JL 2 a Naf imsirooM viwarArat, OmCE No. 108 8. THIRD STREET. ikmrnOon, sr rosrrB Omm f nmtiWi"inwiuiru Atu-rai On" Am rim Cm sua Two Munu,lnrartaMrlB mime its hirtil at she asms! rase. A hWal Va hoMm test ks Mtn iinnrinntwii"" Phases; s asi.nd asrhsserraia "est loUi.Btk imj frf the him and iMrM of the wrtter not necessarily for fnmmmumm, mmt mm m imiuim klf ra faith. We Casusof uwai as inraniMt4 Oosnasaitioauuat. T Alvmnrttmnrm, fwtr to SM sneraase li the Olrcolttton mt Thi ! tllMUM. eornpejllne; as so an ta ureal at an aertv '"'. w arsn.Jy rwiiiest the, advertisements mar Ia aMtWNf la as i " " o ''. II possible, tu aecarsi lastst aa aasertssa ki all of aar dlttoas. r SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1864. , , TIIK AVA.ll NBWH. Two weeks since we announced the fact-" then ' prediction that with one hundred thouMiiid men General G bant could put an end to th Kebcllloa. Since that time we Law hd our columns teeming with argu ment and entreaties to the people, urging them to awake from their apathetic torpor, and make one more effort fir the Union, free dom, lustlee, humanity, and right Our bread was cast upon the waters, and Is now return ing, but the return to the country Is not what It should be. We ask that two thousand meu should enlist from our city on Monday and Taesday.. This number can be raised If all the ward committees go to work In earnest. Tke following appeal ought to go to the heart of erery American. It calls aloud for a few able-bodied men. Fellow-countrymen I the nation calls you to your duty, and when duty calls It Is time to put any Satanic Copperhead behind you, and determine to strike one more blow for liberty. Authority speaks, with a God-gWen power from the people, and we will . be silent : ...... A IV ATI-HAL "Wahhikotom, September 2. To Majur-Oone-" Ml Dirt, New York It la ascertained with " raaaouanle certainty that the navl and other -craws required hv the act of Coneas will amoaat to about 20(1 000 tniHi,. v. -vn.k " which baa not yet been reported to the Di-part-" "tent, so that the Preeideni's call of July 18 is " practically reduced to three hundred thousand " men, to meet and take the place of First, the mm anl iH V. c 1 ma 7 ,u ""'J , ouvuuu , trio t astt " allies of Ijattle, stckneaa, prisoner, and deter. 100 ; and. Third, the one hanrlrv.il ! J and all others going out by the expiration of s.,na iiih iai, " One hundred thousand new troop", promptly forwarded, is all that General Gbaht asks for - ui nituiiiunu, anil to kitb a finisa . ina blow in tha Retrial nrail l .1... AA,I X.i-the residue of the call would be adequate for r srnrrisoBs in forts and cities, and to guard ail the lines of communication and supply, free ine country from guerilla, give security to mn, piumi commerce ana trarel, and esta- Wish peace, order, and traminiltty in every IVDWIH III. 3TAWTOH, " Secretary of War.' VIOTOBT I ATLANTA I General Shebmajt has anticipated our hopes and predictions which we laid before the public yesterday. Ho has done Just what we said be would do, only more thoroughly and sooner than we expected. The total de struction of General Hood's army Is now In evitable, and the war in the Southwest is drawing rapidly to a close. The capture of Atlanta Is the third decisive victory of the war. We enumerate them Vlckaburg, Get tysburg, Atlanta. But one more is needed to end the war, and bring us an honorable peace, and that Is Richmond. This Ga.yt will give Us immediately, if we will send him one hun dred thousand men. Who would not sooner have the peace of conquest than the peace of weakness, of cowardice, of democraey I Let the people go down to Petersburg, then, In the majesty of their strength at once, and In November tbey may return to defeat a viler enemy at the ballot box. We cannot do bet ter than Introduce here the official bulletin of Victory: 7 ALL OP ATLANTA. " 'Washikotonw, September 2, 10'45 V. M. ' Major General Dix, New York : Tho follow, "tag telegram from Mnjor General Slouch, " dated this day in Atlautt, and jut received, " cbD&uua the capture of that ci y. . "'General aHBKMAMhasaken Atlantn.and the "21h-Corps now occupy the city. The main ' 'army is on the Macon road, near Kiutl'olm. A I " 'hattie was fought near that place, iu which " 'General Hhb&man was successful. " 'The part tr ulan are not known. " '(Signed) " 'ilaaHT W. Sloci m, Major-General, , . - . 'Commnnding 'JOth Army Corps.' An enofllcial report autea that, in the li ittle " (ought near Kaat Toint, by General Sushsin, with Hood, the Rebel army was cut in two, with very heavy lose to the enemy, and that " General Hauiikr was killed, " Oor lost is not known. JkrlMIMrM tat vm m aaast. sur mini mnmi , Cuwia M. 8TAMT01T, Secretary of War." HT MrTi.KI.t.Afr WAN NO VI I MATED. in the pristine and better days of the Re public men were selected for high public sta tions on account of their acknowledged and superior fitness for them. Washington, of Whom It was truly said that he was " first in " war, first in peace, and first In the hearts of " his countrymen," was twice made President Of the United States, at a period when tha cuntry boasted of a host of patriots and tn teamen, any one of whom would be to-day Conaplcnoaa above all contemporaries. But It was Wabuikgton's universally rt cognised virtues as a man, and bis abilities tw a statesman, that won for him the popular rt gard that secured ior him the diatlugulslied poaitions be held in the military and civil ser vice of the nation. He owed nothing to party jolltlcs. He was not a politician In the modern sense of the term, and had no political partisans and prostitutes to magnify him Into fictitious Importance, and secure for him official trusts not commanded by his own proven and recognized deserts. The same may be said with nearly equal truth of tho elder Adams, Jefferson, Madison, and MonbobV But since then times have changed, and changed for the worse. Instead of regarding men as made for offices, we regard offices as Bade for men. Thus the public service and ti pullU wel&re have been rendered sub ordinate u the aggrandisement of individuals rtles devoted to their Interest. ,T tol or this low code of political 5? T?u " onrse, that disgusting "Te ' 2? Wonghe spoils Mi from that date parties have W organ ized to secure; power for the sake of 1U emoluments, rather than with a Waw to pl4ce power In the hands of those men who are Vise enough to use It Intelligently, and virtuous enough to employ It Only for the honor and prosperity of the country. WU1 any one be persuaded thai the recit foevojiUoa- mi Chicago acted from purely paulUlO motjTe la uouiIwtUag CKtoera C 1 .. 4-im -I ' i ti 1 I t 1..,. McClrllaw for the Presidency f Is It pro bable that they selected him from among all others on account of his pre-eminent qualifi cations for that high offlcer Canltbesnp poted, for a moment, that It was his political opinions with regard to the present deplorable situation of the country that determined thorn to make him the loader of the Demo cracy In the pending Pronldentlal can vans? Why, the notorious fart la. that MoCi.em.ai never hold a public civil offlnn hi his Ule, and never was educator! r.ir ). duties and responsibilities of any such position. And yet at a time when, more than ever, tho experience, and knowledge, and talent of a great staU-sman are required at the hoad of the Government, a set of scurvv. aeir-aooklna demagogues nominate for the National Cliltif Magistracy a citizen who U totally unversed even In the rudiments of statesmanship and civil ; government. It 1 rnnrfifvof aihd11 true antl well-known, that Mt Clki.i.an'k professed views with regard to the Rebellion and the war, are not In harmony with those of a vast majority of tho leaders of tho party whoee candidate for the Presidency ho has oeen made. lie has repeatedly declared that tho war must be prosecutod, If necessary, until tho Rebellion Is put down and tho Union restored. Why, then, should he be selected as the stan-dnrd-bearcr of the Peace Democracy ? Is it because tbey expected him to renounce his avowed principles for tho sake of being ele vated to the Presidency, or do those who placed him In nomination Intend to abandon their own unconditional peace principles for the sako of office, In cae they shall find that they cannot make a tool of McClellan for their treasonable purposes? We cannot answer these questions. But tho secret ol the nominations made by the Chicago Convention lies somewhere between the dis honesty of the nominees and the dishonesty of the men who manufactured the ticket. We are Inclined to sunned that the wish to carry the election for a party of office-seekers, rather than to put the right man In the right place, was tne consideration or Influence that con trolled the Convention and led to the nomina tion of McClellak and Pkhdleton. We are, we think, fully warranted In the above views by the following. A few days only before the meeting of the Chicago Con vention, S ami el Med art, editor of the Co lembns (Ohio) CritrU, and an Influential leader of the Buckeye Democracy, said: "It Is woll " known that General McClki.lan has not " one spark of pretensions to the Presidency, " except what he has made out of this war " under Mr. Lincoln. lie never held a civil " office In his life. Den nison brought him " out as a military man. Tet In three years, "mi mere soldier, he rises to the demands of " the Presidency to head a party which Is for " peace a position requiring a statesman of " enlarged views and a statesman's experience. " And for what? That a few men who have " got h Is ear may get foreign missions and home " positions, at tho expense of the peace of the M country aad the lives of tholr constituents. " This Is paying too dear for such whlstles,and " for one, we protest against It In behalf of our " bleeding, ruined, and distracted country." lfr(I.KI.IAX. WEAKm One of the great features of the coming presidential campaign will be the attempt of the "Peace-at-any-prlce" party to bolster up the military reputation of their standard bearer, so as to make him acceptable to nosts of War Democrats, If possible. We have always believed McClellan to have been an incompetent officer, merely by comparing his work with that of his successors. The follow ing letter will set at rest all controversy on the subject, because of the weight of evidence and ihe impracticability of denial. Excuses for such conduct should not be listened to by any American. We have always been taught that a United States officer never knows when he la whipped, and never surrenders until he is bound hand and foot by his foe, and unable to fight any more. Ilere Is a piece of the military history of the calumniator of Mont calm : BBVOna AMTIETAM. Washington, September 2. To the Editor of The Evening Telegraph: Sin : I am iu formed that General Georee B. McClellan bas resigned his commission as Major General in the Regular Army, and I am, there fore, at liltertv to inakH nnhlln lha tmUnwxno statement touching his character as an ollloer: In the rummer or 182 I wm near the head quarters of the Gnneral-in-chtef. lie was sitting n a camp-stool in front of his mwwM.and. with his heed in his hands, he remarked : "Lee is a great man a great General a very great Gene ral !" Ills tone was most despondent, and wa I snsed by the news of Jnckion s raid no the ' Shenandoah valley. A similar movement in hise later days does not seem to make General Grant unhappy. Uuer. during the same summer, I was at liar- ted neorthe atdeHtand niot ditiugtiished Judges New York Krate ever produced, who, I believe, whi an eye-witness or most ot wnat be relate 1. While our Hi-my was mowing down the Kebels at Malvern Hill, a they came up to our guns four lines deep, General McCIclJan went on b jaid of the iron-clad iialva with a prnpoml in hiepomre' tion to mtrrmdrr t Aa A rmy of the I'tttnmar to Oin ral le. Com. Koners rtinionstrated with him, and In dued to it allowed to pans up the river and take a position to defend the army unlit the will of the Prexiilent could be obtained. Alter ronch entreatv General McClellan sent a courier to Foitrr Monroe, and telegraphed bis Intention to Wahiiistou in cipher, which he siid -eemed absolutely necrasary in a military senso. The President atikweird promptly that the army mnnt not be surrendered in anv event death and ncsmicrton were oetier, ann sent tuts answer nv (ieneral Hulleclc to Hnisou's Landing. TUo j eouel is known Is'ow, sir, I challenge, a denial of this matter, and it ranriot be made in a sa'Ufaetory way. The tacts will descend to poteri y to prove General McClellan to have been a weak and iuuotupetent Ameiican General, and to be incnmirtU, and yet a.un e the rank of a General, lias been set t'liwn by the highest military authority as equal, if i ot wore, than treason per s. I am, air, wiih great reipcct, your obedient eiant, A ViKoi.NiAM, A PKOPIIFCT KRV HICHyfOXIs. In another column we publish an editorial from the Richmond Examiner of last Wednes day (sent by our energetic correspondent at the frcuit ),wMch deserves the earnest attention It will doubtless receive from every reader of theTixiGBAPn. The Examiner, Jeff. Davis home organ, makes the sensible prediction "If Atlanta "webb to fall, or Petersburg, or If " Sheridun should drive ' Early back to " Lynchburg, or If any one of these events " should, befall, rutu all tue peacsj " FBUfCIFLKS AND FKACB PBEbIIENTS Of " CUICAOO WOTJLD BB AT TUB ELKCTIOS " NEXT NOTEsfBKB WIIErtS LAST TCAB'S " SNOW IB, AND LAST KIOBT'S MOONSUINK. u TVAB, FOB ANOTHEB rBESIDEJTTIAL TKBM, " WOULD BWEBP AWAT BYalBY VK9TI0B OF " OrPOBITIOJI." By one of thoee startling coincidences that have so often Utile n upon us during the war, the very first event in the direful chain that Is to letter the Chicago nominee and drag hlro to perdition, bas occurred. In the brief space between the printing of the prophecy and Its receipt In our editorial rooms, almost damp from tU press, the glorious news has flashed across the wlrea.and Ut up with a new flam o . TTJEJPAILY EVENING TELEGRAPII. PHILADELPHIA, devotion every loyal heart and home "Atlanta bas fallen." There is something deeper than amusing speculation In the ficamfner's editorial. What ever may be said of Southern leadeis, no one can question their forecast and sagacity In political concerns. These enabled them, until their mad revolt, to govern the nation, and these lay at the root of the challenge, "nave they not governed It well?" They did govern well In the Infernal Interest of slavery, and Its mean, cringing mercenaries, the Northern Democrats, who licked tho hand that struck them in one hour, provided It flung them the spoils In the next, It Is now placed on record by ono of the ablest of the Southern watchers of tlm game, that there Is no hope'for the Chicago candi date; and we commend this prophetic opinion to that great political party which has always derived Its Inspirations from, and obeyed the monitions of, the whlppcrs-!n,now tremblingly crouching In tho last ditch of Richmond. CITY INTELLIGENCE. Wiikn will tun Draft task I'lack Thorc seems to tj a great diversity of opinion among nowiipaper men and others a to the preciso day upon which the draft will take place as spcclded In the Inst proclamation of the President. In the first cliuise of the preamble of tho l'rotident's Procla mation, it will be perceived that the law ia qttotod as directing that, unless the quota is illed within " fifty days alter sni h call,'' then the President buuu uruera uran, AC. V e have before us a copy (just from tho press) of "Ihe Statutes at Largo" for l8'H3 r,t,"carefully enlisted with the originals at Washington," and publii-hcd "by authority," by Little, brown A Co., of Hoalon. In this copy the only otllcial copy ol the laws thnt has been printed we find In the act of July 4, WH, Section 2, page 379, the "-..in . mat in cae the onota, or any part thMW.of any . , . . , . ...... nit, r eir:unn tlLa- trlrt .f any comity not o iilllnrta,, ahall not he Hllad villus the snare of lirty ,lniM arisr audi call, than tha ' '" mi "hall lmme.litl rder a draft fnr one year, to .... ...,.......,. m, . iU,.lwl wnicu may uaunnilea. Tho laugnage here is exnllelt. fiirt.i Ana In. tcrval must bo allowed between the call and the draft. No draft, therefore, can legally be made Winn uiiu nuiiy uiifi biwt me istn or July. Kven bad filly days been the legal period, the draft could not tako place immediately after the rah of September, because thut day ia only forty- nine days from the date of the call. The 8:h of cepieinucr is me nrtietn day, and the draft. ...en ii.iv, wuuiu noi oe one Dctore tho 7th. This, however, is a small la MRU II rnmnnrvil with the other; lor according the lawr, thn draft cau not now he made before the 17th of September. Br that date our city will be out of the draft rniwcituiy n wo can juage irora toe great success attending the exertions of the various wards to fill thir qnotaa. Asilstant Provost Marshal General Dodge, of this State, has received an oroVr instructing him that volunteers will be re ceived and credited on the quota of tho present call opto tho last practical moment before tho dmftjd men are accepted and sent to rendezvous The meaning of this order is plain. Itailuws the different districts to go on recruiting, even though the draft may hare commenced, and for every man raised credit will be allowed on thofr quotas. Thus, eyen though a district may be behind its quota and have to draft to fill the deficiency, it will be allowed to put In volunteers until the parties drafted are accepted, and as several days muHt elnpse before the parties drawn are ac cepted, there will be nmple time for those dis tricts In arrears to supply the number of men they may be short, and thus relieve thoee who may have been drafted from service. There must iw no nagging in tne efforts already being made, however, else the excellent Intention which prompted the above order may be defeated. The recruiting committees who huve nearly filled their quotas, should continue their efforts: while thoae wards who have been disheartened from the shortness of the time before them, should take courage, as, by a little extra exertion and liberality, there is no doubt that every one of them may now get out of the draft. AkrivAof a. Packet Ship. The Liverpool packet Tonaxcanda arrived at this port yesterday aftenibon She breught. in addition to cargo, thre hundred and sixty Irish emigrants, male and female. There were very few children among the yA. They are a better class than the average who come here. To watch the emigrants them selves as they were met by their friends was no less Interesting than to look at their very singular baggage. Of the entire package containing the property of the emigrants there was but a single trunk. There were crates and boxes, of all kinds and sizes, from a rough creation of deal un tn a plain and painted wooden chest. A few of the female passengers were very poor, a bandbox con- taining all their wearing apparel. We observed one noteworthy mutter that a number of Intelli gence oUlce-keepers were on the spot when the shin warped into her berth. oiFerimrunnrt Pmnlnv. j mcnt and pay to all tho new comers. This rather look tne emigrants by surprise. BhMBVOLKNT SOCIBTIKSOF PHILADELPHIA.. The various benevolent societies of this city aro at the present beginning to provide for the com ing winter, by securing In advance coal and wood for those coming under their care. Among the most prominent benevolent societies of this city are the Union Benevolent and Home Mission Societies, whose care over the poor in past sea- : sons bas been such as to secure for them the con- ; Udence of a benevolent nublic. Durim? Ust ! winter both of the above-named institutions dis tributed in money, food, clothing, and fuel, tlum- sands of dollars, the voluntary contributions of f Ihe benevolt-nt. In both of these societies pur- ticular attention was paid to the children of the poor, sod when it was found necessary for the mutual benefit of parent and children, comfort. uaeiuica'iiog. ware provided tor ble homes and useful ca'liugs were provided for them. Durine the comlnir winter mmv nf tha 'Till' iuiuiuk "hihst msnyoi me children of volunteers will be provided for by these societies. Lahcemkh. A young man named Alfred Iter- nundez bas been com milted by Alderman Duitler """" uin"". iuur uraueieis, ana a seal ring, the property of Uosa Herrynmn, living on fripruce rtn et. abom Eleventh. The prisoner pawned the articles In Nuthuns' store, on iSunsom atreet. A colored woman named Bnrbara Taylor, alias j Terry, bad a hearing last evening, before Alder- Bum lieiiler, at the Central Station, on theclitrge i of larceny. The accused is ulleged to have stolen i a promissory note or draft for three hun lred dollura and one. hundred dollars ia money, from j a room in the Metropolitan Hotel, li irbara wa sent to prison, j MALicioisMiHcuiKr. A young femtto named Kale Hunter was charged, be lore Alderman i Waldii.g, ykHterday, with malicious mischief. It seems that she w ent Into a di Inking siloon In i,,k,,, is. ...i ..ii.t ... .i.i drlnfc rwssatiTiTaed to bv 'o.m t en?.,t v aitor iiirls, anil after etiintyinir her tumbler dashed it through a huge mirror. Jealousy is suppose' I to have been the ctuic ot' the set, II er lover, who also tends bar at the saloon, had de serted her. Kate was held to answer. Dkdication of a NkDhmo kaiic Hai.i.. The Continental Theatre, the new room of the Ke. stone Club, was dedicated l.tst evening. Jo-lnli lUndttl, Ks., presided, aud speech j wire mnde by Measra. Hlclurl Vaux, Charles Inin rMol), I). Sites, aud others. After the ad journment, the meeting loruiud in procession and uiarthcd to-W est l'utladelpliia to rucalvc the members of the Club on their return from Chicago. Naval Enlistments. Bo large annmborof recruits are pow being received into the Navy that it has been found necessary to provide addi tioual accommodations for them. The st iamer Wyoming hns been hauled out into the stream, and will be used temporarily as a receiving-ship. Debtjivctivb FiitE. Yesterday afternoon, the cooper shop of Mr. E. Stevenson, on Washington avenue, above Swanson street, was dottmved by (Ire. with its contents. Loss abont 10,000, pr. tlally covered by Insurance. Two buildings ad joining had the roofs burned otf. IUaw Roubkmt. Mr. John L. Taylor, of Zunesvllie, Ohio, had his pocket picked yesterday at Second and Market streets, of $1100. The thief escuped. Ckusltt to Animals. An individual named Fetcr Wagner was ai rested at Fifth and Library streets yesterday afternoon, tot cruelly beating his horse, lie was fined by Alderman beitler. A Valvar lb Hsmsdt. There Is no more valuable rauwdv fur oou(us,oolds, asS all diseases of the chest and luoys, thaa Dt. Wlshart's Plus Tree Tar Cordial, whose advenl.etnent In another column should be read and iHinderrd upon. The virtues of the article are really ilracui-Hia. aus 4 should he iaot coustauUi ou baud br very fniulljr. Wiiidow Shatjss. If yon wan Window Shades, of any description, do not forget I'atten'f reat manufactory, No. 1408 Chetnut street. (Vatwu haw no connection with any store.) Tbi Latest Covtr. V TH kJL Of T0Wa BALL. A)trvriomm ht.r tato brmn ruin With all thlr trlwKontR mttftit, At nth sir briphi iim( blirlnv Amid Um uur halli of nLgbi, lh" vlKlton unto oar ky Innrifch by tlism wa'tn JltU llghMd, Ar n tlm ir utar gazir'a wye. Too important to b High ted. lint Tt w own, that hiirti-flnwn rnrtt Mmwxl no nocb tt a w admire, Itplnjf, ih7 aay . ftotnpl-tflr dretwj r AuKint i tn a tult of fire, A nd tit !ndifT-rrn e to drno e i 'rnrminK Kanhlon'a mnndntf utroQff, Tltln Jtrapfror port0 to hi coat, A tall tliat wa ImmuiiflKlv loan. Itmttgh nlry witmi, aoeh m he, hour ritMtve crltift um' powrr, Quite ihnVmnt the plan mut he f M th- who treml ttih rarth of onM. lhp like ihr m et atyloe to wenr, A nd rooiinir tufl 'nteth ftol' b t rav : And 'li tor lid nrh crowd rep.itr 'io Hnnnetl Tower, eeeb loy dfiy, rnlnnr1 nf Htimmnr Htofk imliiria; at old prlcet , mwA test than j rettnt cvtt uf smuie gootl. To wan Ham., Ho. HiH Market HtrrnL IlKNNKTT A CO. Tpr M ifl II run and. On a week dar tie walks out v H li M wlti-, nd U not airald of a milliner' nhop, lit ititi ha "chanKe" when ekd for It, and nnrnr u ludca to It alterwanl. He I notnbove carrying a nrn rter tiart el . or PTt-n holding the hahy on hie Ian In the cnr. Hp run on first to knock at the door when It H ' ruinliiR. He tu bed first In cold wrath nr. He allow M tnulhriMn lw to nt p In the houe eercral week at a tin e. Jle b )! V Id hyuierl a. and Is melted Irwtontly with a tear, and nevr oomj.lalni If the butter outrun t$ htm nt the telle. He Bntche ap qaarrel with a silk 1 rt' sb , ana drives awny the sulk with a trip to Atlantic He neTt-r file out about Ms button, or tu-ln home frit nde to Muuper. He buys hi wlleaewlng ,-nachtne and hires a woman to run It. To save monor, mnklnir nd OH ud Inn, he boy bl clothes ready made at Chaa. Btokes A i o' " One I'rlce." under the ( ontinnntel, and never lets them smell of tohncco. Un never Invadm the k Itch n, nor open the windows ol tho parlor when the sun di In', and U Innocent of a latrh key. He leta the temily uo to the canore every uniin-r, whllut be n main at home w Ith one knife an. I tork, ait In a hrown li Hand chair, aleep ol a nhetleM led. and be nn attod coiitrn end to wait on Lim. He poe down on Hetur.lar nnd cornea un on Woiwlav. taklnti with him the rlonn I nrn end hnuKlns hack ihe dirty clothe. He nay the ho ihc ket'iiliig tm.ney without a nuptolon. and h it hit eve to the "euiuinee." lie i en-iy ami anecuonnt ke-plnK the wedding ninvennrir puiioteailyt never conipl, lining If dtnnorl not realyi making the broak- friHt hltnmu ir no one I anwn: tuno upon her wiion fink, and, to rover all, proudae, If sho should Ule, never to marry attain. A fUra In vest ii but. There aro few per ons so IU Infoimed as not to admit the vast advantages aeenred to the domestic comfort ol the' age by the Invention of the sewing machine. Every household In tho land should pvasees one, and o J IAf time to 6uy. The "Florence machine, sold at No. Wo Chetnut street, which I tor many roaons the most desirable sewlna? machine In the world, It most be borne In mind, la selling to-day at tho atno price charsed whon all other article of utility war sold at half ot in tholr p reaent rote. It la clear, there fore, that the inn't Judl Ion, economic and eatet tn- veetment that a man can make ts to buy a "r lorenon1' al the oreretit nrlee. Wo have no Information aa to UiU but It la n'anonahleto auppoe that the universal advance In price must suouer or later attect sewing machine. Now, thereiore. I the time to "invont" attdth 'Flo rence ' is the maciuue to in reel in. A Fbw Morh TLAiif Facts. The Wheoler & Wilson Hewing Machine Is the bet,most simple, cheapest, and mot economtcaL Mora of tho Wheeler k Wllwn aro In me than all other Sewlna. Machines combined; S0.UO0 a year aro sold; .'00) aro In uo In Pt.lladelohia. Vt' heeler A WtUon'a It the only pi r feet family Machlao, Every Machine Warranted, and tho monoy rvtarned If noi entirely tat U factory. All Kood drta-makora, eemtfreef, shirt-makers, and laiiore! line me wneeiw tvusoo in preieience to any other Ht-wliiK Machine. Cull and x amino. No chtrtre for Initrtir'ton. whether yon wtah to pnrrhaie or not lmtnirtlon given at the renl dDceof purctiaaera It dealmL Haleanwm No. 7U t Chosnut street, aooe Hevecui. llMrrll. CAt.VKR LATT. On Seplmhr lat br tha Rnr. Tr. Hombrruar. ruer. WM. u. UAL WM. O. CALVKK. Ol 1'iiiiaUalplila. to KKHKCCJ a, daughter ot tba lata Ueo. Plait, vt jacoDi town, 1. J CKKHSMAN-noLPHinnE.-Auitnit Mth, 19M bv K. U. Wahinittoli, Jcniian,' at bla realiloooe, Nu. an Marriott alrri't. Mr. CIIAKLKH Al. CKKSHMACi to Mi til MA K. 1IOLDUIDUK. all ofthla city. BKYMOl.bH THOMPSON. On Thnrl.r 1 by the Itar. Thnmaa O. Allen. Mr. HOhEBX bK i -kOLlXitoJMLiailAKV ANN TUOMl'SOK. VANK11IK ( AMFBKI I. Aom.l loth 1UU h. n O.Waslilnutnn Jcrman. at his raahlunca. No. 'ffl Marrlntt Irert.Mr. WILLIAM II. VANK1KK to Mlat JdAUUA- v. aoi i u cult, an oi una on, DlMl. ABItOTT. On Rlxth dav evening. 9th month KLI.AUKTU W. AIIIIOIT.aind 61 year., widow of the liita tieoma Abhott. and vounuaat danuhtar nf Jjln.. i.onstretli. Jit-r reiatlvea and rriend. are invited to attand hw fune ral, from the reald.ni-o ol her father, at It arc a v it.ill.on Turti' t'a Lane, on Third-day afternoon, at i o'clock. Iu. tennent at Laurel II 111. ... ARNOLD. On the Mth nit In the Mth year of her sue, KMMA M.. wife ot Dacre T. Arnold, andsldoat daughter ol Charles A. and Mary A. Barger. Her relative, aod friends are reaDecttullv InTltnd in at. tend ner funeral, Irani the residence or her parents, Mo. laUMervlne street, on Sunday, the 4th Instant, at 2 IIAKTLK.1T At bis residanoa. In TutMiartnn N .1 on Klllh dav, the 1st of Ninth mouth, tiATli.Vtf BABT LhTT, In the Mth year of his aye. r unrrai to-morrow, uie f tu, al s o CIOCK r. M. ClOKOHTH. At hlsmother's residence. Oamdan w J Siiileniher lat, IB04 Hroant OHAltl.KH O. V. do FOHT1I. L'oinDanv K. Sixth New Jersav Vitliuirr. sued M yems, i months and 30 davs, only sou of the late lieo. Oolorth. of fllladclphla. and Mrs. Catharine Oar wood, from a severe and painful wound received at the battle of Oettysbum July Id. .KM, which he bore pa tiently, as a true patriot, tor nu country's sake, lie was a dutiful soldier, a atnd and lovtnu son and lrr.thnr aciotis to the Inst and caitnly reahtned to his fate, with uiv iMi,nni ,iufr u, m uuiuuriailiy. llli luncral will take place from the residence nf hi. mother, No. &2A lfrldge avenue, on Sunday, at 3 o'clock. To proceed to Kvortireen Cemetery. The relatives and friends of the family, tho returned offlr-are and members or the Mxth ew Jersey Volunteers, and the Wecoacoe Hose Company, of t 'ainuon, are invited to attend. HW A YNK.-On Sixth day. the Id Instant. KI.IAI1VTII B. H WAV N K. In the Mih year ot her ae. Her trhuds are resDectluUy Invited to attend tha rn. neral. on Thlid day, the 6tu insiant. at 10 o'clook, at the resilience ol her sister, Martha V. Pratt, near Newtown Hqusre. To proceed to friends' Burying Ground, In Sprlnvtleld, lJelaware county, l'a. IHINKLK.-Huddenly. on the 1st Instant. OKOHUR Son ol tleorite and Anna Trlnkle. sued I'i yoars. Ilie relatives nnd friends ol the family are respectfully Invited to attend the lune-tal. from Die realdeuoe of his Jar, tit... No. Ml Ogdeu street, ou Uunuay allotuoou, at o'clock. 1 t'CK IBM AN. In this citT. ReDtemher 1.1 FDWARn paper Vi es (1. TUCKt.HMAN. of Boston, In him 6M year, i Boston . Please vopy. I IE8T.-On Krldar.tbeld Inst., tho Key. NATIIANIKL W1T, I). 1) . lata Soulor Chaulam. W. V.. la the ;oth yenrol hla aKe. Funeral from West Arota Street Presbyterian Church, Corner of A roh and KlKbleenth streots. on Monday. ept 6th. at 10 o'clock A. M. The clergy of tho city and vi cinity, the ttleuds of the family and the public Renorally are reapoetlully Invited to attend without furthor notice. The member of the Central Presbytery of I'liilaileljuila are reiiuexted to nioet at ihe lato resilience of the deceased. No. ltiuy Filbert street, eud proceed to the CDurch- RELIGIOUS NOTICES. TRINITY CHVKCH. CATHAKINK Street, aliove Herond. nen'lees. io A. M. and l;p. M Hunitay, Heptemher 4, the Kov. It. WASH. Ill'llS, Itoulor, uthclaliuj. It rST' WEST KPKUCE STREET HtESnr. S-3' tertan churrh, conur of SI'alICK and lKVK?f ThKNIH Streets. fhllailelplila. The usual ptttillcaervlees niar be eipe.-ttd at tM. cliureh Til-.MOItltOW. September 4, btthiniiiKat ll'S In the uiornlm;, aiid -iiu tie at .uruoou. ffT- NORTH I'ltESliYTEKIAS CHURCH, S-3' HIX'lH Street, above IIHKKN, will re-opvn TO MDItllc i , Heulember 4 The pastor elect, Kev. It W. IIKMlY, li. It,, late of New Vork (Illy, will pretoh In the liiorniuii at 10'. o'clock, and evening at S o'clock, aud ou ensniiiK ataiatlis. It rjSrf- PRINCETON PRKSUYTEKIAN UXJ rhareh, West Philadelphia, c inter of TitlKrr MS 1 11 Mueet ai d POWKl.fON Aveane siervn es t -IKillltoW at half-past in o clnek A.M. aud 4 P. M. Mt ii en. ay Uie Pa. tor, Itev.J. AIIUHON HKSKY. tt 13' 11 S' Htr.. UNION M. K. CIIUHCU. KOUKTII Arch. S.b'iath. Sentrtintt... 1. Km JOHN TllOwr.SU will i.tmicli in Hie in rimu al i)l oeloek. and Itey. AMKKVV OATIIK In the evening atSo'cliMik li 9xf- WKST KI'Kl'CK STItKl'.r PltESIJY- tetlaii t:i,iiicl - Jllvina servioe T'l-.u irtitovy. Hsbbiitb. Hr,tsnJa I. at tna a.. M and I V s, insil ai tlie u.uui h'ltns Sntiti t'b If 1II1KA1) STUr KT Jl. K. CMIIUIMI.-I' KKAIMI Itik' to-n.orrow. lui A. M.. hv It -v. J k. Mil l. ihkI -,H I', M. br hov. J. 'iilOMI'r.oi(. Kacrain jut , dH o clock. -o KIHST (OM.llf.OATlON AL MimtrMI. "f FHANKfOKIl Jtoad and M'l.NTi.O.MK'U Av, ime. Itev 1). L. lil.AB, l astor. al home at lv A M. and 7S P. M. V'W CIltiKt'll OK THK MEW TKSTAMKST, w KLl.Vr.NTH and W OOi) Mtreets, T. II. Bt'OUK l'N,I'ator. Preaching 10 A. M. and 4 P.M. All In vited. AS-., l.'lll'kril OV THK (KlVKNANT VII. H V HP Mrmt shove Heventt'enth. ltvln iMrvfc in. morrow (Hinidav), it liih A. M., aitU 1H P.M. TUe Itwtor will ; li, V.) pff ch tnoruiiig and evonliiK. It KV. ?. HYATT SMITH WII.L I'KKACU. IN th KIav until lttttitlHt tl'hun-k. TU' KI.pTII .iav. luce ittrect, to-tnurrow (Hunday) aUuraiiiK, nt o'clock, dud H o'clock Iu the Kveuloft. ft-xm TRINITY MKTIloniBT r.PIXOopAl tt) Church, KIUilTd Street, above Itace. Prtachlna to-morrow, at 10H A. M., bv the Pastor, Itev. AND. LONG A (UK. t'oniumnlon service 44 P. M. CEHTBAL0ONOKK(I.VTHMAL VIIHUl'n.- ka Bev. KllWAKU HAWKS, ot Watervllle, Me., who ia euimeni ainous oie vuunper cierj ui new a.ll. laiia, w in ureacn at t untxio luH A. M.,auu ts f. M. Seau free to all. ' svrp THK SKOOND C O N O B EO A T I O V L AeViT Cbur. b, corner of Elllll TU and tJltKKM Mtrmts, under the paatoral cate of Uev. t;KL). v. BMILtf. wlileb hns tieen closed durtnf tlie hot weuitier. will re open ou Habbatb. Preaclilng mornipg and yvanltuj, n-jt. THE MEKTINO-UOUrtli OKT11B KIUHTBAP. "o-'-f ttst ( iiurch. ll III i A l ami Am it Mtreets. win be open for publio worship on Suinlav neat, morning and evenlnir. 'I lie unuul services on Wednesday aod Friday venlons, and the Sunday Schools wilt also pa weaned. SV-pj, rikt'OND I'NITAUIAN B'M'IKTY, KKV. WM. L. t UAVKlN, l astor, Woisuipplns In Wash Itiltton Hall. l.K.lllli and B1UINI1 UAltHKN Ktieels. herviees will be resumed to-morrow, aud coutlnuod every Sunday at lots' A. M., and s P. hi. Alt In lavor of the maintenance ol a liberal t'hristiaa ( Iiurch Iu the aurlU srn hart of Uie otty, are invltad to eo-operata. WsVN&MaXEB & DE0WN, SATUKDAY, SEPTEMBKR 3, I. IS. W A L H A. V B N, auccr.ssoa to w. r. cahbtx, MAHONIO UALLJ Ko. 719 OnESlITJT Btreet. W J ft I) l) W HIIADBH, OUHTAIN8, so MOSQUITO NETTIN08. BUSINESS ITEMS. A ISKloetMt Cold mny Cams Montha of snrerlns, and often ends at last In Consumption, II ron-cl-ltls, or other Pulmonary Am-ctlon. When neitlect Is attended by results so dangerous, what oan JusUfythe careless lodltrerenoe of "waiting for a cold to set woll Itself!" If those who are now troubled with Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Ac, would surely avoid the dreadful sufferings of the consumptive, let them take at once Dr. 1. Jaykk's Kxpectorant, a remedy whose efheacy lias been established for thirty yours. Prepared only by Dk. I). Jal Kfc A Sox, No. HI Chcmtit street. Clrand Opening of 'iU (iottilna; This Iiy. Oranrl Opanln of Pall Clothing Tills Day. (irsnd Opening of Kail Clothing This Hay. Oranil Opening of Pall Clotnttis This Day. Oram! Opening of Kail Clothing This hay. Oraud Opening of Kali Cloihtiig This Day. tlrand Opening of Kali Clothing This Day. tlrand Opening of Kail Ci-ithlng I'ttti Day, tlrand Opening of Pull Cluthtng Tnts Day. (Irand Opening nf Kail C'lo'hlng This Day. I'KKItV I'D., Extensive Clothing House. PKUKV A CO , K.xtenslve Clotlilng Homo. PKXItY A CO., Kstensire Clothing Mouse. IK It HIT A CO., Kstenilve Clothing House, 1 I' ll It V St CO., Kxtenslve ClothliK House. 1'KhKV A CO.. Kxtenslve Clothing House. I'KIIKT S CO., Kitenslve Clothing House. 1'KKKV At CO., Kitonalve Clothing House, PKKKV A CO., Kxtenslve Clothing House. I'KltKY At CO , Kxtenslve Clotliltig House. The largest and best stock of Clothing In the city. The lamest anl best stock of Clnthlrf In the city. The largest and best stock ef Clothing In the city. 1 he largest and best stock of i.lothlng In tlie city. The largest and beat stock of Clntliitig In the city. The larvrst and liest stock of Clothing In the city. The largest an t best stock of Clothing in tlie city. The largest and best stock of Clothing In tlie cl v. T he largest and best stock or clothing in the cltv. The largest and best stock of Clothing in the city. At prices low for the times. At prices low for the times. At prici a luw for the times. At p ices low for tho times. At prices low for the times. At prices low for ths times. At pMres low for the times. At prloes low for the times. At prices low lor Ihe times. At prices low for the times. ITew styles of Oaods and new style, of flarmenls. New styles of Ooottt and aew styles ofOaruients. hew stales of floods and naw styles of tiarmeiits. New styles of t.oods and new styles nfOarments. New sty.es of Ooods and new s yles of ttarments. New styles of Goods and naw styles of Oarmente. New sty les ft Ooods and new styles of Onrments. New styles of Ooods and new styles of (larmenta. New styles oftHwcs and new styles ol Oarments. New styles of Ooods and new stylus of Oarments. PK.ftKV & CO., Third and Chesnut streets. PKKKY A CO., Third and Chesnut streets. 1'BltRY A CO., Third and Chesnut streets. PKIIIt Y A CO., Third and Chosnut streets. I'KltKY ACO., Third and Chesnut streets, I'KKKY A CO., T hird and Chesnut streets. PKItKY A CO., Third and Chesnut streets. PKKKY A CO., Third and CSesntlt streets. PKItKY A CO., Third and Chesnut streets. I'KltKY A CO.,Tnlrd and Chesnut streets. , a H. balance of Summer Clothing gulling otf at very low prices. The) Florence THK KLOKK.NCR THK KLOKK.NCK . TDK KLOtP.M'K THK rLOKKNCK THK. KLOKK.NCK T I IK Kl SKK.NI K TUB KLOKENCt BKWIKO MACHfVES, HKWINO MACI1INKS), PKWINO MaCHINKS, HKWINO MACHINKS, HKVi'lNO MACHINKS, HKWINO MACHINKS, HKWINO MACHINKS, HKWINU MACHINES, ' No. f.10 CIIKHNDT STRSKT. No. Kg) CIIKNM'T HTIIKKT. No. I.K) CHKHNCT HTIIKKT. No. StU ClthnNUr H'I'KKKT. o. 6.10 CIIKSNUr HTKKKT. No. (Wil CHKMNUT HTKKKT. No. Kit CHKHNCT BTltKKT. No. W CUtSNCT SlUKiT. Klrclrlrliy. All Aoute aod Chsonic Dtsaatos cured by mssns of ths duTeraat aiadlfloaUons of P.leoUiclty, at ths ELEOTEICAL INSTirUTB, o. ISM WALNUT 8THEKT, Philadelphia. PBOP. C. H. B0LLBS Will eotnmeaca, 0 tosxk 4, 18S4, A course of Lectures and fu'l Instruetloa for applying ialvajilam.MagnstUsi. and other modltleallons of Klec trlcliy aa a rrUabia Uieraoeuuc ageat for ths cure of Acuta and Caroalc Diseases, AT THK INSTITUTION, Ko. lm Walnut Street, Vhiladelalila, Sf sdlcal mea and otliera desti Inc to attend tha oeurss s e requested to make application early. Cholrst Skid (soverniiient Java Cuvkks, UoAsTai. Khrsh Kl MIT MUKNOM, Iavis A KiettARns, Auuit aud Tasrai. V- ti. WiiltsuHu A ( a., Msnutactuiars ot Nra aud DaUclous Confeotioas, Alraood Paste, Chocelate Caramels, Creams La Mode da Paris, exquisitely flavored. Iloasud Jordan Almonds, Ac, Ao. No. 1116 Cbssnut street, below Foarth. Hts'sik a , BTKCH OO.'t 'a Plsoua.- MASOSI bamubts IfTTii CABfNUT OBOAJIg. J. 1 riAJIoa. TECK A CO. ' PfAHOa. UOt'LJ, Seventh and Ua It flffN rOS NEW 0ELEASS, LA., VIA MEW Y0BK. Tie Ooean Steam Navigation Oonipany'a 8PLEKVIO J.EW STJCAMdllir " IV Oil Til AMKIIICA," (I6U tons hardea), CHARLES P. MARSHMAV, tea snamler. is now leovivlng freight, aad wiu saUas above oa W KUN KSDAV, Heptembsr 7, at V A. M. No irelght received, ar puis of lading signed on ths day Of sailing. fur Height or pussy apply to a. HEitoN. jrt. & co.; tin Ho. laa M. DELAWAM AVMtltJE. TH. A.. GRAY, N. E. CORNER OF BIXTU IT and M1NOH etreets, bays Isuuaonds, Watolios, Cold, Buyer, ami Loan T Ickata. lUOHK IK WANT OF MONET CAUL. AU business eoaadaiitlaL kolv-ias GREAT CENTRAL CLOIUIKQ HOUSE, 1864. F1 riHT X"afAXrs oi'iirf ipfo. lWOi. 1 JOLTH W. TUOMAfl WILL OI'K.M OH MON1IAY MOUNINo, SKI TKMBKB , A SPLKNDID STOCK OF FALL A IN I MrINTKlt DRY OOODS. fftftsH hoi, 4 Oti and 407 N. BBC0SD Btrcot. rVAOO & mm,, COItNKR TBXTIlT!flJ J UNK Btifwtn pen HnrKHlnn fn'fn Auction. I lrt 7. HiHt k fn.yr I'sirt-ifinv . fl 8 kl ll'm k Alitpiii- l.u-tr'-p. .'-o, 7 Ik., ftnrl 1 2-5. 1 lnt Wmlc Itrfiwnanil hi nrU t Mvrinoi. i. I Int lrmt I'rltifi d rtilrtink K'unnoU, Wc 1 Ia All wos.l Whttr rUnttcN.r-tV'. 2 lot Lailrei' Hi uiMitchrd llauilkcrclilefi, 3 in. hem, 0U and ttfi csntii. 1 lot lloj rnlilmrliml Half Hobp, Mont. flic. 4 li t Lfiaifi' lUiHClnd ami Umwti C Alun JIuii, QAc. to 3 M, Tr,r fnf Krrnitlnn Unon. 11-2.1, tl M, and V,. 1 lot ho. lift lioikd isilk I'.lfk .tunnel Kiolmn, ,bc, 1 lot l.adlci' Knihniid.Ti'ti )i,Tlia uiove, $1 j:,. y M J.aitii' Mtif -.'hiM (UnntltMOIoTra, Hr.'sij and $. I I"t LsVttfV 11U k t.Hlinll't HfTf(l ( rlOTrl (Via). AlaOtkeverni Iota Irr (.n,),, v rr cln vp NP.W ;ooH OI'KMM) lAll-J: It IV f AOKK'fl JSNVKLOPE MANUFACTORY. X'l MAoKKH 1'aiMjr Htore, No. 'AlH CHE8ISUT HirtMi. MAtfff tin milllufia of Kiivtloj on hand. iHaifW makoi m it in o! Kn.loi to ordar. Maiif ban thouinndi ol Kt-amaof .Nota, Lettor. and Ca PBpTon hut d. ieeaujpilai Cltj and Coiinliy RtvtakMpn al fhlr Magoe haj atl tin- nw ntvlM of Paw and KnTalonaa v. WM,MI.KANU KHAII,, Ko. ai CUKttaM T Htrct-t, Nn. CHKSNOT Straot. nr:,.at ho. 316 CflKHNUT Hlria. cMiiNiD LKSIltABUS STYLES OF FALL w and dottlrntilc Rtyt?i of Fall Clothing Kmw and dntrrthia Htylii of Kail (')'.HiImk Ni-w and dirahify Hl laof Kail Clothing hw and desirable Mtylepi of Kail Clothln hew ankd)Taitlj8i)ie45of Kail C'lnitiintr New and di-ilrftbla .Stylea of Fall Clothing is'flw and dlraMa Htylni of Kail Clothmir Npw and dffllraole Mrla of t all CH-thln w aud drsiralle 8t lei of Kail C lot i Jim Opening tlila dar Ojiebllig this da piilhff tbli day Opiiiiw Dili day opaiiing thii dny 0HMii.i thii diy Oi'Nffihiic tin day Opening thin day Opening this day Onenlnu this dav At JON KB', B. fc. ronifr Hevtnih and Mark at atroaft. At JOlSKrt', 8. K. c.irniT Hevenih aod Market Htrenta. AtslONhN', H r .rornnr Hevanih and Market strefits. At .Ion KM, 9 K. corner Haventh and Market trrrta. At .lONKN'. 8. K. cimer Heventh and Market itrftts. At JttNKH', 8 K corner Heventh and Mtrket atiwta At JtrNK.S, 8. B. corner Kavenib and Market streeta. At.HNK8'. H. K. corn r Hevanth aad Market atrerta. At JONEH', 8. K. corner 8evrnth and Markot utreetn. AtJOM-.H , 8. K corner ttoveuth and Markat street. 8traiiHTii and cltlzna Htranrera anu cltlzena 8U-Aiiueis and cltfzana htratiaitTm and cltlens Ntranuera and citiena isirauiKera and cliteiia HtraiK'Tii and cHIznis Htraneera and rlil7en Hirant-era and cHlzenn St run Ken and cttlaua invited to uall and ex an. ine our itocfe Illvltd to call and examtnv otir stock InvltCMi to call and eiamlne our ito k Invited to call and examine our stock Invited to can and exstn'oo our stuck Iiivlti d to call iiml examine our stock Invito., to cull and examine our stork Invited to call and tixam.no our stock Invited to call ai d nxamtne our stock lu1tfd to call and examine our stuck Ha lore pun-baxtnu elm" where . lie tore piuchaslnic ainewhere. ltfore piirciitalntreliewhero. Jftre i'iin-halng elicwhere. Biorv purchasing dat' here, ltet'iira putt hating aKewhera. lli-fore purrhanlngelsiwhere. hefora purchnalug elsewhere. Before purchaaiiu eltewhare, ll flora niirilia.itit n'alnsarhsas-sa 'ISSrS! 5I,,",t1.'"'' K- Soranth and Msrkot sis. ION r.S Cloth HA. H. E. rnrna. S.v.nlh .nil Mu.i.u... JONKH' CtotlihiK, 8.K. comer Herenth and Market sts. "iiJf 1:2.' f'!0!P!II!' "' B oorner Seventh and Market sis. ri'.ES. ',lotl.'lr"'' E- croer Herenth and Market sts. J'l.NKH' (.'mill nir. H. K. cum., H.v.n.K ..H 4..... ... "! E2. ?. lotMns-. S. K corner Haventh and Market sts J.!'?. oUitOK, H. K. Corner Seventh and Market sts. "J. !'".,""' 5' r" ""' Seventh and Market sts. JONKH' (Tlntblnit, H. K. corner Seventh and Market sts. ji. ji. naianco 01 numimT stock seUinir low. ae-sAw lm qilE QUAKER CITY BUSINES8 COL- i. letrcTBNTH andCHKSNTT Hint. Thi. l..,n. lion commence, the Kali Sessions with the most nattering prospects ol success, and niters to young men who daslre a ,,i,uun ,(i',jarniiua nir uusiness uie advantaites and facilities nowhere excelled. At durine the ua.t itwiii continue tn maintain the ascendancy aa a ploueer In Ira- L ... . "-r.,,,T,K mm can possniy ue asked for will b. ftimi.hed w It li a liberal band. Kiumlm, .,r Bccommodatlona Is now In uroaiess. which will. In nnlai of cottvenleuoe and elcuance, outstrip competition from on. ,jni,r,, mm 11 i. tuu linentlOU Ol U10 rriQCipal tO leave noihlnir unoone to oresent to bis narnn. ,n,. ... im the way of a solid and praclloal oourae of instruction, and In the somt'jris and conveniences tliat make student me pleasant ana aiiracuve, than has aver beua ottered by any commercial Institution In the rttate. a he system of a 'tusl hn.lness tralnlns adopted Is orltrl nsl, and is acknowle.Hied by all who have tested Its merits Io I innnltely auuiior to any merely theoretical methods, inltiatlns the stinl.nl Into tlie aclual prarllce of the count In house, and kIvIiik Mm such a fainlilarlty with the fottna and modes of transacting baslness as todthlmto enter at ones upon the discharge of duties that ordinarily reimlre fur ilielr Intelllseat performance months of prac tical experience. Send for a I'ataloane and Illustratad Circular. Its INSTATE OF ELIZA HOWARD BTJRD, Jk J deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court fbr the Cltv and Coanty of Philadelphia to audit, aettle, and adjust the second and final account of Key. II. W. HUCACI1K T, D.D.. KM K. MUCK, JllSK.l'll B.TOWfrSRNO, and EDWARD HIIUTKN, Ksriulret. Kxecutors of the last will and testa ment or Kl.I.A HOYYAMO UIIRO, teceased, and to uiake distribution of tlia balance in the hands of ths accounlai ts, will tuei'l the parties Interested for ths pur- r lies of his appelntment, on WKISNKSKA Y, September I, Ihos lat: II oclock A. M . at hU othce, Ho. 717 VAUSUT buret, In the City of rhltad. lphla. JOUai CLAVTOV. ses-stuthot Auditor, ', Ths PA1LY issue of this paper will commence on THURSDAY NEXT, 8th ERST. Yeoman's sar toe HI be performed In the loyal eauss of LINCOLN A JOHNSON. Subscriptions t. r Uie entire campaign, or any portion of It, will be i CO. elnxlo Copies, 5 Cants. Baos numbers cannot be supplied, hence ths necessity of subscribing .t cure. S. K. COHEN, Publie.n..r. OfHt'K, No. 10S 8. TlilHD STatSKT, Brt -St Third Floor. THE TJNDKKBIONKD HAVE BEEN AP pointed aseii s to rerelve subsiirlptlons tor the Btook f the ItltlLMAM' till. COMI'ANY. I'ar value of shares ten dollars Tr o dollars per share at the time of subeurlo. Uon. As soon as till. Company Is ornanlied It WIU receive a net Income ot isi pir day, which amnant Is now realised by the present o vn,-r ol the properly . forfujUier oertiunlars and pamphlets apply to C. U. 1NVII.LIKKH. N. K. corner THIUO and liitl'K SiruoU. kiciiAsttiM, WKHOorr A co., Sel St lo. 17 S. THIRD Street. STEAM 11 HATING FOR FACTORIES, UlUs, Ac. Heated with exhaust or wasto steatsu Also, colls lor healers. t oiideii.crs. evatHirators .sc. Sel-lm .11. r OKLMAN.nu. A N. SIXTH Street. TEMOVA La. J. Ml'.IER & BROTHER, ' MERCHANT TAILORS, Hare removed fmrn Ho. Uh N. Bsoond street to the 8. E. eonierof BECOMiand A KCU Straota. whors tbey hava on hand a good stuck ol CLOIUS, CASSItUSKKS, and VtSTlHOS. (auSS-Ira Also, a splendid aaaurtmentof raady-saade CLOTH INQ. QKOHOU HTITrj, ail., MABTJTAGTUBIlsO MACHINIST AND ENQINEER, MOT-lBi Ko. 1911 N. 8ECOSTD ST., Philadelphia. GOLD'fl IMPROVED STEAM AND WATBtt HK ATI Nil AFFARATUS. for Warmmf aud VenttlaUns rubuo Jiniidloas and Frt vaia Kealdaaosa. Manufaaturad by the UHlOU BTaVAM AND W ATM -RflATTUfJ COatPAaTT r l'BlJUAJiai'IIIA. JAM ICS P. WOOD, So. 41 8 rOUKTU SWeei. aUS-Sas at. FUtWaLL BVspsviatandesnV D I A M O N S H. Persons haying Diamonds or other rrenoui Stotwi 1 0 dispose of will do well by calling on LEWIS LAD6MTJS & 00 Diamond Dealers a nd J ewelers IVo. H03 CIIIIVTJT Streets Whs will glvs tlis hUjIiestoash pries. auK-las TUB UkROJlSX AND BEST CHEAT. RrTTATB! REAL ESTsTK 4 hUAl. KSTATBS. ' ItKAL aHI Aii'U. roit Trttj bum.ion. KOR Til MIl.l.l'lN. rOH THK Mil l. KIN AWT) MI1.I.IHNH TOR I'I Itk'HA.ap.nSJ. AN l MILLION POR PI HCHAHK H AM) Mll.LIONH K11R PI' Kl '11 AaKHri. YK MONTHLY CATAIXltll'E VtlHT OITT. Mr W MONTHLY CA1AI)tll'B JUrlT OITT. MtW MOHTIILV CATALOdl K. Jt:T OCT. OK ORATI TTuI a IltaTRIIWITIDN. rK okathhoi b iiiNTitiittTi iK. POR lA il'ITOV-t IiHTItllinriON. CURTAIN '.,ori.r' WORTH, f tiNTAiHa iTi worn 11. CONTAINS) ,MISl.lM WORTH, roll SAI.R The very lie.t plaeelu this city lobs ae roinmrxlateil either In the punhaseot sale of Ileal Kitale) Is to be found by t aliii.e on Or.OHUP. O MII.I.RR, PracUcnl Itaid K.'nte Oj ratnr, No. Ii4 N. SI X Til street. Atw asys loo liweiliiars on hand, ot which immediate pos. S' s.lon can be had. or vers at on Have soma of the most ele.ant and msmlflcent proper tles for sale ever ottered l lt.l class l unnl. Mansions, j .r.untry neatt.Ae. Kveiy person ainlous 11 any deecrla. . lion 11 property .houhl not lall to rati tors Nepteuibw rata k.tne just out for ST.luitoii. ill.tril.iitlon, eseee.limt In Im J.ottame to hioeis any other inlalosueaverpuollsliedia Hits city, no mstter by nhini. tlK'lltr.K C. MII.I.KR, l'rsctlcsl Rest K.tate ll,erstor, o. 1. N. HI Xtll atreet. GFIRST.Cl.ASS BROWS STONE P11 e'fiS'lii'' B,,t L",U, 81"""i flfteea rooms. KleKSiit lutir- story Ilwelllns. r n Vine street, west of Bev enteenlh ; ma'hle up the llrsl storv. I'rlre f M.1'SJ. very en (rani lour-stiiry brown stone trout Ilwelltoaoa Vine streit, east nl Mstiti enih. Price l l.tsm. Niat three. ouarter liwelllnir. No. I1.10 Hummer street ; lot ami building. feel front hv 111 feet to Nprtng street. 1'rli e ll Itsj. Ihrce-story all thronkh. Neat larvslmellini. Sn.V.uH Haee street ; fllleen roosnat a lot tl h lii. 1'rli a t'tl. I lr.t-rate lie slilnit. four-story, on Arh street, west of Twenty first; utleo,n rooms I'rli e e,,;ss. Three silenilldly built loiir-smrv HwelllnKS oa KUhert stii it, east of Nitieteenth. Price S!sv eti-h. fessl MaitnttU'ent lotir-sbirv brown stone front Dwelling ou Sjmnje street west of Hevonteenth. Price S JI.O 0. Seat Ilwelllllgon the north shle 'hesnut street, east of nixteeuth; lot in by l-'J feet deep. Price $ll.fs). Hplei.did doulilo ftont livvi-hinit on West Clie.nut street elshteen riwim. Price eio.t.ia. Neat 5lde-VHtd Owelllni: on prnce street, west of Tenth! lot -J hy Hi feet ileep Price s.lil. Msirnltlcetit four-.story brown stone front Ilwelllns oa north .side Mummer street, west of AlxtesnLh; lot iu by 1.11 Ifot to Winter street. Price Slr.jOO. POR HAI.K Three of thoss very elegant and desirable sIHe.Varil Iluelllnw. on M..nnl Vernon street. Meal a Twentieth: lots a by 114 leet deup. Price Srsoo each. Immediate possession. MIR HAI.K. Two nest well-built dwellings on Walls' street, west of Twentieth ; lots 20 by SO feet to a street. Price Si.isi. Possession soon. Itesldes a street nunitier ol others, located In West Phils delpbla, llosa streel.Oermantown, Ckesnul Hill, Ae. IIKOHIIK li. MII.I.KR, PracllOJl Real It. late a cent and Hmker, Ho. IM N . SIXTH Street. ff FOR KAI.K, M'lTlI rOSSESSIO.V IM jLikmedlaieh Hiilendld sldo-vard DwelUnc, Mo. SI 1 iniiklln street: lot i.', by lit. Price tVl.j.M. Meat side yard liwelliufs oa the east side Franklin, north ofl'oplar Price SW.O and SI2JXX). Klenalit and well-hullt llwrlilnj. So. W PTinklin Btreet : lot IK leet K li dies b) i:'.'. feet deep. Price :). Neat lwtlllnit, s.iiith side Mount Veruon street, wast of Twentlelh : lot ye by Its). Price etaj, Nuot HwelllnK, now empty. No. ilUi Green street : tea rooms : lot HU tret deep. Price f .uno. Ueeldcs a r, al nuniber ot others. MtLLKR. Ho. 1M N. MX I'll aurost. MOUNT MORIAH CEMETERY. TWO apiindld Lots at a sacrlrloe, psMltlvety. Mfl.f.PR. Ko.lM W. SIXTH Street. ejm FBR SALE. A NEAT, LAROF, MAN C( slon, at Duy's lane station, (dcrmantown) : contains tela rooms, Ave on llrat ll.Hir: maolu, CoacJi-house, eh gant tlartlen. Ac : lot Hi feel front, SaOlll feet deep. 10 s street. Price Udioo. !s,l,P.R, Mo. 1.V1 K. Blafrs atroet. em FOR 8AI.E. LAROE FACTORY, NEAR Ak Orraantown. on the Railroad Large Lot, with hwitch to connect with Railroad. Htreaui of water runs thMuih Uie premises. Steam JCtnilne. Hharllns and ail complete Larue bheddlnif, Ae. Possession siren. Prloa. llO.Ot'O, ckar. . MILLBR, 144 N- "1TU Streat. . NEAT PWELLINQ (FOUR STORY) No. Ti'l Nineteenth atrael . ,( In K ia,, ru.. d-i-. 'isO. Now elBDtv. MAGNIFICENT COUNTRY SEAT AND ii arm of ;tn acres, In Ihe rnry choicest portion of liucks county. M ist be seen to be properly appreciates!. rorialeorexchansa. -e fffl NEAT COUNTRY SEAT OF 18 ACRES. ik or, the HarerCird mad. 4 miles from th Market w as an Vs.-sallfcr , J SUPERIOR FIRST-CLASS FARM TEN miles tVotn the CitV. Oil the Pnn..h.nl. Pui , KallroaU, containiuK OS acres. Price S.OJss). CKOIUIK C MII.LKR, Heal Estate Acent and Hroker, Ho. IM N. 81XTU H trees. TENTH AVA.HI. $575 BOUNTT TOE OITE TELH, TENTH WARD T5-OA CITY MOM OeVthNMK.ST loo sM $75 -CO raid tn all recruits ciedlti d to Die Tenth Wtrd. A. I. FllANOISOUS, Treasurer Tenth Ward Bounty Pund, MS-et No. 513 MARKET STREET. 1 HEVENT1I WARD. KRAFT! DRAFT! DRAFT! f Ai man meetinir of th 8venth Ward, mMloa wu put &nd CMrrlad to tipn ubacrlption IIM of lu0 and $ p0, lrVtiluhHUbtcriijUoa uiiuredfrum th draft or thvotonv km to l reliiudra. A om sUui.dwitandn4t'eaii i iit I hope to remove H by tht follgwioiv explnna loo: tom peiboni iiipiNiaeaouiiiMiiaUoii furuied, ubcrl.iijr iu( Hmonnt, will purclaM Hultitut. applv- to th PrWTot laikhul, e p-trt.it) n he wlU accept them io advance tor aur one ot the number that muy be draitud. I he question aikei.wiil the lO.OoO agrecto thatarraiifi mvtrtr lo which X reply, Nu Me ol tlie kind wai ever en tertalued by any of the Committee; we simply propjue to oritaule a Ward Iimurane Aeaoolatlon, by whioti any kuhici lbr dratted on the ftch ol Hep eiiiber out of the jolul funtJwll be purohaAed a lubttliute. ISow, ay 100 oltl 7en ubictibtt $iuit each, amount to $10,000: ailwto be drafted ; V0 lubiututea.at $ 0Oeach. 1 lO.OOO. Adiolt they cMt t76or (itiCO; add or double the ubtortption. Vhedraitrd Individual hi th jolul arrangement I pro vhkd a SubtUute for$10u, thrMy avlii.f $000 to $400. )tiday I viiud thdofrlc of th Piovoit; la hij ab aenre oonrerted with hti (entlemanly asatitant, who ' remarked, a Ward Imnranc AMSrOclttlon, under th clmtm.lancei, wu the thintf raouired, Ave. be eaul Uilht b dratted, or 100 or nitty be -W; In either c the beneOt art-rued to the subm riber. En large the Idea to contprenetid -XjOcltiK-na.or $ 0 each, amouutj to$MtUUO; iwjt a 'lreanurer, and appoint a oommltlue to acertln whether iMXi volunteer could be obtained at &) ward bounty, which wiu id b $',U, if $uu txmnty b de manded, douM ior $M, makiiitf the amount M),0nO. Yt uniiertai.d, that nut on dollar be appropriated, ualeaa th atnuuut aubucrlbud ooverv thedeAcleitc; of the ward (fit (Ha, ai otherirtuie an injuitk: would be 100 the lubaortbtr by obtalnlnit and ulnK hie ubavrtptl4n to benefit uUlder. ' and ubjuctlntf him totharlxh of being drafted. If tha , Joint tubirrlptlon ibiatfnt vttltiutaers to clr th ward, I and all autinrrlbers will not reyret the bene (It accruing therrby to aJl by oor .uhscrlttion ; only we innei attala thi.t object p mltlvelj before partlrg with our funds. The Idea is an enlnrKemei.t of Mjia)lun winch eiltted previous, t Ihe U-t dmft. Ten Individual! clubbed toge-' iherai.d iubcrlbed H each; H i, Vturgwere dxale4 tJ.er procured labeiltutt . ll fitly such artoclauont pri vately xleied In tlie Seventh Werd, and a propoeltkm ubmllUd uiUted them, their aotftegate a'.aoiiplion would nt$J.iluuu to $.',00o They lii ulith namber of lun their miner Could purchus. hoplnir to eiver the vvrole Wfird, fnlUnw In whit b they only c .ver their own ebtu-ribers. Tet, because a maea meeting tnvooit and the propoeltlon of auch an aaMTlailon l iubmltted, da halt and liniutrle arUe, men'e atln U ar my tilled au4 time and tob. np-ta.ne lost. !.( the flfly or Uty iuboii hera den. ami ol th eneewlve nimm ittee the eaecutlim 01 the original motion of a joint aaitot-latlon ; which. If not -complied witn.n-orwnniye eliewbjre, form an aaovlatl(a. Bare Uie H ard generally if weau, but th aubaenbefg . part vularly. In retard to the abov cull the meeting on Thuriday ' ventnt, wk largely attemU'd. Vurty gun He men annexed their alynattirva to the rolli Many others have expreaaed thiriiovntlonof doing ao. If two hundred cltlzena mora liniuedlfitely enrol their name. Th joint 00m ml tie wiU be eabled to arrange for clearing the en tire ward. The die pieition maul Tevted by tlie on hundred asaoclat4 guar anitsea iuauranca to any weuibar dratted. llaateu, felluw-ciUxena, and annex your iltrnatur. Clrcuinataticea. we know.oppoa your patriotic deair to participate in til baltlea f your country, lluudreda ar willing to occupy your poattfon In th ranka, if you auftl clentiy eoupenaate thm, Keapond Immediately, Th rolla are at Alderman I'atchelJ a day and evening. Voluntary aubacrlptlona are ulao aollclted, that thettx ctitlve Committee umyorTera ward bounty to vjluntuera. and reduce th ahclcncy. Th mor acuredited the lead dratted The iiiaurauce aakoelatea are one lest I labia fur every bounty voluutevr. Th oliiieua in general reduce thilrntrit. To the walthy resident! w partlcnlarly appeal fir iub- 1 scrlptlonato the Volunteer Bounty 'und. Your patriot lm nteda no atlmtiatkm. t Hhoulder to aliouklr with their plebeian neighbors' your , sons and brothers marched lo Uie battl-llelJ aud abed tlietr blood fa deenae of our nationality. Your bountooug toutrlhutiuna hitherto swelled th fund' aggregated by your poorer neighbor 1 your joint DorUi hava enabled yourguiterals to dimlt-ah th area t rebellion. tlraLti Hhenuau, and th death blow. 'J'bay w autiaunt Your orlerliigi can prtcur them. I-nty or policy dictate tha fropriety and necuaalty of a cheerful, Un mediate reapouee. orwaroyour aubacrlptlona at once to th Treasurer otT he Executive Couitiilttt-a, WM. A KoLLINd, M. K. corner KH.UTII and M k KKKT ; or, at lila realdeuc. Wo. SM -4. UOU'ieCNTilBtit. It CHAIRMAN OF CQMMlTTgg. 8 EIGHTH WAHD BUUBii runii-iiii (Milieus of the KlKhlh Ward, who tfeslra to anBoliiata ths i Maiulrenienta ol the draft, are uotined that Uie time Blast uas.itis away In which nien can besot. Everjr elilzsa of the Vs ard Is umently called on to raise subscrlp- " Treasurer, scpl lsr B. E. (orner BIXTU and WALM'T St. . rssir ts r r 1 an r s sra B. BsCORNEE SIXTH AND MARKET BT8. it it, t-' -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers