" PROPOSALS Bv WILLIAM COBBETT, For importing the following periodical pub lications : 1. The British Critick; t 2. The Anti-Jacobin Review and Magazine; 3. The Gentleman's Magazine ; 4. Le Mercure Britanique, or The British Mercury. «-pHE Briti/b Critici is a regular Review of X all works puSliftied i;i Great Britain ; it is conduced with great impartiality isd abi lity, and of the nuuier. us publications of the kind which do now appear, and v hich have appeared in Great Britain; it is uuiverfaily allowed to be the befh [Price 50 Cents.} The Anti-faccbin Review and Magazine is as ils title seems to indicate, rather more con fined, as to tiie nature of its liibjefls, but it certainly is not less calculated for extensive uti- This work is divided into four depart ments: 1 Original C'riticifm —2 A Review of the other Reviews- 3 Occasional Efiays, in prose arid verse—and 4th. A Monthly Summary of Hl' ory and Politics Every fix months it has a ftipplemcnt, containing a review of foreign works, n.A forgetting those of America. Ihe Anti-Jacobin dwslls less on lobjeifls which are merely literary and fcientific, thaii on those which have a more immediate influence 011 so ciety. With a bold and masterly hand, it enr redU the blunderings of error, traces intri cite witidings of misrepresentation, and drips off the ntsafk of hypocrisy. The avowed cham pion of the church ar.d the Hate, it fpar#s the enemies of neither, whether open or secret; a-ul, scorning t!ie pusillanimous detenfive, up on which the friends of truth have too long 1 a,led, i; carries on i continual and vigorous 1 oflenlVe warfare ?gainfl anarchy, immorality, and irre'igion, and thus establishes by its uni form condufl, its right to the title it his as sumed. [Price 50 Cents.2 The Gentleman's Magazine, a. work stamped with the approbation of three score years, con fifts chiefly, of communications from antiqua ries and cultivators, and of original efiays,"in verse and prose written by the mofl learned and ingenious men in the kingdom, and embracing by turns, almost every fybjetft interefHng to nun. Tfcr mifcelhneous part o' the work is followed by a fele&ion of authentick foreign and domeflick intelligence, including official re ports, state-papers, and an abftrafi of the pro ceedings in parliament ; next comes a veryco pious obituary, being not merely alifl of deaths, but a valuable series of biography ; to which is a ded, a Meteorological Diary and Table, a Bill of Mortality for L ndor, and its envinuis, a of the average prices of corn, and of the itfu ks, fc-r every day 111 the month ; So that this work mufl ever be an entertaining and ufefirf compmion, 31 it only to who are of the learned profeffiwns, commonly so called, l.u; to the merchant, the faimer/ and, in short, to v,*ry man, whatever may be the fubjetfk of his (tud'y, or the obje& of his pursuit. [Price 40 Cents.] Le Mercure Britanmque, or, Britj/f) Mercu ry ;by Monfu ur Mallet Du Pan.--.This work, ef which one number is pnblifhed every fort night, in French and in English, commenced in August 1798,. aud is continued with encieafing spirit aud celebrity It is both bijloricaland cri tical; it contains'a fsmmary, and is the r"po fitory, of ail rbe important events, efUblilhed faflsanri public inflrumems, which relate to the present $1 a; it investigates points of faift, of critics, and national rights; it extent? its view on er all the nations of Europe, exemines the conduct and difelofts the motives of their ref peflive courts; it is in short a brief and compre henfive history of the times, equally remarkable for the elegance of its fly le, the profundity of its remarks, and the l'oundnefs of its principles. [Price 50 Cenii.] These four works ceraprife every thing ofeful in the periodical way. Gentlemen may sub scribe for all, or f.-r eirlier, of them. The firft order.is intended to be sent off on the ift of Mav next j the successive numbers will be re ceived at New York in two months upon an average after, their publication in London , so that those which are ful,fct;ibed for on or before the lis of May, will be received in September ; I'tsr which they will with vei v little irregula rity, come to hand once a month, the importer having mailt; fuel) arrangements as cannot fail of !r. oring punfluality on the part of his cor respondents. :'5" Vubfcripti ins will be received from any paiTof America, by J- W. Fmsn, Philadel phia. No advance is required. The prices are bin fun • cents a number higher shan in London. April > This Day Published, By J. Ohmkod, No. 41, Chefnut Street, (Price 25 Cents) THE Death of General IVaJhiugton. A POEM. In imitation of the manner of Oflian. By Ht;v. John B. Linn, A. M. Minister of the First Prefoyterian Congregation of Philadelphia. &■ Mr. Chaudror.'s Oratien will be publifiied 1 en Monday morning. JUST COME TO HAND, And for sale at W. YOKNGf J. & J. Cruksbank, and Thomas Dobson's Bookstores, • A POEM, 31 • revolu Sacred to the memory of pi'-te contvßGE WASHINGTON, Vias been of the 1 United States, and It was brough in Chief of the Armies of the It has eflablifhevs. the fludow of l >f)t p c |, ru3r y 1800. "rojuftion ; not a Alsop. •m its for •' arbitrary a defplT.ented, on. x . given, if required, * vthe 1| and Kitchen, - 'wi- b, on the great | 1* " *riioter. INDIA GOODS* ALEXANDER J. MILLER} No. Io 5 South Front street, oppsihe the Custom House, HAS JUST RECEIVED, Per the ship Harmony, captain Koi.lock, from Calcutta, Garrahs Superior, Garrahs Berboonij Do. Catwa, Gazzutiahs, Baftas, C ITacs, Manioodies, Fine plain Mullmulls and Hand'fs. also, Per the ship Jean, captain M'Pherson, from Canton, White Nankeens, fellow Do. Lutellrings and Shelljllaws, Sewing Silks, Hyson, Young Hyson and Hyson Skin Teas of an excellent quality. April 22. dtf Just Arrived, AND TOR SALE BY T»! SVBSCRIBJRS, THE CARGO Of the Ship Canton, Richard Dale, Commander, from Canton, CONSISTING OF Boliea 1 Souchong Hyson Skin TEAS. Younp; Hyson i and Hyson. J I NANKEENS, Yellow Sugar of ill quality. China Ware. Cassia. Fain. An assortment of Silks. WILLINGS is FRANCIS, No. 2i, Penn Street. April 14- - d. jIJSf RECEIVED, prom the BOSI'ON Manufactbrj, a Qi'ANtirr OF WINDOW GLASS, Of different sizes, roil SALE BY ISAAC HARVEY. Jwn. N. B. Any fixe or fizesthat may lie warned cut larger than 18 hy ja,can be hadtrom (aid manula£lo ry, on being ordered; and attention given tolorward on any orders that may be left for that purpolc Apply*at No. 9, South'Water-flreet, as above, july 8 <Jtf LANCASTER STAGES. THE Proprietors of the Philadelphia and Lan caster line ef Stages DISPATCH, leturn their grateful thanks to their friends «t r d the public in general, for the part favors they have receive:,and inform thera that in addition to the regular Line, thty are provided with Carriages, sober and careful drivers, to go through between the City and Borough in two days, Those who prefer this mode of travailing can be accommodated r.t the Stage Office, fjgn of United Slates Bag]., Market street, Philadelphia. Slough, Downing, Dunivoody & Co. Nw 30. U 2t—§ WHEREAS By a decree of th« High Court of Chancery, made in a cause, James again!! Newman, it is among other things referred to Wm. Graves, Esq. one of the maflers of the said court, " to take an accoont of the Legacies bequeathed by the will of the testator, WILLIAM PHILLIPS, late of Newgate flrcet, London, decesfed, and also to in quire and fhte to the court. whether Francis James, the brother of the complainant's named as one of the Legatees in the said will is dead, and whether he died in the life time of the teOator Therefore all persons who can give any informa tion whether the said Frantis James fee living or dead, and it living where he now resides or lift reflJed, and when and at what place, and when and where he was hit heard ot, and if dead, when and where h» died, sre hereby requeflsi ta yivc such information rwthefaid William Graves, Esq. at his office in Bo»thampion Buildings, Chancery Lane, London.on or before the firft day of March next, otherwise he wiil be'escludsd the benefit of the said decree. The said Francis James was born at or near Kidwelly, in the county of Gaermarthcn, and if living, i« about, the age of thirty-four years, and about the year 1779, was a foreriaft (nan on board the Milford, a merchant fhip>, belonging to the port of Bristol, and failed for Jamaica in Septem ber, 1780, afterwards he returned to Bristol, &ni in November, 1781, was preffod in King road, Briflol, and i'cnt oh board the king's frigate called the Diomede, in which he failed from Ply mouth 011 a crviile, and on board of which he af terwards became a quarter gunner, a::d defertrd the said Chip at Charlcfton Ear in North-America in September 1782. Should any pcrfon in the United States ef Ame rica, he enabled to give information «f the above named Francis James, whetherlivi' g or de»d,they are requefied to communicate the fame to DAVID A. OGDEN, No. 69, Stone flroet, New-Ycrk. The printers throughout the United States are requeded to publith the above, april 18: I HAVE a good many LOTS in the city of Washington, some of them in desirable itua tions for gentlemen to live on others on the wa ter of Hock Creek, and fronting south on the Ureet leading over the bridge, elleem -d the brft Hands in the city lor bufirefs. I wish to fell some of them ; the title is clear. Any person inclined to parchafe is requested to apply to Mr. Joshua Jphnfon,Mr. Cranch, Mr. Dum"t,-Mr. Hoben, er C THOMAS JOHNSON. April *l. d4w valuable real estate. FOR SALE, About 25 acres of Land, LAYING on the ea(l fide of the Falls R >ad.— On the East it is houaded by property belong ing to Mr. Tench l-rancis, tlie south, by a road «f two perches, and on the north by a I.O' which f«.parates it from Mr. M'Call. It is prnpn fed to divide this land iuto 3 equal parts in order to fait the purchifcra. Also, 31 acres, frtuatcd on the weft fide of Gern antown roid, adjoining Mafters's eltarc, , being part of th« property of the Sate Samuel , Mifflin. For terms a.pply to Samuel Mifflin, corner of Market and nth llrcctt, January 44, its. MARSHAt/s SALES. United States, ? fp Pennsylvania District. 5 BY virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas to me directed, itfucd out of the Circuit Court of the United States for the diftrifl of Pennfylvawia, r/ill be exposed to public (z!r, on Tucfday the sixth day of May next, at i'cven o'clock in the evening at the Merchant's Coffee House in Second street, in th** ciry of Philadelphia, all the right, estate and interest of Robert Morris, l£fq. in and to the following described property, viz. Three hiefltta*e% plantation* afli trails of land, fitur.te is the county of Cheller, one Containing one hun- ■ dred and forty sfcres, more or left, situate in the township of £ao Nottingham, bounded by lauds of Hugh Grey, Abel Hodgf'm ;thd widow Mills; one other containing one hundred and l:Xty acres, n more o leTs, lituate in the townfliip I bounded by lands of Mackey, Rc'scrt A- ci j lexander and Jamrs Peerey, and the other contain ' in<* eac hundred and twenty-seven acres, rtore 01 !efs, fit.uztc in the tovvnlhip of Lower Ox r ord, boupded by land of James Ilwnry and baniuei WhiteQdes, with the appurtenances. Seized and taken in execution, and to be fold as the propei ty of Robert Morris, Esq. 11 JOHN HALL, Marshal. April a I f &Stf CHINA GOODST" Imported in the ship New Jfrfey, from Can ton,| and for self by Archibald McCall, ■ No. 187 South Second Street, White and Yellow Nankeens, ! Imperial, Hyson, Young Hyson, Hyson skin, Bohea and Stiuchong Teas, Black Suttinsand LuteftringSj Hair Ribbon, Cassia, and Rheubnrb in clielis, Sugar in boxes and bags. AI. SO ON HAND, A small affortinent of China wait, and a irw Hhds lYntie Jamaica Sugers. April 4. • dtt IMPORTED In the Harmony, copt. Kollock frcm Calcutta, AND FOR SALE, lly John Mil leu, Ji'.nt. No. 80, Dock street, CoiTaeS _ lJ.iftas Emerties G'jzcenahs Mairtoorics Sine HandkercHiefe j7or««s Slack Perfiant Hy'.on Teas Heavjr. Pepper Vof excellent quality. Sugar J -d Biock Tin of the best kind. Also, ly the 1 hip Pennfylvaria, from Betavia, JAVA GOFFE & SUGAR. April 17. dtf NOTICE. 11- _ ir qrHF. Creditors of'the late house of Irwin & 'j 4 Bryfon, of Lexington, Kentucky, are 1 hereby informed, that a dividend of iuch mo u'j mm or that firm, as have been received by the 1(i fubfrribtf, will be made on the twentieth day ) e of May next, amoiig those > reditoro who snail , r , have before that time fumiihed iheii accounts ' t pr. perlv aiteflcd to WILSON HUNT. Adfing afiignee. April at ritaoM NOTIC E. y, ALL Pcrfons having claims agairift Richard n, £\ o. Footmati, surviving partner of the house of Fooirnan & Co. also those having claims ke agaitift the Hiafe of Richard S■ Fostman, de ctafed, are desired to exhibit their accounts, °f well authenticated ; and all those indebted to " the said firm are requested to make immediate - 15 payment to as ' JOHN M'CLELLEN, Admit'iflrati.r to the cltate of It. S. Footman. Fran fr ford, April 9. d^ct » TREASURY DEPARTMENT^ cn April 22, 1800. cn vc 'Y'IIE Propeietors o{ Funded Stock credited os> q j the Books of the Treasury, who do f«t pr«fer r y j receiving their quarterly dividends, at the city of L h 1 Valhingtcn, are reqaefled to cause their credits 0 f jto be rransterred to the books of feme one of the Commiflioners of I.oans. The Attornies of foreign cj editors who are not .j. able to comply with the foregoing recommenda j tiow, anj vrho are desirous of receiving their di vidends at the Bank of the United States ; a* here tofore are requested to give notice to 8 f the of the 1 reat'ury, of the names of the j" forc : gn creditors, and the funis of fheck for which ' they are attornic«,that raeafures may tukeH for with their wishes ' OLIVKR VVOLCOTT, y * if. Secretary of the Treasury. rd ! april 23 daw ca FOR SALE, IC- A VALUABLE TRACT OF ve L A N D, ey ■ ID T YIMG on the Potomac River, co*nty of Nf>r ? 1. a thumi-erland, fiate of Virginia; containing teg aHout 1400 aercs—its situation i 9 to any other in the Northern Neck, remarkable for ev#ry kind o» wildfowl, oytters, fiih and crab,"and none bet ter for health. It is about the fsroe diflancc from ~ Baltimore, Alexandria awd Yorfolk, and not more 0 than one days lail from either. Thwre are three ia ~ improved pUiitations with dwelling house*, the k . a * one known by the name ol Exerer Lodge, former ly the refidcnce of col. Gordon is an elegant r two story brick house, with f<ur rooms on a fi;or, r and a pifTajre sixteen feet wid-i 1 The other two are commodious and convenient ly fitted, wirh gaod and fuitablc out houses, at one 0r of which John MHrphy, Esq. (now of Weflmoff lar.d county) lived fevcral years;on this farm there i is a good grill mill, with waur fulncient to turn any number of stones ; alf» conveni«nt store hcu fes and granaries oq a public road, well situated j for a country {lore. On each of rhofe places there , are fine apple and peach orchards. The greater | proportion of the land is of the fir ft quality, ajid near the half of the whole heavily timbered. The ig- ; terms may be known by applying to Wm.P, Tebba by Baltimore, Foufhee G. febh>, esq. of Richmond r..- coianty, Virginia, or to Thomas Murgatroyd and 'o- . t>on«, Philadelphia. icr Feb. '5 —14. .q te.Tr of THE CREDITORS te, Of MATTHIAS SLOUGH arc inform- I je ' ed that a dividend is ready to be pa : d them ] o( . by JOSEPH S. LEWIS, Treasurer op the Pennsylvania Hospital, j April 14. iaw3W. j For Sale, The Cargo of the ship Molly, captain Swain, from flato'oiJ, consisting or SUGAR in whole and half cancifters, Ceribon Coffee, Black Pepper, Safan Dye Wood, fehony, and Thirty two bales of Cotton A .*rh. ALSO, THE SAID j. SHIP MOLLY, BTIRTHF.N four thoufanj tine' hundred fearreU of Flour, niousto 18 nine pounders, with fh*t snd small arms cmnjdea! and is newly coppered to the bends with jaten' copper. Apply to NICKLIN GRIFFITH. March i(. tu.th&ft if AUTHENTIC LIFE OF SUWOROW. yi'S7 PUBLISHED, AND JFOR SALE, AT TIIIS OFFICF, A SKETCH OF THE %iit anß Character OF PRINCE ALEXANDER ZVWOROW KYM KIKSKI, Fie!d-Ma.fcalGeneral rn the ferviceof H's linperi «; Majefiy, the Emperor of aU the Rufiias, WITH The History of his Campaigns. Translated frjtr. the German of Frederick Antbtng. To which is added, A concise and comprehensive History of His Italian Campaign. By William Cobbett. If itb an elegant Prir.t-Poi trail of thai re nowned Warrior. a i-a Dollarj.J Portrait of Marshal Suivorov*. Gentleaien desirous of poflefling a capital like ness. cx xuted in the firft style, ot this ;llullriou> Christian Chieftain, may te furnifhed with parti cular proof at this oflLe, price onr Dollar. February la. NOTICE. A CERTIFICATE of one Share ®f th; Bank / A cf the United Stttes.No. £9llO, in the-namo o! l ewis Peter Qulrtyn, aßd a Certificate of two Shares the f.iiu Bank, No in the name of George James Ch? Imondcly, Earl of Cholmo'i dcly, vnre forwarded from New York by th: Ch«fierfield Britifli Packet for Falmouth, wkic' was captured by the French, and the Certificates loft or destroyed, and for which application i> made at laid Bank for the renewal thereof, of which all persons concerned arc desired to take notiee. CLEMENT BIDDLE. February ir. d,?m. Baltimore and New York Mail Stage Office IS removed Irom No. 13 South Fourth ftrect, to No. i 8 South Third An Office fcr those stages is also kept at Mi Hardy's Inn, No. 98 Market street. ,General Pod Office, April a 8 FOR SALF., 350,000 wt. of choice green Coffee, 150,000 wt. of Muscovado Sugar, 50 tons of Fustic. JUST AItBtVED In the brigs Mary & Amiable Adelle. JAMES YARB. May 1. dijt. RIBBONS. A larje and very general alTortmeßt of Satin Chiaefe and Love itibbonj, just imporie.l i> the Ihip Diana, capi. Pile, and for sale by LORAIN y SON, No. North Tbird Street. miy 1 dtf LANDING, From on board the brig Jack, Abraham Dolby, maflcr, from Cape Francois, AND FOR SALE BY THE SCBSCRIBr.It, Green Coffee, in hogsheads, AND A quantity of Logwood. JOSEPH SHOEMAKER, Junr. No. 88, South Front Street. April 29. diw Lilbon Wine and Lemons, Landing trons the Little Maria from Lis bon, for (ale by MOORE WHARTON, No. 11g, Sovti Wntt-r S r.\t. may 2 d6t A Stray Colt. BROKE out of the StaM- o f the KnSfcribcr yeMerdiy inoniing, a bay Fdly, 2 years old past, -boat 14 hands high, well made and Ihews j good deal of blood. Has a small star in her forehead, blacklegs, mail and tail Whoever will deliver her to me ihall lie generously ic warded J. B. BOND, Corner of Market arid Sixth Street, may ( dtf lost" ON Thurfjay the ifl of May, on the road leading from the city to the sign ofthe White S-yan, near Test's tavrrn on the Schuylkill, an OPEkA CLASS, the words Gilbert Sebright, • I onion, engraved on it Who'AVT return's the. ; fame to No 115 south Third flreet. vi'l receive Eight Dulhirt reward, being the value of it when 1 new, I may 3 ■ 3t TO BE LE T T H E I. OT, At lie nortb-ea\i cjrner of Arch and N:-; I streets, i i Novv occupied by Mr. Benjamin Busby, as a Board Yard. • 1 Er~y Enqujr; at No. 2i3 Arch street. I Match lit Ztawtf, PRATT KINTZING, No. 95, North Water-flreet, HAVE oh hand the following GOODS, ENTITLED to drawback, which they off»r for fate at moderate prices for ca(h, or theufual credit j or on a credit of n or 18 months Mortgages on Real Property, in or near the City •f Philadelphia, or other fatisfaiWy security. ;o hoses and bales Tick- 13 pipes old Port Wine. lenburghs hoxes Tumblers as. 60 do. do. Hemp- sorted. ea linens. l°° tones Hamburgh 50 do. do Ozna- Window Glass 8 by brig«. lo ' cc <o do Pafterfcornes. 1 chrft alTorted Looking »5 do. Bielfield Linens. Glasses. 11 do Crcas and Crcas Several large elegant do. a 1?. Morlaix. 1300 Demijohns. Bro« " Rolls. jo kegs Pearl Barley. Do.Heflians. A few tons Rbl! Brim. Polish Rolls. ft ore. Bed Ticks. »o kegs Yell»w Ochrei Siamois. A few bhls. Rofm. Arabias. 40 tons P.uflii Hemp. Empty Fags. 80 hhds. Hogs Brifllet■ Oilcloths 1 hhds Dutch Glue. Shoe 6 and Slippers. 10 C3iks Nails kffortea Soal and upper Leather. from id. to »od. Quills and Staling Wax, 16 calks Ironmongery. 1 »\ package Gold and Sil- S calks Hoes. vf r Watches. German Steel. A few cheflsTr.ys. I 6 hhds. Coffee mills. Slates and Pencils I Blocking Twine, Tapes, jo hhds Havanni Mo I Store Pickling Pott, lafics | &c &c. February 15 tuf&» > <.V KtKGANT Isf HF.AI.rHr SUMMER RETREAT, FOR SALE. AT the Merchant's Coffee Hotife on the 7th day of the fifth month, at 7 o'clock in the evening, will be fold by au&ion, that elegaßt and kea'thy Conntiy Seat, the late itfideitce of J h:i G. VV.pDe tfrahm, deceased ; with about 40 acres of land, iitu.i e on rhe old York road, about fix miles from this city; 011 the pruiiiieg i- a h indfomeand well finiflicd Dwelling House, witi; a kitcbcrt a.'.d other improvements, Wcp adapted for the aecomrnod, n of a genteel fa mily ; «ith t-o other Wcli b iilt Stone Houfet fuitahle for a Farmer and Gardener; (oße 6t them three ttories high) an excellent fione b.'rn with a cellar under it aed liable* ad j lining, fuffnient f r 12 < r 14 horses, a coach houl'e a'lTioll new, over tthic.li is a g tannery j two Imall as p!e orchards, a large garden hand fon:ely l«i l i.»ut and well stored with fruits, ve' petables. &c. At a convenient diflance from the dwelling is an fxcelleut fprisg of water, with a Core ticufe over it, and a pump of good ujter near the kitchen daor. Poffiflion may be hid immediately after the fair. The condi tion will be mide knoin at the time of sale. JOHN CONNELLY, Auctioneer* ma ■ 1 • dtf Just Arrived, AND FOR SAI.B BY THE SUBSCRIBERS, THE CARGO OF THE SHIP PHILADELPHIA, Theodore lilifs, Commander, from Bengal COHSISTIHG OF An assortment of Piece Gaodt. Sugars of the firl? quality, Arid aco qi. chefls of superior quality Hyson Ten, Witlings W Francis, and Thomas isf John Clifford. Marcl 17 d. A Summer Retreat. A convenient and Genteel House, situated in Tremor., to be Ist or fold. PuflVfiion. will be givun the ift of June next. Enquire of the Printer. March IJ. eo6w. I NOTICE. |fZT° All perlons indebted to the eflate j of PHILIP SUPER, late of the Northern: j Liberties, deceased, are desired to make iitl- fl| mediate payment; and thole having demands® 011 the fame, to bring in their accounts dulyH attelled, at No. 3? Key's Alley, PHILIP SUPER, Junr. JACOB SUPER. . April 30. eojt TO HE SOLD FOR CASH, OR EXCHANGED, For property in the City, or within thirty miles of it, A PLANTATION or trail of Land in Mifflin County and State of Pennsylva nia, within fix miles of the river Juniata, con taining about 300 acres. There are about fifty acres cleared, part ( of which is a rich bottom, watered by a conflant stream that is ltrong enough to work an oil or a grift mill. Any j person inclining to deal for it, may obtain fur- j tlier information by applying at the offic • of ] thia gazette. N. R. If fold, credit wiH be gives for part I of the money. Oiioberi7, 1799. dtf. Fifty Dollars Reward. RAN AWAY frotn the fubferiber, on the 11 morning of Saturday the 19th iqftant, a put- latto Servant Man, fratfced Wilks, but called John, he is about *3 years old, 5 feet 9 inches high, {lender ?.nd knocked kneed; he i" a dark mulatto, has thick buftiy hair, which he commonly wears phiteJ and turned up (hort be» hind; his face is thin, hut appears more i'o from having large whilkers; h« had on when he went away, a round hit about half worn, white muslin cravat, a brown fceond hand coat with fafhiona bje m*tal buttons, a h|»ck silk waiOcoat, witlv a white one undciieath, panwiJ»onH of a greyifli cloth with ♦ u'tens at the ancles, striped cotton ltbckin£san4 ihocs He Biay have changei these clothes, but it is not likely, as he has left all his others behind him. lam teld a servant of General Ridgdty a, with whom he was intimate ran-away on Sunday morning ; it is not improbable tut tkey are<og«tlier. Wllks is from Chester-town on the eastern (here of this state, wh«re he lived with a mr. Jeremiah Nichoh who fold him to me. I have good reason to believe he has gone to Philadelphia. The above reward will be given to any peri'on who may lodsre him in jail at thsr or any other place, and give nic or mr Joseph S Lewis of Fhi* lade'phia notice of the fame. He i»s an excellent house servant. and if in Phi ladelphia willprobably offer htmfrlf to hire in that capacity, W. GILMER. Baltimore, April 22—(25) d. PRINTKD ltY J. If. FFNjXO. (
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers