ofe ttie (BlUtfctJ J^tatCS, AND Philadelphia Daily Wlmriisef: p JfuUafk 2360 The price of this Uttzette is Eight Dollabs per annum to Subscriber s residing in tbe city of Philadelphia. All others pay one Dollar additional, for enclosing end di recting ; and unlessisovie perSfin in this city will become answerable for tbii subscription, 'it must be paid Six Months it. Advance. *»* No Subscription •wit! be received for a shorter term than six mijntbs. December I 1799' This Day PMisbeH, By J. OftStnoD, No. 41, Chefnut Strfet, (Price Cents) THE .Deaf,h of Getietal Wafuinglohh A.i'OKM, Itt Itni'uticn of the r.ranner of Oflun. ,jy K'-v. jfrjiv B. Linn, A.M. Snifter of Th'c I r i'r*ft Prelbyteriaa Congregation o! P iiiadtljilua. €? Mr Oration will be publiOied on Monday raiding. Mt»rch 15. d. PROPOSALS' BY "WILLIAM COBBETT, tor imfctrtiog l6c folltrfbing periodical /,«£- liCali vis j. The British Critick; 2. The Anti-Jacobin Review and Magazine; 3. The Gentleman's Magazine ; 4. Le Mercure Britanique, or The British Mercury. Britify Critick is a regular Review of X all the works puMithed Tn Grtat Britain ; It is cfHidu£l«d wit-i grfcat impartiality and abi lity, afrd of the numerous publications of the kind which do now appear, and which have appeared in Great Britain; it is uuiveifally allowed to be tWe best. ' [Price 50 Cents.] The Re-view and Magazine is a* irs title to indicate, rather mote con fined, as to t**e nature of its lubjetfs, but it certainly is not lets calculated for cx.eufive uti lity. work i«> divided into four depart ments: 1 Original Ct'iticifm—2 A Review of the other Reviews- 3 Occasional Essays, in prose and verfe —and 4th, A Monthly Sirinrmfy of Hifcory and Politics Every iix months it has a fupplemer.t, cmtainiYig a review ol foreign works, not forgetting thole of America. The Acti- Jacobin dwells less on fubjfifl.' which arc merely literary H-itniifi ■, than Of) thole wfcroh have a more irtimediatfc influence on so ciery. With a bold and malierly hand, it cof re<fl» the hhmdeangs of error, trace# the intri cate windings of railreprefematior., and firips off the reafk of bypocrily. The avowed cham pion of the church and tin* Hate, it spares the enemies of neither, whether open or feciet; a>d, feorning tb« pusillanimous defenfive, up on which the rWends of truth have toe long a£>ed, ij carries on a continnal and rigorous offenfive warfare agaihll anarchy, immorality, and irreligioii, and thus |eltabliflies by its uni form conduct, its right to the title it has af -1 limed. f Price 50 Cents.'] 7he G'erttletnan's Magazine, i work ftamp'fd with the approbation of three score yeirs, con fifta chwfly. of coiMtmmieatiaui from antiqua ries and cultivators, and of original efi'ayn, in verse and prof- written.by the mofl learned and ingenious men in the kingdom, and embracing by turns, alfr.oft every fabjeil interSlling to man. Tfce rtfi(cHla*eOU» p>art 01 the Wot k is followed Hy a felcftian of authentirk foreign and dmneftick' intelligence, including official re port", ftate-popers, and an at>AriiSl of the pro ceeding* in parlilmeut ; next coinesa very co pious .(hituaty, bung hot th'erely a'liftof deaths, but f valuable frnes of biography ; so which is added, a Meteorological Diary snd "fable, a Bill of Mortality sos L .ndon and its environs, a table of the average prices of corn, and of the stocks, t r every day in the month : So that this work must ever be an entertaining and tifeful companion, not only to those who are of the learned profelfiotis, commonly so called, hut t» the merchant, the farmer, and, in ftort, to every man, whatever may be the fubjefl of hie study, or the object of his purl'ait [Price 40 Cents.] Le Mercure Britanntque, or, Britijh Mercu ry ; by AlOll lieur Mallet Du Pan.—This work, of which one number is publiflied every forc night, in French and in Englift, commenced in Auguli 1798, and is continued witH encreafing spirit and celebrity. It is both h'tjloricciland cri tical ; it contains a fommary, arid is the rtpo rfitory, of ail the important events, ellabliftied fills and public inftrumeats, which relate to the present sera; it invefligates points of fit 9, of politics, and national rights j it extends its view over all the nations of Europe, examines the condodl and discloses the motives of their rel peflive courts; it is in fiiort a brief and compre heilfive hiliory of the times, equally remarkable for the«lagance of its style, the profundity of its remarks, and the fomidnefs of its principles. [fl ice 50 Cctfzto*] These four works comprise every thing ofeful in the periodical way. Gentlemen may sub scribe for all, or far either, if them. The firft erderis intended to be fest off on the ift of Mavnext; the successive numbers will be re ceived at New York in two months upon an average after, their publication in London , so thatthofe which are fubferibed lor on or beiore the ill of May, will be received i» September; after which they will with very little irregula rity, come t» hand once a month, the importer having made such arrangements as cannot fail ef lecuring punctuality on the part of his cor respondents. £*? Subfcripti«is will be received from any part of America, ky J . W . Ffnno, Philadel phia. No advance is required. The prices are otit'four cents a number higher than in London. Afrit 3- PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY ' APRIL 19, 1800. NOTICE. A CERTIFICATE of one Share «f the Bank of the United States, No. *9120, in the nltna ot Lewis Peter Quirtyn, ami a Certificate of two Shares *f the fa id Bank, No. 39119, in the name of Georpe James Chflmondely, Earl of Choliro:>- dely, were forwarded from New York by the Ch«fter6e!d' -MritHh Packet for Faln.outh, which was caf 4:-e«r by tile French, and the Certificates loft or octroyed, and for which application i» made at said Bank for the renewal thereof, of which ail pcrfons concerned arc desired to take notice. CLEMENT BIDDLE. d3m. February 11 CITY OF WASHINGTON. rfin possessors OF OBLIGATIONS «r CERTIFICATES fign eti.byihc In t TcnSer, torundivided Shares or Lots ©u-hi* purchase within the city of Wafhiug ton v who- h#ve pot yet applied lyr and receivt'l rhe;ir Deeds are hereby notified, thai; their fevcrai Titles will be iilily completed cq-thc ordc- of rifely who in conlormiry wirh the term* of the (mi Cer tificates, tiv Ji.aUc tha Payments in I'wll therefor, either to 'Ttomji Ivi'&ucn 55* C<t <> to ,th» fcribrr at on or it any time bctore Decernl^e i r ij BOONE'iW IRON WORKS TO BE SOLD, dR LEAJMD Fbtt Otf'fc Y TH A T V&lu&ble Esf'&tg, KNOWN ®y lib r.&rA'e of the Übbneton Iron Works, fitnwto in.the county.of Mafrte'ia the hat- of New-j•-rfey f qouGl'ing 01 a frotge with four fires, a RoTiiw/ and ?>liuiug Mill, a Grift mi'l with two Run of nWe% antl Saw mill, all in good orridr Mid new it uie, ttogeriW with ah eiceuent, large, nd convenient hottfit, wtttt out-houfel of every kind; among which are an Ice house, and stone milk house, with a remarkable fine fprii\g in it, a large Garden, and an excellent eollc&ion of Fruit, a lirgc Orchard, and 1500 teres of wood, pa'-ure ar.d arable land, and a great number of stores and workmen's houses. Immediate pofleflion will be given ©t houjfes and ilore* fvfficienc for providing flock the prefer t winter, and pofteflion of the whole in thelprin^. Fot term* 'inquire of Drtvid B Ojfdhi at New ark. nir Peter Ivlackie in New-York, xnr. David Ford in Morris Town, or melSVs. Jacbft as*d Rich ard Paefch on tb* premii'ei. Januarv ji Thirty Dollars Rs-wttrd. DESERTED the Marine' Barracks on *!he night'd'f tKc 14th inft-MOHN OSBORN, born in the to«fn of Bedford, Welt Chester county and state of New-York, aged aa years, 9 months, 5 feet & ami a quarter inches high, grey eyis (longqued) light hair, ruddy celiiplbaon, pock mariccd, by trade it Shoemaker, by J Pity nold« in Stephen's Town, near Albany the 45th 6f Jane U(l HaJ on and took with him a short lound bltie cloth coat with a red cape, a blue cloth coatee, a few white w«uftcoata, a long grey mixed elb'h coat and brt'ecljes, a pair of boot-., a chocolate coloured great cont trimmed with bhdc hair phuh, .. furr hat Italf worn, two ii!vr*r watches, oile a Huddle fi»e, the other fmal,. lie may impose hin)ft*ll on foaie family as h wairer, as he hj? ailed in -tnat capacity Whoever fatd Deferfer, andiecure# hirfi in jail, fend* t»im to Headquarter*, or liirii to any of the Marine officers, or art / ofH cr of t-hv army of the United (hall receive the. above regard and ai» reaf»»a4ile charge*. J. S. LEWIS, \ljuU:vt Mcrtne t^rps. tamiirv IA. UN'ITKD STATtt, } Pennsylvania District. J NOTICfi IS HEitEßt 6WEN, THATa special diftri'tft court of the United States will he h«Mcri at the City Hall in tin ciiy of Phil adelphia in and for the Pennsylvania diftriit, on f'uefJay the a»d dsy of April iriftant, at ten of the clock in the forenoon of the fame day, for the trial of an information filed by William Rawle, Esquire, attorney of the United Slates iu and lor tlxc laid dif'ri«ft, against I large chtft of Sngar, I ktg of ditto, 5 bags of Coffee, 1 ditto ditto, I ditto ditto, i 1 bag Pimento, 2 battels and ? Coffee> 1 bag S . . , 1 small box containing the apparatus of a hair dresser, 30 barrels St uff add Sugar, Ig boxes Sugar, and 1 box Sweetmeats, Being articles of foreign growth or miniala&uPe, imported from parts beyond f«s a and fubjetft to the payment of duties impwfed by the laws of the U nited States and 11 a laden 'and dellvored at the Port of Philadelphia from the vessels in which they were refpe&ively imported contrary to the adl of Congress in such cafe made s'ad without a permit, &c. and fuzed therefor, &c. By order 0/ the Court, 1). CALDWELL, Clerk of the DiftriA Court, April 7 To be Rented, immediate pollcflkm given, if required, a new two ftojy Urick Hou'c and Kitchen, about 14 miles from Philadelphia, on the great road to Newtown. Enquire of the Printer, march *7 A SUMMER RETREAT. TO BE RENTED, A HEAT AN 1) CO*vE»lMt HOUSE, ON the Crinkford Road, two miles from the City, with a good Stable and Oartai. Pof feffira may belaitatoedittel)'. V* terms toquire •f the Frintsr. mar ah >B. AUTHENTIC LIFE OF StJWOROW. FOR SXSE, AT THIS OFFICE, * A SKETCH OF THE %iU ant> Cfjaraeter . r,F PRIHCE ALEXANDER SUtVOHOW SYM- Fic!d-M:u (ha! General iu the frrviceof-His Imperi al Maje/ly, the liniperor of all the Kuffias, The History of his Campaigns Tran'Jated from the German qf Triierick A concise ukd entohrebensixft History of lfit& an elegant Print-Partr&H of then re- SciTtitil filpjgi t. Geritle&ten defirfciis df'poflefliifg a capital like itcfs exrcuted in toe firft.ft.ylc, oi this iiluftrious Ghriilian Chieftain, may be lurtufhed with parti culat proof imj jfcftion*, at this office, price ode Del far. iFcbriy.:y 12, The Cargo of tkc ship Molly % captain Snvzin-, f i- SHIP BURTHEN fflur thousand three hundred barrels ot Flour, mounts 18 nine pounders, with ftvwt and filial 1 arms com pleat afid is newly coppered to tha ben'tfo witL patent copper. Apply to NICKLIN GRIFFITH. M'arcf. 15, IS NOW OPENEp At Chalk's Circulating Library, No. 75 Nortyb Third Strept, WHERE may be hsd:, aif tXc FajbimtoMt Music composing tht songs &c. lately fold at the "fcepofitory n South' Second Street. To which, in a few days, wITI be added, (tone £rANO FORTES of a very fupefior tbrie ahd qttahty, ?hircs, Fife*, Violin*, best Roman Violin Strings and other article in tftj mufrcal line, which will be (old in prime order, and or the molt reafonaMe 'tVrms. Subscriptions received for the Musical Jourr.il !or the Piano Foru:, a:>d the Flute cr Violin. th« nrlt flit nuiAber's of which arc already pitblifhed, nnd may he" pMhtil&l of foparately by non fubfc'rihers. March 6, 1800 TJHX OWNERS o F . UrfcMted Lands in Weftrnorcloftn county Pcnnfylvauia, are hercVy sotified, ifcir un lcf» the Taxes clue ou laid tor 179J&, arr pai<J into the hand# oT j"bn Brand™, £fy trea-fmcr of fa id cotitity. on fir Kefore the *CtH of April next, they Will be a&Vertil'dd for file, as the lav* dire&a JAMES M'GREW, 1 HENRY ALMSHOUSE, } Ct#n>nfr*. JEREMIAH MURftY, J January 18. TXT HERNIAS Pragefs and Company, of Phila- V t delphia, merchants, did on the fourth of rtic prefenr nionth, zfllyn #ver their eiFedts tcpl wrlonal and mixed, to the fuliferiberg, tor the e n«fit of tht-ir creditors, allowing three month* for their creditors rrfjding in the -United Mates ot America, and nine months for creditor# beyond fVa tc prove their claims— Wove therefore, those who have any demand against laid cftate, are re queued to furnifh the fame immediately, and all persons who ar* indebted to fricjeftare are resett ed to tnal<e immediate payment, to PKAGEa* 6c Co. No. 6, Lombard Arret, wh» are appointed Agent to the Afltgrtfees—'ln failure whereof, .legal nteafurtfs will b« iuihtuted for the recovery of such debts as are n«< discharged with ut delay. George Latimer, trivXth*""* William Wain, J apTil i a ALL parsons indebted to the eftafc of JOHN RBO ADS, Kite o l this dty, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment; —and those having accounts against the farae, to brifag them in, duly attested, for payment to RACHEL KHOADS Administratrix'. March 26- Valuable Property for Sale, til Chcfßßt, near Sixth ftrest, diftfil-y oppofiic AlX)Tofgrr.and,about,ix feet front in Okef nut street add 73 f«et in depth, whereon is a {food frame hnufe, now in the tenure ot Si\B»uel Benge fubjo<a to a ground rent of aos. per annum* advantageous fituatio* <*f this property re quires nrf comments, f»rit niuft he known, thrre are few in this city to equal it, an unetceptionahla title will be made to the purchaser. Apply to JAMES GIRVAN, No. it)B.Chefr»Utwfi. ne*t 4o»r to the premiss. ui>rck c * tu.th U'tl <i jot JV&T PUBLISHED, ANO NIK SKI, WITH Antbrtng. To whidh iraddt'd, His Italian Caknpaign By Wiliiam Cobbett*. nowned Warrior, [Brice » i-z Dollar?.J Portrait of Marshal Suivorotb For Sale, from Batavity CONSISTING OF SUGAR in whole and half eanniftcrs, CMribon Coffee, Black Pepper, Sap in Dye Wood, F.l>fcny, and Thirty two bales of Cotton Yarn. ALSO) THE SAID A NRW MUSICAL REPOSITORY UNSEATED LANDS N O l lC £. NOTICE. CewGK-tss Hall, Philadelphia Academy ". SAMUEL MAGAW, D. t). Rector ol Sc Paul's church, and formerly Vice- Provost of th« UuiverfLy of Penufylvania, JAMES ABERCROMBIE, A.M. Oue of the Afliftane Ministers of Christ chuich On Tuesday the af next mentfi, (April) %\\ Stcatamp, 1. j\ N Enghfti School, iij \yhuch will be jl\. taught Reading, Writing, Engjiih Grammar, Compofiuon, Elocution, and Na tural Hi(ter). ad. A Mathematical School, is which will be taugh't Writihg, Arithmetic?, tyler cautile Accounts, Geography ana the use of the Globes, Geometry, or the .elements of Euclid, Trigonometry, both Plane and Spherical, Me'iifuration, Gauging, Survey in'g, Navigation, in all its parts', Dialling,' Coiiic-lciSTons, Fortification, Gunnery, Af ftronomy, Aigtbia and Fluxions, with their application to the different parts of Mathe matics. Ibis departvient will be conducted By Mr. PETER DELAMAR, formerly Professor of Mathematics in the Royal Military and Marine Academy, Dub lin—and latterly in the frigate Unit ed States. 3d. A Clnlficii School, in wtjich will be Uuight the Latin and Greek Languages, in conjunction with Chronology, Civil His tory, Rhetoric, and the Inllitutes of Moral Science. A well grounded conviction of the expo dienty of the foregoing plan, has been our principal inducement t» undertake it. When it is tortfidered that this populous find fiou rilhing Metropolis contains only one Pibiic Institution on an ex'tenfive plan, and that many of our youth ire obliged to rcfort to other Smes, to receive even a Grammar- Schaol Education, the Seminary now pro posed, will, we trull, be regarded as emineat ly ufeful. Actuated By these considerations, many gentlemen, friends to Science, and to Liter ary Eflablifhments, have urged, with great warmth, the present usdertaking, and ex cited the moll flattering expettations of its success. cu. th&fa.tf. Thus encouraged by the countenance and promised aid ot' liberal men,'tie left than by a firm perluaGon thait well-regulated Aca demies have a m»ft important influence upon manners, habits, and principles it will be our earncft endeavor so to con duft this Seminary of Lenming, as to sub serve the great Interefls of Religion and Morality, to promote Decorum of Behaviour, Correflnefs of Taste, Liberality of Se*ti ment, and every other attribute of an inge nuous mind, which, in connexion with good principles, and found literature, con ftitut* the diflinguifhed ornaments of the gentleman, andtHe scholar. 'Hie building .-engaged for Academy, though nfFording excvllent accommoclatioi), will be relinquiOwd for a mere central fr.el ation, if such a change (liould be found ne- F& ! 6w ceifiry yerlbns desirous to beemployedas tutors in this Seminary, 'are requefted'to apply, witlv-ut delay, *0 either of the fubJcribers, to whom alio Parents witning to fend their children, will please to make application. SAMUEL MACAW, No. 94 Artb Srect. JAMES ABERCUOMBIE, No. 1 <sl Pine Street. Phihd. March 2*% FOR LIVERPOOL. thk SMP AMIABLE, D. C. Tilling hast, Master. PHILADELPHIA built, of live oak and ce dar, will be ready to receive her cargo at Weft s wharf in a few jays, asd to fail about the fif teenth of April. For freight or pafiage apply to the captain on board, or to JEREMIAH WARDER. tl>ffO MAS FOK SJI.E, The following - articles entitled to Drawback Cotton Hole, si e Holland Shirting Linen, Table Linen, Tifkiifigtf, Rags for Paper ma kers, Ruftia Sit Cloth, Raven*. Duck, Irifti Lir.ens in trunks, London White Lead, Dry andgrfound in o 1, Redan ' Barr Lead, London 'fin in boxss, London it-fined Salt Pctre, New- Cattle Grindstones, Roman Tea Canniitcrs, elegant Girandi les. ten four ponnd prtvcf cannon, double fortified with apparatus compleat, and a quantity of three and nine pooira (Hot. tu iK.fat irc, march 31 MERCHANTS Accounts elegantly opened, Book* neatly and corredly polled, with various other kinds of writing, by a person thoroughly acquainted with accounts. Gentlemen extensively concerned, may find it to their inter?ft to pur bufmcfs in this line into his hands, as the follell confidt nce may he rfepofed in him and ample farisfa&ion given. Addref* a line to K» A. and leave it with the printer hereof Philadelphia, March *9 AS my wife Pol y Williams, a Servant of Doilot' John liall, has left my btd arn' board, This is tv warn all ftrfovs that I will pay no debit contrxfttd bv her in my namefn m ihi» date. HENRY WILLI A »"S. spril tj. If d 3'- AND and St. Peter's, INTEND Tu Ot UN, CONSISTING OF 3tawiw To Merchants. stawtf NOTICE This Djy Published-, " ' By J- No. si,- ditilliut Street, (Priee^jCeotsl REMARK'S On <fie atfrrticins of the Authar of the MEMOIRS OF JACOBINISM, Resfeainjr the (hsratlif df EMANUEL SWEDBWiOKfy And the of fils VV . Ft.:- april 17 eoAt PROPOSALS By A. DIOKINS Of j; ORMROQ, FOR pOfrtiWriiii The Pttriuhs if Liter'ituri, A SATIRICAL PO*M IN FOUR. IHAtfiGUES, WITa NOTti. To which will be Annexed, A V-miiteATION OF THE WORK, AND - TRANSLATIONS Of a.I the Greek. Latin, Ital.iM, and French j aiTiigcs, quutdd in tKc Prelates, \ in<!ic it.iou an<d Notes. B Y TH K A'ir T 1-' O It. )SALS. PRQPI The Work will he pant • ed from ths last Lin don ah« will form a large octavo volume <>F ul>out 500 pages,including an in dcx whi.h this e<Jitipu will alone poilcia. Jt (hall be elegantly ex ecuted and be vei ddc«s lirbfcribersarthe moderate price oitiLo dollars and fifty tents, in boaids. To others it will be raised. A r . B.—lt is noiv in the Press y and will be finished, with till possible Speed. %• Subscriptions will be received by A. Die kins, N"o: 25, 'Norrh Second'SCTiet' oppoKte Chnft Church, and J. Ormrod, No. 41, Chefiiut-ftreet, and by the principal Bookfelicrs throughout the United Statea. march 27, LAW BOOK STORE, 319 Higb fir.ct. GEORGE D A.VIS has just received from Dub lin, via Niw York, a very large Parcel of Books, all ©f the latest editions, which ren ders his assortment he believevfthe most extensive and valuable on the continent. They Vrifl be opened this day, and ready for at auy time af terwards. f The fubferibers to that important work, IVtnt xvortb's Sy/iem of Pleading, are informed that. it i* now arrived, and will be delivered on application. Blank Declarations fettled arid approved by tke most distinguished Law characters, to be had ef G.D. March 11, PRATT KINTZING, N0.95, North Watet-flreet, HAVE ON HAND THE FOLLOWING GOODS y ENTITLED to drawback, which they offar for sals at moderate prices for calli, or th? ufuat credit ; or on a credit of' la or 18 months upon Mortgages on Real Property, in or near thfe City of Philadelphia, or other fatisfa&ory security. 13 pipes old Port Wine. 25 boxes Tumbler* as sorted. 200 boxes Hamburgh Window.. Glass 8 by io, &c. 1 chcft assorted Looking Glares. Several large elegant do. 1500 Demijohns.. 50 kegs Pearl Barley. A few tons Roll Brim# (lone. 50 boxes andbales Tick lenburghs. 6 0 do do. Hemp- en linens, 50 do. do. Qz&. brigs, 50 do Patterbornes. 25 do. Bielficld Linens, i] do. Creas and Creas a la Morlaix. Brown Rolls. Do. Hcflians. Polifti Rolls. Bed Ticks. Siamois. 20 kegs Yel!«tf Ochre. A few bbls. Rofm. 4c tons Ruflia Hemp. So hhds. Hogs Bridies. 2 hhds. Dutch Glue. 20 calks Nails offorted from 3d. to 2od. 16 calks Ironmongery. 8/calks Hoes. German Steel. 6 hhds. Coffee mills* Blocking Twine, Tapes, Stone Pickling Pots # &c &"c. Arabia s. Bags. Oil Cloths Shoes and St'ppers. Soal and-upper Leather. Quills and Sualing Wat. A package Gold and Sil- ver Watches. A ft w cherts Toys. States and Pencils. 70 hhds Havanna Mo lades February I$• THE ANNUAL ELECTION, For and~a Treasurer Of the Library Company of Philadelphia, WILL be h«ld at the Library, in Fifth street, on Monday, the sth of May next, at three o'cloek in thr afternoon, when the Trea surer will attend to receive the annual payments, .As there are several (hares on which fines are du£» the owners of them, or their Repj-efer.ta tives., are hereby notified, that tliey will be for feited, agreeab y to the the lavt s of the compa ny, inlefs the arrears are paid off on the said sth day of May, or within ten days after. By order of the Directors, BIJN. R. MORGAN, Secretary. April 12. w&fa.tE. A Surfirher Retreat; A convenient and Genteel House, fitua'ed in Trenroti, to he lib- oV fold. PoiTcflion will be given the ift of June next. Enigurre cf the Printer. March 15 DESERTED, FROM the United frigate Philadel phia, L>AVID I)EVINI!,by Irade a Shoe maker, born in Ireland, 13 years of agre, 5 ftet 6 inches high, and hair. ALSO, WATSON LUDLOW, by trade a Shoe maker, born in New Jersey, 33 years of age, 5 feet 10 inches high, dark hair and complexion* Whoever will take v:u iaid Deftrters and delU ver thm on bgard the said frijyte, !hall receive ten dollars reward for each, and riafonahla ch'.rges. March 1), . \ [VuLUMh. XVII. 3awtf. 3taw4w fatU&f eo6vv j'ivUf.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers