takon into account, tho groat march was com paraiivoJy pointless, and bad, indood, far inor : tho ehara ter oi a retreat tlmn ol an invasion. iuitlior baa Hiikruajv succeeded iu pormane ntiy auvoritig, or even materially mjunuir, any ol our lines ot coui niiu icution. 1 he straU'gtstof the New York Timet, who ocoom piliiisJ him on an imaginary tiliiinplmi pro"nss through (jecrfia and uutil ( aioima, ussisted him in capluni f Aucnsia and ( harioston, helped him to tri-ak ip cur rallroud conueoiion at ltraiichv.do, and 111. ally isf.iblialied him eoinloitubiy at (inieus borcui h, must bo very much dismisted to discover tt.at it was nothing but an Ainaachar day dream; ai d that IsuKiiHAN was really trying to e udo pur suit uetij lie could coiuiiHinicatt with hia rtjot, and K-at biuieelt belbre I lie comparatively unimportant city el ravanuali. lu lact, ii.stisid ol cutting on" our louiliiul icution wdh tho l-ult nla es, hiiiot.KAN has rtstoied to us that main me, vastly more minor ant tl an all the others, lor tho ios-issj in ot wli c i no It ucht so many battles, and prosecuted so long and ao weary a cauitialrn. He ivos up a.l ilie country from the Tcnnosee to ti e Ocean and the dull, a most lim whole ol t.io et nqui aia oi ncai.y lour yeurs oi b oj iv Mtrulo, ai d ixiM-cta W ga.n, in excliano, a seaport winch ibas teen lor a long lime cii fed which conimaiuls no b.ng except a small area ot marsny nee land, and v. h.cb can serve, at liost, on y as a base lor tho ivniwal rom the ocean s.de ol tho acbemuut' con quett wh cb bas comesaedlv tailed trom tue ni.tuii ta n si - oi the ouii eracy All oi winch won d be, in effect, to recount enco another lour years ol war. Ai d hav. nuali la not taken yet. I he I ill ol ort H. Alll tor d es not bv any lo-'aus involve the la I ol ravai n ih. 1'nat post was intended to gu ird tl e Ogechee ltiver aa nst tho tanning ot a Vankeo a. n y appieacb ng .savannah irom Hi it -ddj. As si. on aa Milkman arrivid beloio llio fort, It Cead to aerve at y such purpose. It was iu his way lilil) as it preveuied b.iu IVom couiinuincatiog wii 11 I. is lie. t. It ou.u not lie held airainst him eo pt by tivt tu g a pitclieii battle lor it. and it was not ol su. belt ni coi.equcni0 to warraui such a risk. fe:ii:K- H A N will now. We suppose, bein tile siee ol Sav.l.l- nub ; i r what Uie Va .i.ees cud a sie'e; that is to sav, be wll establish Liuiselt ueioie it uud try to lake it in n e vuv. Veilu uoi ininU kio cm ea.ry u ly assunlt. and it be eaouot cut oil oo-iiiiiiiui.:utiou and con pletl ilivisrt it, we do not we liow lie can e:ip tur it at ail. but .Navaimuh is not the! on euoraev ; nor yet torgia. nor vo auyihiii'r more tna'i simply buvaui ah, and ila capturo won d cun uln( us xiiuch ton urds be coini u.. ol tho South us too cuii tuie ol Che uo louuios llio coupie.-t oi tl.o .Miriii. FoMier'a Operation N.'svsi Irum tiae Canst, Irom Uie C Auneilu Coantr. IKh. 'Iheeuimyou Jbriduy uiiei'iuion ma le an alia -k on our iii.es at t osiv.ut.c.iie. and w. r a,'iiu oi.i.y repuoed. Hie II bt loox p'ace between llie id tinny tru.-tli .wnifc and tlie (. ootuiaiolitc bmte. 1 ,w bea vio t lighui g was l.etivi en tlie 1'iieiii troop, con em. na oi a brigade ot iiilumrv and arlillore, esii. ma ed ut about ihreu tlioiisjud, co oinandoii by 4, mi. lla icli, auu tlie Ucoig a iroops under llieco.iiinauil Ol t.el.i nil I.- 11. t A ttTiiKLi ., on our rigid, relinf ou 'j iliiiuuy t ri'ek. Ail aecouuia concur in statin ; that ibe tibt w:is hotly eoittesied. i Iiu inu,k.'lry lirnL'Vas teriMle. tiur loreo was estitnatod ut nor. e ver niue I ui lr d, coo is'ii g o lietiictuu 'ins o: tio ii1h and r'ortv-seveutli Oeoigiu, aud tlij 1 irs and J hu d deoruia lie ei-ves. bkiruiisluu r couiiuenced early In the morning, anu was kept up with more or le-s visor until lour o'clock in the uiternooii, wh-u the em.u'cniont bo cau.e geui ral. 'I lie enemy attempted to eaiu pos-aear-ion oi tlie Tililnmy t in and l.c-dio-wuik, an .111- Jiortaut 1 os it ion commanding the line ot ruiiroa i at ooaBichio. Our iroops 011 tno enemy's appr men gavo a cheer, and boiore tliey could coinu up churned them with great gadantrv. i he light iusioil ulsiut two boms and a bait, the enemy being linuily ilr.ven back to Ibur intrencinuiints. 1 he enemy's lots is aa.d to have been verv heavy, while ours will not exci ed one hundred killed ami wounded, iieueral (iAKTBH.li was paiulully wounded by a ira fuiciu ol shell iu the aim and side. apiuiu riHKgriKi.u, a brave and gullant olboer ol the rorty-seventh (jeorgia. was killed on ibe field ; t'apituus Hkaut yrl7 alid Ve-oiJ, ol tho Jtirst tttoi'ata Kuourvos, yerc wounded. Ihe Heservea have received the highest enco miiiina lor their disiinuihed bravery. Tlio color bearer 01 the irst Georgia having beon wouud d, a Ijeuteiiant. whose name we oouid not learn, t.iog bold, and rushing forward, was killed wltliiu thirty yai ds ot the enemy's line ol battle. irom prisoners laxen in this light, as well as from aouie otour own men who were captured, and la terwards escaped, we learn that the enemy estimate their iuaa In hurt i bursduv 's eugaoiuul ut net wo 11 aevuu and eight hundred killed and wonudod. our low iu Ibis action waa seven ki.lod aud buy ilieiii'niy liaro eracuated Bovd's Landing and established their base at hue's Crook, Irom which there ia a direct road to llio Coosa watchle Uailioad budge Ibxir guu-boata lu liee's Creek command Uie battory iu Jielr present position near tlio lino ol railioad. A daspatcli trom Mujor-tioueral Junks, received hut evening, reporta all (ju.el at Cuojawat tbie and I'oootaligo. Ol SufBMAKa uiovoiuenls we hear piontv ot ru mors. Our iateat ana most reliable inudligeuuii talis that b is moving cautiously towards tue roast beiow bavanuali, piobul ly 1 01 Uuueaia 1'oiut. fighting was reported ou oaiurday at Moutiou, vabout ten miiea Irom r-aaiinU. The Naruuuau T'alliod wa miHirtud torn up Irom the lorinor noiut to tbe Junction ot the Central aud Savanna i Eajjioad. Ji day or two will develop hiixuKAH'a miei tiuu . (Mir pmparatloiM to duaat biui are be Itevoa to bo ampin. The War. rsH aV MrlMMd 9tnlml, Imc. IT. Oa tJiia gjdti ol Ihe nrer Uie calm srblob bas pre trailed lure eal days u audiauu-bed. 1'iiera wu a ruaaur ywtcnli.iv firbtiug oa tb so alb side, but UBlowB.t0nruM,,1 . . In t'eterabataT Arprf' ot yestordar morning, asi WcsiiKsHla uiJ Auursda aUtfmoon tuo (i riry's 'naMertes on fb' left brped our works on the hviri liclil sn'cot Ihe A-ppomstto tor an hour or se, ar.d thiew a rood insnv bombs itom th-ir n'e,tais, I nt 1 rcempli-lird riotlntig. Itetwi'.Mi one ami two biiiolicd piisonris vne leoulit to llich wiotid Teslerdav, beu nvms' to the Kitth Corps, aud captured by t.eneral IIamitoh. rrnm rtonlhwrMtern Tlrstlnln. 'Ibe icpeitcd rnplnre ot the salt works is not rorrert Ihe ,ast heard ol llie raiders. Ib"y wer" n skmg In tlu1 direction ol Wrthcviilo. 'l ite ss.t wniks nir celisiili'led sale. There Is ample tone, liedi I the i nfiiliiHiol ot a skllltui Ceiieral, III a po-i-lion to juoteet tho works. (col'gin. At the time ol wrdlnv tins ve are H1tl10.1t addi tion! I 1 riv- 1 1 mn 1 .eori'ia . From Cknrleston nnd Havnntinh Ifiillionil. l v l''"i iin rs bv Hie C utli t arolma H dlroad 1n-r ni'i it g, v,e were inioruied thil two iraius Ci.ti e tlreliuh ir' 111 Savannah to harleslon, on Suter.ini Irclit, " as it were In miming the ..1111,1 1,1." 1 :e 1 1 eiov threw s ier.il i-liel.s ut them, but lolh t r 11 1 1 , st e.c ipe.l Viilliout iniur . Alter illl- tlilll s 1 11 ! il, tee 1 1 111 . I'll' tbe Clinrles. teli mid MiViim nh Ib iol. ill 11 10,1, t n.vir 1 r.ilinn. vie. lie ie'ei.ruih wire was 11I-0 ieMtroeil by llieiu. Autiiitla .s.i.iie- . OFI'ICIAL WAR GAZETTE. mlnrrofnn Kntlrr- Krl ll llon Hl Ktoii4 l'iirnilt ir IIoimI - lininpiiini Orel r from llr'rlt lnrll K'l-I Aiitiiiutkliln 4-riM-f JHriirrr llnllrli ftol to ln Wnifrfl rrrll.r ol rool mikI 1 ornsr-A hII lor :loo,0( Mrn. AFiiiHoro.N, Pre . Ut, 1m 4. 9 1 M .-M:ijT-(.ft tif-rnl .l.iiJ A. Pix, N'-w Yiik : I lio itilmwnu w .i it ol hiK tijoralmiin en 't''til:v 1i:ih W' li n;- ctMV(H trnm M:tj-r-(.. in-rul Iiiomah: 111 AU Jl -J.Islt.lsH ! IA UTM KM Of 'I'M K ' UMIli: l I,AM, PKAU M'KIAO Mil I., ll llM.. lire. 1 H H I he enemy havo bt en vijfo-uu'.' piirucfl t r-d ty, lul ha wtufii(iuj,l vi-i-lr-i uir ull.iok t v my troups. 1 t.BVO micrrc-lKl tn takinx n u w in.niir, nnuw two r three liuminMl, Imt our enptui''H urn liirtit in ConirBrirtoii with Ihe furrw ni the a-t few diiy.-. 1 hit j uruitwiil tn? coin. mini in tit. mm uiti at aft any an hour as Ihe tronp cmii inurri. 1 he Inliowinu copn nt ortciH, (ihiimI in Hurra: iniuixik'i rump iu l-la't T m.w, arc lorwardcj lor ynur intunnaMoii : " 1 1 KA P-tit' A KTKltH W F.B T VlHINIA AND KHT 7 V NNrHHKK. W V HkVILLK, Vll ., UvV.. 2 1 Hi Vl, I il,IM- rul Ortirrt. No. ii7.- In accurilancn with Inst ruction rtreivr! In.m the Onlttancn Pcpnrliii'-iit at Kieh nn nd, tliat it liR" tueonin nt vU.tl imiMirtanco to hiiMhund fn.nll uruin, atntniMittuin and lead, the Inllowint order b piihlirhed : All lend wlnclran bo tflf aned Irom ha llehV1d4, or cilhei wijkj olt:uned, will he collected by the l-iii'mle ordnuiice oniccn, and to Niii to the nrare art,enal. A!) Hrm t bo reli ved ot their Bd lor cleamnn, the hu! a hhould be withdrawn, it jowdile; o herwi,ri tho toads t-ticuld he dint harr d u to ImxeM ol' cand or dirt, mi r,o tliat the lead tuny b' recyered and turned into the (,ri!nunco t'epartn.ent. Ihe attv-ntion of command. iitr olTeers ia rolled to tho neci.tuitr ot (ruitiff riTect to this order, nnd If n n'jrtd etilorcemeiit tn ftrfcfly enjoined on commanding oHioi'i-n. (Sii.ei') "MnjuM.eiH rul Hiikcki NlttDOS, "J. MdDDAUT JuiINtfo.N, A. A. Oeu." "II EAD-,r AKTKIlfl I'FPAItTMRffT fif WkmtVIH- Oima and I'.aht ltKNKS8i;E, Peo 2, 1H "4. Circu'ar. I he attention 01 couiumiidiitK ollicerd ia called to tliercarcitv ot loraco in thm pr-pnrl merit, and tlio nbo ute necessity ot UMntr economv in itH ciisuuip tmn. KTMieiices oi wasto hav been ohaervetl hori (oUre. The proper oflieerd it nut in all ca.-ei humt Inleiid tho itue oi (ora- e, and commiimlinir nnic rH and very c mj any otllcer must ifivo hia ntr:ct per foi al altent on. Hv coiuinand of "(Mailed ) Aiuior-Cieiierul BaECKlNUiuon. "T. 11. My euh, A A (ieuurul." 1 hnvo to mid tho railroad thus l;ir but little di.- tuibcd and my trains will be un b railroad in a d iy or two at the furthest. The tclciriaph is up with mo 1 find, unon receivinc; mnr correct reports of tho o erutioiiB ol tho liitli iiittuiit, tliut .MwjoMtonoml Ki. Juhnb(n'b entire division, with all lliohriirudft ct'Miii.uinlerH, was captured in tho works which wtro capture I by aau t, liesitlew doxtrovin? a trru'lo '0 eiiPiny'H cuvulrv and ciipturin its cotiiinaiutcr, HriKnuior-fJciiorftl Ki'ckku, Atr.oiitf tho cupturea niado tu-day aro tho Kebol KriKuUier-deiiend IJUAHLKS. wounded, and n uuiu 1 erot othoi' ltei c's, ni-o wounded, lying in the houtiiH by the roadB.de, unubio to uet awuv. hiniicd, Geoiiok AV. TnoMAS, SUiJor-Oenorul ( oininandinff. No rej orl lor to-day has reached tho Dopartuiciit. except the following unoilicial despatch: h'Af-iiviLLR, Tenn.. Pec. 19, lSti 1 V. M.-Thid lorcnoon the rams huvo I en 00 beuvy that liltle uio great hu been made. Pur cavalry nkirnnnhed wi(ti the enemy a short distance south ut Sprim Hill, liutliuir Fouiikht hi command. I he river is swelling rui idly. No h'tel hfeiico ftoiu i.cuuial ISuKitUAN baa been received to-dev. A call and dntt for throe hundred thoumnd troops, to n.uke up tho dellciuncy occatsioueJ hv crediU ou the liift cull, has been ordered by tlie President. Elwik M. Statton, beiiutury ol War. CITY INTELLIGENCE. Ti.i: School Teachkhh' Saiarifs Amotmkk Inhii:abb ABKt.t) ron. Tho male Principals of the Tubllc Schools In the l'irst 8i-1kio1 District of rtnnhjl-vanla have petitioned Councils In refer ence to tbeir Silurian. 1 hcj claim that in no otlicr city of the Union Is ihe professional teacher so poorly paid an in Philadelphia. A male l'rincipul of a lirst-class Granimur Si tool in this city received before tho war and nniil lowsrJs the end of 1SI3 hut $1200 per aiiritiiri : sup riiiU'iidnij hts rcIuhi! anil, to tome ex int, the schools ot his section, and ulso ta.ii hu.g tt division eiitirely wiUniut aid. Iu on er tit c- gi iiilcoi. n li l 1 1 nc si milar pnsi lions received finiii Hlty to stvcoty-tive percent. D;ote pay. and had the a sisian ic ul a V.ce triDCi,al, or suti inaslcr, in tho disclui Ke of the cuius neic oevoivmn eniueiy upou me rrincipv. lullulH0cliiLuin.ru is nut mio mule Icicicr en ployed iu a school; in New Vnrn aid U ision, a anil as iu oihtr cities, there arc fioui two to nx u.aic-s Thus, the maintenance of ili cipline is not si tiurdi iisiitue a lak there us hi re, in Uostun fr ui ls.'iOO to : i;'jU ai p i . I in n ihtrica o ilia te.iiheis lu eaeU ki.,iiini,ir c:o il ot live uumlred ijc; and in tMs city hut s.!ti..O was paid iu feuliirii's lor ttie au,e w trK. Ti.cre the ma e l'r u ipal, or M-ter, received S-WO per Milium; here, sviMi t Uie-c tunes tlie population, iilicut the -riinc nuitiii' r of 1'rincip lis ut there were in Huston received fl in each, a. id k n e hi ibe rin ul uibir c s re eiv. a hut ;ii0. lu llosion, most of ihe B Incus u ul auli-mus. tus ul 4fU;no per aniiatii, utii r lo ir ycirs'expe ri Tfe, and aiiinc aclooN a so Iiu 1 usiiors, at S'OdO eai h, aiuT to yens' t:pcr, nice. In 1'iiiiadelpbi.i tncli positiona .ire iiiiKuoa'ii, a l the asisitints tieing t'.'iiia'es, inot ot uaniii cauuot be considered as proh ss'onal t' aclu ih. In praciiiK the sului es for USi.l, tue f'ontril li rs 'iixc the tcuwi.j tet hers tin lucre i-o on tlio od lutes of IHii'J and previ .us, ra ining from fifty 1 er re tit. ttwa to twi uty tko per ec.t.j about twc-'binls of ihe utiiirjar aivrmni? in in creute nt f. rty tive p. r ceni. Tn -. l'nii ipnis of Gian mar t-eliuciB weie left at twenty-live per ct hi. u.cna-e, except Ih it mo of llio muhi teacbers in Ihe rurut hectioiia icteived an in crease of b.rly er cent. Since 11: ut lime pr i c of al! tho necessaries, of life have uutinued to ituv.mce. Tuu proposed in-cr'-ase of twemy per ci lit. on tho present rate will gie to those who haie hal lifty per cint. Increase alrca'Jy, thirty per cent, additionul, or eighty per cent. Increnso on tho nites of lwi'2 and previous ; ami altbuuKh tha increase is small (onipured with that in the cost of In iiif,', yet male 1'rincip. s aud others who ro. ceived twenty-live per cent, additional before, witli but twenty per cent, now, which ia e ual to twenty-five per tent, on the old rates, will biuo but an increase ol lifty per cent., in ail, on tho old rates. LakayeiTk Coi.m:gk. Governor Pollock pre. sided l.ibt night ut the meeting of the friends of this Institution In tho llev. Mr. Crowcll's church. Notwithstanding tho rain there was a largo au dience present, embracing most of the clergymen in the city belonging to the Synod of Philadel phia. Dr. Goorue Junkin, the verier iblo founder of the college, and Dr. Cuttell, its present presi dent, pave an account of the institution, Its put history and present prospect. Colonel Snowdon read a letter from one of tho trustees at K iston, giving a flattering account ot the pte erit condi tion ol' the college, llev. Dr. Kdwnrds urged its claims upon the attontion of the whole Church, contending that such colleges, in furnishing a C'hiistiuii education, were really doing a work Inferior in importance only to that of tbe pulpit. Addresses were alto made by Messrs. Charles MacaksLer, Alexander O. Cattell, Win, T. Huod grass, and others, all of whom urged a large and speedy increase of the permanent funds of the college, buveral laige subscriptions were received, and it was unanimously resolved to raise the amount tofat least one hundred thousand dollars. Laki.e Favmknt or Intf.kmal Rk VKKra. Me its. Joiih Giiutov, roas fc Co., of this cur, depos Ud yesterday lu tbet'irsl Nalioual llauk, to the credit ot tbe 1 re asurer ol tbe L'nited (jtalos, the sum of one hundred thousand seven hundred and etphty-nmn tio-iais, bems the tax on spirits distil ed at their works ou I hi" Uuiiunrahcla hirer, lu mo ihivv uiuu ih. euduig ll vl Vvlvbur ijt. AnvwtP of Ait my Con ntAciM. "1'hM Tol- If Vt iHa nwi rd wi re inii-le. jn-t. rdiiv, nt tint Army I ! tint v ai'd Kiiiiatr-tHti in l hi- eitv : Tm Mi'iH. Si.Aiir i'n . New York, iu,0tw yrH (trey tit tint ) t TV V ' V't ynrtl. 1, win, lioAROH tn AWMAiirow. riiilndpiptna. VA 000 yarrip I urtlen Panncl iunilr at td Hr. orr yunt. 1 itivrtK h . HroaiK '., ?iK,IM" yanh nry flannnl (ninpli at T 0. p f vnnl, i K T Wnnpt. I h liel-li.hU. W.COO yanJs S inch yellow worst, d lnc ct 1 wi-Mmm-. . r vtnl. A. LuTi.a, hew Vork. b'' uvalrv rinltina at c ut t , H r.H'UMF P, 1iiMadrlirda.2iQ0 ffs marhln ttirea-l, 7" a' lt PtMtT Wn.-'fiv, "eo .inrrn tiln' H Wllltnnnt!- rntfori, -t., t" nt -M-:'! or il ;i. Pi ii man, IlK u & IIaimi. 2ti s -l" mill lr.ittr at r.'t- ti' ini't. T li II w M , Nru tr .'. .1., KOl tlilr wax llppr Irj.'lier nt ,e. ft h . 111: av i:r i'Y, leiO tdt" wax ut-per tr itln r at lit!. P r ltt.it, linn A TtrM'o. Pi witlr uj'per l-'it'i'T it l'"-: ivtOi lie. do. Ut Ma- Jmiik N ai i tt "h", 1''" "I ! up-.' t"n'li it 1 I.ai uth 1 Ki.mii, .vm xr 11 p r It-..; her ut .Ih. j :0'3 d (hi. at :n e I . H. I' II t . r-n-'on, Wi,IMI lii lttT P'Otfl t V." ; Hi't li.i.j. trti t- nt mi 1 :li - Ul ' T 'I. . wit I'mhi ihn ,V Uiii:.'n, I'Mind-l. Iitft, P0 0"0 I frlii Iht tnii... j.ii'ir I, at -1 H'y. 1 isilil itivi: (ViM I A'iH A lI'tN C M, Hi, WouKft li HiiK'YKi'. Ihe ecial uil woi'ka of JHi ip. ( auu and ' kii.i .hu 1 ed ut I wehlv-fe"oii I I tt. nnd Htliiiftun bv., tntuliv ilr-'rnvd by M at ev Ull.tf. Ill" II till K U.TM lIl-lOVlT il i-nn- 1 ii ir I rem the uti .irlore nbuut dx n'ehrk, ninl nhurt y BltcrBn' the In uveitM weie lri I'mnily 1 linn nated. 1 Alit.ou.ih the Ihemeii e.vert tl their iifm wt to a iv I llie I milling !h iTnne wen- Hot aiibdiied for -evo-1 nil hour . Ihe l iiileiiiif wiueti w ax a fiih-Uuti.i tn f . eoiilnil.i d vri v va mill ti niili'li ii m'V and a t:ir"i I ftixkoi oil. Hut lev biirrel. td thi i:nay sub at wii it v en saved I he mitrhiiM rv a- maim 11 l'-r- lv W Oil ill . I lot, bv tin til III Will UlllMII to I 17,' f n, 1, 1 , n a t eh I l eie i mi ili.-in iiu e oi iloout til (I", 111 ,N W lolfc COte'iH lilcr.. Tiif A'm 1; or Vri;i t ver'I Mr. I). I L:.-r-i n tli wl rm r r mtr-nji r. ! Tin flrt Cln "rwlt'K M:wl; ie Ti' rt lire, and 1 vc ry mIv t 1 ri-N. TIiih tno nni- K'i T' nr- Hfwin,r M v hhe ,(, ,.,fins tierauif re ti (itln-r Vi . i' ft I Neen nri"'irnt' In ihn iIpIilI with If (N'mKrof Itsstnik as su'll iis ilii-'In , n ii; ai rf 'ul its ii.iera I tines. It makes Ii" I, s t b All f "ir I' fit f an I ill.tlnrt ptilfhf. tU.. : 1.( rs. Iinil. iliM-b i l..i k. a .1 il .il.lt! knot, linrh s'ltrh nlllr on tvilli s.drs nf III-raliri.!. It .i'sfi tins Uitme'Bshle f. el nioll. n. er aslini: ths nrsTAOH- to Tastsn I nil Hie ct it. "f ssalns er 1UJ liny liart r a seam wlt.1. Hit t stcpi'lnr if tip marline, tl.rr. t- sHVlnjl mtlrh tliir.il lalnr. Hi glitei, II bas a unitiirtii lenaiuii ol Ihreait, anil d.s'S not reiilre alteration In e! anil up from one klnlof work to notlior. The arnt I t tl e t'omi nn.v, al No. lKI e'h. -iuit street, elniUi'nprs comparison wifn al oht-rs. Indi'vil, when such eoinliarlfcon Is nistle, tMe prtlerenee alwavs iroes In favor of Ihe Floieneo Kvery maclHne warranti (1 to htve enllri latlilavllon or lnonejr return) it. Noeharno for Instnull'-li, wlifilicr ou sl.h to pareha.e or not. Clicnlars anil san pli s of work rent t-mull on re :clit of stamp, onica, Nu. fnltl Chesnul street. HOMIIAY rilF.SKNTR Sl'I.KMHII Si I. V Kit A HII f'H llAitn Mitai, tn thpvc l iys of excessive pries fir en rjtl li'i' In wii'ch silver or it"!ii forms a imri, the -nsn i fseturi of sin h sii e'l silver lat-il w. ire as that nn salo st Mnth ana Chcsnnt strei'ts bi'i oui. s a poshlve tns to the public. B"li beavlly plated aail huil metal (nlrkel), ami lliilsb'd In II. most el-ksat anil w'un l. ttla, svere artli Ir ol their mnanl'lcvnt stock wiuilil pass, even In the hands of coirn.eTiit ituiKi'.,fur realiilrer ware, nhilefor duraMlity, beaat of finish rlchncsftof'lealrfn.aiiil svneril excslN nee, they are eitial to piire silver; ami His srloe al sihieh the.T aie ollerul Ii. serh as to place them lu Ih reai h of alomit i vcy hoiui l.o d. The only manuUe Inrersif this henutilul ware io I. Is cltj the siieeeasful rival to the cHi hran d Shtftle ri ware of tUt-Unil are at lnth and t'hesrut streets, nnd ttose of our resders who have not ? st !mpect d it shouhl ro and esamine the real'.y rlsh brinklait. dlnt-er, and tea arts, nn Die various other articles of liuilfh e aid iimi'li-g character so profusely eabllilled there. The mott nucctficinl exatiiltisMon will latls yany cr.eof the uaelessness of paying esoroltsnt (irises for pure sllvsi warn, wl.sn an ariic e fully asdurn- Me.snd m closely rest niolluK It as to dt fy detection, cau be Lnd at prices which soim aliaost Iner. ditile. Having Ddtk.iiminf.ii to Ci.okk Oct our Win ter Stock ol llesdy iniiile Cl ithlnir, we are scll'mr It In larse auioulils, daily, at l i 'lud l inVei, much below pre lent rol of fi O'tlitiinn ; our purchase! having heeti ci.ule for eaifi, tittc U'trrft frtrri of the teaum se are enabled tooflerrttfltoineis tl.o advsniaites thereby secured, liur assortment Is foil and complete, our soods uif , fresh, and futfttotwble, taual lu any uiade to order, and soldsu uiucli tower in price as to astonlbb thoi.e who iiMially proeiiro thelt clothing lu that way. An exsmlnation Invited, Toweli Il.w.!., T.'o..rlS Market Hire, t, IlKNNUTT U eX). 1 Hint Ai.M until anth M akb Tim MostMonhy. We ohserve Messrs. Kyre h. Landell have this season, as Is their si.Ltisl custom in llie I'Jtti mouth, reduced some flee expensive ood to favor tlio laudalilo praolKie of in uk mu ptesrnls lor llio Uoltdsys tliut aro useful and of Ir.trlnbli' value. Ladies know this old-estat liihed corner so well, that to htve a Velvet Cloak, tine Nliav, 1, expei slve Hllk or I'oplln uess, Ku Is olden el llanc'ko eli.ef, Kood pdlr of lllovcs, 'hrlhtnias Hcsrfs, or nnytbltiit olso frrm Fourth aud Arch, Il a t-ood liuai autee of superior iUAlitr. OfGi nkiiai. Thomas, out in Tenneiseo, we n.id ha e ro f ars. lie is of aeo. atul seems ta be able lo take care . himself ; or, jie!in from the reports wo test from thira, he is shin Ut make a ir-7i yj.-.ii out of tho Her.ernl of Ihe ltv'iel arinv , vilcli Is m ire than a creat niauoihers can do, nation less wants thvi lioneral Thomas. Ills nii'le, we are iilan to l. arn.ls all sale, that sunnt 'ji m the Cloth nn llo.-c oft'liiries Slokej A Co i under the Cunllueiitul, erly last week. A 1'IIAOIIANT HllHAIIl AN 11 PllARI.Y TflKTII are easily atls ned, and tnise who fall to a all th'Miist'lvrs of the in. una sl ould not complain hun aceustd of itr.iss lieslert. The Hood.uit will ed'ly eradleste Uio causo of a foul breath, beautu')ln and preiariln. the toeili to the oldest ai:e. hoid by all dmsi-'tsts. Ciin.iiBKN'B Clothino.- Kn elc;mt asort- tueat at St. Flwtluaker A Co 's, ho i N. llifhlh street. I.apifs AND Clin nurN's il atk. I, licit style at Charier Oak ford a .u a, t'ontleeniai Mitel ViNiiovr Hhaiii h. Purous puruhiisint; shinies ir 'htse tines of Mill piiceswll save uiimi y by at onco tiolrs lv tue maiiuiaetu'er who is ao well and faviarably kUOW.. as W. Ul.SllY fATTSK, No. Itos I'ticuint street. I.aihfs' Ft'nn. An elegant nsortmeut at Cluurles Gal' fold A s- 11 1, Coin i.ental Hjtel. OfHiiiONR. Pi.w, Iiii LH, anu Sofa Ci-shionm, estimjle ii veii.auu work dviis Ioer man cm be alfor.li'il by any olher hou.e. V Mi. . llr.NUV l'ATIk.1, 1 100 L'liisiult slruet. Ofnti.f wi n's Hath. All Die lircsi styles at Charles Oaklord .t H jii'a. ' entlut ntu'. HisU)L Pi jit nAKT iih inuy rely upon getting t'lo bost I'uia et f tares tiaaionl si Kinca, Coiillnentsl llotel. I'riiot.sTi ltiMi I'l iiN 1 1 1 nu. Old ami New Fn-i.lture ft liolsti rsd ai.d Variiiahril In the Tory best uu.utiirat W. Ilkser I'srTr.N's Wrsi K.nd Uplto'.slrrv KMu'ipihiueot, &o. l Km Ohesnut street A NllAT AM) ClISlTKlKST POCKFT-II'IOK. A'.i pms. Mitroti & Hiiwhrs, No. 41 N NiKlh atreut.aro tho c.ur.utueluieib ol a pa't in pocket-hook, that l:ai beeome lu'iiu-iiai'l.i poiiuar. 1 hey are uiade of one pl.-i e of kwi- ll rr. by fololiiK which, i bi litre the u-coaity I.T either alllchili(! or I'untliii,'. Call and t umltie theai. ACiiuistuas Prfkint AYoiith Givinu. It 1ms luci ma Ihe settlid conviction of iboiutiifut poop Ihnt ivi iy family In the Isna should be kupcPcd with a ftrt elaaa sea mix liiaeh ne, and 11 Is eial y their couvio tloti tb.t the machine wh.eh combieea uiTfl excellent fealurrs than any olher is the "ilrover A Ilaker." It la Ibe only sewlnit uiaebUie ever luveuted llial executes line tmhroldcry. an advanliuo a tileh lu Itself entitles It to the prrfeienco with all lulauuent purchasers. Tim Holiijay Puknfnt most acceptable to a lady Is a drover A Haksr flewiux Machlre. This msrhiio took aU Uie nrat pieuuuuis al the lairs In the Uuiu-d islates the past year. GaoiiciK Stkck & To.'s riA.ios AND Masox or 11 III I. IN S PIANO I C A PI N KT HKOANtl. TAKINKT FI'KIIM.I Over olsl .if each of ISaai. fins In- OftllASSl. I'lAM) Blriiluruta have U-Cll Sold bv Mr. C A 1 1 1 N H P JCU I K. l.,aud thsoauand la souaiaully 1 HUH St. 1'IANO 1 bereaali. CAI'.INKr ri'hTK.e). s-ia- aaue only by (ikhans. PIAMI I J C (lOtTtn. 111 NUT rumkW. Kevetith and Chesnul atroats. 1 01I1AV4' Do Too Know Dbak bas removitl to No. 413 ChraDut aUeel? lie eel Is Tubauco, Cl:ir, ripos, &c, Hlty per sent. Was thuu ally olher mail la iUls city. Uejieuibar AWan, Mo. Alt t'keannt street. rt'KDSAi.L's Abnica LiNikiUNT An infallible euro for burns, scalds, sprains. rheatuatlnDi, nun-shut wuandi, Ao. A iliuile application allays the sain from a kura llio inatanl It applied. Ha lamll sbwllbs wilhotiltt. IriTii .J Imil II A SOX A llAHI.tHI CAIIIMET OIlliAN. Over Ms) of sack of tlieas fin tnaujsaaenis aava been sold by Mr. el., and las daaiana Is sua staaUy keeaeaalus. Fur isle only by 1. m ootrLri, sWratsUi awl Cbeanut streosj. PIAWO roatkrii I'lAMO I FOBTet riAsu riikiu pi a nu i FukTael, CABINrTT OHdA NH. CAIIIMET OK IAS. OAHIHKT OaWiAN4. cabin kt UttUlia. Vrsyesi stsMl Rlnrk Tesssa. A freali tmporiatloal, H U paukas or sasaai. St raeorr 4 by Piavis A Rionaans, Af1sa a4 TfaKi Ikrvttss pt EDUCTION IH FANCY VELVKT AND SILK HOIVNKTH, TO CI.OKK THE HKAHON. WOOD At CARY, No. 7ft CIIK.SNIJT HTHKKT. LvDILS' AND MISSES' nATi3, N 1 i V H T Y 1 1 H . LOW PRICKS. VBI.VKT P.ONNKTH ma's over en the latest rramea at a moderate colt. fltl.T UONNHIS A HI HATH KB HllAl iX. WOOD A OAKY, j.'o. r.6 oiiitriNUT rrha,icT. ,V L It A V 11 IN V O I. E. WALR.WKX, RuscisaortoW.il Cairyl, JfAHOMI' 111.1,, IJ IJ It n No. 719 CIIKSNUT STREET. Oflera Complete 6a Is of BEOOATELLE T LACE CTJRTAINS, N N siTAni.K ron CUKISTMAS PRESENTS. a. NOTTINGHAM AND SWISS LACKS, NRIT 8 T V L E 8. Wo. i:i!FriM;r Miir.M. VMNUOW SHADES htW BTYI.R3, AT TIIS No. T!t3 KELT!, OARIiLNQTONftOO. CIIBHWrrT BTRRBT MASOFACTUKiiltR-. PIANO COVERS, LAlttiESr BTOCK IN THE CITY AT LOW l'HICKB. fr. 'i3 CHIOM T H'lKkkT. fJJUJjJ t-CllOMACKlill PIANOS, fl mr.1 AeKNOvVLEDUKI) TO HIS THE FirsZST If! THE W0P5LD. Cl I.r.UIIATKD FOR TIIK18 Sll'ICBMR TOXE A XI) FIXISII. KNOWN TO HE TUB HOST EUABLE INaTIUMESTS MADE. AND SOLI) VTON THE MOST ItliASON- A11LE TLUMS. AT TIM'i WAUKIIOOMS, Ko. 1021 CHE3KUT STREET. M't rmM cifiil'y Invite .ur frlrndu ind the public (ti'ncr ally to call nt otr wnriirotiii and ea nine our exiumilTe aiorttiu nt of IiiMy linprovd Sunru ami (Jrand Plinoi, ft e have eceled the lilift'et preuii'iina nt all tUe Krcat rxMtntl m ever lu-lti In this enitntrv, Iticludintf (he Crl.e Mm ul the Wo ltl'B Fair, V vital l'tl uu, few York, and i. up trt'UN UMiimoulala from U.e betaitu; iu tula country a net Kuiiic. Y kutUiktl that ;h.e are uo Fluooa tuaJe lntiiU Ot-Untr mipeilnr to our j-a q. A ritlinle'tti,a DiT'ifucturen w3 pride numolvei In h. if f ft' h i vt d u rtput iti 'ii fur our liisLruiainta uduh r ltd h any dtht r m&Vc-ii In tnia country. It la a well k on frii I tl ar our Tlanns tis.ve f.-r mny ean maiu ta i til Ui-lr I.i;d it-,.iitaiwii, u ttwiUjbtAuUiiiK the powerful c m; f litiou uf iti k,t u ru nuikori. New Y irk and .m m I'ianoti l.ave tit?n flrodrd Into tl.ik ina -i t tl r k'i tlieir ..t nrit , ana l.i'ruldul ty tln'in b ti e only IMsitn-i in tin- uoiuury ; yet al tho hame time Iht-fctj Hiiit- amenta vry. Ultiu I'diitluue to null anj one ifiikki'i a iuntruiut ntu lor any lunt!. ot time, for tlie rtjaion tit a tin- aiu In'L'iu.r, aTid tt.ey are c ui,iellttl to t ike tWd of fitter ti.al-'r'. ptrtiaim itlU dm re lutoitr, itlii-ntie'Ii p.itl.d i p by i In in aa crldiriktcd I'lunosi.Khcu at tie inu.' Unit: tmh naixLii buve nuver been Km1 v n r l. aid ; lu th. Ir own unlet. '1 tie c mfi,uence j., ibai our eitizem aro ntltu lu.Uri'J to purt luiti huoIi lvdrl -i laUruiinMitfc, vvltr.uu cuniiier;ng Uieir own or uie f;nit-m. !ni i ol' tli. ir city. 'lln adv:mint;ea our c'tlzt-iii hH-reln frnxurntrlnn homo n.atiuftu tu.-ta ci rtriiuly -.l.ould not bo,OTDrto.ki'fl, f r Uie t' l Inn lennunn: first. It Ih acknowle.iK-4'd thnt Philadelphia If the irrpftt iitrtiiuiut. Hiring city vt ti.u country, and cubruvd for in uperloi and nKllfnl .Mukmen. Heeond Tt'f purrhft'-iT (ibtatne the plino dlrertly front us. ttf iiiat ofartiiD ra. ind huveii the aniouiit u ndu oy tae ai-ei t ts uaually ilu.LuJ) urvatttr protiie thau the uikuu frcturer. 'I till d The SKeut'i resronilbtllty amount to nothing, theiu ut no redre-n ; the tiitriitnuiit hi tel.H la m ide ur Mm- niarkut, and ihe purcliat.eriuut ruq :ho rUk. Wu- roa.t, uil tin oll.er Imnd. vm. iu the iiinuucturur h, aro Imld ret-poinjil-ic. and raiiimt oMrk the reBp nulLHtity like Uiu autfit. Our rwpututton In ut utake at all i lines, and it la tl ere fore to our imwrvil to turn out none otuir Uiuu orui iic.r.st tn itruuiiMila. Kourtli. AdinKiliiff that lurh lMttrument mU'ut be equal Io our own wnon iiiw, tlioy cimut (,'ive the tdiue kniuiautJon, or wear the hame leiiiU ot lime, lur tue reuiii tliat ihe aant d par da u(mii othuri to keep inch piano at) he nuila In ordur, and will of cuur not expand any of hi protlta lo do i, whilirt wo, ihu mnnutaeiurwrsi, have our awn aceUnt workman, wb' fully undurittana tin bonnes, and vlU pioixpUy lTe their aUiUou, au4 the pKMit ) te made 10 wr unch loiinr. Hir titai linliintrnt in one of the tuo,t extensive In thli otutrv, and Khun our tew Improvvinunu uuw In proven are couipie-ed, tt wttl be one of th' lares.t tit tle wot Id. Our ot.-ecl t V) maJie thin brauch ol industry one ot Ui ttreat tnitltutiom of itoW oity. Our umlruui elite alio ptuneit treat linprovementi otbt o tints and our Jktru.ive fucllittea tor ruanuroturloi emit h ui u keep on band a largo atock ol material, aud tkirwllts sJit hl'kt niaichiiitirv. Al1. Jt peiioni deairoua to purchase will icail,w will prove aU thai we have laid lu rnrd to our ptauon. There are. of euurae. alweve filtTereneenof opknioii, and prejtidlrtd aitndn.aiid Uue wbo are lntretod in the vale m mliHr biuma who uiav dlttwr fruui ui ; to nueh we have on'yw lay.Uial it would a- re di much ploanure, at any lime, to l mi our inutruueuU wliii any uiM Luaxa wlucJi they n.aychoee name. We aaata aik oar fi woda and the nubile to oall and es- amlrva our aupior fUuoi. We feel tail ded that no huuaw la thi city eaa urupte with as, vvr yti&H be( rM4naite aua t-Miua aeouuuooaiiuaT. K. B. Recond-liand rianoc taken In exchange I'lANCJB TO RKNT, Ordert lor Tuning promptly fttieuded to. BOnOMAOKES k 00,, U-Kwvtfa X CUUJTVT ITAJUSTt 1 1 I 'M IN XTT" HT I tlriT1. ij.i Mps.ssje-sa.ssi .jsi wear eel sli TC"-rSTV v r..f.'.'.M it 1 . a - s . Ji X)YHIAN1I rAfCVKKlHI CCD WAY 4 BROTHER, No. 3.1 N. PF.f'ONl) BTBF.r.T, apov IlHOWN, IMI'OIITKBH AND JOMUKHH. W e have now open our Tall a ek of (larman, Frsneli, ant Tyro Ires TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, All of sihlrh are of our own aeler linn and Inipifrtalh a, to whlrh we Invlle ihe atli iiimn 1 f ilesh 1 a. Atie iwoni aa smlm.nl are suany 11 l-'iw I HIIHKI.T NBW AND UK-IK U'.I.K rlTVI.r,. fOVS! TOYS!! CHKAI'KKT IN TIIK I3ITY. A 1 Anna AMsouiwrsr r 'V "' H, ISO. TIM M. Heennd rlrs'of, li.low Maikrl, Bid M r. I er (Se a toiti 10' .Bsrr no e to 01 rc nr r' Hie 1I4 f 1 1 not (1 111 Ii Will k. i r. 1 . o nil I 10 I . M . o'iin ,( .in no. ,1 OS We 111. ,!. 'em oo illocl I . F I I Ssl K Hoi K I if- I Ul al pif. M I II III 111 1 11 1. t 'Si J Al. Us li d A. .1. WKIDKNfc It. IJ II' lrp No. rs H rs t:i iivn a-reel. rIIK IiAIiCI'.ST AND FIN I'.ST ASHOIitkirNT Of lAirS'l' IIOXMM. IMAiCOMANIA I'lf I VKKH ANIl WHIN: VAt'.-e I'll'TFIlFH A Nil Hlrl t KK ll'UihM, WIUTIMI ri'RTIOI.I"H, ANO mill U CI IKISTMAS PUKHKNTS, Of II e choicest kind, at niodrrate prices, E0II0LZ & JANENTZKY, ii in st so. 113 8 Kiiiiit 11 si imtr. "IJSKI l li liOI.UAV IMIKSLNTS. LA1IF.S YIIAVFIINd BAlit, I.AIUJ h' muil l lMI II Ml". CitNrS' TltAVF.I.IS.l ItA.il, US.NIS F.M'I.UhltM U.VUS, FINK flOOIH, AND OF OTR OWN M A N V FACT I' R K. Ill TICI I.F8, I'll KIT HOOKS, POUT' OI.H H, and c ervthiee me'ui for the 1 ravrler and Est lirsl julaL A lark' stock, iiiltatle for f'resents. JAMIM 1-3. ItllOWN, 1KU'K AN3 BAH MANrKA JTt'RF.R, ivo. ;us m lUMcri' t , )'J in lm Oepoalte Maarnl: Hall. 0I,I1IAV J1 KTS. rs TJiriiso siaoi: kvhy. HllOWN'S PATENT B ABY-TENDEfi, OR, MAOIC SPRING CRADLE, The most useful and dcllklitful Nursery Invention of the ate. From a Vertical and Noiseless Cradle It la Instantly oon Tcrtrd Into a Hprlns Cha'r, Kcriliiiim Couch, llaliy-Juinpor, Btbj-Koris, Hahy-walker, lliKfl Chair, Nursery t'balr, Ih hhj Horse, ami ottmian. It ellecrually ebvlatea lie svlla of tho roctillllr motloa aflorda great relief to mothers, oxereisrs and delictus unll dren, snd saves the exponas ol a burse. Also a lark'O variety of i a rv t; v jioj-.iia.v uuoih AT Tim HOUSE FtntISIIINO STORE, Is'o. Wii CUK8NUT 8TIIKET. Helm JOHN A. MUItl'UKiV. rril01IAH J. sfc J. 3v. IlHOWN, TlBALRIlU IW loots, FlioeB, Trimks, ami Oarpnt BagR, Nos. 1014 and 1040 MARKET STREET. C'liatoiusr work made to order. 11 a.'luihs.'iw 1SG4. 110JL.ILkA.VH. 1SG5. WIKCHESTEIi & CO., No. 700 CIIL:SNUT BTIIEKT, Invite alter tloo to a choice stock of WIIAI'l-KltH, ( AKKIAOB BLAKKF.TS, CAU1.I IAN JACKETS, SC'AllFH AND TIF8, BllEAKFABT JACKKTg, OLOYBIJ ANU DANIIEICIWJI1IKKS), SMOKING CAPS. 13 11m WHh a su.srlor ataorimsut of other Oootls sultatile as PRESENTS TOR GFNTLEVEN. D. W. CLARK, No. Cft2 CUKSNUr BTKKHT. II ti now on hand a Ttry lurn'e ttock of V aU nr.. Jf, tl.HY.and MlI-VKR PI.ATRD W ARK, pf'trUd exprt'fcaJy ftif the oosXtnif IUM.IUAV TkiAPr., Iciiaie Utpir u dnt tiKtrnoriti.aiti low urlcea. wu liavt a iai.e eioi-k of thu following tfcoia 3 (ti Id Will eh ei. Ml. vr W H;criffl, ItuH-i' v a oh i, (.mi Wi,ii , lto Wu'trna, An. 1 Iran Waichei, '.r .iiish V etH-a, (t ir a W:clie, ( u d I'd 't.tfclim, t.oltl 'haiosirlit' ik aim, tioi'i m a t haina, tt"li' Tfl.tMl CiiaOts, .. (t, IVI.s., aii -lii I'.fithplrkfi, 1 1 I h m .1. a, o,l Armli'ii, (.( d h'OIII rstllfl, (hint -Ut-vr Htutoi r), O d Watch Kv, (lol lH., tli ntn', (jmd fliM.l.a tti'M, (.1) It I'ltIN, UlnKf..', d Pir't JiAK laine, ti--.ll Kr U'i g, ( d Htiuet litu(ii, ,oid wfarl i'hii, (1 id I'raniiMa, ti. 'rt I.H-tH, Jd I arum, U..'d uiHi Hooka, H Ivi r Tn iiittf. K, Si1v i ai k ti KlMifrt, HVw T r- r Hit Knlvfn, Mitfi Kub t liauis hilvwr Vr h (I ni ii I, Hll.Mt I LATKD WAKK. If ialtd on iitnuuiij Albaiu luotat, and warraiitAiil; Tea fli-ta. Cnk.c l.rthKft, FlUlt liiAkctrrf Card ltiulvi r. It Utter I tuiitiii, H rup 1'Kchori, rt'Kr I'lkiivi, Bri'aKfni't'ator, jMnticr t'aisiorH, Pickhsf a'tou, H poo 1 1 Iluldon, V aJtora, Unit), Halt 8tMBde, UotdvU, C'uj a, CnH lU'lM. Napk'ti liinfil, t lh kontl, l'U Kntvea, hv Crtmui Knlvaa, Cake Kutvt st, I'ruiuh Kntviti, Cliildrvn h Kntvei, Itdldran e (. hlUtt i'ti Spooiu, Oyitor LadJua, Houp l,adle, 1 alrlo ajid lemer. ftpooai, Tea, Sufrar, and A Alt bpootft, Tea aud Dinner Furke. lMsATKlt JBWFT.RV, We have on hand a lar ne lot o line platcil JewAlry, whii b we are olosiliiH' out at ookL prlcte to make room for othir (Ofxli, 1 hole wtahiiif aKdt In our Une would do wuii to mi) and taamlne our itock belure parcsUaaum. AUou4 warranted aa reprvaenlcd. n. w. runic, No. IKHCIIKSSIT Htreot. H B. Walchel and Jewelry rarfally rt-palrad by ex pertenivd workuea, and warranted. KnttravlaK neaUf txecuiatL 11 -wirHAJUJ 111 nflARLKS KUMPP, J I'tXIl t BOOK and NATCHKIj UhSTTACTXTRtS, i.e.47 M.8IX1II sunt, below Arck, (lUi.AliKl.l'lllA. Portfriltos, lireeslnst'aaes, Car Case, fvckst linoks, Cal.as, a)eU:bsla, aleosv Dells, Work Boies, llankars' CSAOf. .... Wholesale sjkd. letalU U I l IIIXWIIV If AltlMUl, 0. 520 ARCH STREET, HAS A CAKKFt'LLT S St.kt'THD STOCK Or VATCII KN, mnp .n.wr.i.viY. si iiVKit-i'ia ATi'ii) WAitr:, HSlSClAt.l.Y FANCY MllVIUl WAH1J, rlallalile for 11 M HOLIDAY AND 1UUDAL ITIESRNTS J OI.IDAY IMU'.SKNTS. a. It UHH i; I,li, Vo. : H. (sixth sjtr(ei. W. 11 111 p d itieote am r.ts.n to 1,1s ati-k of nrie American and nt d WATCH KS, In Hold At d S-IHer ((!. I) JKWKMIY i f il r 'at!tt Us. II IMiMnVK HII.V KK W KP' w ..rr.ii.'ed ( r i . In, At,, i'iiih. f"f H-1'iU pr" nti. (i. Rt'SSKl.I,, ,2 ir.tm H... Vi N. HIX I II Hire-1. :staiu.isiii:i IN 1 s 1 2. HOLIDAY PRu'LNT3. AVII.IsIAM WILHON aSt HON, K. W. fur. riFTII and IIKUIt? bts.. Mill Al'PI.t IIIA, Irae i n hand ela-e a-Ml icneral i'"rtmr nt of su vi;it waui; lf..ur f wn roann(rrlare,rf the flu t o,ultt and hlhrat tani'.ard of Miter. al.no, PI.ATKI) WAKI5. A lartre and yeneral artn. nt Of mpiTlor TkUd Ware, . e. Ol.n Rll.vrB N ou t nd taken In eirhanpe. Wlrhoe pr cei niton. T .1 KU KI.UV Illl! TIIK HOLIDAYS, At Rl . II 1U1 N A N ' H 11ml l-;ic-u' flnri-, .i. Xtr.t h. Kl.lllTII ClK-et, a si R.iee, l'hlln.rl.tua. A la' lid ' .1 . .t Mi.i k nf all the Int. .t ami iu..sl els f .tot 1'.. -i l.a, roa tirlmr g in l.srl FINK AMIJII.'AN, KMll.HII, ANIl liF.NKVA W l l lies. F I s, K ;ot.I, I'OllAt,, A M K Ttt YHTH, ANO OTIIl'.Il H . I.Kll Or JK A Ki.lIT. A I.i.li!a. HIC vftlll'IT of Fi lid i!ver aid FlaMl War, llANIiSO.MK LRUNZKS, A.-., JLu. 'e wi.iil.l reiTirn!l. Invite osr rrlr-ils anil III rtn'.l'e r.t! n il 1 'iii:iin- li r It ii'ives lir.-vleua U luiiC'iaMna llM where. 1 rli . a ei lois. II li-lill riNi: (il)ODS lull l'IMISK.Nl'S. Ws l.ave ruecntlr milled to our lirs'c anil emenslvo Fluek a lie eeM. tli JI of lis Aeil s.ilea el ilF.YYKI.IlY, lii.t.Nr.s, lilAMONIK. (ILVf lt WAIIK, I'l.ti.'KH, and r ANCF I. MI.'H, All cl recent m.inuf ftaro ain Imi'ortatlnii, a;iirojriat) li.r tlie llollilas. j;AIIsf"-V at CJ., ' 17-71 K l. KK (Mll'.IHI'T Hheet. JK W IS LA I) O M U S, DIAMOND DEALER AND JEWELLS, No. 802 CHESNUT STREET, lias od hand a lariie and aulenlld aasorlment of DIAMOND JEWELRY, CITABLE l'OU HOLIDAY TRESENIS. Also, a beautiful asknrtuicnt of Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry.&c. Silver Warn In itreal varletv. sultaWo for llrlilal and Holiday I'rt svnta. la.v iisseriiutnt of lilsmord Jowrlry is complete, aud at u-.a pilee iLao cau La louna lu mis cry. Old Gold, Silver & Diainon t1 s Bonglit for Cash. ) I A M 0 M 1) S . l'ersors havlns lilamonils or oilier pre. leus stones to dlspoie of, will do U by cslllos on LKWIS I.ADOMlia, DIAMOND IlEALKK AND JKWaUK.lt, Mo. sol CUKHNI T HUect, Who will elve Ihe hlgheat cash tiriocs. llClra ALHO, Old Gold nnd Sllvur Uouglit for Cash. l.J i: 151 JOHN BllKNNAN, IIKAI.KU IN FINE WATCHLS, JEWELRY, AND ni.vi.u waui:. lilar.iond Klncs, Dlstnor.d l'lns, Ilsmrnd Far Tt-nirs, l ire Fuaiurlail riraoe.vts, l ine (1. nta' Chains, H e IJ aa Chains, Aniell.. SI an J II aiu. Klutts, Heavy lsi; Uualda, Flea Heal I'.iiiks , Fine Fuarl Klnirs, Gi nta' j'laui. Hcarf l'lns, Auiii'.hjsl ax.il t'ua.'l ttsla, Coral Brie, 11 6 In l.alies' Chat.-'alui' l'lns, I1U0N.K AM) l'ANCV GOODS. 15J H. I'.Klll'l'll HTUI Ajr crroai unity io ruKOiiASE HOLIDAY l'UKHKNTtt at low rnici.s. Tlavlni ilrlermlnrd to retire frm bualnsaa, and wl.liln locli'teoul mj en'1'8 atn-kof T.'a'chea, Jawalrr, M'lvfr Ware and diver elnl.it Ware, lilies. , Muiical H'.aes. Table Cutlery, Ac , wltl. In si'y tfays, 1 am prepared to off r ImUiet-tui iita t. purel.a.ers, ami lo.lrlt an ekaui'iia iln ot three aiaida, uiuai ot' wb.i-baiu gou aiylse aud of Hue quality. THOMAS C. OAKItHTT, ll-IW I I Ko. 1 14 CUf.SSLT HTBKET TINE WATOniS, JEWELS!, BILVEU AND rLATKD WARE, OOKNKR ARCH AND TENTH 8TB. llrvoiuus, Blesve Bultoas, Armlata, Braealeu, Hcarf fins aad Klnss, Tea Beta, lee ritauors, Walters, Uoeluls, Fores, Bpoous. Ao. Watctiei rrpaln a and warranted. Old Gold, Dlaianads, and Silver Buutikt. 11 19 3ia HARRISON JARDEN. J'OUIITII AND AllCH STKEETS, EYRE ri LANDELL. MEItltlHAC CALICOES, VAIaT CXJr.OItM l' ()K CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. NEW DE LAINES rOH 0HBISTMA3. 3000 Yard. Trenoh OliintzeB, TardWide, Tilly Centa, h-io-w SEFCL GIFTS FOR THK HOLIDAYS. I'ritCEl MA.1NKT1C CI.OIIM, esplelnli.s U' atlrecUon of the earth b srasuatioa i onsoi Ui" awn lualrucllseaaiasil aa liit.s-e.Um gifta Uial caa lie IHf S. l ied to a child. ITloe H 00. l.arsur olwia for teachsra are la areparatton. ,.a Finely llluauaied workaisTlrese aud 100117, rnosoerapa AloasuS, Jussnilia. .laia. a, Ao. .- h VliAIAJUly It , J N f " I 1.1 I A t It lifM Id N'JTM. Ko. hV2 CHESNt'T STREKT, Vfti lease tn triform htaee.eetntd euiUvmere DiilMi are- eiit it. .k of VATVcrV A.I TOYS Pi ipaei thnt of any tWiiier tTBp.irtntlnn. H aT I 4 aa k eo with eNr etvartlr)e htmfir. h- fan truly nar tl rc is nn aimilnr eatfiMnr ment In tr-e ennntry tfcut t an roinnrc With Mi. A m p te iftt'i f h' ol from tt i- f nnimfm iiircri m l Ailinti in Kur.n.e. tuone dal er t.o I1115 fr m tlie imp. rrnr hfie a fain en eef- U nlv rot ti mpiti tilth Kin ni tie fi T"w in cxmU be pi lar, f h vr:H v. nd In .v r h f niiruly otw tlaa, a nn n iir e-o-r in t 1 a t itv en oir I 1 IX I- W OliK I oK.S irv i.Kv.oncit, am or ovK nnxF1. Mil MHMt V.h Kdk LHHH mi (iKNTLEMFN. M l I NU V HK liKK Ml N(t ( st-.H. Y KSH. I'AItiH t.n.r nt i;.OI). I" If I A M W -r I'iI'IIMIUN OK 1 M f A I I ' tl I'. AM) MOPfRf. II II Kl .-MVKHi I.Ni.l.lsii wai KINd tANfti. f It f K KT .Ml A'i:Mi 1 m fj.KM tt.N T$, KAM'V .rM ll It '.i flDS. t A I 1 h S ' IlAt.S o Kit TWKSTV DrrrKUitNT Kl Mi-. I Ains, t'Of K V. V Hf mK M riUMt t'ASKS. I CUStH AM' t oi; Moi . ( , A M ' H OK Al I K I N f ' 1 11 m, 1 f r m 1 k . 1 - i rot IIHiiMiF, ""MINIMIS, t lil.Rs, Alt II At K t, s vtty rrtA 11 1 K I'. Al. A I M.I K AM) TIVOl T. IN H M- T r i i!r I'BitiiM ni 1 cniplr-t'' In eTery arlet'f k'wn,t'th rrnr n. rl ttiii. tn'r hf'ir lmnnl. f i!,if vf Inn Tir i . t-f cr Moil knon. kept In t! k kinir, a it r 1 a - In i"'rln:T ft tl t-ti fill dreantiiif any- II -up Kruw n It ml in K'iri.pe I hli In no ii' ixai Lu ll tu.tild r.ll arnl fee them. 11 M) ?Hrp LStM 1S04. I.It ll'I'l I II Ar I'AV3i;, uihwrat I'n-rier i f SIX Til iiiij A lie.'ll Btr.-rts, Olr a ri 'i ri'lM s- rim-nt i.f I'i.-k-i.Mk mil nr. i t in tv. WOliK-TAsn. I AM'l ".l-H.ll, w 1.1 "W iiAUta. it vey waI.krrs), hi.his ami ai:r, hk a tf.h. HI'lt'K ItiiM.H. MMS' I'r.'tV KKI'S, FA STY VS II .1 .- I 1.1 I' MIT SITS (.r IIN'lMH' I KA TltATS, mm: ei'ii in. v. At il a o te Ir Mi rn uf UUl 1-K r t'UNISIIIN'l fiO'HiS. Itl 1 1 1 Til A- I A I Z, i AHl'll 8trcl. AMUSEMENTS. JKW ClIKSNUT ?T. TIIK AT UK. IIKlMTST 1!T1T, AltOVF, TWKLFT1I. 4-HOV I ti t M , l.liV.I. AMI M W At.HM. MO.MIAY AMiTIKSUAY liVKMXUH, ll.( KMm.lt and '), ItRI'ltOlirC I H 1 N Ktn l MsirS(NLVf MHI IN'- i nvri V. ni I ( i l oiir'i null o An cl an tlrama. In flreactJ rt ttt id the 'J OltOOIV, "1'OltOON, "t I w M X , Oi iuit(if)t (11 1 OltOOV, Ot lOKIIO.N, 4 OTOIlOOIVf t i oiiooiv, Ol 'roitoo v, Ot (Ma(tO, tnnutoov, 't Mwai'd i'inilin toftHTv ( m aid H'h nd d l-y tv la to lauflnUd- hu It. Hn itti nt-it Ii. A Ktri.iiKe r I'.tniird pu -p euty f.r i- nit'trot li rfti.cll"P, or i;if .i r-1 "ni.Hi Oi ti.lt1 al M io-h In htr.-i.-'tl uii ' irr.r.d tlrohetra. 'I f. (j ' (. mm n' t n -i n e a t.it-.i.tu! I ttiru uf M, hi V is n i I N A In li h at i'hfti nitilo fi-nn, and tiai never heca tut Jul lor l' tn.tfiii.l . i. r' i .hi nr.' ot t.ll h IN liSK 1 l( Mot IIHVK6T. In ohIit to a 'u him .t to the piy. tue fanai;or tvmilc am. (Hi c tl at Ic ' 4- 'e r "I in fi,' i't'iUL'itt with vi;h !ortir, ' I l 1 1 r. K h IIN, H: h- H K. il M K Kfll S, MliS. MorillCs I.I.MIIMi Kl Ul. ho V III riiuki' 11 1-, It r IKS I A l l i'. A It A St B, .ia v ift rri i tit nmtr'Hi: AM I IIK mil B N ttlll!.. .Ktr i. Tho Vvtitu' t d' iii it pr -kiui to biAtiu ti tl.' uHulic. thai illmut thr rn-i'ttl "f MIS HF.1.1 r" VAI t.HN. ifiiild n t pokhMiIv U-o nrrninl with M-. Hfiphla n t" r Kiiim.iiH Mtj V'tiiK' n ti ni iurn onK.naUy caat tlie ctiii aiti r lt.il Ii tui 1 1 .s : w t A.(urin iiiinnur. v hiia rt niij'Ksn d In r t-laloi tJ tae prt, simply to '"'TIIK M A N ! I M K N V ANU TIIK I'I'III.IO. In r. tii'i,ii. n :t'ol ti l i x' rt-1 1 1 ! ' utli and in eri'Mt of tho Of Tt IttiuS, It will i .'in-t tuu: the i ntlro t voulnii'i per formai . 1M K TIKI) A T A r l I'.IN'I e MISUKMIIFH 4, KHIII Tt-.K I M I.IUMi I'AMU.Y vi Al'INn!. V'pon )i t ti fvi 'if out.' t H T i ' 1 1 N will hi pei firmed. I r "i'i 'i Aomirii ion io ni- .11 hi mi n, ..' ecu i io an imria of Kip liKJe ln.Uicn 2o centa. Hoors open at g ; to commeseu at Chntiraii Itay, AI.AII1N will bf prodiu rd. MLKICAIN ACAUKMY Or MU.S10. l.-fnreand ManaufT jniti t. rniiu. ( Aln. ot tiif iMiiiutiiv Mtri. i 'i T'iNiMf', t.'lltmln', : rnnt m New Tt aatra, WaBtiliib'ion; and tho Aloxandrla, VlrKlnlA. ncattt'.i P fcvilufcer Jolt N U. WBUIUT TaAMT 'KKK Ht T OVR. 'I IAhlSU, Pet'unhrr r I) W I N V O It K h n T K 1 W I h F U It U K H T V 111 lander, f ttn i itir . n .ti i ir t.y, Illl treat hhl.i-(" "n i'i its. -nation of tlia til Kt. til- t.L N i l it, IH Kt- Of U KHP 'C. Iti fctml i'f( mi"' I 1 1 ffdy of Jill It A tt II Itl; Kix'lM'-li III , run imtti.k oy iioswoiMii rxv.ut. MAI'AVL lONI -I a IVp (,'iM't v ; va. jo. in iic i i.l u riu hi i-'miv nd ; MIH AH' K tiKY i Lly Ann; Ai.d ttin fn 'ro 'sni:iny This Trait' H " 11 i I-' p with th i. lit 'l F. T I O.V I'I V TKSl-HH. ffuppontd by t .t n nc Coniuauy. FI'WIV f f'ltHI HTS ci4 trf-tTt wt!l positively cloio K1IA l. r .SIMl. In i n MK. Foi;;i.T tOMA Y, TIKHIl.W. M-l -i-HAY. AND lit ID AT N .,T1 ukatr nFori;iri i x im in -nvAcR. Iiu ai-riotuianra ou V t-;'.MlAY .r HA J L'RDAT t .li T ic I'i-x Hi I, for tin- ta'o of on un-il plaoiis now open biMwrn IU .our o' :i d ft "'' i ' k. I'nrtesin iiura 1 1 ir'fi Im-io- vi i k. A-tinl- Ion. sVi ano cfiiia. bicuiad Hi aia ..iK-rnia aildillonaJ. It KAT NATIONAL CMIUMt.S, WAf.Ntir hir.-i't,B' ' r.it.lii It ttr -i-tro-a. Ur. CtlAltLttt HAKidls (H..lXily M' 1N tl I.) I m iitAi.Li-.i i n i.n ' ia m d. a I iUAirnoN, am. k 'i . : Ksr. Iht irrtat lld rid- r 1 t f t I K Jill NK Itl M r, IM at ( rar fvi-ry ntiniiy ui.n.n uc nni. lie I uiabt- t lit. stii mtli wi.r ' " "i r " Mtt t H Itt KH KFP', It wnrl-l- H'finn io d n i ra t ani iirnntle nnatrJan1 ul ..i" i m-rui iintma ti. pittvot Mai-k iuIM. Mt o. o. .olaNU KIC0IX, In a tt at d t'ariir a 1 ilk .u-nr V TAI.I ZY.H will art t' n rtiu pii-ti tt.t-ir ii nioa avo ntum on Ui li r: tub. I itaiNi a. MIY IIM Is Tll A!H li fo.rti i ' i ' i ;o" t Uo pffi'-nt wc-li It rill Hi i ''! In k ion' i if. artoi.si'fsf, pie. Irian, ' ninl i ..ni' ini" it; iAr. iih (. (id urn ii yitf tita vulii Ct I oi uri ' A MUMi'V- '!''. tt; HeooDd TKr, M roi. I'na' l"if. .i ai d FrPv Ui r mn".v- fi syva-itinf nt 7 it. I i i ii. i i-a n w i sui4 nmr ta A'loraoOOsS con ii l.'-ioi. nt S u i i-h i.e-t ). nr ti 'lor j .I.f . AI.M'l' ! UK.'.l' 1 11I.A1KK 111 IH tl... S. ; Mil' s I N( I. I- - I lis MuUr J0, I a l Kit S. I UD. 1 LIM 1 IV1XV, It'll Hit. I H' I IIA Mil, 1 N " I' I I . , n nr. si a i nr".. no's i K. 1 1 ku i ii it f.. '.iii m.ai iiii I. 'iii'si ii. iar.ii iiiai,. T r iLwi.. ! .t .11 II .ssl Ml.a,S. H I KM Ml 'A 1 i'i v !".'( II VI I 1 N s K s.ais itisv i s .v. ut..! ir in a til .. o I. ck. 1'i.rtain rt'St it "it oi is a . MK. John iui.il in:. UUl. W's) is'KVV AK(.'U bT. inn 1 ikis l.i tl . I 1 1 l.i I A lit It ' II e, 1 , 1 Illl l III S I.H I IVI .1 s 1 I -i'i1' r I. li'. 1 11 M' .11 I 1 ' ... . hlil I IT. I . .11 1 I I' 1 1 .1 ki:, I I IKK.:, , ,11.. 11 u. darta. . ,u.i.. I S i, HIK Hli'l.l's lu (.''N il t H It I M 'KlM W I'JI HI- . I. II KK It T' I silk '. as M 1,1 it Fr its. . lln t III . I J s.. ,1 llkk.. S. als i, ri ' 1 1 il. ' 'i' a A MlilA' 111. ll.l'I.Ni.S. HIMU LI. AS r Al. il II 1SKI1 , rim.Ai'aU iiiA ci .IS-l' Al. aiiI' y I laltlTE CLIO, Wl I'M rail 1,1" em' r .'1 innleTlrt. is. at il..- .hs'f I n . .0 a. It IT M J11II1M'A- Ati :.l VIZI. TWa sdsalrabes Plolore, use T.la predasUoo ef BV paluler WtBT.Is aow ea sa.k.l.'Unei at the ACAI.BalY OF Fit. ABTf, tie. I 'JCIII'.INI'T Btraat, ' Tneetbes- wtlk Ibe entire eulkoia o due lustttasUara. AuK.ea.ee,IWItTT I IVB titiTI. U DIr 17X1IITII1IOM OK WOIIK8 Or A ill, rt'w IjSkDISMII oiu. CUklMHIHf'Sll". ' el D.e A a staattaili.a u a frl.ela t'isi'0 ur iws m mw In I'eiiilUiss, B.a.tare. l'l aad otliw l.'awlai. Mi.a.Bua. Ai.Tu aew as .a al ike J-enearl.ai.le. Asid.r o Fl.a Ar... He. l-i I'M BB S A y so lr. t.,eu Uie tsanflt o(f eke OhneUea 04nme "1 aaloa M eeate ; taeMoei TWBess "M- 1 AUCTION SALES. ACKKY'I AUCTION K00SU, Bo. MAkABT Barees. SI O HAIT.Br. eetas. eolleale eoaale-eesieSI Bf oTmliS. WAaa.. si .kimaNi.isi. Ofall kltids.lxr paw sele ee ki; Aava.a eewuss, aaalM m ai uaa aallr So salae or "',MM hk.AL eTAt AUD iTOCK-l AtskaKa ",tt,UBM0I.D fl'BMlTCM A I D w eOsneTS . aa d Slis-kl or MUCBAJIl'liW Al Iti. eknfea u H e u.n.n oea viu M adraacad wkes lessred est eeaAlsrai Sssasle Bat ravaaj, L
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers